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I will work to U.S.

A as a teaching assistant in Bucknell University to teach

spanish as a foreign lenguaje.
I want to go there, because i think its a good chance to my profesional career.
After that, i think that it will be more easy i get a job in the same Jobs.
I think too that allow me learn english very good, and more important, I could
meet that culture and many people from that country.
Finally, i belive that any travel are so good to open your mind, and its a
posibility to live like another way as you are do. Thats allow you grow up in
many ways.
Actually I was nervious because to go to a country with a lenguaje that you
dont know, its difficult, but now i think its better because its the better way to
In Bucknell, I will must prepare lessons of spanish to american students and i
will must organize a study groups in the lunch time.
Fortunately, i will have my own room, therefore i think that i will dont have a
problem with my privacy. I will justo share the bathroom with another teaching
assitants that work there.
The better its the Bucknell provide me to three meals diary, the ticket airplane,
the room and they pay me for my work.
I will stay there for a ten months, from august to may, so i think i will miss my
parents and Friends, but its the just time to learn and can live in calm.
To travel to U.S.A, i should take a break in my studies, and when I come back to
Chile, I should return to my studies. I only need pass to courses more to i get
my licenciature: historia de la lengua y seminario.

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