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Kelly OConnor

Dr. Robert Arnold

ENG 2116
Fall 2015

These are technical medical instructions, which seem to have been put
together haphazardly. A pharmacy is a place of business, so the
communications they relay to customers are representative of their
professional conduct and ability.
This was one of many examples of poorly done pharmacy
instructions available on the web, so clearly there is something wrong
with the practice of shorthand that they utilize and they should work to
improve it industry-wide for the sake of their customers. The short
hand is archaic and because we are talking about medicine here, it is
also dangerous.

As the book indicated, you need special knowledge to

understand the shorthand and pharmaceutical lingo often used in
normal instruction. This does not work for the average consumer and
it must be very confusing in-house when each employee has his or her
own style as well. As the book stated, directions should be clearly
asserted, explicit and defensible.

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