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A Section of the Anglican Journal

September 2015


Anglicans in Africa
Submitted by

Bishop David Torraville

In May of this year, the

Rev. Perry Cooper and I were
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to
participate in a consultation of
bishops and executive officers
from Companion Dioceses in
Canada and Africa. Prior to the
consultation we visited Primates World Relief and Development projects in the Diocese
of Masasi, in southern Tanzania.
In a two part reflection of
my visit, I will share in the first
reflection, details of the visit to
Masasi and the work of PWRDF.
The second will deal with the
consultation and with our meetings with Bishop Francis Loyo
and his assistant the Rev. Clement Abujin Joseph, from Central
Newfoundlands Companion
Diocese, the Diocese of Rokon,
Church of South Sudan.
We spent several days in the
Diocese of Masasi with Bishop
James Almasi and Rev. Geoffrey
Monjessa traveling around the
Diocese in a 4 wheel drive over
some very challenging roads.
In Rondo at the end of one of
these very long roads, we visited
a boys school and seminary. The
school has an enrollment of 120
boys from around the region
along with 9 seminarians and
their families. Church is held
twice a day at Rondo and our
welcome in the chapel was full
of singing, dancing, laughing
and the sheer exuberance of all
those boys.
In the town of Masasi, we
visited the convent where we
shared the Eucharist with novices and nuns who ranged in
age from their teens to the
quite elderly. The nuns are
self-sufficient, growing crops,
raising chickens and other livestock. Their major project at the
moment is to build student residences for girls who come to the
town for school, but who have no
safe place to study or stay. We
visited agricultural projects and
villages which had wells dug
by Primates and the Canadian
government. We interrupted a

Bishop James Almasi (left) of the Diocese of Masasi and Bishop David Torraville (right) at St.
Marys Convent in souther Tanzania. Photo: Perry Cooper.

choir practice and were blessed where 8 to 10 babies are born Primates share, will come from
with an incredible impromptu each month. This is a testimony our Primates envelopes and will
performance. We were wel- to the work which the church improve the quality and indeed
comed in each village with a has done. The Anglican Church save the lives of thousands of
feast, worthy of a Newfound- of Canada through PWRDF is mothers and newborns in Africa.
land and Labrador scoff. Most a recognized world leader in After seeing the work of PWRDF
humbling, with great ceremony, providing effective programs in I know that every dollar we offer
we were invited to sign guest Maternal and Newborn Health. can, quite literally, change a life.
In June, as you placed your
books everywhere we went and Just recently PWRDF and The
our hands were washed by our Canadian Government began offering in the PWRDF envelope you read
hosts before
about The Dean
each of these
and the Mosquifeasts.
tos. I was privOne of
ileged to delivthe most
striking moer scrapbooks
and greetings
ments of
to the Diocese
our visit was
of Masasi from
to discover
the cathedrals
a birthing
centre at the
in Vancouver
and Montreal
boys school.
whose children
The school is
and youth had
in a very rusupported projral area with
numerous vilects to purchase
lages around Here is a well that provides fresh water to a local village in Masasi mosquito nets
to combat mai t a n d t h e that was given by PWRDF. Photo: Perry Cooper.
laria. In July if
of Tanzania asked the church a 5 year, 17.7 million dollar you read the story on your
to operate a birthing centre for Maternal Health and Newborn PWRDF envelope you read
the region from the school. The Health Program. PWRDF is re- about Miracle Goats. Perry
nurses who were at the school sponsible for providing about and I saw those goats and met
to care for the boys now have 2.6 million dollars and will people whose lives had been
the additional responsibility of operate programs in four Afri- changed by the goats and by
operating the birthing centre can countries. The 2.6 million, cows which are provided by

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

PWRDF projects.
I learned that in Tanzania
the villages can be a mixture
of Muslims and Christians,
living and working peacefully
together. One of the agricultural projects with Muslim and
Christian community leadership
has grown from a single small
cassava field to larger fields
with cassava and vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce and corn. From
their profits the community has
bought a simple mill to grind
the corn to make their own corn
meal for consumption and for
sale at market.
Over the years numerous
clergy and lay people from
Europe and North America have
worked in Tanzania on church
projects but one of the marks
of the success of this help is
that the Church in Tanzania has
developed its own expertise and
leadership. While we can offer
resources and prayerful support,
project participants, leaders,
teachers, agricultural specialists,
clergy are all from the country.
Many have been to England and
America and Canada for training
but are now home, grateful for
the help they have received but
confident and competent and
faithful leaders, proclaiming
Gods grace in their own way in
their own homes. These leaders
display an amazing energy and
confidence, strength of purpose,
and pride, deeply rooted in a
profound faith. It is an inspiration and an encouragement to
meet them and to travel even
briefly with them along our
Christian journey.
I ask for your prayer for the
Diocese of Masasi, for the work
of PWRDF in Africa and around
the world and pray that you be
generous and regular in your
financial support for the faith
affirming and life-saving work
and ministry of PWRDF.


Eastern Diocese launches Chaplain on-call

study on human sexuality collaboration
Submitted by

Canon David Burrows

In 2014, the Synod of

the Diocese of Eastern
Newfoundland and Labrador passed a motion
to enter into a period
of prayer, learning, and
dialogue, and to discern
the presence of the Holy
Spirit with respect to
these and similar discussions of human sexuality.
This has been a part of
the continuing journey
of the Church for the
last number of decades.
Since 1979, the Anglican
Communion has been
grappling with the discussion of homosexual
relationships and the
place of human sexuality
in the context of our faith.
In 1979, a report offered
by bishops to the Church
of England related,
There is much we
do not yet know or understand. . . We are still
emerging, half-dazzled,
from a long period of
darkness in which the
whole subject (homosexuality) was regarded
as shameful and unmentionable. . . we need, and
may hope for, a period of
responsible and increasingly informed study
and discussion, during
which the differing convictions and opinions
of concerned groups
and individuals will be
taken seriously and regarded sympathetically
by all concerned. (The
Gloucester Report: Homosexual Relationships,
1979 p. 79).
It seems that for the
past 36 years, this dialogue and discussion
has happened in various
ways by various communities. Following the
unanimous passing of
the motion by the Synod
of 2014, the Diocese of
Eastern Newfoundland
and Labrador convened
a working group to explore a resource to guide
parishes in dialogue concerning Human Sexuality
and the community of
faith in our context.
This fall, with the
blessing of the Bishop,
the Rt. Rev.d Dr. Geoffrey
Peddle, this resource is

ready and prepared for

use in the parish context. The hope is that this
resource might further
inform parishes, clergy
and laity, and delegates
to the General Synod.
The goal of this process is simply to facilitate
conversations, and not
for parishes or groups to
arrive at decisions for or
against anything. Nor is
the goal to direct General
Synod delegates to vote
according to a position
arrived at by the Diocese. It is our desire that
Anglicans in our diocese
have an opportunity to
participate in open and
respectful conversations
on the issues, as church
leaders prepare to reflect on these complex issues and to make difficult
decisions. The primary
concern is dialogue and
discernment rather than
There will be standards for respectful dialogue within the parish context, including a
promise to:
- begin and end each
session with prayer;
- respect peoples integrity as members of this
faith community;
- assume that as people of faith we are all
sincere in our beliefs,
including our reverence
for Holy Scripture;
- assume that lesbian and gay persons are
- use language known
to be affirming rather
than offensive;
- respect others by
being concise and not
- speak in the first person; and
- respect the privacy
of others.
The overall goal of
this resource is for persons in parishes to enter
into a conversation and
to reveal the presence of
the Holy Spirit within the
topic of Human Sexuality
and how it affects the
community of faith.
There are four main
areas of discussion within
the resource: The Bible,
Change and Diversity,
Human Sexuality, and
Marriage and Families.

The working group

suggests that the resource is highly adaptable; parishes can implement the study through
dialogue sermons, parish
study groups, Lunch &
Learn conversations, online dialogue, and prayer.
We commend this
work, and look forward to
the resulting discussion
and dialogue among the
entire church as we move
forward. We give thanks
for the diligence, faithfulness, and expertise of
Rick Hibbs, Lester Pike,
Harold Press, Jonathan
Rowe, and Charlene Taylor, as together we committed over 165 hours of
prayer, study, learning
and dialogue to offer this
for the churchs use.
You can download
t h e e n t i re g u i d e b y

Pictured left to right: Major Bruce Shirrin (SA), Venerable Sandra Tilley (Ang.), Dr. Rick Singleton (EH), Archbishop Martin Currie (RC), and
Brenda Andrews, Corresponding Secretary (UC).
Submitted by
Dept. of Pastoral Care & Ethics
Eastern Health

Eastern Health Pastoral

Care began a pilot project
throughout the fall of 2014 to
look at the potential of a system
of shared on-call for chaplains
at the hospitals in St. Johns.
The pilot project was evaluated
by patients, families, nurses
and chaplains. The feedback
was very positive. The four
participating denominations

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

(Anglican, Roman Catholic,

Salvation Army and United
Church) agreed to continue with
the arrangement for the next
year. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed
by representatives of each denomination and Eastern Health
was signed at a gathering at the
Health Sciences Centre Chapel
on January 22, 2015. It was appropriate and symbolic to have
such an event during the Week
of Prayer for Christian Unity.


What about the


On May 14, 2015, the Outreach Committee of All Saints Church, Corner Brook went to the
Lohnes Complex for a sing-along with the seniors. It was a very uplifting afternoon and a
wonderful way to acknowledge our seniors and their impact on all our lives. Pictured above
left to right are: Gerald Allen, Rev Tanya White and Annie Russell. Submitted by Sylvia Hynes.

The choir for the Easter Sunday service at St. John the Divine Anglican Church in Buchans enjoyed
having Bishop David Torraville and Rev. Perry Cooper celebrate with them. In the photo: (front)
Lorraine Boone, Eliza Fowlow, Rev. Perry Cooper, and Geraldine Purchase. (back) Dorothy Piercey,
Madeline Chippett, Bishop David Torraville, Carol Anne Traverse, and Bonnie Gushue. Photo by
Pauline Dean.

The recent death of

a Manchester teenager,
Lizzie Lowe, who was struggling to reconcile her faith
with her emerging sexuality, was a tragedy. As
someone who is a member
of the LGBT community, has
struggled with depression,
and is a parish priest, I want
to help the wider Church
recognize the negative
messages we often communicate to young LGBT
people, and how we might
- with grace, courage, and
faith - become good news
for them.
So writes Rachel Mann
in the Church Times and
she goes on with her assessment of the relationship between the Church
and those who are lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgendered. Among the
issues for young member
of the LGBT community she
identifies widespread depression, substance abuse,
confusion with sexual and
gender identity, the enormous stress of coming out,
for those nurtured as Christians their understanding
of God, the pressure to
conform to social expectations and the high rate of
How does the Church
deal with LGBT members
and others who feel unwelcome, left out or pushed
out? How do we as Church
and on our own treat the
abandoned and rejected?
Overall the Church
doesnt have a good record
in welcoming, affirming and
including those who are
marginalized, stigmatized
and even dehumanized because they are perceived
as different. Attitudes are
often fed by ignorance,
fear and hate, and we all
have our blinkers, biases,
prejudices and proneness
to judging. How do we
break down the barriers we
create based on race, religion, ethics, class, money,
disability etc. ?
One of the barriers
erected by the Church
consists of our doctrines,
regulations, customs and
practices. Even if these
are not intended to keep
people out, it is often the
perception and the result. The way the Church
presents itself can be seen
as judgement on the worth
and life-style of those who
feel disenfranchised. So
they dont approach the

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

The Rev. Everett Hobbs


While there are some

parishes and individuals
who intentionally welcome
and affirm LBGT persons
and other strangers, there
are many that dont. This
seems to be the dominant
I see the Kingdom of
God as primarily about
peace, justice, freedom,
compassion, mercy, forgiveness; inclusiveness,
acceptance, affirmation,
dignity and respect. I may
want others to change but
maybe it is me who needs
to change.
Here are a few wisdom
The more I am able to
affirm others, to say Yes to
them in myself, by discovering them in myself and myself in them, the more real I
am. (Thomas Merton)
We shall not find Christ
at the altar in Church unless
we are also finding him
in the homeless outside.
(John Chrysostom)
What is a charitable
heart? It is one which is
burning with love for the
whole of creation, for human, for birds, for beasts,
for demons - for all creatures. (Isaac the Syrian)
True hospitality grows
out of our experience of
vulnerability and our awareness of the dignity and sacredness of all life. (Laura
The beginning of love
is the will to let everyone be
truly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to
fit our image. (Chuang Tzu)
In some monastic communities when members
enter the chapel in pairs
they first bow to the altar
signifying the presence of
God and then to each other
as God is in each of us.


Position Available: Editor

Anglican Life in Newfoundland & Labrador
ANGLICAN LIFE in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper
of the Anglican Church in the Province of Newfoundland and
Labrador. A co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in
Newfoundland and Labrador, it is publishes ten issues each
calendar year with an independent editorial policy.
Anglican Life is a section of the Anglican Journal
The Venerable Sam Rose
8 Croydon Street
Paradise, NL
A1L 1P7

New subscriptions, cancellations, & changes of address should

be sent to:
The Anglican Journal (attn. Bev Murphy)
80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2
(416) 924-9192 (O) (416) 925-8811 (fax)
Each parish is responsible for maintaining its own subscription
list - please notify your parish office of any changes. Changes
sent to parish offices may take months to take effect. Please
also send your updated information to Circulation at the
Anglican Journal (above) or to Don Young at 34 Fraser Road,
Gander NL A1V 2E8.
Articles and photographs: Send to the Editor (above)
Letters to the Editor:
Send to the Editor, Sam Rose (address as above). All letters
must include the writers name, address, and telephone
number. Telephone numbers will not be published. Anglican
Life does not publish letters under nom de plume. Letters
should not exceed 300 words (one double spaced typewritten
page), and are subject to editing at the discretion of the editor.
These policies were adopted by the Anglican Life Committee.

Printed and Mailed by:

Webnews Printing Inc.
8 High Meadow Place
North York, ON, M9L 2Z5

Circulation: 20,183

Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church
in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. A co-operative effort of the three
Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador, it is published monthly, except July and
August, with an independent editorial policy. The Editor has responsibility for all final
decisions pertaining to the design, layout, content and quality of each issue of Anglican Life. The publishers of Anglican Life are the three Bishops of the Dioceses of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, Central Newfoundland, and Western Newfoundland.
The Business Manager and Advertising Agent is the Joint Committee Officer.

What are we looking for in an Editor?

Advertising Rates and other information may be obtained from:

Bishop Donald Young
34 Fraser Road, Gander, NL, A1V 2E8
Phone: (709) 256-7701

Paid Subscription Rates:
Newfoundland and Labrador: $15.00
Outside the province: $20.00
International: $25.00

Layout & Design by: The Editor

The Tri-Diocesan Management Committee seeks applications for the position of Editor for Anglican Life in Newfoundland & Labrador.

The Editor of Anglican Life should possess the following qualities:

- A personal faith in God and an active relationship with Jesus Christ which is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- Be able to provide a prophetic and pastoral voice to the church that encourages its
ministry and reflects the breadth and diversity of the church, in particular the Anglican
Church in Newfoundland & Labrador.
- Be able to share in and take responsibility for the writing of news, features, and
editorials that reflect critically and appreciatively on the churchs life, actions, and
- Be able to provide analysis, commentary, and reflection on issues facing the church
and the world
- Be able to ensure that the newspaper operates at the highest level of professionalism
- Be able to safeguard the editorial independence of Anglican Life
- Be able to edit, design, produce, and lead the editorial direction of Anglican Life as
a ministry to the church and of the church.

What is expected of the Editor?

The Editor of Anglican Life should exhibit the following abilities:

- Be responsible for the overall editorial content of Anglican Life
- Write editorials at least five times each publishing year (ten issues)
- Be responsible for receiving material from parish reporters and keep a log of all
received materials
- Prepare the layout and design of the paper
- Edit material where necessary
- Work in conjunction with the Joint Committee Officer in matters of advertising and
- Be a liaison with regular columnists and contributors
- Meet annually with the Anglican Life Committee to do long term planning around
the context and ministry of the paper

Experience and Education

The Editor of Anglican Life should have the following educational and experience requirements:
- A relevant Post-Secondary degree (Journalism or Arts) or equivalent
- Experience in working with newspapers or magazines
- Experience with desktop publishing and related computer applications. The applicant should possess computer skills which include a working knowledge of publishing software (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat) as well as have
flexibility to work with hard copy articles
- Applicant should have some working knowledge and experience in maintaining
Anglican Life website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter)
- Applicant is expected to be an active member of an Anglican parish in the Anglican
Church to Canada
- Knowledge, understanding, and experience of the church (Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Communion, ecumenical)
- A lively, personal engagement with matters of faith, life, and social transformation

Applications should include:

- A short letter of application, including brief introduction of applicants life experience and Christian faith
- A complete curriculum vitae, including at least three references
- Sample(s) of a publication(s) created by applicant
- Two sample editorials
Please Mail completed applications by October 15, 2015 to:
The Rt. Revd Donald Young
Joint Committee
34 Fraser Road,
Gander, NL, A1V 2E8

For further questions please contact Bishop Don Young, Joint Committee Officer at or phone (709) 256-7701

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Prayer is our thing Churches in


Submitted by

Rev. Gregory Mercer

Every three or four years The

Anglican Fellowship of Prayer
Canada (AFP) holds a National
Conference/Consultation for its
Diocesan Representatives (DRs)
from across the country. This
year, for the first time, it was
held in the Diocese of Eastern
Newfoundland and Labrador.
On June first delegates
started to arrive and was taxied
to the Lavrock Camp and Conference Centre on Salmonier
Line by the local diocesan team.
There were approximately 25
delegates representing a variety
of dioceses from as far away as
Vernon, B.C and the Diocese of
the Artic. The DRs from away
gathered for a full week but on
Tuesday and Thursday they were
joined by another 25-30 local
Parish Representatives (PRs)
from the Diocese of Eastern NL.
On Tuesday we were also joined
by the Bishop of Eastern NL, The
Right Reverend Dr. Geoffrey
Peddle and then on Thursday,
the Bishop of Central Newfoundland, The Right Reverend
David Torraville. Both shared
with the whole gathering their
own personal commitment to
the life of prayer. Everyone was
encouraged by their personal
Prayer is Our Thing is
the theme we adopted for the
Consultation and also as the
new moto for the AFP Canada.
Most of the work happened on
Tuesday and Thursday when we
were joined by the local PRs.
Obviously there was a lot of
praying. But there was also a lot
of sharing of faith stories, information sessions on the work and
ministry of AFP, and a display of

valuable prayer resources, just to

name a few of the many activities
and challenges. The gathering
was also introduced to different
forms of prayer. Our National Director, Archdeacon Paul Feheley,
led a session in music as prayer.
Tony Day, another member of
the AFP National Executive led
a group in Soaking Prayer.
Everything from traditional, to
contemporary, to contemplative,
to spontaneous prayer was the
order of each day.
But the real nuts and bolts
of the Consultation was to hear
from its supporters. The AFP
Canada has done a lot of great
work since its inception in the
mid-eighties but it is a network of praying partners that is
sometimes difficult to maintain.
Hence the main thrust of the
Consultation was to acquire
feedback from its associate
members in order to look at ways
to re-energize the work of AFP in
our time. People are looking for
prayer and the bottom line is that
we want people to pray thats
what we are about. On our website for example we get hits from
all over the world from people
looking for prayer and prayer
resources. How can we be more
effective and more efficient in
the way we do things in order to
support and encourage people
in their personal and corporate
prayer life? This then was the
heart of the Consultation, a
new vision that will enable us
to network and strengthen our
relationship with our DRs, to
support our Bishops, to provide
time-sensitive material (such as
prayer requests) and just to get
people praying, right down to
the last member of the smallest
On a lighter note we did

provide the Come-From-Aways

with a good dose of Newfoundland hospitality. We organized
a tour for them on Wednesday
afternoon to some of the main
historic sites in and around St.
Johns and then took them to a
Newfoundland restaurant before
heading back to the Lavrock
Centre. Then on Thursday evening following the celebration
of the Eucharist and a commission service for the new DRs, I
joined a few of the members
of St. Peters Fellowship Band,
CBS and we gave them a great
evening of Newfoundland song
and entertainment a kitchen
party you might say. Even the
Mummers showed up. Then we
topped it off with a good feed of
toutons and molasses.
One of the members of the
National Executive was overheard saying, How are we ever
going to top this? It was indeed
a great week with a wonderful
balance of fun and work. There
is nothing more satisfying then
to see people of faith praying
together and being able to enjoy
their faith at the same time. I will
conclude with this quote from
Henri Nouwen which we used
on the front of our registration
brochures: Prayer leads you to
see new paths and to hear new
melodies in the air. Prayer is the
breath of your life which gives
you freedom to find the many
signs that point out the way of
a new land.
Many thanks to the members of our local AFP Diocesan
team: Archdeacon Sandra Tilley,
Reverend Bill Strong, Mabel
White, Christine Lynch, Kathy
Burnell, and Rosalind Smith.
Pray for the work of the Anglican
Fellowship of Prayer.

The Anglican Church of Nigeria

is often described as the fastest
growing church within the Anglican
Communion. It grew from 16 dioceses in 1979 to 161 dioceses in 2013.
It isstill growing with over 18 million
members. But, many churches in the
Westare not growing. In fact, the
Anglican Church of Canada has been
in decline since 1966.In Canada,
wecan still preach the Gospel which
has a transforming power. Never
give up on the powerful message of
the Gospel of Jesus. The Gospel is
about the newlifeof human beings
from the dead in the righteousness
of Jesus.
In November 2009, Archdeacon
Christopher Page of Victoria, B.C.
wrote an article entitled Why are
people leaving the Anglican Church
of Canada? Page listed the four lessons he was learning from a broken
church: 1. I need to listen. 2. Church
does not exist to give you a warm
feeling of belonging. 3. I may not be
right. 4. God calls me to stay open.
But, there are different lessons
for me to learn from a broken church.
1. The Anglican Church of Canada has
never been perfect. 2. Pastoring a
declining congregation is like trying
to ski uphill during an avalanche. 3.
I will never give up preaching the
Gospel in words and in deeds. 4.
The exposition of Scripture at weekly
worship isvery important. 5. To mix
generations intentionally rather than
segregate them is very important. 6.
There is no other perfect church on
earthfor me to join.
Of course, the church in decline
offers us significant challenges. We
need to give a constant supply of
positive encouragement to our people in the pews. We must overcome
negative feelings, blaming, and
ill will by our Christian joy and our

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

The Rev. Michael Li


excitement in the faith. We must

acknowledge that we have been in
decline for a long time. Then we can
join together in prayer, affirming our
love for each other and the church.
Together we will proclaim Gods
Word. Dr. Carl Henry wrote: The
church is called to proclaim what
God says and does. Unless it verbally
articulates and communicates the
revelation of God, the church has
no distinctive right to be heard,
to survive, or even to exist (God,
Revelation and Authority, Volume II,
1999,p. 22).
In 1999, George Carey (Archbishop of Canterbury from 1991 to
2002) said, The church is one generation away from extinction. Let us
ask the Holy Spirit to renewus daily.
By the power of the Holy Spiritwe
canchange the lives around us. Let
us continue to care for the needs of
non-church members. Let us continue to make new disciples of Jesus.
Let us continue to help new disciples
to grow spiritually for mission. This
remains a huge challenge for todays


Saint Lukes celebrations

Submitted by

Robert Sexty

50th Anniversary Year Celebrations at Saint Lukes Homes

Fiftieth year celebrations
of Anglican Homes Inc./Saint
Lukes Homes began with a
sod turning for the new supportive living facility in June
17, 2014 and ended with the
unveiling of the facilitys name
June 17, 2015.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Geoffrey
Peddle, Bishop of Eastern
Newfoundland and Labrador,
and The Most Rev. Frederick
Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican
Church of Canada, participated in opening celebrations.
The days events included
a meet and greet at Bishop
Meaden Manor, a Eucharist
Service in the Chapel for residents, a ground breaking
ceremony in which Bishop
Peddle turned the first sod for
the supportive living facility,
and a Eucharist Service in the
evening at the Church of St.
Mary the Virgin.
During the following year,

several events were held to

recognize the involvement of
the many stakeholders who
have contributed to Anglican Homes Inc./Saint Lukes
Homes success, including:
Board members, management and staff, residents and
tenants, volunteers, clergy,
government agencies, and
the public. Receptions were
held for present and past
Board members, staff, and
volunteers, and a conference
on Financial and Funeral
Planning held.
In addition, six history
story boards were developed,
displayed at events and are
now mounted in the renovated Heritage Room in the
Home. A web site was developed for Anglican Homes Inc./
Saint Lukes Homes and can
be viewed at An 18 minute
50 th Anniversary video was
produced summarizing the
Homes accomplishments
and is available for purchase
from the Homes reception or

by contacting the Manager of

Tenant Services at 709-7528903.
Closing celebrations were
held on June 16th and 17th.
Guided tours were given of
the Home, Cottages, and the
Bishop Meaden Manor. A
large crowd attended the 50th

Anniversary Eucharist held

in the Chapel and lead by
retired Bishops Rt. Rev. Cyrus
Pitman and Rt. Rev. Martin
Mate, and the Chaplain, Rev.
Donna Mercer. A plaque was
unveiled of the name for the
supportive living facility, The
Reverend Canon Randall R.

Babb and Mrs. Lillian A. Babb

Manor. Several members of
the Babb family attended the
event including Ida Weeks,
Canon Babbs sister, and
Deane Crocker, Mrs. Babbs
niece who are shown in the
accompanying photograph
unveiling the plaque.

22 tonnes for Belize

Submitted by

Rev. William Strong

A special presentation
was held in June 2015
related to the 22 Tonnes
for Belize project that was
conducted by Conception
Bay North Parishes of
the Anglican Diocese of
Eastern Newfoundland &
Labrador two years ago.
Special plaques were presented to the twelve Anglican parishes who were
part of the Belize project.
The event took place at
the Bay Roberts Tourist
Pavilion on the Veterans

Memorial Highway. Bishop Geoff Peddle was in

attendance as well as the
Rev. Dr. Rudolph Anthony,
who was visiting the province from the Diocese of
Volunteers from the
Archdeaconry of Trinity-Conceptionembarked
on a special project in
2013 in support of a
companion relationship
with The Anglican Diocese of Belize. Nearly 900
banana boxes of books,
clothes, teaching supplies, toys, and over 50
bicycles where gathered

and shipped in a container to St. Agnes School in

Mahogany Heights, Belize where 15 volunteers
traveled, at their own expense, and converted the
container into a school
library in November 2013
along with other activities.
The presentation was
intended to keep the proj-

ect alive as further opportunities are explored on

how to best further our
support to the area.
In the above photograph are representatives
of Hindys Home Hardware, Carbonear who
gave great corporate support; (left to right) Rev.
Bill Strong Mission Team,

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Cavell Reynolds, Michelle

Parsons, Darrin Legge
Home Hardware, Bishop
Geoff Peddle, Diocese of
Eastern Newfoundland &


Archbishop Payne Gods Love

releases memoirs

Pictured left to right: Bishop Geoff Peddle and Archbishop Stewart Payne at the Diocesan Resource Centre
in St. Johns for a recent book signing of the Archbishops new book Cut from the Cloth of Fogo. Photo:
Sam Rose.
Submitted by

Flanker Press

Cut from the Cloth

of Fogo is Archbishop
Stewart Paynes memoir, tracing his humble
beginnings on
Fogo Island in
the 1930s and
his journey to becoming one of
the most respected Anglican clergymen in Newfoundland and
Labrador. With
modesty and
humour, Archbishop Stewart
describes his
early upbringing
on Fogo Island,
his first trip to
the big city to
enter Memorial College, his
teaching years
at Indian Islands
and Fogo, and
the ministerial
calling that put
him on the path
to a long and rewarding life of
humanitarian work.
Archbishop Stewarts
first pastoral charge was
Happy Valley, followed
by Bay Roberts and St.
Anthony. He went on to

become bishop of the

Diocese of Western Newfoundland and retired as
metropolitan in the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada. Besides his role in the
church, the Archbishop

has also been an activist

for social issues affecting
his congregation. When
the cod moratorium was
declared in 1992, he was
invited to form a coalition

with other churches to

help unemployed fishermen and plant workers.
In partnership with other
concerned fisheries organizations, he helped form
a committee to reach
out to people in
distress, to listen
to their concerns,
and to bring their
issues before government.
From his early years in Fogo
to his election
as metropolitan,
Archbishop Stewart Payne tells his
life story as a series of anecdotes
involving the people who helped
him along the way,
including his devoted wife, Selma
(ne Penney), his
equal partner in a
lifetime of sharing
in other peoples
joys and supporting them in times
of distress.
For more information on how to
get his book please visit Flanker Press - www. or visit your local

A modern hymn goes

like this: How deep the
Father loves for us, and
replies, beyond all measure.
Re c e n t ly, a d e e p ly
grieved friend asked me
if God really, truly, loved
every soul in the world,
especially when such bad
things happen to good
Does God truly love
EVERYBODY, with a love
that goes beyond all measure?
We presume that he
deeply loves the so-called
Christian Believer, the
good people that love,
serve, and proclaim him.
But, what about the indifferent people, those
who are lukewarm? Those
more concerned about
themselves and their own
And what about those
who absolutely dont care
about God at all? Those
who dont even believe He
Does our loving God
truly love them? Does
God love the terrorists
that cause such incredible
brutality in so many places
today? Does God love ISIS?
Of course he does!
All of us - good, bad
and indifferent- are Gods
children, his sons and
daughters, and he truly
Scriptures give us examples (in parables) of
Gods love for those who
literally break his heart.
The Father of the Prodigal
Son, for example, abandoned by his son, his money wasted in riotous living, his son sunken, living
among pigs, not only did
not forsake that son, but
gave him a glorious home
coming when he returned.
Our world today has far
too many Prodigal sons
and daughters we can be
And what about Jesus

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Ron Clarke


great love for the outcast

sinners when he was with
us? Jesus didnt consort
with the religious leadersthe Pharisees and the like,
but rather ate and drank
with sinners, the despised
tax collectors, the prostitutes, etc.
Jesus loved sinners so
much that he endured a
horrible death for them.
And he demands that we
love our enemies too.
So, of course we may
be sure that God loves
the terrorists of our world.
They break his heart, but he
loves them still.
What can we do about
all the sins and the terrible
sinners of our world?
We can PRAY for them,
earnestly and sincerely.
Over and over we can
pray for sinners like ISIS, in
our bedrooms, and in our
More things are
wrought by prayer than
this world dreams of.
Our loving God canand will joyfully- welcome
those who return back
home. And because of Jesus glorious sacrifices for
us all the door of Heaven
will always be wide open
for every sinner.


Submitted by

Claudia Long

One thousand one

hundred eighty-one is
a large number.
According to the
R . C . M . P. d o c u m e n t ,
Missing and Murdered
Women: A
National Operational Overview (2014),
there are 1,181
cases of missi n g o r m u rdered Indigenous women in
Canada since
1980. The report states,
This number includes
1,017 Aboriginal female
homicide victims between 1980 and 2012,
and 164 Aboriginal
women currently considered missing. This
is a profound statistic.
One thousand one hundred eighty-one lives.

In the Anglican
Journal (June, 2015)
Archbishop Fred Hiltz
challenged churches
to Ring the Bells from
May 31 to June 21(National Aboriginal Day) to
remember these 1,181
daughters, mothers, sis-

ters, and friends. The

Parish of the Good Shepherd, Mount Pearl does
not have a bell that rings
out to the community, so
a visual display of hearts
to commemorate 1,181
lost lives was created



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during that time period.

Parishioners were invited to place 1,181 hearts
inside a large heart outline on our church wall
each time they came
to church, and to ring a
hand bell to remember.
An Innu tea doll from
was there as
a symbolic
representat i o n t o re mind us of
groups in
our province
and country.
Taylor regularly reminded the congregation
that each of
those hearts represented a lost life, as well
as the lives of many
more affected by that
lost life. It was powerful
and moving to witness
just how long it took to
place 1, 181 hearts in
this display. It reminded
parishioners and visitors
just how many lost lives
there are. 1,181 lost
lives and many more
than 1,181 affected.
Archbishop Hiltzs
campaign reminded
churches to ring the
bells to remember, call
attention to this national tragedy, honour the
demand for a national
inquiry, and to stand in
solidarity with Indigenous communities in
their cries for policing,
protection, emergency
health care services,
safe houses, and programs for counseling.
This call to remember
is huge, and important. The Ring the Bells
campaign has ended.
National Aboriginal Day
2015 is over. We must
never forget these 1,181
women and girls. As
people of God, and as
the body of Christ, let
us never forget them or
their families.
One thousand one
hundred eighty-one is a
very large number.

Ring the

Submitted by

Rev. Norman Cutler

On June 7th, 2015

the Parish of Forteau
with its four congregations remembered
the missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls with the call
from Primate Fred Hiltz
to Ring the Bells. The
bells began to ring at
0900 hours with Morning Prayer at St. John
the Evangelist Church,
Island. The
bell used
here was
the old
school bell
given to
the school
after it was
from a
lost ship
at LAnse
Amour, The SS South
Wales. A young woman
Mabel Davis from LAnse
au Amour went to teach
at Capstan Island School
when she was 16 years
old and brought the bell
with her that had been
given to her by her father Mr. William Davis
of LAnse Amour.
At 1030 hours the
bells began to ring at St.
Pauls Church in LAnse
au Loup. The children
were all excited about
ringing the bell and took
turns to help the warden to ring the bell.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Throughout the service

and following the hymns
and prayers, a second
bell was rung by each
child; high and loud, to
remember the missing
and murdered aboriginal women and girls.
Our church wardens of
the Parish of Forteau all
led the Ringing of the
Bells for Morning Prayer,
Evening Prayer and Holy
Communion as we remembered the missing
and murdered aboriginal women
& girls. On
June 14th,
and on June
21st, the
bell continued to ring
and prayers
were offered for
the friends
and families
afflicted by
this tragedy.
To the people of
the Parish of Forteau
I extend my sincere
appreciation for your
support of the church
and its ministry. So often we see clearly your
proclaiming the Good
News of the Kingdom of
God in so many things
you do through your
love and service.


Launch out into the deep

Submitted by

Rev. Edward Keeping

I have been ask

to write an article for
Anglican Life about a
Teaching Mission held
in the Parish of St. Philip
from June 9-12, 2015
led by the Rev. Dr. Rudolph Anthony of St.
Marks Mission, Hattieville, Belize.
I will begin by going back to about
four years ago when
I was celebrating the
Holy Communion Service from the Book of
Common Prayer on
the Fifth Sunday after
Trinity. The Gospel for
the 8:30 AM service
was from the Gospel
of St. Luke, Chapter 5,
and beginning at verse
one. During the reading of this Gospel, I was
so moved to speak on
this gospel that it was
like God was speaking
to me at that moment.
The words from the
Gospel lingered with
me for that day and
for weeks afterward
Launch out into the
Throughout this service a voice was telling
me that this ought to
be a theme for our
Parish of St. Philip as we
moved forward following the Consecration of
our church. After taking
moments of prayerful reflection during
the following week,
this theme Launching out into the Deep
Into New Spiritual Depths remained
with me. I continued to
share this experience
and these words with
Vestry and members of
the congregation. And
so, from this theme
a Mission Statement
was crafted for the Parish along with a Collect that we use at our
main service of the day,
which reads:
Bless, O Lord our

God, the worship and

work of this church.
Grant that it may faithfully Launch out into
the Deep and respond
to the call of Jesus to be
Fishers of people. By
the power of your Holy
Spirit make it a house
of prayer, a Centre of
Christian teaching and
Disciples in learning,
a community of loving
and sacrificial service,
and witness to your redeeming love through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
After preaching on
our Mission Statement
last fall it was time to
move forward and put
all these thoughts into
reality. It was decided
we would begin a tradition of holding a series
of teaching missions in
the parish to help us as
a parish family launch
out into the deep.
This leads me back
to the Spring of 2012
when a group of five
Anglican Church men
from the Diocese of
Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
journeyed to Belize
to help build a new
worship Centre for St.
Marks congregation
in Hattieville. Today we
are continuing to raise
money to build a rectory for them. Having met
the vibrant Rev. Dr. Rudolph Anthony, priestin-charge, at St. Marks I
felt it was proper to first
invite him to conduct
our first teaching mission in the parish.
Father Anthony arrived on June 1 to visit
the parish. He preached
at our main services on
June 7 and 14. He also
preached at the Anglican Diocesan Mens
Association Closing
Service and Dinner.
This was the group who
raised funds to build
St. Marks new Worship
Centre and hopefully,
in time, and as resourc-

Pictured left to right: Bishop Geoff Peddle and the Rev. Dr. Rudolph Anthony, who was visiting from the
Diocese of Belize on a recent Preaching Mission in the Parish of St. Philip. Photo: Sam Rose.

es become available
to the group to help
construct a rectory.
During our four
nights of the mission
(June 9-12), we were
pleased to have our
c h o i r s h a re i n t h e
opening service while
three Gospel Bands
from other churches in
the Diocese provided
the music for the other
three evenings.
Each evening of the
mission Father Anthony focused on a theme,
which he delivered in
an instructive, prayerful, and down-to-earth
manner. The themes
addressed in the mission were Stewardship,
Reconciliation, Evangelism and Relationships.
Each evening the Spirit
of God was moving as
he spoke and people
listened, responded,
prayed, and praised
God together.
We were pleased
to have him with us
and we pray that this
ministry will continue
among the people of
St. Philips Parish for
years to come as we
continue to be a Centre

of Christian teaching
and disciples in learning while launching
out into the deep and

responding to the call

of Jesus to be fishers of




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On Sunday, 14 June, 2015, the Most Rev. Percy Coffin, Bishop

of the Diocese of Western Newfoundland, visited the Congregation of St. Michael & All Angels, Rose Blanche for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pictured left to right are: Archbishop
Coffin, Kirkland Keeping, Haley Parsons, The Rev. Jeffrey Petten. Photo by Tammy Battiste-Farrell.

On Sunday May 10th 2015,

at 11am, Archbishop Percy
Coffin held a service of Holy
Confirmation at St. Mary the
Virgin Church Cow Head.
Eleven young spirit fill youth
received the sacrament of
Holy Confirmation, as they
made commitment in their
faith journey. We wish them
all the best in their faith journey. Submitted by Rev. Terry

The Sacrament of Confirmation was held at St. Marys

Church in Hodges Cove on
April 28, 2015 with Bishop
Geoffrey Peddle officiating.
Eight candidates were confirmed: Claire Spurrell, Alcie
Spurrell, Jesse Peddle, Maggie Drover, Mackenzie Drover, Colin Smith, Mackenzie
Baird. Submitted by Rev. Myrna Vey and Jim Peddle.

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On May 31, 2015, the Sacrament of Confirmation took place at

St. Augustines Church in Margaree-Fox Roost. It was a lovely
service with Bishop Don Young officiating in Archbishop Coffins absence. Pictured are left to right: Devon Hodder, Marcus
Greene, Bishop Young, Shirley Osmond (Confirmation Teacher Assistant) Mackenzie Scott, Sharon Billard (Confirmation
Teacher), Hunter Carroll and Rev MaryRose Colbourne. Photo
by Karen Simon.

On Sunday May 10th 2015, at

3 pm, Archbishop Percy Coffin
held a service of Holy Confirmation at Holy Cross Church
Daniels Harbour.Five young
spirit fill youth received the
sacrament of Holy Confirmation, as they made commitment in their faith journey.
We also wish these youth all
the best in their faith journey.
Submitted by Rev. Terry Rose.

On Sunday, 14 June, 2015,

The Most Rev. Percy Coffin
visited the Congregation of
St. Georges, Burnt Islands for
the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pictured with His Grace
are Ethan Bond, Emma Enwood, Candace Harvey, Noah
Hatcher, Tyler Herritt, Dalten
Keeping, Morgan Keeping,
Sara Keeping, Tiana MacLean-Keeping, Emily Strickland, Kirkland Thorne. Also
in the picture is the priest-in
charge, The Rev. Jeffrey Petten. Photo by Nicole Keeping.

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Recognizing Ron Clarke

Submitted by

Canon John Courage

Re c e n t l y E a s t e r n
Health Pastoral Care
recognized a number
of long time volunteers
with a special gathering
in the Waterford Hospital

Chapel. Among them

was Mr. Ron Clarke who
has given many years of
ministry through the city
hospitals and particularly as a regular visitor to
the Waterford Hospital.
In speaking about Ron
Clarke, The Rev. Canon



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John Courage said He

is a man of faith and
would say all he does
was instilled in him by his
parents who taught him
his duty to both God and
neighbour. If Ron was to
have a scriptural motto it
would be Whatsoever
you do for the least of
these my brethren you
did it unto me (from
Matthew 25:45). Giving
his time and abilities to
others comes as naturally to Ron as breathing. He just does it! Very
few know how many
hours Ron spends being
with people; talking,
listening, sharing, encouraging, supporting
and helping. He does
not do any of this for the
Rons ministry will
be truly missed, but for
those who have met him,
they can say of him that
they were blessed by his
presence, and he would
say the same of those
with whom he visited.
A rc h d e a c o n S a m
Rose presented Ron with
a letter of appreciation
from Bishop Geoff Peddle recognizing his 60
years as a Lay Reader
and his tireless work for
Christ and His Church.
Pictured above (left
to right): Canon John
Courage, Mr. Ron Clarke,
and Archdeacon Sam

Have you ever heard of
such a thing as Malevolent
Benevolence? I take no
credit for the terminology.
I stumbled upon it while
reading the Confessions of
St. Augustine who referred to
it as an impossibility. One
is a desire or disposition to
inflict evil on others and the
other is charity; a desire to
do good to others. The words
are opposites. Hence, there
can be no such thing as an
evil good-natured person
or organization. But it did
get me thinking about why
Christians can sometimes
be downright mean to one
another. Why is that so?
Why is it that some Christian men and women Sunday after Sunday show great
churchmanship and have
a burning passion for church
ministry (supporting their
church, helping the poor,
etc.) but the moment something falls from their favour
that same passion can turn to
a hateful flood of resentment
and vile language? Probably
I am being a little over dramatic but it happens. It happens in church, committee
meetings, neighbourhood
confrontations, and a whole
list of other worldly applications and circumstances. To
summarize Saint Augustine,
we lose the crystal purity of
our heavenly source and
rejoices in wickedness.
The Apostle Paul struggled with this twofold nature.
In his letter to the Romans,
chapter 7:15, 19-20, Paul
writes, I do not understand
my own actions For I do
not do the good I want, but
the evil I do not want is what
I do. Now if I do what I do not
want, it is no longer I that do
it, but sin that dwells within
me. Here Paul admits to this
inner conflict ruled between
our whole self of sin and
selfishness which he calls
evil (malevolent) but wants
to do what is right (benevolent). But a few chapters
later, Romans 12:9, Paul
says, Let love be genuine;
hate what is evil, hold fast to
what is good. In the Spirit
of Christ we are to pursue

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

The Rev. Gregory Mercer


Really, regardless of the
situation, can there be any
justification for Christians
being nasty to anyone and
especially to one another
Christian? The Gospel of
Luke, 6:27ff Jesus makes
it clear that Christians are
to go the extra mile in the
exercise of love, even in the
face of our enemies. This
sometimes goes against our
very nature and our natural
reaction is to reciprocate in
kind an eye for an eye and
a tooth for a tooth. Is that really who we are? Moreover,
we are not just passive onlookers. The command from
our Lord is to do. Not only
should we bewail our sins
when we lash out at another
person, there ought also to
be a dissatisfaction within
ourselves in our failure to
TRY (at the very least) to be
a part of the solution; to do
something good. Thats the
golden rule of Scripture.
Toyokiko Kagawa (18881960), a Japanese Christian
reformer, evangelist, and
labour activist whose vocation was to live among
the poor, helped establish
many schools, hospitals, and
churches. One of his favourite lines was, I read in a book
that a man called Christ went
about doing good. It is very
disconcerting to me that I am
so easily satisfied with just
going about.
God is good all the time.
All the time God is good. And
so should we!!



Celebrating Owen Tribute to our

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Geoff Peddle


Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador

It is a feature of publishing deadlines today that one

often has to write something
long before it is printed in
order to meet the timetables
of editors and magazines.
That is the case for me today,
August 1, as I write for the
Bishops Page in the September edition
of Anglican Life.
Delays between
writing and publication being
what they are,
my words written
today will, I hope,
still be quite current when they
are read.
This past
week, on
Wednesday, July
29, Archdeacon
Owen Coffin was
laid to rest at All
Saints Church in
Conception Bay
South, a church
he had served for
a decade as Rector. Those of us
who knew him find a meaning in the way he died while
salmon fishing, one of the
great loves in his life. He died
on the river with his friend,
Carl Major, alongside him.
Another of Owens friends,
Ron Lee, preached at his
funeral while Carl presided
at the altar. It was quite a celebration that warm summer
day in Foxtrap with over a
thousand of us crowded into
the church around Owens
family. There were scores of
clergy and no less than 7
But I wonder what would

Owen have thought of it all?

Knowing him as I did, I
suspect he would have been
rather amused by the great
ceremony, never being one
for elaborate liturgies. But he
would also have understood
that we, the church, need to
come together in this way
when one of our own has
A great many retired
clergy were there and as I
watched them come forward
to receive Holy Communion
I found myself remembering
how many of them had influenced my life. There was Bishop Mate who had ordained
me to both the Diaconate
and then the Priesthood back
in the 1980s. There were
others who had taught me in
Queens College and others
with whom I had worked in
various parts of Newfoundland and Labrador. I have

served on diocesan committees with some and with

some have shared friendships
along the way. My whole 28
years of ordained ministry
and all the years before then
have been wrapped up with
this incredible community we
call the Church.
Firstly and lastly that day
I thought of Owen Coffin and
the summer I spent with him
for my student internship
in the Parish of All Saints in
1987. There were many good
things I remember but I think
my strongest memory was
the energy of that faith com-

munity and its commitment

to Christian service in fresh
ways. Owens role as Rector
was clearly recognized and
yet the distance between
him and the people of the
parish was not great. There
wasnt much formality at
all. It was good for me that
summer on the very cusp of
my ordination to be part of a
community of faith that had
already discovered new ways
of being the church in the
world. I have treasured that
experience ever since.
There are some today
who think that the church is
really about maintaining old
ways of doing things while
holding on to all that it has
acquired. But the only part of
our past that we really must
hold on to is the community
of Gods People and the great
story we carry. That story is
called the Gospel and it is told
in different ways
at different times.
And it only ever
needs a community of faith to
bring it to life.
Owen believed in
that story to the
end of his life. I
was moved when
I visited Louise
and the Family
at Owens home
the day after he
died and saw that
his books were all
laid out on the
floor around his
chair where he
had left them as
he prepared his
sermon for Sunday, a sermon
he would never
I am grateful for the Community of Gods People I saw
at All Saints Parish in 1987.
I am grateful for the Community of Gods People I saw
at All Saints on Wednesday
past as Owen Coffin was laid
to rest at the end of his lifes
Well done good and
faithful servant.
If there are salmon rivers
in heaven I know exactly
where you are right now!


Submitted by

Jim Rockwood

Pictured above are

the ladies of the St. Albans ACW along with
friends of the ACW who
took part in a Tribute
to Fathers on June 21
at St. Albans Church
in Burnside. This was
the second part of the
ACWs project designed
to recognize mothers

and fathers -- those deceased and those still

with us. The service for
mothers had been held
earlier on Mothers Day.
Ribbons were placed
on the birch tree. Red
or Blue for mothers and
fathers still living and
white for those departed. Father Paul Thoms,
Rector of the Parish of
Salvage, conducted the


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Who created
Education for Ministry
Caitlyn Jenner? conference

Stella Walsh


Who Created Caitlyn

Yes, Im going to go
there. But only because
I have heard a couple of
people offer a Christian
point of view on Caitlyn
Jenners life situation.
However, I do not intend
to comment on nor debate anything that I have
heard from the Christian
community on this subject. And that is the whole
point of this particular column submission I do not
believe that it is the place
of Christians to have an
opinion on her life choices. That is a slippery slope
that the Church has slid
down too often, only to
crash land at the bottom.
Whenever Christians
take a position of moral or theological high
ground, there is the potential for the creation of
an arena for prejudice,
punishment, persecution,
and even murder to take
place. The Church has a
long history of examples
of such atrocities including the Crusades, the
Inquisition, the horrors of
residential schools, and
countless other examples
of Christians persecuting,
punishing and even murdering those who are different or dare to disagree
with the status quo. This
has taken place (and still
takes place) against those
perceived to be outside
the Church, and even between groups within the
I feel that it is irresponsible of Christians
to contribute to any conversation which may promote an us and them

mentality, leading to prejudice. We have not been

taught to do that. The
gospel of unconditional
love and acceptance cannot include condemning
or judging another individual. Perhaps instead
of following a knee-jerk
reaction to the media stories, we should meditate
on a deeper question:
Was not Caitlyn Jenner
ultimately created by the
same divine spirit as all of
the rest of creation, which
includes each and every
human being?
I hope you are not too
disappointed that I have
not entered into a debate
about Caitlyn Jenners life
choices. Or that I have not
used her choices as an example to prop up personal opinions on theological
lessons out of a desire to
be right. That is exactly my
point. It is not my place,
nor that of any Christian,
to pass judgement on
another individuals life. I
feel that engaging in that
kind of finger-pointing is
outside of what it means
to be a Christian. There
isnt any unconditional
love and acceptance in
that. And I also wonder
if we are quick to voice
those opinions because
Caitlyn Jenner is a remote celebrity that we are
unlikely to meet face-toface. Perhaps a better use
of our energies would be
to love and support the
many people in our midst
who struggle with a variety of challenges.
When I pondered this
situation from a position
of sitting in stillness with
God, the only real question that arose about Caitlyn Jenner was this: If
she came to a Christian
church, would she truly
feel welcome?
1 John 4:7 (NIV)
Dear friends, let us love
one another, for love
comes from God. Everyone who loves has been
born of God and knows

Submitted by

Archdeacon Sandra Tilley

An Education For
Ministry (EFM) mentor training event took
place at the Synod Office
board room in Corner
Brook April 30 - May 2.
The trainer for the event
was The Reverend Canon David Fletcher from
Nova Scotia. The people
who trained and were
certified as mentors

are in the above photograph, The Reverends

Mary Rose Colbourne,
Jeffery Petten, Paulette
Bugden, Kristin Gosse,
Steven Maki, Archbishop
Stewart Payne and June
Alteen from the Diocese
of Western Newfoundland and Archdeacon
Sandra Tilley from the
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.
We are grateful to
Archdeacon John Me-

ade who took responsibility for organizing

the event and shared in
several sessions, not as a
mentor- in-training, but
in caring for the welfare
of all the participants.
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anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


New columbarium dedicated


On July 31, 2015, the Rt. Rev.

Dr. Geoff Peddle, Bishop of
Eastern Newfoundland and
Labrador, dedicated and
blessed our new columbarium, which will be referred
to in our burial records as
Columbarium 2015. This is
our 8th columbarium but the
first for the Anglican Cemetery in Kenmount Road. It contains 80 large niches to hold
the cremated remains of up
to 160 deceased. It is located
in our Memorial Park which is
to be landscaped with trees,
flowers and park benches. Families and friends can
come here to remember, and
celebrate the lives of their
loved ones inurned here in a
dignified setting.This columbarium is now ready for inurnments as well as for pre-need
purchases. For information,
please contact our Cemetery Supervisor, Alton Newell
(728-9909). Submitted by Arthur King.

Queens College Week of Living Liturgy

Submitted by

Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk

This years Convocation

for Queens College will
take place on Thursday,
October 8, 2015 beginning at 8:00 p.m. in St.
Augustines Church (St.
Johns), during the Colleges Week of Living
Liturgy, Monday, October
5 to Friday, October 9,
The Week of Living
Liturgy will witness not
only the conferral of degrees, certificates, and
diplomas, but also will
have courses delivered
to students by traditional in-class residential
format, intensive, online, Skype, Webinar, and
correspondence to keep
pace with an ever-changing

and ever-expanding student

Queens College will

Eric Robertson

add more than 20 graduates

at this years Convocation,
including the first graduates
from the Exploring
Faith program. Presiding over Convocation will be the
Most Revd Percy
Coffin, Chancellor
of Queens College,
Bishop of Western
Newfoundland, and
Metropolitan (Archbishop) of the Ecclesiastical Province of
The Ven. Bruce
Myers, O.G.S, Coordinator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations for
the Anglican Church
of Canada, will deliver the convocation
address, which will reflect
on the Anglican response
to ecumenical and interfaith dialogue in todays
multi-cultural world.
Receiving the degree
of Doctor of Canon Law honoris causa will be Mr. William Marshall, the recently
retired Chancellor of the
Diocese of Central Newfoundland, in celebration
of his long and dedicated
service to the Church.

Two workshops will be

conducted during the Week
of Living Liturgy. The first

Archdeacon Bruce Myers

will be the ever-popular

annual workshop for the
Queens College Alumni/
ae Association on Thursday,
October 8 beginning at
9:00 a.m. at St. Augustines
Church by the Ven. Bruce
Myers on the topic, Still a
Special Place? Anglicans
and Roman Catholics 50
years after Vatican II.
The second will take
place on Friday, October 9
in the Chapel of Queens

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

College entitled, Music for

the Masses: Why have music
in church (anymore)? led
by the Juno and Gemini award-winning film
composer, organist, choir
director, and author in
the field of sacred music, Mr. Eric Robertson,
A.R.C.T., F.R.C.C.O. More
details on the workshops
are available by contacting
Queens College at either or 7530116.
In addition to the Colleges usual course offerings, during the Week of
Living Liturgy, Queens
will have intensive courses: the first in homiletics;
and the second in the
theology and praxis of the
Eucharist. The intensive
course in homiletics has
been dubbed Preach-a-thon
Part Two. It will build on the
firm foundation that was
established in Preach-a-thon
Part One, which the students
took part in during Holy
Week 2015. The Chapel at
Queens will be very busy
in active worship during this
exciting time of the Week of
Living Liturgy.



Holy Trinity Church, Meadows, held a Little Helpers

Party on Sunday, April 12th
at the Church Hall. A candle
lighting ceremony was held in
the church, with Rev. Malcolm
Palmer welcoming everyone
to the service. Anna Pittman
did the service for the event.
The candles were lit for each
birth month and the children,
with that birth month, were
asked to come forward and
light their candles. A story book was given to each
child in attendance. We all
then went to the Church Hall
with the children and did two
crafts. We then had a lunch
and cut the cake. Everyone
had a great party and are
looking forward to having another party next year. Even
some of the children made
comments wondering when
another party will be held.
Submitted by Janice Brake.

Confirmation in Forteau
their commitment to service in their church.
The Parish of Forteau
gave its overwhelming
support as members of
the parish prepared for
Pentecost with an archway decorated with cupcakes by the children of
St Pauls, the church decorations of ribbons, balloons and flags, and the
wearing of something
red by the church people
to honour the meaning
of Pentecost, Holy Confirmation and the presence of the Holy Spirit in

Submitted by

Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk

On May 24th, Pentecost Sunday, the Archbishop of Western Newfoundland visited the
Parish of Forteau. Archbishop Coffin lead three
services within the parish
with Holy Confirmation at
St. Peters, Forteau; Evening Prayer at St. John
the Evangelist, Capstan
Island; and, Holy Eucharist at St. Pauls, LAnse au
The congregation of
St. Andrews, LAnse au

Clair joined with St. Peters, Forteau in the morning for the confirmation
service. There were two
newly confirmed youth
at the confirmation service, Taylor Groves of St.
Peters and Ryan Cutler
of St. Andrews.
The Rev. Norman
Cutler gave the homily
at the confirmation service. In it he spoke of
the dedication and hard
work through independent study by Taylor and
Ryan for their confirmation. From the command
at their baptism to be

taught the Lords Prayer,

the Apostles Creed and
the Ten Commandments
to completing their own
research of a local church
with its symbols and furnishings and discussing
the movement of the
Holy Spirit in their lives;
both Taylor and Ryan
stated they felt ready
to receive the laying on
of hands from our archbishop, The Rt. Rev. Percy Coffin. In fact, they
looked forward to their
confirmation with the
renewing of their baptismal vows and continuing

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

their lives. At the end of

the day a luncheon was
prepared, cakes made to
celebrate the birthday of
the church, and beautiful
services were had by
all. It was a very moving
experience by all who
attended the services
with Archbishop Coffin
and the Rev. Cutler on
Pentecost Sunday specifically highlighted with
the singing of the hymn
I Feel the Winds of God
Today by Mrs. Myrtle



Every year the Grade 5 & 6

Class at Grandys River Collegiate in Burnt Islands collect
their loose change from recess and lunch and as part of
their religion/lifestyles class
they donate it to a worthwhile
cause. This year they have donated $160.00 to PWRDF. Attached is a photo of the Rev.
Jeffrey Petten and the Grade
5 & 6 class presenting the
cheque. Photo by Phyllis Horwood

Confirmation in Port de Grave

Submitted by

Marguerite Boone
Photo By

Nancy Boone

The Holy Eucharist with Confirmation

was celebrated on
the Feast of the Holy
Trinity, May 31 2015
at St. Lukes Church in
the Parish of Port de
Grave. Participating
were Fr. Paul Rideout,
rector, Deacon John
S p a r ke s a n d c o n firmation assistant,

Wendy Porter.
The confirmands
were: Aaron Boone,
Victoria Boone, Abbie
Dale, Lauren Deering, Stephen Mercer,
Olivia Morgan, Corey Parsons, Lindsey
Porter, William Porter,
Leah Ryan, Christina
The confirmands
were strengthened
in their faith by the
laying on of hands
by Bishop Geoffrey

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Peddle. Bishop Geoff

reminded the confirmands of their baptism which was the
responsibility of their
parents, godparents,
sponsors and church
family. The second

sacrament of their life

is Confirmation when
they take on all the
religious responsibilities for themselves.
It was a memorable occasion for all
present, especially

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

the confirmands who

were sitting among
the most important
people in their lives.


Busy times in Indian Bay


Submitted by

Trudy Collins

This Parish, under the direction of Revd David Coffin,

is a very busy place. Our youth
committee with support from
Revd David organizes Vacation
Bible School each summer. The
committee and many other volunteers spend weeks developing
the theme, making decorations,
and decorating the hall for each
years event. Their efforts are well
worth it as approximately 130
to 140 children register for VBS
each year. Many come from other
communities in Newfoundland
and a small number from other
provinces. As many as sixty to
seventy volunteers pull together
to make VBS a success each year;
while many other citizens donate
generously to provide food items
for lunches and snacks.
During Christmas, Good Friday and Easter Sunday the youth
are also encouraged to participate
in services. This year on Good Friday a group of adults and youth
presented a very powerful and
spiritual pageant entitled the
Cloth of Christ. During the service
members of the congregation
were invited to come forward,
dip their hands in cocoa and wipe
them in a white cloth. This symbolized their sin being taken away by
Jesus death and resurrection. The
soiled towels were then put on
one arm of the cross.
At 7:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday, a beautiful service followed
by breakfast was well attended.
At 11:00 a.m. the younger children participated in a touching
dramatic presentation entitled
Sara`s Easter Gift.
The joint choir, under the
direction of Rev`d David, has
blossomed and during Parish
Services adds to the spirituality
of the services through their gift
of music. We are also blessed to
have two male guitarists - singers
and a lady who sometimes sings
with them. Their ministry of music
gives us much to rejoice and be
glad about.
The Parish ACW ladies are
busy having Thanksgiving and
Easter dinners, taking part in
Winter Carnival and CWT Days,
making shorts and dresses for
Haiti, quilts for Ronald McDonald
House and collecting items to
donate to Cara House. The ladies
of the parish
serve meals to
bereaved families and help elsewhere whenever they are needed.
Our parish has eight active
lay ministers/Eucharistic ministers

and a server/Eucharistic minister

who participate in services in
churches around the parish as
assigned. Recently, Eucharistic
minister Daphne Cutler and her
husband, server George Cutler
retired after many faithful years
of service to our Lord at St. Albans
Church, Trinity.
On November 22nd, 2014
St. Barnabas Church, Centreville
hosted a dinner to celebrate the
occasion of the churchs 50th
Anniversary. All past rectors of the
parish were invited to the event.
Those present enjoyed a delicious
meal, renewed acquaintances and
reminisced about days gone by.
The Rt. Revd Edward Marsh, guest
speaker for the evening, talked
about the role of grandparents in
helping keep Christ alive in the
lives of their grandchildren.
St. Barnabas Church was
Consecrated on December 3rd,
1964. On November 23rd, Reign
of Christ Sunday, a very powerful
and spiritual service of Holy Eucharist was held at St Barnabas
in thanksgiving for the fiftieth
anniversary of the church. The Rt.

Revd David Torraville presided

and preached.
Although many positive
things have happened in this
parish during the past year we
have also experienced much
sadness. Many of our parishioners
have passed away, and although
as Christians we celebrate their
lives, in small close net communities such as ours we also feel
each others loss.
The greatest loss by far was
the burning of St. Mary the Virgin
Church, Indian Bay. The whole
parish was in shock and disbelief
when we heard the news. Our
thoughts and prayers are with
the congregation of Indian Bay
as they continue their journey of
Faith following this disaster
Colossians 1: 10 says, That
ye might walk worthy of the Lord
unto all pleasing, being fruitful in
every good work, and increasing
in the knowledge of God. Our
prayer is that the Lord will bless
and strengthen all His children
according to this verse. Christ is
Risen; the Lord is Risen Indeed,

St. Barnabas Church in Centreville was Consecrated on December

3rd, 1964. Pictured (Left to Right): Veronica Rogers - baptized on day
of Consecration, Muriel Pickett celebrates her birthday on December 3rd and Lloyd Pickett Church Warden.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador


Provincial Synod meets

in Fredericton
Submitted by

Charles Ferris

The 2015 Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada (EPC)

convened in Fredericton from June
25-28 at the St. Thomas University
Conference Centre.
The theme of the Synod, If I
have not love I am nothing, was
introduced at St. Margarets church
during the opening Eucharist in
Archbishop Percy Coffins inaugural
Metropolitical Address.
If the church has a mission
at all, it is to manifest the deeds
of Jesus, said Archbishop Coffin.
The church has to reach out to the
displaced, the periphery, to the
new missionary frontiers of the
contemporary world. The mission
of Jesus is one of making the
culture of the Good Samaritan our
own, feeling as our own the pain
of the oppressed, getting close to
them and freeing them.
Without this commitment,
all religiousness is false. As St. Paul
says, If I have not love I am nothing. Ours is a time to leave behind
the shallow waters of maintaining
the institution and launch out into
the deep waters of evangelization.
The Archbishop challenged
delegates with these questions:
What if we exhibited such care and
compassion as Jesus did? What
if we reached out to people with
such genuine interest that they
sat up and took notice? What if we
were seen, not as self-righteous
and judgmental, but as a breath
of fresh air? What if we came across
as not having all the answers but as

having doubts and fears? What if

we didnt offer shallow comments
but instead invited people to think
In the words of the former
Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal
Church, Catherine Jefferts-Schori,
to our most recent General Synod,
Get up. Get out. Get lost, said the

parish bounds.
Highlights from the event:
Provincial Synod sponsorship
of Ask and Imagine 2016 youth
training initiative; the youth caucus expressed a desire to hold a
provincial youth conference within
the next three years.

Executive officers of the seven

dioceses of the EPC resolved to
confer on a regular basis.
Governance reform initiative
highlighted by the report of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Canada
Governance Task Force and Bishop
Geoff Peddles Statistical Trends


challenges facing aboriginal youth.

Provincial Synod members caucused for part of Synod on a series
of questions arising from the Metropolitical Address; the visioning
responses reflected, among others,
the prerequisites of the Provincial
Governance Task Force.
Bishop David Edwards and Ven.
Cathy Laskey led Diocesan presentations on Friday evening and
Saturday morning, sharing diocesan initiatives such as 12/12/12;
Central Saint John Community
Ministry (the Revs. Terence and
Jasmine Chandra) and Gisele
McKnights Wickham church video.
Provincial Synod adoption of
Provincial Misconduct Policy as part
of the Provinces comprehensive
provincial Safe Church regulation.
This complemented a presentation
by Nova Scotia & Prince Edward
Island Bishop Ron Cutler and the
Ven. Gordon Redden on their SafeR
Church initiative, and Ecclesiastical
Insurance (with Mike Thornhill
and Jane Williamson) pointing to
the need for such legislation and
implementation throughout EPC.

The Metropolitan of Canada, Archbishop Percy Coffin with the newly elected Prolocutor of Provincial Synod, the Rev. Eli Evans. Photo: Gisele McKnight.

Armed with this charge, the
Synod considered the means
by which the EPC might better
respond to the realities of 21st
century demographics in order to
be a relevant agent for Jesus and to
make Him know beyond traditional

Bishop Michael Hawkins, chair

of the Council of the North, invited
the Province to move forward on its
parish-to-parish companioning
initiative, stating that at least six
Council of the North parishes are
ready to enter into companion relationships with parishes of the EPC.

in the Ecclesiastical Province of

Canada, 2015 reflecting significant decline in ACC membership
within the EPC.
Primate Fred Hiltz underlined
ACC solidarity with recommendations of the Truth & Reconciliation
Commission and spoke on the

Various non-traditional Anglican

ministries were in attendance, including parish nursing; Godly Play;
Central Saint John Community
Ministry; military chaplaincy and
Frank Morehouse and Twila Buttimer with their diocesan Archives
Corner book.
Rachel Barrett was elected as lay
member of Provincial Council; other Dioceses of Fredericton council
members are Peter Irish (provincial treasurer) and Charles Ferris
(provincial chancellor). Other new
Provincial executive members were
Rev. Eli Evans (prolocutor); Marg
Jenniex (deputy prolocutor); Ven.
Gordon Redden (clerical secretary)
and Judi Culp (lay secretary).
Provincial Synod resolved to invite entities and individuals within
the EPC to support the Princess
Besra (Palestinian) Hospital in
Provincial Synod conferred an
award of merit on Eric Dryden
for long and effective service
as the provincial treasurer.
Rich Anglican worship dominated
the event, which included the
opening service at St. Margarets,
thrice daily in-Synod worship and
a closing Communion service at
Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador



Historic pilgrimage The making of

to Beaumont Hamel a legacy
Submitted by

Bishop Geoff Peddle

The years 2014-2018

mark the 100th anniversaries of the First World War.
We must never forget the
tremendous contributions
and horrendous sacrifices
that so many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians
made to that cause. Fighting
in the uniforms of both the
Navy and the Army, in the
Merchant Marine and the
Forestry Corps, our brave
forebears never hesitated to
stand in harms way to protect our homes, our families
and our values. While many
of them paid the supreme
sacrifice, many more came
home wounded in body
and/or mind. We must also
never forget the suffering
at home of a generation for
whom the effects of that war
would be felt for the rest
of their lives. The pastoral
guidance was provided by
many Newfoundland Padres who served the Royal
Newfoundland Regiment,
including Padre Tom Nangle who went on to become
Newfoundlands represen-

tative on the Imperial War

Graves Commission. His
vision brought the Trail of
the Caribou to reality, and
is the touchstone for many
of those who wish to stand
where once they stood.
Knowing that many of
those brave soldiers were
members of our Newfoundland Churches, we have
vowed to mark this important anniversary by a
spiritual pilgrimage, to the
battlefields of Europe in
the summer of 2016. You
are invited to consider this
journey as we visit both
the battlefields where our
people fought in World
War I and the cemeteries in
which they lay. In June-July
2016, many groups from
Newfoundland and Labrador will travel to France
and Belgium and will converge at Beaumont Hamel
on July 1 at which time
wreaths will be laid in the
remembrance ceremony.
Following this memorial, we
are planning a very special
private event for members
of all of our groups, organized by Craig Travel to
mark this centennial event.

My wife Kathy and I will be

leading a group, and another group will be lead by my
Executive Officer Archdeacon Sam Rose and his wife
Jill next year to Beaumont
Hamel. We urge you to register your interest in joining
us on this unique journey.
Multiple departures have
been organized to depart
from St. Johns between
June 23 and 28, 2016. Arrangements can also be
made from cities across
Canada or if you prefer you
can confirm the journey
based on land only. All departures will include all sites
mentioned and will visit the
five Caribou Memorials located in Europe. The order
of visits will depend on the
departure date and will vary.
This pilgrimage of remembrance for our brave
forebears will only come
once. All group space is
expected to sell out. If you
wish to join us please visit
Craig Travels website: www. or call the
Eastern Diocesan Synod
Office at (709) 576-6697.
We will remember



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My job as a planned giving person is to encourage

people to leave a legacy
of giving for their church
and their favourite charity. Sometimes though, I
am reminded that a legacy involves more than just
money. Science writer Ray
Bradbury suggests, Everyone must leave something
behind when he dies, my
grandfather said. A child or
a book or a painting or a
house or a wall built or a pair
of shoes made. .....When you
die, and when people look at
that tree or that flower you
planted, youre there.
Another writer Jon Gordon states that, every one of
us is going to leave a legacy.
It just depends on what kind.
Later he suggests a number
of ways such as legacies
of excellence, encouragement, purpose or love. He
even quotes Saint Francis of
Assisi who said, Its no use
walking anywhere to preach
unless your preaching is
your walking.
The purpose of my column is to pay homage to
a young man from New
Harbour, Trinity who passed
away on July 17 at the age
of 27 years, James Pinsent.
James had been battling
cancer for eight years but
left a number of poems on
topics about his faith, living,
dying, and love for his family. His words were incredibly
insightful, moving and soul
searching. The poem he
posted just days before his
passing struck me as truly remarkable considering what
he had gone through.
for a long time,
I felt angry.
I felt mad.
I felt I was being
for something I did not do
Ive asked myself why me?
what did I do?
when is the pain going to
I questioned everything!
and it is because I
questioned everything.
that I know now.
Im not angry now.

anglicanlife in Newfoundland&Labrador

Kevin Smith


Im not mad
Im not being punished
I didnt do anything.
this all happened to me
Im strong enough
to endure it all.
everything that is
happening is
so they can learn.
so the doctors can learn
how to stop my body from
attacking itself.
and if I need to relive this
for another 2000 years so
no one else needs to suffer
like I have
I will for them to find a
way for our bodys to stop
attacking themselves,
Ill do it.
until they find one way
for every cell to stop
growing and spreading
and attacking itself
if I need to be the one
to suffer so the next
generation doesnt need
Ill do it smiling.
By James Pinsent
July 11,2015
What a legacy! Rest in
peace, James.
Carve your name on
hearts, not tombstones. A
legacy is etched into the
minds of others and the stories they share about you.
(Shannon L. Alder)
Kevin Smith is a gift planning consultant for the Anglican Church of
Canada. He can be contacted at
709 739-5667 or by email:

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