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AJ K 1

Period 7
Aleksandra Maria Rosenthal, A name which never really fit the short kid with
heterochromia and a speech impediment. He was really a boy, besides the larger chest, wide hips,
tiny waist and very feminine features. His name wasnt Aleksandra. His name was Alek. His hair
was very long, down to his waist. Luckily, hed saved up and already bought a chest binder,
which had flattened his chest down and, he could easily lie to his foster mom about where he was
going. he put his hair in the usual ponytail and left the house, dawdling a bit to hold and pet his
rat named Basil. He set the rat back in the little terrarium and,told his foster mother, Ms.Halley,
that he was going to the library. His foster mother was terribly conservative, which scared him
the most about all of this. He had already packed all of his things, as well as Basils. He wasnt
sure that this was the best way to come out, but it was better than all the crying and shaking that
would come with talking. Coming out like this might actually be worse, but this was his only
When he got home, he slowly and shakily took his beanie and baggy flannel, which he
usually wore to hide his chest, off. He took a deep breath in...and out. He went and picked up
Basil. He pet the rodent and let him sit on his shoulder. He handed him a small cheese block,
which he picked up and nibbled on. Ms.Halley wasnt home yet. He laid on the floor and allowed
Basil to crawl around a bit in a fenced area. He smiled and watched. He could hear the other
Foster Kids outside in the backyard. He put Basil away and went back downstairs to the living

AJ K 2
Period 7
room. The maid, who only spoke in German greeted him happily to which he replied. He waited
on the couch and when his foster mom came home she gave him a once over. He stood up Mo- I
mean Ms.Halley, Im pansexual and Transgender. She nodded Okay but whats Pansexual?
He sighed It means that I dont care what sex or gender someone is, I fall in love based on who
they are as a person. She nodded Okay, Alek. There was no loving hug or huge speech. He
felt empty. He went back up to his room and played with Basil. He sat and wondered about his
sister, who was adopted a week or so in the past. Everyone knew her as Landon. She was also
Transgender. He looked at an old photo of them on his desk and just hoped that his beloved sister
was okay.
At supper, he grabbed his food and went upstairs. Brandie, a fellow foster child, noticed
him. Of course he wasnt this lucky. Sandra, why is your hair short? She asked, looking up at
him Its Alek Aleksandra was adopted. He lied, not wanting to explain to a four year old
what Transgender was. He ate, took care of his dishes and, went lied in bed on his laptop. He
tried texting his sister, for the fourth time this month.
Hi. the word read showed up. He froze in excitement.
Sup, sis?
Oh yeah, Sorry.
Its okay have you come out?

AJ K 3
Period 7
He smiled widely, tears welling up in his eyes
When? How did your moms react?
They were supportive, Im starting hormone treatment soon.
So am I!
All good news. It was all okay now. He smiled and closed his laptop after saying
goodnight to Alice. He fell asleep peacefully. He woke up again, his hair was long, his binder
wasnt there and all of his clothes were baggy sweaters and skinny jeans. He pulled a sweater on
and squeezed his legs into tight jeans. He grabbed his wallet and ordered a binder. He went
outside and started the car and drove to the hair salon.

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