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Week 2:

empathy: identify feeling of the patient, check for accuracy

Week 3:
medication experience: individual experience of taking medication
meaningful encounter, bodily effects, unremitting nature, exerting control
General attitude, understanding of drug therapy, wants and expectations,
cultural ethic issues -> shape medication taking behaviour
Week 4:
Vital behaviour: #1: engage person behind prescription (open interaction and
develop relationship)
NOD, small talk, agenda setting, empathetic, active listen, non verbal
#2: chat about medications (patient assessments)
3 prime questions (purpose, direction, monitoring: benefits and sideffects)
probing, signposting
#3, check medications (pharmcotherapy work-up)
indicated, effective, safe, manageable (adhere)
#4: chart a course forward

Week 6:
Passive: withdraw, accommodate
Aggressive: intimidate, dominate
Assertive: acknowledge, problem solve, uses I

e prepared

se non-judgemental listening

ix second rule

ell me more


espond with a wish statement

Rx number, date, DATA, ASSESSMENT, PLAN, initals or sign
Disease: lab values, symptoms
Illness: patient experience with disease
PCP (patient care processed): patient 1st, conditions second, medication third
Therapeutic relationship: partnership between patient and practitioner

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