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Media Synopsis

Anna who is a highly academic school girl aged 15 is always

looking to achieve her best at school. However at school she
feels as if she is unloved because she is treated unfairly by the
other pupils for being more intelligent than them. Anna always
feels very uncomfortable at school and during lessons so she
stays behind after school to catch up on work because there
are few students about. However, Anna does not see the risks
and implications this can have on her life.
One day she should have just gone home early because the
catastrophic change in her life. As usual she stayed behind at
school doing her work and talking to all her teachers to receive
some extra work. After a few hours she decides to call her mum
to pick her up, but her mum says she will be a bit later than
usual. So Anna decides to wait outside the school gates on a
side road in order for it to make it easier for her to be picked
Anna starts getting texts from a withheld number. She realises
how its getting more serious and scary. It starts with Hello
ANNA and it changes to youre trapped, nowhere you can go
now then the last text is Ive got you.
A big white hand grabs her round the mouth and she passes
out due to her breathing the chemicals on his hand. Anna starts
drifting in and out of consciousness with opening her eyes with
very blurry vision. She tries to scream but is unable due to
feeling light headed. Her vision finally becomes process able
and she feels as if someone is carrying her and all the can see
is a upside down view of the back of someones legs and loads
of twigs and leaves on the floor. She then gets thrown against a
tree which knocks her out again and there is a long black out.
When she finally becomes conscious again she sees herself in
an open isolated forest with loads of towering trees looking
down on her. Anna tries to escape but is instantly reprimanded
because of her being tightly bound to a tree by a strong thick

rope. She burns and cuts her skin doing this and this causes her
to shout out in pain. However, this was probably not the best
idea as this is when he returns. A tall wide man dressed as if he
was a normal regular human with a full suit as if he just came
from work and briefcase in hand rushes towards her and then a
loud thump sound is heard.

The whole scene and atmosphere changes next, with the Man
going back to his house with his wife and having a regular daily
meal together. They have normal conversation together
displaying the wife is completely unaware of the cruel and
harsh acts which her husband is doing to feel some sort of
justice and closure. The man is seen to be of stable mind with
his wife but this entirely different side of his character being
caring and loving hints that he may be bipolar.

Anna is shown again with a massive bruise on her face round

her eye showing the brutality of her kidnapper. When she finally
wakes up again she knows better than to scream out for help
again instead she looks round to try and see her surroundings.
She looks to her left and is horrified to see another girl tied up
to a tree about ten metres away. She stops in panic and starts
hyperventilating. Does she want to look to look to her right?
Anxiety and fear makes her. Through her teary eyes she can
perceive a girls body all scratched bruised and beaten up with a
slit neck. She is unable to look away from the big gash on her
neck with insects burrowing in and eating up her insides. Anna
looks back round and in the distance she can see the same
man again, in his suit with his briefcase but this time without
his tie around his neck but in his hand. Anna passes out in

It then cuts back to the Man in his house in his office. Through
flash backs you learn that the evil mans daughter had been

kidnapped before and he has drove himself crazy trying to find

clues to find her and what has happened to her. So his way of
getting revenge is to make other families and fathers feel the
same way how he felt when this happened to him is to kidnap
other innocent little girls.
However that is not the real reason why he commits these
horrific acts. He also believes by becoming the kidnapper he
can think like a kidnapper and help him think what happened to
his daughter and where she might be. He is doing this cruel test
so he can find his daughter. After his test with the girls in the
forest he discovers more clues and leads to where his daughter
could be.
He eventually finds the same necklace he gave his daughter in
the same forest where he was keeping the girls. He sees the
necklace in the lake which runs through the forest. He
automatically assumes this was his daughters and that he his
daughter had not been kidnapped just she fell into the lake in
the forest.
After he comes to this realisation he cuts the ropes off the one
remaining living girl (Anna) while she is still unconscious, from
him knocking her out.
When Anna eventually wakes up she looks straight ahead to
see the man who had caused her so much pain with a rope
around his neck and swinging side to side. He had hung

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