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Mediul actual de securitate se confrunta tot mai des in ultima perioada cu

o serie de amenintari asimetrice dinntre care actiunile insurgente se remarca prin

complexitatea si violenta lor. Prin urmare aceasta lucrare de licenta are drept
scop prezentarea insurgentei ca parte a conflictului asimetric, cauzele care duc la
aparitia acesteia, caracteristicile si modul de desfasurare a acestui tip de actiuni
si nu in ultimul rand masurile de contrainsurgenta adoptate de diferite state.
Studiind conflictele actuale in care actiunile insurgente au dus la rasturnarea
regimului politic, lucrarea isi propune sa prezinte principalele greseli savarsite de
statul respectiv care au avut drept rezultat caderea regimului si ce masuri de
contrainsurgenta trebuiau intreprinse pentru a evita acest rezultat.

The current security environment facing increasingly lately with a number

of asymmetric threats Some house where insurgent actions are distinguished by
their complexity and violence. Therefore this paper aims to present license
insurgency as part of asymmetric conflict, the causes of its appearance,
characteristics and conduct of such actions and not least counterinsurgency
measures adopted by different countries. Studying the current conflicts in which
insurgent actions led to the fall of the political, the paper aims to present the
main mistakes made by the State which resulted in the fall of counterinsurgency
and what measures should be taken to avoid this outcome.
Today, the security environment is facing with an increasing number of
asymmetric warfares, in which the inssurgency is distinguished as being the most
complex and violent action. Therefore, this ......................... aims to present the
insurgency as part of the asymmetric conflicts, the causes which conducts to its
appearance, characteristics of insurgent actions, the way this actions take place
and last but not the least the counterinssurgency measures adopted by different
states. Studying the current conflicts in which insurgent actions led to the fall of
the regime, this .......................... aims to present the main mistakes made by the
states involved and what measures should have been taken in order to avoid this

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