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1) Giant Silo. It is where the production starts.

These towering silos are used to store raw

materials used in baking. These are stainless steels and being manage by computerized
2) Hi-Tech Automation. This part of the plant features their fully automated and computercontrolled system for bread making production. Some of these are used for handling the
mixing, proofing, baking, and slicing. All of the said actions are again handled by machines.
There are few people in the area but they're only needed once the machine fail. If not, then
they can just roam around the area and check other things out. Like what I said above:
Gardenia is baking breads untouched by human hands.
3). Fresh from the Oven. You'll see breads coming out of these ovens which extract
irresistible aroma all over the the production area. Even in our place which is covered by glass
and kilometers away, we can still smell that out-of-the-oven-aroma.
4) Twin Spiral Cooling Towers. This is my favorite part of the tour on the production area.
You'll see two towers surrounded by thousands of breads. According to the tour facilitator, each
tower holds 3,000 breads. The main purpose of this moving conveyor is to cool-off the loaves.
5) High-Speed Bagging. Yes that's right, even the packaging/bagging part of the loaf is
machine operated. Same goes on sealing the bread. Sealing it with G-lock is also being done
by machines. Tip: G-Locks help customers know when did the bread was baked and packed
and it is color coded:

Tan Monday

Orange Tuesday

Yellow Wednesday

Blue Thursday

Green Friday

Red Saturday

White Sunday

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