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MVC Music Store tutorial for ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update - v3.

0 release of this t
The code and tutorial can be downloaded from
The code for this project is available under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL
). The tutorial document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Lice
The following items are included in this tutorial:
1. MVC Music Store - Tutorial - v3.0.pdf
This is the tutorial document which will guide you through building the MVC Musi
c Store application from start to finish.
2. MvcMusicStore-Assets
This folder contains the assets you will need to build the application, includin
g images, CSS, database files, etc.
3. MvcMusicStore-Completed
This folder contains the source for the completed application, after you have co
mpleted the entire tutorial. You can refer to it if your application isn't worki
For more information, see the included tutorial document PDF.

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