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11/7/15 3:39 PM

MATLAB Command Window

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>> % Script File: Information for a biomaedical experiment

% Created: 11/6/15
% Author: Amber Adkins
% Description:
% Create a program that should read in the data from the text file in
% CANVAS description called homework_9.txt, and sort the participants
% into alphabetical order based upon last name.
% Variables:
% a = opening text file
% alph = sorting names
% pop_out = pop out menu
% weight_min = weight min
% weight_max = weight max
% weight_avg = weight average
% p = positive amount of RH Factors
% n = negitive amount of RH Factors
% Create a switch case
a = fopen('Homework_9.txt'); % opens text file
[first,last,weight,b_t,rh_f] = textread('Homework_9.txt','%s%s%s%s%s');
% Sorts names by last name alphabetically
% disp('Participants Sorted by Last Names');
b(:,1) = first;
b(:,2) = last;
b(:,3) = weight;
b(:,4) = b_t;
b(:,5) = rh_f;
Participants = sortrows(b,2)
% Pop cut menu for user to select one of the choices to be presented in command window
pop_out = 1;
while pop_out ~= 4
pop_out = menu('Please Select One','Weights','Blood Types','RH Factor', 'Quit');
if pop_out == 1
% Weight --> Max, Min, Avg weights
weight= cell2mat(weight);
weight = str2num(weight);
weight_min = min(weight)
weight_max = max(weight)
weight_avg= mean(weight)
elseif pop_out == 2
% Blood Types --> Pie-chart of blood types
blood_graph = categorical(b_t);

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MATLAB Command Window

elseif pop_out == 3
% RH Factor --> Horizontal bar graph among participants
rhf = [rh_f{:,:}];
p = strfind(rhf,'postitive');
x = length(p);
n = strfind(rhf,'negative');
y = length(n);
bargraph = [x,y];
ylabel ('(+) and (-) RH Factors');
xlabel('How many (+) and (-) RH Factors');
x = 0:0.1:10;
legend('1 = Positive, 2 = Negative');
else pop_out == 4
% End program
disp('Have a Nice Day');

Participants =
weight_min =





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weight_max =
weight_avg =
ans =
Have a Nice Day

MATLAB Command Window

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