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Literary Theory

1. Aestheticism

Often associated with Romanticism, a
philosophy defining aesthetic value as
the primary goal in understanding

2. Russian formalism
a school of literary criticism and


Art For Art's Sake

Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, Harold

Boris Eichenbaum, Viktor
Shklovsky and Yury Tynyanov

The Theory of the Formal Method

literary theory having mainly to do with

structural purposes of a particular text

3. Deconstruction

a strategy of "close" reading that elicits

the ways that key terms and concepts
may be paradoxical or selfundermining, rendering their meaning

4. Marxism

which emphasizes themes of class


5. New Criticism

looks at literary works on the basis of

what is written, and not at the goals of
the author or biographical issues

6. Postcolonialism

7. Postmodernism

focuses on the influences of

colonialism in literature, especially
regarding the historical conflict
resulting from the exploitation of less
developed countries and indigenous
peoples by Western nations
criticism of the conditions present in
the twentieth century, often with
concern for those viewed as social

Of Spirit
Jacques Derrida, Paul de Man, J. Hillis
Miller, Philippe LacoueLabarthe, Gayatri Spivak, Avital Ronell

Georg Lukcs, Valentin

Voloshinov, Raymond
Williams, Terry Eagleton, Fredric
Jameson, Theodor Adorno, Walter

The Theory of the Novel

Who Speaks for the Negro?

W. K. Wimsatt, F. R. Leavis, John
Crowe Ransom, Cleanth
Brooks, Robert Penn Warren
Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, Homi Bhabha and Declan

Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes,

Gilles Deleuze, Flix Guattari and
Maurice Blanchot

Orientalism (1978)

The History of Madness

8. Psychoanalysis

explores the role of consciousnesses

and the unconscious in literature
including that of the author, reader, and
characters in the text

Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan,

Harold Bloom, Slavoj iek, Viktor

1904 The Psychopathology of

Everyday Life

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