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RIGHT, SO ya tried to start the game without reading the nfo??

And it crashed, hmmmmm. Must be dopemans fault.
First go read the nFo BiTcHes.
Second, go read the nFo BiTcHes.
and last, go read the nFo BiTcHes.
RUN regsetup.exe in game folder
During setup, select 'change' when prompted for install directory
Browse to where you placed the game folder- select it as your install directoryinstall reg keys.
The above registry setup could not have been made easier to follow.
HOWEVER, if not followed properly, you will recive an immidiate crash of game.
You MUST select the proper folder during setup.OR manually type in the proper
location during install.
If u fucked up, go to 'add-remove programs', uninstall the reg settings,try agai

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