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POOR MAN'S JaMES BOND Yoj, q 89 VIZT CONG BOOBYTRAPS GUIDE TO SELECTED VIET CONG EQUIPMENT AND EXPLOSIVE DEVICES May 1966 Headquarters, Department of the Army Washington, D.C. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLET 381-11 PDF by Mr White 21 March 2002 enjoy and share FOREWORD ‘The purpose of this handbock is to provide United Statics military personnel with a com- pict source of orientation and recognition date on improvised equipment and explosive devices in use by the Viet Cong in the Republic of Viemam. ‘The Viet Cong forces have acquired wide experience in constructing grenades, mines, fuzes, explosive charges, and other deadly weapons and detices by using commonly evailable materials. These devices, eunningly placed and camouflaged, have caused mary casualties. The authority for retention of war trophies by any individual ia governed by directives of the senior U.S. Headquarters in the area concerned, as well as by pertinent regulations. Item of war materiel coming into the possession of U.S. forees will be reported through intelligence channels, Evidenee of errore or omissions in this handbook should be forwarded to the US. Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Munitions Building, Washington, D.C., 20815, POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 90 VIRT CONG BOOBYTRAPS PaMPHLst HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No, 381-11 Wasmivcrow, D.C, 27 May 1966 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY HANDLING GUIDANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE DEVICES. GRENADES: Stick Hand Grenade... Defensive Hand Grenade. Offensive Hand Grenade. 3 Milk Can Hand Grenade. 1S Shaped Charge Hand Grenade. W MINES: Shell Case Mine... 19 21 B 25 27 9 a1 33 35 37 39 a Truncated Cone Water Mine 8 DEMOLITIONS: ‘Small Truncated Cone-Shaped Charge. 4s Large Truncated ConeShaped Charge. “ Turtle Charge. ” Cylindrical Charge. sl Pole Charge. 53 i Drum Charge. 55 Bangalore Torpedo. 57 FUZES AND FIRING DEVICES: ‘Chemical Fure. 59 Pressure-Electric Firing Device. a ‘Wristwatch Firing Device 8 Mousetrap Firing Devico. 6 ‘MISCELLANEOUS ITEM: Angled Arrow Trap.. or POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 OL VIET CONG BOOBYTRAFS 6 a 3 Spike Board Pit. 5 Tilting Lid Spike n Pivated Spike Board... ~ Venus Flytrap (Pit) —. 8 Venus Flytrap (Can). B Sideways Closing Trap. 8 Trap Bridge. a7 Suspended Spikes. 29 Spike Log (Mace) 1 Cal. 22 Fountain Pen 93, Explosive Fountain Pen. 95, Sodium Incendiary Device. 7 EMERGENCY HANDLING GUIDANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE DEVICES (Extracted from FM 5-31, September 1965) 1. GENERAL ‘Through knowledge of the mechanical details and techniques in the use of standard U.S. mines, grenades, snd boobvtrapping equipment, a soldier ia ordinarily prepared to some extent for dealing with similar equipment of the enemy. Honever, familiarity with conventional warfare eaplosive devices is uf little ar no use in guerrilla warfare, Most enemy boobytrape found te- cently in guerrille-infested areas were canningly and ingenionsly improvised and bochytraps can carely be neutralized, even by the most experienced specialists, 2, TECHNICIANS a. Although engineer and infantry specialists are responsible for boobytzap detection end re- moval, men in all military orgenizations assigual to combat zone missions must be trained to assist them. 5. It possible, trained engineer, infantry, or explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) units will search out and neutralize all boobytraps in front of friendly troops—vr preyiare safe passage lanes. Simple boobytraps will be disarmed during attack; those more complicated will be marked by warning signs and reparted far removal ¢ Tactical units should bypasa boobytrapped arcas, capecially villages and other inhabited places, to be cleared hy specialists later. They will neutralize boobytraps only when necessary for continued movement or operation. 3. DETECTION Detection of boobytraps requires the most careful obvervation. Soldiers must discipline them. selves to be constantly on guard against the powsibility of accidentally exploding a boobytrap, especially when moving over an area previously held by the enemy. All soldiers, oven those not assigned primary responsibility for locating bucbyttaps, must be alert for any sign of them. ‘They must always look carefully for concealed boobytraps even when performing normal ac- tivities. 4, QUTDOOR SEARCH TECHNIQUES As boobytraps are so deadly and so cunningly conceived and hidden, searchers should be suspicious of — @ All movabie and apparently valuable and useful property. 4. All disturbed ground and litter from explosive containers. POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 92 VIET CONG BOUBYTRAPS , Marks intentionally left behind to attract or divert attention, 4, Rvidence of former camouPage, . Abrupt changes or breaka in the continuity of any object, euch as unnatural appesrance of fences, paint, vegetation, and dust. J. Unnecessary things like nails, wite, or eard that may be part of a boobytrap. & Unusual marks that may be an enemy warning of danger. A. All obstructions, ior they are ides! spots for boobytraps. Search carefully before lifting stone, moving # low-hanging limb, or pushing aside » broken-down wheelbarrow. & Queer imprints or marks on a road, which may lead a curious person to danger. j. Abandoned vehicles, dugouts, weeds, machinery, bridges, gullies, defiles or abandoned, stores, Welk carefully in or around these a» pressure-release devices are easily concealed under relatively small objects , Areas in which boobytraps are not found immediately. Never assume without further in- vestigation that entire areas sre clear. 1 Obvious tripwires. Even though one tripwire is found attached to am object, others may be also attached. Searching must he complete. 5. DISARMING METHODS 2, Neutralization. Neutralization, the making of a dangerous boobytrap ssfe to handle, in- volves two steps: (1) disarming or replacing safeties in the firing assembly, and (2) defuring co aoparating the firing assembly from the main charge and the detonator from the firing 2s- sembly. If neutralization is not possible, the boobytrap must be destroyed. 6. Destruction in Place. A boobytrap may be destroyed in place if some damage is acceptable, as is generally the case out of doors. An operator, may initiate « boobytrap by its own mechs- aninm and riggings or by a rope from a safe distance (at least 5O meters away). ¢ Remoual of she Main Charge, Before attempting removal, careful probing around the main charge is necessary to locate and neutralize all antilift devices. To avoid casualty, the type of firing mechanism must be recognized and all safety devices must be replaced. If com plete neutralization seems doubtful, the charge should be pulled from place by » grapnel or rope from a safe location (at least 50 meters away). After pulling the charge, the operator should wait ot lesst 30 seconds as n safezuard against a concealed delay action fuze. a, Hand Disarming, None but trained specialists should attempt hand dicarming—unlese the boobytrap's characteristics and disarming techniques are well known, Trained specialists only should inspect and destroy all unususl or complicated mechanisms. ‘The following procedures for hand neutralization should be used for guidance only, as the exact sequence depends on the type of device and manner of placement. (1) Do not touch any part of a boobyteap without first examining it thoroughly, Locate all firing devices and their triggering mechanisms. (2) When tracing wires, look for concealed intermediate devices laid to impede searching. Do not disturb any wires while examining the boobytrap. (3) Cut loose tripwires only after careful examination of all connecting objects and after replacing all safeties. (4) Trace taut wires and disarm all connected firing devices by replacing safeties. Taut ‘wires should be cut only after eliminating the danger ot both ends. (5) Replace safeties in all mechanisms, using nails, lengths of wire, cotter pins, and other similar objects, (6) Never use force in disarming firing devices. (7) Without disturbing the méin charge, cut the detonating cord or other leads between the disarmed fring device and the main chiarge. (8) Cut wires leading to an clectrical detonator—one et a time. POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 93 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS (9) Whea using a probe, push it gently into the ground. Stop pushing when you touch any object (it may be © pressure cap or plate). (10) Once seperated, boobytrap components should be removed to a safe storage or dis posal area, ¢. Special Precautions, (1) Be very cautious in handling delay mechanisms. Danger may exist before the ap- pointed time because of auxiliary firing devices. All complieated and confusing de- vices should be destroyed in place ar marked for treatment by specialists, (2) Wood ox cardboard explosive containers, buried for long periods of time, arc danger- ‘ous to disturb, They are alsa extremely dangerous to probe if in an advanced state of decumposition. Deteriorated high explosives are expecially susceptible to detonation. ‘Thus, « boobytrap destroyed in place and i a concentrated area long exposed to mois- tare may detonate many othere simultaneously. (3) Metallic explosive container are often dangerous to move after prolanged burial. They may also be resistant to detection because of oxidation. The explosive may become contaminated after a time, further increasing the danger of handling. Explosives con- taining picrie seid are particularly dangerous: deterioration from contact with metal forms extreriely sensitive salts which are readily detonated by hendling, (4) Certain types of fuzes become extremely sensitive to disturbance after exposure to wet soil. Detonation in place is the only safe method of neutrslizing or removing such deteriorated boobytraps. SELECTED VIET CONG EQUIPMENT AND EXPLOSIVE DEVICES 8 u ‘Stick Mand Ceemede Defensive Hand Grenade GENBKAL DESCIUPTION AND COMMENT (GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The slice hand grenade, used exiriely hy the Viel Cong, comes in several The defensive nee diderenined by Leng of hasdle and sisen of (ragrotation a rar U Se hae grrnaen, When the male pin ie tema ‘This grenade farclone by poll iting etilond tn ake hatdle nd the gvonade thrown, the ears ver releases the epring of the mechani 4 copper vite cated wish 4 mate rorpwirch Normally Ue match compound Bring desioe which tales the peice emt delay element uf the fe ad cart fom, forcions in the ex Taser Second delay slowant, Ba 8 nusber of Thee genadee eve boon CHAMACTRRISTICS ae! wih lay earns -— Delesnve Mack cuanacrenisics GIF os Type Defemie Length = 7 sie ler nck ‘Total weight - 15 Ib ain Flee 2 wr Cte @iv Ruendday = Appres 4 ee a th SAFENY PIN wr Appts 4 see AFELY Levan wooo cap COVERING PULL STRING STICK HAND GRTRADE DrvENsITE MAR POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 ga VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS 3 Oftomsive Hand Grenade GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT The etensive fad ene Sa rade of explninn and ast meal with combed edaed sees oem upped wh on dle fe See crs tase cece be demwentied sv x ure of then hive Bren — TSE ESifedpoed or ciamples hy hve ven fxn sham inane me ety Tae ocd an atc ws tow ech a ease, nee paling The Sn ned re ual tothe toner chanacreisries a Oteme estrome Cran Wako ee dah me in een ins For plo che i Shaped Charge Hand Grenad GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘Tre shaped charge hand gromede cons of « abaped chara, eyladrieal shack metal change contac, s conial shect stad divg, at ipa doe ‘pechaslam, and a woed handle with a aboct mete drag Jock end pin When the lack in ie romoed and the gremude fe throw, © apring frees th conical shag hack over the fendle we ateilian the grenade git ‘dag. shed to. charge conliner by stripe cl material Inside the cane). When ‘he prmade wren, te impact (ase gnion the shaped chars CHARACTERISTICS ‘Shaped charge (HEAT! Buck olveginen rs 875 ta cMARGE CONTAINEE ro Milk Can Hand Grenade CENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘CENENAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘Tre sll caue coi an » smdand aruiery ahell casing. monly > 106, “The mih cen head grerade fx made Irom a carmuercial powderod milk cam and ISS caibem A rarely of fuzing mechanieme can be lmprevted tos ‘he ond and temaving moat of i contents rflling the this mine; the mine lkatated te detonated by the plate maser grenade ln ‘and lnwaling © pull (letion fase from a stick hand scried Inte the explosive curge, Toverted ine the ude ef Ihe casing sve two fanaa, Recuuer the device has no boner charge, i vsen two delonatere aus wells throuch which eletscally ur mechamialy Toklated lant may le For mace powerful unewen, Placed, The mine. generally wed in an aeipersonmel cole, Be biated by tag on « tripwie seung seross 8 path CHARACTEMISTICS Antpersntel eee co to 24 i 104 18 Ib NT Fed ae ‘ith pena) POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 35 VIET CONG BCOBYTRAPS FUZE WELLS CHARACTERISTICS Antipersonnel Gray 10 in Width of hae Tia Height Sin ‘Total weight —. Bb ‘11NT None ELECTRIC DETONATOR LEADS POTATO MASHER HAND GRENADE SHELL CASE SwmLL case mune Tin Cam Antipersonne! Mine CARRYING HANDLE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT DETONATOR HOUSING ‘The tin can mine ia camatocted Irom a sheet metal coatsiner tar in spperance to. beer can The Brine device for the axplonie iy aa revned ine with sero delay action A hand arerade fame tory bo ed ith this mutition Ly renwal of the delay element. ‘The mine twseions By CONCRETE 4 iprize tached lo the pull ting device which when removed allows the ‘erinacriven atiiker to move downward, hiding the primer and detonting te mine, CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT Aniipcrteanel The cavcirte mound mine Is comrvcied of mxplsive ensued in concrete Gray cr green DW youibly 1 slnilar mie of caw ict tay le enccentewed. Tho meurd. Meximars diomeier rin shaped mine i elec peer eu hing « hauting for eae of the fine wll, Eleise 5 ing. housing for exe of the fate wea, Elecise carrer wa welght Azer 215 deuanter ia povided ty battery pack of hardikeld generar, lle = i Foe delay None (CHARACTERISTICS ‘Astipereonsel va an anna 2 ‘aeeer acne Ba Concrete Frogmentation Mine 9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT Betel Hox Mine The conerete fragmentation ine in consructed of exslexive encamed in m1 ‘lindsay shaped cenciete with « ful side for sable emplacement, A 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT lecheiameter ize 02 une end of the sine head serves an e carrying handle The Bete low mine ls constrctcd of concrete aud explosive, te ose fone and detonies housing. The two eviels en ip of the mive are met ts tel ia Iecated of the top a te tener Of the ie Uied te shir ne dan fe gn sbjece The mine's electrical dtonatns usually is actated remotely by Persomel cr aM anlichicaer role, the mine le exploded by am Ceca smeans of « battery pack or hand-held generator, setonan, BOND Vol. 4 96 VIET ING BOOBYTRAPS CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS ‘Antipersonnal Cry Sin + 32h Moline TNT CARRYING HANDLE UZE WELL EAST MOM BODY » PINEAPPLE FRAGREATATION IME x ‘Tarte Mine Dad Shell Mine eee AND COMMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION AXD COMMENT ae immerse caplsive insides is We ye dud abel ine ix Improvised rom do anillry or aortas projet. the mine ts made by seswring the fate from = pevietla aad dallng w hale ima the explosive for ao eectial deweator. Uh Ihendeld gee: rave sapylr he eunant to acre the detinetes omoteh. ‘The wine a eemerer tara Uhl Ite efectceneseagainat tmored seks Antgerannel/ Vari entail Vee ally TNT GENERAL DESCKIPTION AND COMMENT ‘Tha pieaapple fragmentation mine juni eegabepe sno further idenfed by surface serrations aud carying handle ced in one end cf the beds. Win foard Inand.ld gaoerate ee ss ae POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 97 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAFS 8 DE-10 Directional Mine GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘Tee DI-IO directional fgmentation mins Ws peizasly an actipinnanet tmiae which bo can be used agaicalthinakinned veils cr similar les. ‘The cence mentation face of the eige contains sppresinataly ‘atta, and ia Backed up by jened lor clectical detonation, the mine le previded with a jute te fame wo that t can be placed on vatious type of werlaee and Anipessannel timed ia. any direction. “The single Save well in cectred a0 the comes Giruy to black (80K) sie of the mine ‘The min aipesmnnel mine, made of catt irom, resembles = ack hand cromide ihe very dhort bandle. The word, "Mla." iy alten found cut {ito the “ody. The handle houses « pulbfition, delaptype fuse A tn pring atached tothe pall wire af the elev zx wll, by extecing ne the dey came * CHARACTERISTICS Type Calor Maximum diomeler 2in sin cuanacremisrics zi Daal purpose TNT Grey to Back Fuze delay — 2esae ne te 2b Gon TT aobyY — PULL WIRE INSIDE HERE ‘MIM ANTIPERSOWNEL ALUN CENEMAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT Tee bmsnding tragmioraten mire is proved from US. M2 bounding: sine or M8 triple mine caw A nwa slider alihily smaller fs han the ine eats le Helle aut ae that «naar goemede tee tently the US. MI6\ can fe imide The wooden eylindee with ineesed stonade iS thon filed itn the mine “we aed the grenade’ sale ple ie titeced When the rine i Sitated dlesiall either by baley, pote fr a hand genetater the evlindir aod seme wit repelled nr At the Senden eylince ih grenads Ives the chity the bende Bic of ond the ze tin a the gras CHAMACTEWISTICS Te Fer delay Bie 8 ae (arenade “1 Merelled Top Water Mine GENERAL DESCIUFTION AND COMMENT Beveled top water mines are found ln large quraies In the Mekong River snd ing srikataion. They are placod at dept compaible with the dct of the beats ying the parla wateneay. The mie constructed of thee metal rolled Into a ceaieat shape; the weama ate soldered ov svrled, The cecil use is Ienied in 6 fase well in the baton of the mine. A fete: Hon chamber is hv the end oppodie the ane well. Hatiris or hand held seactalr prides the current Tol weight ber vol. 4 FLOTATION CHAMBER ELECTRIC DETOMATOR HERE BEVELED Tor WATER WIRE my Aruneated! Cone Welcr Mine GENERAL DESCKUPTION AND COMMENT “The truoeaed cone wmler mise in memauctured frm maiomgrye shee sactal in ture sections rteed ‘ogrther: the expbaive secon wih electrical fine (srall radi and the flautin chumboe, When « vewel approaches, the Inte iw petioned by the Viet Garg on the shote by mem of ropes, Ooce fouluone the mite s dewnaied by wong a battery pack or a hand generator. CHARACTERISTI Troe or Ss Htninmeat Color - Black Meximurs diameter Vin Voight 25 in Tou! weight 83 Ib Filler INT a8 Small Trunented ConeShaped Charge JENERAL, DESCIIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The avll wancated concahaped charge ib encased in shest metal plates rivet togelber A pelbtschon faze in the small ord wsually joicates the ‘aplonive charges it cortzias a delay clement thich allows, the Viet Cong Tmoteur te Ieave the vicinity before lhe expe TET oe homemae ceshie AApvan Sr tpl 98 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS Large Teanested ConeShapes! Charke GENERAL, DESCHI ‘The lange sraneated coneshaped 'F10N AND. COMMESS hare iv enctred in envrenge sheet metal wih welded eae Tie Tate bu yolleloute or pullnicion device of Conemown comtrveton, which foaled! wher w cathy: Vick Cone taps 08 the pall wire "This chance fe ake foucd (0 he wreswmally fed for electeal faite, CHARACTERISTICS painted re back Hee ve Totel weight 2 Flee TNT ey Tarile Charge GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT The turtle cheree is encased in foot pens of sheet sosal riveted te stirs and conted with 1 black waterpraning eompoond. ‘This change cat De inated either eleseally or mecksobrally (th oe ithewt a delay ele ment). Either type of se would be lasted inthe fine well onthe aide of the charge and would be laltiaud iy x rotrty Vit Cone POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 99 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS ‘enaracrenisrics a 11 Dasa Charge GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The cll drum change i mede by partly Alliog a standard US. Sugllon bid or Iubrcant drow with eaplesive and intalling © miatwatch Bring device 1 hotioey ead. ‘The specimen shown om the eppeate page ly hw two fring devicen tm dngure hat the charge wil explode cree sve fue mellnstione CHARACTERISTICS Oivedreb 51 Cylindsieal Charge GENERAL MESCRIPTION AND COMMENT The ealimdsial charge, alhough noneally encased in ahest meta) aw ile tented, can alas be mace from artillery and mortar orojectle shipping. cone lwinere The dineaslors and welgh vay condeeabiy, The charge le mor, ty fred electrically by » 2earby Vit Cong using batieree er « hentheld coer. The weepon ‘ould san be fred by pulbtieton, wethenla oe olayype fine deve. ‘OnARACTERISTICS Cate Vases Mesiweo dana Yee leon Yaree Toa wide = sats w File NT pet cht, 9 — GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT {The Bangalore tocpde is generally made irom « Iegih of Bincdlameter ine fd wh explo aed itd byw Tan The econ deel aicitc entomaron wuko8 14 eae af the bette made lier and has m faze well in ove eed. The mene rumenge «240K omamonly encountered Benesles tecpedocs are mach exudes In appectence 3 ‘They may be found with ary i7ge of fone, iY CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT Black or olivedrab 2 ia of explosive wrapped in aerpront ‘canvet) end lated #04 2a Spm ain fotiene ples The eres ror ef tn fase erped 60 © acon rmelactrie detcmutor. Pole charges ace exeerliy wed curing asaula (0? TNT piste acid estvoying barbed ne et ‘uxouoet ommne POOR MAN'S JAME BOND Vol. 4 100 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS 2” 3 Chemsieal Pune ‘Weiseentch Firing Device GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The chemical fuse le used for sebotage, 11 can be attached 10 any mine The vristtch fing device i used to provide 4 delay betneon the tine « denetian eberge, ‘The fine le inated by tmesking the eorasve Squid Vial: the corrosive sluion then gracelly corzmien the wie which teteine ‘When the nite bas weakoned suficionty, the fring pin ie finer, detonating the charge. The delay tee pre hewn) oe the bear hand tit the desire th tempereiore and ee are One elec: lad ited delay fe ‘delay Lo mimes) la Broken of cmnected In ie stem or er ofthe watch and the ancond CHARACTERISTICS eed i comune to see feuine thph «le the alk yt The wach rae petite ee hs somning hand lence te Delay screw; at that time the circuit ls compleied and an electrical detonniar er. asi fot "The sri Ioowe 48 sell atulaton hey the joe tpely: the iett shows a atch aly, in ahematie for Voten: 20 to $8 in GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT The mocap fin devi s+ name inden, cman of an sdnay munetnp, ated tot the yoke, when wiped ell hie £8 ae Crud foto pecan per, Tis feg eves hax bom hop we GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT 1 Vit Cone imrovicd gree lute wi wil probably be coated te The premirshwk Eg dt coma of & wood fee: « morubl, hp oF snipmened mine katt smringlonid sonlen premrepice naked bok("a0l # beg at Ghuteatrend cise See” One tnd af lets we i ulate ete isi he srondsrnd hares Send vet tune When tone soe force (ie's penon nnping an he dee) pide ihe penne ye doce te tht the head ofthe bolt cota the fate Mend ef ne he ca es Cnpinad toh the seca detentr eh then Bae be Promure-Bteetele Firing Device Tre Nondelay Aggro 45 in Appros 13 tn Apron 4a Varin widely Anat Arrow Trap GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT nec vine The aryied anew iap Is made of « piece of tanow tate eter Tama) ftatesed 10 9 howrd, « see! arrow a strong robier bed, & Lipite, ands fatch mechariem. The device placed ie commlfeged i. the becom of hich fv sloped in sachs way that & pene tripping the site will he Airack in the tharey hy the arm, POOR MAN'S CAMES BOND Vol. 4 1al VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS a Carwidee Teep (Foot Breaker) GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The cartrides tp consis of vec ubouh the bet- boo verve ay a Griag pin. The weigh: of » me alepping om per cn of the eatldge fonees the rail nto the eacttdge tw bate the primers the bullet i then propelial upward vanoaah Lie on GENERAL, DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT fomniete of a length ef green bamuo, supported by & serie Font, and thre or foar harted point arrows. The bamice pole seat ase held 'ia am ate postion by w each device. When a iipwice sued sero e tril or path ie pulled. tt teleaser the vaich device, and te bewlos pole huts the arrows sling the path at abst chest hig CARTEIBGE TRAP (FOOT BREAKER) 15 Sptke Boar Pit GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The optke board alt a slply 4 emall pit the Botleor ef which te Raed th aug wh pina Bn ren ‘The a he i ‘eamoufliged “A person slapping on the sumeafage material fal inte the fl And lepalen his foot cr fet onthe apex These pits ete generally abo ibe star eS laser + tee 7 Beyele Mine CENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The bieyele mine is made fmm en ondinarybeyste by Ging part f the tuba ira insali'g ea clesirlel daonsion Ye this ex Fleske, ard ne delaras to hatterien anda wratiatch. Sting fevice ace page 3) in the headlight hesning. The biyele explode where, ter a Erect bine and. the eireit thrws varied hy comsesting the deter i sehen the bicpele the detonate te reane the czplaon, 77 Titing Lid Spike Pix GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT + encom bit deseibed on page TS The 7 (about 13 feet squire ven Inked “in, poelon iis ateag d ea the Ld 1 lope om UL tnd the man drops inte 4 ce that cover the bertom. The lid, which in counterbalanced, then wings - ace to Ite original postin. ‘Mecause of the pits deplh, the wll ae ee © share wp dh board logs to prevent rarer, fo soppest w man's weigh POOR MANS 4 VIET CONS BOOSYTRAFS 14st 90 10? a Sidewaye Chorin “Te GENERAL, DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘of the ike tap, soaslote of tale of GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMME® The plvvied pike Board Is ward with a feat lt. When o yeimun a tte teal (ahiwa in the ilbsration), the bused with driven epikes Piva lout am avle, Ar the vill dope ini» the pit, se pike Doand ices ie ee the ruiber baniny "The divine = placed by the tep ef a ithe chow on fen \ pert and feet deep) and canmalaged. As a mag steps on thin doves, ges the proj, wheeragra Uhe rubber bande, the rpke eripe arm hin, “The spikes abe elegy abdanen, and heat anil he atop falling, A owlation of thie derice consists of @ length of fate spt lengthened af wd ram, ith sates long each spreng together by te 1 tube K modem peop Leefe Whe aikestudded wood cin GBNENAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT "The Venus fyien (pil) consists of a rectangular Uramewock with over Jepping barbs emplaced reer w pit om tlle or in ake paddies ‘The dimen sawch cevese vary, the one dllsinted in approximately 88) 22 inches The bark are angled doumuord award the pli thue making #7 (Mempe te extvce 4 leg enecdirgly dficel. Mx geinm siege ito one of ‘strap be shoal down of eat them Letore ‘tempting 10 pall ba leg 4 ‘Tenp Dridee GENERAL DESCHIFTIOY AND COMMENT: moce nace cut ATE Venus Fiyirap (Cen) GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT 8) Senet \aveied of « metal container. AE should ext of et bend the barbe ‘vihdrew Bi Te. S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 103 VIET CONG BOOBYTRAPS es Samended Sot Gu cerererrseeee, =» GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The suipendad spikes device, also Known. a the Tiger Twp, cents of 4m Uincharpre eard with spikes, At de weshted with teieke and. ein beaded from the branch of a tree evechangiog 4 path. A teipeie stctched ‘serou the path beneath the wpike beard, when pulled, fen the. desi to Tallon someone below, SUSPSNDED rics ” Spike Lag (Mace) GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The apike kg is sppeorlaely B 10 10 oot Ioeg nd atudded with apikes 4 in often lit im roadside ditches whore ite biden fa the gra, In nother emplacement, caled the Mace, th spike eg in euspended! {oom a tee branch, fn ach 4 way that, when «pve ie pulled. the log evines down slong he path or tcil-dpaling enyone inte way smn oe ane 3 Cat, 22 Poantnle Pew GRNERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The caliber 22 fountain gen iy actually « weapon which fies w 22caliber imbre eatedge. We ix wed by Vit Ce \Masirion shows the pon in the uncocked post corked, the round tnd. pate of ie Bing fhe eft end of the Wot in the canprewed epi tare This devie can be varied ug fim ino the caridee, causing it a arelte ghee COCKING s1UD « 22 rounr 28 Explosive Fowntaln Pew ro GENERAL, DESCHIPTION AND COMMENT The expleive fountain pen ia anciber type of boobyicap of baraming de vice, When the cap te unseremed atd semeved frm the hareel of the pen, ‘te friction fuzes foneilon and both cap tnd barrel explede in the bnmde of the perv Balding the pen Sodium Incendiary Deviee GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENT ‘The sedlum incendiary device ix contracted of tun short mete hemgberee welled together and. containiar sodsam ssaperded ina tarlike substance Th bedy ha two hak in Se out surtace, "A wex end paper covering over Whe alee vatryowufs the item when i worage. When’ the device le tar placed, the vex cover i removed, allowing waler to contact the nodiam aed hereby cresting teat and Game. This devee i often emplaced in boet bikers fad be particulary efetive in any aten with ell cr gan soon. CRARACTERISTICS Te a Tcendiery Color Black Diameter 1s Weaht ee Filer Sedian sopium Fier HEMISPHERE

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