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Caitlin Fallon Smith

Greening AUs
1st quarter
Total Hours: 30 hours
Weekly Green Cubs Hours: 20
Faculty communication: 10 hours
This year the recycling is being done by the Green Cubs. The
Green Cubs are students who are involved in the UMBC Young Explorer
program and volunteer some of their after school time to ensure that
greening efforts are taking place throughout the school.
The Green Cubs meet every Wednesday and Thursday. Students
in grades 1-3 are responsible for working in pairs in collecting,
emptying, and placing recycling bins in areas for city pick-up and
throughout the school to be filled.
Our goals this year include, but are not limited to:
- maintaining a sustainable single stream recycling program
- work with Green Lions as a leadership and support base for
young students interested in stewardship
- spread awareness of the necessity of protecting the environment
This quarter we have strong implementation working with the
Freedom Schools. This ensures student participation and connects
closely with their after-school science learning. The Green Cubs are
excited about their work and proud to be participating in such an
important cause.
Additionally, the Green Team has met with principals and other staff
to streamline and distribute environmental tasks. In so doing, the
school is functioning at a very high-level of greening efforts that
spreads across many grade levels.

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