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edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Taylor Shropshire
Central Focus: The central focus of this lesson is
comparing and contrasting between two animals, in
non-fiction texts.

Subject: ELA/Literacy
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

Date submitted: 11/18
Date taught: 11/16
Compare and contrast the most important points
and key details presented in two texts on the same
Daily Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to put at least 3 facts in each section of the Venn diagram given. They will have 3 facts
under crocodiles, 3 facts under the similarities, and 3 facts under alligators. The students will be reading
articles as a class and with a partner to decide the 3 facts necessary for each section. Students will need to
provide 8 out of 9 accurate facts in order to gain full mastery in the concept.
21st Century Skills:
Critical thinking and communication

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Hatchling-a young alligator
Mammal-A warm-blooded animal
Reptile-A cold-blooded animal
Wetland-an area of land covered by water and plants
Swamp-an area of low, wet land where plants grow in
the water

Prior Knowledge:
Students must know what compare means and what contrast means, Students must also know what is
considered a key details versus a minor detail. Students must be able to point out the overall topic and main
idea of a passage.


1. Focus and Review (5 min)

2. Statement of Objective
for Student (1 min)
3. Teacher Input (10 min)

Start of by asking the class: what does it mean when something is
considered non-fiction?
Writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people. The
writing is true and not made up and there is evidence to support the
I know that you all have been working really hard with informational
text structures.
Can somebody tell me a text structure you have learned about?
Description, problem and solution, compare and contrast, cause and
effect, sequence.
Say: Now lets see if you can tell me what tool is used to compare
and contrast information? Venn diagram.
Today we are going to create a Venn diagram. We will use the Venn
diagram to compare and contrast two different types of reptiles and
mammals using non-fiction text.
When you compare two things you ask yourself, How are these
things alike? When you contrast two things you ask yourself. How

4. Guided Practice (10-15 min)

5. Independent Practice (15 min)

are these things different?

Some words that signal comparisons are: Both, each, like, same,
also, too. Some words that signal contrasts are: Different, but, on
the other hand, however.
Watch me as I compare and contrast a car and a skateboard. (Show
Venn Diagram on the board)
How are they alike:
Both are forms of transportation
They each have wheels
Cars come in different colors and skateboards do also
A car cost money and so does a skateboard
How are they different:
A car is large but a skateboard is small
You usually sit in a car but you stand on a skateboard
Many people can ride in a car, however only one person rides
on a skateboard.
A car has doors but a skateboard does not
Make sure the class agrees with the Venn diagram creation, and ask
if they can think of any other examples that might have been missed.
If not, make sure that no one has any questions before moving on to
the guided practice.
Pull up and go to the section about black bears and
grizzly bears. (Mammals bears)
In pairs have the class read the articles about black bears first and
then read the article about grizzly bears.
Have them circle the differences, and underline the similarities.
Say: Now with your reading partner you are going to read two
articles. One about black bears and one about grizzly bears. I want
you to circle differences, and underline similarities. Create one Venn
diagram together in one of the two journals. Make sure you have 3
facts in each column.
While the students are reading remind to think about a few key
questions to generate understanding:
What do black bears and grizzly bears have in common? How are
black bears and grizzly bears different?
After the class has finished reading the two articles create a Venn
Diagram on the board.
Have the class tell what the title of each section of the Venn diagram
should be. (Black bear, similarities, grizzly bears.)
After the diagram is labeled have the class give at least 3 facts to put
in each section of the diagram.
Not limited to:
Grizzly bears- Are about 8 ft long, live mostly in Canada and Alaska,
and eat berries.
Similarities- Both are mammals, hibernate in winter, babies are called
Black bears- Are about 7 ft long, live mostly in forests in north
America, and dont eat in the winter.
Have the students return to their desk to complete the next task
independently. The students will be given two articles and a blank
Venn Diagram. One that discusses alligators and another that
discusses crocodiles. The students are to read the two articles
independently and label the Venn diagram correctly and put at least

three facts in each section of the Venn Diagram.

Throughout the lesson I will assess students first by class discussion,
then by the worksheet they are to complete independently. In order to
show full mastery the students must list at least 8 out of the 9
required facts correctly in the right space on the Venn diagram.
To close the lesson there will be a class discussion. The class will
share new things they learned about grizzly bears, black bears,
7. Closure (5-10 min)
crocodiles, and alligators today. What surprised you? What was
something new you learned? What did you already know?
18 out of 21 students were able to master the compare and contrast
concept using a Venn diagram. This shows me that overall the class
8. Assessment Results of
understands the concept and the 3 students that did not master the
all objectives/skills:
concept might need some small group help that focuses on
comparing and contrasting.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations
Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
For the higher-level students I will have them write a
summary that compares and contrast alligators and
crocodiles. This will give them another opportunity to
demonstrate their learning and will challenge them
more. Students will also be placed in pairs based on
ways that will benefit them the most. There are no
other accommodations/modifications that need to be
6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills:

Internet to access PebbleGo for all articles (
A board to complete my Venn Diagram
Venn Diagram worksheet for each student
Alligator and Crocodile passage for each student
Grizzly bear and Black bear passage for each student
Each student will need a pencil
Dry erase markers
CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ___________________Date: ____

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