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12. instruments for measuring electric current is ammeters.

tool is installed in series with the electrical components to be
measured the electric current
13. condition of the electric current in a circuit is: there must be a
potential difference anatara end-uhung penghatar and the circuit
is closed.
14. voltage is the potential difference between one point to
another point of drawing a conductor.
15. instrument for measuring electrical voltage is the volt meter.
This tool is installed in parallel with the component to be
measured mains voltage
16. resistance or electrical resistance (R) by wires Whose length
(L), cross section (A), and the resistance type (p) is:
17. Ohm's law Strong currents (I) in a conductor is proportional
to the voltage (V) on the conductor and inversely proportional to
its resistance (R).
18I Kirchoff's law the algebraic sum of the current strength (I)
leading to an electrical branching point is equal to the amount of
strong currents leaving the branch point or the number of strong
currents in a branch point is
at the branch point:

19. law II in an electrical circuit is closed, then the sum of the

force listirik (e) equal to the sum of the electrical voltage drop
(IR) or the amount of voltage (V) in a circuit enclosed is zero.
on a closed circuit:
=IR atauV.loope=0
20. the electrical properties of the series resistor) in series:
a.sifat current (I)
I.1 = I.2 = 1
b.sifat voltage (V)
V.1 + V.2 = V
c.sifat resistance (R)
Q.1 + R.2 = R (bigger)
Burning electricity 21.sifat series resistor (R) in parallel
a.sifat voltage (V)
V.1 = V.2 = V
b.sifat current (I)
I.1 + I.2 = I
c.sifat resistance (R)
(the greater it is)
22.sifat circuit voltage sources of electricity
a.if as many as (n) pieces of source voltage that each GGL its (e1),
(e2) and (en) as well as the obstacles it at that (r) are arranged in
series, then the value of GGL its (e) and the current (I ) .Being:

e = E1 + E2 + ... en
b. the electrical properties of the series resistor) in series:
a.sifat current (I)
I.1 = I.2 = 1
b.sifat voltage (V)
V.1 + V.2 = V
c.sifat resistance (R)
Q.1 + R.2 = R (bigger)
Burning electricity 21.sifat series resistor (R) in parallel
a.sifat voltage (V)
V.1 = V.2 = V
b.sifat current (I)
I.1 + I.2 = I
c.sifat resistance (R)
(the greater it is)
22.sifat circuit voltage sources of electricity
if as many as (n) pieces of source voltage that each GGL its (e1),
(e2) and (en) as well as the obstacles it at that (r) are arranged in
series, then the value of GGL its (e) and the current (I ) .Being:

23.hubungan between electric potential energy difference (^ Ep),

charge (q), work (W) and voltage (V) is;

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