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Logistics of Summer Learning Program

ERH has been allotted $200 for school supplies. Please write the item number,
description, quantity and price from Impact Supply. Each teacher should plan on
purchasing approximately $40. Coordinator will consolidate orders and send to
Renee Streeter ASAP.
June 26, 2014, 7:45-2:15, Work day for teachers to plan and prepare for Summer
Learning Program. Mr. King, county wide site coordinator, will be visiting with
teachers from 12:15- 12:45 at Hicks.

2014 Summer Learning Program

June 30 July 24, 2014 (Closed July 3)
Teacher arrival time: 7:45
Student arrival: 8:00-8:05, ERH students will enter through south wing entrance.
8:05-8:15, Breakfast: In classroom (Students will be walked by teachers to cafeteria,
gather breakfast items and return to classroom and eat breakfast.)
8:15-9:20 Period 1
9:20-10:25 Period 2
10:25-11:30 Period 3
Lunch 11:30-12:00 (Students will eat in cafeteria will coverage provided by all
12:00- 12:50 RA 1
12:50-1:05 Free time outside
1:05-2:00 RA 2
Student Dismissal, Bus riders: 2:00, ERH students exit through south wing.
Student Dismissal (Private and Walkers) Approx. 2:05
Teacher dismissal time: 2:15

Katie Harris is available to substitute and her number is 301-302-9637. She

will be on vacation the week of July 13th.

Information from Mr. Morrow (Principal at AA)

1.) Teachers will have their badges activated to enter AA on dates of Summer
Learning Program. Times have not been determined yet.
2.) Emergency handbooks will be placed in each classroom (Red/Green binders) and
teachers are encouraged to review safety procedures with students. Exit areas are
identified on the exit cards placed on walls in each classroom..
3.) Wall phones are available in every classroom. (* + number)
4.) Restrooms between every two (2) classrooms.
5.) Cameras in every classroom and hallways 24/7.
6.) Media center and computer lab (20 computers, sign up required) available.
7.) Copying is permitted, ERH must provide the paper.
8.) If teacher is using liquids or any other materials that has the potential to
damage desks, chairs, tables, floor, etc., please notify the custodian, T.J.
9.) Please make sure the classroom is returned to the condition it was found in, on a
daily basis.
10.) School coordinator will be provided with a walkie to be available to
communicate with principal and secretary.

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