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Tools that will help your memory

Have you ever felt tired of reading and repeat yourself the same phrase
without that you get memorize it in your mind? Probably, you don't know the
techniques and strategies as the named mnemonics that we are going to
tell you now.
The mnemonics techniques are a method of big utility and potential because
consist on an association of the information to memorize with information
that already takes part of our brain or our daily life. For example, a useful
technique is to store something in our mind, we could associate it with an
image, remember the popular saying: an image worth more than one
thousand words. Another technique consist on create invented words across
the first syllables or the initials of the words that you mustnt forget.
Perhaps, these techniques might not be useful in certain occasions, if you be
in this situation you can try discuss or teach the syllabus with your
classmates, even you could teach a lesson to an imaginary class. The
reason is because we memorize more information when we discuss o teach
something, than we only read the text.
We should learn better how work our brain and use techniques that exploit
its full capacity for memorizing. In fact during the last decades numerous
studies have tried demonstrate news methods to memorize information
while sleeping, but nothing it is conclude yet.

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