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ly the same shor ploy feion ‘i yubce AND is naNCMAN FRIEDRICH DURRENMATT THE VISIT 4 tragi-comedy ‘raul onthe Geom by PATRICK BOWLES JONATHAN CAPE THIRTY BEDFORD SQUARE LONDON kee (CHARACTERS Visitors: ‘Chire Zachanasian, née Wascher, rmul-millionares, Armenian ol Her Husbands, VIEIX Butler Toby Bly }oumchewer Koby’ Toy pblind Visited: wl His wife His ton His daughter Mayor Priest Schoolmaster Doctor Policeman, Man One Man Two Man Thee Man Four Painter inst woman Second woman ‘Miss Louisa Extras: Station-matter Ticker Inspector Guard Bali Distracor: First Reporter Second Reporter ‘Radio Commentator Cameraman viace: Guellen, a Smalltown ‘re: the Present (lonerval afier Act Two) ACT ONE Clangor of rilway-tation bell before cutsin rises to discover legend: "Guelle’. Obviously name of small, shinpily depicted township tn background: a tumbledwn wreck. Equally ramshackle sation-buildings may or micy not be cordened off, acording to country, and indade a racy signa-cbis, ts door marked ‘No Entry. Alo depced in bare outline, cevtre, the piteous Station Rood. Lefy a boren lise building with tied roof and mutilated posters om its windowless wall. A sign, at left coer: ‘Ladies “Another, at right comer: “Gents. This entie pospdt steeped in hot autumn sn, Ts font of lle building, a bench, On i, four men. An unspakebly ragged th (so are the othe fou) isinscribing oa baer clearly intended for some procession: “Weleome Clare. Thanderous pounding din of express tain rushing though. Men on Bench show interest in express tain by Jfollving its healong rach with head movements fom lft right. ‘Max one, The Gudrun. Hamburg-Naples, ‘Man Two. The Racing Roland ges here at eleven twenty- seven, Venice-Stockholm. ‘an times. Our last remaining pleasure: watching tains ‘go by. ‘MAN roun, Five years ago the Gudrun and the Racing Roland stopped in Guellen, And the Diplomat. And the Lorelei. Al famous express tains. ‘wax ona, World famous an two. Now not even the commuting trains stop. Just two from Kaffgen and the one-thirteen from Kalberstadt ‘aan mimes. Reined. ‘mas sour. The Wagner Factory gone crash, ax one, Bockman bankrupt. ax two. The Foundry on Sunshine Square shut down, ‘Max Tunes. Living on the dole Man Four. On Poor Relief soup ica on a P90. Vegeing Picziae bo og co dh Man toon The nize ows el ngs Fe ere tan ti ht millones ot em “heyy ah founded sori in aloe san tte Ana Endegaten in Kage, And memorial Church nthe Capi rani. Ske had Zine do her port. That Neue be, way om She ad her mony. She owns Amen Oi ser Rallye, North Dreadcsing Company hd the Hong Kongeh~ Armecnen Doce (Trin ater Since Men mov heals fom rite erin) sua toon. The Diplomat susan. We were cy of th Art then ug eo, On ofthe free ine and dea on In Eacope, tea Foun. Goete pent night here, the Golden Ags an Tames. Brahms composed a quartet here. ee (eal sing) vay ro, Brod Schvaeinvented gunpowde her. row od a» li st te Be De ts. And what aa doing here nar Sign pang! Cra ee Cu pen eo of una (ongeon wai, Gola! ven ie ain cm, (Oe pager gt of if He als pas men on beh Soper og door masked Gen) sey 30 The Bal un Ta, Going to drain onthe Town Hall | | | | | aw rour, We've even rained politically station-uastan (waves green fog, Hows whistle), Sand clea! (Enter foo town, Mayor, Schooler, Priest and I— «tan of ar sxty-five all habbily dred) mayor. The guett of honour will be artiving on the one thirteen commuter from Kalbersade, scuootuasren, Welll have the mixed choir singing; the "Youth Club, rast. And the fire bell ringing. Ie hasn't been pawned, avon, Welll hve the town band playing on Market Square. ‘The Athletce Club will honour the millionaiess wich a pyramid, Then a meal in the Golden Apostle. Finances ‘unfortunately can't be stretched to illuminating the Cathedeal for the evening. Or the Town Hall. (Bil comes out of ine bung) sant. Good moming, Mister Mayor, a very good morning to you. tuaxon. Why, Mister Glut, what are you doing herer sare. You know my mission, Mister Mayor. Ie's a colosal sundectaking I'm feed with. Just you ery distaining on an savor. You won't find thing in the Town Hall, Apart from. cone old typewriter suit I think you're forgetting something, Mister Mayor. ‘The Gtellen History Museum, savor. Gone three yeatt ago. Sold to America, Our coffers axe empty, Not a single soul pays exes, sasute lll have to be investigated. The country’s booming. and Gudllen hae the Sunshine Foundry. But Guellen goes bankrupt. avon, We'ze up agains areal economic enigma Max ont. The whole thing's 2 Free Masons’ plot. Max Two. Conspired by th Jews. sax rinse. Backed by High Finance ‘uns ren, Inteational Communism’s showing its colours (Gall rings) aan. Talvays find something. I've got eyes like « hawk. 1 think il take a look atthe Treasury. (xi) avon. Betr let im plunder us frst. Not afer the mile Honaire' visit (Calter hs fished painting he baer) tet, You know, Miser Mayor, that won't do, Tis banners too familie. It ought ro read, "Welcome Clire Zachanas- aun Ont, But she's Clare! saan 190. Clare Watcher! say THREE. She was educated here! aN FOUR, Her dad was the builder. anstes. O.K, s0 Tl write “Welcome Chire Zachanasian’ ‘onthe Back. Then ifthe millionaires secms touched we cane round and show her the fone aw Two. I's the Specultor.ZirichHamb (Another exes tin peer. igi tlt) Saw Tuma. Always on time, you can set your watch by it ‘ax oun. Tell me who sill ov a watch inthis place avon. Gentlemen, the millionaires is our only hope. aust. Apart ftom God. axon. Apat from God, scnootuastsn. But God won't pay. axon. You used to be 2 fiend of ers 20 now it all depends on you. ‘ist, But thei ways parted. I heard some story about it— hhave you no confeston to make to your Pris "We se heb of en Yung and ote. 1 to beabitofalad, gentlemen, forey-fve years ago. And the, Cat, I ean see her sls coming towards me through the shadows in Peterens’ Batn all aglow. Or walking barefoot in the Konrad’s Village Wood, over the most and the leaves, with her red hat steaming ou, lim and pleas willow, and tender, a, what devilish beat Tne wich Life ore us par if, That's the way its ‘mayor. ought wo have a few deals about Madam Zachanas ian for my il afce- dinner speech nthe Golden Apes. (Takes small ebook fom poke.) scuootwastan. Tye been going through the old school. reports. Clara Wascher's mark, I'm sory t0 say, were appalling So washer conduct She only pased in botany and zoology. avon (aetna), Good, Botany and zoology. A pas. That's cod. « 1. Team help you here, Mister Mayor. Clara loved justice, ‘Most decidedly. Once when they took a beggar away she flung stones atthe police. ‘uavon, Love of justice. Not ba, Ie always works. But think ‘we'd beter leave out tha bit about the police. nx She was generous too. Everything she had she shared. She seole potatoes once for an old widow woman. ‘avon. Sense of generosity. Gentlemen, I absolueely must bring hatin. t's the erucal point. ‘Does anyone here remember a buldng her fther but? That sound good in my speech. sau. No. No ene. (Mayor shuts is ile notebook.) avon, I'm flly prepared, for my part. The rests wp to ux. T know. Zachanasian has to cough up her millions. aor. Millions ~ thas the ida, Precisely. sctiootasren, Ie won't help us if she only founds a nursery. -Mavor. My dei I, you've been the most popular personality in Guellen fora long while now. In the spring, I shall be retiring. I've sounded out the Opposition: we've agreed to nominate you as my succesor. 15 11. But Miser Mayor scHiootwasren. I ean confi that. 1, Gentlemen, back to busines Fist of al ell Clara all about oue wretched plighe. rm Bardo beard do be ei rt, We've got to be clever. Prychologially seu, If we make 2 fxco of the welcome the sation we could eaily wreck everything ee. You won't bring it of by relying on the municipal band and the mised hoi savor. sight, there Ie be one ofthe decisive moment, Madam Zschanasian sts foot on hee native si, she's home again, and how moved she i here are teas in het yes, ah the old familar places, The old fsa. Noe that Til be standing hee ike this in my sbicealeeves I'l be ‘wearing my formal black anda op hat. My wife beside ze, my two grandchildren in font of rc, all in white. Holding roses. My God, if ony ital works out secording to plant (Gel sings) sua On e's the Racing Rolnd. dias THO. Venice-Stockholm eleven twenty-seven. ‘ast, Eleven ewentyseven! We sil have neatly two hour, {0 get suitably deed mayor Kuhn and Hauer holt the ‘Welcome Cire Zachanasian! banner. (Pits at four men) You others beter wave your hat. But pleas: no bawling like last year at the Goverment Mision icharly impresed them all and so fr we've had no subsidy, This no time for vwild ensasm, the mood you want is an inward, an almost carl sympathy for one of our clden, who was, fos, and has been found again. De relaxed, Sincere. But above all ine ie well Th instant the choir sos singing, tound the fre-airm. And look out 6 (Eis spech is crowned by thunder of oncoming tain. Spueling brakes. Dumbjoundedestnishment on all foes. The five men spring up fom bench) aneren. The Exprcis! MAN ONE It's stopping! Man two. In Guelln! ‘an runes, The lowest — 2MAN Four. Most poverty-stricken — ‘MAN on. Desolate dump on the Venice-Stockholm line! Statton-wastER. I's against the Laws of Nature. The Racing Roland ought to materialize from around the Leuthenatt bend, roar through Guellen, dwindle ito dark dot over at Pickenried valley and vanish (Ewer, right, Clare Zachanassian. Sistythee, red hai, pearl necklace, enormous gold bangles, unbelievably got up ‘0 kill and yt by the same token Society Lady with a rare grace, in Spite of all the grtesquerie, Followed by her ‘entourage, comprising Butler Boby, aged about lghty, wearing dark glases, and Husband vi, tll and thin with ¢ ‘lak moustache, sporting «complete angle’s out, Accom anying this group, an excited Ticket Inapecter, peaked cap, Tiered satchel) ‘cuame 2AcHANASSIAN. Ie it Guellen? sicxer mssrecrox. Madam, You pulled che Emergency Brake, ‘caine zactanassian. [always pall the Emergency Brake ‘icxeT inspecros.I provet. Vigorously. No one ever pulls che Emergency Brake in this country. Not even in case of ‘emergency. Our first duty i to our time-table. Will you kindly give me an explanation. cuaraa zacuawassin. Ie is Guellen, Moby. I recognize the ‘wretched dump, That's Konrad’ Village Wood, yonder, with a stream you can fish ~ pike and trout; that roof on the right is Peterzns’ Bar, sae (as ffawakening), Clara, 2 ” scuoonmasren, Madam Zachanasian. sts, Madar Zachanasian, scstootmasten, And the choir and the Youth Club aren't ready! avon. The Athletics Club! The Fire Brigade! ‘st. The Sexton! avon. My frock-coat, for God's sake, my op hat, my ‘grandchildren! an ont, Clarie Wascher’s here! Clarie Wasche's here! (Cnmps up, rushes of towards town.) ‘uavon (calling afer him). Don't forget my wife! ‘nexer mspector, I'm waiting for an explanation, In my “official capacity. I represent the Railway Management. cuaras zacuanasstax, You're a simpleton. I want to pay this Title town a visit. What d'you expect me to do, hop off ‘your expres train? exer misrecron You stopped the Racing Roland just because you wanted to visit Guellen? cxaian zacHANASsIAN. OF course. ‘exer inspector. Madam. Should you desc to visit Guelle, the ewelve-forty commuter from Kalbersadt is at your service, Please weit. Like other people. Arrival in Guellen one thirteen pam ‘ams ZACHANASSIAN, The ordinary passenger train? The one that stops in Loken, Brunnhiibel, Beisenbach and Leu- thenauy Are you really and truly asking me to go puffing round this countryside for half an hourt sexe ivsracron. Youll py for this, Madam. Dearly. ‘crams zacnanasiax. Boby, give him a thowsand. ‘nt (murmuring) A thousand. (ute gives Ticker Inspector a thousand.) srcxet tnspecton (perplexed). Madam. came zacuaNassias, And tree thousand for the Railway ‘Widows’ Fund. 8 3 (mri), Three thowsand. (Ticket Epon reeves thee thousand fom Butler) sone? wisnucron (aggre), Madam. No such Fund exis. cuama zxciaassan. Then found one. (The supreme Civie Authority shies @ word orto i Ticket Inspec’ ear) rronar mssezron (all cnfsion). Madam is Madam Claire Zachanasant O do excuse me. OF couse its decent in that exe, We'd have been only too happy to stop in Gillen if we'd bad the faintest notion, ©, her's your money back, Madam, four thowand, my God. 201 (rman), Four thousand. ‘casts 2AcHANASSINN. Keep ‘AL (orang). Keep it. ‘nex? isencron. Does Madam require che Racing Roland to wait while she visi Gudlen? I know the Railay Management would be only oo ghd, They say the Cathedral portale ae well worth look, Gothic. With the ast Judgment unm zacnanassiax. Wall you and your express ein get the hell out of ree meee nvsnaxo vt (whites). But the Pres, poppe, the Pres havent 1g0t off yer The Reporter have no idea. Theyee ding ‘op font inthe saloon. cuauan zacutanassaw. Let them dine, Moby, ler them dine. Tean't we the Pres in Geelen yet and chey'll come back Intron, don’ worry (Meanile Man Two has brought Mayor his fockoat Mayor crouse csrenonouly 19 Clie Zachansian Pinter end. Man Four stand on bench, hot bemer: ‘Welome Clive Zachnast. Pier id not gue fish) sramioxeunsten (while, waves gre fig) Stand cea! rnoxer mcron. T do’ wust you won't complain © the » ‘nothing. Railway Mangement, Madam I was «pure misnder- randiag (Te egine moving ut Tikes Ipc amps on) suavon. Madam Zachnasian, my deat dy. AS Mayor of Glen its my honowr to welome you, acid of oar (emai of Maye’ spech domed i ater of expres train ait igo 9 move od tho fo cea, He pets tess on) cxamm zara Ems hank you, Miser Mayer, for your fine speech. (She rates tI wh, somewhat embaraed,har moved foverds her) 1. Cha, Came racmanasian, Aled tte e's ne you've come. tar zacraesstan, Td lways planned to, All ny Hie ‘Ever since [lef Gull. su (ome of Hm), set of you. ‘tain zacrusassny, Did you thnk sbout me toot {tt Ofcourse, All he time. You know Idi Car. ‘Gam zactusasiat, They were wonderful all those days wre used to spend fopcthe. sx (pou), They aire were. Solar) Se, Pron, Fre go hein the bag. cuatin thowasasay, Call me what you always wed 0 ‘all me, se My litle wildest. ‘tans zacttaassay (pus ikea ld ot). And what chet itn My lide soreram ‘cat zacrunassan, Tse tall you my black panther. tn Util am ‘hats zacanassan. Rabbi, You've grown ft. And grey. ‘and dinkcrodden ‘nx, But you'e stil the same, ny litle sorceres ‘cuaine ZAcHANASSIAN. Don't be daft. I've grown old and fat 238 well. And lost my left log. An automobile acident. Now T only travel in express erains. But they made a splendid. job of the artificial one, don’t you thinkt (Ske pull? up her skin, displays left eg.) Tt bende very wel su ips aay sven), Dut my Hie widet, Pd neve have notied ie eaten zactanasa, Would you ike to mest my veh uband, Alfeds Tobacco’ Plantation, Were very hapily mated su. But by all meas. tates 2ncnanissa. Come on, Moby, come and make ‘your bow. At a mater of fict his tan's Pedy but Moby’s mich nicer Inany cet gc bater wth Boys that he ble’ name. And you gx your ber for hi, to hshands ave tobe chisel cordingly. (tnd vi bows) In he nie, with i line Back moustache Think it ove, Moby. (Gb thins ior) Harder. (End vik oer ade) Harder al saan i Bue I cas chink any hands, poppe, cally Tene cuaieszAcasassan, Of courte you can, Just ey. (Cand hs hard Bel es) You see. Ir works. Done you agie, Aled, he looks alm denoniaeal ke that Like » Bali. But no! Hes GreeleOnhodox. His fiher was Resin, We vere tated by a Pope, Mos interesting. Now Fim going to have a look round Guellen. ees (Ske tages lee Howse, lef, trough jevelenensed ioguete} My Esther bl this Piblic Convenience, Moby. Good work, painstakingly executed. When Iwas a eid Tspent Tous on that raf, ping. But only on the Gens. (Biel coi and Youth Cli hove now aed i back round. Schoalmaser ps frward wearing tp at) seuocbusn, Madan A aero Gen Calle, anc lover ofthe nablee Mise, may Ctake the berry of fering you a homely follsong, rendered by the mixed thor andthe Youth Club. cxains 2acKaNAssUx, Fire away, Schoolmaster, let's bear ‘your homely flk-song. (Schooimaster takes up tuning-fok, ses key. Mised ‘oir and Youth Club begin cermovioly singing, a which Juncie enter tin arrives, le. Staton tales Coir arueer aun cxophonous date of train, Scho mater despa, tain, lng lt, pases) suavor(dspodon). The fie atm, sound the Ge slrm CLAIRE ZacHANASSINN. Well ing, Gvelleer! That blond ass out thereon the le, with the big Adams apple, he swat realy mos single. (4 Policman elbows a passage trough mised coir, dows upto atetion in front of Cire Zachanazsion) rowenta. Police Inspector Hahacke, Madam. At your czame zxcouanassan pecs hin), Thank you, Yskan’t want wo artest anybody. But Guelen may need you soon. Can ‘you wink «ind eye to ching from die to ier oulcaa,Sute ean, Madam. Whete would Ibe in Guelen ‘fT coulda’! ‘cualne 2actaNAsstn. Stact leaning to wink them both. (Colcemangogale at her, perplexed) su (laughing) Jor lke Clara! fst ike my lie wise! (Slop thigh with enjoyment, Mayor perches Schoobmaster's top hat on his oun head, ushers pair of grandchildren forward. Twin seven-year-old gil, blond plait.) ‘mayor. My grandchildres, Madam. Hermione and Adolfins. My wife is the only one not present. (Mops perspiration. The two lie gies eurtsy for Madan Zathanassian and offer her red roses) ‘cams zacuanassian. Congratulations on your kide, Mister Mayor. Here! (She bundles roses into. Station-mestr's arm. Mayor telthilyhonds tp hat t Priest, who put it on) mayor. Our Priest, Madam, (Priest raises top hat, bows) ‘cuame zacutasassiax, Ah, the Priest. Do you comfort the dying wast (dared). 1 do what I can, ‘tata zactawasstan, People who've been condemned to death as well ‘aust (perplexed). The death sentence has been abolished in this country, Madam, ‘uate zacuanassian, It may be reintroduced, (Priest, wit some consternation, returs top hat to Mayor, who densi again.) "a ging). Realy, ide wae! You cack the wilde ‘jokes. ctiine zacHaNassian, Now I want £0 go into town, (Mayor atempes to offer ker his rm.) ‘What's all this, Mister Mayor. I don't go hiking miles on my stitial leg. mayor (shocked). Immediately, immediately, Madam. The doctor owns a cat. It’s a Mercedes. The nineteen thirty= two model ouiceaax (clicking hee). Tl eto it, Mister Mayor. I'L have the car commandeered and driven round. 3 ‘cuamne zacitanasian, That won't be necesary. Since my ‘accident I only go about in sedan-chairs. Roby, Toby, bring ie here. (Enter, lf, two herculean gum-chewing brutes with sedan ‘hae One of them has gtr slag at his bac.) “Two gangsters. From Manhattan. They were on their way t0Sing Sing, To the electric chair. petitioned for them to be freed as sedan-bearers. Cost me a million dollars per petition. The sedan-chair eame from the Louvre. A gift from the French President. Such a nice man; he looks cexactly lke his pictues in the newspapers. Roby, Taby, take me into town. osy/rosy (jn unison). Yes Mam, CLAIRE 2ACHANASSIAN, But frst ofall to he Petersens' Bar, and then to Konrad’ Village Wood. [want to take Alfred to vise ou old tryting-plaes. In che meanvsile have the luggage and the cofin putin the Golden Apostle savor (dared). The cofint cans zacHanassiax, Yes, [brought a coffin with me, I may need it. Roby, Taby, off we go! (The pir of gunochewing brutes cary Claire Zackonasian ‘avey 10 town, Mayor gives signal, whereon all burst into ‘cheer which spontaneously fade as two more servants eter, bearing an elaborate Black coffin, cose stage and exeunt, towards Guelle, Now, undaunted and snpawued, the fe lam bell tart ringing) savor, At lat! The fire bel, (Papulace gather round coffin, I is followed sn by Claire Zachanaston'smaidseroantsend om endles steam oases aod trunks, cried by Gellners. Thistrafciscontalledby Police tna, who tao to fllow tou when enter at that pont a pair of ie old fr spoken men, bth inpecably deed) sue pat, We've in Guellen, We can sinell it, we ean smell it, ‘we can smell it inthe ai, in che Guelle air. 4 ouci4ax. And who might you ber ‘ux pase. We belong to the old lady, we belong to the old lady. She ells us Koby and Loby. poucenax. Madam Zachanassan is saying at the Golden ‘Apostle, sue ram (gay). We're blind, we're blind, PoucENAN, Blind? O.K., Tl take you there, in duplicate. ‘Te rats. O thank you Mister Policeman, thank you very much, PoUCEMAN (with supriz). Ifyou'ee blind, how did you know Twas a policeman? ‘rue vain. By your tone of voice, your tone of voice, all policemen have che same tone of voice. roLicewan (with supicion). You ft lie men seem to have hada Bit of contact with the police. ‘re ram (incredulous). Men, he thinks we're men! rouicenaw. Then what th hell ae your ‘THE rate. You'll soon se, you'll som see! POLICEMAN (bfied). Well, you scem cheerful about it. su parm. We get steak and har, every day, every day POLICEMAN. Yeah. I'd get up and dance fo that too. Come on, give me your hands. Funny kind of humour foreigners Ihave. (Gzes off town with pair) ‘Tue rate, Off to Boby and Moby, off to Roby and Toby! (Open scne-change: figade of station and adjacent Wile bldg soar into fics. Interior of the Golden Apetle: an hotelsign might well be letdown from above, ax imposing gilded Aposte, as emblem, and left 0 hong in mid-air. Faded, outmoded lusury. Everything threadbare, tatered, dary aud musty and ge 10 sed, Iterminableproecons of powers taking inermineble peer of lggage uptis: fist ‘cage, then the eats and trunks, Mayor and Scholmater seated in foreground drinking Schnapps) 35 avon, Cases, cases, and sill more cases. Mountains of chem ‘nd a litle while ago chey came in with a cage. There ‘was a panther init. A black, wild animal, scnoouasten. She had the coffin pu in a special spare room. Curious savor. Famous women have thei whims and fancies. scOoLMaSTER, She seems to want to stay here quite a while, savor, So mich the better. I has her in the bag. He was calling her his litle wildcat, his lide soreres. Hell get thousands out of her. Her health, Profesor. And may CChice Zachanasian revtore the Bockman business. scuootuastes, And the Wagner Factory. ‘uayox. And the Foundry on Sunshine Square I they boom ‘weil all boom —my Community and your College and the Standard of Living (He has called tas; they clink gles) scnoouuastan I've been correcting the Guellen school- childen’s Latin and Greek exercises for more than to decades, Mister Mayor, but let me tell you, Sir, I only Teamed what horror ie one hour ago. That old lady in black robes getting off the train was a gruesome vision. ike one ofthe Fates; she made me think of an avenging Greek goddes. Her name shouldn't be Chit; it should be Cloth, 1 could super her of sing deny webs hers (Enter Polieman. Hangs cep on pee.) savor, Pull up a char, Inspector. (Policeman pulls up chair) roucsMax, Not much fan pateoling in this dump, But ‘maybe now ill rise from the ashes. I've just been t0 Petersen’ Barn with the millionaires and that shopleceper IIL Twitnesed a moving scone. Both partes maintained a meditative pause, asin church. Iwas embarrased. [there fore did not follow them when they went to Konrad’s 26 Village Wood. Say, that was areal procesion. The sedan chair fist, then Ill walking beside it, chen the Butler, then her seventh husband lst with his fishing-rod. scuootuasten, That conspicuous consumption of husbands; she’s a second Lats. rouicemaN, And those ewo litle fat men. The devil knows shat i all means. scuootuasten, Sinister. An ascent from the infernal regions. avon. wonder what they're after, in Konrad’ Village Wood. roticesax, The same at in Petersens’ Barn, Mister Mayor. “They're calling in on the places where their pasion wed fo burn, as they say scoonuasren, Flame, fame. Remember Shakespeare: Romeo and Jolie. Gentlemen: I'm stirred. I sense the grandeur of antiquity in Guellen, I've never sensed it here before. ‘Mayon. Gentlemen: we must drink a special coast to Ill—a ‘man who's doing all a man can to beter our lot. To our most popular citizen: to my succesor! (The Hotel Apote floats eway, bac into the fies. Enter the Jour ctzens, lef, with « simple, Backless wooden bench, hick they st down, lf. Man One, witha huge, pate- Dard heart hanging from his neck, on i the laters ALC, climbs on othe bench, The others sand ound hein a half circle, holding twig tans length to designate tes) We are tees, we're pine and spruce We are beech, and datkegreen fr Lichen, moss and climbing ivy ‘Undergrowth and ar of fox 27 Ding cond and lof bid We ae the woodhnd wildemes “Toadtooh and the tnd deer And ring eves and bygone dreams (The evo gunchewing brutes emerge from background Bearing sec with Clare Zachanasan Il other side. Behind her, Hashand Vit. Butler Brings up rear, leading Blind pair bythe hand.) ‘crams zacHANASSIAN. I's the Konrad’ Village Wood, Roby, ‘Toby, stop a moment suis Pain, Stop, Roby and Toby, stop, Boby and Moby. (Claire Zechanassian descends fom sedan-chair, surveys ‘00d ‘CLAIRE ZACtLANASSIAN. There's the heart with our two names com it, Alfeed. Almost faded away, and grown apart. And the tre's grown, The trunk and branches have thickened. ‘The way we have ourselves, (Claite Zachanarson erent othe treet) ‘A woodland bower. Ie's along time since [last walked through these woods, in my young days, frolicking in the foliage and che purple ivy. You brutes just go and chew your gum behind the bushes, and take your sedan-chait with yous I don't want co look at your mugs all the time, ‘And Moby, soll away over to that stream on the right there, and look a the fish. (Exit brues, lf, with sedon-chsir, Exit Husbend vay right. Clare Zachanasion sts on bench.) Look, a doe, (Man Thre springs off) 8 IL I's the close season. (Sits next her) ‘GRAMME 2ACHANASSIAN, We kised each other on this spot. ‘More than fifty years ago, We loved each other under these boughs, under there bushes, among these roadstools fon the moss. I wat seventeen, and you weren't quite swenty. Then you married Matilda Blumbard with her lite general store, and I married old Zachanassian with is millions from Armenia. He found me in a brothel. In Hamburg. It was my red hair took his faney; the old, gold lecher! ut. Chea! tains zacanasstan, Boby, 2 Henry Clay. suinp pam. A Henry Clay, a Henry Clay. (Butler comes out of background, pases er a egar, ligt) ccna zactaNassin. I'm fond of cigars. supp T ought to smoke my husband's produce; but I don’t tras them. sat Te wa for your sake I married Matilda Blambaed Cctame 2acHANASSIAN, She had money. nr, You were young and beautiful. The furure belonged to you. I wanted you to be happy. So I had eo renounce being happy myself. ‘CLAIRE 2ACHANASSIAN, And now the future's here. ‘uL If you'd seayed here, you'd have been ruined like me, ‘CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN, Are You ruined? RL. A braken-down shopkeeper in a broken-down town, ‘cuatne 2acuanassiaN, Now its me who has money. tut I've been living in hell since you went away from me, CcuaIRE ZACHANASSIAN. And T've grown inco hell sel nut. Always rowing with my family. They blame me for being poor. ‘CLAIRE 2ACHANASSTAN, Dida’ ttle Matilds make you happy? ‘ut, Your happiness is what matters. ‘CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN, Your childeent 29 rat, No sense ofdeals. Ccuazan 2aCHANASSIAN, They'll develop one soon, (He says nothing. Both gaze at the wood of lildood ni, {lead a laughable life. Never once really managed to leave this towmship. One trp to Berlin and one to Tesin. ‘That’ al, cuarms zacuanassian. Why bother, anyway. T know what the world’s like x, Because you've always been able to travel crane zacHanasstax. Because T oven it (He aye nothing; she smokes) us, Evecything’s going to be different now. CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN. Sue. 1k (watches her). Are you going to help use ‘CLAIRE 2acuANassian. Tshan’t leave my hometown in'the lurch, tut, We need thousands. ‘camRE ZACHANASSIN. That's nothing. tax (enthusiastically). My liele wildcat! (Moved, he slaps ker on left shoulder, then painflly with- draws hand) ‘cam 2ACHANASSIAN. That hurt. You hit one of the straps for my artificial leg. (Man One pulls pipe and rusty doorkey from tours pocket, taps on pipe with hey.) ‘A woodpecker. sa, Now it’s the way it used to be when we were young and ‘bold, when we went out walking in Kenrad’s Village ‘Wood, in the days of our young love. And the sun was a damling orb, above the pine-iees. And far away a few ‘wisps of cloud, and somewhere in the woodland you could hear a euckoo calling Max FouR, Cuckoo, cuckoo! ~ (i Leys hand on Mon One) 1uL. Cool wood, and the wind in the boughs, soughing lke the sea-surge. (The three men who are wees begin soughing and Blowing ‘and waving ther arms up and down.) ‘Ak, my litle sorceress, if only time had really dissolved. ifonly fe hadn't put us asunder. caine zacuanassian, Would you wish thatz nut, That above al, above all. Ido love you! (Kise her right hand) ‘The sume, cool white hand, ‘unm zacuAxassian, No, you're wrong, It's artificial too, Tvory. (ll horrified, releases her hand.) ut. Clara, ate you all artificial ‘CLAIRE. ZACHANASSTAN, Practically. My plane crashed in ‘Afghanistan, I was the only one who crawled out of the ‘wreckage, Even the crew did, 'm unkillabe. sunso rats. She's unkillabl, she's unkilable (Ceremonial oom-pah mace. The Hotel Apostle descends ‘again. Guellners bing in tables, wrehed, taered table lots, cutlery, crockery, food. One table, centre, one lef, cand one right, parallel 1 audience. Pris comes ou of back _grourd, More Guellners floc in, among them « Gymnast. ‘Moyer, Schoolmaster and Policeman reapper. ‘The Guelleners appl, Mayor coset bench where Claire Zachanasian ond Il are siting: the trees have metamor- hosed back int citizens and moved ewey apstege) savor, The storm of applause is for you, my dear lady. ccuaran Zacwanasstan. It's for the town band, Mister Mayor. ‘Te was capital performance; and the Athletics Club did ‘wonderful pyramid. Ilove men in shorts and vests. They Took so natural ” ‘Mayon. May escort you to your place? (le escorts Cais Zackanassian to her place ot table, centre, Introduces her to his wife) My wif, (Claire Zachenasian examines wife through lrgnete) Cian ZACHANASSIN. Annie Dummermut, top of out clas (Mayor introduces her to second woman, a5 wors out and embitered as his wife) savor. Mr cuaina zacnawassian, Matilda Blomard. 1 can remember ‘you lying in wait for Alfred behind the shop door. You've ‘grown very thin and pale, my dea, (Doctor aris in, elt a suet, ticeet fifip-yarol; rmoustachced, bristly Black hair, seared fe, tneadbre fock-oat) octor. Just managed to doit, in my old Mercedes, ‘mayor. Doctor Nuesiin, ou physician (Clave Zachanatsian examines Doctor trough loguete as Je ses her hand) ‘CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN. Interesting. Do you make out Death Centficatest octor (taken af guard). Death Cestificatest ‘caine zacuanassian, I'someone should diet ocrox. Of course, Madam. I's my duty. As decreed by the authorities. ‘cua zacHanassiaN. Next time, diagnose heat attack sa (Laughs). Delicious, simply delicious, (Claire Zachanassian sums from Doctor to ingpet Gymnast, lad in shots and vest) ‘xan: zacuanassian. Do another exercise (Gymnas bends kes, flexes erm) ‘Marvellous muscles. Ever used your strength for seang- linge 3 exuase (fen cnseation af Inecsnd psn), For seanging? cases sucratsssns, Now jst bend your arms back again, Mister Gymnat chen forward into a peseup. 1 (lug), Clara as ch golden sense of humour! T could die lughing at on of her joka! cron (ill dened). Loner, They chill me to the 1a tage tpr. She's promised ws hundeedsof thousands iaton (up) Hundreds of thousands tt Fires of thousands Docton. Ged Almighy. (The millions tas aay fom Gyrnat.) uate 2actanassae And now, Miter Mayor, Fy ha axon. We were jut wating for your husband, my doar hay. eam zacranassinx, You needa He's hing, And I'm setng divorce. avon. A dvoreer eam zactasisstn Moby’ be suprised oo. 'm marying 2 German film sar avon. Bot you tld twa very happy manage cuateazactasast. All ay marsags are happy. But when Twas a child {wed to dream of a wedding in Gucllen Cathode, You should always flBl your childhood dreams. fll be a grand ceremony. (All st. Cle Zachara tks hr ple Between Mayor and I Its wife beside Ml, Mayor’ se beside Mayo. Schoalnatr, Pris and Pate a pate aber. The for czen, lo. In bakgownd, moe guests of fons, eth wives, Awe, the borer "Welos Cla ‘Mayor snd, beaming vith joy. sevice akeay in stn, and tps on i gass) avon. My dea lady, llow-etzen,Foryfve years have © 2 flowed by since youl uli town, ou town founded by Crown Prince Has the Noble, oo townso plenty sting between Konre’sVilge Wood and Puckenied Valey:Pouyfve yea, more than four dead, ifs 4 Tong tine, Many tings have happened sine them many bite ngs Ie fas gone aly with he worl, gone aly wich us And yee we have oeve, my dat lady out Clare (pplae) never forgotten you Nether you, noe Your fly, Your mote, hat magecent nd bud Katy creature (i whipas somthing to hi) eagilly znd premarrely Som fn oot met by eer and Sour father, that poplar figure, who bale biling by The sacon which experts and faymen sll wit 10 often {a whispers somahing te in) ~ ll amie vo mich, they broth ie on in our thoght, for they were of out best fur worhiat And you to, my deat dy: who, a8 you fell rah rare cr ely Kcrpie nowadays you 4 ctly-beaded, blonde hpers somthing to Bi) redhead adap, who did tot know you Even then, everyone could ene the magic in your pesonaity, fore your apposching tse t0 Humanity daey highs (Teer our hs notook) You were never forgotten. Literally never. Even now, the Safa school holdup your achievements a an example tod andin at snes —the ncn et they were soning, 2 revelation of your symphy for every living creature, indo for all thingy in need of fron And svn they pope i nd wide wee Inoved eo wonde! a yout lve of ui, a your seme of fevers. (ge eplas) For di not out Clare obtain od tora old wid, buying porstocs ith tha pockee rmoney 40 hardly cared fom neighbours, and thereby tive the ol lady ffom dying of hanger, to mension but tne of he deeds of chart. (ig applane) My det dy, uM amy dear Goellenec, that happy temperament has now developed from thove tender scels to an imprenive flowering, and our redheaded madcap bas become «lady wove generosity sts the world we need only chink of her socal work, of her matty homes and er sup Kitchens, of er art foundations ander cadens mut sete, and nom, therefore, ak you to give thee Cheer for the prodigal retumed: Hip, Hipr Hip Hare (Apple) {Clare Zachonasion gs hr fet) cua 2ncantsin, Miter Mayor, Gedlenes. Tam moved by your uml joy in my vit. Ava matter of fic t was somewhat dierent from the eld I seem to bein the Mayor's speech, When I went to school twas teabed. ‘And ata the potatoes for Widow Bol aided by Ul noe wo ave the old aod from dying of hunger, bu just for ‘once to slesp with Il ins mote comforable bed than Konrad’ Vilage Wood or Petersens Bam. None the lo, 28 my cotbiton to his joy of you want ll you Tim ready to give Cuclln one millon” ive banded thousand for te own and ie hundred thousand to be ‘hated among each fail (Death itm) avon (dames). One milion. (Gveroneail nkarce) uae zactannssn. On one contin, (Everyone bts no ndesrbableublon, dancing ound, sanding on thi Gymnan performing acrobat, Il pounds his chest enhusatealy) sue Theres Cara for you! What 2 jewel! Ske takes your ‘eat say! Juste her, © my de sores! (Rises her) ruxvon. Madam: you sid, on one condon. May Tsk, on ‘what condition? 35 cams zacnnasin, Tl you on whit condon ‘ring yous milion and Cm baying ysl join. (Desh ste) naavon. My deat a, what do you mean by shtt Chon zac What To savor, seen be bough ‘haus Zscugussan: Everything can be bough von. sl don’ eden ‘nine zacnanasi, Baby, Sep forward (Gute sop far, fom i cre, Bee th tee tcl Taher of hi dk gases) roman, {don't know if any of yo hee sl eogize me. Sroouussrn, Chic Jnate Cord bom. Right Chic Jrce Court. Foctfve yar go, Twas Lord Chis nein Gull T water led he Kaien Court of Appeal mi swentyfve yeas got tows Mata Zachansianoféred me the pos of Butler ie ber rvice A somewhat unusal cxeayindeed, frane you for an sedene man, however, the sey EEvoeed was rly gute fia exams zhcuanasa Ce to he pin, Boby. Sorta. As you may have gaere, Maan Chie Zackans Sani oftring you the sum of one mlon pounds in teu for wil sh ins tha ac be don. n ther trordh Madam Zachanasszn wl give you all’ lion IFoo sgh the wrong te was dane in Guan. Me ityon plese Und He pl, str, wondering) sx, What do you want of met pon, Sep ewan Me me Site (Sips foward fom of tbl, ih, Laughs one Ee) “ somsn The year was nineteen ten war Lord Chi Joie in 6 Guellen. 1 had a paternity chim eo asbitate, Claire Zachanasin, at the time Clara Wascher, claimed chat you, Mr Il, were her child's father, (Ui eepe quiet) ‘At that time, Me ll, you denied paternity. You called nL. Ob, i's an old story, Iwas young, thoughtless. ‘cLAME zAcHaNassinn. Toby and Roby, bring in Koby and Loby. (The wo gunchewing gions lead pair of blind eauchs om to conte ofstee, blind pair gaily holding hands) auiwp pain, We're on the spo, we'te on the spot! avrten. Do you recognize these two, Me Ile (Ul keeps gui.) sutnp enin. We're Koby and Loby, we'e Koby and Loby. ‘ut. I don't know them. IND ram. We've changed alot, we've changed a lo! ssuruse. Say your names, ‘MAST BLIND MAN, Jacob Chicken, Jacob Chicken, secon aun MAN. Louis Perch, Louis Perch, sore, Now, Mr ux, Lknow nothing about them, surutr, Jacob Chicken and Louis Perch, do you know Melt Bun rare. We're blind, we're blind. svresn, Do you know hit by his voices suinp ain. By his voice, by hie voice. svrusn. In nineteen ten, I wat Judge and you the wimesses. Louis Perch and Jacob Chicken, what did you swear on cath to the Court of Guellen® sun parm, We'd slepe with Clara, we'd slept with Clara, surtsx. You swore it on oath, before me. Before the Court. Before God. Wasi che truth? sun an. We swore a false oath, we swore a flbe oath suttsa. Why, Jacob Chicken and Louis Percht ” sur areIl bribed I bibed porn. With what did he bribe yout ano eas. With pint of brand, ih apie of brand. Ccxamns zacuanassiax. And nov tell them what did with "you, Koby and Laby. ports Tall them. sux rate. The lady tacked us down, the lady tracked ws down. surian. Correct. Clara Zachanasian wacked you down. To the ends ofthe earth, Jacob Chicken had emigeated to (Canada and Louis Perc fo Ausaia. Burshe tacked you down, And then what did she do with your sup rain, She gave ws to Toby and Roby, she gave ws to Toby and Roby. surum. And what did Toby and Roby do to your sun vate Casrated and blinded us, castrated and Blinded ws surusn And there you have the fll story. One Judge, one ‘accused, cw fle witness: a mixartige of istic im the yet nineteen te. Int chat 0, plain cxatn zacuavassian (sand), Thai 0. XL (stamping on foo). Is over and done with, dead and buried! 125 anol, erzy story. soruse, What happened tothe child, plaintir cxatnn 2actanassin (gt) Ie lved one yea urn. What happened to your uaa zacuanasian. I became a prostate aurian, What made you onct CLAIRE 2AcuANASSIAN. The judgment of that court made svrtse. And now you desite justice, Claire Zachanasian? ‘came zacuanasstan. [can aiford i. A milion for Guellen if someone kills Alfed I (Deathly silence, Mrs Ill rashes to I, flings her arms round kim.) 38 sans i. Freddy! JUL My like soreres! You cant ak that! I wa long Life went on. wtf uae Zacrawasiny. Life went on, and Ive forgotten nothing I. Neither Konrad’ Vilage Wood, nor Peer- sen Bien: nciter Widow Balls bedroorn, nor your treachery. Andnow we're old the pairof You decrepit, and me vt eo bits by the sgcon knives. And now want accounts between vs sted, You chose your li, buryou freed me into mine. A moment ago you wanted time turned back, in that wood so fll of the pas, where ‘we spen our young years Well 'm turing i back now, and wane justice Janice fra milion (Mayor stands pale dignified) avon. Madam Zachanasian: you forget, this is Europe "You forget, we ae not savages Inthe mame ofl cizens of Gul your oft and ger in i mae of humanity. We would rather have poverty than blood ‘on our hands. Povey (Pige appl) cxams zac 1 wi 30 ACT TWO ‘The litle town, (Only in oulne) It background, the Golden Apostle Hotel, esterior view. Faded ‘art nouveau” architecture. Balcony. Right, sign, “Alfed MI: General Stor’, above a ‘grimy shop-cunter backed by sheloce displaying old stock. When fever anyone enters the imaginary dor, a bell rings cil. Left a sig Polie’, above a wooden table, om it a telephone, Two chairs. Tris mortng. Roby exd Toby, chewing gum, enter, lei bearing wreaths and flower ata feral, cos age and enter, back, the Ite, Il ea window, waching them. His daughter on her Knees scrubbing flor. His om pus a cigarette in his mouth. su, Wreaths, so¥. They bring them in from the station every morning. 1. For the empty coffin in the Golden Apostle sox. Ie doesn’t seare anyone. ut, The town’s on my side. {Son lights cigerete) ‘Mother coming down for breakfast avoir. She's staying upstairs. Says she's ied. nt, You've good mother, children, That's a fac. [just want you to know. A good mother. Le her stay upstairs, rest, Save her energy. In that ase, well have breakfast together. It'sa long time since we've done that. I suggest eggs and a tin of American Ham. We'll do ourselves proud, Like in the good old days, when the Sunshine Foundry was still booming sox. Youll hve to excuse me. (Stubs on igarete.) nt, Aren't you going to eat with us, Karle sow. I'm going to the station. Theres a railwayman off sick. ‘Maybe they want 2 temporary. tt, Railroad work in th blazing sun is no job for my boy. sow. I's etter than no ja. « Act two (Exit Son, Daughter stands) pavenren, I'm going too, father. TUL You toot Tate. May one ask my lady where? pavonten, To the Labour Exchange. They may have a (sit Daughter. I, upset thes out handkerchief Blows ra) st. Good kids fine kids (A fw bars of guitars wang down fom beleony) ‘Voice OF CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN, Boby, pas me my lft leg. vvorcs oF sur. I cant find it, Madam, VOICE OF CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN. On the chest of drawers behind che wedding flowers, (Cvter Man One, frst customer; he goes through imaginary ‘hoor into T's sep.) tux, "Morning, Hofbauer. MAN one, Cigarettes nox Same as usual? MAX ONE. Not those, I want the green ones. 11, They cost more aN ONE. On account UL. Since i+ you, Hofbauer, and we should all stick together. saan one. That's a guitar plying. 11, One of those ing Sing gangsters. (Blind pir wal out of hotel carrying rds and other appur~ enacts proper to fiching.) suiwp ram Lovely morning, Alfred, lovely morning. 1 Go t hell. BLIND pam, We're going fishing, we're going fishing, (Ese bind pai, lee) ‘Man OnE. Gone to Guellen Pond. “ 1uL With her seventh husbands fishing cle. ‘aN ove. They say he's los his tobe plantations. It They belong tothe milionsires. ‘a ont. Th cighth wedding willbe gigani, She announced their engagement yesterday. (Clie Zachanasin opens on bony in bacon, shee for the orig Moves hr right had, her le. Sprints plied on the uit company the boty ene which flows, fer te fon of epee, Paining the tet nou with al nw wk mates of Ato or ratoa ong anthony) came zacuassan. Tim asembed agin, Roby, the ‘Armenian folk-song! = ce (Guitar mse) Zachanasian's Bvourie tne, He wid to lov itening 10 ie Every mowing. An exemplary man, that old reson, Witha verable navy of ol asker. And racing table ‘And milion more inch twas worth a mariage. A fest eachr, and rest dice; area dev ve copied fim complely. (Two women come in, hand Il milk-cans.) inst wouaN. Milk, Me Il secon Womay, My can, Me I, 3A very good morning to you, A quar of milk forthe (Opens a milk-drum, prepares lade milk.) ust WOMAN. Jersey milk, Me Il SECOND WomAN. Two quarts of Jersey, Mr Il i. Jersey. (Opens anther drum, ladles mille) (Claire Zachanassion asesses moming rticaly through loyguct) 2 crams 2ACHANASSIAN. A fine autumn moming, Light mist in the streets, a silvery haze and che sky above precisely the shade of violet-blve Count Holle used to paint. My third Ibusband, The Foreign Minister. He used to spend his holidays painting. They were hideous paintings (She sts, with elaborate ceremony) ‘The Count was a hideous person, ranst wontax. And butter. Hal'a pound. secon wontax. And saper-bread. Four large loaves. UL Tce we've had a legacy ladies. su rWwo Wows. On account tux, Share the rough and share the smooth, rnast WoMAN, And a bur of chocolate sicoND WOMAN. Two bars. mx, On account? rast woMAN. On account. seconD wontan. We'll at those here, Me Il. mast woman. Ie much nicer here, Me UL (They sit at back of shop eating choclate) carn zacuanassins, A Winston. Iwill ery that brand my seventh husband made, just once, now I've divorced him; poor Moby, with his fishing passion. He must beso sad siting in che Portugal Express. (Gailer hands here cigar, gives her alight) ‘Mant ont, Look, sitting on the balcony, puifing at her cigar. uu, Always some wickedly expensive brand. ‘Man ox, Sheer extravagance. She ought to be ashamed, in front of the poor. cxamms zacuanassian (oki). Curious. Quite smokeable. ‘UL. Her plan's misfied. I'm an old sinner, Hofbauer — who ian’ Ie wat a mean trick I played on het when {was a kid, “8 Dut the way they all rejected the offer, all the Guelleners in the Golden Apostle unanimously, that was the finest ‘moment of my life ‘cram zacuanassinn. Boby. Whisky, Neat. (Ger Mon Tis a ond atone, ora tered ond tom, even) sua 0, Moming ell Be ahora. as one, Very ite and warn forthe time ofthe yer 1 Exon com tis mori Nota sea fra long at you like and saddely these ps few days hyve lng 7 iy hese psf days they ssc Wel ck by you, We wk by ow Cone what may. ram Two Wout (mincing cola). Come what may, Mr Ill, come what may. * > * suave wo. Remember, youse the town’s most popule peony. seat ove Ou ost imporan personaly nan 0, You be cated Major ns, tas ov, Ws dead erin ‘ar reo Wout (mung cela). Dead cen, Me tl, dead certain. * 2 asso, Brady. (Ural) (Butler serves whisky) ‘caine zacHaNassian, Wake the new guy. Can't beat m Tsbandssleping al the ime * sat Five and three Man two. Not chat. nt, Te’ what you always drink. ‘MAN TWO. Cognac. “ 1, Te cost chrtyseven and nine. No one can afford that. MAX TWO. Got to pive yourself a treat sometimes. (A halfncked gie rashes headlong over sage, pursued by Toby) inst WOMAN (munching chocolat). I's 2 scandal, the way Lois behaves. seconD Woutan (munching chocolate). And co make matters worse she's engaged to that blond musicizn in Gun- powder Steet. ll takes down Cognac) sux, Cognac. an two. And tobacco. For my pipe. 1, Tobacco, Man Two. The Expor. (Ul totals acount) (Husband vat appears on Balcony —the film star, tal, slender, red moustache, bathrobe. May be played by same sxtor as Husband vit) nuspaxp vm. [n't it divine, Hopsi. Our fst engagement ‘breakfast, Really a dream. A litle balcony, the lime-tree rustling, the Town Hall fountain sofly plashing, a few hhene seampering right across the sidewalk, housewives! voices chattering away over thee lle daily cares and there, beyond the rooftops, the Cathedral spires! ccuame zacuanassian. Sit down, Hoby. Stop babbling, I can see the landscape. And thoughts aren't your strong point. su wo, She's siting up eee wih er husband now. fst won (ncn cca) He ight Ssoonp wows (wunching cholat). Handiome genleman. ‘hs in fil. by Asher sr him ss the poacher in 3 lie etre. rast wows. Ls him when he wat he pit ina Graham Greene 4s (Claire Zockanesian is kissed by Huband vu, Guitar wong chords) aw two. You can get anything you want with money, (spite) aw ows. Nor from ws. (Bang ft table) sx. One pound ehree shillings and threepence. an two. On account. sur Till make an exception this week; only you make sre you pay on the fist, when the dole's due. (Man Two cross to door.) su, Helmesberger! (Man Two hat. Il gee afer him.) ‘You're searing new shoes. New yellow shoes, Maw Two, So what? (Ill ares at Man One's fet) tx, You too, Hofbauer. You're wearing new shoes t. (His gaze alights on the women; he walks slowly towards them, teor-atricken) You too. New shoes. New yellow shoes. aw owe. What's so extraordinary about new shoes? ‘Man TWo. You cant go around inthe same old shoes forever. tut, New shoes. How did you all gee new shoes? ‘Two wou. We gor them on aecoat Me Uh, we got nt, You got them on account, You got things on account from me too. Better tobacco, beter milk, Cognac. Why are all the shops suddenly giving you credite wax two. You're giving us credit 10, UL. How are you going to pay? (Silence, He begins throwing his wares at the customers ‘They all raw way) How ate you ging to ay? How are you going pay? “6 (He ruses of, back.) usta vn Townships geting rowdy. ‘hams zacuanassay Vilage He. sea vin Seems to be tool in the shop down ther ‘rape kcuvassute Hogging over the pecs of meat. (Chords on guar, frisine. Hund vat leaps 4p heed) osm vm Hops, for heaven's tke! id you hae cate Caine 2acraxassn The Black Panter. Spiing» ile. usa vm (ves). A Blac Panthest Came zhcnanassas, From the Pasha of Marakesh, A recat, He's loping around inthe hall A. great wicked ‘St wth aching eye in very fond of him. (Policeman str down at table, If. Drinks beer. Slow, portetous manner of speech. Il arves fom bak of sage) ‘cams zacuanassian, You may serve, Boby. roucanat. tl, What can Ido for your Take a set (il remais sanding) You're trembling nu. demand the atest of Cire Zachansian. (Poltemon thumbs taba ao his pip, fights i, om Sobly) roucaas. Pecslt Highly posi. (Guten serves bs, bngs mai) ‘ut, demand ita foture Mayor. roucenan (pufing clouds of smoke). We have not yet held the elections. ‘ux, Arrest that woman on the spot rouicemax. What you mean is, you wish to charge this lady. eis chen for the police to decide whether or not to arrest her, Has she inftinged the law? ” ‘at Shes incing the people of our town to ill me Fee Stew yt at ce kop wo heady ad cathe {Pours Kise be) ‘cuatee zacHANasstan. The mail. One from Ike, Nehru. They send congratulations nu Is your duty, POLICEMAN. Peculise. Highly peculiar. {Drinks beer.) tu. Ie’ only natural. Perfectly natural ouicenias. My dear Il it's not as natural a all that. Now lets examine the matter soberly. The lady makes an offer cof one million to che town of Guellen in exchange for your you know what I'm talking about, of course ‘Tre, tue, T was there. All this noewithstnding, no sulfcient grounds are thereby constcuted for the police taking action against Mrs Claire Zachsnassan, We must abide by the law. tnt Inctement to murder. PouiceNAN. Now listen here, Il We would only have a case of incitement to murder ifthe proposal to murder you ‘were meant seriously. So much i obvious, st. That's what Um saying. voucenaw. Exacly. Now, this proposal cannot be mesnt seriously, because one milion isan exorbitant price, you hhave to admit that yourself. People offer a hundred, or ‘maybe wo hundred, fora jb lke that, nota penny more, you can bet your life on it. Which again proves the pro posal wasn't meant seriously, and even i t had been the police coulda’ take che lady seriously, because in that ease she'd be mad, Get ite "BL Inspector. Ths proposal threatens me, whether the woman happens to be mad or not. That's only logical. “e roca loge, You cant be thetened by a propor, ony by he econ of repo Sw me one ine atmpe to emcee tat propos, for ample ne man wh’ ber pining» gua st ou and be on the spot ina fish, Bat no ones poi of thas ny trio exerts the proponly que he comer. ‘That {Enmonsation in the Golden Aposie was extemely Imprenive Ie wa 4 while ago now, bo low me 0 conga you (Brink er) su Tot qt sr, Inspect. totic Noe gues faret Th My comet re buying uteri beer brea, ber rove Bet you ought to be oveoyed! Bains i ‘eee! {Drink ber) ‘coame zacuaxassian. Boby, buy up Dupont Shares IRL, Helmesberger’s been in buying Cognac. Aman who hhas't eared a cent for years and lives on Poor Relief soup. roucmuax, I'l have a tot of that Cognac this evening. Helmesberge’s invited me over. (Drink ber ‘ux, Everyone's wearing news shoes. New yellor shoes POLICEMAN. Whatever ean you have against new shoes? I've {got a new pair on myseé, (Displays fet.) 1, You too, rotcenan. Look. ux. Yellow as well, And you're drinking Pilsner Bee. rouicenan. Tastes good. tux, You always used to drink local bees. > ” vouceman. Filthy suf (Radio mie) mu, Listen, roucenan. Whatt ux. Music, roLicenan. The Mery Widow. us. A radio. ‘OLICEMAN. IV's Hagholzer next door. He ought to keep his window shut (Makes notin ide notebook) ut, How did Hagholeer get a radior rouicenats. Thats his busines. rit, And you, Inspector, how are you going to pay for your Pilsener Beer and your new shoes? vouicenaw. That's my business. (Telephone on table ring, Policeman picks up receiver) rouicenAn. Guelle Police Station, uae zacuanasstan, Boby, telephone the Rossans and tll them [accept cheir offer, rouenia, OX, well 0 had how a ny euros gig py routsnan, That dna conse Foe, (Sunde fcfon oft) su Bote don conse Dest they ig mre rocluan Noha etn you we tg su Theva ping ho det. The gree the db, he ihe tsar of ving Te er sanded of Tg te gener het lle And al hat wos Ione item herby. dak nt sks Sas tnd wa That all jr wae roucuu Yorgi ngs. ° ut, You're all use wating. (Bangs on thle) ouiceaas. You've been drinking too much brandy, (Checks rifle) ‘There. Now it's loaded. Set your mind at rest. The police are here to enforce respect for the law, to maintain order and protect the individual. They know their dur. Ifthe faintest suspicion ofa threat to you aie, ‘wheresoever it arses, from whatsoever source, the police ‘wil step in, Me I, you ean rely upon it st (soft). Then how do you explain that gold tooth in your mouth, Inspector? voucenan. What? nt, A gleaming new gold tooth POLICEMAN, Are You crazy? (At this point Il perceives the guncbrel is now dicated at Iriself, and his hands go slowly up.) TTve no time to argue over your ravings, man, I've got to go. That screwy millionaiess has lost her litle lap- deg, The Wack pane, Now T ave to hut i (Gees toward back of tage and off) nu I+ me you're hunting down, me. (Clare Zachanasian i reading a letter.) cuamE zActianassiax, He's coming, my drest-designer's ‘coming. My fifth husband, my bestlooking man. He sil creates all my wedéing-gowns. Roby, a minvet (Guitar plays a minut) susnan vat, But yous fifth was a surgeon. ‘came zacuanassian. My sixth, (Opens another leer.) From the Boss of Western Railways. smusnan var (astonished). I've not heard ofthat one at ll st ‘cuame zacuanassiax, My fourth, Impovershed. His shares belong to me. I seduced him in Buckingham Palace. nusnano vat. But that was Lord shmae. ‘CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN, So it was. You're right, Hoby. T forgot all about him and is casl in Yorkshire. Then this letter must be from my second. Met him in Cairo. We ised beneath the Sphinx. A most impressive evening. (Scenechange, right. The legend ‘Tou Hall descends. Man Thee enters, caries off shop-tll and shifts couster into position as desk. Mayor entert, Pus revoloer on table sits, I eters, lef. A consnton-pln is afced to wall) ‘ux. Twant 10 tlk t0 you, Mister Mayor. suavon, Take a at 1, Ar man to man, As your successor. savor. By all means (Ul etaye standing, watches revlver) Mas Zachanasian’s panther has escaped. It's climbing around in the Cathedeal, So it’s best to be armed. Sure. avo I've called up all men owning weapons. We're not letting the children go to school. sus (aspicioul). Somewhat drastic measures. avon. Its big game bunting. (Enter Butler) urs, The World Bank President, Madam. Just flown in from New York. ‘cunins ZacHANASSIAN. I'm not at home, Tell him to ly away sagtin ‘avon. What's on your mind? Go on, fel free, unburden yourself tut (opiiousl). Thats a fine brand you're smoking there, avon. A Pegasus. Virginia. ES us, Pretty expensive avon, Well worth the money. su. Your Worship ured to smoke another brand, avon, Sslor's Mats, 1. Cheaper. Maron. Fat too strong. m1. New ter savor. Silk, 11, And [suppose you bought a par of shoes? savor. Ihad some made in Kalberstadt, That's funny, how did you know? a1. That's why I've come to see you. avon. Whatever's the matter with you You look pale. ‘Are you sick? ux. I'm seared. uavon. Seated? nt Living standards ate going wp, savor, That's real news to me. Fd be glad if they were. ‘1, I demand official protection. savor. Eh! Whatever for! ‘UL. Your Worship knows very well what for avor. Don't you trust ust nL There's 2 millon on my head, auavor. Apply to the police. ru. I've been to the police. avon. And that resrured you. ‘ut, When the Police Inspector opened his mouth, [saw a gleaming new gold tooth mayor. You're forgeting you're in Guelle. A city of Humanist cradtions. Goethe spent a night here. Brabms ‘composed a quartet here. We owe allegiance to our lofty heritage. (Man ‘Tre enters, lef, carrying typewriter) ‘ua. The nevr typewriter, Mister Mayor. A Remington. 33 avon. It's to goin the office. (én exits, ght) ‘We've not deserved your ingratitude. If you're unable to place any trust in our community I regret it for your sake. I didn'e expect such a nihilistic attitude from you. ‘Afterall, we live under the rule of law. 1, Then arrest chat woman. ‘avon. Peculiar. Highly peculis 1k, The Police Inspector suid that too. avon. God knows, the lady isn’t acting so unreasonably. You did bribe two kids to commit perjury and fing a ‘young girl into th lower depths. st, None the less there were quite a few millions down it those lower depths, Mister Mayor. (Silene) tuavor. Let me say afew frank words t0 you. nt Twish you would. nuavor. As man to man, the way you wanted. You haven't ‘any moral right to demand the arrest of that lady, and furthermore there's no question of your becoming Mayor. Tm extremely sorry to have to tell you. st, Officially? avon. I's an all-pay disective nr Tunderstand. (Crowes sooty to wind ares out.) ‘avon. The fact that we condemn the ladys proposal does ‘not mean we condone the crime which led to that pro- poral. The post of Mayor requires certain guarantees of (good moral character which you can no longer furnish, ‘You muse realize that. We shall continue of course to show you the same friendship and regard as ever. That goes without saying. (Reby and Toby enter, left with more wreaths end fiowers, se lf turns back on Mayor and cross the stage and disappear into the Golden Apostle) ‘The best ching isto pass over the whole afr in silence, T've also requested the loeal paper not to let any of i get into print. (Ut ns) tus, They've already begun adorning my coffin, Mister Mayor. For me, silence is too dangerous. avon. But my dear Il, whatsmakes you think stat You ‘ought tobe thankful we're spreading a cloak af forgeful- ness over the whole nasty busines tt. You've already condemned me to death. ‘uavon. Me Il! ‘ux, That plan proves it! It proves you have! cams zacuaxasian, Ona ill be coming. The Prince andthe Prine Ags, veomaprm. Al Cait sicuasi, All dhe Rivera crowd osnano vn, Report Cana zacuanassian. From all over the world, The res alae ated when T get marie. They need me, and reed hem, (Opens nthe ltr) From Count Hall sssan vi. Hop this ue fin reise ogi, Must, fo cely spend i reading eter ffom your former Eitan cata zactasasi. Ihave to kop them under obirva- sna vn Taye problems too, (ie vo he fet are down tt ton) cua zactacasian, Something wrong with you Porcher ‘sna vn, Sal town lke ths get ne dow, {know the Times's ring the bd te snging. the fumes 38 plahing, but they were ll doing all cht halfan hour ago. ‘And nothing clic is happening at all, either tothe land seape or to the people, i's alla picture of deep, eateiee peace and contentment and cosy comfort. No grandeur, no tragedy. Not a trace of the spiritual dedication of great age (Ewer Pret lf, with a rifle sling round his shoulder. (Over the table formerly scuped by Policeman he spreads @ white clok marked with a Black cross. Lean rifle gaint wall of hotel, Sexton helps hie on with souane. Darkness) ‘ausst. Come in, Il, come into the sacristy. (Ul eomes in, left) Ws dak in her, dark but cool. ax, I don’t wane to bother you, Father. ‘anis. The doors ofthe Church are open to all. (Pereives thar I's gaze has sted on the rifle) Don't be surprised at this weapon. Mrs Zachanassan’s black panther ison the prowl Ie’ just been up in the choirloft, Now it's in Petersens’ Barn sus. Inced help, rust, What kind of helpt sux. I'm scared, aust, Scared? Of whomt sx, People naz. That the people wil kill you, ly mt. They're huncing me as if [were a wild animal. ‘ust, You should fear not people, but God not death inthe body, but in the soul. Sexton, burton the back of my (The citizens of Guellen materialize round the entire periphery of the seg; Policeman fist, then Mayor, the four ‘men, Painter, Scholmaster, om pata, rifles at the ready, raking round) 6 — sue My ies at stike rust, Your ermal if {ut There's arise in the standard of living. rns, I's the spectre of your conscience rising. 11. The people are happy. The young gil are decking them- selves out. The boys have put on bight shins, The town’s teting eady to celebrate my mutder, and fm dying of rust, All they're doing is afieming life tha’ all theyre doing, afieming life. su. Wee Hell ‘ast, You are your own Hell, You are older than Tam and you think you know people, but in the end one only onows oneal. Beease you once betrayed a young git for money, many years ag0, do you believe the people will betray you now for money? You impute your own nature to other. All too natorlly. The case of our fear nd our sn isin our wn hears, Once you haveacknow- Tedged tht, you will have eonquered your torment and acquired a weapon whereby 0 maser it nut. The Siemethofes have acquired a washing-machine, ‘usr, Dont let that eouble you. nL On ced. ‘must, You should rather be troubled by your soul's immor- tay. aus And the Stockers, television se. sist, Pray to God. Sexton, my bands. (Sexton postions bands round Priest) Examine your conscience. Go the way of repentance, of the world will light the Gres of your teror again and ain Iris the only way. No other way is open fo ws (Silence, Men and rifles disappear. Shadows rod vim of stage, Fre bel begins caging) Now I muse dickarge my ole, tl, I have 2 baptism 37 ‘The Bible, Seaton, the Liturgy, the Book of Psalms. ‘When lite children begin to ery they must be led 10 sf io te only ay of ght wich amine he (A second bell begins sound) au Asecond bell rust. Heat itt Splendid tone, Rich and power, Jos ‘ffrming le pone J 1 (ees ot). You to, Father! You too! (Pret ings hme on Tl, ings to him.) sams, Fe! We all we, Weve and enver ce! The Guclen bel ate cling, tolling for weachery. Fee! Lead ws not nto templtion ith your presence (Tey re fod Hin Yo gn, Dri hel de him) Belt!” cams zncuasasan, Baby. Thee shooting, ots Ye adam he born. The black pater xpd, Madam, Cuan races Di hey hit him orn HC ded Maa, aid ou in fot of hop. cua zacunvassan, Poor lle animal. Roby, pay funeral march, came (Eaneral march on guitar, Balony disappers. Bell rings, ‘Stage set as for opening of Act One, The station. On wal, however, i a new, snior timetable and, stuck al’nost anywhere, a reat poster depiing bilan yellow su, with ‘the legend “Travel Soul’. Further along some wall, another, with the legend ‘Vist the Passion Plays in Oberammergan, Amidst buildings in bceground, afew cranes anda few new rof-ops. Thunderous pounding din of expres rin ashing 8 through. Staton-master standing on station salutes I toners fom background, oe ard huching te, ol sit aay okt arund. Asif by chance, citzes of Guelln tome gradually cling inom hin fom all sides Il moves Iestaty, ops) avon Hl, ‘AU. Hallo! Hallo! ‘ur (esto). Hall. fcutoouastan. Where are you of with that suieaset ‘aL. Where ate you off 02 tke To the ston. avon, Well take you there. ‘at, Weill take you there! We'll take you there! (ore Gucllenrs hep arving) aut You don't need to, you relly don‘ k's not worth the trouble. avon. Going aay, le uu T'm going away. roucmuan. Where ae you going? ‘a1 dont know. Fit to Kalberstadt, then bit frter to — Senoounasrin Ak! Then a bit farther? nn To Australis, preferably. Il get the money somehow or other (Walks on wards sation) aut. To Austalia! To Austali daavon. But why? 1 (eal. You ca’ vein the same place forever ~ year fn, year ou. ‘Begins ring, reaches sation. The others amble over in Iitwake, sound hin) savor, Emigrating to Australia, But thas ridiculous Docron. The mort dangerous thing you could do. SeuootuasTan One of those two lle eunuchs emigrated ‘Bosra, 9 POLICEMAN. This isthe safer place for you. ALL The safest place, the safest place. (Ul peers farily round ike «cornered animal) x, wrote to the Chief Constable in Kafigen, voucenan. And? st, No answer. scoonuasren, Why ate you so suspicious Ie’ incompre- hensble, savor. No one wants to ill you, ‘att, No one, no one. a1, The Post Office didn't send the letter anxren. Impose, ausror. The Postmaster is a member of the Town Council seuootmastan. An honourable man. ‘ALL. An honourable man! An honourable man! ‘us. Look at this poster: “Travel South’ pocros. What about ite na. ‘Visie che Passion Phys in Oberammergau’. sciooumasren. What about iv? na. They’te building! savor, What about itt tux, And you're all wearing new trouser ‘MAN ox, What about itr x, You'e all geting richer, you all own more! ‘ALL, What abou ite (Bell rings) scuooLuasren. But you must see how fond we ate of you. 2uavor. The whole town's brought you to the station ‘ALL The whole town! The whole town! x Ididn'e ask you to come. wan Two, We're surely allowed to come and say goodbye to you. savor. As old fiends, ‘at, As old friends! As old fiends! 6 (oie of tin. Stations ces up flag. Guard appears Ie as afer jumping dows fom tan) van (with lng-draim wi). Guelen! savor, Here's your tn. ‘au, Your train! Your tin! avon. Well, have an enjoyable tip, I ‘at. An enjoyable tip, an enjoyable trip! pocron. And ong lite and prosperity eo you! ‘tt. Long life and prosperity! (The zens of Guellen flock round IL) savor, I's time, Get on the Kalbertade train, and God be with you. roucaMaN. And good luck in Australia! ‘Att. Good luck, good luck! (Ul stands moconles string ot his compatriot) sa (i). Why ae you all herer roucanax, Now what do you want? stanion-aasten. Take your seas please! st. Why ate you al erowding mer uavon. We're not crowding you a all. sm Let me pas. scttootuastes. But we're leting you pass. ‘AL, We'r leting you pas, we'te ling you pass tux, Someone'l sop me. rotteasax. Nonserse All you need do is get onthe tain, and yout sets nonsense. a Get out of the way. (No oe moves. Several stand where they ore, hands in pockets, and tare at his) tuavor. I don’t know what you're tying todo. I's upto you ‘0 go. Just get onthe tan, 1, Get out of the way! scuioounasrsx. I's simply ridiculous of you to be afad. (i fils on knees) 6 1, Why have you all come so close to me! rouceuan, The man’s gone mad. sx, You want to stop me going. savor. Go on! Get on the tain! ‘ALL, Get on the train! Get on the tain! (Silence) 11 (sft) IF get om the train one of you will hold me back, ‘AL (emphatially)- No we won't! No we won't! ux, Tknow you will Pouicenan. Is neatly time, scuoonuasren, My dear man, will you please get on the ni, I know, I know, Someone will hold me back, someone will hold me back. sramion-mastan, Stand clear! (Waves gren lg, blows while. Guard axsames position 0 jump om train as Il, surrounded by the ctizens of Guelen, Tis head inhi honds, ella ouicenan. Look! He's collapsed! (Leaving It crumpled in collapse, all walk slowly towards bck af ae and arper) ACT THREE Paterens' Bars, Claire Zachonassian seated, lef immalile in sedan-cair, clad in white wedding-goun, vel, e. Further lef, a lad. Fre ack, ya, oof hanson-cb, saw, Cote, mal cack. Rags and moulerng tacks hag fom Beans. Enrous ‘usp pier webs. Ener Butler from bck sovum, The Doctor and the Schoolmaster. uarme zacraassan. Show them in (Enter Doctor and Schoolmate, groping through the gloom. When atlas they locate the milonaires, they bow. Both are dad in good. sid, very nearly fashionable bourgeois dothes) pocton/scitootmastex, Madam. (Cire Zachanasin raises loge, inspects them) ceuame zacnanassian. You appear to’ be covered in dust, gendemen. (Both rub away dust with hands) scntootsasrax. Excuse us. We had to climb in over an old Ihansom-cab ‘ATE ZACHANASSIAN, I've retired to Petersens' Barn. Inced peice and quiet. found the wedding in Guellen Cathedral A tin, nota dewy young maiden any more. Youean sit on that esk. scuoowasren. Thank you. (He sits omit. Doctor remains standing) cuamm zacnanassian. Prery hot here. Suffocating, Vd say. ‘Sul, Tove this bar, andthe smell of hay and sraw and anleegresse, Memoris. The dung-fork. The hansom-ca. ‘That busted hay-cart, and al the other implements. They were here when Iwas a child. senoounastan. A suggestive spot (Mops away sweat) cxauns zacuanassian. An uplifing sermon by the Priest. 6 scarootnasran Fist Corinthians, thirteen, Ceara zacnasassan, And avery sou perfomance on your Pe, Profewor, with the mined cho Ir sounded grand. sctooristen. Bach From the Saint Mathew Pasion. My head stl spinning with cl, The place was packed with High Society, ancien, Fl Stat. ‘xara zacranassa, Socty went whizzing back to the Capital in its Caines For the wedding break. scasootuasten, My dear lady we dont with to ake up more of your recs time than neceany. Your husband wll te growing impete. xan zaciusussin. Hoby? Tye sent him back to Ges tig in is Porsche octon (ager), To Geielptigr crams acts. My Iswyets ave already fled che divore. scoroornasres, But Madam, she wedding gues! ‘inms zacrawAssan, They’ ied to fe Tes my second thortest mariage. Only the one with Lord Ishmael was 8 trifle quicker, What brings you here scuoonasten. We've come to dacs hel afi cuam zactanassaO, has he dds Scoouustm. Madan! We're sill loyal to our Wen ini cates 2actanhsste. Then what do you want scrootxasten. The Gucleners have mot, mos regetbly cquired a number of new posession octon. A considerable number (Goth mop off set) cxama zactanassn. In debe scuooaste. Hopeealy. Cams 2nctanassta. In ite of your principles scnoouuastan Were only Bocron. And nov we mutt pay ovr dsb, 6 xan zacteasassi. You nove what you have to do, Scuoouastn bee). Madam Zachanasan Lets be fank ‘with each other. Put youre in our melancholy positon, For two decades, I have been sowing the Humans tender seeds in thi poverty-stricken popaton, and our doctor to0 for wo. decades has been teundling around crng i vices and consumprion in his anteduvian Mercedes. Why such agony of sctifice For the money? Hardly. Out fe i minimal. Frteemore I recived and fly ejected an offer from Kalbertadt College, jst at the doctor here tumed down a chr in Eelangen Univer- Sy. Out of pre love for our fllow-beingst No, no, that would also be saying too mich, No. We, and this entre lide township with ws, have hung on all these endless yeass because of a single hope: the hope thae Guelen ‘would ss agsn, in alli ancient grandeur, and che untold ‘wealth in our native sil be once again exploited. Oil wating under Pickensied Valley, and under Koncad’s Village Wood thete are minerals forthe mining, Madam, wweatenot poor: we ate merely forgoten, Weneed credit, confidence, contacts, then ove economy and cle wil boom. Guellen has mach to ofe: the Foundry on Sun shine Square. ppocron. Bockman’: scuoouasten The: Wagner Factory. Buy them, Revive them. And Guellen will boom. Invest 2 few hundred thousand, caeflly, systematically. They'l produce good return. Don simply squander a milion! cuatee 2ncmanassian, Fe two eters scuoounsrin. Don't condemn ws to hflong struggle in ‘ain, We haven’ come begging fr alin. We've come to make a busines proposition cua zacuawassian. Really. As business goes, ie woulda’ be bad 2 6s scnoouuastas. My dear lady! Uknew you woulda’t leave us in the lurch, uate zacuanassian. Only it can’t be done, I can't buy ‘Sanshine Square, because Town it already. scuootuasten. You own itt poctos. And Bockmann's? scuoouuasren, The Wagner Factory? ‘ciate zacHANASSIAN. Lown those too. And all che factories, Pckenried Valley, Petersens’ Barn, the entie township street by street and house by house, Thad my agents buy the whole ramshackle lot and shut every business down, ‘Your hopes were lunacy, your perseverance pointless, and ‘your self-sacrifice foolish; your lives have been a useless (Silence) pocron. What 3 monstrous thing, ‘tans zacnaNassinn. It was winter, long ago, when I eft this little town, in a schoolgelssilor suit and long red phits, pregnant with only a short while to go, and the townsfolk sniggering at me. Isa in the Hamburg Express and shivered; but as I watched the silhouette of Petersens? ‘Barn sinking away on the other sde ofthe frst-flowers, swore a vow to myself I would come back again, one day. I've come back now. Now it’s me imposing the conditions. Me driving the bargain. (Cells) Roby and Toby, tothe Golden Apostle, Husband number nine’s on the way with his books and manuscript. (The two gions emerge from background lift san-chir) scloomasren, Madam Zachanassian! You're a woman whose love has been wounded. You make me think of a Iheroine fom antiquity: of Medea, We feel for you, deeply; we understand; but because we do, we are inspired to prove you further: cast away those evil thoughts of revenge, don’t try ut sil we break 6 Hap thaw poor weak yet worthy people Ind a fight move pnd HE. Let your feting for many sera cates sacnanasn, Fong for bamanity,gthne, is ct forthe purse ofan ordary lon wth ancl Source Me ine you cn rd ne woe ode The world tuned me ito whor sal me word ino «roel I you en fk ot when you wane © dlocs, you kav put off ening. You wane dane They’ teme ue ciple who pays And Tm poying Garin fr ade a om fu dy Come Ont pric of you off we go! (She hme oy bekrund) bocron My God What al We dor orootaagh, The dni of ox conicn, Decor Neal (Us sh appears in oregrovnd, right. New sgn. Glitering ew shopountr, new tl cout stock. Whenever anyone centers the isaginary door a bell rings, magaifiently. Behind hop-counter, Mrs Ill. Enter, If, Man One — thriving butcher. Seared blosdtains om hit new eprom) saw ona, That was a ceremony. The whole of Guellen was ‘on Cathedral Square watching it suns rt. Clarie deserves a lie happiness, afterall she's been through. ‘MAN ow. Every bridesmaid was a film stalet, With breasts Tike this. uns 1s. They'ee in fishion today. ‘an one, And newspapermen. They'l be coming here too. vas 11, We're simple people, Me Hofbauer. They won't ‘want anything from vs, at va They pomp everybody Cig, o ‘Maw ow. Camels. And a bottle of asprins. Went to a party at Stocker’ las night. sans, On account? sax on, On account das 11, How's businesst saw ons. Keeps me going, duns tt, Me too. Cant grumble, Maw o¥, ve got more staff tans tk, T'm gectng someone on the fist. (iiss Louse walks across stage in sys tes) ‘Man Ont, She's go her head full of deeams dresing up like that, She must imagine we'd murder Il. duns 1 Shameless. ‘man ox, Whereis he, by the way? Haven't seen im for quite a while. vans 1x. Ups (an One lighescigaree, cocks er toward citing) aw OnE. Footsteps. ‘uws mx. Always walking around in his room, Has been for days, ‘wan on, It's his bad conscience. Nasty trick he played on poor Madam Zachanasan. sexs 1's upset me tered too. Max ont. Getting a young girl in trouble. Rotten bastard, (Speaks with decision) Ms il, hope your husband won't bisbber when the jouraliss come, vans a. No really. maw ov. What with his character, uns mi, Thave a hard time oft, Mr Hofbauer. saan ove. Ife tres showing up Clara and tling lis, lim= ing she offered something for his death, oF some such story, when i was only a figure of speech for unspeakable suffering, then we'll have to step in. Not because of the rilion. (He pts) But because of public indignation. God o act range mows he's slceady put that sweet Madam Zachansian through enough. (He loke rund) I that away up tothe apartments suns i, Is the only way up. Most inconvenient. But we're having another one bein the spring saw ont, I'd ete just plant myself here. You cant be too (fan One plats himself there, very upright sane, arms lie, quietly, lke a wore. Enter Schooner) senoouassaa. Ut suas ont. Upstairs Sesioouatasin. Ie relly i’ like me, but need some kind of strong, alcoholic beverage tuna nz How nice of you to come and se ws, Profesor. ‘We've new Stiahige in. Would you like to try ie scxoowuasten A smal gs. uss 1. You to, Me Hofer? ‘uax ons. No thanks. Sil have to dive my Volkswagen into Kafgen. There's pork to buy. (les pours a gl Schoslmater drinks) suns i But you're trembling, Profesor, Scitootuasran. I've been over-drinking ately. sms 2. One more won't harm, Senootnastsn. stat him walking about? (Corks et towards cling) duxs 1. Up an dove al the time, daw ont. God will panish him, (Ener, lf, Painter with pcre underarm. New ede, colour neckerchief Back beret) sanctin, Watch out. Two reporters asked me about this shop. sua ont. Suspicious aerated ignorant dua ont, Clever raawran, For you, Mav Fresh ff the ease 1s sll np. (Glib pie. Scoolnaster pours Kinself ech sk) sag fs ny husband Dove.’ beginning to boom in Gullen, Rows dat for raining, chr sets Al Hes, bance. Ol, Las for eve. taste We could hang i inthe bedroom. Over dhe bed ‘Alfet be old one day. And you never know What might happen, ix comtore to havea souvent (The te women ftom det Te, psig by usp eed Canine tests iniginary sop-eindow. Bak deen ror airy op i” sua ont Look at thote women, Going to the fils in broad Saylighe ‘The way they Echve, You'd shin we were sheet micderel sas Expensive ance Ty poands, tnt nt Tea ay ow rove, Doe ate wit, Mil be happy to scuoounasre. Tote fous, thos foostep alte time, (Ener Man Tw, lef) sna 390. The Pres. tas one Al crete. if or dah rr. Watch os be dova come down: teas ont That taken car of (The Gulls gather vo right. Selmar avng naw hank half the bt rina tending et comter Ente Repro cain comes) sr avon, ‘Eening, ll cintanan. How do you do. p rust ssronret, Question one: How do you al fel, om the wholee ‘aan own (weal). We're very happy of couree about Madam Zachanasian's vit. ranean. Moved. ax rWwo. Proud. rast nsvoxren, Proud. second naonren. Question two for the lady behind the counter: the story goes, you were the lucky woman instead of Madam Zachanasian. (Silene. Guellenere manifely shocked) ‘uss 11. Where did you gee tht story? (Silene. Both Reporters write impassvely in notebooks) vast neroxrin, Madam Zachanasian’s ewo fat Dlind lee ‘mannikins (Silene) suns nu (hesitant). What did the mannikins tell your secon navonrEa. Everything. ‘pansran, Godda. (Silene) sucon anpoxras. Forty yeas ago Claire Zachanassan andthe proprietor of this shop nearly married. Right? ans ws. Thats right ‘econo aeronren. Is Me Il heret suns tu, He's in Kalberstade ‘att, He's in Kalberstade rast naronras. We can imagine the Ro-mance. Me ill and hire Zachanassian grow up together, maybe they're next-door kids, they go to school together, go for walks in the wood, share the first kiss, they're like brother and sister, and 50 it goes on till Mr ll meets you, lady, and. ‘you're the new woman, his mystery, his pasion. suas nt. Passion. Yes, that’s how it happened, just the way ‘you sid. a rst nronren, Foxy, foxy, Mrs lL Clie Zackanasian ‘gps the situation, in her quiet, noble fshion she re~ shounces her claims, and you marry . uns 1. For love. Gustumeens (on whom light dawns). For love. wast asroxten. For love. (Enter, righ, Roby leading the pair of eamuchs bythe ear) sue ran veiling). We won't tll any more stories, we won't tell any more stories, (They are dragged towards back of sege, where Tol avsits the with whip) stcox narorrer. About your husband, Mes I, doesn’ he row and then, I mean, i'd be only human for him, now and then, co fel afew regret. tuxs Lt. Money alone makes no one happy. ‘secoND neronTEn (iting). No one happy. ‘masr asronren. That's truth we inthis modem world ought to writeup in the sky of our heat. Enter Son, ef wearing suede jacket) naxs 11. Our son Karl. mast assonran. Splendid youngster SECOND naPORTER Is he inthe know about the relationship duxs 11, There ae no secrets in our family. What we always s2y is, anything God knows our children ough to knov. secon asvonren (wrt). Children oughe to know. (Daugher walks ito shop, wearing tnniougit, crying tennis-ackes) uns 1k. Our daughter Oxi sEconD nsronrsn, Charming, (Schoolmaster now ells up comrege) scrioousastea, Guellners. I'm your old schoolmaster. I've ‘been quietly drinking my Steinhiger and keeping my thoughts to-myself But now I wane ro make a speech [want to talk about the old lady's visit to Guellen. 2 (Scramble on tothe lite cas leftover fromthe scone in Peterseas’ Bam) sax ons. Have you gone made ax 190. Stop him! senootmasten, Guelleers! I want to reveal the truth, even if ‘our poverty endure forever! vuas ni. You're drunk, Professor, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! scHooumastan. Ashamed? You're the one to be ashamed, ‘woman! You're paving your way to betray your own husband! son. Shut your trp! Mas one. Drag him down! Man 100, Kick him out! scuoouastan, You've nearly contrived your doom! aveura (supplicating), Please, Profesor! scutoouasran. Child, you disppoint me. Te was up to you to speak out, and now your old schoolmaster must unleash the voice of thunder! (Paice beaks painting over his head) anni. There! You'll sabotage all my commissions! scoomasrin. I protest! I wish to make a public appeal to ‘world opinion! Guellen is planning a monstrous deed! (he Guelleners lh themselves a hima, simultaneously, fn an ofdtaterdemalion su, I eters, right) sa Just what is going on here, in my shop! (The Guellenere fallback fom Schoolwasert store at Il shocked. Deathly silence) Profesor! What are you up to on that cask! (Sehaolmazer beams a I in hapy relief) seuootmasten, The truth, Hl Ym telling the gentlemen of the Pres the ruth, Like an archangel I'm telling them, in forceful ringing tones. (Wavers) Because I'm 2 humanist, a lover of the ancient Gretks, an admirer of Plato. 2 ut, Hold your peace. scrioousasten. Ehe s. Get down. scuootsasten, But humanitaianism — 1 Sie down, (Silence) scuootasten (wbeed). Humanitarianism has to st down, By al mens yute going v2 betay tah ot (Steps down fom cs, sts ont, peure sill rund his neck) nu, Bxcue thi. The man’s drunk. rust amonrmn. Me Ile sui, What is itt reas naronrin. We're very glad we finally got to mect you. ‘We necd a few pictures, May wer (Clowes roud) Groceries, household wares, ironmongery — I've got it: well ake you sling an axe. ux (besitat). An axe? ‘must naronren. To the butcher. You gota have Realism fora ‘punch, Give me that homicidal weapon here. Your client takes the axe, weighs i in his hand, he pus an appraising expression on his fae, while you lean across the counter, you're discussing i with him. OK, let's go. (He aranges the shot) More natural, folks, more relaxed. (Reporters click their cameras) ‘Thad’ fine, jus ine. secon nerowren, Now if you don’t mind please, one arm round your good wife's shoulders. Son on the left daughter on the right. That's fine. O.K., now, you're ‘aiane ith happines, please, just brimming over with it, radian, radiant and contented deep down inside, quicdy, happily radiant. nase nuvonren, Great, great, that sure was radiant ” (Seo Photographs cme raming in, dsege li {rs the board and go ming nt, stg. On pao rope bul into shop ~) rmoroctanm, Zachanassans gota new one. They're taking 2 walkin Konrad’s Vilage Wood, rghe now. sacon aaroetm, Anew cnet tisr aorta, Thats good fora cover on Life magazing. (The tw Reporters ae et of shop Silene, Man One i lefts ppg exe) se ome as icc tatnoan Forgive w, Profesor. If we still opto see this afr aml, weve got to exclde che Pres, Agreedt (Enis filled by Mon Two. But png I, Man Two pee) van fro, man, Vry smart you dda shoot your mouth No one would belive a word a butad ike you std anyway. (Ext! Men Two) suas ov. Well be inthe iltraeds, mY. dua ont. Well be famous fi. bn smnnerofspeling van ona, A Cocons ms Carey nai one, On account, rut Of coure. Ai on, Le’ face it: what you dd to ite Cla ware vom ks (Gein go) sat Hofbauer. Fhe ae. (Man One hess then res ef. ile inp. Scholmaster is sil sing om hs ea) sewoomusten 1 apaogie, Foe been tying the icing, ‘Mast have had two or tree 5 sb Kell right (Che foily coset right, and exit) seuootuasren. I wanted to help you. But they shouted me down, and you didn’t want my help either. (Disengages Fine fom pice) Ab, I, What kind of people are we. ‘That infamous milion is burning up our heart Pall ‘yourself together, fight for your lie. Enlist the sympathy ‘of che Pres. You haven't any more time to lose, ut, Tm not fighting any more. sctiootasten (amazed). Tell me, has fear driven you com- pletely out of your sensest ut. I've realized Uhaven'e the leat right on my side. sctlootasten, No right? No right compared ro cha damned, ‘old woman, that brazen atch-whore changing husbands while we watch, and making a collection of our soulse sx That's all my fault, relly. scnooumasran. Your fasler nur Trade Clara what she i and I made myself what Tam, failing shopkeeper with a bad name. What shall T do, Schoolmaster? Play innocent! Ie’ all my own work, the Ennuchs, the Butler, he cofin, the million, I can't help myself and I can’t help any of you, any more (Takes up tor painting end examines i) My potest. senooumasrin. Your wife wanted to hang it in your bed room. Over he bed. nt, Kuhn will paint another, (Lays petre down om counter. Schlatter stands with on for, says) seitooLwasten, I'm sober. All at once, (Ue rel ecroze IIL) You are right, Absolutely, I's all your fault. And now I ‘want to tll you something, Alfed Il, something fund mental 6 (Sten facing Ml, eff ax a ranod and hardly swaying all) ‘They wil kill you. 've known it from the beginning, and you've known i too for long time, even ifno one else in Guellen wants to admivit. The temptation is too grearand ‘ur poverty is too wretched, But T now something else shall take pat ini, ean feel myself lowly becoming 3 smurderer, My fith in humanity is powerless to stop i. ‘And because [know all this, have also become a sot. I too am scared, Il, just as you have been scared. And ‘nally Iknovr that one day an old lady will come for ws ‘too, and then what happened to-you will also happen tous, ‘but soon, perhaps in a few hours, I shall have lost chat knowledge. (Silene) Another botle of Stinkiger (I ges him a botie, Schoolmasterhestaes, then firmly takes and cues bt) uti on my account. (Walks slowly ou. "The faily ret, I Toke rod at his shop aif dean.) ut. Its all new. Our place looks #9 modem nowadays ‘Clean, Inviting. I've always dreamed of having a shop like this (Taker Daughter's tennis-racet fom her hand) D’you play tense pavcsren, I've had a couple of lessons. ux, Early mornings, eh Instead of going to the Labour Exchange? paucirsn, All my frends play tennis (Silene) 1 Iwas looking out of my bedroom window, Karl, and 1 saw you in an automobile, sow. Ids only an Opel, chey arent so expensive. UL, When did you les to driver (Silene) ” Inwead oflooking for work on the railroad in the Blazing sn, eht son. Sometimes (Son, embarassed, crosses to cas on which the drunk has ber siting, shoves it right and ont) tut, Iwas looking for my Sunday suit, I found a fur coat hanging beside i. uns nt. e's on approval (Silene) Everyone's making debss, Freddy. You're the only one throwing fis of hysterics, 1's simply ridiculous of you to be sewed: 1 a0 obvious the things going to be sted pesceflly, without anyone harming a har of your head, CClarie won't go the whole way, I know her, shes too good hearted aveuren. Of cour, father. so. Surely you realize that. (Silence) ss (slowly), e's Saturday. Kar, Yd like to go for 2 drive in ‘your 3utomobile, just once. In eur automobile oN (acetal). You'd like thate tt, Put on your best clothes. We'll all go for a drive together. ‘Mis 11. (aeetany). Am T to go with your But surely that ‘woulda’t do, ux. And why wouldn't it dor Go and put on your fur cost, thi be an opportunity to christen it I'l be scing tothe ‘il in the meantime. (Exit Motte and Daughter, right. Bt So, eft Il buses aise a al, Ester, lef, Mayer carrying rf.) ‘unvon. Good evening, Il Don’t let me trouble you, just have a quick look round. ut, By all means, (Silene) tuayor. Brought you a gun. 2s wut Thanks, avon. I's loaded. sat T don't need ie (Mayor leas gun aginst counter) avon. There's a public meeting this evening In the Golden Apostle Tn the auditorium. nut Tbe there, avon, Everyone'l be there! We're dealing with your case ‘We're under a cersin amount of pressure sux, That's what I feel, Duavor. The motion will be eejected, su Possibly, stron. People make mistakes, of course. uz. Of course (Silene) aor (cutout). In soc a ease, I, would you then submit to the judgment Since the Press willbe present ut, The Pres? Mavox. And the Radio, And the Television and News-rel cameras, Very ticklish situation. Not only for you. For us too, believe you me. We've famous as the old lady's native town, and aso because of her marriage in the Cathedral here. So now they're going to run a commen tary on our ancient democratic institutions Ait buss himself ill) ‘ut Are you making public knowledge ofthe lady's ofr? ‘uaon, Not ditecly, Only the initiated will gasp the full ‘meaning ofthe procedure sus, The fact chat ny ife sat take, (Silence) suavon, I've lea few hin leak out co the Press that Madam Zachanasian may — there's usa posibiiy she may make am endowment and that you, tl as he childhood fiend, will have negotiated chat endowmnent. Ofcourse i’ well ~ known by now that you in face were her childhood frend, "This means that s0 far as appearances go, you'll have an ley clean record tut, That's kind of you. ‘Mayor, To be quite frank, I didn't do it for your sake. Iwas really thinking of your fine, upright, honest family a, Tee ‘uayor. You've got to admit we'te playing faie with you. Up to now, you've kept quiet. Good. But will you goon Feeping quiet? If you intend to talk, well have to settle the whole business without a public meeting. su Lunderstand. savor. Welle ru I'm glad to hear an open threat. savor. I'm not theestening you, Il, you're chreatening ws. Ifyou tlle, we'll ave tact accordingly. Fist. ut Til keep quiet. ‘Mavor, However the decision turns out at the meeting? Tl accept it ‘uavon. Good. (Silene) {'m glad you'l abide by che ruling of our community cout, I, You sill hve a certain glimmer of honour in {you, But wouldn't ie be beter if we didn't even have to fall on chat community court ro assembler vax, What ae you trying to say? ‘wavor, When I came in, you said you didn't need the gun, Bur now, pechaps, you do need it, (Gilere) ‘We might then tell the lady we had brought you t0 justice and that way, just the same, receive the money. ‘You can imagine the sleepless nights I've spent om that suggestion. But i it your dury, as a man of honour, to draw your own conclusions and make an end of your to lifer If only out of public sprit, and your love for your native town, You're well awate of our wretched priva~ tions, the mizery here, and the hungry children nn, You're all doing very well savor I! 1A, Mister Mayor! Thave been through a Hell I've watched ‘you all geting into debt, and I've felt death creeping ‘towards me, nearer and nearer with every sign of pros perty. Ifyou had spared me that anguish, thar gruesome terror, ¢ might all have been differen, this discusion right have been different, and T might have taken the gon. For all your sake. Instead, I shut myself in. I con gquered my fear. Alone. It was hard, and now it's done. “There ie no turing back, You must judge me, now. Ishall accept your judgment, whatever it may be. For me, it will be jastie; what it will befor you, Ido not know. God grant you find your judgment justified. You may Kall me, [will not complain and I wall not protest, nor svi I defend myself, Bur T cannot spare you the tsk of the trial. (Mayor takes bac gun.) savor. Pity, You're mising a chance to redeem yourself and, ‘bea more of less decent human being. Fmight have known it was t00 much to ask you. ut, Match, Mister Mayor. (Light cigar for Mayor. Exit Mayor Enter Mrs Ili fr coat, Daughter in red dress) ‘You look very distinguished, Matilda. sans itt Persian lamb. na. Like areal lady. dans Lt. Quite expensive ur, Pretty dress, Otic. Bu isn’s it a litdle bolde pavcsrsn. O silly Daddy. You should just take a peek at my evening dees. ' ar (Stop dapper, Son dives up in motorcar) aun Fine automobile: You know, tiled a Iftime to get a lide propery, 4 mite of eomfor, say for example an automobile like thi, and now, my cine's up, bat sll, Tike to know how it fel to be imide one of these, Maslda, gee in the back with me, you in the fron, Orie, next © Kae. (They get into matr-car) son. ll docighty. 1 Nove wnt oe abit een bio he town, Tve lived here neatly seventy yeas. They've cleaned up the old stece. Lot of reconstrvetion, already. Grey smoke, coming out ofthe chimneys Geranium there in the window-boxes, Sufowers The Goethe ‘Arch, they've plied rorr in the gardens. Don't the children look happy; and sweethearts ll ove the place Brahms Square, thas a new apartment Block, ans i. Theyre re-doing the Calé Hodel, Davcute, There goes the Doctor, in his Meredes 300. ALL, Look at the pai, and the light onthe hills beyond, all golden, today. Impressive, when you go ino the chadows nd then out agan into the light Those cranes on the horizon by the Wager Pactory look like pans; andthe Bockmann chimneys too son, Theyre staring up agin, he What's that 00 (lode. They're starting up again. (Hoots horn) sens Fanny le ex. Sos. Bubble-car: Meseschmie, Every kid inthe Technical College has one pavcies, Ces terrible, nas 11 Otiliés taking her Advanced in French and ‘German & ut Usfil Soin Syne The Fond. Long sine sine Te ben oot ee sox, Theyre going to build bigger one tt You ate to ak esa ped tox (ee), Theyte going to buld © bigs one. Stocker ‘aan, tho ee, Pang everybody ia ha Duik atta, Un nosvss tie. TRL Now drive though Pickenid Valley, Go pat dhe ‘Moot and own Poplar Bolear, round Prince H's unig Lodge, Clos cloudin they, bao her, rel surimerne cats, Ls aban coey in 208 tig fl Fm seg coday the Sit ne pavoinm, Another lke Tespon. zu Lie wit Jos uy Oui sndying Hert 0 Tell give be sang {ov Hofbauer nis Vollswagen CominghaceFom afin ava, With te po, Ws Kal diesels Very sat, dhe way he ut hat corm, You dnt fel ightened with hm son, Ft ges The onl’ geting ep. IRL always ied ogo out of breath walking up ere ost Ts glad brought my fr cost. geting gue ‘ily. su Youve cometh wrong way. This oad go to Been Bach Yul have co go tack sd he into Konrad’ Vilage Wood (Meera eves nbn Enter, cying wooden Wench nd wer eros no he our ites who dengue nec} ‘We're sanding in for tees again, Aspruce a fi, a beech, a pine, 8 We've bird and beast, we're timid deer, We're woodpeckers; ‘The cuckoos here Sing songs of bygone nights and dawns, ‘Outraged today by motor horas sow (loots hors). Another deet, That animal just won't get ‘off the road. (Man Thre jumps off the roed.) avon, They’ so trusting. The poaching’s stopped. 1 Stop under thee tcc. sow. Sure, aus 1, What do you want to dor x, Walk through the woods. (He gt ou.) The Guellen bells are ringing. ‘They sound so good ftom here. Time to stop work, sox. Four of them. Fist ime they sound like real bells, nt, Everything's yellow. The autumm’s really here. The Teaves on the ground are like layers of go (Ue trample amorgt leaves onthe ground) son. Welll vit for you down by Guellen Bridge. WL You needn't wait I shall walk through the wood into towm. To the public meeting sans nu. In cat case we'll rive see film. son, "Bye father. DAUGHTER, Aw revoir, paps. uns ILL, See you soon! See you soon! (Mororcar with fal ini disappears, returns in reverse, the family waving; II! watches them out of sight. Sis on wooden bench ef 10 Kalbertad, Freddy, and % ash of wind. EiterRoky and Toby igh beng sedan Chitin hich Chive Zahn, seated, west he tisomary tes. Raby cae gir sng ats ack. kon comes sing ede er ~ the Nebel Pize- hme tal slender, hat pppred grey, mown, (May So be played by sone oor eter husbnde) But binge op cunetetn,1sth Kona’ Vilage Wood Roby and Toby, op omen (Cla Zackoastondecends fom seach, ings eed dough ge nd soe ck of ln One) Barklbecdes Tho e's withering away. (Nii) Ale! How nice io soe you! Tm wsting my Weed su, Doss Konrad’ Vilage Word tong to you a well Caan zacnanasan, Yes ie doc May 1 dove beside reer su"By all means, Te jue sid goodbye to my fay “Theyve gon tothe Gera, Kat go Bimsl at su roe cam eacuanasa, ogres {Sis dn ese Il mgt) ut, Otlies aking» cours inert, French nd German sel cua sacnaasay, You they have developed sense sf ideas ater all Zoby, come and sake your bow. MY Sint band. Noel ri-wine nu. Very gh o mt you Gane zachavustn. Hes parcial intereing when he ops thishing, Sep tinking» momen, Zab. xvanan oe Bot Precious ‘haan zichanasean, No showing of. tonto ne Ohl gh (Sip sinking) 85 ‘uae zAcHANAssiaN. See Now he looks like diplomat. Reminds me of Count Holk, except that he couldn't write books. He wants to go into retirement, publish his ‘memoirs and manage my property. ‘Congratulations. int zacHanasstan. [feel uneasy about it. You only have Ihusbands for display purposes, they shouldn't be ueful, Zoby, go away and do some research, You'll ind the historical ruins on the lef. (Htubond 1x goes away to do some research, Il glances round) hat, What's happened to the two Eunuchst ‘CLAIRE zacuaNassian. They were getting garrulows, I had them shipped off to Hong Kong, Putin one of my opium dens. They can smoke and they can dream, The Butler will follow them soon. Ishan't be needing him either, any ‘more. Boby, a Romeo and Juliet. Car emerges fom bho pases hr © spate ‘Would you like one, Alfred: sux, Thank you. ‘CLAM ZACHANASSIAN. Here, then. Give usa light, Boby. (They smoke) sat, Smells good ‘exaiae ZACHANASSIAN. We offen smoked together in this ‘wood; do you remember? You wsed to buy the eigaretes from lle Masda, Or steal chem, (Ma One tape key om pipe) ‘That woodpecker again. sean FOUR. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! ‘cams zacuanassian. Would you like Roby to play for you ‘on his guitart 1, Please ‘uates zacuANAssiax, My amnested killer plays well I need 6 him for meditative moments. I hate gramophones. And radios ‘ut. There's an army marching in an Afvican valle. cuamun zacHaNassiax, Your favourite tong. T taught it to him, (Gilence. They smoke. Cuckoo cll, forest sound, ee. Roby plays ballad) nr, You had —I mean, we ad a child (CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN. True. sat, Was it a boy ora gel? ccaman 2acHANAsstan. A gil ut, And what name did you give ite (CLAIRE ZACHANASSTAN. Genevieve, st, Prety name. Ccuamne 2AcHANASSIAN. I only saw the thing once. At birth, "Then they took it away. The Salvation Army. nt, Byes! ‘cams zacuanassian, Not yet open. ua, Hair? ‘CLAM zacnaNasstaN, T think it had black hair, But chen ‘new-born babies often have black baie ut. Yes, they often do. (Silene, They smoke, Guiter plays) Where did it dier ccuame zacuanassian, With some people. I've forgotten ‘hele name, a1. What oft ‘CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN. Meningitis, Perhaps i was something lee, [did receive a card from the authorities, sua In cater of death you can rely on them, (Gilene.) ‘cuams zacranassia. I've talked about our litle girl. Now you tlk about me. nt. About your ” ‘cans zacuanasstan. The way Iwas, when I was seventeen, when you loved me. tt. Thad to look for you a long while once in Petersen” ‘Barn; [found you inthe old carsiage with nothing on but ‘a blouse and along straw between your lis caine zacuanassian. You were sttong and brave, You fought that rallwayman when he tried to paw me, [wiped the blood off your face with my red peticot. (Guitar sops playing) ‘The ballad has ended. sat. One more: ‘Home Sweet Home’, Cuan zacuanasstan. Yes, Roby can play that (Guitar resumes ply.) rut. Thank you for the wreaths, and forthe chrysantherumms and roses. Theyll look fine on the coffin in the Golden Apostle. Distinguished. They fill ewo rooms sleesdy. [Now the time has come. Ie isthe last time we shal it in ‘our ol wood and heat the cuckoo calling and the sound of the wind. They are meeting this evening. They will sentence me to death, and one of them will ill me.I don’t Know who it will be, and I'don't know where it will happen, Tonly know that my meaningles life will end. ‘cuaIRE zaCuANASSINN. I shall take you in your coffin to Capri. Ihave had a mausoleum built in my Palace Pack. Tk is surrounded by cypresetrees. Overlooking the Mediterranean, mt. Tenly know it from pictures. aime zacuanassiax, Deep blue, A grandiose panorama. You will remain there. A dead man beside a stone idol. Your love died many years ago, But my love could not die. Neither could it live. It grew into an evil ching, like me, ike the pallid mushrooms in this wood, and the Ding, ewisted features of the roots, all overgrown by my {golden millions. Their tentacles sought you out, to take 38 ‘your life, because your life belonged to me, forever. You are in thei toils now, and you ate lost. You will soon be tno more than a dead love in my memory, a gentle ghost Inaunting the wreckage of 2 hovse. na, ‘Home Sweet Home’ has ended now as wel. (Husband 1 returns) cuaina 24cHANasstaN, Here's the Nobel Prize-winner. Back from his ruins. Well, Zoby? nusnan tx, Early Christian. Sacked by the Huns tains zacuanassiax. What pity. Give me your arm. Roby, ‘Toby, the sedan. (Gat into sedenchair) Goodbye, Alfred. 11, Goodbye, Clara. (The sedan-char is borne away to backround, Il remains cated on bench, The tree put away their twige. Portal descends, with usual eutains and draperies, also isrption: ‘ures semoUs, anr sexewe. Policeman emerges fom back ground, in swashbuckling new uniform, st beside A Radio Commentator eters, begins talking into microphone while the Guelenrs asemble. Everyone in new evening gowns and dresvits. Hordes of Press Photegraphes, Reporters, Cameranen.) napio ‘conausraron. Ladies and gentlemen: Radio News rel has been bringing you a Scene from the Birthplace and a Conversation with the Priest, and now it’s time to {go over to the Public Meeting. We're nearing the climax ‘of this visi which Madam Claire Zachanassian has kindly accorded to her charming, friendly lite home-town. OF course it’s unfortunate the famous lady won't be puting in a personal appearance, on the other hand we will be hating the Mayor, becatse he's slated to make an impor- ‘ant announcement in her name, Right now we're coming %9 to you fiom the auditorium of the Golden Apostle, an hotel which can bout ofa bed where Goethe once spent the night. And now the townsmen ae asembling onthe sage, nes exciting days the scene of local club gatherings and goes shows by the Kalbersade Repertory Players ‘The Mayor's jus informed me eis is an old eatom, ‘The women ae all dowm in the anitocium —itsems thsi 2 old custom too, cat wall you what a solemn stmor phere itis che tension’ realy ertaordinry. All the new fea cameras are here, [ean se my eoleages fom TV, there ae reporters fom allover the world, and now here comes the Mayor and he's going to gin hspecch, we're crosing over © him now! (Rao Commentator roses oer Mayor whos sod in terre of tage, ond hi in a senicrlethe men of Guelen) suayon. Ladies and genlemen, Citizens of Gulla, Fm very apy w wee youl dh cvening. er tt maring open. We have one, single item en our agen Irs my pelvege wo amounre that Mafam Clare Zachanasian, deughter of our worthy. fllow-cizen Godfiey Watcher the architec intends to make us 2 donation of one milion pounds (Whispers among the Pres) Five hundred thowand for the town and five hundred thousand eo be shared among all ataens (Silene) sapio connersraron (ubdued), What a sensation, listeners, ‘what a colosal seaon. One endowment, and every inhabitant ofthis lide town has suddenly become a wel todo citizen. K mist constte one ofthe greats soil experiments ofthe age. The public hee ae gaping for breath chere’s a deathly sence, O, theyre awesruly you can seit on every face. suaror. {eave the floor tothe Headmaster of our College *° (Ratio Commentator ets with mizophone to Schock master) scuucouastn, Guelleners: want to rae one poin we must all darly undersand-— namely, in making her donation, Madama Chie Zachanasan hs definite am, Wht het aim sither aim to make wshappy with money Isitmerely her aim to heap gold on out heads? To revive the Wagnet Factory and Bockmann’s and the Fowndry on Sunshine Squarer You know very well i ie not. Madam Chire Zachanasian has @ more iwportant aim. Her aim i €9 have the spice of this community rasformed ~ tease formed to the sprit of juice We, saggered by tht demand, ask: have we no always bana jst commtnityt votes one. Neve! voice Two, We fostered a eime! voice Tsk. A file jcdgmenc! voce Foun. A pejary! ‘wonan’s voice. A vilin! corm vores. Heat! Heat! scnoousasrer. O people of Guelln! Such i the biter truth! We have connived a injstice Tam of oure filly ava ofthe material posses inhecen fo all of usin 2 millon, Nor am I Blind to th fc that poverty isthe root of much evi, nay, of grest hardship. And ye, and yet: we are not moved bythe money (higeapplau): we are nos moved by ambitious thoughts of prosperity and 0d living, and luxury: we are moved by chis matter of Justice and the problem of how to apply i. Nor yet by Justice alone, but abo by all those ideas, for which out forebears lived and fought, and for which they died; and hich constiute the values of our Wesern Word (Glue spplase) When individual pcsons sight the ideal of brotherly love, disobey the commandment to succour the weak, spur the mariage vow, deceive the court and om lange young mothers nto misery, then Freedom i at Take (Calle) Now, in Gof nae, we make out Tie sou even nto Sh (agape) For what trou be the sos of wealthy which rtd no a welh Gr pacer Yer ge cn only be seconded those who anger afer grace. People af Guclen, do you have tat mgert Or all your hunger common hunger, phys tod profner That i the quion. At Head of your allege, put to youll. Only if yourefte to abide any evi ete wo lve any longer under ny cecumtancs in f eld which confer st injestie, cam you accept millon fom Mada Zachnasin, od hereby BE tbe Conditions staching to he endowinen (Thinsou ope) sanio. overheads nd geen, "os en to that aplaue. Were all overwhelmed. That cy he a ned sr panier ne de EEndeverywhere ths days, Anda very brave denunciation it'was too, aimed a¢ all the Dede mikdenesnoun and injsica we find in every coonmuniy, al, allover the odd avon Aled I. avo consaacaton, sche Mayo, Kink he's going 2 take the oor gain suaton, Aled Il, {wosld like to ak yu one question Palemon ge Ta hovel onde Rai Commenter tres wil mizophone tl} sapio conamraTon Ab. Now wer going w hear che ‘ize ofthe man esponabl fo the Zachaasian endow Theat ifs te voie of Aled Il, our prodigal dys Chldiood fend. Aled Ia vigoross man around Seven, an upright Guclener ofthe old scol, and of Sue bcs deply moved, fl of gesds, fll of gue Seton % Mayor, Alfed Il: itis owing to you we have been offered this endowment. Are you avare of chat, (il says someting in an undertone.) sapio communxtatox. My dear sr, would you kindly speak a shade louder, our listeners are so eager to heat you, ut. All ight uavor. Will you respect our decision a8 t0 acceptance or refusal ofthe Claire Zachanassian Endowment? sux [shall respece i huavor. Are there any questions to Alfred 1 (Silene) ‘The Churche (Pres sys nothing) ‘The Medical Profession? (Dictor sae nothing) The Police? (Policeman aye nothing) ‘The Opposition Pasty? (No one says anything) [shall now put the isue to vote. (Silene, Hu of moviecameras, fash of fashlight.) Al those pure in heart who want justice dane, rise thei Inands. (All except I raise thir hand.) ‘apio COMMENTATOR. There's 2 devout silence in the audi torium. Nothing but a single sea of hands, all rise, as if ‘making one, mighty pledge for a better, ster world, ‘Only the old man has remained seated, absolaely motion- less, he's overcome with joy. His ambition has been falfilled, and thanks to the generosity of hie childhood fiend che endowment’ finally assured. savor. The Chire Zachanassian Endowment is accepted. Unanimously. Not for the sake ofthe money, cerrizens, Not forthe sake of the money, 93 mayor. But for justice cerizans. But for justice ‘mayor. And for conscience’ sake carrizans. And for conscience’ sake avon, For we cannot connive ata crime: crrizmss, For we cannot connive aa crime: ‘mayor. Let ur then root out the wrongdoer, crrizens, Let us then root out the wrongdocr, avon. And deliver our souls from evil cmizmxs. And deliver our souls from evil ‘uavor. And ll our most sacred possessions. ‘rrt2mns. And all our most sacred possessions. ut (creams). My God! (Everyone remains standing solely wit raed hands but this point, however, the mews-rel camera jams) ‘camsnaman, What a shame, Mister Mayor. There's a short in the light-cable, Would you just do that lst vote again, pleaser ‘uavon. Do it again? ‘castenanean, For the newsreel ‘mayor. O yes, certainly. ‘CAMERAMAN. OK, spots? voce. OK. Ccammmanan. O.K., shoot! (Mayor assumes pose.) ; savor, The Clite Zachanassian Endowment is accepted. ‘Unanimously. Not forthe sake of the money, ‘exmizexs. Not forthe sake of the money, ‘uavor. Bat fr justice ‘arizans. But for justice ‘uavor. And for conscience sake. ‘erizans. And for conscience’ sake. ‘aor. For we eannot connive at 2 crime: crtizexs. For we cannot connive at a crime: 9 MavoR. Let us then root out the wrongdoer, crmizens. Le us then root out the wrongdoer, avon. And deliver our souls from evil ‘cmizins. And deliver our souls from evil ‘mavon. And all our most sacred possessions. ‘emizaxs. And all our most sacred possessions. (Silene) ‘caxtsRaMAN (sage whisper). Hey! Il! Come on! (Silene) (disappointed) O.K., s0 he won't, Bi exya joy the fst time. That ‘My Got savor. And now we invite the gentlemen of the Pres, Cinema and Radio to a litle Refreshment. In the Rer- ‘aurant. The easiest way out ofthe auditorium is through the stage-door. Tea is being served forthe ladies on the Golden Aporde lawn, (Thowe ofthe Pres, Cinema and Radio eos to background, right, ond go eff Men of Guellen remain on sae, immobile, I stand, moses go) roucenas. You stay here! (He pushes Il down on to bench) aL Were you going to doit today rouceman, Of course, ux. Pd have thought it would be beter at my place. roucenaw. Rl be done here. avon. No one left in the stalls? (Man Thre end Mon Four peer down int lls) ‘MAN Tunes. No one. avon. What about the gallery? MAN Foun. Empty. ayon, Lock the doors. Don't let anyone eke into the auditorium, (Meas Three and Man Four step dom into stale) 9s wwe did’ get his was most impret~ sax ris. Locked Man: Foun. Locked. avon. Pot out the lights. The moon is shining chrough the gallery window. I's enough. (The sage dims. In the pale moonlight, people are only dinly viele) Form a lane ‘ wd (en of Gull forma lane: i ends at Gymnast, cad now fn elegant white slacks and ve, round which a ed scarf) Father If you please. (Cries roses slowly to, sits beside hi.) snuest. Novi, Il your hardest hour i at hand. IL, Give me a cigarette amis Mister Mayor, a igarete ‘aayon (warmly). But of course. A good one (Paces pacer to Priest, who offers it to Tl, who takes a cigar; Policeman prffrs light, Pret retinas pocket to Mayor) snust. As the prophet Amos stid — rat, Please don't. (i smokes) wast, Are you not aftaide UL, Not much, any more. (Ill smokes) ‘aus (elples) Tl pray for you. sus, Pray for Guelen, (Ul mokes. Print gets slowly ois feet) rust. God have mercy upon us. (Pret sly rein the Guelleves rans) avon, Alfted Il Stand up. (il hestaes) pouch. Get up, you bastard (Drags Ile his fee) ‘mayor Inspector, contol yourself 6 roticnuns, Sony. jst dipped ou avon. Aled I Come here {il dope eget eas ot. Then walls sly to tite of age ms is bck eae) ‘Walk down tt ane. (i esa) rourezusn. Ge moving, (ls dey into ae fle men, When gs tthe tod he comes ap aint Cat pte fh, Sop, uns ron, tnd sng len le melo Him sinks is es. Th lane Bene le at of sn, sucling np, hes sooly cnchng dom. Since Er Reports, dra eft Lights op) rast neonron: Whats going on heres (The he of ren pet led. The men ase guy fe backgord, Only Dacor sonatas, Inclng bee 4 tops aver hich speed, wf nan hatch equel tablecloth Dacor stds, puts sey sethsope) booron. Heart aac, (Slee) avon. Died of oy. rust amor, Did of joy. Stow aaron Life writes the most beau sore. ‘mer asrorrn. Beer gt to work. (Reporters hry of to kod ight. Enter, lf Clee ‘achnaia,flowed by Ble. Sk wer ope, ops then walls oly fo cove of sae ett ft oa en) cua 2Acuanatsn, Bing him ee (Enter Roby end Taby wither, om which hey lay 1 then ring hi to Cle Zaha fe.) (crmerng) Uncover him, Boby. {Bute cv Is foe She tami it let, des wt more) ° ” ue vistr Now he loks the way he wan, 2 long while ago: the Thad paths. Cover him (Gur coves fe) Carry inv tbe coin, (ay and Tay cary out bd fe) Take the wo ny s00m, Boby. Ge the bags packed. We tre ging 0 Cape (Bur fis brs rm, sh walls sly otf thn spt) Mayer, (laeer emerges fom rinks of sent mex fs bchromed, tomes dl over) The (She passes him a pice of paper; and ext with Buer) (As the clothing, that eutwerd visible form of a mounting ‘anderd of living, improves by degrees dceet and unobirt= sive yet less and less tbe ignored, and as the stage grows ‘more inviting, while nang by rang it scales the socal ladder and metamorphose into wealth, like « gradual change of house from a shun to a wellto-do neighbourhood, 50 the epitome of that axentocurs in the concluding tableau. The cerawhil rey and dreary world has been wansfrmed; that grown rich and dazzling new, 2 flashy incarnation of ‘uptotheominute technics, as if the world and all were ending happily, Flags and streamers, poses, neo-lghts now uround the renovated railwey station, and the men and women of Guelen clad in evening gowns and dresses form 10 choruss, resembling those of Gece raged, nor is this an accident but rather t erewae the close, a8 if some stricken ship, bore fa, far away, were sending out ts last signal) 98 ‘Many, many the monstrous things on earth, ‘The voleano spewing and spitting its fe, ‘The shattecing earthquake and the tdal wave, ‘nd war "Acros the com the clater of tanks ‘While the radian musbroom grows From the spo0t of the atom bomb. ‘These monstrous things donot exceed “The monstrous plight of poverty “Which excites ro tragic deed snot heroic ‘but condemns (Our human race to bacren days fer hopeless vysterdays, “TE WOMEN. ‘The mothers are helpless, they watch Thee loved ones pining away; But the men rumout rebellion. "The men think treachery. Tn worn-out shoes they pace the town. [A filthy fag-end in their mouths. ‘CHORUS OX. For the jobs, the jobs that earned them bread, ‘The jobs are gone. 8 ux visit ‘And the tation scomed by the screaming tains Now God be prised For kindly fre His changed all chat (Our tender forms are ela in fting frock, ‘Young guys with any future drive a Sport, “The bosines-men relax in Himousines, All tennis play tennis on hard courts, cto. ur open thease he Bs instruments are new, the tiles green; ‘Medical morale will sand the test. ‘Our suppers now are simmering at home ‘And Everyman, contented and well-shod, Buys cigareets of quality at last. ScnootmasteR. ‘Asiduousstadents study thei studi, Dynamic tycoons amass fortunes, Rembrandts afer Ruben, ‘And the painters of today Get an exelent living in Art ‘At Chrismas and at Easter and at Whisun ‘The Cathedral is packed tothe poral, ‘With Focks of the Christian religion. [And the tans, the erains come haughty roaring Ton the ion Railay to Guellen -Hurrying people from town t town, ‘Commuting, Stopping. (Ewer Guard, eft) Guclen! " stamiow-wasten, Guellen-Rome Expres! All seats please! Diner up font! (Enter from balground Claire Zachanasian seated immobile in sedanchair, with retinue, between the two Chores) ike told stone idol, and moves down-stage (ur lady and hee noble retinue, Her wealth endowed on Guellen town, “The benefice of ws all avon. Is leaving now! (Exit Claire Zachonasian, right, folloved last and very lowly by servants bearing coffe) Long may she live. ‘She beat a precious charge, rae vistr (Wises, waves gren flag) POSTSCRIPT Stand dear! Now let ws pray t0 God ‘To provect us all = In these husng booming, prosperous times: Protec al our red posesions, Protect our peace and our freedom, “Ward off the night evermore Levit darken our glrios town Grown out ofthe thes anew. Ler go and enjoy ur good fore. POSTSCRIPT “The Visit isthe story of an action which takes place in a small, town somewhere in Central Europe. It is told by someone who feels himself at no great remove from the people involved, and who i not so sure he would have acted diferently. Any Further meaning imputed to the story needs ‘no mention here, and should not be imposed on the stage production. This applies even t0 the final scene, where the People, admittedly, speak ia a more formal fashion than night be found in realiry, more in the so-called poetical manner and use what could be described a fine words, but this is merely because the Guelleners have just acquired riches and speak as befits che newly ric, in a more select language have described people, not marionettes, an action and not an allegory. [have presented a world, not pointed a moral (6 1 have been accused of doing), and whats more Ihave not even, ttied to force my play on the public, for all that happens quite naturally in any exe, so long as the audience 100 ‘Belong in the theatre. In my view, a play is acted in the theatee according to the limits and possibilities of the stages ieis not confined within the garb of some special style. When, the Guelleners act tees, therefore, this is no Surrealism, [Rather i ita somewhat diresing love-tory, enacted in that ‘wood: an old man's attempt co approach an old woman; and. this is placed ina “poetical” setting in order to make it more bearable. I write with an inherent confidence in the theatre and its actors—this is my fandamental inspiration; the ‘atrial draws me into its charmed circle. To play his charac~ ter, the actor needs litle: only the very outer skin, the text, ‘which of course accords wih ic. That isto say, just a any. creature is sealed off inside is skin, so the play's sealed off {side speech. For speech ie all the dramatist provides. Iti his end-product. And it is consequently imposible to work on. 105 ue visit the element of speech alone, but only on that which gives rite to speech, namely thought and action; only dletantes work ‘on speech alone. I think the actor should aim to presen that ‘end-product aftesh, whereby all chat is at should seem to be nature. If the foreground I have provided be correclly played, the background will emerge of its own accord. 1 don't account myself a member of the contemporary avant- garde. Ladmit [have my Theory of Art as well i's thing fone doesn’t always enjoy having, and inasmuch as it's my ‘own private opinion I withhold ie (otherwise I'd be obliged to practise it) and prefer being regarded asa somewhat lunatic child of nature lacking a proper sen of form and structure, Producers and directors will probably come nearest the mark if they stage my plays after the syle of folk-plays, and ereat me a$ a kind of conscious Nestroy. They should follow the flights of my fancy and le the deeper meanings take care of themselves; they should change the sets without pause or curtain, play even the car scene simply and for preference with a stage-vehicle, equipped only with what the action requiett seats, seering-wheel, bumper, the cat seen from the front, rear seats raised and, of course, everything brand-new, like the shoes, te. (This sene hasnt anything to do with Wilder = why note Dialectical exercise for critics) Claire Zachanas- sian doesn't represent Justice or the Marshall Plan or even the ‘Apocalypte, she's purely and simply what she is, namely, the richest woman in the world and, thanks to her finances, in a position to act as the Greek tragic heroines acted, absolutely, terribly, something like Medea. She ean afford to. This lady hhasa sense of humour and it mustn't be overlooked, for she is ‘quite as detached from people as from saleable object and detached from herself s well, and she has a tare grace, more, she has a wicked charm. None the less, moving asthe does ‘ouside the human pal, she hat grown into someone unalter- able and rigid, contains within hereelf no farther posbility 108 dirtyee —iesnemeretortarie Stone hei theone tobe repeeed sone. he ere i itiet igloo nade on the contrary #9 seem guite improbable, legendary, ey oe pe eceecs, aces eid elapse ct peor eee Suman ews eb erties Spacers seitie nd terror, something highly personal; 2 man who in recog Sat Sicha ee Cyan ene Fie ttt clinviegte Resin Soca Cees eb aiaamieeram aes fo orieaeetanorioet or FE iene Tera see oases oe foie rasan ees woh Eo came tenia eteaeta an meorca eae 107 Twn vist can no longer be averted. From that moment onward, the Gtelnes sadly pave the ay to the murder Wesing indignant overs gil cex The fam alone keep on tthe end trying to eonvnc themselves things wl teow ta vt allright for they arent wicked eta, only wei, ike everyone. Is commanity dol ying to empon, 2 inthe Schooler ct; but must be poeple Yielding, The tompaon is too song the poverty too ‘rsched, Theo lady ra wicked eat and or pginly at ron ma be led wid a Be ened as human as pol not with anger bur with sowed bumowt, fo nothing oul harm this comedy wih wagie nd more than heavy serous, ED. 108 ADDENDA “The second shop-scene (Act Three, pp. 67 f£) may be simpi- fied by omision of Painter. So staged, 2 further alteration (p- 73) s required: ‘scnootsasren. Child, you disappoint me. Te was up to you to speak out, and now your old schoolmaster must unleash the voice of thunder! I protest! T wish to make 2 public appeal to world opinion! Guellen is planning 2 ‘monstrous deed!" Remaining excsions will quickly be located. Similarly (p. 73) the following insertion: after “aan on. Have you gone made maw Two. Stop him, read: ‘mast nsvoxran, Hey, folks, let che gennelman have hissy. Ikis ako posible to cast only one Reporte. 109,

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