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lf Dtd

An Invitation to lfa givination

Volume ONE

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|SBN: 978-0-981001 3-L:9.; .'

First Edition

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human imPact on our Plant Earth'

all future Asefin
A portion of all sales t tnr compiete 17 volume collection and
plant Holy
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Palm trees & other sacred trees of lfa'
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Asefin Media, LLP - Publications Division, working in conjunction with
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Mine is a story of gratitude.
For more than 11 years, Darkness
work' They saw no reason whv and arf his agents were activefy at
be fight in the rife of

:li::L, :l?,


;H neo ; irrey ni.r, series


Mine is trufy a story of gratitude.

My story wirf be
Srrgte$ in prover!. proverb, they say, is the horse
that sentence rides;
in the rr. vein, sentene is
the horse that
proverb rides' If any sentence
gets los! *u
to search for
t. My proverb comes from the Hory
scripture in otura offmu (otura
IretQ). In this stanza, rfa



Kf bj+_beje ma be j
K.y." _Ia tun ge Uq t,qitnnf$


A b fin Obe


Let the Spoilers continue
to spoil things in

We shaf l continue to mend




This was lf,s message forAbQrS,

And also for Qbg, tne fnfe




w31e bgth fishtins for supremacy

They were advised to oergog

when Abgrg, the Needre, had

not exhibited his potentiars, he
foved bv ail. one day,
rnire,,"Jir .no assefted thar werf
was too smaff, ro_o
and too rrafto ltay in the same
move in the same group wth
him. "what ir-*,e m"aning of this?
we had
been movins tose[her *iil.'ri proorem]t;;';;
rhis now?,,
Abfr queried' Qo* rnr*"ru4Iirt
*r;J;:'row, r hate your
race. r

can no longer bear to have you around me any more. You are worthless
and useless!"
AbQr could not believe his
indeed. He however made

ears. The development made him very sad

it clear to Qbg that Oldmare gave him his

own talent and potentiats which were quite different from those of Qbq.
This only annoyed Qbg the more and he set aside a date that he will exhibit
his potentials so as to show AbQrQ that they did not belong to the same
On the appointed day, bundles of clothes were rolled out. Qbq set out to
cut them into pieces. Before long, he finished. All the clothes were in bits
and pieces. After this, those present demanded to know what use the
rags, bits and pieces could be put into. Qbq was at a loss on what to do
ner,t" He left the scene in a state of confusion. Those present packed all
the pieces and dumped them in the refuse site.

When Abr saw altthese rags, bits and pieces, he was strongly convinced
that those materials cannot and must not be left to waste. He knew that
they could still be made useful. He looked for thread and began to knit the
rags together. He made Dalki, shifts, trousers, agbd, bb, kerbe,
frla, dandg etc for men. He also made 9l, head-gear,Ir, wrappel
bb, scarf, blouse, underwear, stockings, etc for women. What had
hithefto been considered a waste was turned into useful commodities.
What was thought to be useless was made to be valuable by Abre. When
people saw this, they concluded unanimously that AbQrQ was by far
superiorto Qbe. They saY:
Ab$r$ o w d o' QgbQn Qbe
B'Qmgd kker b gbQ'F

Abereo,QgbQn Obq

Here comes AbQrE, the Elder brother of Qbq
If a Youth is well versed in Ifa
He will be dreaded and respected by Elders
All hail AbQrQ, the Elder brother of Qbe

As from that moment hencefofth, the potentials of AbQrQ, the Needle,

became well known to all.
Mine is a story of gratitude.

The potential exhibited by Abqrq became a big threat to the other Elders.
They felt that he must be stopped at all costs and by all means. He must
not be allowed to exhibit all these potentials. Darkness must envelop his
life, they concluded. They forgot however that as small and as frail as
AbQrQ was, he could not be swallowed by any fowl. As a matter of fact,
even an elephant could not swallow AbQrQ!
The plans began. AbrQ must be stopped and run aground. He must be
made to suffer untold hardship. The Chief Cutlass summoned an
extraordinary meeting of other Chief Blades. The meeting of the 16 Chief
Blades centered primarily on how to urgently find something decisive to do
in order to stop Abr. After much deliberations, it was decided that AbQrQ
must be summoned to hear the verdict of the 16 Chief Blades, even though
none of them cared to give him the chance to defend himself or even hear
his own side.

The 16 Chief Blades handed down the following verdicts; one, AbQrQ's
mother, who was a daughter of $ng and If, and whose name means

$ang adds to honour must never be called his mother again, he must
never communicate with her againi two, he must never exhibit his talent
anywhere again; and three, anything he knew or did must be in the name
of the Chief Cutlass or any of the other Chief Blades. After delivering these
verdicts, AbQrQ was summarily dismissed.

Knowing thatAbQrQ was a strong willed person they knewthatthey needed

to do more than that in order to stop him. As soon as AbQrQ left, they sent
telephonic and telepathic missiles to him. They also forgot that uprisings
could affect an innocent person and make him suffe1 but curses could have
no effect on an innocent person.
Mine is truly a story of gratitude.

When Abqrq left, he was overwhelmed with grief and pains. These were
the same Elders he had all along given their due honour and respect
throughout his life. He had worked for, and assisted them in his own little
ways. Why should they be the same people planning his downfall. He
searched his conscience to see whether he had offended them in any way
before that time. He was totally convinced that he never did anything
against them, or even against anyone else for that matter. He however
remembered this stanza in Qgqlmulg (QSeIwrl) where If says:
Qq nl S lrrjo-ljo
Iwrl nl ngq lojo-lonjo

Dl fin Qmgknrin pupa ror OkAp

Eyl tl wqn b ro'jQ ikrl le s'lede qrun
Fbg ni wQn nl kw 9e

NjeIfwoni moqe

Tl mo fi gb'odl i wgn o
Emi pe k'lw ll-Ife m m nl
If wo ni mo ge
Tl mo fi gb'odl i wgn o
Emi O p k'laya ll-Ife m m fQ

Ifwoni mose
Tl mo fi gb'odl i wgn o
Emi o p k'boyn ll-Ifq m m bl

If wonimose
Tl mo fi gb'odl i wgn o
Emi O p k'nfl ll-Ife m m kQ
Ifwoni mose
Tl mofi gb'odl i wgn o
fnlkanosQrQfiln mi
Kl n rel lqq wl
If wo ni mo ge
Tl mo fi gb'odl i wgn o
If nl lll nf klnnl-klnnl gmgd
Lll nllrdQgbahgb
FsQ-esE loun fi ggun eni tl nperf oun o

Qgq dangles precariously without fa lling

Andlwfl swings sideways without


Letter from the Publisher

team of traditional lf
A5fn Media LLP wishes to thank the collaborative
in compiling this magnificent work'
researchers and scholars, for their efforts
vast body of knowledge we call lf'
tf Did,furthers the understanding of the
ever been written on the subject of lfa'
Until now, nothing of this magnitude has
ei tn(ffi poetic stanzas) for the first 16 major
vet this work
toi"tions (called Olodu), which according to
Iflo the first 16 major
estimates contain ppio"ttef 1,800 Ese


comprehensive encyclopedic seventeen-volume


tf Dd is the first
with its detailed explanation of the full ]f literary corpus,
practitioner' the novice'

to tne if
of its kind to bring lf's deeper understnding
as a multi-volume collection'
and to the scholar of African pninsoprrs,
collection' and to be an
Asfn Media is pleased to publish this multi-volume
of the coded messages within the
integral part of prototig'n"* unoistanding
ancient lf tradition.
gnd cherished by
we trust that lf Dd -Volume one, will become a masterpiecg
persons alike' If Did is one great
lf devotees, researchers and interested
body of knowledge we call lf'
contribution toward comprehendng the nol"t.
V9lyme One of a
Congratulations, once again for completing-this
;6ne colleciion - a tiue encyclopedia of Ese- lf'


Asfn Mdia


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UK Office: 020-8144-5005


To Maria-Elena Montiel for standing firm against, and saying NO to
Darkness and its agents, on that day when ail semed lost. I shallforever

be grateful.



Chapter 1- Eji Ogbe
Chapter 2- Oyeku Meji
Chapter 3- Iwori Meji
Chapter 4- Odi Meji
Chapter 5- Irosun Meji
Chapter 6- Owonrin Meji
Chapter 7- Obara Meji
Chapter 8- Okanran Meji
Chapter 9- Ogunda Meji
Chapter 1O- Osa Meji
Chapter 11- Ika Meji
Chapter L2- Oturupon Meji
Chapter 13- Otura Meji
Chapter t4- Irete Meji
Chapter 15- Ose Meji
Chapter 16- Ofun Meji











These were lf's messages to the light-complexioned youth

0 ke -A pa
Who was being accused with the intention of eliminating him completely
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Alas, If what have I done

To deserue their malice?

f never stopped the wealthy from progressing

If whatwas myoffence
To warrant their enmity?
f neverstopped anyonefrom enjoying hisspouse

Ifwhatsindid Icommit
To deserue their hatred?

I never prevented a pregnant woman from having a safe delivery

If what ill had I done
To make them hate me so?
f neverstopped anyonefrom completing his propefi
If what was my crime
To deserue this odium?
Nobody had ever kept any secret with me
For meto expose itto others
If whatwas my inadequacy
To bring aboutthis hatred?
If declares that since I harbour no malice against any youth
And shows no hatred againstanyelder
Gradually, should I overcome all those who are against me
Systematically, this shall manifest!
Wth this assurance from If, AbQrQ took his solace. AbQrQ was totally
convinced that the whole world may change, what If says will never
Mine is a story of gratitude.
Up till today, Darkness and all his agents are stll at work. Somehow, Light
contnues to penetrate and displace Darkness. For this, I am eternally
grateful to Oldmar, O, InlnmglQ,OFiga, ImglQ, Egrtngtln, Or and true

But these Elders who had vowed never to stop their nefarious activities,

what can one do about them? Come to think of it, not all Elders are against
this AbSrQ. Some of the Elders are still using AbQrS to knit dresses of all
designs. If the sun insists that we should not look at its face, we might as
well lookatthe moon. Of course!
To those who do evil everyday, what can we do? All we need do is to follow
what If says inlka-Funfun (Ika Ofun). In this stanza, If says:
Kl k m pa gni t
T d'n l'r
Tl a bil

jgma rl'raawa
K'Arn m pa gnit


jq ma rl'raawa
B'rl b yl nllQ b b p
Y pada w d'orf ire ni ....

May Death spare those who wake uP
And inflict pain on others
Wheneverwewakewake up
Let us continue to see each other
MayAffliction spare those who wake up
And plan evil againstothers
When we wake up
Letus continueto see each other
If one suffers for long
Such person willsucceed in the end ....

Many of the Elder Cutlasses are still around when this AbQrQ picked the b'tts
and pieces of If clothes and knitted this dress. When If says Ys, nobody
c? sd}l ho;
Mine is truly a story of gratitude.
For over 11 years, it was planned that this AbQrQ shall amount to nothing in
life. That was their plan. It was not suppofted by the Divinities. There is
nowhere in If that it was said that a devotee shall not face tribulation; what

we have is that true devotees shall always overcome. This is why

forever grateful.


Iwofi-Ww (Iwii-QSe), If says:

IwOrl wow-wow
IwOrl wokn-wokn
IwOrl wokn tn kl o t wo'dg
Dl filn 'Lnlnkn
Tl wqn nl elyll O g'gmg o
waa d',ylnw
Kl gt m'fdu nl Baba o

Iw who perceives money
AndlwO'lwho perceives okn beads
LetlwOrl lookatokn beads before looking at brass
This was lf's message for Qlffnkn
Whom people say shall never amountto anything in life
It is in the end
Thatyou will knowthat [dr: (If) is the Fatherof all
It is surely in the end

This AbQrQ, whom they said shall never be anything n life has now been
blessed by If to knit this E)-Ogbe to Ofun-Ue'i together from bits and
pieces. Truly, Fdu s the Father of all.
Mine is undoubtedly a story of gratitude.
Abgru Abgye,

$. $91gbad PpQl.

Chapter 1







Alias: Efi OnflQ, Ogb Mji


l. -lkgsQdy
lf says that for the person for whom this OdD is revealed during

or-tttd to succeed in life, there is the need'to,

among other thingS serve his/her Oli with a big live catfish. lf
says that if this is done, he/she shall not lack any of the good
things of life. He/she shall succeed where others had failed. A
stanza in E) Ogb in support of this assertion has this to say:
Ojmg mQ, mo r'ire-r'ire
Ktkt ljnf mo rTw-rTw
IX fn Akp
WQn nf k feja ArQ bg'ri
K t foj kan ire

When the day dawned, I saw lrein abundance
Very early four days ago, my destiny manifested
This was the lf cast forth e Akp
Who was advised to serve his Oli with a cat fish
Before setting his eyes on allthe /re of life

Akp was an lf devotee. He followed the dos and don'ts of lt in all

the things he was doing. He studied lf extensively and was very good
in it.

One day, his Baba /f asked him to prepare for his freedom. The
ceremony was very solemn but eventful. Shortly after this, he went for

ii ,j,ono"
lf consultation in orderto determine his success chances in life. The
Awo advised Akp to use a big live catfish to serve his Ofi so that he
would have peace of mind and comfort in his life. He was assured that
he would really succeed in life, but doing this would also enhance his
success chances. He complied.
Soon after this, Akp dreamt of success, he was having the feelings
that he would surely succeed in life. Four days after having this
dream, he received some clients who paid him a huge amount of
money with the promise that many more money was coming where
that came from. Before long, he became very wealthy. With wealth,
he was able to secure a good spouse of his dream. The wife gave
brth to many children for him, including sets of twins. He also had
several aides who assisted him in his dayto-day activities. He built
several mansions and had many horses in his stable. He was indeed
very comfortable as the Babalwo had predicted. He was full of joy
and gratitude to Oldmar.
OjmQ mQ, mo rf re-r'ire
Kt kt tjnf mo rTw-rTw
Dt filn Akp
WQn nf k fejaArQ bg'ri
K t fojrl kan ire
Akp feja ArQ bg'ri

Akp fojrt kan're

ri're aj
ri're aya
ri're gmg
ri're gbogbo
ri're alk, balQ grQ
6 arq, arawrQ w n o, rQ o
OjmQ mQ, mo fi're(t're
ArQ,ara w rQ w na o,rQ o
Ktktljnf mo f'w ri'w
ArQ, arawrQ w n o, lrQ o

When the dawned I saw lretn abundance

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Very early, four days ago my good destiny manifested

This was the lf cast forAkp
Who was advised to serve his Oliwith a live catfish
Akp has now offered ArQfish to his Oli
And he set his eyes on all /re of life
He gotthe /reof wealth
And thatofa good spouse
And thatof good children
Andthatof good houses
And thatof long life, the king of all /re
NowArQ, we are quite comfortable, ArQ
The daydawned and I saw /re in abundance
ArQ we are quite comfortabl ArQ, the catfish
Very early four days ago, good destiny manifested
ArQ, we are quite comfortabl ArQ,the catfish

lf says that the person for whom this OdD is revealed shall be very
comfortable in life. All what he/she need to do is to follow the
instruction of lf atalltimes.


lf says that it foresees all round /RE for the person for whom
E)-Ogb is revealed. lf says that it shall replace Death with
Wealth, Sadness with Joy, Grief with Celebration, Loss with
Longevity and Want with Surplus. lf says that he/she shall live
and die a happy person.

Od,lf says that Death shall be converted to Financial

Well-being; Affliction to Spouse; Contention to Child-bearing
opportunities; and Loss to Longevity. lf says that there is the
need for this person to offer qbg known as 'ARXORE or
AnXAeQru.lA'. Sacrifice materials include, two pigeons,
two cocks, two rats, two fish, four kolanuts, four bitter kola,
four alligator peppers, and money. On all these, lf say's
In this




Qtqqtq ta kO'
QtqqtOq l gb'n u rQ
Qgbln t e fff kq'l
Kt yi ta fff gb'n u r$
Dl fif n Qrnmll
Mq fi Ajogun mgrin k wgn mQ'l l'tu ffq
Ti Baba l wgn, l wgn
T'i won lo


Separately do we erect our homes

Separately do we live in the homes
The wisdom with which we erect our homes
ls not as much as that with which we live in those homes
These were the declarations of lf to Qrrlnm)l
When fourAjogun invaded the cityof ll-lfQ
And he evacuated them without success
Theysimply refused to go

The inhabitants of ll-lfQ were ovenruhelmed with the problems being

caused byAjogun. TheseAjogun were lk(t (Death), ArDn (Affliction),
E"Q (Contention), and fO (Loss). When alltheir efforts to chase these
Ajogun away failed, they approached Qrnmll for assistance.
Qrnmll went to work. He tried all he knew to no avail. Out of
frustration, Qrnmll decided to leave ll-lfQ and neverto return there
again. On his way out of ll-lfQ, he met some of his former students.
They were Ams and AmQrQ. They inquired from him what was
wrong. Qrnm)la explained to them about his inability to chase away
the fourAjogun causing problems for the inhabitants of ll-lfe.
Both Ams and AmQrQ persuaded Qrr1nm)la not to give up. They
prevailed on him to let them go for lf consultation. He agreed; and
togethe they went to the groups of Awo mentioned above for lf

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consuttation

consultation. These Awo were also QrrJnmlla's ex-students. They

consulted lf and Eji-Ogb was revealed.

The group of Awo assured Qrrlnm)la that the four Ajogun would be
chased away, and in their places would be the tRE of Aj (wealth),
Aya (spouse), Qmq (children) and ogb (Longevity). Qrnm)r was
advised to offer gg as stated above. He complied. After this, he was
asked to take four bitter kolas and four alligator pepper to the
crossroad where four roads met. He complied. After the sacrifice,
Qrrlnmlla took the bitter kolas and alligator peppers to the roadsides
with four paths together with Ams and AmQrQ. when they reached
the four crossroads, they met lk(t (Death). Ams and AmQrQ advised
Qrnm)la to throw one bitter kola and one alligator pepper at
Death. He did. lmmediately these seeds hit Death, he began to run
away. Ams and AmQr asked QrrJnmll to follow him. The three of
them did. Before long, Death fell down. When they reached where he
fell, instead of Death, they met a lot of money. rnmlla was
surprised. Ams and AmQrQ however told Ornmll that Dea th is the
owner of Wealth. They said that anyone looking for money without
any other consideration whatsoever is a sure candldate for death.
untimely death, forthat matter.

They returned to the crossroad with four parts and they met ArDn
(Affliction). Qrnmlla threw the two seeds at him. He began to run
away. They followed him. Before long, Affliction fell down. when
they reached where he fell, they met Spouse. Ams and AmQr told
Qrnmil that Spouse is the owner of Afftiction. They said that if any
man has no control in his desire for, and enjoyment of , women, he is a
sure candidate forAffliction. On the other hand, if a woman has no
control in her desire for and enjoyment of men, she is a sure candidate


They returned to the crossroads and they met fiQ (Contention). They
threw the two seeds at him. He ran. They followed. EjQ fell. when
they reached the spot where he fell, they met children. Ams and

il ,,ono.
AmQrQ explained to Qrnmll that contention is the owner of children.
They said that the moment a person is matured, the person will be
looking for an appropriafe spouse. He or she will 'talk'. The talking is
in itself a form of contention. lf it has been taking too long to secure a
spouse of his/her choice, the 'Contention' will become more
consisfe nt. After getting his/her choice, then there will be 'contention'
on pregnancy and child-birth. lf the wife did not conceive in time, the
'contention'will be more than ever before. The 'contention'will leave
the couple's home and move to other people's homes such as the
homes of experts, advisers, relatives and so on.
When the woman eventually succeeded in becoming pregnant, there
will be more 'contention'. When the woman has finally delivered of a
baby, the'contention' is increased in folds.
Talking to the baby and teaching the baby how to talk and behave are
senous talking busrness . To go to schodlto complete the schooling, to
travl and to celebrate the child's achievements entail 'contention'.
Not to have a child does not preclude anyone from engaging in this

They returned to the crossroads and met OfO (Loss). Qrnm'il threw
the remaining two seeds at him and he took to his heels. They
followed him. Loss fell down. When they arrived at the spot where
loss fell, they saw Longevity. Ams and AmQrQ told Qrnm)l that
Loss is the owner of Longevity. They said that if a person is too old
he/she shall be experiencing terrible /osses - /oss of memory, loss of
dear ones, /oss of energy, /oss of vitality and so on. Those who are
suppose d to bury him/herwould be the oneswhom he/she would point
to thei r tom bs to othe rs.

Qrnm)l returned to ll-lfQ a happy man. He was glad that he had

been able to accomplish hls mission. That was how Qrrlnm'ila was
able to chase away the Ajogun of lkrl, Arn, fiQ and OfO and replaced
them with the lre ofAj, Aya, Qmg and Ogb respectively.


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Qtqqtq ta kq't
Qtqqtqq t gb'nrf u rQ
9gbQn t a f k'l
K t yi ta fii gb'nrt u rg


frf n

l*q ti Ajogun mgrin k wgn mQ'l l'tu lfq
Tt Baba l wgn, l wgn

f;bq ni wqn nf k w ge
gb'fbg, r'bg
F w b ni nl wQwQ ire gbogbo


Separately do we erect our homes

Separately do we live in the homes
The wisdom with which we erect our homes
ls not as much as that with which we live in those homes
These were the declarations of lfto Qrnm)l
When fourAjogun invaded the city of ll-lfe
And he evacuated them without success
Theysimply refused to go
He was advised to offerebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of abundant success

lf says that it shall able to replace Death with Wealth, Affliction with

spouse, contention with children and Loss with Longevity. lf

however cautions this person to be moderate in his/her pursuit of

wealth, sexual pleassure, and all opportunities in his/her life so as to

avoid harming himself/herself in the process.


lf says that it foresees all lre for the person for whom this Od is

ii t'onr,

lf says that he/she is presently experencng some

hardships which could be making him/her to contemplate harming

himself/herself or inflicting other social, physical or mental pain on
Because of the way he/she has been behaving recentty, he/she has
given other people cause to write him/her off and conclude that
nothing good can ever come from him/her again. lf says that
he/she must have a change of attitude and must never lose hope. lt is
not too late for him/her to succeed in lf he/she will definitely
succeed in his/her lifetime.
There is need to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two cocks, two
hens, two guinea-fowls and money. He/she also needs to feed lf
with four rats, four fish, palm-oil, gin and money. On these, lf

f uttt j fy lu'tQ
tf filn YyAlS-tI{e
T fQyIntI m'jrl gkn snrhn ire
Fbg ni wQn nf k w ge


The dead fall trap fell and hit its chest on the ground
This was the declaration of lf to Yy-Ale-fi-l
When she was weeping in lamentation of her inability
to succeed in life
She was advised to offer gbg

Yy-AlQ-tl-le, (the night of my success has not yet fallen), was a

failure in all aspects of life. She had no money, she had no husband,
she had no child, she had no home, and she had bad health. In fact,
nothing seemed to work for her. To compound the problem, she had
been losing confidence in herself and her ability to succeed in life. As
a result of the way Yy-Ale-fi-lQ was carrying herself, she became a
nuisance to all her neighbours. Also, because of her pessimism,
those around her were equally infected and she was completely

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

written off.

one day, she went to the Babalwo mentioned above just for the fun
of it. The Babalwo however diagnosed her problems correctly and

went further to assure her that she would succeed in her life and that
the night of her success had not yet fallen. She was equally advised
to have a change of attitude and a change of perception of herself.
She managed to do all and she became hopeful that she could still
make it in life after-all. There ls hope, there is future.

soon after this, her wealth improved, she started plaiting hair for
others. She was able to make some money. She started a small
business of her own. while going on her business, she met a man she
loved. Before long, they got married. A year after, she gave birth to
her first baby. But surprisingly, the birth was a set of twins. She was
very happy and she lived happily for the rest of her life.
There is hope forthe clientforwhom this Od is revealed. He/she still
has future. He/she shall still reach the very peak or his/her goals in

f nma fy


tX filn YyAlg-tl-le
T fQyIntI m'jrl gkrf n snrhn ire gbogbo
f;bg ni wQn nf k w se
gbg'bg, r'bg
K p, k jlnn
lre gbogbo w ya d ttrf ru
E atE aj klt tAwo

f;yln w
Knim r'Ed pin o
f;yln w
Alg aya klf lAwo
fyln w
Kgnf m r'f;d pin o
Eyln w
Alg ire gbogbo klf bAwo



fyln w

The deadfall trap fell and hit its chest on the ground
This was the declaration of lf to Yy-Ab-ti-l
When she was weeping in lamentation of her inability
to succeed in life
She was advised to offergbg
She complied
Before long, nottoofar
All ire came trooping in
The nightof wealth has notyetfallen foranAwo
There is hope, there is future
Let no one lose hope on fOu
There is hope, there isfuture
The night of all ire has not yet fallen for an Awo
There is hope, there isfuture
Let no one lose hope on fOu
There is hope, there isfuture

lf says that this person shall be blessed with the lre of wealth,
spouse, children, befitting home and means of transportation.
He/she must never leave the path of lf at any time whatever.


If says that this person needs to offer gbg because of the four
Ire that are looking for him/her. Howeve; he/she shall be able
to secure three of the four Ire if the necessary ebo is offered. No
matter what was done, only three of the four Ire shall be
his/hers. The four Ire being mentioned by If are wealth,
jewelries, spouse and Enini. If says that he/she shall be able to
get the first three Ire but will miss Enini, the foufth lre.
If says also that he/she needs to be listening to the advice of a
woman very close to him/her. The woman n question may be
his/her mother, wife, blood relation or friend, The advice the
woman is offering to him/her will eventually be invaluable to

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

There is also the need for this person to offer gbg with two pigeons,
two hens and money. He/she needs to feed If with four rats and
four fish. And more importantly, he/she needs to feed EEr: Qdara
with one [mg, Brown rat, and 160 cowries. These cowries will be
strung together and woven round the rat and stuck upright in front of
Egu Qdara.
He/she also needs to take his/her bath four times on the day that this
Od is releaved. He/she will also change dresses four times after
bath on thatday.

This person must also avoid going out of his/her house for one full
week. If says that the three Ire being referred to by If will come to
him/her within one week. If everything is not gotten on the specified
days, at least the foundation of the three Ire shall be laid within the
period. In this wise, it is not advisable for him/her to go out in order
that the spirits responsible for ushering in those Ire shall meet
him/her at home when they come visiting. On these, E) Ogb says:
Inrefr tun tq6 pa lqlQlS
rcnQtQs lq r wQ
frarifngbko, gbj

Qmq g wgnldeftrrni

Qmg q woIdelrae

NfjQ fr wQn rilq rd wQ s'rl Qr,nnma bara



pbq ni wSn rr l w{n w



The fire burns and burns
And goestothe Ocean bankto rest
The sun shines and shines
And goestothe River Bankto set
The breeze sweepsthe plain and forest
And goes to the back ofthe ocean to recess
These were lf's declarations to Aj, Wealth
Their offspring in Ibf rf
And to Okn, beads
Their offspring in Ird
And to Omidan, the beautiful Damsel
Their offspring inlkgpa
When they were going to reside in the home of Qrunm'll, my

They were advised to offer fibg

Aj, wealth; Okn, expensive bead; and Omidan, a beautiful

damsel grouped together and they were all willing to go to
Qrnm'il's home to stay permanently throughout their lives.
The three of them learnt that Qrnm'il had the patience,
maturity, mental and emotional capability to take care of them
and make them comfoftable. They therefore went to the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation.

In the home of the Awo, they were assured that they had made the
best choice ever. They were told that they would enjoy their lives and
they would live in comfoft and happiness throughout. They were also
advised to offer qbg with two pigeons, two hens and money. They
complied. Shottly after, they set out on their journey to
0rnm'll's house.
B o b d'f tn
Kl o d'f gwq kan de


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

fitn Enini
Tll qqmgdianlwarun
Mjq tl lg r wq sl| Qrunmll, bara mi
fibg ni wqn nl kw ge

After castng your own If
Help mecast mine before I return
This was lf's declaration to Enini, the Dew
The offspring of Ajnfwrun
When going to reside in the home of Qrrlnmll
My father Agbgnn'lregun
He was advised to offer gbg

Enini, the Dew, on his own also sent somebody to go to the home of
the Awo mentioned above to help him find out f will be
advantageous for him to go and take his permanent residence in the
home of Qrnm)l. He was assured that it would be fruitful to him. He
was advised to offer gbg with two pigeons/ two hens, his sash and
money. He simply ignored the advice of the Awo. He went and joined
Aj, OkUn, and Omidan on their way to Qrnmll's home.


Nkan rlbltl tl rrt'ojU Olerun-un be wa

Dl frn Qrunmlla
Tl ire merin forl k tltll fn
fbg ni wEn nl k w ge

Something big and heavythat is coming from the sky
This was If's declaration to Ornmll
Whom four Ire will be waiting endlessly for
He was advised to offer gbg
Business was down for Qrnmll. He had no money at that particular
point in time. To eat became a serious problem for him. consequently,

il t'onou
he went to the Awo mentoned above for If consultation. He wanted
to know what he needed to do for fortune and progress to smile at
The Awo assured him that he would succeed in life. He was told that,
as at that period, four Ire had been looking for him. He was told that

he should not go out of his home for seven days so that these Ire
would meet him at home whenever they came calling. The Awo
assured him that the lre would come within the seven days specified
for him. Qrnmll was however warned that if these lre did not meet
him home, they would not stay. He was also instructed to take his
bath four times that day and put on his very best attires. After this,
Qrrfnm'il was advised to offer gbg with two pigeons, two hens and
money. He was also told to feed FSU Qdar with one brown rat and
160 cowries. He was told to bind the cowries together with a string,
tie it round the brown rat and give it to Eg. The Awo added that Eg
Qdara would direct the four Ire to his home and that failure to feed Eg
might make Eg to refuse to assist him in his effoft to secure these lre.
Qrunmila offered the gbg but failed to feed ESU Qdara.
Qrnm'll went back home and was ready to stay at home for seven
days as advised. Ep Qdara could not see what Qrnmll was
supposed to give him. He (EpU) went to QrUnm'il's house to demand
for it. Qrnmll did not give it to him. Qgnfn1lQyg, Qrnm'il's wife,
however advised her husband to give Esu the rat and the 160 cowries.
Qrrlnm'll did not heed the advice.
The second day, the four Ire who had been asking everyone they met
to direct them to Qrrf nm'il's home eventually came across those who
knew the house. They were well directed. A few blocks to Qrnm'll's
house, they met Eg Qdara. They asked Eg Qdar if he knew the
shoftest route to Qrnmll's house. Eg responded that he was living
in the next house to Qrnm1la. He said that Qrnm'lla had just told
him (ESU) a few moments ago that he (Qrnmll) was going to the
farm and would return the next day. These Ire said that they would go

ffa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

and stay somewhere and go to meet QrnmIla the following day as

they could not go to his home in his absence. That was how Qrnmll
missed the four Ire the second day that he offered the AbA.

on the third day, Eg Qdara went to Qrnm)la to ask for his brown rat
and 160 cowries. He was not given. QgnfrlnnleyQ also pleaded with
her husband to give Eg hislbg to no avail.
The four Ire slept under the shade of a big tree in the outskits of the
town. They woke up very early in the morning, tidied themselves up
in preparation for their encounter with Qrnm]la. when they
estimated that Qrunmll ought to have been back from the farm at
that period, they set out. On their way, they met Eg edr. This
time around, he had taken up another identity. He told them that he
was Qrnmll's student and that Qrnm'lla had gone to the house of
one of his clients and would not be back for three days. The four Ire
decided to wait atthe outskift of the town forQrnm)l to return.
On the sixth day, Egu Odara

wentto Qrnmll's house to askfor his rat

and 160 cowries. Again, he was not given. QpnfrrnrrlQyQ insisted
that Qrnmll must do it unfailingly, or else she would pack out of his
house. unfortunately, Egu Qdar had left Qrnmll's house when
Qrnmll himself decided to give Egu Qdara thelbg.
In the middle of the sixth day, Eg Qdara went to the town. And again
he changed is identity. He used ashes to rub every paft of his body
and was weeping. when asked why he was weeping, he said that
Qrnmll had a terrible accident and died that morning. All of the four
Ire began to weep. The weeping of Eg was more profound than that
of the others. At a stage, Eg began to shed blood instead of tears.
The five of them wept until late in the evening. Egu left when it was
very dark and promised to come and meet the four Ire in the morning
and inform them about how the burial ceremony went. They asked
him to come and that after his briefing, they would like to return to
their respective locations.



When the sun was overhead that day, Enini, one of the four lre, went
out and committed suicide with the sach which he failed to offer as
gbg material. That was how it remained only Aje, Okun and Omidan.
Very early the following day, the seventh day, Qrrlnmll offered to Eg
Qdara the rat and 160 cowries as expected. He added a bottle of gin
for Eg Qdara to consume.

Immediately the lbg was offered, Epu Qdar returned to the three
remaining lre at outskift of the town. And again, he changed his
appearance. He met the three of them mourning the demise of both
Qrnmll and Enini. He greeted them and asked them why they were
weeping. They responded that they had come to stay with QrrlnmIl
only for them to learn that Qrnm'il had died. As if that was not bad
enough, one of them also committed suicide. Egu Qdar then told
them that the person who informed them that Qrnmll had died had
misinformed them. He assured them that he was just coming from
Qrnmll's house and that Qrnmll was hail and hearty. He showed
them the bottle of alcohol that he had just been given by QrnmTl and
shared the content with them. He later urged them to follow him to
Qrnm)l's house as Qrnmll had been expecting them in the last
seven days.

They all trooped to Qrnmll's house. It was joy that had no bound
for them when they met. The three Ire lived in Qrnmll's house
forever and ever.
In r'etl okun lqq pa lqhqlq

OOrrn-Un rnrn-nrn
r'etl Q$sa lg ree wQ

Efuufu gba'ko, gb 5
gbQyln okun lg o
Dl filn Aj

gmgqwgn Idelblnl

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

A b

filn Okn

9mg g wgn lde lrd

Dl fitn omidan
Tff Sgmq wgn lqde lkgpa

Mjg tl wqn nlg r wQ sil Qrunmll bara mi

fbg ni wqn nl kl wn w ge
B o b d'f tn
Kl o d'f gwq kan d ml
Dl fitn Enini
Tll 99mg Ajenlwarun

Nljq q r wq sll Qrrrnmll, bara a


Fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e
Nkan rlbltl tl tojr Qlorun-un bo wa
Dl filn QrUnmlla
Tl ire mgrin o forl k tltlltl fun
Fbq ni wOn nl k w ge



Ko p o, Qn o jln
F wa b ni b'yQ g w wo're o

The fire burns and burns
And goestothe Ocean bankto rest
The sun shines and shines
And goes to the Lagoon Bank to set
The breeze sweepsthe plain and forest
And goes to the back ofthe ocean to recess
These were lf's declarations to Aj, Wealth
Their offspring inlblnl
And to Okn, beads
Their offspring inlrd
And to Omidan, the beautiful Damsel
Their offspring inlkgpa
When they were going to reside in the home of QrrJnmll, my



They were advised to offer fibg
After casting your own If
Help me cast mine before I return
This was lf's declaration to Enini, the Dew
The offspring of Ajrfwrun
When going to reside in the home of Qrunm)l
My father dg bgn nlrgrf n
He was advised to offer gbg
Something big and heavythat is coming from the slcy
This was lf's declaration to QrnmTI
Whom four Ire will be waiting endlessly for
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Nottoo long
Comeand join us in the midstofjoyand behold all Ire

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed
with three major Ire within the next seven days. This Ire shall make
this person happy for rest of his/her life.


If says that the person fr whom this Od is revealed has been

blessed with a good spouse. The relationship shall be blessed
with happiness, progress, children and security. To make this
happen,there is the need for this person to offer gbg with one
hen, one pigeon, four fish, four rats and money. He/she is also
to feed If with four rats, four fish, palm-oil and money. On
this, If says:
MlmQojt QlQrun kO kan gblgb
Fw OgUpa kO kan t'iwQ
Isanra Og ko kan ti oje
Dl fin Qrnmil

If lg r gb Orllgw nl'yw
Fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The cleanliness of the sky is not as a result of constant
The beauty of the moon is not as a result of regular
The plumpness of the Og tree is not as a result of
frequent or excessive food consumption
These were the declarations of If to Qrunmil
When going to have the hand of Orllgw in marriage
He was advised to offer gbg

'Qrnm)l was in love with or{lgwa. The love

was reciprocated by
Qrnmll intended to cement this relationship with marriage.
consequently, he went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. Would this relationship be fruitful? Would there be
peace and harmony? would he not regret ever entering into the
relationship? would they be blessed with children? would they be
prosperous? Would they both live long and happily?
The Awo put the fears of Qrnmll at rest and told him that while he
had come to consult If on the possible outcome of their relationship,

ofilew, his proposed wife, had equally gone elsewhere for If

consultation; and she too had also been assured that all would be well
in their relationship. They would be happy. The relationship would
be fruitful. They would have peace and harmony. They would never
regret entering into the relationship. They would be blessed with
beautiful and useful children. They would be prosperous. They
would both live long and their love for each other would never wane.
Qrrlnmll was advised to offer gbg as stated above. He complied.
Soon after this, they got married.

They lived in peace and harmony. They were both proud of each
other. They were equally blessed with children and they never lacked
happiness throughout.



Ei Ogbe

Mlmqoju Qlfun ko kan 9bl9b

Ewa Oqp ko kan tTwg
Isanra Oq ko kan ti ojg
Dlfitn Qrunmll
If lg r gb Orlle, w nl'Yw
fbg ni wqn n| kw 9e
jg g sr w, g w wo qmq Orile,w wgrere
Ornmll l gb Orlgwa nl'yw
F sr w, q w wo gmg Orilqw wgrcre

The cleanliness of the Sky is not as a result of constant
The beauty of the moon is not as a result of regular
The plumpness of the 09 tree is not as a result of frequent or
excessive eating
These were the declarations of If to Qrnm)l
When going to have the hand of Oflgw in marriage
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Come and see the beautiful children of Oflewa
OrrJnmll himself is he who had taken OQwa as his wife
Behold the beautiful children of Otllgw'

If says that the relationship shall be blessed with happiness and

beautiful children whom the couple would be proud of.



If says that it forsees the Ire of wealth and prosperty for

E:l- Ogb is revealed during If consultation or during Itqntfa,
initiation. If says that he/she has brought his/her
heaven. If says that he/she has the
of twins or that there is a set of
tendenry to give brth to a
twins in his/her family. In one word, he/she is closely affiliated
to the Twins Deity. In the same stanza, If says that the person
for whom this Od is revealed will have good luck throughout






lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

his/her life and people will be showering him/her wth gifts and
other presents. If also says that he/she will overcome problems
and enemies no matter how many they may be.
If says that he/she will also have peace of mind and happiness in
his/her life and that he/she will be in full control of his/her life and
the lives of those around him/her. In the same stanza, If says
that he/she is an H$gbQ and that his/her heavenly double will be
showering him/her with all the good things of life that will bring
him/her successes and achievements. If says also that he/she
will be comfoftable under any condition; no matter how tough the
situation may be. He/she will also win the admiration of others
with the way he/she carries himself/herself under tough and
difficult situations. If equally says that five children or five
young ones, either biological or adopted children, will have great
influence on his/her life. If however advises that he/she needs
to offer gbg for the children so as to prevent them from dying
young or during his/her lifetime. On allthese, If says:

If l di enf
Mo l di enl



9mq at'erun l, gb'gb Aj ka'rl w'y

If says"it is now one"
I chorusthat"it is now one"
He was the Awo who cast If for'Lmff
He who carried the calabash or wealth and success on his head
from heaven to earth

'Lmnf was coming from Qrun, Heaven to Ay, Eafth. He went to

Eleen'i, a Babalwo in Orun to cast If in order to determine how this

ii ,'ono"

journey on eafth would be. 'Lml was assured that he would be

very successful on eafth. He was advised to offer the gbg, sacrfice,
with two pigeons, honey, bean fritters and money. He was also
advised to feed Aj, the Deity of Wealth, with one pigeon and honey.
He complied.

Qrun to bring to Ay. He did. While on eafth, h became so
successful that his wealth had no comparison. He was always ranked
He was therefore given the calabash of wealth and achievement

among kings.

rf l d eil
Mo l d il

Dl fin $e-Eild
T f yln tl m'jrl gkn srhn t'gmg

If says"it is now two"
I chorus that"it is now two"
He was the Awo who cast If for SiQ-E;ld

Who reclined and wasweeping in lamentation of her inabilityto

bear a child.
SIQ-Elld had been married for 16 years without a child. She wentto
Eieet, a Babalwo, who cast If for her and advised her to offer gbg
with two rats, two fish and money. She was assured that she would
have multiple bifths. She was also asked to feed the Twins Deity. She

complied. During the time of offering that gbQ, she was in her
menstrual period. She missed her next period and became pregnant.
She gave brth to a set of twins.

rf ld eta
Mo l di ta
Ikorita meta abldl yakt-yakata

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultaton

Dla fun TamllQrg

Tff ge gmgknrin lta

If says"it is nowthree"
I chorus that"it is now three"
The three crossroads with broad base
He was the Awo who cast If for Tarn'ilQrg (Present me with
The son oflta, the main street
TarnflQrg went for If consultation in the home of Ikota MQta-AbldfYkt-Yakata, a Babalwo, to find out about his chance of success in


The Awo told him to work hard, study and be proficient in a

profession, and go out into the streets to display his talent. He was
also advised to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two guinea-fowls and
money. He complied. He studied music. He began to play If music
about. Everybody who met him along the street used to shower him
with presents and other gifts. Before long, he became a very wealthy

If l di Qrin
Mo l dl Qrin
f rln ni wqn rln fg'n o, tl
Frln q$Q ni gbr rln ko odo l'na

fitn flgrlnmagba
9mg atako l9l99lg gegun

If says "it is now four"
I chorus that it now four
It is with laughter people collect fire for liquor distillation
Wth smiles, the flood joins the river
They were the Awo who cast If for filQiin-magba, the king
of pn-Il
He who knots leaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome



Fln-magba, the king of frin-Il was being threatened with attacks

and problems ranging from internal strive, conspiracy to external
warfare. Tired of all these developments, he summoned the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation in orderto find lasting solution to
his various problems. The Awo assured flQdn-magba that he would
overcome all his problems. He was advised to offer gbg with two
goats and money. He was advised to feed Egu Qdara with one cock.
He complied. After that, they made some preparations for him with
which he used to knot the leaves, shrubs and grasses around his
palace and the whole town. After these have been done, all the
internal strives were overcome while external aggressions became
ineffective. That was how flQfin-magba overcame all his problems
and all subsequent fiQrin are being praised as filQrln-magba Qmg
ata'ko lglgglg $egun. "filgflnmagba, the offspring of those who knot
feaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome adversary"

If l di rn
Mo l di rn
Qrggrn ni wQn tt k'l
Qrggrttn ni wQn tf k'kn
Dl fitn QlQrunjlnml
Qrggrrln ni wQn rtf ohun ire jin'raa wqn

If says "it is now five"
I chorus that "it is now five
Every five days do we haruest Okra
Every flve days do we haruest garden-eggs
They were the Awo who cast If for QlQrun)nrn'i (God has
blessed me with this gift)
Every five days do they present gifts to one another
QlQrun)nrnf, God has blessed me with a gift, went to the two Awo
mentioned above to determine how he would be able to secure the
mercy and blessing of Oldmar. He was advised that to realize his

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

heaft's desires, he too must be obseruing his Qsq-Ifa every five days.
He was also advised to offer gbg with two pigeons, two guinea-fowl,
two ducks, two hens and money. He complied. The more he
observed his Qsq-If, the more he was receiving the blessing of


t di Ffa
Mo l di efe

Ir gbogbo l flr j'etl

Bl wqn b d'nrt igb
Dl ftn 9lqfa-Fl

9mq ata'ko lglgqlq gegun

If says"it is now six"
I chorusthat"it is now six"
All animals'tails resemble that of pt, the Leopard
When they are in the bush
They were the Awo who cast If for glQfa-Et
He who knots leaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome

Qlqfa-Ft, the king of Qfa was having the same problem as filQrinmagba. He went to another set of Babalwo who gave him the same
advice as the one given to Hgrin-magba. He complied. The same
preparation was also made for QlQfa-Fta. He got the same result as
FQrin-magba. His offsprings were also nicknamed erQfa-Ft Qmg
atako lglqglg Fegun - meaning "QlQf-[t, the offspring of those who
knot leaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome adversary".

rf t di je
Mo l di je
B'lugbqn b g'or


B'ArQs b g'oro
A kTje



fin Oljel aS'qte

T be l'arln oJ
Tt foiooirmg kg'mn ogun

If says"it is now seven"
I chorus that"it is now seven"
Whenever OhlgbQn performs his annual ritual


Whenever ArQs pedoms his anuual ritual

He willalso markthe seventh day of the ceremony
They were the Awo who cast If for Oljele, the conspirator
When he was in the midstof enemies
And was living in constantfearof uprising.

Oljel, the king of Ojele was in the midst of enemies. He had only
few people whom he could trust. When he realized that his
opponents were gaining the upper hand, he went for If consultation.
He was assured that he would overcome his enemies. He was
however advised to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and money,
He complied. Shortly after this had been done, his enemies had a
serious disagreement on how best to deal with him. They therefore
descended on each other and destroyed each other. That was how
Oljeb was able to overcome his enemies.

If l d'ejg
Mo l d'ejq
KTwjrl ileigs{ reresf rere
K'ylnknl il iq s{ rere sl rere
Dla fun Abltiiq
Tl wqn bl s'de lgbiq
T'un tl lresl Oro

Iwa jg

Fvln iq
Mo ti g'awo egbiq g t'mi


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

If says"it is now eight"
I chorus that"it is now eight"
Maythe home frontage be calm and peaceful
May the back of the home be calm and peaceful
They were the ones who cast If for Ablrrjg
Who was born inlgbjg town
Together with IrQs'i -Or
The front is calm and peaceful
The back is calm and peaceful
I had offered my own gbg with 1,600 cowries

Ablrljg was a natve oflgbjg town. His main preoccupation was how
to secure and maintain peace and tranquillity in his home. He
therefore went to the group of Babalwo mentioned above. They
assured him that he would be able to realize his heart's desire. He was
advised to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two guinea-fowl, two
male ducks together with 1,600 cowries. He complied. Before long,
his home, his environment, his life became peaceful and harmonious.
He was full of happiness for the rest of his life. If anyone asked him
how he managed to have such an agreeable life, he used to respond
that he had offered his gbg with 1,600 cowries.

If I d'Qsn
Mo l d'sn
Asan-gb I'agg t'wQn
AwQ-gb I'agg t'wa o
Dl fttn AlkQsn-magba

Erlgl magba
Eyl t j'gba tn
T sunkn Oun rl Olsln
A w m Alkesn ie qbja
Gbogbo gmg gni
E y w, q wa sln
Gbogbo gmg gni




If says"it is now nine"
I chorusthat"it is nine"
Their clothes are to be hung until they tear to pieces
Our dresses are to be worn until they fade
They were the Awo who cast If for AlkQsan-magba
Whose praise name includes"Engl magba"
Who after being installed an Qba
Wasweeping in lamentation of his inabilityto have people
Who would pay him homage
We have now madeAlkQsn the head of the market
Step here and payyour homage
AlkQsn was installed as the head of AkQsn

market. All his effofts to

get submissive subjects proved abortive. He consequently

approached the group of Babalwo mentioned above for If

consultation. He was assured that he would have people who would

be paying him homage. He was advised to offer gbg with two white
pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two cocks and money. He did.
long, he was able to muster enough support which made him relevant
as the head of Akesan market. He was very happy when he saw
everybody, young and old, paying him homage. Those who were not
around were informed to come and pay homage to him. They all did.

Mo ld'Qw



lfrllw-wlw ni wqn w Babalwoo re'l

Babalawo kff w qnlkan go9 o
Dl filn Qwa-Qga
9w Ogllrl gbQdu
Qmq okun yye
Aja fi'b kqQkqq la'lQ
Eyl tO ttsunkn uvlpe ap un O k'y

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

If says'tit is now ten"
I chorus that "it is now ten"
Clients are the ones who go to Babalwo's house
Babalawo is not to frequent a client's house
This was the declaration of If to Qw Qga
9wa Ogfrfi gbQdu
Off-spring of those who greet with "Okun yye"
He who fights and uses the handle of his sword to mark the
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to control his

Qw Ogfni gbQdu, the king of ljqgaland, was looking for all the good
things of life. He got them. He became rich; he was very successful in
his business; he was nominated as an Qba and was eventually
installed asthe Qba.

There was one snag however: he had no control over his domain.
Most of his directives were simply ignored by his subjects.
consequently, he went to the group of Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. The Awo assured him that he would have control over
his domain and that his subjects would respect him. He was advised
to offer an gbg with two pigeons, two guinea fowls, two ewes, 16 rings
and money. He did. Before long, he became so popular among his
subjects that anythlng he said, even jokingly, was law. He became one
of the most accomplished Qba in the history of his town. In the end,
he died a very happy man.

rf l di Qkanla
Mo l di Qkanla
Qkanh ni wgn d'gr f'lu
Qkanla ni wgn td'gr flAwg
Qkanla ni wgn d'gr welewele jko
Dl ftrn Qkanhwqn
WQn nl k r'bg

ii ,'ono"

K ekejl reg t'qrun Ie d ohun rere le I'QwQ

If says"it is now eleven"
I chorus"it is now eleven"
When packing ritual materials for Ol, they are always done in
When packing ritual material for AwQ they are always done in
These were the declarations of If to QkanlwQn
Who was advised to offer gbg
So that his second in heaven would shower him with good gifBs
of life

QkanlwQn was an Flgb. He had however forgotten about his

heavenly peers while on eafth. All what he was doing amounted to
naught. For solution, he wentfor If consultation.
The Awo told him that this problem was that he had forgotten about
his heavenly peers and they too had chosen to forget about him.
Consequently, all his effofts on eafth did not receive the backing of his
Fgb in heaven. He was advised to offer gbo with two pigeons, two
cocks and money. He was also asked to feed his Fgb with sugarcane,
honey, bananas, peanuts/ coconut, oranges and other edibles. He
complied. Before long, he became a very successful man.

rf l d lf
Mo l


Qrunmll nl t'n b il l'rru ktkrt

Oun gbogbo lO ma b un l'raa d
nl tl un b jl I'rOOru ktkt
T'n b f agg drldrl bo'ra kq?
WQn nl wQn nl Qrrtnmll pgle

If ltn diljl

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

Mo lo tn di ljl
Qrunmll nl t'n brt l'rooru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma rtb Oun l'raa d
nl tl un b jl l'rru ktkt
T'n b flagg pupa bo'ra kg?
Wgn nl wen nl Qrrrnmll peh
9mq onl'lQ kanrllQ kn
Tl b wgn pqn rlgerlga

If ltn dilil

Mo l tn di ljl
Qrnmll nl t'n b il t'rru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma ttb Oun l'raa d
nl tl Oun b jl l'rru ktktr)
T'un b f a9g funfun bo'ra rkq?
WQn nl wgn nl Qrnmil peh
9mg gi Qpe kan, Qpe kan
Tl rb wgn fn nlngin-nlngin

If ltn diljl

Mo l tn di ljl
Qrnmll nl t'n b il l'rOru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma b un l'raa d
nl tl un b jl l'rru ktkt
T'oun o bo sokoto, t'oun o san bante nko?
Wen nl wQn nl Qrnmil peh

Arnmll lg
Pe$peh gmg arln'hho g'Qsln
Peb gmg arlnhh g'Qra
If says"it is nowtwelve"
I chorus that"it is now twelve"
Orrlnmll says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
Allthings are agreeable to him
He asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he wraps himself with a black coverlet?
They respond that people will say"genily QrUnmlla




"The man who shines in his blackness

owner of black jewelleries"
"Ifa says"it is again twelve"
I chorus that"it is again Twelve"
Qrunmlla saysthatwhenever he wakes up at dawn
All things are agreeable to him
He asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he wraps himself with a blackcoverlet?
They respond that people will say"gently Qrnmlla"
"Ownerof the land space"
"That is as red as clay"
"Ifa says"it is again twelve"
I also respond that"it is again twelve"
Qrnmlla says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
All things are agreeable to him
He asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he wraps himself with white coverlet?
They respond that people will say"gently Qrnmlla"
"The ownerof that palm-tree
"Which is white and immaculate"
"If says"it is again twelve"
I chorusthat"it is again twelve"
Qrtlnm'lla says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
All things are agreeable to him
Qnf nm'lla asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And chooses to wear neither trousers nor apron?

They respond that people will hail him and say "gently
"Easy QrnmIla

"Gently, easy, he who is fresh and lovely

in his complete

Gently, the man who is kingly in his nudity"

If says that no matter the condition of the person for whom this Od is
revealed he/she will still regale and other people will find something for
which to envy and emulate him/her. Consequently, it is in the interest of
the person for whom E-Ogne is revealed to make the very best use of

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

whatever condition in which he/she finds himself/herself.

Idl ni gb'd-gb'd t nt'do tire gbe o

Idl ni Oj'ayo-nj'ay ti j'ayo tirg l'de Ekltl-ffgn
IOt n aje ti mu gi rQg gn
K t re Qgenggn igi
Idl ni Baba mi Agbnljos ti
T b di lgba ejQdrn
Ire gmg nff yg'rf I sl
Dl fitn Egb
Dl fun'Frn
Dl fin $agara
Dl fn ArQnl-abg-panpa
Dl fitn Sqnakqkl




Tll g'gmg lke, yln wgn lnje-lnje

WQn nl kl wn r'bg s{ llk ara wgn


It is from the base that the mortar caruer commences the

carving for a moftar

It is from the base that Ay game player plans the defeat of his
opponentat Ekl-ffgn
It is from the bottom of a tree that Ajao climbs to the peak of

It is from the bottom that my father, known as AgbOnIjsU
makes loveto his spouse
By the same season the following year
The result is the Ire of a bouncing baby
These were the declarations of If to Egb
And to frn
And to gagara
And to ArQnI with the big, thick tuft of hair on his head (after the
rest had been cleanly shaven)
And to $Qnakqkl
Who was the youngest of them all
They were advised to offerthe ebg for longevity



The five children mentoned above were the ones who were most
impoftant to Qrnmll among all his children at that material point in
time. These children went to the home of the group of Awo whose
names were mentioned above for Ifa consultation. They were all
informed that they were Flgb children. Each of them was advised
to offer gbg with one cock, palm oil and money. They were also told to
cut kolanuts into pieces and place them on their If. From there they
were to be picking the kolanuts for consumption. By so doing, they
were assured, they would live long on eafth. They did; and they lived
long. They were all saying that:
B ge ogn gdn l'nff
A ma ba wgn $'bl l'rl
B ge ggbqn gdn l'nff
A ma b wgn gg'bl l'rl

Ikin jg

lkin jg

Aadoa gdun l'nff

A ma b wgn ge'bl l'rl Ikin
Aw ti di $Qnqkgkl
Ik kff pa ag'bl l'rf Ikin jg
At d $Qnakgkl


Even in twentyyearsto come

We shall be eating kolanuts placed on top of Ikin our holy

In thifi years to come
We shall be eating kolanuts placed on top of our holy kernels
In fifty years time
We shall be eating kolanuts placed on top of our holy kernels
We have taken up the identity of $Qnkgki
Death will never kill the person who eats kolanuts placed on
top of the holy kernel
We are now pQnkgld

If says that so long as the children (natural or adopted) of the person

for whom this Od is revealed can do this, so long will they live on

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

eafth. This can be done daily or at every If days. It

is a sure remedy

aganst ailments and evil spirits for those born by this Od or those for
whom this Od is revealed during consultation.

If l di enl
Mo l di enl



Qmg at'Qrun la, gb'gb Aj ka'rf w'y

rf l d i
Mo l d jl

Dl fn Sq-Ejld

fyln tl m'oju qkrln srhn t'gmg

If l d eJa
Mo l di eta

Ikorita mta abldl ykt-yakata

Dl firn TamllQrg
Tll ge gmgknrin lta
If l di Qrin
Mo l dl Qrin

frln ni wqn rln fo'n gtl

Frln +e+g ni gbr rln ko od l'n


filn Elrlnmagba

Qmq atako l9l99l9 Sgun

If l di rn
Mo l di run
Orggrn ni wqn k 'l
OrygrUn ni wqn k 'kn
IX filn QlQrunflnml
Qrggrn ni wQn fi ohun ire jin'raa wgn


di lfa
Mo l d efa
Ir gbogbo l flr j'e, t
Bl wqn b d'n igb
Dl fn Qlqfa-Ftl


9mg ata'ko lglgglg 9 Qgun

If l di eje
Mo l di je
B'lugbqn b 9'oro


B'ArQs b g'or
A k'lje
Dl firn olje|e ag'qte
Tl be l'rfn J


fojoojmg kg'min ogun

f16 d'jg


K1waj il iq sl rere sl rere

K', ylnknl il jq sl rere sf rere
Dla fun Abljq
Tl wQn bl s'de lgbje
T'Oun tl lresl Oro
Iwa jq


ti g'awo egbjq g t'mi

If l d'Qsn
Mo l d'sn
Asan-gb I'agg t'wQn

AwQ-gb I'aggt'wa o
Dl fit n Alkesn-magba
Erlgl magba
Eyl tO j'qba tn
T sunkn Oun

rl olsln

Aw m AlkQsn jeQOia
Gbogbo gmg gni
E y w, g wa sln
Gbogbo gmg gni
If l d'Qw
Mo ld'Qw
Wlw-wlw ni wqn w Babalwoo re'l
Babalwo kff w gnlkan gogo


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

fin Qwa-Qga
9wa Oglrl gbQdu
Qmq okun yye
Aie f'b kQQkQQ la'lg
Eyl tO sunkn wlpe ap un k'y


I di

Mo ldi Qkanh

Qkanla ni wgn d'gr fm

Qkanla ni wgn d'gr fAwg
Qkanh ni wgn d'qr welewele jko
Dl fn Qkanlawqn
WQn nl k r'bg
K ekefl rQgt'Qrun le da ohun rere le I'Owq

rf dril
Mo l


Qrunmll nl t'n b il l'rooru ktrkut

Oun gbogbo l ma b Oun l'raa d
nl tl Oun b jl I'orOOru ktkt
T'n b fi agg drtdtt bo'ra kq?
WQn nl wQn nl Orrtnmll peh
9mg al'drf -j
Qmq onlwgnran

If ltn diljl

Mo l tn di ljl
Qrrtnmll nl t'n b il l'r0Oru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma rtb Oun l'raa d
nl tl Oun b jl I'orOOru ktkt

T'n b f'a9g pupa bo'ra kg?

WQn nl wQn nl Qrnmll pgh
Qmq onl'lQ kan,llQ kn
Tl rrb wqn pqn rlgarlga

If ltn diljl

Mo l tn di ljl
QrUnmll nl t'n brt l'rOru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma b Oun l'raa d
nl Oun b jl I'orOru ktkt


T'n b f a$g funfun bo'ra rtkq?

WQn nl wQn nl Qrnmll pele
9mg gi Qpe kan, QpQ kan
T b wgn fitn nlngin-nlngin

If Itn diljl

Mo l tn di ljl
Qrrtnmll nl t'n bil l'rOru ktkt
Oun gbogbo l ma b Oun l'raa d
nl tl un ba jl l'rru ktkt
T'oun o bo sokoto, t'oun o san bante nko?
WQn nl wQn nl Qrnmll peh
Qrunmlla lS

Pqrcpeh gmg arln'hh g'Qsln

PeK qmg arlnhoh f'Qra
Idl ni gb'd-gb'd ti 'do tirQ e gbq o
Idl ni Oj'ayo-rlj'ay ti rj'ayo tirg l'de Ekltl-ffgn
Idl ni aja ti mu gi r$g gn
K t re qgenggn igi
Idl ni Baba mi Agbonljos t b'blnrin rQ g'er
T b dilgbe ajQdn
Ire gmg nff yg'r{ | s{
Dl filn Egb
Dfi fin Frn
Dl fin $agara
fn ArQnl-abg-pnp
Dl fif n $Qnakqkl
Tll $'qmglk-eyln wgn lnje-lnje
WQn nl kl wqn r'bg sl llkr ara wgn
B ge ogn gdun I'nff
A ma b wgn ge'bl l'rl lkin jg
B ge ggbqn gdn l'nff
A ma b wgn s'bl I'Or{ Ikin jq
Aadqta gdun l'nff
A ma b wgn gq'bl l'rl Ikin jg
Aw ti di $QnQkgkl
Ikr kff pa aSe'bl l'rf Ikin jg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

At d sonekokl

If says"it is now one"
I chorus that"it is now one"
He was the Awo who cast If for'Lmff
He who carred the calabash orwealth and success on his head
from heaven to eah
If says"it is nowtwo"
I chorus that"it is now two"
He was the Awo who cast If for SIQ-ETd

Who reclined and was weeping in lamentation of her inability

to bear a child
If says"it is nowthree"
I chorusthat"it is nowthree"
Thethree crossroads with broad base
He was the Awo who cast If for TarnflQrg (present me with
The son oflta, the main street
If says"it is now four"
I chorus that it now four
It is with laughter people collectfire for liquor distillation
Wth smiles, the flood joins the river
They were the Awo who cast If for filQiln-magba, the king of
He who knots leaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome
If says"it is now five"
I chorus that"it is now five
Every five days do we harvest Okra
Every five days do we haruest garden-eggs
They were the Awo who cast If for QlQrun;)nrn'i
Every five days do they present good gifts of life to one
If says"it is now six"


ll ,,onr"
I chorus that'tit is now six"
All animals'tails resemble that of [t
When theyare in the bush
They were the Awo who cast If for QQfa-fta

He who knots leaves, shrubs and grasses to overcome

If says"it is now seven"
I chorus that"it is now seven"
Whenever OlgbQn performs his annual ritual
He will markthe seventh day of the ceremony
Whenever ArQs perfoms his annual ritual
He will markthe seventh day of the ceremony
They were the Awo who cast If for Oljele, the conspirator
When he was in the midst of enemies
And was living in constant fear of uprising
If says"it is now eight"
I chorusthat'tit is now eight"
May the home frontage be calm and peaceful
Maythe backof the home be calm and peaceful
They were the ones who cast If for Abf njg
Who was born inlgbjg town
Together with IrQs)-Or
The front is calm and peaceful
The back is calm and peaceful
I had offered my own gbg with 1,600 cowries
If says"it is now nine"
I chorus that"it is nine"
Their clothes are to be hung until they tear to pieces
Our dresses are to be worn until they fade
They were the Awo who cast If for AlkQsn-magba
Whose praise name includes"EFlgl magba"
Who after being installed an Qba
Was weeping in lamentation of his inability to have people
Who would pay him homage
We have now madeAlkQsn the head of the market
All our children
Step here and payyour homage

Ifa Dida: An nvtation to lfa


Eji Ogbe

If says"it is nowten"
I chorus that"it is now ten"
Clients are the ones who go to Babalwo's house
Babalwo is not to frequent a client's house
This was the declaration of If to ew Qga
Qw OgririigbQdu
Off-spring of thosewho greetwith"Okun yye,'
He who fights and uses the handle of his sword

to mark the
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to control his
If says"it is now eleven"
I chorus"it is now eleven"
When packing ritual materials for Ol, they are always done in
When packing ritual material for Awo they are always done in
These were the declarations of If to Qkanhwgn
Who was advised to offer gbg
So that his second in heaven would shower him with good gifts
of life
If says"it is nowtwelve"
I chorusthat"it is nowtwelve"
Qrnm)l says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
Allthings are agreeable to him
He asksthatwhat if hewakes up atdawn
And he wraps himself with a blackcoverlet?
They respond that people will say"gentlyOnfnmll
"The man who shines in his blackness
"The owner of black jewel leries"
"If says"it is again twelve"
I chorusthat"it is again Twelve
Qrunm'ila says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
All things are agreeable to him
He asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he wraps himself with a red coverlet?

ii ''ono"
They respond that people will say"gently Qrnm'il"
"Ownerof the land
"That is as red as clay"
"If says"it is again twelve"
I also respond that"it is again twelve"
Qrunm)l says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
All things are agreeable to him
He asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he wraps himself with white coverlet?
They respond that people will say"gently Qrnmll"
"The owner of that palm-tree"
"That is white and immaculate"
"If says"it is again twelve"
I chorus that"it is again twelve"
Qrnmll says that whenever he wakes up at dawn
Allthings are agreeableto him
Qrnm'il asks that what if he wakes up at dawn
And he chooses to wear neither trousers nor apron?



They respond that people will hail him and say "gently


Easy 0rnmll

"Gently, easy, he who is fresh and lovely in his complete

"Gently, the man who is kingly in his nudity"
It is from the base that the moftar carver commences the
carving for a moftar
It is from the base that Ay game player plans the defeat of his


It is from the bottom of a tree that Ajao climbs to the peak
It is from the bottom that my father known as AgbOn'ljOsr1
makes love to his spouse
By the same season the following year



The result is the Ire of a bouncing baby

These were the declarations of If to Egb
And to frn
And to



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

And to ArQn) with the big, thick tuft of hair on his head
And to SQnkgki
Who was the youngest of them all
They were advised to offerthe gbg for longevity
Even in twentyyears to come

we shall be eating kolanuts placed on top of Ikin our holy

In thirtyyearsto come
we shallbe eating kolanuts placed on top of our hory kernels
In fiftyyearstime
we shall be eating kolanuts placed on top of our hory kernels
We have taken up the identity of SQnkgki
Death will never killthe person who eats kolanuts placed on top
of the holy kernel
We are now Snkoki


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed loves to

crave for attention and recognition at all times. He/she shall
always get the attention he/she desires. If already advises that
he/she must never be complacent with whatever achievement
he/she had attained until he/she has reached the zenith of
his/her career in life. He/she .must however be cautious in
his/her pursuit of recognition at all times. If says that even
though he/she must strive to reach the top, he/she must
however be cautious in his/her pursuit. If atso says that this
person must learn the attitudes of elders and
i m p o rt a n t
dignitaries in the community. By so doing, he/she wilt move in
the midst of elders and very important personalities. on all
these, If says:
Mo s pamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrq, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o fe kQrQ
Dl fin Il


Nfiq tl t'Qrun





WQn nl k
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
IIQ nl ay t ye Oun t byff

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Orf says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refusesto accept mywalking in
These were lf's declarations to IlQ, the mother-earth
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offergbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was


When IlQ, the Mother-earth, was coming from Heaven to Eafth, she
was advised to offer gbg in order to avoid a situation where everyone
would be placing things on her. She refused to offer the gbg,
that she was quite satisfied with the way her life was. It was on
very day that people spread mat on her. That was when she
understood the importance of the advice of the Awo.


Mo s PamQ, s PamQ
Orl mi l'un s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda m l'un o f kQrQ
Dl filn f
Nfiq tl t'qrun bQ w'Y
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orfi rQ
f nl nl ay ti yq oun t bYll


I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Of says it does not accept my hiding myself


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

I tried to walk in alleyways

But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to [n'i, the mat
When coming from heaven to eath
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her

She responded that her life was right and proper the
way it was

when fnl, the Mat, was spread over the Ground, frf thought that her
poston was the ultimate in achievement. She was however advised
to offer gbg with two pigeons and money. She was also asked to feed
her o with one white pigeon, honey, liquor, four kolanuts, eight bitter
kola and money. She refused and said that she was quite satisfied
with her present achievement. It was on that very day that a rug was
placed on her.
Mo s pamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o fQ kerQ

firn ltq

Nfjq t'Qrun be w'y

WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orfi rQ
Ite nl ay ti ye un t byff
I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Ol says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alley ways
But my lda refusesto accept mywalking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations toltq, the Rug
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her



She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was

timeltg, the Rug was placed on top of finf the Mat, the Rug was
jubilation, thinking that her achievement was the greatest anyone
could ever make. She was however advised to offer gbg as stated
By the

above so that no other thing could ever be placed over and above hen
She refused to heed this advice. On the same day, Apr, the stool,
was placed on top of her.
Mo s pamQ, s pamQ
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fd ml l'un o f$ kQrQ
Dl filn Apere
Nljq tl rtt'Qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k rrl'bg
l(l nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Apere nl ay ti ye oun t byll

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Orisays itdoes notaccept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alley ways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were If's declarations to Apr, the stool
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her

She responded that her life was right and proper the
way it was

When Apr, the stool was placed on top of ItE, the Rug, she was
happy and thought that she had achieved a lot. She was however
advised to offer gbg so that no other thing could be placed on top of
her. She refused to heed the advice of the Awo. That same day, Qba,
the king was placed on top of her.

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

Mo s pamg, s pamq
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
fda ml l'un o fg kQrQ

fitn 9ba

Mjq tl o rtt'grun bQ wy
Wqn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Qba nl ay ti yg Oun t bytl

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Ori says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alley ways
But my FdArefuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to Qba, the king
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
Sothat nothing could be placed on top of him
He responded that her life was right and proper the way it was

Qba, the king, was placed on the stool, which was placed on the Rug,
which was placed on the Mat, which was placed on the Mother-Eafth.
He was very elated. Everyone was halling him and chanting "Kbfyeff"
in salutation. He was however advised to offer gbg and feed his Of as
stated above so that nothing coud be on top of him. He said that he
was quite contented with his present condition. On that same day,
Ad, the crown, was placed on top of his head.
Mo s pamQ, s pamQ
Orl mi l'un s pamQ
Mo rln nl kQrq, nl kQrQ
lda ml l'un o fg kQrQ
Df fin Ad
Nljq tl nt'qrun bQ wy



WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli r
Ad nl ay t yg oun t byff

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my O says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to Ad, the crown
When coming from heaven to eafth
She wasadvised to offergbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of him
He responded that his life was right and proper the way it was

Ad, The Crown, was placed on the head of Qba, the king. The Crown
thought that the achievement was the ultimate. He was full of joy and
celebrations. He was however warned to offer gbg as prescribed
above so that nothing could be placed over and above him. He simply
ignored the advice. On that very day, 16 peacock plumes were placed
on top of Ad, the Crown.
Mo s pamQ, s pamQ
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrO, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o f kqrq
Dl frtnly Qkn mrlndlnlgrtn
fjq tl o nt'grun bQ wy
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
WQn nl ay ti ye wgn t byff

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Ori says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alley ways


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

But my lda refuses to accept my walkng in alleyways

These were lf's declarations tolyq Ql(n, the Peacock Feathers
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was

When Iyq Qldn, the Peacock Plumes, were attached to the top of Ade,
the Crown, they looked everywhere and concluded that there was no
way any other thing could be placed on top of them. Based on this
conviction, they simply ignored the advice of the Awo who asked them
to offer gbg as prescribed above. On that very day, Eginsin-tnt, a
tiny Housefly, landed on top of the plumes.
Mo s pam, s pamQ
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
fda ml l'un o fQ kQrQ
Dl frn lyQ Egingin-tnt
Nliq tl ttt'Qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orfirQ

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Of says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alley ways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways

These were lf's declarations





When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her

Egingin-tnt found himself on top of the IyQ Qldn, Peacock Plumes,

who were on top of Ad, the Crown, who was on top of Qba, the King,



who was on top of Apr, the Royal Stool, who was on top of ItQ, the
Rug, who was on top of f n'i, the Mat who was on top of IlQ, the Ground
and realized that nothing stops any other thing from being placed on
top of him. In this wise, he heeded the advice of the Awo who asked
him to offer gbg in order to avoid a situation where something else
would be placed on top of him. He also fed his Ofi as prescribed. He
was also advised to take life easy and that he should learn how to
behave in the midst of people. He complied. He was then assured that
nothing would be placed on top of him. True to prediction, nothing
was placed on top of him.
Anytime he landed on Iyg Ol(n, the Peacock plumes, he would wash
his two hands and two legs thoroughly, he would then wine and dine
with Qba, the King and all his Highness Chiefs and other subordinates.
Afterthe feasting, he would then begin to jubilate by singing thus:

Mojgun Qba o
Mo jgun Qba o
Emi wg'wQ, we'sQ

Emll wg'wQ, wg'se
Mo jgun 9ba

I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king
I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king
I wash both hands and feet
I die no more
I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to learn

Ifa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

proper conduct and decorum so as to live long and be able to mix

freely in the midst of very important personalities. If says that
he/she shall be found in the midst of, and counted along with, eba and
impoftant dignitaries.
Mo s pam, s pamq
Orf mi l'un O s pam
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o fg kQrQ
D,l fn IIQ

Nfjq tl

nt'qrun bQ w'y
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orfi rQ
Ilg nl ay ti yg oun t bytl
Oojq n ni wqn t'gnl le l'rl
Mo s pam,, s pamq
Orl mi l'un s pam
Mo rln nl kQre, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o fg kQrQ
Dl fn gnl
Nfjq t'qrun bQ w'y
WQn nl k rrt'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
fnl nl ay t yg un t byff
oojq n ni wEn tq ltg l'e l'rf
Mo s FamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un s pamg
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
FAa m l'un o fg kerQ
Dt fn lte
Nfjq tl rtt'Qrun bQ w'y
Wen nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Itq nt ay ti yg oun t byff
oojq n ni wqn gb pr le l'rl
Mo s pam, s pamq
Orl mi l'un O s pamq


Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o f kQrQ
Dl fn Apr
t{ljq tl t'Qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl ntkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Apr nl ay ti ye oun t bYll
Oojq n ni wqn gb Qba le l'rl
Mo s pamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un o s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrq, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o f kQrQ
Dl filn Qba
Nljq tl t'Qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k r'bg
KI nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Qba nl ayt yg un t byll
oojq n ni wqn gb Ad le l'rl
Mo s pamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un O s pamq
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o f$ kQrq
Dl ftn Ad
r.ffiq tl nt'9run bQ wy
WQn nl k rrl'bg
Kl nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
Ad nl ay ti ye Oun t byff
Ooiq n ni wqn fi lye Qkln mQrlndlnlogn Ie
Mo s FamQ, s pamq
Orl mi l'un s pamQ
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQnQ
Fda ml l'un o f$ kQrq
Dl fin lyg Qkln mgrlndlnlgun
NljQ tl t'qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k r'bg
Kl nkankan m baa g'orfi rg



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

WOn nl ay ti ye wgn t byll

oojq n ni Eegin Tnt b le
Mo s pamQ, s pamQ
Orl mi l'un O s pamQ
Mo rln nl kQrQ, nl kQrQ
Fda ml l'un o f$ kQrQ
Dl fun lyg Egingin-tnt
tjq t'Qrun bQ wy
WQn nl k rrl'bg
l(| nkankan m ba g'orli rQ
gb'gbo, r'bg


wa wg'wE itnl itnl

w'gsQ itnl tnl
ya'nu kt
Orin Awo l ko
nl mowgwQ,wg'se
Mo jgun Qba o

Mo jgun Qba
Eml wgwQ, wg'sQ

Eml iwgwqrwe'se

jqun Qba

I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Ol says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refusesto accept mywalking in alleyways
These were If's declarations to IIQ the mother-eafth
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was
Thatwasthe daythat [nf, the Matwas placed on it
I tried in vain to hide myself





But my Ori says it does not accept my hiding

I tried to walk in
But my pda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declaratons to fnl, the mat
When coming from heaven to earth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was
Thatwas the day thatltg, Rug was placed on it
I tried in vain to hide
But myOf says itdoes notaccept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations toltq, the Rug
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
Sothat nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it was
Thatwasthe daythatApr, the Stoolwas placed on
I tried in vain to hide
But my Or'i says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my pda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to Apr, the stool
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it
That was the day Qba was placed on it
Itried in vain to hide myself
But my Of says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were If's declarations to Qba, the king
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of









lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

He responded that her life was rght and properthe way itwas
Thatwasthe daythatAd, the Crown was placed on his head
I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Of says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refusesto accept mywalking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to Ad, the crown
When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of him
He responded that his life was right and properthe way it was
That was the day that 16 peacock plumes were placed on it
I tried in vain to hide myself
But my Of says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my lda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lf's declarations to Iyq
the peacock


When coming from heaven to earth
She was advised to offer gbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She responded that her life was right and proper the way it
That was the day that Egingin tnt, the tiny Fly landed on the
I tried in vain to hide myself
But my O says it does not accept my hiding myself
I tried to walk in alleyways
But my fda refuses to accept my walking in alleyways
These were lfa's declarations to Egingin-tnt, the Tiny
When coming from heaven to earth
She wasadvised to offergbg
So that nothing could be placed on top of her
She complied
She washed her hands gingerly
And washed her legs gingerly



She opened her mouth

And Awo songs came out of mouth

Shethen declared:
I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king
I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king
I wash both hands and feet
I die no more
I wash both hands and feet
And feastwith Qba, the king

If saysthat the person for whom this Od is revealed shall wine and dine
in the midst of the high and mighty in the society. He/she shall be given the
respect reserued only for royalties.


If says that as the child of EI-Ogb, the person for whom this Od is
revealed has no other source of support except Oldmar, Of and
If, It is through If that his/her wealth, success, health and
popularity are assured. If says that, as pafts of his/her perpetual
crave for attention and recognition, he/she endeavours to prove to
others how intelligent he/she really is. If says that all his/her
intellect usually exposes his/her folly. Conversely, if anyone tries to
under-estimate his/her intelligence, such person will be shocked
when it dawned on him/her how smaft he/she is.

If says in conclusion, that it foresees the Ire of wealth, spouse,

children, house, horse, longevity and good health for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. He/she needs to rely on If at alltimes.
There is need for him/her to offer gbg of ArrJkore. He/she is advised
to offer two pigeons, two hens, two cocks and money. He/she also
needs to feed If with four rats, four fish, palm-oil and liquor. On
these, If says:
A 9Q bl
A gbQn bi


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Ako gbQngbqn-qngbQn, Ako ko w'l

Ako gQgQqgq, enlkan ko te gb'Ako ta

Agbatfi iteresl'h
T kiri ilonl'le kiri
Oun l peAko

K'nll h'w gbQdQ

K'nll Se pehpeh
B'nllOb h'w gbqdq
B'nll o b 9e pelpele
Ako O re'l mffrn dandan
A Sl'pa tn, ayanngede
Ayanngede, a st'p
I)| fit n Odnaja-Ag nyt n
Qmqrl kan b'rl gwj
9mg orl tl rtsunkn ate
Qmq beb-ldl tl ilsunkn Oun gunlbaaka l'gin
na'ja lekfletltl
B$$ ni ko r'er jgo
WQn nl k lg ma b Qrunmll g'OwO pQ


Thewisdom of Ako
The foolishness of Ako
As wise asAko is, he cannotcome home
As foolish as Ako is, he cannot be sold into slavery
The elder who left his own home
And was moving about other people's homes
Isthe person called Ako
Letthe occupantofthe house exercise caution
Letthe occupant ofthe house show meekness
If the occupantof the house s notcautious
Ifthe occupant of the house does not show meekness
Ako will surely leave for another house
With arms akimbo, he will match majestically
He will walk majestically, with arms akimbo
These were lf's declarations to Onlnja-Agnfin
Offspring of the Of which is in search of a befitting
And of beaded waistand buttocks in search of a mule
to mountas a horse
He engaged in merchandise in several places
But he had no profit to show for his efforts
He was advised to enter into partnership with





Orfnj-Agnln tried so many enterprses but failed. He tried farming;

he failed. He tried hunting; he failed. He tried fishing; he failed. He trled
trading; he failed. He tried handicraft; he failed. He tried singing; he
failed. Consequently, he approached the group of Awo mentioned above
for If consultation: would he succeed in his life?
The Awo assured him that he would succeed in his life. They said that he
must never prove to be more intelligent than others. He must also avoid
being too arrogant or feeling that he understood how to do things better
than others. He was equally advised to offer gbg as stated above, to be
cool and calm at alltimes, and to enter into paftnership with Qrnmll. He
complied with everything hewastold to do.

Before long,

all the spirits


for financial

success and
He had money; he was

achievement were attached to his domain by If,

financially solvent enough to have a spouse. Wth his spouse, he was able
to have good children. Wth children, he was able to build a beffiting
house. Wth his home, he was able to purchase horses and keep them in
the manger in his home. With horses, he was able to go about his business
on horseback. He was happy and contented. He was always equated
among kings.
A gbQn bi


AgQ bl Ako
Ako gbQngbqn-qngbqn, Ako ko w'l
Ako gQgQqgo, gnlkan ko le gb'Ako t
Agba t fi ile rQ sl'lQ

T kiri ilonl'l kiri

Oun l peAko
K'nll h'w gbQdq
K'nll 9e pelepe
B'nllO b h'wa gbqdq
B'nllo b 9e pelpQh
Ako o re'l mllrn dandan
ASI'patn, ayanngede
Ayanngede, a sf 'p
D,l filn Onl naja -Ag nyl n

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

qmqrf kan b'rfgwojq

Qmqorltl sunkn ate
9mg bbe-ldl tl sunkrf n Oun O gunlbaaka l'gin
n'ja leklhtltl
BgQ ni kO r'r jg o

won nl k lg maa b Qnnmll g'owo pq

A kff b Qrrtnmll g'owO
K'Qni m


Ajnl b ni p'naya
A kll b Qrnmll g'OwO
K'gnim r'raya
Aya nl b ni p'n gmg
A kll b Qrrlnmll g'OwO
K'Qni m r'r gme
Qmq ni tb ni p'eena il
A kff b Qrunmll g'w0
K'$ni m r'r l
Il nl b ni p'en ggin
A kff b Qrrrnmll g'w
K'ni m r'r esin
fgin la o ma g0n g'awo
Ayamg bl $l-Ogbe kq I'gba nl'l If
fqin la O maa gn g'awo

Thewisdom of Ako
The foolishness of Ako
As wise as Ako is, he cannot come home
As foolish as Ako is, he cannot be sold into slavery
The elderwho left his own home
And was moving aboutother people's homes
Isthe person called Ako
Let the occupant of the house exercise caution
Letthe occupantofthe house show meekness
If the occupant of the house is not cautious
Ifthe occupantofthe house does notshow meekness
Ako will surely leave for another house
With arms akimbo, he will match majestically
He will walk majestically, with arms akimbo
These were If's declarations to Offnj-Agnfin
Offspring of the Ol which is in search of a befitting cap
And of beaded waist and buttocks in search of a mule to mount as a horse




He engaged in merchandise is several lands

But he had no profit to show for his effotts

He was advised to enter into paftnershp with Qrnmll
He complied and offered the appropriate sacrifice
One cannotenter into partnership with Qrrlnmll
For one not to have the profit of wealth
Wealth is itwhich attractsspouse
One cannot enter into paftnership with Qrnm'll
For one not to have the profit of spouse
Spouse is itwhich attracb children
One cannot enter into partnership with Qnf nmll
Forone notto havethe profitof children
Children are they who attract a befitting home
One cannotenter into partnership with Qntnm)l
For one not to have a befitting home
Home is it which attract horses
One cannot enter into partnership with Qrnmll
Forone notto have horses
Horses shall we mount in our If enterprises
Unless if ET Ogbe is notthe king of allthe Od of If
Horses shall we mount n our If enterprises


If says that it is advisable for the person for whom this Od is

revealed not to procrastnate in the offering of gbg and the feeding of
Eg in order to get all the Ire, which are already looking for him/her,
at the approprate time.

If says that the person for whom EI-OgOe was revealed had los! or
is about to lose, many things in terms of material possession in life.
If says that he/she needs not to worry as along as he/she still has
possesson of the most invaluable asset in this world his/her life. If
says that as long as he/she still lives, all the things which might have
been lost shall be regained several times over. It may however be
that he/she had missed several promsng chances in life due to no
fault of his/hers. If says that he/she shall still attain greater heights
in life as long as as there is life.

If says that nothing lost must ever be allowed to worry the person

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

for whom this Od is revealed. As long as there is life, there is hope;

as long as there is hope, there are several opportinites. On these, If

Afin lfi gbogbo ara h'ew

Arg ni O na wQ
Kgb'gbOOge l'je
Dla fn lml
Tff g'gmg Orlga Gb0wujt
Eyl tl y je gloje l'wjg ara
f bg ni wQn nl k w 9e

An Albino is he who grows grey hair all over his body
A cripple is he who never stretches his hands
And carry Oga calabash form the attic

These were If's declarations to fnf , Life

Theoffspring of O9 cbwI
Who shall become the most important part of the body
He was advised to offerebo

prn'i was an offspring of

Qbtl. He was very popular. one day, he went to

the Awo mentioned above in order to know his position among the other
parts of the body. He was told that he would become the mos[ impoftant
paft of the body and that without him, all the other part of the body, without
exception, would be useless. He was also told that the body would lose
many things in life but that as long as he still remained as part of the body,
allthe lost items would be regained. He was advised to offer gbg with three
cocks, three white pigeons and money. He complied. He was also advised
to feed Qbatl. He also complied.

Before long, the Body lost many things - position, spouse, clothing
materials, prosperity, money and many other things. But because Frn'i,
Life, was still retained as he had been forewarned, the Body clung to life.
No room was given to despair, Life clung to hope. soon after, things began
to change for the better. Money returned, spouse returned with children.
Because there was money, he was able to purchase all the essential things
in his life. He regained all the lost things in several folds. He was so happy.
He began to preach to others who were in difficult situations that they only

il ,,ono"
Life, was not lost. When there is life, there is

needed to ensure that fnf,

hope; and when there is hope, there are boundless


Afin lo fi gbogbo ara h'ewrl

Arg ni O na'wQ
Kgb'gbOoSa l'ia
Dl fin Emf
Tfi I'gmg Orlga Gbowrljl
Eyl tl y je Qlja l'wjg ara
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e

je Orlqa


l gro o o

Orts,t'fml lgOro
T'fmff O b bQ o
Orlgt'!ml lgoroo

An Albino is he who grows grey hair all over his body
Acripple is hewho neverstretches his hands

And carryOflg calabash from the attic

These were If's declaration to
The offspring of Ofl9 Gbwttfl
Who shall become the most impoftant paft of the body
He was advised to offer gbg


He complied

Lo,Oga, fnf isthe mostimportant

Orisa, frnl is the most invaluable
If Enf is nottaken away
Verily, nothing is lost
Oga, Ernl is the most


If says that with life, all things are possble. Only the dead can lose hope.
As long as there is life, there is the need to continue to strive for the better.


If says that the person for whom EI-Ogb is revealed shall succeed
in life. That is not in contention. He/she however needs to take the
issue of securing a spouse of his/her own very seriously and make it
a point of priority to have his/her own children early in life.



lfa Dida: An invitation to

lfa Consultation

should not be too concerned with securng money and all other
material things of life without giving a serious consideration to
having his/her own children early in life. This is because he/she may
end up spending a considerable part of the money that he/she had
made in the search for children at later stage in his/her life.

If says that this person needs to offer gbg with three hens, eight
rats, eight fish and money. He/she is also to feed If with one goat,
eight rats and eight fish. A stanza in EJ)-ogb in suppoft of this

Ifa lod'fpgil,Awo ile kenQ ld

If mo la g'awotlff d'de ilQyll
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrnmll nl klni e m bq be?
Tl gfi r'wo$e
Mo nl eku mefl olwr
La m bQ ibe
Oun la fi r'wo ge

If declares that here comes


the wealth accumulator

If, I state that we


the Awo in the household of


business extensively and

arrived atthis land

I declared that we were very successful indeed
Qrnm)l asked whatwe broughtback
Which made us feel that we were successful
I responded that it was two swift rats
Which we brought back
This made us have a successfulenterprise

Some If practitioners headed bV Fp-ef approached Qrnm'll and declared

to him thatthey were successful in their If practices. Qrrlnmll asked them
to state what they brought back as gan in their transactions. They
responded that they brought back two rats each. Orrlnmll declared that
what they made did not amount to success. They had only gone on ratseating expedition. Qrunmll then asked them to go out again and pursue
real profit in their If practices.

If l d'f pejl, Awo il e kerQ l d


il ,'ono.
If mo la g'awo tltl d'de



Mo la r'wo se
Qrrlnmll nl klni e m bQ be?
Tl gfi r'woge
Mo nl eja mejl ab'lwe gbada
La m bq bQ
Oun lafi r'woseo

If declares that here comes Fp,f, the Awo in the household of

the wealth accumulator

If, I say that we transacted If

business extensively and

arrived atthis land

I declare that we were very successful indeed
Qnlnm'il asked what we brought back
Which made us feel that we were successful?
I responded that itwas two fish, graceful in swimming
Which we broughtback
This made us have a successful enterprise

Again, Qrrlnmll made it clear to the If practitioners that acquisition of fish

did not consttute profit. It only showed them to be fish eaters. Qrrtnm'il
ordered them to go back in pursuit of real profit.

If l d'Fpejl, Awo il e kQrQ l d

If mo la g'awotltf d'de ilQyll
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrrlnmll nl klni e m bq be?
Tl gfi r'wo ge
Mo nl eJe mjl abtf0fng
La mr bq be
Oun lafi


If declares that here comes, Fpef, the Awo in the

the wealth accumulator

If, I say that we


lf business extensively and

arrived atthis land

I declare that we were very successful indeed
Qrnmll asked whatwe broughtback
Which made us feelthatwe were successful?
I responded that itwas two birds, swift in flight


household of

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Which we broughtback
This made us have a successful enterprise.

And again, Qrnml! told the If practtoners that to acquire birds did not
make a person successful, It only showed one as a bird eater. Qrnmll
then asked them to go back in search of real profit.

If l d'!pejl, Awo il e kqrg l d

If mo la g'awotltl d'de ilQyll
Mola r'woge
Qrunmll nl klni e m bq be?
Tl gfi r'wo s3
Mo nl gran mjl ab'd gbQk
La m bQ be

Oun lafi r'woseo

If declares that here comes FpQf, the Awo in the household of

the wealth accumulator

If, I say that we transacted If

business extensively and

arrived atthis land

I declare that we were very successful indeed
Orrf nmll asked what we brought back
Which made us feel that we were successful?
I responded that itwas two beasts, with large livers
Which we broughtback
This made us have a successfulenterprise.

And yet agan, Qrnm)l declared that having several beasts did not make
anyone successful. It dd not constitute profit in life. It only categorized
one among the group of beast eaters. Qrnm'il agan ordered them to go
in search of real profit in life.

Ifa l d'Fpgjl, Awo il e kQe l d

If mo la g'awotlt d'de ilQyll
Mola r'wo9e
Qrnmll nl klnie m bq be?
Tl gfi r'woge
Mo nl omidan mil ab'OJen gagera
La mrl bE be
Oun la fi r'wo se o





If declares that here come Fpe,f, the Awo in the household of KQrQ, the
wealth accumulator
If, I say that we transacted If business extensively, and arrived at this
I declare that we were very successful indeed
Qnlnm)l asked whatwe broughtback
Which made us feel that we were successful
I respond that it was two maids, with pointed breasts
Whom we broughtback
This made us have a successfulenterprise

When QrnmIl heard that the Awo had brought two damsels, he declared
that itwas atthattimethatthe Awo could saythatthey had a successful If
enterprse. The Awo were surprsed that only when they brought home
two maids did Qrnmll declare that they could really talk of engaging in a

profitable enterprise in life. They asked Qrnmll why this was so.
Qnf nmll responded that it was only through these maids that they could
have children. It was through children that their future was assured. He
stated that only children constitute people's real profit in
Consequently, rats, fish, birds or beasts do not constitute profit in life;


whereas marriage and children do.

Ifa lo d'!pejl, Awo il e kQrQ l d

If mo la g'awo tltl d'de ile yll
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrrlnmll nf klni I m bq be?



Mo nl eku mejl
La mrl bq
Oun lafi r'wo9eo
Qrrlnmll nl kO s'Awo nl'bQ nnl
Awo k j'eku lsan ni
If l d'Fpgil, Awo il e kQrQ l d
If mo la g'awo tltl d'de ilQ yll
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrnmll nl klni e m bq be?



Tlgfi r'woge

Mo nl eja meil ab'lwQ gbada

La mrl b


lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultaton


lafi r'woseo

Orunmila n ko s'Awo nl'b nnl

Awo k j'eja lsn ni
If l d'Fpejl, Awo il e kqrq l d
If mo la g'awofftl d'de ilgyfl
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrrtnmll nl klnie m bQ ibg?

Tl gfi r'woge
Mo nl eJg mil abTfOfang
La mrt bq be
Oun lafi r'wogeo
Orrlnmll nl kO s'Awo nibe nni
Awo k j'eyg lsn ni
If d'Fpejl, Awo il e kQrg l d
If mo la g'awo ff d'de ilQ yfl
Mo la r'wo ge
Qrnmlt nl klni 9 m bQ be?

Tlgfi r'woge

Mo nl gran mjl ab'QdQgbgkQ

La mrl bq be
Oun la fi r'wo se o
Qrrlnmll nl k s'Awo nl'bQ nnl
Awo k j'gran lsn ni
If l d'!pejl, Awo il e kerQ l d
If mo la g'awofiff d'de ilQyll
Mo la r'wo se
Qrunmll nl klni I m bO ibe?
Tl efi r'wose
Mo nl omidan mjl ab'yn gagera
La mrt bq be
Oun lafir'wogeo
Qrunmll nl nlgbag g t r'Awo ge
WQn nl tirl t f j nlgba la t r'Awo 9e?
Qrnmll nl tt wqn b bl Ams ttn
Wen tn bl Amqrg
Qmg qnf nlgb nt', yln gni 9e

If declares that here

comes Fpef the Awo

the wealth accumulator

If, I state that we



arrived atthis land

I declare that we were very successful indeed


in the

househord of

business extensively and



Qrrlnmll asked that what we brought back

That made us feel thatwe were
I responded that it was two swift rats
Which we brought back
This made us have a successfulenterprise
Qrrlnm)l assets that it was not a successful enterprise
Itwas justa rateating venture
If declares that here comes FpQf, the Awo in the household of
KQrQ the wealth accumulator
If, say that we transacted If business extensively and arrived
atthis land
I declare that we were very successful
Qrunmll asked whatwe brought back
That made us feel thatwe were successful?
I responded that it was two fish, graceful in swimming,
Which we broughtback
This made us have a successful enterprise.
Qrrf nm)l asseftsthat itwas nota successfulenterprise
Itwas justa fish eating venture
If declares that here comes FpJi, the Awo in the household of
KQrQ the wealth accumulator
If, say that we transacted If business extensively and arrived
atthis land
I declare that we were very successful indeed
Qrunmll asked whatwe brought back
That made us feel that we were successful?
I responded that it was two birds, swift in flight
Which we brought back
This made us have a successful enterprise
Qrunmlb assefts that it was not a successful enterprise
Itwas justa bird eating venture
If declares that here comes Fpe,Ji, the Awo in the household of
KQrQ the wealth
lf, say that we transacted If business extensively and arrved
atthis land
I declare that we are very successful indeed
Qrnm)l asked whatwe broughtback
To make us feel that we were successful?
I responded that it was two goats with massive liver
Which we brought back
This made us have a successful enterprise
Qrrlnmll assefts that it was not a successful enterprise
Itwas justa beasteating venture
If declares that here come Fpe,f, the Awo in the household






lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation


the wealth accumulator

Ifa, I say that we



business extensvely, and

arrived atthis land

I declare that we were very successful indeed
Qrnmll asked whatwe broughtback
That made us feelthatwe are successful
I responded that it was two maids, with pointed breasts
Whom we broughtback
This made us have a successful enterprise

Qrnmll assefts

that t is now that you engage in


AkpO asks why it is so

Qrnmll responds that when the maids give bifth to AmsU

They will also give bifth to Amqre
Our children preserve our name when we are gone

In this If, only one's chld is what one possesses that is greater than the
possessor. Life without children is not worth living. Consequently, it is in
the best interest of ET-Ogb children or whoever this Odu s revealed for, to
struggle and have children early in life in order to avoid a situation where
he/she would be spending his/her resources n search of children.


If says that the person for whom this Odrl is revealed is an Flggb.
He/she needs to feed his/her Fgb regularly. By so doing, he/she
will live long, be prosperous and will have several followers who will
respect and adore him/her. There is also the need to offer gbg with
two hens, two rats, two fish and money. He/she also needs to look
for a big cocoyam leal put a "hand" of If in the leaf and while using
the leaf as a container, slaughter one of the hens offered as gbg and
drain its blood on the cocoyam leaf without allowing the blood to
touch the lkin. This is to be left there for at least, six hours or better
stll, until the following day before being returned into the If
container. After this, If will be asked what the flgbg will accept as
feeding materials for the person for whom this Od is revealed. On
these,If says
Fn'ra igu nff yan'ra rQ nl'yn
Fn'ra gbdo nff yan'ra nQ l'ekq
Fn'ra oblnrin nllyan'ra rQ l'y0

Fn'ra gmg blbl Olfe nff yan'ra
Dl firn Qrnmll
If se 89be we wqn
Fbg ni wqn nl k w 9 e




the quality of the yam that selects it for pounded-yam
is the quality of the maize that selects it for corn-meal
is the attitude of a woman that makes her the favourite wife
is the attitude of a child that makes him the heir apparent
These were the declarations of If to Orrf nmll
Who shall befriend alltheseyouths
He was advised to offer gbg



There are several groups of flQgbg children who were in heaven and they
always planned to come to the world only to live for a few days to a few
years and return to heaven. The parents of such children were usually sad
whenever the children depafted the world. When the mothers of such
children became pregnant again, they would be gripped with the fear that
they never knew whether these children would live to old age or not.

Wth all these developments, the societies in which these children lived
were never happy. Several parents used to troop into Qrnmll's home on
a daily basis. Consequently, Qrnmll devised a means of ensuring that
these children found it very difficult, if not totally impossible, to die young.
He gathered all the children together when they were about to leave their
abode in heaven for eafth. He pleaded with them to become his friends.
They agreed. During the shoft period that they stayed in heaven, they
enjoyed unprecedented joy, friendship and improved quality of life. They
were so impressed that they did not want to leave Qrnmll for one
moment anymore.
One day, Qrrlnmll called these children together and informed them of his
intention to return to earth. They were all very sad to hear this. Qrunm'll
however told them that there was nothing to make them sad since they too
were due to be born on eafth very soon. He nonetheless told them that if
they wished to continue to be his friends on eafth, they needed to enter
into a covenant with him. They gladly agreed. He then brought out a
cocoyam leaf; he held an edge and asked the children to hold the edge of

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

the leaf. They all dd. He killed a fowl and drained its blood on it. He told
them that while on earth, they must never wish to return to heaven until
they were already old and that if they forgot and harboured this though!
the moment this symbol of their covenant was peformed for them, they
must drop such thought. They all agreed.
QrnmTl also told them to use the oppoftunity of their closeness to him to
assist each other and make each other great. They also agreed. Since
then, they found it difficult to die young, especially if the gbg stated above
had been performed for them. They also have the backing and suppoft of
their heavenlyegbe.

If says that there is the need to make all the Flgb children close to If for
adequate protection. They are all Qrunmlla's friends. They had also
entered into an all-abiding covenantwith If - rightfrom heaven. Afterthis,
the parents need to feed egbe for them regularly in order to ensure the
suppoft and encouragement of their heavenly peers for them to reach the
very peakof theirchosen careers.
Fn'ra igu nll yan'ra rQ nl'yn
Fn'ra agbado nfl yan'ra rQ l'gkg
Fn'ra oblnrin nll yan'ra rQ l'yO
Fn'ra gmg blbl Olfe nffyan'ra re l'remg
frtn Qrrtnmll
If $e qgbwewqnyl
fbg ni wqn nl kw ge
KO pe, kOjlnna
F w b ni nf wQwq ire
jq e m m m j'Awo bajQ o
$ebl ewe e kko la fi s'ml QpQ

the quality of the yam that selects it for pounded-yam
is the quality of the maize that selects it for corn-meal
is the attitude of a woman that makes her the favourite wife
is the attitude of a child that makes him an heir apparent
These were the declaratons of If to OrUnmIl
Who shall befriend alltheseyouths
He was advised to offerebo




l', ti,ono"

Before long, nottoo far
Come and join us in the midstof all ire
Lo, please do not breakthis covenant
We have chosen a cocoyam leaf as the symbol (of the covenant)


If says that it foresees the Ire of childbearng for a barren woman.

This woman s between 30 and 45 years old. The woman in
question is too proud and too full of herself. Even though she had
never had any child in her life, yet she had been making it difficult for
men to approach her for a long-lasting relationship. This woman
prefers casual relationship to a serious affair.

If says that this woman must think of having a paftner of her own if
she had not had any. She needs to be less arrogant to her paftner
and think more seriously about having her own child in her life.
If also says that throughout the period that the woman in question
ought to be serious about child-bearing, she was busy pursuing
worldly possession.
The woman needs to offer qbQ with 200 brown rats, one bead which
would first be tied round her waist and then used as part of the gbg
materials. If she already has a bead tied round her waist, that is the
one she must use. Her paftner also needs to offer one brown rat as
ebg. These gbg materials are to be carried to the outskift of the
town and placed by the roadside separately. The couple must not
together. The husband must go first while the woman goes
later to place her own gbQ a few metres away from that of her
husband. If says that if all these are done accordingly to lf's
specifications, the following year will not meet the woman without
carrying her own baby either in her womb, ready to deliver, or on her
back, already a proud mother. A stanza in EJ|-Ogb supporting this


w'hrokun w'lrokun
Be la o r'lrokun m


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

Mo nl nlbo I'OlttrOkun gb lg
WQn nl Olr0kun be nl'l ay

w'Abgrokun w'AbQrkun
BQQ la r'Abgrkun m
Mo nl nlbo I'Abgrkun gb lo
WQn nl AbgrOkun rtbe l'ladeQrun

Tff S'gmg Old ma r AgOJn
Qba atgnl qla leglgQforl sagbeji

TfQylntl m'j gkn snrhOn gmg

lbg ni wQn nl k w ge

We searched and searched for OhtrOkun
Yet we did not find Olrkun

I asked where OlrOkun had gone to

Theysaid thatOlrOkun is still in thisworld
We searched and searched forAbQrkun
Yetwe did notfind AbQrOkun
I asked whereAbgrOkun had goneto
Theysaid thatAbrOkun is in heaven
These were lf's declarations to Ay, the world
The offspring of Oldmar

When weeping



for her inability to have her own

She was advised to offer qbg

Ay, the world was an offspring of Oldmar. All the secrets of the world
were inside her belly. All the resources inside the world were embedded
inside her. Allthe wisdom in the world was also in her custody. As a result
of this, Ay was full of herself. she was proud and arrogant. she saw no
reason why she should bow down for any man. Knowing that she had more
resources than any man, she found it difficult to maintain any lasting
relationship with any man.
As a result, she used to snub

men. If she had anyone as lover, she had no

emotional consideration for him. At a stage, she made up her mind that no
man would eversee her nakedness.

At a point, she realized that she was gettng older and older, but she had no





she went to the house of

If priests mentioned above. There, she was assured that she would
her own baby in her life. She was however advised against being too selfcentered. She was also told to her humility to her man. They told her that
any woman whose nakedness cannot be seen by a man can never have a
child. She was advised to offer gbg as prescribed above, She was also told
that she had a bead tied round her waist and that the bead must be added
to the gbg. All these were to be taken to the outskit of the town. Hearing
all these, she signified her readiness to offer the gbg as quickly as possible.
The If priests told her to go and look for the 200 gmQ (brown rats)

child. She became worred and consequently,



needed to offerthe gbg.

A w'hlokun w'lrokun
BQ la O r'hrOkun m
Mo nl nlbo I'Oltlr0kun gb lg
WQn nl OlrOkun nbg nl'l ay
A w'Abqrokun w'Abgrokun
Bee la O r'AbQrkun mq

Mo nl nlbo I'AbQrOkun gb lg
WQn nl AbQr0kun rrbg l'lade Qrun
Dl filn Qkankanlnlrrln
WQn lg r fQ Ay
Tff $'gmg Oldmar AgOJrln



Qba atg'nl ql hgelegq forl s'agbeji

pbg ni wqn n| k w $e

We searched and searched for Olrkun
Yet we did not find Olrkun
I asked where OlrOkun had gone
They said that Olrkun is still in this world
We searched and searched forAbQrkun
Yetwe did notfind AbQrOkun
I asked whereAbQrkun had goneto
They said thatAbQrkun is in heaven
These were lf's declarations to the 401 IrunmglQ


When each

of them wished to



proposition and marry

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The offspring of Oldmar

Each of them was advsed to offer ebo
Knowing that Ay was full of resources and potentials, all the 401 lrrlnmglQ
were eagerto marry her. When each of them approached her, she snubbed
them. They then went to the home of the If priests mentioned above for
If consultation in order to know what they needed to do in order to have
Ay's hand in marriage.
The Awo assured them that anyone among them who could offer gbg
prescribed above would be the lucky husband of Ay. They were advised to
offer one brown rat and money. The gbg was to be taken to the outskirt of
the town. When the gbg was placed there, whoever carried the gbg there
was supposed to hide somewhere and watch the gbg throughout the day
and see what would happen before returning home late in the eveining of
that day.
When the 401 lrnmglQ heard of this, they all said that there was no reason
why they should go into all those troubles because of one ageing woman.
Consequently, they refused to offer the gbg. None of them was able to
marry Ay, the daughter of Oldmar.
A w'lurokun w'lrtrokun
BgQ la r'lUrOkun m
Mo nf nlbo I'Ohtrkun gb lg
WQn nl Olrkun rlbgnl'lay

I w'Abqrokun

Bee la O r'AbQrOkun mq
Mo nl nlbo I'Abgr0kun gb lg
WQn nl AbQrkun rtbg l'lde Qrun
IX filn OrUnmlla
If rrg rfQAy
Ttl g'gme Oldmar Agqttn
Qba atQ'nl qla lggqlgggforl s'agbeji
f bg ni wqn nl k w 9e

We searched and searched forOlrOkun
Yetwe did notfind OhtrOkun
I asked where Olrkun had gone to
They said that Olrkun is still in this world


li' ,,ono"

We searched and searched forAbQrkun

Yet we did not find AbQrkun
I asked whereAbQrkun had goneto
Theysaid thatAbQrOkun is in heaven
These were lf's declarationsto Qrrlnmll
When proposing to marryAy
The offspring of Oldmar
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrunmll, seeng that all the 401 lrnmglQ tried and failed in their bid to
marry Ay, the daughter of Oldmar, also approached the same set of
If priests for If consultation on the same subject. The Awo also assured
him that he would succeed in marrying Ay, butthat he needed to offer gbg
as prescribed to the other IrnmQlQ. Qrnm'il realized that the 401
IrtlnmglQ failed because they did not offer the gbg as prescribed. He then
made up his mind to go and get the brown rat and'bring it to the Awo so
thatthe gbg could be offered for him.
Very early on the following day, Qrunmll went to E;)gbomgkn market to
purchase the brown rat and returned to the home of the If priests so that
the gbg could be offered on time for him to carry to the outskirts of the
town. The If priests offered the gbg and Qrunmll set out on his shoft
trip. He placed the qbg by the roadside at the outskift of the town and
found a hidden but comfoftable place from where to keep vigil on the gbg
throughout the day as instructed by the If priest.

chose to go to
E)gbmgkn market to purchase her own 200 brown rats so as to enable
the If priests to offer her own gbg for her and for her to carry same to the

On that same day, as fate would have

it, Ay too

outskirt of the town.

On the very day in question however, all the rat sellers in ElTgbmgkn
market brought exactly 200 rats to the market. Qrunmlla had bought one
of the rats, leaving a remaining 199 rats for sale on that day. This market
opened for commodities transactions once every five days. When Ay
arrived at the market she bought all the 199 rats and searched endlessly for
one more rat, allto no avail. Wth heavy heaft, she leftforthe home of the
If priest.


Ifa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

In the home of the If priests, Aye explained that she could only get 199
rats to buy and that she was informed that there were only 200 rats in the
market on that day but that one man came to buy one of the rats which
made it impossible for herto getthe 200 rats she needed.
The Awo told her that it would have been perfect if she had been able to
secure the 200 rats needed for the gbg. This notwithstanding, the Awo
offered the gbg for her and instructed her to carry it to the outskift of the

She left the home of the If priest and set out on her way to the outskift of
the town. However, she was not fully satisfied that she could not get the
whole 200 rats needed for her gbg. At the outskift of the town, she placed
her gbg very close to where Qnlnmll was hiding but she did not see him.
She knelt beside her gbq and was praying fervently to the gods to please
accept it even though it remained one rat for it to complete the 200 rats she
needed. While she was praying, Oldmar breathed life into the one rat
offered by Qrrlnm)l as his own gbg. The rat ran toward Aye. When Ay
saw this, she was determined to catch and kill the rat in order to add it to
her gbg to complete the 200 rats she needed. She began to pursue the rat
up and down. She ran towards Qrrlnm'il three times without knowing that
Qrunmlla was close by. On her third approach, however, as she was about
to hit the rat with a stick, she slipped, her wrapper loosened and she fell
down completely naked. The bead she tied round her waist was clearly
seen by Qrnm'il. The bead had a distinct loop.
Because she was unaware that she was being watched by someone she
stood up still naked, and used her hand to clean the dust pafticles from her
body. While doing this, Qrnm'll greeted her and expressed how sorry he
was for herwhen she felldown.

On hearing thls, Ay hurridly picked up her wrapper and tied it round her
body before answering Qrrfnmll. She later asked Qrnmll if he ever saw
her in her nudity. Qrnmll responded that he never did, except that he
saw the loop of the bead she tied round her waist which he could describe
in details.




There and then, Ay made up her mind to become QrnmIl's wife, since he
was the first man to see her in her complete nakedness. The
ceremony was a quiet one. Only a handful of people were invited. The



following year, Ay became the proud mother of a bouncing baby.

However, tried as people did, nobody ever knew what lead to the final
decision of Ay to marry Orrlnmll.

While in Qrnmll's home, Ay showed her husband the secrets of the

world. This made Qrnmll to be even wiser and more appreciative of the
intricacies that abound in the world. Whenever anyone asked how
Qrnm)l became Ay's husband, it remained a mystery which no one could
fathom. Thus the Awo present especially the students of Qnlnm)l began
to singIyQrQ:

T'lf ofi fgAyergnlkan

o mQo

T'Ay fi fel;,gnlkan

mq o



Thewaylf becamethe husband of Ay, nobodyknows

The way Ay became the wife of If, nobody knows

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
a good and compatible spouse. Wth appropriate gbg, nothing shall hinder
the marital bliss of this person.
w'lrokun w'lrokun
Bee la o r'lrokun m
Mo nl nlbo I'Olrokun gb lg
WQn nl Olrokun bq nl'l ay
A w'Abqrokun w'Abgrokun
BQQ la O r'Ab$rkun mq
Mo nl nlbo I'Ab$rOkun 9b lg
WQn nl AbQrkun rtbg I'lade Qrun
Tff $'gmg Oldmare AgO, tn


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

9ba atnl ql lglegforl sagbei

Tf'Qylntl m'jtl gkn snrhn gmg
Fbq niwQn nl kw Se

gb'$bg' rrl'bg
A w'lrokun w'lrokun
BQQ la o r'lrokun m
Mo nl nlbo I'Olrtrkun gb lg
WQn nl Olrokun b? nl'lay
A w'Abqrokun w'Abqrokun
Bee la O r'Abqrkun mq
Mo nl nlbo I'AbqrOkun gb lg
WQn nl AbgrOkun bg l'edeQrun
Dl fln Qkankan|enlrn IrrlnmglQ
wqn rlg r f$ Ay
Tff g'gmg Oldmar AgoJn
Qba atg'nl 9l hgelg$ forl s'agbeji
Fbg niwqn nl k w Se
WQn kg'tl Qgbgnyin s'gbo
A w'lrokun w'lrokun
Mo nl nlbo I'Oltlrkun gb lg
WQn nl Olrokun ttbg nl'lay
A w'Abqrokun w'Aberokun
BqQ la O r'AbQrOkun mq
Mo nl nlbo I'AbgrOkun gb lg
WQn nl AbgrOkun rtbe l'hde Qrun
Dl fin Orrlnmll
If rrlq refAy
Tff $'gmq Oldmar AgOJn
Qba atQ'ff el lgQlg$forl s'agbeji
lbg ni wqn nl k w $e
jgyeheery{ r
Enlkan O mO o
Yehee, yl r

Tff ffAye
lnlkan O mQ o

We searched and searched for OhJrOkun
Yet we did not fi nd OlrOkun




I asked where OlrOkun had goneto

They said that Olrkun is still in this world
We searched and searched forAbrOkun
I asked whereAbQrkun had goneto
Theysaid thatAbQr0kun is in heaven
These were If declarations to Ay, the world
The offspring of Oldmar
When weeping in lamentation for her inabilityto have her own baby
She was advised to offerqbg
We searched and searched for OlrOkun
Yetwe did notfind OlrOkun
I asked where OlrOkun had gone to
They said that Olrkun is still in this world
We searched and searched forAbQr0kun
Yetwe did notfind AbrOkun
I asked whereAbQrkun had goneto
They said thatAbQrOkun is in heaven
These were the declarations of If to the 401 Irnmgle
When each of them wished to proposition and marryAy
The offspring of Oldmar
Each of them was advised to offer gbg
We searched and searched for OlrOkun
Yetwe did notfind OltlrOkun
I asked where Olrkun had gone to
They said that OlUrOkun is still in this world
We searched and searched forAbQrOkun
Yetwe did notfind AbQrkun
I asked whereAbQrOkun had goneto
Theysaid thatAbgrOkun is in heaven
These were lf's declarationsto QrUnmll
When proposing to marry Ay
The offspring of Oldmar
He was advised to offer gbg
Now yehee, this is really wonderful
Until Aye goes with If
Nobody will ever know
Yehee, this is indeed maruelous
Until If becomes Ay's companion
Nobody wil I ever comprehend

If says that both husband and wife shall live happily together for a very

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consuftaton

long time. Nobody shall be ableto come in between them. They shall both
become successful and influential in their community.

13. If says that it foresees the Ire of victory over death, afflictions and
evil forces for the person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that
even though he/she is under the constant threat of death, he/she will
nonetheless live long and happily. If says that the person for whom
this Od is revealed needs to feed If with two rats on the fifth day
that this Od is revealed, and two fish on the ninth day, two fowls on
the 13th day and one goat (If it can be afforded, two) on the 17th day
this Od is cast. Allthe evilforces of death, afflictions, contention and
loss (and most especially death) shall run away in the vicinity of this
person. Astanza in E)-Ogb suppofting thisasseftion says:

Igi t$$rQ igbrrbQw d'lil

Afua rrbg w d'en
Igi wgrq-wQrQ-wgn igb rtbQ w d'ljl
Df fitn Baba Jagadarw
Tl wqn bl Eil ogb sg lokg
NljQqwQn nl lkrt kn-n
fbg niwqn nf kw ge

The slenderforesttree shallsoon become a mightytree
A shoft-cut route shall soon become a major road
The smalltrees shall soon become mightyforest
These were the declarations of If to Baba Jgdrwa
The name given to EI-Ogbe
When they declared that it was his turn to die
He was advised to offergbg.

The evil forces of death, afflictions, contention and loss were on the
rampage in the town of Il-IfQ during the period when allthe 256 Od were
here on eafth, living in the midst of, and as, human beings. They had killed
several people, leaving in their trail, anxiety, sorrow, pain and anguish.
Before long, they declared thattheir nextvictim was Baba Jgdrw, also
known as E) Ogbe. When this information reached him, E) Ogbe went to
the Awo mentioned above for If consultation. The Awo assured him that
he would not die at a tender age. (ET ogbe was the youngest of all the 16



principal Od). He was advised to offer gbg and feed If as stated above.
He complied,

The day Death came to his house, he informed Death to try QyQkU M).
The second day, Death went to QyQkrl MT and was told to tryIw M).
On the third day, Death wenttolw'l M) and was told to try Odt-Uef . On
the foufth day, Odf-M) was visited and Death was told to tryIrosn Mfl.
Very early on the fifth day, as Death was about to visitlrosn MT, Efl-Ogbe
fed If with two rats. Whenlrosn M) was visited, Death was told to try
QwQnf n M). The following day, Death was informed to go to Qbara M3).
On the eighth day Death tried Qkanran MT.
On the ninth day, E3) Ogbe fed If with two fish. That day, Death visited
Ogunda M) and was told to visit Qs Me) the following day; andlka MeI
the day after; and OturrlpQn Mfl the next day after.
On the 13th day, EI-Ogbe fed If with two hens. On that same day, Death
visited Otura M) only to be told to tryIr-etQ M) the following day. On the
14th day, Death visitedlrqtQ Me;) and was told to try Qsq MeST on the 15th
day. Death visited Qgq Mel and was referred to Ofr:n Mfl. On the 16th
day Death visited Ofrln M) and was referred to QSe-Otura on the 17th day.

On the 17th day, E)-Ogbe fed If with two goats. Death got tired of
pursuing E)-Ogbe about and left him alone. E) Ogb was so happy that he
began to sing while feeding If with the goats, saying.
Rn ml ni'krl o ojq kn o

Rn ml nl'k o ojQ kn


ml nlk nryl'wo
ml ni'krl n ryl'yao
ml ni'krl n ry bl'mg o
ml ni'k n rye nl'regbogbo

Rn ml

nfk o ojo kan o


Help carry my death away today


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftaton

Oh ye beast

Help carry mydeath awaytoday

Help carry my death away for me to be prosperous
Help carry my death away for me to be secure a

Help carry my death away for me to have children
Help carry my death away for me to have all Ire
You beast
Help carry mydeath awaytoday
You beast

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not de young so
that he/she will be prosperous, will get marred, will have children and have
allthe other Ire in life such as having a house of his/her own (a certainty for
E)-Ogbe children) before he/she dies.
Igi tggrg igb tlbQ w dTif
Abj bgw d'Qn
Igi wqrq-were-wer igbo nbQwa d'ljl
Dlfiln Babajagdffw
Tl wgn bl Ejl ogbe sg lkg
MjQqwqn nl Ikrl kn-n
f,bg ni wQn nf kw s
Ejl ogbe | ku QyQkr Mil
Qyeku Mil l ku lwrl Mjl
lwrl MI l ku Odl Mjl
Odl Mil l ku lrosn Mjl
Irosn Mil lku Qwgnrln Mjl
Qwgnrtn Mi lo ku Qbara Meil
Qbara Mjl l ku Qkanran Mjl
Qkanran MT l ku ogund Mjl
Ogunda Mjt t ku Qs Mjl
Qsa Mejl lkulk Mjl
Ik Mjl lokuOtunpQn Mjl
oturupqn Mjt l ku otura Mejl
Otrra Mjl l ku lrgtQ Mjl
IrgtQ Mil ku Qsq Mejl
Qqq Mejl b ku Ofn Mjl
Ofun Mjl ku Qgq-otra
jg ran ml nl'kr o, ojq kn o


Rn ml nl'k o ojq kn o


ml nf k
ml ni'krl
ml nf k
ml ni'krl

nry l'w o
n ry l'ya o
n rY bl'mg o
n rye nl're gbogbo

Rnmlnfk oojqkano
The slender forest tree shall soon become a mighty tree
A shoft-cut route shall soon become a major road
The smalltrees shall soon become mighty forest
These were the declarations of If to Baba Jgdrw
The name given to E)-Ogb
When they declared that it was his turn to die
He was advised to offergbg
E|-Ogbe asked them to try Qyek MI
Qyeku M) asked them to tryIwri MT
IwOil MI asked them to try Odf M;T
0d uef asked them to tryIrosn M)
Irosun M) asked them totryQwqnrn M)
QwQnrln M) asked them totryQbara Mefi
QOara M) asked them totryQknrn M)
Qkanran MI asked them totryOgunda tlet
gUnda M) asked them totryQsa Mel
Qs MT asked them totry lka MJ]
'lk MI asked them totryOtUrr:pQn MI
Otttrupqn M) asked them totry Otura Me)
Otrrra Mfl asked them to try lr-etQ MI
'lreJQ M) asked them totryQqq Ml
QgQ Ml asked them to try Ofr:n
Ofun uet asked them to
Please help carry mydeath awaytoday
Oh ye beast
Help carry my death awaytoday
You beast
Help carry my death away for me to be prosperous
Help carry my death away for me to be secure a spouse
Help carry my death away for me to have children
Help carry my death away for me to have all Ire
You beast




lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultaton

Help carry my death awaytoday

You beast

14. If says that the person for whom this Od revealed is about to have

a change of environment - a change of home, a chance of work or

workplace, a change of school, a change in vicinity and so on. If
he/she is contemplating this, or even a change of spouse and so on,
he/she is strongly advised aganst such move as t can only lead to
misfortune, pan and disappontment. This is one of the most serious
and most impoftantaspects of Eji-Ogbe. Astanza in this Od says:
QgbgbabTdl k
Dl filn glgmg-Agbo-Esl
Nljqt rlt'Qrun bQw s{'lAy
fbg ni wqn nl kw ge
W$n nl k m lg

The nailwith its broad base
He wasthe Awo who castlf forQlgmg-AgbO-EsIQ
When coming from heaven intotheworld
He was advised to offer gbg

Hewasalsotold nottogo

a permanent resident in heaven. One day, he

decided to change his environment by coming to reside on earth on a
permanent basis. He therefore went to Qgbgb-AHdl-k, his Awo in

Qlgmq-Agb-Eslg was

heaven for If consultation.

His Awo however advised him never to change his environment at that
material point in time as Efl-Ogb was opposed to any change of abode,
work, career, relationship, etc. whenever was revealed during
consultation. Qlgmg-AgbO-Esle had nonetheless made up hs mind to
change his place of abode. Without minding the warnings of If, he left for


While on earth, he was faced with untold hardship. Human beings began to
eat his body. He became lean and haggard. When this suffering became
unbearable, he returned to heaven unceremoniously. The day he reached
heaven was the day he went straight to the home of Qgbagb-Abldl-ku, his



Babalwo. He narrated his ordeal to the Awo. The Babalwo blamed him
for refusing to heed lf's warning. He was told to offer gbg with one
matured pig. He complied. After this, he was asked to return to eafth and
that everything would, as from that day, turn right for him. The next day, he
went backto earth.
On eafth, he became very impoftant. All things relied on him for their
survival. Those eating him developed strange illnesses which usually made
their cheeks swell. Nobody dared to eat Qlqmg-Agbo-Esle again. He
continued to live happily on eafth ever since. If says that Qlqmq-AgbEsIg is the name given to the ground, or eafth-dust. It cannot be eaten.
Neither can it be mishandled without impunity.
QgbgbabTdl k
Dl fil n glgmq-Ag b-Esl$
Mjq t t'Qrun bq w sl'l Ay
f bg ni wqn nl k w Se
E w b ni nl wOw ire.

The nailwith its broad base
He was the Awo who castlf forQlgmg-Agb-EsIQ
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long, nottoofar
Join us in the midstof all Ire

If says that with patience, and accurate timing, all things shall come out
fine for the person for whom E|-Ogb is revealed.


If warns that the person for whom this Od is revealed must never
be untruthful or tell lies in order to receive any favour from anyone.
If also warns this person never to show lack of gratitude whenever
he/she is done a favour - no matter how little this favour may seem.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation


If says that if he/she engages in lying and/or shows ingratitude, all

what he/she had ever made in this life shall be retrieved from
him/her by OIdmare and If. The end is filled with regrets. On
theseaspects, If says:
Iwjrt -iwjrl o,I'Qp ebt rsl
If g'awo lqsl IfQAgotQ
Fbq ni wqn n| kl wqn 9e


is in front that the staff used to bait a dead fall trap springs


This was lf's declaration to Qrunmll

When going on If mission to IfQ, the truthful
They were advised to offer gbg

QrrfnmTl was gong to IfQ AgOt, the truthful, together with all 16
principal Od and Qg Tur. On their way they arrived at the city of the

Blind. All the inhabitants of this city were blind. On reaching there,

Qrnmll expressed the desired to take tobacco snuff because he was

feeling the urge for it. The blind people said that if not that they could not
see, the village where they sell tobacco and snuff was very close to them.
Qrnmll then asked them "what if we help you to regain your eye sights,
will you get the snuff for us?" They responded in the affirmative. "I hope
you are not lying to us". They all responded that they could never lie over
such impoftant issue.
Qrnm)l, having secured the promise from them, hit the staff of truth on
the ground. He asked them allto hold the staff; those who could not hold
the staff of truth were asked to hold the blind persons next to them. When
they all did, the 16 principal Od and QSe-Trlr began to sing, saying:
A kll see bhun




rightto (lie) do such a thing

s not properto lie

is not



is a



Suddenly, they all regained their sights. All of them began to go to transact
their respective businesses. At that point, Qrnm'il called all of them and

asked, "what about your promise to us?" They responded with another
question, 'which promise?' Qrnmll responded, "The promise you made
that you would procure tobacco and snuff for us". "Are you deaf or
something? What soft of restless man is this? If you must take tobacco or
snuff, go and buy. We have explained to you where to get it". Qrunmll
told the 16 principal Od and QggTr, "let us go, they have lied to us and
insulted us in the process". They leftwith disappointment.
Their next poft of call was the city of Cripples. Qrunmll also expressed his
desire to use snuff. They too said that if not for their inability of walk, they
would have gone there to secure plenty of tobacco and snuff for him. He
asked if they would give the stuff to him if they helped them to regain the
use of their limbs. They promised that they would. Qrtlnmll asked them
to hold on to the staff of Truth. They did. The 16 principal Od and QSgTrJr sang for then as they did for the Blind. They immediately regained
the use of their limbs. All of them decided to go about their respective
businesses. When OnJnmll asked them to fulfil their promise to him, they
told him that if he had not been drinking the herbs prepared for him to bath
with, he would have known that he ought to go and buy his tobacco by
himself. Afterall, they were not his slaves. Qrnm)l asked his 17 disciples
to let them go. He said that they had lied to them and passed insults on
They also reached the city of those who had hunch backs. All the citizens of
this town had hunch back. They behaved like their counterpafts when their
ailments were cured. Qrunm)l and his disciples left with disappointment
thatthey had been deceived and insulted.
Their next port of call was the city of the Albinos. All of the inhabitants
there were Albinos. They also treated Orunmlla and his disciples exactly
the same way that those in the cities of the Blind, Cripple and Hunchback
did. Qrrinmll and his disciples leftthistown.
Soon after this, Qrrtnmll and his disciples arrived at IfQ Agt. He
expressed his desire to take snuff. The inhabitants of IfQ Atot asked him
to wait a little bit for them. Before long, they returned with two rats, two

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consuftation

fish, two hens, two matured goats, two big kolanuts, two big bitterkolas,
two kegs of wine and plant of tobacco and snuff. QrUnm)l was so
impressed that it was still possible to find a town where people were that

Qrunmll asked Qge-Otura to go back to Oldmar to bring the calabash

of Destiny. He told Qge- Tr to pass through the cities of the Albinos, the
Hunchbacks, the Cripples and the Blind, and ask them to hold the staff of
Truth and make them return to their previous conditions. The Albinos who
had hithefto been changed to dark complexion returned to their original
white skin colour; the Hunchbacks whose backs had hithefto been
straightened also developed hunchbacks again; the Cripples who were
walking freely returned to their original lameness; and the blind who had
regained their sights also became blind again. They all lived and died
miserably, fu ll of regrets.

The inhabitants of If, Agt were given the calabash of Destiny; they
were blessed abundantly for their truthfulness and their sense of
appreciation. Theywere assured and given the full blessings of the Deities.
If says that as long as the person for whom this Od is revealed is truthful
and honest, as long as he/she is appreciative of good gestures done to
him/her, so long shall he/she be receiving the blessings and suppofts of the

Iwaj -iwjrl o, I'Qp Qbl$ r s{

If r1g'awo lgsl lfeAgtq
lbg ni wqn nl kl wgn ge

je k g'offtQo
K s'Ododo
Agba tg'otltq ni'mglQ gbe

It is in front that the staff used to bait a dead fall trap springs to
This was If's declaration to Qrnm)l
When going on If mission to IfQ, the truthful
They were advised to offer gbg


Be righteous

The elders who are truthful are supported and blessed by the


ll ,'onr"

NOTE: If this pafticular stanza isthe area picked by If where the

ebg of Eil Ogb is to be offered, then it is forbidden for the Awo to
imprint Et OgUe on the 9p0n If, the If tray. Instead' the Awo
neds to imprint on the QpQn-If, Qq-OtUr in order to receive
the Aqe and Igb Iw (Calabash of Destiny).That is the time that
the blessings and suppo of the Deities are assured,

16. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to be

warned against engagin( in self-deceit. If says that this person is

working himself/herself up over what has already been spoilt
without having a thought on how to have a new and better one.
He/She is placing his/her hope on something that could be of no
benefit to him/her anymore; whereas he/she still have the chance to
secure another one that can be very useful.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to cast
his./her mind off what is clearly lost, spoilt or damaged and
concentrate his/her effort instead on how to get a better
The gbg materials here depend largely on the damaged, spoilt or lost
thing which needed to be replaced. If says that this must be done
asquickly as possible so that it will not be too late for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. On this aspect, E!-Ogb says:
If w, l d gl'Jn mi Jn
Mo l di gl',tn mi Qtn Bara Agbgnnlrgrin
Qrnmll nf kl wQn lo m gni t tan ara rQ jgw

If says that it is a matter of deceit
I chorus that it is a matter of deceit, Qrnmll the Bara
Agbgnnlrgrf n
Qrnm'il asked them to go and bring the person who engages
in self-deceit to him


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

one day, Qrrfnm'll called all his followers together. He gave them an
assignment to go and bring for him the person they knew was engaging in
self-deceit. They traveled far and returned with Alara, the king of llaraEdti. 'This is the person we saw who was deceiving himelf', they told
Qnfnmll. "Is it true that you are engaging in the act of self deceipt?"
Qrnmtl asked Alr. 'How am I deceiving myself?'Alr countered. 'My
fatherwas a king; I am now a king. Myfatherwas powerful; I am powe#ul.
I am more powelful than my father. My father was popular during his life
time; I am popular and definitely more popular than my father. My father
had severalwives and children during his life time; I have several wives and
children and even more than my father. My father had several propefties

during his life time; I have more propefties my father. so, how am I
deceiving myself?' Qrrfnm)l declared that Alr was surely not deceiving

Qrnmll again asked his disciples to go and bring for him the person
engaging in self-deceipt. They again went and brought Ajero, ewrngrln,
QbalQyQ-Ajf and so on, one afterthe other. Qrnm'll asked each of them
if it was true that they were engaging in self-deceipt. one by one they
denied the allegation and gave their defences similar to the ones Alr
gave. one by one, Qrnmll declared that they were not engaging in the
actof self-deceit.

once more, QrnmIl asked them to go and bring the person engaged in
self-deceit. They confessed that they did not know such person. Qrnmll
asked them to go and bring for him a woman who gave brth to a set of
twins, but who had lost the babies and had instead carved images
representing the dead babies. Before they made enquiries in 10
compounds, they saw such woman. They brought the woman to Qrnm'il.
After exchanging greetings, Qrnmll asked after her set of twins. "They
were dead', she responded. 'Xnd what happened after?" QrnmIl
demanded from her. 'They gave to me two dolls to represent the babies. I
was also told that the babes had turned to 0il9 and they will be assisting
me in all my undeftakings", replied the woman. "what are you doing to the
babies" Qrunmlla asked. The woman replied, "I feed them, I clothe them,
sing for them and dance for them". Qrunmll asked her what happened
after singing and dancing forthe dolls? "Nothing happens'i she responded.



"When you talk to them, did they reply you?". No', she sad. "When you
send them on errands, do they answer yott?" "No, she replied. "When
you feed them, who eats the food, is it the babies or cats, dogs, goats or
rats and lizards?" Qrnmll asked. "To speak the truth, all of these
animals except the doll babies eat the food", she responded. That was
when Qrnm'll declared; "here is the person who engaged in the act of
self-deceipt". When the woman asked why Qrrfnmll said that she was
deceiving herself, Qrnmll responded that, "instead of looking for
means to have other children who will be usefulto you in future, you are
celebrating the ones which had already died, spoilt and of no benefit to
you anymore. Instead of looking for two rats, two fish, and two hens for
me to offer ebo for you so that you will become pregnant and later a
proud mother of a baby, you are still singing, dancing, feeding and
fending for ordinary dolls! She agreed that truly, she had been engaging
in self deceit. Shevowed to rectifli her mistakesforthwith.

That same day, she brought all the gbg materials to Qrrtnm'll and the
gbg was duly performed. Qrrtnm'll asked her to go to his backyard and
pluck the first leaves she found on her right hand and the first ones she
found on her Ieft. She did. The two leaves were ground together to
make herbal soup for her consumption. Qnfnm)l told her to go to her
home, that she had just taken pratical steps against her former act of

A month after this ceremony, she became pregnant. After the

pregnancy, she gave bifth to a bouncing baby. This time around, the
baby suvived. On the sixth day of bfth, people gathered together for
the naming ceremony. The woman insisted that only Qrnmll could
name the baby since only he knew how the baby came into being in the
first place

They invited QrUnmIl for the naming ceremony. When he arrived, he

asked her that on the day she came for the gbg, she was asked to go to
his backyard to pluck some leaves; did she remember the leaves she
plucked on her right side? She replied that they wereldOr leaves. And
the ones on her left side? She replied that they were Owri leaves.
Qrnm)l replied that the baby whose mother ate herb soup prepared

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

withldor and 0w leaves had brought its name from heaven. The baby
should be namedldowr. That is,Idor + Owu =Idowrl
when \dowrl", the baby attaned 30 months of age, the mother brought
to Qrunmll another set of two rats, two fish and two hens for another
gbg, she told Qrrlnm'll that she needed another baby. Qrnmll told her
that was the period she no longer engaged in self-deceit. The gbg was
offered for her. And as it happened the first time, she was sent to the
backyard to pluck leaves. she did with both hands, and she soon became
pregnant. After this, she gave bfth to another bouncing baby. The baby
also sulvived.
During the naming ceremony, Qrnm)l was invited. He asked the mother
to name the leaves she plucked on her right side; she responded thatthey
were *Lra" leaves. And the leaves on the left side, she responded that
they were "Arb" leaves. Ornm'll declared that the baby born after the
mother ate the herb soup prepared with "Lr" and "Arb" leaves should
be called Alab. That is Lr + Arb = Alaba.

The woman was full of joy, singing and dancing and praising oldmar,
If and Qrnmll saying:
9mg mern werewerQ fmi nlkan
9mq mQrin wqQworqf'mi nlkan
Qmg-Ty omg ni, gmg ni
Qmg-K, ylnd gmg ni, gmo ni
Eyd Aeb gmg ni, gmg ni
9mq mi n'Idow gl'e$e okn
Qmg mern werg wqrQ fmi nlkan

Four big babies for me alone
Four hefty babies for me alone

Qmg-Ty sa babytruly
Qmq-Kyrnde is truly a baby
And Alaba is truly a baby
But my own baby is ldwrr, the owner


of selected okn



Four big babiesfor me alone

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed
to take practca steps in order to change his/her lot from misery to joy

from disappointment

to fulfillment and from hopelessness to

If wl, l di el'tln mi Qtn
Mo ldi gl',tiln m e,tln Bara Agbgnnlregn
Orrtnmll nl kl wQn lg mrl gni t tan ara rQ j9 w
WQn lg mu Alr
WQn nl Alr tl wQn rl t tan'ra rQ jg r
Alr nl klnni nkan tn?
Alr lun tan'ra Oun jg
Orrrnmll nl ktan'ra r$jq
WQn lg m AjerO
Wn nl Ajer tl wgn rl t ntan'ra rQ jg r
AjerO nl klnni tnkan Qtn?
AjerO lun Otan'ra Oun jg
Qrunmll nl AjerO ktan'ra rQ jg
Wqn lg mrt Qwarngun-Aga
WQn nl Qwrngn tf wgn rl t tan'ra reig r

Qwrangn lun tan'ra Oun jq

Qrrnmll nl Qwrngrn kOtan ra rQjg
Wgn lg mu QbalyQ-Aior{
WQn nl Qbalyq-AjOr{ tl wgn rl t rttan'ra reie r
gbalyQ nl klnni nkan Jn?
gbalyQ nl oun tan'ra un jgo
Qrrlnmll nl Qbal$yQ kOtan'ra nQ j9
WQn nl wgn O mg gni t tan'ra reiq mq
WQn nl kl wgn lg mulylbeil wa
Eylt qmq re mjejlti sln
Tl wqn w 9b$ relbejl fun
WQn mlylbejt d
Qrnmll nl gni t tan'ra Gie re
pbg ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'Qbg, r'bg
j qmq mQrin wQrqwqrQ f'mi nlkan
Qmg Ty gmg ni, gmg ni
Qmg-K,ylnd gmg ni, gmg ni
E$ Alab gmg ni, gmg ni

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

gmq mi n'Idow el'ga okn

gmg mQrin wQr, wQrQ fmi nlkan o


If says it is a matter of deceit
I chorus that it is a matter of deceit QrUnmll the Bara Agbgnn)rgr1n
Qrunm)la asked them to go and bring the person who engages in self
deceitto him
They broughtAlr
They said thatAlr was engaging in self-deceit
Alara said thatwhatevidence did they have?
Alara claimed that he was not deceiving himself
Qrnm)l declared thatAlr was notdeceiving himself
They broughtAjerO
They said thatAjerO was engaging in self-deceit
Ajer said that what evidence did they have?
Ajer claimed that he was notdeceiving himself
Qrn m) l decla red that Ajero was not deceiving hi mself
They brou g ht Qw rng rt n-Aga
They said that Qwrngrln was engaging in self-deceit
Qwrangn demanded fore!'vidence of self deceit
Qwrngn said that he was not deceiving himself
Qrrrnmila declared that Qwrngn was not deceiving himself
They broug ht Qba lyQ-Ajof
They said that QbalQyQ-AJof was engaging in self deceit
QbalyO said that he was not deceiving himself
Qrrlnm)l agreed that QbalQyQ was not deceiving himself
They said that they did not know the person deceiving himself
Qrunmlla asked them to go and bring someone who gave bifth to
a set of twins
And thetwinsdied
And she was given two carued images to represent the twins

They broughtthe woman to QrUnmIl

Qrnm)l declared

that this was the person who engaged

self deceit
She was advised to offergbg
She complied

Now four big babies for me alone

Four hefty babies for me alone
Qmg-Ty is a baby, truly
Qmq-K, $nd is truly a baby
And Alaba is also a baby





But my own baby isldOwtl, the owner of selected Okn beads

Four big babies for me


L7. Ifa says that the person whom this Od is revealed should be
seriously warned aganst the act of being ungrateful for what ever
deed that he/she received from Oldmar, If and/or his/her
fellow human beings. If says that this person has the tendency
of displaying lack of gratitude for whatever was done to him/her.
If says that if this is not stopped fofthwith, this person may find
himself/herself in a situation where his/her ingratitude will not
tolerated, and he/she may be referred to where his/her cries for
assistance maysimply be ignored or handled with levity.


Ifa also says that this person for whom E)-ogb is revealed needs
to salute and praise Oldmar and If every morning, for all the
good deeds he/she has received in life and ask for more good
things. If this is done, he/she will never lack any good thing in life.
If this is not done however, he/she will live a sad and worrisome


On these, If


If l di ojumg mQ n klni-klni
Alklni m I'odl o
Attn m I'odl eni o
Dlfiln olrmbl

Til nl ktkt
loun o l'kelpqd oun-n kl
Wn nl nltorl i klnni
nl oun sin'f sin'f

If Oun gbe Oun ni

Arrlnmll ji l'rQ ktkt
nl Ohrmbl Iilire
Olrmbl nl hun, nl hUnn hun-un
Qrrlnmll nl ti jg tl f kn kn-slnr
olrmbl nl nltorl oun l'j ni
If j'w ajfitn olrmbl
olrmbl l'w
I'ow ntn
K dpe I'qdQ k-lpgrl rQ

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

If says that it is when the day dawns that we greet one
Failure to greet each other amounts to keeping malice
Refusal to greet one means keeping malice with such person
This was the If cast for Olrmbl
Who wakes up early in the morning
And declared that she would never greet If any more
When asked why
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was of no benefit to her
Qrnm)l woke up early in the morning
He said "Olrmbf good morning to you"
Olrmbf responded with "hn-n hun-un"
Qrnmll said that "Olurombi why are you murmuring and
Olrmbf responded that it was because she had no money
Qrr:nm'll prepared the herb of wealth for Olrmbi
Olrmbl became very wealthy
After securing abundant wealth
She refused to give thanks to If

Olrmbi was a follower of If for some time. At a stage, she refused to

greet her If anymore. When Qrnm'll realized this, he wentto Ohirmbl
early in the mornng to greet her. She responded with grumbling. When
QrrJnmll asked her why she was grumblng, she responded that after
serving If for so long, she had no wealth to show for it. Qrnmll saw this
as a challenge and he prepared herbs which make people to be wealthy
for Olrmbl. She became very wealthy, but she still refused to give
thanks or show her gratitude to If.

Ifldi ojumq m0n klni-klni

Alklni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl gni o
Dlfitn olrmbl
Tjl nf ktkt
loun o l'kelpqd oun-n kl
Wn nf nltorl i klnni
nl oun sin'f sin'f
If Oun O gbeun ni
Qrunmll ji l'rQ kutkrt


olurombl9 jlire
Olrmbl nl hun, nl hnn hun-un
Qrrlnmll nl ti jgtf f rr kn kn-slnU
olrmbl nl nltorl oun I'Qkg ni
If j'w gkg fn olrmbl
olrnbl I'qkq



K drlp$ I'qdQ ok-lpQrl rQ

If says that it is when the day dawn that we greet one another
Fa il u re to greet each other a mou nts to keeping ma ice
Refusal to greetone means keeping malice with such
This was the If cast for Olrmbl
Who woke up early in the morning
And declared that she would never greet the If any more
When asked why
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was of no benefitto her
Qn3nmll woke up early in the morning
He said "Olrmbf good morning to you"
Ohlrmbl responded with "hun-un hun-un"

Qrnmll said


that "Olrmbf why are you murmuring



Ohlrmbl responded that it was because she had spouse

If prepared the leaves of spouse for Olrmbl
Olrmtr became successfu lly married woman
After securing a spouse of her choice
She refused to givethanksto If

When Qrnmll realized that Ohirmbi refused to show apprecaton

when she became a very prosperous woman, he approached her again
and greeted her. Ohirmbi responded with complants. When
asked her why she was grumblng and complaining, she responded that it
was mpossible for her to have a responsible spouse of her choice. An
appropriate If work was prepared for her to that effect and she became a
successfully married woman. She also became the envy of other married
women and spinsters alke. Yet, Ohfrmbf refused to give thanks or show
appreciation to her If which made these things possble for her.

Olrmbi i

If 1 di ojmQ mE n klni-klni
Alklni m I'odl o


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Alklni m I'odl gn o
Dd fin Olrmbl

Tjl nl ktkt
loun o l'kelporl oun-n kl
Wn nl nftorl i klnni
nl un sin'f sn'f
IfOun OgbeOun ni
Qrunmlla j l'anQ ktkt
nl Ohrombl9 jtire
olrmbl nl hunronl hunnhun-un
Qrunmll nl ti jgtl fi kn kn-slnu
Olrmbl nl nltorl un O nl'l ni
If j'we ilklkqfin olrrrmbl
Olrmbl di onl'l
nl'l na tn
Ko dp I'qdq ok-lpQrl I rQ




that when the day dawns, we need to salute


Failureto do so amounts to keeping malice
Refusal to greet each other means keeping malice with each
This was the If cast for Olrmbl
Whowoke up early in the morning
And declared that she would never greet her If anymore
Theyasked herwhy
She responded thatafterfollowing If forso long
She had nothing to show for it
Qrrlnm)l woke up early in the morning, he said, "Ohlrmbf,
good dayto you"

Olrmbl responded with "hn-n hun-un" Orrlnmll

her"why areyou mumuring and grumbling?"
She responded that it was because she had

Qrrlnmll prepared leaves which make

have a house forOhf rOmbl
Olrmbl became a proud house owner

After securing the house, she refused



no house of



for one


to show gratitude to


After If had made olrmbf a prosperous woman and made her happily



marred, she still refused to greet If, show apprecation or even thank
If for all that If had done for her. But in order to prove to her that
had no grudge against her and that If kept no malice, Qrnmll still
went to her early in the morning to greet her. As usual, she responded
with mummur and complaints. Orrlnmll asked her why she was still
complaining. She responded that it was because she had no house of
her own. QrnmIl made some herbal preparations for her and before
long, she became a proud owner of a very big mansion. After erecting
and completing this edifice, she refused to greet If or show any form of



If 1 d ojrmQ mq ni Hni-klni
Alklni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl eni o
Dl fin olrmbl
Tfi nl ktkut
loun l'kelpQrl un-rtn kl
Wn nl nltorl i klnni
nl un sin'f sin'f
If Oun O gbe Oun ni
Qrnmll ji l'rQ ktkt
nl ohrombl qilire
olrmbl nl hunr nl hnn hun-un
Qrunmll nl ti j$tl f rr kn kn-slnu
Ohlrmbl nl nltor{ oun o blmo ni

If declares that when the day dawns, we need to salute

each other
Failure to do so amounts to keeping malice with each other
This was the If cast for Olrmbl
Who declared that she would never greet her If any more
They asked her why
She responded that after seruing Ifa for so long
She had nothing to show for it
QrUnmlla woke up early in the morning, he said, "Olrmbf,
good day to you".
Oh1rmbl responded with, "hn-n hun-un"
Olrmbl asked her, "Why are you murmuring and



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

She responded that it was because she had no child of her

Qrnm)l realized that after ensurng that OhJrmbl became a house

owner, she still refused to greet If. He went to greet her early in the
morning. Olrmbl complained that her refusal to greet If was because
she had no child of her own. This was the time that Qrnmll told her that
she had some questions to answer. Qrnmll then asked her the following

"One, when you complained that you had no money,

made you
prosperous beyond your wildest imagination, did you come back to give
thanks or even show your gratitude?" Qrnmll asked. ohirmbf
responded that she never did.

"Two, when you complained thatyou had no spouse, I made it possible for
you to have a spouse of your dream. You became the envy of all.
Everybody was praying to have a spouse like yours. was that not so? "It
was so'i olrmbf responded. "Did you come back to say thanks or show
any form of appreciation? She was asked. "No, I never did", Olrombl
"Three, when you complained that you had no personal house, If made it
possible for you to erect the biggest mansion in your environment. Was it
not so?" she was asked. "It was so'i she responded. *Dd you come back
to say your thanks or even show your gratitude to Oldmar and If who
made it possible for you?" "No, I never dd." Olrmb responded.
QrnmTl then declared to her that it was clear that she was a person who
never knew how to show appreciation for any good deed done for her. For
this reason, Qrnm)l told her that her child was notwith him. "If you need
a child, go to beg for one in the home oflrk Ogb Ohtwr".

If told her that she would meet several other people who had gone there
for similar requests. The only condition was that they needed to make a
solemn pledge of what that would give lrk-ogb after they had been

li ,' ono"
safely delivered.
She was told that she must mention whatever she knew that she would be
able to redeem as her pledge no mater how small. Ornm'il cautioned her

not to exhibit the type of attitude she had been displaying with him over
there. Wth that, she was dismissed

When Ohirmbt reached the shrine of lrk, she met several women
making their pledge. \rk, if you give me a child, I shall be here this time
nextyearto give you a big ewe"; \rk, I need a child, if you give me, I will
come here next year to give you a big goat"; \rkO, my husband's family
had been planning to send me away because I'cannot bear a child for my
husband, if you give me a child, I shall bring you a big hen this time next
year"; "greatlrkO, a tree on eafth but a Deity in heaven, my home is being
threatened because I cannot give my husband a male child. His people are
planning to marry another woman for him who will give him a male child.
Make it possible for me to become pregnant this month and give bifth to a
male child so that I will give bifth to the heir in my husband's lineage before
any other woman. If you do this for me, I will give you a big ram with
twisted horn this time next year". These were some of the requests and
pledges that OIrtrmbf heard other women making. She however did not
believe thatlrk would be able to do all these. When it was her turn to
make her request and pledge, she said; \rk, I have come here for you to
give me a beautiful child. If you give me this child, I shall come here next
year to sacrifice the child for you in appreciation." Everybody there looked
at her with shock and surprise. They advised her to make another request
but she refused. Irk told her to think properly on her pledge and she told
Irk that she had said what was on her mind. Everybody dispersed.
The following month, she became pregnant. Ten months after, she gave
bth to a bouncing baby boy. The baby was the most beautiful child ever
seen around that area for a very long time. The baby was faircomplexioned, bulky, healthy and happy. ESU Qdara himself kept
pampering this baby. The baby became the baby of the whole community,
and was loved by all.

However, when the time came for Olrmb'i


to redeem her pledge,


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

could no longer sleep. She was just crying everyday and everywhere. She
said that she never knew thatlrkO could do it for her. She thought that she
could not have a baby. Her reason was that it was because Qrnmll knew
that she was barren from heaven that he referred her to lrk. Now that
she had given bfth to the baby, she could not think of losing
summoned up hercourage and wentfor If consultation.
In the home of the Babalwo, ET-Ogb was revealed. The Awo told
Olrmbl that she was in her present dilemna simply because she never
knew how to show appreciation when anyone did her anything good. They
however advised her to offer ebo with two big he-goats 2,000 cowries and
knife. She complied immediately. The Awo gave her one he-goat and asked
her to head for the shrine oflrk. Egu Qdra offered to follow Olrmbf to
Irk shrine because if not, the day would be extremely bitter for her.


At the shrine, Olrmbl saw all the women whom she met the previous year

redeeming their pledges. They came with hens, goats, ewes, rams, hegoats, pigeons, food and lrk was collecting all as they tallied with their
various pledges. IrkO kept looking at Ohlrmbf with contempt. When it
reached the turn of Ohirmbf, with the deepest sorrow ever heard by
anyone in life, Olrmbi began to plead and sing, saying:
Olrmbl o, gbeni-gbeni

Iwg lroto, gbeni-gbeni

Oun Olurombl o, gbeni-gbeni
Iwg IrkQ gbeni-gbeni
Awgn oklklukr, wQn iljjee ewrq
Ewr$ 9 wqn blj
Awgn olrtklukr wgn jjQQ gntn
Agntiln-an wgn bq|ojQ
Oun Olurombl, un jeQjeeqmgoun
9mq roro bl epo
Olrmbl Q gbeni-gbeni
Iwg lrk, gbeni-gbeni o

Olrmbio, please suppoft me
Ohlrk, please havecompassion on me
Olrmbl, please support me




OhlrkO, please help and suppoft me

Severalpeople pledged
Their slender goats
And severalothers pledged ewes
Their robustewes
But I Olurombl, I pledged my child
My chiH as fair-complexioned as newly prepared palm-oil
Olrmbf oh! Please give me support
Ohlroko, please have mercyon me!!!



She rolled herself on the ground pleading with Irk to please have
on her. She said that she was only living and happy because of that


Instead for Irok to show any form of compasson, it was the highest
degree to contempt that was shown. IrkO replied her with her song,

Iwg Olurombl Q gbgmg-gbgmg

Oun IrkQ gbqmq-gbqmq
Olrmbl gbgmg-gbgmg
Oun lrk gbgmq-gbgmg
O rl wgn olklukrrwQr jjeewr$
Ewurgg blsi
O rl wgn olklukrlr wQn rrjjee egntn
Agntiln-an wgn bqlojE
lwg olrtrombl,lwg jjee qmg Q rg o
Qmq roro bl epo
Iwg Ohlrmbl O, gbgmg-gbgmg
Oun IrkQ gbgmg-gbgmg



You, Olrmbl, are a baby

And I,IrkO an a baby
Yo Olrmbf were her to collect a baby



And IIrkO will also collectthe baby

You saw several others pledging goats
Their slender goats
And you saw several others pledging ewes
Their robustewes
You Olrmbf pledged yourbaby
Your baby as fair-complexioned as newly prepared palm-oil
You Ol rmr, are a baby collector


lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

And I,Irok shall collect backthe baby

Irko told her that nobody forced her to make her pledge. That was what
she promised to bring back if the baby could be given to her. A pledge,
Iroko insisted, was a pledge. Iroko said that the he-goat she brought was
not acceptable. olrombl cried and cried. Irk did not budge one bit.
At that stage, Egu Qdara asked ohlrmbi to bring the baby. she did. He
asked her to bring the he-goat. She also did. Egu Qdara promised Irk
that the head of the baby would be given tolrk and that the baby would
be slaughtered. Irk respoded that it was acceptable. Egu Qdara
brought out the knife that she offered as part of her gbg. He placed the
baby on the ground and at the same time placed the he-goat besides the
baby. Egu Qdara cunnyingly smuggled the baby back to the mother from
behind and slaughtered the he-goat. He wrapped the head of the he-goat
in a white cloth and gave it to lrok. Irko accepted the parcel. when
Irk unwrapped the parcel, it was discovered that it contained the head of
a he-goat. Irk protested. ES Qdara responded that nobody collects
one head two times. "Why did you not look well before you accepted the
pledge?" Case closed



Ifldi ojmQ mq n klni-klni

Alklni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl gni o
Dl filn Olrmbt
Tjl nl ktkt
lOun O l'kelpQrl Oun-n H
WQn nl nltorl i klnni
nl Oun sin'f sin'f
If Oun OgbeOun ni
Qru nmll ji l'arq kt kt
nl Ohlrmbl gjlire
OlrOmbl nl hun, nl hnn hun-un
Qrunmll nl ti jQtl fi rr kn kn-s{nu
Olrmbl nl nltor{ Oun O l'j ni
If j'w aj filn Ohlrmbl
Olrmbl l'w
K dpe I'qdq oke-lpgrf rQ
If l di ojumg mQ ni klni-klni

AlHni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl gnio

Til ril ktkt

loun o l'kelpqrl oun-n kl
WQn nl nltorl i klnni
nl oun sin'f sin'f
If Oun O gbe Oun ni
Qrrtnmll ji l'rQ ktktt

Olrmbl9 jlire
olrmbl nl hunr nl hnn hun-un
Qrnmll nf ti j$ tl f kn kn-Stn
olrmbf nl nltorl un o I'Qkg ni
If j'w gkg filn olrmbl
ohrnbf I'qkg

K dpe I'qdq ok-lpQ re
If l di ojmQ mq n klni-klni
Alklni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl gnio
fn Olrmbl

Til nl ktkt
lOun O l'kelpQrl Oun-n kl
WQn nl nltorl i klnni
nl oun sin'f sin'f
If un O gbe Oun ni

Qrnmll ji l'rQ ktkUt

nl Olrmbf g jlire
Olrmbl nl hunr nl hunn hun-un
Qrnmll nl ti jQtl fi rr kn kn-sln
Olrtrmbt nl nltorl un o nl'l ni
If i'w ilklkQ fitn olrmbl
olrmbl di onl'l

Ko dp I'qdq ok-tpQrf I rQ
If l di ojrmq mq n klni-klni

Alklni m I'odl o
Alklni m I'odl eni o

Tjl nl ktkt
loun o l'kelpgr{ oun-n kl
Wn nl nltorl i klnni


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

sin'f sin'f
If Oun O gbe un ni
Qrrlnmll j l'arq kt kutu
nl ohrmbl gjlire
olrmbl nl hun, nf hnn hun-un
Qrunmlla nl ti jgtt fi kn dkn-s{nu
Olrmbl nl nltorl un O bfmo ni
Qrrtnmll nl kO s'Qmg rg I'QdQ Oun
K ma lg s'qdQ lrko olrrwr
olrmbl d qdq lrko oluwere
nl oun




f b9 ni wqn nl k w 9e
gb'Qbgr r'bg
Egu Qdara ba 19s'QdQlrko
Nje Olrmbl gbeni gbeni
IrkO gbeni gbeni
Awgn Olklukrl wqn jjee ewr

Ewurqewgn bdje


Awgn olrtkl ukrlr wg jjeQ agntln

Agnteln-anwgn bQlojq
olrmbl ljjQgmqrQ
Qmg roro bl epo
Olrmbl gbgmo-gbgmo
Irk gbgmg-gbgmg
Ko p, kjlnn
Fw b nib'yQ

w w're o


If says that

it is when the day dawns that we greet one

Failure to greet each other amounts to keeping malice
Refusal to greet one means keeping malice with such a person
This was the If cast for OlUrOmbf
Whowoke upearly inthe morning
And declared that she would never greet her If anymore
Theyasked herwhy
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was of no benefit to her
Qrnm)l woke up early in the morning
He said, "Olrmbf, good day to you"


Olrmbf responded with, "hn-n hun-un


Qrrlnmll said that, "Olrmbl, why are you murmmuring




Olrmbf responded that itwas because she had no money

If prepared the herbs of wealth of Olrmbi
Olrrnbl became very wealthy
After securing abundant wealth
She refused to give thanks to Ifa
If says that it is when the day dawns that we greet one another
Fail u re to g reet each other amou nts to keepi ng ma ice
Refusal to greet one means keeping malice with such a person
This was the Ifa cast for
Whowoke up early in the morning
And declared that she would never greet her If anymore
Theyasked herwhy
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was of no benefit to her
Qrunmll woke up early in the morning
He said, "Olrmbl, good day to you"
Ohlrmbi responded with, "hn- n hun-un


Ornmll said that, "Olrmbf, why are you murmuring and



Olrmbl responded that itwas because she had no

If prepared the leaves of spouse for Olurombt
Olrmbi became a successfully married woman
After securing a spouse of her choice
She refused to give thanks to If
If says that it is when the day dawns that we greet one another
Failure to greet each other amounts to keeping malice
Refusalto greet one means keeping malice with such a person
This was the ifa cast for Olrmbl
Who woke up early in the morning
And declared that she would neut gteet her If
Theyasked herwhy
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was of no benefitto her
Qrr1nm)l woke up early in the morning
He said, "Olrmbl, good dayto you"
Olrmbf responded with, "hn-n hun-un


Ornmll said that, *OhJrmbf, why are you murmuring and

Olrmbf responded




was because she had no house of


lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation


Qrnm)l prepared leaves which make



for one to

have a house for Olrnbf

Olrmbl became a proud house owner
Aftersecuring the house
She refused to give thanks to If
If says that it is when the day dawns that we greet one another
Failure to greet each other amounts to keeping malice
Refusal to greet one means keeping malice with such a person
Tlf s was the If cast for Ohlrmbl
Who woke up early in the morning
And declared that she would never greet her If anymore
Theyasked herwhy
She responded that she followed If for so long
But her If was ofno benefitto her
QrUnm)l woke up early in the morning
He said, "Olrmbf, good day to you"
Olrmbf responded with, "hn-n hun-un"

Qrrlnm)l said

that, "Olrmbf, why are you murmuring


Olrmbf responded that it was because she had no child

QrUnmIla responded that her child was not with him
He asked her to go tolrk0 Oluwer
OhJ rm bl went to IrkO Ohlwere
And pledged herbaby
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
fgu Qdara accompanied hertolrokO
Now, Olrmbl o, pleasesupportme
Oh!IrkO, please pity my condition and be lenient with me
Several people pledged goats
Their slender goats
And severalothers pledged ewes
Their robust ewes
But Olrmbf pledged her baby
Her baby as fa ir-complexioned as newly-prepa red pa m,oi I
Olrmbf, the baby receiver
Andlrokb the baby receiver
Before long, and nottoo far
Join us in the midstof happiness
Come and see all ire in life.





If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have course to
rejoice even though he/she had hiterto shown lack of gratitude. This
happiness shall come only if he/she is ready to turn over a new leaf.


If says that whenever this Od is revealed during any ceremony

either for naming, remembrance, marriage, house warming,
funeral,chieftaincy, birthday e.t.c, nothing must be slaughtered for
the occasion. No bird must be killed; no beast must be slaughtered
where this Od is revealed. If the said occasion entails enteftaining
a lot of people, then, fish may be used. Alternatively, already
slaughtered animals may be bought from a supermarket or abbatoir
and brought home for cooking. A restaurant may be contracted to
prepare all the food to be used for the occasion.
The reason why this is very impoftant is that If says that several evil
spirits are hovering around where this OdrJ is cast. These spirits love
to consume blood. If any animal's blood is sighted in that area,
these spirits will consume the blood. The moment they taste this
blood,they will be demanding for more blood and they will simply be
consuming human blood. This may translate to avoidable accidents
or other disasters where human blood will be spilled unnecessarily.

to take place, If
recommends that those involved needs to prepare plenty of mashed
yam mixed with palm-oil and place it where this Od is revealed and
the venue where the ceremony is to take place. The mashed yam
and oil will also be sprinkled on If and on the ground of the venue
where the ceremony willtake place. If this is done, these evil spirits
will consume the mashed yam and palm-oil. As soon as these spirits
taste the mashed yam and oil, they will be looking for more mashed
yam and oiland will no longer be interested in consuming blood. On
allthese, a stanza in E)-Ogb says:

If this Od

s revealed when a ceremony is about

OjmQ mQ, mo k'p o tmi d$QrQkundQ

Ojmq mq, mo k'pO tmi dQQrQkundQ

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Ojumg mq, mo k'p0 o tmi dln-lnlnrlnkunkn

Dl fitn Orrtnmll
If g'awo lg Ode lgin

The day dawned I carried my consultation bag with all its
Early in the morning I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my
These were lf's declarations to Qrunmll
When going on If expedition to Ipin town

On his arrval at Igin town, Qrrf nmll met the citizen of that town holding a
big goat on their way to the home of one prominent Babalwo. "Where
are you all going?" Qrnm'll asked. "We were told that we need to serue
If with this goat in order to alleviate all the problems n the town," the
citizens of Igin town responded.

"No!" Ornmll shouted. "You must not do that. If you do it, you will only
aggravate your problems as the evil spirit which you are trying to avoid will
only grow wild and consume you all in the process". Qrnmll explained
futherthat if they spilled any blood, these evilelementals would consume
the blood and at the same time be searching for more blood to consume.
If they could not get any blood, they would begin to consume their blood.

goat. "That was how we

were asked to do it and nothing would change our mind on that," the
Citizens of Igin town retofted. They went straight to the home of their
Babalwo and the goat was slaughtered. They were even making jest of
Qnf nm)l pleaded with them not to slaughter the

Qrnm'il for trying to mislead them.

As soon as the goat was slaughtered the evil spirits consumed its blood.
They all went berserk searching for more blood to consume. When they
could not get any blood, they began to consume the blood of the citizens of
Igin town. Things became worse. Creditors became debtor. Those who
were hithefto strong and healthy became invalids, pregnant women lost
their pregnancy. Mostable-bodied men and women became jobless. Life

ii ,'onr"
became unbearable for them at Isin town.
OjmQ m,, mo k'p o tmi dnkund
Ojumq m,, mo k'pO tmi dQQGkundQ
Ojmq m,, mo k'po otmi dln-lnlnrlnkunkn

Dlfiln Qrunmll
If r{g'awo lq delkja



The day dawned, I carried my consultation bag with all

Early in the morning, I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my
These were lf's declarations to Qrnm'il
When going on Ifa expedition to lkija land

As in Igin town, Qrnmll met the Citizens of Ik'lj town dragging a goat to
the home of their Babalwo. He asked what they wanted to do with the


goat, They explained that they cast If for overall well being and
not to kill the goat and told them of its possible consequences if this was
done. Just like what happened in Igin town, the citizens of Ikija town
slaughtered the goat and all evil things began to happen to them. Their
own was even worse than those things which happened to the people in
Igin town.
m,, mo k'po o tmi
OjmQ m,, mo k'pO tmi
Ojrtmg mr mo k'p o tmi





I)lfitn Orrnmlla
If rtg'awo lg s'de QtunmQba

The day dawned, I carried my consultation bag with all its
Early in the morning, I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

These were If's declarations to Qrnmlla

When going on If expedition to QtUnmgb land

when Qrnm'il arrived at QtnmQb town, he saw them with a big goat
which they planned to slaughter in order for them to acquire alL the
good things of life. QrUnm)l advised them aganst it as he had done in
Igin and Ika towns. He warned them of the possible consequence of
doing such a thing. "what are we going to do now?', they asked. He told
them to go and cook 10 big pots of yam. when the yam was sufficiently
done, he asked them to mash it and add palm oil to it. The pottage was
mixed together. He advised them to sprinkle it to all the roads leading to
the town and attheir respective doorsteps. They ail compried.

when the evil spirits saw what they had prepared, they settled down to
consume it. After the consumption, they all lost their appetite for blood
consumption. It was only mashed yam and oil they were interested in
eating. Unable find more, they left the scene.
As soon as the evil spirits depafted, those responsible for all the good
things of life took over in the town. The inhabitants of QtUnmQb became
wealthy. They were blessed with good spouses and children. Their
businesses grew well. They were very happy.
The following year, QrnmIl came to QtunmQb town on a visit. when
they saw him they were all hailing him. He asked them; "how was the
situation in your town since last year? "Everything had been very well
with us; our lives had been veryeventful. our business had grown well. we
are all healthy and happy", they responded. They then promised that they
would never do anything in that town without first preparing mashed yam
and palm-oil to appease the spirits. That is what they do in Qtunmqba
town from that time to date. They began to sing and dance, saying:
Qtrtnmgbe gmg aIwo sanra
QlJn o d o
QtUnmgba gmg ajlw sanra

QtUnmqb citizen offsprings of those who consume yam




pottage to put on weight

Here comes QlQtn.
Qtunmgba inhabitants, the offsprings of those who consume
yam pottage to gain weight

That was how the inhabitants of QtnmQb town did themselves a world of
good by listening to the simple advice of Qrrlnmll
Ojmq mq, mo k'po o tmi dnkund
OjmQ m0, mo k'po temi dQQrQkundQ
ojrmQ mq, mo k'po otmi dln-lnlnrlnkunkn
D6filn Ornmll
If g'awolgOdelgin
Sbg ni wQn nl kl wQn 9 e
WQn fetl Qtn gb'ebg
WQnfit'Osld n
ojmq mQ, mo k'po otmi dQ$rQkundQ
OjrlmQ mQ, mo k'p tmi dQQnQkunds
Ojumq m,, mo k'po o tmi dln-lnlnrlnkunkn
Dl firn Qrrtnmll
If g'awo lgOdelkiia
Fbq ni wqn n| kl wQn ge
WQn fetl ,ttn gb'ebg
Wn fi t'Osl da n
ojmq m,, mo k'p o tmi drkund
Ojumq m, mo k'p tmi dQQrQkundQ
Ojrtmg m,, mo k'po o tmi dln-lnlnrlnkunkn
Dl filn orrlnmll
Baba g'awo Ig s'ode Qtnmqba
Fbg ni wQn nl kl wqn ge
WQn gb'gbgwQn r'bg
Ko p kjlnn
Ire gbogbo w ya d ttru
jq QtunmQba gmg ajlwo sanra o
Iw la jg y o

Qtrnmqb gmg ajlw sanra

The day dawned I carried my consultation bag with all its
Early in the morning I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my


ffa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

These were lf's declarations to Ortjnmll
When going on If expedition to Igin town
He asked them to offier appropriate gbg
The heard the advice with their left right ears
And threw it away with their left (ears)
The day dawned, I carried my consultation bag with all its
Early in the morning, I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my
These were lf's declarations to Qnlnmll
When going on If expedition to Ikij land
They heard the advice with their right ears
And threw it away with their left
The day dawned, I carried my consultation bag with all ib
Early in the morning, I carried my bag ready to go
At dawn, I carried my bag filled with all my needs for my
These were If's declarations to OrUnmll
When going on If expedition to QtnmQb land
He advised them to offer appropriate gbg
They complied according to the advice given to them by Ifa
Before long not too far
All the good thing of life became theirs

Now, QtUnmgb citizens, offsprings of those who consume yam pottage to

gain weight.

If says that all the good things of life shall surely come the way of the
person for whom this Od is revealed as long as he/she can listen to simple
advice and observe the taboo never to slaughter any anmal during any
occason where he/she is involved.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must try
his/her best possble to avoid being involved in a serious scandal
which may tarnish his/her image and reputation for the rest of
his/her life.





If says also that there is a very beautiful young lady where this
is revealed with whom someone, a relation, is having an incestuous
relationship. There is equally this male relation who had been trying
to protect this young lady who needed to be advised as well so that
both of them may notend up disgracing themselves.
However, if this had alreadytaken place, each of those involved must
first of all confess their misdeeds in the presence of those who ought
to know about it. Each of them also needed to offer gbg with one hegoat and money. Each of them also needed to feed If with one
and at least six litres of palm oil. If this is not done, they are not likely
to succeed in anything they lay their hands upon for the rest of their
lives. This is because the wrath of the Deities shall continue to live
with them throughout their lives. That is why it is very impoftant to
ensure that they propitiate If in order for them to be forgiven. On
these,If says:




l{ff mUwgn-qnfeountlwgn



Nll m wqn-qn sg oun tl wgn kO le ge
Dl firn Qtooq En[n
Tlyo bl'mqoblnrin kan naa

Tlyslfi g'oblnrin
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e



Untoward conducts and

Irreg u lar cha racters a nd attitudes
Were what make them to do whatthey cannotsay
Untoward conducts and actions
Irreg u lar characters and attitudes
Were what make them to say what they cannot do
These were lf's declarations to OJQoJQ En)yn
Who after giving bifth to only one woman
Shall in turn make her his woman
He was advised to offer ebo



lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

OjqOtq Enlyn was a very popular man in his communty. He was a great
merchant. He had travelled far and wide in the course of his business
transactions. For this reason, he was well known far and wide. He was
also very wealthy.
He gave bifth to an extremely beautiful girl who soon became the center of
attraction everywhere she went to. She was the dream wife of all eligible
bachelors. Because of this girl's striking beauty, QtQoJQ En)yn was never
comfotable whenever his lovely daughter was not around her. He then
decided to be taking her everywhere he went to. Instead of solving any

problem, this move only compounded the existing one. Everywhere they
went, people were making passes at her, even at her tender age. All these,
QtOqtq EnIyn rubuffed.
When this young lady became matured and ripe for marriage, all known
influential people in the communities sent emissaries to QTQOJQ EnIyn,
that they were interested in marrying her daughter. For example, kings
like QlQfin of Il-IfQ, Qw of ljqgaland, Alr of llara-EkIti, Ajer of )jerEldtl, Qwrngrn oflla town, OltlgbQn of ll-Igbqn, Ewiof Ado-Ekl and so
on showed their interest in marrying the daughter of Qtggtg Enlyn. All of
these people, heturned down.
One day however, people suddenly realised that Qtgog Enlyn's daughter

had become pregnant. All the Kings, chiefs and very important

personalities in the various communities became curious. They wanted to

know who that person whom QtqoJE EnIyn considered more wofthy of his
daughter's hand in marriage was. They sent emissaries to him to let them
know the husband-to-be. He only told them that they shall know the lucky
man in due course of time.
Soon after, QtEqtQ En'lyn's daughter gave bfth to a bouncing baby boy.
The naming ceremony was fixed for the sixth day of bfth. Unable to know
what to do, Qtqqtq EnIyn went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. He did not want anyone to know that he was the person
responsible for putting his own daughter in the family way. He wanted to
know what he needed to do in order for him to be able to cover up this




grave thing.
EnTyn that he had done
Consequently, the wrath of the Deities was on him and the person with
whom this outrageous act was perpetrated. The Awo declared that he
must confess his misdeeds and ofter an gbg with one he-goat. Afterthis,
he must feed Ifa with one she-goat. He must also pray to the Deities for
forgiveness. He must never repeat the action again. All these, Qt00t0
En'iyn felt was impossible for him to do, especially the aspecb'which the
Awo said that he must confess his misdeeds. The Awo declared that the
steps enumerated above were the only condition under which he could
ever see the forgiveness and favour of the Deities in his
Failure to
comply would only mean that he would live with the wrath of the Deities
forthe remaining paftof his life.

The Awo told Qtqqt0


QtQOtq Enlyn thought over his problem and decided to offer his gbg as
prescribed by his Awo. He therefore invited allthose who had ever made
passes at his daughter before, to the naming ceremony of the new-bornbaby. He promised them that they would all know the lucky father of the

All the Kings sent representatives to the ceremony with the instruction for
them to identiff the husband of Qtqqtq Enlyn's daughter who was more

presentable or more impoftant than them. Other Very Impoftant

Personalities were physically present. The guests were lavishly
entetained. Curious guests asked QtqOtq Enlyn when the husband
would appear to them, but he only asked them to be patient and that they
would soon know the husband. When all the guests had beed fed to their
satisfaction, the host announced that he wanted to announce the
presence of the husband in due course. He then disappeared inside his

When he appeared again, he had changed his dress. He was wearing his
best dress, looking very attractive and justifiably presentable. He told the
gathering that he would announce the father of the new-born-baby with a
song. He said:


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultaton

f wlfnAlr
$fipe mo sJge


f wlfitn Qrngrtn


!wlfiln Qbal'fyQAjorl
KO ma m sl eni tl slse ko l b o

TellAbra, the King ofllara
ThatI have made a terrible mistake
TellAjer0, the King ofljer
That I have committed a grave blunder
Tell Qrngr1n, the King oflla
ThatI havecommitted a big error
Tell Qbal-yQ, the King of QyQtown
That I have terribly misbehaved
There is no-oneabove mistake

When he said this, everyone present understood the implicaton of the

song. They all went home to report their findings.
Ml m wgn-qn geountl wgn
Nll mu wqn-qn sg oun tl wgn
Dl firn QtOoO Enlyn
Tl yo bl'mg oblnrin kan naa
Tl y sl fi g'oblnrin
fbg ni wQn nl kO w ge
gb'gbo, r'bg
je e wl fin Alr
tMpe mo sJge


kO |ee $e

Urflpe mo sJge o


fMpe mo sJge o



f wlfilnQbat'fyQAjorl



Wlpe mo sJge o
KO m m slgni tl e$Se k l ba o

Untoward conducts and actions
u lar characters a nd attitudes
Were what makethem to dowhatthey cannotsay
Untoward conducts and actions
Irregu la r characters and attitudes
Were what makethem to saywhattheycannotdo
These were lf's declarations to QtQQtQ Enlyn
Who after giving birth to only one woman
Shall in turn make her his woman
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, tellAlara
That I have made a terrible mistake
That I have committed a grave blunder
TellQrangun oflla
ThatI have committed a big error
Tellthe King of Qyg
That I have terribly misbehaved
There is no-one above mistake


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is fond of

fighting a no-wn battle. He/she loves to fight a hopeless battle in
which he/she would be justifoing his/her acton without success.
If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed has


sympathy for someone or for a cause, he/she will begin to fight

the cause or person even if it is obvious that such fight is hopeless.
Consequently, If says that it is advisable for this person to accept
whatever he/she cannot change gracefully. He/she should desist
from fighting wrongly.

If also says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to
offer gbg so as to live his/her Iife honourably. He/she cannot hope
to live forever, but he/she can offer gbg for him/her to attain great

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

height in life, have honour and respect, peace of mind and dignity
before he/she dies.

On these, he/she needs to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two
guinea fowls two ducks and money. He/she also needs to feed If
with four rats, four fish and money. A stanza supporting these
asseftions says:
Agbak mogbelsl
Dl fif n Qrrnmlla
Babay b lkja
Ysl jeb rk
fbg ni wqn ff kge

Agbak mogbelsle

wastheAwo castlf forrunmlb

Who shall fight against Ikti (Death)

And shall be found guilty
He was advised to offer gbg

when Qrnm'll was here on eafth, he had only a few friends whom he
chose with extreme care. He made sure that all his friends were lawabiding, decent, God-fearing, honest, dedicated, humble, trustwofthy and
reliable. For this reason, he valued these friends. Once in a while, he used
to give them assignments on ways to improve the communities in which
they lived. These friends would carry out the assignments to his
satisfaction. For these, Qnfnmll was extremely proud of these friends.
Theirfriendship lasted fora very long time.

At a stage however, Iktl began to pick these friends one after the other.
This infuriated Qrnm'll to the extent that the decided to wage a serious
war against Iktl. He claimed that all those who had been assisting him to
carry out the missions which Oldmar set out for him were being
systematica lly el minati ng by Iktl.

All his loved ones were being deliberately removed by lku. In order to
fashion out the best way to deal with lkr1, Qrnm)l went for If
consultation in the house of Agbkr1-Mogbe-Isele. He was however told



notto engage in this fight because he would eventually be found guilty.

On hearing this, he got more infuriated and decided to 9o and lodge his
complaint against Ik n the presence of Oldmar. When he arrived
there, he reported to Oldmar how callous Ikrt had been. He explained
in details how Ikri had been taking away all the good and selfless people
who had been assisting him in his work. Oldmar, after bearing allwhat
Qrnmll had to say, sent for Ikrt to come and explain his own side of the
When Ikrl arrived, Oldmar asked Qrnm'll to repeat all the allegations
he had levelled against Ikr1. Qnfnmll did. Oldmare then demanded for
Ikrl's representations on the matter. Ik responded that all of Qrrlnm'il's

allegations were misplaced and one-sided.. Ik explained that the

assignment given to him by Oldmar was that of taking away all living
beings whenever their time was up. This assignment required being
carried out without discrimination, fear or favour. Anyone whose time was
up; young or old, ugly or beautiful, shoft or tall, benevolent or wicked,
honest or dishonest, hail or sickly, brilliant or dull, God fearing or heaftless,
dark skinned or fair complexioned, would be taken away. He stated fufther
that Qrnmll was angry that he (Ik'l) took away those assisting him in
carrying out his assignments, but he convieniently forgot about those
spoiling his good works whom he (Iku) had equally taken away. Ik said
that Qrnmll was complaining against him for killing good people but he
did not say anything aboutthe bad people whom he had equally killed. Ik
rested his submission.

After this, Oldmar asked Qrnm'il if that was his first time of coming
into the world on assignment. Qrnmll responded that it was not.
Oldmar then asked him if he had ever met again those who assisted him
on his previous assignments on eafth. Qrnm)l said that he had not.
When asked what had become of them, Qrrlnm)l responded that they
were all dead. Then Oldmar declared that all the people who were
assisting him at that point in time would also die. Without death, there can
be no rebifth. Without death, there can be no judgement. It is only during
judgement by Oldmar thatthose who were bad can be commensurately
rewarded. Human judgement can be faulty; but the judgement of the
Deities can never be wrong. Oldmar then ordered Orrlnmll to

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

apologse to Ikti for accusing Ikrl

thus settled. This was noted.

wrongly. Qrnm)l did. The matter was

Iktl however told Oldmar that it was clear that the assgnment given to
him by Oldmar would make all human beings to hate him since they
would not appreciate his work, no matter the explanation. He sought relief
from oldmar. As from that day, oldmar declared that nobody
would trace anyone's death directly to Ikrt (Death) anymore. whenever
anyone died, if people asked forthe cause of death, nobodywould mention
Ik; instead, they would mention other causes such as old age, illness,
accident, ignorance, recklessness, excessive alcoholism, assassination,
suicide, accidental missile shot, stabbing, malnutrition, poisoning, hunger,
staruation and so on. Ikrl thus got his much-needed relief.
Agbak mogbelsl

Dlfitn Orunmlla
Baba y b lkt ja
Y d jeb lkr
f bg ni wQn nl k 9e

Arbbahun d
Iba ge wlp wgn kll kr l'y o
Arlgbhun d o

Agbakrt mogbelsle
He was the Awo cast If for QrUnmIl
Who shall fight against Ik (Death)
And shall be found guilty
He was advised to offer gbg
Where are the elders of old
Where are the elders of yesteryears
Had it being that people do not experience death on eafth
Where are the elders of old
It is the gbg to live a fulfilled life we ought to offer

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must not level
allegation against those doing their normal jobs.







Eil-Ogbe is the most important and the most extensive of all the 256 Od.
It is the King among all the other Od. Those born by the Od are equated
among kings. It is not advisable for Efi-Ogb children to prostrate to
Kings as such gesture is likely to have an adverse effect on such King.

Ejl-Ogb children love to crave to attention. They love to be

pampered. They see themselves as someone whom others owe a duty to
By nature,

make comfoftable.
The success of Ejl-Ogb children is guaranteed. They will have a home of
their own; they will be able to have all those things which make people
comfoftable. They are however advised to pursue marriage and
childbearing business early in life as it is essential to do so. If this is not
taken seriously, there is a high likelihood that they may have problem of
child-bearing and may invest a huge resource on this in order to ensure
thatthey havetheir own children in their lives.

Ejl-Ogb children are flQgbQ children, they have the suppott of fgbQ and
If n this regard. They are born leaders even though they sometimes lack
the capability to manage huge resources and many followers. This
notwithstanding however, they will have a lot of respect and honour from
far and wide. They will not die young, they usually leave the stage of life
when their ovation is atthe loudest,

These children also have


unbelievable capacity


advdersary. To them, no person who conspires against them shall strive or
succeed. To them also, it is never late for them to achieve success and
recognition in life. When there is life, there is hope. When there is hope,
there are boundless oppoftunities to succeed.

In order to succeed however, they must never rest on their oars or be

complacent untilthey reach the zenith of their chosen careers in life. They
have the tendency to be easily carried away by little achievements. This is
why it is good for all Ejl-Ogb children to be constantly reminded not to


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consuftation

rest until they achieve their ultimate success in life. Indeed, Ejl-ogb
children can become very lazy if they are not urged on to success.

Ejl-Ogb children have the tendency to assume that they are wiser than
others, only to be proven to be bloody fools. Conversely, those who feel
that Ejl-Ogb children are fools, who can easity be taken for a ride, will
only live to regret such assumption.

There is the tendency that Ejl-Ogb children may experience terrible

losses in their lives. They nonetheless have the luck and capability to
bounce back and,regain all what they have lost several times over. To
them, when there is life, there is hope. When there is hope, there are
greater oppoftunities.

Ejl-Ogb children have the luckof getting hooked to the paftners of their
dream. Their spouses are usually loving and understanding. They also
take care of their spouses, even though there is the tendenry for them to
engage in extra- ma rita I activities.
These children must always be warned against engaging in scandalous
activities, which may end up disgracing and humiliating them. This
advice is very impoftant because one hardly finds one Ejl-ogb child
who can live above board in this area. wth much determination,
however, they may be able to caution themselves.
On the whole, Ejl-Ogb children have the potentials to live well fulfilled
lives and leave their marks on the sand of history.

when it come to movements, if an Ejl-ogb child plans to travel to

another place for a shoft time, it is good. But if he/she plans to go and
live there on a permannent basis, it is not advisable. Fufthermore, f Eilogbe children plan a change of worlg change of school, change of home,
change of environment, change of spouse, adequate Ifa consultations
must be made and all the necessary gbg must be performed before this
can be done.
For the children whom Efl-ogb was revealed for during lkgsQdy, no
animal must be slaughtered in the home of the parents for the naming




ceremony of the chld - no bird, no beast, in fact, no blood must be

for the namng ceremony. The parents may however go to the market
purchase all the meat in the market and use it for the naming ceremony.
There is nothing wrong in this. Futhermore, the child must not be taken
into the market until he/she is old enough to enter the market on his/her
own volition.


In general, the heaven is the beginning of all opportunities for Eil-Ogbe

children. They must however be advised against being too emotional or
fighting a wrong




ET-Ogbe is affiliated to all lrnmglQ

prominent ones include the following:


If Or q -



and Oga. However, the more

For overall Ire and especially for protection against


For suppoft, achievement and success. It is also
victory over adversary
For overatl Ire and to facilitate the good things of life
coming towards the children of ElT-Ogbe
gbetld- For progress, longevity, comfortand peaceof mind
$ngo Forchildren, good spouse and success
Ogrtn For victory and direction
For financial success, progress and selfAj (wealth deity)

Oke 10. Ibejl -



For leadership, progress and god support. Also for long

For progress and long life and victory over adversary
For double success, double victory and multiple Bifth

The taboos of E)-Ogbe are so many that it is not likely that anyone can
avoid all of them. Consequently, most Babalwo or Iyarff use to



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

If on which ones to drop among these taboos. Prominent among them



Must not eat goat to avoid depression and lack of progress

Must not eat

fowl to avoid being turned against by peers and

Must noteat peanuts toavoid children moftality
Must noteat mushrooms same as in (3)
Must noteatlmumu (0fr0) same as in (3)
Must not brush his body against early-morning dew (i.e must not go
morning) to avoid unfulfilled dreams
outtoo early in
Must never be envious of other people's achievements - to avoid
calamity and disaster to avoid unwanted repercussions
Must never be involved in sexual scandal to avoid disgrace and
Must never thin( plan or do evil to others to avoid negative
Must never tell lies to avoid the wrath of the Deities and public
Must never eat snakes to avoid being castigated among peers
72. Must never sleep in total darkness to avoid disappointments and to
be able to fulfil his/her destiny
13. Must never settrap for animals to avoid unfulfilled ambitions
Must never be a tailor or use needles to avoid being condemned by
peers. And to avoid lackof suppoft from colleagues
15. Must never pursue wealth at the expense of children to avoid











Life is most important

Ablnjg The unique bifth
Qlmenl Honour is given to one's present position
QlQrunjlnml - God blessed me
Qkanhwgn - This one is special and different

- Ones


6. Orlmidra - My Orl is good

7. Ikrtggbgb - Death has forgotten (about me)
8. Ifllay - If owns the world
9. Ifygrl - If excels
10. Iftqba - If is great

1. Ifgbay - If s universal
2. Qmglagg - Children are one's coverlet
3. Qmgniyl - Chld is one's prestige
4. Eird
5. Orlmidra - My O is good
6. Okemuyiwa - Oke (deity) has brought this
7. qhffitn - In-exhaustible honour





Chapter 2






Chapter 2

Alias: EfI-QVf



If says that it foresees all the Ire in life for the person for whom this
odu, QyQkrl-Ml is revealed. If says that this person shail be
blessed with abundant wealth, good and loving spouse, healthy and
.well-behaved children and all other essential things of life.

If also says that the most appropriate time for this person to pray to
his/her oldmar and other Deities is early in the mornings. By so
doing, If says that all his/her prayers shall be answered.

If advises this client to offer gbg with ttno hens, two pigeons, hro
rats, two fish, two guinea-fowls, hro cocks and money so that all
these good things of life shall be his/hers forever. On this aspect, QyQkuM) says:

Dffn Peregede
Tfl9eyyeOjmq mq
f bg ni wgn nl kO waa s. e
QpQIQ divnation seeds are they which after being filled up with food
Turned their stomach to the ground
This was lf's declaration to Peregede
The mother of Ojmg-mQ, the day has dawned
She was advised to offer ebg

It was Peregede who was complaining about her inability to succeed in life. She
had no money, no hope of succeeding in future. Consequently, she went to the
Awo mentioned above for If consultation. She was assured that she would
ceftainly attain success in her life. She was told that she was destined to succeed
in life. She was however advised to be communicating to her Oldmar and the

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Deities very early in the mornings as that was the time that the heavenly beings
were most disposed to answering her prayers. She was also advised to offer gbg
as stated above.
She complied with all the advices given by the Awo and noted the obseruations
of the Awo to her. Before long, she succeeded in her trade. Shoftly after this,
she had a good spouse. Together with her spouse, she was able to take care of
her health. Soon after, she became pregnant and had a bouncing baby. After
this, she had many more babies. With her husband and children, they built a big
house. They soon bought a horse. Wth all her achievements she knew that she
had hope for a brighter future. She was full of joy for what the Deities had done
for her.


Lda'kn d'le
Dlfiln Peregede

Fbq niwqn nl kw $e


Iwgni YyOjmq-mq
ojmqlremq milnll
Mo I'QkQnll


OjUmqlremQ mi lnfl

ojumqlremqm lnllo


OjumqlremQmi lnff
Mo I'Qgin l'ekan


Iwg ni Yy Ojumq-mq
ojmqlre mQ mi lnll
Mo nl'rcgbogbo

Qpele seed are they which after being filled up with food






Turned their stomach to the ground

This was If's declaration to Peregede
The mother of Ojm-mQ, the day has dawned
Shewas advised to offer gbg

Good day has dawned for me today
I am blessed with wealth

You are the motherof OjmQ-mQ
Good day has dawned for me today
I am blessed with a good spouse

You arethe mother of Ojmq-mQ
Good day has dawned for me today
I am blessed with lovely children

You arethe motherof OjmQ'mQ
Good day hasdawned for metoday
I am blessed with comfortable home

You are the mother of OjmQ-mo
Good day has dawned for me today
I am blessed with horses in the manger
You are the mother of OjmQ-mQ
God day has dawned for me today
I am blessed with allthe good things in lfe
You are the mother of OjmQ-mQ

If says that as long as the person for whom this Od is revealed knows how to
pray every mornng, work hard and is hopeful in life, there is no limit to what
he/she acheves. He/she shall be blessed with all the good things of life.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall definitely
succeed in life. If says that it has been pat of his/her destiny to succeed
in life. Consequently, his/her success is coming from heaven and not as a
result of any assstance from human bengs. He/she may be grateful to
some people for being instrumental to his/her success, but the ultimate
gratitude goes to Oldmar for counting him/her among the successful
ones in life. On this, If says:Subrlad o r'Qmg okn, kQriri-kQriri

royunkun ryungba
r yngb 16 gbngbnd


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

Ojo ba'h m'le rin gblndlngblndln

Dlfrtn Eil-Qve
Tlyt'Qrun lw'yblQba
Sbgniwqn nlk9e


Subad saw the Okn beads and showed her happiness
who dresses fashionably
She who dresses flamboyantly
The rain falls, and made the ground wet and soft
These were lf's declarations to El-QyQ
Who shall bring his unprecedented success from heaven to the world
He was advised to offer



When E:l-QyQ was about to come into this world, he chose as paft of his destiny
all the good things of life wealth, good spouse, lovely children, good health,
respect, honour, comfoftable home, long life, peace of mind, victory over
adversary and so on, while on earth, he went to the Awo mentioned above to
determine how best to achieve all what had been destined for him while in
heaven. He was advised to offer gbg with three pigeons, and money. He was
also advised to feed If with plenty of Qm)nI, banana and palm-oil. He
complied. He was equally told to feed his Of with plenty of QmInI bananas and
palm-oil. Before long, E:t-QVe became the most successful among his
When asked how he was able to make it that big, he simply responded that
had brought his success from heaven.



r'Qmg okn, kQriri-kQriri

royunkun rcyngb
rO yUngbe r gbngbnd
Ojo ba'h m'lQ rin gblndlngblndln
Dlfln El-Qyg
Tl y t'Qrun l w'y bl Qba Frekq


f;bg ni wQn nl k geO gb'ebo, O

Qrun lmiti mrt



Qlgmgat'Qrun gblw bQ
Subrfad saw Okn beads and showed her happiness
She who dresses fashionably
She who dresses fl amboyantly

The rain falls, and made the ground wet and soft
These were If's declarationsto Elt-QVe
Who shall bring his unprecedented success from heaven to the world
He was advised to offer



i!li or"*u



It is from heaven I brought my O

of comfort and success

Here comes an QmInI banana

Which brought its destinyfrom heaven

If says that the success of QyQktl-Mjt children and those for whom this
Od is revealed during consultation is guaranteed. It is just a matter of
when it will come and how it will come.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed
with many children. If says that his/her home shall be like a market
with children. All the children shall be healthy, lovely, obedient and
successful. He/she need to offer gbg with eight rats, eight fishrhruo
hens and money. He/she also needs to feed If with four rats and
fourfish with palm oil. On this aspect, a stanza in QyEkrl-MI says:
Igbotq'lQ kl'lg ml
IgbOtq'lQ kl'lQ rin dQndQn
Q+qq+q-Fge on|rro
IX filn Qlbamlnle
Tfi S'gmg fgb nl'lAk

Ey to fgylntl m'jr qkrin snrhn gmg

Fbq ni wQn nl k 9e.

Letlgb0 birds walk on the ground for the ground to shake
LetIgbO birds walk on the ground for the ground to wet profusely
Thechirping of f9, the palm-birds
These were declarations of If to Qlbanf nlQ
Theofbpring of fgb inthe homeof Ak
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to give bifth to a child
He was advised to offer gbg

Qlbarnfnl was married for a very long time. Unfoftunately, the marriage was
not blessed with any chld. He tried everything he knew, to no avail. one day, he
summoned courage and went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation;
would he be blessed with children in his life? Would he have children who would
assist him in his old age? The Awo assured QlbarnfnlQ that he would be blessed
with several children and grand children in his life. He was told that his home
shall turn to a market with children. He was however advised to offer ebo as
prescribed above. He complied.
Before long, hiswife became pregnant. She gave bifth to a baby boy. Soon.after,


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

she gave bith to several other children in quick successon. Before long, these
children began to give birth to several children of their own. The home
glbarffnlQ was so fullof children that people began to compare his home with a
market. This comparison gave QlbanfnlQ the greatest joy of his life.
QlbanfnlQ lived and died a very happy man, when he was asked how he got all
the children, he used to respond that it was If who promised him that his home
shall be asfilled with children asa market.
Igbotg'l$ kl'19 ml
Igbotg'lQ kl'lQ rin dQndQn
Q+qqqe-Fga onlrro
Dl filn QlbmlnlQ
Tff g'gme Fgb nl'lAk
Eyltf,ylntl m'jtl ekun s0nrhn gmg
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e.



gb'$bg' nt'bg

Nje Qqqqqq-Fga onlrro

If r'p il ib kn
A d'oia Onlrro

Q+qe$-Fga onlrrc



Letlgb birds walkon the ground forthe ground to

Letlgbo birds walk on the ground for the ground to wet profusely
The chirping of Pg, the Palm-birds
These were declarations of If to Qlbarnf nlQ
Theoffspring of pgb inthe homeof Ak
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to give bifth to a child
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now, the chirping of Fg birds
It is If which promised that this home shall be filled with


And shall be comPared to a market

QSqOpq-Fg onf rro, the chirping of the


fga birds we praise!

If says that it foresees the lre of a chieftaincy title for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she shall become a titleholder before he/she died.

If says also that he/she shall be blessed with a fitting spouse and
also with beautiful and well-behaved children.



il Oyeku Meji

If equally says that the persons for whom this Od is revealed shall
live long. He/she shall never die young. He/she shall never be
involved in group death, such as multiple accidents or any other
mishap which may cause several people to die at the same time.

When the person for whom this Od is revealed is outside, there is

the need for him/her to be careful with what he/she will be eating.
This is because eating outside may cause serious disagreement between
him/her and his/her loved ones.

If says that there is need for people to have respect for elders where
this Od is revealed. This is in order to avoid terrible calamity here.
There is also the need to offer the following gbg here, for chieftaincy:
two pigeons, two cow:t?ils, one male duck and money. For a
good spouse: hro hens for males, cocks for females, and
money; for children: four rats, four fish, one guinea fowl and
money: for longevity: hro cocks and money: for avoidance of
calamity: two cocks and money. There is also the need to feed If
with ether a hen or a she goat, and to feed Eg with either a cock or a


On allthese, a stanza in QyQkrl-M) says:

Wqn 4 pa kbQ-kbQ-krlbwo'lAro
Mo nl Owo lQ rlpa krbq-kbe-kbq wg'le Aro s{?
WQn nl Oyl'wgn jq
Mo nl Oly y gb ogb Ohyqyetuy
Y gb ogb Olyeeyeetuye
Y gb ogb OlgbO oun epr
Ara gbogbo l'qt fil h'ew gburugburu
Qgbqqgbq lywo, Q9'qryw g'akin
Eyl togbogbgb
Td fgmg ow rn olde

Qmsowu jejeeje
kr bl abr
gbe irinwgdrln l'ye baba rq

They were congregating in the home of Ar
I enquired why they were congregating in the home of Ar


lfa da: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They responded thatthey were taking a chieftainry title

I prayed that the title holder shall grow old and feeble
The title holder shall live very long on earth
The title holder shall grow grey hair and become bald-headed
Just like the guinea fowl grows grey hair all over its body
The title holder shall be as old as OhJ-ASo
The newly betrothed wife, who is both beautifuland brave

And used the blacksmith's hammer as her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age
And reduced to just a mere needle
She spent 400 years on the throne of her ancestors
She gave birth to 1,300 children

If says that while Qrrlnmll was wanderng about, he met people preparng to
take chieftainry title in the home of Ar. He went there to enquire what they
were doing. They told him and he blessed them. After this, they asked him to
return home as his wanderng was enough. He responded that it was not yet
time for him to return home.
WQn n pa kubg-kUbe-kb$wg'lAr
Mo nlemi niwqn p kbe-kbQ-krtbQwg'lArsl?
WQn nilyw l'wQn gb
Mo nl lyew y gb ogb OlyeJeqtuyq
Y gb ogb olrryQeyeetuye
Y gb ogb Olgb oun aprl
Ara gbogbo l'gt fl hiew gburugburu
Y gb ogb Ol-ASo
ggbQQg bQ lyw, Qq'qrqw 9'akin
Tfgmg ow rn old s'orn
Qmsowu jejeeje
k bt abere
gb irinwgdrtn l'ye baba rc

The second time
They were congregating in the home of Ar
I enquired why they were congregating in the home of Ar
They responded thatthey were taking a new wife
I prayed thatthe newwife shall grow old and feeble
The new wife shall live very long on earth
The wife shall grow grey hair and become bald-headed
Just like guinea-fowl grows grey hair all over its body


The new wife shall be as old as Ohf -Agg
The newly betrothed wife who is both beautiful and brave

And used the blacksmiths hammer as her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age
And reduced to justa mere needle
She spent 400 years on the throne of her forefathers
She gave birth to 1,300 children

Qrnmll also narrated how he wandered about and returned to Ar's home the
second time. He saw people celebrating during a marriage ceremony. When he
was told this, Qrrlnm'll blessed them. After this, they asked Qrnmll to come
and celebrate with them in Ar's home and stop wanderng about. Qrrlnmll
declined theirofferand told them that itwas notyettimefor him to return home.
Wqn pa kbg-kbQ-kbQwg'leAro
Mo nleminiwQn p kbe-kbe-kbqwg'lArs{?
WQn nl gmg l'wQn tk
Mo nl Qmg yoo 9b ogb Olyeeye*uye
Y gb ogb olyeeyeetuye
Y gb ogb Olgb oun prl
Ara gbogbo l'gt fil h'ew gburugburu
ggbQQgbQ lyiwO, Q+'qre, w S'akin
T fgmg ow rn od s'Qrn
qmgowr jqjeejq
ku blabqrq
gb irinw gdrin l'ye baba rq

thethird occasion
Theywere congregating in the home of Ar
I enqured what they were congregating in the home of Ar for
They responded thattheywere doing a naming ceremony
I prayed thatthe new born babyshallgrow old and feeble
The new born baby shall live very long on earth

The baby sha | grow g rey hair and become bald-headed

Just like guinea-fowl grows grey hairall over its body

The baby shall be as old as Ohl-ASQ

The newly betrothed wife, who is both beautiful and brave

Who lived and became so old
And used the blacksmith's hammer as her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

And reduced to just a mere needle

She spent 400 years on the throne of her ancestors
She gave bifth to 1,300 children

Again, Qrrtnmll narrated how he came to Ar's house the third time. He met
them celebrating the arrivalof a new born baby. He blessed the baby. Again, he
was invited to enter the house of Ar and celebrate with them. This time around
he did.
Qrnm'il said that when he glanced at his right hand side, he saw people eating
mashed yam with palm oil. They invited him to come and eat but he declined.
He said that when he glanced at his left hand side, he saw another group of
people eating mashed water-yam with palm-oil. They too invited him to come
and eat; and again, he declined. He said that when he glanced straight ahead,
he found yet another group of people eating mashed coco-yam with palm-oil.
And again, he was invited to come and eat; and this time around, he ate a little
and returned to his own home.

When he got home, Qrnmll said that his adopted parents asked him to tell
them what he ate outside; and he responded that he did not know what he ate.
Hearing this, his adopted parents said that they were going to beat him up for
that. There and then, Qrnmll said that he declared that it was a forbidden act
for anyone to ever lay his/her hand against him. He said that nobody raises
his/her hand to beat a cobra, or a boa conscriptor, or a leopard, if not a proficient
hunter. That was the time QrrlnmIl's adopted parents suspected that he was
not an ordinary human being after all.
In their state of confusion, they asked Orrlnmll to tellthem where he learnt all
what he was saying. In order to confuse them the more, Qrnm'll said that he
told them another story to shield himself from answering their question. He said
thatthe event in the storywentthus:
Two devilish beings named AwrirrJk-Madgb and 0jO-perk-m-wQ wentto
E)gb-mgkn market and gave the mother of Ikrl (Death) a beating of her life.
When Ik heard of what had happened, he used a cobra as his protection charm
and used a scorpion as his charm for finding his ways in the dark.

Armed with these charms, Qrnmll said that Ik landed onlgb tree and felled
t. Next it was Fde tree and it was felled. Next it was Irk tree and this was
felled. Next it was Ooro tree and again it was felled. In his blind fury and desire


to destroy anything and everything that he came across on hs way, he landed on
AynrQ tree in order to fell it. AynrQ tree dodged to the right side and Ik fell
down and broke his fore limbs. Ikrl pursued it again, and AynrQ tree dodged to
the leftside and Ik broke his hind-limbs. Ikrt made a third attemptand broke his
waist. Having narrated this story Qrrlnmll then demanded from his adopted
parents that like the Ayunre tree, we should be seeking If's special protection
against Ikri whenever it is coming to land on, and fell a follower of If. When he
said this, his adopted parents forgot about every other thing and prayed for
protection and longevityfrom Qrrtnmll and QyQkrl-M1T.

Wqn 4 pa kubg-kbQ-kbgwg'lAr
Mo nl wO lQ rtpa kbg-kbe-kbe wg'b Aro sl?
WQn nl Oyl'wgn n jq
Mo nl Olye y gb ogb Ohyyetuyq
Y 9b ogb ohryQQyQetuye
Y gb ogb Olgb un prl
Ara gbogbo I'qt fil h'ewr gburugburu
Y gb ogb Ol-Aqo
QgbQQgbQ lyiwo, Qg'qrgw 9'akin

fgmg ow rn od s'orn
emgowrt jejeeje
k blabre
gb irinwgdrln l'ye baba rg
WQn nl fre mitf
Kl nyal

Wqn pa kbQ-kbQ-krlbgwg'lAr
Mo nl emi ni wqn p kbq-kbQ-kbg wg'l Ar sf?
WQn ni lyawO l'wQn rtgb
Mo nl lyw y 9b ogb Oyeeyuye
Y<l gb ogb OlrlyQeyeetuye
Y gb ogb Olgb oun prl
Ara gbogbo l'gt fil h'ew gburugburu
Y gb ogb Olu-Aqo
9g bQQgbQ lywo, Os'qrqwa g'akin

fgmg owrl rn od s'Qrn
Qmgowrl jejeeje
k bl abere
gbe irinw gdrln l'ye baba rg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

WQn nl ire


Kf nya'l

Wqn pa kbe-kbQ-krtbwq'lAr
Monlemi niwqn p kbe-kbe-kbqwg'lArsl?
WQn nl gmg l'wQn tk
Mo nl Qmg y gb ogb Oluyeeytuy
Y gb ogb Olyeeyeetuye
Y gb ogb Olgb Oun parl
Ara gbogbo I'qt fil h'ew gburugburu
Y gb ogb Ol-Aqo
ggbQQgbQ lywo, Qg'qrqw 9'akin
T fgmQ ow rn ode s'qrun
Qmgowrt jejeeje
ku tabere
gb rnw gdrn l'ye baba rq
WQn nl iremitf
Kl nyal

lgby,l ni mowaayal

Mo b wgn nlbi wQn gb nfepo jTwO igukg


Moqljwoap miOsl
Mo b wgn nlbi wQn gb nfepo j'lw ewra

Mo#5rwoarln mi pQngb blojq
Mo bwgn nlbi wgn gb nfepo j'lw kok l'gbl
WQn nl nw jg

WQn nl w

miwaa jgdlQnlbQ
Mgbatlmod'n il
Iya mi nl klnnimo je
Molmo mgountl mojq
Bb mi nl klnni mo jq

Iya mi l'un n ml
Bb mi l'un n ml
f;nlkan kff gi'wQ lu gk
Fnlkan kll ql'wQ lu er
Snlkan kllgl'wQ lu qkn



WQn nlwgnta lkQ mi lyff

Mo nl awgn Awtrkt-madgb

Awgn Ojo-peruk-m-we
Awgn niwQn nlyIk I'qja ETgbo-mgkn
Ik m ok
fi se'Kb


fi serrka

Igb gblre n1h
Iktort ede
FdQegHra n1h
Ikrl t orllrk0
IrkOgblre n'lle
Ik t orl ooro
Oorogblr n'llQ
Ikrl t orl ayUnrq
Iku fap d

Ikrl wfagbede-mejl d rne
l(nni yoo yg'krt n l'rf Awo
Qba leil-Qyg
If nyye'k nu l'rlAwo
If nyfEyeye'k
IkU to jde n'lle
T rl wAwo bQw
If niy fQyqyg'ku
They were congregating in the home of Ar
I enqured whatthey were congregating forin the home of Ar
They responded that they were taking a chieftaincy title
I prayed that the title holder shall grow old and feeble
The ttle holder shall live very long on eafth
The title holder shall grow grey hair and become bald-headed
Just like guinea-fowl grows grey hair all over its body
The ttle holder shall be as old as Oh1-agg
The newly betrothed wife, who is both beautiful and brave

And used the blacksmiths hammer as her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age
And reduced to just a mere needle


ll Oyeku Mej

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

She spent 400 years on the throne of her ancestors

She gave bifth to 1,300 children

They said my prayers were enough

They asked me to come in
I responded that I was not coming in
The second time
They were congregating in the home of Ar
I enquired what they were congregrating for in the home of Aro
They responded that they were taking a new wife
I prayed thatthe new wife shall grow old and feeble
The newwife shall livevery long on eafth
The wife shall grow grey hair and become bald-headed
Just like guinea-fowl grows grey har all over its body
The new bride shall be as old as Ol-ago
The newly betrothed wife, who is both beautifuland brave

And used the blacksmiths hammer as her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age
And reduced to justa mere needle
She spent 400 years on the throne of her ancestors
She gave bifth to 1,300 children
They said my prayers were enough
They asked me to come in
I responded that I was not coming in
On the third occasion
They were congregating in the home of Ar
I enquired whattheywere congregating for in the home of Ar
They responded thattheywere doing a naming ceremony
I prayed thatthe new born baby shall grow old and feeble
The new born baby shall live very long on eath
The baby shall grow grey har and become bald-headed
Just like guinea-fowl grows grey hair all over its body
The baby shall be as old as Ol-agg
The newly betrothed wfe, who is both beautifuland brave

And used the blacksmiths hammeras her neck pendant
The hammer ate away steadily with age
And reduced to just a mere needle
She spent 400 years on the throne of her ancestors
She gave bifth to 1,300 children
They said my prayers were enough
They asked me to come in
That was the time I entered the house
I glanced at my right hand side
I saw them where they were using palm-oil to eat mashed yam
They invited meto paftake in eating
I declined theiroffer
I glanced at my left hand side


iiii or"*,
I sawthem usng palm-oilto eat mashed wateryam
They invited me to come and partake
I declined there offer
I glanced straightahead of me
I sawthem using palm-oilto eatcocoyam in the courtyard
They invited me to come and paftake
Then I ate just a little
When I returned home
My mother asked me what I had eaten
I responded that I did not know what I had eaten
Myfather asked me what I had eaten
I responded that I did not know what I had eaten
My mothersaid thatshewould beat me up
My frther said that he would beat me up
I declared that it is an abomination
Nobody dare raises his bare hand to beat a cobra
Nobody dare raises his bare hand to beat a boa conscrictor
Nobody dare raises his bare hand to beat a leopard


Except a proficient hunter

They asked me who had taught me all these



that it was AwrJnJkrl-madgb and OjO-


They were the ones who beat up


(Death)'s mother at

EIgb0mgkn market
Ik (Death) took a cobra
And made it his protection charm
He took the boa
And used itas path finding charm

tookthe scorpion

And made ithisfighting ring

Ikrl landed onlgb tree
Down wentthelgb tree
IkrJ landed on fdE tree
And down went Edetree
Ik landed on Oorotree
And down wentOorotree
Ik landed on Aynretree
But Aynrg tree dodged to the right side
Ik fell down and broke his forelimbs
And Aynrg dodged to the left
And lkri felldown and broke his hind limbs
Iku then broke the mid-section of his body
Now, what is itthatwillward off Ik (Death) from the head of
It is El-QyQ (QyQku-Mel) the king
It is If who wll ward off lkr: from the head of Awo
It is lfa who shall use Oye divination powderto ward off IkrJ
When Ik leaves his home




lfa Dida: An invitaon to lla Consultation

And is looking for an Awo to kill

It is If who shall use Qye dvination powder to ward off Ik

If says that O3gkrf-MI shall ward off death and other forms of calamity that is
about to befall the person for whom this Od is revealed. The protection of If
forthis person is guaranteed.


If says that it foresees the Ire of longevity for the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that lkrl, Death, will show compassion for
him/hen If says that he/she will live to his/her old age.

In the same vein, If says that the home where this Od is revealed shall
be spared the pain of death, affliction and other misfoftunes.
If it is duringlkgsgdy, If says thatthe life of the new born baby shall be
spared and the baby shall live long on earth. The appropriate name of the
new born baby is lkrlgn as given by If. There is the need to offer qbg
with one he-goat and money. There is also the need to feed If with
four rats, fourfish and money. On these, If says:
Em Qye

rwe Qve

Qyepe+g le lt'ok bq
9mq arywon Se bl ojmq l rtmq w
oimqo mEo
E fn lk9en
Tl rtt'Qrun bqwy
fbg niwgn nl k9e

I am QyQ, the twilight
You are QyQ, the twilight
The twilight was just showing appearance in the sky
People thought it was the day which had dawned

It was not yet dawn

It was only the twilight appearing in the sky
These were If's declaratons to lkrlgnr1 (Ik had shown me compassion)
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer ebQ

It was lkrlSnri who was coming from heaven to eafth. He decided to go for If
consultation so as to determine how successful his sojourn on eafth would be:



Would he be successful? Would he be able to live tong enough to get married,

bear children, build his own house, have his own horse and be able to achieve all
those things which made people successful on eafth?
IkFan was assured that If had guaranteed that he would live long on earth.
If he did not die young, he would be able to achieve all his heaft's desires. He
was then advised to offer qbg as prescribed above. He complied and set out on
his journey to eafth. While on eafth, he was guided and protected by the deities.
He was able to live long and happily. He achieved all his eafth's desires. Ikrl
showed him pity by leaving him alone to Iive his life in peace. By the time
Ikrlgnu died, he was an extremely old man:
Em QyQ


Oreqeeeta tt'okbq
Qmgaraywqn ge bl ojmQ
Ojmq o mq o


fn lksan
Tl t'Qrun bQwy
fbgniwqn nl kge

je Ik b 9anrt omoAwo
Kl o re'l mlrn
I am Qyg, the twilight
You are QyQ, the twilight
The twilight was just showing appearance in the sky
Peoplethought itwasthe daywhich had dawned

Itwas notyetdawn
It was only the twilight appearing in the sky
These were lf's declarations to lkrlgn (Ik had shown me compassion)
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advsed to offer ebQ


Ikrl, please have merry on Awo

Arn, Afflictions, please have mercy on Awo
And goto other lands

If says that the person for whom QyqkU-mJ'i is revealed shall be spared
the pain of death, afflictions and other evil forces while on eafth.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


If says that the person for whom QyQkrl-M) is revealed shall not be
allowed to die a group death. He/she shall be spared when there is
natural or human-caused disaster such as earthquake, fire, road
accident, plane crash, sea mishap and other similar occurrence.

If says that there is the need for this person to offer qbg with one
he-goat, money and a piece of red clothe. If this can be done,
his/her ability to live long and to avoid group disaster is assured. On
this, a stanza is QyQkrl-M) says:
Qpagbongb nfl Stwj agbQn'nini
Fse mieil nll jljdrt qna gborcgn-gborogn
Dl fn SrunlQjQ aqq
Mjq tl wqn t'Qrun bq w'y
Fbg ni wQn nl kl wQn ge


is used to brush awaythe early-morning dew

The two feet fight for supremacy in their bid to lay claim to the foot-path
These were If's declarations to the 165 clothes

When coming from heaven to eafth

Theywere advised to offer gbq

One hundred and sixty five clothes with variety of textures, colours and makes
were about to leave heaven for eafth. They decided to go for If consultation in
order to know how their sojourn on eafth would be. The Awo told them that they
would all be successful on eafth. They were assured that people would love
them when they reached the eafth and that people would want them to be their
They were however advised that there was the need for them to offer gbQ with
one he-goat each in order to avoid a situation where they, the clothes, would
be dying group deaths or where they would be made to accompany corpses to
The 165 clothes deliberated on the information given to them by the Awo and
concluded that even though these Awo were competent, they were nonetheless
greedy. The clothes claimed that the Awo were actually demanding for 165 hegoats. They concluded that only thieves could ask for such things and therefore
the Awo were thieves. All of them refused to offer the ebQ except kQlQ-the red
clothes or calico. KQIQ said that he could not afford the consequence of doubting





!l oyeku Meji

Consequently, he went and offered his own ebq. Soon after this, whenever
anyone died, allthe clothes, with the exception of Keh, were used to accompany
such corpse to heaven. That was how all the remaining clothes began to die premature deaths while only KQIQ, was spared. KQIQ began to sing and dance and
give praises to his Awo. From that time hencefofth, it was an abomination and
taboo to use calico or red cloth to bury a corpse.
Qpa gbOngb nfl gfwajrl agbQn'nini

mjejl nll jljdrl Qne gborogn-gborogn

Dl fif n QrunlQjQagg
Mjq tl wQn t'Qrun bg w'aye
fbgniwqn nl klwQnge
KQIQ nlkan n nbe I'eyln t g'ebg
Kgle l ru o
Ken |t
Aggt b m'qbg
Kll b wgn yn mOrlg

A shoft staff is used to brush away the early-morning dew
The two feet fight for supremacy in their bid to lay claim to the foot-path
These were lf's declarations to the 165 clothes
When coming from heaven to eafth
Theywere advised to offergbg
Only KQIQ, the red cloth, complied
It is KQIQ which complied with If's advice
The clothe which recognized the need to offer ebo
Will neverexperience group death

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will never be involved in
group death or be involved in mass disaster.


If says that there is a female where this Od is revealed or that if the

person for whom this Od is revealed is a female, she needs to be advised
that it is in her best interest to marry an Awo or for her man to be fully
initiated into If. This is because the female in question has a problem that
only those who are consulting If and offering gbg regularly will be able to
solve for her. In other words, it is to the advantage of such a woman to do
so as she stands to gain tremendously from such relationship.
At the same time, if this Od is revealed during lkgsqdaye for a female

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consuftation


chld, the name of such a baby is AtrQ and she ought to be given out
an Awo or someone initiated into If when she is matured enough to

In the interim, the female is question needs to tie the Id beads round her
waist wrist or neck as a sign of her being lf's wife or ApQtQbl. She also
needs to offer gbg with two cocks, two guinea-fowls and money. She
needs to feed If with four rats, four fish and money. On these If


j k'Qni sn
Itahgodogbo koj k'gni sn I'qdede


Irl d
Irl so
Irl bal ta lb-|be-|b
Dlfiln Qrrlnmll
If lqg'gkgAtrO
fibgniwQn nl kge

The tiny



do not allow one to sleep in



The big biting bugs do not allow one to sleep in the verandah
The dew stopped
The dew settled
The dew dropped and scattered on the ground
These were If's declarations to Qntnm)l
When going to marryAtOrQ
He was advised to offergbg

woman. She was suffering from all softs of ailments ranging from physical, mental, emotional to psychological problem. She had a
weak heaft and her womb was blocked, making it impossible for her to become
pregnant. When the information on her problems leaked out to people, every
prospective suitor ran away from her. She became lonely, sad and sicker. At a

AtOrQ was a very sick

stage, she lost all hopes.

When Qrnmll saw this, he took pity on AtrQ and decided to marry her in order
to take care of her and help solve all her problems for her. He went to consult If,
and If gave him the go-ahead. In no time, Qrnm'il made all the necessary
moves and AtrQ became his wife. The parents of AtrQ were simply too happy
to give her hands away in marriage to Qrr1nmll. Immediately AtrQ moved





Qrrlnm)l began intensive treatment for her. Before long, she was cured of all her
ailments. Soon after, she became pregnant and gave bifth to a baby. She had
several children soon after. She became happy, contented and a proud wife and
mother for the rest of her life.
iiil or"*u

je k'Qni sn n'll
Italg godogbo ko j k'n sn I'qd+dQ
Emf r{n kO

lrl d
Irl so
Irl bal ta lb-lb-lb
Dlfiln Qrnmll
If lg g'gkgAto
f b9 niwQn nl k s, e


Irl so
Emlr{n kO j k'n O sUn n'll
Italg godogbo ko jQ k'Qni sn I'qdede
Irl d
Irl so
Irl balQ ta lb-lbe-lb
Dl frln Qrnmll

If lgg'gkgAtrO
f;bg ni wqn nl k 9e
Emlr{n kO j k'Qni sn n'll
Itale godogbo ko jQ k'ni sn I'qdQde

lrl d
Irl so
Irl balQ ta lb-lebe-Eb
If rlgs'okoAtrO
[b9 ni wqn ff k 9e
Qrunmll dr
If kow s'okoAtOlO

The tiny mosquitoes do not allow one to sleep in the room
The big biting bugs do not allow one to sleep in the verandah

The dew stopped

The dewsettled
The dew dropped and scattered on the ground
These were If's declarations to OrrJnmll


Ifa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

When going to marryAtOr

He was advised to offer gbg
Nowthe dew stopped

Please Ornm'il
Do come and take AtOrg


If says that the woman for whom this Od is cast is an ApQtQbi. She needs
to marry If and she willdefinitely have causeto rejoice in the end.

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odrl is revealed shall succeed in life.
He/she had been having problems because he/she had been using the
wrong materials to feed his/her Ofi. If says that it is a taboo forthis client
to use water as paft of the material to feed his/her O. As long as this is
being done, so long shall he/she be experiencing hardship. The moment
water is replaced with palm-oil and used to feed his/her O, his/her
problems shall be replaced with prospects; despair shall be replaced with
hope; disappointments shall be replaced with fulfillment; agony shall be
replaced with pleasure and sadness shall be replaced with joy.
If says that this client need to offer gbg with one he-goat and money in
order to neutralize all the negativity caused by his/her initial usage of water
as paft of the materials for feeding his/her Of . When next he/she wishes to
feed his/her O, he/she must first put some drops of palm-oil on the
ground before any other thing is done. On these, If says:

fnit rtfg'gb

kl Se

Fnitl rlfgawo
k ee
Dl firn lni t jl nl Ktkt
T 'fomi b'Qrl i rQ
f;bg ni wqn nl k 9e

Those washing calabashes
I say"well-done"
And those washing plates
I say"well-done"


iiii ov"r" u"l

These were If's declarations to "he who wakes up early in the

And uses waterto feed his Of "
He was advised to offer gbg

The person in question was a very successful farmer in his time. One day, he
discovered that his yields were dwindling gndually. He therefore went for If
consultation. During this consultation QyQkrl-M'i was revealed. The Awo
advised him to offer gbg and feed his Of . He did. When he was aboutto feed his
O, he used water as part of the feeding materials. Instead of improving, his
farm yields became worse than ever before. He changed the materials with which
he fed his of from kolanuts, to coconuts, from pigeon to guinea-fowl,
hen, cock, duck, ewe, ram, and so on, but still included water. There was
no improvement. He changed his profession several times. He tried hunting,
weaving, trading, singing and so on. still, there was no improvement. His
situation was getting worse bythe day.
One day, he decided to consult another set of Babalwo for If consultation. He
approached the Awo mentioned above. when If was cast for him, QyQkrl,M)
was once more revealed. The Awo assured him that his lot would change forthe
better. He was informed that he was in his present state because he had been
using the wrong materials for feeding his Of He was also advised to offer one
he goat and money. After this he was to feed his O with palm-oil and any
other materials of his choice. When feeding his Of, some palm-oil needed to be
dropped on the ground before any otherthing could be done. He complied.

When all these had been done, all the spirits responsible for his anguish and
disappointments disappeared and were replaced with those which brought
happiness, achievements and progress. He was a very happy man aftenruards.

fni t rtfg'gb

I krl i96
fnitt fgawo

k ise
Dl fin fnitfl nl Ktkot
T'fomi b'Qrl i rQ
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
WQn nl epo ni k maa fi bqrt

gb'gbgr r'bg
jqlwa mi y lg sok nlgbyt o
Bllpgnrf in b gb'epo

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Cansuftaton

Iw a nQ a sl goke

Those washing calabashes
I say"well-done"
And those washing plates
I say"well-done"
These were lf's declarations to"he who wakes up early in the morning
uses waterto feed his Ofi "
He was advised to offer ebQ
He was also told to be using palm-oil instead
My destiny shall certainly rise this time
When the fire is fed with Palm oil
Its destiny shall surelY go uP

If says that the luck of this client shall certainly shine through. He/she shall
surely become a successful man or woman. His/her tribulations shall become
things of the past in a shoft time to come.

for ;
whom this Od is revealed. If says that this person shall be very

9. If says that it foresees limitless success and achievement

for the person

successful in the areas of If practices, herbal medicine, conventional

medicine, nursing, midwivery occultism, pharmacy, otthopaedic medicine
or nursing, and other para-medical fields.

If says that in any field that he/she chooses, his/her popularity

extend far beyond the community, country or region where he/she resides.
He/she shall be sought after by the highly placed and influential people in


If however warns that in all what he/she he/she must never allows his
/her achievements to enter his /her head. He must never show pride. The
more his/her success, the more humble he/she must be. The more the
humility, the morethe success.
The person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer gbg with hro
white pigeons, two guinea fowls and money. He/she also needs to
serve lfa with four rats, four fish, one hen and money. On this, If



I tl



Oyeku Meji

f ni a nl k hu'p le hu'p
Fnia nl k hu'yele O le hu'yQl
Qqtun t nlgba gwqt nlgba qsQ
sltrn bwgn-Qn hwa pQlQ
Dl fn Ogo-Imle
QmgafrQ jqun olunjg
fbgniwQn nl k$e

Those whom we thought would raise their arms in



Those whom we thought would raise their legs

could not do so at


arrogance also

failed to do so
The millipede which has 200 hands, and 200 legs
He was howevershowing unbelievable meekness
These were If's declarations to Ogo-Imglg, the lazy one
Who, early in the mornng, eats other people'sfood
He was advised to offer gbg

Ogo Imqlq, the lazy one, was an If practitoner. He could not farm. Neither
could he hunt. He had no experience n trading. His only interest was n the area
of If. He was very versatile in this field. The only snag n this was that his
peopfe consdered him a lazy man, who would only live through the mercy of
others. They considered that he was living a mendcant life, unfit for any member
of their family. They abused him daily. Tired of their incessant harassment, he
went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation; would he become a
successful man through his chosen career? Would he be accorded respect and
honour in his profession? As a Babalwo, would he be able to acquire all the
good things of life which people considered as yardsticks for fulfillment in his life?

In response to his questions, the Awo assured him that he would become a very
successful If practitioner in his life, that he would be highly respected and
honoured in his profession, that he would be able to acquire all the good things of
life, That he would be popular and well respected from far and near. The lazy
one was told that it was from his laziness that he would be able to achieve allthe
good things of life. He was however warned against being proud and arrogant.
He was told that if he lowered himself through humility, the Deities shall raise him
up by making him prosperous. Conversely, if he showed pomposity, the Deities
shall lower him. He was also advised to offer gbg with two white pigeons,
two guinea fowls, two hens, two cocks and money, He complied.
He did not only comply, he was treating each and every client of his with genuine

humility, care and Iove. This attitude surprised a lot of people and it endeared

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

him to his various clients because they always felt welcomed whenever they went
to the house of the lazy one. For this reason, his clients made it a point of duty
introduce more clients to him. Because he was competent in his chosen career,
he used to retain these new clients.


Soon after this, the lazy one began to accumulate wealth. He felt he was ready to
get married. All his people who had hitheto been castigating him rose in his
suppoft and he was able to get a good and loving woman as wife. The woman
gave birth to several children for him. With his wife and children, he was able to
erect a house befitting his status, and in due course he bought several horses. All
these he did without being carried away by his achievements and without
pompous. All his people reluctantly admitted that his chosen profession and
"laziness" really benefitted him. When asked how he was able to achieve so
much in his lifetime; he responded that If, labeled as the lazy man's profession
was indeed an interesting career. He concluded that all gratitude was to If who
made it possible for him to accomplish all what he did. He was made a
community leader and his opinions and suggestions carried a lot of weight in his


Fni a nl k hu'p O le hu'P
fni a nl k hu'yQlQ o le



tn lrb wgn-qn hwaa pQ

Dl filn Ogo-Im$lq
QmgafrQ jgun olnjq
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
Imlg mi ni mo ge
fi mofi l'w
OwolmqlQdn l'dnj

f b midpel'qwqlf

F n'lf geun, geun

Imele ni mo ge
Tl mofi l'ya
Owolmql dn l'dnj


! b mi dp I'o, wq lfa
! n'ffa Feun, geun

Imqlq ni mo qe
Tl mofi bl'mq
Tl mofi kQl o
Owolmgl dn


iiii ov"r,,


mi dpe l'qwq If
geun, geun
lmqlq ni mo ge
Tl mo nlregbogbo
Owlmgldn l'dnj
F b mi drp I'qwq If
; n'ffa geun, Seun
F b



Those whom we thought would raise their arms in

could not
do so at all
Those whom we thought would raise their legs in arrogance also failed to
do so
The millipede which has 200 hands, and 200 legs
He was however showing unbelievable meekness
These were If's declarations to Ogo-Imelq, the lazy one
Who, early in the morning, eats other people's food
He was advised to offergbo
He complied
It is my laziness that brought me wealth
The profession of the lazy one is very rewarding
Help give my thanks to If
ThatI am verygrateful
It is my laziness that brought me spouse
The profession of the lazy one is very rewarding
Help give mythanks to If
That I am very grateful
It is my laziness that brought me children
The profession of the lazy one is very rewarding
Help give my thanks to If
ThatI am verygrateful
It is my laziness that brought me house
The profession of the lazy one is very rewarding
Help give my thanks to If
That I am very grateful
It is my laziness that brought me all the good things of life
The profession of the lazy one is very rewarding
Help give my thanks to If
That I am very grateful

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have cause to be
grateful to If. As long as he/she shows humility, there is no limit to his/her
success in life.

lfa Dida: An invitation to tfa Consuttation


If says that it foresees the lre of materiafs

success, several children,
and generalwellbeing forthe person forwhom
this Od is revealed.

says that whenever he/she rends other peopre
needs not lord it over those who are ni/ner
debtors. This is because
those for whom this Od is revealed hve
the tendency to make life

unbearable for their debtors. on the other

hands, If says that if those for
whom this od is reveared are the one o*ng
othe, ir,"v have the
tendency not to wish to pay U'r" ron.v'wen
aske'd ioiir," money
they are owing, they do not believe in ."
their inability to pay in a
gentte manner, instead they wourd
ask thbsethy ur.o* i
", bst as
they cannot commit suicide because tnev ie
owing somebody; and that
neither can they be killed simply becaus
ilrev rarc to r"rrn*nrt tt,.y
are owing' If says that there is nothing
.nyon. can do about this because
the attitude cannot be changed.

If says arso that no matter

.whgt the person for whom this od is
revealed has acquired in life, he/she
wli stll oe looking foi-more. tra
says that he/she shall be getting more
and more oi uit the good
things of life, even when h/sne-o"r noi
such things in any
way.The craze to acquire more and more .need.
things in rife s wat keeps
him/her going


his/her undoing.

art times.


extreme cases however, it may be

If says that there is the

for him/her to offer qbg with four

pigeons, four cocks, a coupre of his
i ,oney,


stanza in QyQkrl-M) says:


Olw nfl gb,| rnn$e, omiAk

KO s| odO


a pa Ot0sl sl, omi tbar,

txfin Koltmitan
rfi geyeye Ojomtntgtg
It tre tko t9e bbnray
Eyltf elgrun oslwaa t"nna Iw fn
Sbg niwqn nl kowaa $e
A creditor is he who sits at home and
sends (debtors) onerrand, the name
Ak River


iill ov"tu


A creditor cannot be found guilty for lending money to a debtor, the name of



failure to
There is no river where a debtor can be executed (for
Ibar and Ala rivers.
refund the amount he owes) the names of
These were If's declarations to KItmitn (It is not yet enough for me)
Who was the mother of Ojomlnleke
When she was in desperate want of all the good things of life
They said that Oldmar would lighten up her destiny that very year
She was advised to offer ebo

K'ltmitn was a very poor woman. She had no money. She had no husband.
She had no child. In short, she lacked all the essental needs of life. One day, she
went to the Awo mentioned above: would she be able to change her present
condition for the better? Would luck smile on her? Would she secure her own
spouse and children?
She was advised to offer ebg as prescrbed above. She did. She was assured
that she would be able to secure all the good things of life within one year as it
was n her destiny that her life would change for the better in that very year. She
was also given a special soap made with in lnb leaves. These leaves were
grinded and mixed with soap for bathing.

When she got back home, she got a friendly loan from an acquaintance. She lent
another person this money at a very high interest rate; from there she began to
make huge profit. Anyone who could not pay back the money was usually made
to work for her. She was making so much money. At the same time, she was
borrowing money from others at a very low rate of interest and lending out the
money at a high interest rate. The Irony here however was that she was never
ready to pay backthe money she borrowed from others unless she had seen that
it might lead her into serious trouble if she failed to refund the loan, but nobody
would do this to her as she would go to any length to get her money back from
any of her debtors. Before long, she became very rich. Soon after, she had her
own husband, and she became pregnant shoftly after. Ten months after, she was
already a proud mother. She was accumulating money and other material things
of life, even beyond her needs. The older she became, the more her urge for
material acquisition. She was always hoping to acquire more things than
everybody else. That was the urge which drove her into pursuing her business,
life, and other activities to success.

Olw nll gb'l rnngQ' omi Ak

Olw o jeb, omi ltori OdO

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consuftation

Ko sl odotf a pa otosl slromi lbar,

Omi Asta
D,lfin Koltmittn
Tfi 9e yey Ojomlnhke


tl QlQrun oslwtannIwfn
fbg ni wQn nl kw Se
,T b jet'ow ni
l(l n nljwQn lglf
NilnbOfi n bo'lQ
Ig'oj Olko



Kl n nl j won lg


Ig'oj Olko
Nilnbfi n bo'l
B b jQt'il ni
Kl n nl j wqn b If
Ig'oj Olko
NilnabOfi n bo'l
B b jt'ggin ni
Kl n nf jwqn


Ig'ojrl Olko
NilnbOfi na bo'le
fg'oj Olko
B b jtregbogbo ni
Kl n nl j wQn lg If
Ig'ojrl Oko
NiInbOfi n bo'lQ
Ig'oj Olko

A creditor is he who sits at home and sends (debtors) on errand, the name

of Ak River
A creditor cannot be found guilty for lending money to a debtor, the name

There is no river where a debtor can be executed (for failure to refund the
amount he owes) the names oflbar and Asfa rivers.
Thesewere lf's declarationsto KOltmitn (It is notyetenough for me)


i!ll ov"r'u


Who was the mother of Oj0minhke

When she was in desperate want of all the good things of life
They said that Oldmar would lighten up her destny that very year
She was advised to offer ebQ
If it is money
Let me have morethan allothers, Oh If
It is in the presence of the farmer
That'lnbO leaves cover the whole farmland
Right in the farmer's presence
If it is dressing materials
Let me have more than all others, oh If
It is in the presence of the farmer
Thatlnb leaves coverthe whole farmland
Right in the farmer's presence
If it is housing propefties
Let me have morethan allothers, oh If
It is in the presence of the farmer
Thatlnab leaves cover the whole farmland
Right in the farmer's presence
If it is horses
Let me have morethan allothers, oh If
It is in the presence of the farmer
Thatlnb leaves cover the whole farmland
Right in the farmer's presence
If it is allthe good things of life
Let me have morethan allothers, oh If
It is in the presence of the farmer
That'lnabO leaves cover the whole farmland
Right in the farmer's presence

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be'blessed with
all the good things of life. Ifa says that the older he/she becomes, the
better his/her chances of becoming wealthy. In fact, the riches of QyQkrlMT children usually come during the later pafts of their lives.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has several
enemies. These include those who hate him/her justifiable, those
who are envious of his/her achievements and those whose toes
he/she had stepped upon deliberately and/or inadveftently. If
warns that he/she however needs to watch his/her utterances and
behaviours in order to avoid accumulating too many enemes in

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consuftation

his/her lifetime.

If says that there is the need for him/her to offer qbq with 20
blades, three matured cocks and feed Eqt Qdara with one
cock. If these are done, he/she will ceftainly overcome. On these, If

Paker pk
A t'wg gkn st jlnnjlnn

T'wgnt'Ogldn jg $',t ara a wgn
lbg ni wQn nl kl wQn w fe

Paker Pk (Name of an Awo)
The leopard's skin shall be spread at a far distance

This was lf's declaration to Aj, the dog

When he and Og'ldn, the leopard, were after each other
He was advised to offer gbq

in animosity

Aj, the dog was an enemy of Ogldn for a very long time. The Dog had many
colleagues with whom he planned to killthe Leopard.
One day, the Dog went to the Awo mentioned above in order to know how best to
overcome the Leopard. The Awo told him to offer gbq with three cocks,
bventy blades and money. He was also advised to feed Eg with one cock.
The Dog felt that with more than 400 colleagues of his who were prepared to fight
the Leopard with him, there would not be much problem in overcoming his
enemy. Consequently, the Dog considered the gbg he was asked to offer as a
waste of money and therefore unnecessary. He felt that the Awo was a liar and a
cheat. He simply ignored his advice to offer gbg.
Pkr pak
A t'wg gkn sl jlnnjlnn

Tl Oun atAj jq S'qt ara awgn


Paker Pk (Name of an Awo)

The leopard's skin shall be spread at a far distance

This was lf's declaration to OgIdn, the Leopard


iiil ov"t'


When he and Aj, the Dog were after each other in animosity
He was advised to offer gbg

Og)dn, the Leopard was aware that Aj had gathered all his colleagues and
were all planning to eliminate him. Og'ldn felt helpless and powerless.
Consequently, he approached the Awo mentioned above for If consultation and
solution to his problem. The Awo told him that he would overcome. He was
advised to offer gbg as prescribed for Aj. He was also advised to feed Es. He
The moment the Leopard offered the qbg and fed Eg as prescribed, Eg in turn
removed the 20 nails in the hands and legs of the Leopard and replaces them
with the 20 blades which he offered as part of his qbg. He returned home with
the Leopard. He advised the Leopard never to be afraid of any animal in the
forest, no matter how big or how many. Allthese, the Dog was notaware of.
One day, the Dog gathered all his colleagues for a show-down with the Leopard.
As they approached the Leopard's den, they rushed in. The Leopard was fast
asleep. Their noise woke him up. Esu Qdara simply whispered into his ears
never to be afraid of any animal. He rose up. About five dogs confronted him.
He used his new nails given to him by EgU to split them into several parts. Seeing
this, the other Dogs dispersed in utterconfusion.

From that day onwards, any time the Dogs confronted the Leopard, they were
usually doing so at their own peril. When their losses became unbearable, they
learnt to maintain a good distance from the leopard. Even the carcass of a
leopard created fear in the mind of the Dogs.

A t'wg et n sl jlnnjl nn

T'wgn t'Ogldn jg S'Qt ara awqn
fbg ni wqn nl kl wQn w $e
At'wg gkn sl jlnnjlnn
Dlfiln Ogldan
Tl Oun ati Aj jq g'qt ara a wgn
Fbg ni wqn nl k q e
Ogldn nlkn nl nbgl'ylntng'gbg
Irg! ti ba g'k elya
IrinwoAj O l l'pa Fkn

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


Pkr Pk (Name of an Awo)
The leopard's skin shall be spread at a far distance

This was lf's declaration to Aj, the dog

When he and Ogldan, the leopard were aftereach other in animosity
He was advised to offer gbg.
Pkr Pke
The leopard's skin shall be spread at a far distance
This was lf's declaration to Ogldn
When he and Aj were after each other in animosity
He was advised to offer ebo
Only Ogldn complied with the advice of the Awo,
It is all les, it is simply a bid to engage in unrealistic gossip
Four hundred dogs cannot overcome the leopard
It is all lies!

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall overcome
his/her enemes no matter their number.

12. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
overcome all his/her enemes. If says that the enemy is more
powerful; nonetheless, he/she shall triumph. He/she needs not
despair. All that is required of him/her is to offer gbg with one hegoat and money. He/she needs to procure at least one gong and
place it besides If. There is also the need to serue Eg with one
cock and serue Qbtl with 16 snails' shea butter' natve
chalk and money, If says that if all these were done, the
would use his/her mschef to huft himself/herself. On this If


Em Qye

rwq Qve

Qye qeqe la ht'ok bq

Qmq ary wqn ge bl ojmQ l nmq w

Mjqtl oun ti Qpa je lrS'Qt ara wgn
Fbq ni wgn nl k 9e



tr tl

!l Oyeku Meji

I am QyQ, the twilight
You are QyQ, the twilight

Thetwilightwas justshowing appearance in the sky

Peoplethought itwasthe daywhich had dawned
These were If's declarations to Agogo-$kt the little
The offspring ORga-GbowuT (Qbatl)
When he and Qpa, the staffwere enemies
He was advised to offer gbg

Agogo-$kt, the little Gong, was always living in fear of Qp, the staff. He was
afraid that one day, Qpa would kill him because Qpa had been threatening that
there was nothing Agogo could doto prevent himself from being eliminated. As a
result of this Agogo went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation; would
he be able to overcome Qpa who had been planning to kill him? Would he be able
to live long and enjoy his life?
The Awo assured Agogo that he would live long and that he would overcome Qp
his arch-enemy. He was informed that whatever Qp planned against him shall
be the lot of Qpa. He was advised to offer gbg and feed Egu Qdara and Qbtl as
explained above. He complied.

Soon after this, Qpa started to hit Agogo repeatedly in a bid to kill him.
Miraculously, Agogo was able to withstand all of Qpa's blows against him. Before
long, Qp split into pieces and died. Several other Qpa were brought to hit
Agogo. They all died without being able to harm Agogo in any way whatsoever.
Agogo was full of


He was thus singing and dancing everyday.

Em Qye



It'oke bq
9mq ary wqn ge bl ojmQ l nmQ w
I)l filn Agogo Fkt
Mjqtl Oun ti Qpa jq g'Qt ara wqn
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
Qpa to l'un pa Agogo
KO lee pa Agogo mq o
Qpa lo ku o

VeqgqQ la

Agogoa sl gb'lQ


Ifa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultaton

I am QyQ, the twilight
You are QyQ, the twilight
Thetwilightwas justshowing appearance in the sky
People thought it was the day which had dawned
These were lf's declarations to Agogo-$kt the little Gong
The offspring Oga-Gb0wr1) (Qbatl)
When he and Qpa, the staffwere enemies
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Qp who said he shall kill Agogo
He was unableto killAgogo
It is 0p who died
And Agogowas spared

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be spared the agony
of facing the wrath of his/her enemies. Those who plan evil against him/her shall
instead be visited by their evil designs.


If says that it foresees victory over enemies for the person for whom
QyQkr:-Ml is revealed. If also says that the person will live long. In
the same vein, If warns that those planning evil against him/her are

most likely to meet with untimely death if they do not desist.

If says that he/she needs to bath If with AynrQ leaves and feed If
with a matured ram, If this could be done, all his/her enemies will meet
with calamities before long. This is why it is not wise to paln evil against
Olekrl-MI children. On this, Ett-QVe says:



Mlba Orlge I'Orl9a


Qrrlnmll l'un w'Orr ay

nltal rtygAkapogmgt'oun lQnu?

WQn nl igba gmg eku l nyg AkpO gmg tlrg lgnu

nl igba gmgeku let'jQ
Tbl wqn o let'jq?
WQn nl igba gmg eku wqn o le t'jQ
Gbogbo gmg eku t b ebltl yan




fbltl niy reyln wgntn porogodo

Qrnmll wllb

Mlba Orlga I'Orl9f dil

Qrnmll l'un w'Orr ay
nf talO ygAkpOomgt'Oun lQnu?
WQn nl igba gmq eja l nyg Akp gmg tlrg lgnu
nl igba gmg eja le t'jQ
Tabl wgn O let'qjq?
WQn nl igba gmg eja wgn O leet'jg
Gbogbo gmg eja t n b lgere yan odl
Igere niy r'yln wgn tn porcgodo
Qrnmll lbe

Mlba Orlga I'Orl9


Qrnmll l'un w'Orr ay

nl tal rlyg AkpO gmg t'un lnu?
WQn nl igba gmg eJe l nyoAkpo gmg tlry lQnu
nl igba qmq eJe le'tjQ
Tbl wgn O lee t'jq?
WQn nl igba gmg eJe wgn O lee t'qjq
Gbogbo gmg eJe t n ba At yan odl
Ate ny rJln wgn tn porogodo
Qrnmll w| lbe
Mlba Orlg I'Orl9 f djl
Qrnmll l'un w'Orr ay
nltal nygAkpOomgt'Oun lQnu?
WQn nl igba gmg gran l nyg AkpO gmg tlre lenu
nl igba gmg eran le t'jQ
Tbl wgn O le t'jQ?
WQn nl igba qmq gran wgn O le t'jQ
Gbogbogmgeran t bllasa yan odl
Ilasa ni y rJln wgn titn porogodo
D,lfiln Orrtnmll
Baba be larln Qtr
nfojoojrmQ kominrl ogun
fbg ni wqn n| kw ge

QrUnmIl declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage



lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

It is homage

pad to Oga which gives them authority

Qrrlnm'll says that he looked at the long vista of the world

He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the AkpO
They respond that 200 rab are the ones troubling your children, the
They asked if the 200 rats could live long or if they
live long?
He responded that the 200 rats could not live long
All rats keeping malice with the deadfall
It is the deadfall that will see their demse
Qrrtnm'll declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Onga which gives them authority
Qrnm'll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He inquired about those making trouble with his children,the Akp0
They respond that 200 fishes are the ones troubling your children, the
They asked if the 200 fishes could live long or if they could not live
He responded that the 200 fishes could not live long
All fishes keeping malice with the fish net
It is the fish net that will see their demise
Qrunm)l declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Origa which give them authority
Qrrlnmll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the Akp0
They respond that 200 birds are the ones troubling your children, the
They asked itthe 200 birds could live long or if they could not live long?
He responded that the 200 brds could not live long
All birds keeping malice with the bird-lime
It is the bird-lime that will see their demise
Qrunmll declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is tme to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Oga which give them authority
Qrunm'll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the Akp
They respond that 200 beasts are the ones troubling your children, the
They asked itthe 200 beasts could live long or if they could not live long?
He responded thatthe 200 beasts could not live long
All beasts keepng malice with cannon
The cannon shall see their demise



iiii or"nu *"'

These were lf's declarations to Qrrf nm)l

When he was in constant fear of uprising against his person

He was advised to offer ebo

Qrnm'il discovered that many of his AkpO were discrlminated against by other
non-If practitioners. There were some of these Akp whom their enemies
were planning to eliminate outright. Some of them had already been
incapacitated one way or the othen Some others had been banished from their
various places of abode all because of their faith. Having succeeded in doing all
these, the enemies decided to deal ruthlessly with Qrnm'll himself.


to them however,

Qrnmll had been extremely worried and

uncomfoftable with the problems being faced by the Akp, his spiritual children.
Consequent upon this, he went for If consultation. He was assured that all
those planning evil against him and his children shall meet with disaster. He was
advised to feed his If as explained above. He complied. Anyone trying to harm
his Akp would just see in his/her dream that he/she was being pursued and hit
by dangerous rams. when they woke up, they became very ill. Many of them
died and those who did not die fled their vicinities out of fear. All his Akpo were
singing, dancing and praising Qrnm'll who made it possible for them to
overcome their adversa ries.

If says that anyone who is the enemy of the person for whom QyQkrl-M)
revealed oran QyQkrl-Ml child had Qrrlnmll himsetf to contend with.


fi daT
Qrnmll l'un w'Orr ay
nl tatO yg AkpO gmg t'Oun lnu?
WQn nl igba gmg eku l nyg AkpO gmg ttrg tgnu
nl igba gmg eku let'QjQ
Tbl wgn O le t'jQ?
Wgn nl igbagmgekuwgn let'jQ
Gbogbo gmg eku t b Qbltl i yan odl
fbltl niyOo rylnwgntetn porogodo
Ml lba Orlga I'Orlga


Mllb Orlg I'Orlgafi djl

Qrrrnmlla l'un w'rr ay
nl tal yg AkpO gmg t'un lgnu?
WQn nl igba gmg eja l nyg Akpo gmo tlrq tenu
nl igba gmg eja let'jQ



Tbl wqn o let'jq?

Eji Ogbe

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa

WQn nl igba gmg gja wgn o le t'qiq

Gbogbo gmq qia t n b lgrYan odl

y r'$yln wgn titn porcgodo

Qrrrnmlla wllba
Mlba Or{9a I'Orl9 f dil
Qrnmll l'un w'rr aY
nt talo yg AkPo gmg t'un lQnu?
Wqn nl igba gmg eyq l nyg Akpo gmg tlrq hnu
nl igba gmqqyq le'tjQ
Tabl wqn let'jQ?
WQn nl igba gmg eyq wgn o le t'iq
Gbogbo gmg qyq t n ba Ate Yan odl
Ate ni yoo neyln wgn titn porogodo
Qrrrnmll lbe
ffilba Orlga I'Or{gafi dail
Qrnmll l'un w'orr ay
nl tal rryg AkP gmg t'un l$nu?
WQn nl igba gmg qran l nyg Akpo gmg tlrg l$nu
nl igba gmg eran le t'jQ
Tabf wgnolet'jQ?
WQn nl igba gmgqranwqn o et'qiq
Gbogbogmgqrant bllasa yan odl
llsa ni y r, yln wgn titn porogodo


Baba rbe ledn qtr

nfojoojrlmQ kominri ogun

Fbqni wqn nl kw Fe

j b mi kn qt pa
If w baa mi kan Qt pa o

to pay homage
I respond that it is time to
It is homage paid to Origa which gives them authority
Qrrnm'ila says that he looked at the long vista of
He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the Akp0
children, the
They respond that 200 rats are the ones troubling
Qrrinm'il declares that it is time



They asked if the 200 rats could live long or if they

He responded that the 200 rats could not live long
All rats keeping malice with the deadfall



not live long?

iiii or"*'



is the deadfall that will see their demise

Qrnm'll declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Oga which gives them authority
Qrnmll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He nquired about those makng trouble with his chldren, the AkpO
They respond that 200 fishes are the ones troubling your children, the AkpO
They asked if the 200 fishes could live long or if they could not live long?
He responded that the 200 fishes could not live long

All fishes keeping malice with the fish net

It is the fish net that will see their demise
Qnlnm)l declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Ortga which give them authority
Qrrlnmll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the Akp
They respond that 200 birds are the ones troubling your children, the Akp0
They asked it the 200 birds could live long or if they could not live long?
He responded that the 200 birds could not live long
All birds keeping malice with the bird-lime
It is the bird-lime that will see their demise
Qrnm'll declares that it is time to pay homage
I respond that it is time to pay homage
It is the homage paid to Og which give them authority
Qntnmll says that he looked at the long vista of the world
He inquired about those making trouble with his children, the Akp
They respond that 200 beasts are the ones troubling your children, the Akpo
They asked it the 200 beasts could live long or if
could not live



He responded that the 200 beasts could not live long

All beasts keeping malice with cannon
The cannon shall see their demise
These were If's declarations to Qrnmlla
When he was in constant fear of uprising against his person
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Please help butt my enemies to death
Help me butt my opponents to death
The mighty ram
If, please help me butt my enemies to death

If says that the person for whom QyQkrl-MI is revealed shall overcome all
his/her enemes and adversary. Not only this, his/her enemes shall meet with
serous calamities at the time they least expected. To fight aganst the person for
whom this Od is revealed istotake Qrnmll as personalenemy. The person for
whom this Od is revealed is assured of Qrr:nmll's protection at all times.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


However, it must be noted that this does not give the person for whom this Od
revealed or even QyQku-Meji children the license to be looking for more enemies
through behaviours unbecoming of a responsible and responsive member of any
society. They too must not plan evil against other people as they too will end up
being atthe receiving end of lf's butt.

In If, the maxim has always been "If you abhor evil to come your way, do not
throw evil in other people's ways". Or better put "whatever will pain you if done to
you, do not unto others".


If says that if foresees the Ire of longevity for the person for whom QyekrlM) is revealed. If says that he/she shall live long, grow old and reside in
the midstof theelders.

If says also that as he/she grows old, he/she shall be blessed with more
and more wealth, honour, prestige, respect and success. If says that
he/she shall never be counted among those who shall die young. He/she
shall not be found in their


If says that there is need for him/her to offer gbg with traro pigeons, two
hens, two cocks, four rats, four fish and money. There is need to
feed If with two rats, two fish and one hen. On these, If says:

If l d i onlwl rlwlrl-nda kQ
Mo l di onlwlrlwlrl-ndakOIf
K'jt kil
K'j kg'orl im



Qrunmlla nl oun ti lkql Srun bQ w s{ IkQl Ay
Oun mr lreAj
Oun m lreAya
Oun mr lre Qmg
Oun mu k ln, kfta pel
Oun w pad wgn glrlp lQn
wqn rwQn-wQn-wQn
Qrunmll nl nlbo lg 9b rrlg bwQnyl o?
WQn nl wgn lg sja a TOkrttOkr
Orrlnmll nl kl wgn t d



ilii or"*u

wqn l di ojQ elkq rQ b t'Ogn

L'won ma t d



If saysr "Hastily do we manouvre a canoe"
I respond that"hastily do we manouvre a canoe"
Lettheeyewake up
And let the eye mount on top of the nose
And staytheregingerly
Letthe full moon appear in the daytime
Qrrtnm'il says that while he was coming from heaven to earth
He brought with him the Ire of wealth
He broughtthe Ire ofspouse
He broughtthe Ire of children
He also brought the accomplishment of one's goals
He met some able-bodied youths along the way
Theywere allfullof life and vitality
Qrnm)l asked, "Where are you all going?"
They responded that they were all going to the TOktkrJ market (where
corpses were being sold)
QrUnm)l asked them when they planned to return to heaven
They responded as soon as the early-morning corn- meal seller dips her
mixing staff into the porridge
Theyshall return to heaven

Qrnm'il narrated how he was coming from heaven to eafth and he

brought along all the good things of life with him. On his way he met some
able-bodied youths who were full of strength and vigour. When he asked
them where they were gong, they responded that they were going to
Tktkti market. Unfoftunately, this was where those destined to die
young while on eafth were gong. Qrnm'il declared that he could not be
in their midst because they were destined to die prematurely deaths. After
this, he moved and continued his journeyto eafth
If l d i onlwl rlwlrl -ndakQ
Mo ldi onfwlrlwlrl-ndak If

K'j kil
K'jrl kg'orf im

K lt-tee-t
Kdgb og k l lsn-n

Qrnmll nloun tlkqlQrun bQwsf lkqlenye


lfa Dda: An invtaton to lfa Consultaton

Oun mu lreAj
Oun m IreAya
Oun mu lre Qmg
Oun m k ln, kfta pQltl
Oun w pd wgn Mjsln I'qna
Won s'r grlrjo-glrtjo
WQn s'r glrljo-gl rljo
Qrnmll nf nlbo 19 gb lg bwQny{ o?
WQn nl wgn nlg soja a Tokttoktl
Qrnmll nl kl wQn t d kq?
WQn l di ojq elqkq anQ b t'ogn bQq
L'wgn ma t d

If saysr "hastily do we manouvre a canoe"
I respond that"hastilydowe mano-uvera canoe"
Lettheeyewake up
And letthe eye mount on top of the nose
And staythere gingerly
Letthe full moon appear in the daytime
Cornmeal says that while he was coming from heaven to earth
He broughtwith him the lre of wealth
He broughtthe Ire ofspouse
He broughtthe Ire of children
He also brought the accomplishment of one's goals
He metsome children along the way
They were running from one place to the other
They were moving without a specifi c drection
Cornmea| asked,"Where areyou aIIgoing now?"
They responded thattheywere all going totheTOktJtOk market
Qnf nmll asked them when they planned to return to heaven
They responded that as soon as the early-morning corn-meal seller deep
her mixing staff intothe porridge
They shall return to heaven

Corn-meat continued with the narration of his story and stated that when
he left the able-bodied youths, he met children who were wanderng about
without specfic direction.

He asked them where they were going to and the children responded
exactly as the able-bodied youths did. Knowing that those going to
Tokritok marketwere destined to die young, he declared that he could not

iiii ov"r.,

and would not be in their midst.

If l d onlwlrlwlrl-ndakQ
Mo l di onlwlrlwlrl-ndak If
K'j kil
K'j kg'orl im
Kdgb og k l lsan-n
Qrunmll nl oun rt ti lkql Qrun


wa st lkq|e nye

m IreAj
m lreAya
m lre Qmg
mr k ln, kfta pQhl
w pad wgn arugb I'en
wqn tep o$ooro-ogooro
wqn rttep q$ara-Qgr
WQn tQp isQgQ-isQgQ
Qrnmll nf nlbo 19 gb lg bwQnyl o ?
WQn nl t'wgn-tTre egbe dan ?
Qrnmll nl ti ggbg kq la wl
nl kl wqn d oun l'n klkl
W{n nl wgn rrlg s{ Oja EflgbO-mgkn
Qrunmll nl klwQntd kq?
WQn l di ojQ t p tltlltl
WQn ldi ojQt pg knrin-kse


Qrnm)l says 'hastily do we manoeuvre a canoe'
I responded that'hastily do we manoeuvre a canoe'
Letthe eye wake up
And letthe eye mount on top of the nose
And staythere gingerly
Letthe full moon appear in the day time
Qrrlnmll says that while he was coming from heaven to the eath
He brought with him the Ire of wealth
He broughtthe Ire ofspouse
He broughtthe Ire of children
He also brought the accomplishment of one's goals
He met some aged people along the way
They were all using walking sticks to aid their movements
They were all using walking sticks cautiously to give them support
They were all using walking sticks to suppofttheir feeble frames
Qrnm'll asked, "Where are you all going now?"



Ife Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

They countered thatr "are we your age-mate?"

Qrunmll responded that he was not contesting age superiority with them
He ordered them to respond to his queston immediately
Theythen responded thattheywere going to ElgbOmgkn market
Qrnmll asked them to tell him when they planned to return to heaven
They responded that they would return at a very distant date
They said that it would take a long, long time before they returned

Qrunmll said that when he dismissed the able-bodied youths and the
children, he met the old ones on his way from heaven to eath. OrrJnmll
asked them wheretheywere gong.
They initially refused to answer his question but Qrnmll ordered them to
answer immediately. They did. They told Qrnmll that they were going to
Elgbo-mgkn market. QrnmIl wanted to know when they planned to return to
heaven. They responded that it would take them a very long time before they
returned to heaven. E)gbO-mgkn market was the first market in recorded
history of mankind. Remember, the world is a market, while heaven is our home.
Efigbo-mgkn is the "market" where those who planned to live long on eafth
usually head for. When Qrnm'il asked them how long the time would be, they
responded that the time would be indefinite. When QrrlnmIl pretended that he
did not know what they meant by saying that their period on eafth would be
indefinite, they declared that they would return to heaven only when pebbles
begin to spouse leaves, when potsherd begins to bleed, when a toftoise begins to
complain of head-ache, when a snail beginsto sufferfrom afflictions, when a crab
begins to experience cold in the river and when Akannmagb plant begins to
bow in supplication to other farm trees. QrnmIl, knowing that it was
impossible for all these to happen, was ceftain thatthese old folks would live long
on eafth. Of paramount concern to If was ensuring that human begins enjoyed
longevity on eafth. If declared that he would follow the old folks to eafth, and
notthe able-bodied youths orthe children who were destined to die young.
If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will not die young. He/she
will live to his/her old age. Those expecting him/her to die young will have a very
long time to wait indeed.
If l d onlwlrlwl rl-ndakO
Mo ldi onlwlrlwlrl-ndakQ If
K'j kil
K'j kg'orl im



iiii or"*,

Kdagb o$ k l lsan-n
Qrrtnmll nl Oun t lkQl Qrun bQ w sl IkQl Ay
Oun mIrcAj
Oun mIrcAya

Oun m k lana, kfta pel
Oun wa pd wgn glrlp Qna
Won rwqn-wQn-wQn
Qrrtnmlla nl nlbo lq gb rrlg bwQnyl o?
WQn nl awgn lq sqia a TOkrttk
Qrrtnmll nl klwQntd kq?
wQn l di ojQ elkq anQ b t'Ogn bQo


Qrnmtl nl Oun O b wqn rln

nl orlsekrt ni wqn

If l d onlwlrlwlrl-ndak0
Mo l di onlwlrlwlrl-ndakQ If
K'j kf
K'j kg'orl imu
K lt-tee-t
Kdagb oS k l lsn-an
Qrrrnmll nl un t IkqE Srun

bQ w sl lkeAy
Oun mIrcAj
Oun mt IreAya
Oun m IrcQmg
Oun m k ln, k fta pel
Oun w pdwgn Mjsln I'Qn
WQn s'r glrljo-grlrljo
WQn s'r glrljo-glrljo
Qrrrnmlb nl nlbolqgb lq bwqnylo?
WQn nl ewgn lq sqja a T0krttOkrl
Qrrrnmlla nl kl wqn t d kq?
WQn l di qjQ glQkq enQ b t'ogn bQq

Qrrlnmll nl Oun O b wgn rln
nl Em ni wQn
If l d onlwlrlwlrl-ndakQ
Mo ldi onlwlrlwfu{-ndakO If


K'jl kog'orl im
K lt-tee-t
Kdgb oF k l lsan-n
Qrrrnmll nl oun t lkql orun
Oun m lreAj
Oun m lreAya
Oun m lreQmg



wa st lkel Ay


Ifa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Oun mr k ln, kfta pel

Oun w pad awgn arugb I'qna

wqn ftep osooro-ofoono

wqn tQp qsaare-qgaara
wqn tep isqge-isege
Qrrtnmll nl nlbo lq gb lg bwQnf o ?
WQn nf t'wgn-tTrqegbe dan ?
Qrrrnmll nl ti qgb4 kq la wl
nl kl wqn d oun l'n klkl
WQn nf wgn lqsl Qje Efigb-mqkn
Orrlnmll nl klwqntd kq?
WQn l di qjqt pqtltlltl
Wqn l di ojq t p$ knrin-kse
Qff nmll nl un o mg qjq t pe titlltl
nl oun O mggiqt pQ knrin-kse
WQn l di qjq o, ta in omi b rt p'ew
di gjQ apadl-lQno b n S'Qie
d qjq orl ba nfQ albahun
d qjq ojojo b gelgbln
di 9q ttu b n m gmg akn ldo
di qjq Akannamagbo b n forl balQ
L'wjg igi oko
Qrrrnml la nl he,h! ! !
nl oun o gbq ibi gta inrl omi gb np'ew
Oun gbQ ibi epedhrqgb ng'QjQ
oun ogbq ibi orl gb fQ albahun
Oun o gbg ibi jojo 9b n9 e lgbln
un o gbq b ott gb rlm gmg akn l'd
Oun o ma gbq ibiAkannamagbogb forl bah
L'wjg igi oko
jq arugbo ni m b lg
Argb ni mo b lg
Emi O b Emr rln

Qrrlnm'll says 'hastily do we manoeuvre a canoe'
I promise that'hastily do we manoeuvre a canoe'
Let the eye wake up
And let the eye mount on top of the nose
And stay there gingerly
Let the full moon appear in the day time
Qrrfnmll says that while he was coming from heaven to eafth
He brought with him the Ire of wealth
He brought the Ire of spouse
He brought the Ire of children
He also brought the accomplshment of ones' goals


illi or"*, t",

He met some able bodied youths and some children I
along the way
They were running from one place to the other
They were movng without a specific direction
Qrrlnmll asked, "Where are you all going now?"
They responded that they were all going to the T0kt0kt1 market
Qrnmll asked them when they planed to return to
They responded that as soon as the early-morning corn-meal
seller dips her mxing staff into the porridge
They shall return to heaven
Ornm'il declared that he cannot be in their mdst
Because they were all Emr (children destined to die young)
If says, "hastily do we manoeuver a canoe"
I respond that "hastily do we manoeuver a canoe"
Let the eye wake up
And let the eye mount on top of the nose
And stay there gingerly
Let the full moon appear in the daytime
Cornmeal says that while he was coming from heaven to earth
He brought with him the Ire of wealth
He brought the Ire of spouse
He brought the Ire of children
He also brought the accomplishment of one's goals
He met some children along the way
They were running from one place to the other
They were moving without a specific direction
Cornmeal asked, "Where are you all going now?"
They responded that they were all going to the Tktk market
Qrnmll asked them when they planned to return to heaven
They responded that as soon as the early-morning corn-meal seller deep her
mixing staff into the porridge
They shall return to heaven
Qrrtnmll declared that he cannot be in their midst
Because they were all Or{gqkrl (children destined to de young)
If says, "Hastily do we manouver a cannoe"
Iresponded that "hastily do we manouver a cannoe"
Let the eye wake up
Let the eye mount on top of the nose
And stay there gingerly
Let the full moon appear in the daytime
Qrrtnmll said that he was coming from heaven to the world
He brought with him the Ire of wealth
He brought the Ire of spouse
He brought the Ire of children
He brought also the accomplishment of one's goals
He met some aged people along the way
They were all using walking sticks to aid their movement


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They were all using walking sticks cautiously to give them suppott
They were all using walking sticks to suppoft their feeble
Qntnmll asked "where are you all going now?
They countered that "are we your age-mate?"
Qrrlnmll responded that he was not contesting age superiority with them
He asked them to respond to his question immediately
They then responded that they were going to EIgb-mqkn market
Qrnmll asked them when they planned to return to heaven
They responded that they would return at a very distant date
They said that it would take a long, long time before they returned
Orrlnmll said that he did not know what was meant by a long, long tme
(before they returned to heaven)
They responded that they would not return until the day river pebbles



to sprout leaves
Until the day potsherd begns to bleed
Until the day a tortoise begins to complain of headache
Until the day a snail begins to suffer from afflictions
Until the day a crab begins to experience cold in the river
Until the day AkannamgbO plant begins to bow in supplication among the
farm trees
Qrnmll exclaimed in wonder!
He declared that he had never heard of where river pebbles ever sprout
He had
He had
He had
He had
He had

heard of where potsherd ever bleeds

heard of where a tortoise complains of
heard of where a snail suffers from afflictions
heard of where a crab experiences cold in the river
heard of where Aknnmgb plant bows in supplication
among the
Now, the aged ones will I follow
Certainly, I shall follow old ones
I shall never follow Emr


If says that for a person for whom this Od is revealed long life and
success is guaranteed. This person shall have the Ire of Health,
and Prosperity and be able to accomplish all his/her heaft's




If says that it is in the best interest of the person for whom this Od
is revealed never to marry more than one wfe at a time. If says that
to marry more than one wfe at a time is to cause trouble, problem,
tribu lation and disaster.

If says also that it is not wse for a woman for whom this Od is




revealed to marry an already marred man. If she got married to a

married man, she will never have peace of mind in her life. She will
make sorrow and uncertainty her daily companion. On these, If
Olko+ I'awo aflkn

19 bl


ArQrQ I'awo am'emq

m'emr tltl
le bf ode Dbl
Tlnhf n-tlnhln m'rw jlngln
m'Qrg, m'Qpa

Tltl lgdlgboho-MQrg
Qrnmll 9e peQ o
9mq gl'qgin gdgb ntQy
Qrrlnmll ge pQle
9mq O-ta-ou n-d d -ra-ou n-d d rt
PQIQ qmg -ta-oun-pupa-ra-oun-pupa
If ta s, r'hl
If ta OdOdO, ra Frllnl
Qrunmlla nf kflj d'ggbgra


O kl mi nokl

Baba nQkl-ngki nre
Qrunmll nl kg'erkq

Qrnmll nl k hnnpapa
If lwg ni baba papah
Iwg ni baba mrg
Baba Blrlyanbf l bl baba Blrlyanbl
Baba Blrlyanbl l bl baba Blrlyanbl
Baba Blrlyanbl l bf baba Fl'ewa-pasn
Baba f I', w psin l nl un O mg ibi ogun gb pa
Arnkrtnn st
oun o b mg ibQ
Oun O b b mu
Oun o b b je
Oun b b ta
Oun o b b wg
Oun O b b s{ lgolgoldl


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Ounb bU lgfilnQrQOun nll

9dn na reaj nj'oori
Osun jQsede
Aj krl
Ogrtn sl gb'h
Erin nb'g
ffQn nb'jn
QgbQQgbQ agbQnrln nl'mi pata
Irlnwo eJOn, ggbQrin lwo
Ogun Flni, Ofi beta
OgUn omidan, Ojl oyn
Balgun a$ ogbedQ ba l'j
QgQrun wodl o pa ga gb'yin nlkn adle
Agt pa l' gk nrin talambl rlya
Tfi ta'mi l'jrl QlQrun talamb-talamb

Hd a 'd

Gblrlgldl-gbirigidi la y'd lkoko

Iyltl ayl'd
K'Qni m m yllkoko bqe
Bl ayllkoko bee
InAl'mqa baje
In ol'd ma k'gfun
Nltort od n'igi
Ikoko I'amo
ojopatapata l paTp l'ba d'bata
funtapa gba bate
N'lbi wgn gbrtg'eer bt
If ni Qkan gogo poro I'oblnrin dn mg I'qwq gkg
B b di mejl

WQn a diljQngbQn
B b d mta

wOn de,ta-nt'l
B bdi mrin
Wgn nl dgbati o rln mi ni m rin g
B b dimarn-rn
WQn a nl klnni ikin gkg wgn tilQfg're aya ge?
B b dimefa

B b di meje
WQn a d'j$
B b dimejg




WQn di gl'jQ-k'jQ
B b di mQsn-n
wqn nl lyl il wgn ko n'lgq kan
Bee n ko l'bo
B'jmQ ba mg

Aqgqkgwgn longn-an kiri il

B b di mewaa
WQn nl kl wqn lg r pe Onlaja wa
Qlanja qmgd w Onlfg
Ela wooro waa
Dlfn Elejl-Qyq
Tl lg re tn ay OnlfQ sg

Nljqtfq bl igb
T fya g baragada-g ba ragade bl agg qg bear ka n' lQ
!b9 ni wgn nl k 9e

Olkog, the sparrow, is a crooked-legged bird
With its crooked legs, it went as far aslgbQnn town
ArQrQ, is a divng bird

It dived and travelled as far as Dubai city

The smallTinhin-tinhin bird is not easily recognizable in the shrub
While flying inside the shrub
He went as far aslgbOho-MQrg
Gently, Qrnm)l
The owner of the big horse which he pays stipends to
Gently, Qrnm)l
He who sold a dark complexioned material to buy a dark complexioned material
Gently, he who sold a light complexioned material to buy a light complexioned
If sold tobacco leavesto buy indigo
If sold flowers to buy a Flnl man
Qrrlnm'll asked usto have a fighting competition
We did have a fighting competition
You greeted mewith disdain
I answered you with disdain
Qrrlnm'il the dark complexioned man who responds to dsdain with equal
measure of disdain
Ornmll asked usto lookfora hoe-handle
We looked forthe hoe-handle
QrUnmlla asked us to go the smithery to learn
We went for training in the smithery
If, you are the head of the smithery

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

You are ceftainly the father of smithery

Baba Bffyanbf wasthe fatherof Bilyanbf
Baba Blflyanb'i was the father of Bifiyanb)
Baba Blfyanbl was the father of flQw-psin

Baba flgw-pasin was he who lamented that he did not know the site where
Arunkrlnn was killed during the war
Had he known the site, he said
He would have collected some for drinking
And some foreating
And someforselling
And some for bathing
And some for decorating his waist-band
And some for his friend at home
That was the year that dogs were eating the wild pigeons
And Ogn waseating banana
The dogs died
But Ogn was spared of any problem
The elephants were being killed with javelins
And the buffaloes were killed with long spears
And antelopes were wading through rocky streams
Four hundred buffaloes, 800 horns
Twenty Fulani,40 pieces of sandals
Twenty da msels, 40 breasts
A brave hawk cannot catch a dog as prey
A warrior eagle cannot be so fast as to snatch eggs in the stomach of a fowl
Alpa, isthe strong medicine-man
Who causes heavy rain to fall from heaven
With force do we roll a moftar
But gently do we roll a pot
The waywe roll a moftar
Let no-one in like manner roll a pot
If we rolla pot in like manner
The potters shall become sad
The moftar roller who rolls the pot shall have his face painted with dust (from the
broken pot)
This is because a mortar is made of wood
Whilea potis madeof clay
The heavy rain which fell on a Tp-man from the village to the marshy place
And dealt with the Tp-man as if he was beating a bt drum
Rightatthe frontage of Ajanbaffi
Wheretheywere playing btt drum
If declares that a wife is enjoyable in a man's house only when she is the only
one he married




When they become two

Marriage becomes a troublesome ventu re
When they becomethree
It is a home-scattering undertaking
When they become four
The wives would be saying to each other that it was when you made jest of me
thatl madejestof you in return
When they become five
They would complain that'why is it that If s stll foreseeing the Ire of another
spouse for our husband?'
When they become six
They would be tearing each other's dresses (when quarrel or fight occurs)
When they become seven
They become witches
When they become eight
They become incessant naggers and tale-bearers
When they become nine
They gossip that 'the most senior wife of our husband has no work whatsoever'
'She has no mission'
'When shewakes up'
'She would wrap our husband's dress round her body'
When they become ten
They will ask people to go and call on mediators
Let mediators come into Offf's house

fla woorowaa
theAwo who castlf for

He was


When EI-Qye was invited to come and mend the life of Onff
When it broke like a calabash
And tore apaft completely like a disused clothe
He was advised to offer ebo

Olko$e I'awo
mtun ttt
tq Ut



Arqrg I'awo am'QmQ

m'qmu tltl
le bl ode Dbl
Tl n hl n-tlnhln m'rw jlngrl n
m'Qro, m'Qpa
Tltl lo d lgboho-Mgry
Orunmll ge peleo
9mg gl'Qgin gdgb ntoy

Ifa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaton

9mq O-ta-oun-drldrl-ra'oun-ddtt
Pel qmq O-ta-oun-pupa-ra-oun-pupa
Ifta sr r'ltl
If ta OdOd' ra Flnl
Qrrtnmlla nl k flj d'qgbQra


kl mi nQkl

Moi I nQkl
Baba nOkl-ngkinre
Orrlnmll nl k I'dr kQ
Qrrlnmll nl k hnnPaPa
If lwg ni baba PPla
lwg ni baba marg
Baba Blrlyanbf lobl baba Blrlyanbl
Baba Blrlyanbl lbl baba Blrlyanbl
Baba Blr{yanbf lobl baba fl'Qw-psin

w psin l nl oun o mq ibi ogun gb pa

Arnkrlnn sl
nl un O b mg ibQ
Oun o b b mu


Ounob biq
Oun b b wq
Oun o b b sl lgolgoldl
Oun O b b lq fitn Qre Oun nll
Odrln na reaj nj'oori
Ogrtn iqgede
Aj k
Ogun sl gb'h
Erin nb'g
ffQn nb'jn
QgbQQgbQ agbQnrln nl'mi Pata
Irlnw 9 fQn' ggbQrin lwo
Ogrn Frtlni' oil bate
Ogrtn omidan' oil oYn
Balgun ag o gbqdQ ba l'i
QgQrun awodl o pa 9a gb'$yin nlkn adlg
Aqlpa I'gk nrin talambl rlYau
Tfi ta'mi l'jrl QlQrun talamb-talamb
Blrl lyl'd



Gblrlgldl-gbirigidi l y'd lkoko

Iyl t a yl'd
K'$ni m m yllkoko be
Bl a yllkoko bgQ
InrrAl'mQa baje
In ol'd ma k'efun
Mtorl od n'igi
Ikoko I'amo
OjO patapata | pa Tp 'ba d'bate
funtap gba bkt
Nlbi wQn gb rg'eer bt
If ni Qkan $ogo poro I'oblnrin dn mg I'qwq gkg
Bbdi mejl
WQn a di ljQngbQn
B b di mta
WQn di Ja-t'

Bbdi mgrin
Wqn nl nlgbti o rln mi ni m rin q
B b di mrn-n
WQn a nl klnni ikin gkg wgn tilQfg're aya ge?
B b di mfa

B b di mje
B b di mjo
WQn di gl'jQ-k'jQ
Bbdi mqsn-an
WQn nl lyl il wgn kO n19Q kan
BgQ ni k l'bq
B'jmQ b mq
A+q ekq won l ngn-an kiri il
B b di mgw
wqn nl kl wqn lg r pe onlaa wa
Qlanja gmgdw OnlfQ
f la wooro wa
D,|filn Eljl-Qyg
Tl lg r trtn ay Onlfe sg
Mjqtf0 bl igb
T fya gbaragada-gbrgde bl agg Qgbaar kan'lQ
fbgniwgn nl k9e




Oyeku Meji

Ifa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

jq tani y b wa tn Amqrl ge o?

If niy b wa tnAmQrl geo


Olkop, the sparrow, is a crooked-legged bird
With its crooked legs, it went as far aslgbQnn town
ArQrQ, isa diving bird


It dived and travelled as far as Dubai cty

The small Tinhin-tinhin bird is not easily recognizable in the shrub
While flying inside the shrub
He went as far aslgbOho-MQrg
Gently, QnJnmll
The owner of the big horse which he pays stipends to
Gently, QrnmIl
He who sold a dark complexioned material to buy a dark complexioned material
Gently, he who sold a light complexioned material to buy a light complexioned
If sold tobacco leaves to buy indigo
If sold flowersto buya Flff man
Qrrlnm'll asked us to have a fighting competition
We did have a fighting competition
You greeted mewith disdain
I answered you with disdain
QrUnm'll the dark complexioned man who responds to disdain with equal
measure of disdain
Qrunm)l asked us to look for a hoe-handle
We looked forthe hoe-handle
Qrnmll asked usto gothe smitheryto learn
We went for training in the smithery
If, you arethe head of the smithery
Baba Bliyanbf was the father of Bf yanbf
Baba Biflyanb'l was the father of Blflyanbl
Baba Bf yanbf was the father of f lQwa-pasin

Baba flfw-pasin was he who lamented that he did not know the site where
Arunknn was killed during the war
Had he known the site, he said
He would have collected some for drinking
And some foreating
And some for selling
And some for bathing


iiii ov"x" n"i

And some for decorating his waist-band

And some for his friend at home
That was the year that dogs were eating the wild pigeons
And OgUn was eating banana
The dogs died
But Ogn was spared of any problem

Theelephantswere being killed with javelins

And the buffaloes were killed with long spears
And antelopes were wading through rocky streams
Four hundred buffaloes, 800 horns
Twenty Fulani,40 pieces of sandals
Twenty da msels, 40 breasts
A brave hawkcannotcatch a dog as prey
A warrior eagle cannot be so fast as to snatch eggs in the stomach of a fowl
A$pa, is the strong medicine-man
Who causes heavy rain to fall from heaven
With force do we roll a mortar
But gently do we roll a pot
The waywe roll a moftar
Let no-one in like manner roll a pot
If we roll a pot in like manner
The potters shall become sad
The moftar roller who rolls the pot shall have his face painted with dust (from the
broken pot)
This is because a moftar is made of wood
While a pot is made of clay
The heavy rain which fell on a Tp-man from the village to the marshy place
And dealt with the Tp-man as if he was beating a bt drum
Right at the frontage of Ajanbat
Wheretheywere playing bt drum
If declares that a wife is enjoyable in a man's house only when she is the only
one he married
When they become two
Marriage becomes a troublesome venture
When they become three
It is a home-scattering undertaking
When they become four
The wives would be saying to each other that it was when you made jest of me
thatl made jestof you in return
When they become five
They would complain that'why is it that If is still foreseeing the Ire of another
spouse for our husband?'
When they become six
They would be tearing each other's dresses (when quarrel or fight occurs)


Ifa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

When they become seven

They become
When they become eight
They become incessant naggers and tale-bearers
When they become nine
They gossip that 'the most senior wife of our husband has no work whatsoever'
'She has no mission'
'When she wakes up'
'She would wrap our husband's dress round her body'
When theybecometen
They will ask people to go and call on mediators
Let mediators come nto OnffQ's house
fl wooro w
He was the Awo who cast If for El-QyQ
When EI-Ofe was invited to come and mend the life of OfffQ
When it broke like a calabash
And tore apartcompletely like a disused clothe
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, who will help us mend our destiny?
Ela (Qrunmlla)
If is he, whowillhelp us me mend ourdestiny



If says that the destiny of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be
mended for the better. He/she needs to change certan aspects of his/her
character as discussed above. If these could be done, his/her life will surely
changeforthe better.


If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed
to take adequate care of his/her health and overall well-being, and at the
same time, offer appropriate gbg in order to forestall a situation where
would fall ill and then spend all his/her life savings before he/she
suruive the illness. Ifa says that even if he/she does sulive, he/she may
not be able to appear in public anymore. He/she may be forced to stay
outside his/her community due to the fact that his/her skin had been
ruined as a consequence of the illness or he/she may be forced to stay
permanently indoors due to loss of sight, loss of limb or loss of hearing.
Such illness may preclude the person for whom this Od is revealed from
mixing freely among his/her peers. If says that the more successful this
person is, the more he/she is prone to being involved in this problem.



If says that there is the need to offer ebg with one matured he-goat, a
black dress and money. If this is done, the chances of getting this
illness may be drastically reduced if not totally eliminated. On these, If

Eefin ni iyl in
Imqnqmqnq ni iyt ojo
A$q l ni iyl Egn
Dl firn ofafa
Tllg'gmg glQl kan etjq
f bq ojojo ni wqn nl ko waa ge

Smoke is the honour of the flame
Lightening is the honour of rainfall
Big costume is the honour of the EgUngUn masquerade
These were lf's declarations to Ofafa, the tree bear
The offspring of the noble man of the olden days
He was advised to offer gbg against illness

Qfafa, the tree bear, wentto the Awo mentioned above in orderto determine his
chance of becoming a successful man in life. He was informed that he would
ceftainly succeed but there is the need for him to offer gbg against ailments
which might drain all his life savings before he would be able to regain his health.
He was advised to offer one matured he-goat, a black dress and plenty of
money. He simply ignored the advice of the Awo, calling them thieves and
Before long, Sfafa became a very successful man. He was very walthy and he
had a lot of workers under him. One day, he fell ill. He nearly died. He spent all
his life savings on the illness, allto no avail. He then remembered the advice of
the Awo. He was taken to the Awo. The Awo in turn asked him to offer ebo with
two matured he-goat, two black dresses and plenty of money instead of
one each. He complied. Soon after, he became well. Unfortunately for him, the
illness had taken its own toll on him. His skin and body had been damaged
terribly. He could no longer live in the midst of his colleagues. He went to live on
trees in order to avoid meeting or seeing most of his friends and well-wishers.
Because he had been destined to succeed in his life however, there was no tree
that he could not climb to the very top. He however lived to regret his initial
refusal to offer gbg as prescribed forthe rest of his life. Since that time, he lived

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

aone on trees, and died alone on a tree. Only his immediate family members
were around him during the very end of his life.

Eefin niiyl ina

Imgnqmqnq n iyl ojo
ASq rtl ni iyl Eegun
Tff I'gmgglql kan atijg
Fbq ojojo ni wQn nl k waa ge

kg'tl Qgbgnyin s'bg

Qff o btt mQ
Iba wa fow s'rfin gbg

fni gb'Qbg nTbQ k 9'9bg o


Smoke is the honour of the flame

Lightning isthe honourof rainfall
Big costume is the honour of the Egngn masquerade
These were If's declarations to Qfafa, the tree bear
The offspring of the noble man of the olden days
He was advised to offer gbg against illness
He ignored the advice
Had Qfafa, theTree bear, known
He would have spent his money to offer gbg
Now travelers tolpo and Qfa towns
Let those who were advised to offer gbg do so

For those whom this Od is revealed and those who were born by this Od, let
them take care of their health, and at the same time, offer the appropriate gbg as
prescribed. Refusal to heed this advice will lead to grave consequences for those


Abgrr Abqy.




Oyeku Meji


QyQkr-Mjl children have a very high chance of living to their old age even
though they are frequently threatened by death. No matter how much they are
threatened, they usually come out victorious. As a matter of fact, it is in the best
interest of their enemies to tender unreserved apology to them, desist from
planning or doing evil against them and advise others never to have evil plans
against them. As an adjunct to this, the olderthey are, the more successful they
will become. By this time that they grow very old, they would have been able to
achieve all their heafts' desires.

Qyeku-Mjl children believe so much in confrontation. They do not see any

reason why they should allow any chance for a good fight to pass them by. They
also believe in trading any of their properties for another. They also love to have
free things brought for them by others. In fact, they believe that it is the
responsi bi ity of others to ma ke them comforta ble.

For QyQkrl-MT children, the best period to pray to the Deities is very early in
the morning. If they pray every morning, all whatthey lack shall come their way
easily. They shall be blessed with abundant wealth, more than average number of
children and happy homes. They shallalso be blessed with titles in recognition of
their achievements, contributions and worth in the community.

Qyqku-Mjl children easily pick up enemies either due to !y, jealousy or

misunderstanding of their actions. Sometimes, it may be due to the bad attitude
of Qyqku-M) children. Instead of recognizing their inadequacies and amend
their ways accordingly, they usually blame everything on the fact that it is in their
destiny to have many enemies. This is an aspect which they need to examine
properly and review accordingly.

The best professions of QyQk-Mil children are in Medical fields-either as

Doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses, midwives, medical occultists,
Babalwo, herbalists, and so on. They are also good in trading and banking but
never as farmers.
Qyeku-Mfl male children must never marrytwo women atthe same time but in


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

circumstances of death, divorce, incompatibilty, he may marry another woman

but must never have two wives at the same time. For QyQkr-Mjl female
children, they must never marry an already married man. They must also marry
someone who has If as they may not have a successful home if they marry
someone who never underwentlteldu ceremony.
As regards money and material acquisitions, QyQkr-Mjl children, males and

females have an insatiable urge for wealth accumulation. The more they
acquire, the more they wish to acquire. If they lend people money, they try to
exploit their debtors to the maximum. On the other hand, if they are the ones
owing other people, they hold onto the money until they are forced to pay up. If
they have no money to pay, they do not see any reason why they should speak
softly to those they owe. In shoft, when it comes to money they love to enjoy
the better of two worlds - exploiting those who owe them money and holding
ontothe moneytheyowe foras long as possible.
There is however the need for QyQkrl-MT children to offer all appropriate qbg
and take care of their health in order to avoid physical, mental and or emotional
incapacitation which may lead to blindness, deafness, amputation of limbs,
lameness'due to stroke or outright paralysis. This will ceftainly preclude them
from socializing with theircolleagues or moving in their midst.
On the whole however, QyQkr-Mfl children, males and females, shall inherit
the world. They have the capability to overcome their opponents and achieve

more than all their contemporaries. They will succeed in terms of wealth,
spouse, children and general well-being.





If -

For protection against enemies, financial success, and over-all

Orl - Forfinancialsuccess and general protection
EgU Qdar - For general well-being and suppoft
Qbat - For child bearing and protection of the children
Qsun - For child bearing and good spouse
Ogn - For protection and direction
$ngO - For protection against opposition

8. ke - For overall success

9. FgbQ - For suppoft and leadership
10. Egngn - For support of the ancestors.



Must never walk in the rain - to avoid missing his chances of success
Must never use fg, the Palm Bird, for anything - to avoid his/her home
from scattering
Must never use water as paft of feeding materials for his o - to
avoid failure in life which may come from his/her prayers not being
Must not use millipede for anything - to avoid failure in his/her
Must not use sand paper leaves for anything - to avoid fairure in
his/her business undertaking.
Must not use AynrS leaves for anything - to avoid reduction in the
protection from the Deities
Must never marry more than one wife at a time: A woman must
never marry an already married man - to avoid unending
matrimonial crises
Must never farm - to avoid business failure
Must never eat fish - to avoid problem of giving birth to abfk
Must never use leopard for anything - to avoid being ovefwhelmed by





iiii overu veji

QlbardnlQ - Honour

Fde - If holds

is at hand

unto this

Ikrlgn - Ik, Death, please be compassionate

Ojmq-Ql - Thedawn of honour
Ifgggun - Ifa ensures victory
Fdr - Ifa performs wonders

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


1. Fdr - If peformswonders
2. AtOro - She who brings her success from heaven
3. Ftyln - If is praise wofthy
4. Odlre - Od is profitable
5. Subad -Thedepth ofthe crown
6. Ikmpyl May Death sparesthis
Abgrrt Aboy.


Chapter 3



ll il

Chapter 3

A.1 If says that the person for whom Iwo-M)

is revealed during

IkqsQdy orlteld shall succeed in his/her life. If says that he/she

shall perform wonders in life. In fact, all his/her achievements in life
shall be unbelievable to his/her colleagues. Many people shall
consider the feat, achievements and/or success of the person for
whom this Od is revealed as miraculous.

If says that without any tangible means of livelihood, he/she shall be

financially successful; without any tangible means of keeping a
matrimonial home, he/she shall make a very successful home;
without enough means of training his/her children, he/she shall
maintain a highly successful family; without the means to take
adequate care of himself/herself, he/she shall be healthy, cheerful
and happy.

If says that there is the need for him/her to offer ebg with three
white pigeons, three hens, three guinea fowls, three fish
and money. On theselw-M) says:OgOdO Owrt gb'k odO

L payln kekeeke s'olko

Dl fitn Altakn
Tl yO maa Se oun gbogbo bl idn bl idn
fbg ni wqn rd k q

The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer
This was If's declaration to Altakn, the Spider
Who shall be doing everything as if by magic



wo ue

Altakn, the Spider, had no money. He had no wife. He had no chld.

He had no home. As a matter of fact, he had absolutely nothing to
show for his existence in life. Tired of this, he went to the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation: Would he ever succeed in his life?
Would he have money? Would he have a spouse? Would he beget
children in life? Would he have his own home? Would he live long?
Would all his wants in life be gotten? Above all, would all his sadness
give way to joy?
The Awo assured him that he would be able to achieve all his heart desires
in life. The Awo then advised Altakn, the Spider, to offer gbg as stated
above. He complied. Thereafter the Awo prepared a special medicine for
him to use. He used it. Before long, Altakn was able to produce very
strong strings from cotton which he knitted together in form of net. This
net serued as his home. He was using the net to trap insects and even small
birds. His daily food was thus guaranteed. The surplus, he used to sell and
by so doing, he was able to get money to do some other things he wished to
do, Before long he was able to accumulate enough money with which to
marry a wife of his choice. Soon after this, his wife gave brth to several
children for him. Within a shoft period, the spider was able to achieve all his
heart's desires without having any tangible means of livelihood. All what
people knew was that the cotton which he knitted into strong strings with
which he constructed his net, which serued as his home, his trap and means
of livelihood came from his abdomen. How it came there was not known.
What supplied it there in an inexhaustible way was not known. Everyone
considered how the spider made it in life as miraculous. The Spider was full
of happiness. He was dancing and singing saying:

OgOdO Owrl gb'k odO

ro payln kekeeke s'olko

Dl filn AItakn
Tl yO maa ge oun gbogbo bl idn bl idn
fbg ni wqn nl k s
gb'Qbg, rrlbg
Bl idn ni mo ge
Tl mo fi 'j
Awo I'ogdo Ow gb'k od
Pa'yln kekeeke s'olko

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

OwO bl idan

I'fdrt ltge

Bl idan ni mo ge
Tf mo fi l'ya
Awo I'ogOdO Ow gb'ke OdO
P'ayln kekeeke s'olko
Ow bl idan l'fdU rrge
Bl idn ni mo ge
Tl mo fi k'l
Awo lOgodO wrt gb'k Od
P'ayln kekeeke s'lko
Owo bi idan l'fdu nge
Bl idn ni mo $e
Tl mo fi ntre gbogbo
Awo I'OgOdO Owrt gb'k OdO
P'ayln kekeeke s'lko
Ow bl idan I'Edr nse

The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer
This was lf's declaration to Altakn, the spider
Who shall be doing everything as if by magic
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
I got my wealth as if by magic
'The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer'
If does his things miraculously
I got my spouse as if by magic
'The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer'
If does his things miraculously
I got my children as if by magic
'The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer'
If does his things miraculously
I got my home as if by magic
'The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer'
If does his things miraculously
I got my Ire as if by magic
'The cotton wool stayed across the stream
And bloomed invitingly at the farmer'



t*o ue

If does his things miraculously

If says that the person for whomlw-Me) is revealed shall get all the Ire
in life in a miraculous manner.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to

dedicate his/her mind and attention to If. If says that the more
he/she does this, the more Ire he/she will acquire. If says that if
he/she is dedicated to If, If in turn will never lose interest in all
his/her matter.

If says that there is the need for him/her to offer gbg with four
rats, four fish, two hens and money. He/she also needs to feed
If with one matured goat. On this issue, If says:Eni a b w'de l b re'l
f;ni aj b w I'aj b 19

fin Elejl-Iwl

Tl yo te'j ire mq Akpo o rQ glrlglrt

fbg ni wQn nl k 9e

The person whom we follow out is he whom we ought to
return home with
The person whom a dog accompanied out is he whom the dog returns
home with
These were If's declarations to El)-Iwrl (Iwo-M))
Who shall take an intense but benevolent look at his Akp
He was advised to offer gbg

El)-Iw was a delegate of the Divinities. He was gven the authority to

disburse all Ire of life to those who are dedicated to If. His main problem
For this
however was how to know the best way to disburse the
reason, he went to the Awo mentioned above to determine how best it
would be for him to Identify those who deserve the Ire so as to avoid a
situation where those who were not worthy of those Ire were those who
received them.



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

The Awo assured him that only those who deserved the compasson and
benevolence of If shall receve them. He was advised to offer gbg as
stated above and to feed If with one goat. He did. Thereafter, he was
advised to use the following criteria to judge those who deserve all these
Ire from If:


Those who shall be given the Ire shall be totally

devoted to If. He/she shall not mix his/her loyalty to If and
Oldmar with other beliefs.

Honesty: He/she must be honest in thought, speech and action

at all times


Hopefulness: He/she must be hopeful and rely on If for

things at all times. He/she must also be patient at all times.


Humility: He/she must be humble to If and Oldmar, his/her


superior, his/her colleagues and even his/her subordinates at all


to use these criteria for alt If practitioners. The more

these criteria were followed and adhered to, the more the success and
achievement of the If devotees. Those who followed all the laid-down
criteria of E)-IwOfl began to sing and dance. They began to rejoice in If,
El)-IwOri began

pni a b w'de l b re'l
fni aj b w I'aj b lg
Dl filn Elejl-Iwof
Tl y te'j ire mq Akpo o rQ glrlglrl
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb$bg, rrtbg
If tq'j mQ mi, o w ml ire
Ejl koko lworl
Bl o b te5 mq n
A ma l'w I'Qwq
Eji koko lworl
Qmq Q rg l?mi 9e
Ejl koko lwrl



two e

Bl o b tej mq n
A ma ni're


Ejl koko lworl

9mg Q rg l'mi ge o
Ejl koko lworl
If te5t mQ mi, o w ml ire
$l koko lwrl
9mq Q rg l'mi 9e
Ejl koko lworl



The person whom we follow out is he we ought to return home

The person whom a dog accompanies out is he whom the dog ought
to return home with
These were If's declarations to Elfi-IwOr1
Who shall take an intense but benevolent look at his Akp
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
lf, please take an intense glance at me with your eyes of benevolence
All haillwori-MT, the mighty
I am indeed your child
All haillwO-M), the strong
If you take an intense look at one
One will surely be wealthy
All haillwO-MJI, the mighty
I am indeed your child
All haillwfi-M), the strong
If you take an intense look at one
One will surely be blessed with a good spouse
All hailIwOrl-MI, the mighty
I am indeed your child
All haillwOfl-M), the strong
If you take an intense look at
One will surely be blessed with lovely children
All haillwO-M), the mighty
I am indeed your offspring
All haillwO-M), the strong
If you take an intense look at one
One will surely be blessed with propefties
All haillwofi-MT, the mighty
I am indeed your offspring
All haillw0il-MT, the strong
If you take an intensive look at




lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

One will surely be blessed with all lre in life

All haillwor't-M), the mighty
I am indeed your offspring
All haillwfl-M), the strong
I am indeed your child
All haillwOil-M), the mighty

If says that the more dedicated, humble, honest, patent and hopeful the
person for whomlwr1-M) is revealed, the more benevolence he/she wll

If says that with dedication, humility, hopefulness and honesty, all the Ire
in life, without exception, is guaranteed for the person for whom this Od is


If says that the person for whom Iwfl-M), is revealed shall be

blessed and assisted by not only If, but also Oi and Ay. The
person for whom this Od is revealed shall be supported by If,
Ol and Ay. He/she shall be blessed and pampered by all these

If says that it is advisable for the person for whom this Od is

revealed to procure 16 fresh fowl egg-four to be offered fresh
as gbg. The remaining L2 areto be boiled; four to be used to feed
rf, four to feed Aye and the remaining four to feed the orl of
the person for whom the Od is revealed. On these, If says:
Kknk I'awo kQkgnkQ
GQgQngg I'awo Gegenge
Dl filn OrlmgnlkQq
Qmq at'Qrun kg'rl kgkq w'l ay
fbg ni wqn nl k qe

To take care of the person who deserves being taken care

To pamper the person who ought to be pampered

This was If's message for Or{mqffkQQ
Who brought his own lovable Of from heaven
He was advised to offer qbg





lwor Meji

OmgffkQg wenttotheAwostated above forlf consultation. Hewanted

to know if he would have the suppoft of If in his life in accomplishing all his
heaft's desires. He was sure that he could not achieve everything all alone.
That was why he wanted to know if he would be blessed with the support of

If and other Deities.

The Awo assured him that for him, the backing of If was guaranteed. Not
only this, he was also assured that his Ori was equally in his suppoft right
from heaven. To crown it all, Ay was also in his suppott.
He was advised to offer gbg and feed the Deities as stated above. He
complied. Before long, allthe good things of life came his way. If, his O
and Ay came to his aid and he succeeded where all others failed. After
achieving so much, he was still being assured of the continuous assistance
and support of the Deities. He was thus full of gratitude, saying:
KQkgnkQ I'awo kQkQnk$
GQgQngQ I'awo GQgQngQ
Dl fin


Qmq at'Qrun kS'rl kgkg w'l ay

Fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'Qbo, r'bg
If ma kQ mi nlg
Orl maa k mi nlgo
Enlyn ma ke mi nlgo
Gege l k'Qyin adlg o

To pamper the person who ought to be pampered
This was If's message for Ofmgn'ik
Who brought his own lovable Of from heaven
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, let If continue to pamper me
Let O continue to assist me
And let Ay continue to assist me
Gingerly does one collect and handle fowl eggs


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be loved
and treated with care by Tf, Ort and Ay.


If says that it foresees all Ire for whom lw-Mji is revealed. If

says that he/she shall not lack any Ire in his/her life. He/She shall be
blessed with wealth, good spouse, health, beautiful and responsible
children, a home of his/her own, long life and prosperity.
If however advises him/her to show hospitality to visitors and
strangers at all times. By so doing, all the good things of life shall be
his/hers. There is also the need for him/her to offer gbg with three
pigeons, three hens and money. on this, a stanza in this od

Qffnmll lo di sll

Mo nl kl ooro yeb
Qrrtnmll nl H d'omid'omi fese d'omi
K m ba d'om s'lojo l'ra

Qrnm)l declares that it is time to rest peacefully
respond that all evil principalities must disperse
Qrnmll cautions all water throwers to throw away water with care
and consideration
Lest they wet an impoftant visitor

Qrnm'il called on all his disciples and gave them lecture on the need to
treatvisitors and strangers with respect, and on the virtue of showing them
hospitality. This, he said was impoftant because a good Awo must learn
never to maltreat anyone because one can never tell who would be of use
and impoftance to him/her in future. He warned them especially on those
visitorswhom they had never met before in their lives. He emphasized that
the more respect and humility they show towards them, the more blessing
theywill receive from Oldmar and If.

Qrunm)l also enjoined all his disciples to go home and offer gbq with
three pigeons and three hens each. The disciples wanted to know why
they should offer such gbg and what profitthey were expected to gain by so
doing. Qrnm)l then told them that all the good things of life were
strangers to us.



wori uei

The way we treat them would determine how their responses to us

would be. A spouse that we would marry in future was once a stranger
to us. We needed to study all aspects of each other's characters for a
long, long time to come before we could declare that we really knew
each other very well. The riches we would get in our lives were
strangers to us until we began to acquire them and know how best to
utilize them, since how we acquired our wealth were more of
speculations, accurate and guesswork, in a conducive business
environment and more especially shear luck. Our children were
strangers to us until we begot them. Even after giving bfth to them, we
could not fully understand their characters. All the other Ire we got in
our lives were strangers to us because we simply could never
understand the format they would take before and after their
They all complied with the advice of Qrnmll. They all offered the gbg as
advised. Before long, all the Ire in life came to their homes to stay
permanently because they (the lre) were well treated. The Awo became
wealthy, they had good spouses, they gave birth to good children, they
were honoured with chieftaincy titles, and they lived purposeful lives in
relative comfot and peace of mind. They were very happy, They were
singing and dancing, saying:
Qnrnmll lo di sll
Mo nl kl ooro yeb
Qrrtnmll nl kl d'omid'omi fQsQ d'omi
K m ba d'omi s'lojO l'ra
Mo nl abjO wo ni o ?
nl alejo aj ni o
Mo nl alej wo ni?
nt aleo aya ni
Mo nf alejO wo ni?
nf alejO omg ni o
Mo nf alejO wo ni?
nl alejo ogb ni
Mo ni alejO wo ni?
nl alejO ire gbogbo ni
K p, ko jlnna
F w b ni nl wQwq ire gbogbo


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Qrnm'll declares that it is time to rest peacefully
I respond that all evil principalities must disperse
Qrnm)l cautions all water throwers to throw away water with care
and consideration
Lest they wet an impoftant visitor
I ask that what type of visitor (is Qnlnm'll referring to)
He responds that it is visiting Aj (Wealth)
I asked that what other type of visitor
He responds that it is visiting Aya (Spouse)
I asked that what other type of visitor.
He responds that it is visiting Qmg (Children)
I asked that what other type of visitor
He responds that it is visiting Oye (Chieftaincy)
I ask that what other type of visitor
He responds that it is visiting Ogb (Longevity)
I ask what other type of visitor
He responds that it is visiting Ire
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
all Ire in life as long as he/she takes care of vsitors and strangers. If says
that he/she shall be conferred with a title in recognition of his/her good


If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od ls
revealed to be properly initiated into If. If says that he/she shall
not be Ieft alone he/she shall be taken proper care of by If. With the
initiation, all problems shall be solved for him/her. His/her sorrow
shall be convefted to happiness; his/her worries shall be changed to
assurances; poverty to riches; and failures to successes. A stanza in
Iwri-M) suppoftng this says:

In nilta gangan j'ko

OOrn nil ta sangan kn'run
ota o ta
Oran O ran fnrn'kn kan Owrl
IX fitn Orunmlla
If y maa tn il qni tl kO sunwQn $e


two ue

f;bg ni wqn nl k 9e

The fire is it which lights the farm completely
The sun shines and illuminates the heavens
The spinner does not spin
And the roller does not roll only one strand of cotton string
These were lf's declarations for Ornmll
When he wished to improve the lot of those whose home were in
He was advised to offer


Very many people were in trouble. All what they were doing had no head;
they were living their lives in sheer frustration. They did not know what to
do to improve their lot. For this reason, they approached Qrrlnmll for
possible solutions to their problems. QrrlnmlI in turn approached the Awo
mentoned above for If consultation: Would he be able to improve the lives
of thosewho had approached him on theirvarious problems?
Qrnm)l was assured that he would be able to solve all their problems for
them. He was advised that all those having these problems needed
Consequently, they
adequate and all-encompassing protecton of
needed to be properly initiated in order to ensure that all their problems
were solved.



Qrnm'll returned home and began to initiate all those having problems
and all their problems began to disappear. Their lives began to change for
the better. They were all full of joy for the good things If had done for

In nif ta gangan j'ko

Oorn nil ta gangan kn'run
Onta o ta
Oran O ran fQnrn'kn kan w
Dia fun Qrrlnmll
If y maa tn il gni tl kO sunwQn 9e
Fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
gb'Qbo, nl'bg
Njq or{ Awo wQ
Awggbo m ni


lfa Dda: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Ipln Awo wq

The fire is it whch lights the farm completely
The sun shines and illuminates the heavens
The spinner does not spn
And the roller does not roll only one strand of cotton string
These were If's declarations to Qn:nmll
When he wished to improve the lot of those whose home were in
He was advised to offer gbg.
He complied
The O which Awo washes through initiation
Such O shall succeed and enjoy longevity
The Of which Awo washes through initiation

If says that it shall not allow the person for whom this Od is revealed
to face problems in his/her life.


If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed n

life. He/she shall be able to attain all his/her heart's desires - be it
wealth, spouse, children, longevity or even peace of mind.

If however advises that the person for whom this Od is revealed

must never attempt to become number one or number two in
anything he/she does. He/she must never aim to become the
president or charperson of any association or society. He/she must
never aim beyond being the number Three. There lies his/her
success. There lies peace of mind for him/her. Aiming beyond
Number Three poston in his/her life is like sending an open invitation
to trouble and restlessness.
There is the need forthe person forwhom this Od is revealed to offer
his/her gbg as Anlkore: three guinea-fowls, three cocks and
money. He/she also needs to feed If with one matured goat. On
these, If says:

Irqke idl abTdl grlgel-gangele

Dlfiln EleJl-IwOrl


twori t,tei

Tl y $e lkgta Od w'l Ay
pbg ni wqn nl k ge

The If tapper carued with Idf wood with ts broad but uneven base
This was the If cast forlwfi-M)
Who shall occupy the number three position among the Od when
coming into this Eafth
He was advised to offer gbg

The 16 principal Od were comng from heaven into the world. They
were taking varous postons of seniority which they expected to
mantan while on eafth. Consequent upon this, EJi-Iwfi went to the
Awo mentioned above for If consultation in order to determine which
position would be most advantageous to him while on eafth.
The Awo first assured him that his journey to eafth would be very fruitful.
He was also informed that he would have peace of mind and would be
highly respected on eafth. He was asked to offer his qbg asArkore and for
him to use three things in each category of materials he was asked to offer -

three rats, three fish, three pigeons, three hens, three guinea
fowls, three cocks and so on. He was also asked to feed If with a

goat. He complied.

Thereafter, he was advised to go for the

Numberthree position asthere laid success, achievement, victory peace of
mind, fulfillment and harmony for him. Iwo-M) agreed and went to the
remaining principal Od that he was contented with the Number Three
position. The 16 principal Od left heaven in the following order of
seniority- Ofttn-tvtelt, Number One; Qgg-Mefl, Number Two, IwOfl-Mf,


Number Three;


-Me, Number Four; Irosn-M), Number Five;

QwQnrin-M), Number Six; Qbar-M), Number Seven; Qkanran-M;),

Number Eight; Ogunda-tvtT, Number Nine; Qs-M), Number Ten; IkaMT, Number Eleven; 0turrrpgn-M3), Number t2 tara-MJ|, Number 13;
IrQtQ-ML Number la; QyQktl-M), Number 15; and E)-Ogb, Number

While on eafth, Ofun-VteI, the most senior Od, began to misbehave and
his misconduct was affecting the whole 16 Od. They tried to settle the
problem amicably without success. Before long, the misconduct of OfunM) began to rub on Q9Q-MI which occupied the second position. This

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

crss soon came to a head and Ofln-Mfl was dsplaced from the Number

one position to Number

position to Number 15.


Qgg-Mel was moved

from Number two

conversely, E)-ogb the most junior among the 16 principal od was

moved from Number 16 to Number one position, while QyQkrl-Mji was
moved from Number 15 to Number Two Position. All these movements and
crises did not affectlwo-Mj in any way. He still maintained his Number
Three position. Any time he remembered the advice of his Awo to him, he
was always grateful to Oldmar that he heeded the advice. Since the
time that he had been occupying this position, he never had any cause to


IrQkg idl abTdl ggt-gangete

Dl fin EteJt-Iworl
Tl y 9e lkeJa Od wa'E Aye
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbg, r'bo
Mo k'ta Od mo sinmi o
fyin o r'Heji-Iworl
B t k'gta Od w'y
Mo k',ta Od mo sinmi o

The If tapper carved with Idf wood with its broad but uneven base
This was the If cast for lwil-M;)
Who shall occupy the Number Three position among the Od when
coming into this Earth
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
I occupied Number Three position; I have peace of mind
Behold Iw0r1-M) who came into this world, occupying the Third
I occupied the third position
And I have peace of mind and satisfaction.


If says that it foresees the ire of pregnancy and child-bearing for a

couple who are in search of a baby. If says that they will not wait for
too long before their prayers are answered. If says that if the


mo ue

approprate gbg is offered at the right time, the woman n question

will surety miss her menstrual period and become pregnant that


If says that there is the need for them to offer gbg with three hens,

three rats, three fish, three round white chalksr three big
camwood and money. If says that they need not overdo things in
terms of copulation and they should be hopeful and prayetful. On
These,If says:
Qgn nff m'rf iq ad
m'sQ mieefl ig YeYe
Orubu gfun l ba'l$ k rm'rumu
Ata ba'h fq pee
D,la fun Atq hlqqlq
Tll g'gmgknrin IsahYe
A brl fitn Aqq
Tff S'gmqblnrin Qrun
Igbatl wqn lrmenu snrhn gmg
fbg ni wgn nl kl wgn w 9e

The tip of an ant-hill resembles a crown
The legs were rooted firmly to the ground
The round shaped native chalk fell down, and scattered white dust
Ata, the ridge at the top of a house, fell down and broke into pieces
These were If's declarations to Atg lQlQQlq, the slimy Sperm
Their offsPring here on Eafth
And also to AgE, the Menstrual egg
Their offspring in Heaven
When they wre both lamenting their inability to beget a child
They were advised to offer gbq

Both AtQ lQlQQlQ, the slimy Sperm and Agg, the Menstrual egg had been
married for sometime without being able to beget a child. Consequently,
they wentto the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation; would
they be able to beget a baby of their own? If yes, would it happen that


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

The Awo assured the two of them that they would certainly be blessed with

a child of their own. They were advised not to be in a hurry and not to
overdo things. They were also advised to offer gbg as prescribed above.

They complied.

That same month, when it was time for Agg to pass her time, she discovered
that the menstrual flow had ceased to come. They began to pray. They
were advised not to copulate for the next three to four months. They
After 10 months, Ag delivered a bouncing baby. She was full of
gratitude to oldmar. Both Agq and Atg lglgglQ, were giving praises
to their Awo saying:

jq ad
mejejl jg yeye

Qgan nff m'rl


Orubu eJun l ba'lQ k rm-rumu

Ata ba'tg fq pe
Df fun Atq tQtqqto
Tll g'gmgknrin lslay
A b fn A9g
Tll g'gmgblnrin Qrun
Igbetl wqn menu snrhn gmg
fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w se
WQn gb'Qbo, wQn r'bo
At'Ag, at'Atq


f, b I'awg-l'asQ kgg d'gmg tuntun

The tip of an ant-hill resembles a crown
The legs were rooted firmly to the ground
The round shaped native chalk fell down, and scattered white dust
Ata, the ridge at the top of a house, fell down and broke into pieces
These were lf's declarations to Atg lQlqQlg the slimy Sperm
Their offspring here on earth
And also to A9g
Their offspring in Heaven
When they were both lamenting their inability to beget a child
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied



t*o ue

Now, both egg and sperm

Which we have missed for now
Please undergo transformation processes and turn into a bouncing

If says the couple for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with a
bouncing baby. They are however cautoned that immediately after they
noticed that the woman had missed her period, they should avoid having
sexual intercourse with each other for at least three months in order to give
the pregnancy time to develop without interruption.


If says that it foresees the lre of child-bearing for the woman for
whom this Od is revealed. If says that all the children that this
woman shall be blessed with shall be very influential. They shall
all occupy the position of kings and queens and shall be treated as
first among their colleagues.
At the same time, If says that it foresees the Ire of a good wife for a
man who is in search of a compatible spouse. The person in question
is currently facing financial hardship but If says the hardship shall
give way to financial success. All the children whom the woman will
give bifth to shall be great and influential. The man himself comes
from a very highly placed and deeply traditional home. He needs not
worry since all his children shall be great, even greater than him and
anyone who had ever come out of that lineage before. On all these, a
stanza inlw-mT says :
Qrnmll l rtge rnl rre
Emi n wl, mo l ttge ml rre Qrunmila
Koto qna nff g'awo lmojln gbungbungbun
Olwo igi mje nil bq l'de Islay
Agbagba igi m,fa nl bg l'de lsahye
Agbegbe igi mgfa l d awo s'llQ l'kltl lfgn
Ap tan'n og
Irko a ya gblr nl'h
Ako rr d'd orl
Orr w', w j$
Olgnge9e l fi gbogbo ara s{n gmgokn ka'lQ bggrqbq
lgungun tr awo il Onlr-Snb


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Dl fitn onlre-snb
T f'e,yln tl m'jtfgkn snrhn gmg

lbg ni wgn nl k w Fe
Qrnmll declares that 'it s giving me a feeling of accomplishment'
I respond that 'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow paft of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the
path had been in use
There are seven superior trees on eafth
There are also six elderly trees on eafth
The six elderly trees stafted Awo practices at ld FfQn
Ap tree sprouts the flowers of financial success
IrkO tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Ako tree adorns its head with a crown
OlOgnnggge tree covers ibelf with okun beads
The slender Egngtln, the resident Awo of On'ire-Snb
He was the Awo who cast If for Offre-Snb
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to have a child
He was advised to offer gbg

Offre-Snb was the Qba oflr. In spite of this however, he was living in
abject poveflry. He had no money, no wife, no chld, and no good cloth and
if not for the fact that he was living in the palace of his ancestors, he had
nothing which could be rightly called his personal belonging. He struggled
and got a wfe. Unfoftunately for him, the wife was with him for several
years without becoming pregnant. Tired of all these problems, he went for
If consultation in the home of the Awo mentioned above: Would he ever be
able to have an heir in his life? Would his problem give way to success?
Would he too be called the proud father of at least one chld in his life?
The Awo assured him that he would be able to have not only a child, but
several children. He was informed that his children would even be greater
than him. He was also informed that through the children he would beget,

his influence would spread throughout the length and breadth of

Yorbland. He was however advised to offer ebg with six rats, six fish,
three hens and one matured goat. The reproductive organ of the goat,
(including the womb) was to be cooked with Qt'inblsowo leaves for his wife
to eat in orderto assist herto become pregnant.


'1f, mo


Hearing this, Orfre-Snbe was ready to offer the gbg, but there was a
snag. He had no money with which to purchase all the gbg materials.
therefore solicited the assistance of his relatives and all the 9bq materials
were procured. Before long, the wife of Offre-Snb became pregnant;
she gave bfth to a baby boy. The baby was named "QmoJr" meaning the
child whom relatives assisted in procuring the gbg materials. When the
child grew up, they made him Qba-Alr in llara-Eldtl, a town named after


Qrrnmll lo nge ml rre

Emi naa wl, mo l 9e ml rre Qrnmil
KOIO Qna nff g'awo lmOjln gbungbungbun
Olrtwo igi meje nil bg l'de Isalaye
Agbaagba gi mJa nf bg l'de lslay
Agbaagba 9 mJa l d awo s'llQ t'tt frqn
Ap tan'n og
Iro<o a ya gblr nl'h
Ako t d'd orl
Orrlr rrw'ewu ei$
Olgunttggge l f gbogbo ara sln gmgokn k'lQ bggrqbq
lgungun tne Awo il Onlr-Snb

filn odree-senb
T fyln tl m'ojtfgkn snrhn gmg
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e



OrUnmil declares that'it is giving me a feeling of accomplishment'

I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow paft of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superiortrees on
There are also six elderlytrees on eath
The six elderly trees started Awo practices at hti ffgn
Apa ffee sprouts the flowers of financial success
lrkO tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Ako tree adorns its head with a crown
Orrlr wears the dress of blood
OlgnngggQ tree covers itself with okn beads


The slender fgungun, the residentAwo of Orfre-Snb

He was the Awo who cast If for Offre-Snb

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

When weepng in lamentation of his inabilityto have a chld

He was advised to offer gbg

Offre-Snb, still in penury wanted another child. His wife was unable to
become pregnant. He went back to his Awo. He was again advised to offer
gbg. There was no money. He again summoned his people for
deliberation on his matten His people deliberated and assisted him again in
procuring all the gbg materials. The gbg was offered and his wife became
pregnant and delivered another baby boy. The child was named QrQ-Qmgt-Ajgr - meaning, the matter of having a child is worth deliberating upon.
when this child grew up, he was made the Qba of a town. The town was
named Ijero-Eldtl after h i m. Th us he beca me the Ajer ofljer.
Again they wanted to have another child. His wife was unable to become
pregnant. He went back to his Awo for solution. He was advised to offer
the same gbg as before. Again, there was no money. This time around, he
was too ashamed to summon his relations to his assistance. He therefore
decided to go into the forest to cut firewood for sale. He did this until he
was able to gather enough money with which to procure all the gbg
materials. He then went to offer the gbg. His wife became pregnant and
another baby boy was delivered. He named the boy Orftagi-QlQlQ the child
born while we were hewing firewood for sale. when he grew up, he was
madethe Qba ofltagi Ekiti, a town named after him.
Soon after, Onf re-Snb wanted to have another chitd. His wife was again
unable to become pregnant. He again wentto his Awo for If consultation.
He was again advised to offer the same gbg. There was no money. He
went to gather indigo leaves for sale until he was able to gather enough
money to procure all the gbg materials. He offered the qbo. This time
around, he was advised to feed the Eg-Qdr with one white pigeon.
He did. His wife became pregnant and gave bfth to yet another bouncing
baby boy. The boy took it as a duty to feed E9 with pigeons on a regular

basis. The boy was named fljQltl the child born after the parents were
selling indigo. When he grew up, hewas madethe fljQhl.
Yet again, offre-snbe wished to have another child, and again, his wife
was unable to take in. He again went to his Awo. They advised him again


lI twori uei
to offer the same gbg. Again there was no money to offer the same gbg.
He went and procured palm fronds for making enough brooms for sale.
sold the brooms until he was able to gather enough money to procure the
gbg materials. He offered the gbg and his wife became pregnant. She
gave bh to yet another baby boy. The baby was named QIQwQ the baby
born after selling brooms. When the baby grew up, he was made the Qba of
QwQ, a town named after him.


After allthese had been done, foftune smiled at Offre-Snb. He became

very wealthy. He was highly respected in his community. He was
his life to the fullest. He wanted to continue to enjoy his life. He saw no
reason why he should die when he was at the peak of his mission in life.
Consequent upon this, he went to Ad Eldtl to meet Qrnmll himself for If
Qpe teere orke Ad
Erlgl abggb
Erlgl abgtQ
Erlgl abgl
Erlgl boy
Dl filn Onlle-Snb
WQn nf k rrl'bg sl lalkr araa rg


The slender palm-tree of Ad hill
That which is fed for one to live long
That which is fed for one to grow old
That which is fed for one to become successful
That which is fed for one to sulive
He was the one who cast If for Onfre-Snbe
Who was advised to offer gbQ for him to live


Qrrlnm'il advised Onfre-Snb to offer one matured he goat as

did. He lived long and was able to enjoy his life to the fullest.



Qrunmll l ge ml rre
Emi na wl, mo l 9e ml rre Qrunmila
KOtO Qna nff g'awo lmOjln gbungbungbun
Ohiwo igi mje nil rtbq l'de Isahye
Agbiigb igi m,fa nl bq l'de lsahye
Agbaegba igi m-fa l d awo s'llQ l'kltl lfqn


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

Ap tan'n o$
IrOkO a ya gblr d'ha
Ako rt d'd orl
Orr w'e,w eje
Olgngege l fi gbogbo ara s{n gmgokn k'le bggrgbg
lgungun tr awo il Onlr-Snb
Dl fn Onlre-Snb
T f'Qyln tl m'jrf gkrln snrhn gmg
f,bg ni wqn nl k w ge
Awgn ar ba rrl'bg
9mg tl ar b'ni rrl'bg tl a fi bl
K ma p nl QmoJr
WQn fi j'oy Alr
Qrnmll l Se ml rre
Emi na wf, mo $e ml rre Qrnmil
KOIO Qn nff g'awo lmOjln gbungbungbun
Olrtwo igi meje nil rtbq I'de Isalaye
Agbgbi igi me,fa nl bg l'de tsalaye
Agbaagba igi mqfa l d awo sllQ t'm ffqn
Ap rttan'n o9
IrOkO a ya gblr nl'h
Ako r d'd orl

orr w'ew jQ
Olgongele | fi gbogbo ara sln gmgokn k'le beercbq
$gungun teere awo il Onlr-Snb
fitn onfree-sanbe
T f,yln tl m'Ojrf gkn snrhn gmg
lbg ni wqn nl k w Se
Awgn ar ba rrl'bg
9mg tl ar b'ni rrl'bg tl a fi bl
K ma p nl QrQ-qmq-t-ajgro
QrQ-gmg-t-ajgro d'gb ln
WQn fi j'oye AjerO
Qmq gblrt kQrQ lje kanlQ
QrUnmlla l ge ml rre
Emi naa wl, mo l tt$e ml rre QrUnmil
KOtO Qna nff g'awo lmjln gbungbungbun
Olrtwo igi mje nil bq l'de lsalaye
Agbgb igi mJa nl bg l'de lslaye
Agbagba igi mgfa l d awo sllQ l'kltl Ffqn
Ap tan'n o$O
IrotO a ya gblr fi'ha



Ako n d'd orl

Orr w'ew eje
OlgngegQ l fi gbogbo ara sln gmgokn k'le bggrgbg
lgungun tr awo il Onlr-Snb
Dl fitn onlre-snb
T fyln tl m'ojrf gkn snrhn gmg
lbq ni w$n nl k w fe
ba rl lg r ge'g ta
Qmq tl a bl


K ma p nl Onltag-Qlel
Onltagi d'gb tn
WQn fi joye Odtagi-Qlglq
9mq g bgn- nml-j rj rj -nlj
Qrunmll l Se ml rre
Emi n wl, mo l ge ml rre Qrrlnmil
KOIO Qna nff g'awo lmOjln gbungbungbun
Olrtwo igi mje nff rrbg l'de Islay
Agbgbi igi mqfa nl rrbe l'de balaye
Agbaagba igi m,fa l d awo s'llQ t'kltl ffgn
Ap tan'n og
IrkO a ya gblr nl'h
Ako n d'd orl
OrUr w', w jQ
Olgngege Io fi gbogbo ara sin omookun ka'le beerebe
lgungun tqsr awo il Onlr-Snb
Dl fin onlree-sanbe
T f,ylntl m'jrl gkn snrhn t'emg
fibq ni wQn tn nl k 9e
nlg r f el ta
Qmq tl a bl


K ma p nl Fljeh
Ejelr d'gb tn
WQn fi j'oye Fljeh
9mq arl Qrukk k'Eg
Qrrfnmll l rrge ml rre
Emi n wl, mo l ge ml rre Qrrtnmil
KOtO Qn nfl g'awo lmOjln gbungbungbun
Olrtwo igi mje nff rrbg l'de Isalaye
Agbgb igi mEfa nl rrbg l'de lsahye
Agbaagba ig mefa l d awo sllQ l'kltl lfgn

two ue

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

Ap tttan'n og
IrkO a ya gblra d'ha
Ako n d'd orl
Orur w'Qw jQ
OlgnSege l fi gbogbo ara s{n gmgokn k'le bggrgbe
Egngn tr awo il Onlr-Snb
Dl fitn onlre-senb
TO f',yln tl m'jekn snrhn gmg
fbg ni wqn n| k w ge
w lg r f gwq tl
Qmq tl a bl
Tl a f 9wQ ta
K maa p nl QlqwQ
qlqwq d'gb tn
Wen fi j'oy Ql,wq
9mg arere gejggejQ
OpQ ter orke Ad
Erlgl abqgb
Erlgl boJe
Erlgl abgle
Erlgl boy
Dt fitn onfree-sanb
Eyl tO ri're tn
WQn nl k r'bg sl I'alk araa re
gb'Qbo, n'bg
Ko pe k jlnn
F wa b ni nl wQwQ ire gbogbo

Qrnmil declares that'it is givng me a feeling of
I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow part of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superiortrees on eafth
There are also six elderly trees on eafth
The six elderly trees stfted Awo practices at kl ffgn
Ap tree sprouts the flowers of financialsuccess
IrkO tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Akotree adorns its head with a crown
OlgngggQ tree covers itself with okun beads
The slender pgungun, the residentAwo of Offre-Snb
He was theAwo who castlf for Orf re-Snb


!\ two ue
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto have a child
He was advised to offer ebg
His relations assisted him in offering the gbg
A child who was born after one's relations assisted
When QmoJr grew uP
He was conferred with Qbaship title of Alr
Qrrf nmll declares that'it is giving me a feeling of accomplishmenf
I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow paft of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superior trees on earth
There are also six elderly trees on eafth
The six elderly trees stafted Awo practices at kiti lfgn
Apa tree sprouts the flowers of financial success
IrkO tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Ako tree adorns its head with a crown
Olgnggge Fee covers itself with okun beads
The slender fgungun, the residentAwo of Orfre-Snb
He was the Awo who cast If for Of re-Snb
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto have a child
He was advised to offer another gbg
His relations once again came to his aid
A child who was born after one's relations assisted in offering the gbg

Let him be known as QrQ-9mg-t-ajgr0

He was made the AjerO of Ijer.
QrrJnmtl declares that 'it is giving me a feeling of accomplishmenf
I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow part of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superior trees on eafth
There are also six elderly trees on eafth
The six elderly trees stafted Awo practices at klti pfqn
Ap tree sprouts the flowers of financial success
IrkO tree breaK and loses one of its major branches
Akotree adorns its head with a crown
OlgnngggQ tree covers itself with okun beads
The slender fgungun, the residentAwo of On'iree-Sanb
He was the Awo who cast If for Onlre-Snb
When weeping in lamentation of his inability to have a child
Hewas advised to offer another qbg
He went to cut firewood for sale
The child who was born
While cutting firewood for sale


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultaon

Let him be known as'On'itagi-Qlele'

When Onltagi-QlglQ grew up
He was conferred with the title of Onftagi-QleQ
The king of Itagi
Qrrf nmil declares that 'it is giving me a feeling of accomplishment'
I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow part of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superior trees on eafth
There are also six elderlytrees on eafth
The six elderly trees started Awo practices at ki ffqn
Ap tree sprouts the flowers of financial success
Irk tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Ako tree adorns its head with a crown

OlgnggFe tree covers tself with okun beads

The slender fgungun, the residentAwo of Offre-Snb
He wastheAwo who castlf for Offre-Snb
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto have a child
He was advised to offer gbg
He began to fetch indigo leaves for sale
The child born after selling indigo
Let him be known as'fljQhf'
He was made the fljQltl
He who uses pigeons to feed Egu-Qdara
Orrlnmll declares that'it is giving me a feeling of accomplishment'
I respond that'it is giving me a sensation of success'
The hollow paft of a foot-path makes one to appreciate how long the path
had been in use
There are seven superiortrees on earth
There are also six elderlytrees on eafth
The six elderly trees stafted Awo practices at kltl lfgn
Ap tree sprouts the flowers of financial success
Irok tree breaks and loses one of its major branches
Ako tree adorns its head with a crown
OlognngggQ tree covers itself with okun beads
The slender fgungun, the residentAwo of Onfre-Snb
He was the Awo who cast If for Onlre-Snb
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto have a child
He was advised to offer gbg
He went and fetched brooms for sale
. The child born after selling brooms
Let the child be called QIQwQ
When QIQwQ grew up



wori uei

He was made the QIQwQ of Qwg

The sender palm-tree of Ado hill

That which is fed for one to live long
That which is fed for one to grow old
That which is fed for one to become successful
That which is fed for one to suruive
He was the Awo who cast If for Offree-Sanb
Who after being successful
He was advised to offer ebg for him to live long
He complied
Before long, not too far
Meet us in the midst of all Ire

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
all the Ire in life. He/she should however note that no matter how
successful he/she becomes, his/her children shall be more successful. The
accomplshments of his/her children shall enhance his/her own success n
life. All he/she needs to do is to pray hard and offer gbg to live long.


If says that there is a child who is ill where this Od is revealed; or

that a child is about to fall ill where this Od is revealed; or
purpose for consulting If where this Od is revealed is to determine
the fate of a child who is very ill. It is in the best interest of the
parents of this child to offer four guinea fowls, three as qbg and
the remaining one to feed qbetl in order to prevent a situation


where the child in question will die an untimely death.

If says that with appropriate gbg and the feeding of Qbtl, the
child shall be protected by this Deity and will not allow him/her to
suddenly. On this, a stanza inlwrl-M) says:


Onpa jeged Awo won nfl e Fede

FwQn-gbal, Awo Ajuwqn lrsl
fyg kan ablfO gqrg-Sqrq-Sgr9r Awo wgn nl keeku lyere
Dla fUn Ayra
Tff 9'9mg Orlga-lgbo dil
Eyl to rtgEgbqgbQ rn
Tl ltara kk ti dlde
Fbq ni wqn n| k



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

The slender Orpa tree, their Awo in ElQdg's household
FwQn-gbalQ, the Awo of AjUwQn Irs'i
The bird which hops hither and thither, their Awo in Keku

They were the Awo who cast If for Ayra
The offspring of Oga-Igbo ndfl (Qbatla)
When he was down with serious illness
And was lamenting his inability to rise and walk
He was advised to offer gbg
Ayra, the world is in ruins, was he who was very ll. All medications proved
ineffective. One day, he was taken to the group of Awo mentioned above
for If consultation; Would he overcome this illness? Would he be able to

rise up and peform effectively again? What types of medication would

they use to overcome his problem?
The Awo assured them that Ayra would soon be well. They were told that
they needed to use one guinea-fowl to appease Qbath and to offer gbg
with three guinea-fowls. Ayra's relations did all the gbg he was
expected to offer for him. After this, they took a guinea-fowl to Qbath to
appeal to him to please spare the life of their son, Ayra. Ayra soon
became well. He began to shower praises on If and Qbtla for a job well
Orpa jgd Awo won ni'l e Flede
FwQn -gbalQ, Awo AjrtwQn lrsl
Pyq kan ablfO $gr?-gqrq-gero,r Awo wgn nl keeku lyere
Dl filn Ayra
Tll g'gmg Orlga-Igbo djl
Eyl t $qgbQgbQ rn
Tl tara kk ati dlde
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'Qbg, r'bg
jq Orl+a-Igbo gb'eJ
Ko m baa pa Ayra



two ue

The slender Orupa tree, their Awo in [lQdg's household
FwQn -gbalQ, the Awo of Ajuwgn Ires'l
The bird which hops hither and thither, their Awo in Keku Iyere
They were the Awo who cast If for Ayra
The offspring of OEa-Igbo ndl (Qbatla)
When he was down with serious illness
And was lamenting his inability to rise and walk
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Please Ofi5a-Igb0, take a guinea fowl
So as to spare Ayra from death and prevent the world from going into

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is a child of gbaHla.
He/she needs to feed Qbatla on a regular basis so as to prevent illness and
other mischief from happening to him/her.


If says that it foresees the ire of victory for the person for whom
IwrT-MT is revealed. If says that this person had been pursuing a

course of action for a very long time to no avail. If says that this
person had also been frustrated and is about to give up altogether.
If says that he/she will surely accomplsh his/her mission. If
recommend perseverance and with time, there will be victory.

If says also that there had been oppositon to a project, course of

" action, the activities, and the personality of the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that the person should continue to
persevere as he/she is aboutto overcome all his/her adversaries.

If urges the person never to give way to despair as victory is at

hand. If says that in the end, he/she will have course to thank
his/her stars. He/she shall overcome and shall be blessed with ire
of accomplishment.

If recommends that there is the need for this person to procure

at least 16 fresh fowl eggsr three cocks, palm oil and

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

money and offer these items as ebg. This will aid his vctory
chances. On this aspect,Iwii-MT says:
gqan j, gffn d'Qp
Okn jojg I'egb o,wQ
Ly{nk, Awo wgn l'de Or
Ko lhun-n-ta-hja, Awo Obara-mojg
Aganna Awo wgn l'de l$n
Okn-ok, ok-okn
fitn gwa-Qga, 9w Ogrlrli-gbQdu
9mq oko grtrtg lgyln m
Ey{ t ti jagun
BgQ ni o lee $gun
pbg ni wgn nl k 9e

When the string breaks, the bow becomes just a mere staff
Tying the broom with adequate string suppolG the broom
L/ink, their Awo in or town
He-who- has-nothing-to-buy-i n-the-market, the Awo of Oba ra- MOjq
Agnn, their Awo in I$in town
Okn-ok, ok-okn (Ijgsa greeting format)
They were the Awo who cast If for Qwa-Qga, the Qba of Ijgsa-land
Whose praise-name is the offspring of the thick shrub behind the
water pot
He who had been waging wars
Without any victory

Qw-Qg, was the Oba (king) of Ijgshaland. He was facing the threat of
both internal uprsing and external aggressons. Much as he tried, he was
unable to overcome his problems. one day, he summoned all the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation in order to know if he would ever
overcome all the problems he was having.
The Awo assured Qwa-Qg, that he would not only overcome his problems,
but that these problems would never rear up their ugly heads again. He
was informed that unknown to him, the spirits responsible for victory had
always been very close to him; but unfortunately for him, he did not know
what to use which would put them into action in his support. He was told



two ue

that these sprts need fresh fowl eggs from him in order to ensure
victory. They also needed three matured cocks for him to offer as gbg.

Thatsame day, he complied.

Soon after, he was able to overcome all the internal uprisings. With a
united home front, he was able to stamp out all external aggressions. He
was fullofjoy. He invited everybodyto come and celebrate with hinr.
When asked how he managed to overcome all his almost insurmountable
problems, he responded that he used fresh eggs as his weapons of victory.
He was then singing and dancing and


Qgn jrqrnd'qp
Okn jojo l'gb gwQ

Lylnk, Awo wgn l'de Or

Ko lh u n- n-tl-bja, Awo obara- MojQ
Aganna Awo wgn l'de lgin
Okrln-ok, ok-okn
Dl filn gwa-Qg, Qw Ogrlrli-gbQdu
Qmg oko g9 l$yln m



B$Q ni O le99un

[b9 ni wqn nl k Se
Qrrlnmll l di OpOrOpOrO
Mo ldi oporoporo
Oporoporo, e w wo Qwa-Qg
B t f eyin adlg Segun



When the string breaks, the bow becomes justa mere

Tying the broom with adequate string supports the broom
Lfink, theirAwo in Ortown
He-who-has-noth i ng-to-buy- in-the- ma rket, the Awo of Oba ra- MjQ town
Agnn, theirAwo inlgin town
Okn-ok, ok-okn
They were the Awg who cast If for Qw-Qg, the Qba of Ijgsa- land
Whose praise-name is the offspring of the thick shrub behind the water

He who had been waging wars



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Ortlnm'll declares that'it is in torrents'

I respond that'it is really in torrents'

In torrents behold gwa-Qga as he uses fresh fowl eggs to

overcome adversary

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall overcome
his/her problems. He/she needs to offer as many eggs as he/she can
afford. The more eggs he/she offers the higher the chances of overcoming
his/her problems.

11. If says that it foresees the Ire of victory for the person for whom
Iwfi-M) is revealed. If says that this person had taken up
resdence among two poweful but mischievious people. If says
that he/she should watch his/her utterances at all times because the
two devilish people have already concluded terribly dangerous
designs against him/her. If says that they plan to put the person for
whom this Od is revealed in the middle so as to be able to harm
If says that the reason why these people are planning to do him/her
evil is simply because of his/her truthfulness. He/she also loves to
repeat the same statement over and over against the person. If
says that he/she needs to learn the virtue of being reticent at all
times. He/she should also be informed that it is not everything one
sees that one must says to others.

If says also that this person needs to offer fresh beef and money
as gbg. By so doing, he/she will be able to overcome allthe devilish
around him/her. A stanza in this Od says:

Alwl l'g9g
Bl o b wlr fitn wgn lwflglwq
A dabf qni pe lwg lo $e wqn


Tll g'gmg wgn l'de IgOd

f;bg ni wqn nl k 9e



wo ue

To see

isto say

Refusal to speak out amounts to iniquity

If you continue to speak out without relenting at all

It will appear that you are the one behind their
These were If's declarations to Obukg, the He-goat
Their offspring inlgd town
He was advised to offer gbg

Obukg, the He-goat was known to be a very truthful person. Whenever

there was any development, he would be invited to speak out on how he felt
about the matter.
He would say it the way it was, no matter how highly-placed the person
involved might be.

If the matter happened in his presence, he would continue to speak the

truth. One aspect of his character was that he would contnue to repeat
what he considered the truth even if those who were guilty were highlyplaced personalities in the community. To make matters worse, he would
be saying his own anywhere he was, without consideration for the feelings
of the affected party.

One day, OOrtkq went to the Awo mentioned above to consult If on his
general well-being. There the Awo told him that it was good and advisable
to speak the truth at all times as refusal to speak the truth was a sin in the
presence of Oldmar. He was however cautioned that there was a limit
to the number of times he needed to repeat what he had said on a matter
before he was considered a nuisance. He was cautioned that anytime there
was any matter, he should say it the way it was and keep his mouth shut
afterwards. It was not his duty to begin to broadcast the matter about and
it was not his duty to wish to force his opinions on others, lest the others
hate him over his effoft.
He was told that as at present, there were two poweful people living close

to his house.

These were mischievous people whom he must try

everything he knew to avoid, he was warned. The Awo explained fufther
that these people planned to harm him because of his truth- fullness

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

because these were evl people. And as a result of his telling the truth at all
times, they were finding their lives too difficult to cope with and they felt, in
their devilish way of reasonng, that Obrl<o was the person responsible for

their misfoftunes.
They felt that because Obrlkg was speaking the truth and criticizing their
adequacies, and by extension, exposing them to misfoftune and danger.
He was then cautioned to be moderate in evefihing he did or said as
excess of everything, even good thing, was bad. He was also advised to
offer gbg with fresh raw beef or raw pork or raw mutton and money.
He was advised to place the gbg very close to his home. He agreed.
B o rl


Aiwl I'g9g
Bl o b wl'rn fitn wqn l'wflslw
AdaH gni pelwg l gewQn
Dlfitn SkUn
Tl lg r d'ko l'jdelgd

T rtg red'ko l'jtdelgd
fbg ni wQn nl kl wgn ge

To see is to say
Notto say is a sin

If you continue to speak out without relenting

It will appear that you are the one behind their misfoftunes
These were lf's declarationsto [kn, the Leopard
When going to farm atlgOd
And tolkookO, the Hyena
When going to farm at)godo besidelkook's farm
They were advised to offer gbg
Both fkn, Leopard, and fkook, Hyena were wicked people. There was
nothing bad they had not done - they had killed, stolen, blackmailed, lied,
fornicated, instigated people against each other, inflicted pain on others
and so on. All these actions were usually roundly condemned by Obrtkg.
when Obkq continued to condemn them relentlessly, the two of them



planned to put Obukq in the middle in order to eliminate him.

Igodo, the home town of Obukg. fikn began farming on the left side of
Obukg's home whilelkook began his own farming on the right side. In
order to protect their plan to eliminate Obr:kg, the two of them went to the
same group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation; Would they
succeed in their plan? Would they be able to eliminate the nuisance giving
them trouble in their lives?

The Awo told them that there was the need for them to be truthful and
honest all times. They were also told never to think evil, say evil or do evil.
They were told that those who do these things would never have rest of
mind and that they would only be accusing those who had been correcting
their bad ways wrongly. They were also advised never to do things
excessively even if what they were doing was good. They were
encouraged to think good, say good things and do good at all times, lest
they end up harming themelves. They were advised as Obrlkq was
The two of them left the home of these Awo in anger. They then intensified
their evil plan. They said that they would approach the home of Obukg in
the dead of the night, lure him out and then kill him. They said that this
plan must be carried outthat night.
Meanwhile, when Obukg arrived home in the evening of that day, he went
and procured a big chunk of fresh raw beef. He placed it in a clay plate and
put it besides his home. He returned home to sleep. At night whilelkookO
was coming to Obukg's house, he saw the meat. He thanked his stars for
coming through that route and settled down to eat before going to finish up
Obkq. While he was eating, Fkn had become impatient where he was
waiting. He decided to tracelkook and found his co-conspirator where he
was eating. In his mad fury he thought that Ikook had already lured
ObUtg out and had killed him and began eating him alone. Beforefkook
could explain, fkn had pounced on him. Both of them fought and tore at
each other. Before long, fikn killedlkook. The wound which]kookO had
inflicted on Fkn incapacitated him. A few days after, germs entered the
wound and it became a festering sore. Seven days after the fight, fikn too
died of infections.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

That was how Obrlkg was able to get rid of his two antagonsts. If says
that the person for whom this Od is revealed is surely gong to get rid of
his/her enemies as long as the appropriate gbg is offered and he/she heeds
the warnings of the Awo.
Obukg was full of joy and was jubilating that he had overcome his powerful
enemies, saying:

Ar-wl I'Q9Q
Bl o b wl'rn filn wgn I'awflg{wq
A dabl gni pe lwg l rt ge wonu

Tl ;gmg wgn l'jrlde lgd
Dlfiln Ekn
Tl ttlq r d'ko l'jdelgdo

Tl rrq r d'ko l'jde lgd
fbg ni wqn n| kl wgn ge
Obrtkgnlkan nl bgl'gylntl tubg
QrUnmil wl d Omlrln ajgran j'p
Emi naawl moldiOmlrlnajgran jpO

m'eranf'f;kun kje

To see is to say

Refusal to speak out amounts to iniquity

If you continue to speak out incessantly
It will appear that you are the one behind their misfoftunes
These were lf's declarations to ObUkg

Their offspring in Igd town

And to Ekn
When going to farm atlgodo beside Obukg's farm
And tolkook
When going to farm atlgod beside Obkg's farm
They were all advised to offer qbg
OnlyObrtkg complied
Qrrlnmil says it istimeto consume fresh meat
Give meatto Ekn to eat

If says that this person must continue to speak the truth but must not be



repeatng the same topic over and over agan. Conversely, If says that
the person for whom this Od is revealed must be ready to accept his/her
fault whenever he/she had done something wrong which others had
pointed out to him/her. He/she must not consider those telling him/her the
truth as his/her enemies. He/she must not plan against them, lest he/she
meets with serious disaster.

L2, If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must know
how to divide his/her time between being fashion-conscious and
doing real business. If says that the business of this client entails
some elements of appearing dirty attimes. If saysthat it should not
bother him/her as there is time for him/her to look neat after the
completion of his/her duty. If says that if he/she is too conscious of
his/her looks while at work and if he/she is pre-occupied with
appearing neat and spotless all the time while at work, he/she may
find out that the business would suffer. For this reason, he/she must

never mind how he/she looks while

at work. It will be

understandable to those who will see him/her, and in fact, it will be

quite appreciated. Instead of people thinking that he/she is dirty,
they will ceftainly see him/her as busy at his/her work since it is the
nature of the job that made him/her drty. Whenever the assignment
is completed for the day, he/she can then clean up and appear as
neat as possible.

If says it foresees the ire of success and accomplishment for the

person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she will be
well known in his/her chosen line or profession. His/her reputation
will extend beyond his or her community. There is the need for the
person to offer gbg with three pigeons, three guineafowls,
three cocks and money. He/she also needs to feed Ogun of the
Blacksmiths with one cock. On all these, If says:
Iworl kan nlhln-ln
lw0rl kan lQhn-rf n
Iwrl dimejl a d'Ododo
Dl firn Algb$dg Imogun
Tly maa firin jn

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Mtorl oge
lbg ni wqn nl k w $e

One leg oflw hereon the right
One leg oflw there on the left
When the legs oflwOri become two, it isIwO-M)
This was the If cast for the Blacksmith oflmgn
Who will be firing iron until it becomes ashes
Because of his fashion consciousness
He was advised to offer gbg

The Blacksmith was always complaining that his business was not doing
fine. All the iron that he bought in to fashion into hoes, cutlass, and knives
and as on used to burn into ashes. Whenever he put the iron into the fire,
he would examine his hands and f he spotted any dift, he would go and
wash his hands thoroughly. Before he returned, he would discover that the
iron had burnt into ashes.
Tired of this business misfoftune, he went to the home oflwil -Mfl for If
consultation; Would he be able to turn his loss into profit? Would he know
what was responsible for his business misfoftune in the first place?

The Awo informed AlgbQdg Imgrf n that his problem emanated from his
being too neatness conscious. He was told that it was not advisable for him
to be cleaning his hands whenever he putthe ron into fire.

If his hands were drty, he was to use his hands to rub his face

so that he
would be able to face his work and the iron would be removed inside the fire
before it burnt into ashes. He was also advised to offer gbg with three
pigeons for economic success, three guineafowls for peace of mind and
prestige and three cocks for victory over his misfortune. He was also
advised to feed the Ogun of the Blacksmiths to enable him get the suppoft
of his Deity. He complied with the advice oflwOil -Mfl.
Soon after this, whenever he was working in his smithery he used to rub his
hands on his face whenever his hands were drty. This action used to
blacken his face but his irons were never burnt again. He fashioned
cutlasses, hoes, knives, spoons, nails, iron doors, lock and so on. He sold



wo ue

them regularly. This gave him a lot of money which enabled him to buy
day's work.

That was when he realized that it was reasonable for him to ignore his
appearance while he was working. Afterthe day's work, he would bath, put
on beautiful dresses and stroll out majestically. He was full of gratitude to
hisAwo,Iwr'l-MT. He was singing, dancing and saying:

Iworl kan nlhln-ln

IwOrl kan lohn-rln
Iworl di mjl a d'Ododo
Dla fin AlgbQdq ImOgrtn
Tl y maa firin jn

Nltor{ oge
fbg ni wqn nl kw ge
gb'$bo, r'bq
je ut o b slt lworl-Mil
T nl kl n d ljtl
Kl n d l$nu
Kl n 9e gbQn lslQ worl-worl
Gbogbo irin ni lb ti jn tn

Erolpo, ero Qfa

F wa ba ni nl wQwQ lre
WQwQ ire lr Qpq n'lfg

One leg ofIwO here on the right
One leg oflw there on the left
When the legs oflwOil become two, it islwO -M)
This was the If cast for the Blacksmith
Who will be firing iron until itturns into ashes
Because of his fashion consciousness


He was advised

to offer gbg

He complied

If notforlwo-M17
Who advised me to blacken my face
And blacken my mouth (while rubbing my hands on my face)
And blacken my lower jaw as charcoal
Allthe iron would have burnt into ashes
Travellers tolpo and Qfa


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultaton

Join us in midstof abundantlre

Abundant Ire is the proft of If followers at Ife

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall make profit n
his/her Iife. He/she needs to work hard and ignore how he/she looks while


If says that it forsees the ire of wealth, prestige, honour, peace of

mind and happiness for the person for whom this Od is revealed.
says that his/her O will assist him/her in getting his/her
heart's desires. His/her life ambitions shall be fulfilled.


If says that he/she shall be called upon to come and occupy a

position of responsibility. This position shall make him/her great. If
says that there is the need for this person to offer gbg so as to be
placed in the aforementioned position of honour. At the same time,
he/she needs to offer gbQ against slanderers so that he/she would
not be removed unceremoniously from that position. The gbg
materials he/she needs to offer so as to be placed in a position of

honour are:

three rats, three fish, three hens, three


and money. The gbg against slanders are: big

morsels of meat, cooked or raw, and money. On these
two impoftant aspects, If says:
Qkn yg gingin, Qkn wg'n igb
Qgen yq lQlQQlQj'n
Ati grtnke g'gmg nldfr blrlp-blrlpe
Dl f n Ahr-gQko-m-m'l
Orrlkg tl a pe lkook
Tll sigmg Onlsr Awo Akinja
WQn nl gdn gdn nll I'g! a ree p
f;bg oy ni wqn nl k w s-e
Ko sl ff'bg elnlnl

Qkn sprouts thcK and strong and enters the forest
Qgan sprouts slender and long and reaches the road
To climb a hilly road, a child's waists move sideways




These were the declaations of If to "the farm-hut-watches-the farmbut-cannot-catch-a-th ief"

The name given tothe Hyena
The offspring of Onfstlr , the patient one, the Awo of Akinja, the Heroic
He was told that that year was his year of success
He was advised to offer gbg for him to be honoured with a chieftaincy title.
And also told him to offer gbg against slanders

Ahr-gQko-m-m'l, the-farm-hut-watches-the-farm-but-cannot-catcha-thief, otherwise known aslkooko, the Hyena, went to the Awo mentioned
above to know how his chances of success that year would be. The Awo
assured him that he would be successful that very year. He was informed
that he would be made the Qba of his town that very year. He was advised
to offer ebQ so as to be made the Qba of lgodo, his town, that year. The

ebg materials were three rats, three fish, three hens, three
horsetails and money. He was also advised to offer gbg against
slanders with three cocks, six morcels of meat and money. He also
needed to wear the If beads at all times. Ikook reasoned that if he

could be made the Qba of his town, it would be very easy for him to crush
any slanderer. Consequently,Ikook offered the gbg for him to become
the Qba of his town and ignored the one he was expected to offer against
slanderers. He also agreed to wear id.

Soon after this, the reigning 9ba of Igodo died. The king-makers
deliberated and decided to put a fish inside a covered calabash as a test for
the person who would be picked to be the next Qba of lgodo. They said
that anyone who was able to know what was inside the calabash or who
mentioned the word'fish' would be made the next Qba of)godo.

All the Awo were invited to come and tell them what was inside the
calabash. All of them recited several If stanzas without success. They
asked them to tryagain. They did, without success.
While they were doing this,Ikook was passing along the road. The king
makers saw the Id which he tied round his wrist and invited him to come
and recite for them any Od which he knew. He told them that he was not a
Babalwo and that he only knew of one stanza in)wri-MT. He was asked


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

to recite

it. He began by saying.

Qkn yggingin, Qkn wo'nrl igb
Sgen yq lQlQQlQ j'n
Ati gunke g'gmg nldl btrtpe-blrlp
Dl fil n Ahr-g0ko-m-m'l



Tff sfgmg Onlsr Awo Akinja


Qkn sprouts thicks and strong and enters the forest
Qgan sprouts slender and long and reaches the road
To climb a hilly road, a child's waists move sideways

These were the declarations of If to 'the-farm-hut-watches-the farmb ut-ca n not-catch -a-th ief '
The name given to the Hyena
The offspring of On'isr, the patient one, the Awo of Akinja, the Heroic

They did not allow him to go beyond this stage before they declared that he
had mentioned 'fish' which was what they placed inside the covered
calabash. That was howfkook was made the Qba oflgodo. He became a
very influental Qba soon after this. He was really enjoying his reign as the
Qba oflgodo.
Seven years after this, all the goats, rams, ewes, he goats, pgs, chicken

etc. began to get missing in the town. unknown to anyone, it was Eg

Qdara who had been keeping these domestic animals. After a while,
people began to point accusing fingers at the Qba. Before long, they
confronted the Qba that he was the one killing and eating their animals.
Before he could explain himself properly, he was dethroned and chased out
of the town.
In sadness he went back to his Awo for another round of If consultation.
That was when he was reminded that he had earlier been warned against
slanderers and he had refused to heed the advice of the Awo to offer gbg.
He told the Awo that he was prepared to offer the gbg as prescribed. They
responded that it had taken him seven years to offer the gbg, therefore all
the gbg materials were to be purchased in the multiple of seven. He was




to procure 2L cocks and 42 morsels of meat as gbQ aganst

slanderers. He quickly complied. The 42 morsel of meat were placed


inside a clay plate and taken to the bank of the stream very early the
following morning. Those who went to fetch water in the stream did not
notice that Eg Qdara had been dropping one morsel of meat into each of
theirwater jars.
These morsels of meat turned to fore limbs and hind limbs of ewes, goats,
rams, pigs and so on, while the water turned to blood. At home, everyone
who saw this happening exclaimed that they had never seen anything like
that before in their lives. EgU Odara again turned into human being and
explained to them that instead of accusing lkookO of killing their domestic
animals they should know as from that time that Ikook knew nothing
about the missing animals since they had all found the pafts of these
animals in their own possession. They should therefore go and find a way
of begging Ikook to return to the throne. The elders reasoned that with
the latest development, it was clear that the exhibits were found with the
elders in the town afterlkookO had been driven out. They selected some
representatives to go and appeal to, and bringlkook backto the throne.
Qkn yg gingin, Qkn wg'n igb
Qgan yg lQlQQlQ j'n
Ati grtnke g'qmq nldh blrlpe-blrlpe
Dl fitn Ahr-gqko-m-m'l

Orrkqtl pelkookO
Tll slgmg Onls r Awo Akinja
WQn nlgdn gdn nll I'g! a ree p
f bg oye ni wqn nl k w ge
Ksl r'boelnlnl

Ko p kjlnn
fi w b'ni nl wQwQ ire gbogbo
Qkn sprouts thicks and strong and enters the forest
Qgan sprouts slender and long and reaches the road
To climb a hilly road, a child's waists move sideways
These were the declarations of Ifa to "the farm-hut-watches-the farmbut-can not-catch-a-th ief"
The name given to the Hyena


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The offspring of Orfsr , the patient one, the Awo of Akinja, the Heroic
He was told that that year was his year of success
He was advised to offer gbg for him to be honoured with a chieftaincy title.
And also told him to offer gbg against slanderers
Before long, nottoofar
loin us in the midstof alllre

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be honoured
with a deseruing title and he/she shallovercome slanderers.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will



in life. Therefore, he/she must never be in a hurry to

succeed. He/she needs to be patient and be prayerful. If also says

that there is someone who had been trying hard to improve the lot of
the person for whom this Od is revealed. However, it is not yet time
for him/her to succeed. If says that he/she needs to wait for a little
more period for him/her to succeed. If says that he/she needs to
wait, and the remaining period for him/her to wait is less than one
year. He/she must persevere for the remanng period.

If also says that even though the person for whom this Od is
revealed is very truthful, he/she however runs the risk of being
tagged a wicked person because he/she easily jumps into
conclusions on any matter. He/she also lacks the patience and
maturity to listen to the two sides of any matter before jumping into
conclusion. He/she could easily pass judgment on any person or
issue without waiting to hear the other side of the case. If says that
he/she needs to change this attitude and cultivate the viftue of being
patient for him/her not to be blamed where he/she is supposed to be

If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is a Babalwo or

\yrrtf, he/she must never use any animal that had hithefto been used as
gbg for any client to feed his/her If. If says that if there is the need for
him/her to serue If, he/she must go to the market to purchase the items
he/she intends to use. Failure to do this will amount to his/her prayer not

tt twori Meii

being answered in


If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed
to offer gbg with three pigeons, three guinea fowls, three ducks and
money. He/she also needs to feed If with one goat and be very patient
at all times. On theselwrl-M) says:
9wq we kO t pepg
T'wgn gblagb kO wg krgb

K m 9e kq

i96tl baba gefQmg o

Mjqtl lg re pe Qrunmlla l'j$ I'qdq Oldmar


Fbq ni wQn nl k 9e

The hands ofyouths cannot reach the shelf
Those of elders cannot enter the neck of the bottle gourd
The errand that a youth sends an elder

Lettheelderrefuse not
There are assignments a father is expected to carry out for hs child
This was the If cast for AkpO
When he went to complain against Qrunm'll in the presence of Oldmar
He was advised to offer ebg

Akp had been serving Qrnmll with all his capacity. He promoted
Qrnm)l's interest at all times. He did all things that Qrrlnm)l approved of
and abstained from all those things his master did not support. He
defended Qrnmll at any given oppoftunity. He carried out assignments
for Qrrlnm)l, come rain and shine. Even if he had nothing to eat, he was
always doing what Qrnm)l his master wanted him to do.
AkpO was doing all these with the understanding that Qrnmll in turn
would promote his, Akp's, interest. QrUnmIla would protect him, shower
him with blessings and supply him with all his needs in life. Unfoftunately
for the Akp, his situation did not improve. He was not rich; he had no
wife, no child, no house of his own/ no horse, and no good dresses to show
for his unalloyed loyalty to Qrnmll. To make the matter worse, he saw
many people who had not served If as much as he had done, who had


lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

been more successfulthan him.

In his mind, he concluded that Qrnm)l had done nothing to protect him or
shower him with blessings. He went and' repofted Qrnmll to many
people that in spite of all what he had done to serve QrnmIl with
dedication and loyalty, Qrnmll had left him uncared forand he wastaking
care of other people who had not in any way done a fraction of what he had
done to serve Qrunmll. All the people he told condemned Qrrlnmll in
strong terms and urged him to go and repoft Qrnm)l to oldmar. He
therefore went to oldmar to lodge a strong complaint against
When he finished his narration, Oldmar asked him if he was sure of the
allegation he had leveled against Qrrlnmll. He responded that he was
very sure and that all the people had condemned Qrnmll for his
(Qrnmll) insensitivity towards the plight of the AkpO. When Akpo
finished his story Oldmar sent for QnJnm'il to hear his own side of the
There and then, Akp knew that something was wrong with the step he
took when he came to repoft Qrrtnmll to oldmar. He knew that
nobody had ever bothered to ask Qrnm)l to tell him/her his (Qrnmlla)
side of the story. Allthe same he waited to hear what Qrrfnmll had to say
on the weighty allegation he had leveled against him.
AgbQt'gnu gnlkan d'jq
Dlfitn Qrunmlla
Nljotl baba lg rj'jqAkpo I'qdootdmar
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e

He who judges by listening to only one side

He is the prince of the wicked-ones

This was lf's declaration to QrnmIl

When going to defend himself on the allegations levelled against him by
Akp in the presence of Oldmar
He was advised to offergbg

When Qrnm)l was given the message


of Oldmar, he went to the

!! wo ue
group of Awo mentoned above to find out why Oldmar had invited him
to His presence. The Awo told Qrrtnm'il that his Akpo had gone to
Oldmar to lodge a serious complaint against him. They told Qrunmll to
go to Oldmar and explain his own side of the story. They also told him
to offer gbg as prescribed above. He did, and left for the presence of

In the presence


OIdmar, Akp was asked to repeat the entire

allegation he had leveled against Qrunm)l. He did. grunm'ila too was
asked to explain his own side of the story and Qrnmll explained that he
had tried all his best for the AkpO. He explained that he had offered
several qbg and etutu on behalf of Akp but alas, the destiny of Akp had
decreed that it was not yet time for Akp to succeed in life.
Qrrtnmll explained fufther that whenever he carried the offerings of AkpO
to lwrun where gbg were being accepted by the Deities, it was the faces
and destinies of other people which used to appear to him. That was when
it was discovered that it was the original clients who used the materials
which Akp used to feed If as their gbg whose faces were appearing at
Iwrun. There and then Akapo was advised never to use any material
which he had hithefto used to offer gbg for his clients to feed If. He was
advised to endeavour to purchase his own materials independently.
Qrnm'il explained fufther that it remained less than one year for AkpO to

Oldmar told Qrnmll to show his Akp all the evidences that Akp
would need to convince him (Akpo) that a lot had been done on his
(Akp) behalf. Qrrf nmll did. Oldmar then asked the two of them to
go backto eafth and return in one year's time. They all went.
Before one year, AkpO had succeeded. He had become wealthy. He now
had a wife, and his wife was already pregnant. Both Akap and Qrnmll
returned to Oldmar.
Ever before any of them could say anything, Akp prostrated for Qrnmll,
begging for forgiveness that he had not heard Qrunm)l's side of the story
Oldmar. He
before he went to repoft him to people and then



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

admitted that he had acted without properly investigating the matters.

That was when Oldmar declared that nobody should judge any matter
without hearing all sides of the story.
Qwq we k t pgpe
T'wgn agbalagb k wg krgb

K m ge kq

nl i96tl baba gefQmg o

riq tl rtlg r pe Qrunmlh l'jq l'qdq oldmar
fibg niwQn nl k9e
Njea gbqt'qnu gnlkan d'jqoOseun o
A gbQ t'gnu gnlkan dTq g'nlyn
Mgbatl o o gbq t'e4u gnlkejl
Emi lod'jqs{?

The hands of youths cannot reach the shelf
Those ofelders cannotenterthe neck ofthe gourd
The errand that a youth sends an elder
Letthe elder refuse not
There are assignments a father is expected to carry out for his child
This was the If cast for AkpO
When he went to complain against Qrrlnmll in the presence of
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
He who listens to, and judges, one side; you do not do well
He who listens to, and judges, one side; you are wicked
When you have not heard from the other side
Why passing judgment?

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed
to desist from passng judgments without listening to all sides of the story.
If warns also that he/she must never jump into conclusion without
thorough investigation on any matter before upholding what is the truth of
the matter at all times.



twori mei

If says also that whenever he/she was wrongly accused of any wrongdoing, he/she must explain patiently for those involved to see the real truth
of the matter at all times. He/she must never be angry. He/she must
display maturity at all times. There lies honour, there lies glory. There lies
happiness. There lies greatness.


If says that a thief or group of thieves is stealing the things of the

person for whom this Od is revealed or someone or group of people

very close to him/her. lf says that those responsible for

dispossessing other people of their legitimately acquired possessions
shall meet with disgrace and humiliation. If says that those
responsible for this dastardly act are highly placed people in the
community. In this wise, they are warned to desist from this

If also warns the victims of this theft action never to make any
deliberate attempt to broadcast and expose those involved because
their expose will surely lead to a chain of reaction which will
eventually tear the community apart, because of the caliber of those
involved. If says that those who will catch them only need to make
them agree to an undeftaking that such a thing will never repeat itself
again, and then find a way of ensuring that it is binding on them. This
is in no way a method of condoning a wrong deed but rather, a way of
preserving the future of the community.

If says that there is need to offer qbg with three cocks and
money. There

the need to feed Egu Qdara with one cock. On

this, a stanza inIwOfi-mT says:is also

Agba t g'Ofin yQnmQtl

Kl wQn m gek Qkan mg p o rQ lllal
Dia fun Qrunmll
Baba rtlo re d'ko etf 'l
f;bg niwqn nl k Se

The elder who had placed a ban on benniseed


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

One seed of it must never be found in his pocket

That was If's declaration to Orr:nmlla

When going to cultivate farm on the outskiritof the village
He was advised to offergbg

Qrrlnmll went tolgodo as a Babalwo. While inlgd, he discovered that

the inhabitants of this town knew nothing about benniseed and its
medicinal values. He therefore approached the Qba of town to encourage
his people to grow the seed. They all showed lack of interest in the venture.
He explained again that oil could be extracted from the seed and that the
seed had great medicinal values. Yetthey showed no interest.
Qrunm'll, in order to prove to the inhabitants oflgod that they were about
to throw away a golden chance, decided to cultivate the benniseed farm by
himself. He therefore approached the Qba once again to seek a parcel of
land in the outskift of the town. The land was granted to him. Qrunm)la
asked for paid labourers who helped him to clear the farm and plant the
seeds. He also had workers who were wetting the farm as at when
Soon afteq the seeds began to germinate. When it was about time to begin
to harvest the seeds, he discovered that others had been harvesting same
behind his back. He wentto repoft his finding to the Qba. The Qba advised
him to be vigilant and to be on the look-out for those who might want to sell
the seeds in the market. When this measure did not solve the problem,
Qrrfnm)l approached the Qba again for a better solution to the problem.
The Qba then informed the town criers to announce that allthe inhabitants
should assemble in front of the Qba's palace the following morning. When
they had all assembled, the Qba informed them of what had been
happening to Qnf nmll. He then decreed that nobody should be found with

a single seed of bennlseed since nobody was cultivating its plantation

except Qrunmll. Everybody dispersed.

The following day, Qrnm)l went to his farm only to discover that more of
the seeds had been removed by these unknown hoodlums. Consequent
upon this, Qrnmll went to the home of the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: Would he be able to catch the thieves stealing his farm
product? Would he be able to make any profit from this experiment of his



two e

with the benniseed plantation?

The Awo assured him that thieves who were stealing his things would be
exposed. He was however warned that he should not raise an alarm
whenever they were caught. Instead, he should make sure that an allabiding oath was sworn to so that the culprit or culprits would desist from
their nefarious acts. Qrrlnmll was warned that exposing the culprits might
tear the town apart because of the fear and distrust that it would bring. He
was told to offer gbg with three cocK and money. He was also advised to
feed E9 Qdara with one cock, Qrnmll did allthesethings immediately.
About three days later, QrUnm'll was first asleep at night when he suddenly
woke up with the feeling that some people were in his farm and that he
needed to go there urgently. He set out for the farm. Right inside the farm,
he caught the Oba and many of his highly placed chiefs with benniseeds in
their pockets, hands, and filled inside several bags that they had brought to
caft the product away as they were about to leave the farm with their loot.

Immediately they saw QrUnm)l, they discovered that it would be fruitless

to bolt away. They also knew that they could not harm or kill him in order to
hide their misdeed. They all took the next available option open to them;
they all prostrated to him and began to beg him. When he saw this, he first
had the urge to raise an alarm in order to attract people to the scene. He
however remembered the warning of his Awo. He therefore made them to
swear to an oath that they would never steal or get themselves involved in
any act unbecoming of highly placed individuals of their caliber again.
They did. Qrrlnm'll then swore on them that any of them who went
against the oath they had sworn to would die a shameful and
unceremonious death. They allsaid Ase, may it be so. Qrnmll leftthem
to go, but took back his belonging from them. As from that time, nobody
stole anything from his farm again, The community too did not repoft any
serious incident of stolen items any more.
Agba t $'Ofin yQnmQtl
Kl wQn m ge k Qkan mq epo o rg |llal

Baba lg r d'ko etf'l
Fbq niwQn nl k9e


lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consultation

Njg mo r'j ol l'ko mi o
Emi m m r'jrt ol

Mo r'jrt ol l'ko mi o

The elderwho had placed a ban on benniseed
One seed of it must never be found in his pocket
That was If's declaration to QrrlnmIl
When going to cultivate farm on the outskift of the village
He was advised to offer qbg.
He complied
I have found thethieves stealing in myfarm
I have been able to identiff the thieves
But I dare not say
I have found the thieves stealing in my farm

If says that those stealing the things of this person shall be exposed and
put to shame. Conversely, the person for whom this Od is revealed must
never steal, cheat or deceive others, lest he/she is exposed and put to
shame. If says that he/she must never alter the law that he/she had made
himself/herself or whom he/she was a party to its promulgation. This may
lead to his/her being humiliated and putto public odium.

16. If says that there is a pregnant woman where this Od is cast, the
woman needs to offer gbg so as to avoid a situation where the coming
child will become a notorious thief when he/she grows up. If says
that the chances of the chld becoming a bandit it is too high and only
gbg can avert it.

If also warns that there is a woman who had just finished her
menstruation and who is willing and ready to become pregnant at
that pafticular point in time but If advised the woman and her man
to exercise patience for at least a couple of months lest she becomes
pregnant and gives brth to a bandit.

If says that such a child, when born, will give his/her parents,

!! worue
especally the mother, sleepless nights and a lot of troubles. The
parents shall be blamed for all the misdeeds of their child. The child
will be so notorious that everybody in the community will not have
rest for one day because of his/her activities. If therefore
recommends for the pregnant woman, one matured he-goat'
bones of any kind and money. On this,IwOr'i-Mfl says:oguna bl ljl wg'lu
OrlgA-Oko l rln lhOho wg'ja
Dl filn Ywand
Tly I'oyn Qlgqa s'ln
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

Like hurricane, Ogn rushed into the city
And OriSa-Oko walked nakedly into the market place

These were lf's declarations to Ywnd

Who shall be carrying the pregnancy of a thief about
She was advised to offer qbg

Ywnd was she who had just missed her menstrual period. She went to
her Awo to find out what manner of child she would eventually give bifth to,
and at the same time, find out about the incoming child's chances of
success in life.

The Awo informed her that she would deliver the baby safely and in good
health. She was however advised to offer gbg against giving bifth to a child
who would eventually become a bandit later in life. She was warned that
the child would be her greatest source of sorrow in life. In order to avoid
this therefore, there was the need for her to offer qbg with one matured
he-goat, assofted bones of any kind and money.
Ywnd thought that this warning was just a device by the Awo to make
her waste her money over nothing, She simply refused to offer the qbg.
Soon after, she gave bifth to a bouncing baby boy. The boy grew rapidly.
The boy was also full of health and vitality. By the time he was 10 years
however, he had been stealing things at home and in the neighbourhood.
By the time he was 15 years he had been waylaying people to dispossess

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

them of their belongings. By the time he was 20, he had become a

notorous bandit. The whole community knew no peace because of

Ywnd's child. Everybody kept shouting the name of Ywnd as the

mother of a terrible terrorist. They were all blaming her for not being able
to take adequate and proper care of her child from youth. That was when
she remembered the warnings of the Awo when she was carrying the
pregnancy of the boy. But alas, it was rather too late for her to make any
amendment. She lived and died with her regrets.
Ogun ja bnjtwQ't
Ortgq-Oko l rln lhOho wg'ja
Dl filn Ywnd
Tl y l'yn QIqqa s1nr
fibg ni wqn nl k w Se

kg'tl Qgbgnhin s'ebg

Ywndlwg lo ge'ni
Ywndlwg lo o g'nlyn
Iwg lo w l'yn sl'n
Tl o sl bl ol I'Qmg

Like hurricane, Ogn rushed nto the city
And OilSa-Oko walked nakedly into the market place
These were lf's declarations to Ywnd
Who shall be carrying the pregnanry of a thief about
She was advised to offer gbg
She refused to heed the advice
Now, Ywnd you are a bad person
Ywnd, you are an irresponsible woman
You were the one who got pregnant
And gave bifth to a bandit

If says that it is in the best interest of the person for whom this Od is
revealed to heed If's warning. If Ywnd had known, she would have
been willing to spend her money to secure a more rewarding future for
herself and her child.

Abgrrt Aboy.




mo ua




children will achieve alltheir goals in life. Their achievements

are not usually easy as it will always be a lucky break at the very last
minutes. That is one major reason why their achievements are miraculous.
The other reason is that it is usually difficult to match their business and
other means of livelihood with their achievements. This may surprise other
people, but should not surprise those who understand the workings of If
aslwil-Mll chldren are beloved children of If. The more they dedicate
their livesto If the morethe suppoftand protectlon theywillget.
Apart from If, Iworl-Mjl children also have the suppoft of Ol and Ay.
Their Ori are always behind them and since no Deity is greater than Ol
(except Oldmar), nothing can stop their achievements in life. Many
people complain of being in trouble with Ay, the witches, but in the case of
IwOrl-Mjl children, Ay gives them suppoft and they achieve success
where hordes of other people failwoefully.

tworl-Mjl children usually succeed through the assistance of strangers

and visitors. That is, visitors of all types. There lies the success secret of all
lwOrl-Mjl children. That is why, they succeed where other fails. That is
how they receive assistance from unexpected sources.

For lwOrl-Mjl children, the most comfoftable position they could ever
attain in their lives is the Number Three position. This is because of peace
of mind, achievement, success and glory. Aiming to attain the NumberOne
orTwo positions is simplythe means of courting trouble.


children are blessed with the fact that no matter how great
they may be, their children, if properly cared for, will be richeq greater, more
influential and more respected than them. The influence and position of
their children will enhance their success chances.
For any

lwrl-Mjl child, victory over adversary


assured. He/she shall

overcome all his/her adversary. He/she shall overcome povedry, ill-health,

misfortune, backbiters, conspirators and so on. He/she shall also live long


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consuftation

to his/her old age.

By nature,


chldren are honest and they uphold the truth at all

times, even though they do not have the patience or presence of mind to
investigate all sides of any matter before taking sides. This is an aspect of
their lives they need to amend in order to avoid a situation where they will
be taking decisions or passing judgment based on incomplete information.
In the same vein, as a result of their insistence on the truth, and on
forcefully repeatng their castigation of wrong deeds and wrong doers at all
times, they end up incurring the wrath of powerful people who are usually
after their downfall. But no matter what these people do, Iwrl-Mil
children are usual ly victorious.

IwOrl-Mjl chldren must also be advised on how to divide their time

between the period of play and work. They must know when to go after
fashion and good looks and when to go after their work, how to go about
the two separately, and with what manner to do so. They appear to lack
the capacty to make a clear cut division between work and play. This may
adversely affect their business and other means of livelihood.

That lwOrl-Mjl children will succeed in life is not contestable, but they
need to offer gbg against, and beware of, slanderers so that their white
clothes will not be stained with oil. Iwrl-Mjl children must be patient at
all times. They must learn how to wait for their turn at all times. They will
succeed but they must never move ahead of their destiny. They must
never be avaricious; they must never wish to reap where they had not sown
in order to avoid being disgraced. All their children must also be properly
taken care of, so as to avoid any of them becoming notorious bandit.

On the whole,

lwrl-Mfl children live fulfilled and satisfactory


They live long, grow old, and enjoy the fruits of their labour.






Orl - For progress, assistance and security

For assistance, progress, security and protection





gbatE (Orlga-l)

wori uei

- For protection against death

E;u Qdara - For overall well-being and suppoft

Ogrtn - For financial success and business achievement.

$ng For security and protection.

Fgb For general love and leadership
Yemoja For child-bearing and followership
Od For success and security
Orlfa-Oko For abundance and contentment




Must never use any paft of Idf tree to avoid being displaced in his/her
place of comfoft
Must avoid using cotton or do any work relating to the cotton
industry cannot be a tailor, fashion designer, wool spinner, or work
in a cloth-making factory. This is in order to avoid failed ambition
and inability to actualize self.
Must never use Orpa tree to avoid incessant illness which
claim his/her life in the end
Must never use Qkn and/or Qgan leaves to avoid childlessness
Must never use ap,Irk, ko, rpa, olgnses, and/or rb
trees or any part thereof - to avoid childlessness and inability to
achieve one's desire.
Must never judge without hearing all sides of the story to avoid


disgrace and humiliation

Must never use other people's gbg materials for himself/herself to avoid unfulfilled dreams and unanswered
Must never be too fashion conscious to avoid economic failure




i. Male
1. Orllonlkg

O ensures love and adoration


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

2. Ifdr If performs wonders

3. Ifosn If does not renege on ts promse
4. Ifggmg If gives us the child
5. Iftlmll,yln If gives me suppoft
i. Female
IfkQmi If pampers me
2. Ifdnmlnln If makes me happy

3. Ifadara If performs wonders

4. Iffnmikg If gives me someone to pamper
Abgrrt Abgye.




ll ll

Chapter Four

Ool r t{EI


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is

guaranteed the protection of If. If says that he/she is sure of
the protection of four major Od. These Od are

QyQk-m),Iwil-MT and Odf -me). He/she will not die young.
He/she will not be deserted bythese principal Od.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to uphold tenets at all times. He/she must act, and must be
seen, as a sincere, dedicated and loyal If follower at all times.
He/she needs to offer one matured he-goat as gbg for longevity.
He/she also needs to feed If with a mature goat. If these can be
done, no matter what, he/she will not die young. On these Odt-welf
says:Agblnklngblnkln InU erin
Nkan jQbojqbq lQrn e,fgn
Alamq-ede, bl ko b bq klfe
Dl fn Myml
Tff sgmgod mqrqQrln
Igba tQrun bq wl ay
f bg ni wqn nl k w 9e

The massive belly of

And the thick fleshy paft of the bush cow's neck
A guess-work, if not understood fully, is not satisfactory
These were lf's declarations to Myrnf (Do not deseft Me)
Who was the child of the four principal Od
When coming from Heaven to eafth




He was advised to offer ebo

Mymi was about to leave Heaven for eafth, in order to know if he would
live long and happily on eafth, he went for If consultation. Would he live
long? Would he be prosperous on eafth? Would he be able to achieve his
heaft's desires while on earth? Would he be happy on eafth?
The Awo assured him that he would surely be happy on earth. He was also
assured that he would live long. He was told thatthe four principal Od were
in his suppoft. As a matter of fact, he was told that he actually derived the
source of his very existence and protection from the spring of EJi-Ogb,
QyQkrt-m3),Iwfl-M;T and Od-meji. He was assured thatthese Od would
never abandon him while on eath. He was advised to uphold allthe tenets
of If and be of good behaviour at all times. He was advised to offer ebg
with one matured he goat. He complied.
While on eafth, Myrnl enjoyed the protection of the four principalOd. He
lived long. He was blessed with all the good things of life. He was a very
happy man indeed. He used to announce to people that he was a child of the
four principal Od and he was very proud of this.

Agblnklngblnkln Inu erin

Nkan jQbojQbq Qrn gfgn
AlmQ-ede, bl ko b bq klife
D,l fn Myml
Tll sgmg od mereerln
Igbatl tQrun bq wl ay
Fbq ni wqn nl k w Se
gb'gbo, nl'bg
Eil-ogb o nff fi Myml tlrQfiln Ik pa
QyQkrt-mji o nflfi MymltlrQfitn lktt pa
Iw0rl-Mji O nll fi Myml tlrQfitn Ik pa
Odl-meji o nff fi Myml ttrQfiln Ik pa
Myml If lmi ge o

The massive belly of an elephant


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

And the thick fleshy paft of the bush cow's neck

Aguess-work, if not understood fully, is notsatisfactory
These were lf's declarations to Myrnl (Do not desert me)
Who was the child of the four principal Od
When coming from Heaven to Eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Ef-Ogb will never deset Myarff for Death to kill

QygkU-mejiwill neverdeseft Myrfffor Death to kill
Iwfi-Mji will never deseft Myrn1 for Death to kill
Od-mejiwill neverdesert Mynf for Death to kill
Allfollowersof If
I am indeed Mynf of If
All followers of Qpg, the only kernel

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall never


abandoned and allowed to die a premature death.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed
with allthe ire of life. In fact, these ire will be coming to him/her in
fours. He/she shall not lack any of the good things of life. He/she
shall be blessed with all of these things. All he/she needs to do is to
offer appropriate gbg and be contented with what Oldmar had
donefor him/her.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
gbg with four rats, four fish, four pigeons, four hens, four
cocks, four guinea fowls and money. He/she also needs to feed
If with one hen. On these,If says:
Oglrl toJqg hnhn
Dl fn Qrnmlla

Babay nlregbogbo
Nlgbe tgbgrin gbQrin
fibg ni wqn nl wQn nl k 9e


*i oo,r",




Oglritgtqg hnhn
They were the Awo who cast If for Qrnrnf la
Who shall acquire allthe Ire of life
At the time that they would come in fours
He was advised to offer ebo.


Qrnrn'ila went to the three Awo mentioned above to know how he

be able to get all the good things of life. What would he do to get
How much of them would he be able to get? When would he get them?
Through what means would he be able to get them?

The Awo assured him that he would be able to get all the IRE in life. He was
also assured that he would get them with relative ease. He was told that
through consistency, handwork, dedication to his duty and patience, his
success was assured. To crown it all, the Awo affirmed that all the IRE
would come to him in fours.- four wives, four children, within a year, four

of his own, for

horses, four of everything he desired. He

advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. He complied.


Truly, before long, he was able to acquire allthe Ire he wanted as promised
by If. He was full of joy. He was also full of gratitude to Oldmar. He
was singing and dancing saying:-



Dl fn Qrrtnmlla
Baba y nlre gbogbo
Mgba t gbQrin gbQrin
fbg ni wQn nl wgn nl k 9e

Nig bati o gberi n-gberin
Tepele, laa bewe eleyo-oka lodo
Ayaje nni o
lgba t gbQrin gbQrin
TepelQ l bw glyg-ok



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton


Mgba tgbQrin gbQrin

Tpl, l bw qlyg-gka ldo

Iljg nnl9
Nlgba t gbQrin gbgrin
Tepl, la bw glgyg-gka |do
IregbogbojQnnf g
l,flgba t gbQrin gbQrin
Tpl, le bw glyg-gka ldo
KopS, kojlnn
f w b ni nl wQwq ire gbogbo



0gI t9t9g hnhn

TheyweretheAwo who cast If forQrnrnlla
Who shall acquire all the IRE of life
Atthe time thattheywould come in fours
He was advised to offerebq
He complied
Aj riches let me have you
When you will come in fours
In heaps do we meet flQyg-gk leaves in the river
Spouse, let me haveyou
When you willcome in fours
In heaps do we meet flgyg-gka leaves in the river
Children let me haveyou
When you will come in fours
In heapsdowe meetflQyq-gka leaves inthe river?
All Ire let me haveyou
When you willcome in fours
In heaps do we meet flQyg-gk leaves in the rver

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall acqure all the
Ire of life. They will be rushng to him/her. It may not be a surprise to see
that he/she has more than one house, more than one car, many children
etc. it is merely the fulfillment of lf's promise to him/her. He/she shall be
verysuccessful in life.





If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not to
travel outside the shores of his/her fatherland before he/she will
succeed. If says that it is in one spot that he/she stays that he/she
will be getting allthe Ire required in life.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has already
travelled outside his/her community, he/she needs to be advised to
return to his/her home-land as all the Ire in life are already waiting for
him/her at home.
If says thatthere is need for him or her to offer qbq with four pigeons,
salt and money. There is also the need to feed If and Oke wth
kolanuts, palmoiland money. On these If says:

Ilni mojkOst
Ni gbogbo ire wQ

turutu w b ml

Mo rire grQ t wq tqml w

fibg ni wQn nl k w s, e

I sat in my home
When all lre came trooping towards my direction
I sat down without attempting to stand up
I saw prosperty moving towards me
These were lf's declarations to Od'i
When going on spirtual mission to OkO
He was advised to offer ebo

lu was the original home of Od'i. He feltthat business was not moving fine
for him in his home-town. He therefore wanted to go to Oko where he felt
that there were better business oppoftunities for him. Consequent upon
this, he went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation; Would he
succeed in his proposed abode? Would he be able to make more money at
OfoZ Would he have peace of mind, prestige and honour there?
The Awo told him thatthere was no need for him to leave his home-town for
any other place. He was assured things of life would soon come his way. He


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

was advised to offer gbg with four pigeons, salt and money. He was also
advised to feed If and Oke with kolanuts and palmoil. He was also
advised to exercise patience.
Odf felt that the Awo did not know what they were talking about, more also,
when all those who had gone to Oko returned with plenty of all the good
things of life. Odl did not see any reason why his own case would be of any
different. For this reason, he simply ignored the advice of the Awo. Two days
later, he headed for Oko town.

At 0k, his situation grew from bad to worse. Things simply refused to work
for him. Much as he tried, things did not improve instead they were just
deteriorating. By the time he began to patch his dresses when he could not
afford new one's he decided to pack his bags and baggages and return to

Immediately he reached fiU, ne headed for the home of his Awo. He

informed them that he was ready to offer his gbg as prescribed. The Awo
offered the gbg for him fed If and Oke for him and advised him to go home
and exercise patience. He was also warned never to gauge his success or
failure chances with other people's yardsticks again. He took to their advice
and went home to await what the Deities had in store for him.
A few days after, he returned, people began to come to his home to seek
spiritual seruices. At first, they came in trickles. Later, they trooped to his
house. Soon after, his house became a beehive of activities. He was well
remunerated by his clients. When he could notcope allalone, he gotseveral
. apprentices to assist him. He was being sought for from far and near. Befqre
long, his name was synonymous with his home town. People used to say
that they were going to Eju, the home of Odf . He became a very rich, highly
respected, honourable and prestigious man. Because he had learnt to be
contented with whatever If had given him, he had relative peace of mind.
He was a very happy man indeed. It was a joyful Odf who began to praise his
Awo, saying:-

Il ni mojksl
Ni gbogbo ire wQ

turutu w b ml





Mo rire grq t wq tqml w

Dla fn Odl
Fbq ni wQn nf k w ge
WQn sl nl k m lg

, Ojotoo-teyt n-tig
IreAj d w o


Nire gbogbo maa d wa b mi

Ire aya maa d wa o
Nire gbogbo maa d wa b mi

Ire gmg maa d wa o
Nire gbogbo maa d wa b mi

Ire il maa d w o
Nire gbogbo maa d w b mi
Ibi a fi yq sl
IbQ n nlyq ngomil sl
Nire gbogbo maa d wa b mi
Ote ffi ye
Tfl filgb'QbgtirQ
Nire gbogbo maa d w b mi

In home I sat
When all Ire came trooping towards my direction
I sat down without attempting to stand up
I saw prosperity moving towards me
These were If's declaration to 0d1
When going on spiritual mission to Oko
He was advised to offer qbg
And for him notto go


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation


He-sits-and-rest-h is-back-aga i nst'the-Ak ko-tree
And wealth came rushing to me
AllIre rushestoward me
Just likeswarm
The Ire of a spouse rushed towards me
Like swarm
All Ire rushes toward me
The Ire of children rushes towards me
Like swarm
All Ire of good home rushestoward me
All Ire rushes towards me
Just like swarm
The sport where salt is kept
Is where it turns to water
All Ire rushes towards me
Just like swarm
The illdoes notmove
Before it is given its own gbg
Like swarm
All Ire rushes towards me
Just like swarm

If says that for Odt-Uef children and all those for whom this Od is cast,
they do not need to travel about before all the good things of life becomes
theirs. Their chances of success are more enhanced in their home base
than outside their place of bfth.


If says that it foresees the Ire of a good spouse, good children,

honour, prestige, achievement and Ire from outside the domain of the
person for whom this Od is revealed.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed or someone

very close to him/her is seriously looking for a baby. If says thatwith
appropriate gbg and feeding of Od, they will get the baby. The child
will be a female. When she grows uF, she must be given out to If
because she is If's wife from heaven. If this is done, when this

trl oo,r.,

female child grows up, she will give bfth to a male chld as her first


There is yet another person here who needs to offer gbg and feed
If, for him/her to be able to live very long on eath. If says that the
person concerned shall live to become very old on earth. On these, a
stanza ln Odf-Mefl says:
Bl b dun'ni
K mQ p ldun'ni

dunni-dunni lrankn gni

QrqtOdun Babalwo
l{fl dun If
QrQt dun Onlggun
lrffl dun Qsanyin


lffdunOmusuldfl re
If gawo rel lljrl
[bg niwqn ff k w ge

If it hurts one

We must recognize that it huts one

A matter which hufts one is it that one ionsiders as one's malignity
A matterwhich huts a Babalwo
Is the one that hurts If (QrUnrnlla)
A matter which hurts an Orfggrln, the herbaliset
Is the one that hufts Qsanyin

That which hufts an Aje, the witch

Is the one that hufts her Oms
These were If's declarations to
When going on spiritual mission to the home of f lj the king of
He was advised to offer ebo



Qrnnfla was living in Ad-Eldtl. He had established himself as an

accomplshed If priest. His reputation had gone far and wide. One day,
Flej, the king of Ej was having the problem of childlessness. He and his
councl of Awo in EjU tried everythng they could, all without success. Flj
was then told about the capabilities of Qrnnfl. Consequently, he
summoned Qrnrnf l to come and help him solve his



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

The moment Qrnnfl received the message of Flej, he approached the

group of Awo mentoned aboved for If consultation; Whatwas the reason
behind Elj's problem? Would he receive honour while there? Would Flej
be a grateful person after his problems had been solved?
The Awo told Qrnrn'il that Flj was only suffering from childlessness. He
was told that flj needed to offer gbg and feed Od in order for his wife to
become pregnant. Qrnrnfla was told that if this problem was eventually
solved, Flj would show his gratitude to Qrnrnfla. Qrnnfla was then
advised to offer gbg with four hens, four fish, four rats'and money. He
was also asked to feed If with four rats, four fish and money. He did
everything and headed for flj's palace to answer his call.
Qrnmlla Awo f;lgj
Dlfn Flj
To nsunkrtn Oun Oblmo
f;bg ni wQn nl k w 9e

Qrnrnf la, theAwo of fl-j
He was the one who cast If for llj
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto beget a child
He was advised tooffergbg

At the Flj palace, Qrnrntla cast If for flQj and said that the reason why
he summoned him was on how to beget many children in his life. Qrnnfla
advised FljU to offer gbg with 16 hens and money. He was also advised

to feed Od with 16 snails. He complied immediately. After this,

Qrnnf la assured Flj that his first child was going to be a female and that
the child needed to be given to If as wife when she grew up.

to be his resident Babalwo in order to ensure

that Qrnnfla was around when his prediction came to pass. Ornnfla
FljU then asked Qrnntila

Soon after this, f lQj's wife became pregnant. She gave bfth to a baby girl.
The baby was named Oknt. When the girl grew up, pQj handed her over




as wife to

Qrnnfla. On that day, when all the wedding ceremones were

completed, Qrnrnfla fed Od again with 16 snails. Soon after this,
Oknt became pregnant for Qrnrnila, she gave birth to a baby boy. The
baby was named Apr--dgb a name given to him after Od. The boy
was trained as a Babalawo. He soon became a prominent If priest.
Qrnrn'ila had however returned to Ado-Ekiti as soon as his wife was handed
overto him.
One day, Flj summoned Qrnrn'ila again to come and cast If for him.
Instead of going by himself, Qrnrnf la sent his son Apr--dagba who was
flj's-grandson to go and cast If for his grand-father. When Apr-dgba was going, he wentto meet
Igbln pile ar nl dld
AfebOjO pe rn nl wlw
T nff gbj u fifo |ideagada
K s'gni ttl gbj u ylyan l algqmg

fn Apr-O-dagba

Tl gawo 19 l Flj
fbg ni wqn nl k qe

The snail does not originate the aft of dye-making
AfeebOj ratdoes notoriginatethe artof hole digging
Who dares to rely on a tied-hen for flying?
Nobody can ever rely on a chameleon to make a quick
These were lf's declarations to Apr--dgba
When going on a spiritual mission to flj's palace
He was advised to offer ebe



The main reason why Apr--dgb went for If consultation was for him
not to assume that since flj was his maternal grand-father he (Flj)
must have summoned him for matrimonial matters. In this wise, he wanted
to be very sure of the reason behind his being summoned. He also wanted to
know if he would succeed in his sojourn.
The awo mentioned above, whom he went to for If consultation, told him
that flj, having acquired all the good things of life was pre-occupied with
how he would be able to live long and enjoy the fruit of his labour. Apr-O-


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

dgb was also assured that he would accomplsh his msson and would

in his sojourn. He was advised to offer gbg with four

pigeons, four hens and money. He complied. Soon after, he


headed for flj's palace.

g b, Awo f, lj
Dlfn Fhj
Tl sunkn ogb gbuurugbu


Sbg ni wQn nl k w 9e

Apr-O-dgb, theAwo of flj
He was the one who cast If for f;lQjU
When worried overthe issueof longevity
He was advised to offerqbg

when Apr--dgba arrived at flQj's house, he cast If for Flj. He told

Fli that after he had been blessed with all the Ire in life, he was praying
for long life in order for him to enjoythe fruit of his labour. Flj was assured
that he would live long on eafth. He was advlsed to offer gbg with one
matured he-goat and money. He was also advised to feed If with one
matured she-goat. He complied. After this, he lived very long on eafth.
He died a very contented man.
Bl b dun'ni
K mQ p rtdun'ni
OrQ dunni-dunni lrankn gni

QrQtrtdun Babalwo
Ml dun If
OrQt dun Onlggrln
l{ff dun Qsanyin


Nll dun OmsUldff re

If rt$awo rel flj
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge
Qrnmll awo ile Fhj
Dlfn Flj
Eyl tl sunkn all blmg

*i oo,r",,
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge


bl okunto
Okunto fqsn degba
nforu dlde
WQn fe l Qrunmll lw
WQn ni kl wQn lo bdOd
WQn gb'$bo, wQn r'bg
OkrntO na finu soyun
Ofoyn rg bl qknrin
Qmg ti a bg Od k t bl
Ka ma p nl Aperc--degba
Awgn lgbln o pilQ ar nl dld
Afebojo pilQ rn nl wlw
Ta nff gbjr u fif l'dle egd
KO s'Qnitll gbj u ylyan l algemQ
Tl saworelfljrt
Tff Se babalya a rQ
Fbq niwqn nl k w 9e

gbbq rrlbg
Apr-O-d gb, Awon l Fj

Dlfn Heju

Tl sunkn ogb gbuurugbu

Fbq niwqn nl k w 9e

gbebq rrlbg
Ko p ko


Ire gbogbo wa ya d ttru

Nje Flju-nl-pee
Qmgow knl, owya doko
Nb r'gb b r
ba ma m r'gb Flj ma r
Eyin o mQ wlp
Alk If dn, j'oyin 19o?

If it hurts one
We must recognize that it hurts one
A matter which hurts one is it that one considers as one's malignity
A matterwhich hufts a Babalwo
Is the one that hufts If


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaton

A matter which hurts an Orf9egn

Is the one that hutts QsanYin

That which hufts an Aj(witches)
Isthe onethat hufts her OmUsU
These were lf's declarations to Qrnmll
When going on spiritual mission to the home of Fl-j

Hewas advised to offerqbg

Orrlnmlldthe residentAwo of [lj
He was the one who castlf for SljU
when weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto beget a child
He was advised to offerqbq
He comPlied
When hewould have a babY
His wife gave bifth to a female child
The female child was named Oknt
Oknt was growing bY the daY
And develoPing raPidlY bY night
She was handed overto Qnlnmlla (as wife)
TheY were advised to feed Od
She became pregnant and gave bifth to a baby boy
The baby born afterfeeding Od
That baby shall be named Apere-O-dagba
Now, the snail does not originate the art of dye-making
And Afeeboi rat does not originate the art of hole-digging
Who dares to rely on a tied-hen for flying?
Nobody can evei rely on a chameleon to do a quick match-pass
These were If's declarations to Apr-0-dgb
When going on a spiritual mission to flj's palace
His maternal grand-father
He was advised to offer gbg
He comPlied
Apere-o-dagb, the residentAwo of f lQj
He wasthe onewho castlf for [lQj
When preoccupied with the issue of longevity
He was advised to offer gbq
He comPlied
Before long, nottoofar
Alllre came in abundance

He wh anei RIting his home to the brim with money, the spill-over
reached thefarm




If I could be as old as FIJU, I am prepared to pay for t

If I could be this old, I am readyto pay
Don'tyou knowthat
The longevity as guaranteed by lfa is sweeter than honey?

If says that the person for whom this Od is cast will have all the good
things of life in his/her possesson. Not only this, the Ire of longevlty shall be
added to him/heras bonus.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall


blessed with responsible people who shall surround him. If

that he/she shall get all the necessary suppofts from people. If
says that he/she shall never be abandoned by people. If says that
there is the need for him/her to feed his/her O regularly. By so
doing, all the ire in life shall be his/hers and all the responsible people
shall surround him/her and shall be giving him useful advice that will
make him/her great, so says If. On these If says:

Ylmlylml abQyin pl|

Dl frn Orl
Tll bg lgbr Oun nlkan goso glrogro
Fbg ni wqn n| k w ge

Vrnlyirnf , the beetle, with its hard back
He was the Awo who cast If for Of
When he was alone without companion
He was advised to offer gbg

When O was coming from heaven to Earth, he was saddled with the
responsiblities of feeling, hearing, thinking, seeing, speaking, breathing,
eating, tasting and smelling. He discovered that the nine functions he was
expected to perform would be too much for him alone if he did not have
those who would assist him. In this wise, he decided to go to the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation.
The Awo told him that he would not only get those who would assist him in
anyway. He would be able to share his responsibilities with those who shall


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

four pigeons,
four hens, four guinea-fowl, four ducks and money. The client will
also be asked to feed his Ol with kolanuts, bitter-kola, palm oil and
alcohol. He complied.
come to be his companon. He was advised to offer gbg with

Before long, fiti (Ears) came to attach himself to Ol. fti took over the
functions of hearing. Soon after, Ojrl (Eyes) came to attach himself to Of .
rl toot< over the duty of seeing. Then came [nu (Mouth). fnu took over
the functions of eating and speaking. Then AhQn (tongue) came to join
Enu. Ahon was saddled with the duty of tasting. And then came Imu (Nose).
Im took over the duty of breathing and smelling. Soon, Of himself was left
with the duties of thinking and feeling. Ori was also asked to coordinate
other activities going on in the whole body. He gladly did. He was just
singing and dancing and giving praisesto hisAwo and saying:Ylmlylml abQyin pll

Tff rrbe bgbre un nlkan $o9o
fbg ni wqn nl k w $e



Orl ml kgl d'glgni


Im w,Im bd d
Or{ mi kagl d'glQnl
Ojrl w, ojrt brl d

Orl ml kgl d'glQni


nnuw, fnu brld

Orl ml kagald'glgni

AhQn w, AhQn brl d

Orl ml kgal d'glgni

Gbogbor w Gbogboara brl d



ii oo, *",
Orl ml kSal d'91$ni

Ynrt\ftr(t,the beetle, with ib hard back
He was the Awo who cast Ifa for Oi
When he was alone without companion
He was advised to offergbg
He complied

pti, the Ear, and keptOtf 's company

MyOtl shall be blessed with companions
Im, the Nose, came and keptO's company
My Ol shall be blessed with companions
Ojr1, the Eyes, came and kept O's company
My Otl shall be blessed with companions
fnu, the mouth, came and kept Otf 's company
My O shall be blessed with companions
AhQn, the Tongue came and kept Of's company
My Orl shall be blessed with companions
Thewhole bodyand kePtOf company
MyOtl shallbe blessed with companion

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
responsble companions. He/she shall never be abandoned. He/she shall
gain the support of friends and loved ones


If says that it foresees success for two people who are engaged n a
joint venture. If says that both of them need to be sincere to each

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

other, failure to do so mght make the joint venture experence

serous setback.


In the same ven, If says that it foresees the blessing of a baby for a
couple in need of children. There is also the need for the couple to
cooperate with, and be sincere to each other. If this is not done, it
may not be possible for them to bear children.
If says that there is need for them to offer gbg with four rats, four
fish, two hens and two guinea fowls each. If this can be done,
happiness would be theirs. On these If says:KkagggUrUkan
fytn-ytn ta ffj Ortga sl
Dl fn wqn nl ldl-knrin
A b fin wqn n| Idl-blnrin
Awgn mejeejl mmojrl sngbr gmg
fibg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge

Kk agg grUkan
Ogdgede n'iged
Backwards do one take Osa dancing steps

These were If's declarations

to them at Idl-knrin


And to them atldl-blnrin
Both are lamenting their inabilityto bearchildren
They were advised to offergbg

The couple was newly married. They were eager to bear children. They
tried everything that they knew without success. They used several
medicines without any postive result. Tired of their childlessness, they
both wentfor If consultation.
The Awo whom they went to meet informed them that they were worried
and sad because they had no children. They assured them that they would
bear many children in their lives. They were however told that the two of
them were not sincere to each other, and that was why they were having




problems. They were warned that without cooperaton with each other, the
desire to look for pregnancy and any chld was hopeless. After this
they were advised to offer gbg with four rats, four fish, two hens and two
guinea fowleach.
The couple offered this gbg but they did not heed the warning of the
Awo which asked them to be sincere and cooperate with each other.
Much as they tried, it was impossible for the woman to become


One day, the couple sat down and decided to give the advice of the Awo a
trial. They began to cooperate with each other. They were sincere to each
other. The couple stopped all forms of extra-marital activities. There was
nothing one did outside the knowledge of the other. Two months after, the
woman became pregnant. The couple could not believe that it was truly a
viable pregnancy. They went to their Babalwo for test and confirmation.
There it was confirmed that the woman was indeed pregnant. Soon after,
she gave bfth to a bouncing baby. The couple was full of joy. They then
realized their mistakes. They vowed never to repeat such mistakes. From

then onwards, getting pregnant or giving bfth to children was no longer

paft of their worries. They were both singing and dancing and
praises to If.


Fgn-eyln aj Orlga sl
Dl fn won nl ldl-knrin
Ab fitnwqn nl ldl-blnrin
Awgn mjejl mmi oj sngbr gmg
fbg ni wqn nl kl wQn w $e
WQn gb'$bo, wQn



lgba ffi ti jg Qkan la o r'Qmg bl

Igba l dI mejl la t bl'mo o

Ogedegede n'lged
Backwards do one take ORsa dancing steps
These were lf's declarations to them atld'i-knrin
And to them atldf -blnrin
And to them at both lamenting their inability to bear



Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They were advised to offer gbq

He complied
When the genital was singular, there was no child

But when the genital became

couple, we were


with children

If says that the couple for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
children. They should however be honest and sincere with each other. With
these child bearing is assured.
Those engaged in joint ventures are also advised to cooperate with each
other and be honest and truthful. If they do, success is guaranteed.

If says that it foresees success for a couple who had come for If
consultation. If says that the two of them shall succeed together

their various fields.

If says that the woman would realise her potentials to the

optimum if she takes to trading. The man has the potential to
become a big time industrialist. The man shall have either a street
or an establishment of Iike nature named after him. If says that
the two of them shall be very popular and their popularity shall out
live them.

If says that there is need for them to offer gbg with four white
pigeons each. A stanza in Od-Uef laying emphasis on these
asseftions says:

$kt l p'il awqn

B b d'k tn
A gb'od
A gb'olo
A gb'Od keke baba lgasun
fn Akesn
Tl lg re je bale oje
A br fun aya rg
Tl lg rQQ d'ja
Fbq ni wqn nl kl wgn w $e


itr oo,r",

With a narrow base do we knit a net
When it reaches the top
It will be wide enough to contain a moftar
And contain a grind stone
And a cauldron, the father of the soup-pot.
These were lf's declarations to AkQsn
When going to become the market chief
And to his wife
When going to establish her merchandise
They were advised to offer gbg.
AkQsn and his wife wanted to know which of the business fields available,

that would bring them the highest success in their lives. Consequent upon
this, they went to the group of Babalwo mentoned above for Ifa
The Awo assured the couple that they would not only be successful in
life, but that their success and popularity would out live them. They
were advised to cooperate with each other at all times and that one
must never hide anything from the other. They advised the husband
endeavour to establish a huge business concern where people would
coming to transact various types of business. The wife was also advised
to engage in trading and other types of merchandise. If they could do
this, they were assured that they would be exceedingly successful. In
order to ensure the success of these ventures, they were advised to
offer gbg with four white pigeons each.


First, the couple offered the gbg, second, AkQsn went to look for a
large piece of land close to QyQ town. He cleared the land and
several stalls. Many market- women came to rent the stalls from AkQsn.
The place soon became known as AkQsn Market. His wife divided the
stalls into several segments for yam sellers, pepper sellers, cloth sellers,
meat sellers, goat sellers, foods stuff sellers and so on. Soon she too
became the leader of the market women, Both of them became very
successful and wealthy. When they died, the market was still known as
AkQsan market up till today.


The couple were full of praises to their Awo for giving them advice


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

later enabled them to realize their full potentials in life which in turn
made then accomplish what their destines had sent them into the world

to do.
$kt l p'il wQn
B b d'k tn
A gb'od
A gb'glg
A gb'Od keke baba Igasn
Dl fn AkQsn
f i 19 ree je balQ oj
A bu frln aya rg
I'i nlg rQQ d'ja
Fbq ni wQn ff ki wQn w ge
WQn gb'bg, wQn r'bg
AkQsn d'd
Aya rQ d'ja
Ero lpo ero Qf
F wa wo ol-ire l re d'j

Wth a narrow base do we knita net
When it reaches the top
It will be wide enough to contain a mortar
And contain a grindstone
And a cautdron, the father of the soup-pot
These were lf's declarations to Akgsan
When going to becomethe market-chief
And to his wife
When going to establish her merchandise
Theywere advised to offerebq
They complied
Akgsan was adorning a crown
And his wife was establishing merchandise
Travellerto lpo and Qfa towns
Come and behold a lucky woman who was establishing


4* oo,r",

If says that for the couple who was prepared to follow this line of business
and endeavour and at the same time, follow the advice of the Awo there
no limit to their capability to succeed in life.
If says that it foresees victory for the person for whom this Od is
revealed. If says that this person will overcome his/her enemies.
There is need for the person for whom this OdO is revealed to use
his/her mouth to deliver himself/herself. He/she must be talking
boldly at all times. By so doing, his/her adversary shall be scared
away. There is also the need for him/her to sfhr oneFgoat, one
cutlass or sword and money as ebo, He/she also needs to
Ogr:n with one cock, palm-wine, roasted yam, roasted maize,
palm oil and so on. If all these can be done, then victory is assured.
On these,Od-Me says:




Qdldl nll fgnu ara rQ dlgun

Qwawa nff fohn ara re bu yQrl
fni gbhn olbr lkr
A nl bl trin
pq ju eJQn lg o
Ib kl olbr ba sl
Ko m t adle o
D,l fn lrin-wQnwQn
Tll g'gmgknrin Ogun
Igbatl be larn Qtr
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e


A cork uses its mouth as seal against uprising
Qwwa,The Tiee hyrax uses its voice as weapon against
He who hears the voice of Olobro bird from
He would think that if the bird is not as big as an
It will certainly be bigger than a buffalo
Where Olbr couches, it is not as big as a hen
These were lf's declarations to lrin-wQnwqn
The son of Ogrtn
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer gbg





Irin-wQnnwQ, the gun, was the son of OgUn. He was living and sleeping
in the midst of enemies. He was being threatened with death, injury and
persecution. Unable to withstand all these threats anymore, he went




lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

If consultation; Would he be able to overcome all his enemies? Would

he out-live them? Would he be able to change his position as the
persecuted to that of an aggression? Would he be able to have full
control of his destiny? Would he be able to make all his enemies shake
and tremble whenever they encounter him? These questions and many
more were what pre-occupied the mind of Irin-wonnwon when he
approached the group of Awo mentioned above for solution to his
The Awo assured him that he would surely overcome his enemies. He was
told that all his enemies would not only tremble when they got in contact
with him, but would always maintain a good distance from him. All these
enemies,Irin-wQnwQn was told, would create chance for him to operate. He
was assured that he would always have his way. He was however advised
to offer gbg with one he-goat, one cutlass, one sword (or improvised
cutlass and sword if original ones cannot be found. A wooden cutlass and
sword may even be used) and substantial amount of money. He was
also advised to feed OgUn with one cock, palmwine, roasted y?ffir
roasted maize, palm oil, a bottle of gin and so on. He complied. After
this; he was instructed to use his mouth to talk at all times when his enemies
are around. He promised the Awo that he would give their advice a trial.

Shottly after this, his enemies came to him with the purpose of inflicting on
him a deadly blow. As these enemies moved closer to lrin-wnwQn, fear
enveloped him. Suddenly, he remembered the advice of the Awo. Not sure
of what to expect, he let out a big shout. One of his teeth shot out and hit
one of his enemies in front of him in the throat. The enemy dropped dead.
He let out two more shouts and two more enemies dropped dead. This
action emboldened him and he kept on shouting and his enemies kept
dropping. Several were confirmed dead, several more fatally wounded
while all the others scattered in fear and confusion.
Ever since that time all the enemies offrin-wQnwqn learned how to avoid
him so as not to cause themselves bodily harm or even lose their lives
altogether. That was howlrin-wQnwQn, The Gun, was able to use his mouth
to overcome his enemies. He was thus dancing, singing and giving praises
to If and Ogn his father for turning him from the persecuted to the




persecutor. Merely seeng him makes his enemies shiver and apprehensive.
Qdldl nfffgnu ara redlgun
Qww nfffohn ara rQbuyQrl
Fn gbhn olbr lkr
Anl blotrin
pQ ju eJQn lg o
Ib k olbr ba sl
KO m t adle o
Dl fn lrin-wqnwqn
Ttl q'gmgknrin Ogrtn
Igbatl bg lrin Qftl
lbg niwqn nl kge



Ibgn l'ptl
Ibgn k I'apati
Enlkan o le j kl wqn d'ojrl lbgn kg oun

A cork uses its

mouth as seal against uprising

Qww, The Tree hyrax uses

its voice as

weapon against


He who hears the voice of Olbr, the bird from afar
He would think that if the bird is not as big as an elephant
Itwill ceftainly be biggerthan a buffalo
Where Olbr couches, it is not as big as a hen
These were If's declarations to lrin-wgnwQn
Theson of Ogun
When he was in the midstof enemies
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Whether a gun is loaded or is without bullets
Nobody will allow anyone to point it in his/her direction

If says that the person for whom Odt-wef is revealed will make his/her
enemies tremble in his/her presence. If says that all his/her enemies
will fear to confront him/her or look at him/her in the face.


If says that it foresees victory over all adversares for the person
for whom this Od is revealed. If says that all his/her enemies shall
shiver anytime he/she talks or shouts at them. If says here also that


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

he/she need


use his/her mouth

to talk and defend

himself/herself. By so doing, victory is certain.


If says also that there is the need for the person for whom this Od
revealed to offer gbg with one ram and monetary equivalent of
2or0oo cowries. There is also the need to feed gng with one
cock' 200 pebbles and money. If these are done, all adversaries
shall be forced to fear and respect the person for whom this Od is
revealed. On these, Od'i-Mel says:
Qdldl nfl fgnu ara rQ dlgun
Qww nff f'ohn ara rQ bu yQrl
fni gb'hn olbr lkr
A nl bl o trin
pQ ju gfQn 19 o
Ib kl olbr ba sl
KO m t adlg o
Dl fn Arlra-gaga
Tfl g'gmgknrin Qrun
Igbatl be lrin o,t
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

A cork uses its mouth as seal against uprising
Qww, The Tree hyrax, uses its voice as weapon against its
He who hears the voice of OlbrO bird from afar
He will think that if the bird is not as big as an elephant
It will ceftainly be bigger than a buffalo
Where Olbro couches, it is not as big as a hen
These were If's declarations to Ara-gga
The son of the Sky in Heaven
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer gbg

Anra-gag, the Thunder, was the son of the SW in Heaven. He has

several enemies who thought of nothing but evil aganst him. They
never wished him well in anything whatsoever. Consequent upon this,
Arir-gg went to the group of Babalwo mentioned above for Ifa
consultation. There he laid bare his problems, how he had helped


ii oo,r.,
facilitate rainfall which sustaned human beings here on eafth and how
human beings thought of nothing but evil against him. He pleaded with
the Awo to help him overcome all these enemies.
The group of Awo consulted If and Odt-welf was revealed. They informed
Anra-gag that even though he was right in the midst of enemies, he
needed not enteftain any fear. He was assured that he would certainly
overcome all these enemies. He was advised to offer gbg with one ram
and 2O'OO0 cowries monetary-value (The client also needs to feed
$ang with one cock 200 pebbles and money). He complied. He was also
advised to open his mouth always to defend himself. He was told that by
shouting at his enemies, they would be able to recognize the force in his
body and they would be forced to respect and fear him. He also agreed to
give this advice a trial.

Soon after, his enemies gathered together to plot against him, out of
annoyance, AFlr-gg roared at them. As he did this, fire gushed out of his
mouth and one of the stones with which he offered his gbg landed in the
midst of his enemies. They all scattered for cover in awe of his newly found
Ever since that time, nobody dared to plan any evil against Ar-gg for
fear of being wrecked with untold havoc. The pebbles with which he
offered gbg that day soon came to be known as Thunder stone. That was
how Ailra-gaga the son of the Sky in Heaven became victorious. Since that
time, Ar-gg depended on nothing and no other person except $ng,
the Deltyfrom whose kingdom his powerwas derived.
Qdldl nll fgnu ara rQ dlgun
Qwawa nfi fohn ara rq bu yQrl
nni gb'hn olbr lkr
A nl bl trin
pq ju e,fQn 19 o
Ib kl olbr ba sl
KO m t adle o
Dl fn Arlra-gaga
Tff g'gmgknrin Oun
Igbtt bg lrin ott
Fbq ni wQn nl k 9e

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

gb'Qbo, r'bg

Bl n o I'ebq
Bl n O l'Ogn
Arlr-gg tl mo gb'Qkn l t t'mi o


A cork uses ts mouth as seal aganst uprsng

Qww, The Tree hyrax, uses ts voice as weapon aganst
its enemies
He who hears the voice of Olbr bird from afar
He would think that if the bird is not as big as an elephant
It is ceftainly bigger than a buffalo
Where OlbrO couches, it is not as big as a hen
There were lf's declarations to ArTr-gg
The sn of the Sky in Heaven
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Even if I am not sure of the efficacy of offering ebQ
Or even the power of strong charms
$ago whom I rely upon is enough for me

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall use his/her
voice as defense against enemies. In his/her mouth lays power and victory.

10. If says that, for a man for whom this Od is revealed, the question
of mate selection has been a course for concern for him. He has been
preoccupied with howto get his own befitting spouse.
If says that he will meet two women; one is very beautiful, while the
other is from a very influential home. Either of them is suitable for
him to marry as both women have the potential of being very
rewarding to him. If says that he may marry either or both of them
depending upon the values of his society, especially on polygyny. If
polygyny is allowed in his society, then, both of them have the
potentialof being of benefitto him.
There is the need for him to offer gbg with one goat, two hens,

*i oo,*",

four rats and four fish and money, He also needs to feed Ifa
with four rats, fourfish and one hen. On these, If says:
t b rr dun Babalwo
Oun n nl dun If
QrQ t b dun Onlggn
Oun n nl dun gsanyln
Qrq t b n dun Ajg
Oun n nl dun Oms ldl i rQ
Dd fn Qrnnril
Baba sunkn all l'blnrln o
Fbg ni wqn nl k ge

Whatever is causing a Babalwo grief
It is also causing If grief
Whatever is causing grief to an herbalist


is equally of grief to Qsanyin, the Deity of Herbs and

Whatever is bringing sorrowto a witch
It is at the same time causing sorrow to the tail-feather of her
witch bird
These were If's declarations to Qrnmila
When he was lamenting his inability to secure a suitable wife
for himself
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrunmila was always complaining that he had no wife. He was always

lamenting his inabiliff to secure a befitting wife of his own. Whenever any
of his friends advised him on any other essential thing in life, he would
respond that what was most important was for him to secure a suitable wife
and all other good things of life would follow it. Before long, all his friends
and acquaintance came to realize that his primary pre-occupation was for
him to geta wife.
One day, Qrunmila decided to do morethan complaining bytaking practical
steps on how to get his prayers answered. He therefore went to the group
of Awo mentioned above, who were his former students; would he be able


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

to have his own wife in life? Would the wife and the children be his true
companions? These and many more were the questions he asked during
If consultation.
The Awo assured Qrunmila that his worries would soon be over. They told
him that he would not get only one wife, but that there were two women
coming his way. He was advised to be hopeful and to offer gbg with one
goat, 2 hen, four rats, four fish and money (The client for whom this
Od is revealed also needs to feed If as stated above). He complied.
When he was about to leave the home of the Awo, he was told that one of
the women that would come his way would be extremely pretty while the
other would hail from highly respected home. Qrnmil thanked the Awo
and leftfor home.

Not too long after, Qrnmil met a very beautiful damsel. Both of them
showed interest in each other. Soon after, all marriage rites were
formalized and she became Qrnmil's wife.
A shoft while after the first marriage, cC met another woman who was a
princess and he propositioned her. She agreed. The parents were
contacted and allthe marriage rites were also formalized.
That was how Qrnmila who was a bachelor barely 12 months back became
the proud husband of two women within a year. Ornmila was thus singing
and dancing and praising the competence of If and his ex-students.
QrQt b dun Babalwo
Oun naa nl dun If
QrQt b dun Onlgegun
Oun nae nl tdunQsanyln
QrQt ba n dunAjq
Oun naa nl dun OmUsrldl i re
Df fn OrUnnrila
Baba sunkn all l'blnrln o
gbg ni wqn nl k sp
gb'Qbo, rrl'bg
Igba tl yfQ

fefl$w l'blnrln

itr oo,r",
O si

fiAprtll s'gmggba g'aya

Erolpo, ero Qfe

Fw b ni nf w,wQlre

Whatever is causing grief to a Babalwo
It is also causing grief to If
Whatever hufts a herbalist
It is surely hufting Qsanyin, the Deity of Herbs and medicine
Whatever is brnging sorrow to a witch
It is at the same time causing sorrow to the tail-feather of her witchcraft
These were lf's declarationsto Qrnmil
When he was lamenting his inability to secure a suitable wife for himself
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
When hewasto marry
He got married to a beautiful lady
And when hewasto marryagain
He took Apr, a princess as wife
Travellers tolpo and Qfa towns
Join us in the midst of abundant Ire

If says that the main cause of concern of the person for whom this Od is
revealed shall soon be over.

If also says that the person for whom this Od ls revealed shall soon be
blessed with two prospective women. Both are good and rewarding. The
women will prove to be good companons, caring lovers and mothers of hs


If says thatthere is need for a young unmarried woman to offer gbg

in order for her to be able to stay in one man's house and give bifth to
all her children there. This is in order to prevent her from moving
into one man's house today, only for her to be driven out of the
matrimonial home after the birth of one child. If this is not
addressed, it may lead to a situation where she would give birth to
four or five children for four or five different men.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

In the same ven, If says that there was a woman who had already given
bfth to four children where this Od is revealed. This woman needed to be
advised to gather her children together in order for her to enjoy her children
and for her to have peace of mind over her children.

If all these children are together under one roo[, If says that this woman
still needed to be advised not to instigate them against one another. The
woman must be advised that if the children failed to cooperate with each
other, the woman is responsible for this as she is the one dividing her
children. If she did not desist from this attitude, she may know peace again
in her life.

There is the need for this woman with four children or the unmarried
woman to offer gbg with one he-goat, four cocks and money. There is
also the need for her to feed If with four rats, four fish, one hen and
money. On allthese,If says:FQnrnkn kan w lo so il ay r

Tl w'QkglmQrn-n yn
Sbo ni wQn nl k 9e


Only one strand of string was what was used


suspend the

This was lf's declaration to Onfld-Qla
When looking foran ideal husband
She wasadvised to offergbg

When she was young, Onfki-Qh had one ambition in life. She ws
determined to make a good home and be a perfect housewife and caring
mother to her children. One day, she wentto the Awo mentioned above for
If consultation. would her dream of being a perfect home maker come
true? Would she be able to live happily with her paftner? Would she be
comfoftable in her matrimonial home? Would she bear great children?
Offld-Qla was assured that all her children would be very influential in life.
They would be very popular and highly respected in their various
undertakings in life. She was however advised to ensure that she gave
bifth to all these children in one home by rnaking sure that she avoided any




form of conflict or msunderstanding which may lead to her packng out of

her matrimonial home unceremoniously. The Awo warned her that this
might lead her into a situation where she would be changing husbands as if
she was changing her wrappers.

In order to avoid this unpleasant situation, she was advised to offer gbg
with one he-goat four cocks and money. She was also advised to feed
If with four rats, fourfish one hen and money.
Instead of heeding the advice of the Awo, Otfld-Qla felt that she was
capable of avoiding anything which might lead to misunderstanding or
quarrel between her and her future husband. In this wise, she felt that it"
was unnecessary to waste scarce resource on the procurement of all the
gbg materials. She also felt that the Awo must be cheats for demanding for
all those items simply because they wanted to offer gbg for her against
broken home. She therefore resolved not to offer the ebo. All entreaties to
herto have a change of mind fellon deaf ears.
A shoft while after her encounter with the Babalwo and her refusal to offer
gbQ, Offld-Ql travelled to Qtun town. There, she met one man whom she

loved. Before long, they became husband and wife. They were living very
happily. She was known to be a very good cook. She was neat and she
made sure that all her environment was clean at all times. She washed her
husband's clothes regularly; she was respectful to her husband and allthe
members of his family. In return all her neighbours loved her and respected
her. They were all very proud of her and they referred to her as a perfect
example of how a housewife oughtto be.
A few months after she got married, she became pregnant. Her husband
was very happy and his entire neighbours were congratulating him on his
good luck. She soon gave bfth to a bouncing baby boy. The baby was
named Efl-Ogbe. The joy in her matrimonial home was increased several
times over. The citizens of Qtun did not consider this child as the personal
gift of Orfld-Qla and her husband; In fact, they saw the baby as E)-Ogb,
gmQ wqn ld Jn meaning, Ejl-Ogb their child in Qtrtn town". That
was how the situation was for a long time in Qtun town.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

One day however, Onll{-Qla's husband went outto work. Before his return,
his wife had prepared his favorite food ready. On arrival, she placed his food
on the mat for his consumption. When the husband tasted the food, he felt
that the salt was not enough and demanded for more salt. His wife was at
the backyard. He asked one of his female relations to bring him a pinch of
salt in order to bring the soup to his taste. The relation went and brought the
salt. As he was about to put the salt into the food, his wife entered his room
and saw him and his relation together. She demanded to know why her
husband was adding salt to the food and she was told that the salt was not
enough. Something told Orfld-Qla that it must be the female relation who
had been instigating her husband against her since her husband had never
complained against her cooking before. Before she could realize what she
was doing, something snapped inside her brain and she gave the relation a
big slap. This drew the attention of all those present in the house to her
husband's room. As they were trying to calm her down she was just kicking,
slapping, bitting and abusing everyone. When they got tired of her action,
theythrew her out of the house. Out of anger, she packed all her belongings
and left the town altogether.

When she returned to Ile-IfQ, her parents' hometown, all appeals to her to
let there be a peaceful settlement was rebuffed. She kept saying that the
people in Qtun town had conspired against her. When the citizens of Qtun
town sent delegates to come and appeal to her to let bygone be bygone, she
refused to listen. They begged herto consider herson whom she left behind
at Qtun. She refused.

When she discovered that those coming from Oun town to plead for a
settlement were getting too much, she decided to leave Il-Ifg, and
travelled to Ap town where she made up her mind to settle down to a new
life. When she reached this town, everybody welcomed her. She soon
became the toast of every home. Later, she got married to another person
in Ap town. She soon became pregnant. She delivered another bouncing
baby boy. The baby was named QyekU-M).

And as in Otun town, the citizens of Ap town considered Offld-Q|'s baby

as the child of the whole town. They therefore named him O3Qkrl-M), gmg
wqn ld Ap meaning Qygk-Mjl their child in Ap town, And also as




Qdi Meji

in Qtun town, everybody loved herand adored her.

One day however, her husband had some friends who came to visit him.
She was introduced to these friends. After the introduction, she left for the
kitchen to prepare food for her husband's visitors. The visitors and her
husband remembered some old jokes of theirs and they all burst into
laughter. Hearing this, something snapped inside Onlld-Qh's head. She
saw their laughter as making jest of her. She grew so annoyed that her
husband could subject her to ridicule in the midst of his friends whom she
just knew for the very first time. She went into the kitchen and carried the
water she had been boiling and stamped out the fire and began to pack her
belongings. Before she left the house, she went to confront her husband.
She poured all her venom on her husband to the chagrin of everyone
present. When these friends tried to appeal to her, she pounced on them

too and left the house, leaving her son behind. Again, all effofts to
reconcile them failed. She returned to ll-Ifg to live.
Many people came to beg her to return to Apa she refused. But when she
was ready to go back to her matrimonial home, her husband was no longer
ready to accept her as wife. She too began to send people to plead with her
husband on her behalf butthe husband refused to listen.
Soon aftenrard, she left Il-IfQ again forlgodo town. And again, she was
well received in this new town. She soon got attached to a man and before
long she became pregnant. She gave bfth to yet another baby boy. The
baby was named lw'i-M). And again, the baby was known as \wOrlM3), gme wn lde fgd," meaning lwrl-Mjl, their child in IgOd
town. She was enjoying the cooperation and suppots of everyone in this

Offld-Qla had been living happily in Igod town until one day when she
went to the market in another town to help her husband sell his farm
products. On her way back to the house, a heavy rain fell and the stream
which she would have to cross before she could reach home became
impassable due to heavy flood rushing into the stream. She had to wait
until the rushing of water in the stream abated. It was dark before she
reached home.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

To her surprse however, there was no rainfall in IgOd. When she

explained to her husband that she was held up by heavy rainfall her
husband shouted her down, that she was a liar. He concluded that she had
cheated on him. She knelt down, begging her husband to please investigate
what she had said before taking futher action. Her husband refused to
listen. Then she remembered that one of her husband's bossom friends
also went to the market to transact business on that day. She asked her
husband to go and inquire from his friend in order to asceftain the verity of
her statement. This only worsened the matter as her husband concluded
that his friend must have been her secret lover. While she was still pleading
with him, something snapped in his head and he began to throw all her
belongings out of his home. All entreaties failed to yield any fruitful result.
She therefore returned to ll-Ife, a very sad woman indeed. She also left
herson behind.

After sometime, she again made up her mind to travel out of Il-Ife to try
her luck elsewhere. This time around, she went to Eju town. As usual, she
was well loved in her new abode. Everyone respected her. She soon got
another man who showed interest in her. She later became pregnant and
gave b'th to a bouncing baby boy again. This child was named Odf-wle).
And yet again, the citizens of EjU considered the baby the gift to the whole
town. They therefore named him "Odf-M), gmg wqn ld Eju" meaning
OOt t"te their child in Ejrt town. This was done in order to give her
honour and in appreciation of her exemplary character and good qualities.
She was living quiet happily in Eju town. She was convinced that she had
learnt her lessons and that she had to put behind her the bitter experiences
of Qtun, Apa and Igodo towns. She assured herself that E town was
where she would live the rest of her life.

Then one day, one of her husband's relatives who had been envious of
Onlld-Qh's rising profile in the town went to gather people together and told
them that she had a dream that confirmed to her that Offld-Ql was a
wicked witch who had been using her apparent good characters and
cheerfulness to cover up her wickedness. She claimed that Offld-Qla had
been using the destinies of other women in the town to enhance her good



foftunes. She claimed that it was this evil power that

On'ild-Qla had been

using which did not allow her husband to see anything bad that she OffldQl had done. The relative wentto the e*ent of saying that Onfld-Ql was

the person directing and controlling the mind of her husband and other

In the end, everybody agreed thatthere was sense in whatthis relative had
said. They reasoned that nobody could know Offl{-Qh better than her
husband's relative. They therefore concluded that Onlld-Qh must leave
their town for them. They recruited other women and agreed to converge
at the frontage of Offkl-Ql's home at dawn the next day.
Most of them did not sleep. At the first cock-crow, all the women began to
assemble at their predetermined place. Their shouting woke everyone up
in Offld-Ql's house. They demanded forcefully that Onll{-gla must be
handed over to them for punishment as she was the brain behind all the
woes of the town. Offld-Qh could not believe her ears; she thought that
she was in a dream. To make matter worse, all her friends and close
acquaintances were among those demanding for her to be punished. Her
husband refused to hand her over to them. In the end, a compromise was
reached; she would not be punished again but she must leave their town
immediately. That was how Offld-Qh left EjU leaving behind Odl-M1T and
all her other belongings. She returned to ll-Ifq a shattered woman.

A few days after her arrival, her relatives called her and asked her to tell
them what went wrong again. She narrated all her ordeals to them,
starting from her experience in QtUn town, to what she encountered in Ap
town, and then that oflgd town and to the humiliations she received at
Eu town. Even though the relatives sympathized with her, they however
concluded that she was the one who could not make a good home. They
therefore advised her to forget about traveling out of ll-Ifg again and
concentrate on how to make the best use of what remained of her life. She
agreed with her relatives.
One day, as she was ruminating over her life, she remembered the warning
of the Awo and wept bitterly. I[ dawned on her that had she offered the ebo
as prescribed, she would not have experienced all what she had gone


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

through. Alas, itwas simplytoo

Iate to make amends.

Her four children grew up differently. They did not have much in common

except that they were all born by the same mother. They had different
experiences, different outlook towards life and different approach to
things. However, the four children grew up to become great men in their
various fields of endeavour in life. Offld-Qh regretted that she could not
pafticipate in their upbringing. She also regretted that they were not in the
same place, born to the same person and trained under the same roof. She
felt that if she had offered one he-goat and four cocks as gbg and had
fed If with four rats, four fish and one hen the story would have
been different. And again it was too late to make amends. She lived with
the regrets for the rest of her life.
FqnrnkUn kan Ow lo so i| aye rO
Dl fn Onlkl-Qle
Tl w'Qkg lmQrn-n yn kiri
lboniwqn nl kqe
kg'tl Qgbgnyin 9'ebg
bl Ejl Ogbfn wgn l'deOrrn
bl Qyqku-Mjl fn wQn l'deAp
bl lworl-mil fn wqn l'de lgd
bl odl Mjl fn wqn l'de Ej
Rfr gbg nll gbe'ni
Er tkg d hdaj
Onlkl-Ql b tet mq
I ba waa fow s'rfi n ebo o

Only one strand

of string was what was used to

This was lf's declaration to Offld-Qb
When looking foran idealhusband
She was advised to offer gbg
She refused to comply
She then gave bifth to ET Ogb for them at OJUn town
And QyQktl-Mfl forthem atAptown
AndlwOfi-mI for them atlgOd town
And Odl M) forthem at Eju town
Offering of gbg isverysupportive


suspend the

i4 oo,r",,
To give r

to E9 in very rewarding

Offki-Qla known this before it was too late

She would have spent her money to offer gbg for her life to be more

If says that it will not allow the person for whom this Od is revealed to
regret. She however needs to offer gbg as prescribed here so that she too
can have a say in the up-bringing and eventual success of her children in
future. This is because whether the woman participated in the upbringing
of her children or not, they would all succeed and she would not be able to
beat her chest in future that she had any meaningful contribution to the
success of her children.

L2. If says that it foresees the Ire of a new baby for the person for whom
this Od is revealed.

If says that this child shall be very influential in life. The child shall
be known the world over. They should take proper care of this child
when it comes because the child would be extremely successful in

If says that there is the need to offer qbg with one ewe | 2OO
big needles, and 1O yards of white cloths and money. On
this, If says:
f'ojrt tan'n
QlqbQn-nbgn-n nff fapa mejefl lu gbedu
Ajlja gogoro, Awo il Ajlgunwa
Dl fun Ajlgnw
lgba rr t'Ikqle Qrun bQ w'y
Fbq niwQn nl k 9e
Fse rug nfi

The broken surface of a brass shines like ember
The large beetle uses its two wings to buzz like one beating
the gbQdu drum
The tall, slender ATj staff, the resident Awo of Afigunw (He
who sits in royal Splendors early in the morning, another

lfa Dda: An invitation fo lfa Consultation

name of the sun).

He was the Awo who cast If for AJigrtnwa
When comng from Qrun to Aye
He was advised to offer qbg
AJigunwa was coming into this world from heaven. He wanted to know what
his chances of success would be. He therefore went to the Awo mentioned
above for If consultation.
The two Awo assured him that he would be highly respected and honoured.
He was told that he would have a very rewarding stay on Aye (Earth). He

was advised to offer gbg with one ewe, 200 big needles 10 yards
(meters) of white cloth, and money. He complied.
When he set out on his journey, the white cloth with which he offered the
gbg was spread over the sky, 200 needles was shattered around him and
they became the sun rays while the ewe with which he offered qbg ensured
honour and prestige for him. He discovered that no force or energy was as
great as his. He therefore decided that there was no need for him to be
physically present on eafth, rather, he chose to be sending his rays and the
energy was felt everywhere.

If says that the chlld in question would be greater than all his colleagues.
He would also be greater than his two parents. His reputation would be felt
the world over. The force of the Sun is felt in every nook and corner of this

fojrr tan'n
QlQbQn-nbgn-n nll fap mejefi lu gbQdu
Fs lde nfl

Ajlje gogoro, Awo il AilgUnwa

tX fn Ajlgnw
T tl IkQl Qrun bQ w'y
fbo ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
Ko p ko jlnn
F wa b ni nl wO,wQ ire
WO, wq ire l'r QpQ n'tfg




The broken suface of brassshines like ember
The large beetle uses its two wings to buzz like one beating the gbQdu
The tall, slenderA)ja stafl the residentAwo of Aj'ignw
He wastheAwo who castlf forAignw
When coming from Qrun toAy
He was advised to offergbg
Nottoo long, and nottoo far
Jon us n the midstof all Ire

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not travel
outside the shores of his or her fatherland before he/she will succeed. If
says that it is in one spot that he/she stays that he/she will be getting all the
Ire required in life.

13. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be
victorious in serious dispute with others. This dispute may or may
not involve litigation. If says that the case in question will be very
tough but with appropriate gbg, he/she or the group who had come
for If consultation will be victorious in the end. If says that he/she
was on the right path, but there is the need to offer gbg in order to
prevent any unforeseen event or miscarriage of justice which may
make him/her lose the case. There is need to offer gbg with one hegoat, yams bean, maze grains and money. There is also the
need to feed Egu with one cock and money. The moment all these
are done, victory is assured. On this, If says:
Igbln o pTlQar nl dld
AfbOjOO pll$Aran nl wlw
A kff gb'oj u fifo l'dle agd
Tani I gb'jtl u ylyan l'lggmg?
Tl lgsllknlQejQ
fbg niwqn nl k $e


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon


The snail did not originate the aft of dye-making

And Afb0j rat did not originate that of burrow-making
We cannot rely on a tied hen to fly
Who dare count on a chameleon to match briskly?
These were the declarations of If to AfbOj0
When going to appear in a litigious matter
He was advised to offer gbg

Afeebj was a rat of royal descent. He was very handsome and very
hardworking. His hole where he lived was always magnficently
constructed. One day, out of W, some other members of the rat
family went to report him to King Leopard that Afeebj had no respect
for constituted authorities. They said that he was more of a problem
than asset to the anmal kingdom. They impressed it on King Leopard
that Afbj must, as a matter of urgency, appear before his majestic
presence to come and defend himself. Hearing this, King Leopard
promptly summoned AfeebOj to come and defend himself.
When he got the message, he decided to go to consult If on the
possible outcome of his being summoned. The Awo told him that some
of his colleagues had gone to level some allegations against hm. He
was assured that the judgment would be delivered in his favour. He was
however advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. He complied and set
out for King Leopard's palace.
Two main allegations were levelled aganst him: One, that Afeebj
resembled a squirrel and squirrels were living inside nests. Therefore,
he too ought to be living inside a nest and not in a hole as his practice;
and two, that he was the one who originated the bad attitude of digging
holes and burrows to live in, thereby encouraging other animals to
follow his bad example. His accusers concluded that he would either
stop living inside a hole and begin to live in nests or leave the animals'
kingdom entirely.
Responding to the first allegation, AfeebOj explained that living inside
a hole was eintirely a matter of choice for him. He explained fuher that
it was more convienient for him to live inside a hole on the ground than



inside a nest, on a tree, in a rock, cranny, or n any other envronment.

He said that as long as he did not impinge on any other animal's
freedom or convenience, he saw no reason why he should stop living
inside the hole. He gave the example of several animals such as the
cat and the leopard; they belonged to the same family. One was living
with human beings while the other was the king of the forest.
Some birds choose to live in the forest, some in the savannah while
others live in the house with human beings. Some rats of the same
family were not living in the same environment. Some live in the
house, with human beings while others live in the forest. These were
not made subjects of litigation. Why then should he be singled out ?
On the second allegation, he explained that his was not an exception.
He said that among the rats, the big rat, and grass cutter and so on
were also living in holes ever before he was born. Among the birds, the
woodpecker was living inside a hole on a tree, Among beasts, the king
leopard, lion and so on were living in holes. He contended that it would
be unwise to assert that it was his bad habit that the King Leopard was
immitating when the latter chose to be living inside a hole. He
explained fufther that if a snail was broken, one would discover that
there was blue dye liquid in its body. This cannot be constructed to
mean that the snail was the originator of dye-making. He said that
because he was living in a hole did not make him the originator of hole

After this, Afbj rested his submission. King leopard adjourned his
verdict till later in the day. Many Afebj antagonists went to King
Leopard to influence him to find Afeebj guilty. When the verdict came
however, the judgement was in the favour of Afbj . King Leopard said
that he found no substance in the two allegations levelled against AfeebOj
. Consequently, King Leopard declared that Afeebj was free to construct
his dwelling place as he pleased and in any place of his choice. He was thus
singing and dancing and giving praisesto hisAwo saying:

0 pTlQaro nl


AfbOjO pllg Arn nl wfw


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

gb'oj u fifO I'adlg agada

Tanif gb'jrt u ylyan l'lggmg?
Tl r1gsllknlQeje
fbg ni wgn nl k 9e
A kff

Bl igu


Agb're rg l'r{
Awo nl y maa j're wgn
B'r b y'gmg tn
Agb'arerQ l'rf
Awo ni y maa j're wgn
B'gbdo b y'gmg tn
Agb'are rQ l'rl
Awo ni y maa j're wgn

The snail did not originate the aft of dye-making
And Afbjo rat did not originate that of burrow-making
We cannot rely on a ted hen to fly
Who dare counton a chameleon to match briskly?
These were the declarations of If to AfbOjo
When going to appear in a litigious matter
He was advised to offer ebg
He complied
When theyam germinates
Itcarriesalong its rightto live
, Afbjo
An Awo shall always be given judgement over them
When the bean germinates
Itcarriesalong its rightto live
An Awo shall always be given
When the maize germinates
It carries along its rightto live
All hailAfeebOjo




An Awo shall always be given judgement overthem

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall come out
victorious on the issue of any impending matter.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is'a great
person or a ptentially great person. The situation at present is such
that thing are very tight for him/her. He/she is presently under
someone whom he/she is higher or greater than. If says that with
appropriate gbg the situation will change and he/she shall be able to
regain his/her independence.

On the other hand, If says that the person for whom this Od is
revealed has under him/her someone greater or higher than
him/her. If says that this subordinate ought to be set free so that
the person keeping him/her will not experience hardship, confusion
or dilemma.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with one he-goat (16 palm coconuts one
load of firewood and money. Paft of the he-goat shall be used to
feed the Elders of the Night (the witches) while a cock shall be used
to feed Epu Qdara. If all these can be done, he or she will regain his
former status or independence. This is because he/she is not
supposed to experience such hardship in the first place. On these,
If says:
Odl lwo l glqfn
Dl fn Ql,fi n
Tll y p'rko rnrrge d Ajata
Igbatl won ar ll-Ife bg nlgb ry osko
Fbq ni wqn nf kl wgn w ge

Od'i, the residentAwo of QlQfin
He was the one who cast If for QlQfin

Who wanted to send a coded message to Ajak the Qba of QyQ town


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

When the citizens of lle'Ife were n pawnage to the QyQ people

He was advised to offer gbg

Il-Ife was the origin of human civilization. That was where human beings
first lived on eafth. All human beings migrated from this city. 0y citizens
also migrated from ll-Ife to their location. It could therefore rightly be said
that Il-IfQ city is the mother of all communities on earth. All Qba were
considered to be children of QlQfin the Qba of Il-IfQ.

It however

reached a certain stage in the history of Qyq town that it

attained military and political superiority over all the communities around
her. She subjugated them alland formed an QyQ Empire with her influence
reaching far and wide. She also subjugated Il-Ife and forced her to be
paying yearly IsaklQ (an annualtax paid in for by a vanquished community
to a victorious community in recognition of the might of the latter by the
former and in exchange for protection) during the reign of Ajaka as the Qba
(Alaafin) of OyQ empire, the might and influence of 0, yQ Empire was at its
peak. Aata ensured that all communities paid homage to QyQ on a yearly
basis and they also brought their IsaklQ without fail. Whenever there was
going to be any military expedition, Aaka made it compulsory for all
communities'able-bodied and welltrained men to enrolas soldiers. Failure
to do these was viewed seriously and the punishmentwas severe.

when the time to pay the annual homage was at hand, QlQfin and his high
chiefs felt that it was abnormal and in fact an abomination for QlQfin to be
paying homage to one of his children. They there and then made up their
minds never to pay homage or tax to A;aka as from that year onwards.
There was a snag in this their resolution however; they had the political and
military might of Ajaka and QyQ Empire to contend with. As a way out of
this problem therefore, they summoned Odt-vte;t, the resident Awo of
QlQfin for If consultation: how would they regain their independence from
QyQ Empire without having to confront her militarily? Was it even possible
for Il-IfQ to retain her old glory in view of her present subseruient position?
The Awo made it clear to QlQfin that Il-IfQ would surely regain her old glory

and independence without engaging in any military confrontation with

anyone. He also told QlQfin that the respect as the father of all other kings



on earth woud be regained and nobody would dare wage war against his
kingdom or subordinates his kingdom again. He advised 9l,fin to offer gbg
with one he-goat and money. Qlqfin complied. Paft of the he-goat was
used as Ipese for the witches. One cock was also used to feed Egu Qdara.
When allthese had been done, Odf-MT advised them to go and secure 16
palmnuts, 16 coconuts a bundle of firewood. These were then sent
to Ajak n QyQ with a message that he should use the coconuts in place of
Ikin, to cast his If that year. He should also give the bundle of firewood to
his daughter who had just put to bed to make fire with which to warm
herself. All these items were delivered to Aaka in his palace.

When Ajak took delivery of these materials, he became confused. He

found it difficult to understand what they were supposed to mean. He
summoned the QyQm$, his high chiefs, for deliberation. They too could
not make any sense of the materials. In the end they summoned the
residentAwo of Ajaka for If consultation:
Qsa Awo il Ajak
Dl fn 9balyQ Ajorl
Oba aj'olu gmggbrale
Eyl tf y j'ese yg'kn l'JQ

Igbatl gba rokoOl,fin tn

Fbq niwgn nl k 9e

Qs the residentAwo of Ajaka's household
He was the Awo who cast If for the Qba of Qyg, the shea butter eater

The Qba who eats the fruit of shea-butter tree for energy
And eats his foods to develop pot-belly n Qyq
When he received a coded messagefrom QlQfin
But did not understand what to make of the message
He was advised to offergbg

Qsa informed Ajaka and his high chiefs that they were in a state of confusion
over recent development. He explained that they subjected a group more

elderely and more honourable than them under their command. The group
had however sent them a big warning that it was an abomination for
children to order their elders around. He cautioned that it would be in their
best interest to stop whatever they were doing as it would never pay them

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

to continue.

When Ajak and his high chiefs explained that they had just been sent a
present of 16 coconuts to be used to cast If that year and a bundle of
firewood to give Aaka's daughter who had just put to bed, Qsa told them
that no matter how big the hands of the Babalwo who would cast the If
may be, they could never contain 16 coconuts at the same time. What that
meant essentially was that they were using their hands to handle what was
beyond their capability. He also told them that it was not the duty of a
father to send firewood to his daughter who had just been delievered of a
baby, but that of the husband's household. It stood to reason that it was
not the duty of II-Ife to send IsaklQ to Qyg which was one of the "children"
of ll-lfQ. He advised them again that they should stop demanding IsaklQ
from Il-Ife henceforth. They complied. As from that time ll-Ife stopped
paying homage to QyQ.

The citizens of Il Ife were full of happiness that they were truly
independent at last. They were thus singing and dancing and full of praises
for Odf their Babalwo.
Od lwo il glqfin
Tll y p'rko ranngg st Ajata
Igbatl awon ar ll-Ife be rdgbe ryosko
fbq niwqn nl kl wgn w Se


Qsa Awo il Ajak

Dl fn 9baleyQAjor{
Oba aj'olrt gmggbrale
Eyl tl y j's yg'kn l'JQ
Igbatl gba erokO Ohfin ttn

Ebg niwQn nl kge

Odl odeo,Agblagba lfe
Igbafi l'gbgwa da

the residentAwo of QlQfin
He was the one who cast If for QlQfin
Who wanted to send a coded message to Ajk the Qba of QyQ town




He was the Awo who cast If for the Qba of QyQ, the


When the citizens of lle-Ife were in pawnage to the Qyq people

He was advised to offer qbg
He complied
Qsa the residentAwo of Ajaka's household


The Qba who eats the fruit of shea-butter tree for energy
And eats his foods to develop pot-belly in QyQ
When he received a coded message from QlQfin
But did not understand what to make of the message
He was advised to offer gbg
Here comes Odl, the elderlyAwo of Il-IfQ
It is now that our gbg is accepted

If says that all what had been agtatng the mind of the person for whom
this Od is revealed shall soon become a thing of the past. He or she is
bound to overcome all his or her problems.

15. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is to offer gbg
against restlessness. There is the need for him/her to offer gbg as to
enjoy the frult of his/her labour. If says that even though he/she is
quite competent in his/her chosen field of endeavour, none the less,
there is the need to offer gbg in order to avoid being pushed around

and in the end for others to make profit where he or she had
laboured. In one word, there is need for him/her to offer gbg so as
notto labour in vain for others to make profit.
If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to stay where he/she is and avoid gong about other
people's areas of operation as this can only lead to his/her being
pushed around and being sent on errands by those who are not as
competent or capable as he/she is. To make the matter worse, these
other people will only use his/her expeftise and in the end, dump
him/her without seeing anything to show for the effort he/she has
put into the venture. The person for whom this Od is revealed
should not serue other people's heads at the expense of his or her

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with four pigeons, four hens, four cocks
and money. He should also stay where he/she is and not move
about. On these, If says:
duro n'ipQkun opp
Oere n'ipQkunpp
Okltl bababe nff pQkunopp
Dlfn Qsnwgn
Tl rtlg sl lfe Akel-bb
fbg niwQn nl kge

He stands atthe end of the main road
And bends down atthe end of the main road
The mound is itthatterminates a publicthrough fare
These were the declarations of If to QsUnwqn, the measuring calabash
When going on a business mission to Il-IfQ
He was advised to offer gbg

Qsunwqn, the measuring calabash, was an expeft in the determination of

the exact worth of commodities. All market-women selling salt, beans,
guinea-corn, maize grain, rice, garri (cassava meal) yam-flower and so on
relied on him whenever they wished to know the accurate measurement of
their merchandise. Because of his apparent impoftance, QsnwQn felt that
it would be very profitable for him to go to Il-IfQ to exhibit his expertise at
Elgbomgkn market. He then went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation on his success chances. Would he be acceptable at ll-Ife?
Would he have recognition in the market? Would people continue to rely on
his expeftise as they were doing? Would he be able to turn his expertise
into a profit-making business?
The Awo told QsnwOn that he would be accepted at lle-Ife. Theytold him
that he would have recognition in the market. That people would continue
to rely on his expeftise. But that it was better for him to stay where he was
living at that particular point in time for people to be looking for him in his
domain, instead of going about in search of work. The Awo concluded that
seruing others would never fetch him profit. He was also advised to offer


i* oo,*",

gbg with four pigeons, four cocks and

stay in his house.


He was also told to

QsUnwgn felt that if he was accepted, and loved, and recognized, and
relied upon in the market, there was no way he would not use his expertise
to make foftune for him. Consequently, he refused to offer the gbg as
prescribed by the Babalawo. A few days after this, he set out on his way to
Il-Ife in defiance of the Awo's advice.
When he reached Elgbmgkn market in Il-IfQ, the salt seller was already
searching for QsnwQn. She used Qsnwgn to measure her salt for her
customer. She simply did not bother to pay. Soon after, a beans seller was


for QsnwQn. She went to collect him for the salt


Discovering that he had just been used to measure salt, she cleaned the
salt particles which could have been the profit of QsnwQn before using
him to measure her beans. Soon after, the rice seller used Qsunwgn, also
without paying. And then the garri seller. And the yam-flour seller And
then the rice seller. And so on and on, all without paying anything. That
was how QsUnwgn continued to work without getting paid.
One day, Qsnwgn spit into two and was newed. A short while after this,
he spit into two again and was dumped. Those using him went in search of
anotherQsnwqn. Qsunwgn died a wretched man.
duro n'ipQkun opp
bere n'ipQkunopp

Okltl babaaba nff pQkunopp

Dl fn QsnwQn
fi lgsl lfeAkel-bebe
fbgniwqn nl k9e
OsUnwqn O b tt mQ
I bwfowsrfin eboo

atthe end of the main road
And bends down atthe end of the main road
The mound is itthatterminates a publicthrough fare
He stands


lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultaton

These were the declarations of If to QsUnwqn

When going on a busness mission to Il-IfQ
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Had QsnwQn known before itwastoo late
He would have spent his money to offer all the appropriate gbg.

If says that it would not let the person for whom this Od is revealed regret
in life.

16. If says that there is a woman where this Od is revealed who needs
to be seriously warned against any attempt to subject her husband to
ridicule, lest she meets with disaster. If warns that if she refuses to
mend her ways she is most likely going to weep and gnatch her teeth
forthe restof her life.

If says also that the entire household (or even community) where
this Od is revealed needs to offer gbg against epidemic disease,
especially airborne or waterborne epidemy.

If advises the woman in question to offer gbg with one he-goat

and one of her dresses. She is to feed EgU witfr one Cock and feed
If with one goat. The household or community need to feed
Qbalway wth one cock, roasted yam, roasted beans, palmoil and palm-wine. On these If says:rflwqn gdn mo nl pa
AlwQn gdn mo nl pa
Ero llqtq l dl'r kalQ
L fi 9g abg gun lrl
Dl fn Qrunmll
Babajl nl ktkt
Baba O Iw kan yqQ n
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e


A sharp axe has its impact

A dull axe has its impact

The traveller tollgkg was the one who after packing his load
Stuck the tips of a knife into the load




These were If's declarations to Ornm'il

When he woke up early in the morning
Without any money to spend
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrrlnmll was facng a real hard time atthis particular pont in time. He had
no money to settle most of his debts. He owed those who were supplying
him Qko, the corn meal, with which he offered gbg for his clients and which
he and his wife and students ate regularly. He owed other people too.
Unfortunately, he had no immediately means off-setting allthese debts.
One day, the woman supplying him Qkg came to his home and insisted on
collecting all her money that day, claiming that she had no money with
which to purchase maize to make Qkg and that the amount Qrnmll was
owing her had already made herfinancially insolvent as she too had several
people to pay. She reminded Ornmll that he already owed her up to
10,000 cowries.

As Qrnm)l was thinking of a way out of this problem, he suddenly

remembered that Flj the Qba of Eju who was the father of his wife
Yngb, used to consult If and offer gbg every If day. The day in question
was an If day meaning that f;lj would consult If and offer gbg that very
day. QrUnm'il pleaded with the woman to exercise patience until evening
when he would be able to pay her all the money he was owing her. When
asked how he would be able to do this, Qnlnm)l explained that flgj was
his father in-law and that he was going to cast If for FljU that very day.
He said that he would add as paft of the gbg materials 10, 000 cowries with
which he would be able to pay her. The woman was very elated knowing
that Qrunmll had never made any promise that he did not keep, with this,
she left, promising to return in the evening.
Unknown to Qrnm'il, all the discussion with the eko seller was overheard
by Yngb. She was infuriated when she learnt that Qrunm'ila relied on her
father to pay his debt. She had been looking for ways and means of
humiliating Qrrlnm'll for a long time but without success. She was aware
of all the debts her husband was owing but simply refused to assist him.
She was however, elated that she overheard this discussion. She then
vowed that Qrunm'll would never be able to get that money from her

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

father. She planned to rush to her father and tell him that Qrrlnmll had
planned to rip him off by adding 10,000 cowres to the qbg materials. She
vowed that she would dissuade her father from consulting If from
Qrnmll anymore as he was a fraudulent and untrustwofthy person.

Wth all her plans in place, she went to QrnmTl, asking for permission to
visit her father that morning for an impoftant matter, she was asked to wait
since Qrnm)l too would be going there the same day, in order for them to
go together. She refused, claiming that her discussion with her father could
not wait as she was going for an urgent matter Qrunm'll asked her to go.
lMwQn qdn mo nl pa
AlwQn gdn mo nl pa
Ero llgt<q bdt'r katg
L fi gg abq gun lrl

Tff sgmq flj-nl-pQrg
Eyt tO lun fAwo geedn

Fbq niwQn nl kge

A sharp axe has its impact
A dull axe has its impact

The traveller tolQkg was the one who after packing his load
Stuck the tips of a knife into the load
These were If's declaration to Yngb
The daughter of Elju, the Qba of Eju
Who planned to humiliate an Awo
She was advised to offer qbg

Knowing that Qrnm'ila was not exactly an easy person to plan against,
Yngb went to the Awo mentioned above to enquire about how best to
tackle the matter so that she would be able to ridicule Qrrtnmlla in a way
that he would notforget in a hurry.

The Babalwo however told her to be very careful and not to embark on
what she had in mind to do, lest she regretted her action. She was also told
to offer gbg against pestilence in her father's household. She was then
advised to offer one he-goat and the dress she wearing on that day.
She was asked to return home immediately, remove the dress and bring



same to the Awo for immediate gbg. She was asked to offer one goat to
appeal to If for forgiveness; to feed Eg with one cock and feed
Qbalwaye with one cock, palmwine, roasted yam, roasted beans,
palm-oil and so on. She was also advised to add lOrOO0 cowries to the
gbg materials so that she would not witness calamity in her father's
household and her father's household would not witness same over her.
The Awo urged that the gbg must be offered on that very day as delay was

The mere mention of the 10,000 cowries made her fully determined never
to have anything to do with the gbg or the advice of the Awo. She concluded
in her mind that her husband must have been to the Awo to influence them.
For this reason, she quickened her pace and rushed to her father's palace to
narrate her story. She convinced her father never to patronize Qrnmlla
again as he was a cheat and unworthy of trust. Her father told her to be
patient and waitfor Qrnmlla's arrival so as to hearwhat he had to say.

at [lj's palace Flej had fully made up his

mind never to offer gbg, no matter what Qrrlnmlla had to say. When
Qnlnmlla knocked at the door of the palace, FliU asked Yngb to go and
hide herself within earshot but away from where Qrnmlla could see her.
Flj asked Qrtlnmlla to cast If'for him. Qrrlnm'ila did, and 0df-M3) was
revealed. Qrrlnm'lla asked FIj to offer gbg immediately in order to guide
against pestilence in his household and community. Qrnmlla told him that
this cannot wait as Qbalway, the Deity in charge of pestilence was
already on his way to the community. He asked Fli to offer gbg with one
he-goat and 10,000 cowries. He asked Fli to feed Egu Qdara with one
cock and feed Qbalway with one cock, roasted Y?ffi, roasted beans,
By the time Qrnm)la arrived

palm-oil, and palm-wine.

Flej asked Qrnmlla to go home. He promised to call on Qrnmlla to come
and offer the qbg for him whenever he was ready. Qrnmlla, who knew
that danger was close at hand due to the revelation of If' pleaded with

Flj to offer the gbg immediately as was his(flQj) usual practise. Flej
refused, thinking that the main concern of QrnmIla was to collect the
10,000 cowries with which to offset his indebtedness to the woman

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

supplyng ekg to him Qrunmlla left with heavy


Meanwhile, Obalwaye, the Deity in charge of pestilence had already set

out on his journey to EjU town to go and inflict the community with air-borne and waterborne diseases. On his way, he met Eg Qdara. Had it
been that flj offered the gbg, EgU Odara would have been the one to
plead, on behalf of the community, with Obalway not to inflict pestilence
on them. But it was the same EgU Odara urging Obalway to go and
peform his duty since they had refused to offer gbg.
A few moments after Orrlnm'lla left flj's palace, Obalway struck. The
first victim and casualty was Yngb. She was struck with, and died of

small pox and convulsion. Several others in the community and flj's
palace were struck with small pox, chicken pox, polio, and measles and so
on. All of them trooped to flj's palace because the suddenness and
severity of the afflictions were unprecedented. There were wailing,
weeping and gnashng of teeth. Flj was sad and confused.

After sometimes, flj asked his subordinates to go and fetch Qnlnmlla for
him, wherever Qrnmlla might be at that time. They did. On arrival,
Qrnmlla met several corpses in front of flj's compound, (which was in
itself an abomination, as an Qba must not see a corpse). when he learnt
that Yngb, his wife was among the dead, he broke down. But EgU Qdara
came and said that instead of weeping, Orrinmlla ought to listen to what
Flej had to say. Flj asked Qrrlnmlla to help offer the gbg as he Flej,
was ready to do so. Qrnm)la did. After this, Eg Qdara went to fetch all the
agogo (If'gongs) of Qrunmlla and his students in his house. They began to
singlyQrQ songs saying :
Kln la sun o?

! kn Yngb la sun g
I kn Yngb la sun
What shall we weep over?
It is the misfoftune which had befallen Yngb


ii oo,r",,
We shall weep over Yngb's demise.

They then began to sing and dance since it was, and still is, a taboo for a
Babalwo to weep over the death of anyone, fufther, it was possible for
Qrrlnm'ila to offset his debt in the end and as he had promised.

tltllwQngdn monl pa
Alwgn gdn mo nl pa
Ero ltgtq l dl'ro kalg
tf ggabggun lrt

Babajl nl ktkt
Baba o lw kan ygq n
Fbg niwQn nl k9e

Tll sgmg Flj-nlpqr
Tll gaya Qrrtnmll
T lun fAwo
fibg ni wqn nl k


ko,tl Qgbgnhin sbg

loun fAwo
fira r fitn lkrt
Yngba, ara rq lo

Kin la sun o
fkn Yngb la
sun o
fkn Yngb la

A sharp axe has its
A dull axe has its impact


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

The traveller to'llQkQ was the one who after

packing his load
Stuck the tip of a knife into the load
These were lf's declarations to Qrnmll
When he woke up early in the morning
Without any money to spend
He was advised to offer gbg
He compled
The same was declared to Yngb
The daughter of Flj, the Qba of EjU
The wife of Qrnmll
When she planned to humiliate an Awo
She was advised to offer gbg
She refused to comply
Yngb who planned to humiliate an Awo
Handed herself over to Death
Yngb, you had just harmed yourself
What shall we weep over?
It is the misfoftune which had befallen Yngb
We shall weep over Yngb's demise

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall never
be humiliated by anyone. Those who plan to humiliate him shall live
to regret such plan.
If says that he must never rely on anyone for help or think that anyone
would pull him out of any problem. Only Oldmar and If can do that
for him.
A woman planning to humilitate her husband needs to stop it as she
may meet with terrible repercussion. The person for whom this Od is
revealed needs to offer gbg against pestilence and other related illness
and afflictions.

Aboru Aboye.






Odl-meT children are assured of the protection of If through four major
Od - EJi-Ogb, Qyekr:-M;T, IwO-M) and Odf-mJl. They have the
tendency to Iive to their old age. As long as they uphold If tenets and
codes of conduct, so long will their chances of living long be enhanced.

OCt-t"tel children will not only live to their old age, they also have the
potential of being blessed with all the good things of life - good home,
wealth, good children and other essentials of life. They however need to
show gratitude to Oldmar and be contented with their achievements in
life; the unique thing about the success of Odl-Mil children is that they
have the tendency to acquire all the good things of life in fours - four
children (at least), four houses, four cars, four business concerns and so
on. Consequently, they will never lack any Ire in life.
These children thrive best in their Iocal environment and not when they
travel outside their home base. OCt-t"tei male children thrive best as
Babalwo, medical or para-medical practitioners and related fields. They
will surely have a street, foundation, institution or establishment named
after them in recognition of their worth. And their female counterpafts will
succeed best in the area of merchandising. They too will have recognition
and honour in this field. No matter how successful they may be, male or
female, they should be in their local environment.

Odl-Mji children are usually very amiable and God-fearing. They usually
show appreciation when someone did anything good for them. They also
pay back good with good. If they are doing anything bad and they are
corrected, the tendency is that they will change their bad deeds for good.
This is one of the major reasons why Odl-Mj children have the tendency
to be suppofted and surrounded by responsible people who will never
abandon them in their period of need.

jointventureswith others need to exhibit

transparency at all times in order for the undertaking to succeed. In the

Odl-Mii children who engage



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

Odl-Mji couples need to cooperate with one another, eschew

extra-marital activities in order to succeed and make a stable home and
have children. Honesty and sincerity are their keys to success and
same ven,


These children will succeed where others had f-ailed. They will also
overcome their enemies. They need to be using their mouths boldly to
ward off oppositions. As long as they do not allow anyone to cow or
intimidate them, so long will their victory over adversary be guaranteed.
They need to be using their mouth to save themselves by talking and even
bragging themselves out of trouble. By so doing, their enemies will also
fearto confrontthem.

Odl-Mjl, male children are most likely going

to meet two prospective paftners at the same time, one a beautiful lady,
In the area of mate selection,

and the other from a prosperous home. Both of them are good and if the
culture of their area permts t, they can marry both of them. It will lead to
huge success and achievement. For the female Children, they are great
home makers. They have the tendency of satisffing their paftners but

must be advised against anything that will make them leave their

matrimonial home at the slightest excuse. They also have the problem of
setting their children against each other or planning to disgnce their men.
These attitudes need to be guarded against as they may prove to be their
eventual undoing. Outside these shoftcomings, they are interesting, loving,
caring and lovable partners.

Odl-Mil children also have the potential to see through conspincy and
smash same with their afticulate ways of presenting their cases. If they
have any case, the tendency is high that they will come out victorious since
they are surrounded by spirits which make it possible for people to win
cases. It is therefore not advisable to engage in legaltussle with Odl-Mjl
children as such as person or group is not likely to win their cases in that
they usually ensure that they are not wrong in the first place. In case of any
litigation, it is usually notdifficultto explain themselves outof trouble.

When Odl-Mii children are in trouble they do not need to rely on anyone
for assistance. This is because their assistance will come from Oldmar,

ii oo,r",,
their Ori and If. Wth all these; they do not need to rely on anyone for
help. The assistance of Oldmare is greater than that of one
people puttogether.








- for overall prosperity and long life

Egu-Qdara - for overall lre, prosperity and long life
Orl - for protection, assistance and for ensuring that they are
surrounded by responsible people and overcome loneliness
OgUn - for victory and protection against adversary
$agO - for victory and protection against adversary
Od - for childbearing
Oke - for prosperity and achievement
Egngn - for childbearing.
Fgbg - for leadership and accomplishment



Must never use Olbr bird - to avoid difficulty in getting victory

over adversary.
Must not leave his/her Iocality for other places in search of fortune
to avoid disappointment and hardship
The couple must avoid insincerity - for there to be peace
harmony; for there to be success and children
Must avoid the use of beetles for anything -to avoid people
desefting or going against him/her.
Female children must desist from humiliating or disgracing their
men- to avoid being visited with calamity
Must never eat snails- to avoid losing cases or being implicated in
litigious matters.
Must not eat tree hyrax or use same for anything- to avoid
difficulty in getting victory over




lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation



Women to desist from setting their children aganst each other- to

avoid lackof peaceof mind.
Must not eat or use any paft of an elephant - to avoid untimely
Must not eat or use any part of a buffalo- to avoid untimely death.
Must not use palm-kernel oil -to avoid pestilence
Must not eat or use crab- to avoid loss of intelligence.



. Males
1. Ajlgunw - He who wakes up in majestic splendor
2. IfakQya - If rejects suffering for me
3. Ifdre - If exornerates me
4. Odblyl - Od begets this
5. Myaff - Do not depart from me
. Female
1. Oknt - Energy and vitality
2. Awojre - Awo is vindicated
3. Myed - Do not depart from me


Chapter 5






lt ll

Chapter Four


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be very
successful in life. If says that the chosen career of this person is If.
If he/she cannot study If as a profession, however, there is the need
for him/her to be feeding If regularly on his/her chosen career.
He/she is advised never to abandon If as it is the Deity in which
his/her success resides. If also says that the person for whom this
Od is revealed needs to offer ?b? with three white pigeons and
money. He/she needs to feed If with one matured goat. On
these,If says:Ahr o ktl,lwo nlkan soso nln oko
fr o ba ab nfj
ai5q ojo b rQ
Kl ahr t di glQni o
Dl fn Egbe-Qpg
Tff S'gmg blbl inu AgbgnnlregUn
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

Gently, Ahr, the farmhouse, you are the only one in the farm.
Ab, the Barn, exercises no fear in the wilderness
It is the day when rainfall is experienced
That the farm-house will have companions
These were lfa's declarations to Egbe-QpQ
When coming from Qrun to Aye
He was advised to offer ebo

Egbe-Qpe, the backing of the Holy palm tree, was coming into the world, He
was going to become Ornmll's son. Before his depafture in heaven, he
went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation to determine how his




success chances would be while on eafth: Would he live long?

able to acquire all the good things of life? These questions and others were
what preoccupied the mind of Egbe-Qpe.
The Awo assured him that he would live to his old age on eafth. He was told
that he would be very wealthy and influential. He was also assured that he

would be able to acquire all the good things of life. He was however
informed that his chosen career from Oldmar was for him to become a
Babalwo. If he could do this, he was told that he would be extremely
successful on earth. He was advised to offer gbg with three white
pigeons and money. He was also told to feed If with one matured
goat, He complied and set out on his journey into the world.
Egbe-QpQ began to learn If as a toddler. By the time he was 20 years, he
was well versed in the Aft. When he was asked by Qrnmll his father, to
stand on his own, he was already an accomplished Babalwo. He was
known and respected from far and near. He was very successful and was
able to acquire all the good things of life - all through his reputation as a
competent Babalwo.

Ahr o krl,lwg nlkan sogo nln oko

Fr O ba ab ni'j
d'jq jo b rQ
Kl ahre to di elni o
D,l firn Egb-Qp
Tll g'gmg blbl inu Agbgnnlrgun
Fbq niwQn nl k 9e
gb'Qbg, r'bg
jq owo tl n 9e l n'If
B'ff b hu mjlrma tg Qkan
Owo tl n o se la n'lf
B'lf b hu Qkan, ma tg jl
Owo tl n o se l n'If

Gently, Ahr, the farmhouse, you are the only one in the
Ab, the Barn, exercises no fear in the wilderness
It is the day when rainfall is experienced
That the farm-house will have companions


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

These were lf's declarations to Egbe-QpQ

The child of Agbgnn)regn
When coming from Orun to Aye
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
The business I will do to succeed is If
If If remains two, I will imprint one
The business I will do to succeed is If
If If remains one, I will imprint two
The business I will do to succeed is I

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed in life in
his/her chosen career. He/she is advised to adhereto, and embrace If.


If says that all the good things of life shall be handed over to the

person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she shail not
lack any Ire in life. If advises him/her to offer gbg with hro

pigeons, two hens, hro guinea fowls, turo cocks, four rats,
fourfish and money. On these,If says:Akercse Qwlnnl
Owlnnf n Akerese

fitn orfwr

9mg OjO OwrO tf nb'lwO n'ln

Igbatl sunkrtn Oun r1re gbogbo
fbg ni wQn nf k 9e


Akerese is Owlnnl
Qn)innt is Akerese
These were the Awo who cast Ifa for Onfwr
The offspring of the early morning rainfall which infuriates the rich
When he was weeping because of his inability to secure all the ire in
He was advised to offer gbq

on'iwr, the Qba oflwr town was a very poor Qba. Apart from the fact
that he was the Qba of his town, he had nothing else to show in terms of
achievement - no money, no wife, no child, no authority, and no good




health. In fact, he was the laughing stock of his subjects. He was never
taken serious in anything he said. His directives were simply ignored.
Tired of this, he went to the two Babalwo mentioned above for Ifa
consultation: Would he be able to command the respect of his subjects?
Would he be prosperous in life? Would he have wives of his own? Would
the wives give him children for him to leave an heir behind when he died?
Would he havegood health? Would he live long?
The two Awo assured Offwr that he would be blessed withallthe good
things of life. He was told that his success would be beyond his wildest
dreams. He was advised to offer gbg as stated above. Onlwr struggled
to gather all the materials together and the Awo offered the gbg for him.
He was advised to go home and see what If had in store for him. He

Soon after this, he discovered that

all his chiefs who had

abandoned his palace were coming to pay their daily homage. Later, allthe
villages adjoining his town were coming to pay their tributes to him. He
soon became rich. Some of his chiefs arranged for wives for him. He got
married to these women and later the wives gave bfth to several children
for him. His palace was renovated by his subjects. His health improved.
He was given a horse for his personal usage. He lived very long on the
throne of his ancestors. By the time that he died, he was a contented Qba
Akerese Qwlnnl
Qwlnnl n Akerese
Dl fitn onlwere
Qmg ojo owro tl b'lw n'ln
Igbatl sunkn oun o r'lre gbogbo
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
je Aj wg'l mi w o
Akerese Qwlnnl
Owlnnl n Akerese
Aya wg'l mi w o
Akerese Qwlnnl
Qwlnnl n Akerese
Qmq wg'l mi w o
Akerese Owlnnl


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Owlnnl na Akerese
Alk wo'l mi w o
Akerese Owlnnl
Qwlnnl n Akerese
Ire gbogbo wg'l mi w o
Akerese Owlnnl
Qwlnnl n Akerese


Akerese is Qwlnn'l
Qwt-nnl is Akerese
These were the Awo who cast If for Offwr
The offspring of the early morning rainfrll which infuriates the rich
When he was weeping for his inability to secure all the ire in life
He was advised to offer ebo.
He complied
Now, wealth enters my home
Akerese is Owlnnl
And Owlnnl is Akerese
Spouse enters my home
Akerese is Qwlnnl
And Qwlnnl is Akerese
Children enter my home
Akerese is Qwlnnl
And QWlnnI is Akerese
Longevity enters my home
Akerese is Owlnnl
And Qwlnnl is Akerese
All Ire in life enter my home
Akerese is Qwlnnl
And QWlnnI is Akerese

If says that all the good things of life shall be gven to the person for
whom this Od is revealed. He/she was not destined to lack any Ire in


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed ought to be

taking care of other people's matter than his/her own. If says
that if he/she could do this, then If itself would be looking after
his/her own affars for him/her. If says that the person for whom

lI ,.*,


this Od is revealed shall be properlytaken care of by If. But he/she i s

also expected to take care of other people. The more this is done, the
better the chances of him/her being protected a nd pa mpered by If.
People like this are very good in the hospitality fields such as medicine,
public relations, and welfare establishments like motherless babies home,
old people home, mentally retarded people's home and so on.

There is however the need to offer gbg with two pigeons, two guinea
fowls and money. He/she also needs to feed If with one hen and
palm oil. On these, If says:Akrtkg fogbe lQbQlgbQ ge'yl
Dl fin Opflllkl
Tl y f tne dle
Ti y maa gbQ ti gni glgni kiri ay
fbg ni wgn nl k 9e

The cock uses its comb to add to its honour
This was the Ifa cast for OpT'llfl(l
Who left his own affairs
And was taking care of other people's matters the world over
He was advised to offer gbg

Opllllld was always ensuring that other people were comfoftable. He used

to settle quarrels and misunderstandings, feed the poor/ assist the

handicapped and give to the needy. He could go hungry for days just to
asslst others. As he was doing these things, some people began to abuse
him as someone who would never mind his business. Some saw him as a
person who loved to poke his nose into what was none of his business. Yet
others saw him as a busybody. Soon his relations began to warn him to
leave other people alone with their affairs and face his own problems.

In order to know what steps to take in his life without making mistakes, he
went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation: Was he doing the
right thing? Was there any hope in it for him? Did he need to change and
face his own business? What was the position of If on what he was doing?


lfa Dida: An nvtaon to lfa Consultation

The Awo told him that he should contnue to help other people and
Aagunml himself would repay him all his good deeds. He was
advised against listening to slanderers and backbiters as they could only
lead him astray. He was advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. He

Before long, he was blessed with all the good things of life. He had wealth,
stable home, peace of mind, happiness, good health and long life. He was
thus singing, dancing and giving praisesto Ifa and Oldmar:
Akokg f'ogbe nbelebe ge'yl
Dl fitn Opflllkl
Tl y fi tirQ sllQ
Tt yo ma gbQ ti gni qlQni kiri aye
Eyl tl Ajagunmab y maa wo'l d
Sbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
jg tani y b mi tn'wa a tmi ge o
QrUnmll, Bara a m EHgl-AlQ
Ni y b mi tn'w tmi se o

The cock uses its comb to add to its honour
This was the Ifa cast for Oplllfld
Who left his own affairs
And was taking care of other people's matter the world over
And whom Aagunmal would be taking care of his own home in his
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Nory who will help me repair and improve my destiny?
Qrunm)la, my father, also known as Ertgt-Alo, was the one who will help
me repair and improve my destiny

If says that Qrrlnmll himself shall help the person for whom this Od is
revealed to shape his/her destiny for the better. If says also that
Ajagunml, the ohiwo in heaven will be looking after his/her home in
his/her absence. He/she needs to continue to do good as the reward for that
is guaranteed. He/she will never regret his/her actions in life. The Deities
are on his/her side.






If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have
his/her own period of recognition and success in life. People
will be able to identify his/her good deeds and reward him/her
accordingly. He/she will never be forgotten.
If says that he/she is about to go to somewhere on business or to go
and assist other people. If says that he/she should go as the place
will be very rewarding to him/her. If says that he/she may
experience initial setback or hardship, that should not deter him/her
as the reward will surely come and he/she would be honoured.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with two pigeons, okro and garden eggs
and money. On these, a stanza inlrosn-MJi says:Itarukr l'awo ltarukrt
Itarrkr I'awo ltarrkr
Rkrk tataata
Dl firn lgba
TI g'awo r'ode QyQ
fbg ni wqn nl k ge

Itark is the Awo of Itark
And lterk is the Awo of Itaruku
Rkrk ttaata
They were the Awo who cast If forlgba
When going to QyQ on Ifa business
He was advised to offer ebo

Igba was a very prominent Babalwo. He was known for his competence
and his ability to diagnose problems and provide solutions. So, when the
inhabitants of QyQ town were experiencing series of problems ranging from
childlessness, economic decay and stagnation, failed harvest, emotional
instability to internal strive, they summonedlgb for If consultation. They
asked him to come to their town with the intention of making it his

Whenlgb received their message however,


he went to the Awo mentioned

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consuftation

above for If consultaton. How would his stay in Qyg turn out to be?
would he be able to realize his full potentials in QyQ? would he be
respected there? would history give him a space in QyQ? would the
inhabitants of Qyo town appreciate all the good things that he would do for
them? These questions and many more were what pre-occupied the mind
oflgb when he wentfor If consultation.
The Awo informedlgba that he would be very successful in QyQ town: that
he would be able to realize his full potentials there; that he would be highly
honoured and respected; that the inhabitants of OyQ would appreciate all
his good deeds for them; and that his name would be written in gold by
history. His position of honour among the inhabitants of QyQ was assured,
Igba was told. He was however warned that he would initially experience
hardship in his proposed abode, but after someiimes, t would be


Igba was advised to offer gbg with plenty of okro, garden-e99sr two
pigeons and money. He complied. shortly after, he set out on his
journeyto QyQ town.
While in OyQ, he met the inhabitants of this town with series of problems.
They were poor due to unsuccessfulcrop-yield, they were sick due to failed
expectation and they were unhappy.Igba went into action immediately; as
he was consulting If forthem on individual basis, so was he doing on group
basis and even doing same for the whole town in general. As he was
offering gbg, so was he doing ett and offering Ips for the Elders of the
night. After all these had been done, everyone waited to see the outcome
his efforts.

Meanwhile,Igb himself was faced with the problem of what to eat, drink
and wean He was quite aware of the problems of the inhabitants of QyO. In
order not to add to their burden therefore, he moved to a small village. He
cultivated a small farm and was living there. He maintained a low profile in
this village. He was fully determined to endure all the hardship he was
already experiencing in the village because he had already been told by If
that such would be his lot initially before his situation would change for the


msrn u"

In QyQ however, the situation began to change for the better, there was
abundant rainfall. Farm products and crops improved, the inhabitants had
surplus havest that year, which brought about improved economy. Wth
improved economy, there was better and stronger bargaining power. The
people concentrated on their farm work and other businesses such as
craftsmanship, trading and so on, therefore reducing joblessness. These
gave them less time to plot against their leaders, thereby reducing internal
strives. Before long, there were smiles on everybody's face.
One day, the inhabitants of QyQ gathered in front of the Qba's market. They

were so happy and they began to jubilate. They sang, danced and gave
praises to Oldmar. They then decided that they must send people to go
and bring Igba who had made it possible for them to experience the
progress in their community. So they sent people with If gongs to go and
bring backlgba to QyQ, The emissary went along with a new dress, new
cap, and new sandals for )gba to wear when coming to the town. The
delegates leftfor the village wherelgb was living.

Igba was however on his farm working. On sighting him, they began to
beatthe agogo (If gongs) and were singing that:Itarrkr ta
Itarrku ta
RknkU tataata
, QVq nil o
Igb, emi lo w d'ko o?

Itarr:ktl ta
Itaruku ta
Rkrk tataata
QyQ is your home
Igb, what are you looking for in the village?

They were all dancing and singing. )gb, on hearing whatthey were saying
threw down his hoe and joined them. They told him that the town asked
them to go and bring him. They explained to him that everything had
changed for the better as he had predicted. They asked him to go and take

lfa Dida: An invtaton to tfa


his bath so that they woufd

be abfe to return to
Qy the same day. when
he tofd them had
on, they
faughrer and gave him the
ir! thar thev hrd!;oyghr for alf burst into
him from Qvq,
It was one of the materals us
onry ov'tlgh
other successfuf
businessmen in
Qvq. Igb surprised Jnd erated.
returned to
Qyg that night.

;; d d,.I,;'il;},


In Qyq, Igba was made the resident

Babafwo of the
Qba of Qyq. He was


:':fl 'ildol-T,:[TiX;1ffi;?"wha'reoioiorrhem
Itaruku |,awo ltark
Itark t,awo ttarJLJ

Rkrrfk tataata
Df firn lgb
Tl g'awo r,ode Oy
fbq ni wqn nf to je
gb'gbo,, r,bIgba r,1 o
lgba rrl'kn
Bf a b w,y gni
A a ngla ni

Itark ta
Itarukr ta

RkrUk tataata
gyq nt o
lgb, emi lo w d,ko o?

Itarrku is the Awo of ltaruku
And ltaruku is the nwo
ofle ltark
RkrUk tataata
They were the Awo who
cast Ifa forlgb
When going to
Oyq on td busness
He was advised to offer



Igb offered Okro

And offered garden-eggs
When we come into t
We surefy.will have orir".ron
(of success)
Now,ItarUkr: ta





ltark ta

And Rkrk tataata

O, YQ is Your home
What utt yo' looking for in the village?

od is reveared shail surery have

If says that the person for whom this
Initiar setback should
his/her own season of success and achievement.succeed'
effort to
not deter nm/neifrm putting in more


for whom this od is revealed shall make

Ifa s says that the person
shall surely succeed in life' If however
profit in niir,"i i
oi denying all the go:9 things
warns that this person ,, ,n1. habit
matter how successful he/she
which If had done for himer. No
that no improvement had
had been, he/she would rtili chim!ry
is not good enough' The
occurred in his/her life. rr savs thatthis
to imbibe the value of
person for whm this Od is rvealed needs
had given assistance one way or
showing upr"ition to those who
the other.
gbg with three pigeons and
If says that this person needs to offer

Ad kq?
Ad r'oko
Ad k?
Ada r'odo
Ada wa m forojngn
Dl fin Flqkq ldere
TI Y I'QrQ k'le t le
Fbg ni wqn nl k 9e


How is Ada, the cutlass?

Ada has gone to the farm
And how is Ada
Ada has gone to the Stream
Ada is now very sharP-edged


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

This was the If cast for the fkg seller of ldere town
Who shall become wealthy before evening time
She was advised to offer gbg

Idere was a very popular town in the olden days. This town was the
centre of many activities in Yorb land. The population of this town
was also reasonable, compared to other towns at that particular time.
There was however this woman n the town who was selling eko, corn
meal. She was very popular in the town, but she was always
complaining that her sales were not moving as t ought to be.
Consequent upon this, she went to the group of Awo mentioned above
for If consultation.
The Awo told her that her sales would improve. She was advised to offer
gbg as prescribed above. She complied. After this, she was advised to
cultivate the habit of exercising patience at all times. She was told not to
expect that her Qkg would be sold immediately it was prepared because it
would still be very hot at that time, rather, for her to be patient for it to be
cold so that it would be hard and agreeable for people to buy and eat. She
was also cautioned that when she began to make profit, she should not
deny or hide the blessings of If, After this, she went home.

A few days after she offered the gbg, her sales picked up, she used to
prepared one basked full of Qkg and sell them for three days. After the gbg,
she was selling five baskets of Qkg daily. It later increased to L2, and thn to
16 baskets full. Before long, she began to wear new dresses. At a stage
she would wear a black wrapper, a red bb (blouse), she would wear a
white head-gear and use a green loin to tie the dress - all new dresses. Her
shoes and bag were usuallythe latest. However, when anyone approached
her, she would be complaining that her sales had not improved
One day, her complaints were so much that the Awo who assisted her in
offering the gbg decided to pay her a visit. When they did, they discovered
that she had really changed and that the manifestation of wealth was all
over her, and yet she complained bitterly that what they did for her had not
worked. The Awo left with the determination to teach her a little lesson.

The following day, the Awo in company of their students went to her
stall with agogo and drum and began to sing thus:


rosu, u"i

Fl'ekg ldere
$ebl o lO j'ere

El'kg ldere
$ebl o l jr
O r'gg dd
o r'99 pupa
A faffga w'r{
O l kenk
O l kenk



Fl'kg ldere
Sebl o lO j'er

The Qkg seller of Idere
I thought you sad you made no profit
The Qkq seller of Idere
You complained you made no profit
Your wear a black dress
And tie a red wrapper
You use a green dress as head-gear
You sit majestically
And you wear a broad smile
The gkg seller of ldere
Yet you complain of making no profit
When she saw what the Awo had done, she simply stood up and joined
them in singing and dancing forgetting her initial complaints,
Ad kq?
Ad r'oko
Ad k?
Ad r'odo
Ada wa mu forojangn
Dl firn Flekq ldere
Tl y I'QrQ k'lQ t le
fbq ni wqn n| k qe
gb'Qbo, r'bg
Nje HQkg ldere


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

Sebf o lO j'r
O r'gg ddr
O r'gg pupa

o fafiga w'rl
O l kenk
O l kenk
O fedn p'eeke
Flkq ldere

$ebf o lO j'r

How is Ada, the cutlass?
Ad has gone to the farm
And how ]s Ada?
Ada has gone to the Stream
Ada is now very sharp-edged
This was the If cast for the lkg seller of Idere town
Who shall become wealthy before evening time
She was advised to offer gbq
She complied
Now, the fkg seller of Idere
I thought you said you made no profit
The Ekq seller of Idere
You complained you made no profit
Your wear a black dress
And tie a red wrapper
You use a green dress as head-gear
You sit rnajestically
And you wear a broad smile
The !k9 seller of Idere
Yet you complain of making no profit

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall make profit and
become very successful in his/her business. He/she is however warned
aganst hiding or denying the blessings of If in his/her life.


Ifa says that the Of of the person for whom this Od is revealed will
support him/her. The person is in a state of confusion. He/she needs
guidance, support and protection. Of will provide all these for the
person for whom this Od is revealed. No Ofiga, Egrlngrln (ancestor)

or Irnmgle can do this but his/her

Of. Consequerr,, ,nJjJ;il:

need for this client to offer gbg with two pigeons, hffo ducks, two
guinea fowls and money. He/she also needs to serve his/her Ol

with one white pigeon, one guinea fowl, one duck and money.
If all these can be done, the life of this client will change for the better.
On these If says:
Enl poroporo l g'd
Ejl poroporo l g'sn
Dd frf n Baba bo-ljQ-o-b-Ipln-re-wl
Tl rrbq nlgb rye osko
f;bg ni wQn nl k 9e

One at a time do we pound a motar
And in twos do we pound cam-wood
These were lf's declarations to he whose name was lf-you-haveprob lem-consu lt-you

When he was in utter dilemma and confusion
He was advised to offer gbg
r- Desti

Baba-bo-ljQ-o-b-Ipin-rg-, was in a state of utter confusion. He did not

know what work to do in order to succeed in his life; the type of wife to
marry to be a happy man; the type of children he would beget in his life;
how long he would live on eafth; the positions he would occupy in life; and
so on. He had gone to feed several Deities and Egrfngn but his confusion
was still there. One day, he decided to carry his matter to the Babalawo
stated above for If consultation.
The Awo told him that he was a confused man. They said that what was
causing his confusion could not be addressed by any Ofiga, Irrlnmgl or
Egngn. Rather, itwas his Of which would help him solve his problems and
throw light into his life. The Awo stated fufther that what he wanted to
know was what his destiny had chosen from heaven and how to ensure that
he followed the path of his destiny. He was advised to offer gbg with two
white pigeons, two guinea fowls, two ducks and money. He was
also asked to serve his Of with one white pigeon, one guinea fowl, one
duck and money. He complied.

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

The Awo then explained to him that he was destined to be a prosperous

person, he would have peace of mind and he would be honoured. He was
told that his Ori would guide him to where he would be able to realize his
When he returned home, he went into trading and he was successful. He
got married and he was blessed with many children. His wives took good
care of him. Together with his family, they built several houses. He bought
a horsefor his usage. He Iived long and lived and died a happy man.
Enl poroporo l g'd
Ejl poroporo l g'sUn
Dl fir n Baba bo-ljQ-o-b-Ipln-rg-vu{
Tl be nlgb ry osko
lbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
KO p, kO jlnna
Ire gbogbo w ya dttru
QrQ O kan Egrtngrln o
K kan Orls
Fleda gni I'Qrn kn

One at a time do we pound a moftar
And in twos do we pound cam-wood
These were lf's declarations to he whose name was "ifyou-have-problem-consu lt-you r- Desti ny"
When he was in utter dilemma and confusion
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long, not too far
All Ire came to him in abundance
This matter does not concern Egngn (ancestor)
Neither does it concern the Origa
It is one's Destiny the matter concerns

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be guided to
where he/she would be able to realize his/her destiny. He/she needs to
continue to serue his/her Of regularly. There lies the secret to his/her
success. His/her O shall show him/her the way out of dilemma and



lrosun Meii


If says that it shall not allow the person for whom this Od is revealed to go
astray. All he/she needs to do is follow the advice of If especally on how to
serve his/herO.


If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall acquire all
the Ire of life which he/she lacked. If says that he/she shall not
suffer for long before there is relative comfort in his/her life.
If says thatthe way he/she carries himself/herself, people thinkthat
he/she is a wicked person. For that reason, people find it difficult to
move close to him/her for discussion or to give assistance. If says
that the mind of this person is pure and he/she harbours no evil
against anyone. If says that with appropriate gbg, the situation will
change and the client will experience comfort in his/her life and live a
happy life.

If says that this person needs to offer ebg with a pg and serue If
with shear butter and palm-oil. If these can be done, before long,
the person shall have cause to celebrate. On these, a stanza inlrosn
Mfl says:
Lasnlsan ni Olsn-Mjl g'oj lsanlsn
Bl eni t l'r nln
Be nlrosn-Mjl O nl 'k nln
Dl firn osun-Mil
T f'e,yln tl m'mi ojrl snrhn ire gbogbo
fbg ni wgn nl k ge

The face of Olsn-M) was merely uninviting
Like someone who has wickedness within
Butlrosn-MjT harbours no malice against anyone
This was lf's verdict to Irosn-MI
When lamenting his inability to acquire any ire in life
He was advised to offer ebo


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to

lfa Consultation

As a Babalwo, OlosUn-M;T (Irosn-MT) was well trained. He underwent

all the rudimentary and highly esoteric aspects of the training from
Qrnmll himself. Atthe end of this training, he came out as one of the best
16 disciples of Qrrlnm)l. In spite of this however,Irosn-M) had nothing
to show for it - no money, no wife, no child, no house of his own, no peace of
mind, no comfoft, no respect in the community, no friends etc. He was
indeed a very sad man. Many people ran away from him because they
considered him a wicked man. They believed that he could harm them if
they moved close to him because his face was tough and uninviting.

One day, as Olsn-M| was ruminating over his life, he came to the
conclusion that if the situation continued to go the way it was going, he
would surely die as a sad and unfulfilled man. Determined to change all
these, he went to the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation;
why was his life the way it was? Was he destined to live and die a poor man?
Was he doing something wrong that made people run away from him?
What could he do to change his life for the better and turn his destiny
The Awo told him that he was destined to be great in life. He was also told
that his chosen career was the greatest and most rewarding of all
professions. He was told that his main problems are two fold: one, people
were afraid to move close to him because they considered him a wicked
man who could inflict on them serious harm if they moved too close to him;
two, he did not have peace of mind and comfort. He was told that his looks
made people feel that he was wicked but that If said that he harboured no
illfeeling toward anyone. He was also told that he needed to offer gbQ and
serve If n order that people's attitude toward him would change for the
better and for him to have comfort and peace of mind. If said that if these
could be done, he would live a fulfilled life. He would stop complaining and
would be highly respected for his wofth.

He was advised to offer gbg with one big pig and money. He was also
advised to feed If with palm-oil and shear butter mixed together and used
to serve If. To get the money with which to purchase all the materials
became a serious problem. Eventually, he did. He invited the Awo to come
and help him offer the gbg and serue his If. All these were done, he began


to wait for what If would do for

,.*, r",


Immediately after offering the gbg, Esu Qdara went out in the form of man
asking people to go and try frosn-M) that he was a very competent
Babalwo. He convinced all those who had reseruations against lrosnM;T and told them that only lrosn-M) could solve their problems for
them. Then, one by one they began to go to his (Irosun-MT ) house, and
one by one he was solving their problems. Those who felt thatlrosn-M3T
was a wicked man soon changed their opinions towards him. Before long,
his house became a beehive of activities. He got several students who
assisting him. Soon after this, he got a wife of his choice and after
sometime, the wife gave bfth to children for him. He became a worthy
member of Idere where he was living. He was indeed a very happy and
comfoftable man. He was thus singing and dancing and giving praises to
Oldmar and his Awo.


lsnlsn ni Olosn-Mjl g'ojr lsanlsan

Bl gni t l'r nln
Bee ni Irosn-MJT o nl 'k nlnrt
Dl frn olsn-Mjl
T fQyln tl m'mi ojrt snrahn ire gbogbo
fibg ni wgn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, ff'bg
Ald w fglQdQ rubg
GbedQ, I'ara maa dQ ml lg
cbQdQgbqdq nll rg'gb epo
GbQdQ, I'ara maa dQ ml lg
GbQdQgbedg nff rg'gb Or{
Gbede, I'ara ma dQ ml lg o
Enit b f'glede r'bg o
Gbeder I'ara maa dQ wqn o

The face of Olsn-M) was merely uninviting
Like someone who has wickedness withn
Butlrosn-Mjl harbours no malice against anyone
This was lf's verdict to frosUn-Me)
When lamenting his inability to acquire any ire in life
He was advised to offer ebo


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

He complied
Nory Ald had offered a pg as ebg
With ease, shall we acqure comfort and convenience
A calabash of palm-oil is known for its convenience
Wth ease, shall we acquire comfoft and convenience
A calabash of shea-butter we acquire comfoft and convenience
Whoever offered a pig as ebg
With ease shall he acquire comfort and convenience

If says that the person for whom this od is revealed shall acqure
peace and comfoft in his/her life.


If says that it foresees the gift of a child for the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that it is essential to know what to
use as gbg materials here and at the same time, know the number
to use in order to achieve the required result. If says that if these
can be done, the woman for whom this Od is revealed shall be
blessed wlth a bouncing baby.

If says that this woman needs to offer gbg for child-bearing with
six bats and money. The moment this is done, Ifa will bless her
with a baby. A stanza in this od laying emphasis on this aspect
Ada fgwq fg'jrt erwqn
Dl fitn onldr
Qmq afdn g'gbg gmg
Igb t fyln tI m'jrr gkrrn sngbr qmq
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

Ada f'gwg fg'jrl gwQn
He was the Awo who cast If for Onfdr
Ofilspring of those who uses bats to offer qbg for child-bearing
When he was lamenting her inability to bear a child
He was advised to offer gbg

on'idr was the Qba ofldr town. He had many wives, he was strong and
popular, but he had no child. None of his wives ever conceived at any time.

\l r** u"
He therefore called the Awo mentoned above for If consultation in order
to determine what he needed to do in order for his wives to become
When the Awo came to Offdr's palace, If was consulted. The Awo told
him that his wives would become pregnant and they would give bifth to
many children. He was advised to offer gbo with six bats and money.
When Onfdr heard this, he was very angry because he had been told
several times to offer gbg with a bat and he had done so several times
without any success. The Awo however explained to him that his
gbg had not been accepted because the correct number of materials had
not been used. He advised Offdr to buy six bats at the same time, and
wait for the outcome. Offdr did. The ebo was offered. He did it for each
of the wives.


Three months after, Offdr's wives became pregnant and they all had safe
deliveries. Offdr became a proud father of several children in one year.
He was thus praising his Awo for a job well done.


Ada fgwq fe5

Dla fUn Onldr
9mq afdn g'ebg gmg
Igb t f,yln tl m'jr gkn sngbr gmg
fbg ni wqn nl k w Se
gb'gbo, ru'bg
Igb dn ti je Qkan
La O r'Qmg bl
Igba oJqqtq dn di me,fa
Ni're omo d

Ada f'gwg fg'jt1 gwgn
He was the Awo who cast If for Onldr
Offspring of those who uses bats to offer ebo for child-bearing
When he was lamenting her inability to bear a child
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
When we used only one bat
There was no child
But when the bats became six in


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

We got the Ire of children

If says that the person for whom this If is cast shall be blessed with
child. The person shall never leave this world without his/her own chld.


If says that it foresees victory over Death, Affliction, Litigation and

Loss for the person for whom this Od is revealed. Ifsays that this
person needs to feed the O'i of his/her child because it is the Of of
this child that will help overcome this adversary. If the person for
whom this If is revealed has more than one child, then there is the
need for the Awo to find out whom among the children If is referring

If says that even though all these four Ajogun had

surrounded this person, they will have no power to harm him/her
because the Ori of his/her child being referred to by If s simply too

If says also that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to
be taking proper care of all his/her children, biological or otherwise,
to love them and act in a way that these children will love and adore
him/her back. This will bring happiness and progress and when
trouble comes, the O of the children will naturally rise up in his/her

If says that there is need for the person for whom this od is
revealed to ofter gbg with four cocks and money. There is also
the need to serve the Ol of his/her child with whatever If prescribes.
The Awo needs to confirm from If the specific item to use in order to
ensure this victory and protection. On these, If says:

Agilltl nll gb'ko nilp'rl

KOkO nll gb'dO ta plpltl
Altakn nff gb'ko nfl rn,w Oglnnlrtglnnl
Dd firn ojtjl
Tl y bl E| I'Qmg
Nfjq Ajogun ka mQ't pttipttl




lbg ni wqn nl k 9e

Agfllfrltl, the monitor reptile, lives in the farm and develops baldhead
And KgkQ, the Bull-frog, lives in the brook and hops about
While Altakn, the Spider, lives in the farm and spins threads fit for
Qg'lnn'lg)nnl clothes
These were lf's declarations to O)jf, the Shadow
Who gave birth to fh
And who was living in the midst of Ajogun
She was advised to offer gbg

When OJifl was very young, she had been told to love everyone as she
would love herself. She had also been advised that whatever she knew that
when done to her would pain her, she must never do to anyone. Ever since
her youth, she had been abiding by these advices. She loved all. She cared
forall. In turn, all loved her.
When she grew up and was getting married, it was a very big ceremony.
Several people turned up to felicitate with her and to congratulate the
familyof her husband on their luckfor marrying such a well-trained lady.
Soon after, her wedding ceremony, she became pregnant. When it was
getting to the time of her delivery she went to the group of Awo mentioned
above for If consultation: Would she deliver safely? What soft of baby
would she have? What would be the baby's do's and don'ts, especially the

O)fi was assured that she would be delivered of her baby safely and that
the baby would be greater than the two parents when the baby grew up.
When the baby was delivered, it was a male and was named fla. O)jf was
again advised to ensure that this baby was properly trained and shown the
ways of Oldmar and the lrnmglQ. She was advised to show love to the
baby without compromising discipline. All these, OJ dd.
When ths child was growing up, he had been showing the traits of being
great. Then one day, Oj[i had a terrible dream. Worried over this dream,
she went for If consultation and the samefrosn-M) was revealed. That


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

day, the group of Awo told her that four Ajogun were crowding ove her:
Death to kill her; Affliction to tie her down for Death to kill; Litigation to give
her emotional trauma for Affliction to tie down; and Loss to ensure that all
she had laboured for in her life were in vain. She was however assured that
the four Ajogun would fail in their effofts. She was told that because she
had given fla her child all the love a good parent ought to give, the Ori of
her child was ready to protect her as the O felt that the child still needed
her Iove and affection and cannot afford to miss such things atthe moment.
She offered the gbg and at the same time seved the Of of her child.
As soon as all these processes were completed, her child's

Of rose stoutly

in her defense. The O warded off Ikrl, Arn, $Q and Ofo whch had
already stationed in her home. She thus became free of all the Ajogun
which had hitherto been pestering her life. She was therefore singing and
dancing and giving praisesto herAwo,If and Oldmar.
Agiflrrtl nll gb'ko nif p'rf
KOkO nll gb'd ta pltlpltl
Altakn nff gb'ko nll rn'wrl Oglnnlglnnl
Dl fin ojljl
Tl y bl Ela I'Qmg
Nfjq Ajogun kaa m{'le pltipltl
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
Ikl t l'un o pa Ojlil
Ko lee pa mq o
fla gmg rQ ni j o, Fla
Arn t l'un O 9e OiH

Fla gmq re ni o je o, Fla
Fjq t l'un o qe Oilil

fla gmg r ni o je o, Fla

Ofo to l'un o qe Ojlil

Fla gmq re ni o je o, Fla

Aginn, the monitor reptile, lives in the farm and develops bald-



trosun Mej

And KQnkQ, the Bull-frog, lives in the brook and hops
While Altakn, the Spider, lives in the farm and spins threads fit for
Ag)nnlginn) clothes
These were lfa's declarations to Olj, the Shadow
Who gave brth to pb
And who was living in the midst of Ajogun
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
Ik, Death, which plans to kill 01fi
Cannot do so again
It is lla her child who made it impossible
Arn, Affliction, which plans to strike Oljf
Cannot do so again
It is pa her child who made it impossible
EjQ, Litigaton, which plans to run Oll down
Cannot do so again
It is Fla her child who made it impossible
OfO, Loss, which plans to strip OIjl naked
Cannot do so again
It is fla her child who made it impossible


If says that it will be impossible for lkrl, Arn, Fjq and 0f to affect the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she is luc$ to have

been blessed with a powerful child who guards and protects the parents.

10. If says that it shall not allow the person for whom this Od is
revealed to fall into the ditch of death and misery. If says that many
people had fallen into this ditch to meet their untimely death but that
this client shall not fall into it and if he/she eventually fell into
ditch, it shall be padded and he/she would be able to survive the
So says If. If says that because of the person for whom this Od is
revealed, the ditch of death and misery shall be filled and nobody will
be harmed again.


Ifa advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer one
matured he-goat, plenty of cotton wool and money as gbg. If
this can be done the problem shall be overcome. A stanza in this Od
in support of this asseftion


tfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consuftation

Ara sObf nll pgn'mi filn wgn nl yangl fg'Sq

Oio o rQ m, Yangl di aPata
Dl fn QlQgbun'Aylk
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e


The thunder fetches water for those on the rocky areas

When ie rain stopped falling, the mud-stone turns to solid
This was the Ifa cast for gqbun-Afk, owner of the ditch
PeoPle fall and die
He was advised to offer gbg

the ditch into

several people had lost their lives inside the QlQgbun-Ayiktl,
Babalwo for
which peopte fall and die, One day, glQgbul-Allrrwentto his
inside the
If consultation: How could he stop people from falling and dying
he succeed in this
ditch? what were the materials needed to do so? would
die would
bid? He was assured that the ditch into which people fall and
was advised to
become the ditch into which people fall and survive. He
money' He
offer sacrifice with a matured he-goat, plenty of cotton wool and
As he was
unknown to him, he was to be the next victim of this ditch.
cotton wool
passing close to ii is ditch, he slipped and fell into the ditch. The
*ni.n e had offered as gbg was used by Egu Qdara to pad the ditch andwas
was not wounded in any way when he landed inside the ditch.
ditch after him
how he was able to survve te fall. Those who fell into the
harmless and
no longer died in the ditch. That was how the ditch became
people survive the fall.
Ara sobl nll pgn'mi filn wgn nl yangl fg'99
Oio o rQ mQ, Yangl di aPata
Dl fitn QlQgbun-Ay'kt
Tll y Pad w di QQgbun-AYlYe
fbg ni wqn nl k $e
gb'gbg, nl'bg
Ko P' Ko flna
E w b ni llkl kangiri


The thunder fetches water for those on the rocky areas


tri msu, uei

When the rain stopped falling, the mud-stone turns to solid rock
This was the If cast for QlQgbun-Ayrk, owner of the ditch where
people fall and die
Who will later become the owner of the ditch into which people fall and
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Not too late, not too far
loin us where we enjoy victory over death

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be protected
aganst violent and/or untimely death. The client shall live long and in
relative peace and comfoft.

11. If advises some members

of the same family or generation to offer

to identifu
something which they use in common and which has turned to a
subject of debate and controversy. When they identfy t, they need to
stop using it at least for some period of time as it could tear the whole
family apaft. This may be a family land, family house, family business
or any other item of joint inheritance. All of them, without any
exception need to stop using whatever it is, so that peace and
harmony could be restored in the family.
gbQ against misunderstandng. There is the need for them

There is also the need for the whole family to offer qbg with a matured
he-goat, feed Esu with a cock and feed their common progenitor with
matured goat. offering this gbg is impoftant, but not as impoftant as
heeding the advice of If as contained in this stanza. On these, If
Bggre l yq


Atgrlsua b ye Qdede
AkOdl kan gbrgd-gbaragada l yg mi
Oun n l ye lran-n mi o
Dl fn wgn L'Epe Jlg
Nll a l t wg'nrt Qya
Afe qkq tele fg mqgqnmQ
Ede awgn I y'ra wgn ni wQn d'f st
!b9 ni wEn nl kl wQn ge

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Bggre, the roof thatching grass, is what befits a house
Ater'igb, the linted, is what befits a balcony
And AkOdi, a big, spacious room is what befits me
And befits my generations
These were If's declarations to them at Erlpe-Jlga
In the home of those who float gingerly on Qya River
And use the spear to strike the ground while speaking forcefully in
strange tongues
When looking for ways of ending their misunderstanding
They were advised to offer gbg

The progenitor of the people of Epe-Jlg was a very hard-working and

successful man. He had severalwves and children. When he died, he left
behind a lot of propefty and other businesses. None of his wives and
children was n want as a result of the death of the bread-winner. When the
time came to share the man's propertes, it was done without any rancour.
Some of the elders however counselled that it was advisable to leave some
landed property for their common usage. They saw reason and left these
lands for communal use.

Before long however, some of the family members began to have different
dreams on how to make the best use of the lands; some felt they would be
good for farm cultivation; some said they would serve better as recreaton
land; some felt that turning some of them to market place would be more
profitable; while yet another group consdered that erecting houses on
them would serve everyone better. Before long, controversy erupted.
Wth this controversy came bitter struggle for supremacy which nearly tore
the whole family apaft. In the end, the head of the family went to the group
of Awo stated above for If consultation: What would the family do to end
the raging misunderstanding and controversy? What would he personally
do to ensure that the family did not break up during his own time? Would
peace and tranquility return to his family during his tenure as the head of
the family and soonest too?.
The Awo inform him that there was controversy in his family and that the
misunderstanding emanated from land issue. The Awo stated fufther that
the land problem had led the distrust and bad-blood among his kith and kin.


,.*, r"j,

For this reason therefore, it was in the best interest of all concerned to
identifywhich pafticular land was involved and then stop using italtogether.
This must be done in the interest of peace and harmony. The Awo also
informed him that there was also the need to offer ebo with one matured
he-goat and money. After this, the family needed to feed Egu with one
cock and feed their common progenitor with a matured goat. The
Awo however, emphasized that even f 10 goats were used to feed their
ancestor or 10 goats were offered as, gbg, they were not as effective as
heeding the warning of If.
The head of the family summoned the whole extended family and informed
them of what If had said. They all offered the gbg, feed Eg and their
common progenitor. After this, they held several meetings and concluded
never to use the land in question until fufther notice. Before long, all
warning pafties embraced peace and everything returned to normal. There
was progress in the family and everyone experienced relative comfoft and
harmony. They were all singing and dancing and praising If. When asked
how they were able to restore peace into the family, they responded that If
settled the problem for them by speaking to them in the language they


Atqrtgba |oyeQdgde
Akodl kan gbragd-gbaragada l yg mi
Oun na lyglran-n mi o
Dlfinwgn L'EnpeJlga
Ni'l a l t wg'nu Qya
Afedl qkq telQ fq mqgqnmQ
Ede awgn ly'ra wgn niwqn d'f sf
fbg niwQn nl kl wQn ge
WQn gb'gbo, wQn r'bg
Kp, Kjln
Ire gbogbo w ya d ttru
f ogbQ ni o


f gbQnio


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Bggrg, the roof thatching grass, is what befits a house
Atgfgba, the linted, is what befits a balcony
And Akodl , a big, spacious room is what befits me
And befits my generations
These were If's declarations to them at Enpe-Jlga
In the home of those who float gingerly on Qya River
And use the spear to strike the ground while speaking forcefully in
strange tongues
When looking for ways of ending their misunderstanding
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied
Before long, not too far
loin us in the midst of all Ire
QpQ, the Holy palm tree speaks Tp language
Only you do not hear
Truly, QpQ speaks Tapa language
But you never comprehend

If says happiness, peace and harmony shall be restored into the home
of the person for whom this Od is revealed. There is a strong need for
those involved to heed the advice of If.

L2. If says that there is a lady where ths If is revealed who is too
fashion-conscous. She believed so much in her beauty to the
extent that she feels that any man can be manipulated to abide by
whatever she wants at any time. She feels that good looks are
evefihing that matters in this life. Forthis reason therefore, she i s
always found in front of any mirror trying to determine how
good looking she is at any pont in time. If says that what she
consders her major preoccupation is how nice she looks, smells
and feels. Anything which could enhance her good looks is
pursued with unbelievable vigour. If warns however that this
will never bring her any reward as there is no future in it.

If says that this lady needs to settle down, look for a suitable partner
and get married in order to have her own children. If says that her
wealth, good looks, nice smells and general well-being are her future
children. If says that without children, she will live a poor and


ii t.*n u.
miserable life in future. In this wise, If says that she needs to offer
gbg with four rats, four fish, hro hens and money. She also
needs to seve Egu witlr one cock and money. After this, all her
cosmetics, mirror, lipsticks, eye lashes, powder, perfume etc needed
to be dumped at Eg shrine. This is very essential here. On these, a
stanza in Irosn-MT says:
Awo qT ko ge gbQrQggd,
Ka fi ri'ran mQdn
Dl firn 9lqmg Awo-ilgl
T fQylntl m'Jrt gkn snrhn gmg
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e

No matter how big a mirror may be
It cannot be used to foresees the future
This was If's declaration to Qlgmg Awofgfl, the mirror looker
When lameting her inability to bear a child
She was advised to offer gbg

The lady If referred to as Awojgfi, the mirror-looker in this Od was a

strikingly beautiful person she was well-propoftioned and with right bodily
assets in the right places. Her smiles were tempting; her looks, inviting; her
movements, seductive; and her gesticulations, suggestive. As a matter of
fact, her whole body was captivating. She was very conscious of her looks.
For this reason, she used to spend quite a considerable period of time in
front of the mirror to ensure that she continued to look good and smell nice.
No cosmetic was too expensive for her to use.

Instead of using this gift of Oldmar for the common good, she saw her
asset as a means of enslaving men. She used to flift around and seduce
men, high and low to her side, whenever she needed anything, she would
begin to plan how to twist the arm of her various lovers to get what she
wanted. When it was suggested to her to get married she considered the
idea as a major disadvantage. She reasoned that if she got married she
would be arm-strong in the home of one man and she would not be able to
flaunt her beauty to the admiration of other people. She turned down the
suggestion; she considered her friends and colleagues who got married as
fools. She used to advise them not to marry at all, what of staying

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

permanently in one man's house, cooking, sweepng, washng, obeying

stupid laws of one man, straining oneself and spoiling one's hands, nails and
figure with household chores. After advice notwithstanding, her friends got
married. They begari'to bear children, males and females. Awofgf
remained single and unattached. By the time her contemporaries became
proud mothers of four, five children, she had none. By this time, Awoj'igfi was
approaching 40 years.

As a result of the attitude of AwoJigfi toward life in general and men in

pafticular, people began to give her socialdistance. If any man approached
her for any serious relationship, others would call the man and warn him
seriously against such move. They would show the man some men whom
Awojigi had ruined over the years. Such a man would quickly beat a retreat.
By the time she was 40 years, she had become a lonely woman.
One day, AwoJigf stood in front of the mirror as her usual practice. She took
an intense look at herself and discovered to chagrin that she was getting
old, she was so afraid for herself and herfuture. She was realistic enough to
know that with her lifestyle, without her beauty, she had no future. She
began to think seriously. She began to develop head-aches and wrinkles.
She was getting older and older by the day. She became a very sad woman

Soon after this encounter with reality, some of her childhood friends whom
she had hithefto considered to be fools began to invite her to the wedding
party of their own children. Some were inviting her to the graduation
ceremony of their children. It suddenly dawned on her that those friends of
hers had managed to build relatively stable homes for themselves. They
were happy and contented. This made her realized that her friends had not
been foolish after all, she was the big fool.
One day, a friend of hers who gave bfth to a set of twins as her first delivery
and wanted to marry out the children, both females to another set of twins
born by another contemporary of theirs, invited her to the ceremony. All
the friends were there with their husbands and children. Awofgfi came
alone. Those who had seen her for a long time were asking for her husband
and children. She was ashamed to reply them that she had none. While




the ceremony was going on, Awoflgf went to a corner and wept bitterly.

There and then, she made up her mind to get married and have children,
she was however aware of the fact that men were running away from her as
a result of her attitude towards them and that she was no longer as
attractive as she used to be.
In order to find solution to her problem, she went to the Babalwo
mentioned above for If consultation: Would she be able to get married
now? Would she be able to have her own children? Would she beas happy
as her friends? Would she have respect and honour as her friends? The
Awo told her that she had almost ruined her life as a result of her pursuance
of trivial things at the expense of her future security. She was told that it
was not yet too late for her to mend her ways however. She was advised to
take the issue of securing a home seriously so as to have her own children.
She was also asked to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and
money, She was also advised to serve Egu wittr one cock and money.
The Awo told her to go and bring all her cosmetics and other things she was
using to enhance her beauty. She did. All the gbg was offered and the
cosmeticswere placed in Eg shrine. Shethen leftfor home.
Before long, she met a man who was interested in her. Soon after, they got
married. She became pregnant and gave b'th to a baby girl. The baby was
in her true likeness. She began to admire the work of Oldmar in her
baby. She was so proud of the baby. She then realized that no mirror was
as good as one's own child. The baby was even more beautiful and more
attractive that her. She was thus singing and dancing and praising
Old ma r for everyth ing.
Awo 9i'ji ko ge gbQrQgQdQ
Ka fi ri'ran amdn
Dl filn Qlqmq Awo-jlgl
T f,ylntl m'Jrt gkn snrhn gmg
[bg ni wQn nl k 9e
gbg'bg, d r'bg
r|gl kan ko sl
Qmg ni jlgl gni o


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

No matter how big a mirror may be
It cannot be used to foresees the future
This was lf's declaration to elgmq AwoJig, the mirror looker
When lamenting her inability to bear a child
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
There is no mirror anywhere
One's child is one's true mirror

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
her own true mirror in life.

13. If says that all the Ajogun giving problems in the home of the person
for whom this Od is revealed shall go. If says that these problems
could have gone for a long time but for the fact that either due to lack
of competence on the part of the Awo who had been handling the
case or due to outright mischief and wickedness, the problems still
persist. If says that it was the materials that they had been using to
serve If which had not.made the problems to abate. If says that
they ought notto feed If with any life animal or bird which will entail
dropping the blood on If, but rather a dried big rat ought to be used
to feed If. By so doing, If says thatthe Ajogun wilr go. Irosn-M)
is an Od which abhors blood.
Care must therefore be taken to ensure that as much as possible,
blood is avoided on this If. One stanza in this Od in suppoft of this
asseftion says:
Aj dd mg okg alro
Agbo dd mg ookg ldoko
Aasq irin gbgd-gbagada
Ni wn fi ge llQkn Olkun
K'y Olkun m baa lu
Dl fitn wgn lgbaa lgbo Oun If Kiriblti
Mjq Ajogun k wgn mQ't pitipiti
fbg ni wQn nl kl wgn ge





rc",, uri


A black dog knows the name of a clothe

And a black ram knows that of a painter
A strong big iron door
Is what was used to bolt the door of Olkun
For the life of Olkun not to be in jeopardy
These were lf's declarations to them at Agb Igbo and ll-Ife
When Ajogun invaded their home
They were advised to offer qbg

The inhabitants of Agb Igbo and ll-Ife were experencing series of

unfortunate mishaps rangng from untimely deaths, incurable illnesses,
pestilence, failed crop yields losses, natural disasters, witches problem
and so on. They went for If consultations several times. They had
offered several ebQ and feed If with rams, goats, he-goats, pigs,
cows, guinea-fowls, hens and so on, all to no avail. At a stage, they
got fed up.
One day however, they were advised to go and meet the group of Awo
stated above for If consultation. They went. The Awo consulted If for
them. They were however assured that alltheir problems would disappear.
They were told that the wrong prescription had hithefto been
recommended for them, and that was why the problems persisted. They
were told never to kill any life animal on their If again. They were advised
to offer gbg with three cocks. They were also advised to serve If with
one dried big rat and palm-oil. They complied. Before long, they
discovered that all the bad things happening in the community had abated
to a manageable level. They were thus full of praises for theirAwo.
Aj drd mg oOkg alr
Agbo ddr mg ookg ldoko
Aasq irin gbgd-gbagada
Ni wqn fi ge llQkn olkun
K'y Olkun m baa lu
Dl filn wgn lgba lgbo oun IfQ Kiriblti
MjQ Ajogun k wgn mqrl ptpt
fibg ni wqn nl kl wqn ge
WQn 9b'bg, w{n r'bg
lyin agba, Agb Igbo un IfQ Kiribltl
Okete n'rf gb


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

se'p If gb'eran o?

A black dog knows the name of a clothe dyer
And a black ram knows that of a painter
A strong big iron door
Is what was used to bolt the door of Olkun
For the life of Olkun not to be in jeopardy
These were lf's declarations to them at Agb lgbO and ll-Ife
When Ajogun invaded their home
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied
Now, you elders of Agb IgbO and ll-Ife
If demanded for a (dried) big rat
Why did you say that If demanded for a goat?

If warns the Awo here not to cause avoidable problem or perpetuate one
due to his own greedness and lack of consderation for the feeling and
suffering of others. If warns the Awo to desist from this act lest he meet
with the wrath of the Deities.

t4. If also says that all Ajogun will leave the home of the person for
whom this Od is revealed.

If says that no blood must be spilled on If and that as long as they

continue to do this, so long will the problem persist. If says that all
the blood on the Ifa must be cleaned off and in its place; palm-oil
must be poured on t. After this, kola-nut must be split for If. That
is all If needs to drive away all Ajogun in the home and life of this
client. On this, If says:
Ara klwq nfl pgn'mi fitn wgn lrli yangrl
Ojo O rq mq yangl d'pta o
Dl filn Ywqpa
Tll 9'9mg Qljeq Okogo
Eyl tl b b | sn
Tr b bi I il
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e o

'Il m"rn u"i

The thunder fetches wgter for those on the rocky areas
When the rain stops falling, the mudstone turns to rock
This was the If cast for Ywqpa
The offspring of Qbjee 0ko9o
Who was sleeping in the midst of evil
And waking in the midst of evil
He was advised to offer gbg

Ywqpa was a descendant of sculptors whose family business was to

carue woods in various shapes designs. They specalzed in caruing the
image of masquerades, house and palace piilars, household furniture,
images of all Deities and so on. For these works of Aft, the family was
highly respected and honoured.
One day however, YwQpa woke up only to discover that most of the carued
images in his home were making funny sounds. Some were even upturnng
the items placed on them. Some had fallen down while yet others had
broken into two. He too had been having series of nightmares. He had
gone to several Babalwo for solution to his problems. The Awo told him
that he was sleeping and waking up in the midst of Ajogun. However, the
Awo felt that truly If needed kola-nuts in order to solve his problems for
him, but the Awo felt that there was nothing in that for him to eat. Instead,
the Awo recommended a goat. Ywpa bought the goat but the problems
persisted. He killed several animals withut any solution to his problems.

This had been going on before YwQpa was introduced to the Awo stated
above. The Awo analyzed his problems for him. They also asked him to
offer gbg with one cock and money. He was then asked to go home and
split two kolanuts for his If. He did. Surprisingly, all the Ajogun left his
house. His life returned to normal. He lived the rest of his Iife a happy man.
Ara krllwq nff pgn'mi filn wgn lr{i yangl
Ojo o rQ mq yangl d'aph o
Dl filn YwQpa
Tff q'gmq gtjqe Okoqo
Eyl tl b ib | sn
Tl b b r il
lbg ni wQn nl k 9e o
gb'Qbg, r'bg

lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consultation

Igba tl a nl g Y'wQ pa'bi

f ge y'wQ p'gran o?

The thunder fetches water for those on the rocky areas
When the rain stops falling, the mudstone turns to rock
This was the If cast for YwQpa
The offspring of Qbjee Okogo
Who was sleeping in the midst of evil
And waking in the midst of evil
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now that we asked you to quickly split a kolanut
Why did you quickly split (the throat of) a goat

If says that the

p.roblems of the client here persst because of the

greedness and dishonesty of those he/she relied upon for solution to
his/her problems. If says that he/she shall meet those who would be of
assstance and the problems shall disappear. If however warns those
dishonest people thattheir day of reckonng is at hand.


If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to desist from his
plan to snatch another man's wife and if he had already done so, he
needs to return the wife to the owner lest he meets with terrible
consequence. If says that the husband of the woman he intends to
snatch is more powerful and ruthless than him. If he loves his life, he
needs to desist from his plan. If he refuses to heed this warning. If
says that he will live to regret this action for the rest of his life.

If says that the person in question is light in complexion while the

husband of the woman he intend to snatch is dark-complexion. If
also warn a woman who intends to elope from her husband's home
to another man's house not to do so in her own interest. If says
that the person she plans to elope with may end up losing his life and
she will be blamed forthis disaster bythe relation of the deceased.

If says that the person who intend to snatch another man's wife
need to, in addition to desisting from this act, offer gbg with one




matured he-goat and money. On this, If says:

Egin nll sr ktpa klp wQ'hl
Eeyan mi mg lrtn knkn nl rlrln
Dla fun Ina
Tl lg re f IOjOI, gmg Oldmar
lbg ni wQn nl k 9e

fgin, the Horse, is he who gallops into the town
My relation does not know how to traverse in the dark
This was lf's declaration to In, the Fire
When going to snatch JOjOI, the daughter of Olodumare
He was advised to offer ebo

The lady in question here was an extremely beautiful woman. She had a
soft tender skn. Her skin was so smooth and so delicate that one could
easly mistaken it for that of a new born baby. Her face had the
innocent look of an infant. She was looking far younger than her age.
As a result of these attributes, those who knew her believed that she
must be a mermaid of some sot. To crown it all, she hailed from a
highly influential family. For these reasons, people who were close to
her named her 'J0j0l 9mg Oldmar' meaning 'JOjl, the new-bon,
the daughter of Oldmar' she was well loved and respected by
everybody in her community.
When she was old enough to get married many suitors wanted her as their
wife. In the end, she got married to Ojo, Rainfall. 0o was a darkcomplexioned man.
He was generous and he did not discriminate when he wished to give out
water to a community. He used to give it out to both friends and foes alike.

His influence extended to all corners of the world. He was also very
powerful and was reknowned to be ruthless and destructive whenever he


His ruthlessness was equally recognised by all.

When ljl got married to Ojo, everyone in the community was happy.
They thought that it would be a perfect match. Unknown to most people
howeve; J0j0l was never a faithful woman. Since the time she got married

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

to Ojo, she had been dating In, the Fire, steadily. At a stage, In and
J0j0l planned to run away together and staft a new life elsewhere. When
they concluded this plan, they went to the group of Awo mentioned above
for If cosultation.
The Awo warned In never to do what he had in mind to do. They told him
that he could never do anything secretly for others not to notice. They said
that even in the dar( there was nowhere that Ina would pass that others
would not see him. In this wise therefore, eloping with JjOl would be an
exercise in futility. He was also warned thatthe husband of Jjl, Ojo, was
more powerful than him and that if he should carry out his plan, he risked
losing his life in the process. In was also advised to offer gbg with one
matured he-goat as gbg against calamity for ever contemplating such an

when In heard all these, he grew annoyed. He told Awo that he would
never offer the gbg as they prescribed. Not only that, he boasted that he
would snatch J0j0l away from her husband. He said that he was not afraid
of her husband since he, In, was a very powerful person too. He claimed
that he was more ruthless and more destructive than Ojo. He said that
nothing and nobody should dare stand in his way. Having said these, he
stormed out of the house of the Awo. He asked JOjl to go and pack all her
essential needs as they would be moving atthe shortest notice. JOjOI dd.

on the day of their depafture, what they would thought that they were
doing secretly was exposed to all as wherever they passed through, In,
the Fire, was sending out enough illumination for all to see them.
When people realised that In was running away with Jjl, the wife of
Ojo, they went and alefted Ojo. Oo was so furious that anyone could dare
do that to him. He went out in fury in search of Ina. when he saw In, he
engaged him in a fierce battle. Before long, it was clear to all that the battle
was one-sided as In was no match to OjO. Within a few minutes, In was a
dead man. Before his death, he remembered the warnings of the Awo, but
alas, it was too late to make an amendment.

fgin nll sr ktpa ktitp wQ'hl





Eeyan mi O mg lrln knkn nl rtrln

Dl fn In
Tl lg r f JOiOI' gmg Oldmar
Fbg ni wQn nl ko ge
kg'tl Qgbgnhin s'qbg
In puPa beli

oio dd bqloiq
Kaka kl n fQ In
Ma lg ree


Oi gldlsldl
In gb g nf'yw lg
Ojo gttgt
Eyin gbQn o

lyin O tilq mg'ran

fyin o mQ wlp oio niy r'yln In n
Oio sldlsldl

fgin, the Horse, is he who gallops intq the town
My relation does not know how to traverse in the dark
This was lf's declaration to In, the Fire
When going to snatch J0j0l, the daughter of Olodumare
He was advised to offer gbg
He bluntly refused
In, the light-complexioned man
And Ojo, the dark-complexioned man
Instead of getting married to In
I would rather prefer Ojo
The strong Ojo
In is eloping with Your wife
The ruthless O'o
Don't you know?
Can't you realise?
Can't you see that Oj is the one to eliminate In
The rnighty 0j0

If warns a woman not to cause the death of her lover as a result of her
infidelity. If also warns everyone concerned in this Od to be faithful
and sncere to their loved ones.


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consuftation


If warns a person or group to be careful with whatever they intends

to do lest they regret their action for the remaining paft of their lives.
If says that there was an action they were about to take which
could lead toweeping and gnashing of teeth. If alsowarnsthatthe
person for whom this Od is revealed should not do any favour for
those who will harm them in the end. The person or persons for
whom this Od is revealed is being advised against this action but
had bluntly refused to listen to wise counselng. Ifa says that only
regrets will be the outcome of this action.

If advises that there is the need to offer qbq with one matured hegoat and money where this Od is revealed. There is also the need
to serve Egu Qdar with one cock here. On these, If has this to

A ge'k tttn

Ikrt d'ariwo
Dl fiin Ekt Il
Tl lg r fi Olgbo j'oy
f;bg ni wQn nl kl wgn ge

Had we known, we would not have embarked on this
After coufting death
Death became a commotion
These were lf's declarations to Ekrlte-Il, the Mice
When going to honour Olgb, the Cat, with a chieftaincy titile
They were advised to offer gbg

Ekrte-tle, the Mice, were living in the house with human beings. In fact,
they far out-numbered human beings. But they had a problem, Olgb,
the Cat usually came from the forest to attack and kill some of the mice
in the house. The incursions of Olgb soon became a major head-ache
of the whole mice community. They therefore assembled together to find
a lasting solution to their common problem.
During their deliberations they came up with the ingenious plan to invite
Olgb into the house to live with them. They also planned to give him a


rc"rn u"

chieftaincy title as the leader and protector of all rats and other rodents.
Their reasoning was that if they did this, the Catwould no longer be morally
be justified to kill them as they would be under his care and protection, All
of them hailed this decision and they were so proud to have come up with
this plan.
After this, there was yet another problem how to convince human beings,
the owner of the houses they were living to accept OIgbO into their homes.
They summoned courage and laid their plan to invite the Cat to their hosts.
When they did, human being told them that their ancestors recognized Cats
as their enemies and they never coufted their friendship. They warned that
inviting Olgb into their midst amounted to nothing but an open invitation
to calamity. All the rats refused to listen. In the end, they had their way.
They went to invite the Cat to come and live in the house with them. They
conferred on him the chieftaincy title as promised. It was with pomp and
pageantry thatthe Cat was ushered into the house to Iive with Mice.
The very day that the cat came into the home, he went on rampage. He
went on killing spree. He killed, and killed, and killed. It was like the cat
could not stop killing rats when he sighted them. Before the year ran to an
end, the cat had reduced the rats population drastically. The Cat went and
brought his colleagues from the forest into the house. From that day
onwards, the rats had known no peace.
One day, the Mice, went to the human beings to plead with them to please
send the Cataway. The human beings howeversaid thattheir requestcould
not be granted for two reason; one, ever since the advent of the Cats into
their homes, wanton destruction of clothes, food, furniture and so on being
perpetrated by the mice had reduced drastically and two, the Mice had
hitherto been warned against their action but they refused. In this wise,
they were advised to learn how to live with their misfoftune. And since that
day till today, the Rat had never been able to learn how to live with the cat
without the Rat suffering for it.

A ge'k tn

Ik d'ariwo
Dl firn Ekt rl


rrg r

fi Olgb0 j'oy

lla Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

!b9 ni wQn nl kl wgn ge

WQn kg'tf Qgboyln s'ebq
Ekt-rI b tet mo

b t w garfin ebg

KO b

tt mo

Had we known, we would not have embarked on this
After cou.ting death
Death became a commotion
These were lf's declarations to Ekr:te-Il, the Mice
When going to honour Ol9b0, the Cat, with a chieftaincy title
They were advised to offer gbg
They bluntly refused to comply
Had Ekute-Ib known on time
They would have rushed to offer their prescribed gbg
Had they but known in time

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be
allowed to do somethng he/she would regret for the rest of his/her (or
their) lives.
If advises that to heed advice is more rewarding than thinking that one
is the wisest person on earth.

Abgru AUgye








Irosn-Mfl children have the capacity to rise from grass to grace and
remain at the very top of their chosen careers for the rest of their lives. If
is always giving its backing to thern because they are children of Qrnmll
right from heaven. When Irosn-M;) children succeeds, their success is
always beyond anybody's imagination. In fact true lrosn-Mjl children
are not known as failures in life. They also live long and happily.

Irosn-Mjl children are however known to be selfish and self-centered.

But If says that if they can discard this attitude and embrace taking care of
others by looking after their welfare, If itself will take charge of their lives

and reward them plentifully. Irosn-Mjl children excel in hospitality

fields such as being Babalwo or )ynff, medical doctor, nurse,
physiotherapist, public relations officel social psychologist, welfare officer,
attending to motherless babies, old people, mentally retarded people,
working in disaster zones and so on. By so doing, they will have wealth,
recognition, honour, prestige, stable homes, peace of mind, sound physical
and mental health and long life. They should also do good to others as they
will never go unrecognized and unrewarded.

In business, no matter how successful lrosn-Mil chldren may be, or

how much profit they make, they are in the habit of complaining that the
situation is not good for them. Even though people show them
appreciation for whatever they do, they in turn find it difficult to show
appreciation to others who had done good deeds for them. This attitude is
in-born and difficult to change. lrosn-M) children are however advisd
to show appreciation for Iittle favours done to them by Oldmar, the
Deities and their fellow human beings. If they do this, their lives will
continue to improve and their happiness, progress and success will know
no bound.

It is very easy for people to confuse the fothrightness,

boldness and
truthfulness of lrosn-Mjl children as wickedness. People maytherefore
be running away from them. This may affect their financial and business

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaon

chances but with time things will surely change for the better and they will
be able to realize their destinies.

Irosn-Mjl children are usually blessed with children. These children are
usually successful and impoftant in their societies. There is however usually
one of these children whose destiny is so strong and overbearing that the
parents (that is,Irosn-Mil children) need to serue his/her Ori in order to
acquire resounding victory over any form of adversary be it death, affliction,
litigation, loss, envious individuals, enemies, backbiters or witches/wizards.
These children, when identified needed to be treated specially and with
caution. This is however not to suggest that they should be over-pampered
at the expense of other children in the family. It is worthy of note however
that his child's destiny (or) will protect every member of lrosn-Mjl

frosn-Mjl children have the ability to survive where other people had
died, to succeed where others had failed and to gain where others had lost
out woefully. They also have the capacity to help other people overcome the
miseries of their lives.
Those who are born by this Od need not fight or quarell over any legacy as
this is not in line with their destiny. Instead, they should always look for
amicable settlement of all matters pertaining to inheritance materials,
especially landed properties. If amicable settlement ftils, then lrosnMil children are advised to hand off the matter.

Irosn-Mjl female children are usually fashion

conscious. They find it

difficult to settle down and get married and when they do they are not that
loyal to their husbands. They needed to be advised against this as this
attitude may affect them and make it difficult for them to get children when
they want to have them. At the same time ti may lead to trauma for them as
their secret lovers may end up losing their lives over this illicit attitude.
Irosun-ttejl male children are also warned against snatching other
people's wives as this may lead to their untimely and violent death.

Irosn-Mil chldren, males and females are very stubborn. They find it
difficult to listen to wise counseling. When they have made up their minds




on something, good or bad, it is difficultto change their minds. This is not a

good attitude as some of their decisions may lead to regrets and


Again, IrosUn-Mjl children must never use any animalto serue their If.
They must not put blood on their If as this may Iead to more problems for
them. If they must do so, they need to ask If over and over again before
this is done. When in problem, it is advisable to feed If with dried big rat
and kolanuts and the problems will disappear.

In all, Irosrn-Mjl children are born achieves. They get results


others fail. They have the capacty to keep on going and struggling where
others retreated. It is this quality in them that guarantees success and
accomplishmentforthem. True lrosn-Mjl children are not known to die
a violent deaths. True lrosn-Mil children live and die peacefully.


Affiliated Irnmqle and Orlqa of lrosn-Mjl


If - for progress, comfoft, projection and success

Orl - for direction, protection against all Ajogun, for fulfilment



Qdar for overall achievement and protection against

all evil

Q+un - for child bearing

QbaHl - for child bearing and protection
Fgb - for success and achievement, for suppott
Egngun - forancestralsuppoft

Orlg Oko - forfinancial success and


D. Taboos Of lrosn Mjl Children

1. Must never eat dog - to avoid being plagued by Ajogun
2. Must never eat ram - to avoid being plagued by Ajogun
3. Must never show ingratitude - to avoid anger of the Deities
4. Must never be deceitful - to avoid anger of the Deities

lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation



Must never be in a hurry - to avoid missing his/her chances

Must never eat monitor - to avoid missing the protection of his/her
child's Oi
Must never eat bull-frog - to avoid missing the protection of his/her
child's Ol
Must never use a spider - to avoid missing the protection of his/her
child's Of

Must never be too fashion-conscious

- to avoid problem of

Must never eat cock - to avold missing the protection of the Deities
Must not fight over landed property or other legacy - to avoid family
confl ict and misunderstanding
Must not put blood in his/her If - to avoid incessant problem in
his/her life

Possible names of lrosn-Mjl children during



Qlnlgba Honour has its period of manifestation

Ifgbuyl If is prestigious
Dqpgm I hold unto the Holy palm tree
EgbQpQ The outcome of If's support
Iftrlsln If deserues beig propitiated



Aynlgba Events in the world have their periods of occurrence

Oynlran Titles have heredity
Qlbmid Honour came into the world with me
fkndayQ Lacrimation turns to felicity


My child is my mirror

Abor Aboye

Chapter 6


lr ll

Chapter Six


1. If says that it foreseen the ire of success and achievement for the
whom this Od is revealed. If says that life will be
profitable to him/her and there is no aspect of his/her life that will not
bring fruitful reward. If says that apaft from the person for whom
this Od is revealed, several other people will also benefit from



If enjoins the person from whom this Od is revealed to


absolutely on If. By so doing, all the good things of life shall be

his/hers. He/she shall lack nothing in life. He/she shall be wealthy,
honourable, noble and highly respected in the society.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
three pigeons, three guinea fowls and money, there is also the
need to serue If. There is need to ask If what it will like to take and
then use same to serue If.
On allthese, QwQnn MJisays:
Eku snyln
Fja sanyln

DrfitnQpe Fuju

Tl y maa rln t'aj

fbg ni wqn nf k 9e


The strong rat
And the strong fish


l,l, o*onnn


They were the Awo who cast If for the Palmtree

of the wilderness
Who shall be filled with wealth
He was advised to offer gbg

Qpg fluju, the Palm tree of the wilderness, was comng from heaven
into the world, he planned to reside in the wilderness. He went to the
two Awo mentioned above to determine his success chances on
eafth; would he succeed here on eafth? Would he command respect
and honour in life? Would he be able to influence and benefit other
people? Would he live a comfoftable and contented life?
The Awo assured him that he would be very successful in life. He was
told that he would be extremely wealthy and that no paft of his body
shall be without fetching money. He was also told that everything in
his body shall be of benefit to mankind. He was advised to offer gbg
and feed If as stated above. He complied. Soon after this, Qpg
Flj came into the world. His palm-fronds were cut and turned into
brooms. Money was realized. His Palm kernels were used to make
Palm-oil. Money was realized. The palm-nuts were broken and the
shells were used as fuel. Money was realized. The nuts were grinded
and palm-kernel oil was extracted. Money was realized. Other chose
to extract palm-wine from the palm-tree instead of palm-kernel.
Money was realized. The trunk was used to make rafters and small
bridges, money was made. The palm-nut was also used to make
Lgfdfgba beads which women used to adorn their waists. Money
was realized, the newly-spronted palm-fronds were used to decorate
several shrines. Ikin was also extracted from some palm trees which
Babalwo use for If consultation. A lot of money was realized. The
Ikin was also used to guide, protect, advise, direct and mould people's
characters. In shoft, there is no paft of the palm tree which is of no
benefit to the human race. The palm tree became the most useful
tree on eafth.
Eku sanyln
Fja sanyln
Dlfiln Qpg llujrt
Tl y maa rln t'aje
fbgniwgn nl k9e


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

Qpe lo I'epo

Ape l I'emu
QpQ lofun mi nlllQkQ b'qdl
Qpg lo fitn mi I'gwq gb,lQ
If lfiln mi l'po tl mo m j'qgu
Ohun QpQ qefitn mi m mQ nl gbgb
Ohun ll n'If rlgefiln mi o

The strong rat
And the strong fish
They were the Awo who cast If for Qpe FIUjU
Who shall be filled with wealth
He was advised to offer gbg
It is QpQ who owns palm-oil
And owns palm-kernel oil
And owns palm-wine
Qpe was itwhich gave me beadsto adorn mywast
And palm-oil which I used to eatyam
All what Opg had done for me, I cannotforget
Greatthings, If had done for me

If says that it had done great things in the life of the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says that he/she shall never be disappointed by the
people around him/her if he/she places hope and asprations on If. Life
shall be fruitful and beneficialto him/her, so says If.


If says that the business of the person for whom this Od is revealed
shall prosper. He/She shall become very wealthy because he/she
shall make more proft than others. If says that the person for whom
this Od is revealed needs to make his/her goods and servces more
expensive than those of his competitors even if they are of the same

If says that the business lines most suitable for this client are sales of
Afticle of Ostentation such as Jewelries, perfumes, specially designed


o**r, *",,
materials, designer shoes and bags, wrstwatches and the latest
electronics and automobiles. He/she may also establish an exquisite
salon and restaurant where tasty and expensve dishes which give
the people the impression thatthe more expensive the materials, the
better its quality. If advises the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with three white pigeons and money. On
this, If says:
Qwon ow a n'w mini
QwQn omi la m'Qsun
Qpqhpq qwqn onj9la p nl'yn
Dl fitn Oun-yO-wQn
Tll q'gmg Qba l'f;yQ-Aiorl
Fbg gla ni wqn nl k 9e

Scarcity of money makes one to find atternative
Scarcity of water makes one to fetch water-drips
Too much waterscarcity is known asfamine
These were lf's declarations to Oun'yO-wQn

That-Which-Is-Scarce-And- Expensive
A Princess in Qyg city
She was advised to offer gbg of prosperity

Expensive was a pri ncess i n QyQ

cty. She was also a trader. Her business was not moving well. She
therefore, went to the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation
on what to do to make her business succeed. She wanted to know what
she needs to do for her to make huge profit. The Awo advised her to be
selling afticles which are not very common and/or rare to get. She was also
advised to make her goods very expensive- and in fact, more expensive
than all her competitors. She was then asked to offer ebo with three white
pigeons and money. She complied. Soon after, customers, young and
old, were trooping to her stallto purchase things from her - even when they
knew that her wares were more expensive than those of her colleagues.
The customers were of the opinion that her wares were of the best quality
money could buy and that was why they were more expensive than the
ones being sold by others, that was how Oun-y-wQn became richer and
more successful than all her colleagues. She was thus singing and dancing

n-y-wQn, That-Wh

ich -Is-Sca rce-And


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

and giving prases to herAwo and If:

Qwqn ow la n'w mini
Qwqn omi l m'Qsun
Qpqhpq qwQn orlnjg la p nl'yn

filn oun-yo-wQn
Tll ggmg Qba I'fyq-Ajorf
Fbq q| ni wqn nl k 9e


! srw, gw ra'j gmg'ba

At'we, t'gb nfl ra'j Oun- yO- wQn

F sr w, g wa ra',j omgba o

Scarcity of money makes one to find alternative
Scarcity of water makes one to fetch water-drips
Too much water scarcity is known as famine
These were lf's declarations to Oun-y-wQn
That-Wh ich -Is-Sca rce-And - Expensive
A Princess in QyQ city
She was advised to offer gbg of prosperity

Rush here to buy the wares of a princess
Both old and young buy goods that are scarce and
Expensive from Oun-yO-wQn
Rush here to buy the wares of a princess

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall make huge
proft in his/her business. If says that even after making his/her goods
and/or sevices very expensive, people both young and old will still find
reasons for patronizing him/her.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall


blessed with money, a good spouse, good children and long live. At
the same time, If says that death, affrications, litigation and loss
shall be warded off from him/her.
If says that he/she needs to offer gbg with three white pigeons
for financial success, three hens for a good spouse, three rats
and three fish for good children and three cocks and idi leaves





for victory over death, afflictions, litigation and loss. There is also the
need forthis clientto feed If with one matured goat. On


Qrnmll l rl drln yunmuyunmu

n kun yunmuyunmu
L'rl apta egbrnsel
Qrrlnmll nl kln l rl drlnyunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
WQn nl Aj t'Awo yo nll n
Qrunmll nl kl wQn gllQkn f'loj rere



Qrrlnmll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rockof Agbrsah
Qrnm'il queried that what was rumbl ing?

And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?

They responded that it was the wealth that
The disciple of If would acquire
QnJnm'il asked them to open the door for a good
To enterthe house ofan Awo


Qrnmll heard persstent rumbling and humming and wondered along

about what was making such on the rock of Agbrsl, on the way from
heaven was wealth going to the home of his disciple that was making such
sound. QrUnm'il asked them to open the door for the good visitor to enter
the home of his disciple.
His disciple thus became a wealthy


Qrr:nmtla l drln yunmuyunmu

n kun yunmuyunmu
Lf pta gbrsl
Qrrtnm)l nl kin l dtln yunmuyuninu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
WQn rf aya t'Awoy lff ni
Qrunm'll nl l( wgn gllQkn f'lojO rere


Qrnmll declared that it was



lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

And itwas humming consistently

On top of the rockof Agbrsl
Qrtl nml l quered that what was rumbl ing?
And humming on rockofAgbrnsal ?
They responded that if was the spouse thatthe
Disciple of If will marry

them to open the doorfor a good visitor

home of an Awo

Qrrf nm)l asked



Again, Qrnm)l contnued to hear the rumbling and persstent humming

on top of the rock of Agbrsl. Again he asked about what was making
such sound; he was informed that it was the spouse that his disciple would
marry that was making the sound. Again, Qrnmll asked them to open
the door for the good visitor to enter the home of his disciple. His disciple
thus because proud husband of a good wife.
Qrnmll l rt drln yunmuyunmu
r krn yunmuyunmu
L'r{ apta gbrsl
Qrrlnmll nl kln l drln yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
WQn nl

gmgt'Awoy bl n

Qrunmll nl kl wQn qllQkn flojO ner


Qn:nm'll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas hummng consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrnsal
Qnlnmll queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockofAgbrnsl ?
They responded that it was the child that the disciple
of If willbeget
Qrrlnm'll asked then to open the doorfor a good visitor
To enterthe home of an Awo

And again Qrnm)l noticed that the sound that was coming from the top
of Agbrsl rock had not abated. He again enquired about what was
makng the sound. He was informed that it was the child that his disciple
would beget. Orrinmll quickly ordered that the door be opened for the



o**,n u"

good visitor to enter the home of his disciple. His disciple thus becamse a


Qrrnmll l rf drf n yunmuyunmu

n kun yunmuyunmu
L'il apta agbrsel
Qrrnmll nl kln l drtn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
WQn nl ire gbogbo t'Awo y nl n
Qrrlnmll nl kl wqn gilQkn flojO rere

Qrrlnmlla declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rockof Agbrsl

Qrunmll queried that what was rumbling?

And humming on rockof Agbrsal ?
They responded that it was all the ire in life that
The disciple of If would acquire
Qrrf nmll asked them to open the door for a good visitor
To enterthe home of an



Yet again, Qrrlnmll heard the rumbling and humming of sound

being made on top of the rock of Agbrsl and yet agan, he
demanded to know what was making such sound. He was informed
that there were all the ire in life which his disciple would get that were
making such sound. Qrnmll ordered them to open door for them
to enter the home of his disciple. That was how the disciple of
Qrnm'il lacked nothing in his life. He had money, a good spouse,
good children, stable home, peace of mind, happiness, comfoft


long life.
QrUnmll l drln yunmuyunmu
n <un yunmuyunmu
L'd epta agbrsal
Qrrtnmll nl kln l dn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbrsl?
Wn nl lkr t rt w Awo bO ni


lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Qrnmll nl dl ni Y dlktl Awo

Tl ko nlie k lewgl

that it was ru mbling
And itwas humming consistentlY
On top of the rockof Agbrsl
Qrnml l queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockofAgbrsl ?
They responded that it was the death which
Had come in search of the disciple of If
Qrrlnmlla declared thatldf would block death outfor an Awo
And will not allow it to enter his home
Qrrl nmll declared

After all the good things of life had entered the home of Qrrlnmll 's
disciple, Qrrlnmll obserued thatthe sound had not abated. He then
asked If to know what was making the sound again. He was
informed that it was the death which was about to kill his disciple.
Qrunmll quickly looked for Idf leaves, pounded the leaves together
and mixed same with soap. He gave the soap to his disciple to bath
with. He then declared that Idf would block out death from the home
of his disciple. That was how his disciple escaped untimely death.
Qrunmll l dn Yunmuyunmu
t krn yunmuyunmu
L'd apta agbrsal
Qrrtnmll nl kln lO n drnyunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'orl Apata Agbrsl?
WOn nl rn t w Awo bQ ni
Qrnmll nl ldl ni yo d'rn Awo
Tl ko nfl j k le wgl

Orunm'lla declared that it was ru mbling
And itwas humming consistentlY
On top of the rockof Agbrsl

Qrnmll queried that what was rumbling?

And humming consistentlY
On top of the rock of Agbrsab ?
They responded that it was the affliction of If


l,l, o*onn ue

Ornmlla declared that Idf would block affliction out for an Awo

After death had been prevented from entering the home of Qrrfnm)l 's
disciple, Qrnm)l again heard the rumbling and humming sound
emanatng from the top of the rock of Agbrsl. Qrnm)l agan asked
what sound was that. He was informed that it was the affliction coming to
infirm his disciple. Orrlnmll again decreed it out of the life of his disciple
afflicted with infirmty.
Qrunmlla l drtn yunmuyunmu
n kun yunmuyunmu
L',r| apta agbrseH
Qrunmll nl kln l dn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbrsl?
WQn nl qjQ t w Awo bQ ni
Qrrrnmll nl Idl ni y d'jQ Awo tl ko nl jq k lee wg|

Qrnmll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming
On top of the rock of Agbrsl
Qrnmll queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was the disciple of If
Orrtnmll declared thatldl would block litigation
outofan Awo
And would not allow it to enter his home


When death and affliction had been successfully taken care of litigation
reared its head up on the rock of Agbrr1sl, when Qrunmll
enquiry on what was still rumbling and humming on top of the Agbarasl
rock, he was informed that it was litigation which planned to find its way
into the home of Akp. Qrnmll decreed that it must never find aces
into the home of his disciple. That was how Qrnmll was able to protect
his disciple against all forms of litigation.


Qrunmlla l rt drln yunmuyunmu

n kon yunmuyunmu
L'd apta gbrsl


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

QrUnmll nl kln l drlnyunmuyunmu?

T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbrsal?
WQn nl Ofot w Awo bQ ni
Qrnmll nl ldl ni y dl OfAwo
Tl ko nl jQ k le wgl

Qrnmll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrnsab
Qrnm)l queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockofAgbrnsal ?
They responded that it was the loss which had
come in search of the disciple of If
Qrnmll declared that Idl would block loss out for an Awo
And would not allow it to enter his home

Qnfnmll said that he again head rumblng and humming on top of

Agbrsl rock. And again he asked to know what was making such
sound. He was informed that it was the loss which was searchng for the
home of his disciple. Qrunm)l's disciple. And so with approprate gbg as
prescribed above, Qrr:nmll was able to give to his disciples all the good
thingsfrom enterng Akp's home.
Qrrf nmll l drln yunmuyunmu
n krn yunmuyunmu

L'rl apta gbrsl

Qrrtnmll nl kln l drln yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbarsl?
WQn nl Ajt'Awoy nfl n
Qrrlnmll nl kl wgn qllgkrln flojO rere


Qrnmll l drln yunmuyunmu

n kun yunmuyunmu
L'd apta gbrsl
QrUnmlla nl kln l drln yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'r Apta Ag bara sala?
wgn nl aya t'Awo y nff n




Qrnmll nl kl wQn qllQknflojo rere


QrUnmll l rt drtn yunmuyunmu

r kun yunmuyunmu
L'd epta gbrsl
Qrunmll nl kln l dn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'Orl Apata Ag b rsl?
WQn nl gmgt'Awoy bll ni
Qrunmlla nl kl wQn g{l$kun flojO rere


Qrunmll l drtn yunmuyunmu

r krn yunmuyunmu
L'rt apta agbrsal
Qrnmll nl kln l drtn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'orl Apata Ag ba ra sala ?
WOn nl ire gbogbo t'Awo yoo nl ni
Qrnmll nl kl wQn gllQkn flojo rere


Qrrlnmll l drln yunmuyunmu

n kun yunmuyunmu
L'rl apta gbrsl
Qrnmll nl kln l rl drlnyunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbaransah?
WQn nl ik t w Awo bQ ni
Qrrtnmll nl idl ni y dlkrl Awo
Tl ko nl jQ k lewgl
Qrrtnmll l l dn yunmuyunmu
n krn yunmuyunmu
L'r{ apta gbrsl
Qrnmll nl Hn l rt drln yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'rt Apta Ag brs la?
WQn nl rn t rt w Awo bQ ni
Qrrtnmll l rl dn yunmuyunmu
n krn yunmuyunmu
L'rf pta gbrsl
Qrrrnmll nl kln l drn yunmuyunmu?
T kn yunmuyunmu?
L'or{ Apata Agbransala?


Owonrin Meji

lfa Dda: An nvtaton to lfa Consultaton

WQn nl eiq t w Awo bQ ni

Ornmll nl idl niyod'jeAwo

Tl ko nl jQ k lewgl
Qrnmll l drlnyunmuyunmu
n krnyunmuyunmu
L'rl epta agbrsal
Qrunmll nl kln l dn yunmuyunmu?

T knyunmuyunmu?
L'rl Apta Agbrasl?
Wn nl OfO t w Awo b ni
Qrrtnmlla ni ldl ni y dl OfOAwo
Tl ko nl jQ k lewgl
Nje dt dt mi tsty oko
Qna ibi ni kl o b mi dl
Kl of'n If sfle
Idl dl mileslya oko

Qrrlnmlla declared that itwas rumbling
And it was humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrsl
OrrlnmIl queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rock of Agbrr1sl ?
They responded that it was the wealth
Thatthe disciple of If would acquire
Orrlnmll asked them to open the door for a good visitor
To enter the house of an Awo
Qrnm'il declared that it was rumbling
And it was humming consistently
On top of the rockof Agbrnsal
QrUnmlla queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rock of Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was the spouse that
The disciple of If would marry
Orrinmll asked them to open the door for a good visitor
To enterthe home of an Awo
Orrlnm'il declared that it was rumbling
And it was humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrsl
Qrrtnm)la queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockof Agbrnsal ?
They responded that it was the child that




Owonrin Meji

The disciple of If would beget

Qrunm'll asked them to open the door for a god visitor
To enterthe home of an Awo
Qrunm)la declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrhsl
Qrnm)l queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was all the Ire in life
Thatthe disciple of If would
Qrunmlh asked tham to open the door for a good visitor
To enter home of an Awo
Qrunmlla declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrnsah
Qnlnmll queried that what was rumbl ing?
And humming on rockof Agbrnsal ?
They responded that it was the death which had come in search of the
disciple of If
Qrnm)l declared that Idl would block death out for an Awo
And would notallow itto enter his home
Qrrlnmll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrsl
Qrnm)l queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was the affliction
Which had come in search of the disciple of If
Qrrf nmll declared that Idf would blockaffliction Outof Awo
And would notallow itto enter his house
QrUnmll declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrnsal
Qrunm)l queried that what was rumbling?
And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was the litigation
Which had come search of the disciple of If
Qrunmll declared that Idl would block
Litigation out for an Awo
And would not allow itto enter his home
Qrrlnm)l declared that itwas rumbling
And itwas humming consistently
On top of the rock of Agbrsab



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Qnf nmll quered thatwhatwas rumblng?

And humming on rockof Agbrsl ?
They responded that it was the loss which
Had come in search of an Awo
Qrunrnlla declared that Id1 would block loss out for an Awo
And would not allow it to enter his home.
Idl please block and send my misfortune to the farmland.
It's my evil path I beg of you to block and leave the path of luck untouched
Idf please block and send my misfoftune to the farmland

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
all the good things of Iife and shall block all the evils of life such as death,
affliction, litigation or loss. For the person for whom this Od is revealed,
there is the need to pound Idf leaves into water for her to bath with in
order to ensure that all Ajogun are permanently at bay.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall get
assstant on what he/she is doing, even if he has no money. If says
that help will come from people who will raise him/her up and ensure
his/her success in life. To the person for whom this Od is revealed,
money is not everything. He/she will succeed more if the right
approach to people is cultivated on this, If says;
Ad-ohl-kQ $awoo r'Ode Ailke-olr
Adtut $awo r'Ode AilfQnQ-rere-lQ


rtgawo lg sqna t jln gbungbungbun

WQn nl k r'bg
Kl Qn ajo rQ ledra

Ad-oh1-kQ was going on

If mission toAjfkg-olu town

And Adtut was going on If mission to Aflfgrg-rere-lQ town

They were the Awo who cast If for Qrnmll

When going on If mission to a far distant destination
He was advised to offer gbg
Forthe journeyto be fruitful

QrUnmIl was planning to go on If mission to a far distant place; Where

he was going, he had never been to for a long, long time. He therefore went


oro*in u'i

to the two Awo mentioned above for If consultation in order to determine

how his success chances would be in that place. The Awo assured him that
he would definitely succeed in his new abode and that without money, he
would be able to achieve a great deal, even greater than what those who
had money could achieve. He was however advised to be accommodating,
respectful, truthful, honest, and humble at all times. He was also advised
to make himself available to people at all times. He was told to be ready to
assist people who are in need and that in like name; people would be ready
to assist him too. He was assured that by so doing, he would be able to
attain a great height and be highly respected and in his new abode, he was
also advised to offer gbg with one goat and money, this goat was to be
killed and its flesh shared raw among people. He was also to sen/e If with
one goat. He was to feed his Ori with whatever If prescribed during
consultation. Qnfnm)l complied with all the recommendations of the
Awo. Soon after wards he set out on the journey. In his abode, Qrnmll
quickly adapted himself to the customs of the people he met there he was
respectful, loyal, dedicated to the course of the people and he was always
willing to assist them. Before long, his qualities were recognized by the
citizens because he had no house of his own he was easily accommodated
bythe people he met in thistown.
These people fed and clothed him without much money of his own, he was
eating the best food and was wearing the latest dresses. In order to tie him
down to this town, some people advised him to look for a suitable woman to
marry. And without money, without relations, without anyone who could
easily trace where he came from, some of the citizen of this town gave to
him a baby.
The citizens of this town gave him a piece of land on which to build his own
house they all assisted him and he became a proud house owner, he lived
very happily in this town.
One day, QrUnmIl sat down and was ruminating over his progress in this
town. He discovered that he stafted from grass and rose up to grace. He
came into this town with nothing and ended up having everything he
needed. He was the only person who came into this town and he ended up
be coming a family man with children, in-laws, friends, and acquaintances.


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

When he thought about how all these were made possble to him. He then
concluded that truly, wealth and other good things of life resides with
people and good things of life reside with people and not in a person's
pocket, banks, save house vault or any other place. He was thus singing and
dancing and giving praisesto Oldmar and histwoAwo saying:
Ad-oh-k gawoo r'Ode Ajlkg-ol
AdtutU rt9awo o r'Ode AjlfQrQ-rere-le
Dl firn Qrrtnmll
Tl gawo lg sqna t jln gbungbungbun
WQn nl k r'bg
KI Qn ajO rQ le dra

Njq nlbo I'ow wa?
Lra nlyn I'ow w
Mbo l'gmgw?
lranlyn I'gmgw

Lranlyn ni'lwa
Mbo ni're gbogbo we
Lra nlyn ni're gbogbo w

Ad-oh1-kQ was going on If mission to Akg-oltt


And Adtut was going on If mission to Affqrg-rere-lQ town

They were the Awo who cast If for QrUnm'il
When going on If mission toa fardistantdestination

He was advised to offer gbg

For the journey to be fruitful
He complied
Now, where is money?

Money resides with people

And where isspouse?
Spouse resides with people
And where is child
Children resides with people
And where is house?
House resides with people
And where are all ire in life
All ire in life resideswith people

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with




all the good things of life. He/she only needs to remember that all the good
things of life resdes with people. He/she therefore needs to strive hard to

be in the good books of people. By so doing, wealth is assured, a good

spouse is assured, all the good things of life are assured.


If says thatthere is need for person for whom this Od is revealed to

offer gbg and feed many people so that human beings will not use
their mouths to destroy his orden There is need to ensure that
people speak well of him in oder to ensure an uninterrupted progress
and achievement in life.
If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed need to offer a
he-goat and money as gbg. After this, he/she needs to throw a
feast where their will be plenty of food to eat. The soup ought to be
prepared with [grrg ltoo. After eating and drinking, the invited
guests are to pray for him/her. The prayer so offered will be upheld
by deities. If these steps are taken, the sky is the limit for the
progress of the person for whom this Od is revealed. A stanza in
this Od in Support of these asseftions says:
AgbQngbn, Awo wgn l'de llor
Agba yngldl, Awo ode lieg
9knrin yngldl-yangidi tt wQn d| latlpa
I,| fitn Lwsl Qkqml
Qmg am lto ge'win bg
lgbatl bq nlgbanrye osko
fbg niwQn nl kge

Agbngbn, the Awo ofllor town
Agb yng'ldi, the clumsy elder, the Awo ofljEga land
The clumsy man who was tied with tip
They were the Awo who cast If for Lws'l QkQrni
Offspring of those who propitiate all divinities with)t0, melon as people
Propitiate the Deities
When he was in pawn age without hope of freedom
He was advised to offer ebo
Lwsl Qkqrnt borrowed money from a pawnbroker he was thus serving his



lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

master until the day he would be lucky enough to refund the money he
owed and regan his freedom. unfortunately, this day never came, he had
been in pawn age for upward of 16 Years and he was just dreaming of
freedom without its coming to reality. Those who had known him knew that
he could never regain his freedom. Because people had been saying this,
his guardian spirits upheld their opinions and there was nothing he did that
worked for him. He was however, determined not to die in his present
condition. in pursuance of his problem.

freedom. Some of the Awo he

approached advised him to serve Egrlngn Il, the masquerade of the
He was assured that he would regain his

house. He did, there was no improvement in his life. Some advised him to
serve onga oj, the market onga. He did. There was no improvement in
this life. some advised him to serve his
He did. There was no
improvement. Yet other advised him to continue to serue his Of He did,
until his Ol became completely bald. There was no improvement in his life.
Another group advised him to serve Il, the mother of earth. He served IIQ
repeatedly until the spot had a mark like a small hole. Yet there was no
improvement in his life. when he was complaining to people that he had
gone to several places for solution to no avail. He went to the three
Babalwo mentioned above fortrialand possible solution.


The Awo assured Lws'l QkQnf that his problems would disappear in time.
They said that he had not offered the correct gbg all the time he had been
moving from one Babalwo to another, He was told that he would need to
setve olbqbOJiribQ, the father of all gbg. when he heard this, he became
confused. He told the Awo that he recognized
as of, and IIQ as Il; he
recognized that one's father was Egngrln Il; and one's mother was Oflga
Oj, but that he did not know what was called OhlbQbQtiribQ, the father of
all [bg. He was then informed that the mouth of human beings was known
as the olbQbQtiribQ, the father of allebo, he was told that the gbg he was
about to offer was the one that would change public opinion towards him for
the better. It was meant for those who had hithefto concluded that he
could never regain his freedom to change their mind and use their mouth to
effect his freedom. They told him that if people pray for and says it in
unison, his guardlan spirits would uphold what they had said and his luck
would shine and he would be able to pay what he was owing his





pawnbroker. He was therefore advised to throw a big feast where there

would be plenty to drink. He was told to cook the soup with Itoo melon,
which was the sacred melon of his forefathers. He was told that at the end
of feasting, he should ensure that those who were present prayed for him
and that they should direct their prayers towards his regaining his freedom
from his pawn broker.
Lwsl QkQrnl returned home, determined to do exactly as the Babalwo
had advised. He however had no money. He wentto borrow more money
for this purpose. He prepared assofted food items, together with different
types of drinks. He invited several people to come and feast with him. He
used Itoo melon to cook the soup. Several people turned up for the
ceremony. They all ate and drank to their satisfaction. At the end of it all,
everybody prayed for him and his guardian spirits upheld their prayers.
Before they departed, EF Qdara entered into the minds of the guest and

suggested to them to contribute money for their host as a sign of

appreciation of his hospitality. Everyone present saw this as a wise action
to take. They contributed money. The amount they contributed was more
than enough to offset the money he borrowed for the feast. That same
day, he went to pay off his debt.

Soon after this period, luck smiled on him. Everything he did proved
positive towards his determination to offset the money he borrowed from
the pawnbroker, he was being recommended well bythe high and mighty in
the society. All those he came in contact with spoke well of him. He made
additional money. He began to keep the amount he made untilthe money
was adequate for him to buy his freedom. He did and became a free man.
He was a very happy man. He then realized that human mouth, public.
opinion, and recommendation of human beings were truly the father of all
ebg. Feeding multitude of people in order for them to have a positive
opinion towards one was simply the greatest of all the offerings anyone
could make. It was a happy LwsI QkQrnf who began praising his Awo
and giving thanks to Oldmar:
AgbQngbQn, Awo wgn l'de llor
Agba yngldl, Awo ode ljqga
Qknrin yangldl-yangidi wQn dl latlpa
Dl filn Lwsl Qkqml
qmq am ltO ge'win bg

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon


bg nlgbnry osko
Fbg ni wQn nl k qe

won nl k'bg Egn l

bg Egn l

Fbq rQ kfin
WOn nl k'bg Oofa Oja

b booo$a 9ja

Fbq rQ koda
Wn nl k'boOrl
bg Ort, Orl pa
WQn nl k'bg IIQ
bg lle, rhe Iu
WQn nl k'bgOhbQbqtiribQ baba lbg
nl oun mg Orf, nl Orl
Oun mg Il, nl IIQ
Oun mg'p baba gni I'Eegun Il
Iy fni l'Oog oj
nl qgbn Oun mgoun jOlrtbQbQtiribo, baba Fbq
WQn nl gnu u wgn
fnu u wgn nl je OlbqboliribQ, baba ebq
g tthta bq n'lfe

fnu wgn
f;nuwgn la bgn'ffg
Enu wgn
Mofitn Ign
Mofiln lja
fnu wgn
lnu wgn ko me l rl mi b ja
fnu wgn
Mofilnar il
fnu wgn
lnu wgn la rrbg n'ffg
Enu won

Agbngbn, the Awo oflloree town
Agba yng'idl, the clumsy elder, the Awo ofljgga land
The clumsy man who wastied with Apa
They were the Awo who cast lfa for Lwsl QkQnf
Offspring of those who propitiate all divinities with'lt0, melon as people
propitiate the Deities


lrl, owonn ue

When he was in pawnage without hope of freedom

He was advised to offergbg
They advised hm to feed Egn Il
He fed Egn Il
His offerings were not accepted
They advised him to feed OOFa Qja
Hefed OoFa OJa
His Offerings were not accepted
He was asked to feed his O
He fed his O until he became a bald man
They asked him to feed IIQ
He fed IlQ, untilthe ground caved-in
They advised him to feed OhlbQbOJiribQ, the father of all gbg
He responded that he recognized O as Of
And IlQ, as the mother earth
He know that one's father was Egn Il
And one's motherwas OOga Oa
But he did not know what is known as OhlbQbOjiribQ
the father of all gbg
They told him that it was their mouth
Their mouth was OhlbQbQtiribQ baba [b9
And what do we propitiate in IfQ?
Their mouth
Their mouth is what we propitiate in IfQ
I gave to the vulture
And to the spirits
Their mouth
Their mouth cannot affect me adversely
I gave to my relations
And to outsiders
Their mouth
Their mouth is what we propitiate in IfQ
Their mouth

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be weighed
down by negative public opnion. If says that he/she will be spoken well
of, and by so doing, he/she shall remove the bondage n his/her life. If
says that this person needs to be mindful of what people say about him/her
always as what people can use their mouth to make or break in his/her Iife is
higher than what any ORga can do in'his/her life. If public opinion is in
his/her favor, the sky is the beginning of his/her success in life.

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation


If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg against slanderers. He/she is presently
suffering, but yet those who have a lot to gain from his/her suffering
will ensure that he/she is kept in perpetual bondage. If says that if
such a person is an apprentice, there is need for him/her to offer ebo
so that the head of the training establishment will consent to his/her
graduation. If he/she is seruing under someone, it may be very
difficult for him/her to gain independence because the person under
whom he/she is seruing has a lot to gain by keeping him/her in
perpetual seruitude.

If says that, for a person occupying a position of influence and

authority, he/she needs to offer gbg and be careful not to add to
the suffering of anyone under his/her command. If says that
he/she needs to be objective and considerate, lest he/she is

If says that the person for whom Qwnln-Mjl is revealed needs

to place his/her hope on If at all times. All the sufferings shall
give way to joy in due course. If says that miracle shall happen
in his/her life. If there is the chance, such a person can go into
poultry business or can be rearing a hen in his/her compound.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg

with three cocks, three pigeons and money. He/she also need
to feed EgU wittr one cock and feed Ol with one white
pigeon. After these had been done, he/she needs to be patient
and expect the miracle of If in hi6/her life. On these, a stanza in
QwQnfn- M) says:
Atgle,wq ni hu'run hQrIhQ
Dl fin Mofenl
T rr be harn Os,llrl
Tl b9 lrin lpqnju
T w lg r k'w lQdQq Kllfenl
pbg ni wqn nl k 9e



| ouronrin


The palm of the hand does not grow hair
This was the If cast for MofQQff, I wish to succeed
Who was in the midst of povefi
And in the midst of suffering
Who went to borrow money on pawn, in the house of
Kfffeff, he who never wishes other to succeed
He was advised to offer gbg.
MofQQnf was suffering. Nothing he did seemed to work, he tried all things
and failed, he had no money, no good cloth, no wife. In fact, he was living in
abject povey. Ironically however, Mofff was a very strong, able-bodied
man. He was very ambitious. He had big dreams about his future. He

Successful, honourable and noble man in his

community. Unfoftunately for him, all his dreams remained what they
were; mere dreams.


to become a very

died. As a first son of his mother, culture demanded

ceftain responsbilities from him, he had no money to meet these
responsibilities. He was therefore left with no alternative but to go and

One day, his mother

borrow money from a pawnbroker. Consequently upon this, he went to

Kfifeff to borrow money. He was given the money with the understanding
that he would move to Kllfgff's house immediately after the burial
ceremony and begin to work in the pawnbrokers farm until the day he would
be able to refund this money.
Before he went to borrow this money however, he had gone to the Awo
mentioned above. He had been told that his pawnbroker would like to keep
him in perpetual servitude. He had been advised to offer gbg with three
cocks, three pigeons and money. He had been advised to serue E9 Qdara
with one cock and he had been advised to serve his Ol with one pigeon. All
these he complied with. The Awo also advised him to be rearing hen. He
therefore bought one for that purpose. When going to KIffQrf 's house,
MofQQrf wentwith his hen. He was feeding the hen daily. Atthe same time
he was working on the farm of KIffQnf, tilling the soil, making heaps for
YOffi, CaSSaVa and maize.

MofQQff soon proved

to be a very hard working pawn. He used to work


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

from sunrise to sunset nonstop, before long, he had cleared all the farm,
planted maize, cassava and yam. He was attending to the farm daily.
When he got home in the evening, he would wash the dresses of Klffeni,
his wife and children. He would do this until late in the night. Very early in
the morning of the following day, he would sweep the ground, wash dirty
plates and calabashes before heading forthe farm.
Meanwhile, Mofqqn'i's hen began to lay eggs. The first time, it laid 12 eggs
and hatched 10. All the 10 chicks survived. Soon after this, the hen began
to lay another set of eggs. This time around, it laid 11 eggs and hatched
10.Again, all the 10 chicks sulvived. The third time, the hen laid 11 eggs
and again it hatched 10. And yet again, the 10 chicks sutvived. Mofggnl
who came into the house of KlffQrf with one fowl now had 31 fowls.

one day, ffifeff saw MofQQrf feeding his fowls and asked him what he
(MofQQtf) intended to do with all the fowls. MofgQnf responded that he
intended to sell off the fowls in three days time. That time was the market
day of their town. Mofggff explained further that he intended to pay off his
debt that day since he was sure to realize more money from the sale than
the amount he was owing KIffQrf. When he finished feeding the fowls,
MofQQtf wentto the farm.

Throughout that day, Klffgff was not a normal person. He was just
preoccupied with one thing: how to prevent MofQQrf from leavlng his
house. He knew that truly. The amount he would realize from the sale of
the fowls would be more than enough to pay for his freedom. This was
what Klffeff was determined to ensure that MofQQnl was not able to do.
He was bent on keeping MofQQnl worked; it would be a great loss to him if
he should open his eyes and allow MofQQrf to buy his freedom.
Consequently, KlffQrf came up with an ingenious plan of eliminating the
entire fowls at one fell swoop, and at the same time escape detection.
That day, he pefected his evil plan. He waited for night to fall. He watched
where the fowls wentto sleep and noted the placed well.

In the dead of the night, Kiiferf sneaked out of the house. He went to
where the fowls laid asleep. He simply fell the fence on them and the 31
fowls died instantly, withoutsparing one for MofQQn'i. In the morning of the


**nn r",,
following day, MofgQrf went to feed his fowls, only to discover that they
were all dead. He burst into tears. He wept and wept.
While he was weeping, everyone passing by took pity on him. They prayed
for him to be able to overcome his problem. Egu Qdara also came in the
form of man. He asked MofQff to explain to him exactly what had
happened. Mofnl narrated everything to him amid sobs. EpU Qdara
however told him that his present predicament might in fact turn out to be a
blessing in disguise. EEU Qdara then advised MofQSrf to pick up the dead
fowls, roast them and preserued them. Mofqqnf, in his state of confusion,
began to pick up the dead fowls. Those who were present helped him to
remove the rubbles on top of the dead fowls. He roasted the 31 fowls and
keptthem in a safe place.

Soon after this incident, the heir apparent to the Alr stool became
seriously ill. All known medications proved ineffective. A Babalwo was
subsequently invited. The Awo assured them thatAlr's first son would be
well. He advised them to go and look for 10 dead fowls hatched on the
same day by the same mother-hen and which died on the same day, He
stressed that those fowls were the materials to use to prepare the remedy
for Alr's son's ailment. Failure to procure the dead fowls that night could
lead to the death of Alr's son. Alr quickly dispatched every able bodied
youth in his palace to go in search of the dead fowls.
While they were in search of these materials, Eg Qdara approached them
and directed them to the home of Kiifeani. He told them that MofQQn'i,
Klfeff's pawn had what they were looking for. At the same time, Eg
Qdara approached MofQQnf, and told him that some people were searching
for 10 dead fowls hatched on the same day by the same mother-hen and
which died on the same day. He said that those coming were sent by Alr
of llara-Ekltl. ESU Qdara stressed that they were very rich people. He
asked MofQfnf to charge them four million cowries for each dead fowl. He
assured MofQQrf that they could afford the amount and that they would be
willing to pay.

When the delegates of Alr arrived at KIffQrf 's home, they asked for
Mofff. Kfifeff wanted to know what they were looking for his pawn for.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They responded that they learnt that he had some fowls in the house.
Before they finished their statement, Klffeff responded that he had no
more fowls to sell as they all died the same day. The delegates stated that
they had come to buy the dead fowls which died the same day and not live
ones. They went to Mofggnl. He insisted that each dead fowl would cost
them four million cowries. They gladly paid. Kffeff, who knew that
MofQQff owed him only fifty thousand cowries, was indeed a very sad man.
He was full of envy when he saw the delegates paying money to his pawn.
He wentto a corner and wept bitterly.
That same day, the first son of Ajer took ill. A Babalwo was invited. The
same recommendation was made. They rushed to KIffQn'i's house. ESU
Qdara toH MofQQn'i to insist on six million cowries for each dead fowl. The
delegates paid. In the afternoon, the first son of Qwrngrln-Aga took ill.
They consulted lfa, the same recommendations were made. They came in
search of KffQff's house. ESU Qdara toH MofQQn'i to insist on eight million
cowries for each of the dead fowls because Qwrngrtn-Aga was richer
than both Alr and Ajer. The delegates gladly paid. In the evening, of
the same day, the QQni of IfQ himself took
They went for If
consultatlon. The Awo told them to go and look for a mother-hen which
had given birth to 10 chicks three consecutive times before and had died
together with all the 30 chicks in one day. Egu Qdara directed them to
The same Egu Qdara advised MofQQff to insist on One hundred
million cowries for the dead mother-hen. The delegates gladly paid.
MofQQtf, who was without a single cowry in the morning of that day became
a proud ownerof two hundred and eighty million cowries in the evening.


On the other hand, Kfffenf who woke up in the morning of that day feeling
that he had successfully aborted the plan of MofQQn'i to buy his freedom
ended up realizing that Oldmar had peformed a great miracle in the life
of his pawn. Kfffeff was a disgraced, humiliated and subdued man in the
evening of that same day.

In the end, KfifQff became one of those working in the farm of


MofQQnl became richer, happier, more influential and more honourable than

every body living in his community. He was thus singing, dancing and
giving praisesto oldmar and If for making him such a happy man in his



o**r,n *",,

Many people benefitted from his wealth and influence. He was richer
than his


Atelewq ni o hu'run hQhQ

Dl filn Mofnl
Tl be lrin Os,firl
Tl be lrin lpqnj
T w lg r k'w QdQq Kllf$nl
[b9 niwqn nl k Se
gb'Qbg, r'bg
K f, kO jlnne
Ire gbogbo w ya d ttru
Njg aronipin o m'Qla o
Bl a o k,lge kO tln
Aronipin kO m'Qla o

The palm of the hand does not grow hair
This was the If cast for MofQfff
Who was in the midst of povefi
And in the midst of suffering
Who went to borrow money in the house of
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too late
All good things of life came in abundance
Those who write others off, you know not tomorrow
When there is life, there is hope
Those who write others off, you know not tomorrow.


If says thatthose who write others off shall end up being surprised. Those
who under-estimate others shall be humiliated. Those who are at
disadvantage today will rise to poston of authority and command
tomorrow. When there is life, boundless hope still exists. Opportunities are
still available for those who still lives, no mater the condition.


If says that it foresees the ire of honour and recognton for the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that this person shall
be given prestge and authority in the community. He/she shall be
recommended for this positon, not because of the money



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

he/she has, but because


his/her wisdom, experence



If also says that there s a vacant position where this Od is

revealed. If enjoins the community, establishment, organization or
society where the vacant position exists, not to consider money,
wealth, or influence as paft of the criteria for filling the position, but
rather, they need to consider wisdom, organizational capability,

experience, honesty, dedication, understanding and human

consideration as paft of their criteria. If says that by so doing, life
will be more rewarding and interesting when the position is filled.
Anything outside this is not good enough.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer ebq with
two ducks, haro guinea fowls, two pigeons, two horse-tails
and money. He/She also needs to feed If with one hen and
money. On these QwQnf n-M) says:
Qwqn irin nff mrl abgrQ wg'n
Qwqn omi nff mt akergb sgn
QwQn gmg nll m gmq wqn j'a|e
Tl wgn fi rrp ebi l pa l'de Id
fti r pq tl ko gbQn
K krtk fi wqn w ynyun nfn oko
Dl fiin QwQn
Tl wgn fi j'oy ile baba ry
f;bg ni wqn nl k 9e

Scarcity of iron makes one to melt needles
Deafth of water makes the bottle-calabash to get lost
Inability to get another child makes the child to steal
For them to say the child was feeling hungry and only
looking for food inldo town
Thosewhoare in multitude butwho lacked wisdom
Let us liken them to ynyun grass of the farmland
These were lf's declarations to QwQn
Who shall be installed to the vacant stool of his ancestors
He was advised to offier ebo


il, o**n, *",,

QwQn (QwQnln) was the son of the Qba of his community. QwQn was not
known for his wealth because he only had enough for his bare suruival. He
was however known for his wisdom, humility, understanding, hard-work,
sympathy and consideration for others. When his father died, many people
wanted him to ascend the throne of his forefathers, this group felt that with
his wisdom and other qualities, he would be able to steer the ship of their
community to peace, progress and prosperity. There was another group
however who felt that without money, QwQn was not fit to ascend the
throne. Among this group were the kingmakers and the other person they

had in mind. This person knew that he was not entitled to the stool but
because he had money, he and his suppofters believed that money could do
anything and everything. In the case of QwQn, he told the people not to
agitate for him to become the Qba because he did not have the money
expected of him to spend before he assumed the throne. His suppofters
said that he was being proposed because of his sterling qualities. The kingmakers demanded for and got money from the other group and made the
other man the Qba.
Before long, the whole town was engulfed in chaos. There were internal
strives and external aggression, the economy of the town was in shambles.
Where they were expected to use diplomacy, they would employ
confrontation. Where they were to use dialogue, they would prefer military
expedition, where they were to be magnanimous; they would twistthe arm
of the citizenry. It reached a stage where everybody was fed up with the
Qba and his council of chiefs. The community was waging war on several
fronts. Other communities feared and loathed the king. When the matter
reached a head, the citizens of this community grouped together and
banished the Qba and his chiefs.
Once again, they went to beg QwQn to assume the throne. He again
comptained of lack of money. This time around, the whole community told
QwQn that the community was not looking for his wealth but his wisdom
and sense of organization. Soon after this encounter, they made him their
Qba. Immediately after ascending the throne, he went into action. Al
military campaigns were stopped and in their stead, they opted for
dialogue. They resolved all external problems with dialogue and refined
diplomary. They resolved internal strives with honesty of purpose,

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

magnanmity and benevolence. Before long, economy began to improve.

The community then realized that it was not possble for economy to
improve where there was war, strive and conflict. Everybody had more
than enough to eat, drink and wear. They were all praising QwQn. They
were equally condemning those who hithefto felt money could buy
progress and happiness forthe community.
Qwqn irin nll m abr wg'n
Qwqn omi nll m akregbe sgn
Qwqn gmg nff m gmgwqn j'ale
Tl wqn fi rrpeb l rr pa l'deId
fnil pQtl kogbQn
K kk fi wqn wynyun nlnr oko
tx firn owQn
Tl wgn fi j'oy ile baba rg
fibg niwQn nl k9e


Amr QwQnrln j'oy, ired

A ma m m Qwqnrtn j'oyg ar t w
A mrl Qwqnrln'oy l rqw
Eni t bl'mg bl Y l r'Qmg bl
Eeyan t bl'mg t gq l pdn gmg
Am Qwqnrln j'oye, iregbogbo knlewa o

Scarcity of iron makes one to melt needles
Deafth of water makes the bottle-calabash to get lost
Inability to get another child makes the only child to steal
For one to say that the child was feeling hungry and was
looking for food inldo town
Those who'are in multitude but who lacked wisdom
Let us liken them to yrlnyun grass of the farmland
These were If's declarationsto QwQnfn
Who shall be installed to the vacant stool of his ancestors
He was advised to offer gbq
He complied
We installed Qwgnn, and all ire arrived
We installed Qwqnn, and there was peace and harmony
We installed Qwgnln and we have convenience



o*onrn uej

He whose chld is wise is he who has a chld

And he whose chld is a fool has lostthe child
We installed QwQnf n, all ire filled our homes.

If says thatthere will be peace, progress and prosperity in the home of the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that the whole community
where he/she lives will benefitfrom allthe ire thatthe person for whom this
Od is revealed will bring into the community,


If says that four Ajogun were being experienced where this Od is

revealed. In the light of this, If advises the person for whom this
Od is revealed to offer appropriate ebo so as to drive away all these

If says there is need to offer ebe with two chewing-sticks and

money by each person in the household of the person for whom this
Od is revealed. Where chewing sticks are not readily available, each

person needs to offer gbg with hvo tooth-brush and tooth

pastes. The momentthis is done, all evils will abate where this Od
is revealed. On this, If says:
K ma lg byff
K ma bQ byll

Dlfifnwgn n'llgwQn

Mbi gdn gbe n jg

wqn w jl ljoojumq kg'minu Ajogun
fbg ni wqn nl kl wgn ge

Let us be going this way
And then return thisway
This was the If cast for them atllgwQn
Wherethe annualfestival was at hand
And wheretheywoke up in anticipation of Ajogun

Theywere advised to offergbg

The inhabitants ofllgwqn were once a happy people. There were progress,


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

peace, harmony and cooperaton in their town. In order to show their

apprecation to their Origa, they set a day aside in a year when they
celebrate the annual festival of their town. This day was known asllowon
day. Wheneverllgwgn day was to be celebrated, allllgwgn citizens from
far and near would return home. The celebration was always very grand.
There came a time however that the inhabitants of Ilgwgn began to
experience mysterious death, strange afflictions, inexplicable losses and
litigations. For this reasons, many of them who were outside the town
decided not to return home for fear of being attacked by this Ajogun.
This had made the elders gathered together for deliberation and to fashion
out a course of action. They invited the Awo mentioned above for If

consultation. The Awo informed them that there were Ajogun in the
community who were responsible for all their problems, They were
however assured that the Ajogun would leave their midst if they could offer
appropriates gbg. They were asked to inform all true sons and daughters
ofllgwgn both at home and outside the town and the resident in the town
who were not citizens of the town that each of them needed to offer trro
chewing sticks and money in order to ensure that the Ajogun left their

The elders sent messages to everywhere and there was huge response
within three days. The Awo offered the gbg for them and true to prediction
all the Ajogun left their town when they saw the chewing sticks. Egu Qdara
turned the chewing sticks to whips and used them to chase the Ajogun
away from all the homes of all those who offered the gbg. That was how the
problem of Ajogun was solved in )lowQn. when the next )lgwgn Day
festival was celebrated, it was with pomp and pageantry. There returned
happiness, peace, progress, harmony, and cooperation tollgwqn.
K ma lgbyll
K ma bQbyll

Ildfitnwgn n'llowqn
Nlbigdn gb j9
Wn w tt jl ljoojmQ kg'minu Ajogun
fbg niwgn nl kl wQn 9e
WQn gb'Qbg wqn r'bg
Awa o ma rf Ajogun n'llgwgn mO o


Gbogbo wgn l ti lg o
GbogboQwQn lt r
L'Ajogun b lgo




Let us be going this way
And then return this way
This was the If cast for them atllgwQn
Where the annual festival was at hand
And whereThey woke up in anticipation of Ajogun

Theywere advised to offergbg


Wedo notexperienceAjogun inllgwQn any more

Allof them had left
All inhabitants of QwQn had offered two chewing-sticks each as gbg
And theAjogun simply left

If says that Ajogun wll leave the home and environment of the person for
whom this Od is cast. If says that in its place will be happiness and
progress. The person for whom this Od is revealed shall be happy and
shallsucceed in Iife.


If says that for the person for whom this Od is revealed to enjoy
his/her potentials in life, there is the need for him/her to change
his/her name and be bearing an alias or pet-name of his/her choice.
If this can be done, he/she will live an interesting life. He/she will be
happy and successful. He/she shall also have peace of mind in life.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with three white pigeons, three guinea
fowls, three cocks, three hens and money, On this aspect,
QwQnln M) says:
KkrO jogbo ni o j'rt i kooko gb
Dla fn Wgngan
Ttl $'gmg gknrin lbb
Wn nl k r'bo
K l ba j'fif kg ire l'y


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

The insect which eats hard woods are the ones preventing
Kooko tied around the neck to last long
This was the If cast for Wgngan
The son of the chidden places
He was advised to offer gbg
So as to be able to answer a good name in life

Wgngan was full of potentials. He was resourceful, brilliant, energetc,

hardworking, unassumng and intelligent. Yet he had nothing to show for
all his assets. One day, he was advised to go for If consultation. He did.
He approached the Awo mentoned above for solution to his problems;
would he be a successful person in his life? Would he be able to realize his
full potentials in life? Was there anything he needed to do to make his life
very rewarding? The Awo told him that he had a lot of potentials in his life.
He was told that as much as he tried to harness all his potentials and other
resources together, he had little to show for it in terms of achievement. He
was told that he needed to change his name and assume an alias before he
could realize his full potentials in llfe. He was assured that his guardian
spirits in charge of success and achievement were not favourably disposed
towards his answering his real name. That was why he had not achieved
much in his life. He was also advised to offer three white pigeons, three
guinea fowls, three cocks, three hens and money. He complied.
That same day, he changed his name to QwQn.
Soon after he did this, his business picked up he began to make profit. wth
money, he got married to a good wife. Together with his wife, he got many
children. Together with his wife and children they erected their own house.
Wth a good house, he bought a horse and tied it to a stable in his house.
He had all the good things of life. He was very happy and very grateful to
Olodumarefor making him a successful person in life.

jogbo ni O j'rf i kooko gb

Dl fin wgngan
Tll g'gmq gknrin lbb
WQn nl k r'bg
K l baa j'fkg ire l'y
gb'Qbg, rrl'bg
E b ni l'tOl ire



owonrin Mei

The insects which eat hard wood are the ones
preventing kooko tied round the reck of dog to last
This was the Ifa cast for Wgngan
The son of the hidden Places
He was advised to offer gbg
So as to be able to answer a good name in life
Before long, nottoo late
Join us in the midstof all ire in life

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
all the good things of life. If says that he/she has potentials and knows
how to harness allthese potentials together.
What he/she needs is for If to make it possible for mother-luckto smile on
him/her. To make this happen quickly, there is the need to offer gbg as
prescribed above and to change his/her name progress. There lies success.
There lies accomplishment. And there lies victory over wants,
disappointment and disillusionment.

10. If says that it foresees ire for a couple who were planning to get
married. If says that both of them had been destined to be husband
and wife from heaven. If says that both of them shall live together
until their old age. If says that they must never contemplate
separation or divorce as the consequences would be very grave for
them and more especially for the woman. If says that there may be
series of oppositions from several quarters against their relationship,
as long as they choose to stay together, there is nothing any one can
do to separate them.

If says that there is the need for this couple to offer gbg with two
cocks each, two hens each and two guinea fowls each. If this
is done they will live happily. They must also never dream of
separating or divorcing each other. On this aspect a stanza in
QwQnr'in-M) says:


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Tl trlg r gb lmu nlyw
lbq ni wqn nl k qe

And travellers toltaa
hey were the Awo who cast If for Akeregb, the bottle-calabash (gourd)
When going to have the hand of fmu, the palmwine, as wife
He was advised to offer ebo.

Akrgb was planning to get married. He wanted to marry his sweetheaft from youth. He therefore went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: would they live happily together? would they last long? would
they be able to give bfth to many children? Would they make people
happy? would they leave a good legary? All these the Awo answered in the
affirmative. They also advised Akrgb to offer gbg with two cocks, two
hens, two guinea fowls and money. He complied.
Df frln fmu
l1 rllq sll gkg wrQ
nla r g'aya Akrgb
[b9 niwqn nf k Se

Travellers tolto
And travellerstoltaa
They were the Awo who cast If for f,mu, the palm wine
When planning to becgme the wife of Akrgb, the gourd
She was advised to offergbg

Fmu, the palm wine, wanted to know how her relationship with Akrgb
would be. She went to the same group of Awo whom Akrgb consulted.
She asked the same questions. She was given the same answers, she was
also advised to offer the same gbg, she also complied. She was warned
never to leave her husband as the consequence was too grave for her. She
heeded the admonition of the Awo. She and her husband Akrgb lived

l,l o*on, u.

happily for a long, long time. after. Nobody was to separate them.


Tl lg re gb lmu nlYw
Fbg niwqn nl k 9e


Dlfn fmu

Tl rtlqsllegkowrQ
Tl nlg r g'aya Akrgbe

fibg niwQn nl k9e

F w b ni b'w,I w wo're o
fyin o mQ'rn
fyin mg wlp Akrgb ni y $'gkg f mu dal$dalq?

Travelers toltoo
And travellers toltaa

They were the Awo who cast If for Akeregbe, the bottle-calabash
When going to have the hand of f mu, the palmwine, as wife
He was advised to offer gbg
Travellers toltO
And travellers toIffia
Theywerethe Awo who castlf for f mu, the palm wine

When planning to become the wife of Akrgb, the gourd

She was advised to offer qbg
She complied
Before long, and nottoo late
Join us in the midst of beauty and ire
You are notwise
Surely, you are not knowledgeable
Don't you know that it is Akrgb that will be f mu's
husband till death dothem Paft?

If says that person for whom this Od is revealed and his/her paftner shall

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

live happily until their Old age. Both of them are compatible. They will
share many things in common and they shall compliment each other in
many respects. They must however not contemplate separation or divorce
as this step is not in their best interest. Such step can only bring sorrow and

11. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must never
snatch another man's wife. If warns that if he does, his life will be
destroyed; he will live in shame and anguish for the rest of his life: For
this reason therefore, he must never think of having any love affair
with a married woman - talk less of getting married to one.
If says that if he had been doing this, he needs to offer gbo with one
matured he-goat and money. He must also sever the
relationship fotth with. Failure to do so will only lead to sadness and
regrets. On these,If says:
Oj or kO r'j n
fka lqwu grn
Dl firn Owlwl
Tl rrlq re 9b oblnrin OgblgbO
rl 9e Qbja 9y9
lbg ni wQn ni k 9e

A wicked face

cannottransact good business

One's garments needs enumeration

This was the If cast for Owlwl, the Owl

When going to snatch the wife of Ogb'igb, the hoopoe

Who was the chief mercantile superuisor within the birds kingdom
He was advised to offer gbg

Owiw the Owl, was a very proud, pompous, prosperous and adulterous
man. He had the money to pursue his lascivious date for illicit love affair.
There was no young unmarried woman he was not ready to sleep with.
One day, he saw the wife of Ogblgb and took immediate fancy of her.
They soon established a secret love pact. They used to meet at a
rendezvous known to only the two love-birds. At a stage, they could not


l,l' *onnr


hide emotions for each other any onger. They began to make love passes
at each other openly. If's wise counselng to Owlwi to desist fell on deaf
ears. Those who know Ogb'lgb to be a very influential person in the
community called Owlwi and warned him seriously to desist. He bluntly
refused. Soon afterthis, thetwo love-birds planned to get married. Owlwi
asked OgblgbO's wife to pack out of her husband's house and come to live
with him. The wife packed and moved into Owiwi's house. Immediately
this was done, pandemonium set in. Every where was made inhabitable
for Owwi by other birds. They reasoned that itwas bad enough for Owlwi
to be having illicit love affair with the wife of their leader, he had the
effrontery to snatch the wife altogether. Anywhere the other birds saw
Owlwi, they would stone him. He ran away from that community. When he
reached another place, the birds there began to stone him too. He was
given several slaps on the face. He developed eyes problems. At a stage,
he could no longer walk in the day light for fear of being mobbed and as a
result of his bad eyes. Owlwi then resolved to be moving about only at
night. Even at that, he was always fearful that he might be spotted and
beaten up. His lover soon deserted him.
One day, OWlwwas ruminating over his life where he had stafted from and
where he now ended his career in life. He regretted ever refusing to listen
to wise counseling. He regretted ever going after married woman when
there were several single ladies at his beck and call. He realized to his
shame that he was the architect of his misfortune. He wished that the
hand of the clock of time could be rewound so that he would make amends.
But alas, it was impossible and too late to make any amendment. He soon
learned to live with his regrets and share for the rest of his wofthless life,
Oju oro ko r'oja na
!t<a tgwu grn
Dl fn Owlwl
Tl lq r 9boblnrin Ogblgbo
Tl Se Qlja eyg
fbg niwn ni koqe
kg'tl Qgbgnhln s'bg
Njq Owlwl o d O, eJe ajoru
Tl a b rl g lQsn-n
O d'eyg algba

lfa Dida: An intaton to lfa Consultation


o d O, eyg

aioru o

A wicked face cannot transact good business
One's garment needs enumeration

These was the If cast for Owlwi

When going to snatch the wife of OgDgb
Who was the chief mercantile superuisor within
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Here comes Owlwi, the night bird
If we seeyou during day-time
You shall become a bird of prey
Here comes Owlwi, the night bird.



If says that the spirit.of the person for whom this Od is revealed is against
adultery. He must never snatch another man's wife. If says that he
should be contented with his own wife if he does not bargain for disgrace,
humiliation and restlessness in his life. If says that it shall not allow this
person to live a sad life. He is created by Oldmar to live a pious life.
There lies his happiness.


If says that it foresees the ire of multiple children for the couple for
whom this Od is revealed. If says that the chances of giving bfth
to twins and/or triplets are very high, If says that apaft irom multiple
bitths, the couple also have a high propensity to have several children
in life. If says that all the children they beget will be useful children.
If also warns the woman for whom this Od is revealed not to push
her husband too much for him to do what does not come from his
mind or do what is not normal for the man to do. If says that the
woman for whom this Od is revealed is fond of ensuring that she has
her way, either good or bad. She also love to pester her husband to
do what she wants at all times. She may cry beg, threaten or shout
at her husband in order to have her way. There is no trick she cannot


a,norri, uei

employto ensure thatwhat she wants was done by her husband. If

however, advises the husband to always be on his guard, weigh
anything his wife says carefully and consent to only do the reasonable
ones. It is by so doing that he will save himself from embarrassment.
If says that the couple needs to offer gbg with four rats, four fish,
two hens, hro cocks and money. They also need to seve If
with four ratsfourfish and hen. On these, If says:
fl$rgrq k$rgrg
ElrrO krOr


Awgn mjejl mmi ojrl sngbre gmg
fbg niwqn nl kl wQn ge

flQrgrg kQrgrg
And ElrrO kr0r0

They weretheAwo who castlf forthe female palm tree

And also forthe male palm tree
When theywere weeping in lamentation of theirfailure to begetchildren
They were advised to offergbg

Both male and female palm tree were married for a long time. They loved
each other. But they were not blessed with children. This was a constant
cause for worry and crying for the couple. One day, they decided to go to
the house of the two Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation.
Would they be able to beget their own children as other trees in the forest
do? Would they be able to live a family life? Would luck smile on them soon?
Would their children be useful to them?

The Awo assured them that they would soon give bifth to their own
children. They were advised to offer gbg and feed If as stated above.
They complied. After this, the Awo prepared a herbal soup for the wife to
eat immediately she reached home. The couple was assured that the soup
would open the womb of the wife and she would become pregnant in no
time. The couple left the home of the Awo, believing that their problem
would soon be over.

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

When they reached home, the female palm tree opened the soup contaner
to eat. She complained that the soup must be very bitter because of the
way it looked. The male palm tree advised her to over-look that aspect and
eat the soup. She asked her husband to taste the soup and confirm what
she had observed. The husband refused, claiming that the soup was
meant for a woman. The wife simply burst into tears. She accused her
husband of not bothering about her welfare. She said that they offered the
gbg together, they were looking for the baby together and they had been
worried about their childlessness together; but now that it was time to eat a
bitter soup, she was left to suffer alone. She claimed that when the child
comes, they would at-least claim it together, she concluded that her
husband's love for her had reduced considerably and that what had just
happened simply confirmed her suspicjons without doubt. The male palm
tree tried to explain himself but his wife shouted him down. She soon
began to pack her loads, claiming that she could not continue to live in the
same house with someone who does not have her love and welfare in mind.
In a state of confusion, and just to convince his wife that he cared for her,
the male palm tree reluctantly agreed to taste the soup. Wth more tric(
persuasion and threat, they both ate the soup and finished ittogether.
Three months after, both the male and female palm tree became pregnant.
Both of them delivered at the same time. Since that time, both male and
female palm trees used to become pregnant and deliver several young
ones atthe sametime.
flQrgrg krg
ElrOrO krOr0
Dl filn Obl Qpe


Awgn mejejl mmi oj sngbr gmq

lbg ni wqn nl kl wqn fe
WQn gb'Qbo, wQn r'bq
Aj$ takq-tabo t'QpQ blmg o
A kll rl 9n nlnu gpg
Tako-tabo I'Qpe blmgo


flQrgrg kQrgrg
And Elr0r krOr


il, o*orn, *",,

They were the Awo who cast If for the female palm tree
And also forthe male Palm tree
When they were weeping in lamentation of their failure to beget children
Theywere advised to offer ebQ
They complied
Both male and female palm trees beget children
There was no barren anruhere
Both male and female palm tree beget children.

If says that the couple for whom this Od is revealed shallhaeth*.own

children. They need to offer gbg' feed lfa
and feed the Deity of Twins.

13. If says that if foresees the ire of a child for the person for whom this

Od is revealed. If says that there is need for him/her to offer gbg

with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. After this, the
couple needs to rub every part of their bodies with a life chameleon

for 16 days. After this, they shall be blessed with a baby.

If also says that there is a person where this Od is revealed who is
experiencing serious hardship. If says that the hardship is as a
result of his/her destiny from heaven. If says that only gbq can
change the destiny if the person in question to good. He/she needs
to consult If and offer gbq regularly. By so doing, his/her destiny
shall improve and change for better. If says that this person needs
to ofter gbg with three white pigeons for prosperity' three hens
for a good spouse, three guinea fowls for peace of mind, prestige
and honour, three rats, three fish for children, three cocks for
victory long life and sound health and money for all the the good
things of life. On all these, a stanza in Qwgnn-M) says:
Agbgn ml jla$ m j
Dl fitn Bayew
T fe, ylntl m'jrl gkn snrhun gmo
Fbg niwQn nl kge

Agbgn, the coconut, shook violently without
Droopping from the tree


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

This wasthe If castfor BaywU

When weepng in lamentation of his inabilityto begeta child
He was advised to offer gbg

Bayew had most things a man wanted in life; a good work, good health,
good family background, but no child. He and his wife tried everythng they
knew without success. Then one day, they approached Agbgn mI Tfl m
j a prominent Babalwo in their community for If consultation and
possible solution to their problem of childlessness.
The Awo consulted If and told the couple that there was nothing wrong
with them physiologically. He claimed that there was a spiritual problem
which was inhibiting them from having a baby. He however assured them
that the problem would abate. He advised them to offer gbg with four
rats. four fish, two hens and money. They complied. when they were
about to return to their home, he gave them one life chameleon and ask
them to use it to rub their bodies for 16 days. He asked them to pray while
He asseted that ' ab alggmQ b d, ni Onga-Oke gb,'
meaning, "the wishes of the chameleon are always upheld and accepted by
the divinity'l He told them that they would be blessed with a baby boy


The couple did exactly as they were instructed. Soon afte6 true to whatthe
Babalwo said, Bayw's wife became pregnant that same month. Ten
months after consulting If, on their problem of childlessness; they were
blessed with a bouncing baby boy. Three days after, duringlkgsqdayd, the
Awo proposed that the name of the child ought to be "Qgrara"-*a baby
born after the parents used Qga, chameleon to rub their bodies". The
parents accepted the name and the baby was known and called Qgrara

Qganrara lo wa t IkqE Qrun be w'y
N kOm irekankandnl
de'le aye fttn
Il ay rQg w le kokooko bl qta
w tg wgn In Awo Il lq
tg awgn Oorun Awo Ode lg
In Awo Il, k maa q0 je, k maa gq jeo
Oorrn Awo Ode, k ma gg je, k maa gq je o



o*onn ue

wqn m baa fi ibi mrr-m kan m-m

Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e

Qgrara was coming from heaven to eafth
He did not bring along any ire with him
When he reached the earth, his life was extremely difficult to cope with
He them approached In fire, the Awo of the house
And approached 00rn, sun, the Awo of the main street.
Let In, the Awo of the house be selective in where he looks for food
And 00rn the Awo of the main street be careful with
where he associates with others
Lest they allow two hot substances to get in contact with each other
They advised him to offer gbg

When Qgrara came into the world, as a youth, he had been showing the
sign of someone who had forgotten all the good things of life in heaven. He

was very ugly; he had no good health; he irritated people except hs

parents and he was despised by others. When he grew up and became a
matured man, the situation became worse. Nobody wanted him around
them. He had no friends except his other junior siblings. He had no
confidant out side his parent's home. He was the subject of ridicule by
everybody. He could not mix with people. He therefore had no reasonable
work he was doing. He had no money; he had no strength, no good health,
and no sense of direction in life. When all his age mates were getting
married and becoming proud parents, he dare not entertain such desire.
Soon after, his junior brother and sister got married and left him in the
family house, yet, he could not think of propositioning any woman. He
soon became lonely man. Tired of these, he approached the two
Babalwo mentioned above. They cast If for him and advised him to offer
gbq. He did. He was asked to go and continue to pray because his was not
a problem that would disappear in one swoop. He agreed and continued to
pray. When he learnt that the problem that he had was that he had not
brought any ire from heaven, he was realistic enough to know that the
problem would not disappear in one day. Since he had also been told that
he needed constant If consultation and offering of ebo to solve his
problem, he was fully determined to do just that. Because his parents
were rich, he was ready to spend. Waiting for some time, he went in
search of otherAwo.

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultaon

tg lwgnr{nwQn Awo oko lg

tg Aaam Awo eb ogri lg
AwQrlnwn Awo oko, k ma g'je, k ma gjg
Alem Awo $b ogiri, k ma gje, k ma fje
Kl wqn m b fi bi hlhl kan htht
fbg ni wgn nl kge


wenttoAwQnr{nwqn, the Iguana, the Awo of the farm

And went to Alam, the Lizard, the Awo of the Wall-side

Let AwqnnwQn, the Awo of the farm be selective in where
he looks for food
And Alaamu, the Awo of the wall-side be careful with
Where he associates with others
Lest they allow two scaly substances to get n contact
With each other
He was advised to offer ebq

After waiting patiently for results to come out and he could not easily
perceive any, he approached the two Awo mentoned above. They too
advised him to contnue to offer gbg as that was the only solution to his
problems. They perseverance, there would be solution to his problem. He
offered the prescribed gbg and contnued to pray to Oldmar. He was
totally convinced that one day, his problems would be solved.

tg rowe e, yg Qrun lg
Ogeeygay,kma Sqje, kma gq je
Kow eyg Orun, k ma gq jg, kO maa gq je
K'JeQbarlga mejl ma baafoju kan'raawgn
fbgni wQn nl k9e


wentto 0g, the bird of the world

And wentto Kow, the bird of the high heavens

Let Oge the bird of the world be selective in where
he looks for food
And Kowee, the bird of the high heavens, be careful
with where he associates with others
Lest two birds of Qbr'lg, get in contact with each other



He was advised to offer




After waiting for sometime, he approached the two Babalwo mentioned

above. They also advised him to continue to consult If and offer gbg as
frequently as possible. They asked him to offer ceftain 9b9. He did. He
was asked to go home and continue praying and went for the benevolence
of Oldmar. He continued to pray. He was more determined, than ever
before, to solve his problems.
tg tkun nff fagbrl ge'l lg
Kelenrbe nllfQn ojun
Ete oke, tlslQ |a fl k ha, ho
Qpoju ikn nll bo ob mqh
Dl fun Qgrlrara
Tll g'gmq Bayew


Tti jaylekkk
Ttijayele kokooko bl o,ta
fbg niwqn nl kge



"the Mucus makes the skull its

And went to "Phlegm makes the throat its abode"
And went to "the upper and lower lips are used to shout haa-hoo"
And to overgrown belly is it that covers a woman'vagina"
They were the Awo who castlf for Qgrara
The son of Bayw
Whowas living a life of hardshiP
And living a life as difficult as a pebble-stone
He was advised to offer gbg
He went to


Qgarara went to the four Awo mentoned above for If consultation

advised him to continue to cast If regularly and offer all the appropriate
ebq. He also compled. When they were discussing and analyzing his
journey through life, he mentioned to the four Awo that he had once been
to six other Babalwo for solution to his problem. The four Awo then
contacted the other six Awo whom Qgrara mentioned and together the
10 of them deliberated on the best solution to his problem. While they were
discussing, they asked him about the circumstances of his birth. He
explained to them. There and then the Awo consulted If and QwQnfn- (


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

agan. They then explained to Qgrlrara that he was a

direct son of Oldmar himself. And that since a chameleon was used
before he was born, the power which Oldmar gave chameleon to
attract any colour to itself resided in him. He was asked to go home and
M) was revealed

wish for anything in life and Oldmar would surely uphold it. There was
nothing that he would fervently wish for that would not be given to him by
Oldmar. He was told to always put it in mind that, " ab alggmg
bd, ni Orig Oke n gba" meaning; the wishes of the chameleon are
always upheld and accepted by the divinity". Qgarara was asked to go
home and continue to wish for all the ire in life in a realistic manner.
Reaching home, Qgrlrara placed all his needs on a scale of priority. He
concluded that his immediate priority is for him to be loved by all and for
him to love all in return. He continued to wish for this earnestly. Soon,
other people who had hitheto hated him began to see some good qualities
in him. He began to have friends. He could move freely among his peers,
soon after this he wished for a regular means of livelihood. He went into
farming. His newly cultivated friends assisted him, he made a huge success
of it. He began to wish for money and he made money. Soon after this, he
began to wish for a spouse and before long, he had his own wife. Later, he
began to wish for children and he soon had severalchildren. As a matter of
fact, his wife's first delivery was a set of twins. Afterthis, he began to wish
for his house and together with his wife and children they were able to erect
a big mansion, furnish to his taste. In short, there was nothing he asked for
that he did not get. If says there is nothings that the person whom this
Od is revealed wish for that will not come his/her way. If says that the
present hardship which he/she going through is but a transient experience.
After sun comes rainfall.
Agbgn ml jlajla m j
Dl filn Bayew
Tfylntl m'jrt gkn snrhun gmg
lbg ni wQn nl k 9e

WQn nl k mafqga r'ara
L b fi qmq na bl gknrin
Omo a bl



K ma pe nl Qgrara
Qgrara l w t IkQl Qrun bq w'y
N kO mrl ire kankan dnl

Il ay rQg w le kokooko bl o, ta
wa tg wen In Awo Il lg
tg awgn Oorun Awo Ode 19
In Awo Il, k ma qQ jg, k ma fq je o
orun AwoOde, k ma SQ je, k ma Fqjeo
Kl wn m ba fi ibi m-m kan m-mrlrl
fbg niwqn nl k 9e

tq lwqnrlnwqn Awo oko lg
tq Aaam Awo Qb Ogiri lg

Awqrfnwqn Awo oko, k ma S'je, k ma s:qje

Alam Awo Qb Ogiri, k maa g'je, k ma s:ie
Kl wQn m ba f b hlhl kan hlhf
f bg ni wqn nl k 9e


tq oge eyg ay lg
tg xowe e, yq Qrun lq
Ogeeyqay, k ma Sq jer k maSqiQ
KoweyqQrun, k ma fQje, k ma SE je
K'yqQbrlg mjl m baafoit kan'raawgn
Fbg niwqn nl kge

tg tkun nll fagbrf ge'l lg
KqlQnrbQ nll f'Qn Qfun s,'do
Ete ote, etelsale l fil k ha, ho
Qpojr ikn nll bo obo mqle

Dlfun Qganrara
Tll g'gmg Bayewu
T ti jay le kkk
Tti jay ele kokooko bl gta
fibg niwqn nl k 9e

jelfE w mfl nl o

Qgrara o, Olgngnml
Oww mff nl o
Oldmar fitn mi o
Qgarara o, Olgngnml

o*orn u.

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Aya w mff feo

Oldmar fitn mi o
Qgrara o, Olgngnmab
Qmow mll bl o
Oldmar fn mi o
Qgrara o, Olgngnmdl
Il w mff kS o
Oldmar fitn mi o
Qganrara o, Olgngnml
Iregbogbow mtl nl o
Oldmarfiln mi o
Qgrtrara o, Olgngnml
Gbogboab tl alggmg b d
Ni Ortga-ok gba
Qgrara o, Olgngnml

Agbqn, the coconut, shook violently without
Droopping from the tree
This was the If cast for Bayw
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto beget a child
He was advised to offer ebO
He complied

He was told to use chameleon to rub his body
(together with his wife)
They did as they were told
Before long, and nottoofar
They gave birth to a baby boy
The baby born after rubbing the body with a live chameleon
Letthe baby be known as Qgrlrara
Qganrara was coming from heaven to eath
He did not bring along any ire with him
When he reached the eafth
He approached In, the Awo ofthe House
And approached Oorun, theAwo of the main street
Let In, the Awo of the House, be selective in when he look for food

And Oorun, the Awo of the main street be careful with where he
associateswith others
Lest they allow two hot substances to get in contact with ecah other
Theyadvised him to offergbg
He complied
He went to Awgnnwgn, the Guiana, the Awo of the farm


l,l, o*on, u"j

And went to Alam, the Lizard, the Awo of the Wall-side

LetAwQnf nwqn, the Awo of the farm be selectve in where
he looksforfood
And Alaamu, the Awo of the wall-side be careful with

Where he associates with others

Lestthey allow two scaly substances to get in contact
With each other
Hewas advised to offergbg
He wentto Og, the bird of the world
And wentto Kow, the bird of the high heavens
Let Oge the brd of the world be selective in where
he looks for food
And Kow, the bird of the high heavens, be careful
with where he associates with others
Lesttwo birds of Qbflg, get in contact with each other
He was advsed to offer gbo
He complied
He also wentto"the mucus makers the skull its home"
And to "the phlegm makes the throat its abode"
And to"the upper and lower lips are used to shout haa-hoo"
And to "overgrown belly is it that covers a woman's vagna"
They werethe Awo who castlf for Qgarara
The son ofBayew
Who was lining a life as tough as a pebble-stone
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, I wish to love and be loved
Oldmar, please let it be so for me
Qgrara o, Olgngnml
I wish to have my own wife
Oldmar, please let it be so for me
Qgrara, Olg0ngnml
I wish to have my own children
Oldmar, please let it be so for me
Qgrara, Olgngnmale
I wish to have my own house
Oldmar, please let it be so for me
Qgrara, Olgngnml
I wish to have all the ire in life
Oldmar, please let it be so for me
Qgrara, olgngnml
The wishes of the chameleon


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Are always upheld and accepted by the Divinity

Qgrara, Olgngnml

If says that all the wishes of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
be upheld and accepted by oldmar. All he/she needs to do is to pray
feruently for his/her needs, be realistic with such wishes and wait patiently
forthe bounty of Oldmar. The promises of the world may go unfulfilled
but what If promises will never pass unfulfilled,

L4. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall gain the
profit of a parent over his/her children. If says that all the children
wiil be wofthy children without exception. If says that there is the
need for him/her to give the children proper training and good moral
upbringing. He/she also needs to walk in the path of Oldmar so
as to enable the children to emulate his/her good ways. If says that
with proper moral and education upbringing, her/she will have peace
of mind over his/her children; he/she wi nver regret ever begetting
any of the children. The children will however emulate their parent in
most of their attitudes and outlook towards life. That is why it is very
imperative for him/her to behave well and have the fear of
Oldmar at heartatalltimes. On this aspect, Qwgnr1n-Mfl says:
Okuta a l ma g'eje
Dl filn Qwq
Qmga bl marn-n jrnln
fibg ni wQn nl k 9e

The pebble which was broken but did not bleed
That was the If cast for QWQ, the hand
Who shall give bifth to five children and made profitfrom the five
She was advised to offer gbg

QwQ, the hand went to Babalwo for If consultation. She was advised to
offer gbg with two guinea fowls so that she would be able to benefit from
all the children she would beget. She complied. She was also told to give

her children the best moral upbringing when they arrived. She was
informed that her children would not listen to what she said only but would

l,l o*onrn r",,

copy more from what she did. Eventually, she gave bfth to five fingers and
they were all usefulto her. She gave them the best upbringing and she
peace of mind over them. None of the children died in his/her youth. She
was a very happy mother.


okta a la m g'eie
Ef fn gsg

Qmg abl mrun-n jr rn

pbg ni wQn nf k 9e


The pebble which was broken but did not bleed

Thatwasthe If castfor FsQ, the Leg
Who shall gve birth to five children and made profit from the five
He was advised to offer gbg

[sQ, the Leg, also went to the same Babalwo. He was gven the same
advice as gwQ. He too did as he was told by the Awo. He too gave bifth to
five toes. The children were also very useful to him. None of the children
died in his/her youth. Ese was also a very happy father. They realized that
they succeeded because they offered gbg and they behaved according
the dictates of Oldmar and theirAwo:


Okrttaa la m g'ie
Dl filn QwQ
Qmqa bl mrn-n jrrrln
fbgniwqn nl kge
gb'bq. r'bg

Dlfiln gsg

Qmqabl mrn-n jrrrln

Sbg ni wQn nl k 9e
Qmg QwQ kll k l'jtl Qw
, Qmg FsQ kll t'ojrl Fse r'Qrun
Iw klit'ojtt onlw baie

The pebble was broken, but it did not bleed
That was the If cast for



lfa Dida: An nvitaon to lfa Consultation

Who shallgive birth to five chidren and made

profitfrom the five
He was advised to offer gbq
The chidren of QwQ (fingers) will not die while QwQ is still alive
And the children of fsQ (toes) will not die before the toes.
One's character cannot be spoilt in the presence
of the owner of the character

If says that the children of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
not die while he/she is still alive. If says that he/she shall enjoy all his/her


If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to show respect

to elders, consttuted authorities, his/her fore-fathers, the ancestors,
ORga, Irtlnmol and Oldmar at all times. Doing this, is the course
of action that will ensure success. Failure to do this will never augur
wellfor him/her.

If says that the person in question has already achieved


degree of success. If says that the person for whom this Od is

revealed have the tendency to show off and be rude to those above
him/her, his/her parents, constituted authorities and/or ancestors.
If says that there had hithefto been relative peace and harmony
where this Od is revealed, and that changes came for the worse as a
result of the rudeness and insubordination of the person for whom
this Od is revealed. In order to correct this anomaly therefore,
there is need to offer gbg with three cocks three hens, three
guinea fowls, three white pigeons and money. After doing
this, he/she needs to respect his/her ancestors and those in positions
of authority over him/her. On this, If says:
IdklsJ Qn ntl rejo l'yln
Dl filn sgin


Wqn g'awo lg sll QQni Aln-kn-Esur

fbg ni wqn nl H wQn ge




o*o*in u"i


The hollow paft of a well-trekked path is t which breaks the

backofa snake
Thiswasthe If castfor pgin, the horse
When going on If mission to the palace of QQni of IfQ
Theywere advised to offergbg

Fgin, the Horse and Agb, the Ram, were prominent Babalwo.' Their
reputaton had reached far beyond the communty they lived in and
everybody sighted them at alltimes. Then one day, QQniAlana-kn-Es,
the 9ba of Il-IfQ summoned them to his palace for If consulation. Before
they went to answer the Qba's call, they contacted the Awo mentioned
above for If consulatation. They wished to know how their trip to the
Qba's palace would be: would it be successful? Would they achive what
they went there for? Would they be able to satisff the QQni?

The Awo told them that the QQn invited them because things had gone
from good to bad and from bad to worse in his domain. The Awo told them
that the QQni was the architect of his misfoftune. He said that he had once
been paying homage to his ancestors, the Origa and IrnmglQ of Il-Ife
witnessed peace, progress, harmony, economic, political and spiritual
stability. But the QQn allowed the success he had recorded to enter into
his head. He began to equate himself with the ancestors, OFlga, IntnmglQ
and Oldmar himself. He saw no reason why he should pay any respect
to traditionalism. Since that time, the foftune of that town had turned
upside down. There was the need for them to lay emphasis on respect to
the constituted authorities if the 9Qn wanted the situation to change for
the better. He asked the Awo to offer gbg with two pigeons each. They
complied. He also asked them to serve their If with one hen each. They
also complied.After this, they set out on their journey to the QQni's palace.
As soon as they reached ll-Ife, tall-tail signs of confussion and uncertainty
were everywhere. People were looking sad, sacred and unsure of
themselves. They were suspicious of everything and everyone. They
looked and felt hungry and unkept. Even the palace was not exempted.
The palace which was usually a beehive of activities was silent. By the time
the Awo were ushered in to the presence of the QQni Alna-kan-Es, it
was clear that everything was wrong with the Qba and his subjects.
At'qgin, t'AgbO Awo Il QQni Aln-kn-Esr


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Dl firn gQni Alana-kn-Esur

L'jqtl krlba ilebaba rqm0

lbg ni wEn nl k9e

Both [gin and AgbOthe residentAwo of QQniAln-kn-Esr]
They were the ones who cast Ifa for Qgni Alan-kn-Esrl
When he did not pay homage to his ancestors anymore
He was advised to offergbg

When gQni Aln-kn-Esurl consulted If, the two Awo told him in their
terms that he was the architect of the hardships being experienced by the
citizenry. He was informed that he had stopped paying homage and
respect to his ancestors because he had equated himself to the Divinities
and his ancestors. Theytold him that not until he changed this attitude and
paid his homage and obeisance to elders, his ancestors, the Oga,
IrnmglQ and Oldmar, the problem would not abate. They also told him

to offer gbg with three pigeons, three cocks, three hens, three
guinea fowls and money. After this, he was to feed his ancestorc as
If dictated.
The QQni agreed to do as the two Awo prescribed. The Qba changed his
attitude to life, to his elders, to his ancestors, to OFig, to lntnmglQ, to treat
everybody, high and low, with consideration and respect. He cultivated the
habit of treating everyone with the fear of oldmar at heaft; he also
serued his ancestors, Oga, and lrrtnmglQ regularly.
Soon after this situation, Il-IfQ began to change for the better, the citizens
began to feed well, shottly after, they regained their self confidence.
Happiness retuned. Prosperity returned. Peace returned. QQn Alnkn-EsrJ made the two Awo his resident Babalwo. Every citizen of Il-IfQ
and non-citizens who resided there gavethe Qba more honour and respect.
For all the residents of ll-Ife, life was wofth living.

Idklsj Qn nll r ejo I'Qyln

IXfiln figin


Wqn rr g'awo lg sll QQniAln-kn-Es

!b9 ni wqn nl kl wQn ge



WQn gb'QbgwQn




At'ggin, t'AgboAwo Il QQni Aln-kn-Esu

Dl filn gQni Aln-kn-Es

L'jq korlba ilebaba remq

fbg niwQn nl kge
Ibaa Bbo
Iba Ohwo o
Iba Araba l'le lfe
Mo jba Ojgbqna
Af'eyl mo d ge o



of a well-trekked path is which breaks the

backofa snake
This was the If cast for fgin, the horse
When going on If mission to the palace of QQni of IfQ
They were advised to offer gbg
Both fgin and AgbOthe residentAwo of QQniAln-kn-Esr
Theywerethe ones who castIft for QQniAln-kn-Es
When he did not pay homage to his ancestors anymore
He was advised to offer gbg
I pay homage to my father
Homageto my mother
Homageto myOhlwo
Homageto myArb of IfQ
I pay homageto OjgbQna
Unless I act without recognition and homage to elders and spiritual forces
May I succeed in all I do.
The hollow paft

If says that the situation of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
improve for the better. All he/she needs to do is to accord due recogniton
and respect to elders and constituted authorities. By so doing, joy and
success shall follow him/her for the rest of his/her life.

ffa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

16. If warns a person who is erecting a property, or who had just

acquired one, or who had just completed one to offer ebg so that
something serious in form of disaster may not drive him/her away
from this propefi. The person involved where this Od is revealed is
either the person for whom this Od is cast or someone very close to
him/her. If says that the disaster may be in form of fire outbreak,
flood, earthquake, landslide, riot, spillage of hazardous substance,
collapsed building and so on.

If says that there is the need for the person involved to offer gbg with
two matured he-goats and money. He/she also needs to feed
the Elders of the night (witches). The Awo needs to ask If what
the Elders of the night want to take and give it to them as soon as the
gbg is offered. This is very serious here. On this, If says:
Etlpgn l f gbgrq-g bQre-g bgrg
Dl firn ldlndi
Tl y mg'l
Tl konl lgbe
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e

Epgnl creeps and crawls about
This was the If castforldindi, the cricket
Who shall erect his house
Butwould not be ableto live in it
He was advised to offer qbg

Idlndi, the cricket, was hardworking, energetic and averagely wealthy. He

had enough money with which to erect his own house and he set about
doing just that. He was building it in an open field. When he was about to
complete that house, he went for If consultation to find out how peaceful
he and his family would be able to live in the house, the Awo however told
him to offer gbg so that something serious would not drive him out of the
house after completion. He was advised to offer gbg with two matured hegoats and money. He was also asked to serve the night people. This
infuriated him and he simply ignored the advice of the Awo. He was
convinced that the Awo was a cheat who was looking for he-goat to eat. He
was fully determined to demonstrate to the Awo that he, the Awo, was a


**rr r",,

thief and a dishonest man. Soon after this encounter with the Babalwo,
Idlndi, the cricket moved into his house, together with his family. During
the dry season, the farmers wanted to clear their farms. The farmer on
whose farm the Cricket built his house sent his son to go and clear the farm
in preparation for the new planning season. The son simply set fire on the
farm. This forced the Cricket to abandon the farm temporarily. Soon after
this, the farmer cleared the remaining shrubs on his farm and began to
cultivate the land. While the farmer was tilling the soil, the house of the
Cricket was completely demolished. This made him to abandon the house
completely. That was when the Cricket remembered the warnings of the
Awo, but alas, it was too late to make any amendment.
Etl pgnla f 9 bgrg-g bQrQ-gbgrg
Dla fin ldlndi
Tl y mg'l
Tl kO nl legbe
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e
ko,tl Qgbgnhln s'ebq

Ipln alaltubQ, Qgb ltr

IrQ l mg'ltl ko d'be mQ llgbo

Etlpgnla creeps and crawls about
This was the If cast forldlndi, the cricket
Who shall erect his house
But would not be able to live n it
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Refusalto offergbg

The cricket built his house but could not go there again.

If says that it shall not allow the person for whom this Od is revealed to
build or acquire a property he/she will not be able to live in. He/she is
advised to offer qbg as prescribed.



lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation




Qwqnrln-Mil children succeed in life through sheer-gut, determinaton,
hardwork, dedication and perseverance. They rise more often than not,
from grass to grace, from want to surplus, from nothing to abundance and
from obscurity to prominence. To them, success does not come easily.
They sweat and toil for it. Once at the top however, they quickly forget their
road to success and allow their achievement to enter their heads. They
sometimes misbehave and are rude to elders and constituted authorities.
This is why it is in the best interest of Qwqnrfn-Mi children to imbibe
humility and respect for elders right from their youths. Once this is done,
the sky is the beginning of their success.
These children are very good in the fields of agriculture, arable and pastoral
politics, trading in expensive materials such as jewelries, state of the art
afticles, designer dresses, shoes and bags, perfumes, wrist watches, highclass supermarkets, salons and so on. They make more profit than others
in the same business line simply by giving the impression that their own
goods and services are of better quality and taste than those of others.
When they make their money, QwQnrln-Mi children are known for their
kind-heaftedness and generousity. Several people around them will surely
benefit from their wealth. This attitude makes people to give them regard,
honour and respect.

Qwqnrln-Mjl children, what easily makes or breaks them is human

mouth, other people's opinion about them. What people wish for them or
say about them really matters a lot. If they wish them well, success shall be
theirs in no time. But if people speak badly of them or wish them bad, then
failure will not be too far from them. This is why Qwqnrln-Mjl children
should be very careful in their dealings with people and should be wary of
doing things which will bring them into the bad books of others. They
should in fact be looking for the favour and approval of people in their close
vicinity. By so doing, success is assured.


is difficult to give what rightly belongs to QwQnln-M) children to

others. If this is done, even without agitation, the person(s) who

il, o*ora, uti

fraudulently took what belonged to Qwqnrln-Mjl children shatl never

know peace. Nobody will teach these people before they hand over what
they had fraudulently taken. In the case of a position or title, those who
usurped it will either abdicate the throne or position or be chased out. In
the end, Qwqnrfn-Mil children, whom the position rightly belonged tq
will be invited to come and occupy the position. If they do, peace and
harmony will reign. This is because Qwqnrfn-Mjl children are highly
intelligent and are good organizers of people and events. They have human

hu mi

ity wisdom

nd u ndersta nd ing.

QwQnrln-Mil children strive best when they have, in addition to their

real names, aliases or pet-names. They should try to ensure that everybody
addresses them by their pet names. By so doing, success will be
accelerated. They will make more progress than if they use only their real
names. Their guardian spirits are more favourably disposed towards their
usage of aliases andlor pet names than that of real names.

Qwqnrln-Mjl, males and females make good spouses and they live
happily in their matrimonial homes. Male Qwqnr{n-Mjl children

however need to ensure that their spouses do not push them to do what
they will live to regret for the rest of their lives. This is because they are
usually blessed with wives who shall be demanding for too much from
them. Their wives want to be pet, cajoled, pampered and spoiled. In the
process, the wives employ series of tactics such as crying, bullying,
pleading, threatening, cursing and intimidation to twist the arms of their
husbands to do their bids. QwQnrln-Mjl children need to look out for
such tricks and comply with only those which may not cause regrets later.

At the same time, QwQnrln-Mil male children must never snatch

another man's wife as nothing good will come out of it. Only regrets, pain
and anguish will be the result. For Qwqnrln-Mjl female children, they
should be faithful and loyal to their husbands at all times. There may be
misunderstanding they should find a means of resolving them. They stand
to lose everything if they are not loyal or if they allow separation to take
place between them and their husband. The day palmwine leaves the
bottle-gourd, it is either consumed or it spilled away and is of no benefit to
anyone. This is why Qwqnrfn-Mil female children need to stickto their

lfa Dida: An invitaton to ffa Consuftation

husbands, o mater the hardship experenced there. OwQnrin-MJl

children, males and females had been created by oldmare to enjoy
marital lives. They must be contented with their spouse and no-one else.


the secret of their matrimonial happiness.

Qwqnrln-MT children are also blessed with good children. All

Qwgnrln-Mit children have the potentials to be useful parents. That is
why QwQnrln-Mjl children need to teach their kids in the way of the
Deities and oldmar before they grow up to maturity. They also have
the luck of not experiencing the death of their young ones, especialty their
biological children. They can be sure that all of their children wilt still be
alive when they grow old and die. Qwgnr{n-Mjl children too have a
great propensity to live long and grow old before they die.

Qwqnrln-Mil children need to be careful when

it comes to the issue of

accommodation or acquisition of propefties. Appropriate gbg needs to be
offered so as to ensure that they are able to live in the property they

In all, Qwqnrln-Mjl childrn will live long and enjoy relatively peaceful
lives. No matter the hardship they face, it is just a temporary situation.
They will be happy and they will enjoy the fruit of their labour.

C. Affiliated Orlga And lrnmgQ Of Qwgnr{n-Mjl





for progress, prosperity, protection, victory love, children and

longevity and protection aga inst Ajog u n
orl - for protection against slanderers, and for progress, success, and
freedom from bondage, for honour and recognition.
Egu Qdara
for success and victory for prosperity and protection

against slanderers.


Ibejl (Diety of Twins) - for children


OgUn - for victory against adversary.
Fleyg (witches) for favourable public opinion
Od for protection against ailments

and especially for multiple

i,?' owonrn

- for child-bearing




Taboos Of Qwqnrfn-Mjl






and success.
Fgb - for leadership, success and accomplishment

- toavoidchild-bearingproblems
Must not be envious of other people's achievements - to avoid being
humi Iiated and disgraced.
Must never snatch other people's spouses

- to avoid humiliation and

Must not maltreat strangers - to avoid missing help from strangers
to avoid disaster which willl
Must not use tipgnl for anything
drive him/her from home.
Must not eat rats - to avoid reduction in progress
Must not eat catfish - to avoid reduction in progress
to avoid
Must not be rude to elders and constituted authority
collapse in his/her progress and to avoid everlasting regrets.
to avoid
Must not allow himself to be pushed by his spouse
everlasting regrets
Must never underestimate others - to avoid being disgraced.

Possible Names Of QwQnrln-Mjl Children During




FkyQd If bringsjoy
Fdllsl - If sparesthis child
Fqeyltn If does

me a greatfavour

Orlgl - The Ori of honour

QpQlr - If is profitable



Fgbuyl - If is prestigious
Fdre - If vindicates me

lfa Dida: An invitation to tfa Consuttation

i. Fbnm - If gves me this

iv. odgbfibl - od assists me n giving bfth to this
v. Adtut - The crown is coor and comfortabre


Chapter 7




ll ll
ll ll

Chapter 7

1. If says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that he/she brought his/her destiny of
being a prosperous person from heaven. If says that he/she shall
prosper and the whole world will know
If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
gbg with three white pigeons and feed
with one hen. On
this Qbara-M| hasthisto say.


Eyl wesewese n dffa

Eyl wesewese rt dTbO
OrOrqwgn l'gb nlnrt
Gbogbo wgn ni wqn nd wsewse nlbi awo qlge
Gbogbowgn ni wQn rl dradra

Dlfn Ejl-Qbara

Tlyoot'ojrl QlQrun l w'ybl gba erekg

fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

The tiny ones are casting If
And the small ones are holding thelbO determinants
Or00rg birds have no elders among them
They are all tiny and of the same size while performing If rituals
They are all beautiful to look at
These were lf's declarations to E)-Qbara
Who shall come to eafth with prosperity from heaven
Asthe Qba of riches
He was advised to offergbg

When the entire sixteen principal Od were coming into the world from
heaven, they all went to AjalamQpln to choose their various destinies. EI438

*l ooara u"
Qbara chose as paft of his own destiny boundless prosperty. After this, he
went to the Awo mentioned above to determine his capability to manage
and control the prosperity he had chosen. The Awo assured him that he
would be successful in managing his success. He would also be so
prosperous that he would be compared to the Qba of Riches. He was
therefore advised to offer gbg with three white pigeons. Because he was a


of If and because his prosperity would manifest most as a

Babalawo, he was advised to serve If with one

out on his journey into the world,


He complied and set

While on eafth, he took to If practice as his profession in accordance with

his destiny. Before long, he was so successful and prosperous that
everyone was looking for him. When asked how he made it so rich like
that, he responded that his prosperitywas not by accident. He had been a
prosperous person from heaven because he was destined to be so. When
he responded thus, those close to him had no option but to make a
comparison between him and Qba Frke, the Qba of riches. They
concluded that Efl-Qbara and Qba Frke were equal in wealth and
Eyl wsewese n d'lfa
Ey{ wsewsert dTbO
Orrqwgn l'gb nf nu
Gbogbo wgn ni wQn rtd wsewse nlbi awo gfge

Gbogbowgn niwQn rl dradra

Dlfiln Ejl-Qbara
Tl yt'ojrl QlQrun l w'y bl gba ereke
Sbgniwqn nl k9e

f wa b ninl jQbrlt ire

The tiny ones are casting If
And the small ones are holding thelb determinants
Or0r birds have no elders among them
They are alltiny and of the same size while performing If rituals
They are all beautiful to look at
These were lf's declarations to E)-Qbr


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

Who shal I come to earth wth prosperity from heaven

As the Qba of riches
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Nottoo late, and nottoo far
Join us in the midst of all ire

If says that it is the part of the destiny of the person for whom this Od is
revealed to be very prosperous. Even if there were initial financial
hardship, he/she will still triump. He/she will use money to perform
wonders in life. He/she only needs to offer gbg so as to enable him/her
manage the prosperity when it comes.


If says that it foresees prosperity for the person for whom this Od is
revealed. If says that for this prosperity to come, he/she needs to
take his/her personal matter more seriously than that of a group. If
says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is too group
conscious and that he/she is doing that atthe expence of his/her own
personal safety, comfort and/or success chances. If says that even
though there are benefits in doing group job or taking the interest of
a group at heart, there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to always take time off to attend to his/her own welfare. If
says that if this person wentto consult If with a group on a project or
any undeftaking affecting the group, there is the need for him to
consult If again on the same subject but this time around on an
individual basis. If says that there is the chance that he/she will
excel as an individual where the group has failed. If says that there
is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer ebo

with three white pigeons, three guinea fowls and money.

He/she also needs to serue If with four rats, four fish, one hen
and money. He/she then needs to be more individualistic in
approach and reduce his/her involvement in group activities. There
lies his/her success and prosperity. On these If says:
A O m'orf afjrt l'gb
A O m'gsg o$ka l'na
A m'orf oly l'wjg


* oura ue

filn Ejl-Erlndlnlgn Ord

wqn lg rge'bgr nll91,fn
Fbq niwqn ff kl wqn qe

We know notthe head of the blind in a guild
And we know notthe leg of the wicked on the road
And we know notthe head of a title-holder in an assembly
These were the If cast for the 16 principal Od

When going on If mission to QlQfin's palace

They were advised to offer qbg

The QlQfin of Ife was experencng some undisclosed problems.

Consequent upon this, he summoned the 16 princlpals Od to his palace for
If consultation. As a resultof QlQfin's invitation, the 16 principalOd went
to the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation; Would they
succeed where they were going? Would they be able to satisff Qlqfin?
Would they be able to solve his problems? Would QlQfin accord them their
due respect and recognition? Would luck smile on them at the end of their
The Awo assured them that they would succeed in their mission; that they
would be able to satisfy QlQfin; that they would be able to solve his
problems; that would surely accord them their due respect and recognition
and that Iuck would smile on them all at the end of their mission in Olfin's
palace. They were all advised to offer gbg with three pigeons, three guinea
fowls, and money. They were equally advised to feed If with four rats, four
fish, one hen and money. They all complied. When they left the house of
the Babalwo they fixed a time to assemble for their depafture to QlQfin's
On his way back home, Qbara-Uet had an urge to cast an individual If on
their trip to OlQfin's palace. He therefore went to consu lt the following Awo :
Awgn t'ara eni l t0
T'ara gni l j
Awon bl onltirt
Qla kll'r{ b9
Nff m Babalwo d'lf ojooj mQ

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Awgn Qn gl ko jlnn
K'rl gb'ni d'be l gro
fitn Ejl-Qbara
Tl rrlq r g'bgru nll QlJn
fbg ni wqn nl kge

That which concerns one is right (to give priority)
Thatwhich concernsone is more impoftant
And as we find today
Tomorrow will not be
That is what prompts Babalwo to cast If on a daily basis
And "the road to success is notfar"
"What is important is for our destiny to lead us there"
TheyweretheAwo who castlf for E'l-Qbara
When going on If mission toQlQfin's palace
He was advised to offer ebo

The three Awo mentioned above told Qbara-M| that he would succeed
where he was going and that he would be the one to save his other
colleagues from disgrace and humiliation. He was informed that where he
was going to, there were three main problems; one, the first chd and the
heir apparent of QlQfin was very ill and he was in the verge of death. He
told him of the appropriate ebo to offer in order to ensure a quick recovery
of the sick son; two, one of QlQfin's wives was pregnant and was about to
deliver, he recommended what to do to ensure a safe delivery; and three,
QlQfin wished to know what to do to live long on the throne of his ancestors.
He also recommended appropriate ebo to ensure that QlQfin lived long on
In order to make it possible for EI-Qbr to succeed in Olfin's palace, the
Awo advised him to offer gbg with three white pigeons, three guinea fowls,
white clothe, red clothe, black clothe and money. He was also advised to
serue If with four rats, four fish, one hen and money. He complied. After
this, he was advised not to go on the trip to QlQfin's palace with the group.
He was told to go alone after all the other 15 principal Od had set out on
the trip.
While at home, E)-Qbara decided to feed If as prescribed by the

Awo. In


the period that he was doing this, all the remaining 15 principd Oiloi*:
waiting for him at the agreed meetng point. When they did not see him,
they decided to go and call him so that all of them could leave together at
the sametime.
They met E)-Qbara seruing If with four rats, four fish and one hen. He told
the others that he was busy and there was no need for them to wait for him
to finish what he was doing. He asked them to proceed to QlQfin's palace
and that he would join them there as soon as he finished serving If. The
others left for QlQfin's palace and Efl-Qbr continued to feed If.

At the QlQfin's palace, the remaining 15 princlpal Od consulted If for

QlQRn. They predicted the ire of wealth, good spouse, brighter success
chances and many more children for QlQfin. They advised him to offer gbg
with rat, fish, ewes, goats and pigeons. Olqfin agreed to do so but he was
not completely satisfied as those were not the reasons why he summoned
the Awo for If consultaion. QlQfin ordered his aides to procure allthe ebo
materials for the Babalawo. The materials were procured. As soon as this
was done, the Babalwo wanted to offer the gbg. As they were preparing
to do this, ET-Qbr entered QlQfin's palace. When the other principal Od
informed him that they had consulted If for Qlqfin and Qbara-M) was
revealed, E)-Qbara toH QlQfin that he had summoned allthe principalOd
because of three major developments in his life; one, his first son was ill;
two, one of his wives was on the verge of giving bfth and he was nursing
the fear that all might not be well with her; and three, he wanted to know
what he needed to do in order for him to live long and happily on the throne
of his ancestors. He advised QlQfin to offer gbg with a he-goat for his first
son to get well; another he-goat for his wife to deliver safely; and yet,
another he-goat for him to have victory over untimely death. Qlqfin
ordered his aides to go and procure the three he-goats immediately. He
then declared that those were truly the three reasons why he had
summoned the 16 principal Od for If consultation. He showered his
praises on Qbara-M) for his competence. He insisted that he would want
Qbara-lVel and no one else, to offer the gbg for him. Efl-Qbara offered the
qbg as requested by QlQfin. All those present agreed that the 16 principal
Od succeeded in diagnosing all the problems being faced by QlQfin, but
that if not for Efl-Qbara, they would not have succeeded.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Qlqfin feasted the 16 principal Od to a lavish dinner. They ate and drankto
their satisfaction. At the end of it all, he gave them dresses, several
expensive ornaments, beads, money and drinks. He also made a personal
gift of three horses to Qbara-MT, one white, one red and one black. That
was how all the 16 principal Od succeeded in their mission to QlQfin's
palace, but E:l-Qbr excelled and became more recognized and more
prosperousthan allthe other 15 principal Od.
A O m'orf afjrt l'gb
A O m'ese O$k I'Qn
A O m'orl oly l'wjg
Dl fitn Ejl-Erlndlnlgrln Ord
wqn rrlg r g'bgr nll gl.f n
fbg ni wgn nl kl wqn ge
WQn gb'Qbg, wgn rrt'bg
Awgn t'ara gni ltQ

T'ara gni lj
Awon blOnltirl
Qla kll d be
l{ff mu Babalwo d1f ojoojmQ
Awgn qna gle ko jlnn
K'rl gb'ni d'bQ l goto
filn Ejl-Qbara
Tl lg r g'bgnl nll 9l, fn
Fbg niwgn nl k 9e

Qbara nlkan lo ru'bgapesln
Njg Qbara gb'qgin drtdrl gn
fgin ddrl
Qbara gb'ggin pupa gn
fgin pupa
Njg Qbara gb'99in funfun gn
QlQbara l re'l qlQfn lqq le w'l
Er lpo, ero Qfa
f w b ni nl tl ire o

We know notthe head of the blind in a guild
And we know notthe leg of the wicked on the road
And we know notthe head of a title-holder in an assembly


oo"r" ue

These were the If cast forthe 16 principal Od

When going on If mssion to Qlqfin's palace
Theywere advised to offergbg

That which concerns one s right (to give priority)
Thatwhich concerns one is more impoftant
And aswefind today
Tomorrow will not be
That is what prompts Babalwo to cast Ifa on a daily basis
And "the road to success is notfar"
"What is impoftant is for our destiny to lead us there"
They were the Awo who cast If for
When going on If mission to QlQfin's palace
He was advised to offer gbg


Only Ej'l-Qbara offered the ebq


being served by the

multitude of people
Now Qbara ride on this black horse

And ride on this red (brown) horse
Avery red (brown) horse
And on this white horse




is he who went to

QlQfin's palace and became very

Travellers tolpo and Qfa
Join us in the midstof all ire in life

If says that allthe good things of life shall come the way of the person for
whom this Od is revealed. Please note the relationshp between the
white, red and black clothes which EI-Qbara added as paft of his gbg
materials and the gift of white, red (brown) and black horses
Qqfn. This shows that there is always a relationship between the gbg
materials offered and the reward of If to those who offered the gbg. If
says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will excel more as an
individual than is being paft of a group. He/she shall be adequately
rewarded and showered with gifts as an individual.



If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not
experience hardship for long in his/her life. If says that if he/she is


Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

suffering presently, the suffering will soon disappear. If says that if

the person for whom this Od is revealed is a man, he needs to be
listening to his wife regulady because it is through his wife that his
prosperity will come. And for a woman, she needs to encourage and
urge her husband onto success. If she continues to do this, before
long, success shall cometheirway in a big way.

If says that the work that both husband and wife were doing
presently is not their dream work. They however need to persevere
as luck will soon come their way and they will be able to do any work
of their fancy. If says that the success being referred to is coming
from three different ways. The success, when it comes, will be big
enough to put an end to their suffering for the rest of their lives.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed is to offer gbg

with three white pigeons and money. After this, there is the
need to feed If with one hen. On all these, a stanza in Qbara-Me)

Iggl'omiarnl plpgn
Iy l'gl nl lllQ
K I'Qgl-l'Qgl
K re'nlgbglQQfQ'w
K f'gbe bgnu bl agegi
Obl I'gmg eyen ta
D{ fil n Q9u nfil nu nlJQ

Tll g'aya Agbgnnlgn

Tl oun ti Qrnmll 9awo re'bi jt jln gbggrg bf ojq
Fbq ni wQn nl kl wQn ge

Tribulation accounts for fetching blue-dye water
And suffering accounts for grinding soaked corn
After grinding the soaked corn without end
For one to go to the forest to fetch leaves
And then break into a howl like a wood-hewer
Kolanuts are what responsible people sell
These were the If cast for Qgunfnnl, yO

Thewifeof Qrrfnmll
When she and Qrnmll were going on If Business



ooara ue

to a far, far place like the day itself

Theywere advised to offergbg

Qrnm'il, in spite of his effectiveness and efficiency, was not successful.

He was suffering. He had no money. He had very few customers. If he
attended to one customer one day, it would take several days before
another one would be attended to. If he had some amount one day, he
would spend all and suffer for some more days before he got another
money. Much as he tried, there was no improvement. He however knew
that the situation would surely change for the better. He was sure that luck
would soon smile on him, but how soon, he was not sure. He continued to
persevere. He however had the dream of becoming a great man and an
accomplished If priest in his
He knew that he was the most
knowledgeable Babalwo on eafth since he was the one who brought the
Aft into the world, but he had few to show for his expeftise and in depth
knowledge of the Aft. Hq was however ready to wait until that time when
his wofth in the community would be commensurate with his knowledge of


The poverty of Qrnmll had rubbed in on his wife, QgunfUnnlyQ. She
was equally suffering. She had no money, she used to fetch blue-dye
water and sell at an unbelievably cheap rate before she could eat. This was
even not in great demand. She might find a customer today it would take
several days before she found another. When the blue-dye water was not
needed by her customers, she would go in search of those who had soaked
corn to grind. If she found one, she would grind it for them at a token.
This work was very demanding on her energy and her health. She had no
option but to do it, except if she planned to starue. Sometimes after
grinding the corn, she would go into the forest to fetch wrapping leaves for
the owners of the soaked leaves for them to use to wrap their corn mealfor
sale. All of these chores would be done at a ridiculous price. Sometimes, it
may be wood she would go into the forest to hew for others. This too used
to attract small money for her. She could not change her cloths as the
money she was making was not enough for such luxury. She however had
her ambition of becoming a kola-nut seller. This ambition remained a mere
dream since she had no money to translate her dream into reality.
One day, Qrnm'll got tired of life in his


locality. He decided to travel far

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

and try his luck elsewhere. He called his wife and informed her of his
decision. On hearing this, QgunfrlnnlQyQ approached the group of Awo
mentioned above for If consultation. This group was trained by
Qrunm)l. She wanted to know how their intended new place of abode
would be for them. She also wanted to know if it was wise or not for them
to move outof their present location.
This Awo assured her that success was at hand; that it was so close that
they could almost touch it; that it was wise for them to move out of their
present location because the success was already waiting for them in their
new location; that the success being referred to was coming to them from
three different directions; and that such success would spell the end of
their suffering and want in life. They however advised that Qrnmll
needed to heed the advice and warnings of his wife as the success being
referred to was coming to the couple through the wife. They also advised
QgunfnnlQyQ to always guide her husband aright and be objective in all
the advices she would be offering to her husband. They were equally
informed that there was the need for them to offer gbg with three white
pigeons and money. The Awo also told them to serve If with one hen. It
took the couple four long days before they could gather enough resources
to buy the gbg materials. They offered the gbg, fed If and they set out on

Since they could not afford a horse, they trekked, and

trekked. They really

had no specific destination in mind. They continued to go and go. After
many days of travelling, they decided to settle down in a community they
arrived at. Qrrfnm'il resumed work as a Babalwo. QgunfrtnnlQyQ his wife
resumed her work as a blue-dye water fetcher, soaked corn grinder,
wrapper leaves fetcher, and wood hewer. Their situation did not change
much from what they were experiencing where they came from. Both
husband and wife were however determined to persevere until Oldmar
answered their prayers.

In this community

however, the Qba wanted to determine who the

greatest seer of his generation was. He therefore organized a test for all
Babalawo, Herbalist, Clairuoyants and the occultists in his community and
its environments. Several others from far and near were invited. They all


ooara uei

came with various nstruments of divination. Qrunmlla was one of the

compettors. The Qba ordered his aides to construct three huts in a nearby
farm. The first hut was filled with money and sealed up; the second was
filled with expensive beads and sealed up; and the third was filled with
expensive and latest dresses for both men and women and sealed up. The
three huts were constructed in an identical manner. The purpose of this
competition was for the seers to come forward and identify the contents
inside the three huts.
A date was set for the competition proper. That day Qrnmll woke up
early in the morning and set out for the Qba's palace while QgunfnnlQyQ
his wife went to the forest in search of wrapping leaves. Unknown to her
however, very close to where she was fetching the leaves was where the
council of chiefs were making the last deliberations on how to set about the
competition in an organized way and at the same time for them to be able to
know when any of the competitors gave the correct information on what
was inside the three identical huts. After much deliberation, they decided
to mark the hut filled with money with chalk; that filled with expensive
beads with cam-wood; and that filled with the lasted dressing materials
with charcoal. While they were taking these decisions, QgunftlnnlyQ
overheard everything. She quickly left the forest and headed for the Qba's
palace. There, she looked for a way of passing her information to QrnmIl
since she was not allowed to enter the competition venue. She sought and
got permission to talk to her husband from where she was. She then chose
to use IyQrQ to speak to him. She then shouted at the top of her voice,
saying:Mo ltn o kun o, Qrnmll bara Agbgnnlregtn
I9Q I'omi ar nl dld.....hgn
Olw mir ly I'Ogl nl lllQ o...,..hgn
K I'Qgl-l'Qgl tn
K re'n lgb$ IQQ f$'w.... hgn
K f'gbe bgnu bl agqgi ....hen

Qrrtnmll obl I'gmg yn t o.....hgn

Dl fitn un QgunfitnnlyQ
TI ng'aya lwg Agbgnnlrgrln.....hgn
Tl rlblwg Qrrnmll g'awo re'bit jln gbqqrg bl ojQ o.....hqn
f;bg ni wqn nl k'wgn ge....hgn
Rntl wlpe a gb'gbg, a rrl'bg o,....hll


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consuftation

K w m'fun k f


olw mi, k m'sn k f tq'llQkQ o.,...hgn

Ka m'du k fi tq'le agg.....hen
Ar m lsowo qpe
Ohun tl trbe nlbQ ni mo wl fitn g o .....hen

Listen attentively Qrr:nm'il the Baba Agbgnlregn
Remembr'tribu lation accounts for fetching blue-dye water'
My beloved, and 'suffering accounts for grinding soaked corn'
And 'after grinding the soaked corn without end....yes
For one to go to the forest to fetch leaves'....yes
And 'to break into a howl like a wood hewer' ...yes
And kola-nuts are what responsible people sell'
Remember that these were the If cast for me Q$unfnnlyQ
your wife....yes
When I was to follow you on If business to a far, far place as far as
the distance between the sun and eafth....yes
They advised us to offer gbg....yes
Remember that we did comply....yes
And now they marked the hut filled with money with chalk....yes
Remember, my love, they marked that of expensive beads with
And that of latest clothing materials with charcoal ....yes
My comrade in If practice
I have just told you the contents there-in ....yes

Because QgunfrlnnlQy was communcatng to QrnmTl with If special

songs, only Onf nmll understood all what she had just said. Wth herlyQrQ,
she reminded Qrnmll about the Awo who cast If for them; her
sufferings in his home; her dream of becoming kola-nut seller; the advice of
the Awo; how they had complied with the advice; and the promise of If to
them that their sufferings were about to come to an
All these,
OnJnml l understood perfectly.
He waited patiently for his turn to tell the crowd what was inside the three


All the other seers tried but failed. When it was the turn of Qrnm'ila, he
first made and elaborate show of
He ensured that the attention of
everyone there was attracted to himself. He then announced that the first
hut marked with chalk was filled with money, the second ntarked with cam-




oo"r" u"i

wood was filled with expensve beads; while the third one marked with
charcoal was filled with dresses. In the end, Qrnmll was declared the
winner of the competition. The Qba then ordered that everything inside the
three huts be given to Qrrlnmll for his personal use. The Qba also made
Qrrlnmll his personal Babalwo. That was how the sufferings and
tribulations of Qrnm)l and QgunfrlnnlQyQ his wife came to an end.
Qrrlnmll became an accomplished Babalwo while his wife became a
successfu I kola-n ut magnate.

Igq I'omi ar nl plpgn

Iy I'Ogl nl lllQ
K I'Qgl-l'Qgl
K re'nrllgbg IQQfQ'w
K fi'gbe bgnu bl a999i
Obl I'gmg eeyan te
Ill filn Qgunfununl, yQ
Tll g'ayaAgbgnnlrgun
Tl oun ti Qrnml| iawo re'bi jt jln gbggrg bl oie
fbg ni wqn ff kl wqn 9e
WQn gb'bq wgn r'bg
K w m'rfun k fi tQ'l aj
olw mi, k m'sn k fi tq'llleke
Ka m'ed kfit'QIagg
Ar mlSowo qpe
Gbogbo nkan tl bg nl yr t'Awo ni o

Tribulation accounts for fetching blue dye water
And suffering is grinding soaked corn
After grinding the soaked corn without end



And then howl like a wood-hewer

Kola-nuts are what responsible people sell
These were the If cast for Qgunfrf nnlQyQ

The wife of Qrunm)l

When she and Qrunmll weregoing on If business
to a far, far place like the distance between the sun and the earth
Theywere advised to offergbg
They marked the hut filled with money with chalk
They marked the one filled with beads with cam-wood


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consuftaon

They marked the one filled with material with charcoal

My comrades in If practice
All the contents of the three huts belongs to Awo

If says that the tribulation and sufferings of the person for whom this Od
is revealed and his/her spouse shall come to an end soon. If says that
they will be able to actualize their potentials in life and that their dreams will
come true. In fact, they will succeed more than they ever think possible in
their wildest imaginations.


If says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that he/she needs not to be in a hurry
as his/her prosperity shall come at the right time. If says that the
work of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall make him/her
great. If says that what he/she needs to do is to offer gbg for
prosperity and wait patiently for his/her time to come.

If says that there

is the need for the person for whom this Od is

revealed to offer gbg with three white pigeons and money. After

this, he/she needs to serve If with pumpkin cooked with

melon. If says that with this gbg, truthfulness, perseverance and
patience, the success of the person for whom this Od is revealed
shall surely come. An aspect of Qbara-MJ| in suppot of this
asseftion says:
K m'_fun k fi tQ'l aj
K m'sn k f tq'lileke
K m'd k f tQ'l agg

Akqd orl wgn kll rre l'l oj

Dlfiln Ejl-Qbara
Tl y 9e lkeje Od wl ay
Tl rl b wgn re'l Ql,fi n lg ree g'bg
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e

Let us markthe room filled with money with chalk
And the room filled with beadswith cam-wood
And the room filled with cloths with charcoal


fril ooara ue

The first corn meal can never linger for too long in the market
These were the If cast for El-Qbara
Who shall come into the world as the seventh Od

And who shall accompany others


QlQfin's palace



He was advised to offer gbQ

When the 16 principal Od were comng into the world from heaven,
Qbara-Uef occuped the seventh position. He was advised to ensure that
he maintained that postion at all times. He was advised never to aspire to
be in any higher position than that as that position would bring boundless
opportunities to him. He was also advised to await his turn after the senior
principalOd, viz - E)-Ogb, Qykr1-M),Iwfl-M),Odf-me;l,Irosn-M;T
and QwQnfn-M) had taken their turn in anything the group wished to do
before he could come forward and take his own turn. He was advised
never to be in a hurry in anything he planned to do. He took to these
advises and lived by them.
While on eafth, he always ensured that his number seven position was
maintained. He never demanded for a higher position. He used to take his
turn in anything he did. He was never in haste for anything in life. So,
when QlQfin invited the 16 principal Od again for If consultation he went
to the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation o his own. He
wanted to know what his success chances would be like in QlQfin's palace.
The Awo informed him that he would once again be more successful than
all his colleagues put together. He was advised to go alone, uphold the
truth, take his turn and maintain decorum. He was also advised to offer
gbg with three white pigeons and money. He was told that he also needed
to serve If with pumpkin. The Awo informed him that Qlqfin needed to
serve If with pumpkin as well so that there would be comfort, peace,
progress and development in his community.
In the palace of QlQfin, the 16 principal Od cast If for QlQfin. One by one,
stafting from Eji-Ogb, they narrated the revelation of the oracle to QlQfin.
They all predicted peace, progress, comfoft, development and general
well-being for QlQfin and his subjects. They demanded for rams, goats,
cows, sheep, pi9s, jewelries and expensive clothing materials from QlQfin.
When it was the turn of El-Qbr, he too predicted progress, peace,


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

comfort and development for QlQfin and hs subjects. He told olqfin to

offer gbg with three white pigeons and to serve If with pumpkins. After
this, he rested his submissions. The remaining Awo continued with their
predictions and they advised Qlgfin to offer gbg with big animal as the other

In the end, QlQfin was impressed with the level of humility and transparent
honesty displayed by El-Qbr and decided to reward him accordingly. He
gave all what the remaining principal Od advised him to offer as gbg such
as ram, goat, sheep, he-goat pi9s, cows and so on to those who demanded
for them and the number demanded for. He gave three big pumpkins to E)Qbara for his personal consumption and another three to help him feed If
with as E)-Qbara has demanded. All of them left elgfin's palace and
dispersed to their individual homes. All of them were making jest of E)Qbara for demanding for and receiving justthree pumpkins for all his effot.
But surprisingly, E)-Qbara was very happy and satisfied with what he
received in OlQfin's palace.

Reaching home, E|-Qbara showed his wife what he got from olQfin, and
explained to her what all other principals Od were given. The wife
suppressed her anger towards her husband for demanding for only
pumpkins. when E)-Qbara asked her to go and peel the three pumpkins
meant for feeding If on behalf of QlQfin she bluntly refused, asking her
husband who brought the pumpkins to peel and prepare them and use
them to serve If all by himself. The wife said that she would not be a party
to such display of folly. Hearing this from his wife, E)-Qbara decided to do it
alone. He got hold of one of the pumpkins; he took his knife and sliced it
into two. Surprisingly however, pure gold of Inestimable value spilled out.
He tookthe second pumpkin and sliced it, expensive beads of various types
spilled out, the third pumpkin produced various high quality stones and
other ornaments. His wife did not allow him to cut the foufth pumpkin
before she took over from him. The six pumpkins fetched them the
prosperity that a whole community would use for a life time. It was a big
surprise to them. The wife began to sing the praises of her husband for his
foresight, wisdom, truthfulness, uprightness and honesty. E-Qbara and
his wife lived happilyfor long, long time.
unknown to the couple, however, QlQfin in appreciation of the honesty

onara u.i

displayed by E:l-Qbr dug holes in the pumpkns and filled the holes up
with all the jewelries and ornaments found in them. All the 15 remaining
principal Od came to felicitate with El-Qbr and his wife on their good
Iuck and success, E;)-Qbara bought three other pumpkins to feed If for
Qlqfn as requested by If. After this, he went to express his gratitude to
the Monarch.
K m'qfun k fi tQ'l aj
K m'sn k f tq'bllQke
K m'd k fi tQ'l agg


Akqd orl wgn kll rre l'l

I)lfirn Ejl-Qbara
Tl y Se lkeje Od wl ay
Tl rr b wgn re'l91,fn lg rg'bg
fbq niwqn nl k 9e

, j kl l t to fi l'j
Elgdmereni mottl mof l'i



Letus markthe room filled with moneywith

And the room filled with beadswith cam-wood
And the room filled with cloths with charcoal
The first prepared corn meal can never linger for too long in the market
These were the If cast for E)-Qbara
Who shall come into the world as the seventh Od
And who shall accompany others to QlQfin's palace on If mission
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now what did you sell to become this wealthy
It is pumpkins I sold to get my riches.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed in a
miraculous way there is need for cooperation between huchand,and wife
where this Od is revealed. The greater the cooperaton, the better for the


If advised the person for whom this Od is cast to offer ebo so that
those who are in love with him/her will not abandon or turn against

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

him/her. In the same ven, If advises the person for whom this Od
is revealed to offer gbQ so that his/her spouse or people will not
deseft him/her when they are most needed. If however assured
the person for whom this Od is revealed that all those who had
abandoned him/her are coming backto embrace him/her.

If says that there is the need to offer qbg with three cocks, 1O
lakosin or ago rats and money. He/she also needs to serve If
with 10 lkQs'in or g rats, palm oil, alcohol and money.
After this, there is the need to serve EgU witn one coclg palm oil,
alcohol and money, The moment all these are done, victory and
success are assured. On these, If says:
Eefin gorl ja rrt gQbrrgqb
Eefin-i paakun nii rin Kgro,yl-kQr,yl

Tl wqn fi l'd oy
Tl wgn o pln l'gn
Sbg ni wqn nl k 9e

The smoke enters the ceiling and rises skywards
The smoke of the attic rises in a winding manner
This was the If cast for QtanmUt
Who after being nominated forthe stool
Was notshared any inheritance
He was advised

to offer gbg

Qfanrnbi was one of the children of QlQfin. He was the heir apparent to the
throne of his father. When QQfin his father was alive, QlQfin was an Qba
with vast resources. Qlqfin was the regent of Oldmar on eafth. He
owned evefihing on eath. When glqfln joined his ancestors, QtanrnUt
had travelled out of Il-IfQ during that time. Before he returned however,
his brothers and sisters conspired against him and shared everything
belonging to their father behind his back without leaving anything for him.
When he returned, many people expected a show-down. They aligned
with his other siblings against him. They thought that with nothing in his
name, it would weaken him considerably when he finally assumed the
throne of his father. His brothers became Oba in all the other towns and


ooara uei

villages surrounding Ile-Ife.

Instead of putting up a fight, he chose to approach the two Awo mentloned

above for If consultation: What would he do to gain respect as the neK
QlQfin without anything to his name except the title? Would he be able to
overcome the conspirary of the people? Would life be interesting to him as
it was to his father? Would he be greater than his entire brothers who were
Qba in all the surrounding areas? Would he be able to keep them all under
his control? These and other questions were what agitated his mind before
he went for If consultation. He wanted to be sure that the throne was
worth ascending at all when he had been stripped naked by his siblings.
The Awo assured him that he would succeed in life. He was told to go
ahead and put all the processes of being installed as the Qlqnn in motion.
He was told that he would be the one to inherit the world. He was also
assured that he would be greater that all his siblings put together. He was
advised to offer gbg, feed If and Egu Qdara as stated above. He complied.
Soon afterthis period; hewas installed asthe nextQlqfin.
Soon after the installation, he summoned all his brothers and demanded
for his own share of their father's belongings. He was informed that there
was nothing left. Egu Qdara howeverturned to human being and reminded
them that they had not given out the land to anyone. The other brothers
thought that there was not much anyone could do on the land except to
All of them decided to give the land to QlQfin. Epu Qdara
farm on
pleaded with QlQfin to accept the land in good faith. QlQfin did. All the
brothers were happy and they all dispersed to their various destinations.
As soon as they left, Egu Qdara told Ql,fin that he was the one who had
been given the most invaluable asset: He told QlQfin that the implication of
this was that all his brothers were mere tenants on his (QIqfin) land. EgU
Qdara asked Qbfin to startto demand for rent immediately.


About a week after their meeting Qkanrnbt sent his messengers out to all
his brothers to bring to their notice that they were tenants on his land and
that they needed to bring him rent-age on a yearly basis. That was when it
dawned on them that they had inadvertently made Qkanrnff the inheritor
of the whole world. They realized that anything they put up on the land

lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

belonged to the owner of the land. Since that day, they all began to pay
rent-age on Qkanrnbf's land. Those who could not afford the payment
released part of the assets he inherited. These included crowns, jewelries,
buildings, farm products, clothing materials, and other essential things of
life. That was how Okanmbi became the greatest Qba of all generations. It
was grateful Qkanrbl who was showering praises on his Awo, If and
Oldmar; saying:
Eefin gort aja r gqbrgqb
Eefin-i pkn nll rln Kqrgy{-kQro,yl
fitn Okertrbl
Tl wQn fi I'edU oy
Tl wqn opln l'gn
lbg ni wQn nl kge


Nje e ya w o, g w sln
Gbogbo gmg gni


Gbogbo gmg gni

The smoke enters the ceiling and rises skywards
The smoke of the attic rises in a winding manner
This was the If cast for Qkanrnbf

Whoafter being nominated forthe stool

Was notshared any inheritance
He was advised to offer ebq
He complied

Come here and payyour homage

All our children
Come and pay your adoration
All our children

If says that allthose who had abandoned the person for whom this Od is
revealed shall eventually come and serue under him/her. If advises this
person not to show anger, impatience or vengeance. He/she shall inherit
the world.


If says that it foresees two good things for the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says that it foresees the ire of a baby and that


ooara uei

of prosperity for this person. If says that something is coming the

way of this person. If advises him/her to acquire two of those things
and not to think that he/she cannot handle two things at the same
time. If it is business materials he/she needs to purchase two and if
it is household material for which If is consulted, two ought to be
purchased. By so doing, comfort is assured. If also says that if the
person is in need of a baby, the baby shall come and prosperity shall
accompany it.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
pigeons and money. On these If says:


OnUa r nit'gmg aj
lmlt b sanwo re ni y gbe lo


Tl y ra mejl lojq
Fbq niwQn nl k 9e o

Intention to purchase is notenough to buy a puppy
Whoever pays first is the one who wll take it away
This was the If cast for Oba
Who shall purchase two things in a day
He was advised to offer qbg

Qba was poor and childless. He had been married for several years without
an issue. All what he and his spouse did to have a baby proved aboftive.
Their effofts towards making ends meet financially was also a failure. One

day however, some people came to show him some puppies of rare but
beautiful breed for him to buy. He did not have any money to put on a
project that might fail eventually. Consequent upon this, Qba went to the
Awo mentioned above for If consultation in order to determine whether or
not it would be wofth his while to purchase the puppy, rear it to adulthood
and later begin to sell its puppies to others.
The Awo told Qba that he was about to purchase something which he
hoped to use as an investment. He was told not to only purchase it but
ensure that he bought two of the items at the same time. The Awo assured
him that his success is assured if he could do this. The Awo also told him

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

that if he bought two of these items, his wife who had hithefto been
childless would become pregnant and would deliver a bouncing baby.
When Qba told the Awo that he was about to purchase a puppy, rear it and
later sell the puppies to others in future; and that he had no money to buy at
the same time. Qba said that he would go and buy one and tell the puppies'
seller that he would come back later to buy another. The Awo however
urge him to go and borrow money to ensure that he purchase two at the
same time and that promise to purchase a puppy amounted to nothing as
the person who brought his/her own cash or purchase it was the rightful
owner who would go away with the puppy. He also advised Qba to offer
gbg with two pigeons and money. All of these Qba did. He then went to
borrow money and bought two bitches. He began to feed and take care of
the dogs.

About one year later, the two became pregnant. Surprisingly, his wife
became pregnant too. The two dogs gave bfth to 16 puppies between
them. Within two years, they gave brth three times. Qba's wife also gave
birth twice. Qba sold the puppies at exorbitant prices and used the profit
realized to begin his own farm. He employed several able bodied men to
help him till the land, cultivate and plant crops. Within three years of
offering the gbg, Qba was already a rich man. He was very happy and fullof
gratitudeto Oldmar and hisAwo.
OnUar nit'gmgaj
lml to b sanw o re niyogbelo

Tlyo ra mejl lojq
lbg ni wQn nl k 9e o
Igba Qba ra mil lojq
La di olwO
La di glQmg

Igba Qba ra mejl

lara t rq'ni o

Intention to purchase is not enough to buy a puppy
Whoever pays first is the one who will take it away
This was the If cast for Oba



ooara uei

Who would purchasetwothings in a day

He was advised to offerebo
It was when 9ba bought two in a day
Thatwe were blessed with wealth
And also blessed with children
It was when Qba boughttwo
Thatwe had peaceof mind

If says that this person shall have peace of mind. He/she shall be blessed
with wealth and children. Even if this person is experiencng financial
hardship now there is success, happiness, chldren and contentment n

If says that if a man for whom this Od is revealed is matured

enough to have his own wife and children, his priority at that time
must be for him to get married and settle down. He should be
impressed upon that living a single life is not in his best interest. If
says that the person being referred to believe in accumulation of
wealth and other expensive materials to show his class or position.
This person also likes to show ofi, to smell nice and appear elegant at
all times. If says that all these are all vanity. Such attitude will not
bring him any profit. He needs to think about building his own family
that will ensure that his future is guaranteed. If shall continue to
provide wealth and security for him. He needs to think less about
money, accumulation of wealth and/orfashion but rather plan to build
a home for himself.

If says that this person needs to offer gbg with pat of his wears'
his jewelries, shoes, bags, wrist watches, petfumes and
other fashion related items. He also needs to feed If with four
rats, fourfish, two hens and money. On allthese, a stanza in this
Od says:
Amrkn I'Qyn-n
Amsn l'ko

Dlfiln Orunmll
If sawokonlAdlbo

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

Amkn atQyan town
And Amosun atOnkotown
Theywerethe Awo who castlf forQrnmll
When hewas practicing without his own Adlb
He was advised to offer qbg

Qrrlnm'il was very successful. He had all what a person could wish for, a
good and spacious house, many horses, several dresses, assofted beads,
shoes and sandals made of leather and beads and so many of other things
such as expensive walking stick, elephanttusks and so on.

In splte of all these, he knew that something was missing in his life. He was
however too busy with his work to have the time to attend to his personal

One day, he sent messages to Amkn and Amsn in Qyn and Ok

respectively to come and cast If for him. These two were his ex-students
whom he trusts sincerely. After If consultation they declared that even
though Qrnmll was an accomplished Babalwo, something was still
lacking in his life because he did not have his own Adibo. They made it clear
to him that even though he had a house, he still lacked a home. He did not
have those who would accompany him in seruing If.
They said that one's wife and children are one's Adibo. He was urged to
begin to think seriously about having his own Adlb as there lied the future
continuity in his life. He was advised to offer paft of the wealth he had
accumulated as qbg. This included his wears, walking sticks, beads,
sandals, shoes,'irQkQ beads and otherjewelries. Qrunmlla dd.
Soon afterthis, he got married and his wife gave brth to severalchildren for
him. Anyday he planned to serve If, his wife would come with the tray
containing kola-nuts and bitter-kola while his children would bring along
the tray containing alligator pepper. He was thus an accomplished
Babalwo in the true sense of it. His future was also guaranteed as he had
those who would continue in his name after he might have departed.


llfr Obara Meii

Amkn l'Qyn-n
Amsn l'ko
Dlfn Qrrtnmll

If sawoknlAdlbo
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'bqr r'bg
If t gege kl n I'Adlbotmi
Ayagni I'AdIbOgni
If t9e9 kl n I'Adlbotmi
Qmq qni I'Adlbo eni
rf tgegqkl n I'Adlbotmi
B b dlwoy{ ajQdn
Byati gb'gb obl
Qmq a ma gb'gb ata

Amrlkn atQyan town
And Amosun atOnkotown
TheyweretheAwo who cast If for Qrrlnmll
When he was practicing without his own AdlbO
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
If it is high time I have my own Adlb
One's wife is one's AdlbO
If it is high time I have my own Adlb
One's child is one's Adlb0
Bythistime of nextyear
As my wife carries the kolanuttraY
So also my child will carry the tray containing alligator peppers

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have his own
Adlbo . That is when he needs to give gettng marred and having his own
chi ld ren priority attention.
This person needs to settle down to family life and downplay search for and
accumulation of materialwealth for now.


If says that it foresees the ire of a baby for the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says that the baby will bring joy and happiness
for the couple involved. The name of this baby, when it arrives is

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

If brings joy. If advises that the person for whom this

Od is revealed needs to offer gbg with four rats, four fish and
one hen. He also needs to serve If with four rats, four fish and
one hen. On this If says:
FkyQd -

gldlgba nfi rln bl gni rrfor{ j

Kkrogtdlgbe nff rln bl gnit nfldl j
Dl fn FkyQdr gmg QUara-t'tejl
Mgbatl rlt'Orun bQ w'l ay
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

insectwalk as if dancing with its head
And a small insectwalks as if dancing with its abdomen
This was the declaration of If to FkyQd, the child of Qbr Mfl
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
A big

The couples involved here were looking for a baby for a long time without
success. It was during their efforts to get one that they approached the two
Awo mentioned above for If consultation. During the consultation,
Qbara-Uel was revealed. The Awo assured the couple that they would get
what they were looking for and that the baby would bring joy into their lives
and home. The Awo stated fufther that the baby they would get was the
child of Qbara-Mfl from heaven. In this wise, there was the need to seve
If along with the gbg they were to offer and then name the child FkyQd
when it arrived. The Awo advised the couple to offer gbg with four rats,
four fish, and one hen. They also asked the couple to feed If with four
ratsrfourfish, and one hen. They complied.

Three months after they offered the gbg, the wife became pregnant. She
later gave bifth to a baby boy. The baby was named as the Awo had
advised. True to prediction, the baby brought boundless joy into their lives
and home. They were so happy and gratefulto Oldmar for giving them
their own child and for putting joy into their lives.

tl f'orl j
Kokoro gldlgba nff rln bl gni t nfldl j
Dl filn FkyQd, gmg Qbara-Mjl
KkOrO gldlgba nff rln bl qni



ooara uei

Mgba t'Qrun bQ wa'| aye

Fbg niwqn nl k9e
WOn gb'gbo, wQn rrl'bg
Njq klnniygb FkyQdfitn mi o
obr-Mjl ni y gb FkyQd fn mi o

A big insect walks as if dancing with its head
And a small insect walks as if dancing with its abdomen
This was the declaration of Ifa to FkyQd, the child of Qbr-M;T

When coming from heaven to earth

The couple was advised to offer gbg
Now, whatis itthatwillbring FkyQd,If brings joyto me
It is Qbara-M| that will bring joy to me

If says that If will bring joy into the life and home of the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If willalso give him/her blessing of a baby.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to serve
Eriwo with kolanuts. By so doing, long life is guaranteed
him/her. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will
live long, grow old and enjoy the fruit of his/her labour. If says
that he/she needs to be breaking kolanuts to serue Eriwo on a
regular basis so that his/her chances of living to old age can be
strengthened. On this a stanza in Qbara-M) says:


Dlfin Ejl-Qbara


f;bg niwQn nl kge

Filth, the Awo of the body
This was the If castfor Et-Qbara
Who shall break kola-nutfor Ewo to consume
He was advice to offer ebo

Efl-Qbara was one of the 16 principal


He occupied the seventh



lfa Dida: An invitation to tfa Consultation

positon. He was a prominent If practitoner. He was blessed with wealth,

a good spouse, lovely children, immeasurable assets and potential to
acquire more and more of allthe good things in life.
One day, E)-Qbara approached the Awo mentioned above to know what he
needed to do in order to live long and comfoftable on earth. The Awo
advised him to make it a point of dutyto be breaking the kola-nuts for Ewo
to eat on a regular basis. He agreed. He began to do it as from that day.
He was breaking kola-nuts for Elwo every seventeen days. He did this for
a long, long time. He lived in comfoft and peace of mind for a long, long

Dlfirn Ejl-Qbara
Tl y pa'bl f'Erlwo jg
fibg ni wQn nl k 9e

Njtal pa'bl frlwojg?
Ejl-Qbara lo n pa'bl f Erlwo jq

Filth, theAwo of the body
This was the If cast for E)-Qbara
Who shall break kola-nut for Ewo to consume
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, who was breaking kolanuts for Elwo to eat?
E)-Qbara was the one breaking kolanuts for Efwo to eat.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be allowed
to die young. He/she will not only live long, but will also be in relative peace
and comfort.

10. If urges the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg so that
he/she may not witness or experience evil. If says that the person
bringing this trouble is a big harbinger of undeserued punishment to
others. The person in question who will bring this misfortune is
described by If as someone with a big head, big mouth, and thick

il* oaara uei

lips. If advises that the person for whom this Od is revealed will do
himself/herself a lot of good if appropriate gbg as prescribed here is
offered. A he-goat and money

to be offered as gbg here. There is also

the need to feed If with a goat. By so doing, this harbinger of misfortune
will use his/her head to carrythe trouble. On this, Qbara-Mfl says:

ldesun niO mu krgbd'Qrn

Df fit n Agblg bonlwQnr n
Tl y 9e gbgnegbgn Barapetu
fibg ni wQn nl k w ge

Adrip of watercannotsubmerge a gourd to its neck
This was lf's declaration to Agb)gbnlwQnrn, the Hoopoe
Who shall be Qrnmll's coffin designer
He was advised to offer qbg
By the time Agblgbnlwonran

carried his coffin to the house of Qnf nmll, he

had already carried the same coffin to the houses of Alr, Ajer,
Qwrngn and QlQyQq and had destroyed their homes. He had carried
the coffin to the homes of several prominent people and had destroyed and
scattered their hornes. Anyone he carried the coffin to his/her home, the
head of that household would die and the entire household would be totally
destroyed. Those who did not die would abandon the house altogether.
This made the name of AgblgbOn'iwQnrn to signify terror, when people
hear of his name; they would begin to panic and would be running helterskelter. One day, Agb'igbn'lwQnrn planned to fashion the same coffin for
Qrnm'll. He was aware that QrUnmIl was a powerful person. He
therefore went to the Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation. The
Babalwo warned him seriously not to attempt what he had the intention of
doing, lest his evil designs turn back to bounce on him. He was advised to
offer gbg with matured he-goat and money. He simply ignored the Awo
thinking that harming Qrrlnmll should not entail such elaborate
precautions. He intensifies his preparation.
Meanwhile, Qrnmlla had a dream. In the dream, he sensed that danger
was lurking somewhere. Consequently, he went to the same Awo for If
consultation. The Awo informed him that even though a person claiming to

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

be his friend was brnging misfoftune to his (Qrnmll) doorstep he would

nonetheless overcome the evil design. Qrnmll was assured that the evil
plans of this person would bounce back on the person. This person was
described as having a big head, big mouth and thick lips. The Awo advised
Qrunm)l to offer gbg with a matured he-goat and feed If with a goat.
Qrn mI l com pl ied insta ntly.

A few days after Qrnm'll offered the gbg, he saw Agblgbn)wQnrn

coming along the road with his coffin on his head; Qrunmll was well
prepared for him. As he reached Qrnmll's house frontage, he attempted
to place the coffin down on the ground. Qnf nmll immediately ordered him
to carry his coffin away as he (Qrnmll) was not interested in him and his
luggage. AgblgbnlwQnrn wanted to forcefully place the coffin down but
to his chargrin, the coffin got stuck to his head. That was how he had been

carrying the coffin about until this day. When AgblgbOn)wQnrn

remembered the warnings of the Babalwo, he was full of regrets for not

heeding the advice. But alas, it was too late to make amends. On the other
hand, when Qrrfnm'll remembered the advice of the Awo, he was full of
gratitude for heeding their advice. He was singing, dancing and giving
praisesto Oldmar.

Idesun ni O mu krgb d'Qrn

Dl firn Agblg bonlwQn rn
Tl yo 9e gbgnagbgn Barapetu
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge
kqtl Qgbgnhln s'bg

gbefitn Ajero
gbefirn Qwarngrrn Aga
Il Qwrngn-Aga trl
gbefirn Qba lja-|je
IlQba lja-ljet

gbefrtn Qba ld-ld

IlQba ld-ldt
w nl oun y gbe filn Qrrlnmll naa
f;bg niwgn nl kl Qrunmlla 9e
QrUnmll gb'bg, r'bg


fril ooan uei

Nje Ag blgbOnlwQnrn gb'gr rg o

fl$r ma gbe lgo

A drip of water cannot submerge a gourd to its neck

This was lf's declaration to AgblgbnlwQnrn, the Hoopoe

Who shall be Qrunm'll's coffin designer
He was advised to offer ebo
He ignored the advice
He designed the coffin forAlr
Alr's household scattered
And designed it for AjerO
Ajer's household scattered
He designed for Qwarangn-aga
QwarngUn-ga's household scattered
He designed for market heads
Their households scattered
And forcrowned Qbas
Their household scattered
Then he planned to design one for QrUnmll
Qrnmll was advised to offergbg
Now, Agb'lgb0n)wQnrn, carry your load
Loads are carried by their owners

If says that the planner of evil will carry his/her evil plans. In the same
ven, If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed not to
contemplate any evil against anyone as the evil may end up in his/her own
doorstep. As it is true that those who plan evil aganst him/her shall carry
their evil, so it is true that any evil he/she plans against others shall equally
be carried by him/her. It is betterfor him/hertothink no ev|, speaks no evil
and do no evil for fear of repercursion.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be
consumed by any uprsing, war or upheaval. If says that this
person and his/her entire household and communty shall be

If says that even though there are uprsings or threat of these

lfa Dida: An nvtaon to lfa Consultation

comng from three directions, nonetheless, all these shall be

overcome and this person, his/her household, community or entire
environment shall be left unaffected. If assured the person for
whom this Od is revealed that he/she and allthose close to him/her
shall not be consumed by the fire of uprising, war or upheavat.
He/she needs to put his/her mind at rest and the minds of those close
to him/her. If says that instead of reduction, the community from
where the person for whom this OdO is cast comes shall experience
an unprecedented increase in population. There will be peace,
harmony, good health and progress even though there is presently a
threatto stability.
If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and

at least 16 bottles of dry gin, schnapps and/or good quality

wine. On these a stanza in Qbara-M)


Ogeregere lr
Agba drOml Awo Dore-aba
Lnll la O l'j odO o, Yba nkuku-nkuku
Qla la I'aja odo o, Yaba nkuku-nkuku
f;ginginemi l9eyln
Tl g rt sare lemlje-lmlje?
Egingin emi l geyln
Tl e n sare lemlje-lmtje
WQn nl wgn glJrt wo ap awgn OJrtn
Ogun gba g per-epgrq bl ar o
Awgn gl'j wo ap awgn Osl
Ogun gba g pqrgpere bl aro
Awgn qf'j woaarln-nrln wgn kooropQngb
Ogun gba 9 pergpgre bl ar o
WQn nl kl wqn skal, qbg ni qlge

The aftof swift running
And the sluggish elder, theAwo of DOre-ba
Today shall we settle the quarrel caused by the stubborn Yba river
And tomorrow shall we settle the quarrel caused by the stubborn Yba
Houseflies what is the matter with you
That makesyou to run helter-skelter?



ooara uei

Housefleswhat iswrong with You

That makes you run in confusion?
They said thatwhen they glanced attheir right hand side
Qba's army was tightly concentrated as indigo-dye
And when they glanced attheir left hand side
Qba's armywas as imminentas indigo-dye
And when they looked stnight ahead of them
Qba's army was as ceftain as blue-dye
They were advised to offer qbg

Agrlnragba the FmQSq of the world and Amlragba the Fmegq of the
smithery were apprehensive of war and uprisng from three different
directions. The crises were so imminent that everyone in their
communities believed that uprsng would break out at any given time. Yet
Agrlnragba and Amlragba did not want any war to catch the communities
they represent off-guard. At the same time, they wanted to ward off this
war before any serious damage could be caused.

to meet the group of Awo mentioned above.

The Awo advised them to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and several
kegs of alcohol. They complied. After this, the Awo advised them to go
and call Agbe-ddrl, the offspring of dye-makers, Alko-dodood, the
offspring of cam-wood pounders and OdfdgrQ-Mf, the offspring of
OnlwOO-Atg, the King of Iw town. They went and called these three
warriors. They explained the situation of eafth and heaven to them. These
warriors divided their soldiers into three. Each group was headed by AgbeFor these reasons, they went

dd, Al k0-d0d00d0

nd odf dgre-Mof.

Agbe-dtld attacked the army on the right hand side, drove them into the
wilderness and they never returned for a re-match. AlkO-dOddO
engaged the army on the left hand side, chased the army into the forest
and overpowered it completely. OdfdgrQ-Mf confronted the army
stationed in front, defeated the army and chased it into the woods. Victory
was thus assured. After these feats, they threw a big feast where
everybody ate and drank to his/her satisfaction.
While this celebration was going on, they made a headcount and found out
that the people whom Agnragba and Am)ragba represented were all

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

complete without losing any soul in the war. They also discovered that they
were all bubbling with health and vitality. They realized also that there was
more solidarity and cooperation among the inhabitants than ever before.
Everybody was thus, dancing, singing and drinking. When they emptied
some kegs of alcohol, they went to bring more. They began to praise both
Agnragba and Amlragba that no war, uprising, pandemonium or crisis
could ever overcome them. Since no war could overcome them, it followed
that no war could overcome those whom they represented.
Ogeregere lr
Agb dorOml Awo DOre-ba
Lnll la I'aja od0 o, Yaba nkuku-nkuku
Qla la I'aja odo o, Yba nkuku-nkuku
fgingin emi l n geyln
Tl g n sare lemlje-lmlje?

fginginemi lngeyln
Tl e n sr lmlje-lmlje
WQn nl wgnql'jrt woap awgn Qtn

Ogun gba g perepere bl ar o

Awgn qlj wo ap awgn Osl
Ogun gba gu perepgrq bl ar o
Awgn ql'j rt wo rfn-rtrtn wgn kooropQngba
Ogun gba gu pgrgpgre bl aro
WQn nl H wQn skale,

lbg ni qfge
WQn gb'Qbo, wQn r'bg
WQn nl kl wqn rnge sl Agbe-ddrl
Tfi g'gmqOlyar
Kl wgn rn$ sl Alko-dodoodo

Tiis'omo Olgsn
Kl wgn rangQsl Odldgrg-Mof
Tfi g'gmg Onlwoo-Atg
Agbe-dd gmq Olyar d
999un ap qtn tigb-tigb
lee w'oj lg knrin-kse
Alko-dodoodo l g'gmg otgsun d
99gun ap osl tii-tfr
leewg'j lg knrin-kse

Odldgrq-Mof omo Onlw-Ate d

gQgun rln-rln en kooropQngb
leewg'j lg Knrin-kse



oo"r" u",

If nl a p
Abl a op?
Mola p prpr
Bl igbalpre
If nl a le
Tbl a le?
Mo la le kokooko
Bl qta inu omi
If nl a gbyglygl
Tbl a o9b VgVgl?
Mo nl a gb yglygl


kll ja k 9b iye od
Ffurru-lele ffi ja k gb iye glg
Dl fitn Agunragba
Tff Se emesq Ay



Tll9e emQqqAgbede
Fbq ni wQn nl kl won Se
WQn 9b'bg, wQn r'bg
Emi o ma d ogun tl ia
Tll gbAgnragba o
jgAgunragba o
Amlragba o
Otl If m tn o
Qtl If k l'gb
Amlragba o


The aftof swift running
And the sluggish elder, the Awo of
Today shall we settle the quarrel caused by the stubborn Yba
And tomorrow shall we settle the quarrel caused by the stubborn Yba
Houseflies what isthe matterwith you
That makesyou to run helter-skelter?
Houseflies what is wrong with you
That makesyou run in confusion?
They said that when they glanced at their right hand side
Qba's army was tightly concentrated as indigo-dye
And when they glanced attheir left hand side
Qba's army was as imminent as





lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

And when they looked straightahead of them

Qba's army was as ceftain as blue-dye

Theywere advised to offergbg

They asked them to send a message to Agbe-ddr1
The offspring of the dye-makers
And send a messagetoAlk0-d0d00d0
The offspring of cam-wood pounders
And send a message to OdldgrQ-Mf
The offspring of the Qba oflwo-Ate
Agbe-ddu, the offtpring of dye-makers arrived
And defeated the army on the right hand side
And pursued them right into the wilderness
Alk0-ddoOdo, the offspring of the cam-wood pounders arrived
And defeated the army on the left hand side
And chase them into the forest completely
OdfdgrE-Mof the offspring of OnlwOO-Atg arrived
And defeated the army right in front of them
And chased them intothewoods
If asked, 'aie you complete
Or are you not complete?'
We responded that we are complete
Even as 200 small snails
If asked again! Are you healthy
Or are you not healthy?'
We responded thatwe are healthy
Even as the river pebbles
If asked, 'are you really energetic
Or are you not energetic?'
We responded thatwe are energetic
Even as a matured horse
No storm will blow and carry a moftar
And no breeze will blow and then carry a grinding stone
These were If's declarations to Agrf nragba
The fmQgQ of theworld
And toAm)ragba
The EmQggof thesmithery
I do not see any war that would be waged
That wou ld ovenryhel m Agnragba
Now, Agnragba, we hailthee
And Amlragba, we praisethee
The alcohol of If is notyetexhausted
Drinks stll remain inside the keg





All hailAgnragba

If says that no uprsng, upheaval, war, crsis or conspiracy will ever

overwhelm the person for whom this Od is revealed or his/her loved ones.
If says that this person shall be spared the bitter experience of facing
defeat or being at the receiving end of any evil as long as he/she had not
taken conscous steps to cause trouble.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must not go
into agriculture as his/her profession. If says that it is not good for
this person. He/she may however go into dairy or grocery business
where he/she will be selling mil( fruits and other farm products but
never going into the farm to plant, till the soil or cultivate the land.
If says this person must not be brushing his body against the early
morning dew. He/she is also good as Babalwo or lyrff. It will
lead to success but never as a farmer.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
gbg with two hens and plenty of palm-oil. One of the hens will be
spilt open from the ches$ a lot of palm-oil will be poured into it and
placed by Eg shrine. The second hen will be given to him/herto use
to serve If. If he/she has no personal If, then the Babalwo or
Iyfff will assist in seruing the If in his/her house. On this, If
Ogberinl kll sQrQ
F wo e, yg jlngblnnl I'Qrn 99in
D,l filn lblleP
Tll g'gmg blbl inr Agbgnnlregrrn
Igbatl t'Qrun bqw'Y
Fbgniwqn nl kge

A big bull makes no noise
See the splendid decoration round a horse's neck

These were If's declarations tolbilgpq

The true child of Ornmll


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consuftation

When coming from heaven to the world

He was advised to offer qbg

When Ibllqpg was comng nto the world he had been told that he was an
offspring of Qnlnmll. He was also informed that he was not expected to
be a farmer as nothing good would ever come out of t. He was equally
warned against leaving his house very early in the morning as he was not
expected to be brushing his legs against the early morning dew. The Awo
advised him that part of what he could do to succeed in life was to become a
Babalwo. The Awo offered the gbg for him as prescribed above.
While on eafth,Ibf lqpq took to If as his profession. He never Ieft his house
very early. He complied with all the advice of the Awo. He was so great
that several people came from far and near for If consultation from him.
He also became very wealthy and influential in his society. He lived a
fulfilled life and died a happy and accomplished man.
Ogberinl kff sQrQ
! wo eyg jlngblnnl l'qrn egn
Dffirn lbllqpe
Tll g'gmg blbl inr Agbgnnlrgrln
Igba t'Qrun bQwa'ye
fbg ni wqn nl k s, e
B b rrl'bgtn
WQn nl kO gbedQ lo s'ko
Ko gbqdQfgsEgbgngnini
gb'$bg r'bg
Ko pe ko jlnn
F b ni nl wQwQ ire gbogbo

A big bull makes no noise
See the splendid decoration round a horse's neck

These were If's declarations tolMlqpQ

Thetrue offspring of QrUnmIl
When coming from heaven to the world
He was advised to offergbg
Afteroffering the gbg
He was warned not to go to the farm
Or brush his legs againstthe early morning dew


il ooara uei

He complied

And nottoo late, nottoo far

loin us in the midst of all ire

Ifa says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed n
his/her chosen career. He/she will live an accomplished life. He/she will be
very happy and satisfied.

13. If says that some youths had gone to take their hands to bring

trouble into their lives. If says that through their speeches,

conducts and countenance, problems had stated and these
problems are beyond their capacity. If says that due to stubbornness
and tightfistedness, they had invited misfoftune into their lives and
these are already affecting others who knew nothing about the
problem. If says that a lot of gbg and Etut ought to be peormed in
orderthatthese problems will abate if not disappear altogether.

If says that the youths involved ought to be warned to

themselves of their stubbornness and recalcitrance as these will do
them no good. They also need to do the following: offer gbg with
one matured he-goat, feed Ogun with one dog, feed Ogu with
one cock, feed QSun with two snails, feed Od with two pigeons,
feed the night people (witches) with hro big rats, two hedgehogs
kolanuts and palm-oil, feed If with two matured goats, buy at
least 16 bottles of assoed alcohol and wine for Awo present
to drink to their satisfaction. If says that it is by so doing that
darkness will leave the environment of those for whom this Od is
revealed. On these, a stanza in Qbara-MJi says:

san p9, sn pe

ygtrr, ygtrr
Flkanfikan gba'lAy
Drlgb$dgbQ gb'ode Qrun kan
Akrinl'p nll g'gmg Ogrn
Ogrn ljl nl ktkto
Lo na'wQlja a re lahala

Ll mu


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Ll mOkn
Ll fe l krO l'wjg
K'lrtje o rtbi jg'unjg rq o

Awgn ktktbl
Atar pOnn ni ti dr

Igbl niroya
Mo b wgn gb'hnAljogun
Yly ni moya
Mo b wgn pln eran elk
Eyl wegewegwqn d'f
Eyl wsewsewqn d'lbo
Arlra Qrun Osn
Awo il QlQyg-moyin
Awre ml jg
mu in I'QwQ
Awre ml j
moorn I'ese
Awreml bl perere
bl pqqpqg
bl Aga-Drtdrl
WQnfi j'oyOl-Igb
bl Qlqpapairage
WQn fi j'oye Olu-Qdan


WQnfi j'gba nl Saww-l

Qrunmlla lo di gbggbqqgbg
If mo ldi gbggbqqgbg
lla Sara e mi Agbgnnlrgrtn
Gbggbgggbg 19wq rryg q j'orl
Gbggbgggbg l'gsQ yg Q j'Qn
Gbggbgggbg I'Qgungun Okre yg ju lhl
Awgn l dlf filn gmgd krkrkr Il-IfQ
wqn Sawo lg sl lfe Akelrbebebe
wQn nl kl wQn gba apa aja
K wqn fi filn ogun
Kl wqn gba kkgQtan gahja
Kl wQn fifiln Og
Kl wgn gba lgbin mjl ajlra
KlwQnfi fin Qgun-$Qngef Oloye lyn


Kl wQn gba qygl mjl sJsJworrg-sJslwgws

Kl wqn fifitn Odu-lgbo-Oj


Elynj eg
Kl wQn gba apata Okt
!91 aaka

Algblagb epo
Kl wqn fi fitn Iya a mi Qknrn nl'yQg
Tl jQapa'ni m gbagn
Kl wgn gba lg gtl ml gnrnhn-garanhun
Kl wQn fi filn omg-Awo
Kl gmg-Awo rlhun jg
Kl gmg-Awo rlhun mu
Kl wQn gba ewUrq mjl ab'im rgdgrgdq l'bg
Klwn fi filn Qrunmll, bara a mi Agbgnnlrgn


cracked suddenly
And appeared fantly
Crisis enveloped the whole world
And pandemonium engulfed the skies
He who carried iron about was the offspring of Ogun
Ogun was he whowoke up early in the morning
And raised his hands (for war) threateningly

And withoutdrinking
And without hiding anywhere
And without giving way in the assembly
Forthose who wished to eatto do so
The shoft person called ktkt nbl
And the big-headed man
It was a big forest I branched into on my way
And I heard the voice of Aljogun
And because I branched
I paftook in consuming the flesh of immoftality
The tiny ones were casting If
And the lttle ones were holding thelbo
The thunder did not strike
The residentAwo of Q|QyQ-moyin
Mygood luckcharm was so effective
Itcarried fire in its hands
Mygood luckcharm was so effective
It carried sunshine in its legs
Mygood luckcharm gave birth to several children
Itgave bifth to Aga-ddr1


ooara ue

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

And itwas madethe head of theforest

And gave birth to QlqpapanrAga
And itwas madethe head of the savannah
And gave bifth toAl(nbQkn
He was made the Qba of $ww-Il
Qrr:nmll declared that'up it went in its tallness'
I responded that'up it went in its tallness'
f la, my father known as Agbonnlregn
Clearly do the hands appear taller than the head
And clearly do the legs appear longer that the foot path
Clearly do the Arb trees from a far appear taller than the buildings in a

These were the declarations of If to the youth of IfQ
When going on spiritual mission to Il-IfQ
Theyweretold totakean arm of a dog
And givetoOgrtn
And a big matured cock
And givetoOg
And two bg snails
To give to Qgun-gQgege, the owners of the comb made of coral beads
She who uses brass to placate a baby
And two healthy pigeons
To give to OdU lgbO-j
Ownerof the delicate eye balls
And then two big rats
And two hedgehogs
Strong kola-nuts
And plentyof palm-oil
To give to my mothers, owners of strong plumes
Also known as those who kill without confiscating
the victims' belongings (witches)
And then take several bottles of alcohol
And givetotheAwo
For Awo to see something to eat
And to drink
And take two goats with massive breasts
To give to Qrunmll, Agbgnn)regn my father

When the youths of ll-Ife were gong on spiritual mission, the elders gave
to them the followings; an arm of a dog to give to Ogn, a big cock to give to
Ot, two snails to give to Qgun, two pigeons to give to Od, two big rats,
two hedgehogs, kola-nuts and palm-oil to give to the witches, several


fr ooara uei

bottles of alcohol to give to the councl of Awo present, and two matured
goats to give to Qrnmll. The youths convefted all to their own personal

When EgU-Qdara heard this, he considered the action of the youths to be

greedy, indolent, disrespectful, dishonest and unbecoming of those
aspiring to be leaders of the future. Egu-Qdara then ordered the darkness
of misfortune to cover their lives in front and the cloud of disaster to cover
their lives from behind. By so doing, crises enveloped the world and
pandemonium engulfed the skies. Series of accidents master minded by
Ogun began to occur in the community. There was chaos; there was
upheaval; there was restlessness; there was unceftainty and there was
untimely death everywhere. As a result of these, nobody was sure of what
to expect next. There was panic everywhere.
When these misfotunes continued to occur without abating, the youths
knew that they were in serious trouble. In order to get out of these
problems, they now approached the following Babalwo for If

fkn I'awoojrl
fwQ I'awo ara
Qta rd-rOdO-rd in omi
Wgn mQ wlp OOrn pa lyl de
Awgn ni wQn d'lf fin gmg krkrkre
Wqn f 'awo lg sl lfe AkQlubqbebe

ll-Ifq l'ekejl

Tear istheAwo of the eyes
And bathing is the Awo of the body

The small pebbles in the river

They are not aware that sunshine affects those outside
They were the anes who cast If for the youths of Il-IfQ the second time
When gong again on spiritual mission to Il-IfQ.

This time around they were given all materials they gave them before and
they ensured that everything was done as they were told to do. Noticing
that the youths had repented, Egu-Qdara ordered the darkness of
misfo*une which had hithefto covered their lives in front to shift base and

lfa Dda: An nvtation to lfa Consuftaton

go to cover the trees in the forest. He also ordered the cloud of disaster
which covered their lives from behind to go and engulf hills in the grassland.
That was how normalcy returned and the youths were able to enjoy their
sn per

sn pee

yqtororo, yqtrr
Flkanfikan gba'lAy
DgbQdgbQ gb'ode Qrun kan
Akrinl'p nll g'gmg Ogrtn


lil nl ktkt


a re


ll je

Ll mu
Ll mOOkn
Ll ge l krO l'wjg
K'ljq r{b jg'njg rg o

Awon ktktbl
Atafi pQnn ni ti dr
Igb l ni ntoya
Mo b wgn gb'hnAljogun
Yly ni moy
Mo b wgn pln gran lkrl
Eyl wgwgwqn d'f
Eyl wsewse wQn rf dTbO
Arlr run Osn
Awo ilQlgyg-moyin
Awrlre e ml jQ
mr ina I'gwQ
Awrf re ml jQ
morn l'gsQ
Awrtreml bl perere
bl pgqpqq
bl Aga-Dudrt
WQnfi j'oyeOl-Igb


Wqn fi j'oye Olu-Qdan

u nmnukn
j'gba nl $ww-l
Qrnmll l d gbggbqggbq
If mo lodi gbggbgqgbq
lla Bara e mi Agbgnnlrgrtn

WQn fi


t* ooao u"

Gbggbgggbg lo, wq yg Q j'orf

Gbggbgggbg l'gsQ yg q j'qna
Gbggbgggbg I'Qgungun kr nyg jull
Awgn l dlf filn gmgd kkrkr Il-IfQ
WQn $awo lg s{ IfQAkelbebeebe
WQn nl kl wQn gba ap aj
Kl wqn fifitn Ogun
Kl wEn gba kkgJn galaja

KlwQn gbalgbln mjl ajlra
Kl wQn fi filn Qgun-$Qnge9e Oloy lyn


Kl wQn gba eygl mjl sJsJwgwg-sJsJwo,wg

Kl wQn fi fin Odu-lgbo-oj

llgyinj gsg

Kl wqn gba apata Okt

lgt aaka
Algblagb epo
Kl wQn fi firn Iy a mi Qknrn nl'yqq
Tl rljapa'ni m gbagn
Kl wQn gba lg gtl ml ganrenhn-garanhun
KI wQn fi filn qmo-Awo
Kl gmg-Awo rlhun jg
Kl gmg-Awo rlhun mu
l(| wQn gba ewUre mjl ab'mrl rqdgrgdg l'be
Kl wn fi filn Qrnmll, bara a mi Agbgnnlrgn
wqn w gba ap aj
Wqn fitn gun
WQn gba kkg Jn gahja
Wgn ofg
WQn gbalgbln mjl ajlra
Wgn O filn Qgun-$Q9esq, OlOy-Iyn
Afidg re'mg
WQn gba eyglg mjl sjsJwgwg-sJsJwo,wg
Wqn ofiln Od lgbO-Oj
filyinj 99Q
WQn gba apata Okt
!91 aaka

Algblagb epo
Wgn ofi filnlya a mi Qknrn nl-yQQ


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Tr je apa'ni m gbagn
WQn gba lg o, tl ml gnrnhn-ganranhun

Wen fitn omo-Awo

Kl gmgAwo rlhun jq
Kl gmg Awo rlhun mu
WQn gba ewr mejl abam rgd9r9d9lbQ
Wen O fn Qrnmll bara miAgbgnnlrgn
Egu Qdara nt kl bb j
K bo'le nlwjrl

bo'lQ nlwaj
Egu Qdara nt kt bbaa


K bo'le l,yln

Qngotrrnkn bgQnio
QrQOknkon I'Egf 'bOwqn lj birikiti
Awgn fkn I'awo oj e ma geun o

Fkn I'awoojrt
Iw I'awo ara
Ota rd-rod0-rd intl omi
Wgn O mgwlpeOOrn palyl Ode
Awgn ni wqn trn d'lf fn Qmgd kre-kr-kr
WQn tn g'awo lg sl Ife Akelbeb, ebe
WOn w gba ap aj
WQn fi fin Ogun
WQn w gba ekkg Qten gelaj
WQn fi firn OgrI
WQn w gba gbln mejl ajlra
WQn fi fitn Qgun Sg99, Oloy iyn
Afide rg'mq
WQn gba eygl mjl sJsJwo,wg-sJglwgwg
WQn w fi fin Od logboo-Oje
fleyinj ggQ
Wenw gba apata Okt
lgl aaka

Alagbahgb epo
WQn w fi fn Iy a mi Qkanrn-nlyQQ
Tl jgapa'ni mgbgn
wQn w gba lgo o, tl mal gnrnhn-ganranhun
WQn fi fin omo-Awo


i* odara uei
K'QmgAwo rf hun jg
K'QmgAwo rlhun mu
WOn w gba ewrq mjl abm rgdgredq lb$
WOnfifn Qrrrnmlla bara miAgbgnnlr91n
Egu Qdara nl bbtj
T bo'le nlwjtl
nf ks{
Klg rbo'gioko
Babaat j
T bo'le lQyln
nl kql
K lq r bo Ok mQlQo
Qroooya bqenio
QrQ ooye I'Eg fi rr y wqn li peregede
Awa kilg'awolkQkQ
Awa kff s'awolbb
Yml l'j nrlno
Yml l'ju nrln

Itcracked suddenly
And appeared faintly
Crises enveloped the whole world

And pandemonium engulfed the skies

He who carried iron about was the offspring of Ogun
Ogun was he who woke up early in the morning
And raised his hands (for war) threateningly


And withoutdrinkng
And without hiding anywhere
And without giving way in the assembly
Forthose who wished to eatto do so

The shoft person called Ktkt nbl

And the big-headed man
It was a big forest I branched to on my way
And I heard the voice of Aljogun
And because I branched
I partook in the consumption of the flesh of immotality
The tiny ones were casting If
And the little ones were holding theIbO
The thunder did not strike


lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

The resident Awo of Slqye-moyin

My good-luck charm was so effective
Itcarried fire in its hands
My good-luckcharm was so effective
Itcarried sunshne in its legs
My good-luck charm gave bifth to several children
It gave bifth to Aga-dd'J
And itwas made the head of the forest
And gave bifth to QlQpaparaga
And itwas madethe head of the savannah
And gave bifth toAl(nbQkn
He was made the Qba of Sww-Il
Qrrf nmth declared that up itwent in itstallness
I responded that up it went in its tallness
f la, my father known as Agbgnn)regn
Clearly do the hands appear taller than the head
And clearly do the legs appear longer thatthe foot path
Clearly do the Arb trees from a far appear taller than the buildings in a
These were the declarations of If to the youths of Ile-IfQ
When going on spiritual mission to Ifg Akel'f-bebeebe
They were told to take an arm of a dog
And give to OgUn
And a big matured cock
And givetoOg
And two big snails
To give to Qgun $Qngege, the owners of the comb made of corel beads
She who uses brass to placate a baby
And two healthypigeons
To give to Od lgbO-Oj
Owner of the delicate eye balls
And then two big rats
And two hedgehogs
Strong kola-nuts
And plentyof palm-oil
To give to my mothers, owners of strong plumes
Also known as those who kill without confiscating
the victims' belongings (witches)
And then take several bottles of alcohol
And givetotheAwo
ForAwo to see something to eat
And to drnk
And take two goats with massive breasts


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To give to QrrJnmll, Agbgnn)rgr1n my father

They collected the arm of a dog
They did not give it to Ogun
And collected a big matured cock
But did not give t to OSU
And collected two big snails
But did not give them to Qpun $Qgs, the owner of comb made of
coral beads
She whom uses brass to placate a baby
They collected two pigeons
But did not give them to Od lgbO-j
Owner of the delicate eye-balls
They collected two big rats
Two hedgehogs
And strong kola-nuts
Plenty of palm-oil
But did not give them to my mothers, owners of the strong plumes
Also known as those who kill without confiscating the victims'
They collected several bottles of alcohol
But they did not give them to the Awo
For the Awo to see something to eat
And to drink
They collected two goats with massive breasts
But they refused to give to Qrnmll, Agbgnnlrgrln my father
Egu Qdara ordered that darkness of misfoftune should cover their lives
in front
Darkness 0f misfortune covered their lives in front
He ordered the cloud of disaster to cover their lives from behind
And cloud of disaster covered their lives from behind
Egu Qdara declared that it was matter of darkness
It was darkness that Eg Qdara used to cover their lives
We are however grateful to 'Tear is the Awo of the eyes'
And 'Bathing is the Awo of the body'
'The small pebbles in the river bed
They are not aware that sunshine affecB the pebbles outside the river'
They were the ones who cast If for the youths of lle-Ife the second
When going again on spiritual mission to IfQ Akel-bebeebe
They now collected an arm of a dog
And gave to Ogun
They collected a big matured cock
And gave to Og


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They collected two big snails

And gave to Qgun Sengege the owner of the comb
made of coral beads
She who uses brass to placate a baby
They collected two healthy pigeons
And gave to Od lgbO-j
Owner of the delicate eye-balls
They collected two big rats
And two hedgehogs
Big strong kola-nuts
And plenty of palm-oil
And gave to my mothers, the owners of the strong plumes
Those who kill without confiscating the victims' belongings
They collected several bottles of alcohol
And gave to the Awo
For Awo to see something eat
And to drink
They collected two matured goats with massive breasts
And gave to Qrrlnm)l, Agbgnn)regn my father
Eg ordered that the darkness of misfoftune which covered their lives
in front
The darkness should move
To go and cover the hills in the forest
He ordered the cloud of disaster which covers their lives from behind
They cloud should move
To go and cover the hills in the savannah
Epu Qdara declared that it was a matter of brightness
It was brightness that Eg Qdara used to open their eyes
We never practice If in the dark
Neither do we practice If n a secret place
Open my eyes for me to see
Please open my eyes for me to see

If promises that all the misfortunes and disaster in the lives of those for
whom this Od is revealed shall soon give way to brightness, peace,
progress and prosperty. If warns however, that these people should not
go and invite problem through greediness, lackof consideraton, dishonesty
and self-centeredness.


i otara



If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to desist from

being too boastful unnecessarily. If says thatthis person brags a lot;
he/she complaints too much, he/she promises people, especially
his/her opponents, fire and brimstone when he/she had no power
whatsoever to effect the th reats.

If says that because of his/her bragging, those who would have

helped him/her thought that he/she was self-sufficient capable of
fending for himself/herself. As a result of his/her incessant
complaints, those who could have taken a sympathetic view on his
matter considered him/her an habitual complainant, and they did not
have anything to do with him lher, because of the fact that he/she
boasts that he/she had the capacity to wreck havoc on his/her
opponents. Those against him/her always over-estimated his/her
capabilities and whenever they plan against him/her it was always an
over-kill. They always end up wrecking more havoc on him/her than
they originally intended.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed will do

himself/herself a lot of good if he/she can stop being boastful, or
reduce his/her incessant complaints. If also advises this person to
offer gbq with three pigeons, three cocks, three guinea-fowls,
three hens and money, After this, he/she needs to stop going
about looking for trouble. On these, If says;
OjO pa abahun t',w t'aSg
Dl fifn Baba Ajl-han-bl-agogo
Igbe rrge oun gbogbo Qkan kO
f;bg niwQn nl k qe


The rain soaks the tortoise with its shell
This was the If cast for Baba A!-han-b1-agogo, he who forms the habit
of screaming like a gong
When doing all things without succeeding in any
He was advised to offer gbg

Baba AJi-han-bi-agogo was in serious dilemma. There was nothing he set

his hands upon that came out well. He was loathed by several people. He


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

was beng avoded by many more. He was a very poor person. He had no
friends. He had no wife. As a matter of fact, no woman wanted to be seen
by his side. Of course, he had no child; even his family members avoid him
like a leech.

Everyone knew why he was loathed by others - except Baba Ajf-han-biagogo himself. If anyone did a little thing to him, without proper
investigation he would conclude that it was done deliberately and in order
to scream to slight him. He would scream at the person. He would begin to
complain against the person. He would report the person to whoever
cared to listen. He would take the person before the highest authority. He
would do it until his complaints began to irritate people around him. If
those people did not blame or punish the person he complained against, he
would accuse them of taking sides with his opponent. In shoft, there was
nothing any one could say or do, that would satisfli him. If they blame his
opponent, he would accuse them of making jest of him. That was why
people tried everything to avoid him.
Anyone he considered as his enemy was in trouble. He would pester the
life of that person; he would tell everyone who cared to listen that he would
deal with this opponent. He would let them know that he had procured
some deadly charms, knives, cudgels and arrows with which to finish his
opponent. He would boast that he was coming to attack his opponent at
night. In orderto pre-empt him, the perceived enemy could go and waylay
him and beat him to a pulp. He would then start another round of
complaints. Several times, he had used his mouth to put himself into
One day, he met a young girl and propositioned her. The girl told him to go
and meet her parents if he was serious. He flew into an unbelievable anger.
He accused the girl of intimidating him with her parents. He promised to
teach her and her parents some lessons they would never forget in a hurry.
In the end, his matter was taken before the Qba. He was fined and warned
to be of good behavioul While he was contemplating whether to leave his
community and travel elsewhere or remain where he was, he decided to go
to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation on his situation.


ooara uei

The Awo assured him that he came with success from heaven but that he
had used his mouth to spoil his success chances. He was informed that his
refusalto behave decently caused all his problems for him. He was advised
to be tolerant, accommodating, and less boastful and be more considerate
at all times. He was asked to stop complaining against any little thing that
happened to him and to always give others the benefit of the doubt. He
was asked not to think that every step taken by others was designed to
intimidate him. He was advised to always see the positive side of everything
first and de-emphasize the negative. He was also advised to offer gbg with

three pigeons, three cocks, three hens, three guinea fowls and
money. After this, he was asked never to forget to caution himself in his
thoughts, speeches and deeds at all times. He complied. He was also
determined to turn a new leaf and make a success of his life.

A few days after his encounter with this Babalwo, he overhead


neighbours discussing about cooperative labour which they were about to

embark upon. He approached them and begged to be included. Knowing
his antecedents they refused bluntly. He however pleaded with them to
please include him. He assured them that he had changed for the better.
He appealed to them to help him to change. After much pleading, they
decided to give him a chance. He proved to be very humble and
cooperative. He was able to see genuine smile on people's faces. He too
began to smile genuinely. He saw real love and he too gave real love back
to people. He began to accumulate wealth. Afterthis, many people began
to enjoy his company. He no longer complained about anything or
everything, anybody or everybody. His face glowed all the time. He soon
met a woman of his choice and propositioned her. People who saw this
change in him encouraged him to go ahead. They also stood suretyfor him
the proposed wife's house. They soon got married. Soon after, the wife
gave b'th. He built his own house. He bought his own horse. He lived
happily. He died happily.
OjO pa abahun t'Qw t'agg
Dl fitn Baba Ajl-han-bl-agogo
lgba tl rtge oun gbogbo tl Qkan kO yg'r{
lbg ni wqn nl k ge
gb'Qbg rrt'bg

Igba tl qnu rq ml

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftaon

Ni mo l'j
OjO pa abahun t'Qw-t'agg
Igba tl gnu rQ ml
Ni mo l'ya
Ojo pa abahun t'w-t'agg
Igba tl gnu rQ ml
Ni mo bl'mg o
OjO pa abahun t',w-t'agg
Igba gnu rQ ml
Ni mo kq'l
Ojo pa abahun t'Qw-t'agg
Igba tl gnu rQ ml
Ni mo I'Q9in
Ojo pa abahun t'rw-t'agg
Igba gnu 'Q ml
Ni mo nl're gbogbo
OjO pa abahun t',w-t'agg

The rain soaked the totoise with its shell
This was the If cast for Baba Ajl-han-bl-agogo
When doing all things without succeeding in any
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Not until I cautioned my self
Did I have wealth
All praises to OjO pa abahun t'Qw t'agg
Not until I cautioned my self

All praises to Oo pa abahun t'Qw t'agg
Not until I cautioned myself

All praises to OjO pa abahun t'Qw t'agg
Not until I cautioned myself
Did I build my own house
All praises to OjO pa abahun t'Qw fagg
Not until I cautioned myself
Did I acquire my own horse
All praises to OjO pa abahun t'Qw fagg
Not until I cautioned myself
Did I acquire all the good things of life
All praises to OjO pa abahun t'ew fago


obara Meji

If says that with cauton, humility, cooperation, consideration for

others, accommodation and love, all the good things of life shall be for
the person for whom this Od is revealed just for the taking. If
assured that he/she had brought the destiny of success right from
heaven. That is why it is not in his/her own interest to allow trivial
things which he/she can help to preclude him/her from attaining his/her
highest potentials.


If says that person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer qbQ
against unforeseen events which spoils what he/she had spent most
of his/her life planning towards.
If also says that this person or group for whom this Od is revealed
also needs to offer gbg so that he/she or even the group would be
able to achieve his/her/their hea's desires.
If says that the chances of making a success of their plans are high.
At the same time, the chances of these plans to be spoilt by
unforeseen mishaps are equally high.

If says that there is the need to offer three white pigeons' one
matured goat and money as gbg and at the same time feed Egu
Qdara with one cock, for him/her or the group to be able to achieve
their set goals. They also need to offer gbg with one matured hegoat and money, and at the same time feed Eg Qdara with one
cock for their plans not to be spoilt by unforeseen misfoftune. On
these two situations, If says:
Mo jl, mo b erin nlnu igb
Mo nl erin pQlg o, alwg g mQduru mQduru
Moil mo b e,fQn I'Qdn
Mo nl efQn pgl o, alawg 9 pasjpasJ
Mo jl mo b gbQnrln nln igb
Mo nf egbQnrf pQl o, alwQ g medrtrb
Mo jl mo b er l'bt
Mo nl er pele o, alwQ klnnlklnnl
Il so ogn, l g s'de rr


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Ikn so g9bQn, iken won a re lbaylgbO

Dl fn Qrlnljg gmg eranko
Fbg eb-e, yln n wqn nl kl wgn w 9e

Waking up, I met the elephant in the forest
I said my greetings to the elephant, owner of mud-like skin
Waking up, I met the buffalo in the grass land
I sald my greetings to the buffalo, owner of the skin, the colour of
Waking up, I met the deer, in the forest
I said my greetings to the deer owner of the stripped skin
Waking up, I met the boa conscriptor in the swampy riverside
I said my greeting to the boa conscriptor, owner of the spotted skin
The okro bore 20 fruits, and went to Orere
And the egg- plant bore 30 fruits, and went to lbayigbo
These were lf's declarations to the 164 animals
When they were advised to offer gbg against unforeseen disaster

The entire anmal kingdom had become sck and tired of the activities of
the hunters. The hunters hunted, chased animal and killed the animal
without any justifiable reason. They used their skins to decorate their
homes, to make their bags and shoes and even to make straps. They ate
their flesh. Any time the wife of a hunter gave bfth to a new baby, one of
the animals or more would be sentenced to death. Sometimes it might be
the celebraton of chieftaincy title, conferment, it might be an ordnary
birthday or thanksgiving, the hunter would make sure that at least one
animal was murdered for each celebration. In short, any time human
beings wished to express their joy or celebrate any event, they would
wreck havoc and sorrow on the animals. In order to find solution to the
hunters' menace, they chose one hundred and sixty-four (164)
representatives among them to see to their welfare. The representatives
deliberated, and part of the outcome of their deliberation was for them to
move away totally from the vicinity of the hunters and to establish their
own market. They suggested that it would be wise to be living close to the
market so that they would effectively severe all relationship with the
hunters in pafticular and human beings in general. The entire animal
kingdom up held these suggestions. They moved away from the towns and
villages. They established their own market. Before long the market grew
very big. One day, the representatives of the animals went to the of Awo


ooara uei

mentoned for If consultation in order to deter mine what they needed to

do their market to expand the more and business to flourish better for them
and their future generations.

The Awo told them that their business would flourish and their market
would expand. They were advised to offer gbg with three white pigeons,
one goat and money. They were also advised to feed Ep Qdara with one
cock. After this, they were advised to offer gbg against any unforeseen
disaster which may cost them their lives. They were advised to use one hegoat and money for the gbg and feed Eg Qdara with one cock.
The representatives felt that an unforeseen disaster could ever befall them
as they had already taken care of such eventualities. They had moved far
away from human population and therefore no harm could befall them
from any other quafter. They offered the first qbg for progress and ignored
the second.
Awgn wyerye Awo il Qrnmll
Dl fifn awo Qdg ltar6
WQn g'gdg-$'qdq wgn r'gran pa
fbg ni wQn nl kl wQn ge

The careful observers and analysts, the resident Awo of Qrnmll
They were the Awo who cast If for the hunter of Ikarq
Where they hunted without killing any game
They were advised to offer gbg

The hunters of Ikare were frustrated lots. For good six to seven months,
they had not been able to kill a single animal. Many of them were
contemplating a change of profession. Some had already taken to farming
as a means of keeping body and soul together. Others had taken to fishing.
A few had taken to trading, while yet another group had begun handicraft
work. The few ones left were hungry sad, restless and frustrated. They
put heads together and concluded that as a last resolt, they needed to see
the Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation: Would they witness an
improvement in their business? Would they be able to kill games as they
used to do before? Was it wise for them to change their profession if they

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

had no hope of killing animals anymore? What types of business lines could
they follow that would be rewarding?
The Awo however asked them to puttheir minds at rest. They were assured
that they would be able to kill animals more than ever before. They were
asked to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and money. They were also
asked to feed If with one cock. Theycomplied.
A few days after, the hunters organized a hunting expedition. ESU Qdara
joined them in the form of man. He asked them to go far into the forest.
The hunters agreed. unknown to them; Eg Qdara was leading them to the
animals' market. Three days later, they arrived at the market. But it was
already late in the night. ESU Odara showed the hunters the footprints of
the animals and advised them to hide somewhere until the next morning.
They agreed. The next morning, the animals came to transact business in
their market. The hunters waited until the market was filled with animals.
They then began to kill them. Some of the hunters used arrows, some used
spears, some used javelins, some used clubs, some used knives, and others
used traps. At the end of the day, several animals laid dead. Since that day,
the solidarity among the animals got broken. They remembered the
warnings of their Awo that they needed to offer gbg against unforeseen
disaster, but it was already too late to do anything about it. The animals
learntto live with their regrets up till today.
Mo jl, mo b erin nln igbo
Mo nl erin pQlg o, alwQ g mQduru mQduru
Mo jl mo b gfQn I'Qdn
Mo nl gfQn pQlQ o, alwQ 9 pasJpasJ
Mo jl mo b gbQnrfn nlnu igbo
Mo nl agbQnrl pQl o, alwQ g medrfbtt
Mo jl mo b er l'bl
Mo nl ere pele o, alwQ klnnlklnnl
Il so ogn, l trg s'de orr
Ikn so ggbQn, ikan won a re lbaylgbO
Dl fitn Qrlnljg gmg granko
WQn nl kl wqn rbg eb-Jln
WQn l'wgn O I'ebg q r

Awgn w0yerye Awo il Qrrtnmll

Dl firn awo Qdg Ikarq
WQn g'gdg-g'qdg wgn r'gran pa


ooara uei

fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn ge

WQn gb'bg, wn r'bo

Ko pe ko jlnn
lwa b ni nl jQbrlt ire gbogbo

Waking up, I met the elephant in the forest
I said my greetings to the elephant, owner of the mud-like skin
Waking up, I met the buffalo in the grassland
I said my greetings to the buffalo, owner of the skin, the colour of tree
Waking up I met the deer in the forest
I said my greetings to the deer, owner of the stripped skin
Waking up, I met the boa conscriptor in the swampy river-side
I said my greetings to the boa conscriptor owner of the sothed skin
The okro bore 20 fruits, and went to Orere
And egg-plant bore 30, and went to lbayigb0
These were lf's declarations to the 164 animals
When they were advised to offer gbg against unforeseen disaster
They refused to comply
The careful obseruers and analyst, the resident Awo of Qrunmll
They were the ones who cast If for the hunters of Ikarq
When they hunted without klling any game
They were advised to offer gbg
They compiled
And not too late, not too far
Join us in the midst of prosperity

If says that it shall not allow the person for whom this Od is revealed
to suffer from unforeseen calamity. If also says that what this person
had been struggling for, without success, for a long time, shall be
realzed in due course of time.


If says that there is a person where this Od is revealed who had

been given a responsiblty to perform but this person is using the
privileges attached to this responsbility to perpetrate atrocities. If
says that this person has been pursuing his/her own personal
designs to the detriment of the responsibility given to him/her. If
however warns this person to desist before he/she is humiliated and

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

If warns aganst someone either embezzling public fund; or usng

his/her poston to intimidate others; or to take advantage of the
inadequacies of others. If says that if he/she did not desist, he/she
is a sure candidate

for disgrace and public ridicule.

This person is advised to offer gbg with three cocks and money.
He was also advised to desist from doing anything that would put
him/her to shame. A stanza in this Od giving credence to this
asseftion says:
Ksekse l rr r{
A O tfl r{ ksks
Ksks rt bQ l,yln
Baba ksekse
Dl filn Agblgb0nlwQnrn
Tl rrh re da'dg nll Ql,fin
fbg ni wqn nl k ge

Success is what we are seeing
We have not seen disgrace
Disgrace is coming along the way
The father of success (i.e, the effect of disgrace is more profound than
that of success)
This was the declaration of If to AgblgbnlwQnrn (hoopoe)
When going to perfume QSun ritual in QlQfin's palace.
He was advised to offer gbg

AgblgbnIwnrn was very good in the aft and rituals of Qgun worshipping
and healing. For these reasons many people sought his assistance
whenever they wanted to serve Qpun. They would either come to his
house or he would go to theirs. Unknown to many people however, there
was nowhere he would go that he would not make sure that he made love
to their wives. He always took advantage of his positon as a veteran Qgun
follower to perpetrate his disgraceful act. Whenever a child was ill, he
would recommend Qgun feeding for the mother in his house. When the
mother brought the baby, he would insist on making love to the mother
before treating the child and seving Qgun for her child. If someone else
prescribed serving QSun for people, he would ensure that all the women



oura uei

involved were made love to before he would be satisfied. After making love
to them, he would threaten them with terrible consequences if they should
tell anyone. If a woman was sick, he would make love to her before
treating her. He used to do this even in the women's matrimonial homes.
He had no respect for anybody when it comes to this. Because people got
the required result and because of the fear of being ruthlessly dealt with,
none of his victims ever confessed to anybody what AgblgbnlwQnrn had
done to her.

One day, one of QlQfin's wives was seriously ill. All the medicines they
administered on her proved ineffective. She looked emaciated. She could
not eat or drink. As a last resoft, AgHgbOn)wQnrn was invited.
In orderto succeed in his assignment, he wentto theAwo mentioned above
for If consultation: what did he need to do to be able to heal QlQfin's wife
of her ailment? Would he be recognized and praised by QlQfin? Would Qlqfin
compensate him adequately for a job well done if he succeeded in healing
his wife? The Awo assured Agblgbn)wQnrn that healing QlQfin's wife was
not a problem but that he needed to offer gbq so that he would not be
humiliated. The Awo told him that even though he was a competent healer
and Qgun practitioner but he was nonetheless acting in violation of social
morality. He was warned to desist from this act if he did not want to be
humiliated and disgraced. He was advised to offer gbg with three cock and
When AgblgbnlwQnrn heard this, he was angry. He told the Awo that the
gbg he prescribed for him was not necessary as he knew his ways. He

accused the Awo of being envious of his achievements in life. He

challenged the Awo to wait and see how he would maneuver his ways in
QlQfin's palace. He stormed outof theAwo's house after.

When he got to 9lQfin's palace, he was taken to the room of the sick
woman. He tested her and assured QIQRn that she would soon be well. He
told QlQfin that there was an urgent need for him to peform ceftain rituals
for her. He told every body present to excuse him. They all got out of the
room and Agb)gbnlwQnrn locked the door. He began to make love to
QlQfin's wife even on her sick bed in her matrimonial home. He began to do

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftaton

this twice a day, on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, QlQfin made sure that Agb)gbnlwQnrn lacked nothing

whatsoever. He was well-fed, well clothed and given the best quafter,
reserved for QlQfin's most impoftant guests. After eating in the morning,
he would go and make love to QlQfin's wife. After supper, he would also go
and do the same all under the pretext that he was going there to
administer medicines on her. He was so used to this illicit act that he began
to think that if he administered the correct drugs on her with right dosages,
the woman would soon recover and that might mean the end of his
"enjoyment" in OlQfin's palace, he therefore devised a means of ensuring
that he delayed medication for as long as possible.
One day, Olfin's wife complained to Agb'igbnlwQnrn that she had not
notice much improvement in are physical condition. She said that she
would not want him to continue to make love to her any more as she
considered it against the ethics of his profession and a taboo on QlQfin's
house. Agb)gbnlwQnrn became angry that she had the effrontery to
preach morality to him. He told her that she had lost her right to complain
as he was the only person who knew what was good for her and nobody
else. The woman said that if he did not desist she would explain
everything that had been happening to her husband. This made
AgblgbnlwQnrn to panic. He threatened that if she should ever
contemplate telling anyone, she would die a violent death instantly, even
before she narrated her experience to whoever she planned to tell it to. He
also threatened that if she should ever resist him, she would become
paralyzed instantly. With these threats, he had his way and left her totally
confused. That same day, she summoned courage and told her husband
everything going on.

When QlQfin heard this, he became very furious and disappointed. He

decided to catch Agb'igbn'lwQnrn in the act. QlQfin asked his wife when
next Agb'igbn1wQnrn would return, and he was informed that he used to
come to her room twice a day. So they expected and planned for him
against evening when he would come for his illicit act. QlQfin organized for
four able-bodied in his palace to be on standby. When AgblgbnlwQnrn
returned in the evening, he suspected nothing. He removed his clothes.

frtr oo"o u"i

Before he could do anything the four men forced open the door and bundled
AgblgbnIwQnrn out of the room completely naked. He was
naked throughout the four comers of Il-Ife. Many women who had fallen
victim of his illicit act were emboldened by what they saw. They came out
openly and narrated their ordeals in his hands.


It was when everybody began to boo him and throw stones at him that he
remembered the warnings of the Awo to him. He never contemplated in his
wildest imagination that he could experience such a disgrace in his life.
After being paraded throughout the length and breadth of ll-Ife, QQfin
released AgdgbnlwQnrn to go and live with his shame. When the shame
became unbearable for him, AgblgbnlwQnrn committed suicide. And


that broughtto an end the inglorious life of Agb'lgbnlwQnrn.

Ksekse le rf
A O tfl rl ksks
Kasakesa bQ lQyln
Baba ksekse
Dl fitn AgblgbOnlwonrn
fi rrlg r da'dg nll QlO,fin
lbg ni wgn nl k
kg' Qgbgnhin s'ebq


AgblgbonlwQnrn k d mi sllQ mQ
Flfg nl fQ mi o

Success is what we are seeing
We have not seen disgrace
Disgrace is coming along the way
The father of success (i.e, the effect of disgrace is more
than that of
This was the declaration of If to AgblgbOnlwQnrn (hoopoe)
When going to perfume Qgun ritual in QlQfin's palace.
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused bluntly
Agblgb0nIwOnrn is no longer applying remedy on me
But he was instead making love to me



If says that disgrace is around the corner for someone who has
perpetrated evil but who felt that all loopholes had been plugged.





lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

says that such a person should change his/her ways if he/she did not
want to face public odium.
If also says that someone or group who had hithefto been cheated by
others would see through the evil designs of those cheating them and
their person or persons cheating them will soon be disgraced.

Abgrrf, Abgye.




ooara uei



Qbara Mil children will

be verywealthy in life because they broughttheir

luck and success chances from heaven. No mater the initial tribulations,
these people willtriumph in the end. Their success usually comes in a very
miraculous manner. They however needed to be well groomed in the aft of
success management. This is because success easily enters into their
heads and it may lead them to misbehave or be rude to elders or

constituted authorities. Because success for Obara-Mil children


assured, education on success management and control is a must.

Even though success is guarateed for Qbara-Mjl children, they succeed
more as an individual than in a group. They therefore need to take to such


These professions
professions as the ones individuals can excel
includes If practice, Medicines, Pharmacy, Sculpture work, fine aft,
accountancy, or establish a one-man business enterprise. They can sell
groceries and include pumpkins in their sales but can never succeed as a

For EjIQbara children, humility, truthfulness, wisdom,

uprightness, honesty and purity are paft of the qualities which enhances
their success chances in life. Qbara-Mfl male children also need to listen
to the good advices of their wives as the advices will surely pave the path to
greatness to them. They also need to treat their wives with all
considerations at all times and accord them due respects. Apaft from
these, Qbara-uil children succeed more when they choose to handle
. two things at a time than when they feel that they cannot handle two things
at a go. Some measures of risk-taking are paft of the things that keep
Qbara-Mjl children going. Further more, the more the number of
children they have, the greater their prosperity and success,

Qbara-Mjl children have the unbelievable ability to survive calamities,

wars, uprisings, or upheavals, they will not only survive these they would
also be responsible for the survival of their families and loved ones. This
ability is inborn. This is why it is very rare to find Qbar-Mjt children
dying violent deaths. It is however very useful for Qbara-Mil children to

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

make it a point of duty to be breaking kola-nuts for Elwo to consume

regularly. By so doing, long life is enhanced. They will live relatively long
and n comfoft and peace of mind. That Qbara-Mjl children will survive
disasters and upheavals is not a license to take undue risks or be reckless in
their day-to-day activities. If does not protect anyone who behaves
stupidly or recklessly.

These children,

in spite of their qualities, are born stubborn and

recalcitrant. They hardly wish to spend money unless it is compulsory for

them to do so, These are palts of their attitudes which must be tamed to a
manageable limit, if it cannot be totally eliminated. Quite a number of
Qbara-Mjl children are also in the habit of daring elders and other
constituted authorities. They love to deny elders what rightly belongs to
them. This attitude should also be discouraged as it will never augur well
for them. They also tend to forget their sufferings and their difficult roads
to success once they reach the top. They brag, complain and intimidate
people. By so doing, they end up accumulating oppositions and enemies.
If these can also be stopped, Qbara-M) children will be loved, respected
and exalted in the community.
Some of them also love to go after other people's wives; this can only bring
disgrace and humiliation.

On the whole Qbara-Ui chldren will reach the zenith of their chosen
careers but they are always threatened by unforeseen setback which may
reduce all their achievements in life to naught. Qbara-Mil chldren are
fashion-conscious and they pursued wealth and recognition to the
exclusion of a settled family life. Once they settled down however, they
make good husbands and wives, good fathers and mothers and good
companion to their families and friends. For Qbara-Mjl children, the
world willtremble and bow.




for success longevity, protection, progress and victory.

EgU Qdara for victory over adversary financial success and
rescue from danger.




Orf for support, longevity, financial success,

oaara uej

vctory and over all

Q;un for achievement
Ogrtn for victory and achievement
Od for victory and achievement
Q+un for child-bearing, victory and achievement.

Taboos of Qbara-Mjl

. Must never be rude to elders or constituted authority - to avoid

blockade of his/her success chances.
. Must never go after other people's wives to avoid being
humiliated and disgraced.
ii. Must never appear drty or neglect personal hygiene - to avoid
untimely death.
iv. Must never take advantage of other people's misfoftune or
inadequacies to avoid humiliation and disgrace
v. Must never eat iguana to avoid difficulty in child- bearing.
vi. Must never ignore useful advice of his wife to avoid missing his
success chances.
vii. Must not use orore birds for anything to avoid missing his/her

success chances.
Must not eat ewe to avoid missing his/her success chances
Must not use toftoise for anything to avoid living a loveless life.
Must never use Agbe, Aluko and OdldgrQ birds - to avoid difficulty
in overcoming adversary and getting victory over enemies.
Must never be a farmer to avoid poverlry and failure.


Possible names for Qbare-Mjl Chitdren During



1. Males
. Fkyqd - If brings joy
i. IbllqpE - Consanguinity deserves gratitude
. Fdr If pedorms wonders
iv. Odql The Od of honour

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon


Qladimejl Honour has become two

. Qmgladn - Chld is sweet
I. Ibllqpg - Consanguinity is my source of gratitude
. Olhundldn - Owner of sweet things
iv. AyQbmi - Joy has come to me
V. Aygdjl - Joy has become two

Aboru Aboye.


Chapter 8


ll lt
ll lt
il ll

Chapter 8


If says that it foresees the Ire of comfoft and acceptability for the
person for whom Oknrn M;T is revealed. If says that the person
for whom this Od is revealed shall be loved and adored and sought
after by all and sundry. If says also that this person shall be given
the chance to exeft his/her potentials to the maximum in life. The
person for whom this Od is revealed shall have honour and respect
and shall be held in a high exteem in the society. He/she cannot be
ignored or resisted in the community. This is very sure. If advises
the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbQ with three
white pigeons, three ducks and money. On this aspect,
Qknrn-M) says:
Qkan belabaH

AwoQmu ldlfQmrl
9m 'tQrun bg walAYe
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

Thatwhich swings and is adored
That was the If cast for Qm, the Breast
When coming forQrun, HeaventoAy, Eafth
And was coming to enjoy the life of being caressed
She was advised to offerqbg

When a new-born baby was coming into the world, she was accompanied
by Blood and Weeping. About forty days later, Laughter came into the
world to meet the new-born baby. The baby thus knew how to laugh, smile
and giggle. About five months after the bifth of the baby, Patience came to
join ef She was thus being taught the viftues of being patient at all times.


ox"ron u"i

When the child grew up and was around 11 years old, Qm the Breast,
decided to go and live with the child on eafth. She therefore went to the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation: Would her stay on eafth be fruitful?
Would she be given honour and respect? Would she be adored by all while
on eafth? Would she be placed in a conspicuous place in the body? Would
it be better for her to stay with a male or a female? Allthese questions and
more were the things which pre-occupied the mind of Qmu before she went
for If consultation.
The Awo assured Qmu that her stay on eafth would not only be fruitful, but
would equally be exciting and challenging. She was assured that she would
be accorded her due honour and respect. She was also told that her
significance would be elevated over and above other parts of the body and
she would occupy a most conspicuous place in the human body. She was
advised to stay with a female gender. By so doing, she was assured that she
would be the easiest paft of the female's body which would be used to
identifu a woman. Qm was told that she would be able to enhance the
feminity, attractiveness and desirablty of a woman. Without her; she was
assured, a woman would be incomplete. In addition to these, Qm was told
that she would be the one who would be relied upon to nurse human babies
exclusively in the first few months in life. She was also told that even when
she grew old and feeble she would always be given honourable roles to play.

Qmu was however advised to offer gbg with three white pigeon three
ducks and money. She complied. Shortly afte'this, Qm set out on her
journey into the world.
When she came into the world, 9m settled on the chest of a young girl of
between 11 and 12 years. Atfirst, she came as a smalldot. She later began
to develop little by little. By the time the young girl attained 16 years of age,
Qmu the Breast, had been given a conspicuous place on the chest. Those
who saw the breast concluded that the young girl was getting physically
matured and readyforthe marriage market.
Members of the opposite sex also saw Qm as something to hold, caress
and fondle. They all began to look at the young girl invitingly as a result of
her breast. Several ideas on how to cajole the young girl closer to them

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

were developed. Qmu arouses the lasciviousness in all males. She also
enhances the sexuality of the female with whom she was residing. Even
though Qm, like Oj (Eyes), Eti(Nose), Im (Nostrils), Ap (Arms) and fsg
(Legs) came in pairs, each half complemented the other and one was not
more importantthan the other.
By the time the owner of the Qm was being considered ready for the
marriage market, the majoryardstick used forthe consideration, apaftfrom
other social factors like education, character, moral and so on, was that
when she became pregnant and was delivered of her own baby, she would
be able to feed the new baby with her breast. And truly, 9mt1 was used to
feed the new baby exclusively in the first few months of the baby on eath.
Everything the new baby needed to survive on eafth and to continue living a
healthy life afterwards had been supplied by Oldmar and stored in the
milk which Qmu produces. No other part of the body could be used to
substitute Qmu in this noble role.
If says also that like If, as the fount of knowledge and origin of all things,
living, non-living, visible, non-visible, those which has essence and those
which has not, perceivable and non-perceivable, contains a pair of sixteen
Od each which could be combined according to the will of Oldmar on
any subject concerned; so also did Qmu has a pair of sixteen holes in her
nipple which served as the "founts' from where all the essential ingredients
for the existence of a new baby were supplied. The "founts" in each breast
were opened and closed for use according to the need, destiny, character
and their desirability. Essentially, anyone who could study which part of the
sixteen holes in each Qm of any woman which supplied the milk for feeding
a new baby while on eafth, such a person could easily chaft the
distinguishing characteristics of such baby and by extension predict what
roles the baby had come into the world to play. Thus, only If and Qmu
could play these roles successfully - to nurture and sustain atthe same time.
When Qmr had performed these roles and had grown old and feeble, she
was highly respected as that paft of the body which had brought up all
members of the human race-kings and slaves, noblemen and commoners,
high and lory highly sought after and the ignored.


ll or"ror r",
This was how Qm lived a fulfilled life on eafth. She was adored, caressed,
fondled, sought-after, respected and given her due honour and recognition.
She was thus singing and dancing and giving praises to Oldmar for
giving her such a noble role to play in the lives of all the members of the
human race.
Okan balabale

AwoQmrt ldlfOmr
9m 'tQrun bgwlAy
fbg ni wqn ff k w 9e
gb'$bg, r'bg
! w b'ni b', w
E w wo're o

Thatwhich swings and is adored
That was the If cast for Qm, the Breast
When coming for Qrun to Ay
And was coming to enjoythe life of being caressed
She was advised to offer ebo
Before long, nottoo far
Join us in the midstof beauty
Come and behold all the Ire in life

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be respected,
honoured and sought after by all. This person shall live a very conspicuous
and fulfilled life on eafth. If says that the person for whom this Od is
revealed should however not flaunt his/her prominence too much lest
he/she is accused of being too fliftatious and solicitous in his/her activities.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be so

successful on eafth that his/her success shallvibrate to high heavens.
If says that this person is closely related to $ng. He/she shall be
made a leader. He shall be held in high exteem and people shall fear
and respect him/her. This person is advised to offer gbg with three

Ita Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

cocks and three white pgeons. He/she is also advised to feed

$ang with one cock. On this aspect, If says:
Ayn nff r'gg ptfp
Altakn nll gba'j OdOOdo
Dlfiln $ang

Tlyj'gba l'y

' Tl y d'Orlg l'lde


Ayn, the cockroach, is itthatwraps itself in a miniature dress
And Altakn, the Spider, is it that suspends itself with its sash
This was the If castfor $ngo
Who shall become a king on Eafth
And an ORSa n Heaven
He was advised to offer gbg

When Abifin was coming from Heaven into the world, he chose, as part of
his destiny, to become a very poweffilland influential person on eafth. He
also prayed to have a very strong personality. And when he was about to

move into the world, he went for If consultation; would he be able to

achieve his destiny without hinderance? Would he be respected and feared
by all-both friends and foes? Would he live a fulfilled life while on eafth?
The two Awo he approached assured him that he would surely achieve his
destiny. He would be feared and respected by his subjects. He would also
live a fulfilled life. He was told that to achieve all these, he would be born
into a royal home and he would become a king while on eafth. Abffin was
also assured that his personality would be so strong while on eafth that
even after his death, his spirit would be turned into an OSa and would be
worshipped byall.
Abffin was advised to offer gbg with three white pigeons and a lot of
money. He was also informed that his destiny was closely associated to
$ngo. He was therefore advised to feed Sango with one cock and all
other accompanying ritual materials. He complied and left for the world.

Afffin was born on Jkta day and into the family of the reigning Alfin
Aganjrl n QyQ. During his IkgsQdy, his parents were informed that he

fil ox"rran u"i

was closely associated to $ng and that was paftly responsible for the
reason why he was born on Jakta day - the day when $ng was being
worshipped. Ever since he grew up to his adolescent ages, he would never
initiate anything unless it was during Jktlta day. His personality was so
strong, he was so stubborn and rascally that everybody who knew him and
his ways of life concluded that he must be a $ng reincarnate. He was
soon nicknamed Sng. When AIfin Aganj, his father died, he was
chosen asthe nextAlfin of Qyq.
During his reign as the Alfin, nobody remembered his name anymore.
Everyone chose to address him as Alfin $ng. He was held in a very high
esteem partly due to fear and paftly due to respect. He was regarded as
both a temporal and spiritual leader. He had several followers during his
reign. When he died, he was deified. It reached a stage that several people
could not differentiate between AMfin who was nicknamed $ngO and the
original $ngO who was an IrnmglQ.
That was how Abffin, otherwise known as $ng was able to achieve his
destiny of becoming a king on eafth and an Ortg in heaven.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is a born leader.
He/she shall achieve his/her ambition in life. He/she needs to serve Sang
at all times. There lies his/her success, progress and accomplishment.
Ayn nff r'gg pp
Altakn nff gba'j OdOdo
Dlfirn $ang

Tlyj'gba l'y

Tl y d'Orlg l'lde Qrun

f bg ni wqn nl k Se

gb'gbo, rrt'bg
$angw j'gba l'y
sld'Orlg I'grun
Gbogbotgowo QpQ
I w b ni b'yQ
! w wo're o


lfa Dida: An nvitaon to lfa Consultation

Ayn, the cockroach, is itthatwraps itself in a miniature dress
And Altakn, the Spider, is itthatsuspends ibelf with its sash
This was the If cast for $ng
Whoshallbecomea king on Eafth
And an Onga in Heaven
He was advised to offergbg
He complied
$ng became a king on Eafth
And an Orlga in Heaven
Allfollowersof the Holy Palm-tree
Come and meet us in the midst of happiness
Come and behold Ire

If says Ire shall follow the person fof whom this Od is revealed for the rest
of his/her life. He/she shallsurely live a fulfilled life.


If says that it foresees the Ire of prosperity for the person for whom
Qknrn-M) is revealed during consultation. If says that this
person shall succeed in trading or any other related business. If
says that his/her chances are brighter at that particular point in time
than at any other moment. If says that the door of financial success
shall be opened for him/her if he/she endeavours to offer the
appropriate gbg in this Od.
If advises this person to offer gbg with three white pigeons and
money as prescribed by the Awo. On this aspect;If says:
Eni t rn ni nl'ge

Dl filn Ejl-Qkanran
Tl yO fi frinw g'OwO
Tl y j're ggbQrin Qkg
Sbgniwqn nl kge

Whoever sends one on an errand
Is the person one reports backto
This was lf's declaration to E)-Qknrn



ox"no, u"i

Who shall trade wth 400 cowries

And make a proft of 800 bags of cowries
He was advised to offer gbg

E:l-Qkanran (otherwise known as Skanran-MT) was planning to start off

in life. He deliberated on what to do for a living for a long time, sought the
advice of others and consulted If before settling for trading as his means
of livelihood. Having decided thus, he began to gather money that would
be enough for him to staft the business. Much as he tried he was only able
to gather 400 pieces of cowries. He knew that such an amount was too
meagre to carry him far, but nonetheless he was determined to face the
odds head-on. Consequent upon this, he went to the Awo mentioned
above for If consultation: would he be able to attain the zenith of his
chosen career with the little amount he was stafting with? Would he be in a
position to attain his full potentials in life? Would luck smile on him in his
chosen business? Would he be able to overcome his initial setback and
forge ahead to become a greattrader in future? Would he not become the
laughing stock of others? Would his business succeed where those of
others failed? These and many more questions especially those arising as
a result of the fear of unceftainties of life were at the back of El-Qkanrn's
mind before going for If consultation. During If consultation, QkanranMT was revealed.

The Awo assured him that he had nothing to fear at all. He was told that
the door of success had been opened wide for him at that time. The Awo
urged him to take the risk at that time as he would have nothing to regret
whatsoever. In order to optimize his chance, he was advised to offer gbg
with three white pigeons and money. He was also advised to serue If
with one white pigeon. All these he complied with before setting out on
his first business venturd.
E)-Qknrn choseto be travelling from one location to the other as his own
trading method. His first venture was to travel from ll-Ife to Ado-Ekltl. He
bought many wearing apparels from their manufacturers in Il-IfQ which
were far in excess of the 400 pieces of cowries that he had on him.
However, with his good-will, he deposited the amount he had and promised
to come and pay the balance immediately he returned from his business
trip. The manufacturers agreed. The following day, he set out on his
journey, placing his hope absolutely on the prediction of If that he would

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

By the time ElT-Qknran arrved at Ad-Eldti it was during the period they
were preparing for their New Yam festival. Most inhabitants of Ad-Eldtl

and its environment realized a bumper haruest that ydar. They were
therefore planning to celebrate it is in a grand style. The actual day of the
festival was merely about six weeks away. Eji-Qkanran showed them his
wares and was able to convince the inhabitants of Ad-Eldti that they were

the most appropriate apparels with which to celebrate the New Yam
Festival. Everybody planned to buy. Sensing their mood, E)-Qkanran
jerked up the price. They gladly agreed. Within a few moments, all his
wares had been sold out. Those who could not get were disappointed. E)Qkanran however struck a deal with them that he would quickly go and
order for their own stuff. With that assurance, they were all happy, many
people gave him advance payment before he left. Realizing that it would
be difficult for ET-Qkanran to carry everything they would need all by
himselfi, they quickly arranged for 20 additional hands of able-bodied men
to assist him. That same day, the convoy set out for Il-IfQ. The
manufacturers began to produce the wearing apparels immediately.
Shortly after, they returned to Ad-Eld. On getting there, E)-Qknrn
doubled the price of his wares. Because of the increase in price many more
people became interested because they interpreted it to mean superiorty
in quality. That same day, everything was bought up. Many more people
ordered for their own wares and paid the advance fees. E)-Qknran asked
for 50 hands to assist him. Because he paid the 20 people who followed
him to lle-Ife the first time generously, he found it very easy to get
volunteers to follow him. By the time he returned to Ad-Eldtl, he not only
made more profit but the news of this great trader had spread to other
areas such as Ikgle-Ehti, Ikgrg-Eki, fytn-Eldti, sl-Ekt, ffon-Alaaye,
Armgkg-Eklti, Akrlrq, Itaognolu, Ikarg-Akk, okl-Pupa and so on.
Everybody began to order for his/her own. Those outside these areas sent
delegatesto E)-Qkanran to negotiate with him. He gladly obliged them.
Before long, anybody in the Ekitl, Akoko,Ilajg, Ond and AkurQ areas who
did not have any of the appreals of ET-Qkanran in his/her collections was
considered as not moving with the trend of time and therefore
unappreciative of modern fashion. By the time EI-Qkanran settled down to

Il ox"ron u"i
do the account of his business, he had made a profit of 800 bags of cowries
which was 16 million cowries. This was a business he stafted with only 400
cowries and all within one year. E|-Qknrn was ovenryhelmed with joy. He
was dancing and singing and giving praises to his Awo, If and Oldmar
that through him, his community became successful in business and he
became the richest man in his community. He had a large family and a big

However, any time he returned from any trip he would go to his Awo and
explain his encounters to If, saying that whoever sends one on an errands
is the one to repoft back to. He said that it was If who sent him to go into
trading and gave him all the backing. In this wise, it was If he needed to
report all his progress to.

fnit rn ninl'g
N|a fabq Qfiln

filn Ejl-Qkanran
Tl yf lrinwg'wO
Tl y j're ggbQrin QkQ
Sbg ni wgn nl k 9e


f w b'ni b'yQ
f w wo're o
Whoeversends one on an errand
Isthe person one repofts backto
This was If's declaration to E)-Qkanran
Who shalltrade with 400 cowries
And make a profitof 800 bags of cowries
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long and nottoofar
Come and join us in the midstofjoy
And come and behold Ire

If says that the person for whom this Od is reveated shall be fabulously
rich as a trader. If says that he/she has the suppoft of If in this venture.
His/her chances are very bright at that time and it is advisable for this

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

person to grab this advantage with both hands. Barring any self-nflicted
pain or problem this client had no reason to regret.


If says that the person for whom this OdO is revealed shall succeed
in life. There is no argument about that. But it must be noted that
he/she will not realize this success where he/she was born. He/she
would succeed outside his/her place of bifth. This success would be
so great that it is advisable to offer ebQ for this person now so that
he/she would remember his/her place of bifth when the success

If says also that it foresees success for the person going on a

business trip outside his/her domain. If says that before long,
he/she shall be the one controlling the business life of the place

he/she was traveling to. He/she would be well known and more
popular outside than in his/her native place of bifth. If advises that
the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer gbg with
three pigeons, three guinea fowls and money, There is also
the need to offer gbg with three cocks and money for this person
to remember his/her home when the success comes. This is very
important too in order to avoid a situation where this client will be
developing other areas at the expense of his/her own place of birth.
On these aspect, If says:
B'lbgO pe'ni
Alw Oyg'ni o
O kan'ni
Kankan-ankan l ran'j
Dl firn Eil-Qkanran



Tt tg it
Tl rllg re gba'l lttlg tant<an-ankan I'QwQ q
pbg ni wqn nl k w ge


If a client does not invite one to come and offer ebg (for him/her)
Going to demand for it is unethical
Any matter that does not concern one
One may be accused of prying one's eyes (if one is too inquisitive about it)





This was the If cast for EI-Qknrn

When gong to)lQ land

And who shall completelytake
He was advised to offergbg

overltilg land from the original lnhabitants

ET-Qknrn was a very brilliant Babalwo. He studied extensively and

mastered all the various aspects and intricacies of If. Yet, he had nothing
to show for it, he had no money, no wife, no child, no house of his own as he
was living in his family compound inside the house built by his own father in
Il-Ife, no cultivated farmland, no good dresses and infact, nothing to show
forthe vast knowledge he possessed.

Instead of praises, he was being jeered at by other Babalwo whom he was

looking up to for moral suppoft. The other Awo saw no reason why anyone
should endeavour to study as hard and as extensively as E)-Qkanran.
They claimed that with all his knowledge, he remained a poor and an
unaccomplished Babalwo. Other people in Il-IfQ saw no reason whythey
should patronize him, claiming that f he was that competent and
knowledgeable, he ought to have found a solution to at least one of his
many problems. El-Qknrn thus became the laughing stock of his
professionalcolleagues and the general public in Il-IfQ, his home town.

Tired of this kind of living, EI-Qkanran went for If consultation in the

home of the Awo mentioned above; would he ever succeed in his life?
Would he beget his own children to whom he would pass on the vast
knowledge which he possessed? Would he be able to stand on his own and
raise his head high in public? Allthese were his immediate sources of worry
before he wentfor consultation.
The Awo informed Ejt-Qtanran that he would surely succeed in life - even
beyond his wildest dream. He was assured that he would be one of the
greatest Awo who had ever lived. He was however advised that he would
never succeed where he was born. He was told that he had been
contemplating a change of environment. He was advised to do so as the
move would be to his advantage. He was also told that when he reached
his new destination, he must never go to the extent of putting pressure on
any client to come and offer gbg which he had hithefto prescribed for them.
He was advised to ensure that his self-dignity was maintained at all times as

lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultaton

that was the only honourable course of action to take.

Truly, E)-Qkanran had been contemplating moving from ll-Ife his home
town toltilQ to live. He was not sure if such move would be in his favour.
Hearing the message of If as explained by the Awo, he made up his mind
to take the risk. And truly too, he was in the habit of going to the homes of
the few clients he had whenever they failed to come and offer the gbg he
recommended for them. Whenever he cast If for his clients, he would not
be sure that they would come and offer the qbg, if he did not see them at
the time they promised to come, he would go and visit them at home and
mount pressure on them. By so doing, the clients would not only lose
confidence in his so called competence but would also get angry over such
display of lack of professional etiquette. More often than not, he would end
up being chased out of their homes. From the day he consulted If, he
made up his mind never to do this anymore. The Awo told him that it was
better to die with one's dignity intact than to live without dignity. E:lQknrn chose to die with his dignity intact, if the need arose.

The Awo advised EI-Qknrn to offer gbg with three pigeons, three
guinea fowls, three cocks and money. He was also advised to serue
If with food and drink, He searched forthe moneyto purchase allthese
materials and complied with the advice of If. Shoftly after this, he set out
on his journey otltilQ, armed with his instruments of consultation and a lot
of hope in If.
On his arrival

atltilq land, Efl-Qkanran lodged temporarily in the home of a

Babalwo. It dd not take long before it became clear to all that he was not
only a first-class Awo, but an extremely dedicated one atthat. He followed
all the aspects of If to thelr minute details. By the time he decided to stay
on his own, his reputation had been established. Clients were coming from
far and near to consult If n his house. He would wake up as early as the
first cock crow at dawn everyday and would not have the chance to go to
bed untilvery late at night. All these he enjoyed. He soon discovered that
'clients' patronage did not allow me to rest was far better than the world
had totally forgotten about me'. Besides this, money and respect were
coming to him on a daily basis. People soon gave him apprentices to learn
If from him. In spite of his wealth and reputation, feeding well still


ox"rr", uri

remaned his problem. He had no tme to prepare any food for himself. His
friends however arranged for a wife for him. The wife took care of him and
his feeding. He began to feed well and regularlytoo. His wife soon became
pregnant. She gave bfth to many children for him, one after the other.
Together with his children they built their own house atltilq-land. Before
long after this all high and mighty inlttlg land became his clients. He soon
became the Awo of the Qba. He was soon made the Arb of llb-land.
Before long nobody dared take any decision in that town without consulting
him. His respect and popularity were just next to that of the Qba of the
Land, E)-Qkanran became a fabulously successful man in lttq-unA. He
completely forgot Il-Ife his home land and made)tllQ his native land. As a
matter of fact, nobody in ltllQ-land remembered that he was not born in
their land and they never treated him as a non-indigene. All the people
from far and near used to refer to him as 'E)-Qknrn, the inhabitant and
owner ofltllQ-Land'. This title stuck until this day.
Alw Oyg'nio
QrQtl O kan'ni
Kankan-ankan I ran'j
Dlfin Ejl-Qkanran
Tr rq



lg re gba'l ltllq kankan-ankan I'QwQ q wgn

lbg ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'bg, r'bg
Emi diEjl-Qkanran
If je n gba'l ltllg kankan-ankan I'QwQ g wqn o

If a client does not invite one to come and offer gbQ (for him/her)
Going to demand for it is unethical
Any matterthatdoes notconcern one
One may be accused of prying one's eyes (if one is too inquisitive about it)
This was the If cast for EI-Qkanran
When going toltilq land
And who shall completely take overltilE land from the original inhabitants
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I now become E)-Qknran
May If let me completely take overltllQ-Land from them.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

If says that the person for whom this OdrJ is revealed shall succeed in life.
This success shal however come outsde his/her place of bifth, All he/she
needs to do is to maintain his/her dignity and self-respect. He/she must
also stick to the ethics of his/her professional business or trade. There lies
success; there lies respect; there lies honoun


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have
many followers in life. He/she shall be highly honoured and
respected in the community. He/she shallalso become a role model.

If warns this person against eating the flesh of ewe (mutton) but
recommends one ewe as the gbg material in this pafticular stanza.
He/she also needs to offer a basket full of ss beans as ebq. On this
aspect, If says:
Bat l, abTdl dqqgl
Dl filn O, ya Omlrin
Tl sunkn gmg r'de Ajgbg
f;bg ni wqn nl k w 9e

The big Bt drum, with its large base
This was the name of the Awo who cast If for O.ya Om)rin
When weeping as a result of childlessness and travelling to the land of
She was advised to offer gbg

$ng. They had married each other for several

years but unfoftunately, their marriage was not blessed with any child.
This was a source of concern to the couple and especially to Qya who saw
Qya OmIrin was the wife of

this as her own problem and not that of $ng, her husband.

One day, she decided to go to Nqbq town in order to go and meet a

Babalwo who specialized in solving the problem of bareness in women.
Before going, she went to consult If in the home of another Babalwo
whose pet-name was mentioned above.



ox"nr"n u"i

The Awo assured her that she would have many followers in life who would
later become her children. She was advised to use her vast potentials and
capabilities for the improvement on her community. She was also advised
to offer qbg as prescribed above. This she did before setting out on her


On getting to Ajqbg, she quickly established herself as a powerful and

influential woman. She used her resources to organize people together in
order to work towards the progress of the community. Before long, her
followers were so many that it was difficult to know their exact number.
Her admirers were even greater in number than that of her followers.
All of these people benefitted in one way or the other from the influence
and energy of Qya Omlrin. They all considered themselves not only as her
followers but also as her children. Thus, Qya Om'irin who came to Ajgbg
land, a sad barren woman, later became a contented mother of the whole
community. She was therefore singing, dancing and giving praises to
Oldmar for allowing her to live a fulfilled life on eafth.
Baftt flrabTdl dqqgl
Dl filn 9ya Omlrin
Tl sunkrln gmq r'odeAjgbg
$bg ni wQn nl k w ge
gb'Qbo, r'bg
Mo r m, fa ni mo ya lg o
Igbatl mo r aguntan
Tl mo r agbQn-qn ses
Mo rti mgfa ni mo ya lq o
Erolpo, EroQfq
F w b ni b'yQ
E w wo're o

The big Bt drum, with its large base
This was the name of the Awo who cast If for Qya Omlrin
When weeping as a result of childlessness and traveling to the
land ofAjgbg
She was advised to offergbg
I offered my ebg before going


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

When I offered gbQwith one ewe

And offered a basketfullof sse beans
I offered my ebg before going
Travellers tolpo and Qfa
Join us in the midst of happiness
And behold allthe Ire of life

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have reason to
thank Oldmar, She must never lose hope. If she intends to travel
outside her community in search of improved conditions n her life, she is
advised to go, as happiness awats him/her at her destination.


If says that it foresees the Ire of a good wife for the man for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that the woman in question shall be
working for the progress and protection of her man at all times. The
relationship shall also be blessed with many beautiful children. The
woman shall however be very jealous and shall not like to see any
otherwoman near her husband.
If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
two hens, four rats, four fish, eight snails and money. He is
also advised to find out from If what Od and If will take from him
and serve them accordingly. On this, Oknrn M) says:
Olko mg ibi igu gbta
OrlgbO nl npa I'Qrleb
Dl firn Ejl-Qkanran
Tl trlg r gb'do nl'yw
[bg ni wqn nl kw ge

An experienced farmer knows exactly where a yam germinates
But was only wandering round the cultivated farm-heap
This was the If cast for E)-Qkanran
When going to take the hand of Od as his wife
He was advised to offer gbg

E)-Qkanran was an accomplished If


He was well respected in his


ox"rr"n uei

community. One day, he met Od and fell in love with her. Their
relationship soon became very serious. He intended to have her as his
wife. Consequent upon this, E;T-Qkanran went to the house of the
Babalawo mentioned above for If consulation. Would Od be suitable for
him as a wife? Would it be beneficialto him to have her as his paftner for
the rest of his life? Would they be compatible? Would she respect his
family? Would she give bfth to children for him? Would she know how to
cook his meals and those of his several Deities properly and at the right
period? Would she be ready to support and complement his work at all
times? Would she be a good mother and manage his home well? In shoft,
would he find happiness in her? These were the questions which preoccupied the mind of E:l-Qkanrn before he wentfor If consultation.
The Awo assured E)-Qknrn that Od would be suitable for him; that it
would be rewarding for him to have her as his wife; that they would be
compatible that Od would respect all his family; that she would give bifth
to several children for him; that she already knew how to cook good food
and how to prepare all Oga meals; that she would not only support him all
the way, but would equally live her life for his progress; that she would be a
good mother; that she would manage his home well and take care of him.
The Awo told El-Qknrn that Od would make him happy and proud. He
was however warned that Od would be an extremely jealous woman and
must be respected forthat.
The Awo also advised E|-Qknrn to offer gbg with

two hens, four rats,

four fish, eight snails and money. (The client equally needs to serue
If and Od. The Awo will find out from If what If and Od will take from
the client) El-Qkanrn complied.

Soon after this, they got married. Tiue to the predictions of If, Od
became an asset of inestimable value to EI-Qknrn. She also gave bfth
to several children. Her jealousy was put under check since she was
respected and this weakness in her was never made a subject of argument
or controversy. They lived happily for a very long time after.
Oko mg ibi igu gbta
OrlgbO nl rtpa I'Qrleb


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftaton


filn Ejl-Qkanran
gb'd nl'yw

T trlq r

fibg ni wQn nl k w ge


f w w'gmg
f w w'gmo

Ejl-Qkanran l ti
f, w w'gmg Od

gbiodu nl'yw


An experienced farmer knows exactly where a yam germinates

Butwas onlywandering round the cultivated farm-heap

This was the If cast for E)-Qknrn
When going totakethe hand of Od as hiswife
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Behold the children of Od
Come and see the children of Od
E)-Qkanran was he who tookthe hand of Od as his wife
Behold the children of Od

If says that it foresees a good wife for the client for whom this Od is
revealed. If says that their relationship shall be blessed with several
children. The couple will also be happy and proud of each other. The man
in question is going to be lucky with his choice of spouse, even though the
woman will be very jealous. This is not-withstanding however, with love,
this weakness can be tamed. Love conquers all.


If says that it foresees the Ire of happiness n marriage for a woman

for whom this Od is revealed. If says that she will surely meet
happiness and contentment n her husband's home. If says that the
couple will compliment each other and that as she makes her husband
and his family members happy so also willthe husband and his family
make her have a sense of belonging. She will be loved, pampered
and protected. If also says that she will give bifth to several children
in her husbands' house. All these children will be very successful in

If advises this woman to offer gbg with one matured pig (a sow)


ox"nr"n u"i

and money. If says that as pigs usually give bifth to several

children, so also will she give bifth to many children. On these, a
stanza in Efl-Qkanrn says:
Fmq nll je'ko w$l,w$l$ ap qtn
Afebojo nff jq'ko ralral ap osl
afin NapQnpqn
Tfi g'gmg oblnrin lpool
Eyltl rr9lqkgOwro
Tl y sl fesq kan t'ilQ
Tl y bl'mg kkiri gbogbo ay
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

fmg, the Brown Rat, is it which eats grass quietly on the right hand side
And Afeebjo, the king rat, is it which eats grass voraciously on the left
hand side
These werethe declarations of If to NnpQnpQn
Their daughter in Ipool-land
Who was going to her husband's house forthe firsttime
Who shall support herself with one leg
And shall give bifth to children the world over
She was advised to offer ebg

NnpQnpQn was an indigene of lpool-land. She was very popular in

Ipool. She was properly trained by her parents and she carred herself in a
respectable manner always. When she grew up and was matured enough
for the marriage market, many people desired to have her as wife. In the
end, she was given out to someone outside her home town.
Before the wedding day however, NanpQnpn went out for If consultation.
She approached the If priests mentioned above in order to know
beforehand how her chances would be in the home of her husband-to-be.
Would she be accepted? Would she be loved? Would she make a good
housewife? Would she be lucky in her new home? Would she be blessed
with children? Would her arrival and stay in her husband's home bring
foftune and happiness? Would her children be obedient, loving, Godfearing, gentle-headed, easy going and agreeable children?
All these questions and many more were answered in the affirmative, she
was told that she would not only be happy but would also have oppoftunity


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

to show and receive love, care and understanding. She was also assured
that she would be highly respected and adored. She was assured that she
would be blessed with many children whose popularity shall extend to
every corner of the world. She was advised to put her mind at rest and
discard all worries she might be enteftaining. The Awo informed her that
happiness, love, care, honourand adoration would surely be hers. Shewas
advised to offer gbg with a matured pig and money. Nanponpon
complied. She was then cautioned never to engage in anything, be it
thought, speech or action which might reduce or even inhibit her chances
of attaining her goals and destiny in life. Armed with this advice, she left for
her husband's home on the day of the wedding.
True to lf's predictions, she was loved, adored and respected in her new
home. Because she had been properly trained in her parent's home. She
had no problems adjusting herself properly in her husband's home. She
showed care and respect for her husband's relations and they in turn
reciprocated in like manner. Before long, nothing could be done in that
household without her prior knowledge and contribution. She also
became very popular in the community. She soon gave brth to many
children and later settled down to the business of tralning the children in
the proper way as she had prior been trained.
When these children grew up, many of them left for strange lands far away
from home. And again, because these children had been well trained, it
was not difficult for them to adjust and settle down to normal life in their
new environments. They soon became very successful there. Their
popularity and success soon filtered back home to Nanponpon. Everybody
was happy for her. They soon began to refer to her as'NrlpQnpQn their
child in)pool-land, who shall suppoft herself with one leg, and give birth
She never allowed her luck and
children the world
accomplishmentsto enter into her head and made her misbehave. Forthis
reason, she lived happily and died a contented and fulfilled woman.



Fmq nll je'kow$lQwele ap oJn

Afebojo nll jg'ko rlrl ap sl
Dl firn Napqnpqn
Tff g'gmg oblnrin Ipool

Eyltl rrlglgkgowro

\fi oxanra, ue

Tl ysl f'qsg kan t'ilQ

Tly bf'mg kkiri gbogboay

[b9 niwQn nl k$e
gb'gbg, r'bg
ErIpo, EroOJa
F w b'ni b'gwa
E w wo're o

gnss quietly on the right hand side
And AfeebOjO, the king rat, is it which eats grass voraciously on the left
f;mQ, the Brown Rat, is it which eats

hand side
These were the declarations of If to NpQnpQn
Their daughter in Ipool-land
Who was going to her husband's house for the firsttime
Who shallsupport herself with one leg
And shall give birth to children the world over
She was advised to offer ebo
Travellers tolpo and Qfa
Join us in the midstof beauty
Comeand behold alllre in lfe

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
allthe good things of life in her new abode. Her good name shall outlive her.
She is advised never to do anything that will tarnish her good name.


If says that it foresees the Ire of a set of twins for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. If says that this woman needs to put her
mind at rest as she will be blessed with a set of twins very soon. If the
woman is having the problem of child-bearing, the problem will soon
be over as she will soon became pregnant and will deliver a set of

There is the need for this person to go and serve the Deity of Twins
with black beans, bananas, groundnuts, pineapples, oranges
and all other edible fruits. She is also to offer gbg with hnro rats,
two fish, two hens and money. It is advisable for the person for
whom this Od is revealed to always endeavour to buy ebg materials

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

in twos as she will be giving bifth to twins as from that

Qkanran-M) says:
Qkanran kan nlhln-in
Qkanran kan lqhn-n
B'Qknrn b di mjlra d'Ododo
Dl fin Sdun, gl'yinj ggg
feytntt m'jrl gkn snrhun omo
fibg ni wqn nl kge

time. On this,

One leg of Qkanran here
And one leg of Qkanrn there
When Qknrn becomestwo, its predictions become reality
This was If's declaration to fdun, the Ape, owner of the delicate eyeballs
When weeping in lamentation of her own inability to give birth to any child
She was advised to offergbg

fdun, the Ape was a very beautiful woman. She was well-propoftioned.

She had very white set of teeth. But her beauty was more pronounced in
her eye-balls. Her eyeballs was a little big and when seen from far, they

appeared as if they were about to fall off their sockets. That was why
people used to call her, 'fdun, the Ape, owner of the delicate eyeballs'.

fdun was married for about eight years but she had no child to show for it.
She was always weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a child for
her husband. Tired of weeping everyday, she decided to go for If
consultation in order to find solution to her problem. Consequently, she
approached the Awo mentioned above. Would she be blessed with her own
child in life? Would her womb be open to bear fruit? Would she have
children who would take care of her when she grew old and bury her when
she died? Had she been doomed to be a barren woman in her life? What
solution Iied for her to make her a proud and happy mother of her own
The Awo assured her that she would beget her own children in


She was
Awo also
She was

informed that Ifa foresees the Ire of children for her. The
informed her that she would give bifth to a set of twins in life.
advised to offer gbg with two rats, two fish, two hens and two guinea
fowls. She was also advised to feed the Deity of Twins with black beans,


banana and all fruits available which she could

ox"nr"n u"j



Before long, fidun became pregnant. Ten months after, she gave bifth to a
setof twins. Afterthis, she gave bfth to many more children alltwins. She
wasfullof gratitudeto Oldmar and herAwo.
Qkanran kan nlhln-in
Qknrn kan lQhn-rtn
B'Qknrn b di mejl, a d'Ododo
Dl filn pdun, el'yinj eg
fgylntt m'jrl gkn snrhun gmg
FbqniwQn nl kge
gb'Qbo, r'bg
jg ebq g kln'la r?
Ebo Ejlgbd la ru
9mq g kln'la bl?
9mg Ejlgbd la bl

One leg of Qknrn here
And one leg of Qkanrn there
When Qkanrn becomestwo, its predictions become reality
This was lf's declaration to fdun, the Ape, owner of the delicate eyeballs
When weeping in lamentation of her own inability to give birth to any child
She was advised to offer gbg
Whattype of gbg did we offer?
It was the gbg whose materials are in twos
And whattype of children did we give bifth to?
They are all sets of twins

If foresees the Ire of sets of twins for the person for whom this Od is
revealed. He/she shall be blessed with several children most of whom shall
be sets of twins. He/she therefore needs to serve the Twins Deity on a
regular basis.


If says that it foresees the Ire of a safe delivery for a pregnant


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

woman for whom this Od is revealed. If says that this woman shall
give birth to a bouncing baby boy. This child shalldo well in life. This
baby when born needs to follow the directives of If in everything he
does at alltimes. There must be regular If consultation for him ever
before any step can be taken for the child and when he grows up, he
must nevertake any major step without prior If consultation.
On the other hand, if Qknrn-MI is revealed during thelkgsgdy
ceremony of a baby-boy, that boy had been ordained as a Babalwo
from heaven. He will be very successfulas a Babalwo. He had also
brought his name from heaven. That baby's name is AdgQkn from

Whichever one it is out of the two conditions, the baby in question

shall grow up to be a popular and very successful If priest if he
chooses this line of profession. He shall be well respected and his
name shall be known from far and near.

There is the need to offer Qbg with two pigeons, two

guineafowls, two hens and money. There is also the need to
serve If with a matured goat. On these,If says:
Kllwg kn
Kl mi kn
Tl t'Qrun bgw'lay
Fbq ni wqn nl k w fe

Letyou show interest by touching
And let me show interest by touching
This was lf's declaration to AdgQkn
When coming from Qrun, Heaven toAy, Eafth
He was advised to offer gbg

AdgQkan was about to be born into a royal home when coming from
Heaven to Earth. However, he went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation in orderto determine how his sojourn on earth would be.



ox.non uei

The Awo assured him that he would live a very successful life while on
eafth. He was also told that he would be very wealthy; he would live long
and have many children on eafth; he would also have many properties
which would make him proud. He was also assured that he would have a
strong health and would be highly respected in hiscommunity.
The Awo advised him to take to If as his profession because that line
would surely facilitate and enhance his chances of realizing his potentials
and destiny to the fullest. He was advised to offer gbg with hro pigeons,
two guinea fowls, two hens and money. He was also advised to serue
If with one matured goat. All these he did before coming into the world.
On the third day of his bifth, his parents invited some Awo to perform the
IkgsQdy rites on him. The Awo assured them that he would be a
successful man on eafth. They said that he would not lack anything while
on eafth - money, spouse, children, good health, happiness, success,
prestige, honour, properties, long life, contentment, popularity and so on.
His parents were told that he had already brought his name from heaven
and ought to be named AdgQkn, the child of Qknrn-M). They were
also advised to encourage the child to take the path of If as his profession,
as that was where his destiny would manifest in the best way.

The parents were asked to offer gbg for the new-born baby with two
hens, two guinea fowls, two pigeons and money. They were
equally asked to serue If with a matured goat. They complied with
By the time AdgQkn attained the age of four, he was already studying If
in the home of one of the best Ifa priests in the land. By the time he was 25,

he himself had become one of the most versatile If practitioners around.

He was very dedicated and honest with his work. Everybody respected him
and looked for him for If consultation.
By the time he was on his own, his name had already been established as a

very competent Babalwo. He had several clients. Most of his father's

friends and chiefs became his clients. He was making good money. He
soon became rich. Wth money came spouse; with spouse came children;

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

with children came his own personal house; with house came horses; with
all these came prestige, honour and recognition; with these came
happiness and contentment. He lived well. He died a happy and fulfilled

Kllwo kn
Kl mi kn
Tl rtt'Qrun bgw'laye
$bg ni wQn nl k w ge

gb'gbo, rU'bg
jgOwO nSel n'If
Tl'f b hu mejl, mtQ'kan


n o ge l


Tl'f b h'kan, ma


Owotl nsel n'If

Letyou show interest bytouching
And let me show interest bytouching
This was If's declaration to AdgQkan
When coming from Qrun, Heaven toAy, Earth
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The business I shall do to succeed is If
When If seeds remain two (in my palm), I shall imprintone (on


The business I shall do to succeed is lfa

When If seeds remain one (in my palm), I shall imprinttwo (on If tray)
The business I shall do to succeed is If

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed as a
Babalwo. He shall lack nothing in his life. He will be highly respected and
honoured. He will be happy and contented. His life shall be full of glory.
As long as he is honest and straightfonruard in his work, the sky is the
beginning of his success and accomplishment. He shall live and die a
happy man.

10. If says that it foresees the Ire of victory over adversary for the




person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that those who are
close to him/her had been plotting against him/her. If says that
he/she shall survive the plot and all those who are involved in the
scheme shall blame themselves for it.

If advises the person for whom Qkanran M) is revealed to offer gbg

with one matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to
serve Eg with another he-goat. Wth these, victory is assured. A
stanza in this Od suppofting this asseftion says:
Kl lwo
KI mi

Dl frln Araba kan ptko
'Tl be l'arn qtl
Fbg ni wqn nl k9e

Letyou show interest bytouching
And let me show interest by touching
This was If's declaration for the big but clumsy Arb tree
When in the midstof enemies
He was advised to offer gbq

The Arb tree was full of life even though he considered himself as a poor
tree. He was big and fat alright, but he felt that he was not as strong and
able-bodied as othertrees in the forest. This not-withstanding however, he
was quite contented with hls condition. He was very happy. He enjoyed
life. He was never seen to be sad or downcast at any time.

Unknown to the Big Arba however, he was the subject of envy of other
trees in the forest. They could not understand why the big Arba, who Was
not as agile, strong and/or rich as them could be happier than them. They
were not comfortable with the fact that he was not coming to them cap in
hand to beg for his daily food. They concluded that the Big Arb was a
very proud and disrespectful peson. They therefore began to plot against
One day, all the trees who wanted the downfall of the Big Araba went for a

meeting. They made Irk their Chairman. In this meeting, they


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

concluded that nothing would satisff them better than to see that the Big
Arb was elminated. They however planned to execute their plan in such
a way that the death of the Big Arb would not be traceable to them.
Consequently, they sent Irk to the sawyers to come and fell the Big
Arb. They convinced the sawyers that The Big Arb would be very good
for roofing houses and for making bridges. They concluded that the earlier
the sawyers came, the better. To crown it all, the sawyers were to cast
away the Big Arb free of charge. The sawyers told them that they would
come and do the job in hro days'time. All the conspirators went back in
anticipation of the arrivalof the sawyers.
On the night of the same day, The Big Arb slept and had a terrible dream.
In the dream he saw himself being sliced into pieces amidst cries of pain
and anguish. He also saw several other trees clapping and dancing around
him, jeering at him and making jest of him. He immediately woke his wife
up and narrated the dream to her. The wife told him that she sensed
danger. She insisted that he must go to his Awo and explain everything to
him. He was not the type of person who used to take such things serious,
claiming that he had done no evil against anyone but his wife would have
none of that. She insisted that he did not need to offend or do evil against

anyone before others could perpetrate evil against him.

Very early in the morning of the nextday, his wife woke him up and ensured
that he wentto the house of the Awo mentioned above for If consultation:
what was responsible for the type of dream he had just had? Dd t potend
any negative consequence for him? If yes, what would he do to ne.utralize
such negative effect? In the end, would he overcome?

The Awo told the Big Arb that he was right in the midst of enemies and
that those who were close to him were the ones plotting against him. He
was told that the plot had been concluded and had reached the execution
stage. Consequently, he had no time to waste. He was however assured
that he had nothing to fear as those involved in the plot would all have
themselves to blame for it. He was told that the Deities were on his side.

The Awo advised him to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and
money. He was also asked to serve Eg with another he-goat, palm-oil
and kolanut. He quickly complied that same day. Wth these done, the

l\ ox*on


Awo assured him of victory over adversary. The Big Arb returned home
and narrated all what the Awo had told him to his wife. He thanked her
profusely for her advice and action.

The next day, the savvyers arrived with their axes, cutlasses and saws.
They went straight for the Big Arb. While they were making preparations
to staft their work, EgU Qdara arrived. He asked them what they wanted to
do. Theyexplained to him. Hetold them that itwould be betterforthem to
test the trees first before felling the good and strong ones which would be
useful to them.
The sawyers agreed. They used their axe to test Arb tree. The tree was
very soft. E$ Qdara told them that it was clear that the Big Arb tree
could not and would not be useful for purpose they wanted to use him for.
The sawyers were extremely disappointed. They decided to return home.
While they were deliberating on this, Eg Qdara charged them that to go
home empty handed would amount to sheer waste of time, energy and
resources. He advised the sawyers to try other trees whethr they would
see the ones that would serve their specific purposes. He led them to the
location wherelrk was and asked them that why can't they try their axe
on lrk? They agreed. When they struck lrokO with their axe, he was
very strong. EpU Qdara told them that Irok tree would meet their
specification more than any other tree.
The sawyers brought out their axes, cutlasses and saws. Among protests
from lrk and all the surrounding trees who planned the conspiracy
againstthe Big Arb tree,)rk was felled. The sawyers were very happy.
Qdara, noticing that the Big Arb would never know peace as long as
the other conspirators were still around, advised the sawyers to try other
trees and check the ones they could use for roofing, windows, doors,
frames, tables, chairs, benches and so on. The sawyers saw reason in the
counselling of Eg Qdara. They tested all the other trees and marked other
conspirators for felling. Egu Qdara urged them to fell them all that very day
and then go home to plan how to come and carry them one by one at their
convenient periods. The sawyers agreed. That was how Ap, Orr,


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Abora, Kanran, Opepe, and Appe were felled together with Irk on the
same day. Thus, the Big Arb who was consdered weak was left
untouched while the strong conspirators lost their Iives. They went to
invite those who would kll the Big Arb only for them to meet their own
death through their own plot.
The Big Arba was thus singing, dancing and giving praises to Oldmar
for sparing his life from the evil plotters.

Kllwo kn
Kl mi kn
Dl filn Arb kan pftlk
Tl rrbe l'arin Qt
fibg ni wQn nl k ge
gb'gbg, rrl'bg

KwQ kw
Arbe Ow mq
Ojr ti lrk
Kw, kw
K kr, k kl
OtosJ o k mq
ojr t 9lQrQ
K k, k k
YO k sin Awo
Ksal k sin Awo
Eeyan l b'wo l'dl
Y k sin Awo

Let you show interest by touching
And let me show interest bytouching
This was lf's declaration for the big but clumsy Arb tree

When in the midstof enemies

He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
May he fall, let him fall
Arb has failed to fall
It is shame onlrk tree
May he die, let him die
The Poor has failed to die
It is shame on the Rich



ox"rr"n u"j

He willdie before theAwo

He will not fail to die before the Awo

Whoever makes an Awo his enemy

He will surely die before the Awo

If says that those conspring against the person for whom this Od


revealed shall surely meet calamity in the process of executing their evil
designs. Conversely,lf warns the person for whom this Od is rvealed
never to plan evil against anyone lest he/she will have the evil recoil on
him/her. Whoever plans evil against another person will live to regret
his/her plan. That is what Qknrn-M| says in this stanza. The person for
whom this Od is revealed must never plan to victimize anyone on account
of his/her strength, position, influence, economic or educational advantage
over others lest he/she meets with calamity. The person for whom this Od
is revealed must never think, plan, say or do evil or conspire with others to
do so. If anyone plans it against him/her, such person is in for a rude shock
of his/her life. The evil planner shall experience disaster. It is as sure as day
light after darkness.

11. If says thatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed is facing cetain

problems whose source he/she had not yet been able to identify. If
says that he/she would not only be able to identiff the source of this
problem but would also be able to surmount it. If also says that the
person close to him/her is the cause of the problems. If says that
the person responsible for his/her problems shall be disgraced and

The person responsible for all the problems of the person for whom
this Od is revealed is one of the people frantically finding solutions to
the problems. If says that the culprit shall be exposed.

If advises this client to offer gbg with three cocks, plenty of

palm-oil and money. If says that two gbg will be prepared; one
will be placed at the Eg shrine while the second one will be placed at
the site where the problem is happening. After this, the person for
whom this od is revealed is expected to be extra vigilant. By so
doing, the culprit shall be caught in the act and thoroughly

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

humiliated. On these, If says:

Qyq ni sn r
Krukru ni od mQQmQQ
ojo l d ni lkooko pa kQrQ-kQkQ-kqro

Tl oun $ang jq $'qrara wqn
Fbq ni wQn nl k w 9e

The harmattan wind does notstrike thunder
Thefog does notflash lightening
The arrival of rainfall is it which makes the hyena
These were lf's declarations to Agb, the Ram
Who was the friend of $ng
He was advised to offer ebo

to hide in nooks and

Apart from $ng, Agb, the Ram, had no other friend and confidant.
There was nothing he would like to do that $ng would not be aware of.
Even when he planned to marry Agntn, the Ewe, $ng was the first
person to know. Both of them were practically inseparable.
One day, Agb called $ng and informed him that he would like to engage
in large-scale farming. Both of them went outto lookfor suitable farmland.

They took the soil sample and went for If consultation together. If
responded that the farmland was good and that the land would yield profit
for Agb. AgbO was very happy and he consdered this a step in the
direction of success for the two of them. He began to plan how he and his
friend would maximize their profit and improve their standard of living
together. A few days after If consultation, Agb embarked on bush
clearing. He engaged several hands to do the clearing. After this, he
began land cultivation. Wth the first rainfall, he began to plant maize.
After this, he planted cassava, yaffi, beans, bananas and pepper and
tomatoes. The soil was indeed feftile. All the things,he planted yielded
beautiful fruits. He was thus eagerly awaiting the time they would be ripe
enough for harvesting.

To his chargrin however, by the time his farm products were ripe, he


ox"non u"i

discovered that some people had gone to harvest more than half. He
rushed to $ng's house to inform him of what he saw. gng, in utter
disbelief, asked him to let them go and verifli together. They went, when
$ang saw the extent of the damage, he consoled his friend and advised
him to let them go for If consultation in order to unravel the mystery. They
both wenttothe home of theAwo mentioned above.

There, the Awo informed them that they came because of a serious
problem. They said that the problem was being caused by someone very
close to them. They were assured that they would overcome their problem
and that the culprit would be exposed. The Awo advised them to offer gbg
with three cocks plenty of palm-oil and money. They complied.
The Awo asked them to place one gbg by Egu shrine and the other at the
farm site where the stealing was taking place. They complied. The Awo
however told Agb to watch over the gbg on his farm site for sometime
before returning home. He was also determined to do so.
Unknown to anyone the loss of the farm products was not considered as a
personal loss by Agb, but rathe; as a terrible disappointment. His friend
and confidant, $ng, was in a serious financial difficulty and he had
determined to pull his friend out of the mess. The loss would hinder him
from performing as much as he had determined. For this reason, he was
ready to comply with anything that the Awo had told him to do and at the
same time conceal his disappointment from gng. He went to the farm
together with Sng and placed the gbg there. They watched over the gbg
for about five hours and returned to their respective houses. Agb ate
some food and returned to the farm late at night to continue his vigil alone.
When he reached the farm, what he saw was beyond allcomprehension.

In utter disbelief, he saw his bosom friend and confidant, gng, as the
leader of the bandits carting away his farm produce! Agb shouted in
agony. When $ng heard this, he charged at Agb who in turn gave him
the fight of his life. They fought till daybreak and gang ran away.
Before long, the incident became the hottest news item in their town and
environment. Those who were not as close to Agb as $ng went to

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

gang to ask him what would have led him to act in such a disgraceful
manner. $ngo had no response whatsoever. When $ang could notcope
with this shame and enquiries anymore, he ran away from the town and
went to another town. Even in the next town, the news had spread to
them. Anywhere $ng went, people would be looking at him with
disdain. If he was passing on the road, he would feel that people were
pryng at him. Sometimes, he would hear them hissing openly. He thus
made up his mind to return to heaven to stay. $ng then went to the sky
and made the place his permanent abode up till today. The deed had
already been done and it was just too late to express any regret over it.
Qye nosn ara
Krukru ni Od mQqmqq
ojo l d nilkooko pa kqrq-kQkQ-kqrq


Tt Oun gang jq g'Qr$ara wgn

fbg ni wQn nl k w se
gb'Qbo, r'bg

Eruku trr
Ija Agbo t l gang r'Qrun o

The harmattan wind does notstrikethunder
The fog does notflash lightening
The arrival of rainfall is it which makes the hyena to hide in nook
and crannies
These were lf's declarations to AgbO, the Ram
Who was the friend of png
He was advised to offerebg
He complied
The small dust raised during a quarrel
And the big dust raised during a fight
The consequence ofthe fight with Agb0 had chased Sang to heaven

If says that the person for whom this Od is cast will surely overcome a
serious problem being caused by someone close to him/her. And
conversely, the person for whom this Od is revealed is advised against
perpetrating any atrocity against anyone close to him/her as this may leed
to disgrace and humiliation for him/her. It will also subject him/her to
public odium. Wherever he/she was expected to be respected, he/she

14 oxanran


would be disgraced; where he/she was expected to be loved and adored,

he/she would be hated and scorned; where he/she was expected to be
honoured, he/she would be disdained. In a nutshell, the person for whom
this Od is revealed is advised against abusing the trust reposed in him/her.


If says thatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed is experiencing

the problem of unconsummated fortune. Ifa says that there is the
need forthis clientto offer gbg, serue rf and Equ Qdar and then
do)pesefor the Elders of the Nightforthis problem to abate. Ifa
says that EgU Qdara and the Witches are responsible for his/her
problems. If the Fbg,Ibq and Ipese could be done, If assures that
the person for whom this Od is revealed will have peace of mind and
will be able to conveft want to surplus, ill-luck to fortune, and sadness
to joy. On this aspect, a stanza in Qkanran-M| says:
QrUnmll wl Otlrlp na'sQdln
Ifwl Egu Qdara na'sdln
Fbq niwqn nl kge

Qnfnmll declares that Oilp, the misfoftune had blocked the path of
achievement with his legs
If says E9u Qdara had blocked the path with his legs
The victim, Akp was advised to offer gbg

Akpo had a lot of potentials. He was also very intelligent. To conveft his
vast potentials and oppoftunities to success was not difficult for him. But
this notwithstanding, he had nothing to show for his talents and personal
qualities. He had no wife. He had no child. He had no house of his own. He
was a sad man.

one day, he went to Qrunmlla to find out about himself: would he ever
succeed in his life? QrUnm)l consulted If for him and Qkanran-M) was
revealed. QrnmIl declared to him that Misfoftune had blocked his path to
greatness. He was advised to offer gbg with two white pigeons for
financial success, two guinea fowls for peace of mind, two hens for
good spouse, two rats and huo fish for children and two cocks for

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

one hen, two rats and two

fish. He was also to serve Egu Qdar who was responsble for his
misfortune with one cock, palm-oil and alcohol. He complied.


He was also advised to seve If with

Qrunmlla wl Otlrlp narsQ dl'n

If ml awgnly mi OgOrOnga, na'sQdl'n
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e

Qrunm)l declares that Otlpa had blocked the path with his legs

If says that Iy mi Ogr0g, the Witches had blocked the path with
their legs
TheAkpO was advised tooffergbg

While they were analyzng the problems of the AkpO in order to proffer
solutions to them, it was also discovered that there was the need for the
AkpO to appease the Witches because they too had been contributing in
no small measure in ensuring that his foftunes were not consummated.
Consequently, Qnf nm'il advised the Akp to dolpes for the Elders of the
Night (witches) with palm oil and one hen. He complied.
When all these were done, his luck began to shine. He had many clients
which soon translated into money. Wth money he was able to secure a
spouse of his choice. The spouse gave bifth to many children. Together
with the children, they erected their own building. He had peace of mind
and happiness in life. He lived and died happily.
Qrrlnmll wl Otlrlpa na'sQ dln
If wl E9u Qdara na'sQ dln
Qrrlnmll wl Otlrlpa na'sQdl'n
If ml wgnIy mi OgOrOnga, rd'sQdl'n
fbgniwqn nl klAkpOs,e
Igba a tu'bg Otlrlpaa na'sQ dl'n

L'araw ro'nio

Qntnm'll declares that Otlpa had blocked the path with his legs
If says that Eg Qdara is the Otinpa who had blocked the path
If declares that Opa had blocked the path with their legs

with his


ox"ron u"i

If says thatly mi Og0rr1g, the Witches had blocked the path with their
The Akp was advised to offer gbg
He complied
It was after we offer gbg for the Qtlripa
Who had blocked the path with their legs
Beforewe had peace of mind and comfoft

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall have peace of
mind, comfoft, success and happiness. It had been EgU Qdara and the
witches who had hitherto been responsble for his unconsummated
fortunes. If however warns that the person for whom this Od is revealed
that he/she should not do anything that will provoke Egu Qdara, If and the
witches to turn against him/her and cause for him/her the problem of
unconsu mmated foftunes.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed had been
cursed by his/her superiors. If says that he/she was the architect of
his/her present state of misfoftune. The person for whom this Od is
revealed is too forward in the midst of elders, even to the extent of
being impeftinent. His/her actions are being viewed as deliberately
designed to expose elders and/or those in positions of authority to
ridicule and shame.

If however assures that person for whom this Od is revealed that

with all appropriate gbg and a change of attitude, all negativities shall
give way to positivities. Sadness shall turn to joy. Disappointments
shall be replaced with accomplishments. A stanza supporting these
asseftions in Qkanrn-M) advises the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with a matured he-goat and money. After
this, the client is to purchase a big cock and give to the Babalawo.
The Awo in turn needs to pull all the tail feathers of the cock, grind
the feathers until they turn into fine powder. After this, the Awo
needs to spread the powder on QpQn If (If tray), use it to print the
Od Qbar-M) and recite the wording of the Od stated below.
While reciting this Od, the If tray is to be rotated until it turned
upside-down while the imprinted Qbara-we becomes Qkanran545

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton


By so doing, it is sure that the curses being cast on the client


blessings when Qbara-me) turns to Qkanran MT,

negative forces usually give way to positive, benevolent forces. On
these,If says:

wll turn

$ekt mojlw
Dl ftln Aku kg dlg O, te nge
Tl g'awo r'Ode Qw
Fbg ni wQn nl k w Se



Sakt mjlw
He was the Awo who cast If for Akkg'dig Qtanngalj, the Big
When going on If mission tothe land of Qw
He was advised to offer gbg

Akukg'dlg QtanngalaRja, the Big cock, was a very versatile and intelligent
Babalwo. He stafted learning If from his infancy. By the time he was 22
years old, he had gathered the reputation of being a competent If priest.
He was being sought from far and near. His major weakness however, was
that he lacked respect for elders; especially those elderly Babalwo whom
he felt were not as brilliant as himself. He considered this as laziness on
their paft. He used to look down on them and viewed their activities with
contempt. Several wise counseling for him to change his attitude towards
the elders fell on deaf ears.
One day, the Qw, king

ofljgg land, invited AkUkg'dlg Qtanngalanja, along

with several elderly Babalwo to his Palace for If consultation.


considered his going to the Qw's palace as a soft of competition between

him and all the other Babalwo who were invited along with him. He
therefore wanted to know what he needed to do for him to steal the show
from the hands of all the invited Babalwo on that day. Consequent upon
this, he went to the house of gkt Mjalw, one of the few elderly
Babalwo whom he respected for If consultation: would he be the Awo
whose star would shine brightest in the Qw's palace? Would he be able to
beat allthe other Babalwo hands down? Would he return home with more
honours and financial success? Sakd MOjlw assured Akukg'dig


on",,"r r",,

Qtanngalrlj that he would return home with more honours and riches
only on the condition that he compofted himself properly and accorded due
respect to elders. He was advised not to be too fonryard where he was
going and to always wait for those in positions of authority to invite him to
take any step before he volunteered himself. He was assured that if he
could keep to this simple rule, he would return with success and greater
reputation. He was advised to offer gbq with one matured he-goat and

plenty of palm oil.

When he heard the warning of $akt Mjlw, Akkg'dle Qtanngahja
considered it to mean that $akt Mjalaw had joined the league of those
elderly Babalwo who found it difficult to allow up-and-coming If priests
to display their potentials due to enw. There and then, he lost respect for
$akt MOjlw. He made up his mind that he would go and offerthe gbq
but would never step his house again. He purchased the he-goat and
palm oil, returned to the house of $kt mjlw who offered the gbg
for him. He left with the resolve that that day was the last time the elderly
Babalwo would see him.

On the appointed period, he left for the Qw's palace with the
determination to show those elderly Babalwo that their time was up and
that they ought to give way to younger generations of Babalwo to exhibit
At the home of Qw there were several Babalwo. Akukg'dlg Qtanngalanja
was one of the youngest invited Babalwo. He was very excited and eager
to display his vast knowledge in If. As soon as they stafted, he practically

took over proceedings in utter disregard for the laid-down rules in the
conducts of If practice. He held the elders in unbelievable disdain. The
elders felt insulted and highly humiliated. He was just jumping at any
opportunity to display his talents. The elders left him to satisfy himself. At
the end of the consultation, some of the Babalwo who were present
gathered together and swore on him. They also invoked the rain to fall on
him, thereby spoiling his things and drawing negative elements into his life.

When he reached home, all his things got spoilt. Where he was hthefto
being given respect, he was being viewed with scorn; where he was

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

hitherto being honoured, he was being humbled. His numerous customers

began to notice that what he had hithefto been doing for them with good
results were now being trailed by failure and disappointments, All his
customers began to run away from him. His very few friends began to steer
clear of him for fear of being afflicted with his bad-luck. In sheer
desperation, AkUkg'dtg Qtangalanja rushed to the house of gkt
mjlw for help.
tAkt mOjlw consulted If for him. Qkanran-M) was revealed again.
He told him that he was the cause of his problems and misfortune. He was
informed that he had earlier been warned to no avail. He was told that if he
could turn a new leaf, have respect for elders and constituted authorities
and offer the appropriate gbg, his sadness would give way to joy: his
misfoftune would be replaced with foftune and his disappointments would
change to boundless oppotunities.
Knowing fully well that his past actions and his refusal to heed wise
counselling of the elderly and more experienced If priest had landed him in
his condition, he made up his mind to follow the advice given to him. He
informed Sakt mjlw that he was ready to change his attitudes and
would definitely atone for all his previous misdeeds.
Fakt mOjlw then advised him to offer gbg with one matured hegoat and plenty of palm-oil and money. He complied. After this,
Sakt mjlw pulled all the tail feathers of AkUkg'dtq Qtanngalaja,
ground same into fine powder and spread the powder into Qpgn-If. He
used it as fyrosn to imprint Qbara-M). He recited this stanza in
Qkanran MJ|. While reciting the stanza he was steering the QpQn-If until
he turned the Qbara-M) into the opposite direction to form Qkanran-M).
After this, he made nine incision marks on AkUkg'dig QHnnglja's head
and used the powder to rub the marks, There and then, all the negative
elements left him. He returned home a renewed and revitalized man.
Soon after this, luck began to shine on him. His things began to take shape.
His self-confidence returned. His clients began to return to him one by one.
His fotunes began to rise together with his profiles as a highly competent
Babalwo. He saw the need to accord elders their due respect. He was
never too forward. He never did anything to slight elders. He never made

ll or"ro, *",,

any move without due consultation and permission from elders. From the
day he began to do these, he lived happily ever after.
Sakt mojlw
Dl fin Akkg'dlg Qtanngalana
Tl $'awo r'Ode9w
Fbg niwgn nf k w Se

gbbo, ru'bg
paArurg lonff
Oreldl doodl
ASubiAwoa sl d'gure


Sakt mojlw
He was the Awo who cast If for AkUkg'diq Qtanngalaja, the Big
When going on If mission tothe land of Qwa
He was advised to offer ebe
Rain had fallen on Akkg, the Cock, today
The tail plume had serued its contrariness
And the misfoftunes of the Awo had turned to oppoftunities

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to avoid being too
forward in anything he/she is doing. He/she must avoid the temptation of
thinking that without him/her ceftain things cannot be do right or correctly
lest he/she is exposed to physical, emotional and spiritual displeasure of

If this had already happened and he/she is experiencing hardship

associated with the displeasure of elders, it is advisable for him/her to

atone his when bad behaviours and then use the tail feathers of the cock
and mark nine incisions on his/her head as explained above. If this is done
correctly, misfoftune will surelyturn to foftune and sadness to joy.


If says that something is about to get lost or had already been lost
by the person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she
need not search for it too much. If he/she did, f he/she invites the
law enforcement agent, or uses private investigators, or employed

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

spiritual means to search for it, the outcome wll not be in his/her
favour. He/she will be worse off than ever before the item being
looked for got lost or missing.

If says however that the most realistic method to use was to

THREATEN to either use the law enforcement agents, or private
investigators or use occult means or any other means available to
him/her to search for the lost item, without carrying out the threat.
If says that by so doing, it will lead to unbelievable financial success,
more respect and honour for him/her.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with three pigeons, three cocks and
money. He/she also needs to serue $ng with one cock, bitter
cola and palmoil. If these can be done, success awaits this person.
On this,If says:
Afefe nfffQ'gi oko ilglg-ilQlg
lfuutu lQlQ nfl9e'w agbqnfiajla
MrlwoQpQ ni Owlfn'ra wgntQlQ

Tlwgnfi ygo
Dl filn Aw-Itr-La
T nl itrt Oun t sgn

Ounywa o
lbg ni wqn nl kge

The breeze s it which blows the farm tress gently and quietly
And the tempest is itwhich blowsthe coconut leaves strongly and violently
The newly-sprout palm fronds do not inform each other
Beforetheyspring up
These were lfa's declarations to Aw-It-La (He-who-searched-for-hishe-goat-and-beca me prosperous-i n-the-process)
Who said that his he-goatwhich got lost
He must search for it
He was advised to offer gbg

$ang had a very strong, big he-goat. Every morning, he would wake up
only to find this he-goat by his door-step waiting for its food. After feeding,
the he-goat would follow $ng around for sometimes before wandering


ox"non u"i

around in the vicinity. The he-goat would repeat this ritual in the evenng.
That was how this he-goat was doing everyday for a very long period of
time, It reached a stage that everybody could easily recognize this he-goat
as the property of $ngO.
One day however, $ng woke up in the morning but could not find his hegoat, This surprised him because he knew this was unusual. He quickly
dressed up and called people to help him search for this he-goat, in the
event that it fell into a ditch or was caught by a trap. They searched
everywhere but the he-goat was nowhere to be found. It soon became

clear that the he-goat had been

stolen. This infuriated $ng


someone or group of people would have the effontery to steal his he-goat.
He therefore resolved to teach the culprits a lesson which they would not
forget easily. Before he did this, he wanted to identifo whoever stole the
he-goat so as to mete out whatever punishment which would suit his fancy
to him/her orthe group. Consequent upon this, he wentto the home of the
Awo mentioned above for If consultation.
The Awo informed $ng that he had lost something very dear to him and
he had made up his mind to find it by all means possible. The Awo however
advised him not to look for the lost item too much and never take any
punitive measure against the culprit. $ng was warned that looking for it
too much or punishing the offender would not be in his own interest as the
outcome would never be in his favour. He was advised that he could
threaten to punish the offender(s) without necessarily carrying out this
threat. If this could be done, he was assured that this would lead to
unprecedented foftune for him. He was also advised to offer gbg with
three pigeons, three cocks and money. He was also to serve his spirit
( for the client, he/she needs to serve $ang) with one cock, bitter kola
and palm-oil. $ng complied.
The next day, Eg Qdara came to $ng and asked him what plan he had to
retrieve his he-goat from those who had stolen it from him. $ng
responded that If had asked him not to look for the he-goat too much, not
to punish the offenders but to threaten those who had done it. EgU Qdara
told $ang that he (E9 Qdara) already had a plan for that. He urged $ng
to dress up. Sng did. They headed for Alr's palace (the Qba of Ilara

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation

Ehti). $ng informed Alr that some people had stolen his he-goat and
he planned to send thunder and brimstone to their homes to destroy them.
Alr pleaded with him notto do so. After much persuasion $ng allowed
himself to be persuaded and he told Alr that, but for his intervention he
would have destroyed all the culprits and their relations. The next poft of
call was the Palace of Ajer (Qba ofljerO El{ti). He repeated his threat and

he also allowed himself to be persuaded. After this, he headed for the

palace of Qwrngrln of rl, Q|JQQ of QyQ, onrkoyi of lkOyi, AwjalQ of
IgOu iand, Qlqfin Adlmula of Il-IfQ, Amngbo of RQmg land, OtrJw offw,
Alktu of Ktu, QIQwQ of QwQ and so on. He threatened to destroy all his
culprits and their relations. He also allowed himself to be persuaded
against taking such action. Egu Qdara then asked him to return home. He

The next day, EgU Qdara wentto the palace of Alr and asked him what he
wanted to do to compensate $ngo for heeding his advice. After much
deliberation they concluded that it would be good and very befitting for
Alr to send to $ng the equivalent amount of 100 he-goats. EgU Qdara
also went to the palaces of AjerO, QwarngrJn and all the other Qba to
whom they had earlier gone to report the matters. Three days after, while
$ng was just ruminating over the fruitless journey he made to several
places with Eg Qdara, the delegation of Alr arrived. They gave him the
money with the appreciation of the Alr to a wofthy friend who would
listen to the advice of his friend. A few moments after, the delegation of
Ajer arrived with money and appreciation. All the other Qba sent in their
own money and appreciation. $ang could not believe his luck. He had
more money than anyone in his environment. He had money to buy more
than 6,000 he-goats he was full of praises for his Awo, EgU Qdara and
Oldmar. Those who were aware of the turn of event nicknamed him
Aw-Itrl-l, he-who-searched-for-his-he-goat-andbecame-prosperous-inthe-process.

n|lfg'gi oko ilQlQ-ilQlQ

ntlge'w agbgn jlajla

Mrlw Qpe n O wl fn'ra wgn tglQ




T nl itrl oun t sgn



ox"nn, uei

Oun y wa o
fibg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'gbo, rubg
Ko pr K jlnna
f wa b ni byQ

f wwo reo

The breeze is it which blows the farm tress gently and quietly
And the tempest is it which blows the coconut leaves strongl
and violently
The newly-sprout palm fronds do not inform each other
Beforetheyspring up
These were lf's declarations to Aw-Itrf -L (He-who-searche
-for-his-he-goat-and-beca me prosperous-in-the-process)
Who said that his he-goatwhich got lost
He must search for it
He was advised to offer gbg
Before long, nottoo far away
loin us in the midstofjoy
Come and behold


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to be patent
and avoid taking any puntive measure aganst anyone so as not to block
his/her chances of prosperity and greatness

If says that taking punitive measure against people by the person for
whom this Od is revealed can only lead to regret disappointments and
disaster for him/her.


If says that there is the need to offer gbg for a strikingly beautiful
lady where ths Od is revealed so that hers will not be a situation
where she will known for only her beauty but not with children. If
says that this lady's chance oi becoming barren woman for the rest of
her life is very high. There is therefore the need for her to Iay less
emphasis on her beauty which she really possessed but to struggle to

become a mother of children in her life.

If advises this lady to offer gbg with eight rats, eight fish,




lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

hens, three cocks and plenty of money. If also advises her to

maintain chastity throughout her life and not to engage in selling her
body and beauty. On this aspect a stanza in Qkanran-M) says:
Ojrl mg'nilpo
Almg ni Qfa
Oir kll rlgni tirQ k ma kti
D,l fn Nlnl gmg Ere L'Apa
Qmg lngwQ kagn bl igb agogo
Ey tl wqn n| k fi ew sllQ
Fbq qmg ni wqn nl k 9e

To have acquaintances


And to lack one at Ofa

One cannot see one's acquaintances and refuse to
extend one's greetings to them

These were lf's declarations to Nlnl the daughter

of the Boa conscriptorof Ap town

The offspring of those who pluck strong charms as

if they were

calabashes used in drumming

She was advised to lay less emphasis on her beauty
And offer qbg so as to bear children

Ninl was the favourite daughter of the great Boa Conscriptor of Ap town.
She was very beautiful. She was also aware that she was blessed with good
looks. She was therefore determined to explot this natural gift to the
fullest. There was no extent she could not go in order to enhance her
beauty and by extension, her marketability. There was no man she
believed that she could not seduce. Those she could not do with her body.
she would do with strong charms which her family possessed in

Anytime she seduced a man successfully, she considered it her personal

conquest. She therefore concentrated on seducing the high and mighty in
the community. After she had completely subdued her territory she
e*ended her dragnet to neighbouring communities. It was success after
success. She soon had a reputation of having her ways on any issue and
with anybody in the community.



Okanran Meji

In order to maintain her status as the most desirable lady in her area, she
went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation. The Awo however
advised her to lay lass emphasis on her looks and concentrate on how to get
married and build her own family. The Awo advised herto stickto only one
man and drop all her chains of lovers and admirers. She was asked to get
married before it would be too Iate for her to bear children again. She was
also advised to offer gbg with eight rats, eightfish, three cocks, three

hens and money.

When Nlnl heard these, she was extremely angry with Babalwo. She
considered the advice as unprecedented insult on her person. As a princess
of Ap, she feltthatthe Awo had gone beyond his bound by addressing her
the way he did. As someone who hailed from a home where they
specialized in the preparation of potent charms and medicines she felt that
there was no problem the charms could not solve. As a beautiful lady, she
felt that there was no man she could not have as husband whenever she
was ready. She therefore concluded that the Awo was out to insult her out
of envy. She also considered the gbg the Awo asked her to offer as a means
of reaping where the Awo did not sow. She simply told the Awo to get lost.
She stormed out of his house and vowed never to return there. She
continued her way of life without looking back. She also refused to take
caution from anyone.

Mnl. The only snag was that

she could not say with ceftainty who was responsible for the pregnancy

To become pregnant was never a problem for

because of her chains of lovers. As a result of this, she never wasted time in

terminating the pregnancy. The herbs for doing this were well known to
her becaise of her family background as strong herbalists. Whenever she
was infected with veneral diseases, it never took her time to find remedies
to her problems. She did these for a very long time. It brought her
notoriety wealth and influence. At the same time, the strong herbs she had
been using over time destroyed her womb and body.
By the time she proclaimed her readiness to get married; many prospective

husbands had turned their backs on her. She was however lucky to get
somebody to marry her. Several years after marriage, she was not

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

pregnant. Her womb had been destroyed. She tried several herbs without
success. Her father, the Qba of Ap invited several herbalists to cure her of
her ailment, all to no avail. She soon realized that she had used her past
actions to destroy her future. By the time she was that ready to go and
offer the gbg hithefto prescribed for her so as to become pregnant, it was
already too late. She was advised to learn how to live life which barren
women live. It was a sad life she lived. She lived a lonely life, full of regrets
and painfu I reflections.
Ojrl mg'nilpo
Almg ni Qfa
Ojr kll r{ gni tirQ k ma kli
Dl filn Nlnl gmg Er L'Ap
9mq lno, wQ kagn bl igb agogo
Eyl tf wqn nl kfi gwa sf$
Fbg qmg niwqn nl k ge
Oun wa fi etl Jrln gbQ ebg
f t'osl da n

Nlnlsunwqn ljo
Arn lblmgtl rl9eOl'mg L'Ap yll kQ?

To have acquaintances


And to lack one at Ofa

One cannot see one's acquaintances and refuse
extend one's greetings to them


These were If's declarations to lnl the daughter

of the Boa conscriptorof Ap town
The offspring of those who pluck strong charms as it they
were calabashes used in drummingShe was advised to lay less emphasis
on her beauty
And offergbq in orderto bearchildren
She heard the advice with her right ear
And threw itoutwith her leftear
Lo, NInI istruly beautiful
And Nlnl is lovely as a snake
But what about childlessness disease
Which had afflicted the Chief daughter of Ap town?

If advises the lady for whom this Od is revealed to make the issue of

il ox"non u"i
child-bearing her priority so as not to live a lonely worthless life in her old
age. If says that no wealth, no acquaintance, no influence, no preparation
can insure her aganst sadness and regrets at the twilight of her life on
eafth-except heeding If's advice.

16. If advises that person for whom this Od is revealed to be very

careful in life in whatever he/she does. There are three things he/she
needs to consider seriously. One, he/she needs to offer gbg against a
situation where he/she will not be useful to himself/herself- that is a
situation where he/she could expend all his/her energy for other
people to success and accomplishment without achieving any
success for himself/herselfi two, he/she needs to offer gbg against
being pushed into doing what will eventually not be benefitial to
him/her, but only those who goaded him/her; and three, he/she
needs to offer gbg against being used and dumped by his/her
presumed suppofters after they feel that he/she has outlived his/her
usefulness to them - he/she may be removed from the position of
authority or influence, he/she may be banned from ceftain areas and
he/she may be eliminated altogether.
There is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer

gbg with one big ram a red cap or headwear and money.
He/she is also advised to sever Egu Qdara with one cock. He/she
must never wear a red cap or headwear again in his/her life. It is
against his/her destiny. He/she may wear any other cap or headwear
as long as it is not reddish in colour. On these,If says:
O-rQ' mi-slwj -fese-tere
Dl filn In

Tl trlgrj'oye MaEte
fibgniwqn nl k9e

He-who-wets-the-grou nd-on ly-to later-march-on-muddy
He was the Awo who cast If for In, the fire
When going to be given the title of Mlt, the positio
-h mself-i n-a va nta ge-place


la Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

He was advised to


In, the fire, was an oftspring of OgUn. He was known to be a very fierce
and over ambitions person. Unfoftunately, those who were close to him
had come to realize that he was merely full of muscle but with little brain. In
this wise, they decided to take advantage of his big weaknesses and exploit
him to achieve their selfish end. They knew that Ina could help them in
cooking, drying their food and in the preseruation of other things. He could
also be of help in the provision of light and so on. They were also aware that
he would do allthese chores to his own detriment but they never bothered
to give consideration to how to compesate him. They were aware that,
being inordinately ambitious, he himself would never consider his personal
safety as Iong as he was flattered and made to fell impoftant enough.
One day, Afefe-lele, the Gentle Breeze, Atggn the Air, FfrUfU-leQ, the
Tempest, Afefe Afqyita, the Whirlwind,
the Tornado, and so on
approached Ina and intimated him on the fact that the elders in the
community had deliberated for a long time on his activities and importance
in the society. They had come to the realization that his influence in the
society was so great that he was considered to be second to none. The
elders had therefore decided to give him the leadership position of not only
their community but of the whole world. All the elders of the world had
been contacted and they had all agreed to honour him with the chieftaincy
title known as the Malete-he-who-postions-himself-in a-vantage-place.
They said that the elders of the whole world had sent them to come and
convey their decision to him. Upon hearing this, In was completely
overwhelmed. He was so happy and so proud of himself and his
achievement that without thinking, he pledged his loyalty to them and
assured them that he would not only meet their expectations, but would
surely surpass them.


When In arrived home, he explalned his good foftune and newly acquired
impoftance to his wife. His wife advised him to go and consult If first
before commiting himself futher. He therefore wentto the Awo mentioned
above for If consultation even though his inordinate ambition had already
blinded his eyes to see reason. He merely wished to satisfy his wife by
going to the Awo because he believed that there was nothing anyone would
say that would dissuade him from becoming the Mlt of the whole world.

f;f, or"ron


In the home of theAwo, If was consulted and Okanrn-M) was revealed.

The Awo told Ina that he was about to be given a position of influence and
that If advised against taking this position. He was also told that those
who were urging him to take this position were doing so for their own selfish
reasons and that nothing good would ever come out of it for In the holder
of the title himself. In was also told that If advised him against allowing
other people to push him into doing anything as those who were
encouraging him would be the same people who would be instrumental to
his destruction whenever they felt that he had outlived his usefulness. The
Awo then advised In to think seriously before committing himself to
anything and then offer qbg with one big ram, the red cap on his head
and money. He was also advised to serue Egu Qdara with one cock.
What angered In more than anything was the mention of his red cap which
the Awo advised him to offer as gbq. He considered the Awo a thief for
asking him to paft with his beautiful red cap. He also considered that the
Awo was suffering from greed, propelled by excessive hunger by asking
him to use one ram to offer gbg and one cock to serue E+u. He made up
his mind never to waste his resource on this gbg. As regards the advice of
the Awo that he should not take up the position, In told the Awo that he did
not vie for the post and that those who knew his worth in the community
grouped themselves together from all over the world and honoured him
with the
He told the Awo that if he, the Awo was envious of his
achievement, then the Awo could go and meet the council of elders for his
own title. He warned the Awo that if he or any other envious individuals or
groups like him should try to stop him from becoming the Mlt of the
world, he would spare no weapon at his disposal to use in their destruction.


On the day fixed for the installation ceremony AfQfQ-lele, Fff-lQlQ, I!,
Afefe-Afefik and so on were present. They installed In as the Mlt of
the world with pomp and pageantry. In was extremely happy. He
expended a lot of energy on that day to the satisfaction and advantage of
his king-makers.
Since that day, In knows no rest. Neither did he know any day's peace of
mind. He was working day and night. Yet In had nothing to show for it.

Others were enjoying, In was suffering. Others used him for cooking,

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

drying straightening or bending of metals, patching things, lighting and

burning, etc. Afefe-lele, ffrfUfU-tele, IJI and so on, were the ones who
urged him on to do all these. Sometimes, In overdid things by burning
people's farms, houses and other propefties; those affected knew him to be
a notorious being.

It soon reached a stage that In was recognized by all with his red cap.
Anywhere he was, instead of being liked and respected, he was being
feared and scorned. Those whom he was producing light for to see their
ways through treated him with caution. In all these, In could not see

At a stage, he began to complain loudly. Those who installed him also

began to see him as a big nuisance. Then, after they had used him to their
satisfaction, they decided to dump him when he had outlived his
usefulness. I), ffuufu-qq, Afefe-lele, and Ojo, the mighty Rainfall,
combined together to put off the light of In. They produced a very strong
mind which induced heavy rainfall who descended and removed the red


That was how In died in the hands of those who installed him. Shortly
before his death, In remembered the warning of the Awo and his advice
for him to use his red cap to offer gbg which he refused to do. He regretted
that the red cap eventually became the reason why people loathed, feared
and scorned him. It was also the thing which was instrumental to his
untimely death. In died, full of regrets when it was just too late to make
O- rq' m

-slwj -fesQ-tgrQ

Itl fin In
Tl trlg

rj'oye Mlt

fbg niwQn nl kge

fetf oJn gb'ebg

fit'osld n
FO rl'f ij nnl bfltl Qeo
Intow j'oyeeMaEt
Eeyan tfi Q j'oy




fil okanran


He-who-wets-the-g round-on ly-to-later-ma rch-on-muddy
He was the Awo who cast If for In, the fire
When going to be given the title of Malete, the positio
-himself-in-a vantage-place
He was advised to offer gbg
He heard the advice with is right ear
And threw the advice awaywith his left
Travelerstolpoand Qfa
Just imagine the consequence of the advice (given by the Awo
and reject by the client)
In, who was given the title of Mebt
Thosewho installed you
Were the same people who blew you out of existence

If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to be realstc at all

times. He/she must never allow anyone to push him/her into doing
anything and must not allow prase-sngers and flatterers to use sweet
tongues to cajole him/her into doing anything aganst his/her wish or that
which is not in tune with reality. Those who flatter him/her to do this would
be the same people who would eventually plan his/her downfall. This is
because the people have no patriotic reason for urging him/her on except
their own personal agenda. The moment he/she had outlived his/her
usefulness to them, they would find a way to eliminate him/her and look for
someone else to use for their selfish objectives.




lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation





Qkanran-Mjl children are by nature very lkeable people. They are

usually loved and adored by all. They usually reached the peak of their
achievements in life through their being loved by those around them. They
should however not forget that many people who love them may be for their
own selfish end. In this wise, Qkanran-Mil children need to be sensible
at all times and they need to reflect on all events as deeply as possible
before they conclude that the love being shown to them by others are
genuine love and not out of selfish desires.

The people born by this Od shall be very popular they shall succeed in life
and their popularity shall extend far beyond their places of abode. They
shall however not be able to reach the peak of their success where they
were born, but rather, they shall succeed outside their places of bifth.
Qknran-Mil children also have the tendency to owe their loyalty and
allegiance to the areas where they succeed more than the areas where they
were born. They are also usually at home anywhere they settle down to
live. For this reason therefore, they do not find it difficult to make friends
and acquaintances in a new environment. They also receive more honour;
respect, care and recognition anywhere they settle than in the areas where
they are born.

Qknran-Mjl children have leadership qualities due to to their close

association with $ng, they tolerate people a lot. They are easily carried
away with praises, flattery and sweet words. These notwithstanding
however they can be very stubborn, obstinate and highly unreasonable if
they chose to be.

They are more often than not, unpredictable and highly emotionally
unstable. For this reason they may blow cold one moment and the next
momentthey may be seen blowing hot.
People born by this Od, males and females are great traders. They
succeed in trading and merchandise. They are also great travellers. They


or"ron u'i

may go into, and succeed in marketing, purchasing and supplies, banking,

farming, fishing and manufacturng. They may open stores and
supermarkets. They may have their own warehouses and succeed in them.
They can also succeed as If priests' medical herbalist, occultists and
clairuoyants. They may also go nto medical or para-medical lines such as
medicine, pharmacy, nursing, mid-wivery, orthopaedic medicine,
gynecology and neurology. But wh'atever line they choose, they must never
forget that they need to guard jealously their professional ethics so as not to
subject themselves to ridicu le a nd pu blic odi u m.

Qknrn-Mjl male children make good husbands. They know how to pet
their wives. They also respect their wives feelings and emotions. In the
same vein. Qkanran-M) female children also make good housewives.
They know how to take care of their husband's children and homes. They
are very homily. They work hard and respect their husbands and their
relatives. They also enjoy the suppoft of their husband's relations due to
their own attitudes towards them. They are however prone to being very
jealous but with understanding on the part of their husbands, this will never
constitute any threat to their home and to the love they have for their
husbands which their husbands also reciprocate. Barring any unforeseen
circumstances, Qkanran-Mjl children, males and females are bound to
have a happy and rewarding married life.

They are also to have good and influential children. They also have the
tendenry to give bifth to twins. These children will be popular and their
reputations will extend beyond the shores of their communities.
For the children of Qkanrn-Mjl, victory over adversary is assured.
Those who conspire against them shall regret ever doing so. Those who
plan to take advantage of their inadequacies shall also regret. In the same
vein, they are not expect to take advantage of or conspire against anyone.
If they do, they are bound to suffer.

Qkanrn-Mjl children also have the misfoftune of being betrayed or led

astray by their confidants and trusted ones. For this reason therefore, it is
advisable for them to tarry a little before they place their trust in anyone.
They should also not betray the trust that their confidants have in them.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Whoever does this shall suffer exposure and humiliation.

They also have the tendency to lose things very dear to their heaft. This
may be stolen or misplaced by their trusted friends. It is advisable for them
not to go all out in finding the lost item or the person(s) who had taken it.
The consequence will not be pleasant. They may however threaten to find
and expose the culprit and limit their effoft at that. This will lead to good
foftune and success for them.
On the whole, Qkanran-M) children must never think evil, speak evil, do
evil or be rude to elders. They must never treat elders or their colleagues
with scorn or disdain. They must always show respect, care, love and
understanding to elders and their colleagues. Their lies success and
accomplishment. Their lies happlness and achievement. By so doing, they
can never regret.





t. If - For protection, success, longevity and overall well-being

2. orf - For protection against adversary and for financial success.




for suppoft and longevity
$ng- For protection, for leadership, victory and for success. Also
for child-bearing
9ya - For childbearing, for love and adoration and for leadership
Egu Qdara'- For victory over adversary and for support
Ibejl (Twins Deity) - Forchildbearing and forgenera|support
pgbe- For childbearing, for genercl adortion and for support
Egngn - For childbearing and generalsuccess
Od For a good spouse, for financial success and for love and


1. Must noteat sheep - (both ram and ewe) - to avoid losing the support
of $ng and Qya and to avoid childlessness


or"non *",,

2. Must not eat cock - to avoid being curse by elders and those



postons of authority
Must not touch cockroaches and spders - to avoid being deprived of
leadership positions and other positions of responsibilities
Must never conspire against anyone - to avoid being humiliated and
Must never steal other people's property - to avoid being exposed and
Must never expose self to rainfall, strong wind or tempest - to avoid

being led astray and being used to satisff other people's


designs and manipu lations

7. Must never eat any of the monkey family - to avoid the wrath of the
Twins Deity.
8. Must not play with or kill ants - to avoid problem of childbearing.
9. Must not eat snake - to avoid the problem of chlldbearing (especially
lO.Must not use red cap or headgear - to avoid being led astray or being
used and dumped. To also avoid doing something that may lead to
self destruction
11. Must not use paftridge - to avoid sickness for the whole household
the same time
12.Must not use Brown or King Rat - to avoid childlessness





I. Adeggkan - The crown is one

. Odublyff - Od begotthis
. Ire-ni-n--kO - I willcome across ire
iv. $ngblyff - Sang begotthis
v. Ifgbnj - If has made me to dance


Od9Qkn - Od is one


OdU has made honour


lfa Dda: An nvtaton to lfa Consultaon



- Ire has entered the house

Omolhun - The child of the owner


Chapter 9



Chapter Nine

(Alias: Ejl Oko)


If says that it foresees the Ire of accomplishment for the person for
whom OgUnda-U) is revealed. If says that this person shall be
wealthy; he/she shall be loved and adored; he/she shall be blessed
with good children, shall have good health, and shall live long and in

If says that all the Ire of the person for whom this Od is revealed
are in the hands of If. He/she needs to serue If diligently and If
shall in turn shower blessings on him/her.
There is the need for the person for whom this Od is revealed to
offer gbg with four rats, four fish, two hens, two cocks, two
pigeons, two guinea-fowl and money. He/she also needs to
serve If with two rats, two fish, one hen and one guinea fowl.
On these,If says:

ma se s


filn Elrr Ogogo

9mq abp ire gbogbo wqtl-wgnti

Igbatl t'run bQ w'l ay
fbg ni wgn nl k w $e


wQ Oldmar

Continue to do what you are doing
We shall see whatyou shallaccomplish in it
This was If's declaration to Elrer OgOgO
Offspring of hewho hasthe bag fullof alllrefrom Oldmar
When coming form Qrun toA



ogunaa uei

He was advised to offer gbg

Elrr Og0gO was comng from heaven into the world. He wentto choose
his destiny. He was given all the Ire in life - a successful career, wealth, a
loving and lovely spouse, good children, several houses, good health,

victory over adversary long life and happiness. In order to ensure the
security of all these lre, they were placed in the hands of If for safe keep.
While on eafth, Elrr Og0g went to the Awo mentioned above to inquire
about his success chances, would he succeed in life? How would he attain
his success? How great would he be in his life? Would he have someone he
would love sincerely and who would genuinely love him too? Would he be
blessed with loving lovely and loveable children? Would he be blessed with
good health and sound mental aleftness? Would he be wealthy enough to
build his own house in his life? Would he live long?

All these questions the Awo answered in the affirmative. They also told
him that he would not only succeed in life, but other people would be
gauging their own success with his own. Others would also be praying to
Oldmar to make them as successful as Elrr 0gOgO. He was however
advised to move close to If as all these achievements and all other Ire are
in the hands of If. He was also advised to offer gbg with four rats, four

fish, two hens, two pigeons, two cocks, two guinea fowls and
money. He was gqually advised to serve If with hro rats, two fish, one
hen, and one guinea fowls. Allthese, Elrr 0gOgO complied with. He

also became an ardent If follower. He was even fanatical about his belief
in If. Those who noticed this began to watch him closely in order to see
what would be the outcome of his close association with If.
Elrr 0ggO on his part would never take any step without adequate If
consultation. To his boundless joy, there was nothing he asked for, that he
did not accomplish. It reached a stage that Elrr OgOg was nicknamed
'Elrr 0g0g gmg abp ire gbogbo wQti-wgnti I'QwQ Oldmar'

'Elrr 0gOgo, offspring of he who has the bag full of all Ire from
Oldmar'. Everybody's belief was that whenever he needed anything he
would simply go and deep his hands into the bag full of all the good things
of life provided for him by Oldmar.

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

Before long, everybody began to use Elrr 0gOgO as their prayers

reference to the Deites and Oldmar to give them as He had given
Elrr 0g0g. Even if they wanted to get married or beget good
children, or build a house, or even transact any business at all, they
would pray to Oldmar to let these things be as successful as those of
Elrr Og0g. Elrr Og0g in his own case was full of joy, and
gratitude to his Awo, If and Oldmar.

I maa Se g

A ma wo bigOti gees{
Dlfirn Elrrogog
9mg abpO ire gbogbo wQtl-wgnti I'Qwg Oldmar
Igba rtt'Qrun bqw'lay
Fbq ni wgn nl k w 9e
MotQ'wg kl gfiln mi nl'reajt'mi o
Elrere Ogogo o d o
Qmq abpO irewqntl-wgnti I'qwq Oldmar
Mo t'ewq K e filn mi nl're aya t'mi o
Elrr OgOg o d o
Qmq abapO ire wqntl-wgnti I'gwq Olodmar
Mo tg'wq kl g fn mi nl're gmg t'mi
Elrr OgOg o d o
9mg abapO ire wqntl-wgnti I'QwQ Oldmarc
Mo te'wQ kl g filn mi nl're lkrl t'mi o
Elrr Ogog o d o
gmg abpo ire wOtl-wgnti l', wq Oldmare
Mo tg'wq kl g fitn mi nl're gbogbo t'mi o
Elrr OgOgo o d o
gmq abapo re wqtl-wgnti I'qwq Oldmar

Continue to do what you are doing
We shall see whatyou shall accomplish in it
This was If's declaration to Elrer OgOgo
Offspring of he who has the bag full of Ire from Oldmar
When coming from Qrun toAy
He was advised to offergbg
He complied
I stretch my handsto receive myown wealth
Here comes Elrr OgOgO



osunaa uei

Offspring of hewho hasthe bag fullof irefrom Oldmar

I stretch my hands to receive my own spouse
Here comes Elrr Og0g.
Offspring of hewho hasthe bag fullof Irefrom Oldmar
I stretch my handsto receive myown children
Here comes Elrr g0g
Offspring of he who has the bag full of Ire from Oldmar
I stretch my hands to receive my own longevity
Here comes Elrr OgOgO
Offspring of hewho hasthe bag fullof Iref:om Oldmar
I stretch my hands to receive all the Ire in life
Here comes Elrr Og0g
Offspring of hewho hasthe bag fullof alllrefrom Oldmar

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed
with all the Ire in life. He/she only needs to move close to If at all times
as all these Ire are in the hands of If to be gven to him/her whenever and
if ever he/she asks forthem.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not only
acqure all the Ire in life, but shall get them in a very delicious way
and at the most appropriate time. If says that as If holds all the
Ire in life securely for him/her, so also is it that Qbatl ensures that
he/she get them at the most appropriate periods and in the most
delicious manner.
If saysthatthe life of the person forwhom OgUnda-wj is revealed
shall be sweet and enjoyable. If says that Qbtl shall add honey
into his/her life. He/she shall be able to attain his/her heat's
desires at the time that he/she would enjoy them most. He/she
shall never regret in life.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg

with honey, bananas, sugar, alcohol and all sweet fruits and
money. He/she is also advised to serve If and QbaHl with 16
snals each and all-sweetfruits. On these aspects If says:


lfa Dida: An nvitaon to lfa Consultaton

Pank$rQwEnjqn-wqnjn Awo inu lgb

Dl firn ooganla oseremagbo
Tl yfi aldnfiln lrk
f;bg ni wqn nl k w 9e

PankQrQ wQnjqn-wQnjQn, the feeble

willow isthe Awo of the forest

He was the Awo who cast If for OOganla OsQQrQmagbO

Who shall give sweetness tolrk, the sugarcane

He was advised to offergbg

Irk, the sugarcane, was specially chosen by ORganla QSQQTQmgbo as

his favourite. He therefore planned to make her the sweetest of all the
canes. For this reason, ORganla Qgeeremagb went for If consultation in
the house of theAwo mentioned above.
The Awo advised Onsanla QpQQrQmgb to offer gbg with honey and all the
sweet fruits he could lay his hands upon. He did. Soon after this, he was
able to give Irk the sweetness that no other cane could ever boast of.

Irek had riches, she was sought after, she had her own appropriate
spouse and children atthe most appropriate period, she made the swampy
and savannah areas her abode, she lived long; she was highly respected
and honoured. Allthose who knewlrk were praying to Oldmar, If,
and Ognl to make their lives as sweet as that oflrk. For these,Irk
had every reason to be grateful to Oldmar her creator, If and Qbatl
her benefactors who had specially chosen her for this rare favour and
privileges. She was therefore singing, dancing and giving praises to them
PankgrQ wQnjQn-wQnjn Awo inu
Dl firn ooganla Sgeeremagbo
Tl y fi aldn fn lrek
fibg niwQn nl k w ge



Tl a b l'jgnil'O,wq
$ebl aldn ara gni ni o
orlgl QgQQrQmegbO l f aldn fin
If je n r'drn ara mi jg o
Bl a b l'ya gni n1l
$ebl aldn ara eni ni o



Orlgrrl QggQrQmagbo lfaldn
If je n r'dn ara a mi jq o
Bl a b l'gmg gni n'll
Sebl aldn ara eni ni o
Orlganla QgQQrQmagbo l f atdn
If jq n r'dn ara mi jg o
Bl a b l'gbgni l'y
$ebl aldn ara gni ni o
orlgl Qqeeremagbo l f'aldn
If jq n r'dn ara mi jg o
Bl a b nl'regbogbo I'qwq
$ebl aldn ara gni ni o
Orlganla o+eeremagbo l f'aldn
If j n r'dn ara mi jg o

ogunaa uei

fn lrk

filn lrk

filn lrk

fitn lrk

PankQrQ wqnjQn-wQnjQn, the

feeble willow


the Awo of the forest

He was the Awo who cast If for OOganl QgQQrQmagbO

Who shall give sweetness tolrk, the sugarcane

He was advised to offer ebo

If one has one's wealth
It is surelythe sweetness of one's person
qbatl is he who has given sweetness tolrk
Ifa please let me enjoythe sweetness of my person
If one has one's own spouse
It is surely the sweetness of one's person
QbaHl is he who has given sweetness tolrk
If please let me enjoy the sweetness of my person
If one have one's own children in life
It is surely the sweetness of one's person
Qbaffil is he who has given sweetness tolrk
If please let me enjoy the sweetness of my person
If one has long life in one's life
It is surely the sweetness of one's person
Qbatl is he who has given sweetness tolreke
If please let me enjoythe sweetness of my person
If one has all the good thing of life
It is surely the sweetness of one's person
Qbatl is he who has given sweetness tolrk
If please let me enjoythe sweetness of my person

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed in life


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

because he/she has been specially chosen by If and QbaHl. He/she

shall live a very delicious life as his/her life shall be as sweet as sugarcane


If says that it foresees all the Ire in life for the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says that he/she is expecting some great things
that will change his/her life for the better; lf says that all of these
things shall come to the person for whom this Od is revealed. If
says that he/she shall get all these things within 30 days.
If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od
is revealed to offer gbg with money and to serve If with one
kolanut with four valves per day for 3O days. If says that
before this ritual is completed, he/she would have achieved all what
he/she had set outto achieve.
On this, If says:
KanranjQngbQn I'gbawgn nfnU igb
Dl fil n Baba-Af , yl ntl-j ggbQn-obl
Igba sunkrln o, wq Oun t're
fbg ni wqn nl ko ge

KanranjQngbQn rope is the king (of ropes) in the forest

This was the Awo who cast If for He-who-reclines and -consumesthirty-kolanuts
When lamenting his inability to achieve all Ire in life
He was advised to offer qbg
-AfQt'l n -jqg


he-who- recl i nes-a nd-consu mes-th i rty-kola

nuts had several things on his mind. He was pursuing many things but
none of them had manifested. Much as he tried, all his effofts were to no
avail. This brought frustration to set in. He was however advised to go
and consult If. He did.
Ba ba

bQ n

The Awo told him that he would achieve all his heaft's desires within 30
days. He was advised to offer gbg with money and to serve If with one



osunaa uei

kola nut per day for 30 days. He complied. As he began to serve If with
one kola nut daily, all obstacles broke down and he was able to achieve all
what he had set his mind and hands on. By the time it was 30 days he was
already a very happy person. He was thus singing, dancing and praislng his
Awo and If.
KanranjQngbgn l'gbawgn nlnu igb
Dl filn Baba-Af'$ylntl-jggbQn-obl
Igba sunkn gwq un O tte
Fbgniwgn nl k9e
gb'gbo, rrl'bg
Ero lpo, ero Qfa
K t fqyln tl j'ggbQn obl tn
Ire gbogbo a t', wQ Awo

KanranjQngbQn is the king of ropes in the forest
This was the Awo who cast If for Baba-AfQt'in-jQgbQn-obl
When lamenting his inabilityto achieve all Ire in life
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Travellers tolpo and Qfa towns
Before he reclined to complete eating the 30 kolanuts
And Ire in life are within the reach of the Awo

If says that all ire in life shall be given to the person for whom this Od is
revealed. All these Ire shall be achieved within 30 days. However, this is
not to say that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not pursue
his/her goals with as much zeal and enthusiasm as before in order to
achieve his/her heaft' desires. This only means that all hindrances or
obstacles shall give way and allow the person for whom this Od is revealed
to exercise his/her energy and talents to make his/her dream come true.


If says that the person from whom this Od is revealed is about to

buy something to add to his/her business or this person is about to
employ someone to the work force in his/her business. If says that
the person for whom this Od is revealed should not hesitate to do

so. What he/she has in mind shall not only bring success, fame and

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

popularity to him/her, it shall equally open his/her eyes to new ideas

and new ways of doing things.

If says that there is the need to offer gbg with three pgeons,
three hens, three guinea-fowls and money. After this, he/she
needs to serve Qsanyln with one cock and two kola nuts. By so
doing, Qsanytn will show him/her the path of success and
accomplishment. Astanza in Ogunda-M) says:
Gbinrin bl


ltl gbinrin


fitn Qrunmll

If lqQ ra Qsanyln I'Qr

fbg ni wQn nf k 9e

Gbinrin bf l
Bf )tl gbinrin
These were the Awo who cast If for Qrnm)l
When going to purchase Qsanyin as his slave
He was advised to offer gbg
Qrnmll was a very successful and highly accomplished Babatwo. He
had several clients whom he used to attend to on a daily basis. It soon
reached a stage that he could not cope with the daily chores all by himself.
He therefore decided to go and buy a slave which would be assisting him in
his day-to-day activities, Before he went to the slaves market, he
summoned his two students mentioned above for If consultation: would it
be wise for him to buy a slave at that time? Would the slave be of benefit to
him? Would it not be wise for him to continue to cope as much as he could
or to simply look out for apprentices who would be assisting him to run
errands and look out for things for his numerous clients?
The Awo told Qrrlnmll that he was about to go and expend his money on
something he wished to enhance the peformance of his business activities,
he was urged to go ahead and do it as it would help him a great deal and
would open his eyes to other technological aspect of his work. He was
advised to offer gbg with three pigeons, three hens, three guinea


fowls and money. Qrnmll complied and set out

Ogunda Meji

on his way to

EIgbmgkn market.

In the market, he saw Qsanyln in chains. He was brought into the market
to be sold as slave. Qrnm'll made up his mind to buy him because they
were related and they were colleagues right from heaven. They haggled
over the price and eventually, he bought Qsanyln and brought him home.
On their way home, he explained all what he had in mind before he decided
to come to E)gbmgkn market to buy a slave to Qsnfln. Qsnyin told
QrUnmIl that he would be ready to assist Qrnmll in his work and that he
would forever be gratefulto QrrJnm)l that he was the one who bought him
as a slave and not someone else.
The following day, Qrunmll wanted to go out. He instructed Qsan$n to
clear the weeds in his backyard so that snakes and other reptiles would not
be creeping into the house. When Qrnmll returned home, he met, to his

utter surprise, the whole backyard weeds virtually untouched. He

summoned Qsanyin to enquire from him why he failed to carry out his
instruction. gsanyln responded that he had not seen any weed to clear
because all the shrubs, weeds and grasses he found in Qrnmll's backyard

were of spiritual, medicinal or occult significance. He was asked to

expatiate on his statements, Qsnt'in took Qrnmll to his backyard and
began to point out, one by one, all the weeds shrubs and roots there-in and

then told Qrnmll of their significance. Qsanyln said 'this is a leaf of

prosperity, which one will I cut off?'. He would point to another leaf and say
'this one is for good health, which one will I cut off?' He would point to yet
another and say. This is for long life, which one will I clear away?". He went
on and on until he moved round the whole backyard. There was no lea[,
root, shrub or weed that was of no significance.
Hitherto, Qrnmll had never employed the use of herbs, leaves, roots or
shrubs in his work. He had all along been using lyQrosn and incantations
to do his work. He then reasoned that it would not only be possible and
practicable to combine herbs and roots with enabling incantation in his
work, it would equally be useful and more effective. In this wise, Qrnmll
convefted Qsn;iin from a slave to a business partner. Qsanyln then began
to prepare herbs and roots for various ailments while Qrnmll would recite

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

the incantations in order to make them more effective than ever before.
The result was unbelievable. It not only enhanced the efficacy of
Qrrlnm)l's works, it equally lifted him up in the society. This achievement
came about as a result of Qsany'ln's introduction of herbs and root to
Qrnm)l. As from that day until today, it is difficult to separate herbs and
their enabling incantations. Anyone, be he/she, an If priest or priestess,

herbalist, occultist and so on that combines herbs and roots with

incantation is simply making use of the combine effofts of esanyln and
Qrunmll. Both of them were thus happy, singing and praising If and
Gbinrin bl ltl
Bl ltl gbinrid
Dl fn Qrrtnmll
If rtlQq ra Qsanyln I'Qr
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e
gb'Qbo, r'bo
Eyl ewe aje
Gbinrin bl ltl
Bl ltl gbinrin
Ewo ni n ro n?
Gbinrin bl ltl

Bl ltl gbinrif
Eyl ewe aya
Gbinrin bf ltl
Bl ltl gbinrin
Ewo ni n ro n?

Gbinrin bl


ltl gbinri{

ewe gmg
Gbinrin bl ltl
Bl ltl gbinrin
Ewo ni n ro n?
Gbinrin bl ltl

Bl ltl gbinri{
Eyl ewe lku
Gbinrin bl ltl
Bl ltl gbinrin

Ewo ni n ro n?
Gbinrin bl ltl



ogunaa uej

ltl gbinri{

Gbinrin bl ltl
Bl Itl gbinrin
These were the Awo who cast If for Qrrfnm'il
When going to purchase O5ann as his slave
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
This one is the leaf of riches
All hail Gbinrin bl ltl
And Bi'l gbinrin
Which one should I clear out
All hail Gbinrin bl ltl
And Bl )tl gbinrin
This one is the leaf to acquire spouse
All hail Gbinrin bl l
And Bf 'l gbinrin
Which one should I clear out?
All hail Gbinrin bl l
And Bf ltl gbinrin
This one is the leaf of child bearing
All hail Gbinrin bf ltl
And Bf 'ltl gbinrin
Which one should I clear out?
All hail Gbinrin bl ]tl
And Bf I gbinrin
This one is the leaf of longevitY
All hail Gbinrin bl l
And Bi'ltl gbinrin
Which one should I clear out?
All hail Gbinrin bl ltl
And Bi )ti gbinrin

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall benefit from a
business proposal put forward by his/her subordinate. He/she should
avail himself/herself of new ideas and new ways of doing things in order to
reap ths benefit.


If says that it foresees great accomplishment for the person whom

this Od is revealed. If says that there is going to be huge success

lfa Dda: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

in a joint venture in which he/she is involved. If says that for this

venture to succeed, these must be available both technical and
captal resources. The person for whom this Od is revealed has
only one paft of the resources while his/her paftner has the other.
Since one complements the othel there is the need for cooperation
and mutual understanding. There should be no room for quarrel or
disagreement. There is going to be success and accomplishment for
the two people or groups involved in the venture. In the light of this,
there is no reason why both of them should not be plain and honest
in their dealings with each other. There is no reason why they
should not be straight-fonruard when it comes to sharing the profit
which accrue to them in this venture.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg with two pigeons, two guinea fowls, two
cocks and money.

There is also the need to serve Ogrln,

If and Orl with


to serve the Ori of the person for whom the Od is revealed the
- the fish shall be cut into three parts the head shall be used

middle shall be used to serue Ogun; while the tail end shall be used
to serve If. A stanza in support of these statements says:
Iy l ab'arafunfun
Dl firn Baba Anlb-ma-lQgbn-n
Eyl t bq lrinlnir kk
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e

The biglya ffee with its whitish bark
He was the Awo who cast If for He-who-has-a-pond-but-did-not-havea-drainer
When he was in the midst of trouble and ill health
He was advised to offer gbg

Baba Aff bU-ma-lQgb n- n (He-who-has-a-pond-but-did-not-have-adrainer) was very ill. When he was at the verge of death, he went for
If consultation on what to do for him to regain his health and vitality
from Tya nla ab'ara funfun'. The Awo informed him that he would


!! ogunaa uei
surely be well agan if he could offer gbg and serue his O. The Awo
advised him to offer gbg with two cocks for victory over ailment, haro
guinea fowls for comfoft and peace of mind and money. He was also
advised to serue his Of with the head of a big catfish.
Baba Anf b-m-lQgbn-n secured allthe gbg materials that same day and
the gbg was offered for him. He also sent his flrst son to his farm where he
had a pond containing catfish to go and secure the fish for him to use to

serve his O. The son left for his farm immediately. The snag however
was that he had nothing on him with which to drain the water in order to
catch the fish in the pond.
Iya l ab'arafunfun
Dlfrn BabaAlQgbn-n m nllbrr
E t fe, ylntl m'jrl gkn snrhn aj gunrugu
fibg ni wQn nl kge

The biglya ffee with its whitish bark
He was the Awo who cast If for He-who-has-a-drainer-but-does-nothave-a-pond
When he was lamenting his inability to have wealth
He was advised to offergbg

In the case of Baba AlQgbn-n-m-nfb (He who-has-a drainer-but-doesnot-have-a-pond) he had tried his hands on several business ventures
without success. He was just living from hand to mouth. It reached a
stage that to get the means to feed himself and his large family became a

great problem to him. Tired of this type of living, he went for Ifa
consultation in the home of the Awo mentioned above in order to find
solution to his problem; would he ever succeed financially in his life?
The Awo assured him that he would succeed in life and that all his problems
shall soon be forgotten if he could endeavour to offer ebo. He was advised
to offer gbg with two pigeons and money. There was also the need for
him to serve If with the tail end of a big catfish.
Baba AlQgbn-n-m-nlfb got the pigeons and money that same day
and his Awo offered the ebo for him. He also sent his first son outto secure


lla Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

a big catfish for him with which to serve If. The snag here however was
that even though he had a good drainer with which to drain water from a
pond, there was no pond of his owr'l,

While he was ruminating over his problem he met the son of Baba Affbtlm-lQgbn-n who was also thinking furiously on whatto do to catch a big
catfish for his father's usage. Both of them discussed and before long,
they struck an agreement. Both of them went to the farm of Baba Anlbm-lQgbn-n to drain the pond with the implements of the son of Baba
AlQgbn-n-m-nf brl in order to share the fish that they would catch at the
end of the exercise.
They reckoned thatthey would be able to catch at least 500 fish because it
was a big pond. Before long, they set to work. They worked non-stop for
several hours. When they completed the work, they found to their utter
dismay, that there was only one big catfish in the pond-even though there
were other types of fish therein. Seeing this development the son of Baba
Affbr1-m-lggbn-r1n declared that it would only be fit and proper for him
to take away the only catfish since his father owned the pond where the
fish was caught.
The son of Baba AlQgbn-rln-m-nfb retorted that without him, the fish
could never be caught since his partner had nothing with which to drain
pond and catch the fish. For this reason therefore, he declared that he was
the rightful owner of the only big catfish caught in the pond. Before long,
big fight ensued. They fought and fought and fought. Nobody was
around to settle the matter for them.
They were still on this fight when OgUn was passing through the farm on
his way to somewhere. He met the two of them panting and exhausted.
He asked them to tell him what caused the fight. The son of Baba AffbtJm-lQgbn-n said that his father was very ill at home; If had been
consulted and the appropriate ebo had been offered. The only thing
remaining was for his father to seve his Of with the head of a big catfish,
which they had just caught in his own father's pond. Since they could not
catch more that one catfish, he felt that his friend would consider his
father's condition and allow him to take away the catfish in order for his



ogunaa irei

father to use it to serve his Of and regain his health. But his friend in his
callousness would not want to hear of this. He said his friend's father was
only poor but not ill. He therefore impressed it on Ogun to prevail on his
friend to let him take awaythe catfish and save his father's life.

After listening carefully to the explanation of the son of Baba Anlbu-malQgbn-r]n, 0gr1n ask the son of Baba AlQgbn-n-m-nfbrl to nairate his
own story. In his own case he explained that his father was very poor. He
could not maintain his family. His father therefore consulted If for
solution. His father was assured that he would succeed in life. The Awo
recommended gbg for his father which was promptly offered. His father
was also asked to serve If with the tail end of a big catfish. This was how
he broughtout his draining implements to use to drain the pond in the farm
of his friend's father. Since only one big catfish was caught, his friend
ought to realize that without his implement, there was no way the fish
could have been caught. He stated fufther that his friend had never
experienced poverlry and want before in his life. Consequently, there was
no way he could appreciate the fact that no illness was as great or as
incapacitating as povefi. He had been experiencing the effect and agony
of povefi lane fofthwith. But since his friend was heartless, wicked and
unsympathetic, he would not want him and his family to succeed
financially in life. He too mounted pressure on Ogrtn to order his friend to
let him take away the catfish in order for him and his family to break the
povertyyoke once and forever.
Ogun considered the two arguments and declared that both of them were
simply blind to reason and they were unrealistic in their arguments. He
said that since they could cooperate to work together, they ought to be
realistic enough to know that they would share the proceeds of their joint
venture together. He declared that from their explanations, none of them
needed the whole catfish and that the paft needed by one would not affect
the other. Ogun simply brought out his sword and cut the catfish into two.
He gave the head paft to the son of Baba Anlb-ma-lqgbn-n to take
home for his father to serve his Ori and gave the tail paft to the son of Baba
AlQgbn-tin-m-nfb to take to his own father to use to serve If. They
both went their separate ways.

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Before long, Baba Affb-m-lQgbn-n regained his health and Baba

AlQgbn-rin-m-nfb became prosperous. All of them were very happy
and grateful to Ogrfn, If, Ort and their Awo. They were thus singing,
dancing and praising Oldmar.
Iya l ab'arafunfun
Dl fn Baba AnlbU-ma-lQgbn-n
Eydt rtbg lrinlnir kk
f,bg ni wgn nl k 9e
Iy rrl ab'ara funfun
Dlafin BabaAlQgbn-n m nllbr
Eyl tf,ylntl m'jrl gkrtn snrhn ajgunrugu
Fbq niwgn nl k ge
Erlpo, ero Qfa
Igba Ogun d'ja mjl
Lara b ro'ni o

The biglya tree with its whitish bark
He was the Awo who cast If for Baba Anlbtl-m-lQgbn-n
When he was in the midst of trouble and illness
He was advised to offergbg
He complied
The biglyaffeewith itswhitish bark
He was the Awo who cast If for Baba AlQgbn-Un-m-nlib
When hewas lamenting is inabilityto have wealth
He was advised to offer gbg
Now, travellerstolpoand Qfa town
Itwaswhen OgUn cutthefish intotwo
That we experience comfort

If says that with cooperation and common sense the person for whom this
Od s revealed shall be able to achieve his/her heaft's desires. While
thinking about himself/hersell he/she needs to thinks about the welfare
and needs of his/her paftner. By so doing, there will be peace, harmony
and success.


il osunaa uei
catfish, t
ought to be divided into three pas, the head secton used to
serve his/her Or'i, the middle section used to serue Ogun while the
tail section will be used to serue If. Ogun is usually included here in
For the person for whom this Od is revealed after securng the

recognition of the role he played in solving the problem of the sons of Baba
Anf b-ma-lQgbn-r1n and Baba AlQgbn-rin-m-nf b. That was why Ogun
too deserued to be served today bythose for whom this Od is revealed.


Ifa says that for the person for whom this Od is revealed, all Ire in
life are on their way into his/her life. They had made several
attempts to come into his/her life but alas, there is an obstacle which
stands on his/her way to success like a sentry. There is the need for
the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg against this
obstacle in order for it to move out of the way for all the Ire to come
into his/her life.

If says that there is the need to offer gbg with one he-goat and
money. There is also the need to serve Egu Qdar with one hegoat, a lot of alcohol, palm-oil and money. After this, a
calabash full of alcohol also needs to be placed at Eg Qdara's
shrine for him to give to the obstacle so as to give way for all the Ire in
life to come in for the person for whom this Od is revealed. On this
aspect, a stanza in Ogr:nd-MT says:
Hnrnhnrn mi ni lhngu
Klrlm-kirimu ni lf gsQ lja tglQ



Lfi ib wOOwOlyk na'gi

Dl firn Arg abldl japp
Til 9e onlbod 9lQrun
Sbg ni wqn nl k 9 e

Tightly do one-packyam tubers (in a barn)
And solidly do one stamp one's legs in a fight
Itwas Ogrtn who after eating to his fill
And drinking to his satisfaction


Ifa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

He hit the remnants aganst a tree

This was the If cast for Arg ab)dljpap,
the Cripple with his feeble buttocks
Who was the sentry in heaven
He was advised to offer gbg

Arg abldf jr1pp, the Cripple with his almost lifeless buttocks was the
gateman in heaven. His duty was simply to prevent allthe good things of
life to come into the world. Such good things include Aj, wealth; Aya,
spouse; Qmg, children; Alku, longevity and all the other lre in life. Much
as human beings who were on earth tried, they were unable to bring all
these Ire into the world.
Arg abldf jpp, on the other hand, went for If consultation in order to
find out what he needed to do to ensure that all these Ire did not find their
way into the world. The Awo mentioned above advised him to desistfrom
this act and allow the Ire to have their ways into the lives of those who
needed them genuinely. They also advised him to offer ebg and have a
change of Attitude.

When he heard of this advice from the Awo, he became very angry and
resolved never to leave the gate of heaven where he sat as a sentry so as
to prevent any of the Ire from moving into the world. Allwise counselling
from other IrnmglQ in heaven fell on deaf ears. He told them to mind
their own business.
Hnrnhnrn mi ni lhnsu
Klrlm-kirimu ni lf gsQ lja tglQ
Ogrtn lfQ'jgtn

L fi ibi wwO lyOk na'gi
Dl filn Qrrtnmll
fi rrlg ay kQw
fbg ni wQn nl k 9e

Tightly do one-packyam tubers (in a barn)
And solidly do one stamp one's legs in a fight
It was Ogrf n who aftereating to hisfill



ogunaa uei

And drinking to his satisfaction

He hit the remnants against a


This was the If cast for OnjnmIl

When coming into the world during the dawn of life on eafth
He was advised to offer ebo

When Qrrlnm)l discovered that Arg ab'idf janpp had bluntly refused to
allow all Ire in life to come into the world, he made up his mind to go and try
and to find a means whereby all those Ire would find their ways into the
world. It was quite obvious that life on eafth without all the Ire present was
quite meaningless. To do this, Qrnm'll approached the same group of
Awo who consulted If for Arg abld1 janpp for his own consultation:
would he be able to open the way for all Ire to enter the world? If so, what
did he need to do for this to be?
The Awo assured QrnmIl that he would be able to accomplish his mission
but that there was the need for him to offer gbg and to serve EgU Qdara. He
was advised to offer gbg with a matured he-goat, plenty of money and
palm-oil. He was also to serve EgU Qdara with another mature he-goat,
palm-oil and money. After this, he was advised to place a calabash full of
alcohol by the Eg Shrine. Qnf nm)l complied with the advice of his Awo.

After this, ES Qdara carried the container filled with alcohol and headed for
the post where Arg abldf janpp was guarding as a sentry. He approached
Arg ab)df jnpp and extended his greetings. The latter reluctantly
returned the greeting. Egu Qdara told him that he had come to accompany
him in ensuring that none of the Ire had any chance of reaching the world,
as the inhabitants of the world did not deserue being given any of them.
This warmed the heart of Arg abld'i janpp. They sat there and were
discussing for a long time before Egu Qdara brought out the calabash full of
alcohol. He filled two horns and gave one to Arg ab'idf japp to drink. He
took it reluctantly and drank. Egu Qdara filled the horn again and Aro abld'i
janpp drank it all unknown to Arg abld'ijanpp, his newly acquire friend
was just sipping his own drink while Arg ab)df janpp was gulping his own.
By the time he drank five horns, he was already tipsy. EgU Qdara continued
to serve him. Before long, Arg ab)d'ijAnpp was totally drunk. Soon after
this, he fell down and slept. A few moments later, he began to snore.


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

After sleeping off, Egu Qdara simply rolled Arg ab'tdf japp off the gate of
heaven and earth and signaled Qrunrnll who had been watching every
development from a save distance. when Qrnm)l came, both of them
began to examine Arg abldf janpp closely and they discovered to their
surprise that this sentry was just a mere cripple! Both Egu Qdara and
Qrnm)l began to call on all Ire to come and cross the gate that the sentry
had slept off. They were singing thus:

IreAj ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn lgo
Aro ni Idena

Ireaya maw a o
Idena Qrun sn lgo
Arg ni ldena
fre omo ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn tgo
Arg ni ldena
IreAlkr ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn 19o
Aro ni ldena
Iregbogbo ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn lgo
Arg, arg ni ldena o

Letthe Ire of wealth come now
The Heavenly sentry had slept off
The sentry is buta cripple
Letthe Ire of spouse come now
The Heavenly sentry had slept off
The sentry is but a cripple
Let the Ire of child-bearing come now
The Heavenly sentry had slept off
The sentry is but a cripple
Let the Ire of longevity come now
The Heavenly sentry had slept off
The sentry is but cripple
And letall Ire in life come now
The Heavenly sentry had slept off
Cripple, the sentry is but a mere ripple



ogunaa uei

That was how Qrrlnm)l, wth the assistance of Egu Qdara brought allthe
Ire in life to the world. And that was how it was possible for habitants of
the world to live a fulfilled life while on eafth.
Hnrnhnrn mi ni lhnsu
KIrlm0-kirimu ni lf'gsg lja tglQ


Lfi b wOOwOOlyk na'gi
Dl fitn Arc abldl jepp
Til9e onlbod QlQrun
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e
Dl fn Qrnmll
fi rrlq ay akqw
Fbq ni wqn nl k 9e
j reAjma wa o
Idena Orun sn loo


Ire aya ma w a o
ldena Qrun sn lg o
Aro ni ldena
Ire Qmg ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn lgo
Arq nildena
Ire Alkrt ma w a o
Idena Qrun sn lg o

Arg ni ldena
Iregbogbo ma w a o
Idena Orun sun lo o
Aro, arg ni ldena o

Tightly do one-packyam tubers (in a barn)
And solidly do one stamp one's legs in a fight
It was Ogun who after eating to his fill
And drinking to his satisfaction
He hit the remnants against a tree
This was the If cast for Arg abldf jpapa


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Ogunda Meji

Who wasthe sentry in heaven

He was advised to offer gbg
They also cast Ifa for QrUnmlld
When coming into the world during the dawn of life on eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
Now,letthe Ireof wealth come
The Heavenly Sentry had slept off
The Sentry is buta cripple
Let the Ire of spouse come now
The Heavenly Sentry had slept of
The Sentry is buta cripple
Letthe Ire of child-bearing come now
The HeavenlySentry had sleptoff
The Sentry is buta cripple
Let the lre of longevity come now
The Heavenly senby had slept off
The sentry is buta cripple
And letalllre in lifecome now
The HeavenlySentry had sleptoff
Cripple, the Sentry is but a mere cripple

If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall attain glorious
heights in Iife even in spite of initial obstacles or delays. This person shall
overcome and realize his/her destiny in life.
If says also that the person for whom this Od is revealed must never
constitute himself/herself into a stumbling block on the path of other
people's success. If he/she did, he/she shall be bulldozed out of the way
and the supposed victim shall be victorious at his/her expense. If he/she
thinks that someone will not be great in life and he/she plans aganst such
person, the person shall not only attain greatness but shall put him/her to
shame in the end. It is in the best interest of the person for whom this
Od s revealed never to think, plan or do evil at any time. Whoever does
it against him/her shall regretsuch action in the end.


If says that it foresees the Ire of wealth and accomplishment for the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that presently, this
person is experiencing some financial hardship butthere is no cause
for concern because this is just a transient situation which will soon


ogunda uej

gve way to wealth in abundance. If will soon cater for his/her


If says that some people had earlier been called upon to find
solution to a pafticular problem being experienced by an influential
person or group but all of those invited had not been able to solve this
problem. If saysthatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed shall
be able to solve this problem. He/she shall also be able to save the
faces and careers of those who had failed in the assignment.
If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is a man, the
Ire of a spouse is foreseen. If says that three women shall be very
important in his life and they shall influence his life to success and

If also says that it is not advisable for the person for whom this Od
is revealed, male or female to stand surety for anyone or group. If
says that if he/she does this, he/she shall be betrayed and utterly
disappointed. Ifa says that the person or group whom he/she stands
for as guarantor shall spoil many things which will lead many people
to point accusing fingers at him/her as their guarantor.
For this message to come to pass, If recommends the following gbg:

for financial success, three pigeons and three guinea fowls; for
victory over his/her present predicament, three cocks; for success
in his/her assignment which he/she shall be invited to come and do;
three pigeons, three ducks and three guinea fowls for the
male to be assisted by three women who shall be influential in his life,
three hens - one of the three hens shall be slaughtered, one of the
wings, one lap and the breast shall be removed and roasted with
appropriate condiments. He shall also get three wraps of Qkg (corn
meal) and place them in three separate places. These shall then be
put wherever If recommends. On allthese, a stanza in this Od has
this to say:


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

llQmg wQnn-wgnna pqngo

Ota l ni k sinmi wodl k nl mlml
Dlfitn Orunmll
If rllg r ra awgn Blwo-kQkQ I'qru
LtiQrun kejg
fbgniwqn nl kge

Agnbg n)wrOkO-sQn
Flmq wqnn-wgnna pqngo
The catridge is itthatwill neverceaseto consume a hovering hawk
They were the Awo who cast If for Qrnmll
When going to buythe group who grew horns on
their heads (each growing one horn) as slave
From the eighth heaven
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrnmll was paftcular about bringing this group into the world to come
and enjoy the world and to ensure that a solution was found to the problem
of their horns and plan on how to remove them. He went for If
consultation in the home of the four Awo mentoned above. They were all
hisformerstudents. Hewas advised tooffer gbg. He did. Hewasalsotold
to go and seek permission from Oldmar. They told him that those
people would only spoil his good work on earth. He responded that it
would be good to give everybody equal chance to come and enjoy on eafth
and contribute his/her own quota into the development process there-in.
Qrnmll went to Oldmar to seek permsson to bring the group into the
world. OldmarO responded that this group would only spoil his work on
eafth. Qrrfnm'll pleaded with Oldmare to let him bring them into the
world. He promised to stand surety for them. He also said that he would
give them eight commandments. As long as they were given the
commandments, he reasoned, they were bound to behave properly. Being
a favourite of Oldmar, he was allowed to bring them into the world.

Before leaving

for earth, Qrnm'll gave them the

commandments; one, they must not pluck the Okro of Eji; two, they
must not pluck the Garden-egg of Eji; three, they must not haruest the

l! ogunaa ueji
Qsun vegetable of A'ilgrn; four, they must not pass excreta by the riverside; five, they must not urinate by the river-side; six they must not pass
excreta on a rock; seven, they must not introduce any topic concerning
elders behind their backs; and eight, they must not use clandestine means
to enter the home of elders. They all agreed to keep all these
commandments. Qrnmll equally argued that if the commandments
were kept, the world would not and could not spoil. He thereafter
instructed them to proceed into the world. They all left the following day.
On their way to the world however, all the eight commandments had been

abused. They had ensured that they violated all the commandments
before they reached the world. As a result of their violation, chains of
reactions had begun to take place, all with serious implications. For
example from the dawn of life on eafth, Olkun was given six water-pots to
take care of and report the developments on a daily basis. These waterpots were placed at six different locations of the world but they were linked
together by natural pipes controlled only by Olkun. As soon as the group
of Ablwo-kQnkQ arrived on eafth and began to violate the Eight
commandments, four of these pots dried up. This had never happened
before, Olkun raised an alarm and went to report to Oldmar what
happened had never before been witnessed, problems started to happen

on eafth. Everybody began to point accusing fingers at


everybody began to complain to Oldmar.

Oldmar then summoned QrUnmIl to His presence. He told Qrrlnmll

that he too could see whatthose whom he stood surety for had done. This
greatly disturbed and annoyed Qrunmll. In his anger, Qrnmll returned
to eafth and went in pursuit of the leader of the AbIwo-KQkQ, known as
Hrt. He took along with him his Adaaga.

Immediately Hau saw Qrnmll, he took to his heels. He knew why

Qrrlnmll would be looking for him and his group. He was also aware of all
the atrocities they had committed on eafth. QrnmIl who was wearing
only a coverlet pursued him. When Qrnm'il realized that he could not
catch up with H, he threw his Adaag at him. The Adaag caught H in
the head and cut off his horn. He began to bleed profusely. One lrnmglQ
descended from Heaven and used Qrrf nmll's Adaaga to dig a hole on the

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

ground. The IrnmglQ also asked H to move to where the hole was dug
so that the blood from his head would go nto the hole. He told Qrunm'il


that it was not good to allow blood to spill on the ground.

when the head did not stop bleeding the IrrtnmglQ tore off a paft of the
coverlet which Qrrlnmll wore and wrapped t round the head of H, and
the bleeding stopped. The Irnmgle then instructed HrJ to move his
people far away from ll-Ife and settle. They were also instructed to be
wrapping that loin or sash around their head at all times. They moved
away and went towards the nofthern part of Il-IfQ. After 30 days, they

Unfoftunately however, in their haste and confusion, they did not take
along with them the mother of their leader. The mother began to ask
questions the where about of the group. It took her 30 days to locate
them. She did not eat for those 30 days. When she located her son, she
narrated all her ordeals to him. Soon after this, she died. The IrnmglQ
appeared again and dug another hole in the ground, placed the corpse of
Ht1's mother into it and covered the hole with sand. He told them that he
had just shown them what was known as burial and that never must they
leave any corpse unburied.

Qrnm)l on his own also left Il-IfQ and went to settle n Onko town. He
was there for a very long time. He was relatively unknown there. His
situation there was very pathetic. Those who were close to him knew him
as, "Tgla, Awo wgn l'de Onko"- Tela, their Awo in Onto land. Onto was a
very small community and QrrlnmTl was the chief If Priest there. He was
very unsuccessful there but he chose to endure and remain there.

In Il-IfQ however, the city was expanding rapidly. The whole community
was developing at an unbelievable rate and speed. glqfin the Qba of IlIfQ was the most poweful and most influential personality on eafth.
This was what the situation had been until one day when the following
Or{slnsln-tasln gdg il Ql, fin ni
Or{slnsln-tasln gdq ilQl,fin ni


ogunaa uei

Ata-m-tas 9de il QlQfin ni

Orl-yi-trl-oyllyi 9d9 il QlJin ni o
Awgn ni wQn sg erin l'g
Erin w wO
fi o,woja a rQ l gbgede il Ql,fin
lgba wQn kun erin
wQn b gpQn ir$ nln erin
WQn b apo agala nln erin
WQn b igb tuntun nlnrl erin
WQn pa igbatuntun
WQn b gmg tuntun OOjE nln igb
ro trn abaje mjg l',wQQtn
to ttn abaje,, mjg I'QwQ sl


glQfn w k
nl run hn!

Oslnsf n-taln was resident hunter in QlQfin palace
Orislns'ln-tasln was resident hunter in QlQfin palace
Atamtas was resident hunter in QlQfin's palace
Orf-yi-taf-Of)yi was resident hunter in QlQfin's palace
They were the ones who threw a heavy spear at an elephant
The elephantfell and placed itstrunk bythe balconyof QlQfin's house
When they skinned and cut the elephant
Theyfound a tray made with Irq wood in its belly
Theyfound an Agl container (bag) in its belly
Theyfound a brand newcalabash in its belly
When they cut open the new calabash
They found a day-old baby inside the new calabash
The baby held eight lkn-Abaje in its right hand
And anothereightlkin-Abaje in its left hand
Qlqfin exclaimed
He declared that heaven was aboutto descend!

Those were the things they saw at ll-Ife right in QlQfin's palace. Nobody
had ever seen anything near that before. They also never believed that
such a thing could ever happen. QlQfin and all the members of his council
deliberated on this incident for a very long time but they could not come up
with any solution. For the first time ever, QlQfin panicked. He was totally
confused. His chiefs advised him to letthem invite Babalwo from different

lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultation

places to come and consult If for them in order to find the root cause of
what was happening and at the same time, find solution to the problem.
They sent for the following If priests and other diviners:
WQn w lg r pe wgn:

Kogn-kogn Awo ile Alara

KggbQn-kggbqn Awo Ode ljero
Kad, ta-ked, ta Awo lpa Tooromof
Qtggkan l k k t pe lrinw
Awgn Awl-wlnnlwlnnl m-je nlkan-o-gbq
Awgn AfQkn-mq-fq-fi n-l n-fi n-ln
WQn ki'f-k'f nil QlQfin
WQn klkllkl, wgn O gbQ ohun tl Ql.f n wl
WQn ki'f-k'f, bgq ni wgn O jf n

Theythen wentto invite
Kogun-kogn the residentAwo of Alr
KggbQn-kggbQn theAwo ofljero Hill
Kadqta-kad, ta the Awo of ppa-T00r0m0, f
Only one remaned for it to complete 400
Those who spoke so quietlythat none could hear
Those who spoke like they were whistling
They recited and recited If in QlQfin's house
They recited and recited without getting what QlQ fin was saying
They recited, and recited withouttouching the problem of QlQfin

When all the Babalwo, diviners and soothsayers had exhausted

themselves, the frustrations of Qlqfin increased. In his anger, he said that
all of them did not know why he had called them or what was makng him
so worried and agitated, he ordered that all of them should be locked up.
They were promptly incarcerated. QlQfin then asked if there were no other
Babalwo or soothsayer who could help him out of his problem. That was
when one of the chiefs remembered TQla the Awo of OnkO town. glqfn
ordered that TQI should be invited immediately. Delegates were sent to

When he heard the message of Qlfin, he wentfor If consultation in order

to know what QlQfin had called him for and then what he needed to do in
order to solve OlQfin's problem for him. TQI was told by his Awo that

!! ogunaa uei
QlQfin truly had an unusual experence but that the true nature of hs
experience would be revealed to him on his way to Olfin's palace, he was
informed that what Slqfin was worried about amounted to nothing as it was
designed by the Deities to test his capability to absorb shock and to stay
cool in the midst of crisis and unceftainty.
to offer gbg with three hens. He was asked to slaughter
one of the hens, remove one lap, one wing and the breast, roast them
properly and take them along with him on his journey to QlQfin's palace, he
was also asked to carry along with him three wraps of Qkg. He was told that
he would meet three women who would be instrumental to the success of
his mission at QlQfin's house. He was advised to give the three women one
Qkg each and give each of them the lap, the wing and the breast of the hens
he carried with him. TQI complied with all what they said and set out on his
journey to QlQfin palace at Il-IfQ.
TQI was advised

When he got to Il-IfQ, at the edge of the stream, which he would cross,
before he reached QlQfin's palace he met true to the prediction of his Awo,
three young women who came to the stream to fetch water. Tl greeted
them and gave them wraps of Qkg, the chicken lap, wing and breast. The
three young women thanked him and asked for his mission in Il-IfQ. He
explained to them.
They told him that he might not be aware of the developments in QlQfin's
palace but that there were two major problems being faced by QlQfin at that
pafticular point in time; one, one of his wives had been pregnant for the
past three years and she had not been delivered of the baby; two, the
hunters of QlQfin struck down an elephant with their heavy spear, when the
elephant fell, it placed its trunk by QlQfin's balcony; when the elephant was
skinned and dissected, they found a tray made of IrQ wood, and an Aguah
bag, and a new calabash in the elephant, when the calabash was sliced into
two, they found a day-old baby which had with it eight Ikn -Abajg in each of
his hands. The three young women said that was why QlQfin had invited
him into his palace. They said that for the pregnant woman to have a safe
delivery a matured goat must be offered as gbg while another matured
goat must be used to serve If. They said that they did not know the

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftaton

importance of the slain elephant and ts mysterous contents. They

however advised TQI not to sit down at all or wait for any moment before
disclosing the information to QlQfin. They said that doing so was the only
way that would make Qlqfin to take him serious as several others had
hitherto been invited, they did not know why QlQfin had invited them and
QlQfin had thrown them into jail. Theyalso informed TQI that in the frontof
OlQfin's palace, he would meet an old woman. The woman was a dye
maker. All her grandparents were also dye makers. She inherited the work
from her own mother. He was advised to ask that old woman to remove her
dye pot from the spot it was and for TeJa to put his OgU there. They
informed him that all the surrounding areas of the palace were solid rock
and that only the spot where the woman put her pot contained soft sand
where the OgU staff could be placed.

them profusely and headed for QlQfin's palace. In front of

QlQfin's palace, he met, as the three young women had said, an old woman
busy with her old dye pot. TQI approached her and asked her to remove

TQI thanked

her pot for him to place his

0g. The woman refused bluntly.

After much persuasions and promptings, the old woman reluctantly agreed.
As 1Ql removed the pot, they found jewelries of inestimable value, which
the old woman's great grandparent had kept there. Both TQI and the old
woman were flabbergasted. Tl asked the old woman to pack everything
as the jewelries rightfully belonged to her. She insisted that Tl must take
out of the jewelries since if not for him; she would not have known that such
things were there in the first place. Teh refused and the woman packed
everything, thereby becoming an extremelywealthywoman in herold age.
She then thought of how to compensate TQI in her own way since he would

not take any paft of the jewelries, she asked Teh f he had ever been
married. TQI responded in the negative, she also asked if he saw the three
young women by the stream when he was coming, he responded positively.
She explained to TQI that they were not yet married. Several people had
tried to marry them and they had bluntly refused. They said that they
would marry only one person and that person must know their names
before they would agree to marry him. Everybody had tried and failed.


osunda Mei

The old woman then told Tl their names. Tl thanked her and entered
QlQfin's palace.
As soon as TQI entered QlQfin's palace and all the essential greetings were
exchangqd, he was offered a mat to sit on. He refused stating that Ql, fin's
summoned him because of the two major developments in his house. He
told QlQfin about the pregnant woman and what he (Ql,fin) needed to do.

He also told Qlqfn about the elephant incident. Ql,fin was totally
dumbfounded. QIQRn exclaimed that 1Ql was not an ordinary human
being. QlQfin asked Teh to offer gbg for him. He agreed.

As soon as TQI sat down on the mat in preparation to offer the qbg, the
three young women entered with the pots of water on their heads. Tela
greeted them by their names as he was told by the old woman saying:
'welcome,Ibgrrl,Ibgye andlbegg'. The three women threw away the pots

on their heads and began to accuse QlQfin of telling the stranger their
names. Qqfin said that he did nottell him their names, but rather, the man
was not an ordinary human being. QlQfin claimed that the man could
detect a pregnant snail among its colleague; he could even predict the sex
of a chick inside the eggshell! The three women said that they had no
option butto marryTQl since he wasthe person who knewtheir names - as
they had promised to marrythe person who could tellthem their names.

After this

rch told QlQfin that he had some people whom he had

incarcerated as a result of their failure to know what QlQfin had summoned

them for. He asked QlQfn to release them fofthwith before he could offer
the gbg, QlQfin ordered his domestic seruants to go and effecttheir release.

offered the gbg for QlQfin and his pregnant wife was delivered of a
bouncing baby on that very day. TQI sat down and the baby was broughtto
him for his blessing. Ibgrrt,Ibgy andlbggg sat by his sides. While he was
blessing the baby all the Awo who had just been released came into the
palace to express their gratitude to TQI. He asked them not to thank him,
but rather to thanklbgrrl, )bgye and )bggg. They did and all of them left
QlQfin's palace full of joy and happiness.



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation


rt n

bg- nlworoko-sqna

f lgmg wQnn-wgnna pqngo

Qta l ni k sinmi wOdl Ok nl mlml

If trlg r ra wgn Blwo-kQkQ I'qrU
tti Qrun kqjg
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
Awgn Orlslnsln-tasf n qde il QlQfin ni
gdg il Ql, fin ni
, Orlslnsln-tasln
Ata-m-tas gde il Ql, fi n ni
Or{-yi-tarl-oyflyi gdg ile Ql,fin ni o
Awgn ni wqn sg erin l'g
Erin w wO

fi gwoja a rQ lgbgede l9lqfn

Mgba wQn kun erin
WQn b gpQn irg nln erin
wqn b apo agala nlnrt erin
Wqn b gb tuntun nlnrl erin
WQn pa igb
WQn b gmg

tuntun OOjq nlnU igb tuntun

ttn abaje mjq l',wq oJrrn

Itn bje, mjQ I'QwQ Osl n w k
nl Orun hn!
WQn w lg r


Kogun-kogn Awo il Alr

KggbQn-kgg bqn Awo Ode ljero
KadJa- kadqta Awo Epa Tooromof
Qtqekan l k kt p rrinw
Awgn Awl-wln nlwln nl m-j99 nlkan-O-g bq
Awgn AfQk n-mq-fg-fi n-ln -fi n-l n
WQn k'f-k'f nil Ql, fin
WQn klkflkl, wgn gbQ ohun tl Qlqfn rtwl
WQn k'f-k'f, bee ni wgn o j f n
9l, fn nl k s'wo nf 'lQ yl mq njq?
WQn l ku TQla Awo wgn l'de Onto
Qlqfn nl kl wQn lg ree pe w
TQI lwa j'f Ql,fin
Fbg l nl k 9e
QlQfin 9b'bg, r'bg

Ije F|a moyin lbgrrt

F|a moyin lboye


on*a" *r,

Qrnmll mo yin lbgq9g o

Agnbg nlwOrOk0-sQn
flQmgwQnn-wgnna pqngo
The catridge is it that will never cease to consume a hovering hawk
Theywerethe Awo who castlf for Qrnm)l
When going to buy the group who grew horns on
their heads (each growing one horn) as slave
From the eighth heaven
He was advised to offer gbg
Oflnln-tasfn was resident hunter in QlQfin palace
Olslns'ln-tasln was resident hunter in QlQfin palace
AtamUs was resident hunter in Ql, fin's palace
Orf-yi-taf-flyiwas resident hunter in QlQfin's palace
They were the ones who threw a heavy spear at an elephant
The elephantfell and placed its trunk by the balcony of QlQfin's house
When they skinned and cutthe elephant
They found a tray made with Ire wood in its belly
They found an Agl container (bag) in its belly
They found a brand new calabash in its belly
When they cut open the new calabash
They found a day-old baby inside the new calabash
The baby held eight lkin-Abaje in its right hand
And another eight lkin-Abaje in its left hand
QlQfin exclaimed
He declared that heaven was aboutto descend!
Theythen wentto invite
Kogun-kogn the residentAwo of Alr
KqgbQn-kggbQn the Awo ofljero Hill
KadJa-kadqta the Awo of fpa-TooromoJ
Only one remained for it to complete 400
Those who spoke so quietlythat none could hear
Those who spoke like they were whistling
They recited and recited If in QlQfin's house
They recited and recited without getting what QlQfin was saying
They rected, and recited withouttouching the problem of QlQfin
Ql, fin asked if there was no more Awo around?
They responded that it still remained TQI, the Awo of OkO town
OlQfin asked them to go and call him
TQI was the one who later got the reason why QlQfin cast If


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consuftation

He asked Qlqfin to offergbg

He complied
Now, pla I praiselbgrrl

fla,I praiselbqye
Qnf nm)l,I also


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall surely succeed
where others had failed. He/She shall win where others had lost. He/She
shall acheve greatness where others had been humiliated.

If says also that if a pregnant woman is having delayed bfth where this
Od is revealed, with the appropriate gbg as prescribed above, the woman
shall have a safe delivery the very day the ebg is offered.


If says that women would be instrumental to the success of the

person for whom this Od is revealed if it's a man. This
notwithstanding however, If advises that he needs to be extremely
careful on all matters concerning women. This is because women,
especially his spouse, would surely be stretching his endurance and
patience to the extreme once in a while. If says that he needs to be
patient at all times.

If says also that the person or group for whom this Od is revealed
must not promise one thing to two people. If this had already been
done only gbg and seruing 0gr1n, and 0ogl can pull the
person or group out of trouble and unfavourable repercussion.
If also warns some women where this Od is revealed not to do
something or behave in such a way that will give room for them
being insulted or looked down upon.

If advises a pregnant woman to offer gbg and serve If and Eg

where this Od is revealed so as to have a safe delivery devoid of any

If advises those involved to ofter gbg with three hens, three cocks,
three guinea fowls, eight rats, eight fish and money. They are also
to serve Egu Qdar,I;f, Ogun, QqqqsJ and Qbttl as appropriate.


osunaa uei

On these, a stanza in this Od says:

Baba d l'ko
Baba ba l'k
Baba fQyln t'igi akOko porporo
Bab j9 kko ok
Qr00 ml 9e tn tl y ko nl'gbyl
Dl fn Qrunmll
Baba g'awo lo sl llU Ekun
[b9 ni wQn nl k 9e

Baba encamped at OkO town
Baba landed at OkO town
Baba rested his back comfoftably against an akOko tree
And he ate 20 tubers of cocoyam
My matter is about to have a head now
These were lf's declarations to Qrnmll
When going on lf's mission to fkun town
He was advised to offer gbg

When Qrtlnm'll wanted to leave Ad-Ekltl, his base of operation for Fkun
town, he went for If consultation from his former students mentioned
above in orderto determine how successful his sojourn in fkun town would
be. The Awo told him that he would accomplish his mission at fkun town
but the most rewarding assignment would be that of a pregnant woman
who would fall into labour and who would be about to lose her life which he
would save. She would be assisted to have a safe delivery. She would
deliver of a baby girl and the girl was an ApQtQbl (Ifa wife) Ornmll was
advised to offer gbg with three hens, three cocks, eight rats, eight
fish and money. He complied. Soon after this, he set out on his journey
to fkun town.
On getting to this town, he saw a crowd in front of him. They looked sad.
He approached them and he discovered that a pregnant woman was in
their midst. For four days they had tried everything they knew for her to
deliver when she went into labour and it was simply impossible. She had
become very weak and about to die. The crowd were the members of her
husband's household who were carrying her home to die inside the house.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

When Qrtlnm'll saw this, he told them that he would help them and the
woman would have a safe delivery. He said that the woman would gve
bifth to a baby girl and thatthe girlwas an ApQtQbf . The woman's relations
said that if this woman could have a safe delivery they would give the baby
to Qrrfnm'il as wife when she was matured enough to get married.
QrrJnmIl simply touched the woman's stomach and the baby came out
safely. The crowd was overwhelmed with joy. True to Qrrlnmll's
prediction, the baby was a girl. Qrnmll tied the OttU Qpqn (Ifa) bead
round herwristand leg.
Soon after he left, the woman began to complain of stomach pain again.
The crowd began to panic once more. They searched for Qrnmll but he
was nowhere to be found.
Baba d l'ko
Baba ba 'ko
Baba f'Qyln t'igi akko pOrOpOrO
Bab j9 kko ok
QrQO ml 9e tn tl y ko nl'gbyl
Dl filn Ego Qdara
TI g'awo lg st llu lkun
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

Baba encamped at OkO town
Baba landed at OkO town
And rested his back comfoftably against an akOko tree
And he ate 20 tubers of cocoyam
My matter is about to have a head now
These were lf's declarations to EgU Qdara
When going on spiritual mission to fkun town
He was advised to offer gbg

to go on spiritual mission to lkun town. He also

went for If consultation. He was also assured that his mission to this
town would be very rewarding and successful. He was equally advised to
offer gbq with three hens, three cocks, three guineafowls, eight
rats, eight ftsh and money. He also complied and set out on his
Egu Qdara also planned




On getting to fkun town, he met the same crowd in a state of confusion.

He asked them what the problem was. They explained the problem of the
woman to him and someone had helped them before she could deliverthe
baby, and that she was still complaining of stomach pains. Taking a look
at this woman, Egu Qdara explained to them that even though the baby
had been delivered, the placenta was not yet out of the woman's womb
and therefore, they had no reason to rejoice yet. They pleaded with him
to assist them. EgU Qdara declared that to assist them, they would have

to give him the hand of the baby in marriage when she was matured
enough for wedding. They said that if he could assist in saving the life of
the mother, the girl is his for marriage. Ep Qdara simply touched the
woman's stomach and out came the placenta. Egu Qdara then put his Og
(three tufts of hair left on the head of Eg adherents after the rest of the
hair had been shaved off) on the baby's head and left.
As soon as he left, the crowd began to celebrate. They danced round the

town and everybody left for home. None of them ever thought of the
future implication of their action atall.
Eighteen years after, Qrnmll sent a message to them that in three
weeks time, he would be coming to claim his wife. In the evening of the
same day, Egu Qdara sent his own message that in three weeks time, he
too would be coming to take his wife. That was when it dawned on the
people of fkun that trouble was at hand. They deliberated for a long time
on how to find solution to their problem butthere was none. They did not
want to face the wrath of any of these two great personalities. When they
discovered that there was virtually no way for them, they decided to seek
the assistance of If in finding a solution to their problem. They then went
to seek help in the house of:
Awgn Ogun I'awo amqqg
Qqqqsj l'awo amQy
ooganla I'awo amQQ-tgg
Dl fitn wn nl llu lkun
Nlbi tl wQn gb rtfleku kan rg gmg mejl
Ebo ni wn nl kl wn se

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation


Ogun is the Awo who knows how to cut (trees)

QSqq$ is the Awo who knows how to design
And Oosanh is the Awo who knows how to put A$e (power to let
something manifest)
They were the ones who cast If for them at fkun town
When they pledged one rat to favour two children
They were advised to offer gbg

The inhabitants of fkun town approached Ogn, QpQQpl and Ogal

(QbaHh) for solution to their problem. The three Awo blamed them for
not thinking properly before they pledge only one chld for both Egu Qdara
and Qrnmll. They said that no matter how any situation might be, they
must never lose their sense of reasoning because f anyone promises
whatever he/she cannot do to get out of any bad situation, he/she is only
postponing the evi! day. They said that if the inhabitants of fkun town
had informed Eg Qdara that they had earlier given out the baby to
Qrnm)l, Eg would not insist on marrying the girl again. At the very
worst, Egu would have asked for something else which they would have
settled a long time ago.

Having said these, Ogn said that if they could give him what he would
take, he would assist them to cut a good log of wood in the bid to find
solution to their problem. They gave Ogun what he wanted and he helped
them to cut the wood. QSqQEt said that if they could give him what he
would take, he would help them to design the wood. They gave him and
he helped them to design the wood in the true Iikeness of the girl in
question. Ooganla said that if they could give him what he would like to
take from them, he would help them use his Agg to solve their problem.
They gave OOganla what he wanted. Oogarrla in turn sliced the wood into
two equal parts from head downwards. He also sliced the girl into two
from head down. He joined the left side of the girl together with the right
side of the wood. He repeated the same thing with the right side of the
girl and the left side of the wood. He used his A9g and the work became
two identical girls. Nobody could distinguish one from the other.
Everybody went home happily.



ogunaa uei

on the day of the wedding, they gave Egu Qdara a girl and gave Qrnmll
the other. None of them could complain. Everything went smoothly. It
was a grand pafty involving the whole town. Everybody went there to
witness the miracle. It was also the talk of the town for a very long time.

At home, the first three months were bliss for Qrnm)l and Eg Odara.
Their two wives exhibited all the qualities of good housewives. They
were obedient, accommodating, neat, homely and unassuming. They
prepared the food on time and regularly. They take care of their houses
and the environments. They loved everybody and everybody loved them
in return. Everybody around prayed for such wives in their lives.
The next three months were something else. These women became very
incorrigible, stubborn, rude, unruly, disobedient, and uncaring and
involving. They insulted their husband and their relations openly. They
disgraced their husbands in the presence of their clients. They spoiled
things in the house and would neither accept their faults nor take to
corrections. The three months were simply like 30 years of agony for
Qrunmll and Eg Qdara.
One day, tired of the attitude of his own wife, Ornm)l decided to return
her to her parent's house. He informed the parents that he would be
arriving at fkun town in three days to hand over their daughter to them.
When the parents heard this, they rushed to the house of Ogn, Qqqpl
and OOgl to enlisttheir assistance as theirAwo.

The three Awo asked them to go home and that they would be there
when Qrrtnmll arrived. Truly, they were in their house on the third
day when Qrrlnm'll arrived together with his wife. As Qrrlnmll was
about to speak, the three Awo began to plead with Qrunmll, using
IyQrQ (If song) saying:
Orrnmlla ma bffnr
If ko m sur o o
Fgb kan yn
Fgb kan igi I'oblnrin
Baba m bffn o
Baba kOo mr s0rtr

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

FgbA kan eyan

Fgb kan igi I'oblrin

Qrnm)l, please do not be annoyed

If, please be patient

Half human being
And half wood is what a woman is
Baba, please do not be angry
Baba, please exercise patience
Half human being
And half wood, that is what a woman is

When QrUnmIl heard this, he simply turned back with his wife and
returned to Ado-Eldti where he came from. Anytime the wife behaved
well, he would know that that was her human side at work. And
anytme she misbehaved, he would equally know that her wood, nonhuman side was at work. Nothing his wife did that ever surprised,
frightened or annoyed him anymore. He was only being amused with
his wife's behaviours everyday.
Baba d l'kO
Baba ba l'ko
Baba f,yln t'igi akoko pOrOpOrO
Bab j9 kko oko
Qrqq ml $e tn tl y ko nf'gbyl
Dl fin Qrunmll
Baba rlg'awo lg sl llrt Fkun
pbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'Qbo, rri'bg
Baba d l'ko
Baba ba l'ko
Baba fe,yln t'igi akOko pOrop
Bab jq kkO ok
Qrqq ml sp tn tl y kO nl'gbyl
Dl filn Eg Qdara
Tl g'awo lg sl lhl lkun
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'Qbo, r'bg
Awgn Ogrtn I'awo amEqg
QqoqsJ liawo amQy


I! ogrna" u"
Ooganta I'awo amQE-tt$g
fitn wgn nl ll lkun
l{lb wQn gb f'eku kan rq gmg mil
!b9 ni wQn nl kl wqn ge
WQn gb'bg, w4 rrl'bg
jq Qrunmlla m bllnr
If ko m sr o o
Fgb kan yn
Fgb kan igi I'oblnrin
Baba m blln o
Baba ko m sr
Fgb kan yn
Fgbe kan igi I'oblrin o

Baba encamped at Ok town
Baba landed at Oko town
And rested his back comfortably against an akoko tree
And he ate 20 tubers of cocoyam
My matter is about to have a head now
These were lf's declarations to Qrtlnm)l
When going on spiritual mission to fkun town
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Baba encamped at OkO town
Baba landed at Oko town
Baba reclined in comfoft against an akOko tree
And he ate 20 tubers ofcocoyam
My matter is about to have a head now
These were lf's declarations to Eg Qdara
When going on spiritual mission to fkun town
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Ogun is the Awo who knows how to cut (trees)
Qgqq$ is the Awo who knows how to design
And Ogl is the Awo who knows how to put A9g (power to let
something manifest)
They were the ones who cast If for them at Fkun town
When they pledged one rat to favour two children
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied
Qrrfnm)b, please do not be annoyed


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

If, please be patient

Half human being
And half wood is what a woman is
Baba, please do not be angry
Baba, please exercise patience
Half human being
And half wood, that is what a woman is

If says that with understanding and patence, the person for whom this
Od s revealed will live a fruitful and enjoyable life. He/she will enjoy
and will accomplsh all his/her heart's desires.


If says that it foresees the Ire of child-bearng for the person for
whom this Od is revealed; If says this child shall be very great and
will be known the world over. If says that there is the need to offer
gbg so that the reputation of the child will be good and favourable.

There is the need to offer gbg with one matured he-goat, red

cloth, black cloth, white cloth and money. There is also the
need to serve OgUn with one rooster, palm oil and money. On
this,If says:
Dl fin Ogn
Tl y bl'mq kan n
Tl y wrtsl k'y
Fbg ni wn nl k 9e

And clamour
They were the Awo who cast If for Ogrtn
Who would beget one child
Whose influence shall be felt the world over
He was advised to offer gbg

The name of Ogn's child was In (fire). When In was still in the womb,





consultation. He was informed that he would beget a chld

and this child would shake the whole world. He was told that if he offered
ebg, the child would shake the world; and if he failed to do so, the child
would still shake the world. He was however advised to offer gbg with a
he-goat, a bundle of white clothes, a bundle of red clothe and a
bundle of black clothe in order for the child to be acclaimed for only
good deeds. OgUn only offered gbg for the child to arrive safely and of him
to have great reputation on earth but failed to offer the one for good
Ogrf n went for

When In was born, his first day on eafth witnessed series of changes and
dramatic events. The midwife who attended to him got her hands burnt
beyond recognition. When they managed to give him the first bath on
eafth, the water was thrown into a nearby bush. The bush was razed
down. Anytime this baby was happy, people would notice him wearing,
red, black and white clothes which his father had failed to offer as gbg
during If consultation. Anyone who got in contact with him at that time
would have himself/herself to blame. And when he became an
adolescent, it was worse. If he followed his colleagues to any house to
play, the house would be razed to the ground. Anyone inside the house
who was unlucky not to have escaped on time would lose his/her life. All
propefties in the house would be destroyed. The clamour to send In
away from the vicinity would increase several folds as a result of this
destructive reputation, which he had earned for himself.

This is however not all. Nobody could cook without him. No blackmith,
goldsmith, silversmith and so on could work without him. No house could
be kept warm during cold seasons without him. Nobody could see at night
if he was not around. In spite of his bad reputation, it was also discovered
that no community on eafth could do without him or even ignore or look
down upon him. For this reason therefore, os some people were
clamouring for his banishment from the society so also were others
fighting relentlesslyfor his retention in the community.
After much argument back and fofth, an agreement was arrived at on how
to deal with In, the son of Ogrf n. Everybody agreed to deal with him with
caution only when he was needed, not to allow him to play around their

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

homes, farms, propefties, public arena or business concerns when not

needed, anytme they saw him with his white, red and black clothes on,
everybody around must ensure that they were removed from him
By so doing, they soon realized that Ina could be managed. Anyone whose
property or farm or even other belongings were destroyed was considered
careless or the incident considered accidental or the act of the gods.

Dl filn Ogrtn
Tl y bl'mg kan n
Tl y wrlsl k'y
fbg ni wn nl k qe
jg Oklkl o

Oklkf gmg Ogun kan

And clamour
They were the Awo who cast If for Ogun
Who begot one child
Whose influence was felt the world over
He was advised to offer ebo
Now reputation
And even clamour
The reputation of Ogn's son was felt all over!

If says that the child of the person for whom this Odu is revealed shall be
known all over the world. There is however the need for him/her to offer
gbg so that his/her child's reputation shall not be gotten from vices or antisocial behaviours. There is need to offer gbg so that the child's vast energy
and potentials shall be directed towards positive developments in the


If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed never to make jest
of others in their period of tribulation. He/she must never take



ogunaa uei

advantage of other people's problems or situation in order to exploit

them. This may bounce back and recoil on him/her. If says that
this person's children are his/her greatest source of wealth and
achievement. In this wise, he/she must do everything possible to
ensure that he/she has these children and equally give them sound
training for them to be useful to themselves and to him/her in


In the same vein, If warns that the person for whom this Od is
revealed is too fashion conscious and he/she is doing so at the
expense of his/her children. If says that he/she needs to find
means of begetting his/her own children and give them proper
training in order to secure his/her future instead of going after
fashion and materialacquisition in his/her life.

If says that there is the need for this person to offer gbg with 16
rats, 16 fish, two hens and money. He/she also needs to add

his/her most beautiful dress and all his/her make-up

material to the gbg. These include peumes, lipsticks, cream
lotions, pomades and hand chains, leg-chains, neck-chains,
ear-rings, bangles, broaches and so on. On these, If says:
Oko bagi s'Qyln w b'olko

Ill firn onlrese lle

A b fitn t'Oko
Fbq qmq ni wQn nl kl wQn ge

A thrown stone hit a tree and returned to hit the thrower
This was If's declaration to Offrs-Il
And also to On'irs-Oko
When they were advised to offer gbg in order to beget

Offrs-Ile and Onlrs-Oko were both 9ba. They were very influential in
their various communities. They both claimed the same descent from IlIfe. One day, the two of them went to the Awo mentioned above for If


Ifa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

consultaton. They wanted to know how their success would be on their

father's throne. They were both assured that they would be very
successful. They were however advised to pursue the issue of marriage
and child-bearing more than any other thing in their lives. They were
urged to beget many children and ensure that these children were well
trained. They were also cautioned against getting married to many wives
at the same time as many wives would bring many problems for them and
their children. Rather, they were asked to give bifth to many children,
males and females who would continue to perpetuate their lineage and
ensure the continuity of their family tree. They were also advised to offer
gbg with 16 rats, 16 fish and two hens each.
Offrse-Il felt that offering gbg was unnecessary as there was no need
to give btth to any child. To him, the trouble one would undergo to train
any child was simply too much for comfoft. He also reasoned that too
many children would only bring povefi and want as the resources one
would need to enjoy one's life would be diveted and expended on
children and their training. He therefore resolved notto have any child in
his life but rather, to acquire as many clothes and jewelries as he could
Orf rs-Oko on the other hand, chose to comply with the advice of the
Awo. He offered the gbg as prescribed and he got married and gave birth
to many children. He preoccupied himself with the training of his
children. This made him very poor and always in want of one thing or the
other. This notwithstanding, he preserved and endured all the hardship
involved in the unbringing of his children. He lacked good clothes and
modern jewelries but he never minded.

There was however an annual festival which Offrs-Il and OffrsOko, together with all their subjects must attend. Each year that they
went to this festival, Onlrs-Oko was the subject of ridicule. He would
be jeered at and made jest of openly by all. His dresses were old and his
children would wear dresses that were only fit for paupers. Everybody
around would say that the many children that Onlrs-Oko gave bifth to
were the source of his povefty. He would however respond that when the
children reached the stage of maturity and they were on their own, his

!! osunda Meji
poverty would disappear. In the case of Onfrs-Il, he used to appear at
the annual festival with the latest design of dress jewelries and makeups. He would be hailed and accorded the honour fit for only a monarch
in his royal majesty. In orderto rubbish his fellow Qba, he would begin to
sing the following songs:
Onlrs irc d
OkO lrese , ire d
Onlrs, a9g I'e,w
Oko lrese agg l'gw qni
Onlrs O, aSg Q rq d o?
oko lrese, agg lgw qni o

Orfrs here comes all the good things of life
Oko lrese, here comes Ire
Orfrs, dresses are beauty
Oko Irese, dresses are one's beauty
Offrs, where are your own dresses
OkO lrese, dresses are one's beauty

That was how Onfrs-Il used to sing yearly just to put his co-Qba to
shame; Onf rs-Oko would never mind allthe insinuations.
Before long, both On'irs-Il and Onfrs-Oko were getting older and
older. Their strengths were failing them. Their capability to work and
look for money was no longer as before. In this wise Offrs-Ile could
not acquire as many dresses and other ostentatious materials as before.
All his dresses began to fade and tear at the shoulders and knees. In the
case of Offrs-Oko he was getting weaker too but his children were
getting matured. They were all gainfully employed in various disciplines.
They began to take care of their father in appreciation of all his sufferings
over them. Their father was living in comfoft more than ever before. He
was wearing very expensive dresses and jewelries. He was looking
fresher, younger and happier than ever before.
When the time to go for the annual festival arrived, the children of
On'irs-Oko gathered together to deliberate upon what to do to make
the occasion great for their father. Some of them suggested that it would

Ifa Dida: An invitation to tfa Consultation

be befitting to buy a horse for their father to ride to the occason. Others
disagreed and suggested that they would carry their father shoulder-high
to the occasion. They all agreed. They bought for him the most expensive
dresses, shoes and cap to match. when tey appeared at a distance, all
eyes were on them. Everybodywas hailing them. Those who had hithefto
stayed with Onfres-Il left him alone and joined the crowd of OnlrsOko. The tide had completely turned against Offrs-Il. His dresses
were old and wofthless. He looked haggard and unkept. He looked and
felt lonely. It was ceftainly onfrs-oko's day. The crowd urged offrsoko to sing for them on that occasion. He then opened hiJ mouth and
Onlrs ire d
Oko lrese, ire d
Onlrs, gmg l'gwe
Ok lrese gmo I'ew eni
f,nl I'ay O, gmg I'e,w o
OkO lrese Or gmg l'gw gni o

Onfres here comes all the good things of life
lrese, here comes Ire
Offrs, children are beauty
OkO lrse, children are one's beauty
Owner's of the world, children are beauty
0k Irese, children are one's beauty

This was just the song they sang throughout the occasion. offrs-Il
looked at himself and knew he was a loser. He left the festival a very sad
old man.
Oko bagi s'Qyln w b'olk
D,l filn Onlrs Il
A b filn t'Oko
Fbg qmq ni wgn nt kt wqn ge
Onlrs-Oko nlkan nl bq l'Qyln g'qbg
jq Onlres ire d
Oko lrese, ire d
Onlrs, gmg I'ew
Oko lrese gmg I'e,wa qni o




oguna t,tei

I'ay Or 9mQ I'e,w o

lrese o, gmq I'erw gni o


A stone hit a tree and returned to hit the thrower
This was lf's declaration to Orfrs-Il
And also to Onlls-Oko
when they were advised to offr gbg in order to beget children
Only Offrs-Oko complied with the advice
Now, Offrs, here comes all Ire in life
OkoIrs, here comes Ire
On'irs, children are beautY
Okolrs, children are one's beauty
Owner's of the world, children are beauty
OkoIrese, children are truly one's beauty

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be upgraded
and his/her prestge enhanced by his/her children if he/she endeavors to
give them adequate training and good upbringing.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must not hide
anything he/she is doing from his/her children. He/she must allow
all his/her things to be known to his/her children as this will one day
save his/her life or career.

If also says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is most
likely gong to enter into a serious fight over his wife if a man or the
husband of a woman whom this Od is revealed is going to fight over
her very soon. There is need to offer gbg so that the outcome of
quarrelwill be in his/herfavour.


There is the need to offer ebq with three cocks and
He/she also needs to serve Qsanyln with one cock and palm-oil.
He also needs to serve If with one hen and money. On these If

9l0bQrnbgn nll fo Pata- Pflti

Dl fin Qrunmll

lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

If rrlqq gba Pupayeml

Tll 9e Oblnrin Ik
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

the Beetle, is it which hums in its unsteady flight
This was lf's declaration to Qrr1nm)l
When going to snatch away Pupaygrnl (palm-oil)
The wife of Iku (Death)
He was advised to offer gbg

Pupaygnti, redness-befits-me, was palm-oil. She was the wife of Ik

(Death). Ikrt was very jealous of her. Pupaygrnf was very useful to every
household but Iku would hear none of t. Anyone who made use of
Pupaygnf, no matter how little would be attacked and killed by IkrJ. Yet
nobody could do without making use of Pupaygrn'i. Pupaygnf was useful
for medicine, cooking, for soap-making and other household chores. In
fact, without Pupaygrn'i, no good soup could be made. In spite of these,
Ikri dd not want anyone to touch or move close to Pupaygnf He wanted
her for himself alone. All entreaties to Iku to allow Pupaygrn'i's usefulness
to spread round fell on deaf ears. Many people were dying or starving
becausethey could not have accessto Pupaygrn'i.

One day Qrnm)l made up his mind to snatch Pupaygrn'i away from Ikrl
and make her available to all. Consequently, he went for If consultation
in the house of some of his former students mentioned above: would he
succeed in this mission? Would he be able to ward off or even defeat Ikrl
when he eventually succeeded and Ikri came with his inevitable anger to
launch his (Ikrl's) attack? would he not be disgraced in this assignment?
The Awo informed Qrnm'll that he wanted to take up a serious challenge
that would eventually be benevolent to the world. He was assured that he
would succeed in his mission. He was however warned that his opponent
was very strong indeed. Fbr this reason, there was the need for him to
allow his children and every member of his household to know all what he
was planning and doing as they may be the ones to save his life in the final

analysis. He was told to offer gbg with three cocks and money.
Qrrlnmll complied.

i! osunaa uei
As soon as he reached home, Qrnmll called every member of his
household together and informed them of his intention. They all gave him
their support and blessing. From then onwards, they began preparations
forthe encounter.
A few days after this, Qrnmll approached Pupaygrnf and told her of his
intention to take her as his wife in order for her to be of benefit to the whole
world as Oldmar had created her to be, instead of being the property of
Ik alone. Pupaygnf responded that the day Qrnmll did thls would be
her happiest day on eafth as she was literally held captive by lkrl. She
however expressed her fear for Qrunmlla because of possible reprisals
from her husband. Ornmll assured Pupaygrn'i that Ikrl would be
contained in the event of any confrontation. Pupaygnf was overwhelmed


There and then, she moved into Qrnmll's house without

bothering to pack her belongings from Ik's house,


As soon as Ikri discovered that Pupaygnf was late to return home, he

began to wage war against anyone and everyone around. When he
eventually realized that Pupayernf was no longer returning home, he ran
mad. Everybody and everything was his target of attack. By the time he
knew that it was Qrnmll who had snatched his wife away from him, he
ran berserk completely. To the surprise of lkr1, he discovered that the
whole world was in support of QrrJnm)l for snatching away his wife. He
concluded that there was no more truth in the world if someone who had
snatched another man's wife would be the one who would be showered
with undeserved sympathyand not him thevictim of such dastardlyact.

to spare anyone in his attack. That the whole

world had begun to benefit from Pupaygrn'i's separation from him meant
nothing to him. He simply carried all his weapons and headed for
He therefore resolved not

QrrlnmIl's house.
When Qrnm'il saw Ik from a distance, he knew, without doubt, that the
war had stafted. Then they began to fight. This confrontation was so
fierce that such had never been witnessed before. All the charms of both
pafties were freely used without any effect on either pafty. Many of their
defence devices were destroyed totally. At a stage, Iktl returned home to

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

go and bring more weapons and charms. At that pont, Ikrt was having a
slight edge over Qrnm'll who was showing traces of tiredness. When Ik
returned, the fight resumed, t did not take long before it became clear that
Ikrl would defeat Ornm'il.
his father not to
forget one of his charms known as'Ojr1-k-t'Vn' the eyes do not see what

It was at this stage that the first son of Qrnmll reminded

is happening at one's back. That was when OrrJnmll remembered this

charm. He had hithefto completely forgotten about it. Qrrlnmll rushed
inside to pick this charm, it was a garment of some soft but it was very
powerful. He had explained how it worked to his household before this
encounter with lkr1. It was this garment Qrnmll used to defeat lkrl. Iktl
ran awayand conceded Pupaygrn'ito Qrrf nmll.

QrnmIl was full of gratitude to Oldmar, If and his Awo who had told
him to let his children and every member of his household know all what he
was doing as they would be the ones to safe his life in the end. He realized
that if not that his son reminded him of OjrJ-k-te$n, his defeat in the hands
of IkrJ was inevitable.
glqbqnbgn nll fo pat- pflti
Dl fn rrrnmll
If lqq gba Pupayeml
Tff 9e Oblnrin Ik
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
gb'Qbg, r'bg
Ko pq k jlnn
F w b ni nl ajagQ ogun

QIQbQnbqn, the Beetle, is it which hums in its unsteady flight
This was If's declaration to Qrnm'll
When going to snatch away Pupaygnf (palm-oil)
The wife of Ikri (Death)
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory


!! ogunaa mei
If also warns the person for whom this Od s revealed not to do anything
that will lead to his wife being snatched away from him. He needs to be
accommodating in anything he does so as not to incur the anger of his
com munity aga inst himself.


If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed never to send

people to anywhere to do something on his/her behalf if what was to
be done was very impoftantto his/her life. He/she may send people
to do some minor assignments on his/her behalf but when it comes
to his/her career, health, business, security and so on, there is the
need for him/her to go and do whatever is required to be done by
himself/herself. If this warning is not heeded, he/she may end up
regretting the outcome for the rest of his/her life. He/she must
never eat lgin, theAkee apple, forever.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
qbg with two big cocks, two big kolanuts, two kegs of guineacorn beer and money. If says that if he/she is called upon to
come somewhere for an impoftant assignment, he/she should
endeavor to personally go there and not to send anyone on his/her
behalf. On these, a stanza in Ogund-M;) says:
Gangan r
Gngn O r
$aaworo idq nll balg
lff r gngnruru-gngnruru
Dl fn Skankanl lrnmgle
WQn lQQ gbaa igb Iw w'l Ay
fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge


Gngn drum sounds

Or if it fail to sound
And $aworo idg, the small brass bell is it that jingles
when it hits the ground
These were lf's declarations to the 401 IrnmglQ
When going to collect the calabash of Destiny into the world
They were advised to offer gbg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The 401 lrnmglQ wanted to go to Oldmare to ask for the calabash of

Destiny so that they could be giving all the good things of life to human
beings who approached them for such. When they reached the presence
of Oldmar, they told him what they came for. Oldmar told them
that he could hand the calabash of Destiny over to only one of them and all
human beings and other IrnmglQ would have to approach such IrnmglQ
who had it in his possession before they could benefit from it. Oldmar
asked them to come back in seven days'time. He asked them to bring
along with them, one matured coclg one keg of guinea-corn beer,
two kolanuts and six pieces of cowries each. Oldmar said that
the first lrnmglQ to arrive would be the one to take custody of the
Calabash of Destiny.
When the 401 IrnmglQ left the presence of Oldmar, they proceeded

straight to the house of the group of Awo mentioned above for If

consultation. The Awo told them that they were about to take something
very impotant from someone. They advised each of them to offer gbg
with one matured cock, one keg of guinea-corn beer, two pieces
of kolanuts and six pieces of cowries. All of them considered the Awo
to be cheats. They said that Olodumar asked them to bring along with
them exactly the same materials which the Awo advised them to offer as
ebg. In this wise, they said that there was no need to offer the gbg which
they considered to be a device by the Awo to get rich quickly and cheaply.
Ogrfn in pafticular was seriously angered by the advice of the Awo. He
claimed that of all the lrnmglQ, he was the one who used to wake up
earliest. Consequently, he would be the one to arrive at Oldmar's
presence on the seventh day. He vowed never to have anything to do with
the gbg even if allthe other IrnmglQ decided to offertheirs.

In the case of Qrr1nmll however, he told all the other lrrlnmglQ that he
would offer the gbg and he did. Instead of offering the ebQ, all the other
Irnmgle procured only the materials which OIdmar asked them to
bring, but only Qrnmll offered the gbg and procured the materials
required of them to bring by Oldmar.
On the seventh day, OgUn was the first lrnmglQ to wake


up. He gathered


ogunaa uei

all the requrements by oldmar together one big cocl<, two

kolanuts' a keg of guinea-corn beer and six cowries and was about to
set out on his journey to Oldmar when he suddenly remembered that
day was the period he had specifically set aside for elephants hunting. He
did not want to fail or disappoint himself on that day. Consequent upon this,
he decided to send his slave called Ida to take all the materials he had
already procured to Oldmar so that he could concentrate on his hunting
expedition. He wokelOa up and ordered him to go straight to Oldmar
and deliver the materials to him (oldmar) on his (Ogun) behalf. Ogun
warned Ida never to waste time or stop at anywhere on his way, with this
warning both Ida and OgUn set out to their various destinations with Ogttn
full of confidence that he would not only receive the Calabash of Destiny

from Oldmar through lda, but would equally kill many elephants in
addition. Ogtln considered that day a pafticularly lucky one for him.

Ida was determined to be the first person to reach the presence of

Oldmar in compliance with his master's directive. Who knows, if he did
the assignment well, he might even get his freedom that day! He was
moving very fast. Half way on his journey, he saw one big Igin tree. The
tree was full of ripe fruit. Ida suddenly remembered that he was feeling very
hungry. The fruit became very irresistible to him. He checked his time. He
knew that he still had some time ahead of all the other IrnmglQ. He
decided to spare a little time out of his spare time to eat some Igin fruits. He
placed the coclg keg of guinea-corn beer, kolanuts and cowries
down at the vast of the tree and climbed the tree to eat the fruits. When he
tasted the fruits, he realized that he had never before tasted any fruit as
sweet as that. The more he ate, the hungrier he became. He began to jump
.from one branch to another, Some of the branches broke off but he never
noticed. He continued to eat. Before he could regain his senses, it was
evening already. He quickly jumped to the ground and discovered to his
chargrin that the lap of the cock had broken and severed, the keg of beer
had broken, the kolanuts had split and the money had been lost when the
broken branches fell on them. lda decided to go ahead to Oldmar and
inform him that he had broughtthe materials the way Ogun had given them
to him.
In the case of Qrrtnm'll however, he woke up shortly after Ogun. He set out


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

on the journey but he had earlier been warned not to eat the fruits (all
Ogunda-mJi children are forbidden from eating Igin fruits) and he
simply moved on. He was the first person to arrive at Oldmar home.
Oldmar handed over the lgb-Iw to him. He blessed him and
instructed him to supply all the needs of other lrnmQle and human
beingstothem. Hewas also advised to usethe lgb-Iw judiciously.

Soon after this, all the other IrrlnmglQ began to arrive with their
requirements. They were directed to Qrrlnm)l for blessing. He blessed
them all. They all congratulated Qrrlnmll for his foftune and additional
status as the custodian of Igb-Iw. They were surprised that Ogun
had notshown up.
Late in the evening,Id, Ogn's slave arrived. He was tired, difi and
unrepentant. He brought out the cock half-dead with one lap already
missing, the keg already broken into two, the two kolanuts already split
and the six cowries missing. When asked why this was so, he explained
that he had broughtthe items the way Ogun had given them to him. The
other lrnmglQ concluded that, that must be the reason why OgrJn was
ashamed to appear personally. They all prayed that since Ogn brought
all what was required of him in halves, all his requirements in life would
be realized in halves.

When Ogrtn heard of this, he stormed the midst of the IrrlnmglQ and
protested that he was the first person to wake up and send his slave
to bring all the required items to Oldmate and he was sure that
Ida hs slave was the first to arrive there, why should he be the one
whose heart's desires would be realized in halves. He was asked to
go and calllda. He did. In his presence, they asked Ida to tell
everybody the conditions of the items he,Id, brought on behalf of
Ogun. When Ogrln heard this, he was very sad. Ogun then made
his crying the crying of shout and made his IyQrQ, the IyQrQ of
lamentations saying:
kan Egngn o
kan Orls
Ko kan Oosa




osunaa uei

B$Q ni kO kan EgUngUn

Ida eru eni l'rn kn o

This (misfoftune) does not concern Egngn the Ancestors
It does not concern Oflg, the Divinities
It neither concerns Osa
Nor even EgUngUn
It is lda, one's slave, the matter concerns

Everybody present felt sympathetic for Ogn and showed hostility to

Ida;. When Id realized that the hostility was getting too much, he
told them that it was smply not his fault. He said that there were 401
IrnmglQ involved in the matter. AII of them had their own slaves and
seruants. Only one of them chose to send his slave while all the others
decided to go on their own. He said that if Ogun had taken the
assignment seriously enough, he would have come personally and the
story would definitely have been different that day. Instead of blaming
him or looking at him with disdain, they ought to blame Ogun for not
taking the most important assignment in his life seriously. When Ogun
and the other 400 lnlnmglQ heard whatlda said, they knew he had a
very valid point. They told OgUn to accept his fault and consider it his
own fate. Ogun again made his crying that of shouting and his IyQrQ
that of lamentation saying:
K kan Egrlngn o
KO kan Orls
K kan oOga
Be n kO kan Egungun
Fleda gni I'Qran kn o

This (misfoune) does not concern Egngn the Ancestors
It does not concern Orlg, the Divinities
It neither concerns Orlg
Nor even EgUngUn
It is one's Destiny the matter concerns
All the other lrnmglQ agreed that it was in the Destiny of Ogrln not to be


lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultation

the custodian of lgb-Iw (the Calabash of Destiny). If he had taken it

upon himself to go personally he would have been the first person to
arrive at the home of Oldmar and the story would have been
Gengen r
Gangan O r
$aaworo idg nff balQ
Nll rO gngnruru-gngnruru
Dl firn Okankanl lrnmqh
Won lQQ gbaa igb Iw w'l Ay
fbg ni wQn nl kl wqn w 9e
Dl filn Ogrn
ntg gba Igb Iw w'l Ay
Fbg ni wqn nl k 9e
Dl fitn Qrnmll
rttg gba Igb lwd w'l Ay
Fbg niwQn nl k 9e
Qrunmll nlkan nl bq l',yln to ng'gbg
Qrnmll nlkan l r'bg apsln
j ko kan Egungn o
KO kan Ortg
K kan oOga
Be n k kan Egungun
Ida grrt gni I'Qrn kan o
K kan Egngn o
K kan Orls
Ko kan oosa
Beq n k kan Egngn
Fleda gni I'Qrn kn o

If the Gngn drum sounds
Or if it fail to sound
And Saworo idq, the small brass bell is it that jingles
when t hits the ground
These were lf's declarations to the 401 lrnmglQ
When going to collect the calabash of Destiny into the world
They were advised to offer gbg
These were lf's declarations to Ogun



ogunaa uei

When going to collect the Igb Iw into the world

He was advised to offer gbg
And also to Ornmll
When going to collect the Igb Iw into the world
He was also advised to offer the gbg
Only Qrrfnm'll offered the 9b9
Only Qrnmll became the custodian of Igb Iw
This (misfoftune) does not concern Egngn the Ancestors
It does not concern ORga, the Divinities
It neither concerns OnSa
Nor even Egngn
It is Id, one's slave, the matter concerns
And this does not concern Egringn
It does not concern any Og
Nor even any Egngn
It is one's Destiny the matter concerns

If warns against sendng others to carry out any assignment that is very
impoftant in the life of the person for whom this Od is revealed lest he/she
meets with disappontment, disillusonment, disgrace and even disaster.
The person for whom this Od is revealed has every reason to be great n
life if only he/she could pursue this greatness on his/her own and refuse to
send other people in pursuitof this greatness for him/her.


If saysthatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed had committed

a very serious offence aganst someone. The person had vowed
never to forgive him/her. There is the need for him/her to go and
tender an unreserued apology to the person he/she had offended. At
the same time he/she needs to offer gbg with three guinea fowls,
three cocks and money. He/she also needs to serue If and
Qbath with brg vegetable. He/she will also ask If what the
Elders of the Night will take and give to them accordingly. If the
person for whom this Od is revealed fails to apologize and offer the
appropriate gbg and feed the Divinities mentioned above, he/she
may find t very difficult, if not totally impossible to see the
compassion of Oldmar, the Deities and mankind. On these, a
stanza in Ogr:nda-mJl says:


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Argb saw ojrt o,tl

IAkUn pqqlq I'Qrn erin
Iukrn t nl krin m g'ok lQ
T'un t'erin ni wqn jg lq o
Flkan- fikan ml alr
Fk- flkl I'on ewlrl
K fi'n ye'n
K f'Qyln y'ern
Awo il Onltek
Dl fn Onltetkrl
Qmq q$e$e-krlnlQ goo-9oo-9oo
Qmq qbebe knlQ goo-9oo-goo
Dl fin Abq gkt
Tff ggmg'knrin Ogun
M'jq t lq d oblnrin Origd Gbowrljl
Orlqa kQ, nl Oun O nl b Abq ge mq

He who has a strainer to filter beer
The thick running plant round the elephant's neck
Any running plant which plans to prevent the elephant from moving to
its destination
Both ofthem shall be there together
Vigorous hammering of metals characterizes the smithery
And ceaseless fanning characterizes the bellow
To place the face against the heat of the fire
And the back against the heat of the sun
These were the resident Awo of Offtek
They were the ones who cast If for Orftek
He who offended and was cast begging about
He who appealed for forgiveness by begging about
They combined to cast If for Abg-$kt
The son of OgUn
When he went to make love to Qbtl's woman
Qbatl refused, and declared that he would never have any relationship
with Abg again.

Abg-$kt was the son of OgUn. He was very close to Qbtla who in
turn was veryfond of Abg. There was nowhere that Qbatl would go that
he would not take Abg along. Many people even thought that Abg was
Qbtl's biological chld. There was nothing going on n the life of
ObaHl thatAbe did not know about.



ogunaa uej

one day however, Qbatl marred a young woman. This woman was very
attractive and had a pleasant attitude. She was very fond of Abg and for
that, Qbath was very pleased. whenever Qbtl was not around, he
used to send Abg to his newly married wife to keep her company and take
care of her needs. This Abg would do with enthusiasm. Unknown to
9baHl, both of them had developed an unholy lustforeach otherand Abg
began to betray QbaHl by constantly sleeping with the woman. Even
when this was going on, Qbtl dd not suspect anything. It soon reached
a stage that both of them became reckless and careless. one day, QbaHb
went out to a meeting. He was expected to arrive late from the meeting
while at the meeting, QbaHl realized that he had forgotten something at
home and he took permission to go and bring itfrom home. As he reached
home and opened the door, he met Abg and his young wife in the heat of
passion. He was totally sad and disappointed that Abg could betray him so.
He told Abg there and then never to come to him again and that he had
already severed all relationships with Abg. He picked what he had come for
and returned to the meeting. Abg was extremely ashamed of himself. He
returned home a worried, sad, scared and lonely man. He began to plan
whatto do to find favour with QbaHl once again.
The young wife simply packed her belongings and ran away before the
return of Qbatl from the meeting and she was never seen again.
Abg-$kt waited for LTdays and began to beg ebaHl. gbaHl refused
to accept him in his (Qbatl) presence not to mention listening to what
Abg-$kt had to say. He repeated his visit to Qbktl's home several
times for several days but he was always being chased away. At last, he
decided to look for influential people whom he was sure that ObaHh could
not ignore to intercede on his behalf.
Abq lg b9 gakl nf l Ad
tq ug frlnmt t'de Qwo
tq be Antete t'de lkoyl
Orls kO
nl oun o nfl b'Abe ge mq

Abq went to beg gaki at Ad Ektti


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

And went to beg [dnm) of QwQ-land

And went to beg Antete of lkoyi-land
Yet Qbtl refused
He declared that he would never have anything to do with Abg again

when Abg tried everythng he knew to ensure that Qbatl soften his
mind and failed, he travelled to Ad Eldtl to beg Saki, one of ebtl's
close confidants to help him appeal to Qbatl. gal( came and pleaded
for several days but Qbtla refused to listen.
Next he travelled to QwQ land to plead with the firinmI of QwQ, a highly
respected Chief in QwQ and a close friend of Qbatl to help him beg
QbaHl. Elinml of QwQ and Qbt held each other in high esteem. They
never wished to offend each other on any issue in life. Etlnml of Qwg
travelled allthe wayto)rnj-Il where QbaHh lived and begged his friend
for several days, yet Qbtl refused bluntly to change his mind towards
Abg-$kt again went to IkOl town to go and beg Antete to help him
appeal to Qbtl to forgive him his offence. Antete was a highly
influential personality in the community. His reputation travelled far and
wide and reached every part of Yorb land and beyond. He was a bosom
friend of Qbtl. Antete ffavelled to lrnj-Il and begged Qbtl for
several days and Qbtl refused to change his mind.

When all these people failed


change Qbatl's mind, Abg-gkt

thanked them and decided to try other means to appeal to Qbtl. He felt
that Qbatl refused to listen to his appeal because he had betrayed him
terribly and Qbtl felt it to his bone marrow. Abg reasoned that the
greater the love, the greater the enmity when it turned sour. He decided to
send other people.
Abg lg b9 Agbe-ddrt
Tff I'gme Olkun SQnfad
lq b9 Ah<o-odoodo
Tff g'qmg Qlqsa OdO
Orlga a kq
l'un O nff b Abe se m


osunaa uei

Abg went to beg the dark-complexioned Agbe
The child of Olkun SQnfad, god of Oceans
And went to beg the red-coloured Alko
The child of QlQs, the goddess of the Lagoons
Yet Qbtl refused
He vowed never to have anything to do with Abg again.

In his bid to be reconciled with QbaHl, Abg travelled to the ocean-side to

go and plead with Olkun to send his son, Agbe-ddr1 to help him beg
Qbatl to forgive him his offence. Olkun sent Agbe-ddrl who travelled
tolrnj-Il with Abe. Agbe-ddr1 begged QbaHI for several days, both
on behalf of Abg, Olkun- SQffad himself butQbtl refused to listen.

Next Abg went to Qs, the Lagoon to meet QlQs, the goddess of the
Lagoon to plead with her to send Alk-ddod, her son to go and help
him beg gbath to please forgive him, she agreed. Auko-dodd
begged QbaHl for several days but he refused to listen. gbaHI vowed
that he would never forgive Abg for what he (Abg) did.
When Abg saw that all of these highly rated, respected and influential
people could not change the mind of QbaHl, Abg decided to go and solicit
the help of Qrunm'il. He now travelled to Il-IfQ to beg Qrnmll for
assistance. Ornmll consulted If for Abg and OgUnda-mel was
revealed. Abg was advised to offer gbg with three cocks, three guinea
fowls and money. He complied immediately. After this, Qrnmll went
to procure a bunch of EbUrg vegetable and headed for Qbtl's home at

Abq wa $qp-gese
lq dlpo Qrunmlla mu
Nigbati Qrrtnmll 19
q ltl brq I'QwO
AwOye rye I'Orlga be q
fdun-BQljq tff Se gmg'y Oh- Igb
lff $e wgl-wQde Orlga
ru dle kl Qrunmlla de'le Orlsa
Orlsa ttl t sn lo o

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftaton

Qrunmll nl Orlg l ag ooo!

fdun Belje tll 9e emq'ye Ol-Igb
Nl Orlg kl yt jl
Qrnmll nl k jl
WQn nl nltorl i klnni?
nl nltorl $akl ti jl nl'le Ad
frlnml ti jl l'de QwQ
Antete til l'de lkoyl
Agbe-ddrl ti jl l'kun
Alko-do-d0o-do ti jl I'Qsa

Abg then gathered himself together
And went to seek the help of Qrunm)l
When Qrrfnm'il was going
He took along with him a bunch of EbUrE vegetable
But 9btl was known for his careful observation and accurate
deduction of happenings
Edun-Bl_j, the slender monkey, who was the son of the forest
deity, was acting as the chief companion of Qbatl
When Ornmll was about to reach the home of Obtl
Qbatl had slept off
QrUnm)l shouted his salutations
Fdun-blJQ, the son of Ol-Igb replied that Qbtl was not yet
Qrunm)l asked him to wake up
They said why?
Qrnm)l declared that pal( had already woken up at Ad-Ekltl
And [nm) had woken up at QwQ-land
And Att had woken up atlkOfl-land
And Agbe-dd had woken up at Ocean side
While Alk0-d0-d00-d0 had woken up at the Lagoon side

When Qrrlnmll was about to reach Irnj-Il, the home of Qbatl,

SbaHl who was reputed to be highly gifted in the area of making careful
obseruations and deducting what was about to happen n the future had
already sensed that someone greater than all the people whom Abg had
sent to him was approaching his house. He therefore nduced himself to
sleep and left a message wth [dun-BQlj to inform anyone who came to
see him that he was already asleep. When Qrnm)l arrived, fdun-BQlQjQ


ogunaa uei

told him that Qbatl had not yet woken. Qrnm)l said that QbaHh
should wake up mmediately. When asked why, Qrnm'll responded that
$al( of Ad, ffinm) of QwQ, Antete oflkofl, Agbe -ddrl the son of olkun
and AlUko-dodo the son of QlQs had all woken up. There was no reason
therefore why Qbatl should notwake up atthattime.
Orlgal b jl
nl Oun ti jl na
nl ggbQn Oun O nl gf'lQkn
Qrnmll nl w ql'lQkn ni o
nl nltorl wlpe lpperjrt nll ql'lQkn
Omira nll sl'lkn fmo


Onganla (Qbaul) thus woke-up
He declared that he had woken up
But he would not open the door (for Qrrlnm)l to enter)
Qrnm'il said Qbatal would open the door
Because IpeperejU, the eyelid is it that opens the door for the eyes
(to see)
And the discharge signaling labour is it that opens the door for the
bifth of a new born baby.

When Qrunmll heard that Qbal was asleep, that told him that at least
the person he had come to meet was at home. He ordered that Qbath
should wake up from sleep. When asked why and he gave the reasons
why Qbtl should wake up. QbaHl woke up but insisted that he would
not open the door for Qrrlnm)l to enter the house.
QrUnm'il ordered Qbatl to open the door for him, when asked why, he
said that it is the eyelid that opens the door for the eyes; it is the labour
discharge that opens the door for the bfth of a new born baby. He said
that unless these statements were not so, then QbaHh might not open the
door; but if they were statements of fact, he ought to, and should, open
the door immediately.
Orlgl w gt'lQkn
nl Oun ti $'lqkn na
$gbQn un O nl kg'j sl Qrrfnmll
Qrnmll nf yo kqjr s{ oun ni o
WQn nl nltorl i Hnni


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

nl nltorl atelese kff d'gytn kg gna

Eknn gwq kff d',yln kg'wq
Eknn ese kll d'yln k'esg
A$urgb kll d'yln kg'gb

Qbabl then opened the door
He said that even though he had opened the door
He would never turn his face to Qrnm)l
Qrrfnm)l said that he (Qbatal) should face him
When asked why?
He declared that the flat of the foot does not turn its back on the
The finger nail does not turn its back on the finger
The toe nail does not turn its back on the toe
He who evacuates the bowel in the bush does not turn his back on
the bush

when QbaHl heard all what Qrnmll sad to him when he arrived, he
knew they were all statements of fact. He therefore opened the door
reluctantly. When he opened the door, he insisted that he would not turn
towards QrrJnm'il to look at his face for any discusson on the matter.
Qrnm)l ordered him to look at him. when asked why, Qrnmll stated
that the foot does not turn its back on the footpath, the finger nail does not
turn its back on the finger and the toe nail does notturn its backon the toe
while at the same time, the person who empties his bowel in the bush
does not, and cannot turn his back on the bush. Qrnm'il declared that if
all these statements were false, then Obatala was free to turn his back on
him; but if they were all statements of fact, then Qbatb ought to, and
should turn and face him for and on behalf of Abg-gkt which he had
come for.

Qbath wa kg'j sl Qrunmila

nl un ti kq'jr stl na
nl ggbqn Oun O nl rqrln-ln s'QrO n
Qrrlnmll nf y rgrln-ln sli ni o
WQn nl nltor{ i klnni?
nl nltorl rln sbsob ni t'op
frfn gQwQlQ-qe,wglg ni t'QdQkg
Dqkqdqkq abQrf n Fewele-fewele I'Qnu


ogunda Meji

Frln ni wqn fi r fgn'n gtl

Frln qQqS l'gbr rin ko'do I'qna
B'w b so l'ko
Olko a f'rln k

gbaHl then turned and faced Qrunmlla
He said that even though he had faced him
He would never smile over the matter
Qrrlnmll ordered that QbaEl should smile over the matter
When asked why
He stated that a widow is noted for her consolatory
While a lewd woman is noted for her stupid but temptations smiles
Stupidly temptations smiles are the trademark of a prostitute
It is with smiles that people light the fire with which alcohol are
And it is with smiles that the flood joins the stream
When the cotton-tree produces its cotton wool
It is with smiles the farmer haruests it


When Qbaffi eventually turned towards Qrnm)l for a face-to-face

discussion on the matter of Abg-$kt, QbaHh declared that no


what Qrnmll sad, he would never be pleased to the extent of smiling over
the matter. Qrunmlla ordered him to smle. When asked why? Qrnmll
responded that a woman whose husband recently died would only smile to
console herself and to console others that was not the very end of life; a
prostitute used her stupid but tempting smiles to invite her customers and
any other passerby; alcohol brewers smile to light the fire for brewing the
alcohol; the flood smiles when joining the stream; and when the wool
germinate and splits, the farmer harvests it with smles. Qrunmll stated
that if all these were not true, then QbaHh was free not to smile over
matter; but on the other hand, if they were statements of fact, then QbaHl
had no option left but to smile over the matter of Abe-Skt.


Orlgl w rQrln-ln
nl oun ti rerln-ln na
$UgbQn QrQ na k nll tn nln Oun
Qrrlnmll nl y tn-n nlnU r$ ni o
WOn nl nltorl i klnni
nl ktanktn I'aj



lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consuftation

B's$ b mu'mi, tn nlnt ase

BlgQrq b mu'mi tn nln lgQrQ
B'blnrin ba na'j etn
Tlttn nll tn

Obabb then smiled
He declared that even though he had smiled
The matter would not completely leave his mind
Qrrlnm)l ordered that the matter must be completely removed from
his mind
When asked why?
He said that completely does a dog attempt to lick water
He said that, when liquid strainer drinks water the water will drain
completely from the strainer when removed from the water
And when fish-trap s immersed in water, the water will drain
completely from the fish-trap when removed from the water
And if a woman engages in the business of unripe palm-fruit
It is completely exhausted

When Qbatl smiled and insisted that it would be impossible for him to
completely get the matter out of his mind. Qrnm)l however ordered
him to get it out of his mind completely. When asked why this should
be so, QrUnm)la declared that a liquid strainer, when immersed in water
will be filled with water, it will be completely drained of the water. The
same thing applies with fish-trap. He also said that no woman engages
in the business of unripe palm-fruit for any to remain. He declared that
if these were not true, then QbaHb was free to harbour grudges
against Abg-$kt. But if on the other hand, if these were statements
of fact, then QbaHl ought to, and must, completely clear his mind of
the matten
Orlgrll nl titn nlnrt Oun byll
nl ggbqn inu Oun o dn sl Erq na mQ llll
nl inr Oun egn Qwqn
lyln Oun egn esUsu
Agbedemjl oun Qgun gidi
Orrnmll nl t b ti tn nln re
KI inu re yra di Qdndn
Kl yln rc yra d te,te
KI agbede-mejl rq yra di rinrin


osunaa uej

Qbath then declared that even though everything was settled from
his mind
But nonetheless, he could never be happy over it
He said that his mind had turned to a prickle
And his back had turned to needles
While his mid-section had turned to thorn
Qrnmll countered that if truly everything was settled from his mind
His mind should turn to Odundun leaves
And his back should turn to TQIQ leaves
While his mid-section should turn to Rinrin leaves

When Qbatl told Qrunm'll thatthe matter had been removed completely
from his mind, he however stated that he would never reman happy with
Abg-$kt again. Qrnm'il then countered that if truly the matter had
been completely removed from his mind, then there was no reason why he
should not be happy with Abg-tkt. He said that if he was not happy
with Abg-$kt then he was harbouring anmosity against him which was
in complete contradiction with his statementthat he had totally forgiven his
erstwhile favourite follower. That was when Qbtl cleared his mind
completely from the matter and forgave Abg-$kt from the depth of his

That was when Qrrfnmll invited Abg-$kt and reconciled him with

gbatb. Qrrlnm)l then handed over the EbUrg leaves to Abg-$kt who
in turn handed it over to QbaHh as a symbol of forgiveness and
Argb sawu ojrl otl
ItakUn pqilQ I'Qrn erin
Itakun t nl krin m g'ok alQ
T'Oun t'erin ni wQn jg nlg o
Flkan- fikan mUle alaro
Fake- fikl I'on ewlrl
K fi'nrl ye'n
K f',yln yg'Qrn
Awo il Onftek
Dl filn onftenk
9mq o$e$e-knlQ goo-goo-9oo
Qmq qbebe kunlQ 9oo-goo-9oo

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Dl filn Abe gkt

TII gqmg'knrin Ogrn
Nl'jO t lg d oblnrin Orlg Gb0wrtjl
Orlga kQ, nl oun o nl b Abq ge mQ
Abe lg b9 $aH nfl Ad
lg be frlnml l'de Qwq
lq be Antete l'de lkoyl
Orlqa kQ
nf oun o nff b'Abe ge mq
Abg lg bg Agbe-dd
Tfl g'qmg Olkun SQnlad
lq b9 Alko-dodoodo
Tff $'gmq Qlqsa OdO
Orlga kQ
l'un o nll b Abg 9e mQ
Abq wa gep-qese
lq atpo Qrnmll m

Nigbati Qnnmlla lg
$e ltl ebre I'qwq
Awoye rye I'Orl$ be lQ
Fdun-Blj tll Fe gmgle Ol- Igb
Nff Se wgl-wQde Orlga
ku dl kl orrrnmll de'l orls
Orlg rrl ti sn lg o
Qrrfnmll nl Orlg l agO ooo!
Fdun Be|je tff Qe gmg'y Olt-Igb
M Orlg kl yl il
Qrrtnmll nf k jl
WQn nf nltorl i klnni?
nl nltorl gakl ti il nl'le Ad
Frlnml t il l'de Qwq

Antetefif l'delkoyl

Agbe-dd til l'kun

Alko-do-doo-do ti il I'Qsa
Orlqanh ba jl
nl Oun ti il na
nl +gbqn un O nl qf'lQkn
Ornmll nl w gl'lQkn ni o
nf nltorl wlpe lpeper nfl gl'lQkn f'jtt
Omira nll g{'lQkn fQmo
Ofiganla w gf'lQkn
nl un ti gl'lQkn n
$gbQn Oun O nl kg'jrl sl Qrnmll

ii on*a" r",
Qrnmll nf y kqjr sf Oun ni o
Wn nl nltorl i klnni
nl nltorl athsQ kfl d'yln kg Qna
Eknn qwq kft d',yln kg'wq
Eknn ese kll d'yln k'qse
Agurgb kll d'yln kg'gb
ooganla w kg'jrr sl Qrnmll
nl oun ti kg'j sll na
nl ggbqn oun o nl rqrln-ln s'Qr n
' .:
Qrunmll nl y ngrln-ln sli ni o
Wn nl nltor{ i klnni?
nl nltorl edn sbsb ni t'op
Frln qe,welQ-9e,w9lg ni t'QdQkg
Dqkgdqkq abedn ge,wQlQ-9gwglg l'$nu
lrln ni wQn fi fgn'n qtl
Frln Seqe l'gbr rtrin ko'dO I'Qna
B'w0rt b so l'ko
Olko a f'Qrln k
Orlgl w rerln-fn
nl oun t rrln-ln n
$gbQn Or0 na kO nll tn nln Oun
Qrrtnmlla nl yoo tn-n nln nQ ni o
Wn nl nltorl i klnni
nl ktnktn I'aj l'mi
B'se b mu'mi, tn nln as$
B'lgQrg b mu'mi tn nln lgQnQ
B'blnrin b nja etn
Tltan nll tn
Orlgl r t tn nlnrl Oun byll
nl ggbqn n oun O dn sl orO n mq llll
nl inrl Oun Qgn QwQn
fyln Oun egn ssu
Agbedemjl oun ggun gidi
Qrnmll nl t b ti tn nln rg
Kl in re yra di Qdndn
Kl Qyln re yra d tete
Kl agbede-mjl rg yra di rinrin
Ooganla nl o ti di Qdndn
fyln oun t d tee
Agbedemjl un ti di rinrin
Njq Eburq o d o, awo OljgbQ
Bl a b r'ni rere



lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

9e la j'gbQ ni
o j'ebe I'Ake
O j'ebe l'ko o
Bl a b r'ni rere
9e l j'bQ o

He who has a strain to filter beer
The thick running plant round the elephant's neck
Any running plant which plans to prevent the elephant from reaching
its destination
Both of them shall be there together
Vigorous hammering of metals characterizes the smithery
And ceaseless fanning characterizes the bellow
To place the face against the heat of the fire
And the back against the heat of the sun
These were the resident Awo of Offtek
They were the ones who cast If for Onltek
He who offended and was cast begging about
He who appealed for forgiveness by begging about
They combined to cast If for Abg-$kt
The son of Ogun
When he went to make love to Obtl's woman
Qbatl refused, and declared that he would never have any
relationship with Abg again
Abg went to beg Sal( at Ad Ekiti
And went to beg fr'lnml of QwO-land
And went to beg Antete of lkofl-land
Yet Obtl retused
He declared that he would never have anything to do with Abg again
Abq went to beg the dark-complexoned Agbe
The child of Olkun Senfad, god of Oceans
And went to beg the red-coloured Alk
The child of Qlqsa, the goddess of the Lagoons
Yet Qbatl refused
He vowed never to have anything to do with Abg again
Abg then gathered himself together
And went to seek the help of Qrr:nmll
When Qrr1nm'll was going
He took along with him a bunch of EbUrg vegetable
But Obtl was reknown for his careful obseruation and accurate
deduction of happenings
fidun-BQlj, the slender monkey, who was the son of the forest deity,



ogunaa uei

was actng as the chief companon of Qbatl

When Orrlnmlla was about to reach the home of Qbatl
Qbatl had slept off
Orrinmll shouted his salutations
Fdun-bljg, the son of Ol-Igb replied that Qbtl was not yet
Qrunmll asked him to wake up
They said why?
Qrrlnmll declared that $aki had already woken up at Ad-Eldtl
And frinml had woken up at QwQ-land
And Antt had woken up atIkOy-land
And Agbe-dd had woken up at Ocean side
While Aluk0-d0-d0o-d0 had woken up at the Lagoon side
Oiignl (Qbath) thus woke-up
He declared that he had woken up
But he would not open the door (for Qrnm1l to enter)
Qrnmll said Qbtll would open the door
Because lpprjr1, the eyelid is it that opens the door for the eyes (to
And the discharge signaling labour is t that opens the door for the
bith of a new born baby
Qbatl then opened the door
He said that even though he had opened the door
He would never turn his face to Qrrrnm)l
Qrnmll said that he (Qbatl) should face him
When asked why?
He declared that the foot does not turn its back on the footpath
The finger nal does not turn its back on the finger
The toe nail does not turn its back on the toe
He who evacuates the bowel in the bush does not turn its back on the
Qbatl then turned and faced Qrnm)l
He said that even though he had faced him
He would never smile over the matter
QrUnm)l ordered him to smile over the matter
When asked why?
He stated that a widow is noted for her consolatory smiles
While a lewd woman is noted for her stupid but temptatious smiles
Stupidly temptatious smiles are the trade mark of a prostitute
It is with smiles that people light the fire with which alcohols are
And it is with smiles that the flood joins the stream
When the cotton tree produces its cotton-wool


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon


is with smiles the farmer harvests it

Qbatl then smiled
He declared that even though he had smiled
The matter would not completely leave his mind
Qrunm'il ordered that the matter must be completely removed from
his mind
When asked why?
He said that completely did a dog attempt to lick water
When liquid strainer drinks w,ater, the water will drain completely from
it when removed from the water
When fish-trap is immersed n water, the water will drain completely
from it when removed from the water
And if a woman engages in the business of unripe palm-fruit
It is completely exhausted
QbaHl then declared that even though eveffiing was settled from
his mind
He would nonetheless never be happy over the matter
He said that his mind had turned to prickle
And his back had turned to needles
And his mid-section, thorn
Orunmll countered that if truly everything was settled from his mind
His mind should turn to Qdndn leaves
And his bac( to tJQ leaves
While his mid-section should turn to rinrin leaves
Qbatl then said that everything had been completely removed from
his mind
That his mind has turned to Qdndn
And his back to t,tQ
And his mid-section to rinrin
Here come Eburq leaves, the symbol of forgiveness
If we see an impoftant personality
One will accept his intercession
You have accepted the apology at Ak
And even at Oko
When we see an important personality
We shall surely accept the apology

If says that it would be tough for the offence commtted by the person
for whom this Od is revealed to be forgiven, but in the end, the
apology would be accepted.
On the other hand, if the person for whom this Od is revealed is the



ogunaa uei

victim of other person(s)' mischie{, he/she needs to accept the culprit(s)'

apology if impoftant people intercede on behalf of the culprit.

14. If says that somebody had been done a good deed which had given
the person influence or authority where this Od is revealed, If
warns that this person must never misuse this power by paying this
good deed with evil. If says that the person in question is about to
pay good with evil, and if this is done, no amount of gbg will prevent
the culprit from reaping the fruit of the evil he/she had sown. If
advises that the victim needs to be patient as If is solidly behind
him/her and will avenge. He/she needs not show pain or
disappointment because when the vengeance of If comes on the
culprit, even the victim will be forced to sympathize.
If says that if the culprit has not yet carried out the evil but was just
planning it, he/she must offer gbg with one matured he-goat and
money. Helshe must also pray to Oldmar for forgiveness and
must never contemplate such again in life. On these,If says:
Gnnug n Soore mplr{-ma plrl
Akala mag b goore mayQgege-meyqgege
OjQ mfl jQQml, bli k'gni m tiQ goore mQ
Or goore foore, grq O l'w l'rl
AfOmqgoore kO l'gbo

Dlfirn Okete
rrlg reteQk n'lf
fbg ni wqn nl k 9e

Gnnugn, the Vulture, did good deeds but he became bald-headed in

the process
Rnd Akalamgb, did good deeds only to be inflicted with

Even some days, one will feel like not doing good deeds
QrQ, the Cactus, did good deeds but did not have any leaves to show
for the good deeds
And AfOmq, the Parasitic Plant, did good deeds only to be left without


lfa Dida: An nvitaon to lfa Consultation

These were lf's declarations to Okt, the Big Rat

When going to initiate Qk, the Cobra, into If
He was advised to offer gbg

Qk, the Cobra, was in deep trouble. He had no respectfrom allthe anmals
in the forest. He was being jeered at every time he appeared in the midst of
other animals. To add pepper to injury he was being used as rope to tie
firewood, broom, leaves and other things by human beings. Tired of these
tribulations, he approached Okete, the Big Rat, for If consultation.

Okete consulted If for Qk and Ogunda-wI was revealed. Okete assured

Qk that he would become great in life. Qk was also told that everybody
would become great in life. Qk was also told that everybody would fear
and respect him. Qk was advised to endeavour to undergo If initiation.
Qk agreed. There and then, a date was fixed for the initiation fltqloOul

Three days to the day of initiation, Okete went to the group of Awo
mentioned above in order to find out how the initiation rites he intended to
undertake for Qk would turn out to be. The Awo assured Okete that the
rites would be successful. Not only this, the lot of Qk would change from
that of contempt to fear and respect. It would change from utter
helplessness to tremendous power and authority. Okete was assured that
nobody would be able to look down upon Qk or use him as rope anymore.
Okete was however warned that when Qk became powerful he would have
the tendency to use his power against everybody including Okete his
Ohlwo. Otete was advised to warn Qk seriously against doing this or in
the alternative, for Okete to abandon theltgld altogether. Since he had
, promised Qk that he would help him conduct the initiation rites, O<ete felt
he was bound by this promise. For this reason, Okete called Qk and they
entered into a covenant. Qk swore that he would never do anything
against Okete and any member of his household which might huft them in
any way. Wth this assurance, Qk was initiated.

Before long, Qk became very poweful and highly influential. Nobody

could look down upon him anymore. He now said this as an opportunity to
avenge the humiliation he had hitherto being subjected to, He used his
newly acquired power to exeft his authority and punish all those who had


osunaa uei

offended him one time or the other. While doing all this however, he
avoided doing anything aganst Okete and all members of his household.
He soon became so power drunk that he began to think that he could not be
considered an all-powerful person if he did not deal with Okete too in his bid
to exeft total control over anything and anyone around him. He felt that
people would soon be teasing him that his influence and scope of authority
did not extend to where Okete was. For this reason therefore, Qk resolved
to kill Okete once and for all and show the whole world his supremacy over
everybody. That same day, he went out in search of Okete when he saw
Okete later in the day, before the latter could express necessary
pleasantries, Qk struck him down, totally forgetting his covenant. In pain,
Okete reminded him of his household. Qk responded that, that was a
forgotten and expired covenant. There and then, Okete swore on Qk and
died. Qk simply swallowed Okete. Shortly after this, a hunter saw Qk
and killed him too.
As from that day, any day Qk killed Okete, that Qk would also be killed on
that very day. That was how Qk ended up digging his own grave with his
ungrateful attitude to his benefactor.
Gnnugn goore mplrl-meplrl
Akahmagbo goore mayggege-mayggegq
ojq mll jqQml, bli k'qni m te goore mq
QrQ goore goore, grq O l'w l'rl
AfOmq goore k l'gbo
Dl filn Okt
Tl lg re te Qk n'lf
Fbq ni wQn nl k Se
gb'Qbo, r'bg
Qk bo gb'wo ml
Ibi l se o
Erlgl-Alo, Qk bo b pa Ews


9k bo gb'wo ml

Ibi lo se

Gnnugn, the Vulture, did good deeds but he became bald-headed in
the process
And Akalamagbo, did good deeds only to be inflicted with goiter


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Even some days, one will feel like not dong good deeds anymore
Or, the Cactus, did good deeds but did not have any leaves to show
for the good deeds
And AfOmg, the Parasitic Plant, did good deeds only to be left without

These were lf's declarations to Okete, the Big Rat
When going to initiate Qk, the Cobra, into If
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Now, Qk if you swallow Okete
You have done a terribly evil deed
ERgt-Alg, Qk if you kill Ewrts, the Big Rat
You will surely did with it as the aftermath
gk, if you swallow Okete
You have done a terrible despicable deed

If says that anyone who did an evil thing where this Od is revealed
will face the repercusson of his/her evil action sooner than later.


If warns the person forwhom this Od is revealed to be very careful

with the type of help he/she renders to others. If says that a person
will come to him/her for assistance but he/she must not render this
assistance. This is because this person had something grave, which
has led to a serious problem for him/her. He/she is now looking for
other people who will share from this problem. If says that it is in
the best interest of the person for whom this Od is revealed never to
have anything to do with the person or group seekng assistance at
this pafticular pont in time. If says that this person is not looking
for assistance: rather, he/she/they are looking for someone to
implicate and drag intothe mud likethem.

If says that there is no gbg material to offer in this Od. The only
gbg to offer here is for the person for whom this Od is revealed to
heed warning. As a matter of fact, before a person born by this Od
offers any assistance to anybody, there is the need for him/her to
check and crosscheck properly whether this person deserves to be
assisted or not. On these,If says:



ogunaa hrei

Gnnug n goore maplrf -maplrl

Aka lamag bo goore mayggege-mayqgegq
QjQ mfi jQqml, bl k'gni m tiQ goore mQ

Orqooregoorergrq O l'w l'rl

AfOmggoore k l'gbo
Dl fitn Adeknnrblr gmg palkl pejo
9mqagek'ores nlge
Mgba rlg oko alro I'gdrln
fbg niwqn w ge

Gnnugn, the Vulture, did good deeds but he became bald-headed in the
Rnd AkahmgbO, did good deeds only to be inflicted with goter Even
some days, one will feel like not doing good deeds anymore
QrQ, the Cactus, did good deeds but did not have any leaves to show for
the good deeds
And Afomg, the Parasitic Plant, did good deeds only to be left without root
These were lf's declarations to Adknnlbf, offsprings of those who kill
Akah and killed the snake
He who behave in such a way that one's feel tired of doing good
When he was going to the farm for annual planting
He was advised offer gbg

Adekanntbl was an accomplished farmer. He was also a very successful

man. He was highly respected in the communty because everyone knew
him as a God fearing philanthropst. He holds many chieftaincy titles in the
community and whatever he said was final on many issues,
One day, Adknntbf planned to go and staft the annual

cultivation. For this

reason, he decided to go for If consultation in the home of the Awo
mentioned above: would he succeed that year as he had always

The Awo assured Adknrnb'i that he would succeed as he had always done.
The Awo said that success was not his problem. Adknmbi was however
warned that someone would be coming to him for assstance within the five
days. Such a person must never be assisted. The Awo laid emphasis on the
fact that the person who was coming for such assistance did not need it:

rather, he was comng

to create untold problem and hardship into


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Adknrfibl's life. The Awo concluded by telling Adknn1bl that there was
no gbg that he could offer on this issue except for him to heed warnngs of

Adekanrnff left the home of the Awo with the full determination of not
assisting anyone. When Adeknntbi got home, he explained everything to
his wife and asked his wife to remind him at all times not to assist any one in
the next seventeen days. Wth this, Adknmbl was convinced that he
would be able to avoid the problem which If foresaw by asking him not to
assist anyone for five days.

On the fourth day howevel Qk the Cobra, rushed to Adknnlbf's farm

pleading and crying that he was being pursue by his enemies. He told
Adekanmff that if these enemies caught him on that day he would definitely
be slaughtered.
He pleaded with Adeknmbf to please open his mouth and allow him to hide
in his stomach for a few moments so that these enemies would not be able
to see him. As Adeknntbl was aboutto open his mouth, his wife called him
and reminded him of the warnings of If. 'Keep quite woman', thundered
Adeknnlbl, 'even if I will not assist anyone is it going to be Qk my friend?'
As soon as he said these he open his mouth and his friend Qk entered into
his mouth. And went straight to his stomach.

When Qk the Cobra settled in Adknn1bl's stomach, the first instruction

he gave to Adknn1bi was: my friend go and beat your wife to death.
Adeknrnbf protested, 'how could I do this to my wife of several years?' Qk
the Cobra simply place his teeth on Adknrlbl's liver and bit the liver
mercilessly, nobody told Adknnlbl again before he picked his hoe and use
it to beat his wife of 27 years to death.

market. When they arrived there,

he told Adkanntbi to ensure that 16 people were beaten to death in the
market. Adeknntbl protested, 'why should I do this in a community where
I owned several titles?' Qk the Cobra places his teeth on Adknn1bi's
pancreas and bit it mercilessly. Nobody told Adkannlbt before he uses his
Qk told Adkannlbf to let them go to the

axe to cut down 16 innocent people in the market.



ogunaa uej

Next 9k the Cobra told Adknn1bl to let them go to the palace. When
they got there Qk told AdknnlM to kill the three wives of the Qba and add
the Qba as his foufth victim in the palace. Adeknrnbt protested. The
Cobra placed his teeth on Adknn1bl's lungs and bite it mercilessly.
Nobody told Adknn1bf before he used his club to hit the four of them to
death, As this was going on the whole town went into pandemonium. The
fear of Adknmff became the beginning of wisdom for everyone.

There are however, some elders in the community who are totally
convinced that violent is not in Adknn1bl's characters. These elders knew
something urgent and drastic must be done. Consequently, they went to
the home of the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation: would
it be possible to find solution to the problem in the community? Was it
possible for them to know how to assistAdknrbi himself?
The Awo told the elders thatthey would surely find solution to the problems
in the community. He told them that only the Elders of the Night can help
them. Consequently, there was the need for them to feed the Elders of the
Night with one she-goat and plenty of palm oil. The Elders of the Night
accepted thelpes and sentAklmgb to go and help Adknntbi.

Meanwhile, Adknnlbi had become totally berserk man. He had voices

from his stomach and he must obey whatever instruction that he was given.
For this reason, Adkanmb'i was a totally unpredictable man. When
AkalamagbO arrived in his house, he went straight to Adknrflbf and
instructed him to Akalamagbo open his mouth. Adekanmbf did.
Akalamagb called on Qk the Cobra and told him that he had come to join
him to inflict more pains on Adknn1bi. Qk was very happy when he had
this. Akalmgb told Qk to show up his face so that their discussions can
go on smoothly. Qk moved fonntard and showed up his face. As soon as
he did this, Akahmagbo grabbed his neck and pulled him out forcefully.
Akahmagb struck Qk on the head with his beak. He struck him
repeatedly. When Adeknntbi saw this, he got hold of his hoe with the
intention of breaking the head of Qk into pieces. Unfoftunately however,
the blow landed on the head of Akalamagbo. So Adknn1bi ended up
killing both Cobra and Akalamagbo.

lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

Gnnugn Foore maplrt-meplr{

Akalamag b goore mayggege- mayqgege
ojQ mff jqQml, bli k'$ni m tiQ goore mQ
Qrq goore goore, grq O l'w l'rf
Afomqgoorek l'gbo
Dl fin Adeknntbl, omg palkla pejO
9mg a9e k'ore s n f ge
Mgba rrlg oko alro I'gdn
Fbq ni wQn i w ge
kg'tf QgbQnyln s'ebq
Eyin o rt Adknnlbl t pa ejo
T sl pa eyg


the Vulture, dd good deeds but he became baldheaded in the process

Rnd Akalamagbo, did good deeds onlyto be inflicted with goter
Even some days, one will feel like not doing good deeds anymore
QrQ, the Cactus, did good deeds but did not have any leaves to show for
the good deeds

And Afomg, the Parasitic Plant, did good deeds only

to be left

without root

These were lf's declarations


Adeknntbf, offsprings



who killAkah and killed thesnake

He who behave in such a way that one's feel tired of doing good
When he was going to the farm for annual planting
He was advised offer qbg
He refused to comply
Can'tyou seeAdknn1bl who killed the snake
And killed the bird

If warns the person for whom this Od revealed not to give any
assstance he/she will come to regret for the rest of his/her life. It is in
the best interest of this person to heed the warnings of If.

16. If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed aganst

unnecessary stubbornness of heaft and disobedience of If
instruction in order for him or her to avod unspeakable calamity.
This person is warned aganst relying on position, influence, power,


ogunaa Mei

connections or any other at the last minute.

If says that if the person for whom this Od is cast plans to go

somewhere and If does not foresee lre, then this person needs to
shelve the plan in order to avoid unpleasant consequence to
himself/herself and to those who are close to him\hen

If also warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to be very

careful in everything that he/she is doing at that pafticular point
during If consultation. Obduracy can never bring any good resultto
him/heratthis period.
If advises this client t offer gbg, as a matter of urgency, with one
matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to heed advice
as this is even more impoftant than the money he/she might have to
spend on the gbg materials. On these, If says:

A ba ro QrQ onl,lja ni I b dl
D,| firn Akk MOjlwa
Tff g'awo il Onlkoyl
NlSq t g'awo Qba llade org
fbg ni wQn nl k w se

Had we gone, we would not have returned
Had we considered the pain involved in this matter, it could have led to
a quarrel
This was lf's declaration to Akk Mjlw, the woodpecker
The resident Awo of OnlkOl
When going on If mission to the palace of QlyQ of Qyq
He was advised to offer gbg

KUhlwg was an accomplished If

priest. He was the personal Babalwo of

the Qba of QyQ town. He was so powerful and highly gifted

that anything he said would surely come to pass. He also had several
powerful charms and knew many incantations which he usually used to the
amaze and fear of his numerous followers.
One day, KhlwQ planned to go tolkOyito see the On'ik1, the Qba oflkOl




lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consultation


He consulted If and If asked him not to go, that the omen was not
in favour of his going. If foresaw death for him in his journey. When he

heard this, he said that even if there was death at lkoy, his numerous
charms and incantations would surely give him escape routes which would
protect his life against death or any other calamity. No amount of
persuasion could change his mind. When asked to offer gbg, he refused.
He had absolute confidence in his charms and other powerful devices. His
Awo went to report him to QlQyQQ who also persuaded him not to go. All
these persuasions simply fell on deaf ears. QlQyQq told Ktlh1w that he
should remember that they had been together for a very long time and that
there was nothing Kh1we had told him not to do which he had ever done.
He had relied on whatever If said which KrlltlwQ had told him and he,
QlqyQq had never regretted it. Kuluwe responded that what QIQyQQ said
was true but that QlQyQQ could not compare himself with an Awo like him
(Krtlwq) who knew all the workings of If and charms. When nobody
could change KhlwQ's mind, he was allowed to go.

Atlkyi, KrlhlwQ was respected and given the honour due to the personal
Awo of QlQyQQ. He cast If for Orfkyf and the latter marveled at his
expeftise. KhJwe was given a large room inside the palace for his
personal use. All the important personalities in Ikoyi were trooping his
house. Everybody in Ikoyt was soon aware that the great KrllwQ the
personal Babalwo of QIQyQ was in theirtown.
One week after KrlhlwQ's arrival inlkol however, disaster of unimaginable
proportion struck. On the night of that day, a mysterious fire gutted the
palace and raze down only the room given to Kr1hlwQ. Before any
assistance could be rendered, Kh1wQ had been burnt to ashes. It took
several able-bodied men and women around the palace several hours to
rescue the other wings of the palace from burning.
As soon as it was discovered that KhlwQ the great personal Babalawo of
QlQyQq was dead, fear gripped the whole palace and in factthe entiretown
of Ikol: How would they convey this terrible message to QlQy without
provoking his anger and wrath? When they did not know what to do, they
invited A<ofo Mjlawa, the resident Awo of Onf kyl to prepare himself for
the journey to QIQyQQ's palace in order to go and break the news of the


ii osunaa uei
death of KrJhJwg, his fellow Babalwo to


and the entire people of


Knowing that the assignment given to him was an extremely delicate one,
Akoko Mojlw went for If consultation in the home of the Awo
mentioned above. Atoko was assured that even though the assignment
was grave, he would however succeed in carrying it out. He was advised to
be extremely tactful and very careful too. He was advised to offer gbg with
a matured he-goat and money. He complied. Immediately after this, he set
outon his journeyto QIQyQQ's palace.
As soon as he arrived at QyQ, he hired some drummers and included SQkgrQ,
the favourite drum of Qlgygg. At the entrance of QlyQQ's palace, the
$gkQrQ drummers stafted to beat their drums. Akk sent a palace aide to
inform QlqyQQ that he had a special message from Ofkyi. He was soon
ushered in. He went into the palace with the drummers. Atthe presence of
QlQyQQ, he made his cry the cry of shouting and made hislyQrQ, thelyQrQ of
lamentations, saying in his unbelievably sonorous voice:
Krrhrw$ ti jona sll o o
Kw ti jona sll
Arqnl I jona sll onlkoyl o
Klwe ti jona slle

Klwe had suffered fire burn inside the house
KrthlwQ had been burnt inside the house
The ArQnl, master of medicines, had been burnt to death inside
Onlk0yl's palace
KrlhlwQ had suffered fire burn inside the house
Before the full implication of the message could sink in, QlqyQq and his
chiefs were dancing to the Sekere drums. By the time it became clear that it
was a message on the death of his personal Awo, it was too late to change
his countenance. QIQyQQ asked Atofo to stop the song and music. He did.
QIQVQQ thought over the message for a long time and concluded that
KUltlwg was the architect of his misfutune. He stated that KlrtwQ had
earlier been warned but he refused to heed warning. qQyqq asked AtO<o
to inform Onfkl that he had nothing against him as KhtwQ came tolkol

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

at the very height of his obstinary.

QlQyQq assured
harboured no ill-feeling towards him on the matter.

Onlkl that he

That was how KtlltlwQ lost his life as a result of his stubbornness and his
over-reliance on his power and refused to heed If warning which he too
used to give others and which he expected others to heed. Refusalto heed
If warning is the shoftest way to disaster.

A ba ro QrQ onl, tja ni I b dl
Dl fifn Akk Mojlw
Tll g'awo il onlkoy|
MTq t rl9'awo Qba llade Q yq
fbg ni wgn nl k w 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
j6 rulrrwQ ti jna sll o
Klwq t jn s{
ArQnl I jn sll Onlkoy,l o
Krrhrw$ t jn sll

Had we gone, we would not have returned
Had we considered the pain involved in this matter, it could have led to
a quarrel
This was If's declaration to Akk Mjlw, the woodpecker
The resident Awo of OffkOf
When going on If mission to the palace of QlQyQq of QyQ
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Alas, Krlhlwe had suffered fire burn inside the house
Krlhlw had been burnt inside the house
The Argnl, master of medicines, had been burnt to death inside
Onfkfi's palace
KrlhlwQ had suffered fire burn inside the house

If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to heed warnings

and advices at all times. There lies salvation. There lies long life and
prosperity. That is the only way he/she will not regret or suffer




ogunaa Mei



For those born by this Od either during ltgloau orlkgsgdy, barring any
self- inflicted pain or disappointmen$ nothing stops them from being great
in life. They will not only be great, but they will equally be happy. They will

achieve all their hearts' desires at the most appropriate periods in their
lives. They shall not lack in any sphere of life. They shall live a very
rewarding life. They shall live comfoftably and pursue their goals
confidently. They shall even die when they are ripe and in relative
satisfaction a nd contentment.

Ogunda-mjl children are specially chosen and favoured by Qbatl and

If and they are blessed with all the good things of life. As long as honey
remains sweet, nothing can prevent these people from enjoying their lives
to the fullest except they themselves through their own handiworks. They
are specially chosen to infect others with their happiness so that the world
would be happier and more habitable for everybody.

OgUnda-mjl children also strive well in joint paftnership business. They

easily combine other people's expertise, experience, resources or even
contacts to their own to forge ahead in any business they set out to do. By
so doing, they end up gaining more popularity, respect, wealth and honour.
Even though they have the ability to succeed on their own, they however
succeed better and faster in joint ventures. That is the reason why it is not
advisable for Ogrtnda-mejl children to insist on going alone in any project
if they have feasible alternative in joint partnership on the project. Because
they combine well with others to achieve success, they coveftly bring joy
and success into other people's lives. They push others fonryard with their
own talents and other specialgifts from Oldmar and the Deities.

For anyone to succeed in any joint business he/she must be straightforward, honest and accommodating. All those involved must be
understanding and must not give room to unnecessary quarrels,
arguments or misunderstanding. Ogunda-mjl children must therefore
bear all these in mind at all times. They must avoid the urge to cheat their

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

paftners either at the time of contributing their resources into the business
or when it comes to profit- sharing stage.

Ogunda-mjl children must not think, plan or do anything, no matter

how minute, to hinder the progress of others. If they do, they will be put to
shame. Conversely, anyone who thinks, plans or does anything to
constitute a stumbling block on the path of greatness of Ogund-mfl
children shall be rubbished and ridiculed. It is in the destiny of Ogundmjl children to succeed in spite of obstacles. That was why they too
must never think, plan, or do evil against others. They must not assist
others in doing it against other people.

Apart from the fact that the success of Ogunda-mejl children


guaranteed, also sure is their protection against evil and disaster. In spite
of the fact that iniquities, problems, troubles and vagaries of life abound
where they are, they shall never experience any. If shall protect them
and their families. They shall not die any untimely death. They shall also
live to enjoy the fruit of their labour.

Ognd-mjli children, it is not advisable to stand surety for anyone.

If they do, they stand to regret their action. Those for whom they stand
surety shall disappoint them and may even put them in serious trouble

which maytakethem long to recoverfrom.

Ogunda-mjl male children will also find out that women will be very
instrumental to their achievements and success in life. They however
need to learn to cope with the complexities in women especially their
sudden changes in attitude. They need to know that women may blow
hot now and in the next moment blow cold. Nothing of this nature needs
to surprise or worry them at all. For the female children of Ogund-mejl,
they make good homes and try everything at their disposal to raise their
spouses from grass to grace. They are understanding and make good
mothers of their children.
Also for

Ogunaa-mjl, male and female children, their children are their

biggest assets and their most invaluable possessions. They need to take
care of their children and these children will in turn take care of them when


osunaa uei

they grow old. They have no busness sayng that they do not want to bear
children as they will remaln Incomplete in their own lives as long as they fail
to have their own children. They also need to inform their children on
everything about them. They cannot afford to hide anything from their
children as these children will be instrumental to their victory in the various
battle-fields of life. They also need to give the children adequate training
and good upbringing, ds the children will enhance their reputation and
worth in the community if well trained.

OgUnda-mjl children have the propensity to send people to carry out

assignments for them, no matter how serious the assignment may be to
their life, career or well-being. This is not in their best interest. They are to
go and handle any assignment which is very impoftant to their lives
personally as there is the possibility for this assignment to be bungled by
whoever they send to carry it out for them. This they may come to regret for
the rest of their lives. One of the reasons why Ogunda-mejl children leave
their issues unattended to and pursue other matters is their bid to satisfi
everybody. This willingness usually makes them to promise one thing to
several people at the same time and also to go in pursuit of other people's
issue at the expense of their own. This is an area where they need to think
seriously over as it will never be favourable to them in the long run. They
will end up shoft-changing themselves and receiving abuses from the very
people they intend to satisff.
Whenever Ogund-mil children offend others, it is their duty to show
remorse and tender unreserued apology to whomsoever they offended. If
on the other hand, somebody or group offends them, no matter how
grievous the offence may be, it is bound on them to forgive the culprit(s)
whenever the latter seeks for forgiveness. If this is done, they will always
remain relevant in life.

OgUnda-mjl children must never repay good with evil or even evil with
evil. They must never show ingratitude to their benefactors. They must
never be power-drunk or allow their influence, position, power, connection
or reputation to enter into their heads and lead them into obduracy. They
must be listening to wise counseling at all times. Failure to do so can only
lead to regrets.


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation



Orl for overall Ire and success.

2. If for overall Ire and special protection and enhancement of
success chances.
3. QbaHl for enhancement of success and favour of the Deities.
4. Qsanyln for success, elfcacy of work and healing capacities, for
effectiveness of business ideas and for protection.
5. Ogrtn for suppoft and for realistic assessment situations and
6. Egu Qdara for general support and removal of obstacles.
7. QqqqsJ for suppoft in times of problem and dilemma.
8. IIQ (mother Eafth) for general suppoft.

D. TABOOS OF oeruOA-t.tI

Must not eat igin, the Akee apple - to avoid unconsummate

Must not send others on errands on missions which affects
him/her seriously and is of great impoftance to his/her life - to
avoid unconsummated foftune.
Must not use QIQbQnbgn, the beetle, for anything - to avoid illluck and misfoftune.
Must not stand surety for others to avoid being implicated on
other people's matter- to avoid being blamed over issues he/she
knows little or nothing about.
Must not be playing games to avoid being tied down
unnecessarily and whiling away precious time when good things
await him/her elsewhere.
Must not use KanranjngbQn plant to avoid unconsummated
foftune or missed chances.
Must not use Iy leaves, bark, root etc for medicine - to avoid
delay in finding solution to problems.

Must not kill or eat Okete (big rat) - to avoid untimely death or
disappointments leading to calamity.
Must never repay good with evil or even evil with evil - to avoid


on*'" r",


unconsum mated foftune and disappointments

Must never show ingratitude to their benefactors - to avod
Must never be power drunk or allow their influence, position, power,
connection or reputation to enter into their heads and lead them to





FgayQ If breeds joy

2. Orlgagadrtn Onga provides sweetness
3. Oklklgla The reputation of honour
4. Ajlgql One who wakes into honour
5. Ifqlj
If provides cover





The sweetness of honour

Ogun mediates in conflict
My child is my beauty
lf's honour
The reputation of honour

Aagn AB9YE.


lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultaon

iT o"" M"/i

Chapter 10


ll ll






If says that for the person for whom Qsa-Mef is revealed during
consultation,IkgsQdy orltglodU, If foresees the Ire of abundant
wealth and success. If says that he/she had brought his/her
financial success from heaven. This person shall not be in want of
money in life.
If says that for this to manifest in the life of the person for whom this
Od is revealed, there is the need for him/her to offer gbg with four
rats, four fishes, a bottle of gin, four kolanuts and money. On
this, If says:
On'll etl oj nll wolrwq Segaa l'ke
Dlfin Kk
Tl t'Qrun bQw'y
TI y sl fi gbogbo ara K'j w'l
Sbg ni wQn nl k w Se

The residents of the house near the market are those who gaze at
the brightly shinning stars
This was lf's declaration to KUk, the Pigeon
When coming from Qrun, Heaven to Ay, the Earth
Who will bring wealth with all pafts of her body
She was advised to offer gbg

Kk, the Pigeon was coming into this world from heaven. When she was
about to move, she went for If's consultation in the home of the Awo
whose pet name was mentioned above: Would she be a successful person
on eafth? Would she be able to command financial wealth and respect
while on earth? Would people love and adore her? She also wanted to



know the degree of her success and achievements in life.



The Awo assured her that she would not only be successfulthat every paft
of her body would be associated with wealth - her feather, skin, flesh, blood,
bone, head and body. She was equally informed that she would be given
honour and would be allowed to live among human beings. She was told
that while her colleagues such as partridge and dove were being stoned and

killed, she would be accorded respect and offered befitting

She was however advised to offer gbg with four rats, four fish, four
kolanuts, one bottle of gin and money. She complied. Soon after this,
she set out on her journey to eafth.
While on eafth, Kk, the Pigeon, became the toast of everyone. She was
adored. She was given appropriate respect and honour. She was
associated with wealth and prosperity. She was also given chance to live
with human beings. The home she set her feet into was used to attracting
For these reasons, people always looked for the pigeons to put inside their
homes so that wealth would reside with them. This made Kk a bird that

everybody looks for and takes proper care

contented forthis.


She was very happy and

On'll etl oja nff wo lrwo gaagaa l'k

firn Kk
Tl t'Orun bEw'y
Tl yo sl fi gbogbo ara K'j w'lFbq ni wgn nl k w ge

KO p,,


!w b'ni nf Jbrlt ire

WQn nl qse ire ni ErrtkUk f te'l
The residents of the house near the market are those who gaze
atthe brightly shinning stars
This was lf's declaration to Kk, the Pigeon
When coming from Qrun, Heaven, toAy, the Eafth


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consuftation

Who will bring wealth with all parts of her body

She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
Before long, and nottoofar
Join us in the midst of abundant Ire
It is with the feet of Ire that the Pigeon matches on the ground

If says that riches, prosperty and well being shall


accompany the person for whom this Od is revealed.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is going to be

the most successful member of his/her family. He/she will be blessed
with more money, spouse, children, and propefties than all his/her
siblings and/or colleagues.

If says that this person shall however have more success chances
outside where he/she was born than within his/her place of birth.
He/she shall become a great person from outside his/her place of
bfth. He/she shall also be greater than all others close to him/her.
There is however the need to offer gbg (Arkore) with two pigeons,
two hens, two guinea fowls, two cocks and money. On these,
Qsa-Me) says:

Qwlnnl krje
Dl filn QpgYgkgtg

[b9 k l la ju gbogbo qgbe



lg ni wgn nl k w qe

Krje Qwinn'i
Qwlnnl Krje

They were the ones who cast If for Qpg Yekete, the


Palm tree
When going on spiritual mission tolwre land

He was advised
than allothers

to offer ebo so that he would be more


Qpe YeketQ, the slender palm tree was very hardworking. He was always
eager to work and he was never showing any sgn of fatigue at any time.

Il o""


one day, he went to the home of the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation in orderto determine his success chances in life.
The Awo assured him that he would surely be successful in his life. Not only
this, he was told that he was going to become the most successful person
among his contemporaries. The Awo also told him that his luck would shine
better outside his place of bifth. Consequent upon this, he was advised to
move out of his place of bifth and settle elsewhere. Qpe yekete was also
advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. All these he did. After the gbg he
moved outof his domain and wenttolwr land to settle.

Within three years of settling atlwr town, he has established himself. His

palm fronds were used for sweeping, his palm kernels were used for
cooking, his cap was extracted as palm wine, his stem was used for
construction purposes, his root was used for medicine and food, his bark
was used for medicine. In fact, there was no part of his body that was not of
commercial value. Before long, he became the most successful and most
sought after among all his contemporaries. All his colleagues soon began to
use his success asyardsticks for measuring their own level of achievements.

They were also praying to oldmar to make them as successful as Qpg

Qwlnnl krje
Dl filn QpQYgkQt

Tl g'awo lgs'delwr
f bg k le la ju gbogbo qgbe re lg ni wqn nl k w ge


je a l'j-l'j
Qwlnnl krje
A l'ya-l'ya
Bl ara odelwr
Qwlnnl Krje
A bl'mg-bl'mg

ara odelwr
Krje Qwlnnl


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Qwlnnl Krje
A nl ire gbogbo
Bl ara de lwere

Krje Qwlnnl
Qwlnnl Krje

Krje Qwlnn'l

They were the ones who cast If for Qpg YQk, tQ
the Slender Palm tree
When going on spiritualmission tolwr land

He was advised to offer ebg so that he would be


successful than all others

He complied

We shall be as wealthy

Asthatof the inhabitants oflwr land

All hail Krje Qwlnn)
And QWInn) Krje
We shall be blessed with several children
As those of the inhabitnts of Iwere land
All hail Krje Qwlnn)
And QWlnn) Krje
We shall be blessed with alllre in life
As those of the inhabitants oflwre land
All hail Krje Qwlnnl
And QWlnn) Krje

If says that all Ire in life shall come the way of the person for whom this
od is revealed. All he/she needs to do are to offer the appropriate gbg as
prescribed above and also move out of his/her place of bfth. By so doing,
his/her luck shall shine brightly.


If says that it foresees the lre of wealth, spouse, offspring, sound

health, victory over adversary and long life for the person for whom
this Od is revealed. In fact, If foresees all Ire in life for this person.
If enjoins the person for whom this Od is revealed to ensure that
he/she follows If injunctions in all the things he/she is doing. If
he/she holds onto If, then If will never let him/her down in any way


ou u"ii

In this particular stanza, If recommends the following ebo: for long
life and good health; 2OO pebbles, three cocks and money; for

fertility for both males and females, plenty of sodium

bicarbonate, plenty of dry stalk of guinea-corn, plenty of
alligator pepper grains, four hens, four clothing materials
and money; for victory over witches and other adversaries, six
bottles of palm oil, six big rats and money; for general well
being and overall success, all edibles;. For abundant wealth, 16
white pigeons and money; while he/she needs to serve If with a
big keg of raffia-palm wine, four big kolanuts with four
valves and money every year. If all these can be done, the
general well-being, long life and overall success of the person for
whom this Od is revealed is assured. On all these, a stanza in this
Od says:

If nt kl w{n kl Oun nl m'Oj-m'Oj

If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlm'oj-m'ojo
If pglgm'eji-m'eji
If o b peleo
9mq gl'Qn t y rere Ado-lwl

If declares that he should be greeted in association with rain-fall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rcin shower
If we halyou, in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of that road which branched to Ad-fwi town (Ad-Eldtl)

Qrnmll asked people to greet him and compare his achievements in life
with the blessing and abundance of rainfall. He was thus greeted. He was
also praised as the owner of the straight road which led to Ad-fwi. He
however corrected them that he was never a citizen of Ad-Fwi. He said
that when he traveled to Ad-Fwi, he realised that the town was very
populous and he enquired from them about which Origa creed they
followed or worshiped. They however responded that they had no Origa

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

which they worshped. That was when Qrrlnmll asked them to close their
eyes and they did. He threw 200 Ikin on the right and another 200 on the
left. He asked them to open their eyes and ordered them to pick the lkin.
They struggled forthem and they picked them all. Qrunmlla told them that
those were the If symbols which they would be worshipplng and be
following for guidance, wealth, security, spouses, long-life and allthe good
things of life. They were all doing this in Ad-Fwand all the good things of
life came to them like rain shower.
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'OjO-m'OjO
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlgm'Oj0-m'ojo
If pelq m'eji-m'eji
If o b peo
9mq glQgbagbr e ode Qfa

If declares that he should be greeted in association with rain-fall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou, in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of the giant nail bythe boundary of Qfa land

Again, If asked people to greet him and compare his achievements in life
with the blessing and abundance of rainfall, and he was greeted. When he
was greeted in connection with Qfa town, he responded that he was not a
citizen of Qfa. He said that he travelled to Qfa town and metthem afflicted
with variety of ailments, ranging from fever, yaws, tuberculosis, leprosy to
paralysis. They came to him to consult If on how alltheir ailments would
disappear. He assured them that the illness would go but they needed to
offer gbg with 200 pebbles, three cocks and money. They did. He
then put )yQrOsn on the 200 pebbles and asked them to struggle for
possession of these pebbles. They all rushed to get at least one each from
the 200 pebbles. In the process of doing this, four to five people were
struggling for one pebble. Sometimes more than 20 people would be
struggling for only one pebble. Before they knew it, all their ailments
disappeared and they all became hail and heafty. That was why people
were saying Tjakadl I'qrg Qf' meaning 'Wrestling is the custom of Qfa land'


o"" u"i

Ifa nl kl wqn kl un nl m'Oj-m'OjO

If nl kl wgn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlg m'jO-m'ojo
If pQlg m'eji-m'eji
If o b pel o
Qmg ogbuuru
E$ to gan t t'il ljero-QlqmoJg lg o

If declares that he should be greeted in association with rain-fall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou, n association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower
If we greet you with respect
Ownerof thefast moving stream
And the swifttraveling stream
Which passed acrossthe land ofljerO-glQmqfe

And again when Qrnmll was greeted in connecton wth rain shower and
he was prased in connection withljer-QlQmgfg town. He declared that he
was not a citizen of ljer-QIQmgfg town. He explained that when he

arrived at ljer-Eld, he met them suffering from the problem of

childlessness, both males and females. That was why he asked them to
brig to him four loads of sodium bicarbonate, four loads of dried stalk of
guinea corn, four loads of alligator pepper grans, four hens and four
clothing materials as gbg materials. They complied. After these, he
pounded the sodium bicarbonate, guinea corn stalk and alligator pepper
grains together into powder and asked them, both males and females, to
use itwith corn porridge. When they did this, they all began to give birth to
children. The blessing of children cametothem like rainfall.
If nl kl wqn kl Oun nl m'OjO-m'Oj
If nl kl wgn kl un nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlf m'j-m'Oj
If p9lm'eji-m'eji
If o b pQlo
Qmg al'klmagbO ttl gb'p gmg tuntun



rrr l'de lkql

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consuftation

lf declares that he should be greeted in association with rain-fall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou, in assocaton with rainfall
And we saluteyou in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of the great klmgbO bird which flies off with the
forelimb of a new-born baby atlkfle town

And yet agan, If asked people to greet him in reference to rainfall and they
dd. When those praisng him made reference to IkQI-Eldti, he made it
clear to them that he was not a citizen of that town. He explained that he
came tolkgb Eltltl only to discover that things were not moving well for the
inhabitants of that town. He consulted If for them when they approached
him. He told them that the causes of their problems were the handiwork of
Elders of the Night and other principalities. He advised them to feed the
Elders of the Night (witches) with six medium-size kegs of palm-oil, six
Okt, big rats, and money. They complied. Before long after peforming
the ritual, all their problems disappeared. All the good things which they
had hithefto lacked came rushing to them in torrents.

If nl kl wgn kl Oun nl m'jO-m'Oj

If nl kl wqn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlm'OjO-m'OjO
If pQlQ m'eji-m'eji
If o b pele o
Qmg ftrtu-rotogbo
NTbi wqn gb ge gw-gOw

If declares that he should be greeted in association with rain-fall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou, in association with rainfall
And we saluteyou in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of Fl j-ffogb town
Where the inhabitants were chattering like birds

In continuation of his narration, If asked people to greet him in connection

with the rainfall and he was greeted. But when he was praised and linked
wth Flj-ffogb town, he explained that he was not a citizen of that town.

!T o""


He explained fufther that when he went to fluju-ffogbo he met the

inhabitants of that town suffering from hunger and famine. He stated that
when he saw this, he went to take a large piece of farmland, he taught the
inhabitants of fluu-fofogb how to till the land, make heaps, plant yoffi,
maize, beans, peas, groundnuts and so on. After about three years or so,
he found 2000 people on his right, another 2000 on the left, 2000 in front of
him and yet another 2000 on his back. He asked them what they had come
for. They responded that they had come to live with him. They made him
their Qba. All their sufferings and wants became things of the past. That
was how they made fluu-fofogb his home. The inhabitants of flujuffogb then began to count their blessings whlch came to them like

If nl kl wqn o kl un nl m'OjO-m'jO
If nl kl wqn kl un nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pelem'Ojo-m'Oj
If pelem'eji-m'ej
If o b pQlo
Qmq onlblkan lblkn
Tl wQn gb d'jrr u mglQ t-too-t l'de ljega




that he should be greeted in

association with

If saysthat he should also be saluted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou, in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with ran shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of that parcel of land
Where shrines of seve:al Deities were consecrated inljggaland

When Qrnmll was greeted in connection to rainfall as he requested and

when he was praised with reference being made toljEgahnd, he retofted
that he was not a citizen of ljggabnd. He explained that he went to
Iqgahnd and he met them suffering from povefi. They approached him
for If consultation. He assured them that their poverty would disappear
while want would give way to abundance. He advised them to offer gbg
with 200 white pigeons. They all complied. Before long, they all became
rich and influential.

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultaton

When they discovered that their lives had improved for the better, the
citizens of ljesaland begged Qrnm'il to stay with them. Qrunm'il
responded that he could not do that as there were several others who
needed his assistance elsewhere. He however advised them to bring a
keg of raffia palm wine and four big kolanuts to serve their If ndvdually
every year and his presence would be felt. Anything they needed shall be
given unto them If they passionately and realistically prayed for it.
If nl kf wqn kl oun nl m'ojo-m'ojo
If nl kl wQn H un nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlgm'OjO-m'jO
If pQlgm'eji-m'eji
If o b pele o,lftrl, pQlpQl
Qmg gl'Qn t y rr Ad-fwl
Qrunmll I'un kll 9e ara Ad-Fwl
nl oun b wqn
WQn pq bl ewe nmQ I'Ado-lwl
Oun nl Ooga wo I'Qyin nsln
Tl e pqbyll
WQn l'wgn O l'Oga kankan t'wgn lsln
Qrnil w nl kl wgn dTr
nl Oun fQn igba gmg ikin s'Owq Qtrln
Oun fQn igba gmg ikin s', wq osl
Oun nl klwQn la'j
Kl wQn ma lq ga
Oun nl OOSa tl wQn ma sln nlygn
Tt wn ma l'w
Tl wqn ma l'ya
Tl wQn ma bl'mg
Tl wQn ma kq'l
Tl wQn're gbogbo
nl oun l'won ar Ad-Ewl b br sll se b
Oun I'ayewqn bfidra
WQn w sg wlpe If pQl$ o
Ar Ad-lwl
l'un b wgn tan nl'bQ
Oun g'awo d'bQ ni
QrUnmll nl kl wQn kl un nl m'j-m'Ojo
If nl kl wgn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlm'jO-m'OjO
If pel m'eji-m'eji


l o""

If o b rQl o, If

l,, pQlepele
bg ba ra etl ode OJe

Qrrrnmll l'un kll ge ar Ode Qfa

nl un deOdeOfa
Ojojo l gewen
Ajlnde le jQfiln wgn ni wQn ftd'f sl
lbg ni un nl kl wqn Se
WQn gb'Sbe, wQn r'bg
Oun ba gba lyq sl Okta fitn wgn
Oun nlwqn ma lgrj'ljgd u re
NiwQn b jTja du okrlta
Mbiyn m'rin t ja du Okrlta kan
l{lbi yn m'rn-un ti j du Okta kan
Ni gbogbo ohun tl rr ge wqn l'de Qfa ba san
Wqn w n sg wlpeljakadl I'orO Qfa
Okuta ni wen rljTja d I'ara wqn f y
WQn w p Qrnmlle pQE


nl Oun O b wontan
ArUn nf 9 e wqn I'Oun ge'f filn wgn
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'OjO-m'jO
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlQ m'Oj-m'OjO

If pQl m'eji-m'eji
If o b fQlo,If l,, pelepeh
Qmq Ogbn

Eyl t gan t t'il ljero-Qlqmgfq lg o
nl oun kll9e ar ljero-Qlqmoje
Oun g'awo de ljerO-OlQmgfg ni
Oj gmg nf pQn wgn
f;bgniOun nl klwQnge
WQn gb'$bo, wQn r'bg
WQn b bQrQ s{l bl'mg nl ljero-QlQmgfe
l'un kll gear ljero-QlQmoJgo
If nl kl wqn kl Oun nl m'jo-m'jO
If nl kl wqn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If p$lg m'jO-m'ojo
If pQle m'eji-m'eji
If o b pQl o, If l,, pqhpele
9meal'kalamagb0tll gb'p gmgtuntun
Qrrtnmlla l'un kff geara odelkql


rrer lde lkQl


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Nkan wgn O lg dd l'de lkql

L'un b d'f fin won
Oun nlaylbwgn j
fbg ni kl wQn ge
WQn gb'$bg, wQn r'bg
Ni ay O b b wgn j mQ
WQn w sg wlp If pQlQ o
Qmg al'klmagbo tfl gb'p gmg tuntun fo rrer lde IkEl
nl Oun b wgn tan nl'bQ
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'jO-m'OjO
If nl kl wQn kl oun nl m'eji-m'eji o

If pQlgm'j0-m'j
If pQlg m'eji-m'eji
If o b pel$o,If l$,


M'b ero Ogel gb ge gOw-gw

Qrunml|a l'un kff ge ar Flj-ffogb
l'j l pqn wgn
L'un sl gb'd
L'un b lg r m'lQ
L'un b gbin igu
L'Oun gbin ata
L'un sl gbin gbogbo ohun tl gnu njg
L'gyln gdn blimgta
Oun rl ggba eeyan l'p Qtrln
Oun rl qgba eeyan l'p osl
Oun rl ggb eeyan nTwjrl
Oun ri ggba eeyan l'yln
Oun nl kln lo wa de?
WQn nl wgn w b Oun gb ni
WQn b sg Oun diQba nf'bQ
Nilpqnjtl uwon bde'nQ
nl ojQtf wqn sg Fluj-ffogbo di'loun nlygn
nl Oun k b wgn tan nl'bQ
If nf H wqn kl oun nl m'j-m'j
If nl kl wQn kl Oun nl m'eji-m'eji o
If pQlQ m'jO-m'ojO
If pele m'eji-m'eji
If o b pe$ o,lf l, pQl$pQlQ
Omo onl'blkan lblkn


Tl wQn gb d5r u mgle t-too-t l'de IjQ$a
Qrrtnmll l'un kff g'ar odeljQsa
nl oun d ode
Ojr l rr pqn wgn nl'bQ
Ige t mu wqn duduudu ni wgn d'f sl
fbg ni wgn nl kl wQn Se
Wgn gb'gbg, wQn sl r'bg


Ajbsnwqn bq
WQn w l'j wgre, were l'de ljege
WQn w nl kf Oun dUrO tl wQn nl'bQ
Ornmll nl Oun nl le dr
Oun o ma lg r b wgn glOmlrn geti wgn
Oun ba k lkin l wgn I'QwQ
Oun nl to b ti d 'qdggdrtn
Kl wgn ma gb agb OgrQ kQQkan
Obl obgbo w fi bg oun
Kl wgn sl ma tqgrq gbogbo oun tl wQn b f$
Oun o sl ma ge filn wgn
nl nlgbatl oun b'ojrlwo b'ojurl l'deljega

pgba akrgb grQ

Ati ob olgb I'oun rl
WQn w b$rQ sll bg Oun
Ni wQn b j ni wgn nyQ

jerf peleo
Qmq onf 'lQ kanllgk

lbi wqn gb d'j 'mglQt-too-t l'de Ijeqa

If pQl$o
Qmq qnll rg
If r'res{ mi
If pQlgo
Qmq Qnli rg
If l r'res{ mi
If pqle
Qmq Ql'Qn t y rere


If l r'resl mi
If pele



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Qmg ol'Qgbgbr etl Ode Qfa

If l r're sl mi
If pQlQ
T b t'ile ljero-QlSmoJg 19 o
If l r're sl mi
If pelq
9mq al'klmagbo tff gb'p gmg tuntun fo rrer ode IkQl
If l r'resl mi
If pQlg
Qmg pl'glj-ffogbo
Nl'bi rO ogele gb rrs, e gOw-gOw
If l r'resl mi
If p9l
Qmq onl'blkan-iblkn
Tl wQn gb d'jru 'mglQt-tO-t
If l r're sl mi
If pQlQ
Kf nl r'resl mi o
If l r'resl mi

If declares that he should be greeted in association with
If saysthat he should also be saluted in association with rain
If we hailyou, in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower




If wegreetyou with respect

Owner of that road which branched to Ad-fwi town (Ad-Edti)
QrUnm'il says that he was nota citizen of AdO-Fwitown
He saysthat he metthem
They were very many in AdO-lwi to
He asked them thatwhich Ofiga did theyfollow its creed
When they were as populous as they were
And they responded thatthey had no Oga which they worship
QrnmTl asked them to close their eyes
He says that he then threw 200 Ikin on his right hand side
And another200 on his lefthand side
He then asked them to open their eyes
And begin to collectthe holyseeds
He told them that was the 0n9a which they would be following
Which will bring them wealth
And good spouses
And good children
And good houses
And allthe Ire in life
He says the inhabitants of Ad-lwi did so
And their lives improved forthe better
They were then saying greetings to Qrrlnmlla
The inhabitant of Ad-lwi
He says that he was not related to them in Ad-FWi
He only wentthere on spiritual mission
QrnmIl declares that he should be greeted in association with rainfall
And should also be saluted in association with rain-shower
If we halyou, in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of the giant nail by the boundary of Qfa land
Qrnm)l says that he was not a citizen of Qfa town
Theywere afflcted with ailments
How to get over their ailments was what they consulted If for
Theywere advised to offergbg
He then sprinkled lyQrsn on pebble for them
And he asked them to struggle for possession of the pebbles
They then began to struggle for the pebbles
Where four people struggled for possession of only one pebble
And five people struggled for possession of onlyone pebble
That was where all their ailments disappeared at Qfa town
They then began to say that wrestling is the custom of Qfa land



lfa Dida: An nvtaon to lfa Consultation

Pebble was what they were struggling over that made them hail and
They were then saying all hail Qrrrnmll
The inhabitantof OJa town
He says that he was not related to them
They were ill and he did If forthem
If declares that he should be greeted in connection with rainfall
If says that he should also be saluted in association with rain
If we hailyou in association with rainfall
And we salute you in association with rain shower
If wg greetyou with respect
Owner of the fast-moving stream
And the swift-travelling stream
Which passed acrossthe land ofljer-Qlgmgfg
He says that he is not a citizen ofljerO-QlQmgfg
He wenton spiritual mission to)jerO-Qlgmgfg
They were experiencing the problem of child-bearing
They were advised to offer gbg
And theycomplied
And they began to gve birth to children inljer-Qlqmgfg
They were then saying all hail QrUnmIl
The i nha bita nts ofljerO-QlQmgfe
He says that he was not a citizen ofljerO-QlQmgfg
If declares that he should be greeted in reference to rainfall
If says that he should be greeted in connection with rain
And we salute you in reference to rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of the great klmgbO bird which flies off with the
forelimb of a new-born babyatlkgletown
If says he was not a citizen ofIkQE town
Things were not moving well inlkqle land
And he consulted If forthem
And he said thattheywere being troubled bythe negative
forcesofthe world
He advised them to offergbq
And theydid
And the forces troubled them no more
They were then saying all hail Qntnm)l


of the great klmgb bird which flies off with the

forelimb of a new-born baby atlkgle town

He says that he was not related to them there



osa uei

If says he should be greeted in connection with rainfall

And be greeted in association with rain shower
If we hailyou in connection with rainfall
And we saluteyou in association with rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of f j -ffogb town
Where they were chanting like birds
Qrnmll says he was nota citizen of Fluju-ffogbo
He says thatthey were experiencing hardship
And he carried hoes
And cutlasses
And he wentto cultivate a large piece of farmland
He planted yams
And maize
And pepper
And he planted all edibles, crops and fruits
After aboutthree years
He discovered about 2000 people on his right
And 2000 on his left
And another 2000 in front of him
And yetanother 2000 on his back
He enquired from them what the matter was
They responded thatthey had come to stay with him
They made him their king
And their hardship disappeared
He says that was the day they turned the wilderness of Ffogb to his
He says he was not related to them there
He declared that he should be greeted in association with rainfall
And also in reference to rain shower
If we hailyou in association with rainfall
And we salute you in reference to rain shower
If we greetyou with respect
Owner of that parcel of land
Where shrines of several Deities were put in place inljQga land
Qrnm)l says he was nota citizen ofljqga land
He says that when he arrived atljqga land
They were suffering inljEga land
Povefi and want was their bane before they consulted If
They were advised to offergbg
They complied with the advice
After these, wealth came to them
They became rich inljqga land


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

They pleaded with hm to stay with them

Qrnmtl responded that he could not
He needed to go and help others to solve their problems
He then gave them lkin, the holy seeds
He said thateveryyear
Theyshould carryone keg of raffia palm wine each of them
And big kolanuts
To propitiate him with these items
And pray for all their needs
And he would be giving them unto them
And before he knew itatljesa hnd
Itwas 2000 kegs of raffia palm wine
And several big kola nuts that he saw
And they began to propitiate him
They were dancing and expressing theirjoy

Noq allhaillf
Owner of that parcel of land
Where shrines of several Deities were put in place inljgsa land
Olongbo, the big kola nuts
If is he who gave me all Ire
All haillf
Offspring of pnii're
If is he who gave me all Ire

Owner of that road which branched to Ado-fwi town
If is he who gave me all lre

Owner of the giant nail by the boundary of Qfa land
If is he who gave me all Ire

Owner of the fast-moving stream
And the swift-travelling stream
Which passed acrossthe land ofljero-QlQmgfe
If is he who gave me all Ire






Ownerof the greatklmgbO bird
Which fles off with the forelimb of a new-born baby at
Ikgle town
If is he who gave me all Ire

Ownerof wilderness of fufogb
Where Ogel people were chanttering like birds

If is he who gave me all Ire

Owner of the fast-moving stream
Owner of that parcel of land




If is he who gave me all Ire
What and who gave me all Ire in life
If is he who gave me all Ire

If says all Ire in life shall come the way of the person for whom this Od is
revealed. He/she only needs to be steadfast and follow all the advices and
directives of If always.


If says that the person for whom this Od is reveated shall be

extremely successful in life. Others will be praying to Oldmar to

make them as successful as the person for whom this Od is revealed.

Not only that, many other people shall be looking upon him as the
person in whose hand the key to their success is. He/she shall be
emulated in all his/her actions and utterances.

If advises this person to offer gbg with four white pigeons.

He/she also needs to shave his/her head clean. The hair shall be


Ita Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftaton

added to the gbg and be taken to the riverside or stream. He/she

willalso wash his/her head in the stream before returning home. At
home, he/she will serue his/her Ori, head, with one whte pgeon,
two kolanuts, a bottle of alcohol and money. By so doing,
his/her capability to acquire wealth shall have no
On all
these,Qsa-Me:l says:


OorotQ$reoj eb
Dlfiln Ejt-Qsa
Tl y Iqqfrl gl I'Qs

fbgniwqn nl kge

The slender Ooro tree by the pottery side
He was the one who cast If for E)-Qsa
When going to have a share of wealth bythe riverside
He wasadvised to offergbg

very promising If priest. He was one of the 16 principal

Od. In order to determine how successful he would be in life, one day, he
approached the Awo mentioned above for If consultation: would he be
as great as his other colleagues? Would he have the kind of recognition
he dreamt for himself? Would he live a fulfilled life?
ET-Qsa was a

The Awo assured him that he would be very successful in life. He was also
assured that his name would never be forgotten in life. He was advised to
offer gbg and serve his Ol as prescribed abovd He was also told that his
destiny did not support his keeping his hair busy. He must always be
shaving the hair of his head clean. He was advised to shave his head
clean, the hair collected together and added to the ebq materials. He
complied. The qbg was taken to the riverside.

Before long, E3l-Qsa had become a very successful Babalawo. He was

always sought after in all occasions. Many people, especially women rose
up to assist him in all the things he laid his hands upon. Everything he
attempted to do became successful at the first attempt. He promised
those who had assisted him one way or the other that he would help them
to succeed and he fulfilled his promise. When people began to notice that


!l o""

he was always shaving his head clean, many people began to emulate him,

sayng that they wanted to be as successful as Ej-Qsa. Those who

emulated him genuinely also became successful like him. He and his
followers enjoyed fulfilled lives. They were all full of happiness and
gratitudeto Oldmar
Oorot$eroju Qbrlrl
Dlfirn Ejl-Qsa
Tlyo lqqf'rl gl I'Qs
fbg niwgn nl kge
gb'gbgr rrl'bg
Ejl-Qsa tl o b l
Ko l ml o
Emi ti f'rl oh kodoro

The slender Ooro tree bythe pottery side
He was the one who cast Ifa for E)-Qs
When going to have a shave of wealth bythe riverside
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
El-Qsa if you becomesuccessful
Make me successfultoo
I have shaven my head clean in orderto bewealthy

If says the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed if he/she
can follow the If njunctions as explained above and continue to be
hardworking and dedicated. He/she needs to believe in If and move close
to it.


If says thatthe person for whom this Od is revealed shall be dealing

with and/or working for highly placed people in the socety. They shall
rely on him/her for most things that they plan or do. His/her opinions
shall be highly valued and people will consider him/her vital when very
impoftant decision are about to be taken, when a serious conflict is
about to be resolved, when an important business deal is about to be
iniated, negotiated, followed up or concluded, when arrangement,
solemnization of marriages are about to be done, even when final

Ifa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

burial arrangements are to be organized. Many highly placed

personalities will appreciate him/her being by their side in order to
make th ings work to everybody's satisfaction.

If says that by so doing, he/she shall excel in life, especially in the

area of conflict resolution, public relations, hospitality business and all
other related fields. His/her value shall never be under-estimated in
the community where he/she finds himself/herself.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with

two pigeons, two hens, two cocks, two guninea fowls and
money. If also advises that there is the need to feed If with one
hen for everything to work out fine for this person. On all these, If

Ita gbangba ni O ge kan sQsl

Dlfin FerU
Tl g'awo Qba l'lQde Qyq
lbg niwqn nl k 9e

fit for an open space
Thiswasthe declaration of If for Fer
When going to become the Awo of the Qba of Qyq
He was advised to offer gbg
A door is not

Fer began to study If from his youth. He was very brilliant and before
long, he became very versatile in the profession, soon after this, he began
to practice If on his own. Many people who went to him for solutions to
their various problems returned to their homes with smiles.
Before long, his reputation as a competent If priest spread Iike wild fire.
People came from far and near to find solution to their problems and they
were notdisappointed. The poor became rich; the blind regain theirsight;
the barren became proud parents, the invalid became strong and healthy;
those bound by witches and those experiencing evil spells were set free.
Allthe people began to sing the praise of Fer to high heaven.



ou r",

within a shoft perod of time, Fer's reputation became well known to

some highly placed chiefs n QyQ town. They too approached him for
solution to their own problems and once more, they too were not
disappointed. These Chiefs went to the Qba and explained to him that
there was a competent If priest in his domain which they would like the
Qba to try. The Qba invited Fer for If consultation and again, the eba
was highly impressed, seeing this, the Qba invited Fer to come and
become his (Qba) personallf consultant.

When this message was delivered to Fer he went to the house of the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation; would he succeed as the Qba's
personal Awo? would his reputation remain as popular as it had been
before? Would his becoming the personalAwo of Qba enhance his success
chances in life? would he be happy in his new role? All these and many
more questions occupied his mind when he wentfor If consultation.

when If was consulted, Qsa-Me) was revealed. The Awo assured Fer
not to enteftain any fear whatsoever. He was advised to be humble and
honest at all times and by so doing, heaven is the beginning of his success.
He was told thatvery soon, he would not only become the Qba's trusted If
priest, but equally his close confidant and an important member of his
kitchen cabinet. He was assured that there would be a time that the Qba
would not be able to take any step or do anything without consulting with
him beforehand. He was advised to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two
guinea fowls, two hens, two cocks and money. He was also advised to
serue If with one big hen, kolanuts, bitterkola, palmoilgin and money. All
these he did. Soon after this, he moved to the Qba's palace and became
his personalAwo.

The first thing the Qba noticed was that there was relative peace in his
domain as soon as Fer became his Awo. There were more business
prospects in the community. The inhabitants became happier. The Qba
became more popular. These drew the Qba closer to Feru. The Qba did
not want to take any wrong step whatsoever. For this reason, he consulted
Fer every morning. It got to a stage that all the Qba's domestic matters
were left in the hand of Fer. Not only this, if the Qba wanted to go to the
meeting of the council of Qbas, he would first consult with Fer and all the

lfa Dda: An nvtaon to lfa Consultation

advices that Fer gave him would be taken and followed to the

end. These

yielded huge positive results for the Qba. Soon, all the meetings were
being attended by Qba and his personalAwo, Fer. Allthe other chiefs also
consulted with Fer and they were not disappointed. They too placed their
Fer was
lives in the able hands of Fer and they were happier for
moving, wining and dining in the midst of those who hitherto were higher
than him. He was always seen in the midst of allthe movers and shakers in


the community.

The most impoftant aspect of Fer's life however was that he was very
honest with all his highly placed clients and he never allowed his success
and reputation to enter into his head or make him misbehaved in any way.
Ita gbangba ni o Se kan aasg sl
D,lfiln Fer
Tl s'awo Qba l'lQde Qyq
Fbgniwqn nl kge
gb'Qbo, r'bg
j9 Qba o rf Fer
O rl Fer, Awo Qba

Age b

A door is


an open space

This was the declaration of If for Fer

When going to become the Awo of the Qba of QyQ
He was advised to offergbg
He complied
Now, if Qba did notsee Fer
Qba willtake no decision
If wedid notsee Fer,theAwoof Qba

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be great in life.
He/she shall move in the midst of powerful people in the society. His/her
opinion shall be sought from far and near and people shall respect whatever
he/she says.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed
where others had failed. He/she shall be elevated and honoured

Ti o""


where others had been dumped and humiliated. If says that the
person for whom this Od is revealed have the talent to right all
wrongs, to settle seemingly impossible problems, to bring forth smiles
where there had hithefto been sorrow; and to shine the rays of hope
and assurance wherethere had been gloom and despair.

If says that many people had already been called upon to solve a
pafticular problem but they had all failed. If says that the person for
whom this Od is revealed need to offer gbg with three cocks, three
guinea fowls and money. He/she also needs to feed the Elders of
the Night (witches) with palm oil. He/she equally needs to serue If
with one hen. By so doing, he/she shall surely succeed.
The person for whom this Od is revealed is advised to guard against
excessive reliance on his/her competence in handling any assignment
given unto him/her. Rather he/she needs to offer gbg as prescribed
above and feed If and the Elders of the Night so that his/her success
chances can be enhanced and assured. The more gbg he/she offers,
the better his/her success chances. On all these, a stanza in Qs MT
n wewgn I'Qwg iwr-iwr
f wewgn I'QsQ iwr-iwr

IX fitn Egngn
nlqq t'alg rfQ 9e
Fbq ni won nf k w ge

Ittwists round their hands firmly
And itcurls round their legs strongly
These were lf's declarations to Egrlngrf n
When going to reform IfQ land
He was advised to offer ebo

There was a serious problem in Il-If. It was so serious that nothing

appeared to workwell in the town. The rich had become debtors, pregnant
women could not give birth successfully, barren women abound in the town,
the strong had become invalid, and happiness no longer existed in Il-IfQ.

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Consequent upon these happenings, the inhabitants of ll-Ife invited

Egungn, the spirit of the ancestors, to help them mend their town.
Egngn in turn went for lf's consultation in the home of the Awo
mentioned above. He wanted to know the following. What were the
causes of all their problems? Were these problems within the scope of
reformation? Would he in particular be able to reform the town and
banish the problems facing the inhabitants of ll-Ife? After doing these
successfully, would he be credited with the honour or would the
inhabitants turn out to be ingrates?

The Awo informed Egngun that the problems being faced by the
inhabitants of ll-Ife were solely caused by the Elders of the Night. They
said that Egngn was capable of righting all the wrongs. They also
assured Egngn that he would be credited with the glory if and when
successfully done to completion. He was however advised to offer gbg,
feed If and the Elders of the Night as stated above so as to enhance his
success chances. Egngn retofted that since he was quite capable of
solving all the problems why must he waste his resources on gbg and
rituals. He felt that all the Awo were just trying to rip him off since they
knew that he would do the assignment successful. He therefore refused
to offer the gbg.
While in Il-IfQ however, Egngn began his work. Allthe witches of the
world teamed up against him, and before long, he was totally
ovenryhelmed. They hit him against the floor and drove him to the
ground. Before long, only his face appeared on the ground while all other
pafts of his body were completely buried. That was how Egrlngrln failed
woefully to accomplish his mission in Il-IfQ.
n wewgn I'qwq iwr-iwr
n wewgn l'gsQ iwr-iwr

Dlfin Ogun
nqq t'tQ rfQ 9e
fbg ni wQn nl kw fe
Ittwists round their handsfirmly

ii ou r",
And itcurls round their legs strongly
These were lf's declarations to OgUn
When going to reform IfQ land
He was advised to offer gbg

When it became clear that Egungn had failed woefully to reform

Il-Ife, the elders of the town approached Ogun for assistance.
Before leaving for Il-IfQ, he went for If consultation in the home
of the same Awo whom Egngrf n consulted. In the home of the
Awo, Ogun asked questions similar to the ones Egrlngtln asked.
The Awo gave Ogun the same assurances and advices they gave
to Egrlngrln. They also advised Ogun to offer gbg, feed If and the
Elders of the Night as they told Egr:ngn. And again, gn
refused to comply with the advices of the Awo, relying entirely on
his competence, prowess and sheer force. Soon after this, he
wentto ll{fe to carry out his reformation assignment.
As soon as he started this assignment, the Elders of the night pounced on
him as they did to Egngrln. They twisted, curled and rolled round his
hands and legs. They threw him hard on the ground. Before long, he too
was completely ovenryhelmed. They did not stop there; they continued to

hit him against the ground until every part of his body was completely
buried, leaving only his buttocks showing on the ground.

Again, Ogrfn was disgraced and incapacitated. He could not perform the
assignment he was given, He became a complete failure.
r we won I'Qwe iwre-iwer
n we wgn I'QsQ iwr-iwr
Dlfitn Qrunmlla


Fbq ni wQn nl k w ge

Ittwists round their hands firmly
And it curls round their legs strongly
These were If's declarations to OrUnm)l
When going to reform IfQ land


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

He was advised to offer qbg

When Egungrln and gn failed in their mission to reform ll-Ife, QrrlnmIl

was approached and begged to help them reform the land. Just as in the
cases of Egrtngrln and OgUn before him, Qrrlnmll went to the home of the
same Awo for If consultation. The Awo also told him the same things they
told both Egngr1n and Ogrln. They gave him the same assurances which
they gave his predecessors. They also gave him the same advices and
asked him to offer gbg, feed the Elders of the Night and If as his
predecessors had been told. However, in the case of Qrunmll, all the gbg
and rituals were peformed before he set out on the journey to Il-Ife.

While in Il-IfQ, the Elders of the Night, knowing fully well that Qrnm)l
had given to them what they demanded for, began to assist him in the
accomplishment of his mission.

All those whom they tied with sickness, litigation, loss, restlessness,
povefty and emotional crises were untied and released; pregnant women
delivered safely; debtors became wealthy men and women, barren women
became pregnant, invalids regained their strength, failed crops became
bountiful. Before long, there was happiness and peace in ll-Ife.
Everybody became contented. All the credits were given to Qrnmll.
Thatwas how Ornmll succeeded where Egrlngn and OgUn failed.
rr wewgn I'QwQ iwr-iwr
rt we wgn I'QsQ iwr-iwere

IXfitn Egungun
ntqqt'alQ rfQge
!b9 ni wqn nl k w Se
n wewgn I'o,wq iwr-iwr
n wewgn I'qsg iwr-iwr
Dlfn Ogun
ntgg t'atQ rfQ 9e
fbg niwqn nl kw Fe
rt wewgn l',wQ iwr-iwr
rf wewgn l'gsQ iwr-iwr
Dlfirn Qrunmll
ntggt'atQ rfQ qe
fbqniwQn nl kw9e

i', oo


Qrnmll nlkan nf ttbe l'gyln tO rg'gbg

Nje Qrunmlla pQlQ o
Egngn Ol-If+rtll san mrlwOo pako
Qrnmll l b wgn t'lQ IfQ 9e
L'ayewQnfign rekete

It twisb round their hands firmly
And itcurls round their legs strongly
These were lf's declarations to EgrlngUn
When going to reform Ife land
He was advised to offer
Ittwists round their hands firmly
And itcurls round their legs strongly
These were If's declarations to OgUn
When going to reform IfQ land
He was advised to offergbg
Ittwists round their hands firmly
And it curls round their legs strongly
These were lf's declarations to Qrnm)l
When going to reform IfQ land
He was advised to
OnlyQrrlnmlla complied and offered theebq
Now, gentlyQrrtnm)la
The Egngn of the Qba of Il-IfQ, who adorns himself with bamboo
Qrrlnmll is he who helped them to reform Il-Ife
Ths made their lives to improve for the better



If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed where
others had failed. Conversely, If says that the problems being
encountered by the community for whom this Od is revealed
disappear. What they need to do is to offer gbg, feed If and the Elders of
the Night. By so doing, their lives will improve for the better.



If says that success and prosperity of the person for whom this Od
is revealed is due before the end of the year which If is cast. If says
that on that year, this person shall succeed and accomplish his/her
heafts desires. If however warns that this person is full of
himself/herself. He/she is very proud and arrogant. He/she

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

therefore needs to change this attitude in order for him/her to aveft

untimely death, humiliation and misfoftune. He/she must show
humility at all times. When people come to visit him/her, there is the
need to see them off when they departed. He/she must not show
them that they are less important than his/her next Iine of action.
He/she must not be too class-conscious. So as not to lose his/her
chances or miss valuable oppoftunities.

If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to offer gbg of prosperity and victory with three pigeons,
three cocks and money. He/she also needs to serve If with one
hen and money. On these, If says:
Mogb'lmofojrl sln q
Ntlgeik pa Babalwo
Anlyn ni mofi sln g
Nll9e kq pa wgn gb$egun
Mgd kkrkre ko jg n r'y gbQ tlrq
L m mil gealra st q
WQn nl ojrl gdn nll I'gl a Baba t
Fbg ni wqn nl k w Fe

I stayed at home but saw you off with my eyes (even if I cannot see you
off physically)
That is what causes the death of prominent Babalwo
With ntention, I see you off (even if I am not by your side physically)
That is what causes the death of accomplished Herbalist
These kids do not allow me to pay attention to you (when you came on
That is what causes my non-challant behaviours to you
These were lf's declaration to Qrunm)l
Who was told that his success was due this year
He was advised to offergbg

QrrJnmIl was complaining that he had not yet succeeded in life. He

became so worried that he went to his students for If consultation. The
students told him that he would surely succeed in life. They stated fufther
that his success was due that same year. He was advised to show humility





at all times. He was urged never to allow anything to disturb him from
giving people the type of adequate hospitality they deserue, irrespective of
their socio-economic status. He was also urged to ensure that he saw his
visitors off whenever they came calling in order for them not to see him as a
proud and arrogant person. He was also advised to offer gbg and serve If
as prescribed above. He complied.
When Qrnm)l began his practice, he never discriminated against anyone
no matter the person's socio-economic class or status. He listened
attentively to all the complaints of all his clients, friends and acquaintances.
He ensured that he made everyone feel at home and welcomed.
humour, dedication, commitment and
Qrnm'il's high sense
unbelievable level of humility endeared him to everyone, His clients always
wished to come back again and again. Most of these clients also
introduced other clients to him. Gradually, his wealth and reputation were
building up. True to the prediction of If, he became very wealthy before
the end of that particular year. He was full of joy and gratitude to If,
knowing that If assisted him that much because he heeded the advice of
If to be humble, hospitable, dedicated and unassuming atalltimes.


Mogb'l mofojr sln Q

Ml9e ik pa Babalwo
Anlyn ni mofi sln q
Nff 9e ik pa wgn egbalgegn
Mgd krkrkre kO jQ n r'ygbQtlrg
L m mil gealra a st g
Dl fitn Qrnmll
WQn nl ojrt qdn nff I'gl a Babat
Fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e


$aworo epo, osggesege
Ojr kll pQn isin almla

I stayed at home but saw you off with my eyes
That is what causes the death of prominent Babalwo
With ntention, I see you off
That is what causes the death of accomplished Herbalists
These kids do not allow me to pay attention to you


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

That is what causes my non-chalant behaviourto you

These were lf's declarations to Ornmll
Who was told that his success was due this year
He was advised to offergbg
He complied
If says that, as for me, I shall surely succeed

No hardship shall preclude ISin seeds from breaking


when it becomes fully ripe

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed f
he/she follows the advices of If as stated above.
In order to accelerate this success the person for whom this Od is revealed
needs to look for Igin seeds, grind them into fine paste, add palm oil and
mix the two with soap for bathing. If he/she can use the soap regularly,
success shall surely come very quickly.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall surely
become a leader or move in the midst of movers and shakers of the
community in which he/she belongs. His/her opinion shall be sought
at all times. That this will happen is not in doubt. If however warns
the person for whom this Od is revealed against being selfopinionated. He/she needs to avoid pride as it could lead to his/her
downfall. If says that if he/she is given recognition and respect
he/she must neverthinkthatthere were no other people who are ever
more qualified than himself/herself. If warns that pride may lead to
a situation where people will gang up against him/her and remove
him/her from whatever position he/she is occupying. Not only this,
he/she may also be rubbished and putto ridicule whose stain shall be
with him/herforever.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to show
humility at all times and offer gbg with two white he-goats, glue
and money. He/she also needs to serve the EIders of the Night with
kuru, bean fritters mixed with honey and glue; this is to be
placed where If has directed that it should be placed. On this, a
stanza in Qs-M) says:

ou r",
Be l y
K o ma b I


Tl be l'arnlgbQ
fbg ni wqn nl kl wen ge
Ba iy
Ko m b leat
Tl bel'arinlgbe
Eyl tl wqn m j'gba eJe
lbg niwQn nl k w ge

Land on Iy tree
Do not land on glue
This was the If cast for all the birds

Who were living in the forest

Theywere advised to offer gbg
Land on Iy tree
Do not land on glue
This was the If cast for Qs)n
Who was living in the
And who shall be made the king of birds
He was advised to offergbg


One day, all the birds in the forest gathered together to select a leader
among themselves. Among the qualities they consdered were; pose,
elegance, intelligence, bravery and compassion. After a long deliberation,
they concluded that Qs)n was emnently qualified to be their leader. For
this reason, Os'in was invited and was made the king of allthe Birds.

After sometimes, Qs'in saw himself as the most intelligent, the


elegant, the wittiest, the bravest and the most qualified bird to be the King
of all birds, The first law he made was that he would be landing on the
tallest tree in the forest and that no other bird must ever land on the tree
with him. The next law was that wherever he sat, no other bird must sit
there. After this, he promulgated the law that whatever he said must never
be contested, because none of the other birds was as intelligent as he was
and therefore they could ofter no good advice to him on any process of
decision-making. At a stage, he made the law that any food he ate, the
dress he wore, and what he drank must never be eaten, worn or drunk


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

that day.
His pride and high-handedness soon reached a stage that all the other
birds got fed up with him. They initiated a high level conspracy against
him. The tree where QsIn used to land was covered with glue so that
whenever he landed on the tree he would be stuck to the tree. When this
had been done, the birds quietly dispersed to their respective homes and
began to await further developments.
In the night on that very day, Qsln slept and dreamt that he was tied to a
stake and was being stoned by the other birds. In the dream he was
dragged through the forest naked and later burnt to ashes. This
frightened him when he woke up. He rushed to the home of the Awo
mentioned above for If consultation. He was informed that he had
already offended his colleagues through his pride, high-handedness, lack
of consideration for other people and his self opinionated tendencies. He
was advised to change all his attitudes and show humility, have respect for
other people's opinions and show consideration for other people's plight.
He was also advised to offer qbg and feed the Elders of the night as stated
above. Hecomplied.

The next morning, Q$n gathered all the birds to the main field. He
apologized to them for all what he had done which they considered
offensive. He promised that he was determined to right all the wrongs. He
appealed to them to give him the chance. All the laws which the other
birds considered to be obnoxious were abrogated with immediate effect.
When the other elders noticed that QsIn appeared to be genuinely sorry for
all what he had done wrong and was ready to turn a new leaf, they decided
to forgive him and give him another chance. For this reason, he was told
thatthey had already planned to remove him and they had put glue on the
tree he used to land on. He was advised never to land on that tree again
but to use the glue-free Iy tree hencefofth. He agreed from that time, he
changed for the better. Fle listened to his people's advice and put them
into consideration before taking any decision. He enjoyed his life and his
colleagues accorded him all his deserved respect.
Ba |e y



osa uei

Kom be lete
Dl fn gbogbo gyg
Tl rr bql'erinlgb
Ebg ni wqn nl kl wQn ge
B l iya
Ko ma b le t
Dlfitn Qsln 9a9a
Tt bel'rinlgbg
Eyl tl wqn m j'qba eye
fbg ni wqn nl k w Fe

Njq be t'y
Ko m ba l'te
Afinj eyg kll K't

Land on Iy tree

Do not land on glue

fhis was the If cast for all the birds
Who were living in the forest
fhey were advised to offer gbg


Do not land on glue

l-his was the If cast for OsIn
Who was living in the forest
And who shall be made the king of birds
He was advised to offer ebo
Please, land on lya tree
And noton glue
An elegant bird does notgetstuckto glue.

' If says
that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be tied
down with the glue of this world. He/she needs to show humility, respect,
consderation for other people's opnions at all time and be on the side of
the majority in order to achieve his/her heaft's desires and attain his/her
goals in life.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is experiencing

a lot of difficulties in his/her life presently. If says that everything

lfa Dda: An invitaton to lfa



shall soon relax and his/her life shall soon pick up for the better. If
promises to put a smile on the face of the person for whom this Od is
revealed very soon.
If advises the person to offer gbg with plenty of bananas, feed If
with same and eat plenty of bananas too. On this aspect, If says:
Qsa yoo, AwoAy
rjqAy le kokoko bl qta

f bg ni wqn nl k w ge

Qs y, theAwo of Ay, the Mother-Eafth
He was the Awo who cast If for Ay
When Aye was as hard as granite

She was advised to offer gbg

Ay, the Mother-Eafth was experiencing hardship. Nothing seemed to

work out right for her. Nothing grew on her. She had nothing to show for
her existence. Crop failed. There was no rainfall. The suface of Ay
cracked all over. She was dusty and filthy. Living creatures residing on her
were dying in their thousands. All creatures lost interest in life and living.

With sorrow in her heaft, she approached her Awo for If consultaion;
would she be able to overcome all her problems? Would her situation
improve for the better? Would she still continue to sustain Iife?
The Awo assured her that difficult situation would soon be over and in its
place, comfoft and abundance would come. Ay would again be able to
sustain life and living. Rain would soon fall and the surface of Ay would
become soft, cool and habitable. Ay was advised to offer gbg with plenty
of bananas. She was advised to feed If with plenty of bananas and for her
to eat plenty of bananas too. She was assured that before long an unripe
green and hard banana would soon become ripe and soft. Ay complied
with all the advice of her Awo.
True to the assurance of her Awo, rain soon began to



Ay's lot changed




forthe better. She soon sprouts forth green vegetables. She became soft
and habitable for all living beings. All living beings soon began to multiply
in several folds. Ay was full of praises and gratitude to her Awo for
changing her life from desperation and helplessness to comfort and


MjQAyle kokokobl o,ta
Ebo ni wn nl k w se
Ayw jQ'gQdQttn
Ay tut rl bQ
Je'gede, je'gede

Qsa yoo the Awo of Ay, the Mother-Eafth

who cast If for Aye

When Ay was as hard as granite
She was advised to offer ebq
She complied
Aftereating bananas
Ay became cool and comfoftable
Jg'ggde, jQ'gQdQ. Eat your own bananas
He was the Awo

If says that no matter how tough the situation might be, comfoft and
contentment will soon come. What the person for whom this Odtl is
revealed needs to do is to be patent. He/she also needs to be
perseverance too. He/she will then be in a position to overcome all the
problems confronti ng h i m/her.


If says that t

foresees comfort, long life, prosperity,

accomplishment, success and all the good things of life for the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that this person shall
become great in life. He/she shall lack nothing that is very essential
to him/her in life.

If however warns this person aganst skipping food for whatever


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

reasons. He/she must be taking his/her meals at regular interval no

matter how little the time may be. If also warns the person for
whom this OdO is revealed against the consumption of alcoholic
drinks on an empty stomach. If says that if this person is in the
habit of either skipping meals or consuming alcoholic drinks on
empty stomach, the habit will not stop him/her from being great and
successful in life, nonetheless, he/she will spend his/her wealth,
energy, time and happiness on finding solutions to his/her health
problems, especiall stomach related problems such as stomach
ache, liver problems, kidney problems, gall bladder problems,
intestinal problems and so on.
If says that there is no gbg or rituals that this person can peform to

prevent him/her from developing stomach problems, save for

him/her to heed this warning of If. However, in order for the
success and accomplishment to arrive quickly, Ifa recommends as
gbg materials, three pigeons, three guinea fowls and money.
There is also the need to serve If with one hen. On all these, a
stanza in Qsa-M) says:
In mi jlnkn ni mo fi mu' el'q tl
Erlgl mi rr j'obl
Erlgl j'obl kl ot mu'tl
In fofo I'QdlnAwo
t)| filn Orrnmlla
If sun'kn pOun Or{'re
fbg ni wQn nf k w ge

With my empty stomach I consume other people's alcoholic drink
With mygums I consume kolanuts
Letthe gum eat kolanut before drinking alcohol
Staying on empty stomach is the bane of an Awo
These were If's declarations to QrrlnmIl
When crying that he had no Ire in life
He was advised to offergbg

In spite of the fact that Qrnmll was the best in his field, in spite of the
fact that QrUnmIl was the most gifted being ever created by Oldmar,
at this pafticular point in time, he had nothing to show for all his wisdom,

il on r",

talent and gifts. He had no wife, no chld, and no money. He was living in
abject pove'1ry.

In frustration, he used to move from one house to the other, looking for
alcohol to douse his sorrow. He was always drinking. It reached a stage
that he lost appetite for food. He was always consuming alcohol and
kolanuts. This soon began to take its toll on his health. He grew leaner and
leaner. Sometimes, he would be rolling on the ground due to stomach
problems. Some othertimes, he would vomiton the floor and roll in it.
Unknown to him, it was usually at the period when he was in these state of
stupor that his clients used to visit him for If consultation. When they saw
his condition they would simply go elsewhere. All what would have been
his would be given to others. On some other occasions, he would be sober
enough to cast If for the client and they would be overwhelmed by the
depth of his understanding and knowledge. By the time they would return
with all the gbg materials, he would have over-drunk and would be in
stupor. When he had not drunk, he would be nursing a mighty stomach
problem. These clients would be forced to find solutions to their problems

It came to a stage that nobody came to him again.

He lost all his friends.

Anytime he went to their homes, they treated him like a nuisance. They
quickly gave him alcohol in order for him not to fowl up their homes for
them. Wives and children desefted him. He was viftually on his own.

One day however, he woke up to access his life. What he discovered was
that he had nothing in this world to justify his existence. He had nothing to
show for all his talents. Instead of succumbing to panic or despair he
decided to approach his former students for If consultation; would he be
able to pick up the pieces of his life again? Would he be able to know what
went wrong with his Iife in the first place? Would he still become somebody
in his life? Would he be recognized, honoured and respected again as
The Awo assured OrrJnmll that he had limitless success chances ahead of
him in life. He told Ornmll that he was the cause of all his problems. He

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

told Qrrlnmll that If warned him against his habit of not eating food and
his sole reliance on alcohol and kolanuts at all times. Qrnm)l was
advised to eat regularly, limit his alcoholic consumption and never to drink
before eating. He was also advised to offer gbg and serve his If as
prescribed above. Allthese he did.
When he returned home, he tidied up the whole environment which he
had hithefto left unattended to. He stopped drinking altogether. When
people noticed this change in him, they were pleasantly surprised. They
soon began to move closer to him. All his friends returned and his family
came back. All his clients returned and they in turn brought their friends
and loved onesto him.
Before long, the reputation of Qrnmll began to grow. He was known
everywhere. He was equally respected and honoured. It reached a stage
that there was nothing which the community could do outside his
knowledge. People came from far and near to seek his advice on diverse
issues. Within three years he had become the richest, most respected
and honoured person in his community. All his ailments had dissappeared
completely. He was able to enjoy his family, friends, loved ones, wealth,
reputation and life. Throughout, he lived and worked as a very happy and
accomplished man.
In mi jlnkn ni mofi rl mu'tlgl'qtl

Erlgl mi j'obl
Erlgl j'obl kl ot mu'tl
Inu fOOfo I'QdlnAwo

Dlfitn Ornmll
If rtsun'krln pOun


Ebg ni wQn nl k w 9e
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
jgar'lgrtn a rl'f
Ati r'oylndg o goro

With my empty stomach

consume other people's alcoholic

With my gums I consume kolanuts
Letthe gum eat kolanut before drinking alcohol


il ou rr,
Staying on empty stomach is the bane of an Awo
These were Ifa's declarations to Qrnmll
When crying thathe had no ire in life
He wasadvised to offer gbg

We have witnessed success and accomplishments
To experience other good things of life is no longer difficult

If says that it is no longer a dffcult thing for the person for whom this Od
is revealed to realize his/her dreams in life. If says that it is just a matter
of time for him to become great and famous in life. He/she must however
heed lf's warnings in order to avoid a situation where he/she would be
countng his/her losses in the midst of plenty. He/she has potentials for
greatness and must not fall into the temptation of becoming an alcoholic
and turn himself/herself into a social nuisance where he/she is supposed to
be honoured.


If says that there is a person where this Od is revealed, he/she is

known to be a very lazy person. The assumption of the person living
close to this person is correct. This person will do everything to avoid
anywork or assignment given to him/her. He/she hates any work
and he/she has unbelievable and inexhaustible trick at his/her
disposalto use in orderto avoid working.
This notwithstanding, this person is the one who will bring greatness,
success and accomplishment into his/her family, community and
loved ones. The financial success that this person will attract into
his/her environment will be unprecedented and will become the talk
of the whole community.

If says however that there

the need for those very close to this

person to offer gbg for him/her with one big ewe. There is also the
need to feed Equ Qdar for him/her on a regular basls. If these can
be done, the transformation from grass to grace, from want to
financial abundance and from failure to success shall be sudden and
miraculous. In this Od, If says:


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

Agbado O y'olw k r'Qmg I'Qyln ees

Dl firn ooganla oseergmagbo
Tl y bff 'Lnry I'qmg
[b9 ni wqn nl k w 9e

Agbdo yolw k rQmg leyln ees
This was theAwowho cast If forObtll
Whoshallhave'Lnry (Eg Qdara) as hisson
He was advised to offergbg

'Lnry (ESu Qdar) was the adopted son of Qbatl in the stanza of this
Od. When the Irnmol were comng fromlkq Qrun (Heaven) tolkgleAy (Eafth), Eg Qdara othenryise, known as'Lnrye, approached gbatl
and requested to be Qbtl's adopted son while on eath. Qbatl

When they arrived on earth, EgU Qdara ('Lnry) moved into Qbtl's
home as his (Qbatl's) son. They were living together as one family.
Anytime QbaH sent Qlnry on an errand, 'Lnry would find one
excuse or the other not to do what he was sent. If this assignment was to
be peformed in the house, he would feign headache or pretend that he did
not understand how to accomplish the task. Sometimes, he would simply
run out of the house early in the morning and return when all the
household chores had been finished. Yem, Qbtl's wife used to
complain at the initial stage, but she too soon got used to QlnrOy's
pranks. It was worse whenever he was sentto the farm, He would either
throw away the basket, hoe or cutlass or deliberately cause the rain to fall
and ensure that the river or stream was too full to cross. Sometimes,
'Lnry would be more mischievous, especially if Qbath chose to take
him to the farm with force. He would cause the raft used as bridge to
collapse or even use his AdO-Aqg, command instrumen! to cause headache, stomach upset or dizziness for Qbatl. This would force them back
home. 'Lnry would return home triumphantly! Qbatl and Yem
eventually considered 'Lnry as the problem child in the family.
One day however, 'Lnry decided to pay back


allthe good gestures of his

ll o"" rr,
adopted parents. He reasoned that he had done them a lot of misdeeds
and inflicted so much pains that the only reasonable thing to do was to
compensate them in a way that they would never forget. When he had
made up his mind to do this, the next thing that was at the back of his mind
was: how would he compensate his parents when he had no work of his
own? How would he show gratitude when he had no savings of his own?
How would he show appreciation to all their good gestures when he was a
lazy man, unwilling to do any work? Before long, he hit on the idea of how
he would do this successfully. He dug into his bags of tricks and fished out
an ingenious idea that would turn his parents into successful persons
overnight without necessarily hufting other people or putting anyone into

Very early in the morning one day, QbaHl woke 'Lnry up and
instructed him to get prepared to follow him to the farm. To the surprise of
QbaHl, 'Lnry quickly made himself available! He went to Qbtl and
packed the cutlasses and hoes, put them in the basket and told QbaHb
that he was ready even without breakfast. Unable to decide whether this
attitude of 'Lnry was real or fake, Qbath suggested that there was
need to eat first before heading for the farm, but'Lnry responded that
they would eat when they got to the farm as there was much work to do on
the farm that day! In order not to dampen his new-found enthusiasm,
Qbatl agreed with his son and both of them headed for the farm very
early in the morning of that day.
Half way to the farm, 'Lnry told his father that there was the need for
him to very quickly empty his bowel in the bush nearby. He told his father
to continue on his way to the farm as he would soon join him. Qbath
continued on his way and told his son notto be late to join him.

As soon as Qbtl was out of sight, 'Lnry left the basket on the
footpath, took a cutlass and headed into the bush. He looked for a baton
full of spikes, cut it and went straight to the way to the market. He looked
for a strategic position and stood there. As soon as he saw some people
coming on their way to the market, 'Lnry began to sing, waving his
spiked baton sideways in a menacing mannerand saying:


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

jQ'Bara wg'l
BO bl j'Bara wg'l
Eyin rt knmQ tl 'Lnry gb I'QwQ
Fni g'qbg l'ore o, EgrI gb

Al'owqa bl'mgo
A9'OwOa j'r

E9 gb

Ltqpa, Ltgpa E9 ggngg!

Ltqpa, Ltgpa o, Eg ggngg!

Please allow Bara to enter (the house)
If you refuse to allow Bara to enter
Don'tyou see the baton carried by'Lnry
Anyone who offered good gbg, Eg will support such person
He/she shall be blessed with wealth and children
EgU will support the person
He/she shall trade and succeed
ESU will support the person
Ltgpa, Ltgpa E9 ggngg!
Ltgpa, Ltgpa o, Eg ggngQ!

When the travellers who were comng to the market heard the music of
"Lnry and saw the spiked baton In his hand, they knew that they had
two options: To refuse to offer gbg as EgU had said and incur his wrath; or
to offer the gbg and receive his blessings (wealth, children, business
success etc.). All of them chose the latter. Before long, everywhere was
filled with beads, clothes, food, gold, silver, ivory or nameless enamels
and so on. Allthe people were dividing whateverthey broughtfor sale in
the market into two and giving one half to 'Lnry. They were all being
blessed by'Lnry and immediately, they were becoming successful in
their undeftakings in life.
'Lnrye instructed them to carry all these items into his parents' house.
They all complied. Before midday, the whole compound was filled up;
there was no space to pack more things into. Some of them chose to go
and sell all these goods in the market and bring the money. Even with
this, by the time it was mid-afternoon, there was nowhere to pack the


ll ou rr,
money in Qbtl's compound! Yem who was at home when all these
were happening could not utter a word. She did not know what to say or

By this time, 'Lnrye was already going from doorstep to doorstep,

waiving his baton and singing his song. All the people were dividing all
their belongings into two equal pafts and sending one half to Obtl's
home those selling them were there to sell and brought the money back

time (mid- afternoon), Qbatl was beside himself with anger.

He decided that enough was enough with this recalcltrant child of his, He
decided to give 'Lnry a lesson of his life that he ('Lnry) would never
forget in a hurry. By the time it was sunset, Qbatl had worked himself up
into fury. He was returning, ranting and raging! When he was returning
home, he found a lot of people looking at him with strange eyes. This
annoyed him the more. He promised himself that he was going to extract
all his fury from 'Lnry. That same day, when he got home, he saw a lot
of people buying and selling in front of his home. He temporarily forgot his
anger in his confusion. He saw many people greeting and congratulating
him in his new-found success.
By this same

Qbatl demanded to see his wife immediately because there was no

chance for him to get to his house. When he saw Yem, she explained to
him that everything he saw there was the handwork of his son 'Lnry.
All the farmers had successfully sold all their farm producb; the traders
had successfully sold all their merchandize; hunters had successfully sold
all the games they killed in the forest; travellers had succeeded in their
journey and half of all these profits belonged to Qbtl's family simply
because 'Lnry had made it possible for it to happen so! Instead of
anger, QbaHb was searching for'Lnry, for him to be blessed from the
bottom of his heaft. In a single day, life-changing miracle happened:
Qbtl's family and neighbourhood woke up with nothing and slept with
abundance, because 'Lnry, their erstwhile recalcitrant boy had made it
so forthem.

y'olw k r'qmg I'Qyln est


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Dl firn ooganla ogqeremagbo

Tl y bff 'Lnry I'Qmg
fibg ni wgn nl kO w ge
gb'gbo, r'bg

jQ'Bara wg'l
BeO bl j'Bara wg'l
Eyin O rf knmQ tl 'Lnry gb
fni g'gbg l'ore o, Egu gb
A l'w, a bl'mg o





Ag'wOa j'ere


Ltgpa, Ltgpa Eg gongo!

ltgpa, Ltgpa o, Eg gongo!
Fw b'ni b'yO,
I w wo're o

Agbado0yolw k rQmg hyln es
This wastheAwo who castlf forQbtl
Who shall have'Lnrye (Eg Qdara) as his son
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now, let Bara enterthe house
If you refuse to allow Bara to enter
Don'tyou see the baton carried by'Lnry
Anyone who offered good ebg, Egu will support such person
He/she shall be blessed with wealth and children
ES will support the person
He/she shalltrade and succeed
EpU will support the person
Ltgpa, Ltqpa E9 ggngo!
Ltgpa, Ltgpa o,


Travellerstolpo and Qfa towns

Come and join us in the midst of happiness
Come and witness all the lre of life.

If says that a lazy and troublesome child who is where this Od is revealed
need counseling rather than condemnation as this person can turn out to be
of benefit to all in the family, neighborhood and/or communty

ll o",



If says that there is the need for the person for whom this Od


revealed to offer gbg in order not to witness or experience the wrath

of the Elders of the Night (witches). If says that these witches are
not too far away from him/her.

If says that if this person is planning to acquire something which

originally belonged to someone else before, there is the need to
investigate properly before doing so. If this person is planning to
enter into any form of love relationship with a woman who had
already been married, even if this woman is divorced already, there is
the need for fufther investigations and extreme caution before taking
this step as this will only Iead to problems, pains and anguish. If
says that if this person has already done so, there is the need to offer
gbg, feed If and be extremely careful. However, if he is just on the
verge of doing so, it would be wise for him to put a stop to it and let
everyone go his or her separate ways. This is because to snatch the

woman frorn her man is not the problem; the main issue is the
consequence of doing so. This person shall not know peace anymore
in his life

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
gbg with one she-goat, plenty of adhesive jelly, palm-oil and
money. After offering this gbg, the adhesive shall be poured round
the edge of the gbg container before the gbg is placed where If ask
them to put it. A stanza in Qsa-M) says:
Dl firn ooganl ogeeremgbo
Tlyoogba Oblnrin Qpghq
Tll g'gmg Olrl-Fleyg l'rin lgbQ
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

He was the Awo who cast If for Obtl

When going to snatch the woman of Qpehe

The son of the head of the Birds (witches) in the forest
He wasadvised to offer ebo


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Qpehe was the favourite son of the head of the witches in Il-IfQ. His
mother was highly influential among the witches. She commanded the
respect of all witches because she was known to be ruthless when dealing
with actual or perceived enemies. She was also seen as fearless and
uncompromising in all her activities in life. Not only this, whenever there
was misunderstanding among her fellow witches, she would handle it to the
satisfaction of all the pafties involved in the dispute. And if there was
quarrel between her members and other people anywhere on eafth, her
focus was to inflict maximum pain of the witches on the person who had the
temerity to confront any of her members. Any man who had a taste of her
member and ran away would be rewarded with impotence; any husband
who beat his wife who was a member would simply have the offending
hands crippled; any woman who abused any of her members would either
turn deaf, or have all her teeth removed; or suffer from palsy; or even go
berserk altogether, depending on the weight of the abuse. Whenever there
was farm boundary dispute between two or more families, she would
support the family where she had members. The other families would
suffer failed harvest, or mysterious fire on their farms. In one word, she
had unlimited punishment she could inflict on anyone at anytime she felt
like, just to protect or support her fellow members to fear and respect her.
She gave bifth to seven children. She donated six of them for the feasts of
the witches. It was usually in her presence that these children would be
slaughtered and their flesh distributed to all the members present at the
meetings just to show her deep sense of commitment to the fraternity. The
only child remaining for herwas QpghQ, a male child. He lacked nothing on
earth. When he got married, it was to the most beautiful girl in the land.

When the couple moved into their own home, it soon became clear that
Qpehe was tied to the cloth of her mother. He could do nothing in his home
without first seeking clearance from his mother. He spent all day with his
mother and only went home to sleep. This happened everyday. When the
wife complained, it fell on deaf ears. She went to complain to her parents.
Her parents intevened without any positive changes. She soon because
lonely and frustrated.
One day, as she was lamenting her situation in life, a friend of hers came to



ou *",

invite her to the market. She was very happy that she would have
someone to talk to. On their way to the market, she explained all her
problems to her friend stating that she could not continue to live her life the
way it was at that time. Her friend consoled her and told her that the
situation might soon change. She however advised her not to be staying
indoors any more because there was the need for her to move out regularly
and share her feelings with others. She was assured that by so doing, her
problems would be reduced by half at least. She was full of gratitude to her
friend. When she returned home, she felt lighter and a little happier.
From that day onward, she went out regularly, She used to visit friends

and relatives. She experienced that her pains and frustrations truly
reduced. It was during one of these regular outings that she met Qbtl.
It was love at first sight. Both of them fell in love with each other instantly.
QbaHb was also having his own problem with Yem at that period. They
began to share their problems together. At first, it was not more than that.
It soon developed to a stage that both of them could neither eat nor sleep if
they did not see each other in one day. They both threw caution into the
One day, both of them discussed about the possiblty of living together
permanently. The woman was all ready for this because for the very first
time in her life, she was showered with true and selfless love and affection.
QbaHl on the other hand could not wait for this to happen. He however
made up his mind to go for If consultation. He approached the Awo
known as -tg-eje--k-w meaning 'He who quietly comes out from
his room'for If consultation. During this process, Qs-Mfl was revealed.
The Awo told Qbtl that he came because he wanted to take a step that
would involve taking another person's belonging. He was told that to take
the belonging was not a problem as it would be very easy to take, but to
retain it was the big issue. He was advised not to do so because the
problem and anxietythatwould accompanythis action would betoo much.
QbaHI was love-blind, love-deaf and love-thirsty. He could not imagine
his staying for two days without seeing his heart-throb. He demanded for
the gbg to be offered in order for him to overcome the problem. The Awo
told him as stated above but warned that allthe gbg in the world would not
stop the problem from coming. The gbg would only help him not to be

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

consumed by the problem. Qbatl assured the Awo that there was
nothing on earth too much to be sacrificed for his love. All the gbg
materials were provided and the ebo was peformed. Before long, Qpehe's
wife eloped from home and settled with Qbtla. Three days after she left
home, Qpehg went to repoft to his mother, they searched everywhere
without success. However, Yem knew that she had no place in the heaft
of Qbtl any more. Out of jealousy, she went to leak out the hiding place
of this woman to QpqhE's relatives. The relatives went to QpQhg's mother
that Qbtl was the one who snatched away her son's wife. Before long, it
became the ta lk of the town that QpQhQ's wife was living in Qbtl's home.
Everybody was convinced that Qbath was in big trouble. They all knew
that QpqhQ's mother would tear Qbtl's home apart. They were all
waiting anxiously for this to happen! She did not lift a finger! What went
wrong? Nobody knew. The witches summoned an emergency meeting
and tabled the issue; yet QpQhQ's mother did not utter a word! Something
was amiss! Yes! Butwhat?

There was confusion in the community of witches. Why must the head of
the witches remain silent in the face of this confrontation? Why did she fail
to utter a word when she was the one slapped on the face? Why should she
keep quiet and refuse to take an action when all the witches were waiting
eagerly for a directive from her? Had she lost control? No! They were all
sure she was still acting on behalf of others in her usual deadly manner.
Was she not interested in the affairs of her only child any longer? No! She
feltthe pain to her bone marrow. Then whatwentwrong?
Something was really amiss. They were all sure of that. But what was it?
Nobody among them knew. In their confusion, they summoned another
meeting, but this time, without the head of the witches. They deliberated
at length. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that QpQhe's mother
refused to take an action because she wanted to see how the other witches
would handle the problem. She had taken action on behalf of others, so
she wanted to see how others would act on her behalf too. All the witches
present at that meeting agreed that it was the most sensible assumption.
There and then, they concluded that they must tear Qbtl's home to
pieces. All his children must be killed and consumed. His relations must be




killed and consumed. All those who tried to lift a finger to assist him must
be killed and consumed. QbaHl himself must be put to a slow but painful
death. All these must be done in order to send a note of warning to others
who might like to do the same thing; they concluded that the whole
community where this insult took place must be shaken to its very
foundation. They concluded that all witches must prepare for war and in
three days' time. They must gather at the market square very early in the
morning to head straightforQbtl's home.
As planned, all the witches gathered in the market square before sunrise.
They headed for Qbtl's home. As they approached his home, they
began to sing thus:

Ahejerheje,, hemll !
B'OwQ bteTalabl
Aheje, aheje,, hemll !!
B'w b teAlhd
B'QwO b



hemll! ! !

If we get hold of SlkQ
Weshall killand consume him!
And if we capture Tlabi
We shall kill and devour him!!
And evenAllad
We shall kill and swallow him !! !

When QbaHl heard these statements, he peeped outside to take a look.

The sheer number of the witches was totally ovenryhelming and
intimidating. Together with all his relatives, they tookto their heels. He took
his cutlass; known as Ada-Orig or simply as Adaag with him. gbaHb
remembered the warning of his Awo but it was too late to ruminate over
that. As a matter of fact, that was not the appropriate period. All what was
at the back of his mind was how to escape together with his new woman
and all his relatives. He ran into $ng's home for protection.
Before $ng could ask him what the problem was, the witches were
already at $ng's doorstep. When they reached there, before knocking at

lfa Dida: An nvitation to ffa Consultation

all, they began to sing thus:



Ahejg, aheje, hemfl !

B'owq btgBmgbg
Ahejg, ahejg, hemll !!
B'0w4 b te $ng filnraarQ
Aheje, aheje,, hemll !! !

If we get hold of $ngbffrf
We shall kill and consume him!
And if wecapture BmgbS
We shall kill and devour him!!
And even Sang himself
We shall kill and swallow him !! !

When $ang heard this, he also took to his heels, together with pbtl
and his entire household. All the witches pursued them. They ran into
Qgun's house. The witches chased them out, together with $ng and his
household, and Qqun with her household. They all ran into Ogn's house.
The witches chased out Ogn, all the members of his household; $ng,
all his household members, Qgun, all her household and QbaHI,
together, the same treatments were mented out to Ongaoko, Erinlg,
MojQQQl, Nn-Bkrl, Egrlngn, Or, Qya, Olkun, Qbalway, KFi,
AlfQrQ, QramfQ and so on. All of them blamed QbaHl for carrying his
problemstothem in their homes. gbatl had nothing to sayatall.
Meanwhile, Qrnmll slept quietly in his home on that fateful day. He had
nasty dream. As usual with him, he went for Ifa consultation. He was
advised to offer qbg against the problem of Iymi (Elders of the night) as
explained above. He complied. They also poured the adhesive on the
ipese and placed same in strategic places around his home. Soon after
this, Qrnmll went backto sleep.
Before long, all the Onga together with their household members arrived
at Qrnm)l's house. Allthe Onga ran into his house. The witches began
to sing as they had done in the house of allOrisa thus:


B'Qwq b te DOsm
Ahejerahejer hemfi !
B'QwQ bte FnlkQQ
Aheje, ahejg hemll !!
B',qwo b


Aheje, aheje,, hemll !!!

B'QwQ b te Odblytl
Aheje, aheje, hemll !!!!

If we get hold of Dsmrl
We shall kill and consume him!

And if we capture Fffkee

We shall kill and devour her!!
If we apprehend Awolgl
We shall eliminate and swallow him!!!
And even OdUbfFf
We shall not spare him atall! M

Qrnm'il knew instantly that what had come to his home was the
war of the witches which If had predicted earler. Qrnmll told all
the IrtinmglQ to stay in his home and that nothing bad would happen
to them. Wth his assurance and confidence, they stayed.
Egu Qdara suddenly appeared on the scene and also assured all the
Onga. Afterthis, hewenttothewitches. After greetings, he advised

them to ensure that they fill their stomach with food before the
commencement of hostilities. He pointed at the food for them. He
encouraged them to eat the food before fighting Qrnm'il, Eg said
that it would be a sweet irony that Qrnmll fed his enemies to their
satisfaction before he was overpowered and consumed. This really
satisfied them that it would be told to their grand children from one
generation to the other. They all landed on the'food'to eat. They all
got stuck to the plate because of the adhesive. In their struggle to
free themselves, they were completely stuck and trapped.
Seeing this, Eg went back to call Qrrf nmll that he had overcome the
witches. Qrrrnm'lla went out and saw that they were all stuck to the


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

plates of the'ips. He returned home to look for a cutlass, he could

not find
QbaHl however gave OrrJnm'il the cutlass he
(Qbatl) had taken from his house. OrrJnmll used it to cut off the
heads of all the witches. He went back to announce that the witches
had been defeated. All the Ofiga were happy. Qrrfnm'il then
returned the cutlass to Qbatl. However, in appreciation to what
Qrnmll did to save his life, Qbatl gave the cutlass back to
Qrnm)l as gift. Since that time till today, Adaaga, which hitherto
belonged to Qbtl became the exclusive property of Qrnm)l and


D,l fil n ooga rta Qggqrgmag bo
Tl ygba Oblnrin QpQh
Tfi g'qmq Olr{-fleyg l'rinlgbQ
sbg ni wQn nl k w $e

KOpr kOjlnn
f wa b ni laruugQogun
Aja+ogun la b nil'qsQQbarlga
jq ad gwQ mi

Ada Orlsa ni o.

He was theAwowho castlf for Qbtl
When going to snatch the wife of Qpehe
The son of the head of the witches in the forest
He was advised to offer gbg
Before long, nottoo far
loin us in victorydance
The cutlass in my hand
Belongsto Onga.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not to go and
invite problem to himself/herself if it can be avoided. He/she also need to
show appreciation to all favour done to him/her.


ii ou r",


If advises the couple where this Od is revealed must try to avoid

incessant conflict in their day-to-day activities. If says that there is
no need for the couple to abuse each other whenever there is
disagreement, especially over money. If warns that doing so will
only lead to a situation where both of them will live the rest of their
lives in penury. If assures the couple that they will succeed in life if
they can exercise perseverance and that they do not know what
destiny has in stock for them.

If advised them to offer gbg with two rats, two fish, two
pigeons, two hens, two roosters and money, they are also
advised to avoid quarrel and be prayerful. By so doing, success is
guaranteed. In this Od, Qsa-MeI says:
Or{ bunlk niOwutl
Aktl d gsgagiwr mQ l'na
A kll m'orl oly l'wjg
Dl fitn MQbwrf
Tfl spoblnrin Ogrtn
lgbe tl wqn ge ohun gbogbo tl'kan
FbqniwQn nl k9e


A head afflicted with ill luck dose not protrude
The footprint of an insane person is not distinguishable on road
It is impossible to know the head of someone who shall be bestowed with
a title in future among the crowd
These were If's declarations to Mbwrl
Thewifeof OgUn
When they did evefihing without success in any
They were advised to offer qbq

Ogun. Before they got married, both of them had

not been financially buoyant. When they got married, the situation was
MQbwrt was the wife of

Ogun was experiencing series of losses in his work. Ogrtn was a hunter,
black smith, singer and aftist. Whenever he went to the forest for hunting,

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

he would shoot at elephants, buffalos, deers, antelopes, lions, leopards etc

and being a fast markets man, he would hit the target. The irony of the
situation was that he would not be able to trace where these games fell
ntil about the third day when the animal would the infected with flies and
maggots! When he sat one day, he was ruminating over his misfoftune and
a thought came into his mind; could it be that Mbwrl, his woman, was the
root of his misfoftune? Was it not possible that her spirit was working at
tandem with his? Maybe, just maybe, her legs are s piritually infected with
misfoftune? The more he thought aboutthis, the more he began to believe
this idea. Ogrtn reasoned thus: "it was quite possible that this was the only
explanation; no!" From that time, Ogn perceived his wife was his enemy
who was a stumbling block against his progress. What name can you call a
woman whose presence in your life broughtso much misfortune?
Conversely, MQbw was a trader, even though she could not be called a
successful trader before she got married to Ogrfn, she could nonetheless
fend for herself. When she moved into Ogn's home, her trading business
collapsed completely. She had no more money to continue her business.
She could not ask for assistance from her husband because she knew that
there was no money with him. She went to her parents' home to ask for
money. Before she was given this money, they made her cry non-stop for
many days. In the end, the money was given to her; she decided to start
the business of corn meal and bean fritter. She bought all the materials for
this business, announced to all her neighbors certain day and all of them
promised herof good patronage.

On the day that she stafted the business she saw nobody to buy her
product. She went round her neighbours' homes but she was told that
they had just taken their meals and would patronize her the next day, some
of them said that they did not know that she would staft on that day. Some
said that they forgot the date she gave then. In the end, she was forced to
distribute part of the food as gift to children and others. Before one full
moon, she had exhausted all the money given to her by her parents. She
cried and cried. The more she cried, the more she hated her husband. She
remembered that there were other suitors who came for her, but her
parents turned them down, preferring Ogr:n to all of them. To make
matters worse, all these former suitors were getting on very well, had she

i', ou *",

been lucky to marry any of them, she would not be in the problem she
found herself. The more she reflected on this, the more she hated Og,ln
her husband. It reached a stage that there was nothing Ogun did that
even impressed her. She picked on him ateveryoppoftunity.
One day however, MQbwt1 asked her husband to bring money for some
household utensils. Ogrtn responded, infuriated her to the extent that she
began to rain abuses on her husband. There was no expletive she did not
use to qualiff him. She made him realize that he was the architect of all her
misfoftunes. If not for him, she said, she would have been enjoying her Iife
to the fullest elsewhere. She cursed, abused and humiliated him for over
five hours. Ogn simply kept quiet. This annoyed him the more. She
screamed at the top of her voice. Yet, Ogun said nothing. She held Ogn's
dress, she kicked and slapped him repeatedly, "you are a lazy good for
nothing husband", she yelled at him, "you are mad!" OgUn suddenly
thundered "you are mad too!" countered, she used her nails to tear the
face of Ogun, This made OgUn to beat her up. There and then, she made
up her mind to divorce him and put an end to all her sufferings. She
decided to go for If consultation in order to find the easiest and earliest
way for her to call the marriage to Ogun quits. She went to the group of
Awo mentioned above.

During If consultatio, Qs M) was revealed. The Awo informed her

that she was about to take a step and she had come to find out the
outcome. She was warned never to take the step as she bound to regret
taking such step for the rest of her life. She was informed that all her
consideration was based on money and financial well-being only. She was
assured that there were so many other things that were more crucial in a
marriage than money. She was told that she was blessed with children,
sound wealth, security and good social position in the community, allthese,
she ignored because her husband was not rich at that time. They asked
her, what made her think that the tide would not change for her and her
husband in the nearest future? They cautioned her not to use abusive
language against her husband again and to give her husband the chance to
improve on the well-being of the family; they said that both husband and
wife had worked themselves up unnecessarily. That was why the two of
them failed to see anything good or benevolent in each other.


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

In the end, MQbw was advised to offer qbg as explaned above. She was
also advised to return home and give peace a chance. She complied with all
the advices of the Awo. She returned home, fully determined to give her
husband a chance. She also made up her mind to change her attitude
towards her husband.
When she returned home, she began to do all the household chores which
she had hitherto abandoned. Before Ogrfn returned home, his food was
ready. She served his food with respect. At first, Ogrln was surprised.
Before long, Ogun realized that his wife had truly changed for good. Both
of them began to see the viftues in each other while they were blind to
before their love grew. They became very fond of each other. They soon
realized that money was not very important in their lives. They concluded
that love, understanding and mutual respect for each other were
Orl burrlkrl ni Owu tUrl
Akll d gseagwer mQ I'gna
A kll m'orl oly l'wjg
firn MQbwrl
Tll geoblnrin Ogun
Igba tl wqn nge ohun gbogbo tl'kan yg'r{
fbg ni wqn nl kl wgn ge
WQn gb'Qbg wQn r'bg
je orl tl y jqba I'qla

fnlkan o mQ
Kl tgkgtaya m peraa wgn nl wer m0
Orl tl y jgba I'Qla


A head afflicted with ill-luck does not protrude disproportional
The foot print of an insane person is not distinguishable on the road

It is impossible to know the head of someone who shall become a titleholder in a crowd
These were lf's declaration to Mbw
The wife of Ogun
When they did everythng without any success
Theywere advised to offer gbg



He who shall become a kng in

ou *",


Nobody can say for ceftain

Let a couple stop calling each other bad names
He who shallthe crowned as a king tomorrow
Nobody knows

If says that with love and understanding the life of this couple shall be
enjoyable. The door of their success



wide open.

If says that it foresees the ire of victory and accomplishment for the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that he/she has an

envious friend, relative or colleague who is trying evefihing

possible to deny him/her and that with appropriate gbg he/she shall
be able to attain the position. The position, title or honour in
question shall give him/her prominence and respect. He/she needs
to beware of those who harbour evil plans against him/her and
pretend to love him/her.
If advises this person to offer gbg with either three roosters or
three he-goats. One of the roosters/he-goat shall be used to feed
If for victory. The head of the birds or beast shall be placed on
If for at least five days before it is removed. If this can be done
victory is assured, honour is ceftain and success is no more in doubt.
Qsa-MeI, says:
Bab gbr erin
Baba kegQm e,fQn

Qgbgnrangandan nldhn gmgrl od

gmqrl od nldahn lja kanlQ
tXfirn Flepe
Dlfiln Fjemu
WQnjq qqre ogeykn golk
fbg ni wqn nl kl wQn ge

The giantsize of the elephant
And the sturdiness of the buffalo


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

The pounded-yam pestlefellwith a loud clang

The pestle is a greatduel weapon
. These were If's message to Flepe
And alsoto Fjqmu
Both of them were friends like siblings
They were advised to offergbg

Ejgmu and Flepe were friend from their youths days .They did everything in
common, at a stage, many people did not know that they were not related
by blood. They were both happily married; they have great children; they
lived in mansions; they were both popular and they both travelled
extensively. They spoke many languages and several dialets. They also
made several great friends at home and outside their communities. To
crown itall, both of them were made community leaders in differenttowns.
They made Fjgmu the community leader in Orf lr1t and FEpe was made a
leader n FpQ land.

One day, Offlrttri community had an extra-ordinary meeting in order to

review the progress chances of the town. At the end of the meeting in
order to review the progress chances of the town. At the end of the
meeting, it was concluded to make Fjgmu the Qba of the town because of
his outstanding qualities and credentials. This was communicated to him.
He was so over whelmed with joy. He rushed to go and share this good
news with his bossom friend Frcpe. They both celebrated the news with a
big keg of palm wine.

Unknown to Ejgmu, his friend had been harbouring grudges against him
for a long time. Flepe was not amused at all that they both had the same
honour, recognition and popularity in the community. He had been
contemplating what to do to change all that for a long time. But to now
crown Fjgmu as Qba over and above him was too much for him to accept.
In fact, it was cqnsidered the last insult against him which must be
recanted at all costs. After much consideration, he decided to eliminate his
friend. He reasoned thatthis must be done quickly before Ejgmu was ever
crowned. He was of the opinion that he was not crowned at all, even if he
died after that, it would still be on record that he was an ex-Qba. He could
not acceptthat at all!


II o"" rrt

The next day, he went to a great medicine man that specalized in killing
people. He explained what he wanted from the medicine man.
Surprisingly; the medicine man advised flgpq against what he planned
to do, saying that there was no justification for it. Flepe could not take
that. He left the man and went elsewhere, He paid three times the
amount he was charged. A potent herb tea was prepared for him in a
giant pot. He was instructed to call the name of Ejgmu in the dead of the
night. By so doing, he was assured, the head of ffgmu would appear. As
soon as this happened, this head would be hit with a big club and Ejgmu
would die instantly. There was no anti-dote.

Meanwhile, Ejemu slept and had a bad dream. He went for If

consultation and he was advised to offer gbg as stated above against
those who were his enemies but who were pretending to be his friends.
He offered the gbg as advised. He assured himself that he would send
an emissary to his friend FlepQ to also be careful of envious frlends since
whatapplied to him would surelyapplyto his bossom friend.
In the dead of the night, Flepe carried out the medicine pot, he had one
strong young man beside him. He instructed the young man to hit the
head which would appear in the pot with the club made with a pestle with
all his strength. He recited the incantations he was taught three times.
He shouted the names of ffgmu three times. A head appeared. Instead
of ffgmu's head to appear, it was FlpQ's head which appeared the young
man hit the head with the club with all his strength. Flepe died on the
Bab gbru erin
Baba kqsqm ejqn

Qgbgnrangandan nldhn gmgrl od

Qmqrl od nldhnlje kanlQ
Dlfiln Flpe
Dlfiln Fjemu
WQn jq $Qre ogeyekan golk
fbg niwQn nl kl wqn ge
Fjemu nlkan nl bg lgyln tl tt999b9
j trtr ttr QS99rQ9 bo ljenl
La ti r'rl Fhpe l'rl Ejgmu


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The giant size of the elephant
And the sturdiness of the buffalo
The pestlefellwith a loud clang
The pestle is a great duel weapon
These were lf's messagesto Flepe
And alsoto.Ejqmu
Both of them were friends lke siblings
Theywere advised to offergbg
Only Ejgmu complied with the advice
Very early four days ago
We found thatthe head of flgpQ had replaced

Thatof Fjemu

If says that person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be allowed to
be shamed, or destroyed by enemies or envious friends. Conversely, this
person must never contemplate doing evil to other's, friends or foes lest
he/she faces terrible consequences.


If says that during lkgsQdy of a new born baby, if Qsa-M) is

revealed, everything must be done to ensure that this baby feeds
from the breast milk of his/her mother. if the baby cannot feed
directly from the breast of the mother due to one reason or the other,
the milk must be collected in a contaner and feed the baby with,
unless the mother died immediately after the child's birth, this must
be done. Failure to do so may potend disaster for the person.
He/she may find it extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible, to
succeed in life.

If also says that there had been some disagreements between two
elders or two powerful and influential people where this Od is
revealed if the disagreement had not occurred, it is on the verge of
taking place. fbg must be offered in order to prevent the whole
community from experiencing hardship and want as a result of this
disagreement. If this is not done quickly, the resultant consequence
will affect both guilty and innocent, visitors and indigenes, young
and old alike.


l', ou *.,

If notces that the person for whom this Od is revealed loves to

contribute his/her own quota to the development of the community,
sometimes at the expense of his/her health and personal comfoft.
He/she however needs to offer gbg against those who reward good
with evil. He/she needs to be careful with those who convienently
forget all the good things that he/she had done and who will not
hesitate to inflict pain on him/her at the slightest excuse. If advises
this person to offer gbg and serue the Orl of his/her mother if

alive, or propitiate his/her mother's spirit, if dead. A stanza

in this Od states thus:
Oke 9e rlbltlr ge rlbltl
Dlfirn Qba Ajalaye

gorl konko

Abfn QbaAjalqrun
Tl wQn jg $'qde r'gbQgdg
wQnwa jlja agb nltor{ gmQ kan
fbg ni wQn nl kl wgn ge

The massive hill with its broad base and narrow apex
He wastheAwo who cast If forQba Aalaye
And also forQba Ajalgrun
When theywere going on hunting expedition
And they were quarelling on supremacy over one gmQ,
Theywere advised to offergbg

brown rat

gba Aalay and Qba AjalQrun were both Irrlnmele. They were both
hunters. Qba Ajalay was the lord of hunting on eafth while Qba Ajalgrun
was the lord of hunting in heaven. The former was belived to be OgUn
while the latter, Onga oko.

One day, both of them decided to go on hunting expedition on earth.

They fixed a date for the exercise. On the appointed day, both of them met
half-way from heaven and eafth. They both came to eafth together. They
roamed the earth's forests and wilderness for seven days without killing
any game. Tired as they did all the games simply disappeared. On the
eight day, they decided to set fire on the bush in order to chase out the
animals from their hiding places. They did. At the end of this exercise,
theywere ableto killonly one emg, brown rat.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

After this, they roamed the forest and wllderness for another twenty-two
days without seeing any other animal, not to mentioned killing it. After 30
days of hunting, they decided to call it quit. Qba Ajalay picked the brown
rat and told Qba Aalgrun to go back home. Qba Ajalqrun would have none
of it. He insisted that he was the one who had the right to take the brown
rat away since he had travelled far to come to eafth, the eafth was his (Qba
Ajaly) territory he is therefore the rightful owner of the rat since it was
killed in his territory. Qba Ajabrun picked the rat with the intention to share
it into two. But Qba Aalaye snatched it away from him and told Qba
Aalqrun to go and do his worst. Qba Ajalgrun was full of anger and he left
for his abode in heaven with annoyance.
As soon as Qba Ajalqrun reached heaven, he ceased all forms of rain from
falling on eafth. Before long, all the land dried up. Vegetations failed.

Streams and well drled up. Hunger set in. There was pestilence in the
land. All forms of ailments were being encountered on regular bases.
There was massive protest agains Qba Aalay on eafth. Corpses were
littering the roads, foot path, market places, farm land etc. these brought
about more illnesses and deaths.
When the inhabitants of the eafth realized that protests could not solve the
problem, they decided to go for If consultation. They approached the Awo
mentioned above in order to know whatthey would do to bring the calamity
that befellthem to an end.
The Awo informed them that Qba Aalaye had wronged Qba Aalgrun. That
was why all the evil events they experienced were happening. They
needed to go and appeal to 9ba Ajahrun to show compassion. The Awo
assured them that if the step could be taken, Qba A;aQrun would put an
end to his anger. He advised them to go and look for one gmQ, brown rat,
use it to dolps and give it to Qba AaQrun. He said that the disagreement
betweent Qba Ajalay and Qba Ajalgrun was over one brown rat which Qba
Ajaly appropriated to himself. In order to even the score there, there is
the need to give to Qba Ajalgrun another brown rat.

The inhabitants of eafth agreed with everything that the Awo said and

il ou u"
recommended. They set out to look for the brown rat as advised by the
Awo. Because there was famne n the land, it took them severa! days
before they eventually found one. When they killed lt they dried it well in
order to preserue it and returned to the Awo in order for him to help them do
The Awo did thelpese and told them to take it to Qba Aatgrun in heaven.
To take it to heaven posed another great problem because nobody was
prepared to volunteer to go. The Awo told them that there was nothing he
could do for them if they were not ready to go. In the end Aga, the falcon
agreed to take the lps to heaven. Before he reached one-tenth of the
journey, he became very tired. He returned to earth with thelpese. Next,
Awdi, the hawk, volunteered to take thelps to heaven. He did not fare
better than Aga and he returned with the)pes. After that time, there was
no more volunteer.

One week after, Ign, the Vulture, felt that he owed his community the
obligation of ensuring that he assisted or at least pafticipated in ensuring
that the problem of the community is solved. Consequent upon this, he
went for If consultation would he be able to carry the lps to Qba
Ajalgrun in heaven? Would he be relevant to his community? Would the
problems of his community be solved through him?
The Awo assured Igrln that he would be able to solve the problems of his
community. He was told that through him, all the calamities of his
community would come to an end. He was advised to offer gbg and feed
the Ori of his mother. He was however warned that inspite of all his good
deeds to his community he would be persecuted, victimized, harassed and
maltreated by the same people whom he risked his life, energy and health
to rescue. On this aspect, Ign did not believe his Awo. He felt that the
community would not pay back all his good deeds with ingratitude,
especially if he succeeded in bringing backthe community to normalcy. He
assured the Awo that he trusted his community, that they would never do
such a thing. Wth this assurance, Ign set a day for his journey.
On the appointed day, Ign together with all the members of his family


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

assembled at the centers of the three crossroads. The whole communty

was there with him. The Babalwo prepared the lps which he would
carry to Qba Aaqrun. The whole community prayed for his success. Igrln
told the elders in the community to help him take care of his family in his
absence. He made it clear to them that the journey would take him there
years to and fro. All of them assured him that no member of his family
would ever suffer or lack anything in his absence. They told him that they
were aware that the journey was being undeftaken on behalf of the whole
community, and therefore all his family members must be taken care of by
the whole community. Wth this assurance, Ign set out on his journey.

It took IgUn 18 moon appearances to reach heaven. He went to the domain

of Qba Aalgrun, pleaded with him (Qba Aalgrun) to please take a
compassionate look at the planet earth and ensure that the sufferings come
to an end. He presented the'ips to Qba AjaQrun and told him that nearly
half the populations of rats, fish, birds, beasts and human beings were
dead; the suruivors were either hungry or seriously ill. Qba Aalgrun looked
at the eafth through his mirror and what he saw was a sorry sight. He felt
pity for the inhabitants of the eafth. There and then, he realized the
urgency involved in ensuring that everything was brought backto normal.
He told Ign that to allow him (Ign) to travel back to the eafth and spend

another 18 moon appearances on the journey was no longer realistic if

living beings on earth were to survive. He told Ign that he would show him
a shoftcut to eafth and he would arrive on eafth in three days. He opened
his backyard door and Ign found himself at the boundary door of the
heaven. Qba Aalgrun gave him three small gourds. Igun was advised to
strike one on the ground at the boundary of heaven, strike the second on
half-way between heaven and eafth and strike the third one at the junction
of the three crossroads of the eafth. Igrfn threw the first gourd on the
ground at the boundary of heaven. As soon as he did this, cloud covered the
surface of eafth, heavy with rain. This happened for one day. The second
day, IgUn arrived at the half-way between heaven and earth, he threw
down the second gourd. Immediately he did this, there was thunder and
lightening the world over. Everyone on eafth was fullof expectations. This
happened for one full day. Bythe third day, Igrln arrived atthe center of the
three crossroads of eafth. He threw down the third gourd. The cloud




opened and rain began to fall. It rained non-stop for one whole day. Igun
was however at the center of the three crossroads. He had nowhere to
hide as there was no shelter there. He ran quickly to the main town. He
saw a house nearby. He rushed there and knocked atthe door. When the
door was opened, he introduced himself and as he was about to enter, the
door was slammed against his face. He began to move from house to
house, from door to door and he was being treated the same way until

When Ign realized that nobody was ready to welcome him into their
home, he made up his mind to go home to his family. Wth hunge6 thirst
and exhaustion, he headed for his home. On his way, he met a corpse on
the road and decided to eat paft of its flesh since nobody was to feed him.
He ate to his satisfaction and moved on to his house when he reached
home, he found that his chagrin and his house had been desefted. His
family had dispersed and his house had collapsed due to neglect. Igrtn
wept bitterlythat day. He stayed in the rain until the following morning.
Very early the next day, Ign headed for the main town in order to go to
the palace of the Qba and see the elders who promised to take care of his
family in his absence. On his way, he passed through the same place
where he had consumed paft of what remained of a corpse the previous
night. On getting to that sport, he saw to his eternal honour and regret
that the corpse whose flesh he had consumed was actually that of his
mother! So, Ign thought bitterly, he had actually eaten his own mother!
So, he reflected, his mother had been allowed to die and her corpse left on
the main road! So, whatthe Awo had told him that he was aboutto risk his
life for ingrated ones was true. He felt like having the means to command
the ground to open up and consume him there and then. He was
ovenryhelmed with grief. He wept and wept. Unfoftunately, nobody took
notice of him. Everyone was going about his/her business as if nothing
had ever happened.

After sometime, Ign put himself together and buried what remained of
his mother. He raised his eyes to heaven and cried aloud to Almighty
Oldmar. He prayed that may Oldmar make it in such a waythatfor
human beings to succeed in life, they who failed to eat his/her mother
shall never succeed in life. Oldmar granted his request. But instead of

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consuftation

human beings cutting the flesh of their mothers for consumpton as Ign
dd, Oldmar made it in such a way that human bengs consume their
mothers through the sucking of their mothers' breast milk. Since thattime,
anyone who fails to suck his/her mother's breast milk where the mother did
not have any physiological problem or died during child bfth, such a child
will find it extremely difficult if not totally impossible to have the type of
spiritual elevation comparable to those of his/her colleagues who had the
benefit of sucking their mothers' breast milk.
Oke qe rlbltlr ge rlbltl
Dl fitn Qba Ajahye

gorl konko

Ab fitn QbaAjalqrun
Tl wqn jg g'qde re'gbegdg
wQn w fija gb nltor{ gmg kan
Fbg ni wQn nf kl wqn ge
Dl fitn lgun
Tl gb'Qbg lg sldeQrun
Wqn nl kr'bg$eygrf
K sl nlbg afibi-grt-olorc
fibgageyorl nlkan l r
Igun o btt mQ
I ba waa f'owg'rrifin gbg

The massive hillwith its broad base and narrowapex
He wasthe Awo who cast If forQba A.ataye
And also for Qba Aalgrun
When theywere going on hunting expedition
And they were quarelling on supremacy over one gmQ,
They were advised to offer gbg
The Awo also cast If for Ign
When carrying ebo from eafth to heaven

He was advised

brown rat

to offer ebg to enable him accomplish


And also to offer gbg against ingrates
He offered onlythe gbg to enable him accomplish his mission
Had Ign known on time
He would have offered altthe prescribed gbg

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed loves to


his/her community. He/she loves to contribute his/her own quota towards


ll ou r.,

the development of his/her community, but unfoftunately he/she will

discover at the end of the day, to his/her disappointment that his
community will not appreciate all his/her effofts.


There is a woman where this Od is revealed. If says that care

must be taken before engaging too deep with her. If this Od is
revealed during engagement or marriage ceremony, a lot of gbg is
required for this woman in order to avoid a situation where the man
planning to marry her will not meet his untimely death soon after
the wedding. Without extensive gbg and tt, If says that it is not
advisable to havethis woman even as lover.
If says that if on the other hand, the woman in question had been
losing her men prematurely; there is the need for her to offer gbg in
order to put an end to these unfoftunate developments. After the
gbg, a special If preparation needed to be made for her and
probably her partner which would put a permanent stop to the

If advises the woman in question, or her relation, or even the

paftner to assist in offering gbA with one matured he-goat and
money. After this, fresh akggg leaves will be grinded into
fine paste while incision will marked on the head of this
woman (and her man). The grinded akggg leaves will be
used to rub the incision mark on their heads. That is the time,
If assures, that the problem of untimely death for her men will
stop. On this Qs Mefl says:
Qkg krl kl wgn I'Qkg
Ale tu kl wgn yn'mll

Dlfifn lrlnljgAran

WQn lg r gb Eb nlyw
fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn ge

Let one husband die for them to marry another
And let one lover die for them to get along with another lover


lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

These were lf's declarations to the 164 crops

When gong to have the hand of Eb, the cultivated farm- heap as wife

They were advised to offer qbg

Eb, the farm-heap, was a very beautifulwoman. She was also attracted to
allthe crops in the farm. Any of the crops who saw her usually felt secured
and save with her. Eb on the other hand normally showed all the crops

that she was caring, loving, kind and dedicated. All the crops dreamt of
being her husband.

One day, Il, the Okro, approached Eb for marriage. She consented.
They got married. Il got himself planted inside Eb. Five day after this,
Il began to sprout beautifully. Il was very happy. All the other farm-crops
became envious of ll's achievement. In three months, Il had several
seeds. That was the time the farmer came, removed all the seeds and
uproot Il away from Ebe. Il met his untimely death.

Next was the turn of Er, the Beans. He married Eb. He sprouts
beautifully initially. One hundred days later, he had several seeds. The
farmer came and removed Er stems. That was the sad end of Er.
Igu, the yam was able to live for 10 months before his death. Agbdo, the
corn, lived for about three months and died. Kk, the Cocoyam lived for
about eight months and died. That was how all crops which got married to
Eb met their deaths prematurely.
One day, Akqge, the cotton wool was determined to have Eb as his wife.
He went for If consultation; he was advised to offer gbg as prescribed
above. He complied. After this, he got married to Eb.

Before long, Akgqg sprouted cotton wool. When the farmer arrived; he
plucked allthe cotton wool. He was aboutto uprootAkegg, as he had been
doing to allthe other crops, when Eg told him thatthere was no need to do
so. Eg assured him to leave Akggg alone as the crop would still give the
farmer more cotton the next year and several years to come. The farmer
saw this as making good business sense. He decided against uprooting
AkgSg. AkgSg and Eb lived together for several years. That was how


ou r",

Akgpg was spared from experiencing untimely death as experienced




qkg krl kl wgn I'qkg

AI kl kl wgn yn'mfl
Dlfif n frlnljgArn
WQn lg r gb Eb nlyw
fbg niwqn nl kl wqn ge
Akeqe nlkan nl bq lgyln trggbg
Nj Il ger'Ebe k, Akggq
Ikn ger'Eb k, Akeqe
Erger'Eb k, Akeqq
Igbado ger'Ebe k, Akeqe
Igba mi ger'Eb moy, Akggq!


Let one husband die for them to marry another
And let one lover die for them to get along with another lover
These were lf's declarations to the 164 farm- crops
When going to have the hand of Eb, the cultivated farm-heap as wife
Theywere advised to
Now, Il the Okro mounted Eb and died, Akggg
And Ikn, the garden-egg mounted Eb and met his untimely death,
Er the Beans, mounted Eb and lost his life, Akggg
Igbdo, the corn, mounted Eb and failed to survive it, Akese
When I mounted Ebe,I suruived, Akggg!


If says that it will not allow the man who planned to marry a woman whose
previous men had met with the same fate. With gbg and If preparaton
explained above, nothing is






lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation





Qsa-Mjl children, especally those who were fed with their mothers
breast mil( they have a high tendency to succeed. Those who did not
taste their mother's breast milk due to one form of problem or the other

also have very high propensity to succeed. For those who were not not fed

with their mother's milk but which was found possible to do so, the
chances for them to succeed had been drastically reduced.

Qsa-Mejl children have the tendency to be loved, respected, honoured

and pampered. They are usually found among decision makers in the
community. They are endowed with wisdom and understanding which
make them to be in high demand and make it possible to be in the midst of
the high and mighty.
For these children, they usually end up as the most successful in their
families. They are usually blessed with more financial wealth, spouses,
children, propefties e.t.c. than all their other sibblings. This success will
however become more manifest outside the area where they were born
than inside.

This is why it is usually beneficial for Qsa-Mil children to travel out of

their places of bifth in order to enhance their chances of success.
For these children, males and females having child-bearing problems,
there is the need for them to abstain totally from consuming all fish and al!
birds. This is because they have a high spiritual affinity to these two
groups of living things, especially in the area of child-bearing. Failure to
abode by this injunction may make it very difficult, if not totally impossible
for them to bear children or to have their own kids who will survive them
when theyare gone.

It is an established fact that Qsa-Mji

children succeed where others

failed, they receive elevation where others were given humiliation. The
reason for this is that they are endowed with fantastic conflict resolution
capabilities. They possess the talent to right all wrongs, to change sorrow



to joy, to turn disappointments to boundless oppotunities while doing
these, they are always honest, humble and selfless. This is the reason
why those who are desperate, sad and disillusioned always have faith in
Qsa-Meji children that they can change their lives for the better and put
smiles on their faces.

Conversely, pride and arrogance must be avoided by all Qsa-Uejl

children because they can lead to their downfall. They must also not rely
on their competence or skill. They must always rely on Oldmar and
If. It is true that these children are usually well trained and very
competent. They usually boast about their abilities and capabilities. They
need to stop this fofthwith because the outcome for them will never be
favourable. They must also show consideration for other people's feelings
and views all the time in order for them to attain their goals without delay.

Qsa-Mil children, males and females, skipping meals, fasting and

drinking on empty stomach is not advisable. It can only lead to
unconsummated fortune for them. It can also lead to internal organs

ailments. Allthese will have telling effects on them in the end.

In the lives of Qsa-Mejl children, they tend to give brth to at least one
child, among their children, who will be known to be lazy, trickish and
responsibility skipper. This child will do anything to avoid working as
others do. This child will however be greater and more successfulthan all
the other children bythese people.
An average Qsa-Mil child male or female have the tendency to engage
in extra-marital affair. This only leads to trouble and restlessness. It is
therefore in the best interest of these people to maintain chastity in their

One other major weakness of Qsa-Mjl children is that with little
disagreement, they love to swear and curse. They enjoy doling out
expletives to others, especially their spouses. This can never favour them
as all the curses have the capacity to inhibit their progress and their ability
to attain their goals.


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lla Consultation

On the whole, Qsa-Mejl children are created and born to be great in life.
They will be happy and will be able to enjoy their lives to the fullest.



1. If forgeneralwell-being, success, victory

2. Od for overall success
3. Orl for suppoft and success
4. Fgb for Leadership and accomplishments
5. Qbatl for success and victory
6. $ng for victory over adversary
7. Oge/Mlamal for child-bearing
8. Ogun for victory
9. Elders of the Night for victory
10. Oke for child-bearing
11. Esu Odara for financial success


Must not eat peanuts to avoid internal organ and stomach problems
Must not eat all birds to avoid contention with Elders of the Night
Must not snatch another person's spouse to avoid contention
with EIders of the Night
Must not curse or swear at others to avoid unconsummated

Must not skip food or engage in fasting to avoid unconsummated
Must not drink alcohol on empty stomach to avoid internal organ
Must not be proud or arrogant to avoid unconsummated foftune


Il o",






Jjgl Meekness brings honour

Ifgqgun If s victorious
AyerOjU The world is peacful
Ifkred If brings all Ire


Jjggl Meekness is honourable


AydQrQ The world is comfoftable

Iftyge If mends the world



Chapter 11


ll ll
ll tl


A.1 If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed during
Ikgsgdaye or ltqlod shall be blessed with longevity. He/She shall
outlive a ll his/her contempora ries.
If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and
money. After this, he/she needs to procure one broom made of
raffia-palm fronds. The tips of this broom will be cut and grinded
into powder. This Od will be imprinted on it by the Awo who handles
this ceremony for him/her and this stanza shall be recited into it. The
person for whom this Od is revealed will be asked to pray for long
life and good health. After this, the Awo will make incisions on the
head of the person forwhom this Od is revealed. (This incision may
be2L,101 or 201. It is preferable for the incision to be 201 in order
to guarantee a real long life for him/her). The grinded substance will
be rubbed on the incision. The person who has the incision will
ensure that water does not touch his/her head for at least three days.
This incision can also be made for anyone who made a routine
consultation and this Od is revealed. On this, If says:

Akrakr ojtlu kangara k ge e gb m

Qkanjua l w'k rdrd
Tl I w ro$orogo
Ejo ni o k'gmg rQ l'ln yqqyQqyqq
K ma je k'ko
Dl filn Kerensl
Tl y gbgbgb
Tl y gb ggbQdgun gdn l'y
Fbg ni wqn nl k w ge


tx" u"j

The sharp edge of a metal spike cannot be grasped


one's hands
An avaricious person is he who looks sideways in an expectant
His mind and eyes are never settled in one place
A snake does not take its young ones with it to move leisurely
round the farmland
These were If's declarations to Kerensl
Who shall grow old and feeble
And live up to 3,000 years on eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
Kerensl was in love with himself and his life right from his youth. He
cherished his life to the extent that he did everything he knew to avoid
taking any risk, hufting hlmself or engaging in any form of contention with
others in the fear that such a person might hurt him out of anger. He


to drag anything with anyone or engage in any form of

competition with others, so as to avoid being huft out of envy or jealousy.

In spite of all these precautionary moves,

Kerensl still felt that he

needed to do more than what he had already done in order to ensure a real
long life on eafth. One day, Kerensl went to the home of the group of
Awo mentioned above for If consultation: Would he enjoy real long life on
eath? Would he be alive to witness the brth and growth of his children to
the seventh generation? Would he equally be blessed with good health in
his old age? All these and more were the questions which occupied the
mind of Kerens) during If consultation.
The Awo assured Kerensl that he would live long, grow old and feeble
and would be able to witness the bifth, growth and death of his great
grand children up to several generations. He was advised to offer gbg as
prescribed above. He complied. He was also advised to mark the
incisions on his head. He marked 201 incisions.
Ever since the time he did the gbg he was always looking youngerthan his
age. He continued to live cautiously and avoided any form of controversy.

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consuftaton

He did all things with moderaton. He ate and drank good food and water.
He lived a healthy life and was full of happiness. He outlived all his
contemporaries, his children, grand children and great grand children. He
lived up to 3,000 years on earth. When he died, he was so feeble that he
could not do or recognize anything anymore. His only regret however was

that he was the one who pointed the burial sites of all those who were
supposed to be the undeftakers at his own burial.

Akrkr ojrtu kangara kO ge e gb m

Qkanjua l w'oke rdrd
Tl w rOgorgo
EjO ni k'Qmg rQ l'yln ygoJgoJgg
K ma je k'ko
Dl fn Kerensl
Tl y gbgbgb
Tl y gb egbQdgn gdn l'y
f bg ni wqn nl k w qe
gb'gbg, r'bg
K pe K jlnn
F wa b ni l'lkt

Alk If dn j'oyin l9
Nje kll k'krr grqwq
$agara o

KII krl'krt grqwE

$agara o

The sharp edge of a metal spike cannot be grasped in
one's hands

An avaricious person is he who looks sideways in an

expectant manner
His mind and eyes are never settled in one place
A snake does not take its young ones with it to move
leisurely round the farmland
These were If's declarations to Kerennasi
Who shall grow old and feeble
And live up to 3,000 years on eafth

il ,* *",
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Before long, nottoo far

Come and join us where we enjoy long life
Longevity guaranteed by If is sweeter than honey
It never dies like other brooms
$agara, the raffia-palm frond
Itwill never die like other brooms

If saysthatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed shallenjoy long life

spiced with sound health. He/she shall live longer than all his/her
contemporaries. Even though his/her contemporaries shall grow old too,
he/she will nonetheless outlive them all.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not lack
any of the essentialthings of life. These include wealth, spouse, a
comfoftable accommodation, children, sound health and long life.
If advises this person to offer gbg so that he/she shall be blessed
with Agg to accomplish all his/her heart's desires in life. They also
need to be answering decent names.

If advises this person to offer gbg with hro rats, two fish (for
children), two pigeons (for prosperity), two hens, if a man
(for good spouse), two roosters, if a woman (for good
spouse too) two guinea fowls (for peace of mind and
comfort), one he-goat (for long life) and money. He/she is
also to feed If with a matured she goat (for him/her to be
blessed with Agq). On allthese, If says:
Flmq nl'K
Okoko mQ'K,
Ara oJa imQ'K
AIka'a gb'k' w
O ti ge p ml?
O nl'k nl'n
M o qTka rt

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

K'wQ mi


Ika Owu ntl pa'y kn

Iya I'akaa'gbQn
Baba I'aka'gba
Qlgtan lka-k gbas, Qyln gbas
Qrunmll nl 9e tl e fi rrjQ orkg
Kmi-kml-kmi I'de lkar
WQn nl bQQ ni wgn t je
Kl Orrtnmlla t d
Qrunmll nl abjg tl aye wgn ge rl kmi-kmlkmi
Bl gni I k'gg
WQn nl kl wEn lg r kO wgn

fin Onlkamgn
9mq a-k-wrk-orf-eja m bg'nu

WQn d ka


Wgn O b OnlkamOgn
Qmq a-k-wrk-orl-eja mrl bg'nu
wgn d k kejl
Ke keja tltl d k kgrlndlnlgn
Wgn O b Onlkamgn
9mq a-k-wrk-orl-eja m bg'nu
WQn w d ke ketldlnlgn
WQn b OnlkamOgn
9mg a-k-wrk-orl-eja mrl bg'nu
jokoo $ ka
fi agg k kan bo'ra
Paek kan jko tll nl k
ko aaka, f b'grl
WQn nl kl Lke lg r pa'ko fggin
lifldll ek
Ibaaka ta Lk I'jlk
Lka gubrt lu'lQ kr

Ika n ku

9k sunkn-un




lgbln kakaaka

,* r,'


Fbltl tl o b gb'jrl
Ko le p'gbln llll
Ptk efQn kakaaka nff ta'j l'gnu
Dl fitn wgn nl lkamOgUn
9mg a-ka-wOrk-orl-eja m bg'nu
Mjq tl wn $OwOSOwo
Tl wgn l'wgn O l'w I'QwQ
Fbq ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge

Flmq atlka land
Okoko alsotravelsto, and knows,Ik land
Indigenes of Qfa do not knowlka land
Letthe kr, bean-cake, seller bring it
Why do you call me?
You harbour wicked motives
I had never done any wickedness in my
Remove my
And remove my legs
Spin n ing cotton-wool th read confuses the wool-spiner
The mother went in circles 30 times
And the father did same 200 times
Their relations could not do the spinning behind gbas



Qrunm)la asked them; "why are you all answering these
confusing names"inlka


They responded that that was how they had



answering their names

Before the arrival of Qrnmll into their land
Qrunm)l responded that no wonderwhytheir liveswere
in such a state of confussion
Like that of someone folding clothes
They said that they should be handed over to
On'ikamOg, the Qba oflka town
Hewho consumesthe head of a fish whole


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

They wentto the first room

They could not find Off kamgn
In the second room
Theycould notfind Onf kamgn
In the third to the sixteenth rooms
They could not find OffkamOgn
He who consumes the head of a fish whole
In the seventeenth room however
Theyfound Onfkamgtln
He who consumes the head of a fish whole
He sat in a room
Hewrapped himself with k clothe
One paaka masquerade satwith him in the room
He was serving his Of with akika, pangolin
They asked Lka to go and cut grass for the horse by the

make-shift hut
A pony ht Lka on his shoulder
Lka felldown, and died
The wicked died
The wicked was digging his grave
And a cobra was weeping and mourning him
Igbln, the snail, is strong
Fbl, the deadfall, is equally strong
Any deadfall that is not strong and heavy cannot crack
the shellof a big snail
The hoof of a buffalo will breakthe jaw of any dog
These were the messages of If to the citizen of
Those who consume the head of a fish at one go
When, after engaging in several businesses,
They complained that they did not have the financial
bouyanryto showfor it
Theywere advised to offer gbg
The citizens oflkamgun were very enterprising. They were very good in
farming. Each year, they used to have surplus farm products. However,
when they tried to sell their surplus farm products, they were always done


Ii ,* r",
at huge losses. The amounts they realized on their products were not
wofth the effots that they put into them. Some of them changed into
trading business. There was no reasonable improvement. They were
trading at huge losses. The hunters among them did not fare any better.
Most of the games they killed got rotten as a result of lack of patronage.
The clothe weavers worked and worked withoutseeing anything to show
for their efforts. The blacksmiths among them forged several hoes,
cutlasses, arrows, spears, knives, sword and axes without seeing anyone
to buyfrom them.
There was nobody inlkamOgn land who did not have one tale of woe or
the other to tell. They called their Awo and several gbg were offered but
there was no positive change. Convinced that the root cause of their
problems had not yet been identified, they sent for Qrnmll to come.
As soon as Qrnm)l got the message of the inhabitants of Ikamgn
land, he went for If consultation. He approached

Aklke-gg'g i-g, Awo l Orr n mlla


fitn Qrunmlla

f.fiiq tl Baba g'awo re'l Onlkamogn

9mq a-ka-wrk-orf-eja m bg'nu
Fbg ni wqn nl k w ge

Akik-gg'g-ga The Axe penetrates the tree with force, the
resident Awo of Qnf nm)l
He was the Awo who cast lfa for Qrnmll
When going on spiritual mission tothe land of Onf kamgun
He who consumesthe head of a fish at one go
He was advised to offer gbg.

During consultation, Al(k-gq'g-ga explained to Qrnm'il that even

though the inhabitants of lkamgun land were very hardworking, they
could find nothing to show for their effofts because of two major
reasons. One, they were answering awkulard names which were
affecting their destinies in negative ways. They needed to be advised to

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

change their names to decent ones in order for them to be able to enjoy
the fruits of their labour. TWo, these people harboured evil thoughts
against each other and they used to perpetrate wickedness whenever
they felt that nobody was around to see them. Evil begets evil. Because
they were doing evil to others, they too were reaping evil in all the things
they were doing. Al(k-gg'gi-p explained to Qrrtnmll that there was
the need to warn them against wickedness and to advise them to staft to
wish each otherwell in alltheir undeftakings.
The Awo also told Qrrlnmll that he needed to offer gbg so that he would
be blessed with Agg that would help him to accomplish his goals in
Ikamogun land. He advised Qrrfnmll to offer gbQ with one matured
she-goat and for him to serve his If with another she-goat before
setting outon his journey. Qrnmll complied.

When QrnmIl got to lkamOgUn land, he asked for the palace of

OnlkamOgn, the Qba of lkamgr1n. What he discovered was that the
people he asked were bearing the names which were derived as puns on
the name of their town \k", Name such as flQmgffka, Okokomgk,
Ara-Qfa-ImQk, Alkaa gb'k w, offk-nln, n-o-gIk-f, k'wQ-mi,
k'sQ-m i, Iya- l'a ka gbQn, Ba ba- I'q kagba etc. Qru n ml l asked them why
they were bearing such awkward names. They responded that, that was
what they loved to answer and they had been answering these names
ever before Qrnmll arrived in their town. Qrnmll responded that
these names were paft of the reasons whytheir problems had persisted.
He asked them to take him to the palace of OffkamOgn. When they got

there, they met the Qba in the seventeenth room where he was using
akika, pangolin, to serue his (Otfkamgn's) Orf. While doing it, acts of
wickedness were being perpetrated. Ofkamgn asked Qrnm)l to
consultlf for him, Itwas done. Ika MT was revealed.
All the messages of Akik-$Q'g-$ were relayed to them. They were
also advised to offer gbg as stated above. They complied. They also
changed their names and eschewed bitterness and wickedness. When
Qrnmll realized that all his recommendations had been complied with,
he began to bless them. Since he already had the Agg. All what he told


lfr ,n r",

them came to pass. The citizens oflkamgn then came to give thanks
and praises to Qrnm)l. He however told them that instead of
him, it was Al(ke-tg'g-ga that they needed to praise because he was the
one who gave him the accurate analysis of the problems of lkamgn
land and recommended the solutions to their problems. The inhabitants
oflkamgn then began to praise Akik-gg'g-ga and paid their homage
to Qrnmll.


Flmq nl'K
okoko mQ'K,
Ara Qfa
Alke'a gb'k' w
O ti ge pe ml?


O nl'k nl'n
M O g'lk rl

K'wg mi
K'sQ mi
Ika Owr nff pa'y kn
Iy I'aka'gbQn
Baba I'aka'gba
Qlgtan O lka-ke egbas, , yln gbas
Qrunmlla nl eSe tl e fi rjQ orukg
Kmi-kml-kmi l'de Ik?
WQn nl bQ ni wgn ti rrj
KI Qrunmlla t d
Qrrtnmll nl abjg tl aye wgn ge rl kmi-kmlkami
Bl gni k'gg
WQn nl kl wqn lg ree k wgn fun Onlkamgrtn
Qmg a-k-wrk-orf-eja mu bg'nu

WQn d ke klnnl
Wgn O b Onlkamgn

9mg a-k-wrk-orl-eja m bg'nu

WQn d k kejl
K keJa tltl d k kgrlndlnlgn
Wgn O b Onlkamgn


lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

Qmg a-k-wrk-orf-eja mU bg'nu

WQn w d ka ketedlnlgtln
WQn b Onlkamgn

9mg a-k-wrk-orf-eja mU bg'nu

jokoo st ka
fi agq k kan bo'ra
Paak kan jk tff rf ka
to aaka, fi b'grf
WQn nl kl Lka lg r pa'ko fggin
Nldll ak
Ibaaka ta Lk l'jlk
Lka gubtl lu'lQ kr
Ika n ku

9k sunkn-un
Igbln kakaaka


Fbltl kakaaka
Fbltl tl o b gb'jrt
K le p'gbln llll
Ptk efQn kakaaka nff ta'j l'gnu
Dl filn wgn nl lkamOgun
Qmq a-k-wrk-orf-eja m bg'nu
Mjq wn gwogw
Tl wQn I'wgn o l'w I'qwq
Fbg ni wqn nl kl wEn w ge
gb'gbg, r'bg
QrUnmlle l nl a l'w
Ni gbogbowa pe l'w

n'Ib hun A9 q w
Qrunmll l nl a6lyal lqkg
Ni gbogbo wa ge l'ya/l'Qko
Enu Awo

Aklk-sg'g-g e
Enu Awo n'Iba ohun Agg wa
Qrrtnmll l nl a bl'mg
Ni gbogbo wa ge bl'mg


tx" u"i

Enu Awo n'Iba ohun Apgwa
QrUnmll l nl a nlre gbogbo
Ni gbogbo wa $e rlnlre gbogbo
Enu Awo n'Ibe hun Agg wa
Mo p'gq ow l'nfl
If jg kl nl'w I'qwq
Enu Awo n'Iba hun Aggwa
Mo p'gg aya/qkq lnff
If j kl rl l'ya/l'qkg
Enu Awo n'Iba ohun Aggwa
Mo p'gg gmq l'nff
If je kl n bl'mg
Enu Awo n'Iba hun AOgwa
Mo p'gg ire gbogbo l'nff
If je kl n nl're gbogbo
Aklk sggi 9a
Enu Awo n'Iba hun Aggwa

Flmq atlka


Okoko also travels to, and knows,Ika land

But Qfa indigenes do not knowlka land
Letthe kr seller bring it here
Why do you call me?
You harbour wicked motives
I had never done any wickedness in my life
Remove my hands
And remove my legs
Spinning cotton-wool thread confuses the spinner
The mother went in circles 30 times
And the father did same 200 times


lfa Dida: An invrtation to lfa Consuftation

Their relatons could not do the spinning behind gbas tree

Qrnmll asked them, "why are you all answering these
confusing names inlka land?
They responded that that was how they had been answering
these names
Before the arrival of Qrnm)l into their land
Qrnm)l responded that no wonder why their lives were in a
state of confusion
Like that of someone folding clothes for packing
They said that they should be handed over to Offkamgn,
the Qba oflka town
He who consumes the head of a fish at one go
They went to the first room
They could not find Orf kamgn
In the second room
They could not fi nd Ortikamgn
In the third to sixteenth room
They could not find Off kamOgrln
He who consumes the head of a fish at one go
In the seventeenth room however

Theyfound On'ikamOgn
He who consumes the head of a fish at one go
He sat in a room
He wrapped himself with k clothe

One Pk masquerade satwith him in the room

He was serving his Oriwith a pangolin, akika
They asked Lka to go and cut grasses for the horse by the
makeshift hut
A pony ht LkA on his shoulder
Lka felldown and died
The wicked died
The wicked was digging his grave
And a cobra was weeping and mourning him
Igbf n, the snail, is strong
Fblti, the deadfall, is equally strong
Any deadfall that is not really strong and heavy cannot crack
the shellof a big snail



*" r.,,

The hoof of a buffalo will breakthe jaw of any dog

These were the messages of If for the citizens oflkamgrf
Those who consume the head of a fish at one go
When afterengaging in several businesses
They complained that they have no financial buoyancy to show
for it
They were advised to offer gbg
Al(k sg'gig, the residentAwo of Qrnmll
He cast If for OrrJnm'il
When going on spiritual mission tothe land of
He was advised to offer
He complied




Qrnmll was he who decreed that we be blessed with

And we were so blessed
All hail Akik-sg'g-ga

It is in the mouth of an Awo that lba, reference and Agq,

authority reside
Qrnmll was he who decreed that we be blessed with


And we were so blessed
All hail Akike-sg'gi-p
It is in the mouth of Awothatlb and Agg reside
Qntnmll was he who decreed that we be blessed with children
And we were so blessed
All hail Al(k-sg'g-ga
It is in the mouth of Awo thatlba and Agg reside
Qrnmll was he who decreed thatwe receive the blessing of




All praise Akik sg'gi ga

It is in the mouth of Awo thatlba and Agg reside
I decree for me to be blessed with abundant wealth
If, please let it come to pass
I give praisesto Al(k sg'gig
It is in the mouth of Awo thatlba and Agg reside
I decree for me to be blessed with spouses
If, please let it come to



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

I give prase to Akik-sg'g-ga

It is in the mouth of Awo thatlba and Agg reside
I decree for me to be blessed with good children
If, please let it come to pass
I give praise to Al(k-sg'g-$a
It is in the mouth of Awo thatlba and Agg reside
I decree for me to be blessed with ire of good life
If, please let it come to pass
I give praise to Akike-sQ'g-Sa
It is in the mouth of Awothatlba and Agg reside
If saysthatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
all the good things of life. All he/she needs do is to do away with evil (in
thought, speech and action), do away with awkward names and seek the
Agg which only If gives to its devoted disciples.

3. If says that it foresees the ire of a good spouse for whom this Od is
revealed. If says fufther that their relationship will be blessed with
good children.


however warns that once married, the couple must never

contemplate separation or divorce. It is not in tune with their
destinies. If there had been separation or divorce where this Odls
revealed, If urges those involved to reconcile and settle their
differences. If this is not done, series of problems and mishaps will
occur which will not be good for either of those involved.
If also says that if anyone or group plans to travel to a far distance
where this Od is revealed, the person(s) will go and return safely.
He/She/Theyshall be blessed with journey mercies.
If advises those for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with


rats, two fish, two hens, two guineafowls, two roosters and


On allthese, a stanza in this Od says:

Aagba hun wgn nf jq



il ,* *",
Iotun ohun wgn ff ja q ge Qdn
Keek tfibwgn-Qn p'Qy Aaka

Eyi tiwgn f QkQ fn nl lr1je-lje
Df fn

Fbp ni wQn

ff k w ge

Aagba stays and manages the forest with other forest

I:kn, stays and manages the plain with other plain

Keek is he who stays and manages Qyg Aaka with other
Qyg citizens
These were If's declarationsto Ohlwgri, the water-body
Whom they shall betroth QkQ, the Boat, to from heryouth
He was advised to offer gbg
Ever since the conception of QkQ, the Boat, If was consulted and If
advised the parentsto hand QkQ overto Ohlwgri in marriage. If stressed
that it was in the water that Ok would strive and nowhere else. TfA
warned that the parents must never give out her hand to anybody else
and they must ensure that she never contemplated separation or divorce.
As soon as QkQ was born, the parents handed her over to Ohlwgri. When
this was done, evefihing went well. When OkQ became ripe for child
bearing, it was with ease she gave b'th to her children. Her business,

together with that of her husband, Ohlwgri flourished very well. They
lived in peace and relative comfoft.
One day, a Iittle misunderstanding occurred between Olwgri and QkQ.
The friends of Ohlwgri told him that QkQ was full of herself, she was too
arrogant and she felt that without her, Ohfwgri could not suruive. They
advised Oklwgri to call her bluff and let her go to blazes if she so desired.
They concluded that OkQ must be put in her proper place before there
could be peace in Olwgri's home. On the other hand, the friends and
sympathizers of QkQ blamed her for accommodating all the insults which


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Olwgri had been giving her for a long time. They said that the whole
communty was aware that Ohiwgri was usng her star to survive. They
said that Ohlwgri had been using her as his personal propefty and not as his
spouse who must be pampered, honoured and respected. They told QkQ
that it was evident that Ohlwgri would never give her due respect; but
nonetheless, she needed to take a dramatic step that would force Olwgri
to give her full honour. She must claim her rights, they urged QkQ. How?
She demanded. They concluded that she must leave Ohfwqri that very
day. They assured her that Okfwgri could not do without her for three days
before coming to beg her. They convinced QkQ that it was the best option
open to her if she did not want to continue to live in humiliation and
suffering. Before QkQ had the chance to digest all the information fully,
these friends and sympathizers stafted to pack her things away from the
home of Ohlwgri.
The friends of Ohlwgri told him not to interuene. They urged Olrtwgri to
allow her to go because she was too proud and arrogant. On the other
hand, the friends of QkQ helped her to pack her things and they even
ensured that she was pushed to the shore of Ohlwgri.
As soon as QkQ and Ohlwgri were separated, everything changed for both
of them. Trouble stafted. Their businesses collapsed. QkQ became lean

and dry. Oltlwgri felt empty and isolated. Life had no more meaning for
both of them. Theywere both crying.
To make matters worse, the friends of Ohlweri came to console

him. When

they discovered that all their counseling did not have any effect on him,
. they began to blame and abuse him that he lacked maturity and patience to
manage his home properly. They queried him that when he knew that his
wife was angry why couldnt he exercise patience and talk things over with
her? They advised him to find a means of going to reconcile with her. They
all refused bluntly to follow him to go for such reconciliation.
On the other hand, the action of QkQ was a veritable oppoftunity for juicy
gossip among her friends. They claimed that QkQ had no respect for her

husband. She was cocky and mean. Some of them said that if their

husbands had given them one-quafter of the oppoftunities that QkQ had,


il ,* r",
they would be one of the happiest women on

eafth. Wth all the

oppoftunities that QkQ had, they leered, she was never satisfied. They
concluded that it was her burden and she must carry it by herself. Before
long, QkQ fellterribly sick.
When the parents of QkQ saw what was happening to their daughter, they
knew exactly what went wrong. They knew that all the misfoftunes
occurred because their daughter failed to abide by the advice of If. They
called her and told her that there was the need for them to go and appeal
to Ohfwgri for reconciliation. QkQ agreed. The parents of QkQ invited the
relatives of Olrtwgri for talks. They set a date and the two parties
converged. The two pafties agreed that there must be settlement. On
that same day, the groups of Awo mentioned above were invited for If
When theAwo arrived, theyconsulted Ifa andlka-MI was revealed. They
declared that the pains suffered by the couple were self-inflicted. They
had nobody to blame but themselves. They told the couple that they
allowed outsiders to put bile and bitter leaf into the honey of their lives.
They were assured that it was the 401 IrnmglQ themselves who made
them husband and wife from heaven. Oldmar Himself endorsed the
relationship. Why should they therefore allow outsiders who were never
happy that they were doing well to dictate their lives to them?

The Awo said that Aagba lived in the forest perpetually not because t dd
not experience hardship and insults, but simply because that was where it
belonged and it was more secured there. Similarly,IjO<un stayed in the
plain because that was where it belonged. Of course, there were
tribulations and moments of anxiety in the plain, but in the end,IofUn
knew that she would be better off there. The same thing applied to
Keek n QyQ Ajafa. He too had his trying moments there, but he knew
he was to lose if he, because of that, leave Qyg town. They urged the
couple to embrace each other and move back together as they were
meant for each other. That was how the misunderstanding was settled.

They invited Aagba and IjOkUn to help them pull Qk back into Ohfwgri's
home. This was done. Life returned to normal for the couple. Life

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

reganed its meaning forthem. Their businesses picked up once more. All
their diabolical friends came backto apologise to them. They had all learnt
their lessons.

Aagba hun wgn nl jg Q ge'gbo

ljOkun hun wgn nl j9 Q 9e Qdn
Keek nff b wgn-qn q'QyAaka

a fun Olwqrl
Eyl tl wgn f Qkq fn nl
f bg ni wqn nl k w Se
gb'bg r'bg


At'aagba, t'ljokn
E w b wa w'Qkq fluwgri o

Aagba stays and manages the forest with other forest
Ijokun stays and manages the plain with other plain members
Keek is he who stays and manages Qyg Aaka with other
Oyg indigenes
These were lf's declarationsto Ohlwgri
Whom they shall betroth QkQ to from youth
He was advised to offer qbg
He latercomplied
Please invite Aagba and IjOkUn to help pull Qk back to the
domain of Ohlwgri.

If says that it foresees happiness for a couple for whom this Od is

revealed. If there is any misunderstanding, let it be resolved amicably.
They need not listen to those who will only complicate their matter for

If also says that for a traveller, he/she shall go and return safely. There
may be delay, but he/she shall surely return safely.


If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she



*" r",

shall be recognized and honoured. If says that his/her children shall

make him/her proud in his/her Iifetime and even after he/she had
passed on. His/her legacies shall be passed on to his/her children. All
what he/she had laboured for shall not go to ruins or be inherited by
strangers. His/her own children shall be the ones to inheritthem. If
advises this person to give all his/her children proper training so as to
be the fit and proper persons to inherit and take over all his/her

If also advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg

with four rats, four fish, two hens,

hro roostens and money.

On these, If has this to say.

Arl'dg wrqwerg p'qk, Awo il Onlkamgn

Onl nTj akn fgwg agada gb'gri
Iia te-tte-tl ni wen f rrg'gun Atloro
D,l fn 'Ljfl
Tff ggmg Aro
Fbq qmq ni wQn nl k w 9e

He who uses slender brass ornaments as rafters, the residents
Awo of Onf kamgn
Today, the crab is set for a fight, and it uses its fingers to scratch
the soil
Feeble fights is what make other birds to defeat Atioro in all

These were If's messages to'Lfi)
The child of Ar
He was advised to offer gbq for his children
Qlf)'s father was a very impoftant and highly respected personality in his
community. He was considered to be very responsible, responsive and
intelligent. He was also known to be level-headed. He used to listen to
both sides of any matter before uttering a pronouncement or taking a
decision. For these reasons, people loved to ask for his advice or help in any


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

One day, the communty gathered together and honoured him with the title
of Ar of Ikamgn land. This made 'LfiT's father one of thelwrQf in
Ikamogun land. IwrQf are the six highest ranking chiefs and decision
makers in the land.

'Lfi)'s father gave his child all the necessary training to make him great in

future. He listened to his father and followed in all his footsteps. At a

stage, if people wanted any assistance from Aro and found only his son
'Lfq), they used to assume that he was as good as his fathef and they
would discuss with him. The people were never disappointed. When Ar
was getting older, the general opinion was that'Ljifr was then even more
intelligent than his father. Those who held that opinion were also never
disappointed. 'Ljfr compofted himself very well in the community.
One day, 'Ljifl's father died. The whole community gathered together that
they could not allow the Ar stool to be vacant for too long. They
concluded that'Lajifi should be installed as the new Ar oflkamOgn Iand
since he had been acting in that capacity when his father was getting older
and feeble. 'Ljfr was thus installed the next Ar of lkamgrln land after
his father.

During 'Ljifi's period as the Ar of lkamogrln land, his reputation

surpassed that of his father. He became more successful than his father.
At a stage, his home was busier than the palace of OrfkamOgn. Yet, he
did not disappoint anyone.

It was allthese achievements and reputations that were giving 'Ljifr cause
for concern: who will inherit all of them? Will all these go into ruins and
oblivion in future? What would become of all his achievements when he
died? All these and more were his major concerns which made him to
approach the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation. During
consu ltation, Ik-M) was revea led.

The Awo assured him that his assets, both materials and intellectual, would
not go into ruins, or be inherited by other people who did not know how he
tookthe pains to accumulate them. He was told that his children would be
the ones to inherit them. He was however told to give all his children the


il ,* r",
type of rgorous training which his father
him in order to guarantee
that his children would have both the intellectual and administrative
capabilities to continue wherever he had stopped. He was also advised to
offer gbg as prescribed above. He complied.
'Ljfi gave his children the best training ever. During his lifetime, all his
children made him proud. They were the subject of envy everywhere.
'Ljfr was very happy and was proud of these children. When he died, he
died a happy, contented and accomplished man.

When the community gathered to choose the next Ar however, some

other people showed up to contest the position with 'Ljifi's children.
Those who came out were the people who were traditionally holders of
Fjgmu title. Fjgmu was lower than Ar in order of seniority. The
community however instructed the children of 'Ljifi to present a candidate
among themselves for installation as the next Ar oflkamgun land. They
told those contesting the title to wait for the time that the stool of ggmu
would be vacant.

Arf'dg werwrg p'gk, Awo l Onlkamgn

Onl n'lj akn fgwq agada gb'Qri

Ija tle-tle-tfe ni wQn fi rrgS'gun Atloro

D,la fUn 'Ljifl
Tff ggmg Aro
Fbq qmg ni wQn nl k w qe
gb'gbg, rrt'bg
9mq Ar Ia m j'Ar
Qmq Fjemu ni wQn mrt j'Fjemu
Qmq gni I'Orlg fi fip'dlwQn gni

He who uses slender brass ornaments as rafters, the resident
Awo of Onf kamgn
Today, the crab is set for a fight, and it uses its fingers to
scratch the soil
Feeble fight is what make other birds to defeat Atioro in all



lfa Dda: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

These were lf's messages to'Lfi;)

The child of Ar
He was advised to offer gbg for his children
He complied
The child of Aro shall be installed as the next Ar
And the child of Ejgmu shall be installed as the next Ejgmu

It is the compoftment

and achievement of one's children that the

Origa measure to
one's level of success in life.
If says that the children of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
make him/her proud in life. He/she however needs to strive to give the
children the very besttraining possible.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall


recognized. If says that he/she shall move from the position of

obscurity to that of prominence. If says that he/she had been
having difficulty in holding any achievement for long, If says that
this will change and he/she shall be able to achieve a lot of his/her
heafts desires.

If also foresees the Ire of childbearing for a pregnant woman where

this Od is revealed. She will be blessed with two bouncing babies, a
set of twins, very soon. The babies, when born, shall be one male
and one female. A barren woman shall also be blessed with the fruit
of the womb. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed
shall be promoted in life. He/she shall move up in all his/her
undeftakings in life.

If also says that this person ls surrounded by a lot of enemies who

are envious of his/her achievements and who, for that reason, hate
his/her guts. If however assures this person that these enemies
shall not be ableto do him/her harm. On these,If says
f ba rere, Awo In

ftln In

In sunkun lwa hun O yolrl

fbg ni wqn nl kw se

fri ,* r",

fba rere, to be recognzed from afar, the Awo of In, fire
He was the Awo who cast If for In

When weeping and lamenting that he had no recognition

He was advised to offer gbg

In, fire, was full of sorrow. Nobody recognized him. Even if he burnt
down a whole town, nobody seemed to notice. This did not make In
happyatall. He lamented this misfoftune on a daily basis.


of lamentation, he summoned courage to approach the Awo

mentioned above, fba rre, for If consultation: would he be recognized in

life? Would he be feared and respected?
The Awo assured In that he would be recognized, feared and respected.
He was assured that he would also be usefulto others in his life. The Awo
advised In to offer gbg with plenty of palm-oil, two roosters and
money. In complied.
Ever since that time, whenever there was fire, as soon as a little palm-oil or
any other fuel was added, the flame would go up and In would be
recognized. In was also used to cook food, and to clear the bush in
readiness for annual farm plantation. Even though In is used for all these,
itwas with caution and extreme care. Those in contactwith fire did so with
fear and respect. That was how In got his recognition. He was full of joy
that he was able to achieve his heaft's desires in his life.

lba sllgsllQ Awo olg boilgqlq

firn OlgboilgqlQ
Tl nm're gbogbo lmbQ lmbe
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

fibq sIlQsIlQ, to act stilthily, the Awo of OlgbJigQlO, the Cat
He cast If for OlgboJigQlQ
When all his achievements were dropping from his hands
He was advised to offer ebo


lla Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

OlgbJigl, the cat had completely lost his respect among the rats. Any
rat captured by Olgb0fgQlQ would eventually escape from his grasp. He
amounted to nothing in the estimation of the rats. Instead of the rats
running away from OlgbJigQlQ, he was the one avoiding them. To make
matters worse, the rats began to bite OlgbfgQlQ'stailfor consumption!
OlgbjfgQlQ considered this the peak of all insults to his person. He
therefore went for If consultation in the home of pba slbsllQ his Babalwo;
would he be able to regain his respect? Would he be able to regain his
respect? Would he be able to keep for himself all the rats that he captured?
Would he be feared bythese rats who were getting bolder and more daring
every passing day?
The Awo assured OlgbOJigQlQ that he would be able to hold onto whatever
he had achieved. He was also told that he would be feared and respected.
All what he needed to do, he was advised, was to offer qbg with hruo
pigeons, two roosterc and 2O blades. He complied.
As soon as he offered the gbg, Eg stuck one blade in each of Olgb0JigQlQ's


Unknown to the rats, they came in group to pester

OlgbJigQlQ as they used to do. The leader among them was grabbed and
simplified into two by OlgbfgQlQ. The rest of them could not believe
their eyes. In their confusion, OlgbjfgQlQ was able to grab two more. He
tore them to pieces with the help of the blades which he had stuck to his
fingers and toes. The remaining rats ran helter-skelter. Ever since that
time, the rats knew OlgbfgQlQ as their master, and any rat who was
unfortunate enough to be grabbed by OlgbfgQlQ had no way to escape.
Such unfoftunate ratwould be partof OlgbJigQlq's mealforthatday.
fingers and

f ba rgre, Awo Adan

Dl filn Adan, onlfll qt
Fkn gmg l rl sun
f bg ni wqn nl kw ge

fba rgrg, to havethem in abundance, theAwo of Adn, the Bat
He cast If for Adn, the owner of the cap made with [t,

frl ,* r.,

brown, clothing material

When weepng in lamentation of her inabilty to beget her own
She was advised to offer gbg.
Adn, the Bat, loved children a lot. She dreamt of having several children
in her life. Unfoftunately however, she was not able to have even only one.
She cried everyday because of this. How could she come into this world
without begetting her own children? Somebody gave bfth to her; why
should she find it impossible to give birth to her own children? As much as
she loved children would she continue to shower her love and affection on
the children of others without begetting her own child to love, pamper and
take care of? Anytime she pondered on these points, she was always sad
and dejected. She used to dream that she was in the midst of her children
playing and joking with them.
She made up her mind to do something about it. One day, she wentto fba
Rgrg her Babalwo for If consultation. During consultation,Ik-M;I was

The Awo assured her that she would be blessed with the fruit of the womb.
She was also assured that she would give bfth to several children in her


She was advised to offer gbg with 2O rats, 20

roosterc for good childre and sound health.

fish and two

When she went to the market, she bought all the rats and fish in the market
and she bought the two roosters as well. After the gbg, she began to give
brth to children. She was blessed with severalchildren and she had sound
health to continue to give bfth to the children. If anyone tried to persuade
her to stop giving birth to children, she would respond that she loved
children and she suffered before her womb opened for child-bearing. That
was how Adn, the Bat became a proud mother of several children in her

lba gbogbo Awo ok

Dl fin Oke
Oke l'hun f yg'rl ju egb hun yk lg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Fbg niwqn n| kw ge

fiba gbongb, Big and Mighty, theAwo of Ok, the Hill
He cast If for 0k, the Hill
Oke wanted to be higherthan all hercolleagues
He was advised to offer gbg
Oke, the Hill, was very ambitions. she wanted to be higher than all her
contemporaries. She planned allthe things he needed to do to ensure that
she was higher than every one of them - lake, sea, lagoon, and so on. She
then went to f ba gbngb for If consultation. Again, during consultation,
)ka-vtet was revea led.
The Awo assured her that she would be higher than all her contemporaries.
She was advised to offer gbg with one matured he-goat, hro pigeons
and money. She complied. Before long, she grew higher than all her
colleagues. She was full of joy that she was able to achieve her heaft's

Magi-magi, Awo Aps

D,l fin Aps
Tll $'gkg Agg
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge

Magi-magi, the Awo of Aps, the clothe-weaving instrument
He cast If for Aps
The husband of Aqg, the cloth
He was advised to offer gbg.

Aps, the cloth-weaving instrument, was the husband of A9g, the cloth.
Apas was in love with his wife. He wanted to know if he would continue to
be Agg's husband for the rest of his life. For this reason, he went to MagiMagi, his Awo for If consultation.
The Awo assures Aps that he would be the husband of ASa for the rest of


*" r",

his life. He however told Apas that he needed to offer gbg because at a
stage, Agg would be taken away from him to dress other people. Aps
was advised to offer gbg with two hens for him to be the husband of Agg
for life, and to offer gbg with hruo roosters for people not to snatch Agg
away from him for their own selfish usage in future. Aps offered gbg with
two hens and refused to offer gbg for people not to snatch Agg away from
him. He believed that nobody could do that since he would remain the
husband of Agg for life.
As soon as Aps completed his work on Agg, Aps was cleaned and kept
in a box while Asg was sewn and given to others to wear for their outings.
Apasa was full of regrets for the rest of his life. His only consolation was
that those who took Agg away did not consider her their wife. They all
knew that she was initially the wife of Aps.


filn FlqmQQq
Qmg a-b-raka-rktl

Eyl qmq eye kan , yQ kn tl g'orl og

Tl srlre ogun tantantan
Fbel+gun ni wqn nl kw Se

MaSi-magi, the Awo of FlemQFQ
He was the Awo who cast If for FlemQ$
He who shouts atthe top of his voice
Offspring of that bird which perched on Og baobab tree
And pray incessantly for war
He was advised to offerthe gbg of victory

His happiest periods were during

FlemQgq was a great warrior.
contentions, confrontations and wars. He was always praying for them.
For this reason, he went to Magi-Magi, his Babalwo, for If consultation:
would he be able to see wars and uprisings to confront? Would he be
victorious during these confrontations? During consultation, Ika-M) was


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The Awo told flQmQpQ that the people of the world were too restless for
there not to be wars and contentions. Nothing satisfied the world, the Awo
told flqmggg. Nothing was enough for them except suffering. The Awo
assured FlemQgQ that there would always be contentions, confrontations
and wars for him to engage in. What he needed to do was to offer gbg for
him to be victorious in all his campaigns. The Awo advised him to offer gbg
with three matured he-goats and money. He complied.
FlemQgq fought several battles after; and he was victorious in

several spoils


He had

of war which made him successful beyond his wildest

FlemQgQ's reputation as a warlord travelled

When he died, the whole world paid tributes to him.


far and wide.

Kgkgg n ab'oj rl Legn-Leg n

Dl filn wgn l'gb lgb IfQ Kiriblti
Awgn l gb'y ni wQn d'f st
lbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge

Kgkggn, the slender iron rod, with its pointed tip
This was the If cast for them at IfQ land
When planning to take full control of their environment
They were advised to offer gbg

Ib-Ife was where human life began. The indigenes of this town were aware
of this. Consequent upon this, they saw no reason why they should not be
the ones to control every paft of their environment. That was what they
had in mind when they approached Kgkggn- ab'ojtl-legn-legn for If
consultation. During consu ltation, Ik M) was revealed.
The Awo told them that they would be able to exercise full control on their
environment. They were advised to offer gbg with 16 pigeons, two hegoats and money. They were to add the sand from a well-trekked
footpath to the gbg. They were assured that the feet normally took full
control of the footpath while the rope of the palmwine tapper took full
control of the palm-tree. They were also advised to feed If with one
matured she-goat. All these they did without delay.


ifr ,* r.,

Soon afterwards, all the towns and villages around ll-Ife came to pay
homage and pledge their allegiance to the leaders of Il-IfQ. They
pafticipated in the developmentand defence of II-IQ.

Qpgqrg abs lgnlg

IX fitn Erw gg
Tl be l'rinlgbq
[bq alk ni wn nl k w pe

QpeQre, bird with thicktuftof plumes on its head
The Awo who cast If for Erw, the fresh grass
Who was living in the forest
Erw was advised to offer gbg to live long

Erw was in constant fear of her life. She Iived in the forest. Every now
and then, the bush was burnt by game hunters, farmers or thunder-strike.
Will these activities not shoften her life? Would she be able to sulvive this
assault? When there was no fire outbreak, deers, antelopes, rodents,
grasscutters, locusts and so on, fed on her. Would they not finish her
completely? The fear of sudden death had caused her sleeplessness.
There was no peace of mind for Erw s$. This was what made her to
approach Qpeere-abs-lgnlg for If consultation. When If was
consu lted, Ika-Mel was revea led.

The Awo assured Erw gg that even though this threat existed, she
would never die young. Several attempts would be made on her life but she
would suruive them all. She was advised to offer gbg with two roosters.
She complied.
Every time, the farmers burnt the farm in preparation for new plantation;
the game hunters put fire on the forest in order to kill animals; thunder
strike set the bush on fire; and herbivorous animals consumed Erw gUg
with reckless abandon. Yet, Erwa Sg surived all the attempts to kill
her. She was full of thanks and praises for her Awo, Qpeere-abOs-lgnQ.
When asked how she survived, she responded that she used to sleep


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

quietly and she used to find herself waking up quetly too! All in the power
of Oldmar and If, she would add.
Ofe o j'eree
A rff l'po
Qje kfl jTkesl
A rff nTyQ
Trtl-ol ni wqn ge'f filn
Omg ag
Eyl tl rr b wgn gb'l Owerenjje
Eyl to ti rln nl lkQQkQ
Eyl to ti rln nl lbb
WQn nl I'qdn nff ni y d'gni atehde gbangba
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

Ofe, bird does notconsume beans
But it mixes itwith palm-oil

successful merchant does not eat meals prepared the

previous day
The food will be preserved with salt
These were If's declarations to Tl-oh1
Offspring of that canon edge
Which lives where Owerenjje, is planted
Hewho had been going about in totalobscurity
He who had been living a life of a non-entitiy
He was told that that year was his year of prominence
He was advised to offer gbg

Tl-ohl was a very unsuccessful man. He had no money, no spouse, no

child, no sound health, no house of his own, not to mention a means of
transpoftation of his own. Except for members of his family, nobody knew
him. Nobody cared to know him either. As far as many people in his
community were concerned, he never existed physically or in their minds.
For how long would he continue to live the life of a Nobody in his
community, he asked himself? That was what prompted Tl-ohi to
approach the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation: would he


frl ,* r,,


in life, he asked lfa? During If

consultation, Ika-MeT was

The Awo told Tl-Oltt that he was living a life of obscurity. He however
assured him that that very year, something would happen to his life that
would bring him into the limelight and prominence. He was advised to offer
gbg with hro pigeons and money. Tl-Ohf had no money. He had
onlytwo dresses. He sold one and boughtthe two pigeons with the money
he realized from the sale. The Awo performed gbq for hirnd blesse.him.
Tl-Ol waited for three months and no change occurred in his life. In
the foufth month, he made up his mind to go into the forest to hang himself.
Eg continued to encourage him to do so. When in the forest, Eg gave him
the direction of where to go. If he stopped somewhere, Eg would urge
him to move further into the forest. When he reached a point, the odour of
dead animals was too offensive for him to bear. EgU urged him to continue
going. When he reached the spot where the odour was coming from, he
realized that the odour was that of two elephants. They had earlier battled
each other to death. Egu told him not to waste time by removing the ivories
of the dead elephants. When he removed them, ESU told him that all he
needed to do were to forget about his suicide attempt and look for buyers
for his newly-found treasure.

When he returned home, he sold the ivories at exhorbitant prices. He

became very rich. People began to take notice of him. The attitude of all
his family members toward him changed completely. They were always at
his beck and call. They were ready to cooperate with him in all things. That
was the time his family members realized that it was not proper for him not
to have a spouse of his own. They arranged one for him. People noticed
him even more. Soon after this, the wife became pregnant. The whole
community knew that the pregnant woman was TlOl4is wife," He
arranged with his peer group and a befitting house was erected for him.
His business flourished and he bought a fine horse as a means of
transpoftation. All these took place in just one year! Tl-Ol became the
talkof thetown.

w kan wgn $rksrtkrt nl lQ'kuru


lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

WQnyln-wgnyn l lQ'gl
Ogl tl k knn l'ghde b'gn
Gnnugn w'omi agbada tlgn-rre
Om ni'f oblnrin
Qnagfu n ni'f aknyngb
fin Elbt
Tl fre'l QlQfi n IQQ gb'awo
Fbq ni wEn nl k w ge
A b fin Odt-Keke
re'l glqfn IQQ gb'awo
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

Finely do one grind the beans for making kuru, the bean

And into fine paste do one grind the corn for making 0g), the
corn meal
The poorly grinded corn paste is normally given to pigs for
Grlnnugrf n, the Vulture glanced at the water in the water-basin
unendingly without drinking
Qm, the Breast is an invaluable asset of a woman
And a melodious voice is an invaluable asset of an lyQrQ
These were If's declarationsto Elbrit
When going on If's mission tothe home of QlQfin
He was also advised to offer gbg
The same was declared to Odu-fgq
When going on lf's mission tothe home of QlQfin
He was also advised to offer ebo
Ana-Qg)n, the wife of QlQfin was pregnant. This brought anxiety to the
mind of QlQfin: what would he do for his favourite wife to deliver safely?
He was also curious about the sex of the baby so that he could know what
preparation he needed to make for its eventual arrival: what types of
dresses he should procure for the baby's usage, its circumcision, and so


on. wth all these on QlQfin's mind, he summoned

tx. u"i

Elbt to come and

consult If for him in his palace.

As soon as Elbtlt received the call of QlQfin, he went to the home of the

Awo mentioned above for If consultation? What exactly dd qlqfn want

from him? would he succeed where he was going? would he be able to
satisfy QlQfin when he got there? During If consultation,Ika-MeI was
The Awo told Elbut that the wife of QlQfin was pregnant and that glqfin
was preoccupied with the safe delivery of his wife. They also told him that
QlQfn wished to know the sex of the baby ahead of the delivery time. The
Awo assured Elbt1t that OlQfin's wife will have a safe delivery and that
she was going to give brth to a male baby. They also told Elbrit that
there was the need for QlQfin to offer gbg with two rats, two fish, hruo
roosters and money because the wife was going to give bifth to a male
baby. When Elbt got to Olfin's palace, he was asked to consult If.
He did.
Again,Ika-tvteSt was revealed. He assured QlQfin that his wife would have
a safe delivery and that she would give bfth to a male baby. He advised
QlQfin to offer qbg as prescribed above. Qlqfn complied.

Three days after, glqfn summoned Odu Keke to his palace for If
consultation on the same issue. Od-keke also went to his group of Awo
for his own If consultation in order for him to determine exactly what
Qlqfn wanted from him.

When his Awo consulted If for him,Ika-M) was equally revealed. OdUkeke was informed that QIqfn summoned him because of his pregnant
wife. OAU-fqq was told that QlQfin's wife would have a safe delivery. He
was told to advise Qlqfin to offer qbg with two rats, two fish, hruo hens
and money because QlQfin's wife would deliver a female baby.


OlQfin's palace, OOu-t<qtq consulted If and again, Ika-Me;t was

revealed. He assured QlQfin that his wife would have a safe delivery and
that she was going to have a female baby. Female? OOo-fete assured

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultaton

QlQfin that he had given him the exact message of If. He advised QlQfin
offergbg as prescribed by hisAwo, Qlqfn complied.


Elbrtt and Od-keKe were the very best Awo during their time.
Anything they said was taken seriously because it usually came to pass.
Now that the two of them were giving conflicting messages, what could
one make of it? Elbt said that If foresaw a male baby for QlQfin while
Od-keke assured Qlqfin that what If foresaw for him, Qlqfin, was a
female baby. Wth these conflicting messages, QlQfin's curiosity and
anxiety mounted by the day. He could not wait for the day of his wife's
delivery in order to know who was correct among these great Babalwo.
One day, Olfin's wife went into labour. As expected, QlQfin quickly
summoned Elbt and OdU-Keke to his palace so that they could see to
her safe delivery as they had predicted. Elbt arrived first. He assured
QlQfin that his wife had no problem and that she would deliver a male baby.
Od-Keke came a few moments after and told glQfn that his wife would
have a safe delivery and the baby would be female.
When QlQfin's wife was to deliver, it was a male child. Elbrit was full of
jubilation. He told Qlqfin that If had never failed him. OdU-keke could not
believe what he had seen. He excused himself and told QlQfin that he was
going home in order to go and ask If what he had done wrong in his
seruice to If which brought this disgrace and humiliation to him. QlQfin
excused him.
As soon as he left, QlQfin's wife gave bfth to another baby; this time, a
female. Qlqfin quickly asked one of the palace members to go and call
Od-keke back, that his prediction had also come to pass. When the
messenger got to OdU-kgkQ's home, he began to sing thus:

If Elbrtt 99 n o
T'Od-kekg sl gg o
Awo rere I'Odu-kEt<g
If Elbrlt gq n o
T'Od-kqkQ sl gg o

Awo rere I'Od-kke

,* r",,

The prediction of Elbtit had come to pass
And thatof Odu-kqke had also manifested
Od-keke is a great Awo
The prediction of Elbt had cometo pass
And that of Odu-kqke had also manifested
Ou-fete is truly a great Awo


That was the song the palace messenger, Od-keke and all the members
his household sang to the palace in jubiliation with Od-keke and QlQfin,
who became the proud father of a set of twins.


Fba rere, Awo rn

Dl fif n In

In tsunkn lw hun O yojrl

Fbq ni wqn nl kw se
gbg'bg, r'bg
lba sllgsll Awo olgboilgQq
Dl filn Olgboilgqlq
Tl f m're gbogbo lmbq lmbQ
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge
gbg'bg r'bg
f ba rqre, Awo Adan
Dl filn Adan, onlfll gt
f;kn gmg l sun
f bg ni wqn nl k w
gbg'bg, rrl'bg
Eba gbogbo Awo k
Dl filn Oke
Oke l'hun f yg'rf ju egb ohun yok lq
f bg ni wqn nl k w ge
gbQ'bg, r'bg
Magi-magi, Awo Aps
Dl fif n Apas



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consuftation

Tff q'qkg Agg

Fbq kl wEn m gba oblnrin rQ I'QwQ rQ ni wqn nl ko w
Ebq kl hun l g'gkg agg d'alE nlkan l ge

Dl| frrn Fhmqsg

9mq a-b-raka-rk
Eyl emq e, yg kan QyQ kan g'orf og
Tl nsre ogun tantantan
Fbqlqgun ni wqn nl kw ge
gb'bq, r'bg
Kgkgg u n a b'oj tl Legn-Leg n
Dl frrn wgn l'gb lgbo IfQ Kiriblti
Awgn l gb'y ni wQn d'f sl
Fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge
WQn gb'bg, wqn r'bg
j agbak l'gsQ gb'Qn

Agbek n'igb rlgb'qpg

Qpqere abs lgrrlg
I)l filn Erw gg
Tl rrbe l'arin lgb
$bg alku ni wQn nl k w ge
gb'Qbg, r'bg

Emi nff k
Ihgrgpg ni mo sn
Ihqrgpg ni mo dlde o
Kko ejba kagal parad

of o j'er
A rff l'po
Qlja kff j'lksl
A rll nTyQ
Tl-ol niwqn ge'f ftln
Qmg ag

Eyl tl b wqn gb'l Owerenjje

Eyl t ti rln nl lkQQkQ



Eyl to ti rln nl lbb

WQn nl I'Qdn nff ni y d'gn etelede gbangba
Ebg ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'Qbo, rrl'bg
Bl a b l'w gni I'Qwg
f ni gbangba |a jg
If e mi d, gnii gbangba
Bl a b l'ya gni l'y
Sni gbangba la jg
If e mi O, gnii gbangba
Bl a b b1mg gni I'aye
$ni gbangba la jQ
If a mi r gnii gbangba
Bl a b nl ire gbogbo l'y
f ni gbangba l j
If a mi O, gnii gbangba

w kan wgn grlkrlgk nl lQ'kuru

WQnyln-wgnyin l lQ'gl
Ogl tl k krlnn l'glgdQ b'gn
Gnnugn w'omi agbada tlgn-rre
QmU ni'f oblnrin
QnQfu n ni'f aknyngb
IX filn Elbrt
Tl re'l Qlqfin IQQ gb'awo
Fbg ni wqn nl k w ge
A b fun odo-Keke
nre'l Qlqfn IQQ gb'awo
fbg niwqn nl k w ge
WQn gb'bg, wqn r'bg
g rra Elbrt te n o
T'Od-kQkg sl99 o
Awo rere I'Od-keke
If Ebrrlt gg n o
T'Od-kQkQ sl 99 o
Awo rere I'Od-kek o


ka Mej

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

fba rer, theAwo of In, Fire
He cast If for In

When weeping and lamenting that he had no recognition

He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Eba stlQsllQ, the Awo of Olgbofgl, the Cat
He cast If for OlgbgQlQ
When all his achievements were dropping from his hands
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
fba rgrg, the Awo of Adn, the Bat

He cast If for Adn, the owner of the cap made with [t

clothing material
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget her own
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
fba gbongb, the Awo of Ok, the Hill
He cast Ifa for Ok
Ok wanted to be higher than all her colleagues
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Magi-magi, the Awo of Aps, the cloth weaving instrument
He cast If for Aps
The husband of Agg, the cloth
He was advised to offer ebq so that Agg would not be taken
awayfrom him
He offer only the gbg for him to continue to be the husband of
Magi-magi the Awo of FlemQgQ
He cast If for EImQSQ
He who shouts at the top of his voice
Offspring of that bird which perched on Og tree
And pray incessantly for war
Hewas advised to offerebo
He complied



r*" u"i

Qpeere, the bird with thicktuft of plumes on its head

He cast If for Erw, the fresh grass
Who was living in the forest
She was advised to offer gbg in order to live long
She complied
She declared that if you plan for me to die
I shall not die
Quietly did I sleep
And quietlydid I wake up
Ofe does notconsume beans
But it soaks them in palm-oil
A successful merchant does not eat stale meals
The food will instead be preserued with salt
These were If's declarations to Tl-Ohl
Offspring of that eagle
Which lives where Owerenjje is planted
He who had been going about in total obscurity
He who had been living a life of a non-entity
He was told that that year was his year of prominence
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
If one is blessed with wealth
One will be exposed to prominence
I pay reverence to my If, the prominent Divinity
If one is blessed with a good spouse
One will be exposed to prominence
I pay reverence to my If, the prominent Divinity
If one is blessed with good children
One would be exposed to prominence
I pay homage to my If, the prominent Divinity
If one is blessed with all the good things of life
One will be exposed to prominence
I salute my If, the prominent Divinity
Finely do one grind the kuru beans
And into fine past do one grind Og'i Corn
The poorly grinded corn is given to pigs for consumption
Gnnugn glanced at the water in the water basin unendingly


Ifa Dida: An invitation to

lfa Consultation

Qmu isan invaluableassetof awoman
And a melodious voce is an invaluable asset of an


These were lf's declarations to Elbtit
When going tothe palace of QlQfin on If mission
And also to Od-Keke
When going to the palace of QlQfin on If mission
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied
The prediction of Elbttt had cometo pass
And thatof Odu-feke had also manifested
OOU-fgfg is a great Awo
Behold, the prediction of Ebt had cometo pass
And thatof Odu-kgke had equally manifested
Od-keke is truly a great Awo
If says that the person for whom this Odis revealed shall be blessed with
all his/her heart's desires in life. If says that the reason for consulting If
shall come out in favour of the person for whom this Od is revealed.


If says that it foresses success and great accomplishment for the

person for whom this Od is revealed, where he/she is going to, in
order to stay and establish himself/herself. If says that his/her luck
will shine where he/she is going. He/she will be able to establish
himself/herself there. If says that he/she shall be blessed with
bou nd less opportunities.

If advises this person to offer gbg with three pigeons' three

guineafowls, three cocks and money. On this, If says:
J n fldl he
Dl filn Aagba
Tl lq r gba igb I'QwQ on5gb
Fbq ni wqn nl k w 9e






Let me manage here

This was lf's message to Aagba

When going to take over the forest from the owners of the
He was advised to offer gbg
Aagba was a creeping plant. He planned to go to the forest and establish
himself there. All his intention was not beyond the fact that he wants to
stay and live a quiet life in the forest: would he succeed? That was why he
wentto the home of J$n-fidl-he, a prominent Babalwo for If consultation.

Jgn-fidf-hg assured Aagba that he would be able to establish himself in the

forest. Not only that, he would also take over the whole forest from the
owners of the forest at a stage in his life. Aagba could not see how feasible
this would be. He however believed in the words of If. The Awo advised
him to offer gbg as stated above. He complied.
Soon after this, Aagba set out on his journey to the forest. When he got to
the forest, he saw a place near the river and decided to manage there for
some time, before looking for a better place to settle. Before long, he
realized that the place was good for him. In two years, he had taken over
the whole vicinity. Nobody questioned his action. In ten years he had
become a force to reckon with in the forest. Anyone planning to cultivate
there would be told notto do it because Aagba was too much there.
JQ n



fn ljokrtn
Tl lg r gb'Qdn l'gw gl'Qdn
fbg ni wqn ni kw qe

Let me manage here
This was lf's message toIOkUn
When going to take over the plain from the owners of the plain
He was advised to offer ebo


Ifa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultaton

The case of ljkn was smlar to that of Aagba. He too went to the plain
land just to manage before moving on. He too succeeded there, and in ten
years, he took over the plain-land from the original owners of the land.
)okun was also advised to offer gbg before proceeding on that journey
however. He also complied and succeeded. Nobody did anything where
Iokun was.


Dl filn Kker sl
Tl nlg r gba QVq I'QwQ glqyqq
fbg ni wqn nl kw ge
J$ n

Let me manage here
This was If's message to Kkere-Nsl
When going to take over QyQ town from the owners of the town
He was advised to offer gbg

The story of Kker-Nsele was similar to those of Aagba andljOkUn. When

going to QyQ town, he went for If consultation. He was assured that he
would be paft of the owners of the land he planned to go to. He was also
advised to offer gbg. He complied
When he got to QyQ town, he was accepted. Before long, he became one of
the decision makers in the land. He also had his own area where he

J n fldl hq

firn fpa

Tl lg r gba poro l'QwQ ol'ko

fbg ni wqn nl k w ge

Let me manage here
This was If's message to [p, the Peanut

When going to take over the farm ridges from the owner of the

She was advised to offer ebo



The case of Fpa was also similar to those of Aagba, IOkUn and KkerNsl. When Epa was going to the farm to stay. She never bargained for
more than a temporary stay before she could find somewhere more
conducive for her. She however went for If consultation. The Awo told
her that she would succeed where she was going and that she would be
able to take over both the heap and ridges from the owners of the farm.
She was advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. She complied. A few
days after, she moved into the farm.
As soon as she got into the farm, she began to multiply herself. All her
children spread quickly. They spread round the farm heaps and ridges.
The farmer could no longer pass through the ridges of [p. That was how
[p completelytookoverthe farm from the farmer.

Jg n fldl h9
Dl fitn Aagba
Tl lg r gba igb I'QwQ onTgb
fbg niwn nl k w ge
Jg n fldl h9
Dt fitn ljokun
Tl lg r gb'Qdn I'fwq gl'qdan
Fbq niwqn ni k w ge

fldl h9

JQ n
D,l fin

Kker Nsl
Tl rl9 r gba QVq l'gwQ glqyqq
fbg niwqn nl k w ge
Jg n fldl h9
Dla fun fipa
Tl lg r gba poro l'qwq ol'ko
fbg niwqn nl k w ge
WQn gb'gbg, wqn r'bg
Aagba w ge bl ere
gba igb lQwQ onlgb
Ijokun se bl er
gba Qdn lQwq gledn

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

Kker-sele ge bl er
gba Qvq lqwq glqyQq
Fpa qe bl er
gba poro lqwq olko
Klnni Fpa fi to eb k o
gmgygoJg, I'Ep fi teb k

fidf hg (Let me manage here)
This was If's message to Aagba
When going to take over the forest from the owner of the forest
He was advised to offer gbg
JQ n fid'i hg(Let me manage here)
This was If's messge toljokUn
When going to take overthe plain from the owner of the plain
He was advised to offer gbg
JQ n frdl h9
This was lf's message to Kker-Nsl
When going to take over Qyq town from the owners of the town
He was advised to offer gbg
J9 n frdf he
This was lf's message for fpa the Peanut
When going to take over the farm ridges from the owner of the
She was advised to offer gbg
They complied
Gradually, Aagba took over the forest from the owner
And gradually,Ijok tookoverthe plain from the owner
Gradually, Kker-Nsl took over Qyg town from the owners of
JQ n

And gradually, fpa took over the farm form the farmer
What did fpa use to surround itself?
Itwas plenty of children


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is doing

something secretly at present. If this secret is exposed, what he/she


ii ,* r.,
will be in jeopardy. He/she needs to offer gbg so that his/her
secret will not leak out. He/she also needs to feed the Ori of his/her
parents. If either or both of them are dead, he/she needs to feed
their spirits. He/she also needs to feed QbaHl and If. If says
that there is also the need for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to maintain reticence throughout the period that he/she is
doing this thing until it is finally completed.
is doing

If advises this person to offer gbg with hro pigeons, two

guinea-fowls, hro cocks and money. After this, he/she needs
to feed the Ori (orthe spirit) of his/her parents, If and Qbatl. On
these,If says:

Qpelep eilk ni o j'gw bq

9pelqpg wlpe o rl iye ire t bl g filn baba ire
Dl fttn Ooganh QggQrgmagbo
Tl sunkUn oj Awr Ohun ba're o
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

Let us thank the shoulders which do not allow the dress to fall
offour body
Let us thank the fact that a good mother gave brth to you to a
good father
These were lf's messages to Qbtl
When lamenting that his disciples did notsucceed
He was advised to offer gbg

gbaHl slept with sadness. He woke up still feeling sad. This had been
going on for sometimes now. Why? His beloved Awr Or'lg, disciples
could not make ends meet.

All his effofts amounted to naught. This was what was giving QbaHl
sleeplessness. What would other people say if his own AwOr was
experiencing acute wants? Qbat was aware that people would not
make jest of his Awr but it would be him, Qbatl that would become
everybody's subject of ridicule. What must he do? After much


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

deliberation, he decided to go for If consultation. He went to the home of

the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultaion on behalf of his

The Awo told Qbtl that even though his Awr was experiencing serious
problem at that time, the problems would nonetheless disappear in due
course of time. They told Qbatl that his Awr0 was well born and
properly trained by hls parents. He needed to feed the Of of his parents so
that they would give him support. They also said that since he enjoyed the
suppoft of QbaHl there was an assistance that gbakl must render to his
AwrO. This was that the AwOr had no secret. All his secret plans were
being exposed to his opponents and these opponents ensured that such
plans failed to work. There was therefore the need to ensure that the secret
plans of his AwrO did not leak out to anyone. The Awo also advised
QbaHl to inform his AwrO to offer gbg as prescribed above and at the
same time, help his Awr to keep his secrets secret. All the advices of the
Awo were complied with.
As from that moment, Qbtl made it his own personal responsibility to
guard the secret plans of his AwOr against exposure. When the plans did
not leak out, AwOr Oilg was able to implement his heaft's desires. AwrO
became happy and self-sufficient in all the basic things of life. QbaHl
became happy and proud of the achievements of his AwrO.

Qpelepe ilk ni o j', w bq

Qpelqp wlpe o rl iye ire t bl g fn baba ire
Dl frrn ooganla Qqeeremagbo
Tl sunkrln ojrt Aw hun O ba're o
Ebq ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'Qbg, r'bg
Ko p k jlnn
E w b 'ni byQ, e w wo're o
je a5{rf tl Oo+a pamq
N'lkOkO lw

Let us thank the shoulders which do not allow the dress to fall

if, ,* *",

offour body
Let us thank the fact that a good mother gave bifth to you to a
good father
These were lf's messagesto Qbtl
When lamenting that his disciples did not succeed
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long, nottoo far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life
Behold, the secret kept by Qbatl
It remains a secret!

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall enjoy the
suppoft of the Divinities. He/she shallachieve his/her heart's desires in life.
He/she however needs to keep his/her secrets secret. He/She needs to be
reticent in all his/her secret plans.


If says that it foresees the ire of victory for the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says thatthe enemies are many but he/she shall
overcome them all. If says that the plans of his/her enemies shall
turn to success for him/her as their evil designs shall in the end turn to
advantage for him/her. If assures him/her that his/her enemies
shall be putto shame.
If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer ebq with
one matured he-goat and money.
The Awo also needs to look for one palm-kernel by the roadside
(not the one from the farm, it must be the one picked on the road),
grind it into fine powder imprintlka-we) on it, and recite this stanza
into it. After this, make incisions on the head of the person for whom
this Od is revealed from his/her forehead to the back of the head and
rub the powder on it. If this is done, If says, victory is assured. The
stanza in this Od on this issue states thus:

Gbgb qna j'elqse rln

Gbogbo ay kll ge r'w r'ggin

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation


filn Aylnrl

Tff g'gmg glQrQ n'ffq

Ebq alku ni wQn nl k w 9e

Let the root offshoot give way to those who trek
Noteveryone can afford to buya horse
This was lf's declaration to A/inrf n, the maroon colour
The son of the influential man in IfQ
He was advised to offer ghq of longevity

AyinFin, the maroon colour was the son of an influential citizen of Il-IfQ.
Many people hated him for no just reason. Ayinfn was aware of this fact
but everything he did to make his enemies have a change of attitude toward
him failed. Consequently, he went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. During If consideration,Ik-M) was revealed.

The Awo told A/inn that even though his enemies were planning to
eliminate him, they would all fail. He was advised to offer the gbg of victory
and longevity as stated above. He complied. A special preparation was
also made for him with the palm kernel.

After this, he was asked to go about his normal day-to-day activities

because no evil shall befall him.

Meanwhile, the enemies of Aylnn had designed an ingenious plan to

eliminate him. They went to prepare dye with the hope of dipping him into
it until he died. One day, they captured At'lnr1n and dipped him inside the
pot of dye. He was inside the pot for three days. All of them were sure that
nobody could sulive such deal. When they removed Ayinrfn, he was still
alive! Notonlythis, he was looking more handsome, more radiant, stronger
and healthier. Everything the enemies tried to harm Ayinrin, he usually
emerged better off for it. They soon forgot about Aylnr'in.
If says thatthe enemies of the person for whom this Od is revealed would
soon give up on their evil plans against him/her.


Gbgbo Qne j'lsQ rln

Gbogbo ay kff ge r'w




Dl fitn Aylnrlrt
Tff g'gmg Qlqrq n'lfq
fbg alku ni wqn nl k w 9e
gb'Qbo, r'bg
Ko p-, ko jlnna
E w b ni llk kangiri

Alk If dn j'oyin



Onl la pa
Qla la
fnu gnu I'esQ fi pa krQ oj Qn
B'r b l'hun p'Aylnrfn
At'Aylrtrln Se o
Aylnrln o d
9mg 9l9rQ n'ffg

Let the root offshoot give way to those who
Noteveryone can afford to buya horse
This was lf's declaration to Aflnn
The son of the influential man in IfQ
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied



Before long, nottoo far

Come and meet us where we enjoy long life
Longevity guaranteed by Ifa is sweeter than honey
Today, we shall
Tomorrow, we shall eliminate
It is mere words that the feet pronounce
That they will kill a palm-kernel by the road-side
If Ar, the dye plansto killAytnr'in
Itwillonly add to its beauty and vitality
Here comesA/inrf n
The son of the influential man in Il-If


If says that the more people plan to harm this person, the


healthier, i

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

happier, smafter and lovelier he/she becomes. On the other hand, he/she
too must never plan or conspire against other people as this will only lead to
frustration and failure for him/her.


If says that it foresees the ire of a bouncing baby for a man who had
been finding it difficult to father a child. If says that some evil forces
are responsible for the man's inability to become a father. Wth
appropriate gbg, If assumes thatthese evil forces will disappean


advises this man

to offer qbg with one matured akika,

pangolin and money. He also

big cock. On these, If says:

needs to feed ESU Qdara with


Qtqu tgu tQrt

QnqU rgu rQrI
Qtqqtq I j'Qp
Qtqqtq l jQ'mumu
LJq lqtq la s'ohl esunsun s'$nu

filn Onlkamgn
Qmg elegun kakaaka

forf akika g'arqmg

Fbg ni wqn nl kw ge


Qtqqtq l j'Qp
Qtqqtq l jQ'mumu

QtqU tgu
QrQri rgu


) of
) Awo

LqtQ lqtQ l s'ohi esunsun s'Qnu)

They were the Awo who cast If for OffkamOgn

He who was blessed with strong bones
And who uses the head of akika, pangolin as medicine for

He was advised to offer ebo

Offkamgn had many wives but none of them had any baby for him. They
could not become pregnant. All tests suggested that there was nothing

Ii ,* r",
wrong with the women. One day, all the women confronted Offkamgr1n
and pleaded with him to go for If consultation in order to know exactly
why none of them could become pregnant in his home. After much
deliberation, Offkamgn agreed to go for Ifa consultation. He therefore
summoned the group of Awo mentioned above to the palace for If
consultation. During consultationlka-MJi was revealed.
The Awo told Offkamgrln that physiologically there was nothing wrong
with him or his numerous women. What had been precluding him,from
being a father was that there were some evil spirits which surrounded him
that must be cast out of his life in order for him to begin to have children.
He was advised to offer gbg with one big pangolin and money. He was
also advised to feed Egu Qdr with one matured rooster. He complied.
The head of the Akika was cooked with grinded Qf n-olobe leaves for him to
eat. Offkamgn ate this preparation. After this, the Awo assured
On'ikamgn that there would be no more delay in impregnating his

On that night, E9u Qdara chased away all the evil spirits blocking the
chances of OffkamOgn. His wives began to be blessed with the fruits of
the womb. Within one year, OffkamOgn had many babies in his palace.
He was full of joy. He gave thanks and praises to his Awo who in turn
praised Qrnm)l at Oke-IgQti. Qrunmll in turn gave thanks and praises to

Qtqu tgu tQrl

Irqu rgu n0
Qtqqtq ta j'epe
qtqoJQ l jQ'mumu
tQtQ lqtO le s'ohf esunsun s'Qnu
Dla fifn onlkamgn
Qmg elegun kakaaka
Tff f'orl akika g'argmg
Sbg ni wqn nl k w ge
gbQ'bg, rtl'bg
Ko pe ko jlnna
E b wa nl jebtr gmq

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Jebtr gmg |a b 'ni l'$sQ Qpe

Nj k'b kro k bi'mg o
Akika wQrQkQ
Kbi kro k bl'mo o

0t0 tgu tQtl


) Awo

QrQrl rgu rQrf

Qtqoq l j'Qp

QtOoJq l jQ'mumu
LQIQ lQtQ l s'ohl esunsun s'Qnu)
They were the Awo who cast If for Offkamgn
He who was blessed with strong bones

And who uses the head of akika, pangolin as medicine for

He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Before long, and not too far

Join us in the midst of several children by the foot of the Holy
Please remove all evil forces for us have children
Akika the pangolin
Remove evilforces and usher in children

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
many children. All he needs to do is to offer ebQ to ward off all the evil
forces precluding him from having children.


If says that there is a lady where this Od is revealed who is in dire

need of a baby, but she is finding it very difficult to become pregnant.
If says that there is need for everyone close to her, both males and
females, young and old to help her offer gbg so that she would be
blessed with the fruit of the womb. If says that she must not be left
alone as she will be grateful to those who assist her one way or the
other. If says that she is not thinking of any other thing in her life
than to become pregnant and have her own baby. Her condition is

pathetic enough to warrant everyone to come to her


,o *,,,


that the ebg should be offered with two akika

(pangolin), and money. There is also the need to feed If with

one matured she-goat. The reproductive organs of the she-goat

and one whole pangolin will be cooked with grinded Qfn-olobe leaves
for the woman to eat. If this is done, If assures, the woman is
bound to become pregnant before long. On these, If says:

Baba gbgdg il
Baba gbede
Agbdo tinU ly rQ g'gmg titun w'l ay
Dia fun FgknwQ
Tll 99mg lwargwere lfe mefeefa
T fl, ylntl m'j gkn snrhn gmg
T r sunkn all rl bl
T gb'wQ all rl pqn
T fgwq osn n'giri gblgbe
r'qmq l'yln adlq l tu prlrrt
I'eyg oko ge tn bl'mg ju'ni
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge




Baba gbede il (the soft okra,abelmoschus esculentus seed)
Baba gbede ikn (and succulentgarden egg)
Agbdo tinrf iy re g'gmQ titun w,| ay
They were the Awo who cast If for FgknwQ (she who bath in
her own
The daughter of the six elder Awo of Il-IfQ


When lamenting her inabilityto begeta child

She was weeping for not having a baby
She was mourning her not having her own baby to strap on her
She was rubbing camwood (which was supposed to be rubbed
on her baby) on dry wall
When she saw chicks following a hen, she burst into tears
Why should a bird be blessed with babies when she was



lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaon

She queried
She was advised to offer gbg

FgknwQ was the daughter of one of the six major decision-makers in IlAs a result of her amiable attitude towards everyone, the six
IwrQwrQ of IfQ considered her their daughter. When she got married,
the six of them were present and they performed their roles as parents.
Five years after wedding however, FgknwQ was yet to have her own baby.


She cried everyday but nobody took notice of her state of mind or
condition. On the sixth year of marriage without the fruit of the womb,
FgknwQ had become thin and harggard-looking. She fell ill severaltimes.
She was being carried from one healing centre to the other. It soon
became clear that if nothing was done urgently, FgknwQ might soon lose
her life. That was when people put their heads together, pafticularly the
sixlwrQwrQ of IfQ and went for If consultation.
The Awo told them that the problem of FgkunwQ was her inability to have
her own baby. That was the problem they ought to find its solution for the
sake of FeknwQ. That was the only thing they could do for Fgknwg for
her to regain her radiance, happiness and health. The Awo blamed all the
relations and well-wishers for waiting for that long before taking any
positive steps for FgknwQ.

The Awo advised them to offer qbQ for her as stated above. All those
present on that day contributed money and materials and the qbg was
offered accordingly. After this, the special preparation was made for her to

Two months after this, FgknwQ became pregnant. Her life changed
immediately. Apaft from the tell tale signs of early pregnancy in women,
FgknwQ regained her health. She became happy and she was gratefulto
everyone who assisted her.

Baba gbgdg il
Baba gbgde ikn
Agbado tin lya rq g'gmg titun w'l ay
Dia fun Feknw


frl ,o *",,

Tll ggmg lwrQwane lfg mJeQfA

T fQylntl m'OjU gkn snrhn
T tt sunkn all rl bl
T tr gb'wQ all rl pQn
T rr f'gwq osn n'giri gblgbg
r'qmq l'gyln adlg l tu prtr s'gkn
l'ye oko ge tn f bl'mg ju'ni lg
Fbg ni wqn nl k w ge


KO pg k jlnn


F w b ni nl jQbrttrt
Nje Qtun IfQ e o g'en

Fyin kff 9e b Fgkrlnwe I'ebq gmg

Baba gbede il (the soft okra,abelmoschus esculentus seed)
Baba gbede ikn (and succulentgarden egg)
Agbdo tinrl)y re gQmQ titun w 1
They were the Awo who cast If for FgknwQ (she who bath in
her own tears)
The daughter of the six elder Awo of Il-IfQ


When lamenting her inabilityto begeta child

She was weeping for not having a baby
She was mourning her not having her own baby to strap on her
She was rubbing camwood (which was supposed to be rubbed
on her baby) on dry
When she saw chicks following a hen, she burst into
Why should a bird be blessed with babies when she was not?
She queried
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
Before long, nottoofar
Join us in the midst of bountiful children
The Qtun (second in command) of lfg, you are notgood
The Osl (third in command) of IfQ, you are






lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultaton

Why can'tyou all help ftkrtnwQ to offer gbg to have babies?

If says that the woman for whom this Od is revealed shall need to help her
offer the gbg as she will show appreciation to them for all their effofts.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to offer
gbg for strong health at all times. This will enable him/her enjoy
his/her life to the fullest. If advises this person to offer gbg with
three cocks and money. On this, If says:
K gba nTbr
K gba l'r
Dl firn Aasg

Tl nlg ogun llurin

Fbq ni wqn nl kw Se

Let us wedge it fi rmly veftically
And wedge itfirmly horizontally
This was lf's massage to Aasq the door
When going to engage in confrontation with iron
She was advised to offer ebo
Aase, the door was weak and feeble. She was not well. She was suffering
from several known and unknown ailments. As a result of this, she went for
If consultation; would she be able to regain her health?

The Awo told her that even though she was very ill as at that time, she
nonetheless needed the help of iron nails to make her well. She was
advised to offer gbg with three roosters and money. She complied. She
was then referred to iron nails for treatment. When she got there, the nails
gripped allthe planks together both vertically and horizontally.
The door became strong once more. Any time that she felt weak, she would
send for iron nails which would in turn grip her together again.





K gba n'lbr
K gba l'Or
Dl fif n Aase

Tl lg ogun llUrin
Fbg ni wqn nl kw ge
gbQ'bg, rrl'bg
K p, kO jlnna
F wa b ni byQ, g w wo're o
T'sQ b lu'rin tn
Ara r a si le kokooko


Let uswedge itfirmlyveftically

And wedge itfirmly horizontally
This was If's message to AasE
When going to engage in confrontation with Iron
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long
Join us in the midstof allwell-being
After the door confronts the iron nails
Its body became very strong

If says that the peson for whom this Od is revealed shall enjoy strong
health. He/she needs to offer qbg for strong health and vitality.

revealed to prepare one hand of If (21 Ikin) for a child which he/she

If says that there is the need for the person to whom this

is going to beget. If says that the baby is not yet conceived but it is
coming on the way. The would-be parents in this Od are well-to-do.
The reason why they need to do this is that the coming baby, when
he/she grows up will be either an extremely good or extremely bad
person. If the one hand of If is prepared before the arrival of the
baby, it will be cast regularly and all gbg will be performed. This will

make the baby to be extremely good to himself/herself, his/her

parents and his/her community. Good or bad, this coming child



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

be very populan A stanza in this Od says:

Eni kffnl lk
Fni kejllk
Igb lk d mil d ododo
Dl fitn Qba
Tl yo bl QrE l'qmg
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

The first one islka
The second one isalsolka
Whenlka stands in a pair, then we have a true Ika-meji
This is the message to the Qba
Who will give brth to Qrg
He was advised to offer gbg
Qba had everything going for him. He was very happy and contented. One
day he called his Awo for routine consultation. Ika M| was revealed. The
Awo told him that a child was coming into his household. When this child
arrived he/she would be very popular for either good or bad. Consequently,
there was the need for him to prepare a hand of If for the coming child so
that he/she would be popular in the positive way. The Qba instructed the
Awoto preparethe one hand of If immediately.
True to prediction, the baby came two years later. A male. When he grew
up, he became a powerful warrior. He waged and conquered many wars.
He extended the territory where his father governed. His father was very
proud of him. They made him the generalisimo inlkamogrrn land. People
fondly referred to him as the Qba of the people. Both father and son were
grateful to the Awo who dd If for them.

fni kffnllk
fni keillka

Igba lk d mjl d ododo

ftn Qba
Tl yo bl QrQ I'Qmg


,n r",

Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'Sbg, r'bg
Ko pe k jlnn
F w b ni nl wQwQ ire
Klnl w s'efik di mejl

Awo rere
Lo s'ejlka di mjl

The first one islka
The second one is alsolka
Whenlka stands in a pair, then we have a true lka-meji
This isthe messagetothe Qba
Who will give bfth to QrQ
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long
Join us in the midst of all Ire
whatturnslka intotwo (tka wet)
A good Awo
Was responsible for us to getlka-MT
A truly good Awo

If says that the life of the person shall be good. He/she will be popular
and his/her children shall also be very popular.


If says that there are two people where this Od is revealed;

may be friends, brethren, sisters, business paftners and so on.


two of them need to offer gbg so that one will not become the seruant
of the other. As at present, the situation of one is far better than that
of the other, there is the need to offer gbQ so that their situations will
improve together and both of them will succeed together.

If advises that each of them need to offer qbq with three guinea
fowls, three cocks, three pigeons and money. By so doing, Ifa
will mend their lives forthem. On this, If



Ifa Dda: An nvitaon to lfa Consuftation

'Kgb n pa gbr w'em

Dl fin odi
A b filn Yr
Fbg ni wqn nl kl wgn w ge

The keg cannot forcefully rush itself into the water pot
That was lfa's message to Odi, the Boundary wall
And to Yr, the Moat
Theywere both advised tooffergbg
Odi, the Boundary wall, and Yr, the Moat had been friends for a long, long
time. They were both used to defend the city in the olden days. One day,
they went for If consultation in order to know what they needed to do so
thatthey could continue to be relevant in their community.

The Awo told them to offer gbg because a time would come that one may
depend on the other for survival. They were advised to offer gbg as stated
above. OnlyYr offered the gbg.

way. The whole city became vulnerable. Od

too became irrelevant in the defence of the city. The shame that this
One day, the wall of Odi gave

brought to Odi made him rush to the home of the Awo for gbg which he had
hitherto refused to offer.
The Awo took pity for his condition. They offered the gbg for him. As soon
as the gbg was offered, people decided to go and assist Odi. They took
jiggers, hoes, cutlasses, basins and went to repair Odi. When they finished,
Odi regained his previous position and he was giving thanks and praises to
his Awo and those who repaired him.

Kegbe ni pa gbr w'm

D,l fin Odi
A b fUn Yara
fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge
Yr l kqkq gb'ebg nlbQ t rrl'bg
Iw Odi n qq

il ,* *",,
Iwa odi bej
Atwe, tgb
F k'qkq e k'da
E w lg reetrln'w Odi


The keg cannot forcefully rush itself into the water pot
That was lf's message to Odi, the Boundary wall
And to Yr, the Moat
They were both advised to offer ebe
Only Yr complied first
Odi is in a state of disrepair
Behold! Odi is disintegrating
Please elders and youths
Bring your hoes and cutlasses
Come and repair Odi

If says that the life of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
be mended and he/she shall be able to exhibit his/her full potentials in


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has the
potential to suffer from split personality. He/she needs to offer ebo
regularly forthis to disappear. If says that instead of one Orf , he/she
has brought three Of from heaven to eafth. This had been giving
him/her a lot of confussion as he/she will be finding it difficult to take
any definite decision or step in his/her life. One Ori is on his/her neck,
the second on his/her right shoulder and the third on his/her left
shoulder. In order that they stop disturbing the real Of and
personality that he/she had brought from heaven. There is also the
need to feed the real Ori so as to assist in driving away the other two
Ol on his/her shoulders.
If advisesthatthis person needs to offer gbg with one matured hegoat and money. He/she also needs to procure hro Irgkq (2
tappers) and two IrkQrQ (2 cow tails). The Awo will retain one

lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultaon

each and the remainng ones will be given to him/her for his/her

The right shoulder will be repeatedly but gently hit withlrgkQ and the
left shoulder will be hit with irukere so that the two Of will leave
his/her shoulders and allow the real Orito function properly. He/she
also needs to serve his/her Ol with a big live catfish. On these, If

QplQpg jlk ni j'$w bq

gpelqpe p o rl iye ire t bl g fn baba ire
fin wgn nl lka-Freja
Ibi wqn gb hu'rl mta-meta
Fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge

Let us thankthe shoulders which preventthe dress from failing
offour body
Let us thank the fact that a good mother gave bfth to you to a
good father
These were the lf's messages to them atlka-freja
When they came into the world with three Ori each
Theywere advised to offer gbg

The people of lka-frj, were living in a state of utter confusion. Nothing

worked for them. They found it difficult to take any firm decision in their
lives. As soon as they set out to do something worthwhile, other thoughts
would come into their mind that would not make the earlier decision
feasible. Some of them might be complete gentle human beings in the day,
but they would be monsters during the night time, Others would see
themselves as beautiful ladies in the daytime but at night, they would
dream that they were ugly men and vice versa. Those of them who
managed to do something worthwhile in the daytime would have them
destroyed during the night. Would they continue to live in this rudderless
manner? They queried: would there be any solution to their lives? They
wanted to know.



,* r",

The situation was what broughtthem to the group of Awo mentioned above
for If consultation. When If was consulted,Ika-Met was revealed.
Awo informed them that they were all in various states of confusion and
indecision. Theyweretold thatthiswas so because instead of one Of, they
all brought into the world three Orl each and the three Of were working at
cross-purposes in their lives. There was therefore the need to remove and
drive away the remaining two Ol in order to give room for the real Of on
their necks to function properly.


The group of Awo advised the citizen oflka-frQj to offer gbg as prescribed

above. They all complied. All the special If works were peformed for
them. As from that moment henceforth, their lives changed for the better.
They no longer lived in the state of indecision and confussion. They were
able to make progress in their lives. They lived happily ever after giving
praises to their Awo, If and OIdmar.

9pelqpe ejlk ni o j'gw bq

Qpglepg p o rl iye ire t bl g ftln baba ire
Dl firn wgn nf lka-frje
Ibi wQn gb hu'rl mgta-mQta
fbg ni wqn nl kl wqn w 9e
WQn gb'bg, wqn r'bg
Irgkq ni wQn f k t'Jn
IrkQrQ ni wgn f rt k t'sl
K pe k



wa b'ni nl jQbrlt ire gbogbo

Ero lpo ero Qfa
f;ni orl san n'ffE nll jgba


Let us thank the shoulders which prevent the dress from failing
off our body
Let us thank the fact that a good mother gave brth to you to a
good father
These were the If's messages to them atlk-Freja
When they came into the world with three O each
Theywere advised to offer



Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

They compled
IrQkf was used to remove the O on the right shoulder
AndlrkQreto removethe one on the Ieft
Before long
Join us in the midst of all Ire in life
Travellers tolpo and Qfa towns
Those whom their Of support are the ones who are installed as

If says that the people/person for whom this Od is revealed shall enjoy
the suppoft of their/his/her O. All they need do is to ensure that the two
Ol working in conflict with their/his/her real Of are removed and chased


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to avoid
self-deceipt. He/she must be realistic at all times. Whatever he/she
knows that he/she cannot attain, he/she must never aspire for it.
He/she must also not allow anybody to deceive him/her that he/she
could reach there.

If says that there is an uphill task that must be done before peace
and prosperity could reign where this Od is revealed. If says that
the person who will assist them to accomplish the task will be
someone that everyone will discountenance. It is also possible that
the person for whom this Od is revealed is the one whom everyone
has looked down upon. He/she will be able to accomplish the task to
the astonishment and joy of everyone. All he/she needs to do is to
offer appropriate gbg.

If advises that the gbg should be offered with one matured hegoat, three pigeons, three guinea fowls, three ducks, money
and all foods available that point in time. On all these, If says:
Opp mJa lIl
Opopo mqta Qna Ojm odo
Meta d'l, mQta O d'l
Qpe kker l lrojo, abimg rojorojo
Dl fitn wn nl llabesan


*" r",

M'jq Qba wqn wq llj

WQn nl kl wqn w m'rin fi g'ebq

The three main roads oflla town
And the three routes on the wayto OjmU-Od
Three lead home, three do not
The young palmtree in lrojo-land with its splendid palm fronds
These were Ifa's messages to the inhabitants oflhbqsan land
When their Qba joined his ancestors (died)
They were asked to offer gbg with a life elephant

When the Qba ofllabqsan land died, there was chaos and pandemonium in
the land. Everything turned upside down. It was crises upon crises.
Everybody then gathered one day for If consultation in order to determine
the way out of the problems. They went to the home of the group of Awo
mentioned above for the consultation: Would there be peace in this land
again? Would they be able to regain their enviable position which they
occupied before the death of their Qba? Would they be able to bring back
all the people who had fled the town as a result of the crises? These
questions and many more were at the back of their minds when they went
for If consultation. During consultation,Ik-M) was revealed.
The Awo old them that what they had come for was an uphill task and that
they had waited for too long before they made the move to ask for lf's
assistance. Nonetheless, they were assured, it was not too late to find

The Awo advised them to go and find a live elephant as that was the only
material to use to return the town to its former glory. If they could find the
elephant to use as gbg, they were assured that peace and progress,
prosperity and love would return to the land. The Awo insisted however
that the elephant must be brought to the town alive before being
slaughtered for gbg. Could they use any other animal as substitute? they
asked. No, it must be the elephant; the Awo responded.
When they left the home of the Awo, they knew that they were in a state of

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

dilemma. Where would they get a life elephant? If it was a dead one, of
course their hunters could kill one. To get a live one was hard! To refuse
to do the ebo was worse. The situation in the land was getting desperate.
Something urgent must be done. How would it be done? Nobody could
come forward to answer this queston. This prompted them to call the
whole town together in order to find solution to how to bring a live
elephant into town. They deliberated for a whole day but there was no
solution. Any volunteer? Nobody came fonryard. They postponed the
meeting tothe nextday.
On the next day, before they sta fted any del iberation at a I l, Alba hu n Ija pa
(the Toftoise) came fonryard and declared that he was ready to go into the
forest and bring a live elephant back to the town for use as gbg. All those
present at the meeting could not believe their ears. Who was this one?

Where did he come from? Did he think that we gather here for jokes?
Some of them shouted him down and he insisted that he could and would
bring a live elephant into the town.
When there was no other volunteer, and when Albahun I;apa continued
to insist that he could do it, the elders concluded that he could be given a
trial since they had nothing to lose if he failed. They took Albahun Iapa
to the home of the Awo who consulted If for them in order to inform them
thatljapa was the only person who had volunteered to go and bring the
elephantto the town.

The Awo told them that they needed not under-estimate anybody in a
situation such as they found themselves. They were told to offer gbg as
stated above. They complied. The next day, Albahun )japa, the
Tortoise, set out on his journey to the forest.
Before leaving for the forest,Ijapa prepared several balls of kr, bean
cakes, and soaked them in honey. He took them along with him on his
When he got into the deep forest, he began his search for the elephant.
This took him nine days before he could find the elephant and his family.


frl ,o r",

As soon as he saw the elephant, he shouted at the top of his voice 'oh
Mighty one. I come to you on behalf of the whole inhabitants of llabQsan
town. They send their greetings and utmost respectto you the mighty one!
Our Qba had joined his ancestors some three years back. This had led to
crises and pandemonium in our land. The whole community had therefore
resolved to send me to humbly invite you to please come and become our
Qba so as to restore sanity into own town'.

'Why should I go with you to become your Qba? Don't you have other
people who could do that?' the elephant asked. Albahun Ijapa
responded; 'oh mighty one; men had completely lost the capacity for self
governance. All what they could do was to wage war against each other.
The results were pestilence, restlessness, chaos, povefi and famine. As a
result of their selfishness, they had almost destroyed the whole world. That
was why you need to act urgently by assuming the leadership of the human
race, they had failed. Please do not let them ruin the world'. As he was
pleading with the Elephant, he was opening his bag. He took out the kr
soaked in honey. He presented it to Elephant and told him, 'oh mighty one!
That is a present that I was asked to give you. Many more are available
where these ones come from!' The elephant ate it and he commented that
he had never tasted anything so sweet in his life. There and then, he made
up his mind to follow Albahun)japa.
The family of the elephant called him and warned him that never in their
history did they hear that an elephant had gone to the community of human
beings to become an Qba. They told him never to go. 'Oh mighty one!
There is always a first time for everything! You will go into record as the first
elephant to become an Qba! Please do not miss this oppoftunity.' In spite
of several warnings, Erin, the Elephant went with Albahun)japa.
On their way tollabQsan town, Albahun)japa told Erin that it would not be
nice if they did not practice the songs that would be rendered to usher their

new Qba into the palace. Erin was so happy that Ijp had planned
everything befitting an Qba like him in advance.
Suddenly, Erin said, Tiapa as from today, you have been promoted to my
chief adviser!'Ijapa responded, 'oh mighty one; this is an honour I will

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

humbly reject because I am not wofthy of such honour!' Erin insisted that it
is already an order that cannot be changed. So, right from the forest, Erin
began to make laws that could not be changed for the human beings of
Ilabqsan land. 'Sing me my song', Erin thundered. )japa said thus:

A m'rin j'gba
lwQkrt e,wflg
A m'rin jgba
fwQk ewele
We shall install Erin, the elephant as our Qba
lwQkrl gwglg, come and rejoice with us
We shall install Erin, the elephant as our Qba
fwQk ewelg, come and rejoice with us

Erin was so happy with this song that he began to dance. They sang and
sang. At a stage,Iapa said, 'oh mighty one, as you are aware, I have short
legs and cannot walk rapidly. Wth your own mighty strides, we shall arrive
atllabqsan land by tomorrow if you could please let me stay on your royal
back so that we will move more quickly'. Erin thought about this request and
considered it reasonable. Why not? he said. He used his tusk to lift)jpa on

his back and they began to move even more quickly than Iapa thought
possible. As soon as they began to move fast,Ijap changed the song:
Erin k re'l o w j'gba
Erin yEgy, erin ye, ye
Iwoyl qla a re o
Erin yg, y, erin yQe, yQ
Fje a ma ge bl
Erin ygqyr ern yeeJe
Egingin ma $eyngba
Erin yggy, erin yeeye
Iml a ma ge renyln
Erin yy, erin ye, ye


il ,* r",
Erin come home to become our Qba
Erin yQQyQ, erin yeeye
By this time tomorrow
Erin ygQyQ, erin yeeye
Blood will be flowing everywhere
Erin yQQyQ, erin yQQyQ
Flies will be buzzing everywhere
Erin yQQyQ, erin yeeye
Offals will be deposited everywhere
Ern yeeye, erin yeeye

The momentljapa sang this song, Erin became suspicious of everything.

'Chief adviser'. He said. 'Yes my lord',Ijap responded. 'Whattype of song
is this? Do you have evil plans for me when you said that blood would flow
and flies would be buzzing everywhere?' 'Oh mighty one',Iap cried, 'How
can you say a thing like this? You should know that you are going to be
installed tomorrow and there is bound to be merry making and funfare. All
the domestic animals such as goats, rams, pigs and so on had been
gathered together to be slaughtered for your installation.' Erin thought
about this and declared that Ijapa's explanation was accepted. Erin said
that he could not say sorry forljapa because an Qba could not say sorry for
his subjects.
The following day, they arrived at)labgsan town. The whole town rushed
out to greet them. Ijapa shouted at the top of his voice; 'all hail our new
Qba'! Everybody prostrated and chorused'Kblysf o'! Erin was so happy.
. The people told Erin to move to the market place where the installation
would take place. When they got there, they showed Erin his throne and
he was highly impressed.

Unknown to Erin, as soon as Ijapa left the town in search of Erin, the
inhabitants ofllabgsan had dug a very deep pit. They carefully covered the
pit with mat and placed the throne on it by suppofting the throne with
bamboos from beneath. It was so carefully done that it was not possible
for anyone to know that it was done that way.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

Suddenly,Ijapa declared; 'oh mighty one! You are hereby invited to please
take your royal seat on the throne!' Everybody present shouted 'Kbfyl
o!' and they all prostrated for Erin. Erin took his heavy step to sit on the
throne. But alas! He fell into the pit. Before he knew what happened to
him, the hunters, who had hithefto hidden themselves, sprang out of their
hiding places and shot Erin to death with their spears and arrows. At the
very last moment of his life, Erin suspected that he saw ljapa, smiling a
sinister smile at him with the corners of his mouth. Before he could react,
it was good night for Erin.
They went to call the Awo to come and perform the gbg for them. As soon
as the elephant was killed when the group of Awo arrived, they told all the
inhabitants of Ilabqsan that there was no more gbg to perform. They
made it clear to them that the crises in their land were caused by lack of
cooperation. They were told that they loved to under-estimate one
another. Who among them ever thought that it would be Albahun Iapa
who would bring the Elephant to the land alive. They advised them to
allow all citizens to use their talents and assist those who need help. As
long as they cooperate with one anothel there would be peace and
progress in the land.

Opopo mta il Il
Opopo mgta Qn Ojm odo
M, ta d'l, meta O d'l
Qpe kker il lrojo, abimQ rojorOjo
Dfr filn wqn nl llabgsan
NlSq Qba wqn wg llji
WQn nl kl wqn w m'rin fi g'gbo
AIbahun ljapa nlkan nl rrbg l$yln t q'ebg

j a mrin jgba o
fwQkrt ewelq
Erin k re'l o w j'gba
Erin yy, erin yeeye
IwOylQla a re o
Erin yqgy, erin ye, yg
Fje a ma s, e bl
Erin yqgyg, erin yeJe


,o r",,

Egingin ma ge yngba
Erin yy, erin yqeye
Iml ma ge rnyln
Erin ygqy, erin ye, ye

jgba tn
Ara w t w nini
gplqpe Alba hu n-Atapa-nlm l
A w mrin

The three main roads oflla town
And thethree routes on the wayto Ojm-Od
Three lead home, three do not
The young palmtree in lrojo-land with its splendid palm fronds
These were lfa's messages to the inhabitants ofllabEsan land
When their Qba joined his ancestors (died)
They were asked to offer gbg with a life elephant
Onf)jap offered the gbg
Now, we shall install Erin as our Qba
fwQkrl qwelg
Erin come home to become our Qba
Erin yyQ, erin yeeye
By this time tomorrow
Erin yqEyq, erin yeeye
Blood will be flowing evennryhere
Erin ypgyQ, erin yQQyQ
Flies will be buzzing everywhere
Erin ygyQ, erin yeeye
Offals will be deposited everywhere
Erin yqqyq, erin yeeye
After installing Erin as Oba
There was peace and comfoft everywhere
Thanks to Albahun Atapa-Nml who made it possible

If says that with cooperation and genuine love, there is nothing that
people cannot achieve. There is the need to give everyone the oppoftunity
to express themselves and exhibit their talents.

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation


If warns that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to

offer gbg as soon as he/she cast the If. He/she must not be
procrastinating on the issue of offering ebg. If he/she is in the habit
of unnecessarily postponing the offering of his/her Qbg, it would be
considered that he/she had refused to offer the gbg.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is presently

being threatened by Ikrl, Death (especially if the'ibO, determinant
reveals that it foresees the ayqwO of Ik for him/her). This death is
most likely going to meet him/her on the road. There is the need
therefore to offer gbg quickly in order to aveft this death.
If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
one matured he goat and money. There is also the need for him
to feed Egrt witn one cock and feed Qbahlway with another
cock with a lot of palm-oil. On these, If says:
Eeyan wrewre a ta iyere
Eeyan rdirdi a sl ma t'adl
Eeyan bli were ffl b aslnwln pd
Dl filn Onlwr
WQn nl kw q'ebq
K m ba ge dd ikrl oj Qn


is an awkward person

that sells iyere, locust beans

And a
sells df, the palm-kerneloil
A person like a mad one meets a lunatic
These were If's declarations to Onfwr
Who was advised to offer gbg
So that he would not encounter death on the road
Oniwr was the Qba of Iwr land. He was a very rich and successful
Qba. His only problem was that he did not consider it necessary to offer gbg
as at when due; even though he would eventually offer the gbg, he would
nonetheless bid his time and offer it when everyone had almost forgotten
about it.





One day, Offwr summoned the group of Awo mentioned above for
routine If consultaion. When the Awo cast ther If, Ika-MeT
revealed. It was Ayw of lkrl, death on the head of On'iwr himself,
The Awo informed Offwr thatthere was an urgent need for him to offer
gbg against death which was most likely going to meet him on the road.
They told Offwr that he needed to use one matured he-goat as the
gbg and give Eg and Qbahlway one cock each.


Onfwr thanked the Awo and told them that he would call for them
whenever he was ready. Two months after, Offwr was notyet


One day, Orfwr went out to transact some business. When he was
coming back, he encountered death which held his heaft firmly. It was a
heaft attack. Orfwr fell down. They rushed him to the house of the
Babalwo. They quickly brought the gbg materials. As the Babalwo
stafted to offer the gbg, Offwr joined his ancestors.

Eeyan wrewre a ta iyere

Eeyan rdirdi a sl ma
Eeyan bli wr nff b aslnwln pad
Dl filn Onlwr
WQn nl kw g'ebe
K m baa ge dd ikrl oj Qn


Onlwrfebg g'elg
Age kO sllyatQ nln u wqn
fni t fi etl Qttln gb'bg, t f t'Osl de n
Ati gni tl ko ba tete ru
sl|yetQ nln u wqn
Onlwr w ge bg, b'krt lg
Ero lpo, Ero Qfa
Sni gb'gbg nTbQ k r'bg o


awkward person that sells iyere, locust beans

And a queer person sells df, the palm-kernel oil
A person like a mad one meets a
is an




lfa Dda: An nvitaton to lfa Consultaon

These were If's declarations to Otfwr

Who was advised to offer gbg
So that he would not encounter death on the road
He postponed the gbg indefinitely
Can't you see thatthere is no difference between the two
Those who refused to offergbg
And those who failto do so as atwhen appropriate
There is no difference between thetwo
That was how Onlwr met his untimely death
Travellerstolpo and Qfa towns
Let those who were advised to offer gbg comply accordingly

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be allowed
to meet his/her untimely death on the road. He/she however needs to
offer gbg in time to prevent this calamity from happening to him/her.





,o r",



Ika-Uet children are naturally endowed to live longer than all their
contemporaries. This blessing from Oldmar normally makes them
family historians. They tell the history of all happenings in the family,
community and even in the whole town in general. People also rely on them
to correct any wrong impression on the actual sequence of any event which
had taken place a long time back.
These children are also blessed with the ability to attain their goals with
relative ease. If there is any problem in this area, the first area to check is in
the area of the type of names they answer. They are not expected to answer
queer aliases. These names more often than not hinder the progress of
Ika-Ue't children. This is the reason why they are expected to answer
decent names and if this has not been done, it must be done fofthwith so as
to enhance their success chances.

where they are born. It is

therefore advisable for them to move outside their places of bifth for them
to consummate their foftune as quickly as practicable.
For Ika-M) children, success is surer outside

Once married, Ika-mef children are not expected to separate or divorce.

This is the reason why they need to deliberate properly before going into
the marriage market. If there is any separation or divorce, appropriate
steps must be taken to ensure that the crisls is amicably resolved and the
couple reunited. Separation or divorce can only complicate their success
chances in life.
Ika-Vtet children are very intelligent, hardworking and dedicated. For this
reason they will be honoured, respected and admired. Their children will
also inherit what they had laboured for when they are gone. Their success
and achievements will give promotion and prominence to their offsprings.
For them however, they have the propensity to move from grass to grace;
from obscurity to prominence; and from the bottom of the ladder to the
apex. That is why nobody can under estimate them.


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

These children have the tendency to give bifth to a set of twins a male and
a female. It is one of the reasons why they need to feed lbejl, the Deity of
Twins on a regular basis.

The success chances of Ika-MJi children manifest more when they keep
their plans and movements secret. As long as they keep their plans within
and they abstain from using funny aliases, they have better chances of
attaining their goals in life.

Even though lka-Uelt children have a lot of enemies, they always

overcome the enemies. They must however desist from paying evil with
evil. If enjoins them never to thin( speak or do evil under any
circumstance. If they abide by this rules, they are guaranteed Divine
Little things confuselk-M) children. This is because instead of only one
Ori they probably have three Ori. These Ori are thinking and working at
cross-purpose. Appropriate If works needs to be done in order to correct
this anomaly

Ita-we female children love having their own babies more than any other
thing in life. This is the reason why everyone around them needs to assist
them to have their own babies before it was too late for them to do so.
On the overall,Ik-M) children have come to the world to enjoy their live
to the fullest. They are blessed with long live to maximize this enjoyments.

All they need to avoid are those who will come to deceive them and give
them an over-estimated value of themselves. As long as they refuse to
follow such people, they will have their lives under control.




If for success, victory long life and prosperity

Ori for stability, achievement, and accomplishment
ESU-Qdara for

victory success and accomplishment

Ohfwgri for marital stability





Qbatl for sound health, good children and achievement

$ngo for victory and success
OgUn for victory and success
Ibe) for twins delivery and success
Od for stability and achievement
Qsanyin for long life and prosperity
Qpun for success
Oke for victory over enemies





1. Must not eat okro To avoid difficulty in bearing children

2. Must not eat garden egg 1rc avoid difficulty in bearing children
3. Must never eat any of the monkey family to avoid marital
4. Must never use gb and Ijokun to avoid marital problems
5. Must never answer funny alias to avoid unconsumated
6. Must never engage in self-deceipt to avoid avoidable disaster
7. Must never eat ram, dog and he-goat to avoid incessant trouble




Tr1t-Oh1 Theemergenceof a leader

IfgbilQ If takes over the land

OnSatalaU Onga spread white cloths to give brth to this one
Qlbrinjg honour is like an elephant
Ifjgrnflj't If surprises me



IfrQrnf lSkn If gives me succour

OrigHlbl Onga spreads white cloth to give bfth to this one


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


Qlbrinjo Honour resembles an elephant

Ifgett Ifa brings coolness

Abgru Abgy


Chapter L2

OrnpOru MEI

ll ll

Chapter L2

Alias - QLQGBQN vrfi



If says that it foresees all the good things of life for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. If says that this person shall be blessed
with wealth, good spouse, fine children and long life. He/she needs
to avoid quarrell or misunderstanding with anyone. If says that
he/she is very close to Qgun and he/she shall receive the blessing of
this Divinity. He/she shall also occupy impoftant position in his/her

If advises this person to offer gbq with two pigeons,

two guineafowls, two cocks, two rats, two fish and
money. He/she also needs to feed Qgun with one hen.



If gbogboa ma ksl m l'gnu lpororo-Iprr
Bl mo b p n fQ
Ikin gbogbo a m bQ sl mi l'tg lpororo-Ipororo
Ikin migblr
Ikin ndr lkin Oj


Aprkft| ni baba ynmQ

Eyl kr-ker-kr ni wQn p l'gbjg
Ojo p'alam gkat yggbeyggbg
Tff g'gmg wqn l'de IEre
A b fin Akalamagbo
Tfl g'gmg wgn l'de llayq
Dl firn TQtQnrQn



oturupon uej

Tfl g'gmg wqn l'de lrqmg

Fbq ni wgn nl H wQn w ge

Whenever I intend to talk
All Ifa stanzas will be flowing into the
Wheneverl plan to speak
All Od If will beflowing into my lips
My powerful Ikin
The Ikin thatwere made of lead

When the hornets attack, the farmers scatter

TheAparakaH, the basin calabash, isthe
fatherof AynmQthe Keg
The smallest type is known as Agbejg
Rainfall makes the gu inea-corn grow
These were lfa's messages to Gnnugrln,
the Vulture
Theiroffspring atllr (the land of merriment)


Theiroffspring atllayQ (the land ofjoy)

And to TQtQnrQn

Theiroffspring atlrQmg (a quafter in Il- IfQ)

Theywere advised to offer gbg

The three of them, Grlnnugn, Akalamgb and Tentenren were friends.

Their major concern is life was to be relevant in their lives. They wanted

to occupy important positions and be able to perform up to



expectations of those who put them in those positions. One day,

went to the home of the Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation. i
Du ri ng consu ltation, Otrt r pQ n - M) wa s revea led.
The Awo told them that they surely would occupy relevant positions in


lives. They were advised to be hardworking and to offer gbg with one
matured she-goat each. They compled. Before long, Igrln was put in
charge of ensuring that all gbg offered on eafth were accepted in heaven,
Akalamagb was put in charge of ensuring that all Or, Traditionalism
performed on eafth were accepted in heaven, while TQntQnrQn was



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

ensure that the reasons why people offer gbg and perform rituals were
achieved by those who did them. Ever since that time lgunnugun,
Akalamagbo and lQntQnrQn were always in high demand. Not only this,
everyone respected them highly, because withoutthem, all gbg, tt, Or
and so on would not be accepted and the positive results would not
manifest in the lives of those who performed them.
llbl wu AlpdQde n|l b wg't Iy rQ lk6r-Ikrr
Nlbi wu baba gmg nff b wg'l gmg o
Er0w SrgU$, Awo il AlkQl-MQstn

gmgar'pakq bb ja'gun ermi
fbg niwqn ff kw ge

Wherever pleases AlpndedQ , the Bat, is where it will take to enter its
mother's house
Wherever pleases the father is where he will choose to enter the home of
his child
Erw ggg, the Andropogon Gayanns, the resident Awo of AlkQlMQln, the Qba oflkQl-Eldti
He cast If forAlkQl-MQln
He who uses a paddle to row his boat to safety
He was advised to offer gbg

AlkQl-MQsin was a great traveller before he was installed the Qba of

IkQl-Eldti. He went for If consultation in order to determine how he
would be having journey mercies anytime he went on travel. The Awo

advised him to offer gbg with


two guinea fowls, hro pigeons, two


Since that time until he died, he was

always going and returning safely. He sometimes went with all his family
and nothing happened to any of them.

cocks and


Agbgn;n ml abTrln kQrQkQrQ

Awo il QlQbaramojQ
Drl fin QlQbaramoiQ
Tlytorl qmg re
Tl yo k'lj nl'n lbtt
fbg niwQn nf k w ge





The coconut with its awkward movements
The residentAwo of QlQbrmjQ
He cast If for Qlgb ra mOjQ
Who shall because of his child
Stay for seven days in the water
He was advised to offerqbg

daughter. The daughter was loved by

everyone close to QlQbarmjQ. She was very gentle, level headed,

QlQbrmjQ had a very beautiful

straight fonruard and easy-gong. She was also very humble. She respects
everyone. When she was ripe for the marriage market, the ceremony was
As soon as she entered her husband's home. She took ill. It was thought
to be a simple ailment at first. Soon, it became severe. 'They began to take
her everywhere. There was no solution. In the process of taking her from
place to place they discovered that she also had fertility problem. All
remedies failed. one day, QlQbrmjQ asked the husband of her daughter
to bring her back to him. His son-in-law did. QlQbramjQ summoned his
resident Awo to come and cast If for his daughter in order to determine

exactly what was wrong with her, and the steps to take


solve the


The Awo informed QlQbrmjQ that the ailments which afflicted her
daughter would soon disappear. He advised him to ra'ri Qgun, initiate her
into Qgun because she was a daughter of Qsun. He assured QlQbaramje
that as soon as she was initiated, all her problems would vanish.
QlQbrmj instructed his household workers to go and procure all the
initiation materials. The next day, the initiation process was stafted. For
seven days, QlQbrmj was by the river with his daughter. None of her
husband's relations was there. The husband was also absent. This made
QlQbrmjQ to decide that f in the end his daughter got well, he would
never allow her to return to her husband's house again.
On the seventh day, Qgun declared that there must not be any quarrell or
disagreement. Qgun sald that she had come to rejoice with QlQbrm0jQ


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

and his family and not to fight.

When they concluded the ra'ri, initiation rites and returned home,
QlQbramjQ's daughter became well. All the ailments disappeared as
predicted. She returned to her husband's home and in that same month,
she became pregnant. Everyone involved was happy. QlQbrmjQ and
his daughter gave thanks and praises to their resident Awo who in turn
praised Qrnmll, If and Oldmare. If says that all shall end well for
the person forwhom this Od is revealed.
Bl mo ba pe n wll

If gbogboa ma ksl m I'qnu lpororo-Iprr

Ikin gbogbo a rn bq d mi l'tQ lpororo-Ipororo
Ikin mi gblr
Ikin n,Ikin Oj
AgbQn jrolkotlk
Aparkat ni baba ayanmQ
Ey{ kr-kre-kr ni wqn p l'gbjg
Ojo p'alam gketrl yggbeyqgbg

Tff g'qmq wqn l'de


fitn Akalamagbo
wgn l'de llayq
Dl fitn TetenrQn
Tff g'gmgwgn l'delrqmg
fbg ni wgn nl kl wqn w ge
WQn gb'be, WQn ru'bg
B O b rt IgUn
B O rlAkale

AO ees'orO
B o rl TQtQnrqn
AyO leete'j
WQn ses l ohun or s{'l I'AkQl Il
Ign d, Igrtn gb gggrg I'ebg
Tl gn-n Ore
Aslngba I'Qn Om
ltlbl wu Alpdede nff b wg'l Iy ne
Mbi wu baba gmg nff b wg'l gmg o
Erw gqUg, Awo il AlkQl-MQsln




9mg ar'pakQ bb ja'gun ermi
fbg ni wqn nl kw 9e
Nibi wqn gb geamrlrr
Tlw{n geamrr
wQn g'tQlewq gmg blje-blje
WQn ns'tQlese gmq blje-bebje
N'fbsl Oro
Ni t'flqmgnQArlgbjg
LbOknkn kQo
tbAgbgn l wl
Agbgn-gn mi abfrin kQrQkQrQ
Awo il QIgbarmoje
Ild fn QlQbrmoje
Tlytorl gmq re
Tlyok'ije nlnu ibrt
fibg niwQn kl w Se
gb'bgr r'bg
NjeIy Qqun Fwujl al'rd
Dl firn


Whenever I intend to talk
All Ifa stanzas will be flowing into the mouth
Whenever I plan to speak
All OdU If will be flowing into my lips
My powelful Ikin
The Ikin that were made of lead
When the hornets attack, the farmers scatter everywhere
The Aprkt, the basin calabash, is the father of AynmO the

Thesmallesttype is known asAgbejg

Rainfall makes the guinea-corn grow bountifully
These were If's messages to Gnnugn, the Vulture
Theiroffspring atllr (the land of merriment)
And alsotoAkalamagbo
Their offspring at IlayQ (the land of joy)
And toTQtQnrQn

Theiroffspring atlrQmg (a quarter in Il-IfQ)

They were advised to offer gbg


oturupon uei

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Whenever I intend to talk

All If stanzas will be flowing into the mouth
If we do not see Ignnugn
No successful gbg can be pedormed
And withoutAkalamagbo
We cannot perform anysuccessful ritual
In the absence of TQrltQnrQn
There will be little of comfoft on eafth
As they gather all gbg materials together
Ign moved close to the ebg
IgrJn of Gn-n Ore
And AsIngb on the way to Om land
Wherever pleases AlpndQd is where it takes to enter it
mother's house
And wherever pleases the father is where he chooses to enter the home
of his child
Erw ggg, the residentAwo of Alakole-Mesin
He cast If forAlkQl-MQln
He who uses a paddle to row his boat into safety
He was advised to offer gbq
And he complied
This is where they row with their two hands
And also with their two feet
In'Ilesl OrO

Thatof flQmQrQAflgbjg
We are not referring to the Date-palm
We are actually referring to the Coconut
The coconut with its awkward movements

The resident Awo of Olbr mOje

He cast If for QlQbrmje
Who shall because of his child
Stay for seven days in the water
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Here comesly Qgun, the mother ofjoy and merriment
Our mother has come to play
Not to quarrell or flght

If says that all things will work out in favour of the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If advises gbg as stated above. As long as all these gbg
are offered, nothing will stop the person for whom this Od is revealed from





realizing his/her dreams.


If says that the world will be compassonate with the person for
whom this Od is revealed. If advises this person to always seek
the favour of Olodmar, If and fellow human beings at all times.
If says that he/she must never think that he/she is smater or wiser
or more competent that the rest of the world. He/she needs to be
humble and respectful at all times. By so doing, If says, he/she will
achieve all his/her heaft's desires. There is nothing that he/she
desires that will not be realized.

If advises this person to offer gbg with two rats, two fish, two
hen, two guinea fowls, two cocks and money. He/she also
needs to feed If with one hen. He/she will also need to feed the
Mothers of the Night in form of Ipse with one female duck. On
this,If says:
ta Kk omi s'tf agg
Mornmorn mg'ye iyQpQ ilQ
Arlnnk O d'b ilQ gb pekun
Gun'gi-gun'gi kgun'gi r koja ew

Baba $awolgIlUAanr
fbg ni wSn nl k w 9e

The wise cannot tie water into a knot with cloth

The knowledgeable cannot know the number of sand grans o

the ground
The traveller cannot reach where the road ends
The tree climber cannot climb the tree beyond its leaves
These were If's declarationsto Qrnm)l
When travelling on lf's assignmentto the land of AanrJ
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrrfnmll was asked to come and help mend the lives of the inhabitants of
Aanu land. Atthistime in the life of Qrnmll, he had no money, no spouse,
no child and no help from anywhere. In spite of the fact that he had the

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

knowledge and competence, everything stood still for him. Nobody was
prepared to assist him. None wished to lend him a hand and ensure that his
life improved.
When Qrnm)l got this message, he went for If consultation in the home
of his students. During consultation, If made the declarations above. As a
result of these declarations, Qrnmll was told that he needed the gbg to
make people take a compassionate look at his condition. He was advised to
offer gbg as stated above before going to the land of Aanrl. He was also
advised to feed If and perform Ipese for the Mothers of the Night.
Qrnm)l sold some of his dresses and tools to buy the gbg materials. He
also learnt never to show that he was wise or knowledgeable. He was
determined to show more humility than ever before. After this, he left for
Aanu land.

When he got there, he began to work for the inhabitants of this land to
ensure that their lives will improved. In the end, he succeeded. Life
improved. There was improvement and development in the land. There
was happiness and contentment. It got to a stage that the inhabitants
planned to show their deep appreciations for Qrrlnm)l over all his effofts
on them. Qrnmll however made it look to them that he needed all their
compassion and without it, he could achieve nothing in life. When they
realised this, they began to plan how to assist him. All of them decided to
pay him generouslyfor his seruices.
Before long, Qrrtnmll became a rich person. He soon had his own spouse
and together with the wife, they had many children. They also had their
personal home. As he was acquiring all these things, he was making the
inhabitants of Aanr: land feel that if not for them, he would have amounted
to nothing in life. This was why the inhabitants of this land also determined
to assist him the more.
QlQgbQn ota Kk omi s'tf agg
MQrnmQrn O mg'ye yepe le
Arlnnk Od'b ilggb pgkun

Gun'gi-gun'gi kgun'gi rkoj ew

Dl filn Orrlnmll
Baba rtgawo lg llrt AanUpbg ni wQn nl k w 9e

gb'bq, r'bg
KO p, K jlnn
Ire gbogbo w ya d ttru
Aj lw ml
I s'n mi o
lyln enlyan gg'n mi o
Aya lw ml
Es'nrl mi o
fyln enlyan g g'n mi o
9mq IO w ml
f s'n mi o

lylnnfiangs'nrl mio

Il lw ml

s'nrt mi o
fyln nlyan g g'n mio
Ire gbogbo lo wu mi
Es'aanu mio
Eyin eniyan es'aanu mi o

The wise cannot tie water into a knot with cloth
The knowledgeable cannot knowthe number of the sand grain
on the ground
The traveller cannot reach where the road ends
The tree climber cannot climb the tree beyond its leaves
These were lf's declaration to Ornmll
When travelling on lf's assignmentto the land of Anrl

He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

Before long
All Ire in life came in abundance


is moneythat I need but lacked

Please have compassion for me

Fellow human beings, please have compassion for me

I also need a spouse
Please have compassion for me
Fellow human beings, please have compassion for me
I also lacked children
Please have compassion for me
Fellow human beings, please have compassion for me
I equally need a home of my own
Please have compassion for me


oturupon uei

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Fellow human beings, please have compasson for me

I need allthe Ire in life
Please have compasson for me
Fellow human beings, please have compassion for me

If says that the world shall take a compassonate look at the person for
whom this Od is revealed. This person also have a duty to be humble and
not to prove that he/she is more intelligent or knowledgeable than all


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed

is right in the

midst of enemies. If says that he/she will overcome all these

enemies. If says that there is no point in running away from these
enemies as this action will not bring any useful relief to him/her.
There is also no point in refusing to associate with the enemies either.
All what he/she needs to do is to learn how to live with these enemies.
It is paftof his/her destinyto be, and stay, in the midstof enemies.

While in their midst, If says that he/she will be able to achieve


reatness, happiness and longevity.

If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and
money. He/she also needs to feed Qbatl with 16 snails, shea
butter and pounded yam. On this, If says:
Atl yln kln-yl nkln-ylnkl n Awo f pQn

Dlfiln FpQn

FpQn tQrun bqwy

w nb lern O,t
lbg ni wqn n| k w fe

To be kicked left and right, the Awo of fpQn, the Scrotum
That was the If cast for FpQn, the Scrotum

When coming from heaven to eafth

And he was is the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer gbg

During the creation of human beings, Qbatl, gun and



were the




architects and designers of human specie. Qbatl however had the final
say on all creation and design matters. After designing all human parts,

they decided that males would have scrotums which would


manufacturing semen for human reproduction. This scrotum was to be

placed in between the thighs. When the scrotum heard this, he became
very apprehensive. He felt that he was too delicate to be placed in the
midst of the two thighs. He was convinced that he would be crushed to
death in no time. When he realised that QbaHl was determined to place
him between these potentials enemies, he wentfor If consultation: would
he ever survive where Qbatl planned to place him? Would he be able to
perform his assignment if he is in the midst of these enemies?
The Awo told him that even though he was located in a place that made him
very apprehensive, nonetheless, that place was the best for him. The Awo
assured him that he was placed there because he could not survive where
there was too much heat or cold. He therefore needed to be located in a
place where either the heat or cold would not be too much and unbearable
for him. He was told that this was the major reason why he was placed in
between the thighs as an attachement. He was also told that he was
attached there in order for him to have his own individual identity. This will
not make anyone or anything to consider him as paft of the thighs. He was
told to accept where he was put although the thighs will try to crush him out
of envy but they would never succeed. He was advised to offer ebq and
feed Qbtl as stated above. He complied.

That was how FpQn, the Scrotum was placed in the midst of his enemies
right from heaven. He stayed there. The thighs were not happy that FpQn
was given the impoftant duty of producing the semen for reproduction.
They conspired to eliminate, or at least crush him. They kicked him left and
right everytime. All their effofts had no effect on f pQn. Instead, EpQn was
waxing stronger everytime. FpQn stayed in the midst of these enemies and
peformed the roles assigned to him from heaven successfully.
AJl ylnkln-ylnkln-ylnkln Awo f pQn
Dl filn FpQn
Fpqn tQrun bQwy

wa nblrinQt
Ebo ni wn nl k w se

lla Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

KOp, Kjlnn
!w b n lr0seogun
E wu y ma wu gpqn ni
FpQn k


To be kicked left and right, the Awo of

[pgn, the Scrotum

Thatwasthe If castfor FpQn, the Scrotum

When coming from heaven to eath
He was isthe midstof enemies
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Before long, nottoofar
Join us where we achieve victory
fpOn can onlyface threat
He can never be crushed

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be threatened
on a regular basis by his/her enemes. That is where it will end. They will
never be able to overcome or inflict any harm on him/her.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not fall
into the trap set for him/her by the world. Many people are conspiring
aganst him/her and they are watchng him/her looking for the
slightest opportunity for him/her to fall into the trap they had set for
him/her. Some of his/her own blood are paft of these conspirators.
His/her offence is that he/she is peforming the assignments given to
him/her very well and with dedication. They are not happy with
him/her that he/she is succeeding in his/her assignments.
If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to avoid going to
visit anyone who is sick at this period. For those born by this Od,
they must enquire from If and offer all appropriate gbg before ever
venturing to visit any sick person. He/she must also avoid going to
where someone has just died. If warns that he/she needs to be very
watchful in all his/her deeds. He/she must always have it at the back
of his/her mind that people are watching his/her movements in order
to look for opportunity to catch him/her.


II oturupon uei
If advises this person to offer gbg with 1O cocks, one long staff,
1O neddles, 1O nails and money. The needles and nails would
be driven into the staff half-way and the staff is to be placed besides
Ep after the qbg had been offered. On these, a stanza in this Od
Asln nllf'gnu gb'sa
lgngin r0n fgnu fOyg
Ejo lfqnu pQkun atarl
Dl firn lfa-ogqrq
Tff g'glgtan Ol-Igb
fbg niwQn nl k w ie

Aln, the Smelly Rat, uses its mouth to dig holes
Andlgngn rn, the Black Ants, use their mouths to search for food
The snake has its mouth atthetip of its head
These were lf's messages tolfa-Dggre
The child of
He was advised to offergbg


Ifa-OqEre was the first son of Ohl-Igb. He was very close to his father.
Ohl-Igbo was the spiritual undeftaker for all the animals in the forest.
When he died, his son, Ifa-Deere took over. He was doing allthe works as
effectively and efficiently as his late father. For this reason, many people
were not happy with him. This included some of his own brothers who felt
that why must it be only him who must be receiving all the honours that
were due to the whole family. His brothers joined other people outside and
conspired together to eliminate lfa-Dgqre. They went and planned with
fkn, The Leopard, to eliminatelfa-OEqre.
One day, the animals came to announce the death of fkn to him. He was
told to come and perform allthe rites on the remains of fikn before he was
given a befitting burial. While they were saying this, something kept
telling lfa-Oqqr that all was not right. As a result of this feeling, he went
for If consultation in the home of the group of Awo mentioned above.
The Awo told him to beware of conspiracy. He was informed that there
was a grand plan to eliminate him. He was warned to be very careful. He
was also told that his own blood relations were among the conspirators.

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

The Awo told him to offer gbg as stated above. He complied. After this,
they handed over the staff to him and they told him to use the staff to prick
any dead animal with all his might three times before moving close to the
corpse. He thanked the group of Awo and leftforthe home of Fkn.
When he got there, he saw all the conspirators in front of the home of f kn.
They urged him to move in quickly and begin the rite. He went in with the
staff. But instead of moving close to fkn, the Leopard, he began to chant
IyQrQ songs thus:

Aslnrln nnll fgnu gbg's yin ni mO 1 perl.....hgn!
Ir mir lgngn erun nll fgnu fQ'ye........hqn!
EjO nll fgnu pQkun atar|.......... Hgn!
Dl firn em Ifa-DQQr
Tll g'glgtan OIU-Igb...,...,., Hen!
Erin kr lfa-Oggre t .......hgn!
Ir mi, EfQn krl, Ifa-Oqqre trl.....hgn!
WQn nl kl lfe-Deerwa g'oro fkn o.....hgn!
fyln-yln l g'oro il e wa....hgn!
B'j gb'akq o p'eylnda o
Olbllrl po!

Alnn nlff f'gnu gbS's, lcallon

Igangan erun rftif'gnu fQ'ye, lsummon you......hen!
EjO lf f'gnu pQkun t, I callon you.....hen!
You were the Awo who cast If for melf-DQQr
The son of Ol-Igb..... hen !

When Erin,


Elephant died,


pedormed the funeral

And when EfQn, the Buffalo died, I performed the funeral
Now they call me to come and perform the funeral rites for
[kn, the Leopard....hen!
This rites is complicated
This rites must be performed by stepping backwards in form of retreat

When dogs make love, theyturn their backtoeach other



otu*pon u"j

As soon as he said this, he pricked fkn with the staff with all his might;


time, second time, and before he did the third one, fikn shook his body!
When lfa-Oqqre saw this, he withdrew tactically and ran to Qrtlnm)l's
home. He narrated what he experienced to Qrrfnm)l. Ifa-DEgre was
advised not to go home directly. He was told that his enemies would surely
be waiting for him at home. He was also told that before he entered hls
home, he must "greet" his home. If anyone was lurking anywhere in his
home the person would answer him. If anyone answered, he must not
enter the house; but if nobody answered, then he could enter.
When he got to the house, everything looked very quiet. He nonetheless
did as QnlnmIl had advised him. He chantedlyQrQ thus:
Ir mir lgngn erun nll fgnu fQ'yg ........hgn!
EjO nll fgnu pQkun td........,. Hgn!
Dl firn em Ifa-DQer
Tll 9'glgtan Ol-Igb........,. Hgn!
Erin kr lfa tru ..,..,.hen!
Ir mi, lfQn krr,Ift.....h9n!
WQn nl kl lfa-Dqerwa g'or fkn o.....hgn!
Onll mi, bl mo b re'bi ogrtn gdn....hgn!
Bl mo b r'jO og m.f o ...,...hqn!
Bl mob ksl'la ma jemio...,...hgn!
Bl' O b d mi l'hun tn nma lo o
tan nma lg o hh
Bl'l 0 b d mi l'hn tn nma lg o
Ornmll oh!
Bl'l O b d mi lhn tn nma lo o
As{nrf n nnll f'gnu gbg's yin ni mO

Alnfn nlff f'gnu gbQ's, lcallon you.....hen!
Myfellowlgangan erun fii f'gnu fQ'ye, ......hen!
EjO rff f'gnu pQkun tr{, lsummon you.....hen!
You cast If for melfa-OEgre
When Erin died, I peformed the rites....hen!
And when Efon died, I peformed thefuneral rites.....hen!
Now they ask me to perform the funeral rites for fkn, the Leopard....hen!
If I travel for 20 years....hen!


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Even if I wend forsix months.....hen!

If I call on my house itwill reply me.......hen
If the house fails to answer me, then let me go back......hen
If the home refusesto answer me, then I will return to where I am coming

When the Leopard, fkn, heard this, he became confused. If he did not
answer Ifa-Oqqre, then )fa-Oqgre would not enter the house.
lfaDQQr refused to enter, fkn would not be able to lay his hands on him.
For this reason, Fkn answered from the house "Ooooh"! ! !


As soon as Ifa-OgQr heard this, instead of entering the house, he chanted

anotherfyere song thus:

Astnrln nnll fgnu gb'sa yin ni m perl....,hgn!
Ir mir lgangan erun nff fqnu fQ'ye ........hgn!
EjO nfl fgnu pQkun trf ...,...... Hgn!
Dl filn emi Ifa-OQQretll g'gloJan Ol-Igb...,..hen!
Tll 9'glo, tan Ol-Igb.......... Hgn!
Erin kr If tr .......hgn!
ffQn krt, If trt.....hgn!
WQn nl K lfe-Deerwa g'orO fkn o.....hgn!
Onll mi, bl mo b re'biogn gdn....hgn!
Bl mo b r'joog mefa o.......hgn!
T'mi b k sl'l a ma je mi o.......hgn!
Bl'l O b d mi l'hn tn nma lo o
tn nma lg o hh
Bl'l O b d mi l'hn tn nma lo o
Orunmll oh!
Bl'lO b d mi lhn ttn nma lg o
Il ma ti d mi l'hun, ttn mo lg o.....hgn
tan molooh
Il m ti d mi l'hun, tn mo lg o.....hqn
gnnmla hoo
Il ma ti d mi l'hun, tln mo lg o...,.hgn

Alnf n ntflif'gnu

gbg'sa, lcall on you.....hen!

Myfellowlgangan erun rff f'gnu fQ'ye, I summon you here ......hen!
EjO lff f'gnu pQkun atari,lcallyou.....hen!
You cast If for me If-DQQr the son of Olu-Igbo.....hen!



otr*pon u"i

When Erin died,I peformed the rites....hen!

When Efon died, I performed the funeral rites fkn.....hen!
Nowthey ask me to peform the funeral rites for fkn, the Leopard....hen!
If I travel for 20 years....hen!
And if I went for six months.....hen!
If I call on my house it had never answered me before.......hen
If the house fails to answer me, then let me go back......hen
If the home refuses to answer me, then I will return to where
am coming from......hen!
Nowthe house has given me an answer, I am going away!
Oh Orunmila I praiseyou
The house has given me an answer, I am running away!
Oh Orunmila I praise you
The house has given me an answer, I am running away!

That was how If-DQQre used Ijasa (Iygre) to explain what was happenng
in his house and to tell [kn, the Leopard that he would not enter the house
because he had detected that Fkn was hiding there.
If says that the enemies of the person for whom this Od is revealed shall
be overcome. He/she shall be able to see through their conspracy and evil
design and shall come off triumphant.
Asln nfl f'gnu gb'sa
Igangan rn f'gnu fyg
Ej lf'gnu pQkun atarl
IX firn lfa-oeere
Tff g'glgtan Ol-Igb
$bg ni wgn nl k w ge

gb'6bo, r'bg

K p, K jlnna
F wa b ni l'rgQ ogun

Aln, the Smelly Rat, uses its mouth to dig holes
AndIgngn rn, the Black Ants, use their mouths to searc
The snake has its mouth at the tip of its head
These were lf's messages tolfa-DgQrg
The child of Ol-Igb
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied


lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

Before long, nottoofar

Join us where we acheve victory over adversaries

If promises vctory over adversaries for the person for whom this Od is
revealed. All the conspracy and evil designs of all his/her enemes shall
amountto naught.


If says that there is the need for two people to offer the gbg of
prosperity. They may be friends, husband and wife, brothers, sisters,
parent and child or just colleagues at work. They must show love and
understanding for each other. They must also eschew any form of
bitterness against one another.
If advises the two of them to offer qbg with hruo pigeons each, two
cocks each and money. They also need to feed each others O with
one guinea fowl each. On this, If says:
Ipep idi lfara joakika
Be n o leSe bl akika
Dlfitn Laktsa
Tun Ldogo jg $'Qr
fbg ni wQn nl kwgn w ge

The barkof Iditree (Terminalia glaucescens) looks like akika
But it can never act like akika, pangolin
This was lf's message to Lkrf s
Who was a bossom friend of Ldogo

They were advised to offer gbg

Lakusa and Ldogo were intimate friends. They loved each other
genuinely. They do everything together. They ate, drank and went out
everywhere together. They wore the same dresses. They were like twins.
They were also poor together. For this reason, they went together to the
home of the Awo mentioned above for If consultation: would they ever
succeed in life? Would they be able to break the chain of povefty in their
lives? Would they be able to achieve alltheir heafts'desires in life?
The Awo told them that even though they were both suffering at that time,


oturupon uej


they would soon smle. They were told that they would be blessed
fortune and financial success even beyond their wildest dreams.
were however warned never to envy each other or harbour any ill-feeling
against one another. They were also advised to offer gbg and feed each
other's Of as prescribed above. Only Lkrls complied with the advice of
the Babalwo. Ldogo said that he had no time for the silly advice of any
Babalawo. Consequently he refused to offerthe gbg.
Three months after Laksa offered the gbg, people stafted to. notice that
foftune had begun to smile on him. He was having more financial
than ever before. When Ldogo noticed this, he stafted to give his friend
both social and physical distance. He began to hate everything that his
friend represented. He did not want anyone to mention his friend's name
in his presence.



Before two years, Lkr1s had become very successful. Ldogo began to
plan against his friend. One day, Ldogo went to inflict pain on his friend
'Laksa. Hewascaught intheactand was putto shame.


d l f'ara
BQ$ ni le ge bl
Df firn Lkrls

jg akika

Tun Ldogo jg g'qre

Fbg ni wqn nl k wqn w $e
Lakse nlkn nl nbg lyin to nggbg
K p, K jlnn
f w bni nl jQbrlto Iregbogbo


Sni eni trtn ge e

Tlinu fil bl'ni o?

The bark of Idi tree (Terminalia glaucescens) looks like akika,
But itcan neveract like akika, pangolin
This was If's message to Lkrts
Who was a bosom friend of Ldogo
Theywere advised to



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

Only Lkrlsa complied by offering the gbg

Before long, nottoo far
Join us in the midst of all Ire in life
Travellers tolpo and Qf
When one's colleagues succeeded
How come one is angry over it?

If says that this person will succeed whether or not his/her colleagues love
t. Nobody can stop his/her succeess as long as he/she comples with allthe
instructions of If.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to have a
change of attitude so as to have people close to him/her. His/her
attitude is driving people who could be of assstance to him/her away
from him/her. On the other hand, the person for whom this Od is
revealed needs to advise his/her relative to change his/her attitude in
order to have people around him/her. This relative may be his/her
brother, sister, cousn, parent, child, friend or even neighbour.

If advises this person to offer gbg with three cocks and money.
He/she also needs to feed Egu witn one cock. No matter what
he/she uses as gbg material or even materials for feeding Fs, he/she
must change his/her attitude for better. He/she must behave in
accordance with the socially accepted norms. If this is not done, all
the money and effot spent on gbg will amount to a waste. On this,
If says:
QgbQn nfi pektOran'ni
Wr kff gbe ran gmqnlyn

Dlfirn Qtgnporo
Tll ggmglya Ere
Fbq ni wQn nl k w Fe

It takes long for one to be impacted with wisdom
It is easy and quickerto imbibe foolishness
This was lfa's message to QtgnpOro
The blood brother of Ere
He was advised to offer ebo



oturupo, u"j

Qtgnporo and Ere were born by the same mother. They were known
everywhere n town as brothers. People knew Ere as very amiable, easygoing, likeable and level-headed. Conversely, Qtgnpr was known as a
wicked, selfish, callous and a hot-headed person.
One day QtgnpOrO went for If consultation because he was unhappy that
nobody seemed to love him in his community. The Awo told him that his
problem was that of his attitude. All he needed to do was to understudy his
younger brother Ere and behave the way he was doing. He was also to offer
gbg as stated above and feed Egu witn one cock. Qtgnpor could see no
reason why he should emulate anyone - least of all his own younger brother.

During the Egungun festival of the village, all the people in the community
rallied round Ere and he was the centre of attraction. All the villagers were
running away from Qtgnporo because of his wicked character. QtQnporo
burst into tears when he saw the crowd following his brother. He had
nobody behind him. The elders in the village told QtgnpOrO to have a
change of attitude so that he too could have followers like Ere his younger
brother. Alas! It was too late for Qtqnporo. He lived miserably for the rest
of his life.
qgbQn nll pq kt ran'ni
Wr kff gbe ran gmq nryan
Dtfin Otgnporo
Tll ggmgIy Ere
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge
fe oJrln gbebq, fi tosl daa n
Qtgnporo p'w d

Koll'ni l',yln bf Ere


Ittakes long foroneto be impacted with wisdom
It is easy and quicker to imbibe foolishness
This was If's message to Qtgnporo
The blood brotherof Ere
He was advised to offier gbg

turned deaf earto the advice

OtgnpOrO please have a change of character
Foryou to have followers like Ere



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Please change your charccter for good

If says that he will not allow this person to live a miserable life. He/she
however needs to have a change of character so that people will move
close to him/her and he/she will not live a lonely or isolated life.


If says that there is the need for a group of people to offer gbq
against being misled by someone who claims that he/she has the
understanding, exposure and/or experience to give them advice. If
says that the advices which this person has been giving this group are

responsible for the problems and/or crises which the group are
having presently. There is the need for this group to identify this
person and review its relationship with him/her. If he/she gives the
group any further advice, it must be ignored. As a matter of fact, this
person must be given reasonable distance from the group.

If advises this group to offer gbg with three matured he-goats

and money. They also need to feed Eg with one he-goat or
cock. On these, If says:
Ad bldl Fasa
Dl fin Qrnljqlgbln
wgn nl kl wQn rbg Qml iwgn

The cutlass with its broad base
Thatwasthe If castfor 165 snails
When they were advised to offer gbg for them to live long

The 165 snails were living miserable lives. They used to die violently. They
tried to find solution to their problems all to no avail. They therefore went
for If consultation in the home of the Awo mentioned above. The Awo
told them that all their problems would soon become things of the past. He
informed them that they were being misled and that was why they were
havlng those problems. He advised them to identiff the person who was
misleading them and run away from such person. He also advised them to
offer qbg as stated above. They complied. They promised themselves that



oturupon uej

they would identiff the person misleading them and run away from
te Ene nfi m'qna ge gb
Nff m'Qn ge gbrl
Dlfiln If-dQQrQ
Ttl geQrglgbln
f bo nl wQn nl k w Se
PQ tep,

The wet mud on the road makes the path very slippery and dangerous to
That was lf's message to If-dQQrQ
Who was the friend of the 165 snails
He was advised to offer gbq

the friend of the 165 snails. The snails saw him as a big
brother and great adviser. They relied on his counselling. Any advice he
gave them was what they would follow. Unknown to the snails, he was the
one who was misleading them because he had a deep-seated hatred for
If-dQQrQ was



One day, If-dQQrQ went for If consultation in order to determine if he

would succeed in eliminating allthe 165 snails.
The Awo told him that he was like the wet mud on the road which made the
path of other people slippery and dangerous. The Awo advised him to stop
his bad attitude so as to avoid being exposed and disgraced. He refused to
comply, telling the Awo that the reason why he came was to be able to
eliminate all the snails and not for any Awo to advise him on to how to
a change of character. He Ieftthe home of the Awo with




Meanwhile, If-dQQrQ had two hands, two legs, mouth and allother pafts of
his body complete. The snails had no hand, no leg, except their mouth.
They use their mouth to eat, talk, climb and walk.

Anytime that If-dQQrQ saw any snail climbing a tree, he would wait
patiently for the snailto reach the top of the tree before calling the snail. If
the snailtried to answer his call, the snail would falldown from the tree



lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultaton

die violently, If a snail was eatng, If-deQrQ would wait until the snail
attempted to swallow the food, he would then call the sna|. If the snal
attempted to answer, the food would enter the wrong passage and the snail
would die a violent death.
Al! the remaining snails gathered together in order to deliberate on the
cause of the problems. Eventually, they realised that it was their big
brother If-dQQrQ who had all along been responsible for their violent
deaths. There and then, they concluded that any time that any of them was
called by If-dQQrQ, he/she must never answer. They must do it in such a
way that If-dQQrQ must know that they deliberately refused to answer him.
They also concluded that nobody among the snails must listen to, or follow
his advice again.

Anytime If-dQQrQ called on any snail, he would simply be ignored. If he

asked the snail why he/she had refused to answer his call, the snail would
take his/her time, finish whatever he/she was doing before telling If-dQQrQ
never to call him/her again. It did not take long for If-dQQrQ to realise that
he was no longer needed by the snails. He quietly left their midst in shame.
Ad bldli$aqe
Dl filn Qrunlojglgbln
won nl kl wQn rbg Qml i wgn
WQn gb'Qbo, wQn r'bg
PeJepqteQn nll m'qna gegb
Nll m'Qnagegbtt

Tll geQrQlgbln
Ebo nl wOn nl k w 9e
kg'tl ggboyin s'qbg
jq lf-Deerq m e p ml mq

fnu tl mofi rt fQ'hn

Nimofi ttjqun o
If-D$QrQ m e p ml mQ
Fnu tl mofi fghun
Nl mofi ttgun'gi o

The cutlass with its broad base


oturupon uei

Thatwasthe If castfor 165 snails

When they were advised to offer gbg for them to live long
The wet mud on the road makes the path very slippery and
dangerous to trek
That was lf's message to If-DQQTQ
Who was the friend of the 165 snails
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused

If-DQQre, don't call me anymore

It is the same mouth that I use in talking
Which I also use in eating
If-DQQre, don't call me again
It is the same mouth I use in talking
Which Ialso use in climbing

If says that the person responsble for the problem of a group shall be
exposed and putto shame.
Conversely,If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is the
one responsible for misleading a group through his/her bad counselling, i
he/she needs to stop, lest he/she s exposed and disgraced.


If says that even though the person for whom this Od is revealed
has the tendency to be misled through bad advice, nonetheless,
he/she cannot live alone. He/she still needs other people around
him/her to associate with and take useful advices from. All what
he/she needs to do is to find out the type of friends he/she needs to
associate with before he/she relies on them. He/she also needs
find out regularly about all his/her friends and Ioved ones In order to
ensure thatthey had not changed and become unreliable.


If says that his/her destiny does not allow him/her to live a lonely
life. He/she needs to be in the midst of people. He/she must also be
sociable. As he/she has a lot to gain from others, so also do others
have much to gain from him/her.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

If advises this person to offer gbg with two rats, hro fish, two
hens, two cocks, two guineafowls, hro pigeons and money.
He/she also needs to feed Fgb with all fruits available at that
period in his/her environment. On this, a stanza in QlqgbQn-M|

Igbgnwo nll tl kkeryg kk

Ojo p'abahun t'Qw t'asg
Ojo Qsn nff m'de yq tqrJereter
Dl filn Baba-A-gb-l'gnu-bl-Akika
Igbati O rtgeohun gbogbot'Qkan Oyg'rl
f;bg nl wqn nl k w ge



The elbow had its knot since the time it was small and young
The rain falls on the toftoise together with its shell
The rain thatfalls in the day makesthe ground veryslippery
These were lf's declarations to he-whose-mouth-is-as-strong
When he did manythings without succeeding in any
He was advised to offerebo

Baba-A-gb-l'Qnu-bi-Akika, the man whose mouth is as strong as akika tree

had made up his mind never to socialize with anyone any longer. He had
once done so but he was betrayed. For that reason, he vowed never to
have anything to do with anyone agan. He chose to live alone. He had no
wife, no child, and no friend. He moved away from even his own blood

When he began to live alone, his situation, instead of improving, was

getting worse by the day. He would work from morning till night and yet
there would be a lot of work left behind undone. He would sweep the
ground of his room and his surrounding; he would wash the plates, his
dress and his room; he would prepare his food and before he finished, he
was already late to go to his farm. In the farm, he would clear the grass,
make heaps for planting, wet the crops, dress the heaps and tend the farm
all alone. Before he finished the day's work, it was already time to return
home. At home, he needed to wash the cooking pot that he used in the
morning and before finishing, it was really dark! Many nights, he would


oturupon uej

sleep without food. Many days, he would not be able to do half of the work
he needed to do in the farm. His farm became the home of rodents which
ate up his crops. Year in, year out, he could not harvest up to half of the
crops he planted on his farm. His situation was detriorating. His health

was also deteriorating. Tired of this, he went for If consultation: what

was really responsible for all his problems?
The Awo assured him that he was the architect of his problems. He was
told that he had refused to socialize with others. He was advised to offer
gbg as prescribed above. He was also enjoined to socialize with others.
He complied.

The next day, he woke up early in the morning and greeted everyone
around him. The people were surprised. When he began to sweep the
ground, a neighbour told his daughter to take the broom from him and help
him sweep the surrounding. When he wanted to coolf another neighbour
told his wife to go and assist him. He did everything more quickly than
ever before. Soon he got a wife. They divided the work in the house and
farm between them. when they had their children, the work became
simpler still. Most household chores were left for the children to do and
they concentrated on the workon thefarm.

Before long, foftune smiled on him. He was able to have a clear-cut

direction in his life. He saw the benefits of socializing with other people.
He became wealthy, he had his own spouse, he was blessed with children
and he had a good comfoftable home. Above all, his toiling and tension
reduced drastically. He then realized that those who had others around to
share in their works and burdens needed not to have strong mouths and
strong handsto do and carrythem alone.
IgbQnwo nll tl kkeryg kk
Ojo p'abahun t'Qw t'asg
ojo qsn nll m'de yQ tQr$tQre, tere

fitn Baba-A-gb-l'qnu-bl-Akika
Igbati rt$e ohun gbogbot'qkan Oyg'rl
lbg nl wqn nl k w 9e
gb'gbg, ru'bg
Ero lpo, Ero Qfa


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

A kff m ma rQ'ni


Ktn gb l'nu o

The elbow had its knot since the time it was small and young
The rain falls on the toftoise together with its shell
The rain that falls in the day makes the ground very slippery
These were lf's decla rations to he-whose-mouth-is-a
When he did manythings withoutsucceeding in any
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Travellers tolpo and Qfa lands
We cannot have those who will share in our thoughts, works
and burden
And yet have strong mouth and hands

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
people who shall assist him/her and share in his/her thoughts, works and


If says that a man is either dating a lady here with the intention of
marrying her or that they had moved to the stage of introduction or
even marriage. If says the lady in question is very jovial and
generally loved by all. Ifa warns aganst marrying this lady because
as jovial as she is, she is not the type whose mind can easly be
known. She will use her genial attitude to deceive everybody and
when she is ready to pack up the affair, nobody will suspect her.
When she eventually leaves, it will be a grave disaster for the
husband and his relatives. This lady will do the husband-to-be no
good at all.

If advises this man to offer gbg with two guinea fowls, two cocks
and two hens and money. On this, If says:
K$e'g nl'gb
K r nl'dbrtwo'hl
fitn Ejl-Otrtrrt
Baba lqq q'gkg lrfn
fbq nl wqn nl k w ge



oturupon tvtei


cutwood in the forest

And carry it sideways to the town

This was lf's message to E)-OtUrrf

When going to marry fn, Laughter, as wife

He wasadvised to offerebo

E)-Oturu was very hardworking. He was also an accomplshed Babalwo.

When it was time for him to get marred, all the members of his family were
on the look out for a suitable wife for him. Before long, they saw fr'in,
Laughter. She was very beautiful, very jovial, she was always smiling.
Everybody was in love with her. When ET-Otr:rU saw her, he was
overwhelmed with love. When it was time for marriage, they went for If
consultation, not to enquire about the attitude of the woman, but to know
what they needed to do in order to make the wedding day successful.

During consultation however, the Awo warned that nothing good will ever
come out of that relationship. He warned them not to continue with the
affair. He even urged them to call everything quit as all he could see was
pain and sorrow atthe end of the day. Those who went for If consultation
were convinced that the Awo had either gone mad or envious; and must be
looking for ways of spoiling Et-Oturu's joy. They simply ignored him and
theywentahead with the wedding preparations.
The wedding day was grand. All the movers and shakers of the society
were present. They all blessed the couple.
The first three months was bliss for the couple. Everything went smoothly.
After the third month, trouble stafted for ET-Oturu. fn was no longer
cooperating with him. She no longer obeyed him. Anytime he talked, she
would simply smile and ignore him. If he shouted at her, all his relations
would be angry with him that he was not treating his genial wife with the
respect and love she deserved.

In the home of E)-Otur's relatives, ff n was always at her best. She would
smile, joke and greet all the relatives with respect and love. They were all
in love with her. At home however, there was nothlng that E)-Oturu did
that ever satisfied her. If she asked for anything, it would be what E)849

lfa Dda: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

Oturrr could not afford. If he told her that he could not afford it, she would
simply smile. If he looked for money elsewhere to buy those things and
give to her, she would simply smile. At a stage, it was not easy for EJiOturu to know whether or not his wife was happy. His wife was never
helping at home. She had no time to cook or wash his clothes. If he
complained, she would simply smile. Nothing would change her mind to
do it.

One day, Elt-Otrlrrl woke up to find that ffn had left the house. All his
relatives pounced on him, accusing him of frustrating the woman. Nobody
was ready to listen to him. He cried and cried. He lost his happiness, his
home and his credibility. By the time his relations realised the true position
of things, itwas alreadytoo late.
K g'gnl'gb
K r nl'dbrlwg'ltt

Dlfn Ejl-Oturu
Baba lQqg'gkg lrln
Fbq nl wqn nl k w fe
kg'tl Qgbghin F'ebg
Eg lru, Ego eft
F o rlf ijghun ni bl



To cut wood in the forest

And carry it sideways to the town

This was lf's message to E)-Oturr:
When going to marry ffn as wife
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Refusal to offer gbg and heed advice
See the terrible consequence.for those who had refused

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not suffer selfinflicted pain if he listens to the advice of If.
Conversely, If advises a woman about to get married to have a change of
attitude so that she will not cause pain to her would-be husband and all his
relatives and loved ones.

X orr*ron r",

10. If says that there s a woman where this Od is revealed who had
once been marred into that home but who had left the home due to
one form of disagreement or the other. This woman is planning to
return to that home. If says that if this woman returns, there is no
problem. On the other hand, if she is not allowed to return, there is no
problem. If says that this woman had learnt nothing and had
forgotten nothing on the reasons that sent her out of that home. If
she returns, If says, she will continue to behave exactly how she had
been doing before she left that home. Her attitude will not change
one bit. If this is acceptabletothem where this Od is revealed, then
all is well. If not, there is the need to have a sober reconsideration
and deep reflection before the woman is allowed to return into that
On the other hand, If advises a woman who had once married into

a home but who had left the home to have a change of attitude
before venturing to return into that home. This is because she had
not learnt the real reasons that sent her packing from her
matrimonial home in the first place. If this lesson is not learnt, she
will more likely than not encounter the same problem and she will
have no suppoft where she is going. This will chase her out of that
homethe second time.

There is the need to offer gbg with one he-goat, cosmetics of

various kinds, camwood, cream, lotion and so on and
money. There is also the need to feed the lbeji, the Twins
Divinity. On this,If says:
Otr pgn mjl g,rt
Dl fitn Fyel QwQwQ
Tl pad lg sl'l gkg OwUrQ
pbg nl wqn nl k w ge o

Otr straps two babies firmly on her back
If's message to fygl QwQwQ, the Beautiful Pigeon
When returning to herfirst husband's home
She was advised to offer gbg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Fygl Qwewe, the Beautiful, Pigeon was an epitome of beauty. She was
the center of attraction everywhere she went. She was also very conscious
of her beauty. Anywhere she went, she was always with a cosmetics bag
containing cam-wood, coconut oil, Laali (Lawsonia inermis) etc. Her hair
was always plaited. Her dresses neat and elegant with sandals to match.
When she was ready for the marriage market, there were many suitors
contesting for her hand in marriage. When she eventually picked one
suitor as her husband, the wedding was wellattended.

As soon as she got married however, trouble stafted. She made it

abundantly clear to all, that she had come to marry her husband alone, and
that she was not interested in any member of her husband's family. As a
matter of fact, she saw them as people who interfere in their matrimonial
affairs. She treated her husband's relatives shabbily and she had no
respect for any of them.
One day, there was a little misunderstanding between fiygl QwQwQ and
her husband. The relatives came for settlement. Fygl QwQwQ was very
furious with them. She spit on her mother-in-law's face. She tore the
dresses of her father-in-law. She slapped her Elder-brother-in-law. It was
a big fight. She accused everyone of fomenting trouble for her and her
husband. She said that her husband's relatives were fond of poking their
noses into what did not concern them. At a stage, she yelled at everyone
present and stormed out of the house. She promised herself never to
return to that home again.

When her parents heard of what had happened they were very ashamed
and furious with Fygl QwQwQ. They sent many emissaries to go and
apologise to fyglQ's husband's relatives. It took two years for normalry to
return. Eventually, a day was set aside for formal reconciliation.

of fiygl's husband were seated,

awaiting the arrival of [ygl. All of them agreed that Fygl must have
On the appointed day, all the relatives

learnt her lessons and that she would turn a new leaf hencefofth.
When Fygl arrived, she came with her friend. She did not wait for her own
relatives to accompany her to her husbands home. When she entered the

II otrrupo, uej
house, they noticed that she was all made up. she was smelling of
fragrance and she painted her legs and face with osun, cam-wood. she
saw her husband's relatives and simply ignored them. She proceeded
straight into her husband's room and slammed the door close with all her
might. Her husband's relatives looked at each other and shook their
heads. One of them stafted to sing thus:
S k le mg p Fyele g'oge
S k le mq wlp $yQl g'oge
Fygl K'osn wg'| t'gkg
9 k le mg pe Fyele g'oge

Is it for us to realise that Fygl is trendy
Is it to establish that fyql is fashion-conscious
Fygl rubbed her bodywith Osun, cam-wood and wentstraight
to her husband's room
Just for us to know that fygl is fashionable

They all concluded that Fygl had learnt and forgotten nothing.
Oht r pgn- Mjl gl rgl rl
Dl fln Fyel QwQwe
Tl pad lg sl'l gkg OwrQ
f bg nl wQn nl k w ge o

kg'tf Qgbgnhln s'bg

F k le mg p fygl rt g'oge
Fygl K'osun wg'l t'gkg
F k le mg p fygl g'oge

Otr strapps two babies firmly on her back
If's message to fiygl QwQw
When returning to her first husband's home
She was advised to offer gbg
She refused to heed the advice
Is it for us to know that fygl is fashionable
Fygl rubbed her body with Osun and went straightto he
husband's room
Just for us to know that fiygl is fashionable


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed should not
think that he/she is wiser than everybody. If says that even
though it is true that he/she is wise, he/she needs to recognize the
fact that other people are also wise and some of them are probably
more knowledgeable and/or wiser than him/her.

If says that this person had done something or is doing something

presently and is congratulating himself/herself because of the
wisdom which he/she had applyto it.
If says that even with what he/she had done or is doing, he/she still
needs other people's wise counselling in order for him/her to
succeed. If recommends the gbg of humility for the person for
whom this Od is revealed. In this stanza, no material gbg is
required. He/she only needs to consult others and seek wise
counselling before concluding on what he/she had done or is doing.
On this, If says:
9lQgbQn wQn O ta kk omi s'tl aqg
Omgrn kan O mo'ye pQ ilQ
Arlnnk ko de'bi ona gb pgkun
Dl fitn Albahun Ajap
Nljq tl k'gbQn r'or{ opg r kq sl

The wise cannot tie water into a knot with a cloth,
The knowledgeable cannot know the number of sand grains o
the ground
The traveller cannot reach where the road ends
These were lf's declarations to Albahun Ijp
When he gathered allthe wisdom on eafth and was going to
hide it on top of a palm tree

Albahun Ajpa, the Tortoise, was a very wise person. At a point, he

believed he was the wisest person that Olodumare had ever created. One
day, Albahun Ajap thought that he could become the richest person on
earth if he gathered all the wisdom on earth and bottled it in a calabash.
He planned that after this had been done, he would go and hide the bottled
calabash (full of wisdom) on top of a palmtree. He ruminated that nobody

frl oturupon u.j

would be able to do anything wse without consultng him. He planned to
charge heavily for any wisdom that he would volunteer for anyone. He
envisaged that people would be looking for him far and wide begging and

pleading, cap in hand, money in pocket for him to give them paft of the
hidden wisdom. He was convinced that within six months, that he would
not only become the richest man that Olodumare had ever created, but the
most influential person on eafth.
After concluding this plan, he decided to go for If consultation. When the
If was cast, OtrpQn M;T was revealed. The Awo then informed
Albahun Ajap that he had a plan in mind: the plan would only work if he
soughtthe advice and wisdom of others.
Consequent upon this revelation, Albahun Ajap was livid with anger. He
thought he needed nobody's advice since he was the wisest person on
eafth. He then rushed out of the babalwo's house and promised himself
that this babalwo must be punished when he became rich. He concluded
that he would never extend his wisdom to the babalwo since he saw
himself as the custodian of wisdom in the world.
He then decided to go and hide the bottled calabash (full of wisdom) on

of a palm tree and then announce to the world to come and consult him if
they needed any advice or wisdom. Whoever failed to approach him was
considered the most stupid man on eafth. On getting to the palm tree, he
tied a rope round the bottled calabash and hung it round his neck with the
calabash in front of his belly. He then tried to climb the palm tree to the top,
but unfoftunately for him he was always failing down anytime he attempted
to climb the tree. He tried several times from morning till evening but all to
no avail.

Incidentally, Igbfn, snail was passing by and she saw Albahun Ajap
attempting to climb the tree and falling down several times. Immediately
she saw this, she realized that the positioning of the calabash in front of
Ijap was responsible for his failure to climb the tree. She took pity on
Ajap and decided to assist him by offering the advice on what to do in
order to climb the tree successfully. She approached him and said: 'My
friend, if you want to climb the palm tree with ease, change the position of

Ifa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

that bottled calabash. Put it on your back and then climb the tree'.
Uapa attempted what)gbln, had said, and discovered that, to his chagrin,
the palm tree was climbed withoutany difficulty. When he was on top of the
palm tree, EgU Odara told him that'Ijp, can'tyou see that)gbln, the snail,
is wiser than you? With all the wisdom you have forced into this calabash,
yet you were not able to climb the tree. It only took the superior wisdom of
Igbin to tell you how to climb the tree with the calabash without any
difficulty. Wth all your wisdom, you will always bow to and follow the
superior wisdom of)gbln, the snail'.

When Ijap heard this, he realised to his disappointment that with all the
wisdom he had bottled in the calabash, he had failed woefully. Outof anger,
disappointment and frustration, he smashed, with all his might, the bottled
calabash on the ground and it broke into pieces.
QlQgbQn wQn Ota

kkomi s'tl agg

Omgrn kan O mo'ye eepQ ilQ

Arlnnka ko de'bi ona gb pgkun
D,l fin Albahun Ajapa
Nljq k'gbQn r'orf opg r kQ sl
Fbp nl wgn nl w ge
Njq qgbqn ti Ahun gbqn
lyln niifi ntg lgbln
9gbQnotn l'y
9gbQn k l'yin

The wise cannottie water into a knotwith a piece of cloth,
The knowledgeable cannot knowthe numberof sand grains
on the ground
The traveller cannot reach where the road ends
These were lf's declarations to Albahun Ajp
When he gathered allthe wsdom in the world and was
hide it on top of a palm tree
He was advised to offergbg
He refused to comply
With all the wisdom of Ahun, the toftoise
He will always bow to and follow the superior oflgbf n, the snail
Wsdom is notexhausted on eafth




oturupon uej

Wisdom abounds everywhere

If says that those who are wse should not think that others are not as wse
as them or that they are fools. Nobody is a sole repostory of wisdom.


If says that youths should not think that they are wiser than their
elders where this Od is revealed. There is the need for youths to
follow the advice of elders in order to avoid a situation where they
could get lost. If says that there are some youths where this Od is
revealed who consider the wise counselling of elders as either
obsolete or irrelevant in the modern scheme of things. If says that
these youths need to change such perception if they do not wish to
regretforthe restof their lives.
If advises the youths in question to offer gbg with two matured

she-goats and borrow from the experience

and advice of the elders.

They will use one she-goat to feed the Elders of the Night and use the
other one to feed If. On this, If says:

Aslnwln nll pe'f kOr

Koyeeko nll w'wu sesee j'na

Dl fn QsQOrde
fibg nl wqn nl kl wgn w qe

Only a fool gives If message without prior deliberation
Koyko rff w'wu Feegee j'n (alias)
These were the Awo who cast If for QsQ-OrQkn
And also cast same for QsQ-Orde
They were advised to offer gbg

QsQ-Orqkn was a wise youth while Qsg-Orode was the experienced

elder. QsQ-Orqkn was someone who believed he was so wise that he
did not need the advice of anybody before doing anything.
Whenever he wanted to embark on something, Qsg-Orde, the
experienced elders, would always advise him on the best strategy or
approach but according to him, allthese pieces of advice given to him

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

by QsQ-Orde were considered obsolete or irrelevant especially in

the modern scheme of things.
For instance, in the olden days, people usually cook soup and other
things on a fire made with three stones (tripod) for perfect balance.
QsQ-Orqkn decided that with his wisdom, he would cook his soup on
fire made with two stones. He was advised against this act by QsQOrde, but he refused to heed the advice. He made his fire and put
his soup on
Unfoftunately for him, the soup overturned and


spilled over on the


fire. Therefore he could not eat any food that

He then decided to go and fetch water in the well sunk in the family
compound to at least drink some water before going to bed. Prior to
this time, he had been warned to tread softly especially at night. As

he was walking furiously towards the well, he stumbled on a stone

and before he could regained his balance, he fell into the well.
Suddenly he made a loud noise that attracted the neighbours to the
scene. On getting there, they met QsQ-Orqkn in the well crying for
help. They immediately looked for a rope, threw it down the well and
rescued QsQ-OrQkn.

After he was rescued and taken care ol he decided to take a stroll

within the vicinity of his compound. While doing this against all wise
gounsselling, he met lya-Afin on the way. Iya-Afin used to be the
eligible spinster in the palace who had remained unmarried as a
result of her arrogance. Everybody in the town had been warned not
to be rude, confront or show any disrespect for lya-Afin. Anyone
who failed to heed this warning would be ruthlessly dealt with. QsqOrQkn was also aware of this warning but he was totally convinced
that he could manipulate his way out of trouble if there was any
trouble between him and lya-Afin. For this reason, he had little
regard for her. On this day, Qsq-OrQkn stumbled on Iya-Afin; but
instead of him to apologise, he became arrogant and saw no reason
why he should apologise to her. Iya-Afin immediately ordered the
palace guards to deal with him. He was subsequently thoroughly
beaten. When he was eventually released, he fumbled and got into


otu*pon u"j

the manger where pones were kept. As he was about to ride one of
the ponies, he was warned never to ride but still, he refused to
the warning. He rode on one of the ponies and unfotunately for him,
the pony threw him off and he landed with a heavy thud on the
ground. He sustained injuries and was immediately rushed to a


health care centre.

While on the way to the health centre, QsQ-Orode kept wondering

why on eafth QsQ-Orqkn refused to heed the elders' advice as he
believed that the advice was obsolete, irrelevant and unnecessary in
the mordern times. To him he believed that he was the wisest.
OrQkn was then full of regrets that he had not listened to Qsq-Orde


and other advices of the elders.

Aslnwln nll pe'f kOr
Koyeeko nll w'wu $eeseq j'na
D{ filn QsQOrqkrn
Dlfirn QsQ orde
Qsq Orqkn oo rqra o ma d'gbQ sl'n
nl mo ri, mo ri ogbo
QsO Orqkn rora ma jin si knga
nl mo ri, mo ri ogbo
Qsq Orqkn rgra ma kg lu lya-Afin
nl mo ri, mo riogbo
Qsq Onqkn rgra o ma wg'Eto lbaaka
nl mo ri, mo ri ogbo
Mo ri, mo ri ogbo
Qsg Orqkn da'bgst'n
Mo ri, mo ri ogbo
Qsq Orqkun jln sin knga
Mo ri, mo riogbo
Qsq Orqkn kg lu ly-Afin
Mo ri, mo ri ogbo
Qsq Orqkn wg'l to lbaaka


fyin ewelwoyl

Age kQcyln I'Qrn

TlegegbQn ju'ni lg?l

Only a fool gives If message without prior deliberation
Koyeeko rff w'wu geegee


lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

These were the Awo who cast If for Qsg-Orqkn

And also cast same for QsQ-Orde
Theywere both advsed to offerqbg
QsQ-OrQkn, beware so that you don't spill soup in the fire
He responded that he had already seen what they are saying
QsQ-OrQkUn, beware so that you don't fall in the well
He responded that he had already known whatthey are saying
Qsg-OrQkn, beware so that you don't confrontlya-Afin
He responded that he had already known whatthey are saying
Qsg-OrqkUn, beware so that you don't ride on ponies
He responded that he had already known whatthey are saying
Qsg-OrQkUn then spilled soup on


Despite that he had known what they said

Qsg-OrgkUn indaveftentlyfell inside a well
Despite that he had known what they said
QsQ-OrQkU n, a lso confronted lya-Afi n
Despite what he had already known
Qsg-OrQkn entered and rode on ponies
Despite what he claimed to have known
Oh ye! Youths of nowadays
How come you are taught a lesson

Butclaim to know morethan the elders


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall give birth
to a babywho shall becomevery great in life. This baby, a male, shall
fight for his parents and punsh all those who might have cheated or
maltreated his parents. He wil also save his parents for persecutions.
If says that the chld in question is a child of If. There is the need to
initiate the child into If as soon as possble.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg

with four rats, four fish, hruo hens and money. There is also
the need to feed If with two rats, hro fish and one hen. On
these, If says:


Gbangba I'Ogedengb gawo I'awo Il Qrnmla
Dl fn Ejl-Otrtru
Tl nt'Qrun bQw'lAy


oturupon uej

fibg ni wQn nl k w ge

Secrecy is the way of EgUngun
Closely guarded in darkness is the practice of Or
Openness is the way of Qrunmll
These were If's messages to E)-OtUrU
When coming from Heaven to Eafth
He was advised to offergbg

EI-Oturu (OturupQn MJi) had made all his preparatons n heaven in order
to come into the world. He went for If consultation. The Awo told him that
he would succeed where he was going. He was advised that in order to
make his emergence on eafth more dramatic, it would be better if he was
born as a baby with all his faculties fully developed and functioning. He
A very poor woman was chosen as the one to be E)-Otr:ru's mother. The
woman became pregnant. She carried the pregnancyfor nine months. She
gave bifth to her bundle of joy on the tenth lunar month. The baby was a
male. When this woman gave bfth to her baby, there was nothing at home
for hefto use; no money to buy soap, sponge food or any other thing to use
for herself or the baby. As soon as she gave brth to this baby, the baby
began to speak; 'mother', said the baby 'I know that you have nothing to use
at home now. Don't worry. Everything shall be well'. The mother could not
believe her ears. She moved closer to the baby to be absolutely certain that
it was truly the baby that was talking. The baby told her again, 'mother, do
not be surprised or afraid. I am E)-Otn1. I have come to help you and my
father, Please go outside into the nearby forest. You shall find two okete
big-rats there. Take them and put them in a cage. Go and sell them at
E)gbmgkn market'. She then proceeded to buy soap, sponge and some

other things that you need urgently now'. The mother was totally
flabergasted. Whom would she tell that her day-old baby was speaking?
She nonetheless went to the forest as instructed by her baby. She saw the
two big rats, caught them and put them in a cage. She headed for
E)gb0mgkn market in orderto sellthe rats.
As soon as she reached E)gbmgkn market she was arrested for bringing

live okete big rats into the market in broad day light even with their tails on
their body! (In Yorubaland, it is a big taboo to see a live big-rat in broad
daylight. It is believed that this will bring disaster and untold hardship into
that community. Those who arrested her matched her to the presence of
the PrkOls. The PrkOls were the market adminstratiors.

The Prkyls at Elgbmekn market were Or0 and Egngr1n. Anytime

she tried to explain herself and her condition, she would be slapped into
silence. In the end, the Prkls confiscated the two live big-rats and
ordered that she should be given a thorough beating. She was promptly
beaten until she fainted.

When she regained her consciousness, she wept back home. His baby
asked her what went wrong and she explained to him. She also explained
that she was not given the opportunity to explain herself. E)-Oturrt
instructed her to bath him with the sponge that she had at home which she
had been using a long time ago. She went to beg for soap and she used
them to bath Et-Oturu.
After this, E)-Otr ordered Altakn the Spider to line a thread from his
mother's home to E)gbmgkn market. He held onto the rope and the
Spider flew him to the market. He went straight to the Prkffs. He
demanded to know why his mother was punished without her being given
the chance to narrate her own side of the story.
The Parakoyis could not understand the impeftinence of a day-old babywho
was asking them pointed questions. Being Egrlngun and Or0, coupled with
the fact that this day-old baby was actually speaking, they had the feeling
that they were dealing with an extra-ordinanry baby. They responded that
they had no question to ask her mother since her mother deliberately
planned to invite disaster into the land by bringing two live big-rats into the
market. 'The beating she was given was merely a mild way of telling her
never to do so again?'
'Do you know the condition under which she did it?', E;)-Otrrl demanded.
'We do not know and we are not interested in knowing it', the PrkOls
responded. Are you now saying thatthere is no circumstance underwhich



oturupon uej

a person may do somethng that the society viewed strongly but which the
person who did it might be judged with compassion?' E3)-Oturu asked.
'There is no such circumstance, as far as we are concerned', The Prkls
When El-Otrlrtt heard this, he ordered for three barrels of alcohol. He gave
one to Egngn, one to Or and the third one for himself. He asked them to
begin to drink so that they would know who would first get drunk and tired.
The three of them commenced drinking. Before Egngn and Or could
take one cup, E)-OtrrJ had finished two cups. Egngn and Or feltthat it
would be a shame if the baby finished his own barrel of alcohol ahead of
them. They therefore stafted to rush their own drinks.

Unknown to Egtlngrln and Or, as soon as they stafted drinking, EI-OIUrU

had summoned the 401 lrnmglQ who used to move from heaven to eafth
and the 200 lrnmglQ on the right, together with the 200 lrnmglQ on the
Ieft to come and join him in drinking the alcohol. In the actual sense,
Egngn and Or were competing with 801 IrnmglQ in drinking and not
EJ|-Otr:rrt. Before long, both Egrlngn and Or got drunk, they vomitted
everywhere in the market. In their unsteady steps, they broke many things
and they fell on the 0r'i9a of the market which they were the custodians. A
few moments later, both of them slept off in the open market. They woke
up the next day.
When they woke up, E|-Otrtrrl said that they deficated the market and the
Origa of the market. They would therefore be punished for that. They
responded that it was due to the effect of alcohol that they consumed. EJIOturu said that nobody was interested in whatever they took since they did
not give his own mother the opportunity to explain her own conditions too.
He placed a curse on Egngn, saying that as from that day, he would no
longer be and administrator of the market, but instead, he would be doing
his things in secret and not in open place Iike a market. He also cursed Or0
that nobody would be seeing her in broad daylight again but in the dead of
the night and he would never be part of the market administrator anymore.
As soon as E)-Otrtrrl said these, his curse were accepted and upheld by all
the 801 IrUnmglQ present.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

If says that care must be taken before the person for whom this Od is
revealed passes any judgement. He/she must consider the
circumstances under which such an event took place before passing
his/her judgement. This is necessary so that he/she would avoid a
situation where he/she would invoke the wrath of the lrnmelQ on his/her
IbbAwo Egngn
lkokoAwo Oro
Gbangba I'Ogedengb il'pawo I'awo Il Qrunmll
Dlfiln Ejl-Oturu
Tl nt'Qrun bQw'lAy
Sbg ni wqn nl k w 9e
gb'$bo, o rq'bg
KOp, Konna
Sw b ni l'rggogun

Secrery isthe wayof Egngn
Closelyguarded in darkness isthe practice of Or
Openness is the way of Qrn mll
These were lf's messages to E)-Oturu
When coming from heaven to eath
He was advised to offer qbg
He complied
Before long and nottoofar
Join us where we are blessed with victory

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be victorious.
His/her child shall fight for him/her and all those who had either cheated
him/her or are creatng problems for him/her shall be stopped and

14. If says that there are some people who are trying to frighten the
person for whom this Od is revealed. They were also telling him/her
that he/she should not go out at a ceftain period because some
people will accost him/her on the way and cause him/her bodily harm
or dispossess him/her of his/her things. If says that nobody could
do him/her any evil. He/she has the full protection of If. He/she






needs to talk boldly and let everyone know that If is his/her pillar of
suppoft. He/she needs to let the world know that he/she relies
absolutely on If. By so doing, If says nobody would be able to cause
him/her a ny ha rm whatsoever.

If advises this person to offer gbg with three matured he-goats

and money. There is also the need for him to feed If with one
matured she-goat. On this,If says:
Ew igb nlf se onTyQ l'f0
Ewe gmi nfl se olore fttde
Dl fn Orrtnmll
WQn nl kl Baba m rln'de Oru m
Fbq nl wQn nl k w Se

The efferuescent nature of Igb leaves makes it impossible fo
itto be used to wrap salt
The nature of gmi leaves confuses those who want to give th
leaves out to others to use in wrapping salt
These were If's messagesto QrUnm)l
When he was being frightened never to go out at night again
He was advised to offer gbg

In Ado-Eldtl, Qrnmll was very successful. He had established-a thriving

If practice. Apart from the fact that he was in high demand everywhere
else, and because of the love he had for the people in this town, he had
never contemplated moving to other lands to stay. He used to visit other
places to help them but he would return to AdO-Ekiti. He was financially
successful. Anytime he travelled to other lands, he used to return tdAdEldti very late at night. Before long, some people were not happy with his
success. They began to hatch diabolical plans to dispossess him of his
hard-earned wealth.
As this plan was going on, QrnmIl began to recieve information that he
must be very careful because people were planning evil against him. After
this, people began to warn him never to move at night because robbers
planned to inflicton him bodily harm and dispossess him of his belongings.

When these information was becoming too incessant, Orrtnmll became


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

very apprehensive. He tried to investigate who were behind it all. He

learnt that the names that those robbers were usng were Qk, Cobra;
Sb, Black Snake; Er, Boa conscriptor; Paramqe, Rattle snake; and so
When Qrrfnm)l could not fathom all these, he went for If


consultation: Would he be able to overcome all these problems?

During consultation, OtrpQn MT was revealed. If assured Qrnmll
that he would surely overcome. He was advised never to enteftain any
fear as all evil doers rely on fear of their victims as a weapon against these
victims. He was advised to be bold and to talk in a manly manner. Qrunm)la
was assured that If was solidly behind him. Qrtlnm)l was told never to
forget that If is Leopard and Ikin, the Holy palm-kernel is Hyena.
Leopards and hyenas had no fear for Cobras and Pythons.

After this, Qrnmll was advised to offer gbg as stated above. He

complied. After this, he was full of determination never to give in to evil
people. He spoke boldly and with full conviction that all evil doers were
bound to fail. This newly-found boldness created fear in the minds of all
those planning evil against Qrnm)l and most of them ran away. Those
who chose to confront him lived to regret their folly for the rest of their lives.
Ew igb nllseon'lyQ l'f0
Ewegmi nffseoloretde
WQn nl kl Baba m rln'de Oru mg
If na nl rt'torl iklnni
WQn nl nftorl Qmg Ol l'ru ni o
WQn nl Qk
9mq Ol l'ru ni o
Agbdrl,9mq Ol l'ru ni o
Ere, 9mg Ol l'ru ni o
ParamQl, Qmg O| l'ru ni
WQn nl H Baba gakaler gbg ni qlge

gbQ'bgr rrt'bg
OrUnmll nl t b $e'p bl lge tOun b ni
AyamQ'pe bllgetO'un b nio
nl If ni Omlrn
Ikin ni lkook
pnlkan O le p kl Olrf gmg Ole m rln



oturupon uei


The efferuescent nature of Igb leaves makes it impossible

for it to be used to wrap salt
The nature of emi leaves confuses those who wantto give th
leaves outto othersto use in wrapping salt
These were lf's messages to Qrrlnm)l
When he was frightened never to go out at night again
If asked, 'because of what?'
They responded that it was because of robbers at night
They said that Qk, the Cobra
He is a robber at night
And theAgbdrl, the Blacksnake
He is a

robberat night

And Er, the Boa Conscriptor

He is a robber at night
And even ParamQlQ, the Rattle snake
He is a robber at night
Qrunmll was advised to offergbg
He complied
Qrnm)l declared that leftto him
If is Omlran, the Leoparo
Ikin, the Holy Palm-kernel, islkookO, the Hyena
Nobody dares to stop the head of robbers from going ou
anytime he likes

If says that nobody can stop the person for whom this Od is revealed
from gong anywhere he/she likes. If people tried to stop him/her, they will

15. If says that there is the urgent need for two people to offer gbg


aganst the death of one of their male children each. Each of

needs to offer the gbg with one matured he-goat and money.
They will also add six bottles of palm-oil and 50 kolanuts each.
On this,If says:


Ijan bl ljan
Ijan willkl
D,l firn Ijl
Ttl ggmg Qdg

Fbqaik nlwQn nl


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

Ijan blljan )
Ijan wlllh ) names of Babalawo
They cast If forljl
The offspring of Qdg, the Hunter
He was advised to offer gbg against untimely death

Ijl went for If consultation in order to determine his success chances in

life. He was told that he would succeed in life but he needs to urgently
offer gbg against untimely death. Ijl saw no reason why he should offer
that gbg. He refused to do it and also failed to inform his father, Qdg.
ljan bl ljan
Dl filn lygre
Tff ggmg Qrnmll
fbq aik nl wgn nl k ge

Ijan UIjan
Ijan wlllld
HewastheAwo who cast If forlygre
The offspring of Qrnm)l
He was advised to offer gbg against untimely death

Iygrg also went for If consultation. He met a young girl and it was love at
first sight. He wanted to know whether their relationship would be
successful before he informed his parents so that formal steps could be
taken towards marriage. That was the reason why he went for If
The Awo assured him that the relationship would be very successful and
would be blessed with children. He was told that he however needed to
offer ebg against untimely death. He was very angry with the Babalwo
who told him this. He refused to offer the gbg. He saw himself as very
healthy and young. He also failed to inform his father, Qrnm'll.

ths,ljl went to the forest for hunting. His arrow hit a

buffalo. The buffallo fell. Unknown to l;ala , the Buffallo was not

A few days after



otu*pon u"j

completely dead by the time he came close to the animal. The buffallo
sprang up and hit Ijl to death. At the last minutes of his life,
remembered the advice of the Babalwo. He died, full fo regrets.


On the next day,Iygrq went to the riverside to look for some herbs. As he
approached the river a hungry crocodile attacked him, and broke his neck.
The crocodile was consuming his corpse when people came to fetch water in
the river. They chased away the crocodile and brought the remaining part of
his corpse back to the village.


When Qdg saw the corpse of his son Iala , he wept and wept. He
warned not to weep again but rather to apply Qdg dirge to lament the demise
of his son. From that day, the dirge of Qdg and all other hunters was called
Ijl So instead of weeping when someone dear to them passed on,
hunters would uselala to lament such member's death.

In the case of Qrrfnm)l, when he saw the remains of his son, he burst into
tears. He was also warned never to weep when anyone died. Instead, he
should use Ifa dirge to lament the passing away of any one close to
From that day, all Awos use Iygrg to lament the death of anyone dear


Ijan bl ljan

Dl fitn ljl

Tll +qmgQde
A b fitn lyere
Ttl qqmq Qrnmll
Fbg alk ni wQn nl kl wqn w
WQn kgtf Qgbgnyin
Ijl Qdqw krt
Qde rt sun ljala



IyQrQ kr

IyQrQqkrln OlfQ L'Awo sun o

Ijan blljan
Ijan wllild


lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

They cast If forljl

The offspring of Qdg
And also forlygrg
The offspring of Qrnm'll
They were advised to offer gbg against untimely deaths
They refused to heed the advice
I;ala, the offspring of Qde died
Qde used dirgeto lamentljah
Andlygrg, the offspring of Qrnmll died

All Awos present used dirge to lament the passing away of

Iygre, the lamentation of OhlfQ was what

all Awos

were chanting

If says that if a male child died where this Od is reveaed, the parents are
not supposed to cry. Instead, they need to use Iata or Iygre or both to
lamentthe passing awayof their beloved.


is a taboo for a Babalwo to cry when anyone

Awo is expected to be chantinglygrg.


died. Instead of crying, the

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must give all
those older or higher than him/her their due respect. This notwithstanding, he/she must never bow his/her head for anyone.

If also warns that the person must be far away from where he/she
was born and must also maintain social distance from his/her blood

If says that he/she must never rely on any legary. He/she must
never fight for it, he/she must never argue over it or be in contention

over any legary left behind by his/her parents.

If he/she is

voluntarily given, he/she can accept it, but he/she must not go and
fightfor or claim his/her own poftion of the legacy. This is in orderto
prevent him/herfrom being killed oversuch legacy.
If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat
and money. On this, If says:


oturupon uej

Oku k, ar Qrun sunkn

OkUnrn gldlgbe nl b lrn tantan r'Qrun
Dl fin


Tll ggmg olhun gbogbolgb lwasE

fibq alk ni wgn nl kw 9e


When someone died, the inhabitants of heaven saw no reason

to cry
The infirm was going to heaven full of regrets
These were lf's messages to!1, the Tempest
The offspring of the owner of all things of the olden days.
He was advised to offer gbg against untimely death


the Tempest, was a child of Ay. His parents were the owners of all the
things on eafth, without exception. I naO many brothers and sisters. All
of them did not likelf because of his great potentials. All of them wanted
him dead even when their parent were alive. They could not do him
anything because they knew thattheir parents would never accept it.
When their parents died however, they began to plan how to kill him. I too
was not making matters easy for himself. He kept pestering his brothers
and sisters to divide the belongings of their parents and hand his own share
over to him. All his brothers and sisters did not want to give him any paft
of the legacy. That was the more reason why they were planning his death.
Convinced that his siblings were planning to cheat him, he went for If

The Awo toldIfi never to bow down to anyone or for any reason. He was
also advised to move away from all his siblings because they were planning
evil against him. The Awo told him never to rely on any legacy and must
never fight over or for it. He was advised to offer gbg as stated above.

WhenIf, heard what the Awo said, he was totally convinced that his siblings
were the ones using the Awo against him. He could not understand the
reason why an Awo would advise him against pursuing what rightly
belonged to him. He wondered why the Awo would be telling him to run
away from his legary and allow those who did not love him to enjoy it. He

lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

resolved within himself that he would fight for his own share of the legacy
to the very end. He reasoned that he was not asking for more than his own
share, then why should he run away?
He resolved that he would be giving all his siblings trouble everyday until
they share the legary. That was exactly what he was doing. He reported
his siblings to anyone who cared to listen. Before long, the matter of the

legacy became a major embarrassement to all his siblings. They then

decided to look for an ingenious way of killing IJi without anyone
suspecting anyform of fowlplay.
During one of their conspiracy deliberations, they discovered thatIfi must
never bow his head for anyone or touch the ground with his head. If he
did, they realised that he would die. That was when they resolved that
part of his share of the legary would be placed on the ground for him to
collect. They were convinced that if he attempted to pick them up on the
ground, he would meet his death. All the conspirators were very happy
that they discovered this way. In order to ensure that he died, they
designated a place wherelfl would pick his own share, and they spread the
place with lethal poison. As soon as they did this, they invited Ifl to come
and pick his own share. Theyalso invited several eye witnesses. When he
got there, they told him that his share had been set aside for him. They
showed him where it was. As soon as he saw all the belongings his siblings
gave him, he remembered the warning of the Babalwo that he should not
bow his head down for anyone or anything under any circumstances. How
would he collect his belongings if he did not bow down his head.
Something told him that the warning of the Awo was part of the design to
cheat him out of his share of the legacy. He moved close to his share. He
bowed to pick one of them. In the presence of all the eye witnesses, he
slumped and died. Like all those who failed to heed warning, he
remembered shoftly before his death, that he had been warned.

When he died, all the people were asking each other what went wrong,
that was when they were told thatlf had earlier been warned that the day
he touched the ground with his head was the day he would die. When they
heard this, nobody had pity for him. They saw him as someone who had
chosen to trek the path of death; an untimely death for that matter.



oturupon uei

Okr k, ar qrun O sunkrn

OkrnrUn gldlgba nl blrn tantan r'qrun


Tff $gmg olhun gbogbolgbe

f;bg alku ni wen nl k w 9e


kg'tlQgbgnyn s'bg
Ero lpo, Ero Qfa
Enyin O mq w|p ojq lil b f'orf ba'lQ
ojq na nfi k ni?

When someone died, the inhabitants of heaven saw no reason

The infirm was going to heaven full of regrets
These were Ifa's messagestol!, theTempest
The offspring of the owner of all things of the olden days
He was advised to offer gbg agains untimely death
He refused to comply
Travellers oflpo and Qfa lands
Don'tyou knowthatthe daylfi touches his head on the ground
Thatwas the day he would die?

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be allowed
to die prematurely. He/she however needs to heed If's warning.

Abgru Aboy


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton



rHE OD DURTNG lrf lo OnlrgSf oAvE

It is an established fact that things normally work out for those born by this
Od in a very easy way. The way they achieve greatness is almost
miraculous. Their movement from the base to the apex of life is slow and
steady simple but sure. The main reason why their movement is simple is
that the whole world usually takes a compassionate look at them. Their
looks suggest the look of someone who is helpless, dull, unintelligent and
sometimes foolish. They always give others the impression that they need
help and if they are not helped, it is not good. Those who refuse to assist
them will have it at the back of their minds that they lacked conscience.

That is why everyone usually fall over one another to ensure that
Oturupgn Mfl children are assisted and pushed to the very top. This is
also the major reason why these children must never prove to be more
intelligent or smafter than others. They must be humble, levelheaded,
amiable and loveable at all times.


is also paft of this reason why QlggbQn

Meji children succeed in the

midst of their enemies. The enemies usually underestimate their

capabilities and intelligence. Because they looked vulnerable to all, they
are usually looked down upon and undervalued as potentialenemies.

Oturupqn Mjl children

have that uncanny ability to escape any trap set

by others with which to catch them. Unfoftunately, for OtUrUpgn Mfl

children, their own blood relations cannot be excluded from those who had
vowed and are planning to ensure that they see their downfull. They are
unhappythatthey are succeeding where they are expected to failwoefully.
In spit of this however, QlggbQn Mil children must show love to all.
They must never harbour any ill-feeling toward anyone. They must have
that understanding and love which are lacking in their enemies. They
must also eschew bitterness against anyone. The unfoftunate paft for
their enemies is that whether they love it not, Otrpqn Mil children will
surely succeed.
As a result of the nature of Otrtrpqn Mejl children, people usually think
that they can easily be misled. This cannot be fafther from the truth. It is



oturupon uej

very dffcult for people to mislead Oturupon Meji children. Conversely, it

is not advisable for them to mislead others. If they plan to do so, they will
be disgraced. Anyone who plans to mislead them will equally be disgraced.
They do not need to run away from those who plan to lead them astray,
they only need to ignore them whenever they come with their dubious

With the problem of bad advisers and those who lead others astray,
Oturupgn Mil children do not thrive well living alone or working on their
own. They are naturally group people. They need to, and must be in the
midst of people and participate fully in the activities of the group.
Oturupqn Mjl however do not need to share their minds with those they
do not trust. In one word, OturUpqn Mjl children's way of living alone is
by living in one room with several people and sharing their minds with none
of them. This however does not suggest that they cannot seek assistance
from others if they need their help.

Ejl Oturpqn male children are not always so lucky in their choice of
spouse. Their women are pleasure to relatives and friend, but pain to their
husbands. This is the reason why comprehensive investigations must be
made before finally settling down for any woman,

In all, the children born by Oturupqn child shall grow up to become

assets to them. They shall help them to remove their pains and sufferings
in life. Theyshallalso punish thosewho had made life miserable.


foroverallsuccess,guidance,victoryand accomplishment

Orl for support


and accomplishment
for support, guidance and victory

Qqun for child-bearing and upbringing

Or for family stability

and ancestral harmony

Egrlngttn for family stability and ancestral harmony
9ya for child-bearing and upbringing
Ogn for victory
Qsanyin for accomplishment consummation

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

10. Ibeji for childbearng and upbringing


1. Must know show that he/she is never than others-to avoid self inflicted
pains and sufferings
2. Must not eat snails to avoid unconsummated fortunes
3. Must not bowing his/her head to anyone to avoid sudden death
4. Must never struggle for legacy or inheritance propefties to avoid
conspirary and untimely death
5. Must not use Alapadede bat to avoid trouble with ancestors
6. Must not kill or eat any of the monkey family to avoid still-birth or
infeftile moftality
7. Must never be envious of other people's achievements avoid disgrace
and humiliation
8. Must never pay back evil with evil to avoid breeding evil for








If brings comfoft
If brings Iretoour home
Awo outlives them all
May death spare this


1. QydolU Qya becomes the head

2. TiflggbQn If belongs wisdom
3. Qmggbyr One's child enhances one's title and honour
4. Gbogbolohun All things have their significance
5. Morgnike I have someone to pamper
Abgru Abgy.

Chapter 13







If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall succeed beyond
his/her wildest dream. If says that he/she shall be blessed with all the good
things of life.
If says that when the person for whom this Od is revealed was coming from
heaven, he/she asked for, and was given, all the Ire in life. Not only this, as
he/she was asking for each of the Ire, he/she was being prayed for and blessed
by all the divinities present at that time. For this reason, If says that he/she
shall lack nothing in life.
If also says that as a result of the blessing of the divinities, his/her sojourn in life
shall be rewarding and interesting, while his/her return to heaven shall be great
and fulfilled.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with hnro
pigeons, two hens, two roosters, hnro guinea fowls, two ducks and
money. He/She is also advised to serye If with hro rats, two fish, one hen
and one matured she-goat. On these, Otr-M'isays:
Ogblgbo Babawo nfl jl, nll fgwqt'gpqn If
Ogblgbo Onlfegn nll jl, nff fgwq tg sJgldt l'y
ogblgbo oloog nff jl, nff fgwq b'le sl'hlln
Ml fgwq b'ala s'Qhn-n
Alumg krbte, Awo il Agbonnlgn
Dl fitn Ornmll
Baba rlt'Qrun bq w'l Ay
Fbg niwqn n| k w ge

A versatile Babalwo is he who wakes up and imprints on QpQn If, If
A veteran, Offggn, herbalist is he who wakes up and presses $digl,



ura Meii

moulded image (of medicines) in the chest

A great Origa -worshiper is he who wakes up and adorned himself with
white dresses
AlmQ krbte, the residentAwo of Agbgnnlregrln
He was the Awo who cast If for QrUnmIl
When coming from Qrun, Heaven to Ay, Earth
He wasadvised to offer gbg

Qrrlnmll had made sveral trips to before this particular trip. He had been
present when the world was to be designed in order for it to be a conducive place for the
habitation of living beings. Qrtlnm'll was present and he participated in the design.
When living bengs were to be created and settled on eafth, Qrrlnmll was part of the
InlnmglQ whom Oldmar gave the assignmentto. When En)yn (principalities) were
to be created and settled on eafth, Qrnmll was present and he participated in the
creation and settlement. When Enlyn were removed on planet earth to be replaced
with En'lyn, Human beings, QrUnm)la was also part of the lrnmglQ that Oldmar
assigned to perform the task. When the earth began to flourish, Qrnm)f was also
assigned to oversee the program. Part of his duties was to come to eafth on a regular
basis in order to make a first-hand assessment of the progress therein. Qrnmll had
performed excellently in all these assignments and Oldmar was highly impressed
with him. When Qrnm)l planned to visit Ay, eafth on this occasion he went to the
group of Awo mentioned above in orderto determine how his sojourn on eafth would be
on thatoccasion.
The Awo assured him that he would succeed in his assignment because he had been
excellent in the peformance of all the previous assignments given to him by
Oldmar. All he needed to do was to offer gbg as prescrbed above. QrUnmlla
complied. After this, he moved to the home of Ajal-Mgpf n, the custodian of destiny, in
orderto choose his destiny. While there, he stated thus:
Emi y l'w
Kl n t wa


wQ nl'l ay

I will be very wealthy on eafth
Before I return to heaven
As soon as he mentioned this, all the Divinities present replied;

Alqq rgydra
Abq q rqysunwQn

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

AlUmg krbte, please record t
Your going (into the world) shall be successful
And your return (to heaven) shall be rewarding
Alumg krbte, please record it

Alumg krbtewasthe name of the residentAwo of Qrnm)l who performed the gbg
for him in heaven. The Divinities were calling him as witness so that all these blessings
could be recorded forQrunmll. Afterthis, Qrr:nm'll declared again:

Emi y l'ya-m'ya nl'l ay

Kl ntw

I will have a good spouse in the world

Before I return to heaven

Divin ties responded thus:

Alq q rey dra
Alumg krbte, please record thistoo
Your going shall be successful
And your return shall be rewarding
Alumg krbte, please record thistoo
This was how Qrnmll asked for, and received, allthe Ire in life. He was also blessed by
the Divinities. When he arrived on eafth, he was blessed with financial wealth, good
spouse, well-behaved children, comfortable home, houses, peace of mind, sound
health, victory over all seen and unseen adversities, long life and boundless happiness
and contentment.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not only be blessed with all
the Ire of life; he/she shall also be blessed by the Divinities. All these are not by
accident. It is because he/she had worked forthese blessings in his/herformer life.

Ogblgb Babalwo nff jl, nff f'gwQ t'opqn If

Ogblgbo Onl$grtn nff jl, nfl f o, wQ t9 sJgldl l'y
Ogblgbo OlOOg nll jl, ntlfgwq b'ela sl'hffn
Ml fowO b'ala s'hn-rln



aur" u"

AlumQ krbte, Awo ile Agbonnlrgn

Baba t'Qrun bQ w'l Aye
Fbq ni wqn nl k w Fe

Ogbeboro rubo
Emi y l'w I'QwQ nl'l ay
KI n t w
Alqq reydra
AbQ q rgysunwQn
Emi y l'ya-m'ya nl'l ay
Kl n tO w
Alqq reydra
Abqq rgyosunwqn
Emi y kole mole nl'l ay
Kl n t w

Emi y gbo gbo gbo nl'l ay
Kl n t w

Alumg krbte

Abqq rgyosunwEn
Emi yo nire gbogbo nl'l ay



versatile Babalwo is he who wakes up and imprints on Qpgn If, If tray
A veteran, Orfgegun, herbalist is he who wakes up and presses $digl,
moulded image (of medicines) in the chest
A great Origa -worshiper is he who wakes up and adorned himself with
white dresses


Ifa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaon

AlUmg krbte, the residentAwo of Agbgnn)rgrfn

Alumq krbte, the residentAwo of AgbQnnlregn
He was theAwowho cast If for Ornmll
When coming from Qrun, Heaven to Ay, Earth
He was advised to offer ebq
He complied
I will be very wealthy on eafth
Before I return to heaven
AlUmg krbte, please record this
Your going into the world shall be successful
And your return to heaven shall be rewarding
Alumq krbte, please record it
I will have a good spouse on eafth
Before I return
Alumg krbte
Your going shall be successful
And yourreturn shall be rewarding
Alumg krbte
I shall build many houses on eafth
Before I return
Alr:mg krbte
Your going shall be successful
And yourreturn shall be rewarding
Alumg krbte
I shall become old and feeble on earth
Before I return
Alumg krbte
Yourgoing shall be successful
And your return shall be rewarding
Alumg krbte
I shall have all Ire on earth
Before I return
AlUmg krbte, please record this
Yourgoing shall be successful
And your return shall be rewarding
Alumg krebte

If this Od is revealed during ItEtoOu or Ikgsgday, it means that the person has the
potentialto be great in life. He/She had already received the blessings of the Divinities
together with the splendid destiny he/she had chosen in heaven. With appropriate gbg
as stated above, he/she will be able to fulfill his/her dreams in life. He/She needs to be
reminded that he/she has all these Ire in life, because he/she had done very well in
hs/her previous life, and for that reason he/she has been commensurately



Otura Meii

If this Od is revealed during routne consultation, it means that the person for whom
this Od is revealed has done very well and the Divinities had sent their blessings.
He/She needs to continue doing well so that he/she wll realize is destiny and enjoy
his/her life to the fullest.
On the other hand, if this Od is revealed when someone died and If was cast for the
dead person, If says that the dead person is already in Qgba lter, the Garden of
Halcyon, where he/she is being blessed and praised for doing well whib on earth.
He/She has received a high grade from the Divinities. He/She had done well on eafth
and he/she is being rewarded with comfoftand blessing in heaven.


If says that it foresees all Ire of life for the person for whom this Od


revealed. If says that the Ire that this person will be blessed with will be so
astoundng that all others around him/her will be using his/her success as
reference point. Others will be praying to Oldmar, IrnmglQ, Oilg,
Egngn, Or0 and other Divinities to bless them with the type of the Ire he/she
has been blessed with. If adds that the person for whom this Od is revealed
will be the center of all eyes and attention; consequent upon this he/she cannot
afford to misbehave or engage in any form of anti-social behaviour. If advises
this person to offergbg with 16 pigeons and money. On this,If says:
Akala lpapo nll fgse mjeejl gb-kolo-ml gb-kolo-ml
Dl fn wgn ar Odelhehrljg
fibg lre gbogbo ni wgn nl kl wqn w ge

Akab, the Hoopoe, oflppo land is it that uses its two legs to pick food for
This was lf's message to the inhabitants oflhehjg
When they were advised to offer gbg for all Ire to be theirs
The inhabitants of Ihehjq land were very hardworking and enterprising. They took
their business seriously and they trained their children to do the same. The elders
made it clear to all inhabitants of this land that without hardwork, there could not be
success. Before long, all the inhabitants of Ihehrljg accepted this fact and they all
worked toward it.
One day, they decided to go to Akah Ipapo, a prominent Babalwo of their time in
order to determine their success chances n life. Some of them were looking for
financial success; some were looking for compatible spouses; some, good and lovely

children; some were looking for honour that would be commensurate with their


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

contrbuton to the community's progress; some of them were praying for sound health
because they knew that they had toiled and over-stressed themselves in their pursuit of
peace, progress and happiness for their society; many of them also prayed for long life
in order to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Would they all be able to achieve all what
were in their minds which broughtthem to the home of the Babalwo?
During consultation, Otrlr-M) was revealed. The Awo assured them that they would
achieve all their heaft's desires. Not only this, all the other Ire which they did not ask for
shall be added onto whatthey demanded for both individually and collectively.
The Awo advised the inhabitants of Ihehje land to offer gbg for all Ire in
were advised to offer 16 pigeon and money as ebe. They complied.

life. They

Before long, those looking for financial success were able to get it, and in addition, they
got good spouses, lovely children, good homes, and long life in addition. Those looking
for good spouses got them and wealth, lovely childrcn, good and comfoftable homes
and long life were added onto them as bonuses. Those craving for honour got honour
while recognition and financial success, good spouses, lovely children, long life, joy and
sound health were added for them, this was the way all the inhabitants of lhehje
became blessed will all Ire in life. When all the neighbouring communities saw the
progress made by the inhabitants of Ihehrljg land, they began to pray to Oldmar,
Egtlngrln, Oga, Or, [gbQ and all other Divinities to please give them the type of
blessi n g s w h ieh I hehj g i nhabita nts were enjoyr ng.

Akela lpap nll fgs mjefi gb-kolo-ml gb-kolo-ml

Dlfiln wgn ar Odelhehrtjg
f;bg lre gbogbo ni wqn nl kl wqn w ge
WQn gb'bg, wQn r'bg
N l'w l'QwQ
Bl ara Odelhehrtjq

Ar Odelhehrtjq
l'ya rere
Bl ara Odelhehujg

Ar Odelhehrljq
N bl'mo rere
Bl ara Ode Ihehrljq

Ara Odelhehrtjg

kq'l mQ'l

Bl ara



ura Meji

Ar Odelhehrlje

Ar Odelhehrljg
N n'lregbogbol'y
Bl ar Odelhehrljq

Bl ar

Akalalpap s itwho uses itstwo legsto pickfood forconsumption
This was If's message for the inhabitants oflhehrljg land
When they were advised to offer gbg for all Ire in life to be theirs
I will be blessed with financialsuccess
Like the inhabitants oflhehrrjg land
Here comes Atalalpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehje land
I shallbe blessed with good spouse
Like the inhabitants oflhehrljg land
Here comes Akalalpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehrrjg hnd
I shall be blessed with lovely children
Like the inhabitants oflhehrljg land
Here comesAkahlpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehjg land
I shallbe blessed with comfoftable home
Like the inhabitants oflhehrljg land
Here comes Aklalpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehjg land
I shall be blessed will longevity
Like the inhabitants oflhehrrjg land
Here comes Akalalpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehrljg land
I shall be blessed willall Ire in life
Like the inhabitants oflhehjg land
Here comes Akablpap the great
The inhabitant oflhehrfjg land
If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she will lack nothing in life.
He/She however needs to remember that to which much is given much is expected.
He/She must be of exemplary character at all times. He/She must be a shining example


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaon

to all others he/she must be hardworking, straight fonnrard, fonruard-looking,

progressive and accommodating, he/she must have the fear of Oldmar, IrnmolQ,
Or'ig, Egrlngrln, Or0, pgbg and all other Divinities at the back of his/her mind at all
times. He/she must think no evil; speak no evil and do no evil at all times. Doing this,
all the Ire in life which he /she never asked for shall be given onto him/her as bonus.
Remember, the bonus of Oldmar and all other Divinities is sweeter, cooler and more
rewarding than all other benefits of life. Consequently, it is the responsibility of all
OtUraMeT children to seek and work for the bonus of Oldmar and the Divinities.


If says that it foresees the Ire of financial success for the person for whom this
Od is revealed. If says that he/she shall be very wealthy in lfe, Not only ths,
his/her wealth shall make him/her very popular and his/her popularity shall
spread farand wide.

If advises this person to offer gbg with two totoises and money. By so
doing, If assures him/her that his/her financial success shall have no bound.
On this, If says:

Pre ni Ot'nilse
t,| fn Ot
fbg gle ni wn nl k w ge

Pre ni0t'n'fs
wastheAwo whocastlf forOtU
Who was advised to offer fbg of prosperity

Otrl was an inhabitant oflpapo

to his duties.


He was very

hardworking. He was also dedicated

One day, Otu went to the home of Pre ff to ffi s, a prominent Babalwo in Ippo land
at that time. He wanted to know how prosperous he would be in life. Would he be very
rich? Would people respect him as a result of his prosperity? Would he be given honour
and recognition? These and many more were the questions Otrl asked when he went
for If consultation in the home of the Babalwo.

The Babalwo assured him that he would not only be prosperous but he would have
respect, recognition and honour. People would also love him if he was humble with his
wealth, he was assured. He was advised to offer gbg with two toftoise and money. He
Before long, his business boomed. He was having more sales in his cloth-selling
business. People were looking for him from far and near to come and sell for them.



awa ue

Because he was very jovial with all the people, he was loved and respected; people
were surprised that with all his wealth, he was never proud or arrogant to anyone.
reputation and popularity spread like wild fire. Many who had never set their eyes on
him knew so much about him. Those who did not know would ask those who knew;
'who is this Otrl that everyone was talking about'? And they would be told that; it was
the Otrl who offered two toftoises as gbq who became very wealthy' before long,
everyone knew him as'trJ to r'hun mT'. This became a pun on the word'Otr-



Pre ni t'nils
Dl fn ot

Tlyr'hun mji
Tly lyqbeygbq bl oba grk$
fbg nl wqn nl kw ge

gb'gbo, o rrt'bg
Otu wo le per
Otr to rahun mjl
T lyebe,yebg bl gba Qreke

Erolpo, EroQfa
Fw b nl nf jQbtlt ajsunrusu
Jebtt aj sunrusu lr


nl fQ

Pre ni t'nifs
He wastheAwo who cast If


Who shall offertwo tortoises as gbg

And who shall be as successful as the Qba of prosperity himself
Which Otu areyou referring to?
The same Otrt who offered two toftoises as gbg
Who became as successful as the Qba of prosperity himself?
Travelers tolpo and Qfa towns
Join us in the midstof prosperitY
Prosperity is the gain given to If adherent by


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be very wealthy. He/she
shall be honoured and recognized. He/she shall be loved by all, f he/she is humble and
respectful to others.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is a favourite of

Oldmar. He/She had done well before and he/she shall be compensated
with financial success. He/She shall not toil too hard before attaining financial
success. If says that as long as he/she shows humility, love for self and



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

hard work, respect for and fear of Oldmar and other Divinities, his/her
success is guaranteed.
If advises him/her to offer qbg with

two sheep and money.

On this If says:

QlQbQnhn-bgnhn nll fapa mjjl d gb$du qrun

Dl fin Alk, gmg Oldmar
f bg aj nl wQn nl k w 9e

QlQbQnhn-bgnhn, the beetle is it that uses its two arms to produce
sound likegbQdu drums
This was the lf's message for Auke bird, the child of Oldmar
She was advised to offergbg

Alk bird was considered the child of Oldmar because of the love that Oldmar
had for the bird. Alk on the other hand had the fear and respect for Olodmar and
other Divinities on her mind. She worked hard without ever complaining. She
struggled to succeed atalltimes.
One day, she went to the home of the Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation:
Would she be blessed wth financial success in her life? That was the major question
occupying her mind.
The Awo assured her that she would succeed in her life. She was told that she would be
blessed with financial success beyond her dreams. She was told to continue to work
hard and have the fear of Oldmar in her mind.

She was also told to respect and love others as she would wish to be loved and
respected. The Awo then advised her to offer gbg as prescribed above. With allthese
recommendations, Alk complied. Before long, Aluke aftained financialsuccess. She
was hailed by everyone. She was very happy. She lived the rest of her life in opulence
and splendour.

QlQbQnhn-bgnhn ntl fapa mjeefl d gbedu Qrun

Dl filn Alk, gmg olodmar
FbqAje nl wQn nl kw ge
gb'$bo, rbg
Alote m m d o, Qmq Oldmar
lyin o mq p ar Aj l s kiri?

QlQbQnhn-bgnhn is
gbQdu drums

it that uses its two arms to produce sound like



aura uei

This was the lf's message forAlke, the child of Oldmar

She was advised to offer
Here comesf;luke, the child of Oldmar
Don't you know that all our struggles are for us to attain financial success?


If says thatthe person forwhom this Od is revealed shall attain financial success even
beyond his/her dreams, This success will make him/her happy and contented.


If says that this person would be blessed with many fitowers. He/She shall be
made a leader and all his/her followers shall honour and respect him/her.
following him/hershall even speakwellof him/her behind his/her




In the home of the person for whom this Od is revealed, there must be food and
drinK at all times. Anytime people visit hs/her home, there must be food to eat
and drinks to consume. By so doing, he/she will be loved and respected by all
his/her supporters. The action will also bring him/her more followers. He/she
also needs to be generous with other gifts. He/she must assist these followers
financially, spritually, socially and even administratively. Anytime they approach
him/her for their genuine need, he/she also needs to help within his/her


If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer fibg with two
pigeons, two guinea fowls, two hens, two roosters, two ducks and

money, There must also be food and drinks for consumption. On all these, a
stanza n Otura M) says:
Tl99in b jl
$gin a m'woQn kt-kt-kt
fin O$ruo, gmg Tahg
Ebeqpqnlyn niwqn nl kwge

When the horse wakes up
Its hooves will make imprints on the ground everywher itgoes
This was lf's message for Ogubdo the child of Tahg
He was advised to offer qbg for him to be blessed with many
Ogubdo was one of the children of TahQ. On the other hand, Tahg was a prominent
personality in Ipp town. He was very popular everywhere in Ipapo and its
environment, OqubUdo took after his father. He was also popular. He was jovial and
very lively. He loved all, irrespective of the person's social or economic status. He



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

alsovery humble.
One day Ogubud went for If consultation: Would he have as many followers as his
Would he be loved and adored as his father was? All these and many more were the
questions which Ogr:bUdo tried to seek answers to. During consultation, Otr MJ| was

father? Would he command the type of influence and respect that his father

The Awo assured him that his influence, love, respect, followership and adoration would
be greater than those of his father. He was advised to be generous to all. He was also
told never to allow his home to be without food and drink for people to consume. The
Awo encouraged him to ensure that everywhere he went; he tried to leave a mark for
people to remember. He told him that anytime a horse woke up, it hooves would leave
its imprints on the ground for people who were very obseruant to see that the horse had
passed through that path recently.
The Awo also encouraged OgrtbUdo to offer fibg as prescribed above. After the pbg, he
was advised to feast everyone around him with food and drink. He complied with allthe
advices of theAwo.
Soon after this, all the inhabitants of Ipp knew that there was no time anyone would
visit Ogbd without getting something to eat and drink. They began to praise him for
this. They said that if you went to Ogubdo the son of Tahg in tears, he would wipe off
yourtears and replacethem with smiles.
As he was doing this, Oldmar and the Inlnmgl were blessngs him with more. He
regained all what he gave out in several folds. The people's love, respect, adoration,
and acceptance, for him also increase in several folds. He soon became the man of the
people, the personality of the moment. Ogubdo lived and died a happy, contented

TI99in b jl
Esin a m'wo Qn kt-ktO-kt
Dl fitn grtbUdO, gmg Tahg
Ebq qpq enlyan ni wqn nl k w 9e
Ko a maa toju alejo daadaa
gt'qbo, r'bg
je o, tl | tn nl'le Ogubde Qmq Tahg
Ogbrldo o d o, gmg Tahg

When the horse wakes up
His hooves will make imprints on the ground everywhere it goes



l'l' o'o

This was lf's message to Ogrtbdo, the son of

He was advised to offer ebq for him to be blessed with many followers
And for him totreatvisitors and strangers well and with couftesy


He complied

Behold, there can never be scarcity of drink in the home of OgUbUdo, the
child of Taho
Here comes Ogubudo, the influential child of Tahg

If says that the influence, honour, adoration, love and respect which people have for
the person for whom this Od is revealed shall never diminish. He/She only needs to be
humble, respectful, jovial, generous, hardworking and God-fearing. He/She also
needs to wipe off the tears of those who genuinely cry to him/her. If he/she gives out
one thing to those who genuinely need it, Oldmare wll replace it wth 10. If he/she
assists those who genuinely need his/her assistance, Oldmar will stabilize his/her
life and home. If he/she makes people happy, Oldmar will make him/her contented
and happy. That is the message of lf's for the person for whom Otura-Met is revealed.


If says that it foresees the Ire for a good loving and lovely spouse forthe person
for whom this Od is revealed. If a man, he will be blessed with a good, and
loving and lovelywoman. If a woman, she willbe blessed with a good, loving and
responsible man. Ifa advises the man to offer gbg with two hens, two rats,
two fish and money, for a woman, If advises her to offer gbg with two
roosters, two rats, two fish and money. On this If says:
Sn kgrq
Gb kere
Dl filn slbate
Tl rr lqqgbgsQnTyw
Ebg ni wqn nl k w ge

And movethe legs majestically
This was lf's message to Sklbt, the Sandal
When going to take fisg the foot as his wife
He was advised to offer gbg

To drag the legs

Slbata, the Sandal, was convinced that something was missing in his life. He knew
that he could not exhibit his full potential in life without a paftner. He therefore wanted
a paftner very badly. One day, he met psg the Foot and nobody told him before he
knew that they were both meant for each other. The more he thought about it, the
more he was convinced that fsq was meant for him and him for Fsg. He made up his


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

mind to tell her that he was in love with her. Before doing so however, he decided to
consult If,in orderto find outwhatthe future had in stockforthem.
On the other hand, fsg, the Foot knew that she could not continue living alone all her
life. She wanted someone who would treat her well and take proper care of her. The

day that she met Slbata, she was convinced that she had found her future paftner.
She dreamt of Shlbt all night and she prayed for him to come and talk to her about
marriage. She knew she could not call him by herself as it would be very indecorous for
herto do so.
She prayed everyday for Sltlbt to come into her life.

One day, Slbata went to the Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation: Would
he be the right person for fsg? Would he be able to take good care of her? Would the
two of them be together for the rest of their lives? As he was in love with her, was she
also in love with him? Would she reciprocate all his love, care and attention? Above all,

were they really meant for each other physically, socially, and even spiritually? These
were the question occupying his mind when he went for If consultation. During
consu ltation, Ot r-M) was revea led.

The Awo assured Slbah that the answers to his entire question were in the
affirmative. He was urged to go ahead with the process as he would be happy and
fulfilled in the end. He was also advised to offer gbg as stated above. He complied.
When he got home, he informed his people
that he had found a woman of his dream. The family employed the seruices of Alarena
and it was found out that fsg came from a good lineage. They made formal proposition
for the hand of Fse in marriage. Her family responded favourably and the wedding date
was flxed. It was a grand occasion.
Ever since the day of marriage one cannot find fsg without Slbata and vice versa.
They stayed together all the time. ShJbt protected his woman to the end of his life.
Theirs was a happy, fruitful and rewarding relationship.

Sn kgre
Gba kgrg

Dlfitn Slbata
Tl lg r9b fsQ nTyw
Sbg ni wQn nl k w qe

gb'$bg r'bg

I w b ni b'yQ, e w wo're o






the legs gently

And movethe legs majestically
This was lf's message to Sh1bta
When going to take fsQ as his wife
He was advised to offer fibg
He complied
Before long not too far
Come and join us in the midstof marital bliss.
To drag

If's says that the couple who are about to get married are compatible and they will live
happily for the rest of their lives. If encourage the couple to think beyond
relationship as they are meant for each other.



If says that a lot of goodness is awaiting the person for whom this Od is
revealed outside his/her community. If assures this person that this Ire will be
greater than anything he/she had ever seen or had before throughout his/her


If however warn him/her not to adveftise himself/herself when this Ire

If says that if he/she announces him/herself too much on this all his/her
adversaries will gang up to run him/her down and bring him/her to the ground


If says that the Ire is coming from the very business that this person is doing
presently. He/She must not change his/her line of business because that is
where the Ire that If refers to is coming from.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
pigeons, two roosterc and money, On this If says


Qpeerea ble0l'y
Awo Gbl l dl fin Gbh
Gbl lg s'oko lerO I'Qdn
lbg ni wgn nl k w ge

Qpgere a bilQ l'y
He was theAwo who cast If forGbhJ
When going forthe annual planting season
He was advised to offer




lfa Dda: An invitaton to lfa Consultaon

Gbhl was a farmer. His crops the previous year was a total failure. He could not
explain why, but all the crops he planted the previous year did not do well. He lost
heavily. Out of frustration and disappointment he was contemplating going into other
lines of business.
As a result of bad harvest the previous year, he owed many people a lot of money. This

was why he went to his Awo to find out if he needed to continue farming or to change
into other line of business. He felt that farmng was a very risky business. He had
concluded within himself that he was going to follow whatever If asked him to do.
When If was consulted, Otura-tUe'twas revealed.

If assured Gbl that he would succeed on a ground scale that year. He was told not
to change his business and that the success was comng from the business he was
doing. The Awo told him that farming would benefit him that year. He was advised to
concentrate on yam planting. He was also told not to sell his yam at all. He was asked
to turn everything into Elbq, Yam-flour and keep it. The Awo told him that it was
through the sale of the yam flour that his success would come. GbhJ was however
warned neverto adveftise himself when this success comes.
Gbl was advised to offer gbg with hro
also told to feed EgU Odara with one big
the recommendations of the Babalwo.

money. He was
GbhJ complied with all

pigeons, two cocks and

cockand palm-oil.

That year, Gbhl had a very bountiful haruest. He refused to sell his yams. He and his
family were busy drying the yams and converting them into yam flour, Elb, when all
other farmers were selling theirs. Soon after this, rain stopped to fall. There was
famine. The farms went dry; the remaining crops in the farms were destroyed. There
was shoftage of food. People rushed to GblJ to sell Elb to them. Gbl was not in a
hurry to do so. The people came back begging, Gbhl was not ready, and they
multiplied the price on their own, just for them to have food in their homes. Gbl was
not read. By the time he agreed to sell, the price of his ElUb had been increased in
several folds. Gbl became an instant successful man. People envied his foresight.
There was nothing he wanted that he could notget.
One day, Gbh1 looked at his environment and realized that there was nobody in the
community whose success was near his own. He decided to sing in appreciation of
what Oldmar had done for him. He concluded that this miracle in his life must be
appreciated and the only way to do this was to let the world know that he was not an
ungrateful person. He therefore began to sing thus:

Baba ad'Qd, If gba w o

Baba ad'd o


l,l, otura uei

Aganwew, Awo a l'tlro

Baba ad'ede,If gba w o!

Father of miracles, If please come to my aid
Father of miracles

Aganwewe, who adds beautiful plumes to the body of Atiro bird

Father of miracles, please come to my aid!
Gbhi was singing and dancing about in true appreciation of what Oldmar had done
for him. He said that AtiOro, bird had four different colours in the plumes of its body.

But for these gifts from Oldmar, this bird would have been just like any other
ordinary bird. He compared himself with this bird because itwas Oldmar who gave
him good harvest and foresight and that if not so, he too would have been struggling for
food like all other citizens.
When allthose who envied his success heard this however, they considered Gbl to be
proud and arrogant. They said that he was making jest of them because of their

misfortune. Allofthemgangedupandvowedtoteachhimalessonhewouldnotforget
in a hurry. Part of the plan was to set his home ablaze, to ruin his farm and beat him and
his family up severely. If any or all of them died in the process, they concluded, it would
serue them right. They fixed the time to execute their plan for five days time.
As soon as these conspirators concluded their plan, E9 Qdara approached Gbh1 and
rebuked him for failing to listen to the advice given him by his Awo. He informed Gbl
that his song had put him in danger because all his enemies were planning to ruin him.
E9 advised him to change the song forthwith. Eg taught him another song that he
should begin to sing immediately. Eg made it clear to Gbhl that because Gbhl gave
him a cock when he offered gbg, he Eg could not allow Gbh1's enemies to ruin him
because the gesture of Gbhi had made Gbl hisfriend. Eg promised to be by Gblrr
to the end. GbltJ thanked him and began tosing the new song thus:

Qmg-snda,If gb w oO
9mq sande
B'lk b rtg'ke
T'rn ho'kn l'de
9mq snd, If gba w o
The protector, If please comes to our rescue
The protector
If death plans to eliminate us


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultaton

And Ailmentvows to inflict us

The protector, If please comes to our rescue
He sang and danced to all the corners of the community. The conspirators heard him
loud and clear. None of them could make any sense of this new song. Egu Qdara went
to meet the conspirators where they were deliberating on their next line of action. He
told them that Gbl had been informed of their plan by one of them and that Gbl had

gone to repoft them at the appropriate quarters. If they should do anything bad to
Gbl, Es warned them, all of them would be apprehended because all their names
had been mentioned by the traitor. When they heard this, mutual suspicions crept in.
They could no longer trust each other. They scattered in utter confusion.
Gbh1 and his

family lived to enjoy their wealth and new status for the rest of their lives.

Qpeera bi lQ l'y
Awo Gbh l dl firn Gbh
Gbl lg s'ko ler l'qdn
fbq ni wqn nl k w ge


Nje Baba ad'Qdr If gba w o O

Baba ad'd o
Aganwew, Awo a l'tlOro
Baba ad'Qd,If gbaw o!
Qmg-snda,If gba w oo
gmg sanda

B'lk big'k
T'rn n hg'kn l'de
gmgsnd,If gbe w o

Qpeere a bi lQ l'y
The Awo who cast If for Gbhj
When going forthe annual planting season
He was advised to offer ebq
Now, father of miracles, If please come to my aid
Father of miracles
Aga nwewe, who adds bea utifu I pl u mes to the body of Atioro bird
Father of miracles, please come to my aid
The protector,If please cometo our rescue
The protector
If Death plans to elimnate us
And Ailmentvowsto inflict us


l,l, o*o r",

The protector, please come to our rescue

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall enjoy the fruit of his/her
labour. Even though he/she is being trailed by conspirators, he/she will nonetheless be
able to overcome them. There is the need for him/her to be reticent however.


If says that one of the major weaknesses of the person for whom this Od is
revealed is that he/she is too flippant. If says that he/she usually find it difficult
to keep his/her mouth shut on many issues. If however advises this person to
cultivate the habit of being reticent as failure to do so will bring terrible misfoftune
to him/her.
If says that if this person achieved anything in life, there is the need for him/her
to keep quiet and enjoy his/her achievement quietly so that envious people will
not plan against him/her and destroy all what he/she had achieved.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with one hegoat and money. He/she also needs to feed the Elders of the Night with all the
internal organ of that he-goat. On this, a stanza in Otrlra-M) says:

$bltl gnu n Ot'se
Dlfitn Orof
Tl yoo bf 'mg mejl
Tt y nl'l ohun ti kn go$q
$bg ni wQn nl k w ge

Unguarded speeches
There is nobody that the trap set by the mouth cannot catch
These were lf's declarations to Orof
Who gave bith to two children
And declared that her home was filled to the brim
She was advised to offergbg

Orofwasverysad woman. Allhercontemporaries had become proud mothers. Orof

had no child of her own. She wept everyday. Did it mean that she would live and die a
barren woman? What would she do to have her own children? That was the reason
why she went for If consultation. During this session, OtUra-Me) was revealed.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

The Awo assured Orofo that she would beget her own children whether or not she
offered gbg. She was however advised to offer gbg against broadcasting the babies to
the world in order to avoid a situation where these babies would be exposed to danger
as a result of her flippant talks.
When Orof heard this, she was very angry with the Babalwo. She believed that the
Awo was just looking for ways of taking her materials and money. She was convinced
that if she was able to have babies she would surely know how to take proper care of
them. So, of what use would the gbg be? She queried, consequently, Orof refused to
offer gbg as prescribed,

afterthis, Orof laid two eggs and hatch the two. She became a proud mother of
two babes. She was very happy. Anytime she was invited to any event, she would
make sure that she arrived there late. If she was asked why she was late, she would
respond that she was taking care of the two babies. She would make it clear to them
how difficult it was to nurse a baby, talk less of two at the same time. She would
conclude her explanation by saying that her home was filled up to the brim as a result of
the arrival of these babies. At a stage, Orof formed a mautra for herself. All day long,
she would be chanting 'Il kun sgsg' (my home is filled to the brim) repeatedly.

One day, people called each other together. They said that there was the need for them
to go to Orof house and capture her and all her children who filled her home to the brim

for food. They sad that how could they be feeling hungry when Orofo's home was over
populated. They set a date to go and do this work. On the appointed day, they wentto

rof'shomeveryearlyinthemornng. TheykilledOrofandhertwochildrenforfood.
When they discovered that only three of them were in the home, they said that, had
they known that they were only three living together, they would not have bothered
themselves coming for 0r0f and her children in the first place. That was how Orf
used her mouth to settrap for herself and she fell into the trap by herself.


gnu niOt'sQ
Dlfitn OrofO
Tl y bl'mg mejl
Tl y nl'l Ohun ti kn gqgq
Sbq ni wqn nl k w Qe
kg'tl Qgbgnyin se'bg
fnu Orf nff porf
lnu OrOfO nff pOrOfO





Otun Meii

Unguarded speeches
There is nobody that the trap set by the mouth cannot catch
These were If's declarationsto OrOfO
Who gave bidh to two children
And declared that her home was filled to the brim
She was advised to offer ebe
She refused to comply
The Flippanttalker had killed herself
Unguarded talker had dug grave for herself

If says that he will not allow the flippant talk of the woman for whom this Od

revealed to kill herself. All she needs to do is offer gbg and guard her speeches.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is presently facing the
opposition of those who are his/her blood relations. If says that there are three
of them who are planning evil against him/her. They are doing this as a result of
envy and frustration. They never knew that he/she could succeed to the level
that he/she presently is. They could not match his/her level of success and this
made them envious and it also frustrates them,

If says that this person must take immediate steps to stop the plan of these
envious relatives. Their plans would ruin everything that he/she had achieved
throughout his/her life if he/she allows them to be carried out. He/she must not
claim his/her rights. He/she must pretend to be a fool even if he/she knows all
the evil intentions of these relatives. If says that the person for whom this Od is
revealed still needs to assist these relatives in all ways within his/her capability.
He/she must not avoid them or give them social distance. If says that they will
still be of assistanceto him/her in future.

If advises this person to offer gbg with three cocks, three bottles of palmoil and money. After this, he/she needs to give the Elders of the Night one
kt, giant rat, feed Eg with one giant rat and appease Qbalrtway with one
giant rat. It is after doing all these that the evil plans of these relatives can be
stopped and neutralized. On these, If says:
Ar iwjrt, wgn b
Er,yln, wgn odrtrd
B O b b ar iwjrt
Er Qyln le dr de
I)l filn Qbalway
t'grun bQw'y
fbg ni wn nl k w 9e


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

The travellers n front, you could not catch up with
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind
These were lf's declarations to Qbalway
When comng from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer ebo

When Qbalway was coming into the world in one of his numerous trips to eath,
Oldmar summoned him to His presence. Oldmar told Qbalway that He
wanted to put Qbaluway in charge of financial success, Aj, for human beings. If
anyone was looking for money, he/she needed to approach Qbalway who would then
give the person.
Qbalway responded that he was not interested in being the custodian of wealth;
rather, he would prefer to be given the power to drain the wealth of those who had it if
and when the need to do so arose. The requestof Qbalway was granted.

Ar iwjrl, wgn o b
ErO yln, wgn O drlr d
B o b b ar iwjrt
EroQyln ledd
Dl fitn Egu Qdara
T rtt'Qrun bqw'y
fibg ni wqn nl k w ge

The travellers in front, you could not catch up with
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannotcatch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind
These were lf's declarationsto EgU Qdara
When coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer gbg

In the case of

Egu Qdara, the original intention of Oldmar was to make him

responsible for giving people compatible spouses. If anyone needed a spouse, the
person would simplyapproach EgU Qdara and he/shewould begiven.

When Oldmar told him this, E9 Qdara responded that he was not interested in being
saddled with the responsibility of giving people spouses. He said that he would rather
prefer to separate the couples who must be separated if and when the need arose. He


ll, o*o r",

him the
begged Oldmar to
a wedge between couples if such need
arose and not to bring couples together. His wish was


Ara iwajurwon b
ErO eyn, wgn O dr d
B O b b ar iwjrl
ErO e, yln e drr de
Dlfirn Iy mi Ogorog

Tt'Qrun bQw'aye
Ebq ni wqn nl k w $e


front you could not catch up with

Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those n front
One needsto waitforthose behind
The travellers in

These were If's decla rations to Iy-m i-OgOrOg

When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer gbg

for lya-mi-OgOr0g, the Witch, Oldmar planned to put her in charge of blessing
people with babies, If anyone was looking for the blessing of the fruit of the womb, the
person only needed to approach ly-mi-OgorOnga and it would be given to the



When Oldmar told her that she would be in charge of giving people children, she
responded that she was not interested in doing this. She said that she would rather
prefer to snatch away the children from those who already had them if and when the
need arose to do so, She begged Oldmar to give her the power to be able to do so.
Her request was granted.

Ara iwjrl, won O b

ErO gyln, wgn drlr d
B O b ba ar
ErOQyln l drtrd
Dl filn Qrrtnmll
T rtt'Qrun bQw'y
Ebq ni wQn nl k w Se


The travellers in front, you could not catch up with
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those



lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

These were If's declarations to Qrunm'll

When coming from heaven to eadh

He was advised to offerebo

The original intention of Oldmar was to put Qrrlnm'll in charge of blessing people
with longevity. If anyone wished to live long, the person needed to approach Qrrf nm'll
and he would ensure thatthe person lived long.
When Oldmar told him that he would be put in charge of making people live long,
Qrunmll responded that the wealth which Qbalway rejected; and the spouse which
Egu Qdara refused to accept; and the children which Iya-mi-OgOrOg did not want;
should be given to him in addition to the longevity that Oldmar originally planned to
give him, His requestwas granted by Oldmar.
Moments afterthis, the four of them left heaven to eah. The four


were living

close to each other.

When Qbaltlway, Egu Odara and ly-mi-Ogorog rejected the offer made to them by
Oldmar, they had no idea about how life on eafth would be. When they arrived on
eafth, feeding became a problem for them. They had no paftners and they were not
blessed with children. On the other hand, Qnfnmll was blessed with wealth, many
wives and children. Before long, envy crept in. The three others became envious of all
the achievements of Qrr:nmll. They were also frustrated that these offers were earlier
made to them but they were the ones who rejected them.
One day, the three of them gathered together to lament their ordeal on eafth. They
concluded that they must summon Qrrlnmll to their presence and accuse him of
insensitivity to their plight. They were convinced that QrUnm)h had no right to enjoy
when they were suffering; he had no rightto have several spouses when they had none;
and he had no businessto give bifth to many chldren when they had none.

When they sent for QrUnmIl, the day was an Ojg-Awo when no serious Awo was
expected to leave home for anywhere. They told him to come and see them on that day.
Qrnmll sent back to them that, as they were aware, that there was an OjQ-Awo and
the next day was AdabQ. It was not advisable for hm to leave his home on that day. He
promised to come and see them after Adabq.

tothem, theyconcluded thatQrnm)l was

too full of himself. They accused him of being arrogant proud and inconsiderate. For all
these, he must be taught a bitter lesson. Qbalway vowed that he would drain all the
wealth that QrUnmlla had acquired which was making him arrogant to them. ESU Qdara
said that he would ensure that all his wives left him in no time and he would stop being

As soon as Qrunmll's message was relayed


ll oro r",
proud to them. Iya-mi-Ogoronga vowed that she would kill and consume all the children
that he had who were making him inconsiderate. They all planned to begin these tasks
in three days'time.
Meanwhile, on the same night, Qrunmll had a terrible dream. He summoned his Awo
for If consultation. During this session, Otr-M'l was revealed.
The Awo told Qrrtnm)l that there existed the quarrel and conspiracy of those of the same
blood with him. The Awo explained to him that his three siblings were angry with him for
all his achievements on earth. Qbalway was not happy that QrUnm'll was blessed
with financial success and not he; Egu Qdara was sad that Qrunmll was blessed with
many spouses and not he; while lya-mi-OgOrOg was unhappy that QrUnmIl was
blessed with many children and not her. The Awo stated further that the three of them
planned to ensure that he lost everything that he had ever aquired in his life and that they
were going to commence their evil plans in justtwo days'time.

The Awo advised Qn:nm'lla to offer gbg with three roosters immediately. Qrunm'll
complied. After this, the Awo told him to fill a basket with money and head for
Qbalway's house to present it to him as gift. He was not to behave like he knew that
Qbaltlway was planning any evil against him. He was only to mention that he sensed
that Qbalway was not happy with him. After this, he was to fill another basket with
money, add one of his wives to it and present it to Egu-Qdr as gift. He was to fill a third
basket with money, add one of his children to it and present it to ly-mi-Ogoronga as his
gift to her. He must never let any of them know that he was already aware of their evil
plans against him.
The next day, very early in the morning, QrUnmIl carried a basket filled with money and
went to Qbalway's home. When he got there, he saw Qbalwaye on a tattered mat
looking very dejected, As soon as QbalUwaye saw him, Qnlnm'll shouted anIyQrQ song,

Gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tlrg ni g
Gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Bb o!
Abl owotl mo nl o l t blnu sl?
Gbogbo ow mo nl o, tlre ni o

Allthe moneyl have belong toyou
Allthe money belong toyou
Bb Olode o! (Another name of Qbalway)
Is it because of my wealth that you are angry
All the money belong to you


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

When Qrrlnm)l entered the house, he prostrated to Qbalway. He told him that when
he thought about the economic situation in the land, he felt that there was the need for
him to assst Qbahlway so as to avoid a situation where Qbalway would be stressing

himselftoohardbeforehecouldfeed. Thatwaswhyhehadbroughtthemoneyforhim
to spend in feeding himself. The money was the biggest Qbalway had ever set his
eyes upon throughout his stay on eafth. QrrJnm'll assured him that the money was for
him alone and that many more would be coming on a regular basis as from that time
When gbahlway saw what Qrrlnmll had done, he became confused. How could he
drain the money from a brother who had promised to extend paft of his wealth to him
regularly without prompting him to do so? There and then, Qbalway vowed never to
have a hand in the destruction of Qrnmll. He told Qrrlnmll that as from that day
hencefofth, nobody could spoil his things again. Qbalway vowed that anyone who
planned to ruin Qrnm)l had him (Qbahlway) to contend with. Qrrlnmll thanked him
profusely and returned to his home.
Next, he filled another basket with money. He called Agbr his wife. He explained to
Agbr that as from that day, she was going to become the wife of Eg Qdara. He
explained that Egu Qdara needed a paftner who would take care of him and bear
children for him. Since Agbr had just arrived in Qrr:nmll's home, she had never slept
with Qrunmll, she had no child for Qnfnmll, she would be better off as EgU Qdara's
wife. Qrnm)l promised her that she would be well taken care of by EgU Qdara. After
long discussions, Agbr agreed to become the wife of EgU Qdara. Her parents were
informed accordingly. Qrrrnm'ila then carried the basket filled with money and he
proceeded to E9 Qdara's hometogetherwith Agbr.
When they gotthere, Qrnm'll shouted thelyrQ song, saying

Gbogbo aya tl mo nl ortlrq nio

Gbogbo ayatl mo nlortlrq ni
Lah o!
Abl ayatl mo nl o lo n blnu s{?
Gbogbo aya tf mo nl o, tlrg ni o

All the spouses that I have belong to you
All the spouses belong to you
Lal O ! (that is a praise name for EgU)
Is it because of my spouses that you are angry
All the spouses belong to you





QrUnm)l explained to EgU that it would not be a nice thing for people to see E9 going to
the market, cooking for himself, washing his clothes, sweeping the house all by himself
when all these could be done for him if he had a wife of his own. For this reason, he,
Qrrfnmll had brought Agbr to be Eg's wife. He could send her to the market; she
would cook food for him; she would sweep and tidy up the house; she would wash his
dirty dresses; and take proper care of him. Not only this, he had also brought money to
Egu Qdara so thatfeeding and spending would not be a problem. When Egu Qdara saw
the basketfilled with money, hewasdelighted. Heasked Qrrfnmll totell him how many
people the money was meant for. He was told that the money belong to him (Eg
Qdara) alone.

When Qrnmll said this, EgU Qdara began to think: how could someone do this and yet
be destroyed? Eg thought that it would be unfair for him to pafticipate in the
destruction of Qrnmll. He therefore declared to Qrnm)l that as from that day,
nobody would be able to ruin his things in this world. Anybody who planned to do so
would have him, EgU Qdara to contend with. Qrunm'il thanked him and returned home.
Finally, Qrunmll went tolymis home. He filled the third basket with money and took
him. When he gotthere, he shouted hislyQrQ as before saying:

one of his children with

Gbogbogmgtl mo nlortlrg ni o
Gbogbo gmg tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Iy o!
Abl qmgtl mo nl o lo rl bln sl?
Gbogboqmqtl mo nl ortlrg ni o
All the children I have belong to you

Allthe children belong toyou

Iya ol
Is it because of my children that you are angry
All the children belong to you
Qrnmll told lymi that the situation in the land prompted him to brng one of his
daughters to her to help her in her daily chores. He said that it would not be proper for
her to be doing everything all by herself when he had daughters who could be of help to
her. He said that he had brought her money for her to spend on feeding and other
When Iya-mi-OgrOr1g heard that the money belonged to her alone, she was very
happy. She then told QrUnmIl that they had earlier planned to discipline him but now
that he had remembered her, she would not participate in his downfall. Qrnmll
thanked herand leftfor his home.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


Iya-mi-gorOga began to think. She was convinced that either

Eg or Qbahlway had leaked their secretto Qrnmll. She said that as a woman, she
was the one people would be suspecting of leaking their secret and now it was a man
who did it. After much deliberation, she concluded that it must be Obahlwaye who
revealed their secretto Ornmll.

As soon as he

Meanwhile, Qbahtway was totally convinced that it must be Egu-Qdara who told
Qntnm'll their plans whle Egu-Qdara suspected lya-mi-OgOrOg of revealing their
secrets to Orrinmll.

this reason, Iya-mi-Ogrg summoned an urgent meeting. When the three of

them arrived at the meeting venue, they accused each other of revealing their secrets
to Qrrfnmll. After much arguments however, they realized that lfa must have told
Qrnmll all their plans against him. They then concluded that it would be wise for
them to formally forgive Qrrlnmll. They then sent a message to Qntnm)l to come and

When Qrnm'll arrived, they told him that they had called him in order for them to
formally declare to him that they held no grudge against him anymore. For this, he
thanked them. They told him to go and procure three Okete, giant rats, one for each of
them. They asked him to put each one in a separate container for each of them and for
him to present it to them that day. Qrtlnm)l left to go and look for the rats.
When he got the rats, he prepared them as he had been instructed. He returned to
meet them where they were. When he got there, he faced Qbalway first and he
chantedlyQr, sayng:

9qnpQnn gb'Okt e
Kl o m p'yn oO
Gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tllg ni
Bb Olde gb'Okt o
Kl o m p'yn
Gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o

$QnpQnn , please take okete , the big rat
Do nottake human beings
All my money belong to you
Bab Olde, please take Okete
Do nottake human life

All my money belong toyou

As soon as he said this, Qbalway accepted the offering and everything was settled.


ll, o*o r",

Next, Qrrlnmll faced EgU Qdara, and chanted the samelyQr, saying:

gb'Okete e
Kl o m p'yn o o
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni

Kl o m p'yn
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o
Eg, please take Okete

Do nottake human life

All mywives belong toyou

'Lal, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
All mywives belong toyou
Eg accepted the offering from Qrunmll and all the problems with EgU was formally
Lastly, Qrrlnm'lla faced Iya-mi-OgOrOg and chanted the samelyQrg, saying

Iya migb'okte
l(I o m p'yn o
Gbogbo gmg tt mo nl o, tlrg ni
OgdrOg gb'kto
Kl o m p'yn
Gbogbo qmg tf mo nl o, tlrq ni o

Iya-mi, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
All my children belong to you
Ogrg, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
All my children belong to you

Iya-mi-OgOrg also accepted the Okete from Qrunmll and all her grudges against
Qrun m'il were formal ly resolved.

Ara iwju, wgn O b

ErO ,yln, wgn O dr d
B O b b ara iwjrt


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Ero,yln la drde
Dl filn Qbalwaye

t'qrun bqw'y
$bg ni wqn nl k w 9e
Ar iwj, wgn b

,ylnrwgn odrlrod
B O b b ar iwjrl
ErOQyln l durod
D,l filn EgU Qdara
Tt'Orun bQw'y
lbg ni wqn nl k w Se
Ar iwjrl, wgn O b
ErO,ylnrwgn Odrde
B ob b ar iwju
ErQyln | drde
Dl filn ly mi OgOrOrrga
Trtt'Qrun bQw'y
lbg ni wQn nl k w ge
Ar iwjrl, wgn O b
ErO,ylnrwgn drrod
B O b b ar iwj
Eroyln l drtrd

Dlfitn Qrnmll
Trtt'Qrun bQw'y
Fbq ni wqn nl kw Se
Qrnmll nlkan nl bg l, yln tO nqebq
WQn dl aytn
Qrnmll nlkan ldgni apsln
Awgn mqta t k w pete-pro
Wqn nl wgn y batirq jq
lbg ni wqn nf k w $e
WQn nllja gmgly d
gbbg, rbg
Njg gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tlrg ni g
Gbogbo ow tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Bab Olode!
Abl ow tl mo nl o lo blnu sl?
Gbogbo 9mq tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Lel o!
Abl aya tf mo nl o lO blnrf sf?
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o


Gbogbo gme tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o
Gbogbo qmg t{ mo nl o, tlre, ni
Iya o!
Abl gmg tl mo nf o lo rt blnu sl?
Gbogbogmgtl mo nl ortlrg ni o
$QnpQnn gb'Okte
Kf o m p'yn o O
Gbogbo owtl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Bab Olde gb'Okt o

Klom p'yn
Gbogboowtl mo nl o, tlrq nio
Egu gb'okte
Kl o m p'yn o O
Gbogbo aya tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
Ll gb'kto
Kl o m p'yn
Gbogboaya tl mo nl ortirq nio

lya migb'Okte
Kf om p'ynoO
Gbogbo emg tl mo nl o, tlrg ni
OggrOnga gb'Okt o

Klom p'yn
Gbogbo gmq tl mo nl o, tlrg ni o
The travellers in front, you could not catch up with

Those behind, you refused to waitfor

If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind
These were If's declarations to Qbalwaye
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg
Thetravellers in front, you could notcatch upwith
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind
These were lf's declarations to Eg Qdara
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offerqbg
The travellers in front, you could not catch up with
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind


aur" u.i

lfa Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consultation

These were lf's declarations to ly-mi-Ogrng

When coming from heaven to eafth
She was advised to offer ebe
The travellers in front, you could not catch up with
Those behind, you refused to waitfor
If one cannot catch up with those in front
One needs to wait for those behind
These were If's declarations to Qrnmll
When coming from heaven to eath
He was advised to offer gbg
Only Qnlnm)l complied with the advice of the Babalawo
When theygotto eafth
OnlyQrnmll was living in comfort
The other three conspired
And planned to ruin all he had in life
He was advised to offer gbg
He was told that it was the evil plan of hs siblings
He complied by offering the gbg
Now, all the money I have belong to you
All my money belong to you
Bb Oldeo !
Is it because I am rich thatyou are angry?
All my money belong to you
All the wives I have belong to you
All my wives belong to you
'Lal 0!!
Is itfor mywivesthatyou are angry?
All mywives belong toyou
All the children I beget belong to you
All mychildren belong toyou

Is it for my children that you are angry?
All my children belong to you
Now, SQnpQnna takeOfete
Do nottake human life
All my moneybelong toyou
Bab Olde, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
All my moneybelong toyou
Es, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
All mywives belong toyou
Lal please take Okete



o*o r",

And spare human life

All my wives belong to
Iy-m, please take Okete
Do nottake human life
Allthe children I have belong toyou
0gOrOrlg please take kete
And spare human life
All my children belong to you


It is clear from this Od why and how Qrnm)l became the mouth piece of Divinities.
As a matter of fact, Qrnm'll was and still is the mouth piece for IrnmglQ, Og,
Egrfngrln, Or0 and so on. Qrunmll is he who looks for food for them. During
consultation, the Awo will ask first what the gbg materials would be. After this,
enquiries would be made on what any or all of these IrrlnmolQ, Ofig, Egngrf n, Or,
is Qrunmlla, through
Egb, Iya-Mi-OgorOnga and so on would
BabalwoAyrrtf who announces what all these Divnities would take for them to get


take. It


If warns that the person for whom this Od is revealed must never go into joint
business with anyone. He/she must never join any thrift establishment or
engage in joint financial contribution. It is not in his/her interest and
outcome will never be favourable to him/her. This person can save
money in the bank or any other financial institution but not with any
cooperatives society. He/she will only be duped.


If advises this person to offer ebg with one matured he-goat and money.
After this, he/she needs to feed If with a hen or she-goat, two rats and hro


On this, a stanza in OtUra-M) says:

di gqwglq
Ill firn Orrnmll
Nljqtl Ohun ati Qknknlnlrn lrrnmgle jq djq
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e

They were the Awo who cast If for QrUnmIl
When he and the remaining 400 lrnmQle $arted a
He was advised to offer



joint monetary

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

In their periodic meetings, the 401 lrnmglQ came up wth an idea thatthey could start a
cooperatve socety where they would be contributing money, either in cash or in kind. If
the money was contributed at this meeting, it would be handed over to one of them to
staft a business with. Atthe next meeting, the money would be contributed and handed
over to another IrnmglQ to staft busness. This was the way they would rotate it round
the whole of them and they would all have enough money to embark on viable business
ventures. All the lrnmglQ present at the meeting welcomed the idea. They decided
that they would commence the contribution with 2,500 cowries per lrr1nmglQ, per
meeting. This translated to one million cowries even if the recipient of the money did not
put his own money into it. This meeting took place every five days. This meant that it
would take about 57 lunar months for it to go round all the lrnmglQ.

They concluded that Qgun would take first, followed by ESU Qdara, gbatl, Ogr:n,
$ng, while Qrrlnmll would take last. They all agreed, and allof them considered the
deliberation as one of the most fruitful they had ever had in recent years. After this, all
the lrnmglQ wentto theirvarious homes.
When Qrnmll got home, he summoned his group of Awo who were actually his former
students for If consultation: Would this decision of the lrnmglQ be as rewarding as it
appeared? Would it benefit the lrunmglQ as planned? During consultation, Otur-M)

The Awo told Qrunmll that the move would benefit all the IrnmglQ except Qrnm)l
himself. They told him that his destiny did not support going into joint venture or joint
financial contribution with others. He was advised to offer ebo as stated above. After
this, he was urged to withdraw from the contribution.
Qrnmll complied with the advice and offered the gbg. He however found it impossible
to withdraw because he did not want to be seen as the one who spoilt the plan of all the
Irnmgle. He was convinced that should he withdraw, his action would have a
bandwagon effect, and the contribution would collapse, He continued with them allthe
When they commenced, the first contribution was handed over to Q$un. When she got
home, she stafted her business venture. She took paft of the money to procure a big
pig and hen to propitiate her Oke-Ipf . The next meeting day, the moneywas given to
Qbatl. He stafted his own business, and he took paft of the money to buy 16 snails
and shea butter to feed his Oke-Ipof Ogun fed his own Oke-Ipof with a male dog
and commenced his business. Sang fed his Oke-IpOf with a ram and started his
business. Onga-Oto fed his Oke-Ipo with a ram cooked in Fgrll, melon soup and
added pounded yam to it before starting his business. Qbahlway fed his Oke-IpOf with
yam pottage and fried shrimps and washed everything down with freshly tapped
palm-wine. That was how all the Irnmgle were doing whenever they received their


l,l, uura uei

contributons. Their busnesses flourished.

At last it was the turn of Qntnmll to collect his own contributio. That day, none of the
IrnmglQ came for the meeting. He waited and waited. When he did not see them he
went home. He sent his children to the lrnmglQ to bring him his own contribution.
They only sent him excuses. That was hoW QrUnmll lost one millio cowries which he
contributed for over 57 lunar months. When he remembered the message of Tf, he was
not totally surprised. He was only praising his group of Awo that they had earlier warned
him against it.

di 99w919

T'Ohun ti Qkanknlnfrn IntnmglQ jq rtdjq
lbg ni wqn nl k w $e
jqQgun j'glgdQtn
pada s',yln

di g-ewglg


gbath je'gblntn
pad s',yln

di qewele

Ogrtn j'aa tan
pada s',yln
di 99w9lq
ai ggt<rtn

pada s'gyln
di 99wgl9
Qbalway j'fl kln
pada s'yln
di 99w919
lni gb'Qbg nlbQ kwaa 9'gbgo

d sekun

They were the Awo who castlf forQrUnmll

When he and the remaining 400 IrnmglQ started a joint monetary


lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

He was advised to offer ebo
AfterQgun consumed a big pig
She retreated

And praise gQkn
After the consumption of snails by Qbatl
He retreated

And praise gQkn

Aftertheconsumption of a dog
Ogrln also retreated
All hailSewele
And praise 9Qkn
$ngconsumed a big ram
And retreated

And praise gekn
Qbalwaye consumed yam pottage
And retreated

And praise gQkn
Travellerstolpo and Ofa towns
Please advise those who were told to offer ebo to do so

If says that it is not in the interest of the person for whom this Od is revealed to
participate in any joint contribution. If he/she had already joined, he/she needs to


If says that it foresees the Ire of long life for the person for whom this Od is
revealed. If says that he/she had chosen all the Ire in life when he/she was
coming from heaven. However, he/she is a prominent member of the Fgb, in

As he/she is impoftant and popular here on eafth, so also he/she is impoftant

and popular in heaven. If says that his/her $gb in heaven are already
impatient and they are calling him/her to come and join them over there. For
this reason, If says that there is the urgent need for him/her to send an ArokO,
symbolic message, to heaven to tell his/her Fgb that he/she had not finished
all his/her assignments here on earth and that the Sgb need to exercise more
patience for him/her to finish what he/she had come into the world to do before


il o*o r",
they ask him/her to return to them. This is very impoftant in order to prevent
him/her from sudden death. The sudden death being referred to here is not as a
result of the evil plans of enemies or complications of the Elders of the Night.
If says that there is the need for this person to offer ebg with one matured hegoat and money. After this, he/she needs to procure all fruits available at that
time, two rats, two fish, one pigeon, one guinea fowl, one rooster/hen.
(Depending on the sexof the percon forwhom this Od is revealed) hryo

of his/her dresses that he/she had used very well, and another hegoat. The heads of the rats, fish, birds and beasts will be put in a sack together
with the fruits and dresses; they would be tied and taken to the forest or riverside.
This person will then be saying that he/she needed to receive his/her blessings of
prosperity, spouse, children, means of transpoftation, propefties and so on,
before he/she could return to heaven. He/she will then place the sack down and
turn back. He/she must not look back until he/she arrives at his/her home or the
home of the Babalwo orlynlf who peformed this ritual for him/her, On all
these, a stanza in Otura-vfl says:

Ajenje nl'rgrln, egbgrg nl'd

If t'Qrun bQw'y
fbg ni wqn nl k w ge
Ajenje nl'rgn, ggbgrg nf 'd
He wastheAwo who cast If for Qrnmll
When coming from heaven to eafth
He was advised to offer gbg

When he was in heaven, Qrnmll was a prominent leader among his fgb He was
respected and adored. While he was among his fgb in heaven, there was no crisis
because he was always applying his wisdom and understanding to administer their
affairs. When it was time for him to come to eafth, the figb accepted this fact
reluctantly. They made it clear to him that they could not afford his staying too long on
earth. They urged him to make his sojourn on eafth very short and snappy. Because of
this, Qrnmll went to Ajenje-nl'rgn-ggborg-ff'd, one of his numerous students in
heaven for If consultation. During this session, OtUra-Me) was revealed.
Ajenje-n1'regUn-ggbgrg-nf'd, told Qrnm'il that he had already been blessed with all
Ire in life and he is duty bound to achieve all of them before he should contemplate
returning to heaven. He was told to offer gbg as prescribed above. The Awo however
told him thata time would comewhen his fgbg would be asking him to return to heaven
urgently. He was however not to do so until he accomplished all his assignments on
eafth. Instead, he was to send Arok to his [gbQ so that he would have ample time to


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

finish his assignments on earth. Qrnmll was taught how to prepare the ArokO.
Shorthly after this, he left heaven for eafth.

it difficult to administer their affairs as

effectively as Qrnmll used to do when he was with them. The situation was not going
as smoothly as they would have loved. Much as they tried, they could not find any
meaningful solution to many of their problems. They were all convinced and concerned
thatthe situation was notthat bad when QrUnm'll was with them in heaven. Tired of all
these problems, they met and concluded that Qnfnmll should be summoned back to
heaven to come and take overthe administration of the affairs of his Fgb. This time, it
was not yet up to 10 years that QrUnm'll left heaven for eafth. They began to summon
him repeatedly. They appeared to him in his dreams, he saw them in the corners of his
room in flashes, he knew about them in all the If that he cast for himself and others.
That was when he knew that there was the need for him to send the Arok0 to his Fgb so
that he could accomplish his mission on eafth.
While on earth, his f;gbQ in heaven found

He procured all the materials he needed for gbg and the preparation of the Arok and
called another student of his here on eafth to help him prepare
He offered the gbg
and instructed the Awo on whatto do aboutthe preparation of the ArokO.


While they were doing these, his [gbQ in heaven sent delegates to him in order to bring
him to heaven on that day. In heaven however, a big reception was prepared for his
arrival. That was the only topic for discussion among all members of the Fgb in heaven
atthattime. They were allfull of expectations.

As soon as Qrrlnm)l and his Awo completed the ArokO, the delegates arrived. The
delegates asked Qn:nmlla to follow them to heaven. They explained to him that all his
[gbQ were anxiously awaiting his arrival because they all missed his unequalled
administrative capability. Instead of following the delegates, Qrrlnmll handed the
ArokO to them and was singing thus:

l'w l'w nll Ay kl n t w O

Egbqrq nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgn egbgre nl'd
N l'ya-m'ya nl'lAy kl n t w O
Egbqrq nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgn egbgrg nl'd
N bl'mg-l'mg nl'lAy kl n t w
Egberq nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgn egbgrg nf 'd
N kq'rc-mq'l nl'l Ay kl n t w O
Egbgrq nf'd
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbgrg nf 'd



l'$gin-m'e$n nl'l Ay kl


otuo u"i

t w o

Ajenje nl'rgn egbqrq nl'd

N j'ogb-j'atQ nf'lAy kl ntw
Egbgrg nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgrln egbgrg nl'd
N nlregbogbo nl'lAy kl ntOw
Egbgrq nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbqrq nl'd



I will receive my blessing of wealth before I

Egbgrg ff'd, I praise you
Ajenje nf'rgn ggbgrg nf'd
I will claim my blessing of a good spouse before I return

Fgbqrg ff'de,
Ajenje ff'rgn ggbgrg nl'd
I will receive my blessing of good children before I return
Egbqrq nf'de,
Ajenje n1'rgiln ggbgrg ff'd
I will accept my blessing of strong horses before I return


Ajenje ff'rgn ggbgrg
I will claim my blessing of comfoftable home before I return
Egbqrg ff'de,
Ajenje ff'rgt1n ggbgrg ff'd
I will receive my blessing of long life before I return
Fgbqrq rf'd,
Ajenje ff'rgn ggbgrg ff'd


The delegates could make no meaning of the contents of the Arok0 and the song he was

singing. They begged him to explain the meaning to them. Qrrlnmll removed the


head of the pigeon and told them that it represented financial success. He said that
needed to succeed before he could return to heaven. He showed them the head of a
hen and said that it represented a good spouse. He explained that he must be blessed
with a good spouse before he could return to heaven. He brought out the heads of the
rat and fish; he explained that they represented children. He made it abundantly clear
that he could not come to heaven until he had children who would carry on for him when
he decided to return to heaven. He brought out the head of a guinea fowl and told them
that it represented peace and comfoft. He explained that he would not return to heaven
until he is comfortable. He brought out all the fruits and told them that they represented
sweetness and happiness. He said that without these, he could not return to heaven.
He showed them all the contents in the bag of ArokO and explained what they



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

represented. He promised that as soon as he acquired all the good thngs of life, he
would return to heaven.
When the delegates heard these statements, they were very sad and disappointed that
it was obvious that Qrunmll was not prepared or ready to return to heaven at that point
in time but they recognized the fact that he needed to accomplish his mission on eafth
before returning to heaven. They accepted the ArokO from him and asked him how soon
he would return to heaven; instead of giving a definite response, he only said, 'very
soon', They could not understand that. They again asked him to tellthem how long it
would take him to return to heaven. His response again was, 'very long'. After much
deliberation, the delegates returned to heaven together with the Arok, minus

After this incident, Qrrlnmll lived on eath for several years and achieved all the Ire that
he had chosen in heaven before he finally returned to heaven to meet his [gbg. He was
given a rousing welcomewhen hefinallyarrived in heaven.

Ajenje nl'rgn, egbgre nl'd


Bab t'Qrun bQw'y

pbg ni wqn nl k w ge

N l'w l'w nllAy kl n tw o
Fgberq nl'd
Ajenje nl'rgn egbgrq nf 'd

l'ya-m'ya nl'l Ay kl n t w O
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbqrq nl'd
N bl'mg-l'mg nl'lAy kl n tw O
Ajenje nl'rgrln ggbgrg nl'd
N kq'l-mQ'l nl'l Ay kl n t w O
Ajenje nl'rgn egbqry nl'd
N I'Qgin-m'qgin nl'l Ay kl n t w o
Fgbgrq nl'do
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbgrg nl'd
N j'ogb-j'atQ nl'lAy kl ntOw O
Egbqrq nf 'd
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbqrg nl'd
N nlre gbogbo nl'l Ay kl n t w O
Egbqrq nl'd





Ajenje nl'rgrln ggbgrg nf 'de

!w b ni l'tllregbogbo
Atole Ire gbogbo l b ni I'QsQ Qbarlga

Ajenje nl'rgn ggbgrg rf'd
He wasthe Awowho castlf for QrUnmll
When coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer qbg
He complied
I will receive my blessing of wealth before I return
Fgbqrq ff'de, I praise you
Ajenje nf'rgn ggbgrg nl'd
I willclaim my blessing of good spouse before I return
Fgbqrg n1'd,
Ajenje nl'rgn ggbgrg nf'd
I will receive my blessing of good children before I return
Fgbgrq nl'd,
Ajenje ff'rgn ggbgrg rf'd
I willaccept my blessing of strong horses before I return
Egboro nide,
Ajenje niregun egboro nide
I will claim my blessing of comfoftable home before I return
Egbqrq rf 'de,
Ajenje n'i'rgrln egbQrg rf'd
I will receive my blessing of long life before I return
Fgbqrg rf'de,
Ajenje n'i'rgn ggbgrg ff'd
Before long, and nottoofar
Come and join us in the midstof alllre in life
That is the guarantee we get if we follow If, the Qba of all Oga

If says that this person shall be blessed with all Ire in life before he/she returns to


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has been trying his/her
best to help others as much as he/she could. If says that the people he/she is
helping will plan against him/her in such a way that he/she can never believe. If
says that these conspirators will be exposed and the shame of their actions will
live with them for the rest of their lives. If however warns that the person for
whom this Od is revealed must never plan any revenge or pay back evil with



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

This person must have a large heaft and must be able to forgive and forget all the
evilthat people doto him/her.

Ifa advises ths person to offer gbg with four rats, four fish, traro he-goats
and money, He/she also needs to feed If with a matured she-goat. On
this, If says:

rf lfo
Mo lfO
If l be
Emi na l b
Wn nl nl'bo l ba sl
Orunmlla l b s{'lAlr

If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
If declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed
Theyasked thatwhere had it landed?
Orunmll responded that it had landed in Alr's palace
QrUnmIl was staying inlpap bnd at this point in time. During his stay in this town, he
had taken good care of all the people in the land. He had healed all those who were ill,
he had turned barren women to proud mothers; he turned debtors to rich people; he
settled several rifts inhibiting progress and development in the land. Ipapo town
witnessed u nprecedented growth.
Qrr1nm'll to see him urgently. Qrnmll went
immediately, Alr asked Qrtlnmll to consult If for him. He did and Otrlra MI was
revealed, QrrJnmll told Alr thatthe reason why he had asked for If consultation was
that his favourte wife was pregnant and had been in labour for five days but she had not
yet been able to deliver the baby. He assured Alr that his wife would have a safe
delivery. He advised Alr to offer gbg with one matured she-goat and money.
Alr complied. A few moments after, Alr's wife gave bifth to a bouncing baby grl.
Alr wasvery happy.

One day, Alr sent emissary


As soon as the baby was delivered, QrUnm)l asked Alr to permit him to return to
)pp, but Alr would have none of it. Alr insisted that QrUnm)l must do the
IkgsQdy,Imgf and the naming ceremonies before he could be permitted to leave. In
short, Qrrlnm'il was reluntactly allowed to return to Ippo after he had spent two
months with Alr.


ll, oru r",

rf lfo
Mo l fO
If l be
Emi n lba
WQn nl nl'bo | ba sl
Qrrtnmll l ba sl'lAjerO

If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
OrUnmll declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed
They asked that where had it landed?
Qrrlnmll responded that it had landed in AjerO's Palace

Not up to two ltadOgr:ns (17 days) that Qrrlnm'll returned from Alra's palace, the
emissary of Ajer arrived. AjerO asked Qrnm'll to follow his emissary immediately
because there was an emergency. When he got to AjerO's palace, If was consulted.
During consultation, he discovered that Ajer's wife was also in labour and she was also
having difficulties with the delivery. Qrrlnmll asked AjerO to offer gbg with a matured
she-goat and money and he did. Soon after, the wife gave bifth to a bouncing baby
girl. As soon as this happened, Qrrlnm'll asked for permission to leave and he was
the baby began to weep uncontrollably. All efforts to stop her
from weeping failed. AjerO became confused. He sent emissary to go and bring
Qrnm'll back. He gave them three horses. He asked them to run quickly to meet
Qrnm'll before he got to lppo and bring him back. He instructed the emissary to
release one to the horses to Qrrtnmll to ride back to his palace. The emissary met
Qntnm)l at the boundary of Ippo town. He told him to return to Ijero Ekitt
immediately. He mounted one of the horses and they rushed back.
A few moments after this,

When he arrived at Ajer's palace, he met total chaos. Everyone was running helter
skelter without knowing what to do. Qrunm)l consulted If and it was revealed that as
soon as he, Qrnm'if had leftthey had been calling the new baby different names which
her Ol had rejected. Qrnmll made it clear to AjerO that the baby brought a special
namefrom heaven.
When Qrunmll gave the baby this special name she stopped crying immediately. After
this, Alr refused to permit Qrrlnm'll to return tolpp until after two months.
Before Qnfnmll returned tolpapO, many people in the land had began to grumble that
Qrnm)l was no longer interested in taking proper care of them. They complained that


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Qrunmlla preferred to go and work for other people at their expense. When they
confronted Qrunm)l with this allegation he responded that an Awo must never refuse to
attend to the call of anyone who needed hs/her service and assistance. He also pointed
out to them that there was no major crisis unattended to when he left them and that he
had always endeavoured to return tolpp atthe earliest oppoftunity.

If lfO


If lba
Emi na l ba
Wn nl nl'bo l ba sl
Qrnmll l ba d'l Qwrngrtn-Aga

If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
Orrlnmll declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed
Theyasked thatwhere had it landed?
Qrunm'll responded that it had landed in Qwrngun-Aga Palace
Qwrngr1n-Aga also summoned Qrnmll to come and help him solve his problem. He
went. He consulted If for Qwrngrtn-Aga. He recommended gbg and QwrngrlnAga compled. Qrunm'll performed the gbg and all other rituals necessary to solve the
problem. He was only allowed to return home after three months. When he returned
home, he did not meet his wife at home.

When he asked all his neighbours where his wife had gone, they told him that his wife
died not up to three weeks that he left. They assured him that a proper and befitting
burialwas gven to her. They showed QrrJnmll where her remains were buried. When
he saw the grave, Qrnmll burst into tears. He wept uncontrollably. The people
blamed him for leaving the town for too long. In the evening of that day, all the elders in
the land came to commiserate with him. He thanked them for their good gestures. He
was even very proud of them for all the steps they took in his absence.
When the elders left, Qrnm)l did not know whatto do. He was totally devastated. He
did not know where to staft without his beloved wife. He was unable to sleep. He wept
again and again. He kept reminding himself that it was a taboo for an Awo to weep over
the death of anyone. Yet the tears kept coming. He could not help it.
Very early in the morning, Qrunmll summoned up courage to consult


Why had If

abandoned him by allowing his wife to die without giving him any pror warning? He


l,l, o*o r",

had gone to do the assgnment of If, why had If paid him in this rnanner for all his
efforts? When he cast If Otr M3) was revealed. If told Qrrlnm'll that his wife was
alive. He was told to offer gbg with two he-goats and money against conspirators.
If explained to him that the people of Ipap were the ones who captured his wife and
sold her out to the people of lbariba town. If said that he must urgently offer the gbg
and move to Ibaf ba immediately. If warned that those in Ibalba were also planning
to sell her out because as soon as she was brought into that land, series of misfoftunes
had been happening to them there. They had consulted If and they had been advised
to move out his wife from their land if they wanted peace and harmony to return to the
land. If said that they planned to take her to the market the next day, because that was
the day If asked them to sell her out in the market.

When Qrunm'lla heard this, he quickly offered the prescribed gbg and mounted the
horse which Ajer0 gave him and headed forlbaba town. He arrived there at dawn the
next day. He headed straight for the market. When he got to the market, there was
nobody there. He waited impatiently for the market to open.
As soon as the market was opened by the Prkyis, the market officials, Qrrtnmll
began to move from one stall to the other. Soon after, he saw his wife being brought to
the market. When they saw each other, they threw caution into the wind and hugged
each other. Qrnm'il told the man who brought his wife to the market that he was
interested in buying her back. The man simply told Qrunmll to take her away free of
charge! The man was so happy that he had been relieved of problems. Qrnm)l and
Qsrnfunrnf lyg his wife headed back home.
On their way, Qsunfunrnllyo explained how she was captured very early in the morning,

beaten into pulp and dragged out of the house naked. She told Qrrlnm)l that they
wanted to kill her there and then but some of them said that she could be sold in the
market to make money instead of just wasting her for nothing, That was how they
decided to sell her off.

What did the people say that she had done? Qsunfunrnllyo responded that the
conspirators said that Qrrrnm'lla had abandoned them. One of their children twisted his
ankle and they complained that Qrnmll was not around to help them straighten the
leg. Thatwas the only complaintthey made against her and her husband.
Qrnmll told Qsunfrlnnf lyo that it would not be wise for them to run away from Ipp
at that time. At the same time, it would not be wise to arrive in broad daylight. They
waited untilthe dead of the nightand both of them sneaked home.
The next morning, Qrunmlla ordered for several kegs of $eket, maize beer and Emu,
palmwine. He also ordered for several kolanuts. When he secured all these items, he
sent for all the people oflppo land, both young and old, to come and have a feast in his


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

home so that he would show his appreciation to them for the befitting burial they gave to
his beloved wife.

In the evning, all the inhabitants of the land congregated in Qrnm)l's house. He
thanked them for all what they had done for him in his absence. He prayed to
Oldmar to please pay them back in the same manner that they had done to him.
Noneofthemcouldsay'Asg'. Hethenaskedthepafitobedeclaredopened. Itwasthe
ring leader who declared it opened. That was when QsunfUnlgyg brought palm wine,
Sekete beer and kolanuts for the ring leader to use in declaring the pafi open. All the
inhabitants of lpapo land could not believe their eyes. They were all serued with
kolanuts, Seke,te and palmwine. None of them could either eatthe kolanuts or drinkthe
beerand palmwine.

they must drink and eat. They just could not. Then Qrnm)l
asked them; 'what wrong did I do against you, for you to treat me the way you did'?
None of them could answer the question. One by one, they quetly left in shame. None
of them was able to fathom what went wrong. How did Qrunm)l know where his wife
was? Who told him? How did he manage to see through their plan and conspracy?
After much deliberation, they went for If consultation. They went to the home of this
QrrJnm)l insisted that

Babalwo for If consultation:

l'o,tl ejQ
Obl I'obl ImOrn


fmu I'qmu r-jojo

IX filn Kkerlpep
Abfgba ibQ
lbg ni wQn nl kl wqn ge
The beer is an alcohol of contention
The kolanut is that of trouble
And the palmwine is that of amazement
These were lf-'s declarations to the youths of Ipap
And same was declared to the elders of Ipap
They were advised to offer gbg
The Awo castigated them for conspiring and planning evil against the Ambassador of
Oldmar on earth. He said that they had done something that might spell doom for

everybodyintheland. Hemadeitcleartothemthatwhattheyhaddonewassomethng
that they too could never accept. They therefore needed to go and tender ther
unreserved apology to Qrnmll.

Instead of listening to the advice of the Babalwo, they began to argue that they did



oro r",
what they did because Qrrlnmll had chosen to abandon them. They claimed that
QrUnm'il had no right to leave their town for any other place when they were not yet
readyfor him to leave.
The Awo responded that Qrrlnm)l was not anybody's propefi or possession. He said
that QrrJnmll was free to go to anywhere he likes and at anytime he desired. The Awo
got angry with them when they continued to argue. He told them that he had originally
intended to follow them to go and appeal to Qrunmll to please forgive them but the way
they were arguing, he would not follow them anymore. He chased them out of his home
and told them to go and face the consequence of their actions. That was when the
elders and youths of Ipp realized that they had hithefto been arguing blindly. They
appealed to the Awo to follow them to beg Qrnmll, the Awo agreed after much
When they got to Qrunm'll's home, they began to beg. The Awo led the elders and
representatives of the youths to Qrrlnm)l's house. They began to beg him. All of them
prostrated. The Awo did not give QrrJnmll the chance to say anything. He assured
Qrnm)l that they had narrated everything that took place to him and they had been
found guilty. After much appeal, Qrr:nm)l forgavethem.

It did not end there.

All what they did to Qrnmll, the Qba of the land was not
informed. When he heard what had happened, he summoned everybody to his palace;
including Qnlnm)l. He asked them to narrate their stories. They did. The elders and
youths oflpapO began their blind arguments once more. They were again found guilty.
The Qba was pafticularly angry with the elders whom he accused of misleading the
youths. The Qba said that the elders did not give proper leadership in the land. He
ordered for them to be severely punished. Qrrf nm'll however pleaded for them and the
matter was settled a micably.

If lfO
Mo lfO
If l ba
Eminaa lba
WQn nl nl'bo l ba sl
Orrlnmll l b sl'lAlr

If lfo

If l ba
Emi naa lba
WQn nl nl'bo l ba s{
Qrnmll l be sl'l Ajero

rf lfo
Mo lfO


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftaton

If t be

Emi na l ba
Wqn nl nl'bo l be sl
Affnmll l ba sl'|e Qwarngrtn-Aga
lbg ni wqn nl kl wqn 9e
WQn gb'Qbo, WQn r'bg
Nje Awgn Qtl I'o, tl ejQ
Obl I'obIlmQrn
$mu I'erhu r-jortjo

Dlfiln Kkerlpap
Abf'gbe bQ
KkerIppwgn klltl ejg
If mo b wgq t, mo 9 egun wgn
Agba lpp wgn kll tl ejQ
If mo b wgn rO mo ggun wgn

If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
Orrlnmll declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed?
They demanded to know where it had landed.
QrUnmll responded that itwas in Alr's palace
If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
QrrJnmIl declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed
They demanded to know where it landed in
Qn:nmll responded that it had landed in AjerO's Palace
If declared that it had flown away
I responded that it had flown away
Qntnm)l declared that it had landed
I responded that it had landed
They demanded to know where it landed in
Qrnmll responded that it had landed in Qwarngn-Aga's

They were advised to offer gbg

Now, the beer is an alcohol of contention
The kolanut is that of trouble
And the palmwine isthatof amazement
These were If's declarations to the youths oflpp
Same was declared to the elders there





Theywere advised to offergbg

The youths of)ppo were nevertired of contention
If, I challenged them and I won
The elders oflpapo were nevertired of contention
If, I challenged them and I defeated them.

If says the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to have the mind to forgive.
He/she has been absolved by Oldmar. He/she only needs to forgive those who erred
against him/her.



If says that the percon for whom this Od is revealed must always do good
must eschew bitterness, wickedness and hatred in all his/her thoughts, speeches
and actions. If says that if this person does well, he/she does so for
himself/herself. On the other hand, if he/she is wicked, he/she does so for
himself/herself. If says that whatever he/she does, he/she will be the first to
reap the fruit of his/her character.
If advses this person to understand that whatever s it that if done to him/her
will pain him/her, he/she must never do it to others. As long as he/she keeps
this in mind and follows it in all his/her ways of life, then joy shall be his/her
poftion all the days of his/her life.

If advises this person to offer gbq with one matured he-goat and money.


this, If says:

os ire

O se filn ara
Bl o sl s'lk
O ge e fun ara


Tl 9agbe lg ilQ Has
Ebq ni wqn nl k w


Ifyou do good
You do so for yourself

And if you arewicked

You do so foryourself
This was the message of If forthe Blind Man
When going to beg foralms in Hausa land
He was advised to offer gbg
The Blind Man was popular for his style of begging for alms. He would never beg



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultaton

to give him alms. He would simply tell anyone he me! 'If you do good, you do so for
yourself; and if you are wicked, you do so for yourself'. He used to trek from one village
to the other, from one town to another and from one house to the next, begging for
alms. Many people used to render their assistance to the Blind Man because they
considered his style of begging as a great challenge to their individual and collective
Unknown to the Blind Man however, was the fact that the Qba of Hasa land considered
the blind's man style of begging as irritating and preposterous. The reason being
nursed by the Qba was that what the blind man was saying was highly philosophical and
that such wise saying had no business coming out from the mouth of a beggar and a
blind man for that matter! The Qba felt that i[ was only him, his royal home and his
Council of Chiefs who had the right and the privilege to make philosophical statements.
He therefore concluded that the blind man would be taught a bitter lesson that other
people would learn from.
One day, the Qba summoned his best hunter to get a live cobra for him. Within two
days, this item was procured. The live cobra that the hunter got was very big and wild.
The Qba ordered him to putthe cobra in a bag. This was done. In the afternoon of that
day, the blind man came as usual and the Qba presented this'giff to the bling man.
When the blind man touched the bag, he thought it was a pangolin. He was very happy
and in orderto show his appreciation, the blind man declared;
Bl oge ire
O sefiln ara re
Bl osl g'lk
O ge e fin ara re

Ifyou do good


And if you are wicked

You do so for your self
The blind man putthe 'gift' on his shoulder and continued to beg for alms. While he was
going from home to home begging, he metthe ArQmg, heir apparent. The ArQmg was
angry that the blind had been given a gift by his father. Because evil begets evil, the
wickedness of the father was also in the son. The ArQmg could see no reason why the
blind man should retain this gift. Out of anger, he moved to the blind man, gave him
three heavy slaps on the face and snatched the'gift'away from him. In his reaction, the
blind mandeclared: 'Blog ere,Ogefrtn ra rg, Bi osl ge'k,OFefnara rg',and
he left.


l,l, aura uei

As soon as the blind man was out of sighf the ArQmg decided to examine the gift that
the blind man was carrying about. He dipped his hand inside the bags and behold!



cobra struck him and poured all the venom that it had accumulated for three days
during the time it had been held captive into the hand of the Arqmg. The ArQmg
screamed uncontrollably, passers-by rushed to the site, they saw the cobra and killed it.
But before assistance could be given to Arqmg, he had died. His lifeless body was then
taken tothe palace,
When the Qba heard of what had happened he remembered the saying of the blind
man. Guilty conscience could notallow him to raise his hand againstthe blind man.

og ire

O sp

fun ara rg

Bl osl gTka
O se e fin ara e

Tl gagbe lq ilQ Has
lbg ni wqn nl k w ge
g6bor rubg

Sw b ni lrgegun
KO p,, Qna

Arg$gun la b ni lsg



If you dogood
You do soforyourself
And if you arewicked
You do so for your self
This was the message of If forthe Blind Man
When going to beg for alms in Hausa land
He was advised to offer ebg
He complied
Nottoo long, soon after
Come and meet us where we celebrate


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed must never thin( say or do evil to
anyone. If he/she does, the evil will definitely recoil on him/her. On the other hand, if
anybody is planning evil against the person for whom this Od is revealed, If says that
the evil will boomerang and the person shall live to regret for the rest of his/her life.


If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to apply wisdom, patience
and understanding in all his/her activities in life. If says that this person lacks
the patience to look at events from all sides before taking action. If says



lfa Dida: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

he/she also needs to view things passionately before commttng himself/herself.

If advises this person to offer qbg with nine'bags'of money (each bag contains
20,000 units of cowries). On this, If says:
Kg nfl r ganhngahn
Iogmu glrlglrl I'Qyln agbr
Owtff rn mi nl'gsmotl j
O fn mi l'jo motl re
AjO kan, jO kn tl O rn mi I ryl kq

Ajoayg'ni-lgnu ni
Dtfiln Qrunmll
Tl baba re'lQrun lqq kq kt
!b9 ni wqn nl k w ge
tthatsounds like gong
The sound of bQnlbQ drum is louder atthe backof drummer
You have sent me on an errand and I went
You have also sent me on a journey and I went
This particular journey you are sending me is filled with travails
These were the messages of If to Qrnmll
When going to heaven to learn wisdom
He was advised to offergbg
Kg musical instrument is

QrUnmIl was living peacefully with his wife QgunfrlnnlQyQ in Il-IfQ. His wife was
carrying a seven-mouth old pregnancy when Qn:nmlla decided to go to heaven to go
and learn the wisdom of elders. He went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation in order to determine how his journey to heaven would be. The Awo
advised Qrrlnm)l to go and that his journey would be very successful and fruitful.
Three days afterthis, Qrttnmlld setouton his journey.

It took him three years to reach the gate of heaven. When he got there, he went
straight to the committee of wise elders in heaven. When asked what he came for, he
responded that he had come to learn the wisdom of the elders. They demanded for and
received nine bags of cowries from Qrnmll. The following day, Qrrtnmll began his
studies. This first lesson he was taught was'EIf afQfg b r1fQ, m dtlr l'bQ igi' meaning
'when the wind is strong, don't stay under a tree'. He was instructed to repeat this one
thousand times a day. He was also asked to look for one thousand meanings of this
statement. He was directed to get one meaning per day for one thousand days to
complete the one thousand different meanings he was asked to look for.
QrUnm)l complied and did as he was instructed. This research took him three years to
complete. Hethen wentbacktothecommitteeof thewise men in heaven.


on getting there, he told them that he had


completed the
congratulated him and asked him to procure a rooster to feast the wise elders to
celebrate his success. Qrunm)l complied and told them that he wanted to learn more.
They taught him "B'dO b kn, m wQQ." Meaning "If the river is full to the brim, do not
swim in it". He was then instructed to repeatthis a thousand times a day and to find one
thousand meanings as instructed above for one thousand days. This research also took
him another three years to complete. After completion, Qrrlnm'il went to the committee
to repoft back to them. They congratulated him and asked him to procure a ram tofeast
the wise elders in order to celebrate the success. He complied and told them that he
wanted to learn more.
Atthis stage, theytaught him 'M blnu Ojg kan'. Meaning 'Never getangry overany issue
without prop er deliberation or in a haste'.
The wise elders also instructed him as they have done earlier. Qrrlnmll complied and
this also took him another three years to complete. Thereafter, he went backto them to
give repoft of his research. Seeing his repoft, the wise elders congratulated him on his
success and asked him to kill a cow to make a feast for the elders. He complied. They
told him that his studies had completed and asked him to go back home.
On his way back to the world the joumey was supposed to take him three

years. He was

however returning in company of two great personalities and their entourage. These
personalities are 'Mdrlrlgrf olowo ay, The rich man on eafth' and 'Mdgfi olowo grun,
the rich man in heaven'. Each of them was accompanied by 200 entourage carrying the
belongings the rich men were going to use on eafth.
One afternoon, they suddenly found out that there was a turbulent wind to contend with.
The entourage therefore decided to stay somewhere to allow the wnd to blow itself out.
They all looked for a safe place to hide themselves from the effect of the wind. Mdtlr1gu
olowo ay however chose to stay under a big banyan tree. Qrnm)l remembered
immediately that one of the teachings he had come to learn in heaven was "Bl afQfQ b
fe, m dr l'be igi' , meaning 'if the wind is blowing turbulently, don't stay under the
tree'. He then came to Mdrlrlgrl olowo ay and advised him to leave where he was
because it could be very dangerous to stay there. MdgrJ olowo ay however
assumed him that it was perfect to stay there, and that was not his first time to stay
under a tree where there was a strong wind. All efforts to dissuade MdJg olowo aye
to stay under the tree fell on deaf ears. Eventually, he was left alone to stay there.

that it tore off one of the

branches of the tree. When the tree branch fell, it ht Medgr1 olowo ay on the head,
broke his head into pieces and killed him on the spot.

A few moments after this, the wind became stronger, so strong

Immediately after this, pandemonium broke out Qrnmll managed


to bring


Ifa Dda: An nvtaton to lfa Consuftation

normalcy and also arranged for the burial. He even gave out one of his dresses for
burial. Mdt1t1grJ Olowo ay was gven a befitting burial under the superuision of
A few days after, they proceeded with their journey together with the entouraged of
Medg olowo ay. They reached the river at the boundary of heaven that they
needed to cross. There had been a heavy rainfall and which made the river to be filled to
the brim. The seasonal pattern in heaven was three months of rainfall non-stop and
three monthsof dryseason non-stop.

Qnlnmll remembered the second lesson he had learnt that 'B'dO b ktln, m wQ,.'
meaning that 'when a river is full to the brim, do not cross'. Qrunmlla therefore
instructed all the people (402) including himself going to the eafth not to cross the river
because of the strong current. He advised them to wait for three months before the
current could subside. He concluded that it would be very dangerous to cross the river
at that time. Mdgr1 Olowo Orun however would accept none of that, He was in a
hurry to reach the eafth. He knew that it would take them three years to move from
heaven to He therefore could not see any reason why he should wait for three
long months before he could embark on his journey. He then decided to cross the river.
All appeals for him notto do so fell on deaf ears.
When he got to the middle of the river, he missed his step and the river current swept
him off and he fell inside the river. The river then swept him away out of sight. Other
entourage then waited for three months for the water level to go down before crossing
the river. After three months, they saw the decomposed body of Mdlg Olowo Qrun
n between the roots of some river plants. QrUnmIl took one of his caps, plucked some
leaves and put in the cap for the burial rites of Medg Olowo Qrun. He was then given
a befitting burial beside the river. As from that day, henceforth, if anybody died inside
the river, they are buried beside the river and given the same rites as Qrunmll did

Thereaftel they moved on, all the entourage that came with Mdrlr1gt1 Olowo Ay and
MdgrJ Olowo Qrun said that they do not know anywhere or anybody on earth.
Therefore, they decided to go with QrnmIl who had shown love to their masters to his
house on eafth and delivered allthe riches in his house.
Eventually, they got to the eafth and headed for Qrunm'll's house. By the time
Qrrlnm)l got home, it was already late in the night. He entered his house and to his
surprise, he mettwo people sleeping and was wondering who could be sleeping with his
wife. 'Could this woman be sleeping around with men in his absence?' Qrnm)l
thought and became so infuriated to the extent that he decided to behead the two of
them now that he had caught her red-handed. Suddenly, he remembered the third
lesson he learnt for three years during his course of study while in heaven that 'M bln



uwa uei

without proper deliberation and investigation of any

matter, As a result, he decided to calm down and wait till the following morning before
he could take anyaction.

OjQ kan" meaning: never get angry

In the morning, when the wife saw Qrrfnmll, she became happy to see her husband
and immediately called her child Awogoro come and greet your father; he has arrived'.
There and then, QrUnm'il realized that the person he saw last night who slept together
in the same room with his wife was actually his son. What would have happened if he
had killed him in the midnight? The thought pre-occupied Qrnm'll's mind, and said to
himself that it would have been a tragedy for him if he had done so. He then ordered the
400 entourage to bring into the house all the riches and possession he inherited from
Meqg Olowo Ay and Medrig Olowo Qrun. Qrnm'il became successful and
prosperous and was singing thus:

NjgAwo$oro$eo 2ce
K pajbe kaQ
K m l d'bQ mQ

Indeed, it is difficultto be an If practitioner
For someone to prepare land for cultivation
Without going back to plant anything on the land
Yes, If is difficultto practice

If says that if there is a pregnant woman where this Od is revealed, the child when
born is to be named 'Awogoro', As long as the person for whom this Od is revealed
follows all the directives of If as stated above, he/she shall never live to regret the

Kg nll rganhngahn
Ibemb gtrlglrl l', yln agbr
O w tff rn mi nl'99 mo tl je
o tl fn mi l'j mo tl re
Ajo kn, ajo kan tl rn mi I r yl kQ

Ajoayg'ni-lgnu ni
Dl fitn Qrrlnmll
Tl baba lre'l qrun lQq kq k
Ebg niwqn nl k w ge



K pajba kalQ


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

K m l d'be mq

KF, musical instrument is it that sounds like gong
The sound of bQrbQ, drum is louder at the back of the


You have sent me on an errand and I have gone

You have also sent me on a journey and I went
This pafticular journeyyou are sending me is filled with travails
These were the messages of If to Qrrf nm'll
When going to heaven to learn wisdom
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Indeed, it is difficultto be an If practitioner

For someone to prepare land for cultivation
Without going backto plant anymore
Yes, If is difficultto practise

15. If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed to have the fear of OlOdmare at
the back of his/her mind all the time. He/she must recognize the fact that no
matter how powetful he/she may be, Oldmar is the source of all powers and
He can take away any power that is being abused or misused from the owner of
such power.

If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is put in a position of
authority, he/she needs to exercise his/her authority with the fear of Olodmar
at heaft. He/she must never maltreat others. He/she must not see such power
as a vehicle for vengeance or for showing his/her superiority over others.

Conversely, If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she will
have victory over a more poweful opponent who had been using his/her power,
position and/or influence to oppress, intimidate and/or inflict pain.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with one
matured he-goatand money. He/she is also expected to feed Egu Qdara with
one roaster. After this, he/she needs to put his/her faith and fear in Oldmare
in all his/her thoughts, speeches and actions. On this, a stanza in Otura M)

Igbgnwg mjjl ni o ge gb'gbQn s'j

Tll g'gru Old mar AgOJn
Qba atgnl ql l9gg forl g'apeji omi


l'1, otura uei

Igba rtt'Qrun bQ w'l ay

Sbg niwQn nf k w ge

The two elbows cannot be used to place a basket onto
This was If's messageforAlukdf



The messenger of Oldmar

When coming from Qrun(heaven) to Ay(earth)
He was advised to offer gbg
Alkrldl was one of the very many messengers of Oldmar. He was usuati'i sent by
Him to deliver special messages to the human race at regular intervals. All these
messages he had delivered without any fault and also without questioning the rationale
behind them. The attitude of Alukardf had endeared him to many lrnmglQ in Heaven.
Whenever there was any message to be delivered, the IrnmglQ would quickly suggest
the name of Alukndf to Oldmar. He would then be sent, and the message would be
delivered as quickly as possible,

During the course of delivering Divine messages to human beings, Alknd came to
realize that there was great love and affection for human beings who live on earth by
both Oldmar and the lrrlnmglQ. Alukdf could not understand why this should be
so; was it not the same human beings who kill, maim, hut and destroy each other at the
slightest opportunity? Why should Oldmar be in love with those who destroy the
environment; pollute the air and water; kill insects, rats, fish, birds and beasts at will;
wage war on each other for no other justifiable reason than to show supremacy over
one another? Why should Oldmar be in love with those who were not in love with
Him; who disrespect Him and His IrnmqlQ; and who had not shown any remorse?

Initially, all these baffled Alkr1d'i. They later turned to confusion for him. In his
confused state of mind, he was determined to punish them for all what he perceived to
be msbehaviour of the human race.
When the time came for AlUkandl to come down to earth to deliver Oldmar's
message, he saw this as the opportunity he needed to take advantage of to deal a
deadly blow on all the ungrateful human beings. When he was coming on his
On his way, he decided that he would show no mersy to anyone; why should he show
compassion to those who destroy Mother Nature at will? He concluded within himself
that they did not deserve his pity or mercy.
The day he arrived on earth was a market day. As soon as he set his feet on eafth, he


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation


IgbQnwqmjjl niOgegb'gbqns'ja
Tlf 9'gr Oldmar AgOJn
Qba atgnl ql leglgforf g'apeji omi
Igba t'Qrun bQ w'l ay
emi Ahkattdf, Alkrrdl

Alkrrdl !

Thetwo elbows cannot be used to place a
Basket onto the ceiling
This was If' s message for me Alukarrdf
The messenger of Oldmar AgQttln
When coming from Qrun to Aye
Behold, here comes Alukandt , Alknd'i
Whoever I like will I kll


Before anyone could realized whatwas happening, Alkndf released the special power

to him in heaven and began to kill anybody and everybody in the market.
Pandemonium everywhere! Everyone ran for dear life! Nobody could really explain
what went wrong. The next day, people came to pick the corpses of their loved ones for
burial. Unceftainty enveloped the world. They all gathered n small groups to make
meaning of what had just taken place. They could not. At last, they approached the
Qba who in turn fixed a general meeting to take place in the market on the neK market

On the appointed day, the whole market place was filled to the brim. Those who lost
their loved ones were first given the oppoftunity to speak. While they were expressing
theirordeal and agony, Alkndf arrived and declared:

emiAhkadf, Alkdl
to ba wu ml ni n pa



Behold, here I come Alukdl
Whoever I like will I kill

The whole market scattered instantly. Everybody ran helter-skelter. Many were killed
by AlUkndl himselfi, many more were trampled to death. In all, more than a quafter of



Otura Meji

the population died.

From that time, it became a regular occurrence every market day. Nobody dared to go
to the market anymore. Chaos and anarchy took over completely. Nobody wished to go
out in the day time, talk less of night time. Anyone who wished to live long needed to

One day, some elders gathered themselves together and went for If consultation in
order to determine exactly what was going on and at the same time, find a permanent
solution to it.
The Awo told the elders that what was gong on was misuse of power and opportunity.
They were told that Alkd' thought that he could fight for Oldmar and the
Irnmgle. The Awo assured the elders that nobody could fight for them but rather,
Oldmar and InlnmglQ do their fightings when the time was right and appropriate. He
assured them futher that Alkdf would surely fail because he was not sent on the
assignment he was carrying out. He advised the elders to offer gbg with one matured
he-goat and money. After this, he told them to feed Egu Qdara with one big rooster. The
elders complied immediately.

As soon as the gbg was offered, EgU Qdara petitioned heaven and complained that
Alknd had been misusing the special powers given unto him. He said that he had
wrecked untold havoc on eafth. He insisted that only the withdrawal of that power
would do. Oldmar sent other lrnmgle to go and investigate what Egu Qdara had
said. They confirmed all his repolt and the special power given to AlUkandl was
Unknown to Alkr1dl that he has lost his special power, he was busy planning his
adventure on the next ma,rket day. EgU Qdara was equally busy gathering people
together to confront Alkr1dl on the next market day. EgU Qdara assured the people
that their arch enemy had no more power to wreck any havoc on them. He told them to
stand firm.
On the market day, Alkrldl came as


expected. As soon as he came he declared:

Alkdf Alkdl


Here I comeAlukand'i
Whoever I like I will kill


lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation

Instead of panic, Alkndf met resolute determination. Instead of fear, he met courage.
They all responded in unison, saying:

IwqAlukadf, Alkdl
Iwg kll bQQr OlQrun
Alkrrdl !

Behold, you Alukandt
You have no fearofGod at heaft


Alkdl was shocked and surprised. He made to rush them but instead, he realized
that he had no power to do anything. The next thing he saw was the people tying his
hands and legs together. He was unceremoniously sent back to where he came from
heaven. When he arrived, he was not allowed to return to eafth again, ever.

IgbQnwq mjeil ni o ge gb'gbQn s'j

Tll 9'9r Oldmar AgQtn
Qba atQnl ql legelqgQfort g'apeji omi
Igba tl nt'qrun bQwa'lay
Ebq nl wQn nl k wa se

ko'ti ogbonhins'ebo

emi Alukatrdf, Alktrdl

Alkdl ! Iwo
Iwq Alukarrdf, Alkdl
Iwg ktl bQQr OlQrun
Alkdl !
The two elbows cannot be used to place a Basket onto the ceiling
This was If' s message for me Alukandt
The messenger of Old ma r AgOJn
When coming from Qrun toAy
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Behold, here comesAlukandt , Alukndf
Whoever I like will I kill
Behold, you Alukandt
You have no fear ofGod at heaft



aura uei


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall overcome his/her enemy
who appears to be stronger and more resourceful than him/her atthe moment.
Conversely, If warns all those connected to this Od never to think of revenging for or
on behalf of Oldmar and/or lrnmglQ. They fight for themselves when the time is
ripe and appropriate.



If says that majority of the problems being faced by the person for wfiom this


Od is revealed was caused by his/her inability to avoid using or doing what

his/her taboos. The person, for whom this Od is revealed, especially during
Iteld or IkggQdy, must avoid all the things that are forbidden for him/her.
Failure to do so can only lead to pains and sorrow.

If advises this person to offer gbg with a matured he-goat and money.
He/she must also avoid all things which were forbidden for him/her. On this,
Otrlra-Me't says:

Eye sunkn eji, Awo Eshl Mogbe




Tl sunkn qrq Ohun

Opo gle'ble o d'erinmi, awo



Tl sunkn oj Oun O ba're
Qkan gogogmq'kn, O bQslnU okn mQ rr
Dlfiln Esltt-Mogbe
Eyl tl eewq maa b nf 'wJg
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e



The bird longs for rainfall, the Awo of

Cast If for Eseltl-Mogbe
When he was lamenting that he lacked success in all his undertakings
The Pillar lies prostrate and becomes unremovable, theAwo ofTjd
Cast If forthe Awo of Ijd
When lamenting that he lacked success in his life
Only one Okn bead enters the midst of other beads and adds value to
the lot
If cast for Eshl-Mog be
He whom wQ (taboos), were destroying his destiny
He was advised to offer



lfa Dda: An invtation to lfa Consuftation

If. During hislteld, Otr-MJl was revealed as his

Ijd had Otrrra-MJi as his own Od during his
Odu. On the other hand,
IkgsQdy. Wth allthe promises of this Od, they both had very little to show in terms
of achievement. Conversely, they had long stories of woe to tell. Their lives had no
Esh1-Mogbe was initiated into

meaning to them anymore.

When qbaljd wanted to staft a business venture, he organized a group of his friends
together. They began to contribute money, and the money was handed one of
them to staft business, The friend became successful instantly. The next month, the
same amount was contributed and given to another friend and this friend was also
successful. There were twenty of them in this monthly venture. As the organizer, Qba
Ijao was expected to collect his own money last.

Twenty months after, when it was his own turn, all his friends disappeared. He was left
in the cold. He prayed and fasted, all to no avail. Beside this unfoftunate experience, he
lost three of his daughters in quick succession. These daughters were his favorite
children and they took after their mother in all ways. They even chose to do the same
work that their mother was doing. This made Qba Ijado to be very proud of them.
'Why must these lovely and obedient children died just like that?'he queried, He
concluded that it must be the handiwork of his enemies or the Elders of the Night.
In the case of Esl-Mogbe, he had changed his work several times and yet, he did not
succeed. He was convinced that he was better than most of his friends in all
depaftments of life. He used to tell his friends so. Most of his friends were more
successful than him. This led him into excessive drunkenness to 'drink off' his sorrows.
His wife and children abandoned him when he became an alcoholic. He told lies freely in
the hope that he could use such lies to cover up some of his weaknesses. This only
brought him shame and odium. He concluded that his imaginary enemies were at work
and vowed to revenge. He tried to destroy the achievements of his imaginary enemies
and he was caught. He was given the beaten of his life.

met. They quickly realized thatthel) had a lot

in common; they both had stories of woe and calamities to tell; they were both

One day, both Esel-Mogbe and Qbaljd

unsuccessful; they were both moving from grace to grass; they were both subjects of
ridicule in their various communities; life had became wofthless to both of them. They
were then attached to the common bond of sorrow. When Qba Ijado told Eselu-Mogbe
that his parents told him that OtUra-M) was revealed during his IkgsQdy, Esh1Mogbe responded that the same Od was revealed during his own ItgtoOU . That was
when they both knew that their misfo.tune was not a mere coincidence.
Very early in the morning one day, Esh1-Mogbe went to the home of 'Fye sunkn eji'
for If consultation. The Awo told him that his misfoftune had nothing to do with the
handiwork of wicked people or witches. He rushed out of the home of the Babalwo out


of angen He was totally convinced that his enemies were actually at work .nr,.Jiiffil.
He called qba ljd his friend and explained this to him. They both reflected on it and
they both decided to go to other Babalwos separately and return home to compare the
information they had gathered. Qbaljad wentto'0p gb'ble deflml'and EshJMogbewentto'Qkan gogogmg'kQn bQs|n okn mQ roro'forIf consultation: What
were the causes of their misfotune in life? Could they overcome all these problems?
Did they still have the chance to succeed in life?
The two Awo told them that they had been engaging themselves in those things
that their destinies had forbidden. Consequent upon this, all their misfoftunes and
pains had been self-inflicted. The Awo assured them separately that if they could
avoid all the taboos in their Od, they stood the chance of stopping all the
misfortunes, erasing them from their lives and moving foruard. In the case of
Esl-Mogbe, he was asked if he remembered all the taboos that were enumerated
for him to avoid. He responded that he could not remember any, When 'OpO
gb'brlle o derinmi' asked Qba Ijado if he could remember his own taboos. He
responded that his parents never told him that he had any.
'Qkan ,sogo Qmg'kn bQ Sinrl okn O mQ roro' gave Eshl-Mogbe sixteen (16) taboos
and the consequences of breaking them. The same taboos were given to Qbaljado by
'0p gbe'ble delml' These taboos are:

I No OtUra-Me) child must engage in any form of financial contribution,

thriftor Cooperative this isto avoid being duped orswindled.
ii. Must avoid eating squirrel to avoid exposing oneself to enemies and conspirators.
ili. Must never brag or show off to avoid being run down by enemies.
Iv. Must never engage in excessive alcoholic drink to avoid working against
is/her destiny.
V. Must never engage in arguments to avoid attracting negative aura and
spirituality to him/her self.
Vi. His daughters must never engage in the same work as their mother to avoid
losing them in quick succession.
vii. Must not be changing work at will to avoid running ahead of his/her
viii. Must never revenge to avoid inflicting more pains on himself/herself.
ix. Must never show wickedness to avoid being turned against in his/her
x. Must never tell lies to avoid being ridiculed publicly.
xi. Must never fast or skp meals to avoid working against his destiny. (Otrlraxii.

M) children who engage in fasting will never be able to achieve their goals
in life)
Must never be envious of other people's success to avoid public odium.
Must not lay too much emphasis on his/her rights to avoid confrontations


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation



the Elders of the Night.

Must never be selfish to avoid losing all he had gained in life.
Must avoid using QpgerQ bird to avoid missing great opportunities in life.
Must never use any paft of rb tree to avoid being disqualified from

assuming leadership positions.

When both of them returned home, they compared the information they had received.
Nobody needed to tellthem before they realized what had caused their downfall. They
also realized that to pick up their lives and start afresh was entirely left in their hands.
Eye sunkUn ejirAwo Esel Mogbe
D{filn Eshl-Mogbe
Tl sunkn QrQOhun Oyg'rl

fibg ni wqn nl k w qe
Opo gUe'buh d'erlnml, Awo ljado
Dlfirn gba ljdo
Tl sunkn oj Oun O ba're
f bg ni wqn nl k w ge
Qkan gosoqmq'kn, bqsln okn mq roro
ffiln Eslrt-Mogbe
Eyl tl ewQ ma b nl'wJg
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e


Sni gbg'bg nlb, kwa gg'bg o

The bird longs for rainfall, the Awo of Eshl-Mogbe
He castlf for Eshf -Mogbe

When he was lamenting that


lacked success

in all


He was advised to offer gbg
The Pillar lies postrate and become unmovable, the Awo
He cast If for Qbaljado


When he was lamenting that he lacked success in his life

He was advised to offer gbo

Only one Okn bead enters the midst of other beads and adds
value to the lot
If cast for Esh1-Mogbe
He whom eewQ (taboos) were destroying his destiny
He was advised to offer gbg
Now, travellers tolpo and Qfa towns
Letthose advised to offer ebo do so



a*a uei
The most impoftant thing to do, according to the stanza above is to first examine
ourselves before pointing accusing fingers at others. It is better to determine first
whether the cause of our misfortune can or cannot be traced back to our doorsteps
before we begin to accuse witches, wizards, enemies and conspirators. More often
than not, these imaginary 'enemies' may even not be aware of our presence not to
talk of thinking about how to create problems for us.


lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation




For Otra Mjl children they had been blessed from heaven that they would come
into this world and succeed. This is because in their last incarnation, they peformed
so marvelously well that the Divinities in heaven consider it imperative to bless them
and ensure that they return to the world to live a contented, fulfilled and satisfactory
life. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to imitate Otrra Mi chldren in
anything that they do or achieve. Not everybody has Divine blessing for what they
do or achieve here on eafth.

Otura Mjl children males and females are usually blessed with wealth, good and
understanding spouses, children, sound health and so on. For allthese, they have a lot
of enemies, particular from their immediate families who could not see any ones so
blessed in the family. It is not possible to stop them from achieving all these great
things, but these Ire can be scattered about for them. This is the reason why OtUra
Mjl children need to work hard and offer regular gbg against a situation where all what
they achieved in life are scattered in their lifetime.

Otura Mjl children are born leaders. Their leadership qualities make them loved and
respected by their followers, They will also be blessed with children who will also be
born leaders. Theirchildren will also be loved and respected bytheirfollowers.

Otura Mjl children are kind-heafted. They love to wipe out sorrow from the lives of
those who have them. As they are doing this, Oldmar is adding more to their purse.
*** Conversely, anytime they add sorrow to their lives. This is the reason why any good
orevildone byOtura Mjl children are multiplied and giventothem as bonus.
The marital life of Otura Mjl children is blissful; but like all other things that they
achieve in life, the tendency is for enemies to drive away their spouses from them. The
enemies usually make diabolical plans to separate these couples. In the end, they will

'Otrra Mjl children see no reason whatsoever to maintain reticence on any issue.
They talk where they are supposed to keep their mouths shut. They go to seek advice
from and narrate their stories to those whom they are supposed to keep their secrets
from. This attitude only leads them into trouble. It is however difficult for them to keep
their months shut. Those who love Otura Mil children need to learn how to cope with
this weakness in them,

In all, Otrra Mil children enjoy their blessings on eath. They act as mouthpiece for


other people and when they die, they leave indelible marks on the sand of tim



1. If For protection, success and suppoft

2. Orl For foftune consummation
3. Od For success and spiritual upliftment
4. Egu Qdara For victory over adversary success and accomplishment
5. Egb For financial success and leadership
6. QbalUway For protection against pestilence and untimely death
7. Iya-Mi-O$OrOga For protection against childlessness

i. No Otura M) child must engage in any form of financial contribution, thrift
or Cooperative this is to avoid being duped or swindled.
ii. Must avoid eating squirrel to avoid exposing oneself to enemies and
I. Must never brag or show off to avoid being run down by enemies.
iv. Must never engage in excessive alcoholic drink to avoid working against
his/her destiny.
v. Must never engage in arguments to avoid attracting negative aura and
spirituality to him/her self.
vi. His daughters must never engage in the same work as their mother to avoid
losing them in quick succession.
vii. Must not be changing work at will to avoid running ahead of his/her destiny.
viii. Must never revenge to avoid inflicting more pains on himself/herself.
ix. Must never show wickedness to avoid being turned against in his/her
Must never tell lies to avoid being ridiculed publicly.
'xi. Must
never fast or skip meals to avoid working against his destiny. (Otura

Mfl children who engage in fasting will never be able to achieve their goals
in life)
Must never be envious of other people's success to avoid public odium.
Must not lay too much emphasis on his/her rights to avoid confrontations
the Elders of the Night.
Must never be selfish to avoid losing all he had gained in life.
Must avoid using Qpeere bird to avoid missing great opportunities in life.
Must never use any part of Araba tree to avoid being disqualified from
assuming leadership positions.


Ifa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consuftation





Ifdhnsi If responds to this

Ifkred If brings all Ire home
Awgro If is difficult as a practice
Osubdo 0s settles him
Olrunggo God manifest His Majesty



AdrQmkn The crown affiliates with Okn beads



Do not be in a hurry
If has honey

Aeon(f AsovE.


Chapter L4







Alias: Ejl- Elemere)

assures the person for whom this Od is revealed during

Ikgsdye orltqlod that his/her life shall be blessed wlth profitability.
He/she will never die young. He/she shall be happy and very
comfortable. He/she shall also be blessed with the suppoft of IlQ, the


If advises him/her to offer gbg with one big he-goat and money.
He/ she also needs to find out what IIQ will take from him/her and
feed her accordingly. On this,Irgt-M) says:
Iyn Bmbm lkn inu igba
QrQ bembem ko kn ikn gblagb

Dlfiln l|mjeyl
Tlyoo k'reay je
Sbg ni wn nl kO waa 9e

A big morsel of pounded yam may fill a calabash container to the brim
But a big issue cannot fill the stomach of an elder

This was lf's declaration forllQmjQl

Who shall be blessed with all Ire in life
He was advised to offerebo

When llQmjQli was coming to eafth from heaven, he chose, and was
blessed with, all the good things of life wealth, good spouse, nice and
lovely chi ldren, peacefu I fa mi ly of orientation, comfoftable neighbourhood,
sound mind, good health etc.. When he arrived on7 eafth he had allthat it
tookto be successful in life.

One day, IlQmajgyi went for If consultation in order to determine what his
success chances in life would be; would he succeed? Would he be able to
attain his goals in life? Would he be blessed with wealth, spouse, children,

propefties and all other good things of life? would he live a happy and
fruitful life on eafth? These and many more were the questions at the back
of his mind when he approached the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. The Awo assured him that he had the chance to succeed in
life because he had chosen all the lre in life as part of his destiny. The Awo
advised him to pray for three things in his life: one, a trouble-free life; two,
sound health; and three, long life. IlQmje{was advised neverto go outof
his way to court trouble so that his prayer for a trouble free life will be
accepted by Oldmar. He was also advised never to misuse, abuse or
overuse himself physically, psychologically, emotionally or spiritually in
order for his prayer for sound health to be accepted. He was also cautioned
against being a "hero", he must also find means of saving his life when
death threatened, especiallywhere itwas possibleto do so. Thatwaswhen
his prayer for long life would be accepted. The Awo then advised him to
offer qbg with a matured he-goat and money. He was also advised to feed
Il, the mother eafth, because he had a very strong connection to her. The
gbg recommended for llQmjqf, he was reminded, was not for wealth or
success; but rather, it was for victory against trouble, ill-health and untimely
death. IlQmajQl complied and offered the gbg as prescribed. He also took
the advices of the Awo serious. He started off as a farmer. His harvests
were beautiful. Before long he was a huge success. He soon took a
spouse. Together they made bigger cultivation and reaped better harvest.
His wife proved to be a simple, unassuming, gentle headed easy going and
honest woman. They were blessed with many children whom she trained
to fear Oldmar and have respectfor elders.
when the children grew up, the family erected a magnificent propefi in the
family compound. They managed to stay out of trouble at all times. They
did all things with moderation and were blessed with good health. They
consulted their If and performed all prescribed gbo regularly. They were
very happy with life and life was very happy with them. They lived long and
fulfilled lives. They became a model of some sort in the community. All
envious people were kept at bay by the community. The whole community
regarded llQmajQl and his family as ambassadors of the community, and as

sucn, mey were protected and detended.

Iyn Bmtbm l kn in igb

QrQ bmbm ko krrn ikn gblagb
Dl fn llmajeyd
Tl yO k'r ay jg
lbg ni wn nl k w ge
KO p,, kOjlnn
I w b ni nl jQbrtt lregbogbo
Jebt iregbogbo l b ni lSsQQbarlga.

A bg morsel of pounded yam may fill a calabash container to the brim

Buta big issue cannotfillthe stomach of an elder

This was lf's declaration for llQmjgf
Whoshall be blessed with alllre in life
He was advised to offergbg
He complied

Before long, nottoo far

Join us in the midstof all Ire in life
It is that which If has guaranteed for us.

All that reman for the person for whom this Od is revealed are trouble free
life, sound health, and long life in order to enjoy all these divine blessings.

If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she will never
live a chaotic life. If assures him/her that if he/she can dedicate all his/her
life to If, he/she shall be made an ambassador of Oldmar. He/she shall
also be blessed with allthe Ire in life.


If advises this person to have the sign of If on his/her person at all

times. He/she needs to have the Id of If round his/her wrist and
neck at all times. If possible, he/she can also have it round his/her
waist. Wth this, all negative principalities will maintain their distanc
from him/her because they will know that he/she has the sign and
protection of If on his/her person. If recommends for this person to
offer gbg with two rats, two fish, two hens and money. He/she is
also advised to feed If with one matured she-goat. On this,Irgtg950

meJr says:

lqrunyan nfodokt

sellarl Oldmar
fbg niwQn nl k w ge


During dry season, it is possible to jump over a stream
This was lf's message forAtQka, the lapwing
The ambassador of Old mar
He was advised to offer gbq

AtQka, the Lapwing, was born into the family of great If priests and
priestesses. He however took to farming as hs own means of livelihood.
He was quite successful as a farmer, but he was not a very happy man. He
knew that something was missing in his life but he could not put his fingers
into what was amss. Much as he tried, he could not figure it out. All he
knew was that the peace of mind and contentment that he feruently
prayed for in his life were not there. Yes, he was financially alright. Yes,
he had a good family. But yes, he was not satisfied with his life. He was
howeverdetermined to do something about it.

One day he went to the home of the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: would he be blessed with peace of mind in his life? Would he
be contented with his life? Would he live long and be protected against
the vagaries of life?
The Awo advised Atqka to go and put his mind at rest. He was assured
that he would not only be protected, he would also be elevated. He would
be blessed with peace of mind and contentment. Atqka was told that he
had been chosen as an fla, ambassador, of Oldmar. Consequent
upon this, there was the need for him to devote all his life to If. He must
study If as his religion, profession and his complete way of life. He was
told that he had no need to go to the farm for farming or to the river to fish
or fetch water. He was to stay in his home to serve If and Oldmar.
He was told that anytime he went out, it must be in the service of


ftqka was also advised to offer gbg and feed If as prescribed above. He
complied. As soon as he leftthe home of the Babalwo, he summoned all
the members of his family and announced to them that hencefofth, he was
going to devote his entire life to the service of Oldmar through If. At
first, his family found it difficult to understand how he could do this when,
according to them, he had everything going for him. He made it clear to
them that what he needed most in his life was not monetary gain but
rather internal peace and contentment. He told them that he had not been
at peace with himself all his life. The family had no option but to respect
his view; after all, what he planned to do was not strange to the family.

earnest. The initial stage was tough and rough.

Surprisingly, instead of feeling bad about the downward trend of his

He began his studies in

finances, he was in fact happy, he found out that bringing joy into the lives
of others was more rewarding than all the wealth in the world. Before he
finished his studies, he was already at peace with himself. His life had
meaning to him. He saw life from a different perspective entirely. His
family noticed this and they were all very happy for him. Most of his
friends and business partners did not easily accept the fact that Atoka had
finally abandoned farming and trading in farm produce. They would go
and persuade him to farm and trade, even if on paft-time basis. Atqka
would however respond that as an Ilaf of Oldmar, he did not need to
farm, fish or trade anymore. Eventually, all of them gave up and left AtQka
alone to chaft the path of his life as it pleased him.

When he finished his studies, he became an instant success. He was

known far and near. He was in very high demand. This pleased him more
than any other thing in his life. He was very happy assisting people.
These people also showed him their appreciation. They were always by
him to help him. He was loved and happy; he had internal peace; he was
loved and respected. In addition, he gained more financial success than
what he had when he was a farmer. AtQka lived and died a very contented

lgrunyn fodo kt

t)l firn Atka

Tfi sellar{ Oldmar


Ebg ni wgn nl kw 9e
gb'Qbo, rrt'bg
Mo di llerl Iknf mi o r'oko
Atqka d IIad obdmar
Modi llarl lkin, mi o r'odo
Atqka d llir{ oldmar
Ko pe, kOjlnn

Ew b'ni b'yQ
f w wo're o

During dry season, it is possible to jump over a stream
This was lf's message forAtQka, the lapwing
The ambassador of Old mar
He was advised to offer ebo
I have become thellaf of Ikn, I have no need to farm
Atka has become the Ilal of oldmar
I have become the llaf of Ikn, I have no need to fish
Atka has become thellari of old mar
Before long, nottoo far
Join us in the midstof happness
Come and perceive all lre of Life

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall live a happy

life. He/she shall be contented with his/her life. He shall gain respect and
honour, and in addition, he/she shallnot live in povefiand want.


If says thatall the blessings in the family of the person for whom this
Od is revealed shall be divided into two; one part shall be given to
him/her while the other part shall be shared by all the other
of his/her family. If's says that this is so because the woman who
gave bifth to this person had offered a lot of gbg on his/her behalf
before he/she was born, and when he/she was young, the prayers of
his/her mother had been given favourable consderation and
by Oldmar ever before he/she was born. For this reason, he/she



Entitled to allthe Ire in life.

In order to open the door of all these Ire in life, If advises the person
for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with four guinea-fowls
and money. On this, If says:
Poro byll
Aala uaytt
Dl filn tdeb
Tfl $ e Yy Qke
gbq ni wqn nl k w Se

Poro b$'r (the crops cultivated heap this way)
Aata Uayrt (and the farm boundary that way)
They were the Awo who cast If for Ldb
Who was the mother of Qke
She was advised to offer gbg

When Ldeb was newly married, her major pre-occupation was to be

blessed with a child that she would be very proud of, and who would be the
center of attraction in the whole community. Ever before she became
pregnant, she made several visits to the home of the groups of Awo
mentioned above for If consultation. All what she was begging for was for
her to give bifth to the most important child in the whole community. She
wanted to be seen and known as the mother of the gem child of her
community. She believed that if Oldmar gave her this child, then her
life was wofth living. All the gbg that were prescribed for her by these Awo
were performed by LdQb.

When she became pregnant, she continued to go to these Awo every

seventeen days and she continued to perform all her gbg as prescribed.
She never stopped this practice after the child had been born. (The child
was named Qkg because he was cocooned in amniotic sac when he was
Qke grew up to become a very intelligent boy. He was well-behaved and
very obedient. When he grew up, he went to the home of the same Awo
whom his mother used to take him to when he was young, for If

consultation; would he succeed in life? During consultation,IrgtQ




TheAwo assured 8kthatallshall bewellwith him. Theytold him thatever

before he was born, his mother had offered allthe necessary gbg for him to
be a successful man on eafth. He was assured that his mother's prayers
had been fonrrarded to Oldmar for consideration and approval by EgU
Qdara. After due consideration, OkE was informed, Oldmar had
approved his mother's prayers. Qkg was told to go home and do his best in
all the things he was doing and ensure that he stayed out of trouble. In
order to ensure that all these Ire in life manifested, Okq was advised to offer
gbg with four guinea fowls and money. He promptly complied. As soon as
Qke dd this, anything he touched became instantly successful. He was
blessed with so much money that people believed that half of the wealth in
his family actually belonged to him, while the remaining half belonged to all
other members of his family. It was the same story with spouses, children,
horses, propefties and all other good things of life.
Poro byll
Aala baytt
Dl firn Ldeb
Tff geYy Qke
Fbg ni wgn nl k w 9e
gb'gbo, r'bg
Aj ilyll kQo?
T'Qkq ni o
T'Qkqt'qk I'e! rrk
Aya ilyll kQo?
T'Qkq ni o

T'qkqt'okql'eJu trk
!9in ilyfl rtkQ o?

T'Qkg ni o

T'qket'okql'eJ k
Ire gbogbo il yll kQ o?
T'Qkg nio

T'qkt'qkq I'eJU rtke

Poro byli (the crops cultivated heap this way)


Aata ay(and the farm boundary that way)

They were the Awo who cast If for Ldb

Whowasthe motherof Qkg
She was advised to offer qbo
She complied
Who owns all the wealth in this home?
They belong to Qke
'T'QkQ t'Qke' is the sound a guinea-fowl makes when itsquawks
And the women in this house?
The belong to Oke
'T'QkQ t'Qke' is the sound a guinea-fowl makes when itsquawks
And allthe blessings in this house?
Theyall belong to Qke
'T'Qke t'Qke' is the sound a guinea-fowl makes when it squawks

If promises the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she shall be
looked up to for guidance and assstance in all aspects of life by his/her
family and communty. If says that because much has been given to
him/her, he/she is strongly advised not to disappoint himself/hersell
his/her family and his/her community.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not only be
blessed with all the good things of life outside where he/she was born,
he/she would also have a lot to show for all these blessings. If says
that there are three of them who are moving together but who are not
born in the same town. If assures the three of them that they will all
succeed in their new place of abode and they will be able to take the
evidence of their success backto their home lands.

If advises each of these three people to offer gbg with three white
pigeons, three ducks, three roosters, three guinea-fowls and
money. On this aspect, If says:
filn Qlbrinjg
Qmg wgn l'de Isanh
fbgageygrf niwgn nl kwaage


He was the Awo who cast If for Qlbrinjg
The indigene oflsanlu Land
He was advised to offer gbg forsuccess and accomplishment

Qlbrinjg was an indigene of lsanlU town. He left his home town and
travelled to Ad-Eld to settle. When he arrived in his new home, he knew
only one person in the town. This person used to visit fsanhl as a trader
who sold clothing materials to Qlbrinjg's relatives. It was through this
trader that Qlbrinjg moved to Ad-Eld.
Soon after he got to this new town, he realized that it was not easy as a non-

indigene to succeed. His host had little time to introduce him to other
people because of his travelling and other busy schedules.

Qlbrinjo was in a state of dilemma when he met Jgu. Jgu was an

indigene of QtunmQba land. He also came to Ado-Ekltl to settle when he
heard that business thrived in Ad-Eldti. He did not have much business
links in his new place of abode but he decided to try his luck anyway. When
he first arrived, it was difficult for him even to eat. He was determined to
stay on in spite of this temporary setback. He began to fetch water and cut
firewood for people in order to survive. It was during one of his trips to the
stream to fetch water that he met Olbrinjo. His dialect betrayed him as a
stranger in Ad-Eldtl. They talked. They became instant friends. They
decided to stay and worktogether.

Three weeks after this, the two friends met Qkanlawgn. Qkanlawqn was
' from Altamgde Akoko. He also came to Ad-Eki to begin a new life. He
had tried his hands on two business ventures in his home land and had failed
woefully in both. Something kept telling him that he would succeed
elsewhere. He made some enquiries and decided to move to Ad-Ekt.
The third day he arrived in his new abode was the day he met Qlbrinjg and
Jeg. The three of them became inseparable. They did everything
together. Where you found one, be sure that the other two were close by.
Before Iong, the whole town of Ad-Eld began to notice them as close

\,rlI(: uoy, LllE LlllEEt

! Ltgt|| JoL LtJgELttEl rvr )gttrJuJ Lt)LuJJtvr vt| |r|!,vy LrtEy

would progress in life. During their discussion, they realized that there was
the need for them to begin the ventures they knew how to do best.
Qlbrinjg stated that his family specialized in hunting and he had also
participated in several hunting expeditions. He was convinced that he
would become a successful hunter in Ado-Eld. Jgu was a farmer all his
life. He knew how to use manure to produce bountiful harvest. Not only
this, he knew the tricK to use to keep pests, rodents and birds away from
his farm. He concluded that with the fertile land of AdEkltl, coupled with
good business climate, he was bound to succeed. Qkanlawqn said that he
had all along been a trader all his life. Even though he had tried selling
cloths and wood carvings and had failed, he knew that he would succeed
because the business environment in Ad-Eld was right for trading.
That day, the three of them concluded that they would procure three types
of locally made guns and gun powder for Qlbrinjg from their collective
saving so that he could staft his hunting in earnest. They did. The
remaining money was spent on buying cutlasses, hoes, cudgels, knives and
other farming implements for Jgu. They approached the community
head of their area for farming land and Jgu was given land. They told
Qkanhwgn to be in charge of selling all the games killed by Qlbrinjg and
all the farm products of Jgu. The three of them were in the businesses
they were acquainted with which they understood very well once again,
The first day, that Qlbrinjo went to the forest for hunting, he came back
home with two big antelopes and one grassscutter. They cooked the grass
cutter for food and sold the two antelopes. The sale convinced the other
two friends that Qkanlawgn was a fantastic trader and a hard bargainer.

With this initial progress, Qlbrinjg was still not totally satisfied. He
decided to approach Ar-gbagede-gb, the best Babalwo n Ad-Ekt at
that period for If consultation.
The Awo told Qlbrinjo to offer gbg as stated above. The Awo explained
that to have bountiful harvest or to kill several games were not enough for
success. What was more impoftant was for these produce to meet the
market atthe most appropriate time and for them to strike the right chord in
the minds of the consumers. This was even more impoftant when

r-vrrrrLsrllrg Lrs lqLL


L!ru)E lJrilrglllg LilE >clllg PluuuLLs LU


le llldf


were many. There was therefore the need to offer gbg so that his own
products would be the most attractive to those who would consume them
anytimethey reached the market.
Qlbrinjg was impressed with the explanation and he offered the gbg as
prescribed by the Awo accordingly.
Soon after this gbg was offered, things began to change for the better for
Qlbrinjg. People preferred his animals to those of others. Qkanlawgn
used to have hard times placating aggrieved customers who could not see
any animal to buy anytime he carried Qlbrinjg's games to the market.
Qlbrinjg began to show signs of success more than his two other friends.
One day, Qlbrinjg called a meeting for the three of them to have another
round of serious deliberation. He made it clear to his two friends that the
gap of success between him and his two friends was beginning to widen.
He declared that he was convinced that if the gap continued to widen as it
was going, there was bound to be envy and that was very dangerous for
their friendship. He said that such development was unacceptable to him

because he cherished their mutual love and respect more that all the
wealth in the world. Solution? He urged his two friends to go for If
consultation in the home of Aro-gbgede-gb and ensure that they offered
all the gbg that he prescribed for them. After much deliberation, Jgu
agreed to give Qlbrinjg's advice a trial.
Qmq Ode Qtunmgb
Ebq a*ygrt ni wQn nl k w 9e

He was the Awo who cast If for Jgu
The indigene of QtnmQb town
He was advised to offer qbg for success and accomplishment

When Jgu went to Ar-gbgede-gb, he was also assured of success.

He was also advised to offer the same ebg that Qlbrinjg offered for the

same reason as mat or v|aDennJg. ne arso compileo as aovrseo.

Soon after this, Jgu had not only a bountiful harvest, his produce also met
the market at the most appropriate period. Again, QkanlawQn had hard
times explaining to those who did not see anything to buy why this was so
and to exercise patience. Jgu also became very successful.

In all these, Qkanbwgn was finding it very difficult to make much profit for
himself. He had not changed much from his old poor self. One day,
Qlbrinjg and Jgu insisted that Qkanlwgn must go for If consultation to
find out why he had not succeeded like them. He was also advised to offer
all the gbg that Ar-gbgede-gb would recommend for him. They made it
clear to QkanlawQn that anyone who knew the three of them when they
stafted to move together would have the impression that he was not being
In the end, QkanlwQn agreed to go for If consultation in the home of Argbgede-gb, to find out the way forward:
Dlfiln Qkanlawgn
Tll g'gmg wgn nl Altamgdg-Akoko
Ebgeqeyqrl niwQn nl kw9e

He was the Awo who cast If for Qkanhwgn
The indigene of Altamgde-Akoko land
He was advised to offer gbg for success and accomplishment

Ar-gbgede-gb blamed QkanlawQn for waiting for too long before coming
for If consultation. He was however assured that it was not too late. He
recommended the same gbg for Qkanlawgn and he assured him that he
would succeed as his two other friends. Okanlawon offered the ebo as
As soon as he did this, his situation changed for the


better. He began to

maKe nuge proflts from nts sales. I he more proft he made, the more hs
customers loved his goods. They considered the goods to be expensive
because they were of superior qualities. He soon added clothing materiats
and wood carving products to his sales. Surprisingly, he began to make
more profits in these than in the sales of animals and farm produce. That
was when he knew that was not the witches and wizards in
AltamgdeAkoko who prevented him from succeeding when he was there.
To convince himself, he took his goods to his home town and he sold
everything. Including the sack he used to load the goodsthere!


The three friends got married in Ad-Eldti. They were blessed with several
children; they acquired many propefties and they were highly respected in
the land. When it was time for them to return to their respective home
lands, the people of Ad-Ekltlthrew a lavish farewell party for them. They
all depafted from Ad-Eldti with tears of joy rolling down the cheeks of both
indigenes and visitors.
Dlfn Qlbrinjg
Tll g'gmg won l'de IsanlU
lbgageygrl niwqn nl kOwaage
gb'gbg, rU'bg
Qms Ode Qtmqb
gb'Qbg, rrt'bg
D fn Qkanhwqn
Tff g'gmg wgn nl Altamqde-AkokO
Ebg a$eyqrl ni wqn nl k w 9e
gb'gbg, rrt'bgK pe, kO jinn
f wa ba ni nl wQwO ire gbogbo
jq Isanlrr n'il etbrnjq
Qlbrinjg le
re Isanlu
Isanh n'il Qlbrnjo
Qtunmqb nitiJgu
Jgu l
Qtunmgb nilJgu


tr I lrttrl,


Qkanlawqn la
Akk n'ile Qkanlwen o

He was the Awo who cast If for Qlberinjg
The indigene oflsanhf
He was advised to offer gbg for success and accomplishment
He complied
He was theAwo who cast If forJegue
The indigene of QtUnmQb town
He was advised to offer gbg for success and accomplishment
He was the Awo who cast If for QknlwQn
The indigene of Altamgde-Akoko land
He was advised to offer gbg for success and accomplishment
He complied
Before long, nottoofar
Join us in the midst of all blessings of life
IsanlU wasthe home of Qlbrinjg
Qlbrinjg succeeded
And returned tolsnhj
Isanht wasthe home of Qlbrinjg
Jgu was an indigene of Omgb
After the success of Jgu
He returned to QtmQba his homeland
Jgu was an indigene of Qtmgba
Altamgde-Akoto was the home of Qkanlawgn
Qkanbwgn succeeded
And returned toAkoko land
Akkwasthe home of Qkanlawgn

If advises three friends who are from different lands to offer qbg so thatthe
three of them will succeed together. It is also impoftant for the three of
them to offer gbg so as to prevent a situation where one or two of them
succeed and the others do not.


If says that it foresees the blessing of all ire in life for the person for

whom this ocl is revealed. lf says mat mts person snall De Dlesseo
with honour and followership. He/she shall be respected and

If says that right now this person is in hot pursuit of wealth at the
expense of his/her spiritual elevation. If warns him/her that whether
he/she scrambles for wealth or not, he/she will be blessed with wealth;
but if he/she loses his spiritual essence, then he/she has lost all.

If advises him/her to offer qbQ with two pigeons' two guineafowls, four rats, fourfish, plenty of shrimps and money. He/she
needs to be eating shrimps regularly in order for his/her wealth to
reach his/her hands as quicklyas possible. On these, If says:
ApOaj ba'lQ, r jlnnginni
ApO gmg'kn ba'le r jogbojogbo
Mtorl kl n l nl lsinmi
Ni mo 9e n gal sinmi



AreAj le s kir
Algbigba l Kanrankanran r'Okun
Algbigba l Kanrankanran r'Qs
Alagbigba l Karankanran r'de Oylnb
Dfi filn YemqsQ lldo
Tl sunkn Oun ri're
Sbg ni wn nf k w Fe

A bag full of cowries landed and made a ricocheting sound
And a bag full of Qmq'krln beads landed and made a dull
In orderfor me to have rest in
That is why I have refused to give myself rest now
You no longer listen tothe instructions of the Ofiga
You areallin hotpursuitof wealth



The Agbigba diviner chants repeatedly to the seas

And chants repeatedly to the lagoons
And even chants repeatedlyto Oyinbo man's land
These werethe messages of If forYemgsQ IldO
Who was weeping in lamentation of her inability to secure all ire



She was advised to offer gbg

Yemese Iledo was a very hard-working woman. She had been trained to
appreciate the value of hard work. She was told by her mother that if she
wanted to rest when her hair turned grey, she must work hard when her
hair was black. This lesson she tookvery seriously. In her bid to succeed in
life, she had no time for any other thing. She totally abandoned all her
ancestral Onga and she did not remember the days for venerating any of
the Og. However, there was no market day she did not know around her
community. Anyone who wanted to go to any marketwould go and ask her

what to expect in that market and she would supply them with the
information in an accurate manner. She was a wondeful market analyst.
Surprisingly however, she did not have much to show for her versatility.

Much as she tried, her condition did not improve. Tired of this, she summed
up courage one day and decided to go to the home of the group of Awo
mentioned above for If consultation. Would she succeed in life? She

The group of Awo assured her that she would surely succeed in life. They
told her that even though it was a good thing to be hard-working, it was
actually the blessing of the 0g and approval of Oldmar which really
make one to succeed. She was told that since she had abandoned the
Onga they too had closed their ears to her cries and had chosen not to
assist her in her quest for success. She was advised to continue to be hardworking but at the same time, find enough time to venerate the Orig and
oldmar regularly. It was by so doing, she was assured, that success
would come her way. After this, the Awo advised her to offer gbg as stated
above. She was also advised to eat shrimps regularly and use same to feed
all her OrIg. She complied. She also planned her life in such a way that
nothing was allowed to disturb her from worshipping her Onga on a regular
Soon after this, her life began to change for the better. She was able to see
that it was not only hardwork that made life wofth living. She realized that
organizing one's life in an orderly manner was even more important than
hardwork alone. There oughtto be time for work, time for leisure, time for
worship, time for rest and time for all other things of life. when she


reatrzeo tnar tr was me ume Tor a cnange oI $atus, sne Degan to plan for
marrage. She was successfully married. She had splendid children. She
trained her children well. She was blessed with the wealth she had been
yearning for, and her wealth had meaning to her because she had people to
share her wealth with. She was able to live a contented life.

Apo gmg'kn ba'l r jogbojogbo
Mtorl kl n l nl lsinmi
ApO aj ba'l$, r

Ni mo ge gal sinmi

lyinogbt'Ogi mq

ArAj l s kr
Alagbigba l Kanrankanran r'kun
Algbigba n l Kanrankanran r'Qs
Algbigba l Karankanran r'deOylnb
T1 sunkn un O rf re
Ebq ni wn nf k w ge
gbbg, rrtbg
Ko pe ko


Ire gbogbow ya dttru

Ire ajtf Od
Edlnl kd
Owlnnlwlnnl, ed l nl k d

Iregkgtl d
Edlnl kd
Q wlnnlwlnnl ed l nl kd
Iregmgtl d
Edlnl kd
Qwlnnlwlnnl ed l nl kd
Ire iltl kOd
Edlnl kd
Qwinnlwlnnl ed l nl k d
Iregbogbotl kd
Edlnl kd
Owinnlwlnnl ed l nl k d

A bag

fullof cowries landed and made a ricocheting sound


d ucrg I ull or Vm9'Kun Deads landed and made a

dUll SOund
In orderfor me to have rest in future
That is why I have refused to give myserf rest now
you no ronger risten to the instructions
of the onga
you are all in hot pursuit
of wealth
The Agbigba diviner chants repeatedry to the seas
/ar ru

And chants repeatedlyto the lagoons

And even chants repeatedryto
Qyinb man's rand
These were the messages of Ifa foryemgse Ibdo
Who was weeping and lamenting of her inability to secure
ire in life
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
Before long, nottoo far
Allthe ire in life came in abundance
The ire of wealth that had failed to come
It was ed, the shrimps, which ordered it to come
QWinnlwlnn'i, ed had ordered it to come
The ire of spouse that had failed to come
It was ed which ordered itto come
QwfnnlWinrTi ed had directed itto come
The ire of children that had failed to come
It was ed which ordered itto come
Qwlnnlwlnff ede had directed it to come
The ire of properties that had failed to come
It was ed which ordered it to come
'Qwinn)wlnrf ed had directed it to come
The ire of ail bressings that had faired to come
It was ed which ordered itto come
Qwlnnlwind ed had summoned it to come

If says thatthe person forwhom this od is revealed shallbe

blessed with
all ire in life. All he/she needs to do is to organize his/life in
an orderly
manner and try to identiff his/her priorities. He/stre must
also be close to
the Oga and Oldmar.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has

all it takes

to succeed in life, especially if he/she plans to leave his/her place of

birth in search of greener pastures elsewhere. If says that at
initial stage, it may not be easy because he/she may have to
contend with four obstacles in his/her quest for success. If advises this
person not to confront these obstacles, but rather to use
wisdom and understanding to get round them to
succeed. Ifthiscan be done, this person will surely succeed.where
He/she will have course to celebrate.
others had



If recommends for this person to offer gbg with animal bones (any
animal), yam peeling, corn, tf, corn mealofal, and money. On this,
a stanza inlrgtQ M) says:
Okltl bebeeba nif pQkun opp
D,lfirn LlgboQgege
T1 le r gun'gi gla n'lfQ
lbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

okl babaab n'ipQkun opp
He wastheAwowho castlf for Ligb0 Qggge
When going to climb the tree of prosperity in IfQ
He was advised to offerebo

Llgb Qgege had made several attempts to climb the tree of prosperity in
Ib-Ie and he did not succeed. Why? At the foot of this tree (Fge tree)
were four wild-looking animals which prevented anyone from climbing the
tree. These animals were agb-mQmQ, ram; btlkg, he-goat; aj, dog;
and kkg-Qtan-galfija, cock. Allthe people who had attempted to climb

the tree were chased away. Those who tried to brave it were bitten
mercilessly by the dog, hit forcefully by the ram and he-goat, and
scratched with nails bythe cock.

In spite of this, Ligb Qgege was fully determined to climb the tree. He
knew that anyone who climbed the tree would become prosperous, even
beyond his/her wildest dreams. When he got to the foot of the tree, he
saw the four animals sleeping. He quickly but stilthily stepped forward to
climb the tree, only to receive a nasty bite from the dog guarding the tree.

There must be a way of climbing this tree, he reasoned. When he could

not think of any other trick to climb the tree of prosperity, he decided to
approach the Awo mentioned above for If consultation: would he
succeed in climbing Fg, the tree of prosperity?

The Awo assured Llgb Qggge that he would be able to climb [gg, the
tree of prosperity. He was told that success did not come cheap or easy.
That was why he needed to expect obstacles at the foot of the tree. Llgb
Qgege was counselled thatwheneverthere appeared to be obstacle on the
way to one's success, it could not be removed with force; rather the
obstacle must be overcome with wisdom and understanding. The Awo
told LigbO Qggge that he had not succeeded in climbing Fge, the tree of
prosperity because he had failed to apply wisdom and understanding.
Paft of the wisdom to apply in overcoming the four obstacles was
approaching If for solution.
The Awo explained fufther that the four animals were wild because there
was nobody there to feed them. It was therefore the duty of Llgb Qggge
to go and feed the animals in order to make them positively disposed
towards him. The Awo also advised Llgb Qgegg to offer gbg with animal
bones, yam peelings, corn, corn meal offaland money. He was also asked
to go to the foot of EgQ, the tree of prosperity, and feed the animals with
the same items. He complied.
As soon as the offered the gbg, he went to look for more of the items and
proceeded straight to the foot of the tree. As soon as the animals sighted
him, they were all ready for a big fight. Instead, he placed the bones for
the dog; he gave the yam peelings to the ram; he gave the cock the corn;
and gave the , corn meal offal to the he-goat. At first, the animals were
looking at him with suspicion. It dd not take long before their hunger

decided for them. They began to eat what Llgb Qgege brought for
them. He repeated his visit and feeding on the second, third and fourth

On the fifth day, the animals were already waiting for him. The dog was
wagging its tail when it saw him. The ram and he-goat moved close to him
and they were all playing with him. He gave them the food. The animals

were busy eating when Llgb Qgege wentto the foot of fgq tree to climb
the tree. The animals took no notice of him. He climbed the tree to the
very top and the animals could not be bothered. On top of the tree, he
was blessed with all the prosperity anyone could ever acquire in life.
ligb Qggge became the most successful person throughout his own
world atthat point in time. He was full of joy for his accomplishment. He
returned to the Awo who made If for him that he would Iike to offer that
pafticular gbg once more. The Awo however told him that it was not the
practice to offer one gbg twice. He only needed to praise his Awo who did
the gbg for him; the Awo needed to praise If for making the predictions
come to pass; while If needed to give thanks to Oldmar for putting
Agg to the gbg
Okltl bebaaba nif pgkunopp
Dlfirn LlgboQgegq
Tf g r gun'gi qla nffQ
[b9 ni wQn nl k w Qe
gb'gbo, r'bg
AjldtQg kll j kl wgn g'egE
Agb-mQmQ ldl qge kff je kl wgn g'egq
Akkq-o, tln-galje ld| ege kll je K wgn g'eg
Obkqld ege ffi je kl wgn g'ege
Llgbo 0ge9e l w fi ggbqn inrt m'ta
filmOrn m'bl
w 19 r gun qge igi Q| 'Ife
jq Qgqge d o, g agnla


b g'QgQgQ

Igi gla l gun


okl babaab rf pQkun oppo

He was the Awo who cast If for Llgb Qgege
When going to climb the tree of prosperity in IfQ
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

The dog at the foot of [gQ did not allow anyone to climb [gQ tree
The ram atthe footof figq did notallow anyoneto climb fgg
The cock did not allow anyone to climb fgg tree
And the he-goat did not allow anyone to climb the



Llgb0 decided to procure alligator pepperwith wisdom

And procured ob'i, kolanut, with understanding
And he wentto climb Fge, the tree of prosperity in Il-IfQ
Behold QgQg, the tree of success
Anyone who climbs Qgege
The person has climbed the tree of prosperity

If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that in order to

succeed n life, instead of using confrontation to remove obstacles;
he/she needs to be using wisdom and understanding. By so doing,
prosperity is assured. Success is guaranteed.


Ifa says that the person for whom this Od is revealed may be
suffering from chest and head pain. He/she may be having some
dizziness or lightness in his/her head, while at the same time,
he/she may be experiencing some heaviness in his/her chest or be
feeling some ache therein. Ifa says that these are normal because
Qrunmll and $ng are protecting his/her head and chestfrom the
attack of lkrl, Death and that is why he/she is having the sensations
in his/her head and chest. If says that as soon as he/she offers
appropriate gbg for this, the sensation will disappear. If advises
the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer ebQ with one
matured he-goat and money. After this, he/she needs to feed
If and Sang. On this,If says
KekbTdl mergb
D,l filn okk
Tl lgg f gwE ti'ku
fbg ni wqn nf k w $e

Keke bldr mrgb
He cast If for Qkk

Who was going to stretch his hands to push death away

He was advised to offer gbg

Akpo had paid his dues. He had served all the 401 Irunmole diligently.
He had the fear Oldmar at the back of his mind. He spoke the truth at


He was humble and easily going. In spite of all these however,

Ik, Death was in his hot pursuit. Akp was notaware of this development


$ng, also known as Qkak, felt that it was his responsibility to protect
AkpO because Akp had serued him well. $ng was well pleased with
Akp and he, $ng, was determined that AkpO must live to his old age.
consequent upon this, $ng went to KQkQ bldl mrgbe to find out what
he needed to do in order to protect Akp from the threat posed by lkrl.
The Awo informed $ng that Akp must be put at arms length to lkti.
This, $ng was determined to do. Anytime Ikrf approached Akp, gang
would place his hand on Akp's chest and push him away from Ikrt. when
this was being done repeatedly, Akp began to develop some feelings of
discomfoft in his chest. All herbs to relieve him of this discomfort applied by
Akp proved non-effective.
Kekb'ldl mrgb
Dl filn Orr
Tl rt lgedu'rlllemre
lbg ni wQn nl k w 9e


bldl mrgbe

He cast If for Odd

Who was going to protectthe Of of he who is destined to die

He was advised to offer ebo

Ik was becoming increasingly frustrated. He could not understand why

$ng was standing in his way. He decided to use another strategy to kill
Akp at the slightest oppoftunity. When Qrunmll realized that, he
approached KQkq b\df mrgb for If consultation on behalf of his AkpO.
He was advised to try all that he knew to protect the head of his Akp from
being chopped off by Iktl. As a result of this revelation, Ornmll never left
his Akapo alone. Anytime that Iku approached, Orunmila would cover the
head of his Akapo with his two hands and body. This action precluded Ikrl
from gaining access to Akp.


While $ang was busy pushing Ik and AkpO away from each other,
Qrrfnm)l was protecting the head of Akp from any form of danger.
Akap soon began to feel some sensations in his head. Again, no herb
could cure it.

One day, Akp himself approached the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. He was informed that the head and chest discomfoft he was
feeling was not as a result of any physical problem. It was rather the
manifestation of the efforts of $ang and Qrnmll to protect him from
untimely death. He was advised to offer gbg with one matured he-goat
and money. He was also advised to feed If and $ng as appropriate.
Akp did, as soon as he did this, the pain in hls head and chest
Keke b'ldl mrgb
fitn Qkk
Tl tr lgg fo, wg t'ikrt
fibg ni wqn nl k w 9e

Keke bTdl meregbe


fi rr Qg du'r{ Ilmer
fbg ni wqn nl k w $e
gb'Qbg, rrt'bg
jg tani y du'rll ml filn mi?

oddrIf niydu'rll mlfitn mi

$ng ni Qkaka tfffgwgt'ikrr
Odd Ifa niyodu'rfl mlfun mi
Qrrrnmll ni Odudr tff du'dl llemere
oddur If niydu'rfl mlfitn mio

Keke bldl meregb
He cast If for qkk
Who was going to stretch his hands to push death away
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

Keke bldr meregbe


He cast If for dUdU

When going to protectthe O of he who was destined to die

He was advised to offer gbg
Now, who will protect my O for me
Odd, If isthe oneto protect myOf for me
Sango is Okaka who pushes death away
Odd, If will surely protect my Orl for me
QrrJnmll is Odd, who protects the O
die young
Odd, If will surely protect my Of for me
Oddu, If will surely do it for me.

of he who is destined to

If says that Qrrlnmll and $ng will not allow the person for whom this
Od is revealed to die young. As long as he/she continues to think, say
and do all those things which please Oldmare and the InJnmglQ at all
times, even if he/she had been destined to die young, the two lrnmglQ
and OIdmar will extend his/her life and make him/her live to witness
his/her old age.


If says that the person for whom this Od is reveled shall be placed
among Kings and Queens of this world. He/she shall be in the midst
of shakers and movers of his/her community. Whatever he/she says
will matterand will betaken seriously byall.

If also says that there is no condition or situation that this person

will not be able to adapt himself/herself to. This is his/her own talent
and it is a special blessing from Oldmar.
If advises this person to put on all the dresses that he/she has
in his/her life in one day - even if these dresses are more than five
hundred! All he/she needs to do is to put on these dresses one after
the other. He/she however needs to undress one before wearing
another. By so doing, he/she will receive honour and glory from
Oldmar. On this aspect,Irgt MJi says:
Edelhln ojgt'Qhrrn


ur ue dPPrsilsilsrve, vuclrdrd wd5 cruvrsgu tu suilililuil

LU f ils
presence and brief him properly on what he was going to do when he got to
the abode of Oldmar. The Awo told QbAtl that many fine and
competent people failed in life, not because they could not perform, but
rather because they were not properly briefed on what they were expected
to do. The Awo said that after the briefing, Qbtl needed to put on his
entire dresses one after the other. During this process, Qbtl needed to
see how Alggmg would share the same dresses so that he would be able to

judge whether or not Alggmg would be able to perform up to Qbtl's

expectation. The Awo said that any dance that one planned to dance
outside in the midst of the multitude must first be practiced and danced
inside the home. That would give the onlooker the oppoftunity to determine
how the dance would Iook like when danced outside. This would also give
them the oppoftunity to make corrections and amendments if and where
necessary. Qbatb thanked the Awo and left. He complied with all the
advices given to him bythe Awo. After much practices, he felt satisfied that
Algqmg would peform satisfactorily when he got to heaven to pafticipate
in the ceremony of Oldmar.

When Alggmg got

to heaven, he went straight to Oldmar and

announced that he was the representative of Qbtl. When the ceremony

stafted, Oldmar adorned himself with an immaculate white dress. The
whole heaven was in white. Those on eafth who were not aware of what
was happening in heaven looked at heaven and concluded that the sky was
very clear. In heaven however, all the Irnmol were dancing in procession
past Oldmar. When it got to the turn of Qbatl, Alggmg came fonruard
and adorned himself in the very same dress worn by Oldmar with the cap
and shoes to match! All the other lrnmglQ stood still in amazement.
OIdmar was highly impressed. Oldmar went to change His dress to
Agg [t, the dark dress with Fll abetiaj, the dog-ear cap, and a covered
shoe to match. The whole heaven turned dark and those on eafth believed
that it was about to rain. As soon as Oldmar stepped out, behold,
Alggmg had adorned himself in the same dress, the same colour, the same
frl and the same shoes! There was tumultuous applause and those on
eafth believed that thunder had struck in readiness for rainfall in heaven.
Oldmar put on sn-nyn, Alaa, rn, dandg, apere d0d, and so
on, with crowns, fila; GQbl, kgtQ etc. to match, and Algemg replicated

EOegnun oJgt'lnln
Dl firn ooganta QgQQrQmagbo
oldmar nl kow b oun g'gdrn
nlAlggmg I'ounyo rn lg
fibg ni wqn nl k w ge


The language in this place is different from that of the other


And the dalect of the other place in different from that of this
This was lfa's message for Ooganb Qseeremgbo
Whom Oldmar invited to come and celebrate with Him

He said he would send Alggmg, Chameleon, to go


represent him
He was advised to offergbg

When OIdmare created the unverse, He gave OOgarrta QpQQrQmagbO

(QbaHl) an impoftant role to play. Afterthe creation, Qbtl was given
the free hand to add to, or subtract from, the qualities of some creatures.
For example, Qbtla was he who made sugarcane sweeter than
bamboo, even though they looked alike. QbaHla also made the banana
sweeter than many fruits which looked like it, Qbatl made birds faster
than buttedlies and gave the parrot more intelligence than other birds.

In the case of Alggmg, Chameleon, Qbath gave him the capacity to

adopt the colour, design, pattern and even complexion of whoever and
whatever he got in contact with. Qbatl was so proud of Alggmo that
he made him one of his right hand persons.

One day, Oldmar summoned QbaHl to come and join him in

celebration in heaven. QbaHla felt that it was time for him to showcase
Alggmg to Oldmar. He wanted Oldmar to see his wondeful
design. Consequently, he decided to send Alggmg to represent him at
the ceremony. Before he did this, he went to the Awo mentioned above
for If consultation: would he not be disgraced in his bid to send Algqmg
as his representative?
The Awo assured Qbath that Algemg would perform marvelously
where he was being sent. For this reason, Qbatl had no reason to fear


tfa Dda: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

them alll Itwas a mostwonderfuloccasion in heaven.

At the end of the ceremony, Oldmar called Algqmg. He told Algqmq
that it was one thing for anyone to be given the tools to perform; it was
another thing for that person to know how to use the tools provided for him
and perform excellently. Oldmar declared thatAlggmq had peformed
well. He blessed Alggmg that he would lack nothing on eath. Oldmar
said that there would be no dress on eafth that Algemq would not be able
to replicate. Allthe lrrtnmglQ present chorused a resounding Agg!!!
Edlhln igt'Qhn
Edeqhun o jgtThln
Dl fitn ooganla qgeer+magbo
Oldmarnl kw b un g'gdrtn
nl Alaggmg I'OunYO rn 19
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e
gb'$bo, r'bg
Ko p4' kQilnna
E wa ba ni b'YQ, I w wo're o
i onlruru a99 kll w{n I'QdQAlgqmg
Eyl t bwu Qga niiYolo


The language in this place is different from that of the other place
And the dialect of the other place in different from that of this place
This was lf's message forOogal Q9eeremgbO
Whom Oldmar invited to come and celebrate with him
He said he would send Alggmg, chameleon, to go and represent him
He was advised to offerebq
Before long, nottoo far
come and join us in the midst of joy and celebration of all Ire
Alggmg will never lack anY dress
Whichever Pleases him will he wear

If also says that this person needs to work hard if being sent anywhere to
represent others. The potential to succeed is there alright, but he/se must
put more effolG to excel.
If says that if someone plans to send another person to represent him/her
in anyevent, assgnment or occasion, that person needs to put his/her mind
at rest because n/stre will be well represented. He/she shall be praised for



trete Meii

his/her choice of representative and the representative too shall be praised

and blessed for a job well



If says that there is a contentious matter facing the person for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that with the appropriate gbg, he/she will
overcome that problem. There may also be the problem involving love
or matrimonial issue that this person is facing presently. If says that
he/she needs to offer gbg so that he/she will be able bcorne out of the
problem unhuft.

If advises this person to offer gbg with six big kolanuts, one
plate and plenty of money. If says that if this can be done
as quickly as possible, this person shall not be humiliated or
blamed for his/her actions.
On this aspect, If says:

9kg r
Aya rq
Ddaftn Qkgrg jggbg
Tl y fg oblnrin Ik tn
TlyOfobl me,fa kg
fbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

Let peace be with the husband
And with the wife too
This was lf's message to QkgrJQgbQ, the squirrel

Whoshallsnatch the wife of Ikrf , Death

And use six kolanutforappeasement
Hewas advised to offerebo

Ikrl got married to a very beautiful woman. The woman was very obedient
to him. Yet Ikrl treated her badly. He threatened her and her family all the
time. At a stage, Ikrl locked her up in a small room and never allowed her to
go out again. This woman lived in constant fear. She lost interest in life and
all its meanings. She prayed every time to Oldmar to pull her out of her



LClyt Yf\YlY

YYCit VVC|lv{.llllV

CIJ\JLL llr Ltrrv l\rlvJ!

rrt Jvuvr

vr rvvvr

I rv

soon heard the sob of a woman. The sound was so faint that he initially
thought that his ears were playing trick on him. He listened carefully and
he heard the unmistakable voice of a woman moaning and weeping quietly.
He moved quietly to the direction where he was hearing the voice, When
he gotthere, he realized thatwhere the woman was crying had been sealed
up completely. Who could have done this to a human being? He queried.
'Who is there?' Qkere asked softly. The woman said, 'it is me. Please help
me'. The deep melancholy and desperation in her voice were too much for
Qkere to ignore. He tried to break down the door but he could not. 'Do not
worry. I have tried to break the door but it was firmly locked. I am coming
backtomorrow to help you out of this place. I promise you', Qkere said and
Throughout that day Qkere was not his normal self. At night, he could not
sleep. Who could do this to a human being? He continued to ask himself.
The next day, he moved into the forest with a crow bar with which to break
the door open. When he got there, much as he tried, he could not break
down the door, He had to dig a hole on the ground where he passed Ikrl's
wife from bondage to freedom. The woman thanked him profoundly but
there was nowhere the woman could go. She told Qkere that she would
prefer to follow him backto his house. She vowed that instead of returning
to Ikr1, she would rather preferto lose her life.
On their way to Qkgrg's home, the woman narrated the story of her

life. It

was a pathetic story indeed. She told Qkere the story of constant
intimidation, outright aggression and unbelievable cruelty, which
sometimes bothered on sadism. She had nobody to complain to, because
Ikrl. Now that she ha'd
escaped, nothing could make her return to her enslavement.

'her entire family was also under the threat of

In the evening of that day, both Qkere and lkrl's wife slept on the same mat.
One thing led to the other and they became man and wife. From that day
however, Qkere had no peace of mind anymore. He was always in constant
fear and apprehension. He knew that Ikrt would not keep quiet and allow
anyone to snatch his wife without a violent reaction from him.


trveryoay, vKgrg oecame more ano more oesperate to flno soluuon to tnrs
problem. Unknown to anyone, Ikrl was actually in love with his wife. He
thought that the only way to secure this woman for himself permanently
was to scare and intimidate every one from her. He thought that if he

frightened her hard enough, he would be able to secure her total

commitment. He was totally unaware of the damage he had caused this
woman socially, physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually. As far
as he was concerned, feeding and clothing her were more than enough
requirements. He was playing his role as a husband hehelieved. Why then
should she run away from home? He queried. After much deliberation, he
concluded that a misguided person had seduced his wife. He vowed to

teach that person, together with the entire members of his family, a lesson
they will never forget in a hurry. He began to hunt his wife's seducer
As Ikrl was hunting for his wife's alleged seducer, Qkere was been haunted
by the fear of Ik and all the possible consequences of what Ikrt would do to
him when caught, In his desperation, he went to Qkg rQ and Aya rg for If

consultation: would he suruive this contention? He asked. The Awo told

Qkere that he was living in constant fear of the repression of his action. He
was told that he was involved in a contentious issue, which he was not sure
whether it will end up in his favour or not. The Awo assured him that it will
end up in his favour. He was then advised to offer gbg with six kolanuts and
plenty of money. He complied immediately. The gbg was placed by the
road side. As soon as the gbg was performed, Eg Qdara took control of
everything. He went straight to Ikri and asked him what his troubles were.
Ikrl responded that his wife who was his personal property was snatched
away from him by an unknown person. He said that it was totally
unacceptable to him and that the culprit would be severely dealt with. ESU
Qdara said that Ikrl must teach the culprit a bitter lesson, and he promised
to follow Ik to find this illusive culprit. Egu Qdara led IkrJ to the way where
the qbg with six kolanuts was placed. He showed lkri the kolanuts and told
him to consume it as lktl was fond of eating kolanuts. IkrJ could not resist
the kolanuts because they were big and enticing. After eating three
kolanuts, ESU Qdara declared that there was nothing Ikrl could do against
the person who had snatched his wife anymore. Iku asked why this should
be so, and Eg Qdara stated that the person who snatched his wife was the

same person who placed the kolanuts where Ik had picked them. He
added that it was a taboo and totally unethical for Ik to consume a
person's gifts and then go ahead and kill such person. He consoled Ikti to
take heaft and accept the loss of his wife in good faith. There and then Ik
knew that he had lost out.


Aya r
Dl firn Qkerg jegbg
Tl yO fg oblnrin Ik tn
Tlyofobl mqfa kg
lbg ni wSn nl k w Fe

gb'Qbo, rrr'bg
Ko p ko


f w b ni lrqOgun
If d al99

Let peace be with the husband
And with the wife too
This was lf's message to Qkgrg jQgbQ, the squirrel
Who shall snatch the wife of lkrl, Death
And used six kolanuts for appeasement
He was advised

to offer gbg

He complied

Nottoo long, soon after

Come and meet us where we celebrate victory
Here comes If

The holy palm tree that manifests with efficacy


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed or someone

close to him/her is presently erecting a building. There is the need for
him/her to offer gbg immediately in order to aveft an impending
disaster. This is because as this person is erecting a propefi on eafth,
his/her Fgb in heaven are also erecting another property for him/her
in heaven in anticipation of his/her arrival. This is why it is necessary
to offer gbg so that the house in heaven will be demolished while the
one on eafth will be completed. If says that if this is not done in time,

propefi on eafth,
losing his/her life under mysterious

as soon as he/she completes the construction of the

he/she runs

the risk of


If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured ram and money. A
make-shift tent will be erected with sticks and palm fronds to represent the
house in heaven. The ram will betied tothe make-shifttent. Then the ram
will be chased helter skelter in such a way that it will eventually pull down
the make-shift tent. The demolished tent represents the propefi being
erected forthis person by his/her Fgb in heaven. Afterthis, the ram will be
slaughtered and its head buried where he/she is erecting his/her
This is why it is advisable to do this ritual atthe site where the house is being
erected. It is also advisable that this ritual is done before the completion of
the house. On this,If says:


gnnugn bq'f Awowgn nllAlr

P'klmgbO b'Og Awo Oke ljer
P'tlOro b'Ognral'y bl qbQeeb
Fa - nae n - k-sl -tr - pee
gdq a gbQn'mi nll wO'le
Ap'ajb nlw'laparo
OlrtgbOngbtlrrh ni wqn fi ggun gltu
Akg gsin nll s'r bgranyln-bQrnyln

B'Qgin bil
Sgin a k gbinrin-gbinrin h'nu

Dlfiln LlgboQgeg

Tl mg'le re l'y
Tl wqn p'ilQg t'Qrun p k w
fbg niwgn nl kO w 9e


He-who slaughters-a-vulture to feed If, the Awo of Alr's

He-who-slau g hters- k la magbO to feed Og, the resident Awo
in the mountofljerb
He-who-slaughters-ti0ro to feed Ogn, he who is as bold as
impofted knife
He-who-stresses-something forcefully until it breaks and scatter
Those who drain the stream destroythe home of fishes
Those who clear farmlands destroy the home of bush



A bg cluD ts rt mat ls used to scaEer a cloo

A stallion is it that gallivants while running
When a horse wakes up


is gagged in

the mouth with reins

These were lf's declarations to LIgb Qggge
When constructing his house on eafth

While another

is beng constructed in


for him to


and reside in it
He was adviceto offerebo

in his chosen career; he made good

money in his business. As a result of this, he planned to erect his own
building in his family compound. He was given all the necessary approval

Ligb Qgegg was very successful

and suppoft by the elders of his family.

When the construction of the building began, Llgb Qggge was having
strange dreams and his instinct kept sounding him a note of warning that
somethng was amiss. Much as he tried, he could not fathom what was
wrong at the time. He therefore decided to approach the group of
Babalwo mentioned above for If consultation; what was responsible for
these strange dreams? Would he be able to overcome all the negative
feelings he was having? Would his dreams return to normal? These and
many more questions were what were at the back of the mind of Ligb
Qgege when he consulted If. He was eager to get to the root of all his

The Awo told Ligb Sgege that he had been having series of strange
feelings and that was why he came for If consultation. The Awo assured
him that he would overcome the problems. The Awo however explained to
him that while he was assuming leadership positions in life, he was equally a
leader among his Fgb in heaven. When he left heaven for this world, his
Fgb were expecting him to return very soon in order to assume his
leadership position once again, As soon as his Fgb saw him erecting a
house on eafth, theytoo were busy erecting another one for him in heaven.
They were full of expectation that he would soon join them in heaven. The
Awo concluded that if LlgbO Qgegg was not ready to die and go back to
heaven to join his [gbQ, there was the need to offer gbg as prescribed
above. LigbO Qgegg weighed the Awo's options; dying to go and assume
his leadership position in heaven, or straying behind to continue to play his

teaoersnrp rore on earun. He rureo In favour of me latter. consequently, he

complied and offered the gbg as advised.

The day the gbg was offered was the same day the building being erected
for Llgb Qgege in heaven collapsed. This sent a strong signal to the Egb
in heaven that LlgbO Qggge was not in a hurry to join them. As a result of
this, his Fgbg left him to complete histasks on eafth before returning to join
them in heaven.
Pa gnnugrln bg'f Awowgn nllAlr
P'klmgbo b'Oge Awo Oke ljer
P'tlOro b'Ogn, al'y bl Qbeb
F-n n-k-sl-trt-pQ
9de a gbQn'mi nll wO'le eja
Ap'jb nlw'lpar
olgbgbtlla ni wgn fi rggun ogltu
Akg gsin nll s'r bgranyln-bQrnyln


B'Qgin b
Egin a k gbinrin-gbinrin h'nu

Dlfiln tlgboQgege
Tl nmg'l e r l'y
Tl wqn ttp'lQgt'qrun p kwa
lbg ni wqn nl k w ge
gb'gbg, rrt'bg
E bwaw'lOrun n

IjOgun Qrun ab'ew orl Sk
Il Awo m w l'run
Qggrgre, ilAwo m w I'Qrun

He-who slaughters-a-vulture to feed If, the Awo of Alr's


to feed O$, the resdent

in the mountofljer
He-who-slaughters-tiro to feed Ogn, he who is as bold as
impofted knife

He-who-stresses-something forcefully


until it breaks


I nose wno oraln tne Stream oe$roy me nome or ilsnes

Those who clear farmlands destroy the home of bush fowls
A big club is it that is used to scatter a clod

A stallion is it

that gallivants while running

When a horsewakes up



gagged in the mouth with reins

These were lf's declarations to LdgbO Qggge

When constructing his house on eafth
While another is being constructed in heaven for him to come
and reside in it
He was adviceto offergbg

Please, come and assistto demolish the house being erected
in heaven
And come and consolidatethe one on eafth
Ye! The heavenly forces with grey feeble hair
The home erected forAwo in heaven is collapsing
To the ground, the home erected forAwo in heaven in

If says that this person shall not be allowed to die young. He/she will live
long to his/her old age. That is the message of If.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is blessed with
He/she had chosen all the good things of life without
excepton and everything had been well recorded in his/her Of.
There is howeverthe problem of the factthat his/her fsQ, legs, do not
complement his/her Ori. In other words, his/her legs are working
aganst the realization of the promises and potentials of his/her
destiny. There is the urgent need to correct this anomaly. In order to


correct this, there is the need to offer qbg with three white
pigeons, three gunea fowls and money. After this, the Awo will
prepare a special soap with hlpaldde leaves. These leaves will be
pounded and mxed with the soap.

The person needs to dig three holes, wash his/her head in the hole at
the center; and wash the left leg in the hole on the left while the right
leg will be washed in the right hole in that order. If this can be done,
If assures this person that his/her frsg, legs will stop working


aganst his/her O'1. A stanza inlret-MT on this issue If says:



Emi QtQ
ote a mi d'dodo gbko-gbko

fil n Al'rl-ire-m-l'Qs-ire
Ebq ni wqn nl k w ge

You imprintone leg oflrgti
I also imprintone leg oflrgti

When the imprint becomestwo

Then the truelr-etQ MI is formed
This was the message of If to he-who-has-favourable-Ol but
lacks good legs
He was advised to offer ebo

When Alri-ire-m-lgsQ-ire was comng from heaven, he had chosen allthe

good things of life for himself. On getting to the eafth, he started with
farming job in anticipation that all will be well for him. He was very good at
the job; whatever he planted it always came out fine and with good quality.
The people within his community had also recognized him for his great
potential and dexterity in crop production. During the market days, people
always waited for his farm produce. Unfoftunately for him, before getting
his farm produce to the market, one thing always led to the other and the
result would be his inability to make good sales. Some of the people waiting
for him would have left as a result of impatience, some would have decided
to purchase from another seller, and others might feel that the prices of his
products were too expensive.

Al-ire-m-lQsQ-ire did this for a long time, but unfoftunately, he could not
make any headway. One day, he decided to change from furming to
trading. That he could go into buying and selling of goods perhaps, this
time around, he would succeed financially. In this business, he showed
good business acumen that made him stand out among othertraders in the
market. Unfoftunately again, whenever he decided to go and finalize his
trading deals with people, he would become disappointed as people who
had initially showed intention to buy from him would suddenly lose interest.

This also went on for several years without stop.

The thought of how to make ends meet and possibly succeed financially
pre-occupied his mind. One day, he decided to go for If consultation:
would he become prosperous in life in whatever profession he chose; would
he also measure up in the society like his colleagues; what could have been
responsible for his failure? All these and many more were the questions he
posed during If consultation.
The Awo assured him that he would succeed as he had every potentialto be
great in life. He was also told that he had chosen all the good things of life
as entrenched in his Akrrnleyan right from heaven, but his major set back is
the fact that he had not chosen good legs along with his good destiny. As a
matter of fact, it was his legs that were working against the realization of his
good gifts and potentials. He was then advised to offer gbg as mentioned
above, after which a special If soap would be prepared for him to cleanse
hls head and legs legs in order to make his legs compliment the potentials
of his Ol.


complied. After a while, his trading

began to
flourish, and soon after, he became successful; even more than others who
engaged in the same profession with him. Wth his resounding success, he
was able to marry a good wife, have children and build a house of his own.
In the end, he was happy, rejoicing and thanking the Awo.



Emi t
Qte mejl d'ododo gbko-gbko
Dl fit n Al'rl-ire-m-l'ese-ire
fbg ni wQn nl k w Se

gb'bo, ru'bg
Ikin mi ErlglAlq
If je kl n l'rl ire
Kl n sl I'gsQ ire

You imprintone leg oflrgt
I also imprintone leg oflrgtQ

When the imprint becomes two, then the truelrgtQ-M) is


This was the message of If to he-who-has-favourable-O-but
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied

Mylkin, frig-Alg
If please let me have good Otl
And good Legs to complement


If says that this person will be blessed with good Of and good Legs to



He/she shall become prosperous in all his undeftakings.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg so as

to avoid getting into serious trouble within seven days. If advises
this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and money.
He/she is also to feed Egu Qdara with one big cock.
Also, If says it foresees the Ire of children for those suffering from
childlessness where this Od is revealed. If assures them that they
shall be blessed with the fruit of the womb.
For this to happen, If advises each of the women to offer gbQ with
four rats, four fish, two hens and money. There is also the
need to feed If with one matured she-goat. On these two
aspects,If says:
QpgkJg a q'dl bQrbQr
Dl firn Igb
Tl m$nu snrhn gmg
lbg ni wqn nl k w 9e

QpktQ, the young palm tree, with its broad base
The Awowho cast If forlgb

When lamenting herinabilityto begeta child

She was advised to offerqbg

Igb had been married for many years but she had no child to show for it.
Much as she tried, all her effofts proved abortive. She applied several
herbs and roots but it had no effect on her. In the end, she went to

QpqkQtQa g'df bQrEbQrQ for If consultation; would she be blessed with the
fruit of the womb? She asked.

The Awo assured her that she would be able to have her own children if
necessary gbg was offered. She was advised to offer gbe as stated above,
she complied.

Within three months, she became pregnant. She later gave birth to
bouncing baby boy named In

pqkJQa s!'dl bQrgbQr

Tl mgnusnrhngmg
lbg ni wqn nl k w $e

Qpgkete the young palm tree, with its broad base
The Awo who cast Ifa forQdan
When lamenting her inabilityto begeta child
She was advised to offer gbg

Qdan was also married for severalyears. She too was not blessed with any
baby. She also tried all she knew and she equally failed.

One day she went to her friend Igb to find out what she did before she
became pregnant. Igb told her that it was Qpgke,tQ a g'df bQrgbQrg; who
consulted and did IfQ work for her. The next day, Qdan went to the same
Awo for If consultation: would she too be as lucky as her friend? She

The Awo assured her too that she would be blessed wlth children of her
own. She was advised to offer the same gbg which her friend Igb offered.
She complied. The same If work was also done for her. She too became
pregnantand gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named OOrn.
QpgkQtQ a g'dl bQrqbQre

Dlfirn 9aa9a
Tl mQnu snrhn gmg
Sbg ni wQn nl k w ge

Qpeke,tQ the young palm tree, with its broad base
TheAwo who castlf for $g
When lamenting her inabilityto begeta child
She was advised to offer gbg

$aa$a was facng the same problem as her friends Igb and Qdan. She
too went to the same Awo for If consultation. The same assurance was
given to her. The same gbg was advised and offered, the..same Ifwork
was done for her, and she became pregnant and gave bifth to a bouncing
baby boy named Abg.

The three children In, OrUn and Abg whom Igb, Qdan and $g
begot respectively were sent to QpktQ a g'df bQrQbQre for training as If
priests before they were up to three years old. By the time they were 20
years old, they had become very proficient. Everyone was searching for
them because of their accurate predictions.
Igb n'igb In
QdAn I'Qdn Oorrn
$agayok nital'Abg
Dl filn Orrnmila
Wgn n! k waa g'qbg
K m ba l'slr ojq mje

Ina the child of Igb
Oorun the child of Qdan
And Abg the child of SaaFa
They castlf for QrUnmlla
Theytold him to offergbg
To avoid getting intotrouble within seven days

Qrnm'll was the Bab-If of QpqkqtQ a g'di bQrQbQrQ who in turn was
the Bb-If of In, Orn and Abq. Qpekete a g'dl bQrbQr was well
trained and he was very intelligent. No wonder then that his three
students were also brilliant.

One day Qrunmlla invited the three Awo for routine If consultation.

Du ri n g consu

ltation, IrgtQ- M) wa s revea ed .


The Awo told Qrunmll to offer gbg in order to avoid trouble within seven
days. They told Qrrlnmll thatthe trouble was very close and that only gbg
could avert it. They stressed thatthere was the need for Qrrlnm)l to offer
gbg with one matured he-goat and money, He was also advised to
feed Egu Qdara with a big rooster. Qrunmll failed to comply with this
Seven days after QrUnmlla consulted If, he left home very early in the
morning. He instructed his wife, AgbQnn, to help him wash some of his
dresses and prepare a sumptuous meal for him before he returned in the
evening. By the time Qrunmll returned home, he was feeling very
hungry but was in anticipation of treating himself to a lavish meal that
evening. He knew that AgbQnfn was a fantastic cook. He however
forgot about food when he realized, to his chagrin, that Agbonln had
packed all her bags and baggages and had left the house! What could
have caused this? What was his oftence against this woman? Who had
taught her to do this against him? Why was it that nobody in the whole
community stopped her from going away? Why did she pack his own
belongings along with hers? What kind of wickedness and injustice were
these? Would he be able to get her back into his home? Who was to
blame for allthese?

In the end, Qrrlnmll decided to do something about it urgently; he

brought out his Qbg llasq. This was a knife that when used to stab
someone's footprint, the person would not be able to move from the spot
he/she was at the time the knife was used on his/her footprint. This was
what Qrnm)l did. The effect of this action stopped AgbQnln in her track.
She could neither move forward nor backward. At this time, she was
negotiating a hill between two deep gorges. QrnmTl began to pursue his
wife. He met her where she was. He tried to grab her. She tried to shake
him off. As she did this, unfoftunately, she fell into the gorge on the right,
while Ornmll fell into the one on the left. She died instantly. Qrrlnmll
was in the gorge for seven days, writhing in pain and hunger.


Igi kan gbq I'ew

tutr l'gbo
Dlfirn Pory
Ttl S'gmg Qba Ode ldo
Igbatl fomi ojrl sngbregmg
[b9 ni wgn nl kw ge

Atree has dry leaves
But its roots are fresh and alive

If castfor Pory
The daughter of the Qba ofldo-land
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer gbg

Pory was a favourite daughter of the Qba ofld-land; she was loved by all
in the palace. The unfoftunate paft was that she had been involved in
several relationships with many influential people, but all had failed
woefully. She married Alr, AjerO, Qwrngn QbalyQ, Oljombo,
Offtagi-O1l and QlwQ but the relationships collapsed because of her
inability to have a baby for any of them. In the end, she returned to her
parents' palace to nurse her emotional wound.
One day, her mother called her and told her that it was not proper for her to
stay in her parents' house when she was supposed to be in her husband's
home. The mother said that she kept having this dream that she became
pregnant and was blessed with a bouncing baby boy. She prayed for her
daughter that the spirits of her ancestors would make the dream come true.
She also advised her to go for If consultation. That was how Pory found
herself face to face with Igi kan gbg l'w tut l'gb for If consultation;

would she be blessed with the fruit of the womb? Would her mother's
dreams cometo pass?
The Awo told Pory that she was suffering from childlessness and assured
her that she would soon be a proud mother of her own child. She was
advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. She was however informed that
she was an ApQtQbl and that her husband who would put her in the family
way would be met along the road and the man would be a great Babalwo.


a momer. Sne toto me Awo mat sne wouto

offer that gbg on that very day. She procured all the gbg materials and
returned to the home of the Awo. The gbg was offered. In the end, If did
not take the shrine of EgU Qdara for placing the gbg. Instead; it took a spot
between two gorges as the site to place the gbq. Pory took the gbg to the
Porye was determtneo




As she was praying, she heard someone moaning at the bottom of the
gorge. Itwas Qrnmll. He had been there for seven days. He begged her
to pull him out. She tied her head-gear together with her sash and used it as
rope to pull QrUnm)l up to the surface. They went home together. They
fed If together from evening of that day till daybreak. They fed another
type of If from evening till daybreak. The first If they fed opened the door
for their prayers to be accepted by Oldmar. The other If they fed led to
As soon as she became pregnant, Qnf nmll gave her Id,

Ifa beads, to keep

for the coming baby, He left on another spiritual assignment and never
returned for 16 years. The baby was born in his absence. It was a baby boy.
The Id was worn round his wrist. The boy was named Qlgmg as instructed
by his father. Six months to the time of QrnmIl's return, the people of
Alay waged a fierce war against the people of Ido and most of the
inhabitants of Ido were either killed or captured, Qlgmq was one of those
who were lucky to be captured. They sold him into slavery to one merchant
in Alay.

As soon as this was done, there was a terrible problem in Alay land. If
.was cast in order to determine the cause of the problem and at the same
time, find solution to
The Awo told them that malevolent spirits had
entered their town and for this reason, there must be spiritual cleansing of
the land in order to chase away this spirit. After fufther consultation, it was
concluded that a human being should be used as gbg material. Whom could
they use? In the end, they settled for Qlgmg, the child of Qrnm)l.


On the day that this gbg was to be performed was the day Qrnm)l arrived

in Alaaye town. As soon as the inhabitants of Alay sighted Qrnmll,

they were full of joy thattheir gbg would be performed by the very bestAwo


on eafth. They pleaded with Qrtlnmll to help them pedorm the gbg and
he agreed. The people tied Qlgmq to a tree. Qrnmll examined the gbg
material but did not recognize him as his own son - after all, that would be
his first time of seeing him. The boy was already 16 years old.
All the other materials for the gbg were brought out in readiness for the
great gbg to be performed by Qrnm'll himself. glgmg knew that he was
the main material for the gbg. He had earlier cried and cried but to no
avail. Again, tears began to roll down his young cheeks. He stafted to cry
loudly in lamentation of his ordeal. He remembered the stories his mother
had narrated to him about the circumstances of his bifth and he began to
narrate it loudlyto himself. He said:
Qpkqte a 9'dl bQr$bQrQ
Dl firn Igb
Tl mQnu snrhn gmg
fbg niwqn n| kw 9e

Igb ma bl
Igb bf Ina

Spekqtea S'dl b$r$bQr$


Tl mQnu snrhn gmo

Fbq ni wQn nl kw ge



Qdan maa bl

Qpk, te a S'dl bQrqb$rQ
Dlfirn $aa$a
Tl mnu snrhn gmo
Sbg ni wqn nl k w $e
gb'Qbo, r'bg
saaga ma bl
bl Abe
Igb n'igb In
Odan l'dn Oorrn
$aaqayk nitiAl'Abg

WQn nl k r'bg
K m ba l'slrojq meje
ko'tl Qgbgnyin s'bg




Igi kan gbg l'w

tutu I'egb

fx fitn Poroy
Ttf g,gmggba Odeldo
Igbtf fomi oj sngbregmg
fbg ni wqn nl k w se


WQn nl k ma gb'gbg tg s,e

Igbaff yo gb ebq d ib k?
At'nl-m,enff k to t,n-m,na
At'ene-m'n ko t ajgta-mo jgta
fttgta-m!9t" kq t aiijern_m,jgrin
AtTj gri n - m Q'j 9 ri n ko t AiU, ru rr _ rro5 rr
At'tja rrt - m oja ru n t<o to Attera
t'jefa -m_q'jgfe ko t ltrjeje_mo,jej;


frtgt-Ato o mu
lrtgf-AtQ rrbg I'qfin t yt gbiri
pory lw yg
Qrrtnmll nf ,nrt Qfln
Awgn mejejt wjg b'gf mq,j
WQnhlnjgbg'f mq'jr

lyin o_mqwfpe poroy to bt

L b'Olgmeo h h
lyin o mg wlpe poroy
t bf et9m9 o


QrUnmll oo!!t
lVin o mQ'p pory t bf etgmg o
fyin o mQ,p
t bf elgmg!!!

Speketea g'df bQrgbgrg
The Awo who cast If for Igb
When lamenting her inabilityto geta child
She was advised to offer
She complied


When she was to give birth

She begot In
QpketQa g'df bQrQbQrg

The Awo who cast If for


When lamenting her inability to beget a child





She was advised to offer gbg

When she was to give bifth
She begotObrn

Qpekeea Se'dl bQrbQr

The Awo who castlf for $g
When lamenting her inabilityto beget a child
She was advised to offergbg
She complied
When she was to give bifth
She begotAbQ
Igb nigb In
Qdan lQdan Oorun
Saaga yk ni ti Al Abq
They cast If for Qrunm'il
They told him to offer gbg
To avoid getting into trouble within seven days
He failed to comply
Atree has dry leaves
But its roots are fresh and alive
Ifa's message for PorOy
The daughter of the Qba ofldo-land
When weeping in lamentation of her inabilityto begeta baby
She was advised to offer gbg
She was directed to place the gbg near a gorge
When she took the gbq there
What happened after?
What happened today was not as much as what took place yesterday
What took place yesterday was not as much as what happened three
days ago

What took place three days ago was not as much as what happened four
days ago
The problem four days ago was not as much as that of five days ago
What happened five days ago was not as serious as what took place six
days ago
What took place six days ago was not as much as what happened seven
days ago
EglAlo 0 j9 (Qrr:nm)la) ate nothing
FgrAh had nothing to drink
fr'lg'lAlg was lying in the ditch writhing in pain
PorOy rescued Qrrtnmtla from the ditch
Both of them fed If from nighttillday break


And they fed If again from night till day break

You are notwise
You lack understanding
You fail to know that pory was the woman who begot glqmq
Who begot elgmg o he he eeeee
Don't you know that pory it was, that gave birth to glgmq
Qrnm)l o oh!t!
Don't you know that porye it was, that gave bifth to

when Qrunm)la heard this from elgmg, he began to shake from head to
toes. He realized that elgmg was undoubtedly his own child. He moved
closer to Qlgmg and he saw the Ide If that was tied round his left wrist,
'who gave you this'? Qrnmll asked. elgmg responded, 'My mother'.
And who was your mother?' elgmg responded that pory was his


Qrnmll knew that it was a taboo for any child of If to be used to feed If.
Qlqmg was ceftainly a child of
what could he do under this
circumstance to save the situation? How would he be able to save the life
of Qlgmg? He did a quick If consultation and he knew exactly what to do.


He called the inhabitants of Aly to quickly procure a she-goat and a very

sharp knife. They did. He used the dull edge of the knife on the neck of
Qlgmq and it failed to cut the boy's neck. He used the sharp edge on the
neck of the goat and it sliced the goat's throat into two. They used the goat
to feed If and Qlgmg was released immediately.

Qrnmll explained

to them that using elqmg as gbg material was

unacceptable to If. That was why the knife failed to cut his throat.
Qrunmlla then decreed that as from that day henceforth, no human being
must ever be used as gbo materialto be used to feed Irnmgl or ORga. It
became a taboo from that day to use human being for any gbg or ritual
QpqkgtQ a ge'dl bQngbQrg

Dlfiln lgb

Tl mqnusnrhngmg
lbg ni wqn nl k w se


_ 996

Igb ma bl
Igb bl Ina
QpqkQtQa Se'dl bQrQbQrq

Dlfiln Odan

Tl mQnu snrhn gmq

[bg ni wqn nl k w $e



Qdan ma bl
bl Orn
QpqkgtQ a f'dl bQrqbQrg
Dl filn $aa$a
Tl mgnu snrhn qmg
lbg ni wQn nl k w s. e
gb'Qbo, r'bg
$a9 maa bl
bl Abg

Igb n'igb In
Qdan I'Qdn Oorun
$a9ayko nitiAl'Abg
Dlfiln Qrrtnmll
WQn nl k r'bg
K m ba l'slrojQ mje
ko'tl Qgbgnyin s'ebg
Igi kan gbg l'w
tutr l'gbo
IX filn PorOye
Tfi I'gmg Qba Ode ldo
Igbatl fomi ojrl sungbr gmg
fbg ni wQn nl k w 9e

gb'Qbg, r'bg
WQn nl k maa gb'Qbg lg s'etl O, fln
Igba y gb 9b9 d ib kq?
At'nl-m'entl ko t t'n-m'na
At'an-m'n ko t tlje, ta-m5eta
At'ljgta-m'jeta kq t t'ljqrin-mQ'jqrin
At'ljgrin- mQ'j gri n ko t Atlj'a r -mj'ar
At'lja r - moj a r rt ko t AtFtj qfa - mQ'j gfa
At'lj gfa-mo5e, fa ko t At'ljeje-mQ'jeje

frlgl-Alg o mu


rtbg I'Qfln t yl gbiri

Pory lw ygOrunmll nl'n Qfln

Awgn mjejl w jq b'gfa mqj


WQn hln

jg bg'f mq'j

lyin o mQ wtpe poroy

t bt etgmo
L b'dlgmg o h he ee
lyin o mQ wlp pory
to bl Qlgmg o
OrUnmll o o!t!
fyin o mQ'p poroye l bl elgmg o
Eyin o mQ'p poroy l bt el9m9!!!

KO p,, kO


f w b'ni b'ye

w wo're o

QpgkgtQa Se'df berebere
The Awo who cast If for Igb
When lamenting her inabilityto get a child
She was advised to offergbg
She complied
When she was to give birth
She begotln
QpgkJea g'dt bQrqbgrq
The Awo who cast If for Qdn
When lamenting her inability to beget a child
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
When she was to give bifth
She begotOrn
QpktQa 9e'd1 bQrQbQrQ
The Awo who castlf for g9
When lamenting her inability to beget a child
She was advised to offergbg
When she was to give birth
She begotAbq
Igb nigb In
Qoan tQdan orun
$aa9a yk nitiAtbe
They cast lfa for Qnrnmll
They told hm to offer gbg
To avoid getting into trouble within seven days
He failed to comply


Atree has dry leaves

But its roots are fresh and alive
Ifa's message for PorY
The daughter of the Qba ofldo-land
When weeping in lamentation of her inabilityto begeta baby
She was advised to offer gbq
She complied
She was directed to place the gbg near a gorge
When she took the qbQ there
What happened after?
What happened today was not as much as what took place yesterday
Whattook place yesterday was not as much as what happened three
What took place three days ago was not as much as what happened four
days ago
The problem four days ago was not as much as that of five days ago
What happened five days ago was not as serious as what took place six
days ago
What took place six days ago was not as much as what happened seven
days ago
FglAlQ o je (Qrrlnmll) ate nothing
fg]Alg had nothing to drnk
FnlAq was lying in the ditch writhing in pain
Pory rescued Qrnmll from the ditch
Both of them fed If from nighttillday break
And they fed If again from night till day break
You are notwise
You lack understanding
You fail to know that Poroy was the woman who begot Qlqmq
Who begot Qlqmq o h h e
Don't you know that Porye it was, that gave bifth to Qlqmq
Onlnmll o oh!!!
Don't you know that Pory it was, that gave bifth to Ql9m9!!
Before long, nottoo far
Come and join us in the midst of joY
Come and behold Ire


If says that the person for whom this Odtl is revealed shall be a recipient of
the blessing of all Ire in life. If also says that for this person, he/she needs
to express himself/herself whenever he/she found himself/herself in any
serious trouble. By so doing, he/she may find help which will bail him/her
out of that



13. Ifa says that there is a group project going on where this Od is
revealed. If says that this project will succeed but one person or group
cannot do it successfully. There is the need for all those involved in the
project or assignment to pafticipate fully in order for it to succeed. If this is
notdone, nothing on eafth will make itsucceed.
If states fufther that apaft from the fact that all hands must be on
deck, each individual or group must have a specific function and this
should be done in such a way that there should not be duplication of
duties and each duty or assignment must be clearly defined. In one

word, there is the need

to have a clearly defined division of

responsibility with everyone or group assigned to specific duties in

orderto ensure the success of the assignment or project.
If advises those involved to offer gbg with four pigeons, four
guinea fowls, four hens, four cocks and money. There is
also the need to feed If with one matured she-goat and to feed
EgU Qdara with one matured he-goat. On these, Ir-etQ M)

Afllakalaka m ja lakalaka
Ddfitn Ornmll
If t'Qrun bQw'lAy
Baba yO ma lgg t{n'l Ay $e
$bg ni wqn nf k w ge

That which dangles precariously without breaking and falling
This was lf's message to QrUnm)l
When coming from Heaven to Eafth
When coming to mend the world
He was advised to offer gbg

There were several problems on eafth which called for urgent attention.
There were problems in the home and even outside the home. Without
urgent attention, these problems would multiply and become crisis. That
was why Qrnmll chose to come to the world to attend to these problems
and profer solutions. He went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: would he succeed?


The Awo assured him that he would succeed. He was advised to offer gbg
as mentioned above. He complied. As soon as he did this, he came into
the world.
The day he arrived on earth was the day he began his work. He faced the
problems in the home with the understanding that if the problems in the
home were solved, finding solutions to those outside would be easier.
Before he got anywhere, the problems outside became overwhelming and
could no longer be ignored or delayed. He rushed outside to profer
solution only for him to realize that the problems he had left behind in the
home were getting worse.

Instead of praises, people began to heap abuses on him. They blamed him
for not assisting them enough. Some of them even said that when he knew
that he was not competent enough to find solutions to their problems, why
did he staft the process at all? They blamed him for giving them false hope
and accused him of raising and dashing their hopes.

when Orrinmll reflected on what was happening on eafth, he concluded

that the situation was actually getting worse. He concluded that the best
thing was for him to go and report his failure to Oldmar.
fllakalaka ma j lakalaka
Dlfifn QrUnmlla
If rt t'qrun bQ w'l Aye

Baba yO ma lgg trf n'l Ay ge

fbg ni wqn nl k w Fe

That which dangles precariously without breaking and fall ing
This was If's message to Qrnm)l
When coming from Heaven to Eafth
When coming to mend the world
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrnmll gotto Oldmar and narrated all his experience on earth to Him.
He told Oldmar that he had failed to find any solution to the problems
plaguing the world. Oldmar responded that he failed to solve the


problem because he was trying to do it alone. He was told that he needed

another person to assist him in this assignment. Oldmar chose Eg
Qdara to be his paftner. Qrunm)la was told to concentrate on finding
solutions to all the problems in the home while Egu Qdara was to be in
charge of proffering solutions to all the problems outside the home.

oldmar summoned Ep Qdara and instructed him to go. for If

consultation on the assignment that he was to be given. He went to the
same Awo who consulted for QrrJnmll. He was assured that he would
succeed and was advised to offer gbg. He complied.

on the day they were to return to eafth, oldmar summoned both of

them to His presence. He told them that each of them should concentrate
on his own paft of the assignment. He told Qrunmlla never to dabble into
finding solutions to problems from the outside. That should be left to Eg
Qdara. He also told Egu Qdara not to venture into finding solutions to
problems in the home' He needed to leave those to Qrnm'il. They were
advised to concentrate on their own assignments. Qrrjnmll was to
become a specialist In finding solutions to domestic problems while Eg
Qdara should becomethe expeft in proffering solutionsto problemsoutside
the home. Oldmar also instructed Qrnmll to ensure that all what
would need were supplied to him at the junction of the three crossroads so
that he would have no reason to come inside the home. Wth all these
instructions, both of them leftforeafth.


became very easy for them to concentrate on their assignments. Es

Odara was able to find solutions to the crises taking place outsde the home
while Qrnm)l succeeded in finding solutions to those problems inside. All
the needs of Eg Qdara were supplied to him at the junction of the three
cross-roads and he had no need to come inside the home to find out what
was happening there,

Afllakalaka m j lakalaka
D,|filn Qrunmlla
If t'qrun bQw'lAy
Baba yO ma lgg t{n'l Ay ge
Sbg ni wgn nf k w 9e
gb'Qbo, r'bo


If d'lAytn
Bfi qeti il

Afllakalaka m j lakalaka
Dlfiln Egu Qdara
T1t'Qrun bqw'lAy
Tf yO ma lOtn'lAyge
Ebg ni wgn nl k w ge

gb'$bor ru'bg
KOp, kojlnn
Ew b ni l'tOllre
Atol lre l b'ni I'ese QpQ
Nje e je k Ig m t'Eg ba l'rlta
Kmt'ojrl bgQdQdQ.

Afrlakalaka m ja lakalaka
This was lf's message to Qrnmll
When coming from Heaven to eafth
When coming to mend the world
He was advised to offerebo
He complied
When he got to eafth
As he was attending to problems in the home
Those from outside were calling for attention
Afrlakalaka m ja lakalaka
'This was If's message to Eg Qdara
When coming from Heaven to eafth
When coming to mend the world
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire in life
That is what If guarantees for all its followers
Please give af I what belong to E9 to him at the junction of the three
So that he will have no cause to peep into the parlour

If says that the persons or groups for whom this Od is revealed shall
succeed if they could specalze.


14. If says also that if the person for whom this Od is revealed plans to
go into any business venture, he/she will succeed more if he/she
goes into paftnership with other. The roles of each partner must
however be specifically spelt out ever before the commencement of
such business venture. By so doing success is assured. Crises are
also eliminated ever before they stafted.

If says that the Elders of the Night (witches) are fomenting trouble
and wrecking havoc where this Od is revealed. Unfortunately,
several innocent people are being wrongfully accused over what they
know nothing about.

If says that there is the need for proper

investigation before
accusing anyone. Those falsely accused must be apologized to and
appropriate gbg needs to be performed.
If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is one of the
people accusing others wrongfully, he/she needs to apologize to
his/her victim(s) and offer gbg. Conversely, of he/she ls one of the
people being falsely accused of wrongdoing; he/she needs to take
everything in good faith. If he/she is begged, there is the need for
him/her to accept the apology graciously without any ill-feeling. If
advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
one matured he-goat and money, whether he/she is the one
accusing others or he/she is the person being accused of wrongdoing. On this, a stanza inlrgt| M) says:
Eyet pooyl ryln l'jde ApOn
Dl fin QrUnmlla
Iy mi rr b wgn j
WQn nl lyewa nl
Ebq ni wqn nl k w 9e

Fyel pooy rt'in l'jde Apqn

wastheAwo who castlf for Qrnm'll

m i (Witches) were fi g hting aga inst them

When Iy


And theywereaccusing lyewa (QSun)

He was advised to offer gbg

There was no compound in Il-IfQ that was free of problems. In some

compounds, their crops failed, In some, they were afflicted with
pestilence. Yet in some others, there were domestic crises. Some people
lost their children. Wealthy people had turned to chronic debtors as a
result of inexplicable downturn in their economic foftune.
In this same town, Qpun had been very vocal in her defense and advocate
for the rights and dignity of women. This had brought her face to face into
contention and confrontation with several influential men and women in
the town. All these did not deter her in her struggle for the emancipation of
women in the community. Those who had been in contention with her
began to accuse her of being responsible for all their woes. Before long,
the whole town believed that Qgun was the one inflicting pains, sorrow and
tears on the people of the community. They accused her of being
responsible for their failed haruests, ailments, loss of the lives of their
children and the downturn of their economic fortunes.
One day, the citizens accused Qpun to her face. She pleaded her innocence
but nobody believed her. They planned to banish herfrom the community;
but before that, they decided to report her to her husband, Qrrfnmll.
When they told Qrnmll what her wife had been doing to foment trouble in
the community, Qrnm'll pleaded with them to exercise restraint and do a

thorough investigation before jumping into conclusion, so as to avoid a

situation where innocent people were wrongfully accused. The people
concluded that Qrnmll was merely supporting his wife in her wrong
doings. They said that both Qgun and her husband would be banished

That evening, Qrnmll and Qgun had a lengthy deliberation. What baffled
them was that even if anyone accused Qpun of any form of wrong-doing,
they were supposed to know that Qgun would never fight against anyone to
the extent of hufting his/her child. Yet, Qgun was accused of taking the
lives of these children. Being a mother herself, they were expected to
realize that there was no InlnmglQ or Oflg who loved children and young


ones more than Q$un. This notwithstanding, Qgun was sqid to be

responsible for the death of the children she loved most. After much
deliberation, they concluded that If must be consulted. That was how
Qrnm)l went to fygl p00yr r/in l'jde ApQn. one of his former
students, for If consultation: would they be able to see the light of this
problem? Would what or those responsible for the problems in ll-Ife be
exposed and brought to the fore? Would the innocence of Qgun be
established without doubt?
The Awo assured Qrrf nmll that the innocence of his wife would not only be
established beyond any doubts, but the culprits would be exposed and put

to well-deserved shame. He advised Orrlnmll to offer ebo as stated

above. He complied.

As soon as this gbg was offered, ESU Qdara went into


approached the head of the witches of Il-IfQ and told her that he would like

to join them in making life difficult for QSun and her husband Qrnmll.
The woman was very happy to hear this. She invited Eg Qdara to their
meeting to allow him break the good news to all the Elders of the Night by
At the meeting, EgU Qdara told them that he hated Qpun with all his heaft.
He would therefore love to join hands with them to inflict more pains on her.
The witches told Egu Qdara that they could never forgive QSun because she
had been disturbing them from carrying out their plans. Anytime they tied
anyone down, especiallychildren and young adults, QSun would gothereto
untie them. They explained to EgU Qdara that they were not interested in
Qgun's children, they could therefore fathom no reason why she would be
the one stopping them from sucking the blood and eating the flesh of their
victims who were in no way related to her.
Egu Qdara explained that he hated the manner in which QSun carried
herself. He said that she was too arrogant for his liking. In the end, they
concluded that since the blood of children was purer than that of adults,
and since their flesh was more delicious, Qgun had no right to prevent them
from enjoying this delicacy. For having the effrontery to confront them in
the first place, she must be punished and allthe blames must be heaped on


her. After this, they dispersed.

The following day, Egu Qdara went back to the head of the Elders of the
Night and asked her how they shared the blood and flesh of their victims.
She told him that as the head, her share was one-tenth of the blood and the
head of the victim. ESU Qdara asked her whom she was sharing all the
internal organs, especially the heaft, liver and kidneys to for consumption.
She responded that her deputies used to share those pafts among each
other. 'That was cheating'lEg Qdara thundered, 'don't you know that
those pafts, together with the intestines are the real delicacies that must be
reserued for her as the head and indisputed leader?' He queried. 'Why
must you allow yourself to be cheated like this? You must confront these
deputies and claim your right! There must be an emergency meeting
today where allthese anomalies must be straightened out. You must never
accept anything less than the head and all the internal organs of all the
victims. Anyone willing to consume these delicacies must wait for her own
turn to become the leader! I will support you all the way!'
As soon as she heard these words from Egu Qdara, she went into a rage.
Everything and anything enraged her. Two of her daughters were among
the Elders of the Night. She hated them for keeping quiet when she was
being cheated. She summoned this emergency meeting. By the time the
meeting commenced, itwas clearthatthe head was annoyed. She abused
all of them. 'You are all cheats! After all the help I had rendered to you, all
of you still cheated and conspired against me! You are all ungrateful fools!
Ingrates! Thieves! Liars! I will punish you all!', she cried.

The deputies could neither understand nor stand all these insults. ESU
Qdara had earlier gone to these deputies to embolden them not to take any
insult from the head. He told them that the head had been too full of
herself. She was too self-centered and she had been using too much
derogatory language againstthem. 'Rise up and claim your right! Demand
for your respect from her! She is not in any way more qualified than any of
you to be the head! She even lacked proper administrative capacity. I will
support you all the way!'

As the head began to curse and abuse them, they responded and

panclemonum broke out! They began to expose each other: those whose
homes were destroys; those whose crops failed; those whose children
were killed and consumed; those whose relations were on their sick beds;
those who were experiencing downturn in their economic fortunes were all
listening and hearing what the elders of the night were saying. They were
all livid with theirown rage.
Epu Qdara excused himself from the meeting, claiming that he was going
ease himself. None of them took notice of him in their fight, Eg went


the people and declared; 'why are you all passive? why do you all keep
quiet when you heard all what these women were saying? you, can't you
see that it was your mother who has been responsible for your illness? And

you, did you hear your wife saying that she took away your manhood? And
you, can't you see that your younger wife was responsible for the death of
your four children born for you by your senior wfe? What are you all waiting
for? Go and dealwith these people! I willsupportyou allthe way!'

The people carried cutlasses, hoes, sticks, batons, and clubs and so on.

They rounded up all these witches. They were all dealt with


Eyel poyl ryln l'jdeApqn

I)lfiln Qrrtnmll
Iy mi bwgnj

WQn nl lyewa nl
fbg ni wqn nl k w Fe
gb'Qbo, ru'bg

Iyewa Otooro lfon


b'nil j d'bi emg o.

Eyel p00yi rf n I'oude Apgn
He was the Awo who cast If for Ornm'll

Whenlymi were fighting against them

And theywere accusing Iyewa
He was advised to offier gbg
He complied

Behold, QSun Iyewa OtOoro Efqn

will never fight


anyone to the extent of harming his/her child

If says that those responsible for the problems taking place where this
Od is revealed shall be exposed and broughtto book.


If also advocates patience and understanding for the person who was
accused wrongfully as the culprits shall be exposed. If says that he/she
needs to accept their apologies when begged for forgiveness in good faith.


If says that there is the need to offer comprehensive gbg for the
community because there were many unfoftunate events taking
place in the town. The cause of this is not unconnected to thefact
that the community had offended the lrnmolQ and Onga. These
divinities are angry with the community and they must be appeased
to bring back normalry into the community.

If also warns those who represent others to be truthful and honest

in alltheir assignments. If they fail to do so, the consequence may be
very disastrous and may even lead to loss of lives. In the same vein,
lf cautions that there must not be a situation where people will be
paying back good with evil. If they are helped, they must show
appreciation and must not let those who do them good regret their
actions. They must not maltreat those who had assisted them one
way or the other.

If advises that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs to

offer gbg with two matured he-goats, 2 rats, hvo fish, two
hens and money. They also need to feed If with one matured
she-goat, feed Egu Qdara with one matured he-goat and feed
Qbatl with 16 snails, shea butter, tr 6 chalks, 10 metres of
white cloth and drinks. On allthese, If says:
Igngan IfQ
Qrunmll wosun, kowqn

OffeAye (the emissaryof theworld)
Igangan IfQ (the delegate of Ile-IfQ)
Qrnmll had a deep meditation and arrested them


Qrnm)l was the spiritual administrator of the world. He was based in IlIfg during the dawn of time. He hadlmrf lgb, also known as ebtal and
Akle, also known as Eg Qdara, as his If students at that time. He also
had Oflgg Aye andlgangan IfQ as his messengers whom he used to send to
Oldmar at regular interuals to receive instructions on how to administer
the world for it to be a comfoftable place to live for human beings.
At first, OfSe Ay and)gngn If were their assignments with

dilligence and truthfulness. At a stage, they became envious of human

beings. They realized that it was only human beings who sinned against
oldmar and lrrlnmglQ, yet they were forgiven and given another
chance. why should human beings be given another chance; to sin again?
They wondered. It reached a stage that OJigq Ay andlgangan If decided
that they would be delivering false messages to Qrunmll in order to
punish these wicked human beings. They began to do so and the world
began to experience problems. This went on for a long time. Qrrlnmll,
Imulgb (QbaHl) and Akle (E9 Qdara) consulted If to determine
what was responsible for the problems they were encounting on earth. If
revealed to them that Ofse Ay and Igngn Ifg were the ones
responsible. They had deliberately been delivering false information in
order to create confusion and chaos. If recommended for both of them to
be sanctioned accordingly. Theywere both rounded up and eliminated.
As soon as this was done, another round of crisis

began. The inhabitants

confronted Qrnm1l and demanded to know what right he had
for killing his messengers. They accused Qrrfnmll of being jealous of the
prominence of his two seruants. All explanations failed to satisfy them. At
a stage, they beat up)mrllgb (Qbatl) and tore up his dress to shreds.
They also slapped Akle (Egu Qdara). Qrnm]l lfd himself somewhere.
when they left,Ornmll, QbaHh and Eg Qdara packed their belongings
and left ll-Ife. Qrrlnmll declared that he never knew that he no longer
had honour in Il-IfQ.
As soon as they left Il-IfQ, all spiritual consultants in the whole world
refused to consult for Il-IfQ. Those who were Babalwo, those who were
water and crystal gazers, those who were Adg, (those who used
cowries for consultation) those who used three, four, eight and 16 cowries

decreed that nobody should consult for them in Il-IfQ anymore. Il-Ife
people said they could live their lives without the spiritualists. lQrunm)l
and his two students (Qbtl and EgU Qdara) wandered in the forest for
several days before they arrived at a place known as [lju-u-ko-s'Ekg-kos'kn, the wilderness where there is no rafter or ropes. They erected
three huts made with im leaves one for Qrrtnm)l, one for Qbtla and the
third one for ESU Qdara.
Meanwhile, in ll-Ife, there was serious crisis. Rain failed to fall; pregnant
women could not deliver their babies; strong people became sick and
feeble; crops failed; the rich ones became poor; pestilence enveloped the
whole town; streams and wells in Il-IfQ dried up completely; the breasts of
nursing mothers ran dry of milk and dropped down flat on their chests;
domestic animals began to die one after the other; human beings began to
follow; many of them died of hunger and thirst; trees and shrubs turned
brown and died one after the other. There was panic and confusion; those
who had litherto boasted that they could live their lives without the help of
all the spiritualists realized that they needed them more than ever before.
Unfoftunately for them, everyone they went to for assisstance, they were
turned down. They pleaded for mercy buttheywere ignored. Astheywere
moving from one place to the other, they came across a Babalwo who took
pity on them and was readyto assist on compassionate grounds:
Alkn nfl rln nl lkgkg
Nll rln nl lbb

Dlfnwgn l'tu-IfQ
NljQ Ajogun ka wgn m'l


The crab is itthatwalks in hidden places
And walks in the dark
If's message forthe inhabitants of Otu-IfQ
When Ajogun overwhelmed them completely

The Awo told them that they had offended those who had done them a lot
of favours. These people had shown them their anger and that was why
they were in the situation they found themselves. He advised them to go
and approach another Awo called IpQpQn )sepo pQrQpQrQ for assistant.
He assured them that if there was anyone on earth at that time who could

assist them, that person was uponpon lsepo seresere. I ney manKeo nlm
and left in search oflpgnpgn)sepo Feregere . Before long, theyfound him.
IpQrrpQn lsepo geregere
Dl filn wgn l'tu IfQ
NljqAjogun k wgn mq'l pitipiti
Ebg niwqn nl kl wgn w 9e

IpQnpQnIsepo Feresere
He was the Awo who cast If for them at Otu Ife
When Ajogun overwhelmed them completely
Theywere advised to offergbg

The Awo told them that they were suffering from self-inflicted pain and
agony. They were advised that if they wanted all their sufferings to go,
they needed to procure a life antelope for gbg.

All of them dispersed in search of a live antelope. They searched

everywhere but could not find any. One day, they found a live antelope.

They began to pursue it. The antelope sensed that it was being pursued
and it began to run deeper and deeper into the forest. It soon reached
[lju-u-ko-s'QkQ-k-s'kun, They pursued it to the forest. As soon as they
had simply
got there, the antelope could no longer be found.
disappeared! They searched everywhere but could no longer find the
antelope. Instead, they found the three huts built by Qrrfnmlla, Qbatl
and Eg Qdara. Who could be living in this deep forest in the middle of
nowhere? They wondered. One of them threw a stone at the hut and
Qbatl came out. When they saw him, they allthrew themselves on the
ground and began to beg him. Before long, Qrnm'll and Eg Qdara also
came out, They begged the three of them for forgiveness. Qbatl
refused to listen to them. They begged and begged. All their pleadings
failed to impress Qbatl. At a stage, he told them that he was the one
who had withheld the rain and had opened the sky to let in intense
sunshine. When asked why he did so, he responded that he intended for
all the rats, fish, birds and beasts to die of drought and starvation. He also
wanted the human raceto dietoo!


That was when QrrJnmll and Egu Qdara joined in pleading with Qbat.

vtuilililct trxptcilileu ru rrril LilcrL Liley dil gufrsufne ain[ uSe rafs, flsn, olrqs
and beasts for other purpose. It is human beings who will go and procure
all these items for them. They pleaded with him not to let all the living
things on eafth die because that would be against the wish of Oldmar.
After much deliberation, Qbtl agreed to take a compassionate look at
them. He told them to go and procure two rats, two fish, two birds and
two beasts as fine for throwing stones at theirlmu huts. They went back
home and broughtthe items, singing thus:
ir eku k m ra
irueja km ra
iru eyq k m ra
ir eran k m ra
ir nlyen k m ma ra o
Ejl ElqmerQ gba w o


Maythe rats not die off
May the fishes not cease to exist
Maythe birds notvanish on earth
Maythe beasts notgo into extinction
May human beings notdisappearon eafth
Ef Fhmere firgtQ-Meji) please comes to our rescue

When they got to where the three lrnmglQ were, they took all these items
from them and asked them to return home. Obatb released the rain and
the world returned to normalcy.
Ojlqe Ay
Igngn IfQ
Qrunmlla w sun,


WQn han blAganlloye

WQn p'ariwo bl Agte
WQn blnrfr wQn lg r b
Won O b Baba nl'l

Qr{nmll nl'l

AkalegmgQdQ Qrrnmlh
WQngba ltl
Imlgb qmq qdq Qrnmll
WQn fa Qdn ldl re ya peere-peere


9runmfl nl 9 Oun O tilQ I'QwQ nf 'tQ yt mg

Qrunmfl w bl'nrt
Oun ti gmg lkgfa rg mjejl
WAn kg'rl sl !ljrr-u-ko-s'eke-ko-s'kn
Awgn lfedamu tfttl
Okod pgan

Aboyun l k bltibi-tire
Agan ot'gwql b'osn
Qba koje'ko
Olw di onlgbs
Oknrnr-bti ko dtde
Albtly di atbffkr


IlAyw d'qta
WQn bQrQsff dmrr kiri
d Qdq El'ta, Flern' ft'qjo, ati
WQn nf wgn ti fi yan ekq je
WQn hn kiri-kiri
WQn dqdqAtkn nlt rln nt ltOto
Nfl rln nt lbaba
Bf gni tl kO b'dge
Awo Od Ohlweri
nf kl wn ma te

Ipgnpgn fsepo serqgerQ tg

IpQpen tsepo ggrgggrq b

Dlfitnwgn l'tu lfg

NfjQAjogun k wgn mQ't pitipiti

Ebg lo nl kl wn w ge
O nl kf wqn ma wa Agbenrtn oyQ 19
yl ! A9 bQn rtn de f t ju-u -ko-s'ke_ko-s,k n
WQn d ib l mu m-ta
gbath nl kl wQn tg r m eku mjl
Eja mejl, eye mf ati gran mjl a sOkolm wa
WQn bg O9 tftl
oganta nf un o nff gbe
Oo+a nt Oun o nff gbt
Qrunmfl w fg'hn sl Oog4 r,vfpe
Qrnmll wt egbed nffortjl
If nl onlkolo trln kolo gln
L'jqtiQba ti rr j9

AojeiruQbayff rt

Afi gbatta ebatrtsa


Qba patapata tff b wgn gb'de lrnj

Oun lfa okn eji so
w da qseeercoorn stlQ
Wn nl nltorl klnni
nl kl irrl gmg eku l ba ra nii
nl kl r gmeeja | ba ra nii
nl kl irrl gmgqyg le ba ra nii
nl kl iru gmg gran | baa ra nii
nl kl rrt gmgenlyan E baa ra nii
Qrrrnmll nl a jQekur loeku

A rjeeja,aloeja
An jegyera tr loe,yg

A tr jg eran, rt lo gran
qmg nlyn ni yO sl w wgn w fin wa
Kl int eku k m ra
Kl iru eja k m ra
Kl ir eyg ko m ra
Kl irU gran k m ra
Kl iru nlyn k m m ra o

Efi glgmgrQ gba w o

Ewa bani b'yQ

Igngan IfQ
QrrJnmll had a deep meditation and arrested them

When the inhabitantof Il-IfQ heard thatthesetwo had been

They screamed likethe masquerade oflloye land
And shouted like the Elders of the Night
In their rage, they rushed to confront Qrrtnm)l at home
They did not meet him at home
Akle was a student of Ornmll
They slapped him in the face
Imlgb was another student of Qrunmll
They tore his Odn dress to shreds
Qrnm)l declared that he never knewthat he had no honour in
Il-Ife anymore
Qrnm)l gotangry
He left Il-Ife together with his two students
They headed for flu-u-kO-s'eke-ko-q'kn in the deep forest


The inhabitants of Ir-IfQ began to rive in

miseryand confusion
Penis became switch
Female genital became lb, leather
Pregnant women were unable to deliver
Barren women could not become pregnant
pba's horses had no grass to
The rich became chronic debtors
The invalid could not regain their health
Those who had hill..f:. p.en giving bith
to bouncing babies
began to deliver still-bifths
Theywere running from pillarto post

Theywentto allAwos

And those doing consultation with cowries

The Awo said they had used their cowries
to buy corn meal
They went from piace to place

They got to the crab walks in hidden places

And walk in the dark
As f it has nothing to do with the stream
TheAwoof Oluwri
If's message forthe inhabtants of Otu-If
When Ajogun overwhelmed them completefy
He asked them to go tolpQnpQntsepo gQre9ere
IpQnpgnlsepo Fere$ere
He wastheAwo who castlf forthem
When Ajogun overwhelmed them completely
They were advised to offerebo
The Awo told them to took for a rive anterope
as gbg materiars
They pursued an antelope to
They saw the three huts made with lmo leaves
Theythrew a stone atthe hut
QbaHl asked them to go and bring two rats, two fish, two
two beasts as penalty for throwing stones at
ImU hut
They begged OOga fora long time
Ogl refused to accept their apology
QrUnmIl declared to Obtl thus
If declared 'orrikolo trJn kolo sin,
Since the period that ebas were being installed
None had ever been like this one
The exception is ebtl Obatfsa
Qba patapata who lived inlranje iand
He was the one who held onto [he rope
of rainfall
And released that of intense sunshinb
They asked him why he did so



declared that he wanted all rats to die off

wanted all fish to cease to
wanted all birds to vanish on eafth
wanted all beasts to go into extinction
even wanted all human being disappearfrom the eafth's
Ornmll said thatwe eat and use rats
We eat and use fish
We eat and use birds
We eatand use beasts
And human beings are the ones who procured all these items for
May the rats not die off
May the fish not cease to exist
Maythe birds notvanish on eafth
May the beasts not go into extinction
May human being not disappear from the eafth's surface
E Etqmqrg, please come to our rescue
Before long nottoo far
Join us in the midstof haPPiness
Comeand behold alllre in life



If says that the tribulation of the person or group for whom this Od
revealed shallsoon come to an end. There is the need for him/her/them to
bury his/her/their pride and tender apoogy where and f necessary.

16. If warns the person for whom this Od is revealed that there

is the

need for him/her to do Ipese for the Elders of the Night so that the
problems that he/she is encountering presently, caused by the
witches, can be eliminated. If says that the life of a youth is being
threatened by the Elders of the Night where this Od is
That is why If recommends this gbg in order to prevent this youth
from experiencing untimely death.


If advises that there is the need to offer gbq with a matured hegoat and money. After this, there is the need to dolps with one
matured she-goat. This she-goat will be slaughtered from the
back of its neck as against its throat. The flesh of this goat shall also
be distributed raw. It must not be cooked in the house where this Qbq


ts oTTereo



me nouse or E aDatawo. un tnts, lra says:

Eran t kker p'e,tq

Owlwl drln ldrtn n

Tlyofi ewregb'gmg rQ I'ewf Eleye
lbg ni wgn nl k w 9e

Eran, Digitaria debilis,

is it that

grows branches from

The owldoes not make the same sound that it made yesterday
This was the If cast for Qrr:nmll
The one who will rescue his child from the hands of the witches w i t
He was advised to offer gbg


In this Od, Akp was successfully married with children. The family had
been living happily until Akp inadveftently found himself in contentious
circumstances wth the Elders of the Night. How dd t happen? Some
people came to him for If consultation when their children were
experiencing inexplicable ailments. After consultation, AkpO declared to
the client that the problems were caused by the Elders of the Night. He
thereafter recommended appropriate gbg and'ips. The client complied.
The ailments disappeared.
Before long, Akp had been known as an expert of some soft of matters
relating to children and their welfare. This was where AkpO had
inadveftently offended the witches. Unknown to him, most of the children
that he had saved from untimely death had lithefto been targeted by the
Elders of the Nightfor consumption. They were the ones who had marked
the children before they began their sickness. In fact, these ailments were
actually the signs the Elders had put in their body in order to have an
excuse as to what caused the death of these children when eventually they
died. They viewed Akp as an enemy who had been removing their
potential meals from their mouths. They therefore concluded that AkpO
must be punished for this. They decided to take his best child to replace all
the children he had denied them of consuming.


efore tong, rne [avounte cnilo or AKapo Decame lll, all meolcaons ne nao
successfully administered on other children failed to have any effect on his
own child. The child became leaner, paler and weaker by the day. AkpO's
family was thrown into confusion and sorrow. That was when Qrrfnmll
decided to come to Akp's aid.
One day, Akpo had a dream and Qrnmlla told him that his problem was
caused by the Elders of the Night; therefore he needed to consult If.
During consultation, If told Akp to offer gbg with a matured he-goat for
victory for the child and the family. After this, he was to use one matured
she-goat as a substitute for his child because the child's flesh had already
been shared by the Elders of the Night. They were only waiting for the
death of the child before the physical possession of his body parts is taken,
He was instructed to slaughter the animal from the back of the neck, which
was an unconventional way of slaughtering animals, because the Elders of
the Night planned to eliminate his child in an unconventionalway. He was
also told to share the flesh of this animal raw as no part must be cooked in
his house. Akp complied with the gbg and shared the flesh of the shegoat among those living around his house. Within one week, the child
became alright and fully recuperated. Happiness then returned to Akp0's
Eran ti kker p'Qtq
Owlwl dun ldn ana

Tl yOfiewtre gb'gmg rQ I'QwQ Eleye
lbg ni wEn nl k w qe
gb'Qbg, r'bg
$ni tl gb'ap, $ w gb'ap
Odtod n wqn p'gran aj je o
$ni tl rtgb'gs, q w gb'ese
Odl-odl ni wQn p'gran eje je o

$ni tl rtgb'yln, q w gb', yln

Odl-odl ni wQn p'gran aj je o

fni tf gb'orf, e w gb'orf
Odl-odl niwqn p'gran jS je o

fni tl gba'fun, e w gba'fun

Odt-ot ni wQn p'gran aj je o
lni tl gb'grn,

w gb'grn
Od-oO ni wQn p'gran aj je o

sni tl gb'edg,

g w gb'Qdg
Od-oO ni wQn p'gran ej je o

fni tl ]tgba gaK, gw gba gakl
Od-ot niwQn p'gran jgjeo
Eni tl gba fkr, gw gba fk
Od-odl niwqn p'gran aj jeo
Eni tl rtgba'gQ, g w gba'ge
Odl-odl ni wgn p'gran ej jeo

Eran, Digitaria debilis is itthatgrows branchesfrom its
The owl does not make the same sound as it made yesterday
This was the If cast for Qrrf nnlll
The one who will use a she-goatto rescue his child from the
hands of the witches
He was advised to offer gbg
Those who are entitled to the limbs, do come and take your
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
Truly, it is unconventional
Those who are entitled to the head, do come and take your
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
Truly, it is unconventional
Those who are entitled to the neck, do come and take
possession of your share
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
It is unconventional indeed


Those who are entitlecl to the intestines, clo come and take your
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
Truly, it is unconventional
Those who are entitled to the bowel, do come and take your
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
It is unconventional indeed
Those who are entitled to the lungs, do come and take
possession of your share
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
Truly, it is unconventional
Those who are entitled to the chest do come and take your
In unconventional means, the animal of the witches is
Truly, it is unconventional

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be rescued from
the hands of the witches.


SIGNIFICANCE (J)F rKE I E MEJI rr.rK I nrr)tr l'Lrli(|I n r



IreJQ Mil children normally live happy and comfoftable lives. They have
the support of the mother-earth, which ensures that they are blessed with
profitability. They are equally the beloved of Oldmar. They regarded
as the ambassadors of Oldmar here on eafth. This is a major function
thatlretb M] children pefform splendidly. It is also part of the reason why
they do not need to go into any job where they would be sweating profusely
before making theirdailY bread.

lrgtQ Mil children succeed more outside the shores of where they are
born than for them to stay in their places of bifth. Anruhere they go, they
turn into their abode. They do not believe that anybody is discriminating
against them wherever they are. They also cooperate with those whom

they met wherever they go. For all these, they take their chances and take
advantage of whatever opportunity that comes their way.

It is always advisable for lre.tQ Mil children to ensure that special

preparation were made for them in order to demolish the homes being
erected for them by their Fgb in heaven so as to be able to live the ones
they are erecting hbre on e,th. This is very impoftant in order to avoid a
situation where they will lose their Iives as soon as they complete
acquisition of any property on eafth.

Manytimes,IrqtQ Mil children are accused of perpetrating the evil, which

they know nothing about. The organizers of these falsehood will make
everyone to believe that it is truly the handiwork of IreJQ-Mil children,
the truth will prevail in the end: unfoftunately for these falsehood
perpetrators lrgtQ Mil children do not easily forget orforgive anyone who
did any evil against them.
gng and Qrnmll are the two major IrrlnmglQ who protect alllrgtQ MI
children against untimely death. $ng protects their chest while Qrnm)l
protects their head. Wth these two InJnmgl behind them, longevity is
To succeed most in life, it is best for lrqt Mi children to enter into joint

parunersnrp w|tn orners. rr rs nor aovlsaDre Tor tnem ro go Into any Du$ness
alone, as this will not bring maximum profit for them. If they go into
paftnership business, they will be able to maximize their profits, especially
if all paftners involved in the business specialize in different fields and
categories of the business segments. They however need to spell out the



of each partners in the business ever before the

commencement of such venture. They also need to spell out the profit/loss
sharing formula beforehand. By so doing, friction and misunderstanding
are nipped in the bud.


Ire,tQ Mjl children also sufFer from the problem of contention with
Elders of the Night. They try to stop them from achieving their goals in life.
However, with appropriate gbg andlps, this problem will become a thing
ofthe past.


1. If
For success, victory long life
2. Egu Qdara For protection, success and stability
Forfortune consummation
3. Orl
4. Egb Forfinancialenhancement
5. QbAtl Forsuccess and happiness
6. $ngo For protection and long life
7. Qqun For protection against slanderers
For protection and success
8. Od
For long life and prosperity
9. Ile



Must not eat squirrel To avoid untimely death

Must never pay evil with evil To avoid the multiplication


eviland disaster
Must not use eran grass for anything To avoid contention
Wth Elders of the Night
Must not use owlfor anything - To avoid contention with Elders


of the Night
Must not engage in sole proprietorship business To avoid
unconsummated foftune
Must not use any of the monkey family for anything To avoid
untimely death.
Must not implicate others in whatthey know nothing about
To avoid humiliation and disgrace
Must noteatcrab To avoid protracted problems





1. IlQmaje,yl May mother-eafth sparethisfrom consumption

2. Qtant A child of special bfth
3. Qlberinjg Honourwas greatas an elephant
4. Arundu A small-statured child
5. Ifadurl If protects my head
6. Ifgbmll If saves me

1. IlemajQyl May mother-earth spare this for consumption

2. Qlbrinjg Honour is as great as an elephant
3. Iyewajare Qgun isvindicated
4. gldqb Honour is wofth sharing
Aboru Aboye.


Chapter 15


lt tl

ll ll

Chapter 15


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed has been
destined to become the most important person in his/her family from
heaven. This is not all; he/she shall also be blessed with a child who
shall become the king/queen of his/her family.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg so

as to be able to realize the potentials of his/her destiny to the fullest.
At the same time, he/she also needs to offer another gbg for his/her
child to becomethe most important person in his/herfamily.


to offer ebq with two pigeons for

him/herself and another two for the child, two hens for
advises this person

him/herself and another two for the child, and money. It

does not matter whether the child had already been born or not.
The impoftant thing is to offer this gbg in order to.usher in the
promised greatness and accomplishment. On this, QSg Mfl says:
Idanndan natpa ile
D,l fitn wn l'de lh-la
Ibi wgn gb rbi Oltl I'Qmg
fibq nf wQn ni kl wqn w $e

Idan nda n reflects as the la m p of the mother ea rth
This was the If castforthe inhabitants of the Big City
Where they give birth to prominent people



ose rrzeli

They were advised to offer gbp

The inhabitants of Il-11 planned to make their new found land,Ibadan

the largest and most prosperous cty in Yorb land. For this reason, they
went for If consultation: Would they be able to realize their dream?
Would their town grow to be the biggest in Yorb land? Would commerce
and politics flourish in this new town? These questions and many more
were what were in their minds when they went for If consultation.
The Awo assured them that their new town would grow to be the largest
town ever. For this to happen however, there was the need to offer qbg in
order to beget great sons and daughters who were full of energy and
dreams which would help in propelling the town into greatness. The Awo
told them that just as Idanndan reflects to show the greatness of the
mother eafth, so also will their sons and daughters grow to ensure that
their dreams become reality. The Awo concluded that the wonders that a
horse could not perform while on eafth, its tail would perform more than
thatafterthe horse had passed on.
The Awo advised them to offer gbg as prescribed above. They complied.
As a result, their sons and daughters stafted building the town in terms of
engaging in commerce, politics, administration, etc. and thus, the town
grew to become the Iargest city in Yorb land up till today as it was
foretold by the Awo. Seeing the potentials abound in the town, other
inhabitants from other lands came to settle their-in. As a result, the
inhabitants of llu-nl became successful and prosperous as the town also
continued to progress and expand and grow stronger even in terms of
military strength and weaponry.
Idanndan ntpa le
Dl fin wQn l'deltr-la
Ibiwgn 9b bi Ohl I'Qmg
fbg nl wQn nl kl wQn w Se
WQn gb'Qbg, wqn r'bg
Eiolpo, EroQfa

w gb'qmg ohl g'eSin gog


lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Idanndan reflects as the lamp of the mother eafth
Ths was the If cast for the inhabitants of the big city
Wheretheygive birth to prominent people
They were advised to offer gbg
Travellers tolpo and Qfa towns
Come and place the prominent people on deserued horses.

If says that the community where Qgq-Mel'is revealed either during

IkqSQdy orltenff will benefitfrom the blessings of this Od.

2. If says that it foresees prosperity


person for whom this Od is

revealed. If this person is a man, If foresees the Ire of a loving
woman who will assist him to succeed in life. The woman in
question has the tendency to bring financial accomplishment to her
husband. On the other hand, if the person for whom this Od is
revealed is a woman, she will be blessed with an understanding
husband who will make her a proud mother of many children in life.
For the man, If advises him to offer gbg with two pigeons, two
hens, two guinea fowls and money. He is also to feed If with

one matured she-goat and feed Aj with one white pigeon.

For the woman, she is to offer gbg with two pigeons, two cocks,
two guinea fowls and money. She is also to feed If with hro
ratsrtwofish and a matured she-goat. On these,If says:
ofara jgewAd
EweAde ba'lQrofara jgew Il
Ewe ila ba'le,

Ew ogngun l ba'l, r gbamldo-gbmldo

ro gbaalukgkg-gbalkgkq

nw'gkg ImQrn-n yn klri
f bq nl wqn nl k w 9e

When okra leaf drops, it resembles Ad leaf
When Ad leaf drops, it resembles okra leaf
When OgUngun (araba) baf, adansonia digitata, dropped,




f !,

oo u.

crackng sound
These were If's declarations to Aj (wealth divinity)
When in search of a compatible husband
She was advised to offer ebo

Aj was a very pretty lady; she was full of life and vitality. Oldmar put
her in charge of financial wealth. When she came into the world, she had
several relationships with men who mismanaged her, and treated her with
disrespect. In the end she would leave them; and as soon as she left them,
those men would become wretched. Tired of this kind of life, she went for
If consultation: Would she be able to have a compatible husband? Would
she be able to have an understanding husband who will treat her with care
and respect?
The Awo assured her that she would realize all her heaft's desires. She was
then advised to offer ebg as stated above. Aj complied.
Ewe ila ba'lg, o f ara jg ew Ad
EweAde ba'l, ofara
Ew Ogngun l ba'l, r gbemldo-gbamldo
ro gbaahrkgkg-gbelkgkg


Dl fitn


If rtfomi oju sngbrAjeguurugu

Fbq nl wqn nl k w ge



When okra leaf drops it resemblesAd

When Ad leaf drops, it resembles okra leaf
When OgUngun (araba) leaf, it made cracking sound
These were If's declarations to Orunmll
When lamenting his lackof wealth
He was advised to


0rnmll was very hardworking, efficient and proficient in his chosen field
but he had nothing to show for it. Most of his clients did not see any reason
why he should be adequately compensated for all his effofts to improve the
qualityof theirlives. Asa resultof hispovefty, hefound itdifficulttosecure

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

a wife and give brth to children because he could not see how he would be
able to provide adequate mantenance for the wife and the children.

Tired of living from hand to mouth, Qrnm'il decided to consult the Awo
mentioned above who was incidentally one of his former students, for If
consultation: Would he be blessed with financial success in life? Would he
be commensurately remunerated for his effolts? Would his clients give him
recognition in consonant with his effoft to improve their lot? All these and
many more were the questions Qrnm'll asked
During If
consultation, Qgq-M) was revealed. The Awo assured him that he would
succeed but that the success would come through a woman. Ornmll
was advised to offer qbg as stated above.


On the day that Qrnm)la went for the gbg was the same day that Aj also
came to offer her gbg. Seeing Qrnmlla, Aj asked If secretly whether
this was the man that If had promised she would meet. She consulted If
and it was in the affirmative. Similarly, Qrrlnmll also asked If whether
this was the woman that If had assured him. If said yes. The two of
them met, discussed and made arrangements as to how they would
become husband and wife.

The two families were consulted and consequently, the marriage was
contracted. From there, Qrnm)l prospered in his profession, took proper
care of Aj and thus became wealthy. Aj, on the other hand was of great
benefit and assistance to Qrnm'il because of his understanding and care.
As a result, she decided to stay permanently with Ornmll and both of
them prospered together. Aj became happy and also begot proud
children for Qrnm)l. They were both rejoicing with all the good things
that had come out of their relationship. QrnmII stafted to praise Aj for
assisting him to become prosperous while Aj also was praising Qrrlnmll
for making her a proud mother that nobody had ever done for her. Both of
them had causeto praise each otherfora long time.
Ew il ba'lg, of'ara jg ewend
EwAd ba'l, ofara jgew Il
Ew ogngun l ba'lg, r gbamldo-gbmldo
ro glaal kgkg-gbalkgkg


f ose


rw'qkg ImQrn-n yen klr

Dlafun Orunmila
If rrfom oju sngbreAj guurusu
Fbq nf wQn nl k w ge
WQn gb'gbo, wQn r'bg
If l'mi kg'b0oslAj

N k'boslAj
Aj nl If m k'bOosl i mi mo
Iwg lo sg mi d'glQmo

If m k'boosl i mi m

When okra leaf drops, it resembles Ad leaf
When the leaf of Ad drops, it resembles okra leaf
When gngun (araba) leaf dropped, it made a cracking sound
These were If's declarations to Aj (wealth Divinity)
When in search of a compatible husband
If also declared to 0rnmll
When lamenting his lackof wealth
They were advised to offergbg
If says I should praise Aj
Aj has made meto be prosperous
I willsurely praiseAj
Aj asked Qrnmll notto praise her
Because he had made her a proud mother
Qrnmll, do not praise me anymore
All those praises belong to Ia

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed with
a good spouse. Both husband and wife shall complement each other and
both of them shall acheve their heas'desires in life.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be blessed
with financial success. If says that he/she needs to work hard but
not n work that is too rigorous. If says that Qgq MT children excel
in professions that are consdered to be for lazy people.

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to change

his/her style of working if he/she had been doing any strenuous


If says that it is more advisable to use his/her brains. It is by

so doing that unqualified success can be guaranteed.

If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is being

looked down upon or cheated by those who are more poweful than
him/her, he/she needs not despair at all. These people will sooner or
later come back to him/her with cap in hand to seek his/her favour.
He/she too must never look down or cheat anyone as this may have
adverse effect on his/her success.

If recommends for this person to offer gbg with four rats, four
fish, two pigeons, two hens, two she-goats and money. Two
of the rats and fish, one pigeon, one hen and one goat shall be
used to feed If. On this, If says:
Plrl parc

Baba yo ma s'OwO fiakadl k'aye
f bg nl wgn nl k w qe

The smaftness of Olongo bird
And the agility of parO, paftridge
These were the messages of If for QrUnmIl
When going to take wrestling as a profession
He was advised to offer gbg

Qrunmll believed in trying his hand on any and all professions as long as
they were within the ambit of socially accepted norms in the society. It was
this reason that made Qrnmll to choose wrestling as his profession. In
order to succeed in throwing all his opponents down, Qrnm)l went to
prepare many special devices. These devices were so effective that if an
elephant confronted him in a wrestling duel, the elephant will be thrown
down several times and no sweat would come out of Qrnmll's body for all
his effot. The efficacy of this devices impressed Qrnmll so much so that

il o"e


he congratulated himself in advance.

One day, a wrestlng competition was announced and a date was fixed for
the duel. All the great wrestlers across the Yoruba land were present.
These included Alr, Ajer, Qwa-Qrngr1n Aga, OljorRb, and even
Qlqfa, the greatestof allwrestlers of thattime.
On the day of the competition, all the wrestlers came out and one by one
they were thrown down and eliminated by Qrrlnm)l. It took him no time
to throw down Alr, he did not even sweat before he threw down Ajer.
His breathing pattern did not increase before he threw down Qw'rngrf n
Aga. He was still looking fresh after he threw down Oljmb. By the
time he engaged QlQf, the greatest wrestler as at that time in the duel,
QlQfa was no longer sure of his ability. In the end, Qrrlnmll defeated
Qlqfa, the greatest wrestler hands down. Orrlnmll was consequently
declared the greatest wrestler of all generations. For his effort, Orrlnmll
was given a live cat and a leopard skin to signiff that his back never
touched the ground in defeat.
When he got back home however, he met his family expecting him to bring
home money because they were already feeling hungry. Orrfnmll had
nothing to give his family for food. He was thoroughly abused by his wives.
They called him a never-do-well who was good for nothing in the home.
They screamed at him that even though he had to defeat everybody in the
duel, he did not have the capacity to peform his marital and domestic
obligations. As he tried to explain to his wives and children, they shouted
him down and called him severalterrible names,
For two years, Qrunmll remained the undisputed wrestling champion; but
he had nothing to show for it. At this stage, even his friends and relatives
had joined the wives and children in casting aspersion on him. He had
neither respect nor honour among the community members because his

wrestling championship dd not translate into any meaningful

developments in the community.

Tired of this development, Qrnm'il approached the two Awo mentioned

above for If consultation. They were his former students and were well


lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultation

trained by Qrnm)l. During consultation, Qgg Mfl was revealed that he

had hithefto been acting like someone endowed with lots of brawn, but
with little brain. He was told that hencefofth, there was the need for him to
use more of his brain/intellectual prowess than his physical clout. They told
Qrnmll that most of the people he defeated during the wrestling contest
would have paid anything, just anything, to have the oppoftunity of
throwing (casting) him (If). This was the oppoftunity that Qrrtnm'll had
all along been denying these people. They told him that he must allow
himself to be thrown down by anybody interested in engaging in a duel
(consultation) with him. They summarized it all by asking him to announce
it that he no longer had the physical strength of throwing anybody down
but can now be thrown down by anyone interested in engaging him in a
duel. They also advised Qrunmlla to offer gbg as prescribed above.
As soon as people heard that Qrrlnmll could no longer throw people down
but can allow himself to be thrown down in consultation, Alr was the first
person to arrive at Qrnm)l's house. Qrnm'il gave him the Qpglg. Alr
threw down the Qpglg in consultation and Qpe MT was revealed.

Qrnmll declared that Alr threw down the Qpglg in consultation

because he needed more financial success in life. He was assured that he
would get all he wanted. He was advised to offer gbq four white
pigeons, one sheep and 16 bags of cowries. Alr delivered all these
items to Qrnm'll's house that same day.

The next person was

Ajer. AjerO threw the Qpglg (If) down in

consultation. Qrnmll told Ajer that the reason why he threw the Qpgle

was because he needed peace of mind in his life. He assured Ajer that he
would get his heat desires. He advised Ajer0 to offer gbg with 16 guinea
fowls and eight bags of money. Ajer complied.

Next, Qw-Qrngr1n Aga came for consultation. He also threw down the
Qpgle and Qrr1nmlla told him that he needed more wives and children.
Qw-Qrangn Aga was told that he would get what he desired. He was
then advised to offer gbg with 1O rats, 1O fish, four matured shegoats and six bags of money. He complied.
As soon as Qwa-Qrngrln Aga left, Oljornb came into Qrunm'il's house


t os"


for consultation. He also threw gpglg down; Qrunm'il told him that he had
come in order to have victory over his numerous enemies. He was assured
that he would be able to achieve his heaft desires. He was advised to offer

gbg with three matured he-goats and 17 bags

of cowries.



After this, came QlQfa; he threw Qpglg in consultation and was told that he
needed peace and tranquility in his domain. He was assured that he would
realize his heart desires. Orrinmll advised him to offer gbg with 17 yam
tubers, two matured pgs and 17 bags of money, He complied.
All the movers and shakers of the society began to queue in order to throw
Qpgle in consultation in Orrlnmll's house. Qrrlnmll told them what they
came for and prescribed gbq for them. Most of them complied with the
recommendations as pronounced by Qrrrnmll.

Within three months, the life of Qrrlnmlla had completely changed for the
better. The first thing he noticed was that his wives who had hithefto being
raining curses and abuses on him began to smile and praise him. They were
always at his beck and call. And why not? Qrnmll was able to fulfill his
marital and domestic obligations even in excess of their expectations. His
family and friends spoke well of him. His community respected and
honoured him as well. Ornmll became happy and lived happily with
Plrl par
Dl fitn Qrrtnmll
Baba yo ma s'wolJakadl k'y
fbg nl wgn nl k w Qe
gb'Qbo, rrl'bg
Edr o l j

Bod'f o l'ku


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaon


o |ea

Olongo s.999

Fr o le



Fdu o




Fd te je


The smatness of Olongo bird
And the agility of par, partridge
These were the messages of If for Qrnmll
When going to take wrestling as a profession
He was advised to offer gbq
He complied
The smaftness of Olongo
Olongo is reallysmaft
Fd (If) needs notengage in any physical combat
$QgQ Olongo
If you throw (consult), If you shall offer rat
SS Olongo
Olongo 9Q9g
ldrt needs notengage in any physicalcombat
$QgQ Olongo
If you consult If, you shall offerfish

pdu needs notengage in anyfight
$Q9Q Olongo
If you consult If, you shall offer birds



Olongo gggg
!dr: needs not engage in any fight
$QgQ Olongo
If you consult If, you shall offer beast
$qgQ Olongo
Edrl needs notengage in a physicalcombat
$SgQ Olongo

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed should use more of
his mental capacity than his physical prowess. This is more impoftant
especally when he is faced with difficulties wth regard to achieving his/her
heart's desires.


If says that it foresees the Ire of a good wife for the man for whom
this Od is revealed. If says that the woman will play a significant
role in the life of this man. If also advises this person to serue
Qbatl and to observe the Qsg rituals every Qsg day.
On the other hand, If assures a woman in search of a spouse that
she will be blessed with a good one. If assures thatthe man she will
meet will ceftainly know her value and treat her with the honour and
respect she deserues. She needs to continue to be well behaved and
act as a shining example for other women.

If advises this person, if a man to offer gbg with two hens and
money. If a woman, she is advised to offer gbq with two cocks
and money. There is also the need to feed Qbatl with eight
snails, eight native chalks and shea butter. On this, If says:
rrln wO
A kl i ta ogqmq gblgbe l'sn
Dl firn oosarla QseQrQmag bo
Ti nlo re gbe OJos n'iyawo
f bg nl wqn nl k w 9e

Ifa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

gE woo, it breaks into pieces
rrn w, it cracks into tiny fragment
It is not the practice to paint dry palm-fronds with camwood

These were If's messages for oosanla QsqQrQmagbo (Qbatl)

When going to have the hand of OjQse (qse day) as wife
He was advised to offer ebo

OOsanla Qsggrgmgb was n dire need of a spouse who would assst hm

to achieve the mandate which Oldmare set for him on earth. He had

earlier had several women in his life but none of them could complement
his effoft. This was frustrating but QbaHh was fully determined not to rest
until he was able to get a woman of his choice.
On the other hand, Ojqse was in search of a man who would understand
her and treat her right. She was ready to assist her man to achieve his life
ambition and realize his destiny if well treated. Unfortunately for her
howeve6 she was always meeting men who did not appreciate her value
and give her well deserved respect. She was however convinced that for
every woman, there was a man. The only thing was for her to meet her
man at the right time. Consequently, she was prepared to continue to try
her luck until she gotthe right man in her life.
One day, QbaHl met OjQsQ and they discussed. Both of them immediately
developed interest in each other, especially when they realized that they

were both suffering from the same problem. Qbatl went for If
consultation this time in order to ensure that the mistakes of the past were
not repeated.

The questions at the back of his mind were: Was QjQsE good for him?
Would she complement his effort in life? Would he be happy with her?
Would she also live happily with him? The Awo assured him that Ojqse
was his dream choice. He was told that he would live happily with her and
she would also be happy with him. He was assured that OjQsQ would
complement all his efforts in llfe as long as she was treated with respect and
honour. Qbatl was advised to choose one out of the four religious days in
honour of OjQsQ. He was instructed to break kolanuts for OjQsQ on these




days on a regular basis. The Awo told Qbatl that Qjqse did not demand
for more than this, and that if it was done regularly, Ojqse would assist
QbaHb in every aspect of his Iife. QbaHl was advised to offer ebg as
prescribed above. He complied accordingly.

As soon as this was done, appropriate steps were taken to formalize the
relationship between Qbtl and OjQsQ. Every OjQse (QSe day), Qbath
used to break two kolanuts in honour of his wife. In turn, OjQsQ would
summon all Ire of wealth, joy, satisfaction, accomplishment, success,
victory peace of mind, sound health and so on to the home of Qbtl.
Wth all these, Qbatl had the time and presence of mind to assist others
and to achieve his mission on eath. Qbath lived with OjQsQ happily and
successfully ever after.
rrtn wO
A kl ta ogomQ gblgbe l'sn
Dl filn Oosarrla QseQrQmgbo
Tl rlo r gb OJQse n'iyawo
Fbq nl wQn nl k w 9e
gb'gbg, r'bg
Qba l, obl qsg g te'mi r o
Onl I'ojQQsQ

woo, it breaks into pieces
rrln wO, it cracks into tiny fragments
It is not the practice to paint dry palm-fronds with camwood
These were If's messages for OOsar la QsgQrQma g b0 (QbaH
When going to have the hand of OjQse (Qse day) as wife
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Qbanla, the great Qba, I hereby offer my QsQ kolanuts
Today is the QsQ day

If assures the person for whom this Od is revealed of great things in life
as long as QsQ days are observed regularly. If also advises the man for
whom this Od is revealed to treat his wife with honour and respect. The
woman is equally advised to complement all the effofts of her man at all
times, and to assist him all in all ways in order for him to achieve his goals in


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation



If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is presently

facing problems from two different angles. These problems are
agitating his/her mind and is weighing him/her down. If assures
this person that he/she will overcome these problems. If stresses
further that the two problems shall be overcome in one day.

If also warns a woman where this Od is revealed against loving

more than one man at a time. If says that the sacredness which
Oldmr put on the chest of a woman is so delicate that it cannot
accommodate more than one man at a period. If says that if this
woman is in the habit of sleeping with more than one man at a
period, she would lose the gift of sacredness that Oldmre had
given her and she would never be able to overcome most things
agitating her mind.
If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
hro matured he-goats in order to overcome the two problems in
one day. He/she is also advised to feed If with one cock or hegoat. If this can be done as advised, victory is assured. On this, If
Ss omr obinrin O grln'nl I'ojrl
Akaya oblnrin nl o gb'eljl
Tlysegun mejl l'ojQ
fbg nl wQn nl k w 9e

The pointed nipple of a woman's breast cannot pierce the eye
The chest of a woman does not accommodate two men in intimate love
making atthe same period
These were lf's declarations to QsQ
Who shall overcome two problems in the same day
He was advised to offer ebo

Qsq was an accomplished Babalwo. He was proficient in the areas of




midwifery and finding solutions to health problems. He had solved several

complcated pregnancy problems and the women involved had delivered
safely. He had also been able to cure several ailments which people had
believed to be incurable. Qse had peformed several miracles in these two
fields that every one considered him to be the best expeft that had lived on

Wth all these achievements however, Qs to threaten him that

they would abandon the home because there was no peace at home.
They were always accusing him of solving other people's problems but
lacking the ability to resolve the problems in his own home. They used to
compare him to a great swimmer who swam the oceans and seas
successfully, who swam in the lagoon with ease and swam in the rivers and
streams without problems only to be washed away by the little flood in his
own backyard.

Tired of these types of problems, QsQ approached the group of Awo

mentioned above: Would he overcome these problems? Would he be able
to solve his own problems as he had been solving for other people? Would
he be able to bring back peace and harmony in his home?

The Awo told Qsq that he was actually being faced with two major
problems - one on eafth and the other in heaven. The Awo explained to
him that most of the problems he had been able to solve for other people
were actually created by some evil doers on eafth. These people enjoyed
seeing others suffer. They took pleasure in inflicting pain and agony on
other people, That was why they saw Qse as their arch enemy who had
been a hindrance in the achievement of their sadistic aoal. The Awo
explained fufther that these evil doers were the ones who had combined
with negative principalities in heaven to create hardship for QsE. The Awo
said that there was the need to overcome the evil principalities in heaven.
Qsq was however assured that he would be able to overcome the problems
from these two angles in one day. He was advised to offer ebe as

prescribed above. Qsq complied.

As soon as he did so, all the evil machinations of these evil people were

lfa Dda: An nvtaton to lfa Consultation

exposed and people saw them for what they were. fg Qdr also
confronted the negative principalities in heaven and overcame them for
Qse. All of these happened in just one day. Since thattime, QSe had peace
of mind and comfoft in his home.
Ssom obinrin Ogrln'nl l'jrt
Akaya oblnrin nl gb'eljl
a fun Qsq
Tlysqgun mejl l'ojQ
fbg nl wqn n| k w ge


Njg mo sggun t'ay tiln

N o lg r sg t'Qrun o
Ejl Qse rQ gmg ab'iggun waarawa



se'gun mejl I'ara to rq'ni

The pointed nipple of a woman does not piercethe eye
The chest of a woman does not accommodate two men in intimate love
making atthe same period
These were If's declarations to Qge
Who shall overcome two problems in the same day
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Behold! I have conquered the battle on eafth
I shall definitely conquerthe one in heaven too
l-.lere comes Qge-MI the decsive conqueror
Travellerstolpo and Qfa towns
It was after Qge overcame two adversities that the mind was at peace

If says that this person shall be victorious and shall gain peace of mind and joy
in his/her life.


If says that it foresees the ire of long life and prosperity for the person
for whom this Od is revealed. If assures him/her that he/she shall
not die young. If says that he/she shall live to witness all his/her
hair turn gray and he/she shall become old and feeble before he/she
passes on.

if o"" r".,,

If says that there are sx elders where this Od is revealed who need
to urgently offer gbg for them not to die in quick successions. If says
that the six elders are decision makers of some soft and they need to
offer ebg in order to prolong their lives. If however warns these
elders to be careful with the types of decision that they take so that
they would not be deciding issues against themselves.

If advises these people to offer gbg with one ewe and two big
rats. After the gbg, the big rats will be powdered with IyQrosun,
divination powder, and tied in the entrance of the house so thatthose
coming in and out of the house will have the )yQrosun covering
hair on their heads. This will make their heads look gray like the
heads of old people. By so doing, long life is assured; old age is
guaranteed. On this, If says:


Irun-n pq l'Orl
Irun-rln d'ew
EgbO pe l'se
Asl ma djaktq
Akg aroro pq I'Orl
Ohun l f'ara jg akg alaggmg
Dffiln Agbaagba mgf
Tl wqn s'Ofin QrQ kan qrq kan
Tl wqn nl wgn O gbodQ h'ewu
fbg nl wqn nl kl wqn w se


If the hair stays too long on the head
It will turn grey with old age
When a sore stays too long in the leg
It will turn to elephantiasis
If a male lizardstaystoo long on Okik tree
Itwill resemble a male chameleon
These were If's messages to the six elders
When it was decreed that nobody must grow grey hair
Theywere advised to offer gbo


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

A brand new socety must be built, the lawmakers in ll-Ifg of old declared.
In order to realize this ambition, new decrees were promulgated. Part of
these decrees was that those who grew grey hair on their heads could no
longer be productive. They could not be useful for the new Il-IfQ of their
dreams. The decision makers were convinced that old people could only

consume without reciprocating with any meaningful contribution to the

progress of the new Il-IfQ. They decreed that such people had no place in
the scheme of things. Consequently, the law-makers decreed that as soon
as it was noticed that anyone had grown grey hair, such a person must be
sentenced to death. These law-makers were OhJwo, Lls, Ar, Qdgfin,Iya
Abfye and Llk. The first four were men while the remaining two were
women. Several people were putto death and the new decree was used.
One fine morning, Qtrtn, another high-ranking Chief in the town woke up
and noticed, to his dismay, some grey hair on his head. His attention was
drawn to this development by his wife. Qtun could not believe what his
wife told him. In order to prove to him that she had seen correctly, the wife
pulled out some of the gray hair on his head and showed it to him. Qtr:n
broke down in tears. He knew that what he had seen was his death
sentence. He cried and cried. The whole family cried with him. He was a
kind-hearted man. He had assisted several peopleto succeed in life. Would
this be the end? He had all the good things of life going for him at that
particular point in time. Would this be the end? He had the prospect of
reaching greater heights in his life. Would this be the end? His influence
extended beyond the shores of his land. Would this be the end? His family
and other relations depended on him for guidance and upkeep. Would this
be the end? He loved his family and relations deeply and they gave him
great joy and satisfaction. Would this be the end? He was blessed with
sound health and sharp intellect. Would this be the end?
He summoned all his family members for a discussion. They deliberated at

length on the issue. They cried and cried when they realized that the
situation was hopeless. Hopeless? Had they consulted If on it to find out
what If had to say? They had not. The family concluded that If must be
consulted right away. That was how they approached the Awo mentioned
above for If consultation: what could be done to ward off this impending
painful death? The Awo told Qtun and his family that they had approached


ose vel

If because they had a heavy load on their minds. He told them that the
threat of death and disaster had enveloped them. He however assured
them that with appropriate gbg, their despair would give way to hope and
boundless joy. He advised them to offer gbg as stated above. They
complied. The Awo made sure that the two big-rats powdered with
IyQrsn was personallytied abovethe main entrance of Qtun's home.
On the very day the ebg was offered, the six decision makers summoned
an extra-ordinary meeting to deliberate on the fate of Qtrfn. They had
noticed that Qtrfn had grown grey hair on his head. He must be put to

death fofthwith. The fact that Qtun was a high-ranking chief in the

community meant nothing to them. He must be arrested immediately and

be executed forthwith. At the end of their deliberations, they headed for
Qtunt home.

When they passed through the main entrance of Otun's home, the
IyQrsn that had been powdered on the big rats sprinkled on their heads
and Es Qdara stuck the powder there permanently and turned the hair on
their heads grey. They did not notice this at first. When they approached
Qtrln, they made him realize that they had noticed that he had developed
grey hair on his head and according to their law; he must be put to death.
They told him that they were aware of his high position in the community
but that he must realize that the position notwithstanding, the law is no
respecter of anyone. Consequent upon this, they concluded that they
would have to take him away to be summarily executed immediately.
As they were speaking, Ego Qdara had whispered into the ears of Qtun
what to say. So Qtun thanked the six law makers for their concern over
him. He then asked them the number of executioners they had available
and also asked them to explain to him why they had come to arrest him
when it was clear that the seven of them were guilty of the same 'offence'?
He pointedly accused them of paftiality and one-sidedness. Why should
they come to arrest him for the same offence that they too had committed?

At first, they could not understand what Qtun was saying. As a matter of
fact, they thought that the knowledge of his death had turned him mad.


lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultaon

,what is this one talking about?' they asked.each other' 'Look at
ha. gt"y', he screamed' The six
heads and tell me if you too did not
head a-nd'realzed to their chagrin that
rawmakers rooked ai each oreris
their heads tool what went wrong?
grey hair had completely
prepared to die today but you must
other, 'I
They queried
equally die


of anyone, all of you must

remember that the law is no respecter
same offence!' Qtun screamed'
today because we have commtteJthe
and panic, Qtun retorted! 'Are
when he realizeJ tn., state of confusion promulgate
a decree you are
you not pr"p.r.J to die today? why did
qu'rckly and desperately made a
not prepareo to reai t: F#aker
must be postponed as a result of the
decision tfrat tne-eiecution of Qtrln
none of that' They must all be
new development. Otun wou have
pardoned. They agreed to
executed tnat oa'pr he must be unconditionaily
had grown grey hair on his/her
pardon Qtun und .u.ry otner peiion wno
had come to effect the execution
head. rhs ncrulili" six of'tem who

of Qtrrn.

old age without the fear of being

From that day, people lived to their
were given the assignments
executed. T ld'on", in the community
inur. oi*aor an'd "*p"r'rence whire the
which wourd
continued to usetheir brains and energy'


rrun-n pq I'oi
Irun-n d'ewrl
Asl maadiiaktq
Akg aroro Pg l'rl Okika
Ohun l fara jg akg al99m9

DlfilnAgbaagba m.fa

Tf wn s'fin QrQ kan QrQ kn

Tf wgn nl wgn o gbodq h'ew
Fbq nl wQn nl kl wgn w 9

Dlfiln Qtun ll-Ife

Tl wQn nf ko gbqdq h'ewrl

fbg nl wQn nl kl wEn w 9e

Nja r'ewr l'rlQtn ihl gbaY{ o
Ati d'r{ ew jin'raawa
GbogbolwrQw IfQ


ilf ose


Atl d'r{ ew jin'raa wa

If the hairstays too long on the head

Itwillturn greywith old age

When a sore stays too long in the leg
It will turn to elephantiasis
If a male lizard stays too long on okika tree
Itwill resemble a male chameleon
These were If's messages to the six elders
When they decreed that nobody must grow grey hair on his/her head
They were advised to offer qbg
The same message was gven to Qtun
Who was asked notto grow grey hair
He was equally advised to offer gbg
We have noticed grey hairon the head of QtUn
We have forgiven each other
Allthe law-makers of Il-IfQ
We have forgiven each other on the issue of growing grey hair.

If assures the. person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she shall
overcome the threat of death and impending doom that is presently

agitating his/her mind.


If advises this person to offer gbg for prestge and honour. If says
that he/she needs not struggle to attain a very high position or be
bestowed with a high title before he/she is accorded respect, honour
and prestige in the community. If assures this person that he/she
would be the center of attention and attraction anywhere
goes as he/she will be highly rated among his/her peers and



If advises this person to offer gbg with a matured she-goat, 16

yards of white clothe, 16 yards of red clothe, 16 yards of

chocolate brown clothe and money. The gbg is to be placed by
E9 shrine. By so doing, prestige and honour are assured. on this,



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Ogq+ereogbgdQ rln bl Ogorigo

Bl wQn b p awqn rln bl ogogo
psQ q wgn nff m 9$
Dlfitn FygOlongo
To l'huny b OgongO
fbg nl wqn nl kw 9e


that cannot walk like Og0g0 the Ostrich
trf it attempts to walk like Ogng
Itwillend up breaking its legs
This wasthe message of If for Olongo
Who intends to accompany Ogr1g on a journey
She was advised to offer gbg
OSeSere is a bird

0gr1g, the Ostrich was the biggestof all birds. She had majestic gait, she
walks like a queen among the birds. She was truly the queen of the birds.
She could not fly like all other birds. She did not need to fly but could run at
speeds as fast as 65km/hr (a0mph). The way she used to run about the

fields more than compensated for her inability to fly. She was highly
respected in the birds' kingdom. She was accorded her due respect and
honour. Nothing happened in the birds' kingdom outside her knowledge
and without her consent. On the other hand, Olongo was one of the
smallest birds on eafth. She could fly but she Iacked the inability to walk
and run like gng. She could only hop a short distance before taking off
in a flight. She however kept dreaming of a daythat she will be in a position
to walk and run like OgOngO. She believed that walking and running like
Ogong was the ultimate achievement in her life. She was also convinced
that itwasthe onlyway she could be respected and honoured. To Olongo,
fulfilling her destiny was the most important thing she could do in her life.
And she feltthat walking and running side by side with 0gg was the way
her destiny could be fulfilled.
One day, 0gOgO planned to go on a long journey. She announced her
intention to all the other birds. Olongo saw this as the oppoftunity she had
been waiting for. That was why she approached the Awo mentioned above
for If consultation: Would she be able to walk and run like 0g0ng0? Would
she grow big to the size, or almost the size, of OgOngO in order to
strengthen her inability to trek and walk like 0gOgO? Would she be

il* os" rueli

respected and honoured like Ogng?

The Awo told Olongo that she was not created by Oldmar to be as big as
OgOngO. Not only that, she was not destined to be as honourable as
OgongO. Instead, Oldmar had destined her to be the most beautiful
and the most prestigious birds on eafth. The Awo advised Olongo to
concentrate her effofts on enhancing the talents and potentials which
Oldmar had given her. Consequent upon this, the Awo advised her to

offer gbg with one matured she goat, red clothe, white clothe,
chocolate brown clothe and money. Olongo complied reluctantly.
As soon as Olongo offered this ebg, Egu Qdar went to work. He changed
the plumes in the body of Olongo to red, white and chocolate brown. The
colour combinations were beautifully put together and aftistically designed
in such a way that it changed the life and look of Olongo completely. All the

other birds, animals, rats and fish that saw Olongo after the gbg was
offered gazed at her in wonder and amazement. They could not believe
their eyes.
On the day that Olongo and Ogong travelled on their journey, Olongo
mounted the back of 0gog and stayed there until they reached their
destination. All those who saw Ogongo gave her honour and respect. It
dd not end there; they gave Olongo her deseved prestige and
complemented her for being the most beautiful bird that Oldmar
created on eafth.
Oqeqre o gbqdQ rln bl Ogongo
Bl wQn b P wgn rln bl ogOngO
FsQ e wgn nll m Se

I filn lyq Olongo

To l'hun y b ogorrgo lg ajo

lbg nl wQn nl kw ge
gb'Qbo, r'bo
Ko pgo, gna o jin
E w ba nl b'ayg, q wa wo're
Ko pgo, gna o jin


is a bird

that cannot walk like 0gOrlg the Ostrich


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

If it attempts to walk like 09090

Itwillend up breaking its legs
This was the message of If for Olongo
Who intends to accompany Og090 on a journey
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
Nottoo long, and in due course
Come and meet us in a happy and joyful celebration

8. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall overcome
his/her enemes. If says that this person's genital shall play a
significant role in the way he/she will gain victory. If advises this
person to offer gbg with a big neede, three cocks and money.
He/she is also to feed his/her gental with one cock. On this, If

na gUaja o gb'ogoil
Emi kff se klu-klu t'mi i sere
fin Ojogan (Akek)
Tly mafiru gq'gun qta rq
FbqnlwQn nl kge

It curyes and accommodates twenty
It stretches and accom modates fofi
I do notcurue and stretch forjoke
These were lf's declarations to OjOgan, the scorpion
The one who shall use his genital to conquer his enemies
He was advised to offer gbg

Oiogan, the scorpion was in the midst of enemies. His enemies included
the brown rats, big rats, rodent antelopes, deers and so on. They marched
on him and kicked him at will. They made it a point to pester his life, but
unfoftunately for OOgan, he was powerless to do anything about it. Tired
of this type of existence, OjOgan went to the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: Would he be able to overcome his enemies? Would he be
able to stop all his enemies from pesterng and intimidating him? Would he
be feared and respected among his friends and enemies? These and many

ose l,leti

more were what pre-occupied his mind when he went for consultation.
The Awo told him that all his enemies had no respect for him. He
however assured that his enemies would be forced to respect and regard
him. He was however advised to offer ebe. He complied immediately.


As soon as the gbg was offered, E9 Qdara went to work. He removed the
needle from the ebo and fixed it to his tail. Es also laded the needle with


The same day that Egu Qdara completed his assignment, the big rat
approached Ojogan in order to pester his life as usual. Egu-Qdar told
Oogan to sting the enemy with the needle attached to his tail. He did. A
few moments after, the big rat was dead. The rabbit, grasscutter, rodent
and lizard met the same fate when they tried to intimidate OjOgan. That
was how OjOgan used his genitalto conquer his enemies.
se krlu Ogba okOo
na gUaa o gb'ogojl
Emi kll sg krllu-klu t'mi i sere
Dl filn Ojogan (Akeke)
Tl y ma f iru $e'gun gta rg
fbgnf wQn nl kge
gb'Qbg, r'bg
KO pgo, ona Ojin

!wa ba'ni l'jggogun

Ajaseogun I'awa wa I'gsgObarlsi

It curues and accommodatestwenty
Itstretches and accommodates fofi
I do not curue and stretch for joke
These were If's declarations to OjOgan, the scorpion
The one who shall use his genitalto conquer his enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

Soon after
Join us where we enjoy victories over enemies


lfa Dda: An nvitation to lfa Consultation


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall

overcome his/her enemies. He/she shall be able to ward off all
external uprisings and shall be able to beat his/her foes hands
down. He /she however needs to be careful with his/her friends
and loved ones. The person for whom this Od is revealed must
beware of internal uprising and conspiracy from those whom
he/she loves.


The biggest disadvantage of a leader is that he/she can only know

those whom he/she Ioves sincerely but he/she cannot know those
who sincerely love him/her. For this reason, he/she must not
place absolute trust in anyone.
Conversely, this person must not think

that he/she can do

anything with impunity. He/she must be aware that uprising can
emerge at anytime, giving any flimsy excuse.
If advises this person to put it at the back of his/her mind at all
times that human beings are the most difficult creatures to
administer. He/she should therefore place all his/her hopes on
If for assistance. He/she also needs to offer gbg with one
matured he-goat and money, after this, there is the need to
feed If with one she-goat and feed Eg Qdara with one cock.
On all these, If says:
Omi 9q
Gbolgbo ge
omi fqsq 9 nl gbogbo
Kl o ma f'gsg gq o
Dl filn Ajgnn
Tl ge Olr Il lbeden
fbg nl wQn nl k w ge

Let the water spill out and flow away
And let the roots break
Let the water gently cross over the roots
So that passers-by will not break their legs
These were If's declarations to Ajgnn




The leader of Ibadan hnd

He was advised to offer gbo

When Ibadan was founded, it was designed as a military base. Most of the
inhabitants of this town were soldiers and members of their families.
Ajgnn, a Military General, later became the leader of the town.

During his period, there was no war or external aggression that he did not
contain. Sometimes, he would be engaged in battle from severalfronts at
the same time. In the end, he would come out of the battle triumphant.
He never lost any battle. He was regarded as a great tactician and

In the home front however, the story was totally different. On several
occasions, he was almost consumed by the conspiracies of his own people.
There was hardly any step that he took which did not attract opposition
from his own people. Many times, his own wives and children were
involved! Ajgnn could not understand why this should be so. He
decided to involve everyone in the decision-making process. During
deliberations, they would all agree on a line of action to be taken. As soon
as thls step was being put into action, the same set of people would begin
to criticize Ajgnn. They accused him of being high-handed, callous,
wicked and inconsiderate. There was nothing he did that satisfied
everyone inlbadan.

Tired of all these developments, he decided to approach the Awo stated

above for If consultation; would he be able to overcome the internal
crises he was facing?
The Awo explained to him that winning battles that he engaged in with
enemies outside was nothing compared to the ability to contain crisis
internally generated by conspirators. The Awo made it clear to him that
enemies usually stayed outside the home while conspirators lived inside
with their intended victims. The Awo said that internal war against the
conspirators was a war he could not win and at the same time, it was a
war he must not lose. He was advised to offer ebo at alltimes to be able
to contain alltheir conspiracies.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

Ajgnn said that what baffled him most was that even his own blood
relatons were also involved in all the plans aganst hm. The Awo
responded that it was not a surprising phenomenon. That was only to
show him how difficult human beings were. He was advised to offer gbg
and feed If and Egu Qdara as prescribed above. He complied. The Awo
told him to remember at all times that he was paying the price of being a
leader. He was told that this price could be very heavy as he had seen.
Ajgnn returned home with the fulldetermination to succeed in life. He
had no full confidence in anyone. He decided to move himself away from
all traitors and betrayers. He cleared a bush far away from his home and
cut down anlrk tree he found there. He decided to erect his new home
there. When some people saw him doing this, they called his attention to
the fact that the site he had chosen was where the Elders of the Night
used to have their meetings and that thelrk tree he had just cut down
wasthe spotwhere people used to placethelps meantforthese Elders.
They concluded that his choice was not appropriate for a residential
home. Why should he believe these people? Ajgnn queried. He had
been betrayed over and over. What assurance had he that this was not
another plot against him? He felt that he had no reason why he should
trust anyone again. He concluded that his instinct should guide him in all
things he planned to do. He announced to these people that he had
decided to live in the new site whether they like it or not.
Before long, he completed the building and moved in together with the
members of his family. The Elders of the Night considered this the
greatest insult and affront that anyone could perpetrate against them.
They summoned an emergency meeting in order to decide the fate of
Ajgnn. In this meeting, it was unanimously decided that Ajgnn
must be made to suffer a slow and painful death in order to serve as
deterrent to others. Not only this, his family members must also be made
to suffer the same fate. If the remainlng relations refused to Ieave their
site for them, they would be made to suffer from generation to generation.
As soon as these decisions were taken, Ajgnn fell

ill. They carried

from one health center to the other without avail. One day, he
remembered that he had earlier been warned against erecting his home on


that site. He realized to his regretthat he could only be sure of those whom
he loved; he had no way of knowing those who really loved him. Before he
could inform others in his household, IkrJ, Death arrived. He prayed to be
given another chance to return to eafth at a later date. He promised that if
his request was granted, he would rely on nobody except If and Eg
Qdara. He would no longer be disappointed whenever anyone
misbehaved. He would be ready for any surprise at any time. He had
accepted the fact that human beings could never be satisfied, no matter
how hard one tried.

Omi ge
Gbogbo 9$
Omi fgsg s, nl gbongbo
Kl o m fgsg gg o
Dla fin Ajgnn
Tl ge Olrl Il lbadan
Fbq nl wqn nl k w $e
gb'qbo, r'bo
jg Ajagunna gb ml o
Orl Ihl sro
If 9b ml
9mg nlyen 9Or o


Let the water spill out and flow

And let the roots break
Let the water gently cross over the roots
So that passersby will not break their legs
These were lf's declarations to Ajgnn
The leader oflbadan Land
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Ajgnn please come to my rescue
Leadership had its high price and is very difficult
If, please come to my rescue
Human beings are very difficult

If assures this person that he/she shall be assisted to contain internal

crises and conspiracies aganst him/her at all times.


Ita Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon


If says that there s no profession that the person for whom this
Od s revealed during Ikqsedy or \eqd cannot engage in,
except all those which are against the law of the land, especially
stealing. It is therefore a taboo for the person for whom this Od is
revealed to engage in robbery fraud, prostitution, smuggling, drug
trafficking, blackmailing, kidnapping, and gambling and soon.

If says that there is the need for this person to offer gbg for his/her
business to progress. He/she shall receive the blessing of If and
Oldmar at all times if he/she stays within the limits of the law.
On the other hand, if this person engages in any vice, he/she shal!
incurthe wrath of If and Oldmar.

If advises this person to offer gbq with two pigeons' two

guinea-fowls and money. He/she is also to feed If with one
duck. On this, If says:
Agaluwew, Awo wgn n'Ibdn Mesl'QgQ
filn wgn n'Ibdn Mesl-QgQ
N'll OklyQl, gmg Egb di'ra ogun
Fbq seygrl nl wQn nl kl wQn w 9e

Ibadan land
He cast If for the inhabitants of Ibadn land
In the home of OltlyQl, ofprings of Egb
who needs not make any special preparation before going to war
They were advised to offer gbg for accomplishment
A,Saluwewe, their Awo in

The inhabitants of Ibadan wanted to know the types of

professions that they could engage in that would bring them
success. That was why they went to the home of the Babalwo
mentioned above, Aglww, for If consultation. During the
consultation, Qse-MI was revealed.
The Awo told them that there was no work they engaged in which
would not bring them success. They however needed to steer clear


llf ose


of all illegal things such as stealing and other related jobs. They
were told that any job they did would accord them recognition and
honour as long as the job was legal. They were all warned to avoid
doing anything which would drag the good name of If into the mud,
lestthey incurthe wrath of the Divinities.

They were also advised to offer gbg as stated above. They all
complied. As soon as they did this, they allwent about various jobs
farming, hunting, trading, fishing, knitting,"tooking, traveffing lfa
practice and so on. They were all recognized and blessed by If.
Those who engaged in stealing/ smuggling, fraud, prostitution,
blackmailing, drug trafficking, kidnapping, gambling and so on were
cast outand sanctioned by If.
AgalUwew, Awo wgn n'fbdn Mesl-Qgg
Dl filn wgn n'Ibdn Mesl-Qgg
N'll OlrtyQl, qmg Egb O di'ra ogun
lbg seygrl nl wqn nl kl wgn w ge
Wgn gbq'bo, won r'bg
Awo tl rtta lla, Awo na n
Awo tf ttta'ef, Awo n ni
Awo tl ta lyQ, Awo n ni
Awo rlta isu, Awo n ni
Awo tl ta agg, Awo n ni
Awo se ode, Awo n ni
Awo tl nmg llg Awo n ni
Awo tl ta gja, Awo na ni
Awo tl rlge ounje, Awo n ni
Awo tl se Qne, Awo n ni
Awo to nkg orin, Awo n ni
Agaluwew o d o, Awo Od lbadan
Aye lfa dn j'oyln lg
Awo t ba ja'le, l ba If je

Aglww, their Awo in Ibadan land
He cast If for the inhabitane of Ibadn land
In the home of Oluygl, offsprings of Egb
Who needs not make any special preparation before going to war


lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consuftation

They were advised to offer gbg for accomplishment

They complied
The Awo who sells okra, is still an Awo
The Awo who sells vegetable, is still an Awo
The Awo who sells salt, is still an Awo
The Awo who sells yam, is still an Awo
The Awo who sells clothes, is still an Awo
The Awo who engages n hunting, is still an Awo
The Awo who engages in construction, is still an Awo
The Awo who engages in fishing, is still an Awo
The Awo who sells food, is still an Awo
The Awo who engages in traveling, is still an Awo
The Awo who sings, is still an Awo
Here comes Agaluwew, the Awo of lbdn land
The Life of lf is sweeter than honey
Any Awo who engages in stealing and vices has spoilt the name of
If and has automatically cast him/herself out of Awo community

If says that this person needs to endeavour to ensure that he/she is not
cast out of the communty of responsble people, He/she needs to live and
act within the confines of the law at all times.


If says that for this person to succeed in life, his/her surest bet is
hard-work. For him/her there is no shoftcut to financial success and
accomplshment. He/she needs to use his/her brain and plan for
his/her success and future. Outside this, there is no other way for
him/herto achieve success in life.
If advises this person or group of persons to offer gbg with
three pigeons and money. Each individual is expected to offer
this gbg. After the gbg, he/she is also expected to concentrate
on his/her chosen career. On this, If says:
$qkbg, Awo od lbadan
Dl fitn won l'de lbadan
Wgn nfomi oju sngbr ire gbogbo
fibg ni wgn nl kl wgn w ge

ggkubg, the Awo of Ibadan land


ii* o""

He was the Awo who cast If for the inhabitant of Ibadan land
When they were lamenting their inability to succeed in life
They were advised to offer gbg


The inhabitants oflbadan were very ambitious right from the inception of
the town. They had big dreams and they also think big. They planned for
Ibadan to become the biggest and most popular town on eafth. They also
wished the town and the inhabitants thereof to be blessed with financial

to $qkbe, the Awo mentioned

above for If
consultation: Would this town expand to become the biggest and most
populous town on earth? Would the inhabitants become the richest and
most influential? Would they be blessed with thriving business
enterprises? Would this town become a major trading post? Would the
individual inhabitants of thistown be blessed and respected?

One day, they went

If said yes to all their questions. If said that it was clear that the
inhabitants of Ibadn land were ambitious. They talked of big things and
concieved great ideas. The Awo however told them that thinking and
speaking their intention to become great were not enough; there was the
need to match these with pragmatic action to succeed. They were told to
concentrate on their work in order to translate their dreams and speeches
to reality. The Awo assured them that there was no profession that would
not bring them success. He therefore advised them to diversify their work
and avoid a situation where all of them would be doing one profession.
Some of them needed to farm; some to hawk; some to be traders; some to
be blacksmith; some to be wood carvers; some to be singers; some to
engage in cooking; some to be herbalist; some to be If priests; some to
be Osa devotees, etc. There was no job they concentrated upon that
they would not succeed. They were advised against smuggling, acting as
hired assassins, kidnapping, fraudulent practices and so fofth. The Awo
also advised each of them to offer gbg with three pigeons and money.
They all complied and went to their various homes. They were all
expecting the success which the Awo assured them that they would be
blessed with.
Unfortunately however, no success was fofthcoming. They waited for

lla Dida: An invitaton to lfa Consuftaon

one year but instead of progress, there was chronic retrogresson. The
citizens suffered.
One day, they all decided to go to ggkbe's home to accuse him of lying to
them and cheating them. They wanted him to know that he was the one
who told them never to cheat or lie but he was the same person found
guilty of the same offense. When they got to his home, he could see from
their countenance that they were not happy with him. He then told them
to narrate what was amiss to him. They did. The Awo told the inhabitants
of Ibadan that even though the inhabitants of Ibadan offered the gbg of
three pigeons each, they had failed to offer the greater ebq which was
heeding the advice given by him for them to embrace hard work. The Awo
explained to them that procuring gbg materials is the minor paft of gbg
while heeding the advice given is the main vital aspect of gbg. The Awo
advised them to go back home and embrace hard work as he had earlier
advised. They returned home and decided to give the advice of Sekbe a

Within three months, everything began to change for the better. Their
various businesses thrive. They became successful and they began to
plan great things for themselves and the community. They returned to
$gktlbe to give him thanks and praises. Sgkrtbe told them to remember
thisastheir motto:
$gkbe, Awo od lbadan
Dl fitn won l'de lbadan
Wgn nfomi oju sungbr ire gbogbo
fbg ni wgn nl kl wgn w ge
Wgn gbQ'bo, wgn r'bg
Sgkbe ma ma de o
Awo ode lbadan
Aqe b'qni ko ba s'isg gni kfl la
$gkrtbe, the Awo of lbadan land
He was the Awo who cast If for the inhabitants of Ibadn land
When they were lamenting their inability to succeed in life
They were advised to offer gbg
They complied
Here comes Sekbe


The Awo of Ibadan land

Can't you see that without hard-work there can never


ose t"ri


If says that the person or group for whom this Od is revealed is assured
of success as long as he/she or they are hard-working and focused.
Conversely, the financial problems that the person or group for whom this
Od is revealed is presently facing is due to lack of hard-working. There is
therefore, the need for the person or group to embrace hard-work and
offer gbg as prescribed above.


If says that there are two friends who need to offer ebo where this
Od is revealed. These two friends are doing illegal things in the
Community and as if that is not bad enough, one of them is planning
to cheat the other with trick. Ifa advises both of them to desist from
their clandestine act. At the same time, If advises the one planning
to outwit the other to stop because it will never work. If they refuse
to put an end to their anti-social activities, they shall be put to


shame. If says that there is


Need for each of them to offer gbg with one he-goat and money
and to turn a new leaf. On this, 0s MeI says:

fojrl kan'ra


filn onlkor
A b filn Olbdn
Awgn mejeefi jg ng'odg oru
f;bg ni wgn nl kl wgn ge

Even if we shall die
There is the need to set eye on each other for the last time
These were If's declarations to Offkoo
And also declared to Ohf bdn
They were both engaged in hunting in the dead of night

They were advised to offer gbg


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaon

OnfkOr and OltJbdn were accomplshed robbers, there was no where

that they had not gone to steal. Anywhere they went, they were always
successful. For this reason, they believed that anywhere they went to
raid; theywill hurl homea lotof booties,
One day, they went for If consultation in the home of the Awo mentioned

above in order to determine whether or not they would continue to

succeed in their act. The Awo told them that both of them were engaged
in illegal business and thatthey needed to desist from it. He also told them
that one of them was planning to outwit the other. Such person should
stop fofthwith; otherwise, he would be put to everlasting shame. They
were also advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. It was only the thief
from Ikoro land known as Offkr complied. The thief fromlbadan land
bluntly refused to offerthe gbg.
One day, the two friends went to steal, their loot was the biggest they
had ever made in their lives. They packed everything and stored it in
the home of the thief from lbadan. They decided that they needed to
wait for about five market weeks for all the uproar to subside. (One
market week is five days). As soon as their loots were packed into the
home of the thief from Ibadan, he started having ideas. He saw no
reason why the other person should share part of the loot. He began to
see the loot as exclusively his. After all, he reasoned, the whole thing
was packed into his house. He began to plan with his wife on how to
take over everything. They soon came up with an ingenious plan. The
thief from Ibadan said that he would pretend that he had died and the
wife would be weeping, wailing and gnashing her teeth.
True to plan, the day that On'ikr came to the home of the thief from
Ibadan, he metthe wife and children of the latter crying thattheir husband
and father had died last night. Offkr could not believe his ears
because he had planned not to engage in any stealing anymore. He only
wanted his share of the loot and use it to settle down and plan his future,
But hearing that his friend had died was a blow to him that he might not be
able to realize his dream. When he saw the wife and children weeping, he
felt pity for them. However, something kept telling him that something
was amiss. He then told them that he would like to set his eyes on the


lf o"" rurq

corpse of his friend at least for the last tme before he was buried.

He was then taken into the room where the 'corpse' of his friend laid.
When he got into the room, he pulled out the cutlass that he had kept
under his garment and declared that even though he had lost his own
share of the loot, he would however, give his friend a mark that he would
take to heaven to show them in heaven that he, the thief from lkoro, was
frustrated on eafth. He hit the friend with the sharp edge of the cutlass on
the head. His friend jumped up in pain! Onfkr was surprised that his
He then told them to quickly give him his
friend was not dead after
own share of the loot. The thief from Ibadan gave Onlkr his own
share, though in shame. And he began to nurse his wound. The news of
the incident soon filtered into the town. Anytime they saw someone with a
mark on his forehead, they would know that it was the thief of lbadan. It
soon became the talk of the town and people stafted making a joke of it.
Anytime they saw someone with a mark on the head, they would jokingly
say that 'your mark looked like that of the thief from lbadan'. He couldn't
bear this anymore; and since that time, he lived his life in full shame and


A fort kan'ra eni
Dl fn OnlkOr
A b filn Olbdn
Awgn meieejl jg ng'odg Oru
fibg ni wgn nl kl wgn ge
Ero lpo atl tOfa'
fni gb'$bg nibQ ko waa 99'bg

Even if we shall die
There is the need to set eyes on each other for the last time
These were lf's declarations to Onfkoro
And also to Oltfbdn
They both engaged in hunting in the dead of the night
They were advised to offer gbg
Only OnlkOr complied
Travellers to Ip and Qfa towns
Let those advised to offer ebg comply


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consuftation

If says that this person will not be put to shame. For this reason, he/she
must not plan anything that will bring him/her shame and odium.


If says that the person that people are searching for where this Od
is revealed is neither dead nor lost. This person is alive and well
where he/she
He/she is even well established and contented
where he/she is staying presently. This person is however, not
prepared to return home. They should therefore, not waste money
in offering gbg for him/her to return home. All what they can do is to
send people to go and visit him/her where he/she is living now, so
that he/she will nottotallyforget home.


On the other hand, if someone is planning to travel on a long journey

and this Od0 is revealed, there is the need to offer gbq and feed Eg
Qdara before embarking on the trip. If advises this person to offer

ebq with

two hens, two pigeons, two guinea fowls and


He/she also needs to feed Egu Qdara with one

this,If says:


Il Ohlwo la kQq d

A y'QdQdQ OjgbQna

Qdede ojgbQna ni mo kQkQ ye

M ko j kl n raye d'l ohlwo
filn Op
Tl sjawo r'Ode lbadan
f;bg ni wgn nl k w Se

If we arrive in a strange town
We need to go to the home of the


If we must make a temporary stop

It must be in the home of the OjgbQna
It was the home of the OjgbQna which I stopped temporarily
This precluded me from geing to the home of the Ohlwo
These were lf's messages to Op
When going on spiritual expedition to Ibadan




ose uej

He was advised to offer gbg

town. He was a very competent Babalwo. One

day, he planned to travel on a long journey in search of success and
financial accomplishment. He had no specific place in mind. He therefore
Opo was a citizen of QyQ

went for If consultation in order to determine whether or not his journey

would be successful.
The Awo assured him that he would not only be successful, but that he
would make his final destination his permanent home. He was advised to
offer gbg as stated above. He did.
When he set out on his journey, he met another Awo, Atg-t<a (Irgtq-Ika) on
the way,Irgtg-Ika had just founded Ibadan land. He asked Opo to go to
his newly found land to help him see to the welfare and well-being of the
inhabitants. 0p went tolbadan. When he got there, he was generally
accepted. Everyone in the land loved and respected him. He soon
became a household name inlbadan land.

Meanwhile, the relatives of Opo became worried that they had heard
nothing about him. He had spent five years on his journey and he had not
sent any message home. They began to search for him. One day, they
went to the Awo mentioned above for If consultation: Would they be able
to see him again? Was he still alive or already dead? Was Opo lost in his
journey and was not able to trace his way back home?
The Awo assured Op's relatives that he was neither lost nor dead. He
told them that Opo was already a successful Babalwo where he was. He
told them that as a successful Babalawo, he may not want to come back
home. Allthey needed to do was to keep in constant communication with
him so that he would always remember home. With this advice from the
Awo, the relatives of Opo felt a bit relieved.

On getting home, they decided to find out his location and to send a
message to him. They chose somebody to do this, and on getting to
Ibadan land, he discovered that the person he was looking for actually
lived in that town. On getting to 0p, he was so happy seeing him in his


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

magnficent condition. He then narrated the ordeal they had encountered

in an effoft to search for his whereabouts. Op too was happy to see the
representative. He then gave him a lot of gifts to be given to the family
and relatives back home, stating that he may not be coming back home to
settle, but from time to time, he would be sending messages to them.
When the relatives of po saw the gifts and messages sent to them, they
became happy that OpO was not lost after-all; he only went tolbadan for
spiritual expedition. Opo was then hailed and praised as a great Awo.

Il Olrtwo la kqq d
A y'QdQdg OjgbQne
Qdede ojgbQna ni mo kqkE ye
Nl ko j kl n raye d'l Ohtwo
Dla fun Opo
Tl rt sjawo r'de lbadan
Fbq ni wgn nl k w Se
gbQ'bg r'bg
Opo tl a rt w
A 9e lbadn l r
Awo rere re lbadan

If we arrive in a strange town
We need to go to the home of the Oltiwo
If we are to make a temporary stop
It must be in the home of OjgbQna
It was the home of the OjgbQna which I stopped by
That precluded me from getting to the home of the Olwo
These were If messages to OpO
When going on spiritual expedition to Ibadan
He was advised to offer qbg
He complied
The Op that we have been searching for
He had actually gone to Ibadan
OpO, the vftuous Awo had gone to)badan

If promises to make the person for whom this Od is revealed a


fl o"" r,,r"7i

promnent personality outside the place where he/she was born. He/she
will however not be willing to return to where he/she was born.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is being

pursued by Ikrl, Death, and there is therefore the need for
him/her to offer gbg in order to overcome the threat of Death
and at the same time to be respected by all the evil forces of life.
If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat
and money. There is also the need for him/her to feed If with
a big she-goat. On this If says:
A kll f lpQnj b Babalwo gb'l
A kff fi lpqnj l Babalwo bQ s'de
Fni t ba fi lpgnj b Babalwo gb'l
fni t b fi lpnjg l Babalwo bQ s'de
olwaarQ y t'gsQ bg glyn rn
Dl fifn Lpd, gmg OrOrO ewa
Eyl t rrfi ggbQn In pa'w
Tl Ik fi ggbQn inu wa kiri
fbg ni wgn nf k w $e

One does not live with a Babalwo with malice
One does not chase out a Babalwo with malice
If one lives with a Babalwo with malice
And if one chases out a Babalwo with malice
Such a person will fall into a pit full of emmets
These were If's declarations to Lpd, the Beautiful
She, who was using her wisdom to acquire wealth
And whom Death was using his own wisdom to pursue about
She was advised to offer gbg

Lpde was

a paragon of beauty. Every part of her body was well

proportioned. She was also blessed with humility and a deep sense of
humour. She was highly intelligent and deeply respectful. She was well
trained by her parents. To crown it all, she was very enterprising. She was
unbelievably good in business.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

When she was ready for the marrage market, she settled for a Babalwo. She
devoted all her life for her husband, her children and her business. She
equally had the love, respect and fear of Oldmar and the Irnmgl at
heaft. She was a role modelfor allyoung women in the community.

In her business, she was very successful. She was making good money in
her business. She was using the money she made to help her family. Her
husband was very fond of her. All the relatives of her husband adored her
and held her in high esteem.

There was however, one snag. As happy as she was, she was always
fearful of her future and her well-being. She was always having terrible
dreams which portended evil and disaster. Unable to bear it any longer,
she discussed her fears with her husband. After much deliberation, it was
concluded that If would be consulted for guidance and appropriate action
on the issue.
One day, she went to another Babalwo for If consultation: Would she
overcome this problem? Would she live long and be the mother of her
children for long? Would she continue to make profits in her business?
Would she be blessed with happiness in her home?
The Awo told 'Lpde that as she was busy making profits in her business,
so also was Ikrl, Death, busy making plans on how to eliminate her. She
was however assured that Oldmar Himself and the Irnmgl would
ward off the impending disaster. This was because of the fact that she was
the wife of If and a daughter of Irnmgl, who was doing all things that
pleased the IrnmglQ at all times. She was also informed that there was
no need for her to fear Death as what was wofth fearing was Fear itself.
She was advised to have confidence in If and Oldmar. She was also
advised to offer gbg as stated above. She complied.
As soon as this was done, Eg Qdara himself sent fqru , Fear, to constantly
accompany'Lpde even/where she went in order to intimidate and scare
Death away from her. That was what happened and Lpde was able to
live and go about her business confidently. She lived long and happily. She
also died happily at her old age.


f ose

A kll f lpQnj b Babalwo gb'l

A ktl f lpqnj l Babalwo bQ s'de
Fni t b fi lpqnj b Babalwo gb'le
Eni t b fi lpQnjq l Babalawo bQ s'de
OlwaarQ y t'ese bg glyan rn
Dl fitn Lpad, gmg OrOrO e,w
Eyl t rrfi ggbQn In pa'w
Tl lkr fi ggbQn inu wa kiri
fbg ni wgn nl k w Se
gbg'bo, r'bg
KO pe kO jlnna
F wa ba ni lalk kangiri
Alkrl kangiri l b ni lo+q Qpe
Ik bl o b wg'l
Kl o br Awo
Bl in b j korlko il
A beer aja

One does not live with a Babalwo with malice
One does not chase out a Babalwo with malice
If one lives with a Babalwo with malice
And if one chases out a Babalwo with malice
Such a person will fall into a pit full of emmets
These were lf's declarations to 'Lpd, the beautiful
She who was using her wisdom to acquire wealth
And whom Death was using his own wisdom to pursue about
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us where we receive the blessing of longevity
That is what If guarantees for its followers
Ik, Death, if you enter a home
Be fearful of an Awo
If fire guts the grass of a home
It will have fear for the roof

If guarantees the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she

will live long in spte of the incessant death threats in his/her life. If
says that Death will fear this person and move away from hislher life.



lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

15. If warns that there is a woman where this Od is revealed who

must be given to a practicing If Priest as a wife. This woman
cannot marry any other person who is not an If Prest. If this Od
is revealed to a woman during lkgsQdy orIelgOu, the woman
must be married to an If Priest. If Priest here, means a person
who has undergone Ielgdu and who is also working as a Babalwo.
A person who has just undergone IelqOU wlthout being a practicing
Babalwo cannot marry the woman in question. This is just in order
to protect her Iife.

There is also the need to offer gbg for this woman so that her
children will grow old enough to a stage of maturity before she dies.

If says also that there are many women looking for children
where this Od is revealed,lf assures that these women will be
blessed with children.
If advises each of those concerned to offer gbg with one
matured she-goat and money. On these, If has this to say:
Imgnmq d o, oblnrin ge'dl ynkl
Dl fn In
Tl fomi ojrl sngbr gmg
fbg ni wgn nl k w ge

The lightning exposes the buttocks of a woman
This was the If cast for In
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer gbg

In was sick and tired of living a life of childlessness. Anytime she saw her
colleagues with their children, she used to feel sad and depressed. She
used to weep daily because of this, and she continuously prays to
Oldmar to open her own womb so as to have her own baby who would
make her proud and happy in life. One day, she went to the home of the
Awo mentioned above for If consultation: Would she be able to have her
own baby? Would miracle happen in her life which would remove her from

f ose


the league of barren women to the group of proud and happy mothers?
The Awo assured her that she would be blessed with her own baby. She
was advised to offer gbg with one matured she-goat and money. She
dd. The following month, she became pregnant. She later gave bifth to a
bouncing baby boy.
During the lkgsQdye of the baby, the Awo told Ina that her baby was a
Babalwo from heaven. She was advised to put him in the care of an If
Priest who would train him as a Babalwo. The baby was named Inki,
after his mother.

Inki was handed over to the Awo who cast If for his mother when he was
just two years old. He specialized in finding solutions to the problems of
childlessness and related ailments. He soon became more proficient than
his trainers. There was no woman who would approach him for assistance
who will not smile at the end of the day. Soon, everyone knew him aslnki,
the Awo of Oldmar because of the belief that, it was only those whose
prayers were about to be answered by Oldmar who would go to Inki
for assistance on the problem of childlessness.

Inkl, Awo il Oldmar

firn onljm-Nkl
jl, gkrn gmg l sun
fbg ni wgn nl k w ge

fnkl, the resident Awo of Oldmar
He was the Awo who cast If for Otfrjm-Nki
Who wpke up and wept in lamentation of his inability to beget a child
He was advised to offer ebo

Ofijumu-Nl( was in love with children, but he had no child of his own.
That was why he went to)naki for If consultation: Would his wife beget a
child for him? Inaki assured On.ijmrf-Nkithat he would be blessed with a
child of his own. He told him to offer gbg with one matured she-goat

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

and money. He did. As soon as Orftjm-Nl('s wife finished her

menstruation, she went to Inl( in order for him to give her asejg, herbal
soup, to eat so as to be blessed with pregnancy.
On the very day that Ofrjm-Nl('s wife went tolnl('s home, he was not
prepared for her because he was not expecting her that day. All the herbs
and roots which he needed forthe sjg had not been procured.

Consequently, )nki decided to give her a temporary asejg so that her trip
to his home would not be in vain. He scraped some alloyoff a brass moftar
in his home, imprinted Qsg-Me) into it and recited incantations into it. He
gave itto Orfijm-Nki's wife to take. She did. The following month, she
became pregnant. She later gave bifth to a baby boy. The boy was named
'Orfijm-Naki, Qmg ar'd idg gnyn jg' meaning 'Otftjm-Naki,
offspring of those who use brass moftar to prepare pounded yam for

Inkl Awo OlrO


filn OlrO

Tl fomi oj sngbr tgmg

fbg ni wqn nl k w ge

Inl(, the Awo of Olr
If for Olr
When weeping in lamentation of his failure to have his own child
He was advised to offer qbg
The reputation of Inki as the best If Priest who specialized in
gynecological problems had spread far and wide. When Olr failed to
put his wife in the family way, he was advised to approach Inki for
solution. Consequently,Inki was invited: Would it be possible for him
(Olr0) to impregnate his wife and become a proud father in his life?
Would he be able to produce an heir to the throne of his forefathers? He
He cast

Inkiassured Olr that he would be able to impregnate his wife. He was

advised to offer gbg with one matured goat and money. He did. He
was also advised to send his wife tolnld the very day that the wife finished


ose uei

her monthly period. He took note of this instruction.

daythatthe wife finished her period, she wenttolnki's home.

Again,Inki was not prepared for her because he had not procured allthe
herbs and roots necessary for the asejg. He did not want her to return
On the very

home empty-handed, he went out to get some kn leaves (a kind of grass

used in the olden days to thatch the roof of a house). He grinded the grass
and imprinted QsQ-MT into
He recited the incantation and handed it
overto hertotake. Shedid. She became pregnantthatsame month. She
gave brth to a bouncing baby boy. The boy was named Olr-fkan.


Inakl Awo'Lbld
Dd fn Qlblda
Tl fomi ojrl sUngbr tgmg
fbg ni wgn nl k w ge
Inl(, the Awo of Qlffda
He cast If for Olffda
When lamenting his inability to beget a child
He was advised to offer gbg

It was the reputation of Inaki which Qlbfda heard of that led him to go
and consult If in his home. He too had been suffering from
childlessness. When he got to lnki's home, he wanted to know if he
too would be as lucky as others who were by then proud parents.

Inakiassured ' Lbida that he too would soon become a father. He advised
him to offer gbg with one matured he-goat. He complied. Inki also
told him to send his wife to him Clnak) on the very day that the woman
finished her menstruation. He did.

home. He therefore
scraped the wooden pillar in his house, grinded it into a fine powder,
On that day,Inki had nothing to give the woman at

imprinted Qse-melf into it, recited the incantation and handed it overto the
woman for usage. That same month, the woman became pregnant. She
soon gave bfth to a baby boy. The baby was named Op,.the Pillar.


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

During the lkgsQdy of this baby, If instructed that the baby must be
initiated into If as soon as possible and that he must take to If practice as
his profession. This was exactly what was done. Opo grew up in the home
of Inaki. He too specialized in finding solution to gynaecology problems.
Before long, his own reputation also spread like wild fire.
Opo Awo Olwu
Dl filn Olwu, AmiwO Aja

Igbati rtm'gnu snrhun gmo

fbg ni wgn nl k w Se

OpO, the Awo of Olwu

He cast If for Olwu, AmiwO Aja

When lamenting his inability to beget a child
He was advised to offer gbg

olwu had no child. He had grown old. He desperately needed an heir.

All efforts to get one had failed. IRaki, the most outstanding Babalwo at
that time had grown old and feeble. He could no longer move about as he
used to do before. Olwu had no alternative but to invite OpO, Inl('s
student for If consu ltation.
When Opo arrived, he assured Olwu that he would surely beget a child.
He advised Olwu to offer gbg with one matured she-goat and money.
He complied, He did If preparation, sjg, for Olwu's old wife. She
became pregnant and gave bifth to a baby boy. The boy was named Atie a
child born by an old couple.
Opq Awo Otrbdn
Dl filn Ohbdn Ojlgbln
Qmq ajQgbln jQkarahun
lgbatl rtmml ojrl sngbre gmq
fbg nl wgn nl k w ge

OpO, the Awo of Ohlbdn

He cast If for Olbdn, the snail eater

He who eats snails together with its shell
When he was lamenting hs inability to beget a baby
He was advised to offer ebo



Ohibdn was also suffering from the same problem of childlessness. He

heard that there was one Babalwo living with Olwu who had helped
Olwu to have a baby. Oklbdn was a bossom friend of Olwu. He asked
Olwu to release Opo for him in order to help him get a baby. Olwu
obliged him. 0p went to lbadan. He cast If for Olbdn. Qsg-MJi
was revealed. He assured Olbadan that he would be blessed with a child.

He advised Oltlbdn to offer qbg with

a matured she-goat



He complled. As soon as his aging wife finished her period, Opo

prepared a5eje for her. She became pregnant that same month. She gave
birth to a baby boy. The boy was named Atie a child born by another old

Three years after, Ohlbdan invited Opo again. He told Opo that one child
was not enough for him. He said that he needed another baby. OpO
assured him that he would be able to have another baby. He advised
Oltibdn to offer gbg with one ram and money. He complied. When
his wife finished her monthly period, he prepared an asejg for her. She
She became pregnant that same month. She later gave


brthtoa babygirl.
When Olbdn heard that his wife had delivered safely, he retorted thus;
meaning, 'these Babalwo are
'Nkan m lQrQ wgn Babalwo
something in their declarations'. This was because OpO had said that it
would be a female babyand itwas so.


During thelkgsgdy of this baby, If said that the first word spoken by the
father would be the name of the baby. She was therefore named
'Nkanlgl' meaning 'There is something
'Something', for shoft. Opo explained to Ohlbdn that Nkanlol was
If's wife from heaven. She must therefore be handed over to a practicing



If Priest in marriage not just anyone who had done ltefffa, but to
someone who was a Babalwo.

When Nnkanlgl grew up, Opo had Ieft Ibadan for other places. The
intention of Ohlbdn was to hand her over to OpO to marry. When they
could not find Opo, Ohibdn gave her out to Olwu, Op's friend. Olwu

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaon

was not a practicng Babalwo but had undergone the process oflten'f.
Nkanlgl became the wife of Olwu. She soon gave brth to a baby
named Ire for Olwu.
Olwu was a very powerful warrior. He had fought and won many battles.
He went on another military campaign. This time, he took Nkanlql along
with him. As a matter of fact, all the campaigns he went as from the time
that he got married to Nnkanlgl, he used to take her along with him.
Whenever he returned from any campaign, Ohlbdn used to send his first
child, Atie, to go and enquire after the welfare of his younger sister. Olwu
would then in turn send his own son, Atie to go and inform Olbdn that
all was well. This was the routine between these two great leaders and
warriors for about seven years before everything changed for the worse.
One day, Olwu went on a military campaign. As usual, he took Nnkanlgl
along with him. When they got to Qsun River, the river was full and
uncross-able. They gave Qsun many things to flow away and allow them
to pass. The river remained full. Olwu approached the riverand declared
'Qsun, please allow us to pass. When we return, I will give you something'.
As soon as he said this, the river flowed away and the soldiers moved to
their destination. They had a very successful campaign.

On their return however, when they got back to Qgun River, it was full
again. Olwu remembered his pledge to Qgun. He threw jewelries into
the river. They were all returned to him. He threw goats and sheep to the
river. They were all returned, He threw household utensils to the river.
They were all returned. He threw dresses and other clothing materials to
the river. They were all rejected. All what Olwu gave Qpun River were

The soldiers who followeO Olwu to war were all impatient to get back
home and reunite with their families. That was when Basorun, the war
generalismo, told Olwu that he was the one causing their delay. How?
Olwu promised to give Qgun River'Nkan', 'Something', but he had not
done so. If he wanted them to go, he must hand over his wife Nkanlgl to
QSun River! Olwu could not believe his ears. He was so sure that Qgun
River would never accept his wife. He threw Nkan to the river and she



was promptly accepted!!! Olwu had given Qsun River 'Something' as


There and then, Olwu knew that there was bound to be serious crisis
between him and his friend/in-lary Oltibadn. When Olbdn heard that
Olwu was on his way home, he sent Atie to go and enquire after the
welfare of Nkanlgl. At the same time, Olwu sent Atie to go and break
the bad news to OhJbdn. Both Ati and Ati met at Ogbr River. When
Ati told Atl what had happened, a big fight ensued. That was what
Ohibdn heard of, when he raised his own soldiers to go and confront
Olwu. On the other hand, Olwu raised his own soldiers to counterattack. Several lives were lost. Ogbr River turned red with blood from
both sides. The very foundation of YOrba Nation shook violently as a
result. In the end, Ire, the child of Nkanlgl was raised by foster parents.
The hatred and enmity between Olbdn and Olwu lasted throughout
the lives of the two warriors.
ImQmQ d o, oblnrin g'dl ynrlkl
D,l fifn In
Tl fomi ojrt sngbre gmg
fbg ni wgn nl k w se
gb'gbo, rrt'bg
Igbat y bll, o bl Inakl
Awo ni wn nl k m se
Inekl, Awo il Oldmar
Dl firn onljmu-Nkl
i, ekun gmg l sun
Fbg nl wgn nl k w Se
gb'Qbo, r'bo
Inkl Awo Olr
Dl fitn OlrO
Tf fomi ojt sUngbre tgmg
fibq ni wgn nl k w se
gb'Qbo, rrt'bg
Inkl Awo'Lbld
Dl fitn Qlblda
Tl fomi ojrl sngbr tgmg
fbg ni wgn nl k w ge
gb'Qbo, r'bo
Opo, Awo Olwu


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Dl fitn Olwu, AmiwO Aja

Igbati rtm'$nu snrhun gmg
fbg ni wEn nl k w Se
gb'gbo, r'bg
Igbatf ybl, bl Atl
OpO, Awo Olbdn
filn Olbdn Ojlgbln
9mq ajQgbln jQkarahun
jl, gkrtn gmg l sun
Fbq nl wgn nl k w ge
gb'gbo, rrl'bg
Igbat y bl, bl Atl
Olrtbdn ni gmg kan kO t oUn
Fbq ni wQn nl k w ge
O tun gb'bg, r'bg
Igbe y tn bll, bl Nnkanlgl
wn w fi firn Olwu, Amlwo Aja
Nnkanlgl m bi, bl lre
je ohlbdn ohn olwu o nll tn lllf
Ire, Kil gbQnj mo Iy rQ
Olwu o O b mi w ly ml
O ma rlbi yan-an-an-an-an
Ir+ kll gbQnj mo ly rQ!

The lightning exposes the buttocks of a woman
This was If's declaration forln
When weeping in lamentation of her inablity to beget a child
She was advised to offer gbg
She complied
And she gave birth to Inal(
InaK was instructed to practice If as his profession
Inki, the resident Awo of Oldmar
He was the awo who cast If for Ofijmu-Nl(
Who woke up and wept in lamentation of his inability to beget a child
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
Inl(, the Awo of Olr0
He cast If for Olr0
When weeping in lamentation of his failure to have his own child
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied


ose uei

fnaK, the Awo of 'Lffda

He cast If for Qlbfda

When lamenting his inability to beget a child

He was advised to offer ebe
He complied
OpO, the Awo of Olwu
He cast If for Olwu, Am)wO j
When lamenting his inability to beget a child
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
And he gave bifth to AtiQ
Opo, the Awo of OhJbdn
He cast If for Olbdn, the snail eater
He who eats snail together with its shell
When he was lamenting his inablity to beget a baby
He was advised to offer gbg
He compled
And he gave bifth to AtiQ
OhJbdn declared that a child was not enough for him
He was asked to offer gbg
He complied
And he gave birth to Nkanlgl
She was given to Olwu in marriage
Nnkanlgl gave birth to Ir
The enmity between Olbdn and Olwu can never end forever
He (Ire) could not grow to maturity before his mother will passed on
Olwu, please help me search for my mother to make me proud
Ir will never know his mother!

If cautions the people for whom this Od is revealed to please heed

warning and follow the advices of If strictly.

16. If says that there is someone where this Od is revealed who is

aspirng for a leadership poston. If says that this person has the
physical, financial and charismatic capabilty to assume this position.
In spite of all these qualifications however, If warns that this person
should not be given the position. This is because if given, this person
will be so high-handed that he/she will scare everyone away from the
group, communty, cty, state or naton.


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

Conversely, If says that if this Od is revealed to the person who has

come for If consultation on his/her chances of being picked to

assume a poston of authority, this person must be seriously warned
against being too high-handed, lest he/she is eventually removed
from position with ignominy. If says that to assume the position is
nota problem; the issue however, is howto maintain the position.
If advises this person to offer gbg with one matured he-goat and
money. He/she also needs to change his/her attitude for good so as
to avoid a situation where he/she will be conspired against and be
removed from that position. On these If says:

In u wgn ni dra
lw a won nl sunwn
If a wgn ni sunwqn
N o je kl wQn p wgn lg il
Kl wgn lg r j'r w
I)l firn Yrp
Tfi g'gmg nlka merlndlnlgn
Eyl t loun o j'y larln lgb$
f;bg nl wqn nl k w ge

Their heafts are impure
And their characters are nasty
Even their If is unacceptable
That is why they are not invited to people's homes
For them to cast If and pedorm ebQ for others
These were Ifa's declarations to Yrp, the Nettle
Offspring of the owner of the sixteen rooms with
When planning to assume the position of authority in the forest
He was advised to offer gbg


Yrp, the nettle, was like beans or tamarind. He looked so ordinary. He

appeared simple and straight-fonrard. He talked with humility at all times.
Anytime he opened his mouth to speak, people saw wisdom in his
speeches. Hewasconsidered a man ofvision and wisdom. Bythetime he
had grown up to maturity, all the inhabitants of the forest were already
considering him for leadership position. One day, Yrp was summoned





to the midst of elders of the forest and was informed that it had been
decided to place him in a position of Authority. He was told to give it
consideration before taking a final decision.
Yrp was so happy with this development that he rushed to the home of
the Awo mentioned above in order to determine how grand the installation
ceremony would be. He was not really concerned with whether or not he
would succeed in his new position. Unknown to those who proposed
Yrp forthe new position, he had been harboring great malice againstall
those in the forest. He had therefore been waiting for the oppoftunity to
revenge against what he considered to be injustice that the people
perpetrated against
He promised himself to inflict pains and


embarrassments which the people would not forget in a hurry on them.

So, his questions during If consultation were - one, to know how befitting
the installation ceremonywould be, and two, to knowthe bestwayto make
those who cheated him before suffer.

The Awo told him that he would surely be installed. He was however
warned against being too high-handed, wicked, uncompromising and
inconsiderate. He was advised to be accommodating lest he was
dethroned with ignominy. The Awo also advised him to offer qbg as
prescribed above.

When he heard all what the Awo said, he became livid with rage. He
considered the warning and advice of the Awo as insultive and impetinent.
He promised himself that he would surely teach the Awo a lesson on how to
respect those in pcsitions of authority as soon as he was installed. He
stormed outof theAwo's home.
Soon after this, Yrp was installed as the head of the trees in the forest.


was a memorable occasion. As soon as he was given the staff of

authority, he sprang into action. He stafted with those who installed him.
He simply sprinkled some of his nettle dust on them. The Kingmakers
stafted to scratch every paft of their bodies. This was not enough to stop
the nettle dust from itching them. They soon removed all their dresses,
including their undergarments. It was not enough. They were completely
naked! Yet, they continued to scratch their bodies. Not until they rubbed

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

every paft of their bodies with palm-oil did they feel any form of relief. The
whole area was thrown into pandemonium. The crowd dispersed in
confusion. The Kingmakers were thoroughly disgraced!
After this, anyone who moved close to Yrp was in trouble. They ended
up suffering the same humiliation like the Kingmakers. The whole forest
began to fear Yrp. At a stage, he was known as a leader who would
never robe his subjects, but rather preferred to strip them naked in broad
daylight. Everybody ran away from him. He had no friend. Nobody was
exempted in his vengeance.

One day, the people gathered together to find a lasting solution to the
threat of Yrp. All the members of the forest were sick and tired of his
style of governance. They wanted him removed by all means. They
planned to do this without moving close to him. In the end, they came up
with the plan to set fire on all the areas that Yrp could be found. This
was exactly what they

did. Yrp died in the fire, full of regrets.

In u won ni o dara
lw a wgn nl O sunwqn
If a wgn ni sunwqn
N o je kl wQn p wgn lg il
Kl won lg re j'r wa
Dl filn Yrp
Tll g'gmg nlk msrlndlnlgn
Ey t lun j'oye lan lgbg
fbg nl wgn nl k w Se
ko,tl Qgbonyin s'ebg
Yrepe lwg lo O g'eni
Yrp lwg lo g'yn
Igbatl wQn fi q l'd oy
Lo sg gbogbo il d'ahoro

Their healG are impure
And their characters are nasty
Even their If is unacceptable
That is why they are not invited to people's homes
For them to cast If and perform ebQ for others
These were lf's declarations to Yrp


lf 9"" u"/i

Offspring of the owner of the sixteen rooms with big

When planning to assume the position of authority in the
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Now Yrp, you lacked manners
Yrp you are not a decent being
When you were installed into a position of authority
You turned the whole community into a desefted area


If warns that any leader who is too harsh or wicked will find
himself/herself to blame in the


Abgnt Aboy.



lfa Dida: An nvitaton to lfa Consultation





Those born by Q+e Mjl during lkgsQdy

lelqOu are destined to
become the most impoftant persons in their families. They are also
endowed with children who become leaders in their community. It is
therefore in the best interest of this persons to ensure that they are offering
ebo for themselves, they also need to do the same for their children.


These children are also blessed with good

understanding spouses
who help them to getto the top in life. There are bound to be oppositions to
the relationship at the initial stage; but in the end, they will live happily
together for the rest of their lives. For Q9 q Mjl male children, their wives
will be instrumental to the consummation of their foftunes. For Qgq Mil
female children, their husbandswill makethem proud and happy.

In the lives of Qqg Meil children, the only panacea to financial success is
hard work, and more hard work. In their lives, without hardworkthere can
never be financial success. On the other hand, Qqe Mejl children need to
use their brains more than their brawn. They need to stop in order to
conquer. They also need to use their brains in order to make their clients,
customers and partners feel important and needed.

It is in the best interest of Qge Mil children to observe If and Obatala

Qse days on a regular
goals in life.

basis. This will certainly assist them to achieve their

The lives of Qge Mjl female children are such that they must never be
promiscuous and must never sleep with more than one man at the same
period. If they do this, they will destroy their chances of consummating
their founes. They will also not be able to make ends meet. For peace of
mind, these women need to maintain their chastity and dignity.
The leadership qualities of 0g Mjl children are in question. They lack
proper administration. They are known to be very high-handed,
uncompromising and wicked. For this reason, they have the tendency to
drive people away from themselves even though they are generally loved




ose tel

Sometimes 0g Mjl children take decisions aganst themselves

and to carry out such decisions end up becoming problematic. This is
it is in the best interest of Qge Mil children to be careful with the types of
decisions theytake.



Mjl children, males and females, what they need to struggle for,
more than any other thing on eafth, is respect and dignity. They do not
need to struggle to become the highest person in rank. They only need to

For QgE

ensure that they maintain their respect and dignity at all times.



1. If -For progress, success, victory and love

2. Od -For comfoft and happiness
3. Egu Qdara -For victory success and accomplishment
4. Opo -For good children and stability
5. fdan Ogb -For longevity.
6. Aje -For financial success and marital bliss
7. Qbetl -For marital bliss and success
8. Qqun -For foftune consumation
9. Orl -For foftune consumation





FgbS -For leadership and success

-For childbearing and upbringing

Must never eat fki, bush goat for anything To avoid

unconsummated foftune
Must not use Olongo and Apar, partridge birds for anything - To
avoid unconsummated foftune
Must never use scorpion for anything - To avoid being exposed to
Must never be promiscuous - To avoid unconsummated foftune
Must never engage in anti-social activities - To avoid public
disgrace and humiliation


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation


Must never show laziness - To avoid unconsummated foftune

Must never eat Okro - To avod financial hardship



Ol-Qmg - Leader among children
Ifagtlfo - Ifa is truthful
Qlbld - Honour is dazzling




oketyt - oke gave bifth to this

Amylwe - A child that brings prestige to the family


- Honour coverage in the family

Abgru Abgy.


Chapter 16

ll lr
ll ll

Chapter 16

Or(1ru MEJI

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed


Ikqsdy or ltQld, unlimited success is guaranteed. If says that

he/she shall become a great leader in life. He/she shall be very
valuable and influential in the community, the way the eye is to the
whole body. If says that this person will attain leadership position
from youth and his/her influence will spread farand wide.
If advises this person to offer gbg with

hro fresh fowl eggs, two

pigeons, shea butter and money. After this, he/she will also
procure one pigeon, one fresh fowl egg, shear butter and
jpnjk leaves (let me live), the leaves will be grinded into fine
paste, the egg will be broken and mixed with the grinded leaves, the
pigeon will be slaughtered and the blood drained into the mixture
with oil, shea butter will be added to the mixture and mixed properly
into fine paste. The paste will be used by the person for whom this
Od s revealed to rub his/her body regularly. In this Od, If says:

As'ra k'sdn
A rln'rln gbQrg a k'san
Akfl l'ni nl Mqsan
K mu lpqn
Dla fun Oj
Tl rtlg r jg glja l'wjg ara
fibg nl wQn nl k w 9e



orun uei

We rushed to pluckoranges
And walked leisurely to pluck oranges
If we have contacts where oranges are grown
We surely cannot suck unripe ones
These were lf's messages to Ojr1, the Eyes

When going to become the leader among allthe pafts of the body
He was advised to offer gbg

Ojrl, the Eye, was relatively smaller than most pafts of the body such as the
arms, legs, hands, feet, neck, chest, abdomen and so
Oj was
in the
however ambitious. He wanted to occupy a very influential
body. For this reason, he went to the home of the Awo mentioned above to
determine how he would do itto attain his life ambition.


The Awo assured him that he would be able to accomplish his Iife ambition.
He was advised to offer gbg as prescribed above. He complied.

When Oj was comlng into the world, Oldmar instructed Qbtl to

make them in pair and place them in two identical sockets in front of the
head for them to be part of the face. Oldmar also instructed that they
must be the pathfinders for the whole body. That was why it was Ojrl that
was saddled with the responsibility of making living things created by
Oldmar to see things and find their ways from place to place. Without
Oj, eyes, living beings would have been in permanent darkness. For this
reason, Oj was jealously guarded and protected bythose who have it.

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall occupy the
position that Oj has in the body in his/her community, group, society
and/or country.

As'ra k'sn
A rln'rln gbQre a k'sn
Akll I'Qninl Mgsan
K mu alpqn
Dl filn Oj
Tl lg r jg Qlja l'wjo ara
lbq nl wQn nl k w ge
gb'Qbg, rrl'bg


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation


Ojrl w j'Olja nlgba y{ o

F j n ma rln
F j n ma yan

We rushed to pluckoranges
We walked leisurely to pluck oranges
If we have contacts where oranges are grown
We surely cannot suck unripe ones
These were lf's messages to Oj
When going to become the leader among the other pafts of the body
He was advised to offer ebg
He complied

Ojrl has now become the leader among all the other pafts of the body
Let mewalk leisurely
And march majestically

If says that this person shall have a say in the affairs of his/her group,
socety, communty or country.


If says that most of the achievements of the person for whom this
Od is revealed had gone down. These achievements shall however
be regained while many more shall be added unto them for him/her.
If advises the person not to despair or panic. All that he/she needs
to do are to work hard and be hopeful.

If however advises this person or group to offer qbg with 1O white

pigeons, 10 rats, 10 fish, 1O hens and money. After this, the
person for whom this Od is revealed also needs to procure 20O
wrpl (palm tree maggots). These maggots will be cooked for
this person together with ewe aj (wealth leaves), t will be
consumed by the person for whom this Od is revealed after offering
the gbg and the recitation of this Od. A stanza in this Od on this
aspect says:
Ajylmk, Awo wgn n'il Alr
Ero towq glrlglrl
Frja Fjj




orun uej

firn wgn nl ltokrt-Agbgn

Eyl tl won jl, ff wgn o r'aj tuntun n mQ
Fbg niwQn nl k w Qe
Ajyimk, the residence Awo in Alr's household
And the crowd who rushed intothe marketsquare
Fja Fjrlj
They werethe Awo who castlf forthem atltku-Agbgn
Atthe southern paft of the market
Those who woke up and could not find new sources



They were advised to offer ebg

The inhabitants of ltoku-Agben town, especally those living at the

Southern side of the market square found themselves n an inexplicable
financial mess. They could not understand why, in spite of their enterprse
and hard work all their avenues of making progress blocked totally. They
paddled left and right, front and backward, yet, their canoe stood still. As
the last resoft, they went to the group of Awo mentioned above for If
consultation; would foftune ever smile on them again? Would they succeed
where they had now failed? Would they be able to attain their desired
goals in life? Would accomplishment return to their town once more? And
above all, would they have course to smile at the end of these travails?
The group of Awo assured them that even though there appeared to be a
huge clog in the wheelof their progress, nonetheless, failure willgive room
for success; disappointment will give room for oppoftunities; desperation
will give room for contentment; while sorrow will give room for boundless
joy. The group of Awo advised them to offer gbg as prescribed above.
They all complied. They also looked for wrpl, palm tree maggots, to
prepare their Individual herb soup for consumption. After the gbg, they all
went back to their various responsibilities.
Before long, after the offering of the gbg, the doors of oppoftunities began
to open, happiness returned to the community, Those who were sick
regained their health; chronic debtors were able to repay their debt. As a
result of the boundless opportunities which had returned to,ItOk-AgbQn


lfa Dda: An nvtaton

to tfa Consultation


t was ea:y to work and procure

wealth.- Chronic bachelors

advand;; ;f ,il conduciv
married' Ma'ied to'pt
economc environment
to get
i'n'*"'" not
spinsters took

3lfaved and thev


sure oi the future

had their fears
crriuien] FJi,.rr, morhers
and chirdren
an on io

,otned their tt:^o^Y.t::t

nornes for themsefves' lo"i".
un ber*tins
economc and financial
combined' made
I|s "noiry:r: happier. rhese tuo
for beer rt":
;ii#"."\,J,rn g"Tti-qrari
peopte were
.n. in rtoko_Agbon. or





Ajyfmk, Awo wQn

n,ife Afr


ror. r*YlrlTslrl ws'ja

filnwqn m ltok_Agbo


Ey u
o r,aj
fbe nf wq nF_.qn


tuntun n m


sf .eoo,, *qi
_Ireajetiewa ko d 'Jb;


I ti je,sba "*oro,rf,ria
"r. T, ::_1_*q






aya tun *g;fe
je'gu. a*oronpaia
Iti aya

gmq ti trn wo,t

:rlti j"'g
"*o.orrp-JJ o
I," goog|iieffi lT

y.9 gooSbo ti tun wo,t

Irreti jg'gba a*oro,rp;;=
sbosbo t tui


J,il . n*n*r.

Ajyf mka th.e residence

Awo n Afr,s household
And the crowd

,ho ,rr]Giinto tne


Fja Fjnj

otun uei

for them atltokr-Agbqn

rnev wi ne Awo who cast If

Atthe southern Partof the

generating revenue
TheY wer advised to offerqbg
TheY comPlied
re orwtln *ntrl hitheto we lacked
It has now returned to us
We nave consumed 200 AwroPl
ii. oi*"alth has returned in torrents
The ire of sPouse has returned
We have eaten 200 AwrOPl
in droves
And ire of spouse has returned
The ir of citldren thatwe
The ire of children has returned
We have eaten 200 AwOrOnPl
like locusts
The i f tnitOttn has returned
All ire that we were looking
All ire has now returned We nrve consumed 200 AwOrPl
At rqhve returned to us asexpected




and be grateful to Oldmar
to Jmile
he/she/they shallirave course
end ofthe daY.


with a very high title in life'

If says that
nim/trei popular and shall enhance

The title shall make

Prestige in the

while he/she is still alive' If
over that
the need for this person for whom
says tnat
position peacefully and move away
this od is
from that communitY'


association, one of the subor

it is in
is revealed shalltake over

ordinates of the person


this Od


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

the position he/she occuped. Also, if this happens, it is in the best

interest of this person to leave the work or association and move
elsewhere peacefully.

If it is during Ikgsgdaye for a male baby, the name of this baby is

either Ariwogla or Awolgl. This child shall live to take over the
position of his father.

If recommends for the person for whom this Od is revealed either

during IkgsQdye or Itld, to always go about with'irkQrQ, cow or
horse tail. By so doing, his/her prestige and honour will shine
through and he/she will be given space and acceptability in the

If advises this person to offer gbg with 3 pigeons, 3 cocks, 3

guinea fowls, 2 )rkQrQ and money. After the gbg, one of the
IrkQrQ will be handed over to him/her for use. On this, Qrngn M)

Qyinyina kn biah
Dl fi n Qrngrtn, Elgbje lrkQrQ
Igbatl rt m'mi ojrl sngbr gmg
fibg nl wgn nl kw ge

That which is white and dazzling
Thatwhich spreads and glows
That which shines and is immaculately white
These were If's declarations to Qrangttn
Owner of 1,400'irkr, cow or horse tail
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto begeta child
He was advised to offer qbo

Qrngrtn was made the Qba of Ila land amidst pomp and pageantry. His
reputation spread like wild fire. He was known, honoured and respected
throughoutthe length and breadth of Yoruba land.

ltii orun uei

In spite of all these achevements however, Qrngn had no heir to the

throne. As a matter of fact, he had no child at all, even though he had
several wives. This situation made him sad. This was the reason why he
went for If consultation; would he be a proud father in his Iife? Would he

have a child who will inherit the throne

depafted? Would his sorrowturn to joy?

of his forefathers when


The Awo assured him that he would give bifth to a baby boy who will
eventually take over his position. He was advised to offer gbg as stated
above. He complied. Before long, one of his women became pregnant
and gave, bfth to a baby boy. During Ikgsgdy, the baby was named
Ariwogl. This baby had very rapid growth.
Because Qrngn had earlier been informed by his Awo thatthis child shall
take over his position, even while he was still alive, he (Qrangn) decided
to send this child out of Ila land to go and live elsewhere in order to avoid
any situation that might lead to friction and competition between father
and child. That was why Ariwogl was raised up outside the domain of his

Where Ariwogl was raised up, everybody knew him as a prince. The royal
blood flowing in his veins made people to honour and respect him. He was
treated as heir apparent. Before long, he began to gather followers and
suppofters. Allthese supporters treated him like a royalty.
One day, Ariwogl made up his mind to visit his father in lla land. All his
suppofters and followers decided to follow him tolla land on this royalvisit.
He rode on an immaculate white horse. He put on immaculate white dress.
His beads were immaculate white. The crown on his head was made of
immaculately white beads. His sandals were made of $ege efun beads.
His irkQrQ was also pure white. The saddle on his horse was made of pure
white leather.

When he got to the boundary of lla land, the news quickly spread to the
town that an Qba higher than Qrngrln himself was coming to town.
Qrngrfn was the only one who knew that this Qba was actually his son
because of the way he was told that the Qba dressed. When he realized


lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consultation

that his subjects rolled out drums, guns and other muscal instruments to
welcome the Qba that they consdered to be higher than him intoll land,
Qrngn knew without being told that it was time for him to vacate the
throne and give way for his son to ascend the throne. This was exactly
what Qrangun did. He leftIla and never returned until he died. Ariwogl
assumed the Qbaship position and reigned until he was old and joined his
ancestors as one of the greatest Qba that Yorb land had ever produced.

Oinyin a kn b a|
Dl filn Qrangn, Elgbje lrkQrQ
Igbatl m'm ojrl sngbr gmg
Fbg nl wqn nl k w 9e
Igbatl yWt, bl Ariwogl
Srangn wa ti r'Qyln Qk
Ariwo w gba'le lla kankan

That which is white and dazzling
Thatwhich spreads and glows
Thatwhich shines and is immaculatelywhite
These were lf's declarations to QrangUn
Owner of 1,400IrkQrg (cow or horse tail)
When weeping in lamentation of his inabilityto begeta chld
He was advised to offer gbg
He compled
He eventuallygave bifth to a baby boy named Ariwogl
When Qrangun lefttown
Merriment engulfed the whole oflla land

NOTE: This stanza is not a license for sub-ordinates to hatch up any evil
design or conspiracy against their superiors. It is not an oppoftunity for a
child to plan to ovefthrow his/her parents or for junior ones to plan illegally
to take over from their superiors. If the take-over is not allowed to come
naturally like what happened between Qrngrln and Ariwogl, the usurpers
will suffer for the rest of their lives.





If says that it foresees long life for the person for whom Ofun M3) is
revealed. If says that he/she will live long to witness the birth and
growth of his/her grandchildren.
If advises this person to procure one hen. This hen is to be used to
rub every paft of his/her body and then slaughtered for If. If says
that if this is done, long life is assured. All evil forces that could lead
to untimely death for this person shall be chased away. On this, If

K jl nl owrQ kutkt
K m'bl kan lQg




nu igb

filn Qntnmll


Fbq nl wqn nl k w Se

Todaythe dewstops
And again the dew drops
Let us wake up early in the morning
And offer one kola nutto lUyo in the forest
This wasthe If castforQrtlnmll
When going to ll'dig (where hen is used to ward off untimely death)
He was advised to offer ebo

Qrnm)l was always confronted with the problems of people losing their
loved ones in their prime. Many promising people died in mysterious
circumstances. That was why Ortlnmll went to consult
consultation, If instructed him to use a matured hen as stated above in
orderto ward off untimely death. Qrrf nm)h did.


As soon as Qrnmlla began to do this, all those who came to him were
protected from untimely death. For this reason, Ornmlla was regularly
supplied with hens, because they knew that he needed them for the
protection of people threatened with mysterious deaths of youths and

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

young ones.

Onllrl so
K jl nl owrq ktkt
K m'bl kan IQQ fdlyo nln igb
D,l filn Ornmlla
Tl g'aworell'adlg
Sbg nl wqn nl k w ge

Ygbgn'k lg
Ygb'rn lg
Ogb'dlg o, g'ara yeeyQQ
Kogbgn'k Igo

Todaythe dewstops
And again the dew drops
Let us wake up in the morning
And offer one kola nut to Ohlyo in the forest
This wasthe If castforOrrJnmll
When going toll'adlg
He was advised to offerebq
He complied
It will chase away death
And chaseawayailments
Matured hen, shakeyour body
And chaseawaydeath

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall live to his/her
old age.


If says that the person for whom Ofrfn MJi is revealed is pureheafted, kind and consderate. He/she believes in justice, decorum
and fair-play. In spite of these qualities however, he is not liked.
People are panning evil aganst him/her. If assures him/her that
he/she will overcome all these adversities. If advises him/her to
continue to do good and put his/her faith in If and Oldmar,

If also advises this person to offer gbg with 16 pigeons and



orun uei


After the gbg, there is the need to make an If preparaton

with tfl leaves mixed with black soap for bathing regularly. If
these could be done, then he/she would overcome all the enemies
and at the same time make tremendous progress in his/her life. On
this, If says:
Ode nl d'r

Sdedenl ran'kn
Qdedetl wgn gb ran okn
Ni wQn ti rg agg o
Dl fitn Olrl-ire
Tl wen f ejq I re v kiri o
Fbq nl wqn nl k w 9e

Outside is for preparing dye
The passage is for spinning rope
The passage where rope is spinned
Is also where clothes are dyed
These were If's declaratons to Olf -ire, the Lucky one
Who was being reported about in a malicious manner
He was advised

to offer ebo

Olf-ire, the Lucky one, was always finding himself face-to-face wth good
things of life. He was always foftunate. When good things happened, he
was always present to share in them; conversely, when misfortunes
occurred, he was never involved. Five major events took place in his life
which convinced others that he was indeed a lucky person.

One, when he was a small chld, he fell into the well in their neighbour's
house and was there for three days before people noticed that someone
was there when they returned from their journey. He was half-dead when
he was rescued. Everyone knew that if he had spent even two more hours,
he would have died of cold. He did not drown in the well because there
was a root offshoot which was in the well that supported his weight.

Two, when he was about five years old, there was a severe pestilence in


lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

his village which killed several infants and young ones. He was the only
survivor in his family compound among 17 children.

Three, when he was in his early teens, he went out on a hunting

expedition with his elders. There was a fire outbreak in the forest. All the
hunters died but he miraculously survived with minor burns and bruises.

Four, when he grew up to become a young man/ he was very strong and
brave. One day, there was a rift between his village and the neighbouring
village. This rift later degenerated into a full scale war. He was one of the
soldiers who were drafted to defend his village. His village was defeated.
Allthe able-bodied men and women were marched to a plain ground in the
village square and executed. He was however given two vicious slaps by
the head of the enemy soldiers and ordered to get out of sight. He ran for
cover and he was the onlyyouth left to tell the story.

Five, as soon as the war was over, the remaining people in the village
gathered together in order to fashion out a way of moving their lives
fonryard. They invited allthe remaining youths who were not in the village
when the war stafted to return to the village in order to restructure it, both
physically and economically. They made Olf-ire the head of the workforce. While they were doing this, Olf-ire came across a large sum of
cowries and expensive jewels which was estimated to be more than what
15 generations could exhaust. He invited the whole village. After much
deliberation, it was decided that the jewels should be sold while the
proceeds should be used in reconstructing the village. Oll-ire was
handsomely rewarded.

He shared the reward among the youths who worked with him in the
village reconstruction. That was how his troubles stafted. Some people
felt that they ought to be given bigger shares than what they were given.
Some felt that they were the ones who ought to share the money and not
Ol-ire. Others felt that it was becoming too much of Oll-ire as he was
seen as a survivor in all disasters he had ever been involved in. They
concluded that he was the one whose spirit was bringing trouble into the



orun uei

Initially, it stafted as a mnor resentment aganst Olr'i-ire. Later, it gained

currency. Anywhere he went, he realized that people were casting scornful
glance at him. It later became an open hostility against him. He could not
understand the basis of their hostility. Before long, the people gathered
together to take a firm action against him. After much deliberations, they
came up with three alternatives; one, to banish him from the land; two, to
incarcerate him; orthree, to eliminate him outright.
On the night of the day when this plan was hatched, Olf-ire had a dream;
in fact, it was more of a nightmare. In this dream, he saw himself stripped
naked and tied to a horse with a strong rope and was being dragged
through the major streets in the village. As soon as he woke up, he went
straight to the group of Awo mentioned above for If consultation; was
this dream a sign of something disastrous about to happen to him? If yes,
what could he do to aveft the disaster? During If consultation, Oftln met
was revealed.

The Awo told Oll-ire that people were narrating his story about. He was
told that his problem originated from the fact that he had always been
lucky in his life. They told Olfi-ire that most of the people had a lot against
him because he had survived when mostof their relatives had perished; he
had been blessed where most of them were still gnashing their teeth in
pain and agony; and he had been elevated where others were being
frustrated. He was however assured that he would overcome all the evil
fashioned against him.

The Awo advised him to offer gbg as prescribed above. He complied; he

was also advised to prepare the Ifa soap for use. He gave the moneyto the
Awo to prepare the soap for him.

As soon as these were done, public opinion against Olf-ire began to

change. His antagonists began to see him as someone who ought to be
praised instead of being despised. They saw him as someone who was
very lucky but who had been confronted with several near-death
experiences. Before long, people began to seek his advice and sometimes
ask him to tell them the story of his life. Nobody ever thought of planning
evil against him anymore.

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaon

Ode nl d'r
Qdede nl ran'kn
Qdedg tl wQn gb ran okn
Ni wQn ti rg agg o

Dlfin Olrl-ire
Tl wqn r fi ejq q re v kiri o
fbg nl wen nl k w 9e


jq enl ff n Qjq q m wl kr
If niytot'ml sl rereo

Outside is for preparing dye
The passage is for spinning rope
The passage where rope is spanned
Is also where clothes are dyed
These were If's declarations to Oli-ire
Who was being repofted about in a malicious manner
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now, those who repofts me about in a malicious manner
Atofi, the switch
If will switch public opinion in myfiavour

If says that for the person for whom this Od is revealed, If will change
public opnon from bad to good for him/her. If says that he/she will gain
respect and honour among his/her communty.


If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to be humble at

all times. He/she needs to have respect and conslderation for those
who are lower than him/her. If says that in order to succeed in life,
it is the duty of the person for whom this Od is revealed to put it at
the back of his/her mind that it is a favour rendered to him/her if
anyone agreed to be assisted. In other words, if the person for
whom this Od is revealed assists anyone, he/she needs to consider

lI orur r"'
himself lucky that the person who needed the favour had assisted
him/her to be assisted if he/she does not show pride or arrogance
then success and accomplishment are assured.

If advises this person to offer gbg with two white pigeons, two
guinea fowls and money. After this, he/she needs to feed If
with one hen. On this aspect,If says:
OgUn abg ni O t'orl op ra
Okan gogo Ogn'n l ba'lQ
LsgQIj d'oro
Dl filn Ornmll
Tl Babaysgara redi grU
fbg ni wqn n| k w ge

Twenty blades cannot shave a pillar clean
Only one live ember of charcoal turns a forestto dry land
These were lfa's messages to QrUnmIla
When he was to turn himself into a slave
He was advised to offer ebo

When Qrnm)l was coming from heaven to eafth, he planned to be doing

good deeds in the most profitable manner. He was onvinced that doing so
was the best way to secure the highest spiritual points. Consequent upon
this, he went to the home of the two Awo whose wise sayings were
mentioned above for If consultation: would he be positively
influence the world and at the same time score very high spiritual points?
The Awo assured Orrlnmll that he would surely be able to assist whoever
came for assistance. He would also be able to gather very high divine
rewards for himself in the process. He was first advised to offer qbg as
mention above. Not only that, he was advised to ensure that while
assisting those who needed his help, he must learn how to render this
assistance in such a way that it would appear that those who received his
assistance were in fact the ones who were doing him a favour. In other
words, Qrunmll was to consider it an honour that the people agreed with

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Qrtlnm)l for him to help them. This was because if the people refused to
be helped, then Qrnm'll would not be able to gather any spirtual reward
from Oldmar. Qrnmll agreed with the Awo and offered the gbg as
While on eafth, Qrnmll actuallycondescended very low in orderto render
help to anyone. He would go all out of his way to help. He did not only
consider it as an honour that he was allowed to help, he even made it clear
that the honour was highly cherished. Those who received his help were all
pleasantly shocked and surprised that they were the ones who were doing
Qrunmll a favour by allowing him to assist them. Many people trouped to
his house, they ordered him around and he gladly did his best for them. By
so doing, he was highly favoured by human being and Oldmar.
Ogun abg ni t'orf op ra
Okan $ogo gn'n l ba'le

Lsgelj d'oro
Dlfin Qrnmll

Tl Baba y sg ara re di grU

fbg ni wqn ff kw Se
gb'Qbg, r'bg
KO p, KO jlnn
f w b'ni b'yQ
E w wo're o

Twenty blades cannot shave a pillar clean
Only one live ember of charcoal turns a forest to dry land
These were lf's messages to QrUnm'lla
When hewastoturn himself into a slave
He was advised to offergbg
Travellers tolpo and Qfa town
Come and join us in the midst of happiness
Come and behold all Ire in live

If says that as long as the person for whom this Od is revealed is ready to
show high degree of humility and level-headedness, then he will be blessed
and favoured by Oldmar.


orun uei

If says that something of very high propoftion is creating fear and

apprehension into the mind of the person for whom this Od is
revealed. If says that this person is already seeing the signs
warning him/her that all is not well at all. There is the need for
him/her to offer gbg and feed the Elders of the Night as quickly as

If warns that this person must never sell or eat kr, bean cake in
his/her life. It is a serious taboo for him/her so as to avoid a situation
where he/she will constantly be in contention with the Elders of the
Night. He/she must also avoid being miserly in all things he/she
does. He/she must be open-handed atalltimes.
If advises this person to offer gbg with 201 pieces of bean cakes
(akara) and money. He/she also needs to feed the Elders of the
Night with another 201 kr. On this aspect, If says:
Aga ke, kOdke

Qgblngbln rin bQQ ni o dbQ

Allsen bgnl'h ibQnjgun?
D{firn lruubamt
Tl y d'gun lya awgn Fle, ye
f bg ni wqn nl k w Fe

The hawk contnued to shout unendingly
And the hoopoe hummed ceaselessly
Is there someone suffering from ailment around there?

These were If's declarations for Errlbdrnf

Who would incurthe wrath of the witches
She was advised to


frrlbrn'i, Dread-bvercomes me, was an expeft in making kr, bean

cakes. People used to patronize her from far and near. Before long, she
was known as the best kr seller in the land. She used to make huge

lfa Dda: An invitation to lfa Consultaon


She was highly rated in the

land. The communty leaders gave her

honour and recognition.

In spite of these achievements however, Frbarff was very stingy. She
saw no reason why she should give out to anyone. She could not give her
kr out as sample. If anyone wanted to taste it, she reasoned, let such a
person buy. She believed that by so doing, she would be able to maximize
her profit.
One day, the head of the witches came to the market where frrf bnf was
selling her kr. She greeted everyone in the market. When she reached
Frrlbanf's stall, she greeted her. After the pleasantries, she begged
frr1bmito give her one kr to taste. She refused bluntly, asking her to
pay if she wanted to taste her kr. The head of the witches begged and
begged. frrlbmi was not impressed; she told her frankly that she did not
come to fry kr in the market because of her or for charity. She ordered
the head of the witches out of her sight. The woman left quietly.

In the evening of that day, the head of the Elders of the Night summoned an
emergency meeting of all her members. They all assembled at night. The
head of the Night Elders wasted no time before addressing the witches;
'Greetings to all Elders of the Night! Since I was born, notto mention when I
became the mother of the Elders of the Night, I had never been humiliated
and dragged in the mud as I experienced today. prr1bmi disgraced me
today because of one cake of kr! It is an insult I cannot live with. I must
revenge! frrlbmi must be ruthlessly dealt with! I am prepared to hear
yourviews on theWpe of punishmentthatwill be meted outto her. I do not
wantto hearthat frr1bmi must be forgiven! She stands condemned!' As
soon as she said this, she satdown angrily.
One of the high-ranking EIders stood to speak. She said, 'Greetings to our
Mother and all Elders in attendance. I was at the market when our mother
was humiliated by frbmi. It is totally unacceptable to me. It must be

addressed and frbmi's case must be used to sound a warning to

That was how all those who addressed the Elders spoke on that day. In
conclusion, they decided that frrlbmi must not know peace of mind
anymore. She must be harassed and terrorized day and night.


o*, r",

On that same night, the Elders of the Night picked 11 birds and five animals
to put fear into the mind of frbami. These birds were, Aga, the Duskey
Thrush; Akalamagbo, the vulture; Owiwi, the owl; Elutn, the lark-heeled
cuckoo; Parapad, the pennant-winged N ig ht-jar; AgblgbOn)wQnrn, th

Hoopoe; KQlQbQ, the white-spotted black bird; Altagb, the Grey-backed

hawk; Klikli, the Plantain-eater; and [yg-)9b0, the eggs eater. fiyg-'igb
was chosen as their head. The animals were Olgb, the CaU Aj, the Dog;
Agntn, the Ewe; Aln, the smelly-rat; and Oket, the giant rat. The
animals were headed by Olgb.

The birds landed on frbrnf's roof top and began to howl and chirp.
They made terrible and terrifliing noises. As if that was not feaful enough,
the animals went into frrfbmi's home, Aln and Olgb went into her
room, Okete was at the backyard of her house, Aj was by the doorstep
while Agntn was moving round the house. They too were making
terrible and terrifying noises! Nobody could sleep in Erribmi's house on
that day.
The birds and animals made Erbmi's home their abode. Within three
days, she was lean. Her eyeballs bulged out as a result of Iack of sleep or
rest. She began to cry incessantly. She dreaded the time she would return
home because she knew that the birds and animals would frighten her out
of her skin. Seven days after, frr1bmi was no longer a normal person.
She could neither eat nor drink. She was too weakto go out; yet she dared
not stay at home. When she could no longer withstand the situation, she
ran to the home of Ofun-Meji for solution of her problem.
First, she wanted to know what caused the problem for her. Second, she
wanted to know what she could do to solve the problem.
Ofun-Meji told her that she was the one who stepped on the tail of a live
cobra with her stinginess. She was told that the Elders of the Night were
angry with her and in order to make peace with them, she must use all the
kr she used to fry in a day to feed the Witches. She would have to do
this for three days before her life could return to normal. frbami was
ready to do anything for normalcy to return to her life. She did as the Awo

lfa Dida: An nvtaon to lfa Consultaon

As soon as ths was done, the birds and anmals left her home and never
returned. frrlbmi also stopped frying kr altogether. frr1bmi later
realized that when her troubles began, people went elsewhere to buy
kr. It dawned on her that if people failed to see one person, they would
quickly make do with another person. Her assumption that because she
was the best kr seller around, people would feel her absence quickly
Asa ke, kOdke
Ogblngbln rin bQQ niodbQ
Allsan bg nl'h ibQ njgun?

Dlfiln Erbml
Tl y d'gun Iy wgn Fleye
[bg ni wqn nl k w ge

Kopr kOjlnna
f w b ni l'r9Qogun
Aja+eogun la b ni I'QsQQberlga

The hawkcontinued to shout unendingly
And the hoopoe hummed ceaselessly
Is there someone suffering from ailment around there?
These were Ifa's declarations for Eruubami
Who would incurthe wrath of the witches
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, nottoo far
Join us where we enjoy victory over adversities

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed shall overcome all
his/her troubles in life. He/she only needs to learn how to be generous to


If says that it foresees the Ire of a child for a barren couple where
this Od is revealed. If says that this baby, when born shall have at
least one quality which will make the baby different from other
babies. This baby may either be deformed in one way or the other, or

l orun uei
have some unique occult endowment that separates him/her from
If says that in spite of this, the baby will grow up to become the most
successful person in his/her community. The parents too will become
very influential and highly respected.

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with
16 she-goats, 16 snails, 16 rats, 16 fish, 16 bottles of palm-

oil, 16 bottles of alcohol, 16 bundles of white clothes and

money, If this can be done, nobody in that community will be as
successful as the person for whom this Od is revealed. A stanza of
Ofr:n-lvteI on this aspect says:
Ojgun nl nl'yn s'ln
Tl nf ikn s'fyln danylndanyln
Dlfirn Oosa
Tl foml ojrl sngbregmg
fibg ni wgn nl kw ge


frontof the leg is itthatwhen pregnant

Turns its belly backwards

This was If's message to OOga (Oga)
When weeping in lamentation of her inabilityto begeta child
She was advised to offer ebo

OoEa (Origa) realized that all other Origa, Egngrtn, Or, IrnmglQ and
human beings were proud parents. She was the only one left without a
child. She cried and cried; yet, there was no child. She was however fully
determined to beget her own child. That was what took her to the home of
Awo above. Would she be blessed with the fruit of the womb?
The Awo told 0g that for her; the path to begetting a child was too far and
very demanding. Instead of being discouraged, she insisted that the Awo
should tell her what ebe she needed to offer in order to make her beget a

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consuftation

The Awo gave her the gbg materials as stated above. She procured all the
gbg materials. The Awo offered the gbg for her and asked her to go to the
home of Oldmar to demand for her child by herself. She was assured
that her gbg was already in the home of Oldmar.
When OoSa got to the home of Oldmar, she pleaded that she had come
for her baby because she wanted to have her own child in life. Oldmar
told her that there was no baby for her because no child was available that
would complement her destiny. She pleaded that her gbg was heavy and
that she peformed the gbg solely because she really wanted her own baby.
Oldmar told her that He had seen her gbg and it was truly heavy. She
was however informed that the only baby available was known as Qrq,
Igek ge ( Profou nd Esoteric speech, I rreg u la r Act).
OoSa begged Oldmar to give it to her; after all, a baby was a baby.
Oldmar gave the baby to OOga. She was however blessed that as soon
as this baby was born, the whole world would bow for the baby and would

be looking for the baby. Oldmar said that all what she had used to
perform this gbg would be the same items that the whole world would be
procuring to Iook for the baby's favour and protection anywhere the baby
might be.
OIdmar asked Ooga to go back to her home. She did. Soon after, she
became pregnant. Nine months later, she gave birth to this baby. The baby
had the right eye, it had no left eye; it had the upper jaw without the lower
jaw; it had the left arm without the right arm; it had the right thigh without
the leftthigh.

After the birth, the baby was named OrQ, Igekge. Others called her Od.
Oopa was told that the baby could not live in the midst of people. The baby
was taken to the forest. The forest where this baby was taken to was
known as lgb-Od or Igbd (If grove).
Anyone who was to be initiated into If would have to procure rats, fish,
birds, goats, kolanuts, bitter kolas and so on, and move to lgb-Od in
order to see Od or OrQ, Igekrlge. OrQ was then collecting all these items in
several folds every year. At the end of the Igbd exercise, people will ask,


onn r",

'Which Od gave bfth to this person'or'what was his/her Od'. The whole
world was now paying back all what Od's mother used as gbg material
her. The properties of Od became endless and inexhaustible. While in
Igbd, we would be the ones begging Od to please accept all what we
have broughtfor)tqlod from us, thus:


Ojgun nl l'yn s'lnr

Tl nf ikn s'9yln danylndanyln
Dl firn Ooga
Tl f'oml oj sngbrgmg
fbg niwqn nl kw 9e

Igba y bll, bl lgekge

Qrq nl wgn pe
QrQ w 19
QrQw jeo
QrQJe, QrQ mu o


orq pnQrq-plrQrq

QrQ pa'sQt'Oun tTdln l'nu o

QrQ w lq o, QrQ w lg o
QrQw re'j
Qrg nllrrt u klnni Oun maa ge?
Wqn nl Qfq w ne'ju
w lqq d'eku
nl b'hun b rc'j
w lgEd'eku
Awgn gdg ad'Qbltl rrbg nl'j
Tl y'eku jQo
Qrg plrgrq-plrrq
QrQ pirQrQ-plrQrQ

Qrg pa'sq t'un tTdln I'qnu o

Org waa lq o, QrQ w lg o

Qrqwaa re'j
Or nllru u klnni Oun maa se?
WQn nl QfQw re'j

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultation

W lqq d'eja
nl b'hun b re'j
B'hun b Qqd'eja
Awgn gdg aflwq be l'do

fi p'qjajqo

QrQ plrQrQ-plrqrg
QrQ pirQrQ-plrQrQ

Qrq pa'set'OuntTdln l'$nu o

OrQ w lq o, QnQ w lg o
OrQw re'j
QrQ nl lr u klnni Oun maa ge?
WQn nl QQw re'j
W lqq d'eJe
nl b'hun b re'j
B'hun b lQqd'e,yg
Awgn gdgad't bg nl'j
Tl np'gygjgro
Qrq plrqnq-plrQrQ
QrQ pirQrQ-plnQrQ
Qrg pa'sQt'Ount'ldln l'gnu o

QrQ w lq o, Qrg w 19 o
OrQw re'j
OrO nllrrl u klnni Oun maa ge?
WQn nlQfOw re'j
nl b'hun b re'j
B'hun b lqq d'eran
Awgn gdg ayln'lag bq nlJ
Tl p'granjgo
QrE prrqrq-plrQrQ
QrQ pirQnQ-plrQrQ
Qrq pa'se t'Oun tTdln l'nu o

ro w lq o, QrQ w lq o
Orqwaa re'j
QrQ nllrrt u klnni Oun maa
WQn nl QfQw re'j
W qq d'Iwin



'l'i orun uej

KO ma m sl'un
Tl pa'win jgo


jgQgbQrl9d'oj d
QrQ nlq

OgbQrl9d'ojrl d
OrQ rlreJ



Egba lg o

Qgberl 9d'ojrl do

The front of the leg is it that when pregnant
Turns its belly backwards
This was lf's message to Ooga
When weeping in lamentation of her inabilityto begeta child
She was advised to offer gbg
When shewould deliver
She gave bifth to lgek9e
Also known to all as QrQ
QrQ come and travel
QrQ comeand eat
QrQ comeand drink
QrQ pirQrQ-plrQrQ
QrQ pirQrQ-p)rQrQ

t'un tldln I'gnu o

QrQ come and travel
QrQ gotothewilderness
QrO says that"whatwill I do there?
They say"QrQ go to the wilderness
And become a rat"
QrQ replied that if he goes to the wilderness
And turns himself into a rat
There are several deadfall setters in the wilderness
Who specialize in killing rats for consumption
QrQ pfrgrg-rQrQ
QrQ pa'sQ

QrQ pirQrQ-pIrQrQ
QrQ pa'sQ t'Oun tldln l'gnu o


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

Qrg come and travel

Orq gotothewilderness
QrO saythat"what will i do there?"

The say; "QrQ go to the river

And becomea fish
Qrg replied that if he goes to the river
And turns himself into a fish
There are severalfishermen who use hooks
Who specialize in killing fish for consumption
QrQ pirgrQ-rQrQ
QrQ pirQrQ-pIrQrQ
OrQ pa'sQ t'un tTdln I'Enu

Qrq come and travel
QrQ gotothewilderness
QrQ says tha$ "what will I do there?
They says; "QrQ go to the wilderness
And become a bird"
QrQ replied that if he goes to the wilderness
And turns himself into a bird
There are several hunters with bird-lime
Who specialize in kill ing birds for consumption
QrQ pfrgrg-rQrQ
QrQ pirQrQ-p'lrQrQ
QrQ pa'sQt'oun


I'Qnu o

QrQ come and travel
QrQ gotothe wilderness
OrQ says that; "what will I do there?
They says; "QrQ go to the wilderness
And become a beast"
QrQ replied that if he goes to the wilderness
And turn himself into a beast
There are several hunters with canon
Who specialize in killing beast for consumption
QrQ plrQrQ-plrQrQ
QrQ pirQrQ-pIrQrQ
Qrg pa'sQ t'un tTdln I'Qnu




orr r"j,

orQ come and travel

QrQ gotothewilderness
QrQ says that; "what will I do there?
They says; "QrQ go to the wilderness
And become Iwin, Ghost
There is nothing in the wilderness
Capable of killing a Ghostforconsumption
Now, let all uninitiated people close their eye
QrQ isgoing
Egb, paralysis is going (awayfrom our lives)
Epe, injury is going (awayfrom our lives)
QgbQfl, all uninitiated ones, cover your eye!
QrQ is returning to the wilderness
Where he had come from
QrQ isgoing away
Fgba s going away
QgbQfi, close you eyes! ! !

If says that apaft from the fact that the person for whom this Od is
revealed shall succeed more than any member of his/her family; he/she

shall also be able to ward off all evil principalities through the help of If.

NOTE: This pafticular stanza holds a lot of secrets and meanings about
how If initiation is peformed. It therefore cannot be explained beyond
this in black and white. Fufther explanation or education on this requires
face-to-face studies with a highly competent If priest/priestess who will
demonstrate the full meaning of this Od to the student together with all
the warnings and taboos. It is an aspect of If that cannot be trivialized or
taken for granted, All readers are cautioned and advised to seek
guidance on this.


9. If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed

is facing some
If says that those responsible

problems as at the time this If is cast.

for his/her problems are the same people wining and dining with
him/her. They are the ones giving him/her restlessness.


lfa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

If however assures this person that he/she shall overcome all these
problems. Besides that If promises to expose all the treacherous
friends and relatives behind the problems.
If advises this person to drill a spy hole in the front door of his/her
home. As a matter of fact, all those born by Qrngr1n-M) during
)kgsQday or Itglodu need to drill this spy hole in the front door of
their homes.

By so doing, victory will be assured; all evil perpetrators will be

exposed and putto shame.

If also advises this person to offer gbg with one matured shegoat, 10 snails and money. He/she also needs to feed If with
one big she-goat. On this,If says:
Ayyff, ayeyll o s,q o
Aynl fgn'ner
Ayyff, ayyff o geo
Aynl ro'k l'epe
Ayyff, ayyff oggo
Ay n nfr sg'gb d'Qgbun
Ayyff, ayyll Se o
Ayna nfl fgn'n ogrtltu
TlwQnfi j'raawgn
Dl filn gbogbo Qknknln Innmgle
wQn p jg lqq I'ajg
Ebq ni wQn nl kl wqn w ge

This world, this world is full of wickedness
The world is it that collects ordinary ashes as fire for others to cook with
This world, this world is full of atrocities
The world is it that prepares food with sand for others to consume
This world, this world is full of intrigues
This world is it that turns mere calabash into mighty ditch
This world, this world is full of vagaries
The world is it that fetches red-hot clay stone to press on their bodies, and
burn each other
These were Ifa's declarations to the 401 Irunmole
When going to form a business association



otun uej

They were advised to offer gbg

One day, all the 401 IrnmglQ gathered together. They decided to form a
business assocaton which would be bringing extra funds to them. To
them, it was the best way for them to be in touch with each other at all
times and at the same time, uplift each other financially.
Paft of their plan was also to deliberate on any venture before embarking
on it. The person whose suggestion was judged the best would be given
higher dividend at the end of the business transaction. When they stafted
this business, it was an instant success. The first four times they embarked
on the business, Ornmll's suggestions carrled the day, on the fifth, sixth
and seventh occasions, all the other IrrfnmglQ strived to give better
suggestions than those of Qrnmll, and they all failed. This was how envy
crept into the affair. Why was it that only Qrnmll would be carrying the
day all the time? Dd it mean that they would be subservient to him
perpetually? Would this not give Orrfnmll the impression that he was
more intelligent than all the others? That was how they began to conspire
against QrrlnmIl,
One day, the remaining IrnmglQ gathered together to fashion out a plan to

deal with Qrnm)l. After much deliberation, they concluded that they
would not allow him to have peace of mind. They planned to create fear
into his mind. That same night, they delegated $ngo, Ogun and
$npQnn to go and terrify him.
When they got to his house, it was in the middle of the night. They began
to knock on his doors. They knoc d and knocked, When they heard his
footstep, they disappeared. They did this all night. QrUnm)la could not
sleep. This went on for five days. Qrrlnm'll told the others what he was
going through. They gave him series of advices which they knew could and
would never solve his problem. Behind him, they congratulated each other
for a job well done.
When Qrnm)l realized thatthe situation was getting out of hand, he went
for If consultation: would he overcome this problem? Would those
responsible be exposed?

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaton

The Awo assured him that he would not only overcome his problem, he
would also putthose responsble to shame. He was advised to offer gbg as
prescribed above. A spy hole was also drilled in his front door. He was
advised to tiptoe to his door any time he heard the knocking and peep
through the hole in the door before opening the door. Qrr:nm'il complied
with allthe advices and returned home.
When it was night time, $ngO, OgUn and $npQnn arrived in OrrJnmll's
home as usual. They began to knock incessantly. They were waiting to
hear the footsteps of Qrnmll before they disappeared. Unknown to
them, Qrrfnm'll tiptoed to the door, peeped through the spy hole; saw
Ogn, $ng and $npQnn. Instead of opening the dool he began to
sing, saying:
Ahl Age bgQ I'gmg ar'y tts o
S bQ I'gmgar'y ge
Olbnbl geblljgQ rg ni

laiq tt je

'LkaySeblljqQ rgni

laiqtt je
la jql mu

Qbahlway +ebl ljg g rg ni

jq j9

Enlyn ge'ni b'ni d'r o

BgQ l'gmg ar'y rtge o

waythe world behaves
This is how people do
Olbmbf ($ango) is it notyou and I
We eattogether
And drinktogether
Lkay (Ogun), is it notyou and I
And drinktogether
Qbalway ($npQnn), is it notyou and I
We eattogether
And drinktogether
So, this is the



orun uei

People perpetrate evl aganst others and later sympathize with them

That is howthe world behaves!!!

As soon as they heard this, the three of them ran away in utter confusion;
how did he see us when he did not open his door? They wondered. They
went and woke up allthe other conspirators. 'He had seen and known us',
they declared. 'Why did you wait for him to open his door before you hid
yourself?' They queried the three of them. 'No, he dld not open his door
before he mentioned our names', they responded.

The conspirators said that they would send three other IrnmglQ to
QrnmIl's home the following night. They nominated Qbatl, Qgun and
Yemoja to go and put fear into his mind. In the dead of the night, the three
of them arrived at Qrnm'll's home and began to knock on his door with
full force and repeatedly. Qrunm)l was ready for them. He tip-toed to the
door and peeped at those knocking through the spy hole. He saw the three
of them and began to sing saying:
Ah! Aqe bee I'gmq ar'y seo
F bee I'gmq ar'y ge
Orlganla geblljg Q rq ni

ta jq je
Lajq mu

'Qgun-OnHigebf ljgQ rg ni

jqrr je

Yemgja-Awoy qeblljgg re ni
La jgrt je
La jg mu
Enlyn ge'ni b'nid'rO o
Bee I'gmgar'y geo

So, this is the waythe world behaves
This is how people do
Onganta is it notyou and I

We eattogether
And drinktogether
Qgun-Onf kl'i, is it not you and I
We eattogether


lfa Dida: An invtaon to lfa Consultation

And drinktogether
Yemoja-Aw0y, is it notyou and I
We eattogether
And drinktogether
People perpetrate evil against others and later sympathize with them
That is how the world behaves! ! !

The three of them also went back to the other consprators to inform them
that even without openng the door, Qrunm)l was able to see and know
them. Not willing to accept defeat easly, the conspirators sent three

others to go to Qrnmll's home the following

night. They were


Egtlngn and [gbQ.

As soon as they got to Qrrtirmll's home they began to knock on the door
forcefully and incessantly. Qrrlnmll peeped and sawthe three of them. He
began to sing thus:
Ah! Age bQQ l'gmg ar'y ge o
9 bee I'gmg ar'y ge
Oro trttg gebl ljg Q r9 ni


La jq


EgttngrtnAbal geblljgg rg ni

jq je

jq mu

Alr lgb geblljg q re ni


j9 tt j9

Enlyn ge'ni b'ni d'ro o

I'gmgar'y geo

So, this is the waythe world behaves
This is how peopledo
Oro-Ottq is it not you and I

And drinktogether
Egr:ngr:n-Abal, is itnotyou and
We eattogether



Wt orun


These were Ifa'sdeclarationsto 401 Irnmgle

When going to form a business association

They were advised to offer gbg

Only Qrnmll complied with the advice
So, this is the way the world behaves
This is how people do
Olbrrrbf (9ango) is it notyou and I


And drinktogether
Lkay (Ogun), is it notyou and

And drinktogether

Qbaluwaye ($anpQnn), is it notyou and I

And drinktogether
People perpetrate evil againstothers and latersympathize with them
That is exactly how the world behaves
Again, so this is the waythe world behaves
This is how people do
Onganta is it notyou and I
And winetogether
Qgun-Offklf, is itnotyou and I
And winetogether
Yemoja-Awy, is it notyou and I
And wine together
People perpetrate evil against others and turn around to sympathize with
That is exactly how the world behaves
And agan, so this is the was the world behaves
This is how people do
Oro-Ottg, is it not you and I
We eat together
And drinktogether
Egungr:n-Abl is it notyou and I
And drinktogether
People perpetrate evil against others and then turn round to sympathize
That is exactly how the world behaves
Before long, nottoo far
Join us where we enjoyvictory over consprators


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

If'assures the person for whom this Od is revealed that he/she shall
surely overcome all his/her enemes who had ganged up and conspired
against him/her. If says that there is nowhere that If states that a
righteous person shall not face tribulations, but the assurance is that they
10. If says that Eemq, Unusual Occurrence, is already residing with the
person for whom this Od is revealed. If says that it is not in the
best interest of this person to allow Eemg to take permanent
residence in his/her home. If however promises to assist this
person to chase outthis EemQ in his/her home and life.
If advises this person to offer gbg with three matured roosters and
money. On this, If says:
Adlg Oplpl nll fgsQ mejejl b kF sTl
Adlg Oplpl nll fgsQ mejejl be k$e s'de
fin Eemo
Tfl ggmg wgn lde ljn-nn
fbg ni wQn nl k w Se

fowl with clipped wings is it that jumps with its two feet into the house
And jumps with its two feet outside of the house
This was the message of If for Eemg, Unusual Occurrence

Their child inljan-nn land

She was advised to offer ebo

Eemg, Unusual Occurrence, planned many evil things against the

inhabitants of ljan-anna land. Her plans were very grave and
uncompromising. She did not want to know whether her victims had ever
offended her before or
on people.


She simply enjoyed inflicting pain and sorrow

If she saw people enjoying marital bliss, she would create strife among the

'iI o*r r",

couple. She organized accidents for people even right inside their homes.
There were incurable illnesses that she inflicted on others. She turned
people's financial success into disaster for them. She made others to weep
where they were expected to be happy. Parents lose their loved ones
under unusual circumstances. Children turned to orphans and there were
nobody to assist them'. People lose their houses and homes to fire, storm,
flood, e.t.c without any alternative accommodation. When all these
happened, Eemg usually felt happy and would declare that such disaster
serued her victims right.

One day, Eemg went to the home of the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation. Would she be able to inflict more pains on people?
The Awo warned her to desist from her attitude, lest she put herself into
ridicule. She was told that she needed to confess and repent. , She was also
asked to offer gbg as stated above.

Hearing these from the Awo, she felt highly insulted. She was very
annoyed with the Awo. She warned them to take their time if they did not
want her to bring chaos and conflict in to their doorsteps and homes. Why
must she be the one to offer gbg; she queried? She was the one inflicting
pains on others, why should she be the same one offering gbg? She
concluded that the Awo were pack of cheats and thieves who were looking
for means of extofting things from her. She spit into their faces and
stormed outof their home.
As soon as she left, the Awo realized that Eemg had made a valid point
when she said that she could not offer an gbg. True, it was those who did
not want Eemg in their homes, land, communities, lives and ventures who
were duty bound to offer gbg. This reality opened their eyes to what was
happening to others around them. They were fully determined to help
people solve the problems created forthem by Eemq,
Any time that people approached them for solutions to their problems, they

would be informed that the problems were caused by Eemg. They would
also be advised to offer qbg with three mature cocks in order to chase
out Eemg in their homes and lives, As soon as they complied, Eemg and the

lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultaton

problems she had created would move out of their lives and homes.
One day, the inhabitants of )jan-ann realzed that most of the problems
which they encountered n their homes, communty and lives were created
by Eemg. Consequent upon this, they approached the Awo to help them
offer a mighty gbg in order for them to chase out EemQ from their
community altogether. ,The Awo advised them to procure the gbg
materials. They did. The gbg was offered. After the gbg, Eemg was forced
out of Ijan- nn u nceremoniously.
Adlg Oplpl nll fgsq mjeejl b keS s1l
Adlg Oplpl nll fqsg mejejl b kqqe s'de
Dl fitn Eemq
Tff ggmg wgn lde ljan-anna
Fbq ni wgn nl k w Se
kg'tt Qgbgnyin s'bq
jelwq Eemq


fowl with clipped wings is it that jumps with its two feet into the house
And jumps with its two feet outside of the house
This was the message of If for Eemq, Unusual-Occurrence
Their child inljn-nn land
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
You Eemo
We do not wantyou in this land anymore
Go away!

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall be assisted to
chase out Eemq from his/her life.

If also says that as much as we try to convince evil doers to change for
good we must also be prepared to contain their evil activities in case they
refused to have a change of heaft.
11. If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to take personal


orun Meji

and envronmental hygiene very serous. He/she needs to take

proper care of his/her envronment, ensure that everywhere is neat
and tidy at all times. He/she also needs to bath regularly, wash

his/her dresses, brush his/her teeth, cut his/her nails and take care
of his/her hair regularly. Failure to do this may cost him/her his/her
marriage, loved ones and happiness.
If also advises this person to offer gbg with one matured she-goat
and money, He/she is also to feed If with another matured shegoat. Before feeding the If, however, t (If) must be thoroughly
washed with all available If leaves. The person who is to feed
If must be clean and tidy.


The person for whom the If is to be fed must equally be neat and


On this aspect, E)-Qrngrln says:

Flf tl a fg'ni la fi l ba nil ge
l,llmQtl a mg'ni la fi b nil l

B'gni OtilQfq'nimq
B'$ni Oth m'Qnlyn mQ
Kl klukr ma d s, e i9 g araa re
Dl filn Orrlnmll
Baba lg rfg ljo
Tff g'gmg Alr
n t9 refgAyQ

rr tg refeAdun
Qmq Qwrngrrn-Aga
fbg ni wqn n| kw 9e

The love we have for each other makes us associate with one another
The recognition we give each other makes us to get used to one another
If there is no more love
And if there is no more recognition
Let everyone go his/her separate way
These were If's messages for Qrnmll
When gong to marry Ij, Dance
The daughter of Alr
And AyQ, Joy


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

The daughter ofAjerO

And also Adn, Sweetness
The daughter of Qwarngn-Aga
He was advised to offergbg

Qrnm)l was an extremely busy man; he had so many clients that he had
lost count of their exact number. His clients spread from far and near to
several towns and villages. As soon as he woke up early in the morning,
there were several clientsto attend to.
Besides this, he was blessed with three lovely and interestng wives. The
names of these wives were Ij, Dance, the daughter of Alr, the Qba of
Ilara MQKn town. The second wife was known as AyQ, Joy, the daughter of
Ajer, the Qba ofljero Ekiti town, while the third was Adn, Sweetness, the
daughterof Qwrngn-Aga, the Qba oflla Qrangn town.

These women tried their best for Qrnmll in order to ensure that he
succeeded in all his endeavours. They made him happy and they ensured
that the home was comfoftable and crisis free. There was a snag however.
Consequent upon the multitude of clients who trooped into Qrnmll's
home, morning, afternoon and night, he had no time to take care of his
personal hygiene. In his bid to satisfy all the people who came for
assistance in his home, he had neglected his own looks and health. For
example, he had no time to clean his teeth with his chewing stick because
before he woke up, there were too many clients to attend to. He had no
time to take his bath because there were many clients who sought his
personal attention. He could not change his dresses because there was no
time for him to engage in such luxury. The result of these was that
0rnmll stank.
At the initial stage, the three wives used to persuade him to take care of his
personal hygiene, but he simply ignored them. It however reached a stage
that the odour coming out of his body made his wives to vomit. He began
to lose his clients gradually because they could not stand the way he stank.
One day, the three wives decided to take a more drastic measure to ensure
that Orunmila desisted from this bad attitude. They were convinced that
there was mutual love between them and Orunmila; for this reason, they
packed all their belongings and went to announce to Qrrfnm'il that they

'li orn r",

were gong to their respectve homes. They made it clear to him that they
would never return to his home. OrrJnmll begged and begged for them to
stay but they refused. When he asked them to tell him why they were
going, they said that it was because of his refusal to take care of his
personal hygiene. They declared that they could no longer cope with his
bad attitude. Orrlnm'il begged them to stay. They responded that they
would stay only on the condition that Ornm'il agreed to clean his teeth,
take his bath, shave clean his hair, cut and trim his nails and change to a
new dress. Not only these, they said he must be taking his bath and
cleaning his teeth twice daily. Qrrlnmll agreed that he would do as his
wives had said. He said that he would make a big ceremony of his personal
cleaning event.
On that same day, he instructed his students to go and fetch for hinl all If
leaves, especially Q{ndn, teJe, rinrin and 198 other If leaves. In all, 201
different If leaves were collected. The students squeezed allthese leaves
in water and Qrnmll was taken to bathroom with sponge and soap. He
was thoroughly scrubbed. At the end of the exercise, Qrnmll came out

of the water cleaner, fresher and healthier (Ever since that time, the
cleaning of If and Ikin is always a big ceremony involving several If

After these had been done, the women continued to stay with Qrrlnm)l.
He became richer and more successful. He even had more clients.
Flfe tl a fQ'ni la fi b nil 9e
Mlmg tl a mg'ni la fi b nil l
B'Qni Otlefg'ni mq
B'Qni Otle m'Qnlyn mQ
Kl klukr ma d se is araa r
fifn Orrf nmll
Baba r lg rfQ Ij
Tll g'gmgAlr
n lg refQAyQ
Tll g'gmgAjer

n lgrfeAdn
9mq Qwarngun-Aga
lbgniwn nl kOwa se
BabafQwgn d'ltn

lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

Baba owQ
Baba kn

Ati Ij,gmgAlr
Ati nyq, gmg Ajero
Ati ldrn tff g'gmg gwrangrtn-Aga
WQn d'qr wQn l'won lg o
Qrrtnmll nl getl yin nlg o
wqn nl eg lwg
Es lkn
L ge w wa nlg o
Qrrtnmll nl da kl wQn pad
Kl wQn lg wa ew If w
WQn lgwa gbogbo rQw

NjAld ma weo
FFr o
Ald me w o
Ejl-OgbQba If
5q o
Ald m wo
Qtun rr n rqo
Ald ma wQo
Sf o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
Ald ma we o
Ko gb'Ohlw
Ald m wQ o
9qu o
Ko gb'Ap, tQbl, ko gb'Akp
9rg o
Ald m wQ o
$9 o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
SF o
Ald ma we o
5q o


lli or, r"'

Ko gbe Kegb gmg gra
Su+ o
Ald ma wg o
K'Erlwo OsJn ma ynkrl o
9q o
Ald ma we o
QyQkrt-Mjl I'Olrtwo
SS o
Ald ma we o


Apa rere n'il rg o

$gtt o
Ald ma rtw o
9gr o
Bl o d'bQ o gbe w
$9 o
Ald m wQ o

Ko gb'Ohlw
Ald me wQ o
$9 o
Ko gb'ApJQbl, ko gb'AkpO
Ald m wQ o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
$q o
Ald ma wg o
$rq o
Ko gbe Kregbe gmg Qr
Fq o
Ald m w$ o
9+ o
K'Erlwo OsJn ma ynkrl o
9$r o
Ald m wQ o

Iworl-Mjl Qba If

lfa Dida: An nvitation to lfa Consultaon

-Sq o
AId ma weo
99u o
Igodo rr ni'l rgo
9+ o
Ald ma rtwe o
S$ o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
99 o
Ald ma we o
9Su o

Ko gb'Ohlwo
9q o
Ald ma w o
9q o

Ko g b'ApQtQbl, ko gb'AkpO

9$u o
Ald ma we o
Sq o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
$9t o
Ald ma weo
$Su o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg Qr
$9 o
Ald m rtweo
$q o
K'Erlwo QsJn m ynk o

9f o
Ald ma we o
9q o
Odl-Mjl I'Olrtwo
$9 o
Ald ma wgo
SSu o
ffu rere n'il rg o
$9 o
Ald ma ttwe o
$9rI o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
Ssu o


Ald m rtwe o
$Su o

Ko gb'Oluwo
9uq o
Ald m wQ o
$9 o
Ko gb'ApQtebl, ko gb'Akp
Ald ma we o
9q o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
Ald ma wq o
Ssu o
Kogbe Kegbegmg Qr
9+ o
Ald me weo
9F o
K'Erlwo QsJn ma yank o
Ald m wQ o
9q o

lrosn-Mjl eba rf
Ald ma w o
Idere rr nil re o
Ald ma ttw o

$rl9 o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
sU$U o
Ald ma we o
9S o

Ko gb'Olrtwo
Sus o
Ald m w o
Sg o
Ko gb'Ap, tQbl, ko gb'Akp
Sus o


orun ue

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaon

Ald me we o
9+ o
$q o
Ald ma weo
S9 o
Ko gbe Kegbe gmQ Q;in
$Su o
Ald m rtwo
S$ o
Ko gbe Kegb gmg Qr
SSr o
Ald m weo
FQ o
K'Erlwo gsJn m ynkrl o
$fu o
Ald m wQo
$9 o
Qwqnrln-Mejl I'Olttwo
9q o
Ald ma wo
S9 o
Ikol rr ni'l rg o
F$ o
Ald me weo


Bl o d'bQ o gbe w

SF o
Ald m wQ o

Ko gb'Oltlwo
Fq o
Ald me w o
9Su o
Ko gb'ApJQbl' ko gb'AkPo
s9 o
Ald m wQo
9g o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
9F o
Ald m rtw o
9+u o


!:it orun uei

Ko gbe Kegbe qmg Qre

9S o

Ald ma wo
$rl9 o
K'Erlwo QsJn ma ynk o
Susu o
Ad m rtwo


Qbara-Mjl Qba If
$rI9 o
Ald me we o
9$ o
fiu rere ni'l rqo
Ald m w$ o
9S o


9$ o
Ald ma we o
9q o


Ald ma we o
9+ o
Ko gb'Ap, tQbl, ko gb'AkpO
$fl o
Ad ma we o


Ko gbe Kugb gmg Qgln

Sgu o

Ald ma rtw o
Sq o
Ko gbe Kregbe gmg Qr
9S o
Ald ma we o
9S o
K'Erlwo OsJn ma ynkrt o
5+ o
Ald ma rtwe o
$9 o
Qkenran-Mjl l'Ohlwo

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Ald ma weo
SS o
Itlle rere ni'l reo
5$ o
Ald ma wQ o
$9 o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
$9 o
Ald m wQo
$9 o
Ko gb'Olttwo
S$u o
Ad ma wq o
9$ o
Ko gb'ApQtebl, ko gb'AkpO

s9 o
Ald ma we o
sus o
Ko gbe Kugb Qmg QsJn
Sq o
Ald m wo
$9 o
Ko gbe Kegb gmg Qr
Sq o
Ald ma we o
K'Erlwo QsJn m yenk o
9rgr o
Ald m we o
9f o
Ogrtnd-Mjl Qba rf
$q o
Ald m wo
9+ o
Onto rr ni'l rg g
Ss o
Ald me we o
99 o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
9+ o
Ald ma we o

'll or, r,,,

5S o

$ufu o
Ald ma weo
SSu o
Ko gb'ApQtQbl, ko gb'Akpo

$9 o
Ald m w o
9$ o
Ko gbe Kugb gmg QsJn
$uq o
Ald ma weo
9q o
Ko gbe Kegb gmg Qr
SS o
Ald m we o
9F o
K'Erlwo OsJn m ynkrt o
$9 o
Ald ma weo
9f o
Qs-Mjl I'Ohlwo
SS o
Ald m wQ o
Sf o
Qta rereniErgo
5q o
Ald m w o
$9 o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
$9 o
Ad m rlwo
F9 o
Ko gb'Ohlwo
SS o
Ald m two
Ss o
Ko gb'ApQtQbl, ko gb'Akpo
Sf o
Ald ma rtwe o
$s,u o


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Ko gbe Kugb gmg 9sJn

Ald ma we o
9q o
Ko gbe Kegbe gme Qre

Ald m rtw o
5S o
K'Erlwo OsJn m yank o
9$ o
Ald ma we o
$q o
Ik-Mi Qba rf
Ald ma we o

Asl rr nil rg o

Ald ma we o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
$9 o
Ald ma we o
Sq o

Sq o
Ald ma we o
Sq o

Ko gb'ApQtebl, ko gb'Akp
Ald ma we o

9q o
Ald ma ttwe o
Sq o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg Qr
Ald ma rtwe o
SS o
K'Erlwo QsJn m ynkrl o
Sq o
Ald m w o



SS o

QlggbQn-MjlQba If
9q o
Ald ma weo

Sq o
Ad me rtwe o
9g o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
$q o
Ald m wQ o
9+ o

SSo o
Ald m w,o
9$ o
Ko gb'ApgtQH,
Ko gb'AkpO
9g o
Ald ma we o

Ald ma rtw o


Ko gbe Kegbe gmg QsJn

$rI9 o
Ald m wQo
Sf o
Ko gbe Kegbe gmg Qr
9q o
Ald me we o


K'Erlwo OsJn ma ynkrl o

$rI9 o
Ald ma ttwe o
Otr-Mjl Qba If
S9u o
Ald m wo
$9 o
Ipapo rr nl e re o

o*r r",

lfa Dida: An invtaton to lfa Consultation

$q o
Ad ma we o

Bl o d'b$ o gbe w
9g o
Ald ma we o
Sug o
Ko gb'Ohlwo
SS o
Ald ma ttwQ o
S9 o
Ko gb'Akp0
5Sr o
Ald m wQ o
Ko gbe Kegb gmg QsJn
S$ o
Ald ma we o
S$ o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg Qr
Ald m w o
9f o
K'Erlwo Q$n ma yank o
SF o
Ald m wQ o
9F o
IrgtQ-Mjl I'Olrtwo
SFt o
AId m wo
$rI9 o
EmQrQ rr nil re o
9S o
Ald m rtw o
$9 o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
5F0 o
Ald m wo
9f o

Y,I orun

9q o
Ald ma weo
9+t o
9gr o
Ald m wgo
Sgr o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg QsJn

Ald m w o

Ko gbe Kegbe gmg Qr
9+ o

Ald ma we o


K'Erlwo QsJn m ynkrt o

$q o
Ald m wo
9g o
Qgq-Mejl Qba If
$9rl o
Ald m rtw o
S$ o
lbadan rr nil re o
Ad ma ttwe o
9q o
Bl od'bQogbw
Sq o
Ald m wQ o
9S o

S9 o
Ald m w o
$tgr o
Ko gb'ApQteH,

9g o
Ald m w o
$9 o



lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Ko gbe Kegb gmg QsJn

Sq o
Ad ma weo

$9rI o
Ko gbe Klgb gmg Qr
9q o
Ald ma w o
9q o
K'Erlwo QsJn ma ynk o
9g o
Ald m wQ o
SF o

Otrtn-Uejl I'Ohlwo
Ald m w o
9$u o

Il orangrtn n'il rgo

S9 o
Ald ma wQ o

9q o
Bl o d'bQ o gb w
9+ o
Ald me weo
9uS o

9S o
Ald ma ttwo
9f o


$uq o
Ald ma we o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg QsJn
Sgu o
Ald ma weo
9f o
Ko gbe Kgb gmg Qr
SSu o
Ald m wQ o
Srs o


llt onn u"

K'Erlwo gsJn ma yank o

$9 o
Ald ma we o
9S o

The love we have for each other makes us associate with one another
The recognition we give each other makes us to get used to one another
If there is no more love
And if there is no more recognition
Let everyone go his/her separate way
These were lf's messages for Qrrlnm)l
When going to marryIj, Dance
The daughter of Alr
And AyQ, Joy
The daughter of Ajero
And also Adn, Sweetness
The daughter of Qwarngrln-Aga
He was advised to offer gbg
He complied
After marrying these women
Orunmll failed to take his bath
And failed to apply any cream
Then Ij the daughter of Alara
And AyQ, the daughter ofAjer
And Adn the daughterof Qwrngun-Aga
They packed their luggage and decided to divorce him
Qrrf nm'il asked them whythey wanted to leave him?
They responded that his failure to bath
And applycream
Wasthe reason whytheydecided to leave
Qrnm'll asked them to return
He asked his students to go and procure If herbs for him
They procured allthe herbs
NowQrunmlla, Ald, istaking his bath
SuSu o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
E-ogbe, the Qba of If
9S o
Ald is taking his bath
SuSu o


lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultation

Qtr:n is your home

SF o
Ald istaking his bath
SS o
When you getthere, please give us your suppott
SEu o
Ald istaking his bath

Support both nuclear and extended families

And suppoftthe Olwo
Stu o
Ald istaking hs bath
5S o
Please, supPottAPQtQbf and AkPO
SP o
Ald istaking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Ktlgb, the child of QgIn
99u o
Ald istaking his bath
$9 o
And suppoft Kegbe, the child of Qr
$9 o
Ald istaking his bath
SS o
Do not allow Elwo QgIn, If adherents, to die young

9; o
Ald istaking his bath
S$u o
Oyeku-Meji is the Oluwo of Ifa

Alade istaking his bath

$9 o
Apa is your home
SF o
Alade is taking his bath
s$u o
When you get there, please give us your suppoft
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
99 o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo


Sp o
Alade istaking his bath
SE o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
5p o
Alade is taking his bath
$9 o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
Sg o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
9Su o
Alade is taking hs bath
9ug o
Iwori-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
5S o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Igodo is your home
SFu o
Alade s taking his bath
Susu o
When you getthere, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Support both nuclearand extended families
And supporttheOluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
SS o
Alade is taking hs bath
$u9 o
Give support to Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath




lfa Dida: An nvtation to lfa Consultation

SPu o

And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora

t9 o
Alade istaking his bath
S9u o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
SFu o
Alade istaking his bath
Odi-Meji, is the Oluwo of lfa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath


' ,/

Eju is your home

Alade istaking his bath
5$u o
When you getthere, please give us your suppoft
g9 o
Alade istaking his bath
S$ o

Suppoft both nuclear and extended families




SS o

Alade is taking his bath

S9u o

Please, support Apetebi and Akapo

SF o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o


supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin

Ss o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o

And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora

SS o

Alade istaking his bath

9S o

Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young

$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o

Irosun-Meji, the Oba of Ifa


$9u o
Alade istaking his bath
$ugu o
Idere isyour home
$9u o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
When you getthere, please give us yoursupport
$ug o
Alade istaking his bath
$uS o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
$u9u o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
$9u o
Alade is taking his bath
SSu o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$9u o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SE o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$ug o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9 o
Owonrin-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
SS0 o
Alade istaking his bath
SSu o
Ikolo is your home
$u9 o
Alade is taking his bath
$ugu o
When you get there, please give us your support
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath


oru, uej

9S o

Support both nuclearand extended families

And suppottheOluwo
SS o
Alade is taking hs bath
SSu o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo
9S o
Alade is taking his bath
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
tE o
Alade istaking his bath
9up o
And support Kuegbe, the chiH of Ora
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
Obara-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Eju isyourhome
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
When you get there, please give us your suppoft
Alade istaking his bath
9S o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And supportthe Oluwo
$9u o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
Sg o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o


\ vtun Mett
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
sSu o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Sugu o
Alade is taking his bath
$9 o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
SS o

Alade istaking his bath

SS o
Okanran-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
Sugu o
Alade istaking his bath
Su$ o

Itile isyourhome
SuEu o

Alade istaking his bath

SSu o
When you get there, please give us your support
$$u o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
$9u o
Alade is taking his bath
$9 o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
$ugu o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
tt o
Alade istaking his bath
SSu o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
9g o
Alade is taking his bath
Sp o
Do not af low Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
9S o


Alade istaking his bath

9E o
Ogunda-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
SF o
Alade istaking his bath
9S o
Onko isyourhome
Alade istaking his bath
SSu o
When you getthere, please give us your support
FuSu o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And supporttheOluwo
SF o
Alade is taking his bath
SuSu o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
$ug o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
9S o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
SuSu o
Alade istaking his bath
5S o
Osa-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
tF o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Ota is your home
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o


When you getthere, please give usyoursuppoft
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
5S o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9 o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
SuSu o
Alade is taking his bath
S$ o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Ika-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Asia isyourhome
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
When you get there, please give us your support
SS o
Alade staking his bath
SS o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And supportthe Oluwo
SS o
Alade is taking his bath
Sgu o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo


uun MeI

$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osn
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9u o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
Spu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Ologbon-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Oje isyourhome
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
When you getthere, please give us your suppoft
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SF o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And supporttheOluwo
SS o
Alade istakng his bath
$u9 o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SF o
Alade istaking his bath


$9 o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Otura-Meji, the Oba of lfa
S9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Ipapo is your home
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
Sut o
When you get there, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
$u9 o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And supportthe Oluwo
9p o
Alade istaking his bath
9$ o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Give suppoftto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
S9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SF o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$ug o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
5S o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Irete-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o
Emere is your home


Ofun Meji

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your suppoft
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Please, suppoftApetebi and Akapo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Give suppoftto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ose-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ibadan is your home
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Suppoft both nuclearand extended families
And suppotthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath



Susu o

Please, suppoftApetebi and Akapo

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o

Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin

Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o

And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
Susu o

Alade istaking his bath

Susu o

Ofun-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ila Orangun is your home
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Susu o


Ofun Meji

Alade istaking his bath

Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o

If says that it shall be well with the person for whom this Od is revealed.


If warns a person for whom this Od is revealed who enjoys great

respect in the socety not to engage in any act that will put him to
shame and ridicule. If says that the person may think that what
he/she is doing or about to do will never leak out, but this is not true
because no matter what he does to conceal it, the matter will surely
come to public notice one day.
If says that this man is not only respected but equally trusted. This
action of his will erode the trust and confidence that people reposed
in him. This is why it is his dutyto live above board at all times.

If does not recommend any gbg material here. It is only for this
person to desist from this shameful act. A stanza in Ofun-Mll whch
addresses this issue has this to say:
Oru ge b'ojt
fgru qsan la ba
Dl filn Ejl-Qrangn
Baba lqqg'gkgAbuk
fibg ni wgn nl k w ge

The night can be used as cover
It is the broad daylight we are mindful and afraid of
This was the message of If for EI-Qrngn
Who shall become the husband of Abuk, a lady with hunchback
He was advised tooffergbg

Abuk, the lady with hunchbac( was Qbtl's daughter. qbatl loved


and pampered this girl, partly because of her physicat condton

because of the fact that her mother died as soon as she was born. As a
result, Qbatl was both father and mother to her. However, Abuk was a
very recalcitrant
She never listened to simple counseling from
Qbath. She had a mind of her own. She believed that she must always
have her way. This was not surprising to anyone since she had been spoilt


On the other hand, ET-Qrangun (Ofun M) or Qrangun M)) was Qbtl's

friend and confidant. There was nothing Qbtl would do without first
discussing same with his friend, E)-Qrngr1n. They were so close that
people thought that they both slept in the same house. As a matter of fact,
the two regularly slept in each others homes.
When the behaviour of Abuk was getting out of hand, QbaHl sought the
assistance of his friend in finding a way to contain her excesses. EIQrangUn promised to assist. Anytime Abuk misbehaved, Qbatl would
send her to E)-Qrngrtn. She was just 11 years of age but her attitudes
were more than those of 2l-year old girls. By the time she was 13 years
old, practically everyone in the community believed that Efl-Qrngn was
more of Abuk's father than Qbatb. Abuk was also very fond of E)Qrangrtn. She preferred to stay with E)-Qrangn at any time. For all
these, Qbatb was very grateful. He welcomed any practical step which
could tame Abuk. By the time she was 15 years, she had been seen as
someone who was ready to change for good.

At this time, E)-Qrngn began to notice that the breasts, buttocks waist
and face of Abuk began to develop into those of a fully grown woman.
While other people saw her as deformed because of her hunchback, Abuk
looked very beautiful to E) Qrangrrn. That was when ideas began to enter
into his head. Befole long, he began to seduce her. Shoftly after this, he
stafted to make love to her. This was a girl practically everyone considered
to be his daughter! It got to a stage that they made love almost everyday.
One day, E)-Qrangn went for If consultation in the home of the Awo
mentioned above. He wanted to know what his success chances would be
at that point in time. The Awo assured him that he would succeed and that

nothing or nobody could stop him from accomplishing his goals. The Awo
however warned him to desist from the shameful act that he was doing as
failure to desist would put him to public odium. He was told that everyone
respected and trusted him in the society but that act alone would tarnish
his image beyond redemption. He was told that no matter how perfectly he
tried to conceal this shameful and disgraceful act, it would certainly come
to public attention and knowledge.
When EI-Qrngn heard this, he knew exactly what the Awo was saying.
'He asked what gbg material he would need to procure so as to offer gbg for
him not to be a subject of ridicule. The Awo told him that there was no gbg
material for that. He only needed to desist from such act. The father
making love to his own daughter would surely lose respect and dignity no
matter how greatthe gbg offered.
There and then, ET-Qrngn made up his mind never to have anything to
do with Abuk again, except of course, for him to continue to act as her
father. He returned home with the resolution atthat back of his mind.
The next day, Abuk came to his house. He was still with the mind of not
having anything to do with her any more in the illicit affair. By the time the
unsuspecting wives of E)-Qrangn'directed her to his room, he was still
determined to resist her. When Abuk entered the room, closed the door
and sat on his laps however, allthe resolve and resistance dissolved. In no
time, they were engaging in fierce love-making. They resumed on a daily

Before long, people began to notice changes in Abuk. At first, Qbatl

was confused: Was it sickness? Was it disease? Was itfatness? Her body
began to develop. Her face became paler than before. She vomited every
morning. She complained of weakness every morning. She lost her
appetite. She slept longer hours. By the time QbaHh came to believe his
senses, his daughter, Abuk was already three months pregnant! He called
on and asked Abuk to tell him who was responsible for her pregnancy.
She refused to utter a word. What was this supposed to mean? Qbatl
threatened her that if she refused to confess the owner of the pregnancy,
he would not hesitate to report her to Efi-Qrangn whom he, Qbtl,


fondly referred to as her father! Yet, she refused to utter u *orJl

confused and annoyed QbaHl the more. He shouted on herthat if she had
no regard for him, she must at least show respect for E)-Qrngn her
father! What Qbatl said did not change anything.

Early in the morning of the next day, gbatl went straight to E:l-Qrangrln
and narrated evefihing to him. ET-QrangUn told QbaHl to put his mind
at rest and that he would handle it. Wth this assurance, Qbtl returned
home. When he got home, he told Abuk to go and meet E)-Qrangrln at

When Abuk got to E)-Qrangn's home, they simply resumed another

round of love-making. It was after this that E)-Qrangn asked Abuk if
truly she was pregnant. Abuk told him that she was indeed pregnant.
Both of them knew that Efl-Qrngr1n was responsible for the pregnancy.
E)-Qrangn however impressed it on her that nobody should know that he
was the one who put her in the family way. This was because it would lead
to scandal and ridicule for him. She was told that even Qbatl, her father,
would be disappointed. Abuk promised him that she would resist all
pressures on her to identiff the person who impregnated her. But for how
long? That was the question whose answer hung in the air and was left
True to her promise, she refused to tell anyone about who was responsible
for her pregnancy. QbaHl however relied absolutely on E)-QrangrJn to
help him unravel the mystery. Anytime he asked E)-Qrangn how far he
had gone, he would only tell Qbatl that he was still on it. He would advise
Qbatb to be patient. This was the situation until Abuk put to bed. It was
a bouncing baby boy. The naming ceremony was to take place on the sixth
The confusion of QbaHl turned to worry. His worry turned to panic.

Qbath called Abuk and begged her to tell him who was responsible for
her pregnancy. Abuk promised to tell her father but on the day of the
naming ceremony. She asked her father to invite all the Qba and IrnmglQ
to the naming ceremony. She told him to prepare a huge feast where every

guest would wne and dine to his/her satisfaction. She told her father to get
herthe mostexpensive dress befitting of such occasion. QbaHh did as she
requested of him.
On the day of the ceremony, all the IrnmglQ were there. All the Qba of
Yorbland were present. Allthe movers and shakers of the world were in
attendance. All of them came for only one thing - to know who was
responsible for the pregnancy and the baby.

All the guests, including E)-Qrangrln ate and drank to their satisfaction.
E)-Qrangrtn was confident that Abuk would find a means to avoid
mentioning his name because he had convinced her that it was not in the
interest of both of them for the whole world to know at that time. When it
was time for Abuk to come out and dance, the whole gathering became
very silent. She was gorgeously dressed. She told the musicians to listen
to her and play music to her songs; she began her song with praises to her
fathen She concluded her song in this way:
Qba t ta'l t le l'ala
TI wgn pe l'obatl
[ lQo
Ni mo l'yn filn o



Qrngrtn di mejl mol'ynfitn

I greet Qbtl, Qbt$a

The Qba who sold Okra to prosper bythe boundary of the farm
I greetyou
The person who put me in the family way
The person who impregnated me
Qrangn becomes two (E}-Qrangrln) is responsible for my pregnancy

When the world heard this, all eyes turned onto E)-Qrangr:n. He
simply covered his eyes in shame. He wished for the ground to
Open and swallow him up alive, but no way. Case closed!

Yl Ofun Meji

Oru ge b'ojrt

filn Ejl-Qrangn


Baba lQQg'gkgAbuk
fbq ni wqn nl k w 9e
kqftl qgbgnyn s'ebg
Nje ni mo l'yrlnfitn o
Ni mol'ynfitn
Qrngrln di mejl mo l'yn


The night can be used as cover
It is the broad daylight we are mindful and afraid of
This was the message of If for E)-Qrangun
Who shall become the husband of Abuk
He was advised to offergbO
He refused to complywith the advice
The person who put me in the family way
The person who impregnated me
Qrangn-di-M) (El-Qrangr:n) is the one responsible for my pregnancy

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be made
a subject of public disgrace. This person s enjoined not to Disgrace
Himself. He mustdesistfrom doing anything illicit.


If says that it recognizes the fact that the person for whom this Od is
revealed loves to do good all time. If says that he/she is very kind
and compassionate. If says that this person loves to touch the lives
of all the people close to him/her in positive ways. In spite of this
however, If warns this person to ensure that he/she does all the
good deeds completely for anyone that he/she wishes to assist. It is
not his/her best interest to do anything in half-measure for anyone.
The significance of this message is that if the person for whom this
Od is revealed wishes to help anyone, he/she must ensure that the
help is rendered completely. If this is not done, it is most likely that
the help that he/she rendered may turn out to become subject of
controversy and contention which may be used to find him/her gulty

in the end.

If advises this person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbq

with one matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to
feed Eg with


On this aspect,If says:

Agoorelgetn ntl jg ml0rlyln

Dl firn Nad onlwet-Mt
Mjqtf lg rd'koeb qne
Ebg ni wQn nl k w 9e

Doing good in half measure usually leads to failure to receive gratitude
from those whom one assists
This was If's message forAlad Otfwat-Mt
When he was going to cultivate a farm bythe road-side
He was advised to offergbg

Alae Orfwt-Met was a kind-heafted man. All the days of his life, he
planned to assist people and give outto the needy. He was known to be a
benevolent man. As a result of his benevolence, many people used to
troop to his home to seek for one favour or the other.

They were never disappointed. The only time AIad could say 'no' to
anyone was when he did not have what the person came for. He
sometimes borrowed money from others in order to give out to those who
needed the money. He was in the habit of giving out his own dresses to
others if he felt that those who approached him for assistance needed the
dresses more than him. This was the lifestyle of Alade On'iwt-Met.
One day, Alad planned to staft the cultivation of another farm by the
roadside. By so doing, he felt that those who needed his assistance would
have easier access to him and he would be able to be of help to many more
people. For this reason, he approached the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: would he have bountiful haruest on the farm that he planned
to cultivate? Would he be able to assist more people in the new location?
These were the two questions at the back of Alade's mind when he
approached the Awo for If consultation. He knew that with bountiful
harvest, hewould have more capabilityto reach outto many more people.


Ofun Meji

The Awo assured Alad Onlwt-Met that he would certainly have

bountiful haruest. The Awo however warned him that even though he
loved to assist people, he however needed to ensure that whoever he
wished to assist must be given complete help. He was told that giving help
in half could only lead him into trouble. For example, if he planned to give
someone dress, it would be good for him to give the person complete dress
- trousers, undenruear, and shift and cap to match. It was not good for him
to give the person a trouser and ask the person to go and look for where to
get the shirt underwear and cap. If he planned to feed someone, he must

be ready to give the person food, drink, snuff and so on in order to

completely satisff the person. If this could not be done, Alade was
warned, it was better not to offer the assitance at all.

After ths, Alad was advised to offer gbg and feed Eg as stated above.
Hearing these statements from the Babalwo, AlaOe was Iivid with rage.
He considered the statements of the Awo as affront to his personality. He
told the Awo that nobody needed to tell him how to assist others. He
accused the Awo of planning to twist his arms in order to render more help
to the Awo afterall, the Awo was one of the recipients of his good gestures.
He told the Awo to go and drop into the lagoon if he (Awo) was not satified
with the help he had received so far. Alade told him thatthe gbg would not
be offered and that if the Awo was not pleased, then he could go and do
whatever pleased him. Alad stood up to go. The Awo however told him
that there was no compulsion in If. He, Alade, was free to accept or reject
the advice of theAwo. With ths, Alad left.
When Ahd stafted the farm cultivation, he realised that many more
people had access to him. For this, he was very happy. He also had good
harvestseason. That made him happier.
He soon realised that with many more passers-by coming to his farm, he
needed to do more to assist them and easen the burden and fatigue of
their trips. For this reason/ AIade used to roast yams and fetch water for all
to take on their ways to and from their various destinations. When many
people knew thatAlad was doing this, they were very grateful to him.

It however reached a stage that no matter the number of yams roasted or


the volume of water fetched, everything would be exhausted in no time at

all. For this reason, Aad designed a means of ensuring that everyone
was helped. He decreed that whoever came to his farm had to choose
between drinking coolwater and eating roasted yam.
Nobody was allowed to take both together any longer. It soon became a
popular slogan among the people that'gnlkan l{f jg m) l'b Alade; bl o b
jg'gu o 0 nlf mu'mi, bf o s'l mu'mi o tfii jg'gu' meaning; nobody can enjoy
two things in Alade's farm shed; if you eat yams, you cannot drink water,
and if you drinkwater, you cannoteatyams.

Before long, every traveller knew that if they got to Alade's farm, they
would have something to take, but that they could never enjoy two things
at the same time. This had become an unwritten law in this farm.
One day however, a man came to Alade for help. This man got lost in the
forest. He had been wandering for five days without food and water. As
soon as he got to Alade's farm, he began to plead to be given food and
drink because he was very hungry and thirsty. He pleaded with Alade to
have pity for him. Alad told him that he needed to choose one between
eating yams to his satisfaction and drinking water to quell his thirst. The
man pleaded that he would need both. Abd said that such was not
allowed in this farm. After much pleading and refusal, the man chose to
eat yams. Ahd gave him two medium size tubers of yam to eat. The man
had not eaten one yam when his throat became dry and the yam got
hooked to his throat. He begged and begged for water. Abd refused,
claiming that he had told the man that he could not enjoy two things
.together in his farm. The man fell down; the yam began to suffocate him.
Alad felt that it was unmanly for him to change his decree. He refused to
yield ground. Afew moments latet the man died.
As soon as the man breathed his last, people began to troop into Alad's
farm. How they came to know about the incident was very strange to him.
The story on the lips of all the people was that Aad lured a stranger into
his farm with yams and strangulated him to death. AlaOe pleaded and
explained his own side of this story. Nobody was prepared to believe him.


Ahd was slapped and kicked. He was yelled at and abused. ii."fi;3'
ordered to carry the corpse of the dead man to the Qba's palace. On his
way to the palace, he fell down four times. As soon as he fell, he would be
slapped and kicked more viciously and ordered to carrythe corpse again.
To his chargrin, he realised that all those kicking and slapping him were
regular visitors to his farm who used to eat or drink there. He saw all of
them thanking Oldmar that they did not fall into Alade's trap and
become one of his victims as the dead man had become.

In the Qba's palace the question Alade was repeatedly asked after he had
finished his story was that when the man had been pleading for water, why
was he not given? When AlaOe told them that it was his policy that nobody
could enjoy two things in his farmshed, Alade was abused and declared a
callous man and a murderer. Ahd was arraigned for murder. When he
was about to be sentenced Alad Onfwt-Met remembered the advice
and warning of his Awo but it was too late to make any amendment.
Agoore lgetn nll j mlOrlyl n
Dl fin Aad onlwt-Met
Mjq rrle re d'ko eb qna
f bg ni won nl k w 9e
kg'tl qgbqnyn s'bg

Aladl bttmo
Iba wa fow s'irrlfin ebo

Doing good in half measure usually leads to failure to reCeive gratitude
from those whom one assists
This was If's message forAlad Orfwt-Mtrl
When he was gong to cultivate a farm by the road-side
He was advsed to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Had Nad known
He would have ensured that all the qbg and advice of the Awo were
complied with

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not to be too
rigid on any issue. For any rule, law or policy, there must be an exception.
Refusal to bend the rules when it was imperative to do so was part of what

ild utua.

put Alade off wt-Met into trouble'


revealed notto be greedy in

If warns the person for whom this od is
this person is presently
anything tnai ne/she does. If says that

make him/her a
allow avaricious attitude ,"*oe him/her and
for whom this Od is
worthles tin. In this position, the person
qualities; he/she is
revealed i! expected to iossess leadership
iiberal, patient,.truthful, honest' focused
expected to be generous,
"H"/rh" ir irppoied to
very accommodating'
and forgJi.
alright' He/she must
He/she tuiti" able and willini'to lead others
be selfless and intelligent. ne/ne must
at the back of his/her mind at all times'

have the fear of Olodmare

pigeons, three
If advises this person to offer gbg with three

aspect, gfun-MeI says:
feed Eg Oi *th one big cock. On this
OnPa'bl nlli'jl
Agba Qknirlw'


Tb j'rtaftrn
Agb'Qr u rQ, a mgya lg

Dlfilneni iwaiu
Tl Yd'qnilkQYln
Ebq ni wqn nl k w 9e


lme two lobes of the kola-nut

The kola-nut breaker is expected to consl
the four lobes
nnivricous elder will consume three of
his load by himself and move
After consuming thre iur, he willcarY
away (without anyone offering to assist)
This was the message of If forthe Leader
Who shall eventually become the Follower
He was advised to offer gbq

od occupied the following

when coming from Qrun to Ay, the 16 Tajg
Number one; Qgq-MeI'
positions of Authority and senirty - orul:ryrJi,
Irosnrnnet ihree; Od'i-Met, Number foyt;
N umber Two; Iwri M), ruu
six; Qbara-Uefl, Number
MI, Number Five; o*qn'rn- MT, Number

seven; Qknrn-M), Number Eight; Ogunda-vl), Number Nine;

OsaM), Number 10;Ika-M), Number 11;Otrtrupgn M), Number 12; OtrrraMT, Number 13; )rgtQ-M), Number 14;
Mj, Number 15; and ET-

When they arrived on eafth, they maintained these
positions. Ofun-ue and Qgg-Mel were accorded full respect and
recognition as the leaders. None of the remaining principal Od dare
questioned their authority. They did all things together. Whenever they
went for If consultation for anyone, Ofun-Ue) would preside over the
event. Whatever he said was final. Whenever they were to break Kolanut
for their client, Ofrln M) would be the one to break it. They normally
broke kolanuts with four lobes. After breaklng the kolanut, ofn-MJi
would consume three lobes, leaving onry one 6ue ror the remaining 13
principal Od! QgQ Ml would take the remaining lobe leaving noting
behind for the remaining 14 od ! yet, nobody was expected to quey them
for whatever they did! If their clients offered a goat as gbg, Ofon tvte'i
would share for himself the two thighs and one arm of the goat;
Qgq N4elr
would take the remaining arm, intestines, organs and the chest, leaving
whatever remained for the remaining 14 oj-od to share.

Ogb, Number


While this was going on, it was telling badly on the 14 remaining Ojrl-Od.
To feed became a serious problem for them. Before long, they began to
grumble against ofun-uet and Qse-M). They complained against their
style of leadership. They accused them of avariciousness.

In order to placate the frustrated ojrl-od however, E)-ogb, the last in

the order of seniority used to invite them to his home and enteftain them
with the little that he had. He would appeal to them to maintain peace and
be patient. He said that Ofun-M) would soon see the reason why he
needed to have a change of attitude and approach. while doing this,
9YeLu M3), the second to the last in the order oi seniority, would also assist
ET-Ogbe in enteftaining the other OjrJ-Od, just to ensure that peace was
This went on for severalyears but Ofun-M) saw no reason why he should
change.his style of administration and leadership. Qpe Me:l was also
urging ofrln-Met on, telling the others to go and drop nio the lagoon if
they were not satisfied.

Tired of all what was happening, L2 of the remaining 14 Oj'1-Od (they

excluded E)-Ogbe and QyQktl-M3T) met secretly and decided that they
could no longer accept Ofrtn-Me) and Qgq-M) as their leaders. On that
same day, they decided to make E)-Ogb, the least in seniority, the leader
and QyQkrt-M;T the deputy. On that same day, they moved Ofun-Me) to
the 16'n position and moved QgQ-Mel to the 15h position.
Before summoning E)-Ogb, QyQkrl Mfi, Ofrln-Vtet and QgQ-M), they
invited EEU Qdara to come and sanction all their deliberation with Agg.
When Egu Qdara arrived, he asked them to tell him exactly what had
happened, They narrated the story to him. Eg invited the remaining four
Ojri-Od0 (principal Od) to explain their own side of the story. They did.
Ofun-mefl was found guilty of avariciousness and conducts unbecoming of
good teader. He was therefore moved from the first to the 16'n position as
the other Oj Od wanted. Q9Q-MT was found guilty of aiding and
abetting what was wrong and unacceptable. He was moved from the
second to the 15* position. On the other hand, E)-Ogbe was praised for
exhibiting exceptional leadership qualities and was moved from the 16'n to
the first position. QyQktt-MT was also commended for suppofting what
was righteous and was moved from the 15'n to the second position.

That was the way it had been from that day up till today.


sanctioned by Egu-Qdara and had been accepted by Oldmar.

Onpa'bl nll j'jl
Agbe Qknjrlw,


T b j'9tatn
Agb'Qr u rQra mqya g
Dl fin gni iwjrl
Tl y d'gnilk, yln
fbg ni wEn nl k w ge

kg'tl Qgbgnyin s'ebg

Njealmq'w h u wgn ni o
Alm'd p e wgn ni
Ar iwjrl o, lo d'gni lkgyln
AlmO'w h u won ni o

had been


utun Meil

The kola-nut breaker is expected to consume two lobes
An avaricious elder will consume three

After consuming three lobes, he will carry his load by himself and move
This was the message of Ifa forthe Leader
Who shall eventually become the Follower
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to comply
Now, it was their inability to act properly
And their refusal to speak the right words at the appropriate tme
These were whatturned a Leaderto a Follower
It was their inability to act properly

If warns that refusal to act properly or failure to know how to utter the
right words when appropriate to do so can turn a leader to a follower; it can
turn a respected person to a scorned and condemned person. It can also
turn someone loved by all to the person hated and despised by the same
people who hithefto loved him/her.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is kindhearted. He/she loves to assist others as much as he/she can. If
however warns this person not to exclude or ignore his/her
immediate relatives while rendering help to outsiders.

If says that the immediate family and relatives of the person for
whom this Od is revealed are pointing accusing fingers at him/her
that he/she is assisting other people while he/she had abandoned
his/her own blood.

If warns this person not to do so and if he/she had been doing it,
there ought to be a change of attitude. Failure to accommodate
his/her own blood relations and assst them may not augur well for
him/her in the end. This may turn him/her to subject of ridicule and


"o uua


for whom this od is revealed to offer gbg with

three pigeons, three hens, three guinea fowls, three cocks

and money. A stanza in Ofun-M) on this aspect says:
Enlyn I'Qs
A kff mg Q wQ k f k'l



T l'hun j'oyeOlore
lbg ni wqn nl k w 9 e

The sea represents the world
And the Lagoon represents human beingsthere-in
No expeft swimmer can swim the length and breadth of the sea, which
represents the world
This was If's message to Abe
Who wanted to take the title of The Benefactor
He was advised to offerqbg

Abe was highly successful. He was also generous and kind-heafted. Many
people rose up and succeeded through him. He fed the hungry; he
provided medication for the invalid; he provided shelter for the homeless;
he stood surety for others; he ensured that the weak were not cheated or
intimidated; he ensured that necessary suppofts were rendered to those
who needed them. He even sponsored many community-based projects,
He had a marvelous reputation everywhere. He was highly respected from
far and nean Several communities owed their advancement to him.

As he was doing all these however, no relation of his benefited from hls
generousity. Much as they tried to convince Abe to cast a sympathetic
glance inwards and assist his relations, he simply could not be bothered.

One day, all Abe's relatives gathered together to discuss about the
situation. They complained that Abe assisted everyone who came to him
for help, except his own blood. They did not understand why this should
be so. After much deliberation, they concluded thatthere was the need to
summon Abe to their midst so as to let him know the way they felt about
him. Adelegate was sentto him. Adate was fixed forthe meeting.


ofun Mei

On the day of the meeting, they made it clear to Abe that most of their
friends and acquaintance owed their success and elevation to him. Those
whom they never knew at all also benefited from him. As kind and
benevolent as he was, he had not helped anyone in the family. They
pleaded with him to please have a change of heaft towards the family.
Many of those present at the meeting stated the areas where they
expected him to help them. These areas ranged from financial, emotional,
social, psychological, to occult. They told him that the assistance that they
required from him was not beyond him. This was because they had
witnessed him doing more than those things for others.

In his reponse, Abe made it clear to them that this world was like an ocean
while human beings there-in were like lagoons. He stated further that no
matter how good one was, the person could never satis7 the world,
because no swimmer could ever swim the length and breadth of the ocean.
He told them that nobody could stop him from helping those whom he
wanted to help and nobody could blame him for not helping them. He
urged them to wait for their turn. He promised that it would soon come to
theirturn and he would be ableto helpthem all.
The elders showed him howtheir living conditions had degenerated. They
showed him that many of his relatives were going about in rags; the roofs
of houses where they lived were leaking; the walls had cracked; some
pafts of their houses had collapsed altogether. They stated further that
they could not eat up to two times a day. They showed him many of them
whose wives had not been able to become pregnant. They showed him
many relatives who were in emotional turmoil. Some of his relatives were

about to be incarcerated over what they knew nothing about. They

believed that with his influence, these people could easily be pulled out of
trouble. All what Abe said in form of response was for them to wait for
their turn. He told them that he would not appreciate being rushed into
taking any action. The meeting ended without any concrete conclusion.
The relatives of Abe continued to wait for their turn. Outsiders continued
to benefit from the generosity and benevolence of Abe. For 18 years,
Abe's relatives continued to wait for their turn. For 18 years, it was not yet
their turn to benefit from Abe's generosity and benevolence.

Soon afterthis, Abe fell


Before help could be rendered to him, he died.

The news of Abe's death spread like wild fire. All those who had benefitted
from his generosity were prepared to give him a befitting final burial. As a
matter of fact, they made it a point of duty to do so in order to show their
appreciation. They planned a special prayer sessions for him. They also

planned an all night party for him. They set up a seven-man panel to
organise the ceremony. It was a well-arranged and befittingly organised
On the day of the final burial ceremony, several people came from far and

near. Their orchestra played from town to town. They danced from

quafterto quarter. Their song was:

Abee ku
Abe Olore

Abe Olore
K m m s'$ni t'Abe o 9e filn o

Abe is dead

Abethe Benevolent
Abe istrulydead
Abethe Benevolent
There is nobodythatAbe did not help

Those who benefitted from Abe's generosity joined the band-wagon. That

was how they did until they got to Abe's family compound. To their
surprise, there was no activity going on in the compound. No member of
Abe's extended family organized anything for him. Abe was buried on the
very day he died by his relatives. The burial was done not because of their
love for him; but rather to prevent his corpse from stinking and causing bad
odour in the community. As soon as he was buried, all his relatives forgot

about him.
When they heard outsiders singing and dancing that there was nobody that
Abe did not assist, they knew that such false impression must be quickly


Otun Meji

corrected. They gathered together and began to sing thus:

Lot I'Abee Ku
Abe Olore
Abe m ma kt oO
Abe Olore

Abeges1ta ni



true that Abe is dead

Abe the Benevolent


the Benevolent
is benevolentto outsiders
neverto his blood relations

When people heard this, they were totally disappointed. They concluded
that in spite Abe's benevolence, he remained an irresponsible man, since
he was only good outside. Anyone whose relatives could not benefit from
his/her generosity, influence or benevolence remains an irresponsible
person. Thatwastheend of the paftyforAbe.
Ay I'Okun
Enlyn I'Qs
A kll mg 4 wQ k fi k'l ay j
Dl fin Abe
T l'hun j'oyOlore
Sbg ni wqn nl k w ge
kg'tl ggbgnyin s'ebg
jgAbe krt
Abe Olore
Abe m m k oo
Abe Olore
KO ma me s'n t'Abe o ge filn o
Lot I'Abee Ku
Abe Olore
Abe ma me k oo
Abe Olore
Abeges1ta ni


The sea representsthe world
And the lagoon represents human beingsthere-in
No expert swimmer can swim the length and breadth of the sea, which
representsthe world
This was lf's message to Abe
Who wanted to take the title of Benefactor
He was advised to offergbg
He refused to comply
Behold Abe is dead
Abe the Benevolent
Abe is truly dead
Abethe Benevolent
There is nobody that Abe did not help
It is true that Abe is dead
Abethe Benevolent
Abe istrulydead
Abe the Benevolent
Abe is benevolentto outsiders
And neverto his blood relations

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to be fair to


including his/her blood relations.


If says that there is the need for the person for whom Ofun-fUelT is
revealed to offer gbg and feed Od in order to bring peace and
tranquility into the home of this peson.
If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is a woman, it
is not advisable for her husband or husband-to-be to marry any other
woman beside her. If the husband-to-be is already married, it is not
in the man's interest to add this woman to his wives. Doing so can
only spell doom and disaster forthe man and the other women in his

Howevel if the person for whom this Od is revealed has already

married more than one wife at the same time and this had brought


Ofun Meji

problems, there is the need to offer gbg and feed Od in order to

return the life of this person to normal.

If recommends one matured he-goat as ebq. There is also the

need to feed Od with one ram and eight snails. On these, OfrlnMT

Qdrtndun ab'ew phrrbe-plenrbe
TetQreg n ablyg gbrldorlgl-gbodorlgl

I wo Qdrtndrln

Ddggbgggba niwQnge
Dl fitn Qrrlnmll
Baba lq rfgQrQ-MQdlmQdl
Tll Fgmg OIwu $koorogble
lbg ni wqn n| kw 9e

Odr:ndrln leaves are thick to touch

If you lookatAdQtQ Cactus leaves

TQtQrQgR are long and big in


And look at Qdundun leaves

They look exactly the same
These were lf's declarations to Qrrtnmlla
When going to marry QrQ-MQdlmQdi
The offspring of Olwu-$koorogble
He was advised to offer gbg

QrQ-MQdlmQd, othenruise known as Od, was a daughter of Olwu

$koorogble. From the time her mother was carrying her in her wombs it
was clear that QrQ-MQdimQdi was not an ordinary creature. When she
born, the events which happened around her and the world over
confirmed that she was not an ordinary human being. During her
lkgsQdy ceremony, the Awo who were there to perform the rites laid
emphasis on the fact that the baby was specially endowed with unique
qualities and powers from heaven. She could not, and must not be
married to an ordinary person when she grew up to maturity. They named
her QrQ-MQdlmgdi, Esoteric words, otherwise known as Od.




Od was below average in beauty and physical appearance. She was very
jealous of other women. At a stage, Od could only be found in the midst
of men as a result of her jealousy for her fellow women.
All those around her were convinced that QrQ-MQdimgdi was endowed with
extremely high spiritual and occult powers. She applied these powers to
assist her father Olwu $koorogble to succeed and become great in life.
Some other men who approached her for assistance were equally assisted.

When she was matured enough for the marriage market however, many
men dreaded her. They knew that they could not withstand her spiritual
and occult prowess. That was why her father Olwu $koorogble
approached Qrnmll to marry her in accordance with the directive of If
during her)kgsgdy that no ordinary man could marry her.
Qrnmll consulted If and If gave him the go-ahead to marry her. If
however warned him that he must call this woman and ask her to tell him
her likes and dislikes before she ever entered his home.
As a result of this warning from If, Od was invited by Qrunmll for a oneon-one discussion. She asked Qrunm)l to meet her in her father's home
at a specified date. When they met, she promised Qrnmll that she
would assist him to success and greatness. She said that nobody would be
able to overcome him. She said that none of his fellow lrnmglQ would be
as great as him. She said that she loved being pampered, adored and
respected by her husband-to-be. She concluded that she disliked to be
seen by other women - as a matter of fact, she would never tolerate being

'seen by any woman on eafth. She laid emphasis on the fact that any
woman who dared to see her would meet with terrible consequence.
When she said this, Qnf nmll told her that he was already married to many
women. Consequent upon this, he would need to discuss this with his other
wives before he could give her any reply on her likes and dislikes. QrQMQdimQdl agreed with him. Another date was fixed for another round of
discussion before OrrJnmll leftfor his home.


+fi ofun Mej

At home, Qnlnmll summoned all his wives and explained to them what
had just transpired between him and Od. He told them that Od was
uncompromising on the aspect of the fact that no woman must see her. He
asked them to tell him their minds if they felt that they could abide by the
unusual request of Od; and if not, he would be prepared to call it quit with
her. All the women told QrUnm'il that there was nothing spectacular with
that. They said that since the woman was not prepared to see them or be
seen by them, they too were not ready to see her at all. They asked
Qrnmll to go ahead and marry QrQ-MQdimQdi.
When Qnlnm'll and Od metagain, he told herthatthere was no problem.
Od told Qrnm'il to go back home and find out very well. Three times
Qnfnmll called his wives to ask them if they were very sure that they
would be able to cope with QrQ-MQdimQdi and three times they all said that
there was no problem. Forthis reason, the marriage was contracted.
When QrQ-MQdlmQdi moved into QrrJnmll's home, she was given the room
at the extreme end of the house. She loved the arrangement and all the
other women loved it too. For six months, they lived together without
One day however, one of the women in the household of Qrunmll called
the other women and said that it was the height of insult for a woman, the
most junior wife for that matte; to order them not to see her and for them
to abide by such rule. She said that it was clear that this woman was using
a trick on them in order for her to avoid pafticipating in the household

chores. To add pepper to injury they were the ones cooking for


fetching her water, sweeping the compound and washing clothes for her!
She claimed that O;unm)l had tricked them into accepting the woman's
rules. She accused Qrunmll of dancing to the tunes of the most junior
wife. How could Qrnm'll allow this un-see-able woman to be dictating to
her seniors in the house? The situation must be addressed and adjusted
Some of the other wives conceded that there was a marked improvement in
their lives in the little period that Od entered into the home. They felt that
such could be considered before taking any decision against the woman.

And so what?, the other woman screamed. Was that enough for her to be
the one calling the shots in the house? She must be put in her proper
place, she declared.
One of them suggested that they must confront Qrrlnm)l and ask him to
find solution to the issue. Three other women said that Qrnm'il could do
nothing because his head was permanently in the woman's armpit. The
woman, Od was the one controlling even Qrnmll himself! If there was
going to be any solution, it must be found by the women. That was how
they all concluded that they would all go and meet the woman, drag her
out of her room and make her to participate in the household chores. If
she was dreaded by her husband, they had no fear for her whatsoever,
they all concluded.
Because QrQ-MQdlmqdl was living in the room at the extreme end of the
house, the place was always dark. They went to look for lamps which they
would light to see her in her room since she was living in the dark ever
since she arrived in that house. The eldest wife told all the other women to
bring out their lamps in their rooms. They did. She declared that they
must drag QrQ-MQdlmQdi out that very day to expose her. Yes! they all
chorused, dnd, off they went.

They burst into her room with their lamps on; they focused the lamps on
her face. What they saw was unspeakable and indescribable. At that very
instant, they all collapsed, fell and dropped dead!

When Qrnmll arrived home, he sensed something terrible


happened, he could not find any of his wives, He called on them and there
was nobody to answer. QrQ-MQdlmQdl did not leave her room. OrrJnmll
moved inside only to find the corpses of the women piled upon one
another bythe door of QrQ-MQdimQdl. When he realised thatthey were all
dead, grief overwhelmed him. He shouted and accused QrQ-MQdimdi of
introducing agony into his home, saying:
QrQ n

b g pln'hn frn'k

SrqnObg pln'hnfrn
QrQ n o b g pfn'hun filn kllgbona janjan

1\ Vrun Melt

2. Od - fr overall success and victory

3. Orl - for consummated foftune
4. Egu Odar- for general well being and victory
5. Qbatl - for success, children and prosperity
6. Obalaye ($nponna) for general well being
7. Olkun - for financial success
8. Ogun - for joy and victory
9. Fgb - for comradeship and leadership


Must not be avaricious - to avoid humiliation disgrace and
unconsummated foftune
Must never eat or sell kra to avoid contention with elders of
the Night
Must never be arrogant to avoid disgrace and unconsummated
Must never use IrkQ made with brass to avoid lack of respect
within the household
Must never use wall-gecko and chameleon for anything unconsummated fortune
Must never marry two wives into the same house to avoid
matrimonial disaster
Must never appear dirty and unkempt to avoid unconsummated
Must never think, speak or do evil to avoid loss of respect and
unconsummated foftune.




1. Ajylmk- Wealth surrounds me

2. Awolql - Honour belongs to an Awo
3. Adyqrl - The crown befits the head
4. Adtut - The crown is comfoftable


Olsind - Honour

is well established


1, Adtut - The crown is comfoftable

2. Olslnd - Honour is well established
3. Odyeml - Od befits me
4. Odbiytl - Od begets this
5. Ifdrere - If brings all goodness
6. Ayrj - The world is settled
7. Odsgl - Od makes honour possible
Abgru Abgye


Sq o

Support both nuclear and extended families

And supportthe Oluwo
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
Sp o
Alade istaking his bath
Sp o
Give suppoftto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$9 o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
Sp o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
5E o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
Obara-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath
pugu o
Eju isyourhome
9S o
Alade is taking his bath
S9 o
When you get there, please give us your suppoft
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
Sg o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And supportthe Oluwo
ttu o
Alade is taking his bath
5S o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
Alade is taking his bath
SSu o


1r vun Melt

Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin

Sug o
Alade istaking his bath
9S o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
59 o
Alade is taking his bath
$ug o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherenb, to die young
SS o

Alade istaking his bath

SS o
Okanran-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
99u o
Itile is your home
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
When you get there, please give us your support
$9 o
Alade is taking his bath
SuFu o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Spu o
Alade is taking his bath
Spu o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
9S o
Alade is taking his bath
99u o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Do notallow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$9 o


Alade istaking his bath

SS o
Ogunda-Meji, the Oba of lfa
t9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Onko isyourhome
SFu o
Alade istaking his bath
S9u o
When you get there, please give us your support
FS o
Alade istaking his bath
5S o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppofttheOluwo
s9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
Sup o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Give suppoftto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$uSu o
Alade istaking his bath
SE o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
SEu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
5S o
Osa-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
s9 o
Alade istaking his bath
Fq o
Ota is your home
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o


1l vtun Me!

When you getthere, please give us your suppoft

tS o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Please, suppoft Apetebi and Akapo
9S o
Alade is taking his bath
$9 o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
p9 o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Do notallow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$ug o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9 o
Ika-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Asia isyourhome
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
5g o
When you get there, please give us your support
5g o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
$9 o
Alade is taking his bath
SuSu o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo


$9 o

Alade istaking his bath

SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9 o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
SS o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
Ologbon-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa
SE o
Alade istaking his bath
5E o
Oje is your home
SF o
Alade istaking his bath
S9 o
When you get there, please give us your suppott
sFu o
Alade istaking his bath
SF o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And supportthe Oluwo
SF o
Alade istaking his bath
$ug o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo
$ugu o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
S9 o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
SSu o
Alade istaking his bath


$9u o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$u9 o
Otura-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
FS o
Alade istaking his bath
$9 o
Ipapo is your home
$9 o
Alade istaking his bath
$9u o
When you getthere, please give us your suppoft
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
9S o
Support both nuclear and extended families
And suppotthe Oluwo
SS o
Alade is taking his bath
SS o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
9F o
Alade is taking his bath
$9 o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
9S o
Alade istaking his bath
SS o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
$9u o
Alade is taking his bath
sFu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
9p o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Irete-Meji, the Oluwo of lfa
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o
Emere isyour home


Ofun Meji

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Support both nuclearand extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Please, supportApetebi and Akapo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ose-Meji, the Oba of Ifa
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ibadan is your home
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your suppott
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath


Susu o

Please, suppoftApetebi and Akapo

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o
And suppoft Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo
Susu o

Osin,Ifa adherents, to die young

Alade istaking his bath

Susu o

Ofun-Meji, the Oluwo of Ifa

Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Ila Orangun is your home
Susu o
Alade is taking his bath
Susu o
When you get there, please give us your support
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Suppoft both nuclear and extended families
And suppoftthe Oluwo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Please, support Apetebi and Akapo
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
Give supportto Kuegbe, the child of Osin
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o
And support Kuegbe, the child of Ora
Susu o


Ofun Meji

Alade istaking his bath

Susu o
Do not allow Eriwo Osin, Ifa adherents, to die young
Susu o
Alade istaking his bath
Susu o

If says that it shall be well with the person for whom this Od is revealed.


If warns a person for whom this Od is revealed who enjoys great

respect in the socety not to engage in any act that will put him to
shame and ridicule. If says that the person may think that what
he/she is doing or about to do will never leak out, but this is not true
because no matter what he does to conceal it, the matter will surely
come to public notice one day.

If says that this man is not only respected but equally trusted. This
action of his will erode the trust and confidence that people reposed
in him. This ls why it is his duty to live above board at all times.

If does not recommend any gbg material here. It is only for this
person to desist from this shameful act. A stanza in Ofun-M) which
addresses this issue has this to say:
Oru ge b'oj
fgru gsan le rr ba

afin Ejl-Qrangun
Baba lQQg'gkgAbuk
Fbq ni wqn nl k w ge

The night can be used as cover
It is the broad daylightwe are mindful and afraid of
This was the message of If for E)-Qrangrln
Who shall become the husband of Abuk, a lady with hunchback
He was advised to offerebo

Abuk, the lady with hunchback, was Qbtl's daughter. qbatl loved


and pampered ths girl, paftly because of her physical condtnn

because of the fact that her mother died as soon as she was born. As a
result, Qbatl was both father and mother to her. However, Abuk was a
very recalcitrant
She never listened to simple counseling from
Qbath. She had a mind of her own. She believed that she must always
have her way. This was not surprising to anyone since she had been spoilt


by 9batl.
On the other hand, E|-Qrangn (Ofun MT or Qrngrln M;'l) was Qbtl's

friend and confidant. There was nothing QbaHI would do without first
discussing same with his friend, E)-Qrngr1n. They were so close that
people thought that they both slept in the same house. As a matter of fact,
the two regularly slept in each others homes.
When the behaviour of Abuk was getting out of hand, gbaHl sought the
assistance of his friend in finding a way to contain her excesses. EIQrngrfn promised to assist. Anytime Abuk misbehaved, QbaHl would
send her to EJ|-Qrngrln. She was just 11 years of age but her attitudes
were more than those of 2l-year old girls. By the time she was 13 years
old, practically everyone in the community believed that ET-Qrangn was
more of Abuk's father than QbaHl. Abuk was also very fond of E)Qrngn. She preferred to stay with E)-QrngrJn at any time. For all
these, Qbatl was very grateful. He welcomed any practical step which
could tame Abuk. By the time she was 15 years, she had been seen as
someone who was ready to change for good,

At this time, E)-Qrngrfn began to notice that the breasts, buttocks waist
and face of Abuk began to develop into those of a fully grown woman.
While other people saw her as deformed because of her hunchback, Abuk
looked very beautiful to E) Qrangun. That was when ideas began to enter
into his head. Before long, he began to seduce her. Shortly after this, he
stated to make love to her. This was a girl practically everyone considered
to be his daughter! It got to a stage that they made love almost everyday.
One day, E)-Qrangn went for If consultation in the home of the Awo
mentioned above. He wanted to know what his success chances would be
atthat point in time. The Awo assured him that he would succeed and that

nothing or nobody could stop him from accomplishing his goals. The Awo
however warned him to desist from the shameful act that he was doing as
failure to desist would put him to public odium. He was told that everyone
respected and trusted him in the society but that act alone would tarnish
his image beyond redemption. He was told that no matter how pefectly he
tried to conceal this shameful and disgraceful act, it would ceftainly come
to public attention and knowledge.
When ET-QrngrJn heard this, he knew exactly what the Awo was saying.
'He asked what ebg material he would need to procure so as to offer gbg for
him not to be a subject of ridicule. The Awo told him that there was no gbg
material for that. He only needed to desist from such act. The father
making love to his own daughter would surely lose respect and dignity no
matter how greatthe gbg offered.
There and then, E)-Qrngtln made up his mind never to have anything to
do with Abuk again, except of course, for him to continue to act as her
father. He returned home with the resolution at that back of his mind.
The next day, Abuk came to his house. He was still with the mind of not
having anything to do with her any more in the illicit affair. By the time the
unsuspecting wives of E)-Qrangn'directed her to his room, he was still
determined to resist her. When Abuk entered the room, closed the door
and sat on his laps however, all the resolve and resistance dissolved. In no
time, they were engaging in fierce love-making. They resumed on a daily

Before long, people began to notice changes in Abuk. At first, Qbabh

was confused: Was it sickness? Was it disease? Was it fatness? Her body
began to develop. Her face became paler than before. She vomited every
morning. She complained of weakness every morning. She lost her
appetite. She slept longer hours. By the time QbaHl came to believe his
senses, his daughter, Abuk was alreadythree months pregnant! He called
on and asked Abuk to tell him who was responsible for her pregnancy.
She refused to utter a word. What was this supposed to mean? Qbatl
threatened her that if she refused to confess the owner of the pregnancy,
he would not hesitate to repoft her to E)-Qrangn whom he, Qbtl,


Ofun Meji

fondly referred to as her father! Yet, she refused to utter a word. This
confused and annoyed Qbatl the more. He shouted on herthat if she had
no regard for him, she must at least show respect for ElT-Qrngrln her

father! What Qbatl said did not change anything.

Early in the morning of the next day, QbaHb went straight to E)-Qrangn
and narrated everything to him. E)-Qrangun told gbatl to put his mind
at rest and that he would handle it. Wth this assurance, Qbtl returned
home. When he got home, he told Abuk to go and meet E}-Qrangrin at

When Abuk got to E)-Qrangn's home, they simply resumed another

round of love-making. It was after this that E)-QrngrJn asked Abuk if
truly she was pregnant. Abuk told him that she was indeed pregnant.
Both of them knew that EJi-Qrngrln was responsible for the pregnancy.
E)-Qrangn however impressed it on her that nobody should know that he
was the one who put her in the family way. This was because it would lead
to scandal and ridicule for him. She was told that even Qbatl, her father,
would be disappointed. Abuk promised him that she would resist all
pressures on her to identifu the person who impregnated her. But for how
long? That was the question whose answer hung in the air and was left
True to her promise, she refused to tell anyone about who was responsible
for her pregnancy. gbatl however relied absolutely on E)-Qrngn to
help him unravel the mystery. Anytime he asked E)-Qrangn how far he
had gone, he would only tellQbatl that he was stillon it. He would advise
QbAtb to be patient. This was the situation until Abuk putto bed. It was
a bouncing baby boy. The naming ceremony was to take place on the sixth
The confusion of Qbatl turned to worry. His worry turned to panic.

QbaHl called Abuk and begged her to tell him who was responsible for
her pregnancy. Abuk promised to tell her father but on the day of the
naming ceremony. She asked her father to invite all the Qba and lrnmglQ
to the naming ceremony. She told him to prepare a huge feast where every

guest would wne and dine to his/her satisfaction. She told her father to get
herthe most expensive dress befitting of such occasion. QbaHI did as she
requested of him.
On the day of the ceremony, all the lrnmglQ were there. All the Qba of
Yorbland were present. Allthe movers and shakers of the world were in
attendance. All of them came for only one thing - to know who was
responsible for the pregnancy and the baby.

All the guests, including E)-Qrngn ate and drank to their satisfaction.
E)-Qrngrln was confident that Abuk would find a means to avoid
mentioning his name because he had convinced her that it was not in the
interest of both of them for the whole world to know at that time. When it
was time for Abuk to come out and dance, the whole gathering became
very silent. She was gorgeously dressed. She told the musicians to listen
to her and play music to her songs; she began her song with praises to her
father. She concluded her song in this way:
Qba t ta'l t la l'ala
Tl wqn p l'Qbatl
I trlQo



Qrngrtndi mejl


I greet Qbtl, Qbtg
Greetings to you
The Qba who sold Okra to prosper by the boundary of the farm
I greetyou
The person who put me in the familyway
The person who impregnated me
Qrangun becomes two (EI-Qrangn) is responsible for my pregnancy

When the world heard this, all eyes turned onto EI-Qrngun. He
simply covered his eyes in shame. He wished for the ground to
Open and swallow him up alive, but no way. Case closed!

'l'l Ofun Meji

Oru ge b'oj
fEru gsan la ba
Dl filn Ejl-Qrangun
Baba lQQg'gkgAbuk
fbg niwqn nl k w ge

kqitl Qgbgnyin s'ebg

Nje ni mo l'yn filn o
Ni mo l'yn fitn
Qrngrtn di mejl ti mo l'yn fitn

The nightcan be used as cover
It is the broad daylight we are mindful and afraid of
This was the message of If for E)-Qrangrln
Who shall become the husband of Abuk
He was advised to offer gbg
He refused to complywith the advice
The person who put me in the familyway
The person who impregnated me
Qrangun-di-M) (Efl-Qrangn) is the one responsible for my pregnancy

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed shall not be made
a subject of public disgrace. This person s enjoined not to Disgrace
Himself. He mustdesistfrom doing anything illicit.


If says that it recognizes the factthatthe person for whom this Od is

revealed loves to do good all time. If says that he/she is very kind
and compassionate. If says that this person loves to touch the lives
of all the people close to him/her in positive ways. In spite of this
however, If warns this person to ensure that he/she does all the
good deeds completely for anyone that he/she wishes to assist. It is
not r1his/her best interestto do anything In half-measure for anyone.
The significance of this message is that if the person for whom this
OdU is revealed wishes to help anyone, he/she must ensure that the
help is rendered completely. If this is not done, it is most likely that
the help that he/she rendered may turn out to become subject of
controversy and contention which may be used to find him/her guilty

in the end.


If advises this person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbq

with one matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to
feed Eg with


On this aspect,If says:

Agoore lgetn nfl jq mlOrlYl n

Dl fitn Ald onfwaH-Mett
Nljq tl lg r d'ko eb qna
lbq ni wqn nl k w 9e

Doing good in half measure usually leads to failure to receive gratitude
from those whom one assists
This was lf's message forAlad Offwt-Mttj
When he was going to cultivate a farm bythe road-side
He was advised to offer gbg

Alade Offwt-Met was a kind-hearted man. All the days of his life, he
planned to assist people and gve out to the needy. He was known to be a
benevolent man. As a result of his benevolence, many people used to
troop to his home to seekfor one favour orthe other.

They were never disappointed. The only time AIad could say 'no' to
anyone was when he did not have what the person came for. He
sometimes borrowed money from others in order to give out to those who
needed the money. He was in the habit of giving out his own dresses to
others if he felt that those who approached him for assistance needed the
dresses more than him. This was the lifestyle of Alade Onfwt-Met.
One day, AnOe planned to staft the cultivation of another farm by the
roadside. By so doing, he felt that those who needed his assistance would
have easier access to him and he would be able to be of help to many more
people. For this reason, he approached the Awo mentioned above for If
consultation: would he have bountiful haruest on the farm that he planned
to cultivate? Would he be able to assist more people in the new location?
These were the two questions at the back of Alade's mind when he
approached the Awo for If consultation. He knew that with bountiful
harvest, he would have more capabilityto reach outto many more people.


Olun Meji

The Awo assured Alad Offwt-Mt that he would certainly have

bountiful haruest. The Awo however warned him that even though he
loved to assist people, he however needed to ensure that whoever he
wished to assist must be given complete help. He was told that giving help
in half could only lead him into trouble. For example, if he planned to give
someone dress, it would be good for him to give the person complete dress
- trousers, underwear, and shift and cap to match. It was not good for him
to give the person a trouser and ask the person to go and look for where to
get the shift underwear and cap. If he planned to feed someone, he must

be ready to give the person food, drink, snuff and so on in order to

completely satisfy the person. If this could not be done, Alade was
warned, itwas better notto offerthe assitance at all.

After this, Alad was advised to offer qbg and feed Egu as stated above.
Hearing these statements from the Babalwo, Alad was Iivid with rage.
He considered the statements of the Awo as affront to his personality. He
told the Awo that nobody needed to tell him how to assist others. He
accused the Awo of planning to twist his arms in order to render more help
to the Awo afterall, the Awo was one of the recipients of his good gestures.
He told the Awo to go and drop into the lagoon if he (Awo) was not satified
with the help he had received so far. Alade told him that the gbg would not
be offered and that if the Awo was not pleased, then he could go and do
whatever pleased him. Ahd stood up to go. The Awo however told him
thatthere was no compulsion in If. He, Alade, was free to accept or reject
the advice of theAwo. Wth ths, Alad left.
When AlaOe stafted the farm cultivation, he realised that many more
people had access to him. For this, he was very happy. He also had good
haruestseason. That made him happier.
He soon realised that with many more passers-by coming to his farm, he
needed to do more to assist them and easen the burden and fatigue of
their trips. For this reason, Alae used to roast yams and fetch water for all
to take on their ways to and from their various destinations. When many
people knew thatAlad was doing this, they were very grateful to him.

It however reached a stage that no matter the number of yams roasted or


the volume of water fetched, everything would be exhausted in no time at

all. For this reason, AlaOe designed a means of ensuring that everyone
was helped. He decreed that whoever came to his farm had to choose
between drinking coolwaterand eating roasted yam.
Nobody was allowed to take both together any longer. It soon became a
popular slogan among the people that'gnlkan klf jq meT l'ba Ahde; bf o b
jg'gu o Iff mu'mi, bi o sl mu'mi o tff jg'gu' meaning; nobody can enjoy
two things in Alade's farm shed; if you eat yams, you cannot drink water,
and if you drinkwater, you cannoteatyams.

Before long, every traveller knew that if they got to Alad's farm, they
would have something to take, but that they could never enjoy two things
atthe sametime. This had become an unwritten law in thisfarm.
One day however, a man came to Alade for help. This man got lost in the
forest. He had been wandering for five days without food and water. As
soon as he got to Alade's farm, he began to plead to be given food and
drink because he was very hungry and thirsty. He pleaded with Alade to
have pity for him. Alade told him that he needed to choose one between
eating yams to his satisfaction and drinking water to quell his thirst. The
man pleaded that he would need both. Alad said that such was not
allowed in this farm. After much pleading and refusal, the man chose to
eat yams. AaOe gave him two medium size tubers of yam to eat. The man
had not eaten one yam when his throat became dry and the yam got
hooked to his throat. He begged and begged for water. AlaOe refused,
claiming that he had told the man that he could not enjoy two things
together in his farm. The man fell down; the yam began to suffocate him.
Alad felt that it was unmanly for him to change his decree. He refused to
yield ground. Afew moments later, the man died.
As soon as the man breathed his last, people began to troop into Alade's
farm. How they came to know about the incident was very strange to him.
The story on the lips of all the people was that Alae lured a stranger into
his farm with yams and strangulated him to death. Alad pleaded and
explained his own side of this story. Nobody was prepared to believe him.


Alad was slapped and kicked. He was yelled at and abused. ,j""'il:3
ordered to carry the corpse of the dead man to the Qba's palace. On his
way to the palace, he fell down four times. As soon as he fell, he would be
slapped and kicked more viciously and ordered to carrythe corpse again.
To his chargrin, he realised that all those kicking and slapping him were
regular visitors to his farm who used to eat or drink there. He saw all of
them thanking Oldmar that they did not fall into Aade's trap and
become one of his victims as the dead man had become.

In the Qba's palace the question Alade was repeatedly asked after he had
finished his story was that when the man had been pleading for water, why
was he not given? When Alae told them that it was his policy that nobody
could enjoy two things in his farmshed, Alad was abused and declared a
callous man and a murderer. AlaAe was arraigned for murder. When he
was about to be sentenced Alad Onfwt-Mt remembered the advice
and warning of his Awo but it was too Iate to make any amendment.
Agoorelgetn nll jq mlOrlyln
Dl firn Alad onfwt-Mt
Mjqff rtle red'koeb qna
[bg ni wQn nl k w qe
kg'tf Qgbgnyin s'ebg
Nedl b tt mo
Iba wafows'rfin ebo

Doing good in half measure usually leads to failure to reCeive gratitude
from those whom one assists
This was lf's message for Alad On'iwt-Mtrl
When he was going to cultivate a farm by the road-side
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
nad Alade known
He would have ensured that all the ebQ and advice of the Awo were
complied with

If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed needs not to be too
rigid on any issue. For any rule, law or policy, there must be an exception.
Refusal to bend the rules when it was imperative to do so was paft of what

pw Alad Orf wat- Met into trouble'

is revealed notto be greedy in
1,4. If warnsthe person forwhom this Od
this person is presently
anything tt'rul n"/rhe does. If says that

and make him/her a
allow avaricious attitude ,e*o" him/her

person for whom this Od

worthless ption In this position, the
qualities; he/she is
revealed is expected to iossess leadership
patient,.truthful, honest' focused
expected to be generous,
-He/she liberal,
it irppoied to .be very accommodating'
and forg"".
He/she must
He/she,rit1. able and willini'to lead others alright'
have the fear of Oldmar
be selfless and intelligent. Hehe must
atthe backof his/her mind at all times'

pigeons, three
If advises this person to offer gbg with three
also needs to
guinea-fowls, ihree cocks and money' He/she
aspect,6frln-Mfl says:
feed Eg o#;iih one big cock. on this
OrtPa'bl nff j'jl
Agba Qknirlw'


T bi'Ja tn

Agb'Qr u rQ, a mqYa lg

Dlfinqni iwaj
Tl y d'qni lk'yln
lbg ni wgn nl k w 9e

the four lobes
nn u"rtors elder will cosume three of
his load by himself and move
After consuming tnre ior, he willcau
away (without anyone offering to assist)
This was the message of If for the Leader
Who shall eventually become the Follower
He was advised to offer gbg

od occupied the following

when coming from Qrun to Ay, the 16 majgf
Number One; Q$e-MI'
positions of Authority and S"nititY - Oful:ry-r!,
od-l/le, Number lo.Ytt lrosnNumber Two; lwri MJ|, nurnnerihree;
six; Qbara-uer, Number
Mfl, ruumnei rve; e*qn,1n M), Number


seven; Qkanran-M), Number Eight; ognd-M), Number Nine;

M), Number 10;I.ka-M), Number 11; Otuntpgn M), Number tz; bturaM), Number 13; IrgtQ-M), Number 14; Qp Mj, Number 15; and E)Ogb, Number 16. When they arrived on earth, they maintained theie
positions. Ofun-we'i and Qgs-Ml were accorded full respect and
recognition as the leaders. None of the remaining principal Od dare
questioned their authority. They did all things together. Whenever they
went for If consultation for anyone, Ofun-Ue'i would preside over the
event' Whatever he said was final. Whenever they were to break Kolanut
for their client, Ofun MT wourd be the one to break it. They normally
broke kolanuts with four lobes. After breaking the kolanut, ofn-MJi
would consume three lobes, leaving only one lobe for the remaining 1-5
principal Od! Qgg Mel would take the remaining lobe leaving nothing
behind forthe remaining 14 od! yef nobodywasexpected to querythem
for whatever they did! If their clients oftered a goat as gbg, Ofon tvtet
would share for himself the two thighs and one arm of the goU
Qpg mejl
would take the remaining arm, intestines, organs and the chest, leaving
whatever remained forthe remaining 14 oj-od to share
While this was going on, it was telling badly on the 14 remaining OjrJ-Od.
To feed became a serious problem for them. Before long, they b-egan to
grumble against Ofun-Mefi and Ope-M). They complaied against their
style of leadership. They accused them of avariciousness.

In order to placate the frustrated ojrl-od however, E)-ogb, the last in

the order of seniority used to invite them to his home and ntertain them
with the little that he had. He would appeal to them to maintain peace and
be patient. He said that Ofun-M) would soon see the reason why he
needed to have a change of attitude and approach. while doing this,
9Ygtu M), the second to the last in the order oiseniority, would also assist
E)-ogb in enteftaining the other oj-od, just to ensure that peace was

This went on for severalyears but Ofiln-M) saw no reason why he should
change.his style of administration and leadership. Qgq Ml was also
urging ofun-we) on, telling the others to go and drop nio the lagoon if
they were not satisfied.

Tired of all what was happening, L2 of the remaining 14 Oj'1-Od (they

excluded E)-Ogbe and QyQktl-M)) met secretly and decided that they
could no longer accept OfUn-tvte) and Q#-MT as their leaders. On that
same day, they decided to make E)-Ogb, the least in seniority, the leader
and QyQkrl-M;) the deputy. On that same day, they moved Ofun-tvte) to
the 16'n position and moved Qgg-Mel to the 15" position.
Before summoning ET-Ogbe, QyQk Mfi, Ofr:n-Vtelt and Qgg-M), they
invited ESU Qdara to come and sanction all their dellberation with Agg.
When EpU Qdara arrived, he asked them to tell him exactly what had
happened. They narrated the storyto him. Eg invited the remaining four
Ojrl-Od (principal Od) to explain their own side of the story. They did.
Ofun-lttle) was found guilty of avariciousness and conducts unbecoming of
good leader. He was therefore moved from the first to the 16'n position as
the other Ojrt Od wanted. QgQ-Mel was found guilty of aiding and

abetting what was wrong and unacceptable. He was moved from the
second to the 15h position. On the other hand, E)-Ogbe was praised for
exhibiting exceptional leadership qualities and was moved from the 16'n to
the first position. QyQktt-MT was also commended for supporting what
was righteous and was moved from the 15'n to the second position.
That was the way it had been from that day up till today.


sanctioned by Egu-Qdara and had been accepted by Oldmar.

Onpa'bl nll j'ejl
Agbe Qknjrrw, a j'$ta
T b j'Qta tiln
Agb'$r u rQ, a mqya lg

Dlfilneni iwjrt
Ebg ni wqn nl k w 9e

kg'tf Qgbgnyin s'ebg

jg almo'w h u wgn ni o
Alm'ed pe e wgn n
Ar iwjtt o, lo d'gni lke, yln
Alm'w h u won ni o


had been

The kola-nut breaker is expected to consume two lobes
An avaricious elder will consume three
After consuming three lobes, he will carry his load by himself and move
This was the message of Ifa forthe Leader
Who shall eventually becomethe Follower
He was advised to offergbg
He refused to comply
Now, it was their inability to act properly
And their refusal to speak the right words at the appropriate time
These were whatturned a Leaderto a Follower
It was their inability to act properly

If warns that refusal to act properly or failure to know how to utter the
right words when approprate to do so can turn a leader to a follower; it can
turn a respected person to a scorned and condemned person. It can also
turn someone loved by all to the person hated and despised by the same
people who hithefto loved him/her.


If says that the person for whom this Od is revealed is kindheafted. He/she loves to assist others as much as he/she can. lf
however warns this person not to exclude or ignore his/her
immediate relatives while rendering help to outsiders.

If says that the immediate family and relatives of the person for
whom this Od is revealed are pointing accusng fingers at him/her
that he/she is assstng other people while he/she had abandoned
his/her own blood.

If warns this person not to do so and if he/she had been doing it,
there ought to be a change of attitude. Failure to accommodate
his/her own blood relations and assist them may not augur well for
him/her in the end. This may turn him/her to subject of ridicule and


If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to offer gbg with

three pigeons, three hens, three guinea fowls, three cocks

and money. A stanza in Ofun-M) on this aspect says:
Enlyn I'Qs
A kff mQ q wQ k f k'l ay

T l'hun j'oy Olore
lbg ni wqn nl k w 9 e

The sea represents the world
And the Lagoon represents human beingsthere-in
No expeft swimmer can swim the length and breadth of the sea, which
represents the world
This was If's message to Abe
Who wanted totakethetitle of The Benefactor
He was advised to offergbg

Abe was highly successful, He was also generous and kind-heafted. Many
people rose up and succeeded through him. He fed the l4ungry; he
provided medication for the invalid; he provided shelter for the homeless;
he stood surety for others; he ensured that the weak were not cheated or
intimidated; he ensured that necessary supports were rendered to those
who needed them. He even sponsored many community-based projects.
He had a marvelous reputation everywhere. He was highly respected from
far and near. Several communities owed their advancementto him.

As he was doing all these however, no relation of his benefited from his
generousity. Much as they tried to convince Abe to cast a sympathetic
glance inwards and assist his relations, he simply could not be bothered.

One day, all Abe's relatives gathered together to discuss about the
situation. They complained that Abe assisted everyone who came to him
for help, except his own blood. They did not understand why this should
be so. After much deliberation, they concluded that there was the need to
summon Abe to their midst so as to Iet him know the way they felt about
him. A delegate was sentto him. A date was fixed forthe meeting.



Ofun Meji

On the day of the meeting, they made it clear to Abe that most of their
friends and acquaintance owed their success and elevation to him. Those
whom they never knew at all also benefited from him. As kind and
benevolent as he was, he had not helped anyone in the family. They
pleaded with him to please have a change of heat towards the family.

Many of those present at the meeting stated the areas where they
expected him to help them. These areas ranged from financial, emotional,
social, psychological, to occult. Theytold him thatthe assistance thatthey
required from him was not beyond him. This was because they had
witnessed him doing more than those things for others.
In his reponse, Abe made it clear to them that this world was like an ocean
while human beings there-in were like lagoons. He stated fufther that no
matter how good one was, the person could never satisff the world,
because no swimmer could ever swim the length and breadth of the ocean.
He told them that nobody could stop him from helping those whom he
wanted to help and nobody could blame him for not helping them. He
urged them to wait for their turn. He promised that it would soon come to
their turn and he would be able to help them all.
The elders showed him howtheir living conditions had degenerated. They
showed him that many of his relatives were going about in rags; the roofs
of houses where they lived were leaking; the walls had cracked; some
pafts of their houses had collapsed altogether. They stated further that
they could not eat up to two times a day. They showed him many of them
whose wives had not been able to become pregnant. They showed him
many relatives who were in emotionalturmoil. Some of his relatives were

about to be incarcerated over what they knew nothing about. They

believed that with his influence, these people could easily be pulled out of
trouble. All what Abe said in form of response was for them to wait for
their turn. He told them that he would not appreciate being rushed into
taking any action. The meeting ended without any concrete conclusion.
The relatives of Abe continued to wait for their turn. Outsiders continued
to benefit from the generosity and benevolence of Abe. For 18 years,
Abe's relatives continued to wait for their turn. For 18 years, it was not yet
theirturn to benefitfrom Abe's generosity and benevolence.

Soon after this, Abe fell


Before help could be rendered to him, he died.

The news of Abe's death spread like wild fire. All those who had benefitted
from his generosity were prepared to give him a befitting final burial. As a
matter of fact, they made it a point of duty to do so in order to show their
appreciation. They planned a special prayer sessions for him. They also
ptanned an all night pafty for him. They set up a seven-man panel to
organise the ceremony. It was a well-arranged and befittingly organised
On the day of the final burial ceremony, several people came from far and

near. Their orchestra played from town to town. They danced from

quafter to quafter. Their song was:


Ko m m s'Qnit'AbeOgefitn o

is dead
the Benevolent
is truly dead
the Benevolent
There is nobody that Abe did not help


Those who benefitted from Abe's generosity joined the band-wagon. That

was how they did until they got to Abe's family compound. To their
surprise, there was no activity going on in the compound. No member of
Abe's extended family organized anything for him. Abe was buried on the
very day he died by his relatives. The burialwas done not because of their
love for him; but ratherto prevent his corpse from stinking and causing bad
odour in the community. As soon as he was bured, all his relatives forgot
about him.
When they heard outsiders singing and dancing that there was nobody that
Abe did not assist, they knew that such false impression must be quickly

+ti ofun Mej

corrected. They gathered together and began to sing thus:

LOt I'Abee Krl

Abe Olore

Abeses1ta ni


true thatAbe is dead

Abe the Benevolent
Abe istrulydead
Abe the Benevolent
Abe is benevolent to outsiders
And neverto his blood relations

When people heard this, they were totally disappointed. They concluded
that in spte Abe's benevolence, he remaned an irresponsible man, snce
he was only good outside. Anyone whose relatives could not benefit from
his/her generosity, influence or benevolence remains an irresponsible
person. Thatwasthe end of the paftyforAbe.
Ay I'Okun
Enlyn I'Qs
A kll mg q we k fi k'l ay

T l'hun j'oy OIore
lbg ni wQn nl k w ge
kg'tl ggbgnyin s'bq
Abe Olore
Abe ma m k oO
Abe Olore
KO m ma s'n t'Abe
Lotq l'Abee Ku
Abe Oloore
Abe m m k oO
Abe Oloore
Abeges'lta ni


filn o


The sea represents the world
And the lagoon represents human beings there-in
No expert swimmer can swim the length and breadth of the sea, which
represents the world
This was lf's message to Abe
Who wanted to take the title of Benefactor
He was advised to offer gbg
He refusedtocomply
Behold Abe is dead
Abethe Benevolent
Abe istrulydead
Abethe Benevolent
There is nobodythatAbe did not help
It is true thatAbe is dead
Abe the Benevolent
Abe is truly dead
Abethe Benevolent
Abe is benevolentto outsiders
And neverto his blood relations

If advises the person for whom this Od is revealed to be fair to


including his/her blood relatons.


If says that there is the need for the person for whom Ofun-we) is
revealed to offer gbg and feed Od in order to bring peace and
tranquility into the home of this peson.
If says that if the person for whom this Od is revealed is a woman, t
is not advisable for her husband or husband-to-be to marry any other
woman beside her. If the husband-to-be is already married, it is not
in the man's interest to add this woman to his wives. Doing so can
only spell doom and disaster forthe man and the other women in his
However, if the person for whom this Od is revealed has already
married more than one wife at the same time and this had brought


Olun Meji

problems, there is the need to offer gbg and feed Od in order to

return the life of this person to


If recommends one matured he-goat as gbg. There is also the

need to feed Od with one ram and eight snails. On these, OfrlnM3)

Qdundun ab'ew pglgntbQ-pelenrbg
TetQreg n ablyg gbortdorlgl-gbdorlgl
I ba w'etf AdJe
I wo Qdndn
Ddggbgggba niwqn$e

Baba lg rfQQrQ-MQdlmqd
Tll ggmg Olwu Skoorogble
lbg ni wQn nl k w fe

QdrtndUn leaves are thick to touch
Teteregn are long and big in



If you lookatAd.tQ Cactus

And look at Qdrndrn leaves
They look exactly the same
These were If's declarations to QrrlnmIl
When going to marryQrQ-MQdlmQdl
The offspring of Olwu-$koorogble
He was advised to offergbq

QrQ-MQdlmQdi, othenryise known as Od, was a daughter of Olwu

$koorogble. From the time her mother was carrying her in her wombs
was clear that QrQ-MQdimQdi was not an ordnary creature. When she was
born, the events which happened around her and the world over


confirmed that she was not an ordinary human being. During her
IkgsQdy ceremony, the Awo who were there to perform the rites laid
emphasis on the fact that the baby was specially endowed with unique
qualities and powers from heaven. She could not, and must not be
married to an ordinary person when she grew up to maturity. They named
her QrQ-MQdlmgdi, Esoteric words, otherwise known as Od.

Od was below average in beauty and physical appearance. She was very
jealous of other women. At a stage, Od could only be found in the midst
of men as a result of her jealousy for her fellow women.
All those around her were convinced that QrQ-MQdlmQdl was endowed with
extremely high spiritual and occult powers. She applied these powers to
assist her father Olwu Skoorogble to succeed and become great in life.
Some other men who approached her for assistance were equally assisted.

When she was matured enough for the marriage market however, many
men dreaded her. They knew that they could not withstand her spiritual
and occult prowess. That was why her father Olwu $koorogble
approached Qrnmll to marry her in accordance with the directive of If
during herlkgsQdy that no ordinary man could marry her.
Qrnmll consulted If and If gave him the go-ahead to marry her. If
however warned him that he must call this woman and ask her to tell him
her likes and dislikes before she ever entered his home.

If, Od was invited by Qrnmll for a oneon-one discussion. She asked Qrrfnm'il to meet her in her father's home
at a specified date. When they met, she promised Qrnmll that she
would assist him to success and greatness. She said that nobody would be
able to overcome him. She said that none of his fellow lrnmglQ would be
as great as him. She said that she loved being pampered, adored and
respected by her husband-to-be. She concluded that she disliked to be
seen by other women - as a matter of fact, she would never tolerate being
'seen by any woman on eafth. She laid emphasis on the fact that any
woman who dared to see her would meet with terrible consequence.
As a result of this warning from

When she said this, Qrrlnmll told her that he was already married to many
women. Consequent upon this, he would need to discuss this with his other
wives before he could give her any reply on her likes and dislikes. QrQMQdimQdl agreed with him. Another date was fixed for another round of
discussion before Ornmll leftfor his home.


Il Orun uei
At home, Qrnmll summoned all his wves and explained to them what
had just transpired between him and Od. He told them that Od was
uncompromising on the aspect of the fact that no woman must see her. He
asked them to tell him their minds if they felt that they could abide by the
unusual request of Od; and if not, he would be prepared to call it quit with
her. All the women told QrUnmll that there was nothing spectacular with
that. They said that since the woman was not prepared to see them or be
seen by them, they too were not ready to see her at all. They asked
Qrnm)l to go ahead and marry QrQ-MQdimQdi.
When Qnf nmll and Od metagain, he told herthatthere was no problem.
Odu told Ornmll to go back home and find out very well. Three times
Qrnm'll called his wives to ask them if they were very sure that they
would be able to cope with QrQ-MQdimQdl and three times they all said that
there was no problem. For this reason, the marriage was contracted.
When QrQ-MQdimQqi moved into Ornmll's home, she was given the room
at the extreme end of the house. She loved the arrangement and all the
other women loved it too. For six months, they lived together without
One day however, one of the women in the household of Qrnm)l called
the other women and said that it was the height of insult for a woman, the
most junior wife for that matte; to order them not to see her and for them
to abide by such rule. She said that it was clear that this woman was using
a trick on them in order for her to avoid pafticipating in the household

chores. To add pepper to injury they were the ones cooking for


fetching her water, sweeping the compound and washing clothes for her!
She claimed that O;nmll had tricked them into accepting the woman's
rules. She accused Qrtlnmll of dancing to the tunes of the most junior
wife. How could Qrnmll allow this un-see-able woman to be dictating to
her seniors in the house? The situation must be addressed and adjusted
Some of the other wives conceded that there was a marked improvement in
their lives in the little period that Od entered into the home. They felt that
such could be considered before taking any decision against the woman.

lfa Dida: An invitation to lfa Consultaton

And so what?, the other woman screamed. Was that enough for her to be
the one calling the shots in the house? She must be put in her proper
place, she declared.
One of them suggested that they must confront Orrlnmll and ask him to
find solution to the issue. Three other women said that Qrnmll could do
nothing because his head was permanently in the woman's armpit. The
woman, Od was the one controlling even Qrnmll himself! If there was
going to be any solution, it must be found by the women. That was how
they all concluded that they would all go and meet the woman, drag her
out of her room and make her to participate in the household chores. If
she was dreaded by her husband, they had no fear for her whatsoever,
they all concluded.
Because QrQ-MQdlmQdi was living in the room at the extreme end of the
house, the place was always dark. They went to look for lamps which they
would light to see her in her room since she was living in the dark ever
since she arrived in that house. The eldest wife told all the other women to
bring out their lamps in their rooms. They did. She declared that they
must drag QrQ-MQdimQdi out that very day to expose her. Yes! they all
chorused, on4 off they went.

They burst into her room with their lamps on; they focused the lamps on
her face. What they saw was unspeakable and indescribable. At that very
instant, they all collapsed, fell and dropped dead!

When Qrnm'il arrived home, he sensed something terrible


happened, he could not find any of his wives. He called on them and there
was nobody to answer. QrQ-MQdimQdl did not leave her room. Qrrrnm)la
moved inside only to find the corpses of the women piled upon one
another by the door of QrQ-MQdlmQdl. When he realised that they were all
dead, grief overwhelmed him. He shouted and accused QrQ-MQdlmOdi of
introducing agony into his home, saying:
QrQ n o b g pln'hn


QrQ n O b g pln'hn firn kll gbn




oru, u"

Qrq,I did notenter nto covenantwith you fordeath
Neitherdid I bargain foraffliction
And I did not agree for my home to be set on fire

When QrQ-MQdlmQdlheard this, she simply responded thus:

L'Otq lo O b mi Pln'hn fn'k
Ootq loo b mi pf n'hn f'rn
AmQ g o O b mi pln'hn fitn k gb'n wo ni o!

true that you did not enter into covenant with me for death
And you did not bargain for affliction
But you also did not tell me that light would be brought to look at my face!



This was how Onlnmll knew that the women in his household were the ones
who brought lamps to Od's room to look at her face in defiance. This was what
provoked herto strike them down.
Qdrndun ab'ew plntb-plenrbq
TQtQregn ablyg gbodorlgl-gbdorlgl
! ba w'etl AdJe


Ddggbgggba niwn ge
Dl filn Orrnmlla
Baba lg rfQrg-MQdlmQdl
Tll ggmg Olwu $koorogble
Ebq ni wqn nl k w ge
je Qrq n b g pln'hn fn'kr
ArQnObg pln'hrnf'rn
QrQ n O b g pln'hn fitn kll gbn janjan
QrQ nl l'oto Io o b mi pln'hn fin'k
Ootq Io o b mi pln'hn frn
AmQ S o o b mi pln'hn fn k gb'n wo ni o!

Odrlndrln leaves are thick to touch
TQtQrQgfl are long and big in appearance

If you lookatAdgtQ. Cactus leaves


lfa Dida: An invitaon to lfa Consultation

And look at Qdndn leaves

They look exactlythe same
These were If's declarations to Orrlnmll
When going to marry QrQ-MQdlmQdl
The offspring of Olwu-$koorogble
He was advised to offer ebo
Qrnmll began to sing and his song became a song of lamentation,
He said,
QrQ, I did notenter into covenantwith you fordeath
Neither, did I bargain forafflictions
And I did not agree for my home to be set on fire
QrQ responded that truly, you did not enter into covenant with me for
And you did not bargain for afflictions
But you also did not told me that light would be brought to look at my face

If says that no matter what happens no woman must be allowed to see or

possess Od. It was Od herself, a fellow woman, who decreed against
being seen by any woman.

Abgru Aboy








Ofun Mil children are born leaders. They attain leadership positions from
their youth. Their influence spread far and wide. Wth this influence, they
become great as leaders and they acquire unlimited success and influence.
Their influence stems from the fact that they act as pathfinders for their
colleagues, families and communities in general. The position they
normally occupy in the community can only be compared to the position
that the eyes occupy in the body. Without the eyes, vision is inhibited.

With hope and hard work, there is nothing that Ofun Mjl children lost
which cannot be regained in several folds. Their nature is such that as one
oppoftunity closes, several others leading to the same goal will open. They
will therefore be able to regain what they lost from several angles. To Ofun
Mil, as long as there is life, there is hope; as long as there is hope, there
are boundless oppounities to succeed and become great.
Even though Qrangun Mil children do occupyvery high positions in their
lives, it is however possible that their own children will take over that same
position from them even when they are still alive. It is in the best interest to
vacate the position peacefully in good faith instead of creating unnecessary

bad blood. These children will however be greater than their parents who
are Ofun Mjl children. The children's greatness shall surpass that of their
father's in everydepaftmentof life.
For Ofun Mil children, long life is possibility. They have the grace to live
long enough to witness the birth and growth of their grand children. They
are not destined to die young.

It is an established fact that Ofun Mjl children are pure hearted, kind and
considerate. They believe in justice, fair play and decorum. In spite of
these sterling qualities, they are hated and despised. Three major reasons
are usually responsible for this: one, as kind heafted as they are, they
always do good to outsiders at expense of their own blood relations who

Ifa Dida: An invtation to lfa Consultation

normally do not have impact of kind-heaftednessi two, when they do good

for others, it is almost always done in half without completing the
assstance for the persons who need their help; three, as a result of his
good fortune and the prominent positions they occupy in life, there are
bound to the envious people who wish to bring them down at all costs. If
these three points are properly addressed and welltaken care of, then most

of the problems facing'OfUn Mjl children can be solved.

appropriate ebo, If will switch public opinion from negative to positive for


QrangUn Mjl children increase their blessings and favour which

emanates from Oldmar Himself if they display a high degree of humility

and level-headedness. These are the two qualities, which they have, in
very short supply. They however need to cultivate this habit and ensure
that they show genuine love and respect for people, no matter how low
their status may be in the society. They also need to show greater love for
those who had approached them for help.

Ofin Mjl male children have the weakness of toying with their personal
hygiene. They do not care much about the way they appear or how neat
their environment is. This they need to put into consideration. Thy also
need to appear neat, smell nice and lookgorgeousatalltimes. If this is not
done, Ofun MT male children lose their clients, wives, respect, prestige
and home. At the same time, there is the need for these children to avoid
doing anything that will put their morality into question. They must avoid
disgracing themselves where they are highly respected especially on
For Qrngn Mjl female children, it is in their best interest never to
marry or have any love relationship with any man who is already
married. They must never agree to be a second wife. If this is not
taken seriously, the consequence will be bad both for them and their
love ones who are emotionally attached to them.


If - for all ire in life and longevity




2. Od - for overall success and victory

3. Orl - for consummated foftune
4. EgU Odar- for general well being and victory
5. Qbtl - for success, children and prosperity
6. Obalaye ($Onpnna) for general well being
7. Olkun - for financial success
8. Ogun - for joy and victory
9. Fgb - for comradeship and leadership


orun uej


Must not be avaricious - to avoid humiliation disgrace and
unconsummated foftune
Must never eat or sell kra to avoid contention with elders of
the Night
Must never be arrogant to avoid disgrace and unconsummated
Must never use IrkQ made with brass to avoid lack of respect
within the household
Must never use wall-gecko and chameleon for anything unconsummated foftune
Must never marry two wives into the same house to avoid
matrimonial disaster
Must never appear drty and unkempt to avoid unconsummated
Must never think, speak or do evil to avoid loss of respect and
unconsummated foftune.




1. Ajylmk- Wealth surrounds me

2. Awolgl - Honour belongs to an Awo
3. Adygrl - The crown befits the head
4. Adtut - The crown is comfoftable

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