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Built-In Generation of Functional Broadside Tests

Using a Fixed Hardware Structure
Irith Pomeranz, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractFunctional broadside tests are two-pattern scanbased tests that avoid overtesting by ensuring that a circuit traverses only reachable states during the functional clock cycles of a
test. In addition, the power dissipation during the fast functional
clock cycles of functional broadside tests does not exceed that
possible during functional operation. On-chip test generation
has the added advantage that it reduces test data volume and
facilitates at-speed test application. This paper shows that on-chip
generation of functional broadside tests can be done using a simple
and fixed hardware structure, with a small number of parameters
that need to be tailored to a given circuit, and can achieve high
transition fault coverage for testable circuits. With the proposed
on-chip test generation method, the circuit is used for generating
reachable states during test application. This alleviates the need
to compute reachable states offline.
Index TermsBuilt-in test generation, functional broadside
tests, reachable states, transition faults.


VERTESTING due to the application of two-pattern

scan-based tests was described in [1][3]. Overtesting
is related to the detection of delay faults under non-functional
operation conditions. One of the reasons for these non-functional operation conditions is the following. When an arbitrary
state is used as a scan-in state, a two-pattern test can take
the circuit through state-transitions that cannot occur during
functional operation. As a result, slow paths that cannot be
sensitized during functional operation may cause the circuit
to fail [1]. In addition, current demands that are higher than
those possible during functional operation may cause voltage
drops that will slow the circuit and cause it to fail [2], [3]. In
both cases, the circuit will operate correctly during functional
Functional broadside tests [4] ensure that the scan-in state is
a state that the circuit can enter during functional operation, or
a reachable state. As broadside tests [5], they operate the circuit
in functional mode for two clock cycles after an initial state is
scanned in. This results in the application of a two-pattern test.
Since the scan-in state is a reachable state, the two-pattern test
Manuscript received April 11, 2011; revised November 14, 2011; accepted
December 07, 2011. Date of publication January 02, 2012; date of current version December 19, 2012. This work was supported in part by Semiconductor
Research Corporation under Grant 2011-TJ-2135. This paper was presented in
part at the Proceedings of the Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, Grenoble, France, March 2011.
The author is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: pomeranz@ecn.purdue.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVLSI.2011.2179682

takes the circuit through state-transitions that are guaranteed to

be possible during functional operation. Delay faults that are
detected by the test can also affect functional operation, and the
current demands do not exceed those possible during functional
operation. This alleviates the type of overtesting described in
[1][3]. In addition, the power dissipation during fast functional
clock cycles of functional broadside tests does not exceed that
possible during functional operation.
Test generation procedures for functional and pseudo-functional scan-based tests were described in [4] and [6][13]. The
procedures generate test sets offline for application from an
external tester. Functional scan-based tests use only reachable
states as scan-in states. Pseudo-functional scan-based tests
use functional constraints to avoid unreachable states that are
captured by the constraints.
This work considers the on-chip (or built-in) generation of
functional broadside tests. On-chip test generation reduces
the test data volume and facilitates at-speed test application.
On-chip test generation methods for delay faults, such as the
ones described in [14] and [15], do not impose any constraints
on the states used as scan-in states. Experimental results indicate that an arbitrary state used as a scan-in state is unlikely to
be a reachable state [4]. The on-chip test generation method
from [16] applies pseudo-functional scan-based tests. Such
tests are not sufficient for avoiding unreachable states as scan-in
states. The on-chip test generation process described in this
work guarantees that only reachable states will be used.
It should be noted that the delay fault coverage achievable
using functional broadside tests is, in general, lower than that
achievable using arbitrary broadside tests as in [14], [15] or
pseudo-functional broadside tests as in [16]. This is due to the
fact that functional broadside tests avoid unreachable scan-in
states, which are allowed by the methods described in [14][16].
However, the tests that are needed for achieving this higher fault
coverage are also ones that can cause overtesting. They can also
dissipate more power than possible during functional operation.
Only functional broadside tests are considered in this work.
Under the proposed on-chip test generation method, the circuit is used for generating reachable states during test application. This alleviates the need to compute reachable states or
functional constraints by an offline process as in [4], [6][13]
and [16]. The underlying observation is related to one of the
methods used in [4] for offline test generation, and is the following.
If a primary input sequence is applied in functional mode
starting from a reachable state, all the states traversed under
are reachable states. Any one of these states can be used as the
initial state for the application of a functional broadside test.

1063-8210/$31.00 2012 IEEE


By generating on-chip and ensuring that it takes the circuit

through a varied set of reachable states, the on-chip test generation process is able to achieve high transition fault coverage
using functional broadside tests based on . It should be noted
that, for the detection of a set of faults , at most
reachable states are required. This number is typically only a
small fraction of the number of all the reachable states of the
circuit. Thus, the primary input sequence does not need to
take the circuit through all its reachable states, but only through
a sufficiently large number relative to
, in order to be effective for the detection of target faults.
The hardware used in this paper for generating the primary
input sequence
consists of a linear-feedback shift-register
(LFSR) as a random source [17], and of a small number of gates
(at most six gates are needed for every one of the benchmark circuits considered). The gates are used for modifying the random
sequence in order to avoid cases where the sequence takes the
circuit into the same or similar reachable states repeatedly. This
is referred to as repeated synchronization [18]. In addition, the
on-chip test generation hardware consists of a single gate that is
used for determining which tests based on will be applied to
the circuit. The result is a simple and fixed hardware structure,
which is tailored to a given circuit only through the following
1) The number of LFSR bits.
2) The length of the primary input sequence .
3) The specific gates used for modifying the LFSR sequence
into the sequence .
4) The specific gate used for selecting the functional broadside tests that will be applied to the circuit based on .
5) Seeds for the LFSR in order to generate several primary
input sequences and several subsets of tests.
The on-chip test generation hardware is based on the one described in [19]. It differs from it in the following ways.
1) The logic that produces the primary input sequence is
designed in this paper to reduce the dependencies between
the values assigned to the primary inputs, considering the
following sources of dependency. In [19], for a circuit
with primary inputs and a parameter mod, the LFSR
used for producing has
bits. The left-most
bits are used for driving the primary inputs of the circuit,
and the mod right-most bits are used for modifying the
random sequence in order to avoid repeated synchronization. With this structure, all the primary input values are
modified using the same function of the mod right-most
bits of the LFSR. Thus, they are always modified together
and to the same values. In addition, some primary inputs
receive shifted values of the primary inputs immediately
preceding them.
The structure used in this paper reduces these dependencies between primary input values by using a
LFSR for a circuit with primary inputs, where is a parameter such that
. Every consecutive bits of the
LFSR are used for producing the value of a different primary input. At most mod of the bits dedicated to a primary
input are actually used for producing values for the input,
including the modification of the input values in order to
avoid repeated synchronization. Since the modification is


done using different bits for every primary input, the dependencies between primary input values are reduced. In
addition, the unused bits serve to reduce the dependencies between the values of different primary inputs further
by avoiding cases where a primary input receives shifted
values of the primary input immediately preceding it. With
reduced dependencies, the primary input sequence
more likely to take the circuit into a varied set of reachable states. As a result, a higher fault coverage is achieved
for several of the circuits considered in [19]. In addition,
other parts of the test generation hardware can be simplified compared with the design in [19], as discussed next.
2) Both [19] and this paper apply multiple primary input sequences in order to achieve the highest possible fault coverage. To select which tests will be applied to the circuit
based on every sequence, the approach of [19] uses a different gate for every sequence. Since the number of sequences in [19] is significant, a large multiplexer and a significant number of gates are needed for this purpose. The
approach in this paper fixes the gate used for test selection in advance, and ensures that all the primary input sequences used for the circuit fit with the preselected gate. In
this way, a single gate is needed for test selection regardless
of the number of sequences used, and there is no need for
a multiplexer to distinguish between different sequences.
3) The lengths of the primary input sequences is varied in [19]
in order to control the number of tests applied to the circuit.
In this paper, all the sequences have the same length. This
makes the test application process uniform across different
The result is that the test generation hardware used in this
paper has a simple and fixed structure, and it is independent of
the number of sequences used. The sequences differ only in the
seed used for the LFSR. The seeds can be stored on-chip, or a
seed can be scanned in together with the initial state of the circuit
before the application of every primary input sequence.
The paper focuses on the generation of input test data, which
is unique to functional broadside tests. For the output test data
the paper assumes that an output compactor such as a multipleinput shift-register (MISR) [17] will be used.
When the circuit-under-test is embedded in a larger design,
its primary inputs may be driven by other logic blocks that
are part of the same design. In addition, the primary inputs of
the circuit-under-test include any external inputs of the design
that drive the circuit-under-test. The primary outputs of the circuit-under-test may drive other logic blocks, or they may be primary outputs of the complete design. For simplicity this paper
assumes that primary inputs can be assigned any combination of
values. Functional constraints on primary input sequences can
be accommodated in one of the following ways.
1) The logic used for producing the primary input sequence
can be extended to incorporate some functional constraints.
2) A separate logic block can be used for modifying so as
to satisfy functional constraints.
3) Placing the on-chip test generation hardware for a logic
block on the inputs of the logic blocks driving it can create
some of the functional constraints for the block without
requiring additional logic.



This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives an

overview of the on-chip generation and application of functional
broadside tests. Section III describes the details. Section IV
presents experimental results demonstrating the achievable
fault coverage.
This section gives an overview of the proposed method for
on-chip generation of functional broadside tests.
The discussion in this paper assumes that the circuit is initialized into a known state before functional operation starts.
Initialization may be achieved by applying a synchronizing sequence as in [4], [6][8] and [10][12], by asserting a reset input
as in [9] and [13], or by a combination of both. The initial state
of the circuit is denoted by . The discussion also assumes that
functional operation consists of the application of primary input
sequences starting from state .
as the initial state for functional operation,
is a
reachable state. In addition, the set of reachable states consists
of every state such that there exists a primary input sequence
that takes the circuit from to . Since can be entered during
functional operation starting from
is a reachable state.
It is possible to obtain reachable states on-chip by placing
the circuit in state
and applying a primary input sequence
of length in functional mode. The
circuit can be brought into state by using a scan-in operation,
or by using its initializing sequence. Let
be the state that
the circuit reaches at time unit under , for
. We
have that
. In addition,
is a reachable state for
. Therefore, every state
can be used as the initial
state for a functional broadside test
, where
plays the role of a scan-in state. As in a broadside test,
are primary input vectors that are applied in two consecutive
functional clock cycles starting from
using a slow and a
fast clock, respectively.
In addition to producing reachable states, the primary input
sequence can also be used as a source for the primary input
vectors of functional broadside tests. In particular, every subsequence of length two of defines a functional broadside test
. By using
, it is possible to avoid the need for a different source for these
primary input vectors during on-chip test generation.
For illustration we consider ISCAS-89 benchmark
with initial state
. The circuit is shown in Fig. 1.
A primary input sequence for the circuit is shown in Table I.
For every time unit , Table I shows the state
the primary input vector
. Table I yields the functional broadside tests
The proposed on-chip generation method of functional broadside tests is based on placing the circuit in the initial state ,
applying a primary input sequence , and using several of the
functional broadside tests that can be extracted from in order
to detect target faults.
Next, we discuss how the application of
is affected
by the need to observe fault effects created by a test

Fig. 1.


At time unit the circuit is in state

. Applying
in functional mode will result in the application of
A fault can be detected in one of the following two ways.
1) Based on the primary output vector
obtained in
response to
, if this vector is different from the
expected fault free primary output vector.
2) Based on the final state
of the test, if this state is
different from the expected fault free state.
In the context of built-in self-test,
to be captured by an output response compactor such as a MISR
[17]. In the case of
, the state needs to be shifted into the
output response compactor over a number of clock cycles equal
to the length of the longest scan chain. The circuit then needs to
be brought back to state
in order to continue the test
application process under .
Bringing the circuit back to state
can be done by
using circular shift of
[17]. As
is scanned out,
it can also be scanned in. If
is faulty, the output response
compactor will capture the fault effect, and observation of the
final signature will indicate that a fault is present. If
is fault free, the remaining tests based on will be applied as
It should be noted that the tests starting in two consecutive
time units,
, are overlapping in the following
sense. Application of
takes the circuit through states
. Application of
the circuit through states
, and
The application of both
requires special
hardware to bring the circuit back to state



applied. To avoid the need for this hardware, the proposed test
generation hardware applies subsets of non-overlapping tests
of the form
, where
This section describes the on-chip generation method for
functional broadside tests based on the concepts discussed in
Section II. Section III-A describes the generation of the sequence . Section III-B describes the selection of tests that will
be applied based on . Section III-C describes the selection
of seeds for the generation of several different primary input
sequences and the application of several different subsets of
tests. Section III-D describes the selection of parameter values
in order to match the on-chip test generation hardware to a
given circuit. The parameters of the on-chip test generation
hardware are summarized in Table II for ease of reference.
A. Primary Input Sequence
The simplest way to generate a primary input sequence
on-chip is to use a random source such as an LFSR. However, a
random sequence may bring the circuit from the initial state
into a limited set of reachable states. This can be explained by
the effect observed in [18] and referred to as repeated synchronization. According to [18], a primary input cube synchronizes
a subset of state variables
if the following conditions are
satisfied. Let be applied to the primary inputs when the circuit
is in the all-unspecified present-state. Suppose that this results
in a next-state . The state variables whose values are specified
in are included in
In the example of
shown in Fig. 1, the primary input cube
applied in present-state
in the next-state
, synchronizing state variable
. In addition, the primary input cube
applied in present-state
results in the next-state
, synchronizing state variable .
A primary input cube with a small number of specified
values is likely to appear repeatedly in a random primary input
sequence . When this happens, the state variables in
assume the same values repeatedly under . This may prevent
the circuit from entering certain reachable states, and limit the
ability of the functional broadside tests extracted from to detect target faults. Repeated synchronization can also be caused
by a sequence of primary input cubes. However, the longer the
sequence the less likely it is to appear in a random primary input
sequence. Therefore, only single cubes are considered in [18].


Considering single cubes, repeated synchronization was

avoided in [18] by using a software procedure. With a high
probability, the procedure avoids primary input cubes that
would cause repeated synchronization. It allows them to appear with a small probability in order not to preclude certain
values from ever appearing on the state variables. Here, we
need a similar process that will be implemented using on-chip
hardware. To design such hardware, a software procedure is
first used for computing primary input cubes that synchronize
one or more state variables. The procedure focuses on primary
input cubes with single specified values since such cubes are
the most likely to appear repeatedly in a random primary input
sequence. For a circuit with primary inputs,
the procedure considers every primary input cube
primary input assumes the value and the other primary inputs are unspecified. For
, where
the procedure computes the set of synchronized state variables
. It then combines all the primary input cubes into a
single cube
that is useful for avoiding
repeated synchronization as follows.
1) If
, setting
causes fewer nextstate variables to be specified than setting
. The
procedure sets
2) If
, setting
causes fewer nextstate variables to be specified than setting
. The
procedure sets
3) If
, the procedure sets
In the example of
the procedure yields
, and
in all the other cases.
Therefore, it yields
. When this cube is applied to
the circuit in the all-unspecified state it leaves all the next-state
variables unspecified. Thus, it ensures that the circuit can
traverse all its reachable states.
It is possible to specify additional bits of in order to avoid
cubes with more than one specified value, or based on sequences
of cubes. A single specified bit of is sufficient in both of these
cases. For example, to avoid the sequence 0xxx x0xx xx0x it is
sufficient to set
The on-chip test generation hardware uses for the generation of
as follows. For a circuit
with primary inputs and for parameters and mod such that
, the hardware includes a
-bit LFSR. The LFSR
is clocked for cycles to produce a sequence of length .
At every time unit of the LFSR sequence, every consecutive bits of the LFSR are used for producing the value of one
primary input. Let the LFSR state at time unit be
. Let
the value of bit of the LFSR at time unit be
. The
of primary input
at time unit is produced
based on
. The value
of primary input
at time unit is produced based
. In general,
the value
of primary input at time unit is produced
based on
using the following rules.
1) If
. In this case, the value
is the random value
produced by the
LFSR. Bits




Fig. 2. On-chip generation of

unused, and they serve to reduce the dependencies between

the values of and those of
2) If
. By using the AND
function of mod LFSR bits,
with probability
. Thus, repeated synchronization of state variables due to
is avoided with this probability.
are unused, and they serve to reduce the dependencies
between the values of and those of
3) If
. By using the OR function of
mod LFSR bits,
with probability
Thus, repeated synchronization of state variables due to
is avoided with this probability. Bits
are unused, and they
serve to reduce the dependencies between the values of
and those of
With this implementation, the values of each primary input
are modified independently using a different set of mod LFSR
bits. This reduces the dependencies between the values of different primary inputs further.
For illustration, Fig. 2 shows the hardware used for
. For this circuit,
. The 12-bit LFSR is shown at the top of Fig. 2. Bits
0, 1 and 2 of the LFSR are used for producing the values of .
, an OR gate is used for increasing the probability
that will be assigned the value 1. The OR gate is driven by bits
0 and 1 of the LFSR. Bit 2 of the LFSR reduces the dependencies
between the values of and the values of .
Bits 3, 4, and 5 of the LFSR are used for producing the values
of . For
. Therefore, is driven directly by bit 3
of the LFSR. Bits 4 and 5 reduce the dependencies between the
values of and the values of .
Bits 6, 7, and 8 are used for producing the values of . Since
, an AND gate is used for increasing the probability that
will be assigned the value 0. The AND gate is driven by bits 6
and 7. Bit 8 of the LFSR reduces the dependencies between the
values of and those of .
Finally, bits 9, 10, and 11 are used for producing the values
of . For
. Therefore, is driven directly by bit 9
of the LFSR.
In general, if there are primary inputs with
, the
implementation illustrated by Fig. 2 requires a
-bit LFSR,
and AND or OR gates with mod inputs.

The primary input sequence shown in Table I was produced

by the structure shown in Fig. 2 using the 12-bit primitive LFSR
from [20] with seed 101 011 100 100.
The states of the LFSR are shown in Table III.
B. Test Selection
This subsection describes the selection of the functional
broadside tests that will be applied based on a primary input
sequence . Let
be the set of target faults. In general, the
goal is to select a subset of time units
and apply a test set
, where
, such that the following
conditions are satisfied.
1) To ensure that the tests are non-overlapping,
2) It should be possible to produce the subset on-chip efficiently.
3) The test set
based on should detect as many of the
faults in as possible.
should be as small as possible.
For simplicity, the proposed on-chip test generation hardware
satisfies the first two conditions as follows. A counter denoted
, where
counts from 0 to
to indicate the current time unit of .
For a parameter
, a test is applied when the last
of CNT are 0, that is, when
. With
, the condition
that only tests that start at even time units are applied. Thus,
. With
, the condition
implies that only tests that start at time units
divisible by four are applied. Thus,
. In general, the condition
implies that only tests that start at time units divisible by
applied. We denote
For a given value of , a single NOR gate is needed for producing the function
An example using
is shown in
Fig. 3. The counter CNT is shown at the top of the figure. When
is applied as a two-pattern test to the circuit.
Application of
includes output response compaction of the
primary output vector
under the second pattern, and


Fig. 3. On-chip test selection.

output response compaction of the final state

of the
test. The counter CNT is stopped during the scan-out operation
of the final state until state
is restored through circular
shift as discussed in Section II.
C. Selecting Seeds
The on-chip test generation hardware described so far has
and sel. These parameters determine the
primary input sequence , and the tests that will be applied
based on it. Keeping
and sel constant in order to keep
the hardware fixed, there is flexibility only in determining the
seed of the LFSR. Different seeds yield different primary input
sequences and different tests. Therefore, it is possible to increase
the fault coverage by using several different seeds.
To select seeds for a circuit it is possible to use an approach
similar to the one used for test data compression [21]. Using
a symbolic seed, it is possible to compute a primary input sequence and the subset of tests based on it, and then solve equations based on functional broadside tests that are known to detect target faults. The approach used in this paper avoids deterministic test generation to identify effective functional broadside tests by considering random seeds. A set of seeds is selected
using the following process.
Let be the set of target faults. For
, the process
selects a random seed denoted by
. It computes the primary input sequence
obtained with this seed. It also finds the
subset of tests
that will be applied based on . Both
are determined by the parameters
and sel.
In particular, is fixed by sel for all the values of . The process
performs fault simulation of under
and removes the detected faults from . If any faults are detected, it stores
a set denoted by SEED. It continues to consider additional seeds
until the last seeds do not improve the fault coverage, for a
constant .
Computation of seeds requires fault simulation with fault
dropping of under
tests for every seed. As additional
seeds are selected, the number of faults in is reduced, and the
fault simulation effort decreases.
Let the set of selected seeds be
, with corresponding sequences
and subsets of applied tests
. It is possible that all
the faults detected by
will also be detected by
. In this case,
does not need to be


used as part of the on-chip test generation process. The process

of seed selection identifies and removes such sequences as
During the selection of the seeds, if a fault
is detected
by a test from
, the process sets
. It also sets
. After all the seeds are selected, for
, the process checks whether all the faults
detected by
are also detected by subsets
such that
. This requires fault simulation of every
fault such that
under subsets
such that
. If all the faults with
are detected by
other subsets, the process updates the variable
for every
such fault to reflect another subset based on which is detected.
It also sets
. At the end, the process removes from
SEED every seed
for which
D. Selecting Parameters
The parameters of the on-chip test generation hardware,
and sel, are selected as follows.
The value of mod determines the probability of avoiding repeated synchronization by modifying a primary input vector
of based on the cube . Experimental results for benchmark circuits indicate that
or 4 is suitable for all the
circuits considered, and that decreasing or increasing mod beyond these values does not produce a higher fault coverage. We
when it is sufficient for matching or exceeding the
fault coverage reported in [19], and
not sufficient for this purpose. It was necessary to use
only for one circuit.
Increasing and can potentially increase the fault coverage.
Increasing increases the number of available tests, and increasing reduces the dependencies between the values of the
primary inputs. Increasing sel can potentially decrease the fault
coverage since it decreases the number of tests that will be applied to the circuit.
Considering the values suitable for different circuits and the
effects of increasing and decreasing these values, the values
found to be effective are
, or 8192,
, and
or 512. The value of determines the number of LFSR bits to
. This number is limited to be at most 300. The following
process is applied in order to select the values of these parameters for a given circuit.
, the process considers
and 16. For every value of such that
it selects seeds
as described in the previous subsection using
. It finds
a fault coverage denoted by
. Of all the values of
, it selects the lowest one that yields the highest fault coverage.
This is the value of selected for the circuit.
Next, the process considers
and 8192.
For every value of it considers
. For every
value of and sel it selects seeds as described in the previous
subsection using
. It finds a fault coverage denoted
. The process continues to increase sel for each
value of only as long as the fault coverage does not go down,
or until sel reaches its upper bound of 512.
Of the solutions obtained with
, the following ones
are reported.




1) If the fault coverage does not exceed that of [19] for any
solution, we report on the following solutions.
a) The solution with the highest fault coverage and the
lowest number of seeds.
b) The solution with the highest fault coverage and the
lowest number of applied tests.
2) If the fault coverage of at least one solution exceeds that of
[19], we report on the following solutions.
a) The solution with the highest fault coverage.
b) The solution with a fault coverage higher than that of
[19] and the lowest number of seeds.
c) The solution with a fault coverage higher than that of
[19] and the lowest number of applied tests.
One of these solutions is expected to be the most appropriate
for the circuit. In addition to these solutions there are others with
intermediate numbers of seeds and applied tests, which are not
The circuits considered for the on-chip generation of functional broadside tests are ISCAS-89 and ITC-99 benchmarks

that are testable using functional tests. This excludes from

, and
, for
consideration circuits such as
which the fault coverage achievable by functional tests is very
low. Practical circuits are expected to be testable by functional
tests of the type considered here.
The initial state of the circuit is assumed to be the all-0 state.
Transition faults are used as the target fault model. For the LFSR
in the implementation of the on-chip test generation hardware,
a primitive LFSR from [20] is used.
The highest number of specified values in the cube used
for avoiding repeated synchronization in any circuit was six.
Thus, at most six mod-input gates are required for modifying
the primary input sequence as illustrated by Fig. 2.
The results are shown in Table IV as follows. The first row
for every circuit provides the results from [19] for comparison.
The next rows provide the results of the on-chip test generation
process described in this paper, corresponding to the solutions
with the highest fault coverage, the lowest number of seeds, and
the lowest number of applied tests, as discussed earlier. Each
row is organized as follows.
and sel show the values of the corresponding parameters.


Column seq shows the number of primary input sequences

(and the number of seeds) selected.
Column tests subcolumn app shows the number of tests applied based on the selected sequences, and subcolumn eff shows
the number of tests that improve the fault coverage when they
are applied. Some applied tests do not increase the fault coverage since the function apply does not exclude all the tests that
do not increase the fault coverage.
Column f.c. shows the transition fault coverage achieved by
the tests applied on-chip. For all of the circuits considered, the
on-chip generation of functional broadside tests achieves a transition fault coverage that is the same as or higher than that reported in [13] using an offline test generation procedure.
Column gates shows the following numbers of gates.
1) For the approach from [19], the modification of the primary input sequence based on requires a two-input gate
for every specified bit of . In addition, each sequence requires a gate for selecting the tests that will be applied to
the circuit. The multiplexer required for selecting the appropriate gate for each sequence has one AND gate for every
sequence, and an OR gate to produce the output of the multiplexer. Overall, the number of gates is estimated as the
number of specified bits in plus the number of sequences.
2) For the approach described in this paper, the hardware
structure is illustrated by Figs. 2 and 3. The modification of
the primary input sequence based on requires a gate for
every specified bit of . In addition, a single gate is used
for selecting the tests that will be applied to the circuit. The
same gate is used for implementing the selection for all the
sequences, and no multiplexers are needed to select among
the different sequences. The number of gates is equal to the
number of specified bits in plus one.
Column LFSR shows the number of LFSR bits. In spite of the
larger size of the LFSR compared with the approach from [19],
the approach described in this paper has the advantage that it
reduces the need for random logic, and it already accommodates
the need to reduce dependencies between primary input values
in order to increase the fault coverage.
From Table IV it can be seen that, the simplified hardware and
the reduced dependencies between the values assigned to the
primary inputs, allows the on-chip test generation approach described in this paper to achieve a higher fault coverage than that
reported in [19] for several circuits. The fault coverage using the
proposed hardware structure is never lower than that reported in
The proposed hardware also provides the flexibility needed
to produce solutions with low numbers of different seeds or low
numbers of applied tests. The numbers of applied tests are typically higher than in [19] due to the simpler hardware structure.
However, even with higher numbers of applied tests, the numbers remain manageable.
It is also interesting to consider the fault coverage of the primary input sequences that can be applied under the proposed approach when they are used as functional test sequences, without
using scan. We used the on-chip test generation hardware for
generating functional test sequences targeting single stuck-at
faults, using the parameters
or 16, and
. The selection between
and 16 was made based on



the number of primary inputs. For a circuit with up to 10 primary inputs,

ensures that the LFSR is large enough to
produce effective test sequences. For a circuit with more than
10 primary inputs,
is sufficient.
The on-chip test generation hardware was simulated with several different seeds, until the last
sequences did not
improve the single stuck-at fault coverage.
The results are shown in Table V, as follows. Columns
and show the values of the corresponding parameters.
Column seq shows the number of primary input sequences (and
the number of seeds) selected. Column eff shows the maximum
length required for any applied sequence. If a sequence
length does not detect any additional faults after the first
primary input vectors are applied, its effective length is
The number under column eff is the maximum value of
considering all the selected primary input sequences. Column
f.c. shows the single stuck-at fault coverage. For comparison,
column determ shows the single stuck-at fault coverage that
is known to be achievable using offline deterministic test sequences. This fault coverage is not available for
the circuit is highly untestable using functional test sequences
and it is not considered by test generation procedures for
non-scan circuits.
From Table V it can be seen that, for several of the circuits
considered, the proposed approach produces functional test sequences that match the achievable offline single stuck-at fault
coverage. For other circuits, the fault coverage is significantly
lower than that achievable offline. It should be noted that the
proposed on-chip hardware achieves the highest known transition fault coverage using functional broadside tests, and that it
was not designed to produce functional test sequences. The difference between functional test sequences and functional broadside tests can be explained as follows.
Fault detection by the application of functional test sequences
requires that the circuit be brought into states where faults can
be activated. It also requires the propagation of fault effects to
the primary outputs. The first requirement exists for functional
broadside tests as well, and the primary input sequences produced by the on-chip test generation hardware are effective for
this purpose. However, the sequences may not include propagation sequences since this is not a requirement for functional
broadside tests. If propagation sequences are not included, the
fault coverage of the sequences, when considered as functional
test sequences, may be lower.



This points to the existence of a substantial difference between generating functional test sequence and generating functional broadside tests. Due to this difference, substantially different on-chip hardware may be required for the two applications.
This paper described an on-chip test generation method for
functional broadside tests. The hardware was based on the application of primary input sequences starting from a known reachable state, thus using the circuit to produce additional reachable
states. Random primary input sequences were modified to avoid
repeated synchronization and thus yield varied sets of reachable
states. Two-pattern tests were obtained by using pairs of consecutive time units of the primary input sequences. The hardware
structure was simple and fixed, and it was tailored to a given
circuit only through the following parameters: 1) the length of
the LFSR used for producing a random primary input sequence;
2) the length of the primary input sequence; 3) the specific gates
used for modifying the random primary input sequence; 4) the
specific gate used for selecting applied tests; and 5) the seeds for
the LFSR. The on-chip generation of functional broadside tests
achieved high transition fault coverage for testable circuits.
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Irith Pomeranz (M89SM96F99) received the
B.Sc. degree (summa cum laude) in computer engineering and the D.Sc degree from the Department of
Electrical Engineering, TechnionIsrael Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel, in 1985 and 1989, respectively.
From 1989 to 1990, she was a Lecturer with the
Department of Computer Science, Technion. From
1990 to 2000, she was a faculty member with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Iowa. In 2000, she joined the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University. Her research interests
include testing of VLSI circuits, design for testability, synthesis and design verification.
Dr. Pomeranz was a recipient of the NSF Young Investigator Award in 1993,
and of the University of Iowa Faculty Scholar Award in 1997. She is a Golden
Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society.

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