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Guidelines to Formal Writing

1. Avoid the second person - *you* Rarely use “I”

Avoid questions (implies “you”)

2. Avoid the following: slang, clichés, common expressions

3. Use the present tense, especially regarding literature

4. Do not announce your intentions – do not say…

In my essay, I will…JUST SAY IT!
I think, I believe, In my own opinion

5. Avoid contractions
can’t, didn’t, it’s – WRITE IT OUT!

6. Avoid adverbs (add to verbs)

very, really, ----ly
show rather than tell
a lot, just

7. Keep the language specific

things, stuff
minimize the use of this, that except when “this + noun”
avoid universal statements - all, every, anywhere, anytime, always
most – 51% of the time

8. Avoid ending a sentence with a preposition

with, up, for

9. Avoid beginning a sentence with a coordinate adjunction

and, but, because
and (also, furthermore, in addition), but (instead, however), because (due to,

10. Avoid abbreviations

etc., etcetera
exceptions – time (AM, PM), radio (AM, FM), Mr., Mrs., Dr.

11. Most numbers must be in written form

exceptions – dates, time, if the number is larger than 3 words (excluding the word

12. Be clear, be clear, be clear,

avoid clutter

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