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Fundacin VERA-CRUZ

Departamento de Idiomas

Ejercicios refuerzo
Fecha: __________

Alumno/a: _____________________________________________ Curso:________


1.- Completa las frases con SOME o ANY + body/thing/where, segn convenga:

I was too surprised to say ________

Theres ___________ at the door. Can you go and see who is it?
Does ___________ mind if I open the window?
I wasnt feeling hungry, so I didnt eat _____________
Sally was upset about ___________ and refused to talk to _____________
This machine is very easy to use. ______________ can learn to use it quickly.
We slept in a park because we didnt have __________ to sty.
Where shall we go on holidays? Lets go ___________ warm and sunny.
They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go ___________

2.- Completa con NO o ANY + thing/one/body/where:


There was a thunderstorm during the night but I heard __________

There isnt _____________ I like on the menu.
Fred isnt a nice person. ___________ likes him.
I cant hear _____________. Can you turn the radio up?
Sheilas lonely in London because she doesnt know ___________
Whats that in your land? _______________
I havent bought _____________ for Sarahs birthday.
Ken was in hospital for two days but _____________ went to see him.
There wasnt ___________ in the cinema. It was completely empty.
I dont want _______________ to drink. Im not thirsty.
The bus was completely empty. There was __________ on it.
Where did you go for holidays? _____________ I stayed at home.
I went to the shops but I didnt buy ________________
The town was still the same when I returned years later. __________ had changed
Have you seen my watch? Ive looked all over the house but I cant find it _______
There was complete silence in the room. ____________ said __________

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