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HS lanSpex technology and ines copyright) HS 2008 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 5167-1 ‘Second edtion Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full — Part 1: General principles and requirements ‘Mesure de débit des fuides au moyen d'appareils déprimogénes insérés dans des conduites en charge de section circulare — Partie 1: Prncipes généraux et exigences générales rence number 180 5167-1:2003(E) © 1802003 180 5167-1:2003(E) POF disclaimer ‘This POF fe may contain embossed typefaces. n accordance wth Adobe's Heonsing poly ths lo may be pinto or owed but hal tbe ede unless the ype which are embeded are Icened o and netaled onthe computor pafoming te edng 10 owrioadig te fl, parioe aooopt torn tho responsibly of not infinging Adobo: oonsing pot. The SO Canal Secretariat ‘scoop no lly in hs area ‘Adobo is trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporatud. Dotae of tho softwar products sod fo coat this POF flo can bo found inthe General Info relative to the fe; the POF-

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