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I am kind of happy that this is the last “official” blog of the semester.

This will allow me

the time to concentrate on my project, and the same applies when it comes to doing my ZGT
revisions and self-reflective essay as well. I have felt that this class went by pretty fast due to
the number of actual classes and the number of assignments. This class required a lot of
participation every week and forced me to manage my time better in order to complete all the
assignments in time. Unfortunately, due to time constraints because I go to work and school
full time, I feel that I didn’t do my best work on a few of my papers / blogs. However, I do feel
that I have been very fortunate to be placed in a really good group for this class. We all listened
and respected each group member’s input, and I could have not asked for a better group.

Before this semester, I had never done twitter before, so it was a new experience. It
reminds me of instant messaging, except twitter can involve a lot more people all at once. I
have found it interesting to see what the most popular topics to tweet about are each day. It’s a
social network where you can post off the wall, random things like what you ate for dinner or
simply what is in your mind at that time. Also new for me, was the blogging. I knew all about
blogging but I never had an interest in it. I always assumed that you needed (or should be) very
knowledgeable about what you write about. Most of the things I blogged about were things
that only made sense to other people in the class. I do understand the usefulness of blogging
when it comes to advertising and how it helps professional people, like doctors that can
communicate with different doctors nationwide about medical conditions /treatments. Along
the same lines, it is very important to think about what you want to post before you actually
post it, due to the fact that everyone can read what you write.

So all that is left for this semester is the individual project, ZGT revised paper, and a self-
reflective essay. I wish everyone good luck for the rest of the assignments. Best wishes for
everyone in their studies and I hope you all the best.

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