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1, TP6
Theme: A lot of young people are choosing to live at home while studying at
university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living at home or
moving away from home whilst studying.

When it comes for a student to decide the next step in

his life, most choose to go to University. It is a turning point
and an opportunity for you to decide to live on your own.
However, some still prefer to stay at their parents house.
Firstly, staying at home during your University years
can be cheaper for your family, allowing you to enjoy a
sense of security and parental support that you cant get
anywhere else. Living with your family also means fewer
responsibilities: having a warm dinner when you get home
and not having to pay the bills is always appealing. To add
to this, staying with your parents makes it harder for you to
slack off and have an unhealthy routine, because you have
someone to take care of you.
Nevertheless, not moving out often robs you of the
opportunity to grow more independent. Moving out gives
you the freedom to follow your own rules, try new things
and figure out what works for you. Moreover, if your
parents home is far from the urban and academic centers,
moving out gives you a wider range of degree choices. In
these cases, staying at home might mean settling for a
degree that you dont feel very passionate about.
All things considered, its safer to live at home until at
least you finish University, as it allows you to live a less
stressing University experience. However, moving out can
be a great experience too, especially for those who are
unable to stay at home, because it gives you the
opportunity to become more independent and it prepares
you for the future.

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