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~ African Violet Granny Hexagon ~

I used a crochet hook size I

Red Heart Soft Yarn: Mid Blue, Rose Blush & Off White
The finished size is 7 across
With Off White
CH 4, slip stich in first chain to create ring.
Round 1: CH 2 (counts as DC), DC, CH 1, [2 DC, CH 1] 5 times. Slip Stich to first DC to
complete round. Bind off and sew in ends.
With Rose Blush
Round 2: join with slip stitch in any CH-1 space, CH 3 (counts as DC), DC, CH 2, 2 DC,
CH 1. [2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC, CH 1] in next 5 CH-1 spaces. Slip stitch in top of CH3 to
complete round.
Round 3: slip stitch to CH-2 space, CH 3 (counts as DC), 6 DC in same CH-2 space, CH
1. [7 DC, ch1] in next 5 CH-2 spaces. Join with slip stitch in top of CH3 to complete
round. Bind off and sew in ends.
With Mid Blue
Round 4: join with slip stitch in 1st DC of 7DC grouping, CH 1, SC in same stitch, SC in
each of next 6 DC, Long SC through CH-1 space 2 rows below. [7 SC, long SC through
CH-1 space 2 rows below] repeat [ ] around. Join with slip stitch in first sc.

Round 5: Slip stitch to next stitch, CH2, DC in same stitch, skip next stitch [(2 DC, CH1,
2 DC), skip next stitch, 2 DC, skip next stitch, 2 DC, skip next stitch, 2 DC] 5 times. Skip
next stitch (2 DC, CH1, 2DC), skip next stitch, 2 DC, skip next stitch, 2 DC, skip next
stitch, join with slip stitch in beginning CH2.

Round 6: Slip stitch to 1st space, CH 2, DC in same space, [(2 DC, CH1, 2 DC) in corner
space, 2 DC in each following spaces] 5 times. (2 DC, CH1, 2DC) in corner space, 2 DC
in each remaining spaces, join with slip stitch in beginning CH2. Bind off and sew in

2014 Heather Wejroch. All rights reserved. This pattern and/or pattern photos may not be sold, or posted to any
website, electronically transmitted or copied in any way without the written consent of the copyright owner.

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