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Date: Oct 7th, 2015

To: Professor Intawiwat
From: Cameron Johannesen
Subject: Introduction To Tech. Comm: CHP 3 EX 2
According to the Ethisphere Institutes list of the worlds most ethical companies for
2015, Starbucks Coffee Company was on the list for the most ethical company in the
Specialty Eateries category. Starbucks is not only one of the largest known coffee
companies in the world, but theyre also very adamant in their attempt to make a
company that is environmentally friendly. While investigating this company, I found that
as of June 28, 2015, Starbucks has 22,519 stores world wide. They also offer more than
30 blends and single-origin premium coffees.
Another important factor I found on Starbucks website, is there concern for students.
They recognize that over 70% of their U.S. employees are current students or aspiring
students. From this, they have collaborated with Arizona State University as a first time
trial, to cover tuition for any part-time or full- time student working at Starbucks, in order
to receive a bachelors degree.
Throughout investigating Starbucks website, I have found that the company is very aware
of their community and is willing to offer help in various ways. They are again also
concerned in protecting our environment from offering LEED, using water and energy
conservation, and looking towards helping our climate change. Searching through this
company, it is very easy to agree with the Ethisphere Institute when choosing them as one
of the worlds most ethical companies.

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