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Dayna Seiffert

3rd per.

A Phone Call at Midnight

I normally dont do these things, sneak out of the house at midnight and go out
with a group of people I dont really know. Except for the girl who invited me, her name
is Suzie, shes in my math class. We didnt really know each other that well but I was
shy, she was not, she was popular, and I was not. However even though we didnt really
know each other I could tell she was a really sweet girl, she always spoke to me out of
her own curiosity and didnt change when she was with her other popular friends. She
was genuinely nice. Suzie also knew I had the biggest crush on Emmitt. That was a
favorite topic of hers when she would speak to me, bringing him up to playfully laugh
when my face would get red just by the thought of him. Emmitts the boy who
transferred here last year and was already friends with some of the most popular people
in the school. He was a natural at speaking, always telling fun and creative stories, and
giving advice to people who just needed guidance. Even if theyve never talked to him
before, he isnt the type of boy who would shove off other people's concerns. Hes
unbiased and would listen for the best way to give his answer. He was kind and I liked
him. He was kind, yet I never talked to him, till last night that is.
That day I went straight home after school, it was the last football game of the
season but I never went to football games anyway so it didnt much matter to me. I
didnt have anyone to go with anyway. My mother greeted me and I did all my chores,
typical, but that was what I was used too, except for the phone call I got from Suzie at
around 12:00 a.m. She told me to be ready in 30 minutes and that we were going out.

How she knew where I live is still unknown to me and I was quick to object but a second
thought went through my mind saying, Why not?.
At 12:30 in the morning Suzie showed up in a car full of other people and by the
shocked expression placed on my face she could tell this wasnt what I had in mind. Oh
come on, she pouted itll be fun. I rolled my eyes and thought about how Id already
come this far so I might as well follow through with it. She rushed me into the car and I
immediately noticed Emmitt sitting on the other side of the backseat. I could practically
feel my face burning like lava as I swivel my head to look back at Suzie that had the
look of triumph plastered on her face as she kept shoving me. We drove away, the
destination still unrevealed to me. While everyone was talking and laughing I sat there
stiff not knowing what to do with myself. I looked around the car and observed everyone
talking and when I got around to steal a glance at Emmitt he was looking right at me. My
heart just about gave out at that point, preparing myself to pass out, he smiled. It was
one of those soft spoken smiles, not too broad and obnoxious, executed just perfectly to
make my heart flutter for days. Glad you could make it, he told me. One phrase, just
one phrase and a smile and I was completely engrossed. I had a feeling the night was
going to be good.
We pulled up to the school parking lot to my surprise. The guards must have left
early for the football game, I thought as we were all getting out of the car, because there
wasnt a soul in sight. Everything was locked though so I didnt understand what we
could possibly do here that was fun. Everyone all started walking in the same direction
with a clear destination in mind for all of them but me. Where are we going? I ask
confused as I walk with them, only to get a smile as a reply from Suzie. As we got closer

to the building we came up to a small window just above the ground. Someone at the
front of the group bent down and wiggled it open and suddenly crawled in. Oh no...this
is so illegal. Im going to jail. Yep. This is it. I thought feeling myself falling into a pit of
despair. Slowly one by one each of us crawled in and jumped down, me being the last
of course, frozen solid standing there with a look of terror as I think about how my life is
going to be over. Emmitt must have seen my face as he went down because right
before he jumped he paused and said Ill catch you. This boy will be the end of me I
swear. One sentence and I already felt safe and secure knowing hed catch me when I
fell. I went to the window and put one foot after the other and just let go. He caught me.
When I got down with the rest of the group they switched on the lights. I should
have known, it was the swimming pool thats the only thing below the first floor. I ran
over to Suzie upset that she didnt tell me that I was going to need a swimsuit til she
replied, Its okay Jamie, this was all last minute anyway, none of us have one with the
most mischievous glint in her eye. As I stood there puzzled everyone started stripping
down to their undergarments and jumping in. So astounded I just watched everyone one
by one as theyd strip and jump in. Remembering Emmitt I began to look for him, to find
him already walking towards me, stirring up the butterflies in my stomach with every
step. Ill wait on the sidelines with you if you want, I dont want you to feel
uncomfortable, he said. You could tell he was genuinely concerned and with that he
took away all my troubles. Everyone started shouting at that point to get in so I smiled at
Emmitt and undressed. Theyre waiting I said, with a hand extended waiting for it to
be grasped by the boy I like and as soon as it did we jumped in.

I couldnt believe I was so bold as to take him by the hand but the water was so
cold but refreshing that it kept my head full of whether I liked it or disliked it. When
everyone was in the pool we immediately started playing games and chase till we all
grew tired and just lazily floated the water having conversations. I was floating near the
edges when Emmitt swam over to me. I sprang up and tried to make myself as
presentable as possible, only to realize we were all in our underwear anyway. He
laughed with a smile and asked if I wanted to play a game to see which one of us could
hold our breath for the longest. Confident in my skills being I was still the number one
champ at that game in my family I took him on with self-assurance. 1, 2, 3, go!, we
shout as we both dunk our heads. A few moments passed by and I opened my eyes to
see how the competition was doing, realizing his eyes were already open. The second
that we looked at each other seemed ten times as long, beginning to wish that all time
passed by this slowly. Till all at once he swam over and gave me a kiss. My first, it was
a kiss without the roughness of chapped lips and the aftertaste of what they last ate,
and it seemed endless though only for a second or two.
Everyone suddenly started getting out of the water rapidly though, hastily putting
on their clothes. We came up from underwater and they informed us that a guard was
spotted outside. A moment before Emmitt and I retreated out of the water we turned to
look at one another. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in close, showing me that soft
spoken smile of his again. I could feel my cheeks blushed, but not deep, noticeable, but
not overbearing. Feeling content I returned the gesture with an equally soft spoken
smile. With that we got our clothes on and ran back to the car.

When it came to be my turn to be dropped off back at my house it couldnt have

been long enough, but all good nights come to an end. We pulled up to my house and I
was halfway out the door when Emmitt gave me one last tug and kissed me goodnight.
We both smiled and I said farewell to the group. When I walked back up to the house I
felt and still feel now, that things may only just be beginning.

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