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Amanda Whitley

Period 1 HST ISM

There may be different skeletal and dental changes in the growing patient of

herbst-splint appliance.
When using a Herbst, one purpose is to obtain a symmetrical look and straighter

In this study it goes over one disadvantage of the Herbst appliance, breakage.
The theoretical advantage of a splint version would be that the acrylic coverage
would include several teeth, especially the lower incisors, potentially controlling

the amount of proclination of the incisors during treatment.

The studies selected showed that use of the splint-type Herbst appliance resulted

in increased anterioposterior length of the mandible.

It also increased the height of the ramus. (Bone furthest back on the jaw)
As well as mandibular proclination.
But there were no changes to the upper incisors.
There may be some relapse in patients, though unknown why, in the after
treatment of herbst.
Flores-Mir, Carlos, Abenaa Ayeh, Ashim Goswani, and Shouresh Charkhandeh.
"Skeletal and Dental Changes in Class II Division 1 Malocclusions Treated with
Splint-Type Herbst Appliances." The Angle Orhtodontist 77.2 (2007): 37681. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

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