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The script is very well organized.
One idea or scene follows another
in a logical sequence with clear

The script is pretty well organized.
One idea or scene may seem out of
place. Clear transitions are used.

The script is a little hard to follow.
The transitions are sometimes not

Ideas and scenes seem to be
randomly arranged.

Spelling & Punctuation

There are no spelling or

punctuation errors in the final draft.

There is one spelling or

punctuation error in the final draft.

There are 2-3 spelling and

punctuation errors in the final draft.

The final draft has more than 3

spelling and punctuation errors.

Setting & Stage Directions

Viewers have no problem

identifying setting with a clear
description heading and description
of the situation at the beginning of
the dialogue.
Setting and stage directions are
written in the proper format.

Viewers have some problems with

setting. Either the description
heading or description of the
situation is missing details.
The authors have used their
imagination with stage directions,
but more could have been used.
Setting and stage directions are
missing one element of proper

Viewers can figure out what the

setting is.
The story contains a few creative
details and/or descriptions, but they
distract from the story. The authors
have tried to use their imagination,
but there are minimal stage

Viewers have trouble figuring out

what the setting is as the
description heading and
descriptions of the situation are
either lacking or not present.
There are no stage directions.


The main characters are named and

personality is clear. Most readers
could describe the characters

The main characters are named and

personality is somewhat clear. Most
readers would have some idea of
the characters.

The main characters are named.

The reader knows very little about
the characters.

It is hard to tell who the main

characters are.


There is an appropriate amount of

dialogue to bring the characters to
life and flows naturally.
There is a minimum of 20 lines for
each character.
It is always clear which character is
speaking. Proper 'print' and format
used. Dialogue is well developed
and varied.

There is too much dialogue in this

story, but somewhat flows
There are 17-20 lines for each
It is usually clear which character is
speaking and proper 'print' and
format is used. Dialogue is well
developed, but could be more
varied in structure.

There is not quite enough dialogue

in this script. Dialogue is choppy
and not well developed.
There are 15-17 lines for each
It is usually clear which character is
speaking, but proper 'print' and
format are not used correctly

Dialogue does not flow naturally.

Hard to follow characters' dialogue
and minimal effort is put into
There are less than 15 lines for each

It is very easy for the reader to

understand the problem the main
characters face and why it is a

It is fairly easy for the reader to

understand the problem the main
characters face and why it is a

It is fairly easy for the reader to

understand the problem the main
characters face, but it is not clear
why it is a problem.

It is not clear what problem the

main characters face.

Problem & Conflict

Script Format Rubric


/24 points

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