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Titanic Film Analysis Speech

What makes a movie spectacular, is it the special effects, new cgi or even the best music
score composed by anyone but Andrew Lloyd Webber (seriously nearly everything that has
the words Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber is an instant box office hit). Oops Im
getting mixed up with musicals again for the 50th time in my life, but anyways thats
beside the point, a music score can totally reel you in to watch a movie like the song My
Heart Will Go On from the James Cameron 1998 spectacular Titanic hooked me in to
watch the movie, poor soul, I was so young, I got addicted to a 3 hour movie, watched it
350 times and had the Celine Dion hit put me to sleep every day for 3 years and to be
brutally honest it still sometimes does, ssh dont tell anyone. But why 350 times, is it
really that special, why is it the only movie Ive ever watched, that would leave me
yearning for more insight about the meaning behind every little and brittle detail that
James Cameron had packed in this tear-jerking romance tragedy. Its because this movie is
full of symbolism, symbolic props and dialogue that has a more deeper meaning than it is
first interpreted as when you just hear it. You need to think deeper and immerse yourself
in the story. And thats why Im here today to tell you 3 key techniques that I find the
most interesting in Titanic that exposes and masters one of the key themes in Titanic, I
will talk about that key theme later. This clip will show you the 3D trailer released in 2012
to commemorate the sinking of the Titanic and was screened only once at 11:40pm April
12 and with what I remember when I was there the 3d was really worth it, even more than
the Wrath of the Titans. It was the only good trailer I could find that didnt reveal too
much of the story (but who doesnt know the story whether or not have they watched it).
(After Clip). This movie caters for everyone that comes into the theatre to watch, some
themes are women empowerment and how even women back in the early 1900s didnt
need to go towards the social norms, an another one is the portrayal of social class, the
historical aspects of Titanic, where we can talk about the accuracy of the portrayal of the
maiden voyage and the ill-fated sinking of the ship of dreams but the theme I really got
interested in was not romance but how romance combined with the metaphorical actions
of breaking the chains of society that are hindering women to actually succeed, that bring
together a straight theme called Independence. James Cameron actually created Titanic
for the purpose of educating and immersing people in the luxurious maiden voyage all the
way into making the audience feel for the plight of the ill-fated passengers and created
this fictional story so we can connect with the characters and feel for them when they
struggle to get on a lifeboat. But I really think that the real theme is Independence
because what did Rose actually get out of the experience from the Titanic, a lost love yes,
but also freedom that she acquired with the small company from Jack Dawson, she can do
whatever she wants, wear whatever she wants and can express her opinion however she
wants. The first technique that really stood out to me that expresses the theme of
Independence really well is symbolism. Symbolism is something I look for in every film I
watch, does a prop symbolise something and is it the driving force of the film. The prop
that drove the movie was The Heart of The Ocean. The Heart of the Ocean is a little prop
that gave Rose a reason to tell her story. But how does it connect with the the theme of
independence. The diamond necklace was given to Rose by Cal for the sole purpose of
bribing her heart, and it didnt work. The line that Cal said to Rose when he gave her the
necklace was Open your heart to me Rose, this gave Rose a little freedom according to
Cal. Back then around the Edwardian age women rarely spoke their hearts desire to their
husbands especially women of upper class because men didnt really have time in their
lives to cater for their wives whims and emotional needs. This gave Rose a chance to have
an intimate relation to Cal, whether or not did she choose to take it. The Heart of The
Ocean also gave Rose the first real opportunity to be free as Jack will capture her hearts
soul and her desires through a sensual drawing as she had said to Jack that The last thing

I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll, the intention was to capture
Roses true self not some fake girl who looks fancy from the outside but is trying to break
free from the inside. She asked Jack to be drawn nude wearing the Heart of The Ocean.An
another reason she did it was to show Cal that she didnt need his material possessions
and all she wanted was to be with the one she loved, the drawing was then left in his
locker as a mockery that he doesnt control her. The last time the Heart of The Ocean
symbolised something major was when Old Rose threw it in the ocean.This is the clip of
the Heart of the Ocean being thrown in to the ocean and later Rose dying or sleeping (it
depend on what you believe). Rose promised Jack to never let go of the promise to live a
life according to her, and she did, she did everything that Jack promised Rose to do
together on the Titanic. She became a pilot, rode a rollercoaster, went ice fishing at Lake
Wissota and etc. But when her life came at the end she finally let go of that promise by
throwing the blood and soul of the people who died by throwing it deep into the ocean
where it belongs and where it shall stay. The second technique that the film did really
well in was the area of impactful dialogue, this movie has so many memorable dialogues
that it will take me ages to list them all, but the ones that really stood out was the ones
that portrayed Independence really well.The one that stood out was the Id rather be a
whore than your wife, it was spoken in the heat of sinking of the Titanic where Cal was
holding Rose and hindering her from helping Jack. All those years, Rose has been trapped,
her mother depends on her marriage with Cal Hockley to secure their future after her
Father died leaving behind massive debts to be paid which rendered her family financially
poor. Finally Rose have mustered the courage to talk back to Cal when she never dared to
do it ever, she was so scared that when she dropped the teacup she whimpered and
offered to clean it up even when the maid was already doing it. This showed the fear
between the relationship but was conquered when she finally talked back, because she
had faith on her relationship with Jack that she didnt fear Cal anymore. The third
technique is my favourite, is the use of closeups and the effect of the dissolve.One of the
first scenes that uses this is the end of the nude drawing scene where the camera takes a
closeup of Roses innocent and passionate eyes and dissolves into Old Roses eyes, they say
that a window to ones soul is through the eyes and its true and thats what they are
portraying here. Its clever because it portrays the innocence and passion that Jack can
ignite in Rose. The dissolve implies that Rose still has it in her when she thinks about Jack
and shes still the same Rose who has so much passion and sensuality in her. The final
scene that uses farthest really well is after the sinking of Titanic where they are asking for
names of the survivors. Before he asks her name a considerate amount of time is spent on
a farshot and then closeup of the Statue of Liberty. This directly correlates to the fact
that she is now free, because the Statue of Liberty is a statue of freedom. Then there is a
medium shot of her thinking about her freedom, while having a lot focus on her face and
expressions because Cameron wants us to engross ourselves in that thought. Suddenly
there is a tap on her shoulder from a volunteer asking for her name where she gives her
new name Rose Dawson. The tap on the shoulder is meant to be a surprise. Titanic is full
of Symbolism, good dialogue and excellent screenplay that have a meaning and I think
that if given a chance to teenagers these days it can inspire generations to come about
real true love that sacrifices and endures pain for one another. Its a blockbuster because
it really brings the characters and the aura of the Titanic to life.

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