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Super Natural Survivor is based on the ordeals and issues of my life. I tell of the
goodness of God. How so many times he stepped in, and other times where I could
plainly see, that had it not been for His goodness and mercy I would not be here
today. Psalm 23: 6 says, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Truly it yet follows
me. Isaiah 54:17 says to us, No weapon that is formed against thee shall be able
to prosper. God never said the weapons would not be formed.
This book is really an expose' of some of the things that have tried to kill me,
hinder me and cripple my very existence to this day. My life has been filled with
deception, pain, and hurt. In all fairness though, the amount of hurt cannot be
compared with how good my life has also been, because of a loving God, who
gave me a loving and supportive family. Sexual molestation, death attempts,
including suicidal thoughts, pornography, and masturbation are some of the tools
the enemy used as spiritual strongholds; to try to ultimately keep me from a
destination that my heavenly father had planned for me. God says He's knows the
way that He takes me, and that He would bring me to an expected end, for that I
am thankful.


When I was a baby about two or three years old, we had a house fire and my
father carried me out the house, but if I recall the story right, after he rescued me
from the fire, he went back in the burning building with me in his arms. He went
back in to get a pair of new shoes he had just bought, how about that? I was told
that my grandmother had just got a new bedroom set also, so I know she was up
set. My mother told me, after I suffered the fire ordeal, when my father brought me
back out of the burning building; I began to react to the trauma. I became nervous
and began pulling, or snatching my hair out as well as sucking two of my fingers.
Even then the devil was after my glory, because a womans glory is her hair. Im
sure the devil was right there, loving every minute of that. Wouldn't the devil just
love that, a baby having a nervous breakdown?

2nd Excerpt
Years later, I found out that rheumatic fever didn't have anything to do with the
growth of my legs. I was just born that way. My leg length never kept me down

nor was it painful until I injured it when I was 42 years old. In fact I never even
really realized it was shorter until about junior high. Some of my friends and I
were all just kidding around in the music room, marking each others ways etc.
Now this is one of those moments I spoke about earlier, about being set off, so I
will come back to this. The music room was the hang out. We had an awesome
music teacher. As I think back, a lot of the songs we sang were religious. When
we'd have a program to perform on stage, I would always sense an overwhelming
feeling, that I now know, was the anointing of God on the songs. The presence of
God would be all up in there. I'm sure if some of you reflect back to your school
days, you'll agree with me if you sang some of the same songs. Back then the
schools was different, we still had our share of trouble, but we didn't have all the
shootings like those happening today. Prayer was in the schools and the songs we
sang gave God glory and honor.
All right, I'm back on track with my story, where we were in the music room
marking one another. One of my friends said, This is the way Cynthia walks, and
she was walking like Grandpa Amos from the Real McCoys. I can still see her in
my mind; she had on a brown turtleneck sweater and dark skirt, maybe black or
blue. I wasnt hurt much by what she said, or least at the time I didn't think so; but
even as I'm writing, my eyes are welling up, so I guess it did hurt more than I
knew. It just made me feel more self-conscience about it, so whenever I'd walk, I
tried to walk evenly.


I can first recall masturbating, I think, at the age of seven although having my
private part violated by someone else was not anything new to me. It was while I
was in the hospital two months for rheumatic fever and the nurse would come
bathe me but then she would say, You are a big girl, I'll let you wash your private
parts yourself. Now from what I can gather now, is that I had never bathed lying
down and so it must have been because it was a new feeling. I seem to also
remember my roommate caressing herself; she had been hit by a car and had a
broken leg. Masturbation is like a drug addiction in a sense, because from the first
time you do it, you're constantly trying to get a better high than the first time if I
can put it like that. If the truth were told there are a lot of people that masturbate,
but that does not make it right. I have good news today, that there is a God, the one
and only true and living God that can and will deliver you. God said a broken heart
and a contrite spirit he would not despise.

2nd Excerpt

The spiritual stronghold of masturbation is no different than the stronghold

spirits that are felt by, rapist to rape, serial killers to murder, pedophiles to sexual
molest and thieves to steal. There was a program on television about predators on
the Internet. Some of the men were repeat offenders, and were caught twice on the
same program. Some of these men were doctors, businessmen etc. You have to ask
yourself, why would they risk everything for this? There is only one answer. They
are being driven by a spiritual stronghold. A stronghold that says, I want what I
want right now, and never mind the consequences, I'll deal with the repercussions
when ever the time comes, if it comes. I just need to satisfy this longing and
hunger in my flesh. If God does not help us we all will be lost. Help us Oh Lord!


I left out of our side door to go to school as usual. I should have continued to go
straight, but when I got to the corner, at the front of our house I turned right. My
mother or little sisters could have very well been looking out of the front window.
My sisters used to watch us from the sun porch as we'd leave and come home from
school. I walked on down to his house and the front door was open. As I
approached the door, I remember the smell of a cats litter box was in the air. It was
a two family house and they lived upstairs. I walked up the hallway and knocked
on the door. He didn't try to take my clothes off or anything like that. He only
fondled me and we both put our mouths where they should not have been. It
seemed like, all of about five minutes if that long, because I got scared. I really
don't know why I got scared. One thing that did kind of scare me was the fact that I
had never seen the private parts of a man in the flesh, only in pictures. I'd seen my
little brothers when my mother would put them in the bathtub, but this was
something totally different, it was as different as night and day. I do know that I
left out quickly because I still made it to school on time. I really wish that had
never happened, because all that did was water a seed that had been planted in my
flesh through pornography, and that was the seed of oral sex. The spirit from that
seed woke something up a spirit in my flesh, and the devil made sure I'd
experience that feeling again, and soon but in a very perverted way.

2nd Excerpt

I'm going to switch gears for a moment, just a little food for thought. I know I will
probably lose some of you here, but that's all right, God will be our judge, and He
is a just judge. If you have a car, then you drive it. If you have a boat, you sail it.
You would not sail a car on the lake. Nor would you drive a boat on the street, and
I don't mean when it is hitched up to a car. For those who have not been delivered
from smoking cigarettes yet, if you have a cigarette, you smoke it. If you have a
soda pop, you drink it. You would not drink a cigarette, nor smoke a soda pop. If
you have some money you spend it (for the most part). If you have a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich you eat it. You would not spend a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich, nor would you take your money and eat it. Its not the natural use of a
car to be sailed; it's not the natural use for a boat to be driven. It's not the natural
use of a cigarette to be drank, nor is it the natural use of a soda pop to be smoked.
Lastly it is not the natural use of money to be eaten, nor is it the natural use of a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich to be spent. With all that said, somebody please
tell me what did God mean in Romans 1:24-27? His word says: Wherefore God
also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor
their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and
worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women
did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the
men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their own lust one toward
another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in
themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

3rd Excerpt
When I was about eleven my brother had an afternoon paper route and at that time
that company didnt let little girls be carriers but my brother had gotten another
paper route in the morning and so I started doing his afternoon route. I met all
kinds of people and some strange and some not so strange. The route was inside a
bunch of apartment complexes not far from home with about eight units in each
building. Now it was predominantly white but there were other nationalities too. I
guess I say strange because some people would answer the door looking any kind
of way and sometimes half naked and thought nothing of it. I guess some of them
were saying. Huh this is my house and Im at home, and then there were those
that probably just wanted to take advantage of the innocence of children. There
was this one lady in particular that would always come to the door topless, no bra,
nothing. She kept telling me how pretty she thought I was and that she thought I
would look so much nicer if I had my eyebrows arched. After getting the

permission of my mother I went to her apartment and...


As I think back, it was not until after my knowledge and desire for God, that the
enemy would come after me the way he did using the stronghold of masturbation
and pornography, and opening up a Pandoras box in my life. I never thought about
it until now, the devil is low down and cares for no one but himself. I was only
eight years old, and very vulnerable. I thank God for my grandmother and my aunt
because they would take us to church, what seemed like every day and all day
Sunday for that whole summer we spent down south. As far back as I can
remember I have always had a love for God and was drawn to Him. There was just
something about Him, and now I know it was the love that He had for me, and had
proved it by giving the life of His son Jesus.

Calvin and I kept seeing each other, and then it came time for the prom. I
remember going downtown to pick up my long formal gloves the day of the prom.
I'd stopped by Calvin's job but his boss said he'd sent him to make a deposit at the
bank. When I got home I called to speak to him. His boss said he had not come
back yet so I hung up. I went on to the prom later that night and to the after prom. I
waited to hear from him but he never called. I didn't go to the picnic that Saturday
with the rest of my class. I had wanted to spend the day with Calvin. He finally
showed up with one of his buddies and he said he'd get with me later. I didn't hear
from him Sunday, so Monday morning I called his job and his boss answered the
phone and his exact words to me were, That nigger done run off with my money.
There were a few other colorful words he said but I got the message.

2nd Excerpt
Another red flag for me should have been the fact that every time I'd go to meet
him downtown after school, his boss would always say in my presence Oh yeah,
so-and-so called and wants you to bring home some bread. It was always
something, so I didn't believe him, besides Calvin had assured me his boss was just
trying to cause him trouble. Also whenever he'd call it would be the wee hours of
the night. He would come to the house to visit, but we'd always go out because I
didn't want my father to go off on him. For the most part my father did like him but
one night Calvin came over late and we were sitting on the front porch. My father
was working third shift and would make sure that the house was all locked up

before he left. Well this night he came in the living room and said it was too late to
be having company, and then he said, Do you want me to get him straight, or do
you want to get him straight. Well, of course I said I'd get him straight. Calvin left
and my dad went to work.
My father sometimes wanted me to wake him up to go to work. One night
Calvin came over unexpectedly. My thought was, that I just couldnt let him have
come all the way from East Cleveland just to go right back. I forgot to wake my
father up, but I think he woke up on his own. Calvin and I had been on the porch so
I knew when my father would pull out of the garage he'd turn to go in front of the
house to make sure everything looked okay and that the windows and doors were
all shut. I had Calvin to come in and hide on the sun porch, which was actually my
brothers bedroom. Well, wouldn't you know, this night my father decides not to
take my word that everybody was in their beds. I was behind him and he was
walking straight for my brothers bedroom, and...

I was 19, I had finished high school and I really wanted to leave town. I had
started to take some classes at a local college, and had not established a major but
was thinking on the line of dietetic technology. It was a desire of mine however to
become a nurse at one time but after considering how much of a cry baby I was
that I concluded, how can I help someone in pain if I am going to be standing there
crying with them? I then decided that I would become a dietician. I started taking
some regular courses but didnt pursue the career of a dietician. Any way as the
story goes I said, I'm leaving home because my wings are strong and I cant stay
under Mas wings forever. I said to my older sisters, Just because you all did not
leave home at my age, doesnt mean that I am not going to. You all were just
scared. My grandmother said if you go, I know you will not go back to college.
Of course I said, Yes I will. Of course, she was right, I never went back.

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