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On Tuesday, July 22 2014 at approximately 8:20, Ms.

S and her son, W came to

school (AA) and spoke with me in my office. Ms. S informed me that W shared with
her yesterday that his bike had been stolen from AA one day last week. W stated
that he was afraid to tell his mother because he would get a whoopin. W said the
bike was placed in the bike rack, but was not locked. He understands it is his
responsibility to lock his bike at school. W stated that the bike was stolen the day it
was raining at dismissal (July 14th or 15th). W described the bike as a Mongoose
Mode 270, black with white stripes, and his initials are engraved into the bike. I told
Ms. S I would notify the administration, but they were both on vacation this week. I
told Ms. S it was her responsibility to report the bike stolen with the local law
After Ms. S departed, I spoke with M J concerning the incident. She took all the
information I had gather and notified both AA administrators through e-mail.
The county coordinator for the middle school summer program, Mr. K, came to AA
and I notified him of the incident. He contacted several different individuals
including the school resource officer and other school personnel at the central
office. Someone at central office was reviewing the outside tape at AA to determine
if an individual could be identify as taking the bike from the rack.
I notified Ms. S of the action that was being taken to resolve the incident.
I was in contact with Mr. K throughout the day by e-mail and phone. A still photo
of W at the bike rack was sent to me from Mr. K. W looked at the photo and said
that his bike was not there because it had been stolen. I asked W if he had ridden
another bike home that day and he stated that he had not. However, I displayed
another photo Mr. K sent which showed W leaving the school grounds on a bike.
However, it was not the bike W had described early that morning. W then shared he
had taken another bike since his was stole. W continued to share that he returned
the bike the next morning. The video coverage has not been checked to determine
if this is factual information at his time. I did take W outside to see if the bike he
had taken was at the rack, but it was not present.
W wrote two statements stating what he shared with me on the AM and PM on July
22, 2014.

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