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TPs: Owhat ts Thermodynamics ? © why do we study Heme? © pad how? Thermodynamics : He shidy of enery, a syctemate agereach -h different forms of mary Weak fewer Ly ty perform engineering analysis We study thermodynamics becouse 1 impmres everday life c Ly trancgortutton, fower generation, vivenginetring , wken Le treating. contny, tHYAC, revi geratton, ef. = We etary Thermodynamic Armolys We 105A, we srady Harmedyrantes macroccoptealy ~ He overall behamlor of te system Frnieroscopte view ts He stabstical treatment of particles AD Detwe the sytrem tp study © Set Hie boundaries of Hee ystem @Determine Hoe suwoundings (Ast: how does Hoe gps Whermct with its oureundings?) Sample Cold water cap on atabe Lo Be pte & wet oP + Heat conention? tr > cp BD Determine He type of system : + Wered system: no mass tromsfer acess Hs beundaries Ly elated system: deesn't exchange onpthing w) sursundings “open system: mass transfer across Hs boundaries (use cowtrel volume for analysts) CO Desuibe He system: A system property Ts a macroscopic characteristit. of He gyshem eg T Pm, egy *ntensive Poperies: Independant of the sfctem dee *grtensve, properties: dugendint on size of Hus system @ Detme Hue sinte of Hue gystem by property valuss © Detme Hee mole we He system sprase : gas, Lqurd, coled spare substance ! uniter ond tnamable chemical composition D. Dots Hie system change over Kee? TIE HLA peperties change nor Hime, Hun Hae getom hat undicgone a process te emive at Ha rao state (not physteal state) eg Piste = Gylindar Pre ew] ae AY evar rae 2 —? Tle Ha tysteen does not chonge over mt > teteady ciate" * Turmedynamte equillbriven requires? — Chemical equiliowwn — mechonteal equiltoium (ne eccelerodton) = Paarmal aquilibetunn T Phase equilibria SS Os Lane at Thermodynamics! 1€ Tre Ts and Te=Te, Fe A an T= 8 se. tan Ta Te ou * Bingang Mel Tims = vane oe Toons ace

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