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Agenda for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Boat;

Tuesday 10th November, 2015
7.30 pm.

Present: John and Clarice Pass, Ian and Sylvia Evetts, Marie and Paul Turner, Nigel, John H, Martin
Taylor-Wilde, Debbie from the Community Centre and Social Club, Richard Ash, Iain Paige.
Apologies: Dave Mitchell, Malcolm Scothon, Isabelle Chatfield
1. Lantern procession- 28th Nov
Workshops- We are on track with the workshops 21 st in Comm Centre plus one at school, one at Brownies but
were a bit unsure about what Isabelle has organised. Rachel with the playgroup. Marie has the tin lanterns. Isabelle
has sent letters to update people on the events, but maybe theres only one workshop. We assume Isabelle is in
Still not heard from the police, but Marie will follow-up.
Dave Mitchell volunteered to marshall also John Haines.
Ian Paige can lead the parade with his boat on a pick-up truck. This is all sorted he will lead the procession. Usual
route, but boat and truck will go and park up outside the community centre while the procession walks up Scarthin.
Community centre market opens 10am, all stalls sold we think 20 stalls. Big organ musical steam thing on the
cobbles. BBQ at lunchtime. Mulled wine. Hot dogs, burgers etc. Finishes 5 or maybe a bit later stay in time for
parade to get there. Parade meets at 5. Starts a bit later.
Fireworks- do we want to put on a small display, now that the Community Centre are organising much more than we
had originally anticipated? No.
Tea lights we have enough.
2. Dave Mountford's fundraiser
Pick a pub competition. Can we help organise prizes? Huntly-Green, choc shop, cheese shop, butchers etc.
Were not too keen on organising for other people to get prizes but maybe we could donate a prize? Hundred club
tickets for e.g.? We will publicise it though.
3. John Pass and UK Garrison
UK Garrison theres a draw on 17th April so we have to be lucky to get drawn. They need a donation to charity, and a
place to change and some refreshments. So itll be about 120. Yes were going for it.
4. 200 club John updated us on the status. We want to get a proper tombola thing for the draw. Martin maybe able
to lend us one. Clarice to talk to Ann at the Chocolate shop. Many thanks on behalf of the whole committee to John
and Clarice for their hard work in organising all this.
5. Community centre update- Debbie thanked Ian for the publicity. Successful Halloween party. Getting more adults
into the comm centre and the hall. Next meeting 16 th Nov looking for grants for decoration, WiFi for the bar. Profit

made in the bar goes to the community hall. Looking for daytime users as well as evening. On a weds daytime in the
bar knit and natter to connect with the mobile library Debbie to try to connect in with Clarice and the club Calrice
will get Jenny to talk to Debbie. Sewing group, keep fit, yoga. So lots of ideas. Thanks for the help in publicity etc.
Hope to overlap with Celeb Cromford more. Need help with the website. Childrens party 19 th Dec, fashion show this
Saturday. The Cromford Factor every month starts January.
6. Apple Day 2016- Saturday 15th October the big press and the clog dancers are booked.
6. AOB
Richard Ash demonstration of CPR at the main CC weekend. He will try to sort and sponsor. All agreed.
Marie asked if we want Gullimouse to be at the comm centre for the lantern procession. Yes, we do, apparently, so all
sorted with Iain Paige.

Next CC Meeting: Christmas fuddle, Tues 8th Dec, 7:30pm at The Boat

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