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A VE muscle and il always ho tu: ily etease force your muscles to adapt by growing bigger. It's also the guiding principle behind the following calf THATPO? Jeg workouts twice a week. The workout utilises the total-tep method — pick a certain number of total reps toperform in your first workout, nomatter how many Directions 192% nernenincron setsit takes. Then build on that total weekly. ey Caltraiseas cescroe eens Pena The percentage larger your calf circumference should be than your ankles, according to Steve Reeves, the bodybuilder and actor (1958's Hercules) widely credited as having the most perfect physique of all time. TA TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT MONEY JUST WANT TOPLAY THE GAME DRINK PEPSI AND WEAR REEBOK’ HAQUILLE ONEAL

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