Jewel C

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I was surrounded by darkness.

There was nothing around but me and my enemy; the

dragon. I was covered in silver plating like a knight, and in my hand I had a sword that was
glowing from the thick handle to the sharp point. I wouldn't have known what it was without that
one word that floated across my memory; excalibur. It was mesmerizing. I was taken from the
spell of the sword as the dragon reaches out at me and blows a stream of fire. With instincts I
was unaware I had, I jumped out of the path of fire behind a giant boulder of stone that appeared
out of nowhere. As I look around for anyway out of that terrifying place, suddenly an
extraordinary stone tower shimmers through the darkness. After a moment of silence, I run up
the staircase of the tower that comes to a sudden halt at the very top. I went to turn around but
the stairs were crumbling behind me stopping me in my tracks. The dragon knew that I was
trapped so as its final movements, it slithered up the side of the tower slowly, mocking me. As its
head got closer to me, I was injected with a rush of adrenaline like I've never felt before in the 18
years that I have been alive. Without even thinking, I jump off the ledge of the tower with
excalibur raised high in the air ready to strike. Just as gravity started to work its magic and pull
me closer to the ground, with the dragon in between, the sword starts to glow like it did previous
to coming in close contact with the fire-breathing monster. Everything seemed in slow motion
just before the sword came in contact with the dragon. Then an alarm rang, echoing in my mind
and all around me. I jumped up in my bed, sweating from head to toe. What just happened?
My alarm was screaming the way it does every morning to wake me up for school. I
always have it set for 6:15, but my clock read 7:30. I'm going to be late for school! I thought. I
hopped out of bed and rushed to get dressed, brush my hair, get the slightest amount of makeup
on, and get downstairs in enough time to eat breakfast. I saw my mother standing in the kitchen
cooking pancakes and blaring 80s music from the grubby radio on top of the fridge.

Mom why didn't you wake me up? I'm going to be late for school and I don't even have
enough time to eat breakfast. I'm going to starve! I cried dramatically as I got Moms attention.
Oh calm down honey youll be just fine. I already packed a breakfast for you to take on
the bus. See how helpful I am to you? But obviously you don't because all you like to do is
complain, Mom said jokingly as she handed me a lunch box packed with 2 pancakes, 3 pieces
of bacon, and a water bottle with orange juice in it. Now scoot cause I ain't got the time to take
you to school. Oh and have a good first day as a senior! she yelled when I was already halfway
down the block. Yes it was today. The day I've been waiting for since I was a freshman three
years ago. It was finally my senior year. Little did I know, it was the day my new life began.
I get to the corner of the block right before my bus starts to pull away and leave me
stranded to walk to school alone. Luckily one of the passengers sitting at the back of the bus
yelled at the driver to stop. In a huff, I slam down on a seat in the front of the bus, the same seat
that I sit in every other day of the week. But today was different. There was someone else sitting
there too. Someone I've never seen before in my life.
Oh sorry, I didn't see you there, I whisper as the heat of my embarrassment rises to my
cheeks, making them the color of a ripe strawberry.
Oh thats ok. I wouldn't have noticed me either if I were you, the strange guy said.
Whys that? I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
Because I'm a new student. Just moved here from living with my aunt in England for a
year, he explained.
He went into a story of explaining how he has traveled all over America from foster home
to foster home and finally ended up with his aunt. But I was not thinking about what he was
telling me. I couldn't help but look from the top of his head, covered in solid golden blonde hair

that shaped his face and blew with the wind. With my eyes I traced his face, his ferm cheek
bones, his perfectly sized lips, his slight scruff that he had on his chin and above his lip. Then I
looked up into his eyes. They were the color of sunflowers in the summer, a fascinating color of
yellow. He was flawless.
You understand don't you? I've never met anyone that has been through the same
situation as me, he proclaimed.
I-I uh.. I stuttered. I didn't want to tell him that I was not listening. I wanted to tell him
that I understood everything, that I wanted to be there for him, to be his shoulder to cry on. But I
couldn't. He would think I'm crazy. So instead I just said one simple word. Yes.
Cool. he said, as the bus came to a stop in front of the high school. Oh, and I never
got your name.
Its Delta, I told him shyly.
Thats a really cool name. My name is Dean, he said as we stepped off the bus. As we
walked into the school, he turned towards me. I hope we see each other again. It was really nice
running into you. Literally, he mentioned and chuckled a little before we went our separate
When I got my schedule from the secretaries in the office to get my afternoon schedule, I
was electrified to find out that I had my friend Gabriel was in almost all of the same classes as
me. He has been my best friend, and close to only friend, since kindergarten. He was the best.
But there is one fact about him that most people wouldn't guess from just looking at him. He's
gay, and he sure does act like it too. So when I was at my locker getting my things and he
showed up, we both cheered like we were part of the pep squad.

I can't believe we will finally have our classes together since in foreva!! he cheered
Ya I know right I'm so excited. I just wish we had the beginning of the day together too
not just the end. Although no more days of being the person who is always stuck with Smelly
Pete because they don't have a partner, I explained, relieved out of my wits.
Oh honey, those days for you are over. Now you can be with me! Gabriel continued to
do the thing he does best, cheer people up.
Although the only reason why I needed to be cheered up is because I couldn't take my
mind of the mystery guy I met this morning. Dean. His name lingered in my mind distracting me
from every activity I have tried to accomplish today. It was the worst and the best thing that has
happened to me yet. I was just glad I only had one class period left. But then one thing I was not
sure of though was why I couldn't stop thinking about him. So as I get to my locker to get my
stuff for my last class a crazy idea pops into my head.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! I gasped once I found the missing piece in the puzzle.
Delta? Delta what is it? Gabriel asked trying to snap me out of whatever spell was
taking over me.
Oh my gosh. I like him!! As I looked up at Gabriel, the moment I said the words out
loud he was almost as shocked as me.
Who is it? Who do you like?! Gabriel was now holding me by my arms and shaking me
so hard, if he would have let go I would have flung across the hallway.
Dean. His name is.. Dean, I tried to say but barely had enough air in my lungs to get it

The new kid? Oh honey I'm sorry but he is way out of your league. I just saw him
flirting with Elena West and her gang of demons earlier this morning. She probably already has
him wrapped around her finger, he explained sympathetically.
Elena West was the most popular girl in school. She flirted with just about every guy in
the school, but for different reasons. With the football stars, because she wants them, the nerds
because she wants them to do her homework, and everyone else in between. She was
everybodys worst nightmare.
Oh. Um well it obviously such a big crush if I just thought about it so it's not a big deal,
I muttered trying to sound as casual as possible but really wanting to ball my eyes out.
After I get all of my things out of my locker I walk away from Gabriel without saying
another word. I just wanted to go home. I need to get away from everyone and everything but I
still had an hour left of school. The bell rang for Literature Art, my last class, as soon as I sat in
my seat. I scanned the room to see if any of my other friends were in this class. But with no luck,
I was all alone. Well on the bright side, I wouldn't have to talk to anyone I don't want to. With a
blink of an eye, that all changed.
Good afternoon class. I am your teacher, Mr. West, the teacher I've never seen before
said as he wrote his name on the whiteboard. Now for your very first graded assignment for the
year, you will be working with an assigned partner to combine details of your summer to create
the perfect fictional story. Keyword, fictional. Although you will be using real life facts, you will
have to transform them into enhancing the plot of your story. So before I start reading off the
partners, think about what events would be appropriate to use, which ones might not be,
Oh great now I'm going to have to work with someone that I don't want to, I thought. So
far this was not a good ending to my day.

Now these partners are random so don't come up to me saying you have to change your
partner because of history that you may or may not have. I don't really care. So listen carefully
and once you hear your name get called then stand by your partner.
As I sat patiently waiting for my name to be called which would most likely be called last
because my last name is Vega and every English teacher I have had in the past, did things by last
name. The same thing goes for this teacher as well.
.... Delta Vega and Elena West, Mr. West called.
What! I yelled out in front of the class when meaning for it to be just in my head. I was
unaware that I said it out loud until I saw everyone in the class, including Elena, staring at me.
Oh umm, uh, I stuttered, scared out of my wits.
Well obviously you might not be proud of the partner you got, Ms. Vega, but I will
assure you Ms. West is a very enjoyable person to work with, Mr. West said glaring at me. I
would know, well because she's my daughter. He proceeded to embarrass me far more than I
was previously. And that started to piss me off. I couldn't help but slam my school books on my
desk and dash out of the classroom, not caring if anyone followed me. I ran down the hall into
the bathroom and slammed the stall door behind me. As I lightly slammed by body against the
cold brick wall, I slid to the ground with tears running down my face.
I could feel my rage and embarrassment coursing through my body, trying to escape.
Trying to let it out I flung my arms out in front of me and a bolt of blue light came out of my
fingertips and slammed into the stall door, melting off a layer. I was so freaked out by what I just
did, I wasn't even sure if that was actually me. I looked down at my shaking hands, but they
looked completely normal. No burnt marks like the one on the stall door. My mind was racing
with questions that I couldn't answer. The only thing I knew in that moment was I needed to get

out of there. I was so grateful when the bell rang for the end of the day so I could get out of there
as fast as I could. I walked out the school doors and hopped on the bus, not wanting to talk to
anyone. But as my luck has it, as I sat in my seat on the bus, staring out the window, he sits right
next to me. The one person that I definitely did not want to talk to right now.
Hey, Dean said unaware that I was not in the mood to talk.
I'm surprised you're not with Elena right now, I snapped at him, without even meaning
He gave me a look that told me how I offended him and then I definitely felt horrible.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. I just didn't have a good afternoon, I apologized.
Its ok. What happened that made you upset? Dean questioned
Oh well someone gave me some bad news and it kinda ruined my day and then I got
embarrassed in front of the class by the teacher and then... um well never mind about that.
Care to elaborate?
No not really. Sorry it's just too hard to talk about still, I muttered.
That's ok. Whenever you need to talk you can call me. Here's my number, he said as he
handed me a slip of paper with 12 digits written down.
Oh um thanks? I accidently said it as a question, but thankfully he didn't notice.
We sat in silence for a few minutes before the bus came to a standstill at the end of my
This is my stop, I mention as I stand up expecting Dean to let me through.
Really? This is my stop too, he said smiling as he stood up next to me.
Oh um ok, I didn't know what to say. What if the guy I wanted to be with all the time,
but also wanted to avoid, lived right next to me!

We got off the bus and silently walked in the direction of my house. As we walked up to
my mailbox, I stopped and turned to face him.
Well this is my place, I said awkwardly.
Yeah I live two doors down, he said still smiling at me.
Why are you smiling at me like that? I asked. I couldn't help but smile slightly back.
I don't know. You're different from any other girl I've met here.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I asked quietly looking at the ground and then back
at him.
I'm still trying to figure that out.
We stood in silence for what felt like forever, staring into each other's eyes, until finally
he moved closer to me. He started to lean in towards my face. Without knowing what was even
happening, his lips met mine. It was something that I've never experienced in my life. The world
around me exploded into blaring hot red and white flames. Literally.
To be Continued....

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