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Amanda Whitley

Period 1
Research Source 1
TMJ is the temperomandibular joint.
A few years after Herbst treatment, many patients may experience a
form of osteoarthritis due to the strain on the bone to grow.
The mandible is held forward in a permanent position which interferes
with the natural physiology of the jaw. This interference leads to the
discomfort and arthritis that some patients may experience a few years
after going through Herbst treatment.
Disc displacement is another common side effect to having the herbst
Common side effects of TMJ are surface erosion, osteophyte,
subcortical cysts, or sclerosis.
The patients with TMJ osteoarthritis did not correlate with TMJ pain.
They may have observed the clicking of the disc, but they did not
experience pain in the jaw area.
In an experiment done by Hans Pancherz, Hanna Sale, and Krister
Bjerklin, they looked at the coorelation of the herbst appliance with
general population, and they concluded that in long-term relations, it
was not harmful to TMJ.
But that being said, the case may have been a little biased due to
people dropping out of the study, so it really is hard to calculate if
TMJ is affected by the Herbst appliance.

Hans Pancherz, Hanna Sal, and Krister Bjerklin (2015) Signs and symptoms of TMJ
disorders in adults after adolescent Herbst therapy: A 6-year and 32-year radiographic

and clinical follow-up study. The Angle Orthodontist: September 2015, Vol. 85, No. 5,
pp. 735-742.

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