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Christian Religious leader

1: Yes there is some discrimination on institutional level; the academic curriculum
does not include the religious content about Christians in contrast to Muslims. The
Blasphemy law is against the freedom of expression of the minorities. The Christians
are not consulted upon the religious frameworks which are leading to conflicts and
2: The minorities face discrimination by the law; they are not tried according to their
religious fundamentals. The Hudood ordinance also imposes Islamic decree on
them. The Christians are forced to work as sweepers; they are not entitled in
schools and are mistreated by the Muslims.
3: Police is working against the right of the freedom of expression in Pakistan. Police
is being guided by the ministry of defence and they do not resolve the issues or
conflicts filed by the minorities.
4: The Blasphemy law and hudood ordinance acts are violating the proclamations of
reserving the rights of the minorities by the politicians.

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