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Jhara: Hi Renato. I dindt see you long time!! How are you?

Renato: Yes almost two years, Since I started college. I am fine, but tell me
about you.
J: I am so tired; I dont have free time!!
R: Whys that?
J: Because in addition to be studying my career Ive teached a girl almost every
R: almost every night??!! Why? What for?
J: well I need money for my studies and I didnt get a bank loan
R: oh! Ok and how is it going?
J: Er Sometimes its a bit stressful; but I found a way to relax
R: Really? How do you mean?
J: To end my week, Ive come to dance class on Friday night
R: that is good! And what sort of dancing?
J: Marinera. I always wanted to learn to dance.i love it.
R: really? Marinera is an amazing dance; I want to learn it too!
J: and why not?? Come with us the next Friday night to my classes
R: us?? Who with??
J: some friends of my university. That will be great!
R: oh! Ok I am so exciting about it. I cannot wait . hey, about that girl you told
me, how old is she?
J: she is 14 years old, she is in 4th grade in high school
R: wou! I thought she was 8 or 9 years old. And do she pay well?? Because I am
a little short of money and I want to work. I really need more money
J: well, the pay is good. Uhm, I am going to talk with her and ask if someone of
her friends need a math teacher!
R: oh! Really? I will be thankful . so here is my number, please call me if you
have some news!
J: ok do not worry. I will do it

R: I have to go! I have homework and two exams tomorrow

J: ok bye. Now I have to go to the girls house to teach her! . bye, see you later
R: bye bye please do not forget ask her! bye bye

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