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To our esteemed Director, ____________, to our Assistant Director, ___________, coparticipants in this Seminar, Ladies and Gentlemen, good

It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome on behalf of the
Commission on Election Region 10 and to say how grateful we are to all of you who are here
to convene and attend this Regional Seminar on Anti-Sexual Harassment.
It is an opportune time for us to know and equip ourselves with information that will protect
us from gender discrimination, which in some way or the other, will likewise prohibit sexual
harassment. Prevention is always better than cure. Hence, the most effective weapon against
sexual harassment is prevention. Harassment does not disappear on its own. In fact, it is
more likely that when the problem is not addressed, the harassment will worsen and become
more difficult to remedy as time goes on.
Sexual harassment is a huge problem in today's society for women, as well as for men.
Attraction to others and talking about sexually related topics are a part of human nature.
Unfortunately, people sometimes overstep their boundaries and go too far. This can cause a
problem in a professional work place.
That is why it is gratifying to note that we are privileged to be here today to witness and be
part of this Anti-Sexual Harassment Seminar. We hope that this Seminar will educate us so
that we may impart and share to others the knowledge that we may acquire today to help us
prevent and stop sexual harassment, not only in our workplace but everywhere.
In conclusion, I would like to welcome all of you once again to this Seminar and I wish all of
us success and knowledge! Thank you and good morning!

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