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I learned Chapter 5

Using guidance to build an encouraging classroom

IN encouraging classrooms all children find a welcome place. I learned teachers

need to work continuously to make your program responsive to each child. Teachers
are positive leaders in guidance. I learned the negative effects of time-outs. When
teachers use time-outs the child is shamed and blamed. When the children are
young time-outs feel threatening and they feel excluded. Guidance should be used
instead of time-outs. I learned guidance has a productive outcome. All disciplines
should be supportive and teach the child how to gain control and express feelings
appropriately. I learned why time-outs are not appropriate for toddlers. Time-outs
impose external control and inhibit a childs ability to build internal controls. A
toddler placed in time-out does not have their personal needs met. I learned when
we use time-outs children will not be able to develop alternate strategies to solve
their problems. Young children sometimes do not understand the relation between
actions and consequences. When we use guidance, we teach the children to solve
their own problems Guidance teaches children to learn from their mistakes. I
learned it takes commitment, time and effort to learn guidance alternatives. Young
children are just beginning to understand communication techniques. Guidance
teaches them in a positive way. Children need help resolving conflict and guidance
teaches them everyone makes mistakes. Using guidance teaches children to figure
out a better way to deal with everyday situations. Positive guidelines set standards
for a classroom. I learned the meaning of democratic life skills. Democratic life skills
teaches children the abilities they need to function as productive citizens.
Democratic life skills include the ability to:

See ones self as worthy

Express strong emotions in a non-hurting way
Solve problems ethically and intelligently
Be understanding of the feelings and viewpoints of others

Early childhood education should focus on learning to live together peaceably and
solving problems cooperatively and creatively. I learned guidelines provide
proactive, concrete lessons. Guidelines teach children to understand. Positive
guidelines teach children to use words to express their feelings and that children
should use friendly touches only. Guidance should teach children that sometimes
they need to stop, look and listen. Guidance teaches children that mistakes are ok
and we will find a better way to solve your problems and express yourself. I learned
a few ways to diminish conflict in my classroom. They are rethink daily schedules,
maybe change the room around, modify the curriculum, or even develop different
curriculum. Mistaken behavior is a way for us to rethink the environment. When
dealing with mistaken behaviors, its the environment that needs to change, not the

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