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Relationship between states and the universities within those states: When it comes to
higher education governance and the question of autonomy universities typically desire greater
levels of autonomy and states usually want a higher level of accountability from the higher
education institutions. In this dissertation the author uses a example from another author
where a comparison of these relationship is made to dancers. The higher education institution
and the state are like two dancers fighting to lead. States have four levels of higher education
governance systems that go from list centralized to most centralized. The four systems are
Voluntary Association, Advisory Coordinating Board, Regulatory Coordinating Board and
Consolidated Governing Board.
2. Higher Education Governance Change: Governance change or reform is dependent upon
state political matters. To move any governance reform ahead it's necessary to have support
from key political actors such as senators and governors. For policy change to occur its
important that policymakers are convinced that an issue at hand is significant and requires
change, attention has to be called upon the issue and lastly feedback from existing programs.
3. State Socioeconomic and Demographic Variables: Socioeconomic and demographic variables
are quite different throughout the state population. Differences exist in wealth, age, education
and ethnic backgrounds of the state population. One would think that these characteristics
would play a role on governance policies however strangely enough demographic variables are
often absent from governance related research.

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