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Grade: 4

Date: 25.10.2015

Topic: Matter is made of


Learning objective: define Particle

Lesson plan- 5-E Model
ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate
The teacher will introduce to that have a new friend will welcome our classroom today.

KWL activity:

In the group the students will starting to writing down:

K: What we know?
W: What we want to learn?
L: What we have learnt?
But, for this side we just focus on K and W. after I finish to explain for them the particle then
they will going to writing down what we have learnt?

Who I am?
That will introduce the particle to the students.
Explore: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
The teacher will introduce the activity to the students.

Modeling Particle by using ball:

Her the students will modeling the particle by using the ball. So the students need:

Small water bottle.
Blank box.
Small ball.

So the students will take the ball and fill the object that have and they will observe what
will happen of the ball in balloon, box and water.
After that the students will writing a small description of what they saw.

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