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Marina Farag

ISM Period 1
Scott, Margaret, MD. "Implantation Bleeding or Period? 5 Leading Signs of Implantation
Spotting." All About Implantation Bleeding. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

Implantation bleeding is one of the first pregnancy signs.

Implantation bleeding is a scanty bloody discharge of pinkish or brownish color.
Lasts normally just for a couple of hours.
In rare cases implantation discharge may continue for 1-2 days.
Impregnation may happen during ovulation or right after it.
Body is going to launch a global hormonal rearrangement.
Gives you a personal privilege to determine your pregnancy even earlier than a hCG-test.
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage: Strong lower abdominal pain, severe
nausea, sudden vomiting and dizziness.
Bloody discharge during implantation is associated with partial destruction of the uterine
vessels when the fertilized egg embeds itself into the uterine wall.
In the 2nd phase of menstrual cycle the basal body temperature rises above 98.6F and
stays at the same level for about 2 weeks.
If implantation occurs, basal temperature drops below 98.6F with a sharp rise followed

This source goes in depth about the difference between implantation bleeding and usual period
bleeding. The source also contains five signs to differentiate between implantation bleeding that
identifies that you are in your early pregnancy versus the monthly period.

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