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His concept of 'overman' or 'superman' is as the bold creator of new values, or, a creator of a

"master morality," that might properly reflect the strength and independence of one who is able to
finally become liberated from all more traditional values, except those that he (personally and
individually) deems to be valid. Nietzsche maintained that all human behavior is motivated by the
will to power. In its positive sense, this will to power is not simply power over others, but the
power over oneself that is necessary for creativity. Such power is manifested in the overman's
independence, creativity, and originality. Nietzsche believed that no 'overmen' had yet arisen,
although he mentions several figures of history who might serve as models. He suggests
Socrates, Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Goethe, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon.
Nietzsche also professed himself to be a follower of Dionysus, the god of lifes exuberance, and
declared that he hoped Dionysus would replace Jesus as the primary cultural standard for future
This concept of the overman has often been interpreted as one of a master-slave society and has
been readily identified with totalitarian philosophies. There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and
Nazism, for instance, were strongly influenced by Nietzsche's call for the rejection of traditional
values and for the leadership of one bold and daring enough to have gone through a 'lifeaffirmation' of all influences culminating in the rejection of weak influences and a final affirmation
of only positive, man-centred influences leading to a new and all-powerful 'superman' (more on
the fully-deserved association of Nietzscheism with Nazism later in this article).
who is willing to risk all for the sake of enhancement of humanity. In contrary to the last man
whose sole desire is his own comfort and is incapable of creating anything beyond oneself in any
form. This should suggest that an overman is someone who can establish his own values as the
world in which others live their lives, often unaware that they are not pregiven. This means an
overman can affect and influence the lives of others. In other words, an overman has his own
values, independent of others, which affects and dominates others lives that may not have
predetermined values but only herd instinct. An overman is then someone who has a life which is
not merely to live each day with no meanings when nothing in the past and future is more
important than the present, or more precisely, the pleasure and happiness in the present, but with
the purpose for humanity.
the idea of the will-to-power
an overman should be able to affect history indefinitely
In a sense, overman is about self-overcoming. It involves an attitude towards life when one may
feel despaired and feel life is meaningless.
the notion of Apollonion and Dionysian principles is used with respect to his analysis of the Greek
tragedy (BACCA)
An overman, in his view, should not be restricted by tradition nor bounded by convention but has
independent values of his own.overman must be able to affect history indefinitely, conceives life in
term ... He spends each day of his life creating beauty, which affects the minds of others through
out the time, knowing that his life has values and meanings since his existence of will-to-power
will live on indefinitely.
Behold, I teach you the bermensch: he is this lightning, he is this madness!
Behold, I am a prophet of the lightning and a heavy drop from the cloud: but this lightning is called
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Prologue
the roman ceaser with christ soul

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