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Traditions in Romania

Manian cuisine is a diverse blend of different dishes from

several traditions with which it has come into contact, but it also
maintains its own character. It has been greatly influenced by
Ottoman cuisine, while it also includes influences from the
cuisines of other neighbours, such as Germans Serbs and
Hungarians. Traditionals meals are:

Sarmale cu racituri
Ciorba de burta
Mamaliga cu smantana
Cozonac cu nuca

Setting the table properly makes life easier for the guest.
They will see a table which looks good and feel, quite rightly, that
you are making them feel welcome. A
well laid table speaks volumes to a guest.
The diagram below shows the layout of a
table set to include a fish course.
It is polite to wait until all the
guests are gathered around the table
before starting to eat. It is considered bad
manners to say something while you are chewing the food.
However, Romanians talk a lot during the meal. It is impolite to
leave the table before everybody has finished the meal. It is also
impolite to smoke while the other people are serving the meal or
still eating.

At the end of the meal people usually thank the host for it
and congratulate the host for such a wonderful meal, even if you
haven't enjoyed the meal, it still would be polite to thank the host

as they have gone to a lot of trouble preparing it probably in your

honor as the guest of the house.

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