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University of Management Sciences

and Information
Technology, Kotli (UMS&IT)
Department of Commerce, FC
Report Format
The following format guideline outlines the specific requirements of the
internship report in terms of the overall structure and necessary sections.
The reports consist of three main sections: the preliminaries, the main text
and the reference material, all of which are outlined on the following pages.

The preliminaries have to include
Title Page
Letter of transmittal
Experience or internship certificate (from organization)
Acknowledgement and Endorsement
Executive Summary
Table of Contents

Main Text
The main text has to include
SWOT and Financial Analysis of organization
Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations

Reference Material
The reference material can include
List of Acronyms

Final submission Guidelines

Use double line spacing in your report and 12 point sized font and
Time New Roman font style.
Main heading must be 16 bold; subheading 14 bold and subsubheadings must be 12 point font sized.
References must be in APA style.
The binding should be Black Hard with title page emboss- printed
in Golden and Should carry UMS&IT Logo as well. Or Spiral
binding With colored title page and carry UMS&IT Logo as well.

Declaration Format

This report has been written by me and has not received any previous
academic credit at this or any other institution.


Name of student

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