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Welcome adventurer, to the Dragon's Castle. Your quest

is simple enough but dangerous; get inside the castle,
take whatever treasure you find along the way, and then
get out before time passes midnight! Along the way youll
encounter fierce monsters and treacherous traps, and
must find your way through locked doors and heavy
portcullises. And if you have any plans on getting into the
Treasure Chamber - youll even risk facing its guardian;
the dragon itself!
15 Labyrinth tiles
2 Catacomb tiles
1 Treasure Chamber tile
1 Entrance/Exit tile
6 Development Cards
5 Dragon Cards
2 Ring Cards
2 Amulet Cards
2 Character Cards
2 Character counters
1 Playaid
1 Quick Reference Card
1 Highscore booklet
1 Rule booklet

the photo on the back of the Character cards, made by

Paul Mutton, and the front of this booklet - created by
Thank you Jeremiah for giving us such a wonderful game
and tool to play around with.
Special thanks goes to matildadad for your excellent
ZimP playaid, to for hosting the
files of this game, to all of BGGs members who
supported me and this game during development, and of
course the makers of Drakborgen and Legenden: Dan
Glimne, Jakob Bonds and Gustav Bonds.

Should you have a torch, you only need discard a

Development card and may pick any one Stair tile to
emerge from.
If there are no Stair tiles on the table when you fall into
the Catacombs, then you wander around endlessly until
you eventually die of starvation - regardless of whether
you have a torch or not.
The game is won whenever you decide to permanently
leave the castle and time hasn't passed beyond midnight.
You may then record the total worth of all your treasure
on the Highscore booklet.
You lose the game whenever your character die or as
soon as time passes beyond midnight and you're still
inside the castle. All your treasures are discarded and you
may not record anything on the Highscore booklet.
Dungeonquest in my Pocket is a game variant of Zombie
in my Pocket designed by Jeremiah Lee, and based on the
Swedish board game Drakborgen and its sequel
Drakborgen Legenden. Rules and card designs for this
variant belongs to Tomas Engstrm. Most artwork either
comes from Drakborgen Legenden, including characters
and tiles, or random Internet sources such as

Begin by sorting out the Treasure Chamber tile and
Entrance/Exit (thats the big one). Now, set aside five
randomly chosen Labyrinth tiles and add the Treasure
Chamber. Shuffle these and place them in a pile, then
shuffle the remaining tiles (leave the Entrance/Exit on the
table) and stack them on top of the other six. This is done
in order to prevent the Treasure Chamber from coming
into the game too quickly (who would build a castle
where all the treasure is right next to the entrance?).
Now shuffle all of the Development cards and Dragon
Cards, and place them somewhere in front of you within
reach. Also lay out the Playaid, Amulet Cards, and Ring
Cards somewhere on the table. Next is to pick a character
and place him in front of you (put the other one away).
Get a pencil and a piece of paper for keeping track on
your health and the value of any treasure you'll find. You
should find yourself some small tokens as well, such as
drawing pins (placing them upside-down).
Now you're ready to head out into the Dragon's Castle!
Every turn begins with movement. This is done by either
moving your character to an adjacent Labyrinth tile
already on the table, or by drawing a new one and
placing it as you see fit.

Note: You can only enter another room as long as it is

connected on both sides/tiles. E.g. if one tile shows a
door but the tile that it is connected to has a wall on that
side, then you may not pass through from either side.
Note: When placing a tile, you may not put two doors or
portcullises against one another unless forced to.
Once your character has moved onto another tile (except
the Entrance/Exit), you must draw a Development card to
find out what encounter you have - by reading the text
that corresponds to what time it currently is.
Note: Whenever you are required to "discard a card" due
to some event or encounter, these are the cards to
discard - not the Dragon Cards or any of the other ones.
Whenever the last Development card is drawn and
resolved, regardless of what reason there is to this
(discards counts as well) - time may progress within the
game. Look at the icon depicted in the top left corner of
the last card to be drawn to see whether time on the
Playaid progresses one step (a sun), two steps (two suns),
or not at all (a cloud). Then reshuffle the deck and
continue as normal.

Rope; grants safe passage through the Footbridge tile.

Cannot be lost.
Potion; drink to regain 3 Health Points. One use only.
Key; unlocks any one door and/or portcullis. One use
Torch; emerge from the Catacombs through any Stair tile
you choose. Cannot be lost.
Plate gloves; grants the wearer +1 Strength. Cannot be
Elven boots; grants the wearer +1 Agility. Cannot be lost.
Amulets and Rings are the most powerful items available
in the game and therefore not very easily obtained.
Whenever you manage to find one of these ornaments shuffle the two cards available and randomly draw one of
Whenever you find yourself in the catacombs and do not
have a torch, discard a Development card for each turn
that passes rather than resolving it - but first look at the
number in the lower left corner of that card. If there is a
Stair tile which corresponds to the number shown, then
you find a way out and emerge here (but do not draw
another Development card, you have no encounter). If
not, then you lose 1 Health Point as you stumble around

injuring you for 1 Health Point. You may make as many

attempts getting through the rubble as you want.

Each time this happens, your character recovers 1 Health

Point from resting up.

Footbridge; passing through this tile requires a great

sense of balance not to fall into the abyss beneath. After
resolving the Development card, pass an Agility test to
make your way to the other side of the room. Failure
means that your weight suddenly tips over and you crash
down into the darkness - taking 2 Health Points as you
Furthermore, you are now lost in the Catacombs.

Although most of the castle's foul residents are sleeping
during this time of the day, some can still be found
wandering the halls. Not everyone will attack you on
sight though; whenever you have the opportunity to
"turn back", you may discard a Development card instead
of attacking and move back to where you came from.

Stairs; two tiles contains stairs which leads in and out

from the Catacombs. The number is used for when trying
to find your way around in the darkness (unless you have
a torch).
Treasure Chamber; for as long as you remain in this
room, discard a Development card for each turn rather
than resolving it, and then pick one of the five Dragon
Cards to see whether you manage to steal some treasure
unnoticed or if the dragon wakes up.
You may not re-enter this tile once the dragon has
awakened (if you are still alive at this point).
Here's a complete list of usable items within the game
and their purpose:

Note: If there's a portcullis or door between your current

position and the tile that you arrived from, then you
cannot escape - even if you have a key.
Whenever you are forced or choose to fight a monster, a
game of rock-paper-scissor begins. Pick an attack out of
these three: Sweep, Slash, Stab. Then use the Random
Attack Table at the back of this rule book to see what
your opponent does.
Sweep beats Slash
Slash beats Stab
Stab beats Sweep

Every successful attack inflicts one wound on you or your

opponent. If you both pick the same attack, that round is
a draw.
Combat will continue like this until either one of you
drops dead, or you may choose to discard a card to flee
after three rounds of combat. You may only escape back
to where you came from. If that route is blocked by a
door or portcullis, you cannot flee from combat.
Consult the Monster Chart below to see how many
Health Points each monster has:
Giant Spider


Whenever you are asked to make a test against a certain
attribute (Strength or Agility), draw the next
Development card and look at the number in the lower
left corner of the card. As long as it's lower than the
attribute that you're testing against, you succeed at
whatever it is that you're doing.


Whenever you enter a tile that has a door or portcullis
depicted on it, you may either spend a key to open it or,
if you lack this piece of equipment, pick the door lock or
lift the portcullis and walk through it.
To picklock a door, make a test against your Agility.
To lift a portcullis, make a test against your Strength.
Two doors or portcullises that are back to back counts as
only one obstacle, thus they only require one key to open
or one test against the corresponding attribute.
Note: Every door and portcullis passed through is locked
once you've moved through it.
Apart from the usual rooms and corridors where nothing
but the event on the current Developer Cards occur,
some tiles work a little differently and have their own
Pile of rubble; passing through this tile requires some
brute force to get through all the junk inside the room.
After resolving the Development card, pass a Strength
test to make your way out of the room (pick any exit).
Failure means that something heavy knocks you over -

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